4 . Mi i ' 'I;' . ;,i I. 1 l ! ft' v MISCELLA NEO US. CoortsHp After Marriage. There was much more than a mere wit ticism in the remark of the old. bachelor who had paid attentions to a maiden lady for twenty year, visiting ker regularly every night, when rallied for not marry ing : "If I were married I should have nobody to court, -and no place to go at night." He had deeply felt the contrast between his own delicate and ethereal en joyments, and the hard, discontented, fretted life of too many married people, and hi way was irony. He saw there was something in courtship which too often cxLalis and expires after marriage, leaving a cold, dull, monotonous burden, where all was beauty and buoyance be fore. - Let ns see what that something is In coiirttbip nothing is taken for granted, Uoth pm ties are put on thiir good be havior Love keeps itself fregh and ac tive by constant expression in word and act. But, strange to sny, courtship usu ally end with mairinge. Very soon both parties yield to the in?e of possession, and the feeling of security robs gallan try of motive, aud extracts the poetry from the miud The beautiful attentions which were so pleasing before marriage are too often forgotten afterwards, the gifts cease to come, or come only with the asking ; the music dies out of the voice ; everything is taken for granted, aud the love that, like the silver jet of a fountain leaped to heaven, deemed its natural out let, ceased to flow altogether. Then comes dull, heavy, hard days, with two unhap pinescee tied together, and wishing them selves i part, and uot always content with merely n hiug- TLis is unnatural and wrong. What married life wants to give it new tone and sweetness is moie of the manner as well as the spirit of the court ing time. Very much of the pleasures of courtship comes fiom the constant atten tion of the parties to others. Their aflec tioa voices itself hi all possible ways. Every sentence is edged with compliments aud spoken iu teuder tones. Every look is a confession. Every act is a new word in the txhaustless vocabulary of love. Kiss and caresses are parenthetic clauses and gestures it the dialect of love, aud gifts aud saciifiees are the more emphatic i-xpressious of the spirit no language can fully articulate and no devotion declare. And it is a fact that aff -clion confesses itself continually iu look ind word and act, making the voice musical and the fingers poetic iu tlieir tnch and doing, that makes experience so beautiful, the only Eden many a woman has on eaith. Love must have expression or it will die. It can be kept forever beau'.il'ul and bless ed as at tLe first, by giving it constant utterences in word and act. The more it is allowed to fl jw out iu delicate attentions and coLle service, the stronger aud more satisfying Aud more blessed it will be The house becomes home only when love drops it! heavenly manna iu it fresh every day, and the true marriage vow is made not once for all at the altar, but by loving words aud helpful service aud del icate attentions to the end Gasblirg in Slain. The French Maritime and Colonial Review contains a very amusing series of papers by a lieutenant of the French navy M. lirnssard de Corbigny en titled 'Saigon to Bangkok' from w hich we glean the following sketch of Asiatic eociety : Gambling is carried on to a fonrful extent iu the kingdom of Siam, and the royal exchequer derives consid erable profit from the licensed gaming bouses established in every part of the country. One of the favorite gaine3 con sists in guessing the number of coins shoved at hap-haztrd under au inverted cup ; the teetotum is also in vogue ; aud lastly, there are lotteries ; which are tlrawu daily. All this kind of business is in the bauds of cunning Chinese, par ticularly expert in correcting the caprices of chance. When the gambler has lost his all, suicide never occurs to him as in Europe but he will steal, or, as a last resort, sell himself for a slave to tome mandarin willing to piiy his deLts and clothe and feed him in return for some insignificant service. . But, on the other hand, a man who has once sold himself can never hope to regain his liberty, for he cannot earn a farthing in any way. If be dislikes bis master he may try to find another disposed to pay the old one the amount of his debt ; but that happens very sel dom, einco the purchaser is generally a friend in good circumstances. Moreover before a man gives himself away ia this manner, he tries his luck to the last, eo long as he possesses a rag on his back. Our author relates the following charac teristic anecdote : An Aunamite of Saigon, whom we call A. happening