111 ii Mini I I Hi i ii neclurit. '.'"I UtlirnL MKCELLA NEO US. fttw&antUsf, tit. . r I I- ft $- i' m i -- j l?r-'..W i Ulasona. . : t A gentleman who bad lately lot hie wife, Iookiug out of tbe window in the duek of evening, lew her eittiug in a garden chair. lie called one of his daughters and aeked her to look out into thegardVn. "Why," ehe eaid, "mother is sitting there." Another daughter was called, and she experienced the same illusion. Then the gentleman went out into the garden, and found that a garden dress of Lis wife' had been so placed over the seat a produce the illusion which had deceived him and his daugh ters, ruiii.g the last weeks of the long vacition 1 went sljne to Blackpool, in Lancashire. There I took tadjrins house fnciiig the sea. 5Iy eiltiitg-roctn was on thn ground floor. On a warm autamu t'ght I tfas reading, with the window opn, tut the blind was down ana waving gently to and fro in the wind. It hnppene l th:it I was reading a book on demon. .logy ; moreover, I had been sUith d from an tipper room in the home, wLcic my landlady "s sister who was veiy ill, had had an hysterical fit. I h id j;iAt read to the end of a long and particularly Lorrille narrative, hcn I was disturbed by the heating of the cur tail the wind having risen somewhat and I got np to ch.ee the window. As I lamed round for the purpose the ruitaln rose gently and die-closed a start ling ol jict. A fiarful face was there, bktk, long atsd hideous, and enrminntfd by two nionetroui) horns. Its eyes lar.e and bright, ghamed horribly, and mouth, garui.-hed with immenne teeth, grinned at roe. Then the curtniu slowly descend ed, lint I knew the horrible thing was th. re. 1 waited, by no means comfort- nbly, while the curMin fluttered about t-bowm,; puts of the blauk monster. At List it rosa again so a to disclose the whole fnce. IJut the face had lot its honor f;r rue, f',r llm horns were gone. instead of the two nearly upright horns -.Licit b efore had shown black and fright fully apxiiiRt the light background of sea and sky, there were two sloped ears as unmintttk-ilily asiuiue as I felt myself at the moment Vv'hen I went to the w indow which before I felt unable to approach I saw that several stray dou keyf were wandering through the front gnrdfiie of the row of houses to which my lodgings b. longed. It is pofihl that the inquisitive gen tlemau who had looked into my window whs attracted by the flapping curtain, which be may have tafceu for something edible. If so," I remarked to myself, "two of your kind have been deceived to tight.'' A fih'tid of mine t.ihl me he had been disturbed two nights running by a sound as of an army tramping down a road which passed some two hundred yart!s from his house ; he found the third nigh.. (I hnd suggested an experimental test as to the place whence the sound came) that the abu.