. I h Jtu gttaiita ..Sfatinel. , K8TABUSHED IN 146. T ; 'tj..lslti ETKKT fVltDKISPal itlOKKIK'Q, Bridge Siwtt, opposite tbe 0lil Fellows Hull, MIFFLINTON'N. TA. : Thk Jum' t Slxtiskli jmMuLeJ every Wednesday i-tarning at $1,50 a year, in ad vance; or ?2,00 in a'l eases if not pai promptly in advance.'' No subscriptions dis continued until all arrearages arc paid, unles tt te option of the pablisber. M lusinrss Tarbs. '-'-- TOl'IS E. ATKINSON. Attorney at liuvv, WlFfJXTOWN,'fi.N tVS-Colli cling and Convejancinj-romplly (taded to. ; , ?'" Office on Bridge street, opposite tha Court House Square. . R OBEKT McMEEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . MIFFLIKTOWN, FA. Office oa Bridge street, in tha room formeH) occupied by Ezra I). Parrer, Esq. AUCTIONEER. JF. O. LONG, roiding in Spruce Hill township, often his services to the citi sens of Juniata county as Auctioneer and Vendue Crier. Charges moderate. Satis faction warranted. jnu2-Sm g D. LOUDEN, MIFFLINTOWN. PA.. Offers his services to the citizens of Juni ata county as Auctioneer and Vendue Crier. Charges, from two to tea dollars. Satisfac tion warranted. - n9v3,'03 0 YES! O YES! , H. H. SNYDER, PerrysTille, Pa , Tenders bis services to tlie citixena nf Jtipi ata and adjoining counties, as Auctioneer. Charges mo'lesate. For satisfaction give the )alckmtH a chance. P. O. address, Port Rnval, Juaiata Co., Pa. Feu 7, '72-1 y r DR. l C. RUNDl67" BIG S3 BE PATTERSON, PENN'A. August 1. 1809-tf. " f MiasXeuier, m.IkT ' Physician and Surgeon, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. OSes hours A M. It S P. M. Office in fcelford's building, two doors above the Stm ttntl office. Bridge street. aug 18-tf jJw- gakveuT' Hoisopatliic Physician Mi Surgeon, fUving located in tha borough of Thoiupson- owa, offers his professional services to the citiiens of that place and viciuity. Orrics lu tiia room recently occupied by W. Srg. June VI, VZ-lf HOM-EOPATIHC PHYSICIAN & SI! KG EON ilavin; perniancc'.ly located in ike tirroucli of Mitiintown, olfers liis profeMtionnl yerviee to il citizeus of tuis pUce and turro'iniing eeuntry. OfTice on Main street, over lleidler's IVuj Store. at'g '8 lWf Br. A. Simpson Treats all forms of disease, :ml vnuy be cn enlted f V.li-ws: t t.ia oflice in Liverpool V.. every SATL'RUAY and M'.N1 V p-p-iintiaenti cau he n.ad for oilier !nys. tS-r;; on or address DK. K. A. SlMI'stlS. dec 7 Liverpool. Perry Co.. Ta. GREAT . REDUCTION ' m, IS THZ , I'-ltlOi:'! OF TEKTII! Full Upper or Lower Sets as Low as $5.00. No teeth alluweJ to leave the office unless tba patient is satisfied. Teeth remodeled and repaired. Teeth filled to last for life. Toothache stopped in five minutes without extracting iha tooth. Dental work done for persons without them leaving their homes, if des:red. Eleotricity used iathe extraction of teeth, rendeiing it almost a painless operation, (no extra charge) at the Dental Office of Q. L. Dcrr. established in MifSintown in 18K0. - G. L. DEKR, Jen 2i, 1872-ly Practical Dentist. C. KOTHHOCK, DENTIST, 2HcA.Uatei-vi.lle, PennaH o FFERS his profeassonal services to the nutitie in aeneral. in both branches of bis profession operative ana uiku.lii.i. First week of every month at Richfield, Fro aaont and Turkey Valley. Second week Liverpool and Wild Cat Val- Tbird week Millerstown and Raccoon TVourth week at his office in M'Aliaterville. Will visit Mifflin when called on. Teeth put up oa any of the bases, and as liberal at anywhera else. . -. j Address by letter or otherwise. r-- - . . ... JJEST CIGARS IN TOWN nollobaugli's Saloon. Two for 6 cents. Also, the Fre-hest Lager, tba Largest Oysters, the Sweetest Cider, the Finest Domestic Wines, aud, in snort, any thing you may wish in the EATING OR DRINKING LINE, at tha most reasonable prices. He has also refitted bis BILLIARD HALL, so that it will now compare favorably with any Hall in the interior of the State. June 1, 1870-ly WALL PAPER Rally to the Place rhere you can buy your Wall Paper Cheap. THE undersigned1 takes this method of in forming the public that te has just re ceived at his residence en Third 8treet, Mif flintown, a Urga aaaartment of - -..... WALLPAPER, f vwrioas styles, which ha offers for sal CHEAPER than ean be purchased elsewhere ia the county. AU persons in need of tbe above article, and wishing to save money, are invited to eall and examine his stock -and bear his prices baforo going elsewhere. Mt-Larce supply constantly on hand. SIMON BASOM. , Caution. ALT. persona are hereby cautioned against Haatrng. Fishing, or ia any way tres passing on the lands of the undersigned, in Milford township. All persons so offending will ba dealt with to tbe full extent of the taw. - . P. H. HAWN. Pes. wrs-tf -; .7- - I R. F. urnnrrrn n ! - .. - ' 1 .. . : : 1 1 ' . ' 7 " -"" " t'"i mi coaiTiTPTioa THi oioa-AD THa aaoomT or Taa lawi. 1)IT0K AJD FltOPRlETOB. VOLUME XXVII, N0. 