Si I- ) i i 1 ; I I ! 4 i ,' r t. . . i- PUBLISHED. JJVBKT ffEDStSDAt MoXKIIte, Bridge Street, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, MIFFLINTOWN. PA. The Jcniata Sentinel is published every Wednesday morning at J1.50 a rear, in ad vance ; or $2,00 in all cases if oot urid nromptly in advance. No subscriptions dis continued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. gusiiuss Carbs. L OUIS B. ATKINSON. .Attorney at Law, MIFFLINTOWN, TA. jOCelUcting and Conveyancing promptly attended to. Office on Bridge street, opposite the Court House Square. I TOHKIIT McMEEN. V ATTORNEY AT LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA: Office on J2ridge street, in the room formerly occupied by Eira I. Parl-er, Esq. A1JCTIgNI;Si ' JF. G. LONG, residing in Spruce Mill township, offers hi services lo the citi teus of Juniata county as Auctioneer end Vendue Crier. Charges Moderate. Satis faction warranted. jn29-8in g B. LOUDK.N, MIFFLINTOWN, PA., Offers his services to the citizens of Juni ata county as Auctioneer and Vendue Crier. Charges, from two to tea dollars. . Satisfac tiea. warranted. nov3, 'ti9 0 YES! OYES! H. H. SNYDER, Perrysville, Pa-, . TenJers his services to the citizens of Judi ata and adjoining counties, as Auctioneer. Charges moderate. For satisfaction give the Dutchman a chance. P. O. address, Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa. Feb 7, '72-ly DR. 1 C. RUNDIO, PATTERSON, TENN'A, August 13, 1859-tf. THOMAS A. ELDER, M. 1)., Physician and Surgeon, MIFFLINTOWN, TA. OXce hours S A. M. to 3 r. M. Office in Belford's building, two doors above the&n tinel office. Bridge street. g 18 tf jyj B. GARYER, , HomeajaMc Piiysician ani Surgeon, Having located in the borough of Thompson town, offers bis professional services to the citizens t that place and vicinity. OrricK In the room recently occupied by Dr. Serg. f Jnne 12, '72-tf H0M.E0PATIHC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Having- permanently located in the borough of MiiBintown, oSers his professional services to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. Office on Main street, over Beidler's Drug Store. (aug 18 l?69-tf Dr. R. A. Simpson Treats all forms of disease, and may be con sulted as follows: At his office in Liverpool Pa., every SATURDAY and MONDAY ap pointments can be cade for other days. tag-Call on or address DR. 11. A. SIMPSON. dec 7 Liverpool, Terry Co., Pa. GREAT REDUCTION - ISJBt PRICES OF TEETH! Full Upper or Lower Sets as Low as $5.00. No teeth allowed to leave the office unless the patient is satisfied. Teeth remodeled and repaired. Teeth filled to last for life. Toothache stopped in five minutes without extracting the tooth. Dental work done for persons without them leaving their homes, if desired. Electricity used in the effraction of teeth, rendeiing it almost a painless operation, (no extra charge) at the Dental Office of G.'L. Derr, established in Mifflintown in 18tH. - . G. L. DEKR, Jan 24, 1872-ly Practical Dentist. C. HOTHHOCK, DENTIST, SleA-lister-rillo, Ponna., OFFER3 his professsonal services to tho public in general, in both branches of his profession operative and mechanical. First week of every month at Richfield, Fre mont and Turkey Valley. , Second week Liverpool ana niia m- lev. Third week Millers town and Raccoon Fourth week at his office in M'Alisterville. -:-: w;fntn hn nulled on. till .'I'""1 - Teeth put np on any ef the bases, and as liberal as anywhere else. Address by letter or otherwise "JEST CIGAIIS IN TOWN Ilollobaugh's Saloon. Two for 6 cents. Also, the Fret-best Lager, the Largest Oysters, the Sweetest Cider, the Finest Domestic Wines, and, in short, any thing you may wish in the EATING OR DRINKING LINE, at the most reasonable prices, lie has also refitted his BILLIARD HALL, o that it will now compare favorably with sny Hall in the interior of the State. Jane 1, 1870-ly WALL PAPER Eally to the Place where tou can buy your Wall Paper Cheap. TIIE undersigned takes this method of in forming the public that he has just re ceived at his residence en Third Street, Mtf flintown, a large assortment of WALL PAPER, of various styles, which he ofTers for sale CHEArER than can be purchased elsewhere in the county. All persons in need of the above article, and wishing to save money, are invited to call and axamine his stock and bear his prices before going elsewhere. n.Large supply constantly on hand. 6 8IMON BASOtf. ' Caution. - ' ALL persons are hereby cautioned against Hunting, Fishing, or in any way tres " passing on the lands of the undersigned,, m Milford township. - All persons so offending will be dealt with to the full extent ofU law. . .. . P. H. HAWS.. Dec. 4, 1872-tf . ' ' - B. F. SCinVEIEK, .VOLUME IXVII, N0. 