-e was produced by a clock in the n xt house the clock haviug been newly placed agaiust the partition wall. We all know Cailisle's story of the ghostly voice, heard each evening, of a low spirited man a voice aj of one i l?t r 1 ... l.cetut cumps proclaiming, "Unco 1 was happy, happy, but now I am meeera- He" and how the ghost resolved ilselt into a rusty kitclun jstck. There is a case of a lady who began to thijik herself the victim of some delusion and perhaps tlucatcdrd by approach ing illuet!?, because eacli night, about j quarter of an hour after she had gone to bed, the heard a hideous diu in the neighborhood of her house, or else (she was uncertain which) in some distant mom. The noise was in reality the slightest possible crack (witLin a few teet of her pillow, however), and pro duced by the door of a wardrobe which the closed every night before getting into bed. The door, about a quarter of an hour after being clostd, recovered its position of rest, slightly beyond which it had been pushed in closing. In anoth er case the crawling of a. snail across a window produced sounds whieh were mistaken for the strains of a loud but distant music. CirnhiU. Magazine, O.VLy a Revolveb. The followiner! incident U said to have occurred in a j Utica restaurant : A man recently en- j tered the place and ordered a very elab orate dinner. He lingered long at the table, and finally wound up with a bot tle of wiue. 1 hen lighting a cigar he had ordered he leisurely sauntered up to the counter aud said to the proprietor " Very fine dinner, landlord ; just charge it to me ; I haven't got a cent.' 4'Uut I don't know you,'' sa'd the pro prietor, indignantly. "Of course you don't If you had you wouldn't have let me have the din ner." "Fay for the dinner, I say." "And pay I can't." "I'll see about that," said the propri etor, who had snatched a revolver out of a drawer, leaped over the counter and collared the man exclaiming, as he pointed it at his head : " Now see if you'll get away with that dinner without paying for it, you scoundrel." "What is that yon hold in your hand ? said the impecunious customer, drawing back. "That, sir, is a revolver." "Oh, that's a revolver, is it ? I don't care a fig for a revolver ; I thought it was a stomach pump." Therb are over one hundred thousand reapers and mowers built annually in the United States. Of this number, Ohio furnishes about one-fourth,' and New York State about an equal number.' A sound judge A musical critic. ' GOOD NEWS.! :; HEW GOODS! Large Slock ill Laird & Bell's, in raltcrcon! THE undersigned have now open. and ready tor inspection and sale a large and well e-ilccted stock f New Gods, c.u sUtiug of DRY GOODS, , GROCERIES, - QUKENSWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, JTi&ili, nlt, &., .c-., All cf wbich we will sell at prices that def competition. All Goods warranted asrepre seuled, or taken back and ' the money re funded. Don't fail to call and examine our stock before making tour purchases. JSgT" Tcr-us, Cash or Produce 30 day time to responsible and prompt paying cus tomers Moc'.hlv accounts not allowed to Inn. Statement f accounts furnished on the 15th of every month. LAIRD & CL1L, Corner of Main an ! Juniata Streets, May 7, 1873. Patterson, Pa. THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS 18 AT PEN.N ELL'S CHEAP STORE IN FATTER SON, FA. rpHE largest and beat assortment to be J. found in Patterson. Thankful for the libera! patronage heretofore received from the public, 1 would respectful iy announce that I have just opened a very hu ge block of Goods well 8uitd to the trade. My stock consists of a full assortment of tine and staple DRY GOODS, Embracing all the materials for men, women and children's ware, including Flat sand Caps. Doots and Shoe", together with a large stock of Muslins, Sheetings Drillings, Tickines, Oil Cloths, Mattings, ic. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, i- . Such as French- and Knelish Mcrinoes-Pop lins, Alpacas, De I.aines, plain and figured Shawls, so., and also a large stock of Notions, snch as Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, Embroidered Collars and Cuffs, and a general assortment of Dress Iriuirair.gs. G HOC EE IES, Such as Sugars, Syrups, Coffees. Teas and rpices. Also, a large lot of Qtieensware, Hardware, wool and Willow Ware. Fi Salt nnd Kails.- Together wrth a full assort ment of Goods usually kept in a country store Egi,Hig!ie3t price paid for country pro duce m exchange for. goods. Prices In suit the times May 1, 1872 S. B. LOUDON, MEIlCIIVrs'T TAILOlt, XEVIXS BCILDIXq OX " Bridge Street, Miffliatctm, Pa., Desiies toJnform his friends and (tie public tnai no nas just reeeivcil a fine and fjtkion able stock of SPRING GOODS, consisting of CLOTHS Plain Black, Clue and Br-iwn CREV bnlilia, IJrown and Blue. TRICOT l!;ack, Blue and Brawn. PfAGOXALSSus and Black. CHEVIOTS Shades. scotch noons- ah stvics. BLACK DORSKl XS A Simericr quality r i t.s ax vest rA rfERXs-?ine SI MMtR GOODS General Assortment I will sell any of the abort goods Vy "the jaru or pattern. I also keep on hand a full line of BUT- ThlllCICS rA TTERXS. consisting of Mon Boys, and Children Shirts. Coals, Pints anu ests. fta? I will manufacture to order all kinds of crsTOM wobk. PRICES Reasonable, to suit ine time. MiffliutowT April 10, 1872. To all Men Whom it may Concern. If jou have anything to sell, If you have lost anything, If you have found anything If you have a house to rent, If youvant to rent a house, If you want boarding, , . If you want employment,' If you want hired help, If you want anything, TELL THE PEOPLE OF IT BT ADVERTISING IN THE JUNIATA SENTINEL Meat ! 3Ieat ! rIMIE undersigned hereby respectfully in--L forms the citizens of MilHintown and Patterson that bis wagon will visit each of these towns on TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY mornings of each week, when tney can be supplied with Clioico Boef, Veal, SXiitton, ILarci, Ace, during the summer season, and also PORK and SAUSAGb in season. I purpose fur nishing Beef every Tuesday and Saturday morning, and Veal and Mutton every Thurs day morning. Uive mo your patronage, ana will guarantee to sell as good meat aa the coantry can prod uce, and as cheap as any other butcher in the county. SOLOMON SIEBER. WANTED. We will give men & women Business that will Pay from $4 to $S per day, can be pursued in your own neighborhood ; it is a rare chance fpr those out of employment or having lei sure time ; girls and boys frequently do as well as men. Particulars free. Address . J. LATHAM & CO, 202 Washington St., Boaton, Mass. March 6-bt CRYSTAL PALACE BUILDING, 31IFFLI1NTOWN. XV. 9 J Invites attention to his Large Stock of IIMDWASE, IBi All) MILS, Which ave now ready for inspection, consisting of the niost de sirable Goods ever brought to Juniata county. SKATES. ' r ' ' ' KXirES. FORKS. POCKET