26; 3Xicllaiiy. The Assassination of the Sewards. L 11 V T, S. VF.HDI, A M., M D. Nitk .Among tbe gagfs of war an Dala L w Lave more thrilling interest tli an those which record the murder of the Prcflitlatit and the attempted assas aioatinn of his Fccrelarj of State. Dr. Veidi. of this city, who was the family plijeiciau of the Sewarde, has furuished The JiijjuLIic with the following graphic atorjr of that terrible tragedy. The iuci deou related, of which he wa uot only an eye-wituei.', hut an important part, will, we think, be deemed valuable con tributions to political hietory. Kd. At the break it g out of the war we find Mr. Seward ill the Cabinet, aud all his eons, William, Frederick, al Augus tus, in the service of their ctuutry. Frederick, a man of letter?, whs se lected by his father as hi - coiijiitr in the Department of tate, with the psi tion of assistant secretary.- Augustas already hel l a cnmruis.'ion as pay master in the regular Arm, lie is a graduate of West Toint. William left a very lucrativeJjn-inoss, a yo.mg wife and buby, and, as Colonel of the Ninth New Yo:k Artillery, came to brave the hardships of a soldier. At the battle of Mouocacy he distinguished himself and was wounded, for which be was raised to the rauk of brigadier gen eral. In 1503, while commanding . at Fort Foole,' on tbn Potomac, " Wfllitm wag seized with au acute attack of dysen tery, induced by exposure in thai mala rious district. He was brought home to Washington by the surgeons in charge, who looked upon his case as one to ex cite tlio greatest alarm For several days he lay between life and death, causing the greatest solicitude to his pareuts. At his bed side 1 had the opptirtm.ity of ei-timating the character of that atigtlic woman who, moving around his cach ad if au ethereal form, admini.-terid to Lis wants with so much judgment ana lumiiie maternal love. lie rail ed and his convalescence brought a consciousness of happiness in that househol l. which, without excessive de monslratious, Eeemt d to prevde the very air. As he becime euuvahiscent, 1 recommended a temporary change ol climate, and ordered hitn to his home iu Auburn. - There he improved greatly, aud gave hope of a speedy recovery ; Lut a few weeks after, the malaria still remaining iu his system developed into a dangerous form of typhoid fever About the first of November Mr. Sew ard requected that I should immediately 20 with him to 'Auburn. lie had re- ceived a telegram stating that a consul tatiou of physicians had given but little hope of the recovery f his son. Fur nished with an extra train, accompanied by bis daughter Fanny now Lis almost inseparable companion we started for Auburn. During this long journey he conversed no freely that I ventured to ask him the question ''bow it happened that be, the acknowledged leader of the Republican party, was not selected as tbe candidate for the Presidency in 18C0 J'' I put my question with some degree of timidity, for I feared that be might be sensitive on that subject. He surprised me with his ft auk aud unaffected answer. There was no bitterness or disappointment in the tone of bis voice. " If he Lad bad the ambition to become the Chief Magistrate of the nation particularly when his party, the child of his brain, came into power it was smothered by the nobler desire of serving Lis country rather than himself. His reply was : "The leader of a political party in a country like ours is so exposed that Lis enemies become as numerous and formid able as bis friends, and in an election you must put forward the man who will carry the highest number of votes. Pennsylvania would not have voted for me, aud without her we could not carry