to meet an old frieud of bis, B, at Pnom penh, is persuaded by him to visit a gambling-house. They go in and try their luck. A soon wins a respectable sum, while IS loees all he has about him. To re trieve his fortune he borrows A's purse, but soon loses ail its contents. "Well, - says A. " 'tis all over now, let us be off " "Wait a bit," replies the other, "I'll try nnother stake ; the croupier knows me and will give me credit. Bo be enters upon a palaver with that , functionary, who at once writes a few words on a bit f paper, which B signs.' lie then plays, but loses, and quits the place with bis friend " What was your, agreement with the croupier?" asks A. ' You'll know to-morrow," replies 15, dryly. And indeed, on tho following morning two stout Chinese call at A's house, bind him baud and foot, and carry him" off in spite f bis cries and efforts to regain Jus lib erty. His good friend B has sold him to the croupier, and it was only a few months later he could regain bis liberty through the influence of a I lench rest dent at Saigon. rrrbandisf.'&f. GOOD NEWS! NEW; GOODS! Large Stock at Laird & Bell's, ia Patters-oil ! - TUB undersigned have now open and ieady fur inspection mud sale a large and well selected stock f Sew Goods, con sisting of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. QUEENS WARE, BOOTS AND SHOtS, HATS AND CAPS, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, nssliSalt, &e., &c, - All of which we" will sell at prices tbat defy competition. AH Goods warranted asrepre senttd, or taken back and the mosey re funded. Don't fail to call and examine our stock before making your purchases. BOf Terms, CaoU or Produce 30 days time to responsible ana prompt paying cus tomer. Monthly accounts not allowed to lap. Statement of accounts furnUhed on the 15th of every month. LA1HD & BtLL, Corner of Main aud Juniata Streets, May 7, 1873. Patterson, Pa, S. B. LOUDON, TAILOK, XEYIX'S BUILDIXG OX Bridge Street, STifSiatown, Pa.," Desires to inform his friends and the public that he has just received a fine and f-iahian-able etock of STRING GOODS, consisting of CLOTHS riain Black, Blue and Eruwn. CREP I'nhlia, Brown and Blue. rA'COT Uiack, Blue and Brwn. ' DAGOXALS Blue and Black. CHEVIOTS All Shades. ' SCOTCH iOODS-A Styles. BJ.A CK DOF.SKIXSK Suocrior quality J'A TS AXlt VEST PA TTEltXS Fine. SUMMER GOODS General Assortment. I will sell any of the above goods by the yard or pattern. I also keep on hand a full line of BUT TERICKTS PATTEKXS, consisting of Men, Boys, and Children's Shirts. Coats, Pants and Vests. Jra?" I will manufacture to order all kinds of ci'stom woaK. PRICES Reasonable, to suit the times. MiCliutown, April 10, 1872. 3 lent ! 3 lent ! rpn E undersigned hereby respectfully in- JL forms the citizens or Mifflmtown and Patterson that bis wagon will visit each of these towns on TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY mornings of each week, when they con be supplied with Clioieo Hoof; Veal, 3IiittMi, during the summer season, and also POKK and SAUSAGE in season. I purpose fur nishing Beef every Tuesday and Saturday morning, and Veal and Mutton every Thurs day morning. Give tat your patronage, and will guarantee to sell as good meat as the country can produce, and as cheap as any other butcher in the county. ; , ' ... SOLOMON SIBBER.'- " THE GREAT DISCOVERY. Kunkcrs Bitter Wine of Iron. For the cure of weak stomach, general de bility, indigestion, disease of tne nervous system, constipation, acidity of the stomach, and all cases requiring a tonic. The wine includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess ; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide, combined with the most en ergetic of vegetable tonic Yellow Peruvian bark. ...- The effect in many cases of debility, loss of appetite, and general prostration, of an efficient salt of Iron, combined with our val uable Nerve, is most happy. It augments the appztite, raises the pulse, taken off mus cular flabbineis, removes the pallor of de bility, and gives a norid vigor to the counte nance. Do you want something to strengthen you ! Do you want a good appetite ? Do you want to build up your constitution ? Do you want to feel well ! Do you want to get rid of nervousness ! Do you want energy ! Do you want to sleep well? Do you want brisk and vigerous feelings? If you do, try Kuukel's Wine of Iron. This truly valuable Tonic has been so thor oughly tested by all classes of the community that it is now deemed indispensable as a Tonic medicine. It costs but little, purines the blood and gives tone to the stomach, reno vates the system and prolongs life. I now only ask a trial of this valuable Truiic. Price $1 per bottle. E. F. Ku'nkel, Sole proprietor, 09 North Ninth street, below Vine, Philadelphia. Ask for Kuukel's Bitter Wins of Iron, and take no other, If your Druggist has it not send 1 to my address, and the medicine, with advice free, will come by next express train. For sale by BANKS & HAMLIN, Drug gists, MifBintown, Pa. ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE! To all Men Whom it may Concern. If you have anything to sell, If you have lost anything, - If you have found anything, If you have a house to rent, If vou want to rent a house, If you want boarding, If you want emploj-ment, If you want hired help, If you want anything, TELL THE PEOPLE OF IT BY ADVERTISING IN THE JUNIATA SENTINEL. W HjU. We will eive men & women Business that will Pay from $4 to $8 per day, can be pursued in your own neighborhood ; it is a rare chance for those out of employment or having lei sure time ; girls and boys frequently do as well as men. Particulars free. ' ' ' Address J. LATHAM & CO, '- 292 Washington St, Boston, Mat.' March 25-6t CRYSTAL PALACE BUILDING, Invites attention to his Large Stock of lAKDWARE, IR0iT AID SAILS, Which are now ready for inspection, consisting of the most de- ;; sirable Goods ever brought to Juniata county. ... 1 SKATES : . " - ' KXJVES. ' FORKS, ' , POCKET CUTLERY. PLATED WARE. OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES; to make room for other goods. "SJU'eTL HPvpex- zx Cost. ljCgr Agent for Fouse's IXL Horse ant Cattle Powders. A Sclcntlia Issartmcnt of GOODS from wMcIi to Select dmstoas' Presents. Pec. ii. i872-tf D- ! PAISTE. D. W. HABLEY & CO.'S Is the place where you can buy Tlie let and tlio Cheapest MENS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, WE are prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and snlcct Stocks ever offered in this market, and at ASTOX1SUIXU LOW PRICES! Also, measures taken for Suits and parts at short notice, very reasonable. Uempraber the place, in the Nevin I5iiliiing, two doers west of the Keystone Store, BRIDGE STREET, Jilt r L1MOH X, I WHAT TO WEAE, AND Just Step into SAMUEL STKAYER'S raiierson, ra., anu a.e win ieu iuu mi auuui, xi. . Uavlio just returned from Philadelphia and New York, he can supply yon with the Lalext and Choicest Styles of . Clothing1 of all Kindiii, Coats, Tants, Vests, IIat,' Caps, Boots and nishing Goods in endless variety, Carpets, lloor tin uiotn, furniture, so., cneaper man the cheapest, for the same quality of Roods. Call in and be convinced. wT" Measures taken and suits made to Older. ' SAMUEL STRAYER. Patteron, May 14, 1873.- . DR. P.-C.:RUND!0. PATTERSON, I? A.., DEALER IX EVERYTHING THAT CONSTITUTES A FIRST-CLASS - The public attention is also invited to his largo assortment . of Perfected All persons who are in need of Spectacles will find it to their advantage to .nll m tboir will finil th lnr(rpst stock AND HAVE YOUR EYESIGHT RESTORED. Also, a splendid assortment of TOILET ARTICLES With an mmense stock of NOTIONS and old, at the JUNIATA VALLEY BANK or MIFFLINTOWN, PENN'A. JOSEPH POMEROY, President. T. VAN IHVIN, Cashier. ' DIRECTORS. Joseph Pomeroy, John .T. Patterson, Jereme N. Thompson, 'George Jacobs, John Balabach. Loan money, receive deposits, pay interest on time deposits, buy and sell coin and Uni ted States Bonds, cash coupons and checks. Kemit money to any part of the United States and also to England, Scotland, Ireland and Germany." Sell Revenue Stamps. In sums of $200 at 2 per cent, discount. In sums of $500 at 2 per cent, discount. In sums of $1000 at 8 per eent. discount. AGENTS WANTED DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE. LARGE INDUCEMENTS OFFERED. Tie unparalled success of tho Domestic Sewing Machine, East, West, North and South, opens a pood opportunity to Sewing fttaohiae men and others for Juniata county Make your application early, or you will loose t lie en an oe. Address . DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., 1111 Cheetnut St., Philada FORCE PUMP. TIIE undersigned is agent for one of the -a. best force lumps, for any depth of cis tern or well, in the world. By attaching hose to the spout, water can be thrown 30 to 80, feet. Notni.g better could be asked in case of ore. It is a non-freezing pump, SAMUEL LEONARD, Oakland Mills, Juniata Co., T. AND FUSNISSIlTa GOOES. of Suits, which will be made to order, ,, A. L"' - HOW TO WEAH IT. CLOTHING STOUE, Bridge Street, Shoes, Watches and Jewelry, Notions, Fur Spectacles. iii the conntv to Select from. COME FOR THE LADIES, Something for everybody, young if TffwK PATTERS OA DRUG STORE. JUI! WORK. THE EEADERS