25 DtisffUaneous. 12,000,000 ACRES! Cheap FarmH X- - The cheapest Land in market for sale by the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY In the Great Platte Valley 3,000,000 Acres in Central America, Now fur sale in tracts of forty aores and up. wards on five and ten tsar' cremt ai r pee CEKT. J0 ADVANOS INTEREST KEQrillKU. ! Mil: ani neLTtiFUL c-imatk, ikbtile SOU., AM AniTStAN-K OF r.OOD WATER. THK BEST MARKET IN THK WEST! The great minin; regions of Wyoming, Col orado, L'tah and Nevndt being supplied by the farmers ie the Platte Valley. Soldiers Entitled lo a Homestead of 160 Acres. BEST LOCATIONS FOR Q0L0ME3. FREE HOMES FOR ALL! Millions of acres of cbuic Government Land open for entry under the Homestead Law. near thi Great Railroad, with good markets and all the conveniences of an old settled country. t ree passes lo purchasers of Uailroad Land. Sectional Maps, showing (he Land, also new edition of Descriptive Pamphlet with new Maps mailed free everywhere. Address O. F. DAVIS Land Commistioner U. .PR. R' Omiaua. Ni:r. WE WANT AN AGENT la this township to canvass for the new, val uable and fast selling book by Dr. JOHN COWAN, THE SCIENCE OF A NEW LIFE. Recommended and endorsed by prominent ministers, physicians, religious and secular papers. No other book like it published. $10 per week guaranteed. Address, COW AS & CO., 139 Eighth St., N. Y. AUEMS WANTED. Send for Catalogue. Domestic Sewing Machine Co., New York. "You Ask! I'll Tell!" (The NewDEPARTUEE In Books J 1 gents wanted. Exclusive territory given. The book will sell ifsclf. Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, MinUtcr, Merchant, Manu facturer, Farmer; Miner. Mariner, and Your tflf all want it. Thkhe is Monbtin it. Sen for Circular. CIIESTEKMAK & W EBSTER, 50 North 5th street, Philadelphia, Pa. . . TELEGRAPHY. A necessary part of every person's education in this advanced age is the art of Tel'graph ing. Apply to I he undersigned far Smith's Manual of Telegraphy, the best work pub lished on this subject. Price 30 cts. Also for every description of Telegraphio Instru ments and Dattcry ; Nitro Chromic liattery for electroplating. L. G. TILLOTSON 4 CO , 8 Dey St., New York. MflNFY Vade fop""? lUUlliil Check 0lllfil with Stencil 4 Key s. (.atnleKues and full particulars FREE. Hanover St , Boston. S. M Spencer, 117 HOW 'TIS DOTE, or the Secret Oot. Mustache and Whiskers in 42 days This GREAT SECRET and 10!) others. Gam blers' Tricks, Cardiolngv. Ventriloquism, all in the ORIGINAL " Bok f Wonders." Mailed for 25 cents. Address D. (J. CCT LER: Carthage, Iliinois. PATENTS OBTAINED. No fees unless successful. No fees in ad vance. No charge for preliminary search Send for circulars. CONNOLLY BROTH ERS, 103S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa., and 00S Ninth St., Washington, D. C. CK tn tt 0 fl per day ! Agents wasted ! All 3J IJ 4iV clashes of working people, of either sex, young or old. make more money at work for os in their spare moments or all the time than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON & CO., Port land, Maine. (i KTTYSBURG KATALYSINE WATER Is ihe nearest approach to a specific ever dis covered for Dyspepsia. Neuralgia, Rheuma tism,' Gout, Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney and Urinary Diseases generally." It restores mus cular power to the Paralytic. It cures Liver Complaint. Chronic Diarrhoea, Piles, Cnnsti pation. Asthma, Catarrh and Bronchitis, Diseases of the Skin, General Debility and Nervous Trostration from Mental and Physi cal Excesses It is the Greatest Antidote ever discovered far Excessive Eating or Drinking. It cjrrectsthe stomach, promotes Digestion, and Relieves the Head almost im mediately. No hhusehol l should be without it. For sale by all Druggists. J-For a history of the Springs, for med ical reports of the power of the water over diseases, for m trvelous cures, and for testi monials from dial ineuished men, send for pamphlets. . WHITNEY BROS., General Agents. 