the election ; hence I was not the avail able man. Mr. Lincoln possessed all tbe necessary qualifications to represent our party, and being comparatively unkuown bad not to contend .with the animosities generally marshaled " against a leader. We made Lim the candidate , be was elected, and we Lave never Lad reason to regret it. Colonel Seward recovered, and soon returned to the field 'and fed his regi ment at tbe battle of the Monocacy. There be was wounded, and in the hasty retreat of the uational forces he was left on the field. Tbe rebel rushing wildly in pursuit, did not discover that under a simple blue blouse was an officer of so much importanc. He played "possum," as they say in the Army, waited for them to get out of ,sight,:then . caught a stray mnl, mounted it, and came n f tfce lines at Washington. "The simple, and unconspicuons uniform saved him, aa it saved many of our officers ' in the cam paigns.: ..Had. it ; been "otherwise, he would bave been discovered and proba bly would have ended Lis life in the mnrdrrons Southern prisons, 'i ' ' . MIFFLINTOWN, Colonel Seward afterwards general remained in service during the ' entire war, resigning only on June 1, 1866. In November, 1864, Frederick Seward was in New ' York on official business. On descending the stairs at the A b tor House, he fell and broke Lis right arm at tbe elbow. He was consequently confined to bis hoase for several weeks. "and threatened with a stiff arm for the .rest of his life. He, however, recovered the perfect nse of it, and resumed the duties of his office ' Ou the 6th of 'April, ISG5, the Secre tary and Frederick Seward rode out to pay an official visit to one of the foreign ministers. As the carriage stopped in front of the house the driver descended from Lis box to open the carriage door ; from some reason or other, probably from an unconscious pull at the reins, the horses started, dragging the driver. They soon became unmanageable, and dew off at a frightful speed. Both Mr Seward and Frederick, ' seeing the dan ger, jumped from the carriage. Freder ick was nnliurt. but Mr. Seward could not rise ; people rushed to his assistance and found that he was seriously ii jured, the blood streaming from his mouth, and bis right arm lying powerless at his side, lie was immediately picked up and car ried to bis house, not a block distant. -! fnutid Lim in his bed, his face fright fully bruised, his lower jaw completely fractured on both sides, Lis right ' arm fractured, also, near the shoulder. . He was in great pain, aud it was with difll ' culty that he could be relieved. His condition, considering his age, was per.l ous in the extreme. Suffusiou soon took placet his ght eye closed, and the light side of his face became blue from the, contusion. liis lower taw was hanging down, aud being fractured on both sides. he could not raise it for mastication. The right eide of the jnw, npon which he evidently fell, became greatly tumefied and inilatned, so much so that he could not bear the slightest bandage. His sufferings became intense, a high fever rose, which greatly aggravated his con diii'iu Mrs. Seward and Fanny, after recover ing from the shock that this new mis fortune caused them, were unremitting in their attentions ; very cnpiiee that a j fvt rif h imagination would excite was promptly gratified by fhosc tender and loving lmr.d.4. liis Lt-hts became so restless that he required a constant watch. Ill's jiw was iu such a condition that it was a difficult problem for sivgoua to decide how it could be kept in coaptation, so aa to favor nssificaliou and the knittmg to 2'tlit r of the broken ends. lie took Lis fond 1 1. tough a tube aud with great dilli culty. liis ri.ht arm was in rplints, and Mi. Stwardlny helphss 011 a bed of agony. Ou the 9th, four days after this accf deut, the news reached Washington of the surrender of General Lee. The bells chimed the joyful tidiugs ; the people rushed to and fro in their intoxication of gladness The President and the Sec retaries received the ovations of the peo ple, and be, the great premier, the man who had contributed so much to the sal vation of his country, was held down by relentless physical suffering The city was thiown in a blaze by a general and spontaneous illumination ; the cannon resounded from