CUTLERY, ; . : ; ' PLATED WARE. OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, IRON,' STEEL, MILS, AC. STOVES AT GREATLY REDUCED BATES, : to make room for other goods. TUVstll JEstjp&ir art Cost. tSr Agent fur Fousc's IXL Horse and Cattle Powders. A Splcili issortat of GOODS from wMcii to Select tetmas Presents. Dee. ll.lS72-tf D. P. PAISTEi TO THE P The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of MIFFLINTOWX and vicinity that lie has opened out in the J3ELFORD STORE-ROOM, on MAIN STREET, MIFFLIX TOWX, with an entire Xew Stock of Goods, consisting of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, i. ... GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, CEDAKWAftE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HATS AND CAPS,' J FULI IXTVE OF ii Vw Ii & B 3 U M 1 fl Stationery, School Books, &c, Boots and Shoes, for Men & Boys, Ladies, Misses & Children, FLOOR AND STAIR CARPETS A XI) OIL CLOTHS, TABLE CUTLERY, LOOKING-GLASSES, Eight-Day and Twcnty-foiir-IIour Clocks, SALT by the SACK, Cheese, Dried Fruits bought and sold, Gum Boots, Over Shoes, and Sahdals; Wheat and Ruckwheat Flour, and Cora. Meal, Quilts, Redspreads, Counterpanes, Rlankets, etc., etc., etc. All'kinds of Produce taken in payers 30 days credit. Goods when desired. Mifflintown, Pa., Dec. 18, 1872-tf DR. P. C. :" PATTERSON, XA., r ;.. DEALER IS EVERVTIIIXQ THAT CONSTITUTES A FIKST-CLASS The public attention is also invited to his largo assortment of Perfected All persons who are in need of Spectacles will find it to tlieir advantage to call, ag they will find the largest stock 111 AND HAVE YOUR EYE-SIGHT RESTORED. Aleo, a splendid assortment of TOILET ARTICLES With an mmense stock ef NOTIONS and old, at the . . K. ,r: PATTERSOX DRUG STORE. JtMATA VALLEY BANK V ' OF . , .: r MIFFLINTOWN, PENN'A. JOSEPH POMEUOY, President. T. VAN IUVIN, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Joseph Pomeroy, ' j John J. Pat terson, Jerome Thompson,. George Jacobs, John JUalBbacn. Loan money, receive deposits, pat interesl on time deposits, buy and sell coin and Uni ted States Bonds, cash coupons and checks. Remit money to any part of the United States and also to bogland, Scotland, Ireland and Germany. Sell Revenue Stamps. in sums of at '1 per cent, discount. In sums of $500 at 1 per cent, discount. In sums of $1000 at 3 per cent, discount. FORCE PUMP. rpnE undersigned is agent for one of the -a. Dest force rumps, for any deplh of cis tern or well, in the world. By attaching hose to the spout, water can be thrown 30 to SO feet. JSothine better could be asked in case or fire. It is non-freezing pump. SAMUEL LEONARD, - .- - Oakland Mills, Juniotj Co., Pa. T ARGE stock of Keady-made Clothine for sale by HARLEY 4 CO. by UBLIC , TLXWA.RE, exchange for Goods. Prompt delivered at any place in town CORNELIUS BAUTLEY. RUDIO. the conuty to select from. COMl!, FOR THE LADIES, jf-Something for everybody, young ---- - - . - New. Store and New Goods. GROCERIES, PR0VISI0XS, &C. Main Street, Mifflintown. HAVING opened out a GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE in the old stand on Main Street, Miffiintown, I would respect fully ask the attention of the public to the following articles, wbich I will keep on Land at all times : SGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, RICE, p j g jj S A LT DRIED AND CANiNED "FRUIT, HAM, SHOULDER, DRIED BEEF, . Confectioneries, Nuts, &c, Tobacco, Cigcw, . GLASSWARE, Jloxii Feed, ''Ace. All of which will bo sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. GW me ft call and hear raj prices.: J. W. KIRK. Miffiintown. Maj 2, 187 A FINE assortment of Cloths, Castimsres Vestings, 4c, jut received and for sale iuui S. B.LO0DON. 