OF THIS PAPER SHOULD NOT FAIL TO CALL AT THE SENTINEL OFFICE r: -WHIN . - -. ; 1 . .' , -.' v :.. " TIIEY IIAVE JOB WORK TO DO WE ARE PREPARED TO " - EXECUTE ALL ORDERS .. FOR SALE BILLS, BLANKS, &c , &o., AT SHORT NOTICE, AND AT MUCH LOWJ2R TERMS - - . THAN EVER HERETOFORE OFFERED TO THE CITIZENS OF J IJ N I A T A COUNTY. The oldest and most reliable Institution for obtaining a Mercantile Education. JJigPraotical business men as instructors. For information, write for a ciroular to P. DUFF & SONS, PittAurgh, Pa. ' . inovb tm,eom NATIONAL HOTEL, 1EWIST0WJT, PEtfff'A. . BEAR & HAXAKER, Proprietors. RADYAY'S READY "RELIEF CCRIW THE WORST PAINS In from One) to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR . EADWAT8 YKU.m A CUKE FOB ItwMUieSretMKijjL. , ' TTio Only Jtemeay thmtTUuuuitly top.O most excniclmtlii pin. . lXmiilo'l, an? core Cwrertion. Wlielinr of til. -Lu sSmSh. Bw,or H or organ., by "5f FKOSl ONE TO nTEfTT MnsTJTES. . 'r is milter how violent or wcruciatin tho Daln th i Ksuiiic or rioanlei wtlh duease may tuffcr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD 1N6TAST EAs. SORE THROATI'Firrt.TBItEATUI HTSTERICS. GWMIF. ffiSS8fiim.VKSZJL. HEADACHE, TOOraArHB RnEPMATISM. coid ennxs, agl-b chili.s. ThenTOllcaiionofthe Rpady KHIef Jo the part or psrtl whi Ui join or difficulty will flont iu "'rotydmpsltiMf tnmW,ror watwm in fr HKARTHt'RN, SK K II EA''AVJ-lIA.?.S. i' md'all'lNTER'SAL PAIN'S. Traveler miouiu aiy. cury J"""""' ,T IlraSV Uclief h them. A few droij In water l I fS,"f .i"nS or nai from cbanire of water. It U belter Uiaa French Biauily or Bitten a a mlmujilt. awn . - ' 17 rnvr.n :a TEVKR AMI AI.L'E rured for lirtyceiiia. There i a .d Aicue. and all other Mslarloua, f1' "''"i.tJ'S.'vI ihr.id. Yellow, and other Fra (aL t;yJ?A(' A S o q'lick as BADVYAY'S KEADl iitljfcj!.- 'iaVaau fr boUle. Sold hy Drum. HEALTH ! BEAUTY!! BTKOXO AND rttlTB FlCtl msgrMxcRKtsz or ri.EsH AM) WEK!IIT-t'l.EAR t-fclN ANU HEAU'i'IFUl COMfLKXlOS bKUUKaJj 10 ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILUAN RESOLVENT - TIIrT HOljy VNDKItdOFS. i;XlKU THK IN' "irEN( E OF TU1S 1 KULY WOKUilJjl. WEDICINS; THAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PUkIFIES. Every drrp of the FAISSAl'ARII.LUX REM'LV ENT cominunlcatc throuti th I'.lvod. Swell, and other flulJ ami uics uf lh syidein lite ijtc.-of life, for Jt r-paii-th wairsf,f Uio bMly ni'in $v-A Diatrial. S:nriil. uphills, Cniinpti..i., i,:ar.-1alar dbonse. Tloem l theTnnjt, M'Niih, 1 imors. .N h! In tiie Jlantls and oli.er part tf Hie syaicni, S-.nt .r. Uutnou& lucfi:irg- from the Kurt, J llie worst fornil rf fSslrj dise:uM, Eruptinni, fmr S-'-rM, Iifal, King Worm, Salt Ilhcuni. Krvit)ia, Acn, Bla it , fipula, Woni in Ui flesh. Turn oil, Canctr-i in the Womh, and ail wkenln -ud inful dischars, n.gut fixveata. Loss of Sperm, ami all wastes of llic life princr ple, nre wttfitn Ui curative ratr "t womttruf Mou rn 1'haniirt nr. ami a fw clav ute wlil prove ti r.nT . person win"it f-r eHher of Uicaa fo:tu of tiiaeaw it rotcr.t powfr U cure tl.cm. If tho patient, drulv beeotnlnr Twlnerl ij fSe wa?tr and deconijMisttioti that Is r.naitiiiHll protrtrsbLKg, ;- cetds In irFitinn thr-M wastes, and repairs the san "e w.t i revv p at erial m!o from healthy blowl tu.d this the ARSAf AHILLIAN wiil and u mw. Not only does the SjiwArABii.LiA Rewltktt ex-! all known remedial agents in the enre of :iimn:c. ffcrif'--lous, 'oiitinttionsJ, tu.d Skin tiueaswa , lul it is the oui pcsiuve cuic fjr Kidney & t33al!cr CoiKphiisaJi, TTrlnarr, and Worr.h dispae, ravel. iMahttes. Dropsy. 6to;'p:u-e f Water, Iin--.tatii.encc i.f Trine, '.right's !): ee, Alhuminuria. ami In ail caaes wlwrrv llicre are brlrlt dunt dcpmin. or the wnlr i tnictc, clutly, n.ixed will, ribfitauctfs lite the whit ef an egr, or U:ri-s like white ItlVt. or there Is a mcrMd, dark, biiim; apt-earaitre, and - white botie-duat dep.:, anl when thrc is a pti.kiri Imniinir aensal'oti when pausing water, and pain hi ILa Small of tite Hif k and idun the Lotus. I'ncv, i.oo. WORMS. Tho or.Iy known an J sure KemeJy for U w'mu-M etc. Tnnior of 1 -2 Years Vrovl!i Cured by Kadivay's ReoHciU. HrrnsLV. Maw.. July 18, 1S63. T- Raowat ; I hr h A Oi rian Tunwf i t'ie ovarin ami Ttowelt. AU the Iv:ur tawl ' ihrre w nu help lor it." I trtcl ery thins dxt wu rcrnmNirstttd ; but talking hrlped bi. I tow Vnur lt-l ffit, ad linniyl.t 1 aid Irr i ; b it kJ taita la K ba'a I tud wfernJ f- r trtvo years. I tok aiz battl f tb kuwat. -i J onn b- t rf kaday' Pilia. tr.d two bot tlas of your ttavkiy Hvlief ; and them ia ait tt of Ueir to b n ar frit. ai I t?l tetter, rrarter. Aad ;p.w tl.n I bava fortwelva ytarv 1 i. inl tumor mat in ttt teli n of tiio - hoirtlt, ott th prcin. I riW this fe you lor llw bcUtlit i tbcrs. Va can poklisa it if iu cttoe. HA.XNATf P. KN.tr?. DR. RADWAY'S FEP.FEGT FUHOATiVE FILLS, perfectly taslslesj, r'eguntly coated with aweet rim, purKft, retril!. pnrtfr, r'ransw, an I airfiitthm. Ita wav's fr tl.e cur 'A all disorders of t..e Stf nnu h. Liver, F.'we!. K driey. It'ifldf-r, Ti'rvoii ltt.tt:'n-s. Headache. onMiriaion. final irntaa. Im!ii3tinn, Lvsie rt'.liomness, Urlloas Fever, Ititljr.inmticn o( th Brwels, r.ies,i;d all Ieraiieener.tsoftJ.