227 S. Front Street, Thilad'a, Ta. GrrrTSBtJBO SraiNO Co. ' m ATrm.Ev'a IMPROVED I Cucumber Wood Pump. iastciess, uurauie, jjhi'-c" and Cheap. The best Pump for the least money. Atten tion is especially invited io lUlatchley's Patent Improved Rracket and New DroD Check Valve, which can be with drawn without removing the pump or disturbing the joints. AI.,- the Conner Chamber, ..... nr M-ales. and will outlast any other. For sale by dealers everywhere. Send for Catalogue and mce-usi. Cuas. G. I'LaTCHLiT, ilanufact'r, 500 Commerce St., Philada., Pa. INSTANTANEOUS RELIEF AND SOUND, T-.TinnnriTTT'lTl fit TlTin HtrlttSlllIlli mM Gnaranteef r wsing raf Instant Belief for the Asthma, . .... : ...,.., 1., i-oi;vin(r the naroxvsm immediately and enabling the patient to lie down ana sleep, a uubi . i. hut. suffer no more, and ease inci't ;'"" . work and sleep as well as any one. Warran- ted to relieve in ine wum - -j mail on receipt ef price, one dollar per box ; "8ky0UrUg?,!l,CHAS.B.UUR3T, Rocdbstkr, Bbavb Co., Pa. Feb 19-ly " Caution. " tt perpons are hereby cautioned against J. Hunting, Fishing, or in any way tress passing on the farm occupied by the under siirnedfin Milford township. " All persons so offending will be dealt tot, fa 1 wnt '''3 a MIFFLINTOWN, 3Xisoellaiiy;, V Annual Report of tho County Super intendent of Common Schools of Ju . .. niata County, for tho Tear ending ' Juno '2, 1S73. ' In Btilmitting my first Annual Report I sLall be brief. The Common School system is firmly established and work ing well in this county. . . , , . si:hool houses and grounds Four new school houses were built .1 J during the past year, viz : one in Green wood, one in Fayette, one in Ceale, and one in Spruce 11 ill. , They cost abont $1,000 each, are good substantial houses, well lighted, well ventillated, famished witli suitable furniture, and sufficient blackboard, surface ; but three of them are without porticoes and sufficient grouuds. .The nitiety four houses in the county ; sixty-five are frame ; nineteen. brick or stone, and tun, log.. Twenty- eight are unfit for use, , and thirty , are badly ventillated . Thirty-one have suit able, and sixty-three, injurious furniture. Forty are without out houses buildings w hich the common decencies of life de mand, and which should be erected at once. jNo improvement was made on school grounds ; only four are fenced. 1 hey are, with few exceptions, too small, and in a good many cases badly located. APPARATUS. No schools are well supplied with ap paratus, and thirty have none worth men tioning. Outline miips are to be found in seventy five schools, globes in eight, reading and spelling charts in nearly all, astronomical charts in eight, and black- boards in all, but Some of them are en tirely too small, or in such a bad condi tion that they are unfit for use.. The schools of Fermanagh were snpplied with outline maps last fall, those of Tutbett, with Webster's Unabridged Dictionaries, and their old -and worn out maps were replaced with new ones. '' SCHOOLS. One hundred and two schools were nppn duting the past year.' Thirteen more are needed. " Three schools were kejt open seven mouths; eighl, six1 months ; six, four months,1 and all the others five months. 'They were attend ed by over four thousand pupils. The number studying reading was 3 320; writing, 3,050 ; -mental arithmetic, 2,1 SO ; written arithmetic, 1,902; geography, 1,343; grammar, G50 ; history, 170; algebra, 44 ; composition, 2S, and mu sic. US. Inese htrures snow a sad ne glect of arithmetic, geography, grammar, history, and tha higher branches in our schools, and that the greater number of the children of the county are receiving a very limited and imperfect education, which' arises from the uidifTtrciice of pa rents, pupils and teachers. Sixty schools were well classified, and the books found uniform in seventy two. ' A very impor tant part of the duty of directors is to adopt and enforce