every fort, and from the centre of the city the peals of gladness. Even the sympathizers with the South rejoiced that the end of the war bad come. His own house was a beautiful transparency of uational flags yet be Lardly dared to move a finger for fear of drawing an unwilling groan. His face bespoke, however, his joy within, for the play of his features could not hide tbe emotions of that stout heart. , If tbe family sorrow was not forgotten at that moment, it was not unalloyed with happiness, for even that noble lady, whose heart was filled with grief, gave evidence thai she too shared iu the na tion'e joy. For five days our city, the capital of this redeemed land, wore tbe garb of festivity. Tbe people were loth to settle down, so great was the magic effect of tbe late events. The excitement seemed now and then to allay, but only to break forth in some new form. Every little in cident was made an occasion for a gath ering, which ended in the deafening hur rahs for the Union, for the country, - for the Genera!, for the President, and for whatever favorite chief. ' On the 14th of April, Mr. Lincoln was to receive an ovation from the people at tbe theater. Preparations were made on a large scale for this soulful reception by the people of their President. - At 9 o'clock I went to make my evening visit to the Secretary, and found that his con dition was ameliorating sensibly ; I staid half an hour with him ; then bidding him good night, left him with Mr. Rob inson, the night watch. From there . I returned to my house, and half an hour had not elapsed when I heard a person running, who suddenly stopped to give an extraordinary pull at my bell. .Think ing that this was a pressing message, 1 went to the door myself, and there met 1 JUNIATA COUNTY, PENiVA., William, Mr. Seward's colored waiter, who, with a frightened look, and in the most excited manner, said, "Ob, come, doctor, Mr. Seward is killed !" Hardly comprehending the import of so sudden an announcement,' I grasped my surgical case, and, hatless, ran with hitn to the house. There were only two blocks between my house and Mr. Sew ard's. While running I asked the boy what he meant, how was Mr. Seward killed ? ''Oh," he exclaimed, . 'a man came to the door and asked admittance in your name ; I let him in ; he' went up to Mr. Seward's room, aud killed him." I was amazed ! "How, who. in my name V It was all I could utter . 'Who for what, did a man go in my name ?'' were unanswered questions that flashed through iny miudj . In this short . time, so great is the power of imagination, I thought of a man who had begged me to recommend him to Mr Seward for aeon? sulship ; that I had done so, bat that Mr. Seward, not having the place vacant would not gratify the office-seeker. Now this man, mad with disappointment, is surely gone to assassinate the Secretary. These thoughts had hardly crossed my miud when I reached the door of Mr. Seward's ; I ascended quickly, and when I got up staiis I met the blanched face of Mrs. Scwatd, who, in an agonized tone, said, "look to Mr, Seward !" Mr. Seward Iny on bis bed, with pall id face and half closed eyes ; he looked like an exsangninated corpse. In ap proaching hitn my feet went deep in blood Blood was streaming from an extensive gash in his swollen check ; the -cheek was now laid upon, and the flap bung loose on his neck. ; With prompt appli cations of iced-water I checked the hem orrhage, and then examined the extent of the wound. The gosh commenced from the high cheek bono down to the neck, in a semi-circular form, towards the mouth ; it was, probably, five inches long aud two inches deep. It was a frightful wocud. It seemed as if the jugular vein or the corotid artery must be wounded, so great was the loss of blood. I was greatly relieved to fiud that they were not. Mrs. Seward and her dsnghter, almoet paralyzed, were waiting and watching for tny first word.' Relieved to see that the Secretary hd f miraculously escap ed the severing of those two vital vessels I said : "Mr, Seward, even in your mis fortune, I must coiiT.