Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, June 18, 1873, Image 3

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    t Jnniata StntineL
after Monday, May 20, 1873, Passenger
Train will leave Mifflin Station a follows :
Philadelphia Express 1:10 A. M.
Fast Line 4:0 A. M.
Southern Express . 6:57 A. M.
Pacific Express 10:07 A. M.
Hamburg Accomuiedalioa 11:28 A. M.
Mail Train 6:33 P. M.
Cincinnati Express 8:50 P. U,
Pittsburg Express l:08 A. M.
Cincinnaii Express 1:53 a. M.
Southern Express 4:10 A. M
raeific Express- 6:13 A. M.
War rassonger 10:07 A. M.
Mail Train 3:38 P. M.
fast Line f..33 P. M.
" JAMES NOrtTlT. A(t't
The following scale of prices for announce
ments of candidates, in the Sektixel, for of
gos at the approaching election to be pub
lished weekly until the Primary Election
will be rigidly adhered to : Senate. $15;
Legislature, $10; Sheriff, Register and Re
eorder. Commissioner and Treasurer, $5
etch. Communications recommending can
didates for office, 25 cents per line.
Se announcement or communication will
be published unless accompanied by ibe
No apples.
No peaches.
Hay making time.
Scarcely visable, corn.
Low and clear, the river
Doing finely, tie wLeat.
Down to the foundation wall, the
Methodist church.
This is the 37th anuivcraary day at
Tasearora Academy,
Bey Mr. Pardo's congregation wor
ship in the Conrt House.
Field of ' white wheat" are frequent
ly net with this Beason, in this county.
Lowers of the circus are in despair, for
the thows go other routs than this one
The weather wise are perplexed, they
don't know, which to predict, a warm
or cool summer.
A Presbyterian Church was organized
at St. Clairaville, Blair county, on Sat
urday a week;
The number of emigrants that pass
westward over the railroad do surprise
the natives.
The grandest tuitisic you ever heard,
very clear morning, "just at the peep
o'day," by the birds.
When the new Postal law becomes op
erative, sabscrbers who get their papers
through the Mifflin and Pattereou P. O ,
tan get their papers at this office or have
them left at any place witLia the limits
Of the towns.
Gk.vtle horses and genteel equipages
at Jeff. Middagh's livery stable, at all
A XEv potato bug has made its ap
pearance in this locality. Sprinkle them
with coal oil.
The senior editor of the Huntingdon
Xwitor lost his "specs" and sprained his
back at a fire the other day.
Everything in tbe way of a full line
of dry goods and groceries kept at Laird
& Bell's store, in Patterson.
Soms days ago, during dinner hours, a
jewelry store in A 1 toon a was robbed of
$1500 worth of jewelry.
Tub sheriff of Perry county has been
prosecuted for not keeping the river clear
ol fish baskets as the law requires.
Johnstown, Cambria county, was ex
eited last week over the elopement of
some woman's husband with some man's
Beruy & Wilson are bound that the
horae market shall not stagnate. They
earred a lot of fine horses eastward on
ConxELirs Babtley lias sold his
store to Samuel Shelley, who baa been
regularly installed, and is now ready for
A mam named George Heller, seventy
fire years of age, cuts and ranks two
and a balf cords of wood every day, near
Tyrone, BUir county.
The daily product of weighing ma
chines by tbe renowned Fairbanks Scale
Company, in 1S72, would make a load
for sixteen strong horses.
Th hotel keepers in Local Option
counties of the Juniata valley, have
formed an organization. It is pertinent
to ia quire what for t
Centb.il Pennsylvania contains no
better assorted dry goods store than that
of J. & II. A. Starabaugh, in this place
Goods at retail prices of eastern markets.
OtR loafers are all at work ; even the
"political roosters" are affected with a
disposition to become industrious. How
ever, it is not yet quite time to look for
the laillenium.
On Saturday Henry C. Williams and
Jeffdrson Middagh found a pocket book
with a small amount of money in it, at
this end of the river bridge. For par
ticulars call on the gentlemen.
Stokes has been granted a new trial.
He has already been twice tried, and
convicted each time of murder. The
highest court in N. Y. State has decided
that the manner of his trial was defec
tive, hence he is entitled "to a new one
Money in New York will do anything
for a man excepting to keep him out of
Slim Valley- was mentall ..
clsed task week over tbe belief that cop.
per ore had been found at one of tbe iron
ore banks. Hope their belief ratty be
well grounded. Hope it isn't "iron
pyrite.'' .