- Ii.'err.ai Via ecra. Warranted to elfect ai-osnivecure. I'urvly Vepeta Ble, p'"ntainir,pno meTiirr, Ti.iiterain,crdelct''ri""its.'r:igs. tW Ooseiva the fallowing symptoDu rUiltU(( from Disorders of the lJiRestive (tr;wa: Conttipatioa, In want VV.r. Ful)nu of t Clorl ip tin TTaad. Ability nf th Stamarh, Ntua. HarlattB, I'-riiit r'ttf 'ull:Mt or Weif'it in th Slot jli. Sar Krartin.t. itirj or Flutthtc at th- Pit f Ibe Stomnri. S-Immttir af the HmJ. Htirri-I ana !;ult r)Te?n:h!'ij, t- ImieHnr at tha llwit. Cbukiny or &ti Uveal! nc SnvttUin9 rbrn in a X.vi Pi.t'.rw. D.'nncu nf Visim. IUr WU br'L-r tbe 5rpbt,TiT and P-!l ram in -4A H-l, I et-iri(- of Prt'irt!vo, Vliowi cf iba Skin and Evm, Piin la tac S1, Cb:t LimU, aud suttec Fliiaitaof ll-at. burning is the FWi, A ffw doses "f r.A!WAY'S rTT.T.S wil! free the v. tem from all tlie ai-ovif-i n ed i!ii-rr',p;s. Puce, 25 ceuU prhoi. ROI.II XiUIMiiSISIS. KEAD "FAl.SK AM' TRUE.' fiend one Vtter tamp to RAILWAY 4 CO., No. ? Mn:?o Ijmic. New. York, lr-fo; mai-oa wuxth tiiousaiails whi lmi scLt you. Oil, Paint & Varnish, .WHITE LEAD, RED LEAD, C0L0BED PAIHTS IN OIL BURNT UMBER, RAW UMBER, CHROME GREEN, PARIS GREEN, CHB03O YSLLO'v?, ESOP 2LACZ, Prussian Blue, Lamp Black, , Paint Brushes, Varnish Brushes, WHITEWASH BRUSHES, SASH BRUSHES Whiting and Rosin by the Barrel, Soaps, Japan Dryer, White Varnish : Concentrated Lye, Babbitt's Potash, rMitty ami Glnsn. The above good, with a larjze Tariety of DRUGS and PATENT MEDICINES, always en band at t he PATTERSON DRUG STORE. . . JfcJF" Glass cut 10 any fize desired. . Dr. P. C. KUND.O. July 12, 1871-tf New Lumber Yard. Patterson, Pa. BEYER, GTJYER & CO. Hare opened a Lumber Yard in the bor ongh of Patterson, and are prepared to fur nish all kinds of Lumber, such as Siding, Flooring, Studding, !' Paling, Shingles, Lath, Sash, &c, in large or small quantities, to soil cus tomers. ' ' $t Persons wanting Lumber by the car load can be supplied at reduced rates. BEYER, GTJYER & CO. . George Goshen, Agent. Tattarson, May 15, 72-tf 6 CSiLB caelo ra lasKnrr," "cess x:sse:s." k " SPKEQ FLOWERS " SFMMF1 FUOWEBS, "AW Aka aaa " ASi-mty iwuh the mWTIC wrtKLT ami WKrKT.T OIHIS 1 TlA.a Af WUUK (CooaclKlaMd.,lr a4.ra. LTwd of tlMMCbmnHM ar the tk of " WiJ, Awaka and taat ankwp;' utaauera Su!erft foml AT ONCE ! AGENTS. ean oiaka attrifffia . . with oatbao wtthaaj i otaer pcblialtera. Ailraa. kH W.ADAMS i kil Beoamani . n.i. COAL, Lumber, Fish, Salt, and all kinds of Merchandise for sale. Chestnut Oai Barb, Railroad Ties, all kinds of Grain and Seeds bought at the highest market prices in cash or exchanged for merchandise, coal, lumber, &c, to suit customers. . I am pre pared to furnish to builders bills of lumber jnst as wanted and on short notioe, of either oak or yellow pine lumber. t J.OAH HEKTZLER, Jan4 Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa.' I . rm mcfiCCw rat TIIHIliLiyNQ,UYER& BLOOD la the won'lcrrttl m'lifMne to which the araictea are a'.mve iwintPtl for roli-r, th? discorerer be lieves ho hw combined karmmy more of Jla tura'a mo't .vertii rarativc pmprtiea. which Gt-1 his i:nti!!e-l into the rentable kiDSdom for healin' the air.k, thin were ever before combined it, o"ern. liei:ie. The el.letice of th e fart is fmind In tie great variety of most obstinate dia. .jses w!ii -h it Ii bn f ar 1 t.i conquer. In the tire of Bronclalti, Severe fUrnKbs, and tho evW ttx-V f Co"'-' i'-!'tV"' ' h astonished tho mertienl fcliy. aad cniinji.tphy-.icianpr.moan-e it the grrMA mHlcalllcoe. r of the aje. While it cares the aet-ercn u". It stron-th'-ns the srstem and piirlllr H0 blwod. Bv its trre.it atrd thorough llo.xl pnr.fv in Vpmpcrties. it cures all Mlnmorn. frmn tlm wost Scrofula to a common filutc-h, Pini Slo, or Eurapelou. Mecorial Uuea.SIu. h p.i.r,!i.. and tiieir effect, are ertul.ratetl . and '.orons he-.HI and a . mnd ronettWtion crtab-; lisl.el Er.ip-la, sail liltriiin. fewer SrireW, scaly or Uotntli skin, U hrt, all tlie nu uerous tliees catKe-l lv bad b!.od, Ira conquered bf this powerful parirjingaud in-. Tiu'f-Td StdSitr-r. .MiHilated. hav, ,ano color of Uin. or yeilowi.