the use of a uniform series of books. There are a few schools in which much of the teachers' time is wasted every session on account of the different kinds cf books in use. The Bible was read in ninety-eight schools. About sixty Sabbath Schools are open during the summer. They are produc tive of much good. The County Sab bath School Convention was held at Mif- flintown. May 27th and 28tb, 1873. It was well attended. EXAMINATIONS. Fourteen public, two special, and four private examinations were held. One hundred and twenty applicants were ex amined, and one hundred and ten provi sional certificates granted. Ten appli cants were rejected. Two professional certificates were issued in the winter. Fifty-fonr directors and about two hun dred citizens attended the examinations. TEACHERS. ' One hundred and eight teachers sixty-seven malo, and forty-one female were employed. Forty-two have taught more than five years. Twenty had no experience - Kinety-six have read works on teaching, and the majority are waders of the Pennsylvania School Journals or some other educational publications. Seven have attended and two have grad uated at a State Normal School. Very few expect to make teaching a perma nent business, and every year some of the most active leave the ranks to engage in other pursuits ? and it can not be ex pected to be otherwise until the length of this school term is increased, and tne sal aries of teachers are considerably ad vanced. We have many good earnest teachers, who discharge their duties very acceptably to their patrons. : i: .- . -!r; VISITS. ' - ' i All the schools were visited twice ex cept five, which were closed before my second visit ;' a few were visited ' three times. ' Two hundred and seventeen visits were made of an average length of two hours each. Fbrty-eeven directors ac companied "me and one" hundred and twenty-one citizens ; were met "in the scnools.' Progress in most of the schools waB very good, in some middling, and in a few poor. Attendance was very irreg nlar. In some'districta the percentage is very, very low j in not a hn schools as TBI OOfeSTlTCTIOB THI UMO AID THI.IIf OKCIMIIT Of JUNIATA COUNTY. PfiNiTA; low as 50 per cent.. This should not be so, and I hope in future to be able to re port far ; better attendance. ': Parents should make a great effort tot have tbeir children regularly at sc&Bol'. Hundreds of children in Jauiata county are being robbed of the advantages of an educa tion. It is the great privilege of every child to be educated, and it is robbery to deprive a child of that privilege. ;, .. ; INSTITUTES. .; The County j. Institute convened at I'erryeville, Nov. 25,1872, and was in session fire days. Tho attendance of teachers,. directors, and citizens was very large. The Institute was a derided suc cess. AU the lectures and discussions were interesting and instructive- ;; The instructors and lecturers were Dr. J. H. Shumaker, of Cbambersburg, Pa., Prof. F. A. Allen, of Mansfield, Pa., Dr. D. D. Stone, of Tuscarora Academy, this coun ty. Prof. II. I. Gourley, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Prof. Q. W. Lloyd, aud Profs. Wil son and Patterson, of Airy View Acad emy, Perryeville. . The County Institute was attended ami highly appreciated by all our progressive teachers. Two local institutes were held, , one at McAlister ville, and one at East Waterford. A number of, educational meetings were held. ACADEMIES, "ACS, The Tuscarora Academy, located at Academia, was founded in 1836 . . The buildings are large and commodious, and the school has been in a prosperous con dition ever since it was established. The present principals are D. D. Stone, A. M. Ph. D , and J. J. Patterson, A.Jf: The Tuscararo Female Seminary, lo cated at the same place, is under the care of Ilcv. J. P, Sheiman, A. M , Princi pal. The buildings are good and plea sautly situated. , The Juniata Normal School, at Thomp sontown, is under the direction of A. Harman, P. E.. , The school is doing a good work. The McCoysville Iligh School, taught by Mr. Thomas Iluggart, supplies a want in that locality. ,. , ..The Airy view Academy was founded in the year 1S52, by Pavid Wilson, A. M, with whom A. J.