Chemists say that grass cut after the
stalk and leaves ate balf dead or dry,
baa lost the atarcby and sugary sub
f tance, which is the most nutricions part.
Grasses of all kiuds have reached their
maturity when in full bloom.
Wasted, An apprentice to learn tbe
Chair-making and Painting trades. None
but sober and industrious young men
need apply. Apply to
Wm. F. Skydrb,
Mifflintown, Pa. "
The green cabbage worm, which in
some sections proved so destrnctive to
the cabbage crop last year, lias again
made its appearance. Sprinkling salt
water on the cabbage is Baid to have
prevented their ravages last summer,
wherever applied.
TuE vacation of the Soldiers" Orphans
Schools will commence on Monday, July
21st, and continue till September 1st, six
weeks. The examination of the School
at McAlistervilie is to take place on Fri
day, July 11th.
Shop hands and clerks who need sub
stantial recreation, can do no better than
lend a helping band a few days to our
farmers during hay nud wheat harvest,
provided, their employer can spare them.
Such was the custom of our fathers.
Are we better thau they were ?
It is in order to be moderate on the
edibles at the table these warm days
Severe cases of cholera morbtts arid nu
merous deaths from cholera are reported
from different quarters. An ortnee of
preventive is worth a pound of enre
Perhaps what is to be will be.
The gentlemen of the Constitutional
Convention have been talking about free
railroad passes, mid at the same time
they have taken "mileage'' out of the
State fund for their travel Newspaper
editors receive passes for advertising
time tables, and by their publication the
public generally are benefitted.
New Ice Cream Saloon. Mr. Wil
liam Wise has opened an Ice Cream Sa
loon at bis residence, corner of Bridge
and Water streets, where the most deli
cious Ice Cream can bo had every even
ing, also Strawberries, Cakes, fec.
arate room for ladies
With never a smite cn her dimpled cheek,
Tbe clothes she had on worn ilie whole of
the week,
A poor maiden sat at the garden gale.
And cried, .for those wLo hnve money, it is
never too life
To go to William F. Snyder, in Mifflin
if you waut to buy Chairs, for be has
any and all kinds you niRy wish to get
Go there if you wish to get the worth of
your money.
Tub finest nooks of scenery may be
viewed from the observatory on llcff
man's new Louie. Now is the chance
to see the beauty of the river scenery
above and Itlow the village before the
bouse is finisLcd and closed. IVrhaps
you had better go into the store of Hoff
man, Ilarley Jc Co., first, and buy a suit
of clothes, and then get permission to go
to tbe house top.
Capt. II. H. Wilson has been ap
pointed a mail agent ou the routo from
LTarrisburg to Altooua. We trust the
place may be as pleasant as it is remu
nerative. We presume Mr. Allison will
not rows him much from the editoral
staff of the Republican. Indeed, to the
uninitiated it appears as if Allison had
him up only as a "figure head." Capt
Wilson was editor of the Sentinel du
ring the regime of Col. J. J. Patterson.
When the Sentinel local, last week,
was written, relative to the bass put into
the river at this place, it was not known
that editors Allison and Bonsall had
taken so promiuent a part in the getting
of tbe fish. We trust that they may
find the pardoning feeling in their hearts,
and grant ns full pardon for the uninten
tional omission of their names. We also
hope to be pardoned for stating that the
common story now is that the fish were
all of one sex namely, males.
Steam E.voines We invite the es
pecial attention of machinists, and all
other persons desiring to purchase com
plete and secure engines, to the Utica
Steam Engine Company, of Ultea- N. Y.
Tbe engines of this establishment are
always tested before leaving their works,
and are ready, at once, for nee when de
livered. The strongest and highest re
commendations of these engines can be
shown by the manufacturers, who have
furnished over 3,000 for the use of the
people in different parts of the Union.
Tub Waters Concerto Parlor
Organ. We are glad to chronicle any
new thing, or any improvement upon an
old one, that tends to popularize music
by rendering its study either easier or
more attractive. Lately our attention
has been called to a new patented stop
added to tbe Waters wed organ, called
the "concerto stop." It is so voiced as
to have a tone like a full, rich alto voice 5
it is especially "hilnian" in its tone. It
is powerful as well as sweet ; and when
we heard it we were in doubt whether"
we liked it best in solo or with full organ.
We regard this as a valuable addition to
the reed organ, and advise those intend
ing to purchase such an instrument to
examiue the "concerto." Warerooms,
481 Broadway, New Yolk Rural Kac
The Lord's Supper will be adminis
tered in the Lntheran Church in this
place, on next 8abbath, 22nd inst., ser
vices commencing at 10 o'clock A. M.