-h brown il on fare or nod? f'eqnent h4 lvho or dizziness, bad taste m mout . i-itemal h,at or chills alternated with hot flush", lotr spirits, and cloomy forchodimra. Ir re;ularap;ietite.ar.a ton rt.e nSnS l" mi" cases of "Liver Coin plaint" ooltr pirt of tliese symptoms are espe-n-nA A a nnedr lor all snch cases lir. Pierce's Oolde i Medical niaeorery has no r,nl, as it effeets perfect cores, leavintr 'V'"s'i ened and health. For the cure of llabilunl Coilfti nation of the bowels it is a nerer w -in3 rem-iv. and tlr who have used it for this Dnrposo are lotid in its pri .. V The propnetor offers l.'Xfl reward for rnedl . cine that will ential it for the euro of all the tus eoses for which it is recommended. Sold by dniTirists at 1 Pr bottle Prepared by 11 V. Pierce. M. D . Sole ProtirietoJ. at bis henu cal Laboratory. 1M Seneca street. Buialo, J. X. Send yonr address for a pamphlet. Maubood: How Lost, How Restored Just published, a new edition of Dr. CulTcrwcll's Celebrated Esay on the radial cure (with out medicine) of Spermatobbuiea, or (emi nal Weakness, InTolunniry pemiual Looses. Impotenct, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; ('onscmp tion, Epilepst, and Firs, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance y I'rice, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cts The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, from & thirty years' successful practice, tliaMue alaiuiing consequences of self-abife may be radically cure ! without the dangerous nse of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sr.Terer, no matter what his condition may be, mty cure himself cheaply, privately and rarf catly. j-sifTbis Lecture should be in tl:e hinds of every youth and every man :n the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to a-7 address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also. l)r Cuherwcll's " Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the publishers. CIIAS. J. C. KI.IVE & CO.. Po-t 'Office lbx 4,';S0. Bowery, N. Y jnnJ2 '71 NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. WINTER TIME TADLE. .Through and Direct iContc tn Wiishing ton, ISiltimore, Kliuira, Kiie, ItuiLilo, Kuchestrr and Niagara I'ulls. ON AND AFTF.il MONDAY, CCT. 2Sth, 1S72, the trains on the Northern Ctutrai Railway will run as follows : NORTIIWA1UV Mail Tbais leaves Kaltimore f-:30 a m leaves liarrisliurg l:'Ji p m leaves M illiamsport... 6;!5 p m arrives at Klmira 10:3d p m Cin'ti Exp. leaves Baltimore 8:10 p m arrives at llarrisburg l-:2i) p m Fast Line leaves Kiiltimnre l:lo p m leaves Harrisbnrg 4:5') p m arrives at VYilliarusporl 8:-5 p m Nobt'bn E.v. leaves Bnltimore 10:-10 pm arrives at llarrishnrg... J:'J0 a m Niaoaba Ex leaves Baltimore.. 7:0 a m leaves llarrisburg 10:50 a m leaves Willlamspoit...... 2:2l p m leaves Elmira- O:-') p m arrives at Cunandagua- S:U0 p m Ebib Mail leaves Harrisb'g 4:"5 a m leaves Sunbury B:oi a m leaves Williamsport 8:40 m leaves Elmira.. -...12:51) p m arrives at Canandaigua 3:50 p m SOUTHWARD. Mail Tbais leaves Elmira 5:30 a m leaves Williamsport. ... 0:15 a m leaves Harrisburg 2:06 p m arrives at Baltimore..... 6:30 p m Fast I.ise leaves Harrisburg. .4 6:S0 a m arrives at Baltimore-... 8: 15 a m Ebie Expb's leaves Suntury 9:40 a m ftir.vs nt Harrisburg. ..11:30 a m Ebib Mail leaves Canandaigua 2:45 p m leaves Elmira 6:30 p m ' leaves Williamsport 11:')5 p m leaves irunhury l-:?0 a m arrives at Harrisburg 2:45 am Pacific Ex. south leaves Harrisb'g 10:40 a m arrivts a: Baltimore S:00 p m Cincin'i Ex. leaves Harrisburg 10:K)p m arrives- at Baltimore.. 2:15 a m Niagara Ex leaves Canandaigua 1 1:30 a m leaves Elmira 2:20 p m - leaves Williamsport. 6:10 f m arrives at Harrisburg. ..10:15 p m Bal. Acc. leaves Harrisburg 8:00 a m arrives at Baltimore ...-12:15 a m Mail Train nor.h and south. Fast Line north, Pacific Express south,' Erie Express south, and Baltimore Accommodation south, Niagara Express north and south. Northern Expres north and Cincinnati Express south daily except Sunday. Erie Mail north to Williamsport, Cincinna ti Express north and Fast Line south leave daily. Erie Mail south, daily except Monday Erie Mail south connects at Harrisburg with Fast Line south for Baltimoie. - Nisgara Express south connects at Harris burg with Cincinnati Express sooth for Bal timore. : . Erie Express south connects at Harrisburg with Pacitie Express sonth for Baltimore. Erie Mail north connects at Williamsport daily except Sundays, for Elmira, Canandai gua, Rochester, ' Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. For further information apply