-Patterson, A.M., is now associated. Their buildings are new and well suited for their purpose Tho school is well patronized. . - The Soldiers' Orphan School is loca ted at McAlistervillo. It is giving a good education to hundreds of the children of the brave men who perished in their country's defence. . . , A number of private schools, taught by common school teachers,' are open iu the summer. , WANTS. Our wants are the common ones exist ing everywhere, and so often mentioned in reports. They are : more competent teachers ; longer school terms ; higher salaries ; better school houses and furni-, ture ;' regularity of attendance ; less prejudice and indifference; a higher esti mate of the value and importance of ed ucation ; more interest on the part of parents, directors and teachers ; a uni formity aud full supply of books ; dis trict institutes and libraries, and closer supervision of schools. DIRECTORS. . We have many good directors, who do all they cati to improve our schools. Sev eral boards are subscribers to the School Journal, CONCLUSION. " Considering all things, great progress has been made in the county since the establishment of the Common School System, and the Superintendency, and especially under the administration of the late Superintendent, Mr. G. W. Lloyd, who labored earnestly, diligently and successfully to promote cause cf common school education in this county My thanks are due. to the press for services rendered, and to the directors, citizens and teachers for aid and hospi tality extended to me in the discharge of my official duties. , . D. E. ROBISON, County Supt. of Juniata.. True bravery is sedate and inoffen sive ; if it refuses to submit to insults, it offers none ; it begins no disputes, en ters no needless quarrels ; it is above the little troublesome ambition to be dis tinguished every moment ; it bears with silence, and replies with modesty, fear- inar no enemv and makioe none ; and it is as much ashamed of insolence as cow ardice. ; ' : " : It is not pleasure which corrupts men it is men who , corrupt pleasure. .. . Plea sure is good in itself. It is the season ing which God, the all-wise and the all- good, gives to useful things and needful, acts, in order that we may seek them. ; If I am asked who is the greatest man, I answer, the best ; and if I am required to? say who is best, I reply, he who has deserved most from his fellow creatures. "" '' "' V - "' mi , f ' The superiority of some men is mere ly local.'' They are great because their associates are little. "Wild Oats" are said to be the only crop that grows by gas-light. ' TBI LAWS. J JILYE 13, 157-5. Girls'. Boots and Slices. SR. DIO LEWIS. One evening, at Lexington, I- waa dis cussing before the'assembled school the subject of shoes for women, and had been remarking that the soles were , uni formly too narrow, when Miss B Spoke up : ' "Why, Doctor, my soles are perfectly immense. VV by, tney are twice as broad as my foot." :" ': - ' - " "Miss V , will yon be kind enough to take off one of your shoes,' and send it forward V It was cheerfully and quick ly done. ' 'Henry, please bring the rule ! ' Now we will meaenre this sole. "Miss B , I find this sole is two and one half inches wide; do you think your foot is narrower than that 1" ; "Oh ! a great deal. That shoe sole is twice as wide as my foot " "Miss B., will you please come to the platform a moment t ' So, limping along one shoe off and one shoe on, she pre sented herself. "Miss B , will you be kind enough to put your foot upon that sheet of white paper ? Now hold up your other foot, and let your full weight press upon this one. There, now, hold still a minute, and let me draw the pencil around your foot. There that will do. Now we will measure this mark. and see just how broad your foot is. Why, Miss B,I find that your foot is three inches aud three-quarters broad ; no, stop, it is three inches and seven-eighths ; no, stop again, it really is four inches broad Now what do you think ? You may take the rule aud measure yourself if you doubt it. The sole is two inches and a half, and your foot is four inches broad I" "But, doctor, it is four inches broad only when it id spread out by standing my whole weight on this one foot." "Yes, Miss B., but that is exactly what