Preparatory services on Saturday after
noon previous, at 3 o'clock.
Fishermen Take Notice It may
be bf imp6rtanee to such as are in the
habit of fishing with any kind of nets to
know that by a law of last session, they
are liable to a fine of one hundred dol
lars for fishing with anything but hobk
and line, between the 15t day of June
and the 0ih dtty of Aurput. They are
also subjected to an imprisonment not
exceeding six months.
If the laws on the subject of fishing
are observed for a few years, the rivers
and streams of this State will abound
with fish, and everybody can enjoy . a
day's fishing at any time with hook and
line. Hurrii L urrj Telcyrajth.
Escaped From the Pennsylvania
State Lunatic Hospital, at Uarrisburg,
Gen. Johu Sydney Jones, aged about 65
years, height about 5 feet 8 inches, hair
and wbiekera gray, the hair curled at tbe
sides, and the whiskers full and long.
He rolls in his walk like a sailor. His
clothing is blue. lie assumes to be a
preacher, and may be certainly identified
by his conversation about "family boats
and boating." A reward of SI 00 will
be paid for his arrest and detention.
M. Arnold, Jr.,
Jas. P. Morrison,
520 Walnut S.'rcct, Philadelphia.
June 12, 1873.
0. last Saluidsy John Doyle, who is
doing busiuefs in Patterson, sent two
boys in a buggy into Walker totvusbip,
to buy produce. They were provided
with a pocket book containing thirty
dollars. Whcu they reached the place
where the first payment was required, to
their conteniation they had no funds
The pocket-book was missing. They
went onto ibe road over which ihcy had
driven, to search for it. Meeting Mr.
Dan it 1 Aukcr, and telling hi in of their
misfortune, he was induced to look stead
ily on the road as he drove along. lie
had not driven far when he saw the lost
book. Of course he took it tip, and re
turned it to Mr Dovlc.
Paint not ouly adds to the appear
ance of a bouse, but it preserves its
wood work from rotting. Paint of a
superior quality is manufactured one
mile northwest of McAlisterville, this
county, and will be delivered at railroad
stations at 57.00 per barrel weight of
barrel three hundred pounds. The
colors are drab and different shades of
brown. Address
Jamts Shii.linospord Sc Co.,
Oakland Mills. Juniata Co., Pa.
The following articles are also for sale
at the cstablishmf nt : Broom, Shovel,
Fork and II 00 Handles by the dozen or
bundled. Buggy aud Wagon bows by
the bundle. 3w
We have been informed from a relia
ble source that public sentiment has won
derfully charged ia Cumberland county
on the liquor question, olid that if the
people of lliat county had the privilege
of voting on the local option question
now, instead of allowing the county to
go for license, they would give a large
majority for local prohibition. The
change of sentiment has been produced
by the fact that the county is overrun
by an unusual number of vagrants,
who, it seems, have been flocking there
from those adjacent counties in which
license was voted down. Vagrants will
go where whisky can be readily obtained,
hence those counties which voted for
license will bavo the vagrants to keep.
An exchange writes as follows on the
subject of postage on county papers,
which is as applicable iu our columns as
in its own, with the change of name :
The new postage law which goes into
effect on the first day of July next, re
quires the prepayment of postage on all
regularly issued publications sent through
tbe mail. Each subscriber of the Sen
tinel, by going to the Postmaster at the
office where he receives his paper on or
before the first of J uly, can with five
eentt prepay the postage on it for the
next three mouths, or for ten cent, six
months. We would advise this pay
ment for not longer than six months by
all residents in the county, as doubtless
tbe law will bo modified early in the
next session of Congress, so far as re
gards the circulation of papers iu tbo
county where published.
"Panoramic Exhibition. Drew's
Beautiful Panorama of Egypt and the
Holy Land will be exhibited in theLuth
eran Cburcb, Mifflintown, ou Wednesday
evening June 18th, for the benefit of
the Ltftberan Sabbath School. This
Grand Exhibition has been executed on
a scale of surpassing magnificence and
splendor. Tbe varioas scenes arc faith
fully represented on a large scale from
Photographs taken on tbe spot, by Rev.