-.tulate you ; the assassin has failed, aud your life is not in danger." He could not speak, but he made a sign with the hand for his wife, and daughter to approach, took hold of their baud, aud his eyes only spoke and bid them hope. I had hardly sponged his acefre.m the bloody strains and replaced the flap, when Mrs Seward, with au intense look called me to her "Come and see Fred erick,'' said she. Somewhat surprised, I said, "What is tbe matter with Frederick I" In a pain ful whisper she muttered. "He is badly wounded, I fear." Without adding another word, I fol lowed her to the noxt room, where I found Frederick bleeding profusely from the head. He had a ghastly appearance was unable to articulate, gave me a smile of recognition, and poiuted to his head. There I found a large wound a little above the forehead and somewhat on the left of the median line, and another fur ther back, on the same side. The cra nium had been crushed in in both places, and the brain was exposed. The wounds were bleeding profusely, but the applica tion of cold water pledgets Boon stopped the hemorrhage. I feared these wounds would prove fatal. ... Mrs. Seward again was hauntiug me with that intense look of silent anxiety. I gave her words of encouragement ; I feared they were unmeaning words. Again she drew me to her with that look I had seen in the other room. As I approached, almost bewildered, she said, ''Come and see Augustus." ' "For Heaven's sake, Mrs. Seward, what does all this mean I" ' I followed her in another room on the same floor, and there found Augustus, with two cuts on his forehead and one on his right hand. They were superfi cial. : - As I turned to Mrs. Seward to give her a word of comfort, she said, ''Come and see Mr. Robinson." I ceased wondering ; my mind became as if paralyzed ; mechanically I follow ed her and examined Mr. Robinson. He had four or five cuts on his shoulders. Tbey, too, were superficial. Again I turned to Mr. Seward, as if asking, "Any more V yet unbelieving that any more could be wounded. She answered my look. "Yes. one more " In another room I found Mr. Hansell, piteously groaning on tbe bed. He said he was wounded in the back. I stripped him, and found a deep gash just above the small of tbe back, near the spine. I thrust my finger in the wound, evidently made by a large bladed knife, and found that it followed a rib, but had not peue-' trated "the" viscera. Here was another JUNE 25, 173. miraculous escape!"' Even here I was glad to be able to give a word of comfort. - And all this the work of one man -yes, of one man ! .- , ,' No one ia that house knew then that at that very moment, a more fatal, if not so extensive a tragedy, was being per petrated in that theater where we thought people were rejoicing. We were so engaged with the perilous condition of the victims of this terrible slaughter, that we had not time even to ask for an explanation. A blight, as if from a thunderbolt, bad passed over this house, laying its inmates low with stricken bodies, with paralyzed souls. ! - What human passion, what frantic revenge, could fiud a vent in such a monstrous deed ? What could Mr- Seward have done, in the course of Lis life, to have awakened such demoniacal passion I - These questions each miud put to itself, yet.no answer could be given. Yet, one man, a man unknown even to Mr. Sew ard himself, bad done it all ! Inexplicable, as horrible, was this foul deed. . Not comprehending either object, cause, or extent, we had the doors of the house locked. In a few minutes the city was full of the wildest rumors ; horrified and excited, the people ran through the streets, giving utterance to expressions of grief and alarm, that grew deeper and deeper, and rose higher and higher, until the unusual sounds surged iuto an unterrnpted roar. Attracted by this unusual commotion, we lent our ear to comprehend the meaning of the mysterious aud frantic echoes of the people's lament. It was then we learned that Mr. Lincoln had been shot aud "tilled, in the midst of his frieuds, by tbe side of his wife, at the acme of the people's joy. The mystery was solved. It was a hellish machination of political madness. The discovery, although overpowering, was a relief. The victims of the tragic act were innocent ; the causes were not personal. The odious act sanctified the victims. Iu the face of so great a national ca lamity, the calamity of Mr. Seward paled in compaiison. What a night for these two families; what a night for the people of Wash ington. The