takes place every time you step. This shoe sole, which you think is im mense, is two inches and a half wide. Now what do you suppose becomes of the iuch and a half of foot which has no sole to rest upon 1 Either the upper leather holds the font, aud prevents it spreading, or the foot spreads . on either side beyond the sole, aud presses down upon the edge of the sole. "Very few girls walk iu a firm, strong way. Notice one. You can see that ehe is balancing upoti a narrow sole. ,, There is an unsteadiness, a side wise- vibration. Besides, as ehe has not breadth of toe enough, she cannot push . her body for ward in that elastic way which we all so much admire. "Again, the pressure of the upper leather checks the circulation in the foot and makes it cold. If you check the circulation in any part, it becomes cold The tight shoes, with an elastic woru about the leg just below the knee, so check the circulation iu the foot, that the great majority of girls have cold feet. It would, indeed, be rare to find oue with warm feet like a boy." - Miss B. took her shoe and limped back to her se it quite crest fal Km. Now a dozers girls eagerly put up their hands. Six or eihi other girls insisted on hav ing their shoes and feet measured, but among them all we did not find oue that had less than an inch and a quarter of foot not matched by tho sole. , Miss S., a quiet, earnest girl, rose and said : "I have always thought that shoes should have broad soles, anl I have tried for years to induce my shoemaker to give me broad soles. . He always says he will but he never does. How can a young lady get broad soles if the shoemaker wou't make them ? I am sure I should be glad to have mine as broad as the widest of my foot, but I cannot get them." SURE WAV TO GET BROAD SOLES. "Miss S., if I will tell you how to in duce your shoemaker to make the soles of your shoes as broad as your feet, will you try it ?"' "I will, and should be very thankful for the suggestion." "Go to him and say, 'Mr. Smith please let me put my foot on a sheet of paper, resting my whole weight upon one foot, and then, if you please, mark around it with your pencil.' "Of course he will do it very cheer fully. ' ,' Indeed, for some purpose, which I am sure no man can explain, shoemakers are quite in the habit of taking the size and shape of the foot. ' 'Then say to Mr. Smith, 'Please meas ure that aud tell me just how wide if is ' . . "Mr. Smith measures. . You look on. He finds that the wiihh is exactly three inches and seven-eighths. -; ; " 'But,' he will say, 'Miss S , what is all this fort' ; "No matter. Now, Mr. Smith,, will you make the sole's of this pair as broad as my feet? .' ... "Certainly, Miss 8 , 1 will make them all nice and broad.' . "'Mr. Smith, please make the soles as broad as my feet this time.' EDITOR AND PKOPKIETOU. WHOLE NUMBER 137E " 'Why, certainly. Miss, what is the trouble? - I will give thera to you-real nice and wide ' , .." 'You always tell me so ; but when theytome home, they are always those little narrow ones.' ' , " 'Miss S., you shouldn't say so. I always make tho soles of my shoes very broad. It will be all right. You needn't worry about that.' " 'Well, Mr. Smith, yon need not send these shoes to me ; I will come for them". The width of my foot is three inches aud seven-eighths. Very well ; when I come for these shoes, I shall measure the width of the soles; if they are one-eighth of an inch less than three inches and seven- eightbs, I will not touch them.' "That struggle is all over. Mr. Smith will, for the first time in his life, keep his broad-sole promise." BEAUTY OF BR04D SOLES. Besides the advantages I have named, broad soles are much handsomer than narrow ones. They make the foot small er If one puts his foot into a hoo too short, and too narrow, aud the toes and sides of the foot press out all around over the sole, it makes the foot look big ; but if the sole be large enough to let the fool rest in its natural relations it looks much smaller. Another advantage may be mentioned for the benefit of those who .stud v econo my. Such shoes will not only keep in f t..i iti.. . snape, out tney wilt last two or three : times as long as those with nairow soles. The uppers, not being