Dr. J. T. Barclay, several years a Mis
sionary in Palestine and Egypt. It ia
moral, chaste and beautiful, and its his
toric interest, its rare and expensive de
signs, its beauty of execution, and its
high-toned character, render it one of the
most attractive and instructive works
ever presented to the public. It has re
ceived tbe highest testimonials from tbe
Press and Clergy, and has been pro
nounced by competent judges one of tbe
handsomest works of modern times, illus
trating, as it does, the grandest localities
in the world. An explanatory lecture
will be given. Admission 25 cts., chil
dren 15 cts. The public are respectfully
invited to attend. .
Tbosr afflicted with Pains and Aches
ER, valuable remedy, for sale at
Banks & Hamlin's Prog Store, Mifflintown.
Attsntiosl, Farmers ! Tf yotf want
to buy a good Reaper, examiue the Hub
bard before you buying any other; It
gearing is all neatly inclosed, and ft has
changeable motion. For sale by the tin'
designed residing in Walker township,
Also the Taylor Hay Rake, the best
rake ever introduced into this county.
Daniel Aukes
May 21-4t
Mb. Editob : As tbe time is drawing Dear
when tbe Republicans of this eounty must
select a standard-bearer in the Senatorial
contest, we wenld announce tba name of Da.
j. r. otebbett, or iiesie townsnip. in a
distriot where the party lines are tfi closely
drawn, we must select our best man one
who, with an incorruptible character and
personal popularity, will run the full party
vote, and draw from the Democratic ranks.
Dn. Stebeitt in bis late canvass showed
that he is the strongest candidate we eia get
in this county, and there are man circum
stances that indicate that if sustained by the
Republicans of this county, he will got the
nomination in the district.
9Innied :
BAY PCLOUFF On the I2ta inst , at
the U. B. Parsonage in East Salem, by Rev.
A. E. Fulton, Mr. John C. Bay, ef Fayette
toirnship, and Miss Mary L. Sulouff. of Mon
roe township.
BEIGII DIETRICH On the 2nd ult., by
the same, Mr. Franklin P. Beigh and Miss
Emma Dietrich, both of Liverpool. Pa.
CHRISTY At Uollidaysburg, on the 14th
inst., Dr. R. W. Christy, ia the 57th year of
his age.
Robert W, Christy was born ia Lost Creek
Valley, Juniata county, some three miles
from Mifflintown, on the 27th of Juno. 1816,
and was consequently almost 57 years of ae
at the time of Lis death. His father, Daniel
Christy, was a man of considerable epute.
having been an Associate Judge of Juniata
county and also oue of the commissioners
who located the county scat of Blair county
at the time of the formation of tbe county.
The subject of this notice came to Uolli
daysburg in 18';!), hd began to read medi-ciuc-witu
Lis brother, Dr. James Christy,
who was a physician of great still, as our
older citizens well remember. Graduating
in 1811, Dr. Christy immedi-ilely bcgKa the
practice of medicine in this county. For
thirty two years did he continue in the hu
mane work of ministering to the necessities
of the nillictcd, and in hundreds of eyes did
the tear of affection start when the sad in
telligence of his death was publicly an
nounccd Asa physician. Dr. Christy was,
as in all things else, quiet and unpreten
tious, lie 8'iid little, but did much. His
practice was large ; his patients wore his
friends and are now his sincere mourners.
Dr. Christy was a faithful Christian He
connected himself with the Presbyterian
Church while very young, and for a period
of forty years consistently showed his faith
by Lis works Tbe church loses a strong
pillar ia his death.
In 1457 he was elected to the lower branch
of tbe Legislature from Blair county. He
was an honorable member.
On Tuesday evening we saw him in appa
rent good Lealth. On Wednesday evening
he returned home after a long and wearisome
ride and ictired to his room, remarking that
ho was feeling badly, and did uot wish to be
disturbed. On Thursday morning he was in
an unconscious state, and oontianed until
Saturday evening about 7 o'clock, when the
life machinery stopped, and the soul of a
good man left its frail earthly tenement for
the regions of eternal life and light. Uolli
daysburg Standard.
$cu? gulMrttef incuts.
a uuiiaj vi a aim . t 80, 48 B,w
1. Y., wiU dhpot of 100 P11.V08 .- ORCJt.8
of DrsNtlats makers, nciwtmg h itekv,
at extremely lew prices for cash, or part
eath, n balance in saiall monthly pavmr-'H.
lew 7-Ortave flrst-clasg PUIOS, all m4.
ern Inpravrments, fur tli ct.-h. Oritmt
S5. $15. BOIBLE-REED ORC1YS, $100;
4-STOI $110$ 8-ST0r, $15, and upward,
WaW Concerto Parlor Organs .
are the most beautiful in style and perfect
in tone ever made. The COUERTO STOP
is the best ever placed In any Organ ft
it produced by a third ret of reedt perliliarlv
voiced, the EFFECT of which is HOST
CIIlRXlSC and SOlX'STIRKnC. vhUe iu
LOGUES HAILED for oncttnmp. A liberal
aiseount to Mttiistfrs. Churehe. Sunday rAoos,
Lodyet, etc. ACEJTS WAITED.