'Jan! RADWAY'S BEADY "rELIE? CLUES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR ' after rewiine tM fuivertiwneiit net-d ur on FUFKEK WITH FA IX. RADWATS KEAPEfL,1iN13 A Ct7RE F0B Tt was the first and is The Only rIn ncmcdy that iiwiantly stop ihe most excniciatlny pain?, allays Ii.flHmmatlona. and Cures Coneestlons, wheilier f ti. StfHuacli, Bowela, or tuxtt gkujds or oracs, by - ue P1'; oxs T0 TWENTY MIOTTE9, no natter how violent or excruciating tho pdu the KHEUMATJU, Bcd-riddMi. Ii.Urni, Criipl'-d, Acrvoiu. JituralKic or proBt rated with disease may suffer, RAOWAY'S READY RELIEF TTILL AFFORD INSTANT EAE. IVFLiMMATIOX OF THE KIKXEVS. I.NKLAMMATIOX OF THE D LADDER. irFLASIMATllN OK THK KOWKLS. C:o.NfiESI'ION OF TH3 I.CXOS. BORE THROAT, 1'IKFK I I.T HKEATHINi. PALt'ITATIll.V OF TUt ilEART. HTSTEP.ICS, CKUl'l, DIPHTIIKKIA. HEAPACnE, TOOTttACHE. , NKl'RAI.GIA, RHEUMATISM. coi.n rnn.i.s, ague chilis. The application of the Kpadv Kellcf to ttip part nr pnrtA where the pain or (Uilicuity uaU wIU afford tA una conifort. Twenty drops In half a tumbler of water will In a fcr liomrnta cure CRAM PS, t-PASMS. SoL'R STOMAI It, HEARTHt'RN, SICK 1IEAHACUE, DIARRHEA, dysentery; roLto, wind in the bowels, and all INTERNAL PAINS. Travtleii fliould always carry abottlrof Railway! Ready ICrlief with them. A few drotwi iu water v. lit t reveal bivktieMi or pains from change of water. It u e:tcr tluui French Brandy or DitteraasnstimuUUit. FEVER AND AGVE. FEVER ANI AGUE cured for tirtycents. Therein r.ot a n-iucdtd aent io this world th:U will cure Fever a id Ague, and :ill oilier Malarious, liilious. Scarlet. Tv I'lioid, Yiiluw, and -itlier Fevers (aided byRAl'WAY'S I'lLLS) so iiick s RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF. Fifty cent pir buttle, bold by Druggists. HEALTH fBEftUTY ! ! STRONG AND TI RE RICH HI.OOD-lNCREASj; OF FLESH ANU WRIGIIT-CLEAK SKIN NO liEAUTlFl'L COitI'LtJtiON SKCURED TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MAIE THE MOST ASTONISHING fTRES : HO OI ICK, M KAPIIl AKK THK CllAKOKS THE BH)i VMKI!fiOF. rNDKIS THE !' KLITEM'E OK TUiS TitL'ti' WOi-'tiU- l L Til A t v Every Day an Bncreaea in Fiesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT DLOOD PURIFIER. Fvery drop of the RA KSAPA RI I.LU RESOLV ENT commt:nlcat tfirougli tlie ItlorKl. S-f;it, I'rir.f, and other (Ittitla iukI itiiccs of tlie avBtfin tlie ritr f l.f, fur tt repaii-s tlie wtci uf ih htiA'y villi new a l KounJ r.iateriaL IScniful:!, Pvtiliiliit, ('')iiuiii)ttii. ;.anclni:T d'tMaiw, riit hi tlie Ttinot, ftloutli, 1 utnor. Nmt lit t e (ilandi ami other r.irt cf lite fty&lvm, S re Ever tnmxti4 Ibch:irj; finm the Earn, ninl tlie worrt f. rii.t of Skin tlic;i-s, Eriiptionii, Ecver i5"rw, $v:;Ul Uvjkd, Hng Worm, Salt Khfitm. Erypi'elnx, Acne, Uuu it Womb, ami .til wmkcnitK .m! pninful ti?cl:argf!s, Ki!it BurvatM, Jssof KfK'nn, ami nil wuMtsuf the lite liriucl p!e, i.ro within the cuntfivc rmee of tlih woti.!c:or Moii--cm Cbemutry. a'i a fwvr Iu ut wiil pmve tt nuy perwm iivn'lt fur e'tlu-r cf Uicau lu.uis v ii:aca iu M)trnt power ticiirc tiiim. If th-j putifiit, (f:.l!