stretched, as they are with narrow soles, will it ot good stock, almost never wear out, while the soles will remain square and even. I have spoken of the advantage of a ; greatly improved circulation which woald ' result ftom the introduction of the wide j soles. I may add that the change which i would at once appear in the manner of walking would strike every beholder. THICKNESS OF THE SOLES. The soles of girls' boots aud shoes should be thick. They are not always to remain upon carpers, but they must go out doors and walk on the ground. Some people seem, somehow, to suppose that girls do not really step on the ground, but that, iu some sort of spirit ual way, they pass along just above the damp, unclean earth. But, as a matter of fact, girls do step on the ground jut like boys. I have frequently walked be hind them to test this point, and have noticed that when the ground is soft they make tracks aud thus demonstrate the existence of an actual, material body. Now, whilo this u the case, and while it is indispensable to their health that they go much iu the open air, they must have thick soles. Let these be made of the hardest and most impervious leather. OF WHAT SHALL THE UPPKBS OF GIRLS BOOTS BB CO.'.iroSKD ? During the cold and damp months they should be made of thick, solid leath er. No matter about the name ; some calfskiu is very thin, while morocco is often very thick. During the warm sea son they may wear for uppers prunella, or other cloth. It need hardly . be Eaid that heels should be broad, long and low. ANOTHER KINS HCSSOE. Shamolin, Pennsylvania, the Scene. SnAMOKiN, Pa., June 10. This af tcrnoon an explosion occurred in the Henry Clay colliery, operated by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, near the town. The colliery had not been inspected for some time, but was always considered safe. Sixty five men are employed there, aud it has a capacity of mining 8,000 tons per mouth. Couaid Drawheiser. the iuside boy, went into the old working or water level when the explosion immediately follow ed, it is thought by the fire-damp becom ing ignited, which communicated with j the airways from the water level into i tne slope below wnere me men womea. i tie men in tn.s section oi u.e coai region not being accustomed to black-damp, thought it was blasting-powder that had been set on fire and remained in the slope until overcome. Startling to come up they encountered a body of after damp and fell senseless, many immediately smothering. The strongest men managed io get out, giving an alarm. The others followed, and on reaching the top of the slope fell to the ground, being overcome. John Ilayes, outside boss, hearing the alarm, imme diately went to their rescue. After pro ceeding about 500 yards, fell face down ward iu a pool of water, and was drown ed. ' Enoch Magenski was found drowned by his side. Eight men were brought out dead.' There was no caving in of the mine as at first reported, and no fault of ventilation, but the accident resulted from old gas exploding in a disused work ing. Up to 10 P M. Ten dead miners have been taken out. Many of tho men came 'from surrounding mines to render assistance. The excite metit was intense, wives and children rushing to the scene of the disaster, and finding husbands and brothers dead, or , - BATES OP ADVERTISING- All dfdrtisiog for less tbao tbrae'aionths for one- square of Write Hnerorless, willb charged onu insertionr 75 cents, three $1.50, and 50 cents for each subsequent insertion. Administrator's, xecutcr's anil Auditor's Noticea..$2,0O. Professional anif Business Cards, not exceediu; one square, sad inclu ding eopy of paper, $S,00 per year. Kotiaat in reading columns, ten centeperline. Mer chants adrertisiag bj the year at special rates. 3 m-a.W. 6 montAt. . 1 pear. One incVl...$ S.50 $ 6.00 $ 8.00 Two inches- 5,00 8.0O 11,00 Three inches-... 6.00 10,00 15,00 One-fourth col'n. 10.00 17.00 25.00 Half column 18.00 . 