General and Local Agents,
for the Bantram Sewing
Machine, madealDanlrary,
Conn. The stillest, fastest
and easiest Lebk-Stitch,
Straight Needle Machine
in the market. We give
better terms than any other
company. Address
jOHJf A. DODUE, GenM Agent,
' Danburr, Conn.
No boiling necessary. A enp of delicious
Chocolate made with it in two minutes. No
waste. Packed in pound jars. Vanilla or
plain. One doz. in box. Unequaled as a
confection for lunch, spread on crackers,
with a glass of milk at hand to drink. For
making Soda Water Syrup or flavoring Ice
Cream it is superior to any Chocoiate made;
and for Chocolate Cake, nothing else will be
used where this bas been tried. For sole by
J. T. WARREN A CO., Cincinnati, O.
In this township to canvass for the new, val
uable and fast selling book by Dr. JOHN
Recommended and endorsed by prominent
ministers, physicians, religious and secular
papers. No other book like it published.
$40 per week guaranteed Address,
COWAN A CO., 13!) Eighth St.. N. Y.
(Tr! for a Price Lint to J.
Breech-Loading Shot Guns, $40 to $300.
Dtfuble SKot Guns, 58 to $150. Sinftle Guns,
$3 to $20. Rifles, $B to $75. Revolvers, $5
to $25. Fistols, $1 to $8. Gun Material,
Fishing Tackle, Ac. Large diicounts to deal
er, or clubs. Army Guns, Revolvers, etc,
bought or traded for. Goods sent by express
C. O. D. to be examined' before paid for.
WUn&lilV tllAOD $60 a week guaran
teed. ' Respectable employment at home, day
or evening ; no capital required ; full in
structions and valuable package of good
sent free by mail. Address, with six cent
return stamp, M. VOCNG & CO., 173 Green
wich St., New York.
ffr fn (AA per day 1 Agents waxted ! All
W W 4uVJ classes of working people, of
ertner sex, young or oiu. miu aon wuucj
in their snare moments or all
the time than at anything else. Particulars' !
free. Address G. 8TINS0N & CO., Port- I
land, Maine. , .
BmiUuleld Bt. PlUrfjnrihPfc
Tlie Mark&ts.
. Prices of Board of Commerce.
Reported weekly for the JuwiaTa Ssstisbi
by the Board of Commerce' of Mifflin and Pat
terson. Butter "ft lb .v.-....w.- 16
Eggs. V doz .. .... 15
Lard, ijl lb .......... 8
Country Soap 8
Beeswax .-. 25
Tallow 8
Rags 3
Wool, washed 60
Dried Applea 10
" Peaches, pared 20
" Peaches, uopared. .............. ...... 15
' Cherries, pitted . 20
" Blackberries. 10
" Raspberries 16
Country Hams 12
Sides and Shoulders , 7
Potatoes, Tjt bus . 40
Onions " 00
Ground Alum Salt, 1? sack 2 25
Railroad Ties 50
Loonst Posts, mortising .... 82
" " for board fence.. -. 15
J. & H. A. Stambangh's Prices Current.
Corrected Weekly.
Crystal Palack, Mifflrntown, )
June 18, 1873. - f
Prime Roll Dutter, per lb....... 16
Egg?,' dozen 15
Lard, per lb........... . ... 08
Tallow,- fet lb 08
Beeswax 30
Dried Apples, per lb 04
" Cbcrrics, seedless, per lb 17
" unseeded 0
" Blackberries 03
' Raspberries 20
Walnuts, per bus - 40
Shellbarks 05
Potatoes , 60
Chickens, lire, per lb- 03
llama - 00
Shoulders " 07
Sides " 06
Liverpool Qround Alum Salt, per sack 2 t0
D. P. Sulouff & Co.'s Prices Current
Reported Weekly.
White Wheat, g) bus
Red " " ......
fl 30
. 1 25
, 60
. 37
Cloverseed 5 00
Timothy seed 3 50
Prepared Coal, V ton ......
Nut " '
Tea " "
Bituminous" "
Run of Log, 4 4, 1000 ft ,
" 5-8, "
" " 8-4, "
6-4, "
Hemlock Frame. 41
" Boards.