at the Ticket Office in the Pennsvlvania Railroad Denot. ' " ALFRED R. F1SKE. , . General Superintended. Harrisburg, Oct. 28, 1872. J' . AGENTS WANTED FOR McCLELLAN'S The first and only complete luk history f he Parffic Slope ; Ies:riptior.s of ' Jj theScasoas Vroduct&,Uountains,ScMiery.Val leys.Rivers Lalc , F orcsts , IVaterfa! Is , lia , fc'Har bon. o Pasts, moo illustrations and Maps. Illustrated Circulars Free. W1L FU2TT A CO, Philadelphia, Pa. Fcb5-3m - - - . All kinds of Job Work natly txecated. Ac :.f that lead th, liScrmi to dvmkamtm'SS nd herbs of Calnornia. free from M". Akolwiiic They are the Grt Biood Punter Lm Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorate of th Srstem, carryij o!T all pfrvnons raatt-r and restotinc the blood to a healthy cond tion, eitrtclur.? it, refreskiDii and iiiTi'Or.ntin both mind and body. Tliey are eaiy of admmistratiwn, prnmpt in their action, eertata in their rM'i!ts, !e and rliabie in all forms nf Hinease. Ko Pci-hoii ea takthe nitter aecnrrT injf to directtons, and remain Jonj an well, provided their bones ar- not destroyed by mtnrral pivn wither means, an tlwr vital organs wasted beyond tite petul of repair. Dyfwla or IfMllffaallon. Hendarh, Pat in the SiKHJider. Con'ijiis, Tis'itness of the C'het, Dia sines. Sour Ernr tat ions of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Month, Bii'cms Attacks, Palpitation f the Heart, Inflammation of the l.un-s, P.iinin the re.ensef the Kidnr?rs, and a hundred other painfu! smntem are the lTpruis of Dyspepsia. In these complamta it has no equal, and one hottie "it! prove a better guar antee of its m-rir th.m a !cp(iv advertisement. k For Fentnle Complniudi ra young or t.& marrieH or sin?!e, it the ftawrt of wnnianhood, or the tttrn of life. theseTonic Kilters itispl-iyso decided an influence that a marked improvement U soon percep tib!r. For inflammatory anrl Chronle 1cbn maltsni and Gout, Dysrwpsiaor Indisstioti, Binoas, Kemittent and Intermittent Fevers, i.senea of the Biood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these BHtsrs have brn most succewfid. Such Oiscues are canned by Vitiated Blood, wtveh is generally produced by derange ment of the Digestive Organs. . . . They aire afeulle Pnratlr as well a a Topic possessing aiso the pecu.nr merit of acting as a powerful agent in reeving Cottstion t Inflam mation of the L.vei aud Vsccrai Otjjos, aud in finions Uii'ises. For Sfaln Disease. Tiunttons, Tetter, Salt Rlieum, lioichei. Spots, p.mp'es. Pustules, Hot is. Car buncles, Kin-worm, Scald-Head, Sre fcye. Ery ipeiis, I:ch, Scurfs, I tiCoimrtmis of the Skin, Humors and Iibea-a of the Skin, of whatever nam or natvre, are iiieraily du? up and carried out of the system in ft short time bv the nse of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases wi J convince the mast incredulous of thsir aur-niv- e. feet a. 1 tean.c the Vitiated Hloorl whenever yon 6nd tts impurities bursting through tite skin in Pimples,, Eruptions, or Sores ; c.'eanse it when you fi'id it ob structed and slavish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feeling will teil you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of lite system will fotiow. Crrateful thonnancts proclaim Yinkga PtT tsrs the sbosI worulcrtul lnvie,uraut tlut ever susitaed the stiik'm-; system. Plav Tape, ami other Worms. lurkinf ia the tvstem of so roany thousands, are erTectnaHy de stroyed and removed. Says a on anguished phyveU oqist : There is scarcely an ind. vidual ufoa tl tiice of the e-irthwhje body iseiempt from the presence of worms. It s not upon the healthy elements ef the bwly that worms exist, hut upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters ef disease. No svstem of Medicine, no vermifnees, no anthelm a itics, wiU fice tlie ssiem fi on worms like these Bit ters. Mechanleal T I senses. Persons etKa?ed in Paints and .Minerais, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters. ait4 Miners, as they advance in life, wiil be Aubiect to p..ralris of the Bowels. To pnard against this tke a dose ol' Walker's Vinkoab Uittecs once or t-.rce a wee!; as a Preventive. Union. Iteinltteut, and Intermittent Fevers, whicli are so preva'cit in the vailevs of our great rivers throughout tin Uni:ed Sutes, eipeciaily those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, IMinois, Ten nessee, CutnlrLmd, Aikansas, Red, Colorado, Bratos, Kio Grande, Peat I, Alabama, Mobile. Savannah, Roan oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa ries, throughout our entire country during tlie Summer and Autumn, and re mar ka by so during sensone of amisuil heat and drv-tieis, are invariably arsmpanied by exteitsive deran-?me:its rf the stomach and liver, aw -4 other abrfomm.Tl visrtra. There are aiwaysmoreor less chstntctions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state ff the stomach, and preat torpor of the bowels, bem; closed with vitaied accumulations. In their treat ment, a parative, erccrttn a nnwerful influence vpon liiese various orpins, is essennally necess-inr. There w n cathartic for t!iepiiTnse eqnal to D. . WalkbVs Visa.;' a Rittsms, as they will speedry remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the s..me tune stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of tle d .