deed was as dark as the night ; the people were convulsed with rage, with sorrow, with fear. Tread, tread, tread ! The people ex citedly passed to and fro, as if in search of an unknown something, stopping each other to ask unanswerable questions, and to relieve with groans, their sorrow stricken hearts. Shutters were inquiring ly thrown open by the fearless, doors were locked by the timid, anxiety was on every face. Were we walking on a vol cano ? Households rose from their beds, mothers folded their children within their arms, as if tbey feared danger in the very air. Men returned to their grief stricken families. Let us now recur to souse of the chief incidents of tbe attempted assassiuation. At or about 10 o'clock of the evening of tbe 14th of April, thirty minutes after 1 had left Mr Seward, tbe bell of his house gave a ring. William Wells, a colored lad, who usually attended tbe door, answered that ring. A man hold ing a little package in his bands, pre sented himself, saying I must go op to Mr. Seward, to deliver bim the medicine j and a message from Dr. Verdi. j The lad tells bim he cannot go up ; but he would deliver both medicine and message himself. No ; the stranger cannot trust the im portant message, he must go up himself. In vain the lad remonstrates. In his testimony before the court, be stales : "I told him he could -not go np ; it was against my orders. That if he would give me the medicine, I would tell Mr. Seward how to take it. That would not do ; be started to go up. Finding that he would go np. Finding that he would go up, I stepped past bim, and went up tbe steps before him. Then, thinking that such might be the orders of Dr. Verdi, and that I was interfering, I beg ged bim to excuse me. I became afraid be might tell Mr. Seward and the doctor of my interference, i He answered 'all right." As he stepped heavily, I told him to walk lightly, so as not to disturb the Secretary." : la tbe adjacent room to Mr. Seward's Frederick is lying on the sofa, resting He hears steps and voices ascending ; he comes out on the landing and there meets the stranger. . Frederick inquires, "What do you want?" "I want to see Mr- Seward. I have medicine and a message to deliver from Dr. Verdi." "My father is asleep; give me the medicine and the directions ; I will take them to him." - "No, I must see bim ; I most see him," he repeats in a determined manner. " I ou cannot see 111m ; you cannot see hira. .I am the proprietor, here ; I am Mr.,Scwards son. If you cannot leave them with me, you cannot' leave them at all ' WIIOLE NUMBER 1372. The man still insists; Frederick still refuses. The determined tone' of Fred trick causes the man to hesitate; he ever, turns to go down stairs, the lad preced ing him, telling trim to walk lightly. He descends four or five steps, when sudden ly Le turns back and springs npon Fred erick, giving Lim a blow doubtless with the heavy pistol on the head, that fells him to the ground. The lad, seeing the brutal assault, runs down crying, "Mur der, murder !'' He flics to the corner General Angnr's headquarters. He fiuds no guard. " In the meanwhile Robinson, tbe nurse in attendance on Mr. Seward, hearing the unusual noise, opens tbe door and sees the stranger, and Frederick thrown on his hands and bleeding ; before he has time for thnnght the assassiu is on him, striking Lira to the grouud ; he quickly riies, but before he can clinch with him the assassin is on Mr. Seward, who, having awakened and comprehending the scene at once, had risen in his hud. The assassin plunges an immense kuife in Mr. Seward's face ; he attempts another stroke at his neck, but Robinson is on him, and the knife is partially arrested He tries to diseugage himself from Rob iuson by striking him with the kuife over the shoulders. - The daughter, who, too, is watching in the dimly lighted room, screams "help" and "murder." Augustus Seward, who is taking an early sleep to be able to watch his father later in the night, is awakened by the heart rending screams of his sister. This room is on the same floor ; and undressed he ruus to his father's room. His mind, hardly awakened, does not take in the situation ; be thinks his father delirious ; he sees a man in the middle of the room ; he thinks it is bis father ; he takes hold