Whitepine worked Flooring.,
$5 25
4 25
3 10
$3 5 00
25 00
25 00to40 00
25 00to4000
20 P0
20 00
... 3-5 00
" German Siding .... 35 00
Panel Doots 2 00 to 3 00
Window Sash, 8x10, window........ 65
" " 9x12, ....... 75
10x12, " 80
" lOxIt, ' 90
ruiLAr.iti.rhiA, June 17, 1873.
Floib The market continues dull, and
only 1400 bbls changed bands in lo's lo suit
tho local traJe, including
Superfine $4 254 75
Extras $5 00(S;5 50
N. W. Extra Family $7 00(8 0 )
Ohio A Ind. do. do $7 7 9 00
Penna. do. do. .. ..... $7 lata' 9 75
Fancy Brands.... $9 251100
Gbaix. Wheat is dull and prices have
again declined. Sales of 50M0 bus. red at
$1 til'al 62 ; amber at $1 GUI 65 ; white at
$1 75.a 1 HO. Rye is nominal at 83a85c.
Corn is arriving very freely and with liberal
effcrings and only modera'e demand, prices
rule deciueulv in favor of buyers, sales ot
37,000 bus. yellow at 50.i5Sc ; and mixed at
56a58c. Oats are unchanged ; sales of 3003
bus. western at 50a52o for white, and 46J.t
49c for mixed.
Fxeps Cloverseed is dull and nominal at
SaSjc. Timothy sold at $3 75 per bus.
Monday, June 1G 1 P. 31.
The Cattle market was very dull this week
and, with liberal receipts, prices favored
buyers. Sales of choice and extra at 7a
7c ; fair to good at 6a7c, and common at
4a5)c. Receipts 2S0O head.
Cows and calvos are doll and nominal at
$50a75. Receipts 300 head.
Sheep declined and dull ; sales of ceoice
at 6a5ja ; fair to middling at 4a5e per lb,
and common at $.'a3 per heed. Lambs sold
st 810Jc per lb for good and $1 50a3 for
common. Receipts, 11,000 head.
Hogs were dull. 5O00 head sold at $7 2j
7 50 for cornfed.
flcur gldwtijfrafnts.
Proposals for Building School House.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received
by the Board of School Directors of Fer
managh township, up to 2 o'clock P. M., on
SATliKDAV. JUNE 21, 1873, for building a
BRICK SCHOOL HOUSE near Cuba Mill, in
said township. Plan and specifications can
be seen at the store of Shelley A Stambaugk
in Mifflintown. Proposals caff be handed lo
the Secretary of the School Board at any
time previous to the above date, or sent to
the Board at their meeting in Shelley A Stam
bangh's store, on the" day and at the hour
above mentioned.
Br order of the Beard.
WILLIAM fUNrtS, tretiJent.
Jos. Rothbook, Secretary.
June 21, 1873-2L
Dissolution of Partnership.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partner
ship between S. V. Shelley and II. A.
Stambaugh, under the firm name of Shelley
A Stambaugh, has been this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All debts due to said part
nership are to bo paid and those due from
the same discharged at the Crystal Palace
Store in Mifflintown.
June 9, 1873.
THE undersigned have entered fnto co
partnership, and will continue the busi
ness of the late firm of Shelley A Stambaugh
at the old stand. A continuance of the pat
ronage ef the old firm is respectfully solici
ted by the new.
June 9, 1873.
Administrator's Notice.
Estats of Anderton Pine, deceased.
LETTERS of Administration having been
rranted to the undersigned upon the
estate of Anderson Pines, late of Delaware
township, d -ceased, all rersons indebted to
said estate are requested to make payment,
and those having claims against tbe same.
to present them properly authenticated for
settlement to ,
blatculet's dipbovkd
I Cucumber Wood Pump.
Tasteless, Dursbfe, Efficient,
1 ' t VL. L. - . . Tl ..
for tbe least money. Atten
tion is especially invited to
Blatchley Patent Improved
Bracket and New Drop Check
Valve, which can be with
drawn without removing the
pump or disturbing the joints.
Also, the Copper Chamber,
which never cracks or scales, and will outlast
any other. For sale by dealers everywhere.
Send for Catalogue and Price-List.
CUas. G. H latch li v, Manufaet'r,
506 Commerce St, Philada., Pa.
I-J cm at a Sk.vtijic'. $1,60 oer year.
itttianiist, Ar.
Crystal Palactf. Crystal Palace.