-restive srni Brroftila, or Kind's KrII, While FweTHn, Uicers, Lrysipel.1 iwcl.cd Neck, Ctiter. Scroruiwu Iafl.im:natins. Iud.!rnt i:flMnmaiinns. Mercanal Af fccuoiis, O d S.wes, Erupiions o1 tlie Skin, Sore etc, etc In the-, as m aH other constitutional Dis eases, Walker's VtrtacMt Bittkrs have shown their great curative poweis tu Ui moit obstinate and intra-a'-ie 03?$- Ir. Walkrr'sCalifnrnla Vinegar Tlltters act on all lhie caes in a similar manner. By purifVinft; tl C'ood they remove the came, and byresoivtnc away thee'Tt-sTts ef tlie ii.flaminat.on (the twbercwUr deposits! -the a'Tec'ed parts receive healili, and a permanent cure is eff :cted. Trie properties of Pt. Wamcfr's Vt into a a. Pittfrs are A;erient. Diaihoretic and Carminative, Nutritions, Laxative, Diuretrc, Seda'ive. Cjunter-Im-tant. Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. The Aierlet and m-ld I.aTa:ie pToperties of Dr. Walkbks V in kg a r Hitter, are t(w best saf f;uard fn all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, lira! ins:, and soo'.hine properties protect ll.s IiTimors f the fi'tces. Their Sedattre pwperties a'lavpain in the nervots systnn, stoin.icb, and bowels, eitlisr from inflammation, sriud, cdi cramps, ete. Tlir Cotmter-lrrit3-it indnence exteads throughout tlie system. Their l:uretic proiiernes act en the Kia neys, correctirig and resuUtinc the flow of unite. Tlietr Anti- Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secre-t-nn of b:!e, and its discharge, tliroutjh the biliary ducts, and are superior tw ail rpm-dtai agents, for tite cure tf Bilious Tever, Fever and Aue. etc. Fortify tlie body against Iaeae brrnm f.in a!l us fluids wttt Vikrgxr Bit vers. No ep demic can take ho.d of a s-stem thus forearmed. Ths liver, the stomach, tlie bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great mvig oranr. Direr. inns. Take of the Litters on gouts to bJ at mht from a lull to one and one-ha!f wme-s'asstuli. Eat food nourbiung ibod, sweh as beefsteak, uuitoo. chop, venison, roast beeC and vegetables, aad Uke out-dnor exercise. They are cmwd ot purely veget able irgredients, and contain no spirit. J WALKF1K, Prop'r. tt. H. MfUOSAtDAC Dni;ists and On. Ats Saw Fraiu-iico, CaL. ami cor. of Wahint-jn and Cliarlton Sts., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST AND DEALERS BOOK AGENTS FUm SIDE OF PHYSIC. 800 Pases, 250 Enffravings. An interesting and amusing treatise on tbe Medical Humbugs of tbe past and present. It exposes Quacks. Impostors. Travelling Doctors. Patent Medicine Tenders, Noted Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers and Mediums, and gives interesting accounts of Noted Phyaiians and Narratives of their live. It reveal startling secrets aad instructs all bow te avoid the ills which rlcsh is ketr to. We give eiclusive territory and libera commis sions. For circulars and trms address the publishers. . J. B. BURR & HIDE, HARTFORD, CONN., or CHICAGO,. ILL. AGEXTS WANTED FOR THI UNCIVILIZED RACES OF 3IE IN ALL COnXJRIES OF THE WORLD. Be'ng a Comprehensive Account ef their anners and Co.atoins, and of their Physical,- Social, Mental, Moral, and Religious Characteristics. By REV. J. O WOOD, H. A , F. L. S. 500 Engravings, 1500 Super Eoyal Octavo Pages, 1 TWO VOLCMtS, Oft TWO VOLUMES in OXI. Agents are making over $100 per week in selling this work. An early application wiil secure a choice of territory. For terms ad dress tbe publishers, J. B. BURS ft HYDE, nARTFORD, CONN., oft CHICAGO, ILL. ' ' janl-Iy . , JOHNSTOWff FOUNDRY- THE undersigned, manufacturer of Jami son's Improved Plow, calculated fcr a:l kinds of plowing, and in all kinds of round, sold cheaper than any other plowg in the county. He manufactures ail kind of east ings, bells, stoves. Sc. He will also repair reapers and threshing machines. Give ms a call, or address. J. H. ROGERS, Walnut P. 0. tug 13 1872-tf JnniaU Co. Pa. A Large assortment of Queensware, China ware. Glassware, Crockeryware, Ce4ar ware, &c, for sale cheap by J. & H. A. BTAMBATJOH'3.