of him ; as he grasps him be perceives, by his size and strength, it cannot be his father ; he thinks it is the man servant drnnk or crazy ; he grapples with him to cast bim out; he receives blows with some instrument about the bead aud hands. The man yells like a tiger, " I am mad 1 I am mad t" Augustus pushes him ont and follows him, locking the door behiud him to prevent his return. Augustus quietly goes back to his father's room, only to discover that his father and brother have hardly escaped death from the hands of an assassin. Mr. Hansel), a messenger of the State Department, was sleeping in a room above Mr. Seward's. He is there to help if watited. He hears the scream.3 of murder ; not being much of a hero, he tries to make his way out of the house ; as he descends the assassjn is behind him, who, thinking that this mau is going down to give the alarm, springs on h:H, plunges Lis kuife in Lis back, f;I!s him, aud passes by. William, the colored boy, iu the raean- -i:1p. lifld run nliout rrazilv in opt naia , . ... , ,. tauce, and returns with three soldiers just in time to see the atsassin mount!, his horse aud ride oa ! ' aii tins iook less ums.zo nappen man it takes to relate. ,. ,. , . , , 1 J Wilkes Booth the arch-nssassiu, educated to theatrical tableaux, must play the Brutus ; be assassinates the President before two thousand people, leaps' on the stage and exclaims, "Sic j i 11 a: v 1 1 .. ,, . , I army is after nith, and he' is run down ' like a cowardly fox. But the assassin J of Mr Seward no one knows; there is no clue to Lis identity AU the detec tives are at work npon all sorts of im possible theories ;' this man baffles their acuteness. For three days all attempts to get a trace of him are vain. Booth, having thus exposed himself, gave the detectives a point at start in their plans of detection. They soon learn Booth's strange affiliation with John Surratt and his family. Accord ingly an order is given for the apprehen sion of the Surratts. At 11 p. m. of tbe 17th the officers go to Mrs. Surratt and inform her of their mission-. While they are waiting in the hall for her to get ready, a knock is beard at tbe door. An officer opens, and a laboring iran, with a pickaxe on his shoulder, appears. He, seeing the officers, says, "Think I am mistaken." "Whom do you want to see?" the officer inquires. "Mrs. Surratt 'You are not mistaken, then, walk in.' He walks in ; the door is" locked be hind him. "Do you want to see Mrs. Surratt V "Yes." W hat for P ' She has engaged me to dig a gutter for her in the garden." "Where have you worked ?" "I have worked about the streets." 'Where did Mrs. Surratt engage you V "She knows I work by jobs ; she saw me iu the street and engaged me." - "Did you come to dig a gutter to night ?" . "No ; I came lo ask ' her when she wanU the dofHj .. Ad officer goes and asks Mrs. Surratt -f r - AmrB 1 , ma to . ter j Ob, co; not she ; the eDgaged no f RATES 0? ADVERTISING, j AU advertising for less' than three aowibe for ODe square of sine lines or less, wilt "be charged one insertion, 75 cents, three $1.60, and 50 eents for eacb subsequent insertion. Administrator's, Executor's and Auditor's Notices. $2,00. Professional and Business Cards, not exceeding one sqnare, and inclu ding copy of paper, $8,0Operyear. Notiaas in reading columns, ten cents per lids'. Mef chants advertising by the year at special rates'. 3 jmKtKt. 6 months. 1 (rear. One intb ... iv,5i $ 6.00 $ 8. CO Two inches 0.00 8,00 11,00 Three inches.... 6,00 JO.po 15,00 One-fourth cotn. 10.00 17.00 25,00 Half column 18,00 25.00 46,60 One column.... 30,00 - 45.00 80,00 man ; gets - excited ; she fears it " iaa thief ' she is 30 glad the officers are in tbe house ! - She comes in the hall, looks " at ' th roan, and declares she never saw L-rnt i her life. Yet, as h is proven by the evidence in the trial, this man Lad oceif . for three days, March 11; 15, aud 'a guest at her house, ate at her owe table, went to the theater with her son, Ac This man gives Lia name aw Lewis Payne. Lewis' Payne is arretted under the suspicions' circumstances. William Wells, the colored lad, war sent lor ; beirg shown to a room containing sever al people, he is askd if he' recognises; the assassin among them 1 No ; he does not see bim. Several other