The First,
The Best,
The Cheapest,
The Lamest
Stock of Cbotls
To Offer to the Public
Just Received from Eastern
Seeing Them will Guarantee You
June 0, 1873.
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Juniata county, the undersign
ed. Administrator of tbe estate of lleuben
Landis, deceased, will expose to public sale,
on the premises, in Delaware township, in
said county, at 1 o'clock P. M., on
SATURDAY, JUNE 21st, 1S73.
The following real estate of said decedent, to
wit : A Tract of Land in said township, con
taining IX Acres, bounded by IsnJs
of William N. lirookbart, Amos Stahl, Criab
Shumsn and others having thereon erected
a good two-ntory
Dwelling house,
BANK BAKN, Shoemaker Shop., and other
outbuildings. There is a ffod Well of water
at tho door, itmt a fine selection of choice
Fruit on the premises.
This property is located in Pfmli's Valley,
in a good farming neighborhood, about three
miles cast of Thompsontown, and about one
mill north of tbe Penna. Crntral Railroad.
TERMS OF SALE. Ten r cent, of the
purchase money to be paid when the prop
erty is stricken down ti the purchaser ; for
ty per cent, of tbe same when the sale is con
firmed by tho Court, and the remainder in
two equal instalments, payable on the 1st of
April, lKii, and tbe 1st or April, 13.0, to be
secured by judgment notes.
Further purticulws will be given by calling
upon Vim. N. lirookhnrt, near the premises,
or by the undersigned.
Adm'r of Reuben Landis, dee d.
(Successors to D. K. Sulouff Of.,)
Grain, Lmber.Coal,
Halt, Planter;
The Highest Cash Prices Paid
for all kinds of Grain.
Lumber, Coal, &e., Sold at the
Lowest Prices.
Having boats of our own we can freight
Orain, Lumber, Coal, &c, cheaper than any
other parties. We therefore' defy eiropeti
tioa. Jig-You can make money by calling on us
before selling or buying elsewhere.
SOLD BT TffE 1st tit JtjXE, 1873.
P. S. Our grain is not elevated on men's
Mifflintown, April 20, 1872.
Main Street, Mijlintoicn,
Dye Stuff,
Coal Oil,
Infants Brushes,
Ilair Brushes, Tooth Brushes,
Perfumery,' Combs,
Hair Oil, Tobacco,
Cigars, Kctions,
ana stationary.
selected wuh great care, and warranted from
high authority.
Purest of WIS h3 Liyuuus lor.vieai-
oal Purposes.
tSPKESCKil'TlUS compounded witn
great care, maiou-iy
Guaranteed by using nif
Instant Belief for the Asthma.
It acts instantly,, relieving the paroxysm
immediately, and enabling the patient to lie
down and sleep. 1 suffered from this dis
ease twelve years, but. suffer no more, and
work and slep as well as any one. Warran
ted to relieve in the worst case. Sent by
mail on receipt ef price, one dollar per box ;
aik your Druggist for it.
uu an. o. iiL tvai.
JtoiBESTiB, Baavta Co., Pa.
Feb 19-1 y
ALL perrons are hereby cautioned against
Hunting. Fishing, or ia any way tres
passing on the farm occupied by the under
signed, in Milford township. All persons so
offending will be dealt with to the full extent
of the law. JOSEPH FUNK.
LARGE stock of Heady-made nothing for
ale by UARLEY A. CO-
iPoumtT Wccd ft XAsa.)
Steal Engines.
The Ecst & Xosi Co:!:;..Hft rtsftortuirnt
Iu tao Jlnrket. ;
Iligrhcnt wtiuiHrl rf Tv!ii:'. VEV . tW
nvlnfsctuitif Emnav.v T-Tr .m l S.wr Mi!1
Thrift I. T. We h.ve tV rvr-t an 1 mm crtr ,ibt
works of tSp kind ni tv wmriuy, wi.ii to.vcLirjrf
gTvviul'.y a-lnpl iv the T"ork.
We keep .i:w.-intl in isvesi l;iTqr.TT ocrAtf
ErtnnM, TT-Mfvi v fi:rr-s'i f tl vrry lim, pU-
and en the luirtest uofFTv W hmlti I'niTv
fcveifiliv adrrprei! i M:i?. Suit Mill ri MiTU
T.uwtTie, lotion tiins, TJfwJiOTf E""t . t xj T-1
of nwnufitctiirinrr.
Yi ax r.aw tnnlufng- GtS Mr-l'Tate! I-rr Cini-t
1t Srnr Mia, the Lcat aad km; Mjletc saw hi. II
TTr inrcntffd.