25.00 45,00 One column - 30.00 ' 45.00 80,00 grafping for breath, while others wer eagerly watching the arrival cf friends on the slope-wagon from below. There were fifty men in the sVpe at the time of the explosion, and th j-ty-fiva are known to havejescaped and will re cover. Win, Brown, prominent coal operator of this place, fell down the Daniel Web ster shaft to-day, a distance of 16-5 feet, breaking a lg and otherwise injuring him. It is thought "he will recover. Shamokiti. June II The following is a list of the victims of the colliery disaster of yesterday, so far as apcertain- ed : John Hays, outside boes, Scotch man, leaving wife and children ; Miko Mersh, Pennsylvania German, unmarri ed ; Knoch Majlaskie. Polander, mar ried ; Lawrence Rngalski. a Pole, mar ried and a family j. Anthony Harris, Ger man ; William Drumheiser. German, married, two children ; Daniel Powell, American, unmarried ; Nicholas Paulas, a German. A German, name not ascer- taiued, married, completes the list so far. The body of" Conard Drumheiser Las not yet been found. Men are working " with a will to get to him. His time-book was found this A. 31, Five of the vic tims will be buried to morrow. The coroner's jury adjourned until to morrow, not arriving at any definite con- elusion, but it is generally supposed tha r.i i ... cause oi tue explosion was lire-damp. Drumheiser's body, wheu found, will tell the whole story. The colliery is worked by A Fulton and not by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, as stated yesterday. The lease waa transferred from A. Robertson about a JeM ag- TPOrinr VlCirpr I ki illl.utlOLo ILIOijALjiIj I 17 MOECS PEISONSES 1IUEDESED. Crsgca Volunteers tha Sappcsoi Mur derers. San Fraxcisco, June 9 Despatches from Boyle's camp, dated yesterday, re late the particulars of au attrocious mas sacre of Modoc prisoners, supposed to have been perpetrated by O.egou volun teers. Saturday morning James Fair child and about a dozen other men left FairchilJ's ranche, Cottonwood creek, with seventeen Modoc captives including women and children, aud Shackuasly Jim, Bons Charley, Tehee Jack, Potiy and Little John. The Indians wore in a wagon drawn by four mules. At the crossing of Lost river the party encoun tered a body of Oregon j'cluuteers under command of Capt. 11 tear. The eoldicrs gathered about the wagon acd question ed Fairchild ; the latter told them the Indians were all Hot Creeks except Lit tle Johu, aud that there were charges against them. Fairchild undertook to push on to Boyle's camp, aud tho volun teers retired to their camp near Crowley. Uu the road Fairchild noticed two men ahead, riding to Rocky Point, as if to intercept him. Wheu the team approach ed the two men, one of them presented a needle gun at Fairchild, saying "get down you old white headed- !' By what au'hority said Fairchild 1 'Mine, I am g"ii g to kill Indians, and you too,' was the reply of the leader as he caught hidd of the mules and unhitched them, cutting the harness. Fairchild, clinging to the Hues, leaped to tho grouud. Tho poor wretches implored for mercy, aud begged Fairchild to save them. Tho warriors were unarmed, and knew resis tance waa useless. They were the cool est in the party, although facing inevita ble death. Kvery one here condemns the affair as atrocious and . without ex- i cuse. I nere is no uouot but tno mur ders were carried nut upon a carefully arranged plan, as Fairchild notice I horse men iu the road ahead and behind him I wheu the shots were fired. Had Johu Fairchild, instead of James, bscn pres- i anoh(ir mwief migLt Laye betn adJe( th(! ,is( ,he 0regouiaD3 arQ bitter iu their hatred H John, the old man, and other Calif'ornians. The Warm Spring Indians have only a few weeks longer to serve. Sergeant Clinton is fast failing. A lady in Jackson, Miss., in terfered with her brother's courtship, and begged him to stay at home evenings. He waited uutil the evening when she expected her lover, and complied ; anil she says that fraternal affection is a heartless mockery. Thb greatest treasure ia contentment; the greatest luxury is health ; the great est comfort sleep ; and the best medicine a true friend. An Iowa merchant won't advertise In the papers, but paints on the fences, "Go two Allen's fur yer dri goods." Why is a newspaper like a wife? Be cause every man should have one of his own The guilty mind debases the great image that it wears, and levels us with brutes. .r A. I 1 M I i f r i " 4 ' t i I. u 'X ,1 V i c t of the law. ...yuoiuu...r