people are then bronght in, when suddenly he walks towaroV Lenis Payne, and in an excited mrnuier exclaims : "There he is ! I knew I eoud never forget that lip ! ' The recognition was complete. Next morning I accompanied Mists Fanny and Augustus feward to the Monitor, where Payne was held a prison er. What a feeling must have prcvaded tho bosom of this giil while she was-going to meet this assassin, who, before I her oVn eyes, had so brutally assanlttd. and all but killed, her father. She had seen him in a dimly-lighted room, under great excitement. Would she recognize him now? The idea of meeting this man face to face, although where he was harmless, would have excited rain fears in marry a' girl's heart ; but she was composed, and her demeanor expressed only the dignity of her own strange position:- She met the naval officer on the Monitor with the same calm and gentle manners so natural to her. Tho officers, on the other hand, felt almost a reverence for this girl who, instead of making a demonstration of her harrow ing grief, was commanding self, and iu her own unaffected manner received tho expressions of their respect and sympa thy with unfeigned gratefuluess, Payne gradually rose from- toe hatch way, and with neck exposed, head un covered, showiug a serious if not stolid face, and colossal frame, he stood un moved before this frail girl, who would not even ntter a curse upon him. God alone knew what passed in those two hearts at that moment. Strangely quiet they stood before each other. Were they overwhelmed by the magnitude cf a crime that was beyond man's redress 7 The scene was a solemn one too;oTema for man to- titter a sound ; a siljcc, broken only by the hissing wind and surging waves pervaded the whole ship. It was almost a' weird transformation from a- mysterious power. Miss Fanny was hanging on my arm. Did I feel a quiver Probably I did for I gently drew her from the painful scene. Conscientious" even at this trying mo ment, she could not identify the man I her ludentification, she thought, mirht j, ,. , . , , , , 1 be lna death, nlie linn nnlv seen him ,. ... ... i . . . .... , H.nt - all u 1. 1 mi1 I link 10 au cue 0.IU1 To the Questions cf the detectives Payne answered hesitatingly and some what evasively. Had he ever secu the lady before 1 No.' Could he pronounce Dr. Verdi's nrt ) lie pronounced it so well that it ciade me shutTdcr. Yet my name was a foreign cue, and he a strau- ger to me. Had he evctvseeu Dr. crdi r , - . t 1 before ro. oucu was tbe assassin l'ayne ; a head and face th it expressed a preponderating criminal element. There was a vacancy in that face amoiiut- jiug almost to imbecility, liis answer bespoke only a light degree of fear, not of intelligence, liis pliystque was her culean ; he was purely a brute ; an in strument well adapted for the use of a refined brain like Booth's. Booth, egotistical iu his plot, wanted no intelligence to share the honors of bis self imposed heroisra. fie only wanted blind instrument? to aid him in his dia bolical scheme. AH his accomplices ere of that character True to his nature, Booth had prepar ed means of escape for himself. Payne, a stranger in these par Iff, had been left ignorant of the topography of the conn try, and even without means of susten ance. Booth had taught him well .Lo habits of Mr. Seward! ;' he had taught him the physician's name that was to bring him to Mr. Seward's couch, but bad not taught him how to escape from the avenging hand of jtstice, and Payee fell a victim to his own ijpioTance and to his master's Satanic egotism. For three days Payne roamed about the country ia the vain attempt to con ceal himself. Hungered, friendless rest less, he wandered back to the only one who could and should offer him aid and comfort he returned to Mrs. Surratt's. A mysterious power was dragging hira there. This criminal, whom man did not know, was led by necessity to the houe of Mrs. Surratt at the very moment that tbe functionaries of the law were appre hending bis accomplices Useless were then the reiterations of innocence. There they stood, self-accused ! An illustrative instance of this mau insensibility was related to me by Major CosirnriB 05 rovaia agi. . It' 3 v hi 'at !?''. .1 fi3 3 if 7' i in ''1 j U i li 1 f r-. g i w C . ft i I : ' I1