We mnke the mr.i:fn-tnw f fryr MCI on'SH
ftpccial fdttara of our iMnHitrN, svu furufeh
complete on the Bhor-s? naricr.
Oat rT3 in all case is to. fumih ih bt ma
chinery in the n.jirkei, nl vurk ahto!u!-ly
eipialfd for leant? of dwrn,,,Qirmy maifctrcng tbw ,
Seud fur Circular awt Trice List.
rrtc i, k. v.
$500,000 CASH
riillio" LiWiiry ciiy.i
Will be given fn tl.e great hall of Library
Building, at Louisville on Trror. Ji'lv fl,
1H73, at which time TEX THOUSAND GIFTS,
amounting to a grand total of SoOO.MX), all
cah, will be distributed by lot to ticket
holders. No reduction in amount of gifts at
this distribution, but e.-.ch gift ri'.l be paid
OrricE or Farm ens a.np DaovKss' Base, )'
Loi'isville. Kt.. April 7, 1873.
This is to certify that thrre is in the Far'
Biers' and Drofers' Bank, to the credit of
the Third Grand Gift Concert for the benefit
of the Public Library of Ky., FtVC HnDdrc4
Thousand Dollar?, which bas been set apart
by tbe Managers to pay the gifo in full, ard
will be held by the Banl! 5nJ iid out for
Ibis purpose, and this purpose only.
(Signed.) K. S. VKF.CIIj Cashier.
One G'ran'J Cash Gift
One Grand Cash Gift-
One Grand Cash Gift
One Grand Ca;h Gift ...... .
One Grand Casl Gift
One Grand Cash Gift
21 Cash CiftJ of S'l.OtM ears.
do,o o
AO Cash Gifts of 5)
80 Ca-h Gifts of 4 K)
100 Cash Girts of 30:)
150 Cash Gifts of 200
5) Cash Gift'i ot 101
9,000 Cash Gifts of 10
Total, 10,000 Gifts, all Cast, $500,000
Only a few tickets remain unsold, and tbey
will he furn:.hed to the first applicants at
tbe following prices: Whole tichets. $10;
halves, So; quarters. $2.50; II wholes for
$100; 66 for 5500 : 113 for 51.000.
For tickets and full information arr!r to
Louisville, Ky.
or, TliO?. If. fTAYS S CO.,
COQ Broadway, ?few York.
In Kevin's Kew Building on
THE undersigned, late of the firm of Fa
sick 4 North, would respectfully an
nounce to the public that he has opened i
Boot and Shoe Shop in Major Neviu's New
Building, on Bridge street, MifffiUown, and
is prepared to m&msfactirre, of tbo be.it ma
terial, all k?nd? of
He alfC liecps r.n Land a largo aad Kcll-
selectcd stock of
IIoiic?--"inal "Worlr;
of all kinds, for men, women and children.
Give me a call, for I feci confident that I
can furnish yon with any kind of Work yori
may desire.
Jay" Repairing done neaf iy and at reason
able rates. J. L. A'OH'iir.
Mar 31. 1872.
ITsw Step iS Ki5irrtdwr
rrIIE subscriT.'cr frps leave sf inform the
A. citizens of Midliutown, Patterson and
vicinity that he has opened a Boot an I Shoe
Shop, for the prrxent, in the room occupied
by N. E. Liu fie'.d's Tin Shop, on' Bridge
street, M:fffiufown. where he is prif".trd to
manufacture all kinds of
in tie most sui'snrrtnf manner, and at tbe
lowest prices. Pi- Repairing promptly at
tended to.
TERMd c.tsn.
A liberal sbare ef public patronage is soli
cited, artl sati.-factioj j-iar-inteed.
May 23, 1872-"ff
Boot and SEoe Shop.
THE undersigned, fiiIiior.nl lo Boot N
and Shoemaker, hereby respectful- ft
ly infornfs the pc'fclic that be bss located
in the borough of Patterson, wbero he is pre
pared to accommodate the most fastidious in
Gents1 Fine and Coarse Boots,
Also, mending done in tbe neatest manner
and upon the shortest notice. A tiberi
share of public patronage Is respeetW?
solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.
tjejf Sbop located oa the east aide cf Tus
carora street, one door south of Main slrce'.
nearly opposite Laird s Bell s store.
March 8, 1872
A Large assart-neat of Queeasware, China
ware. Glassware, Crockery w me. Cedar
ware, Ae., for sale cheap by