- i-ccortilitjf rMncfil !iv t!: watis m 1s:otniM(.,t.on that hi romiiinpliy yn-grnirt(. sutc- ti.-tv mi! ri il m.t'tn fioiu hcoitliv hBrU ami Uiid tj.e RSAPA1IILIJA will and .!..rLriir.'. N'Jt "lily (1MT! l-IC NA I'A HIt.t.t M liLI.Vm f.T'll all kit'twn rnit-i1i;il arfil i:i lite c:e eft Ii:jiic, S'Tiift. Kiu, OiistUiitiin.-.l. itiid bku uiDwuM , Lut it ia the M.'.y po.-itive cur fjr Kulncy & I5Jads.cr f 'cmpSaitUs I'r.nnrr, stuI Wmh IsaM, 4in.v.-I, 1 i:il tr. Dn.j.r, St'ipliui.'.' f V :ttr, Itit'oiitjt.uitftf (if t'rim. llriciit' Jris v te, Athniniiitin.. am! in all wr v. lu re liit-rc hp tinck-dtL-u tlciMnitA, or tlie uutt-r is tnkk, cli iil:.r(l wiiii utiSstaiict-H li te tiiu whi: (if a:i jrt-, or t!:n-i'U white liik. or then is a ntort.i.I, !;rlc. liifiotin auptiarancf, ainl white l-oiit-.l'int dfj"!i4, ninl when tiwre' is a lit k-::?, hiirnins !k-tis.-ii!Ati wIk-ii -as.'ir,ji watvr, :m.l i- ilt: i.i 0 b;na:i .if t!ic Rv.-'t atil :;!oli ; tlie Loins. I'rv, tfi.CJ; WORMS, Th? oriy kuona a:l inre ICimoly fnr II oi'uut i Tap, tic. Tumor of 13 Years OirowtJi Cured by ISadu ay- ReKoSrent. BiiVimT, t., Jntv 1. 1S4. Tin. R fcnwel. All th. un theio :ui im h-lj f-ir it." I trlet .very thing Hi it w ri :.it,ntuil 4 ; t ol i"i-tr ("rhJ -. I Mw ronr l(ivrti?,sn.I thni;ht I wmiM lr- It ; ii.it luwi no fit l:i it. Ko-w I bt l iifl'.-ml i'..r twrlv. rnr. I t-f- tlx tn'tlln ft tfc kerfvnitt !ui I w r,f Kju!vxr's I !U,nn4 tw brj. tli f r.tr krvl v 1(1. rl ; tt;i.l t'tcrr .1 n. t r .i-.,. ,.f tor (n l Mvm T frit, an, 1 t lrtrr, Drt.nrtrr. rliii! i:it i.irr tt.:ui j hirt firtwrhe yr. 1 lim:-! In tin- Id: ti.!?if the m rr (hi c'"'"'. I writu tbii ! jm fvr tl tcue&t dt t'ha. iujm lMl.Ii it if wu c!jip. HANNAH r. KXATP. DR. ft AD WAY'S DCPCitrr'T PfiPflATii?K f?:t i o IbllbiI C Vli'UH E St t I IbLSl pprf,-ct!v t ist.-li-s. ..1.1. P (iitfI Mill invert &u runs-'. rfiTuInu. i:rif Mlfrrtli'-ii. ltfl- way p :;, it.r lif rur -It tlbin! r , tiie T-nw-lt, I.Itit, B-iwcl!. Kiht-v, HtitltT. Ntrvoii- Ii:.-pitjr ii-.nsai.inf. i nT)-iti-;uiu.t. t tiMivr-nten. I tti ifCO-": mp, lvsn pj-t, V !Mtii-tf-. i;i!int Fever, Iriffjntit.ation ft tite Bflvci. l'i ', !iin!l !fnt tirtutt'iil-'i.i lli Ii?t, 'Tal Vi-t'-rx. V:.mntffl lo -ffi-i-t a tiMtivi cur. l-jrlv Vm bic. '-O'lf ait. i..jt m m- rv, iiLi.rnii-.rdolt-hT''is ,i m f On-v-vc Um f -tl-ttti-i nvrtir-ioms rtatiititis from Ilwi!'jrof tlie Uljrotive )t.:iis: CinttivVi.Mi, I.iwirl ri!.-. F.::ir t of tW in the TTrtJ, .Act li-y .f ih- S:tih, Nnui, H-nrl r-t-tp, I ;ut t t!:tirtir Wrtg'-.i it th Si w-vm-V S-it Knit t.JUnn. s nktvif ?r Fijtttni.t: at t i- Tit of the- StmnziU, .' n iitimiiif of the Mr!, Iiirrri.1 Mti l.:ii -jll Rfr:hii;ir, !"iu- irinf at tt.r I iirt. t ffAin Or Sulf'. tr is Setmti'.n, .(n-n hi a I.iii ff I. Murr. rmni t( Viainn, 4r MVt, ,-r iS ;,, Krrr M,i patn In lh H.tA. Ivrt -iwnctf .:f t-i if!tii, V;i T tirn- nf ;.c id V'.vt, ri.i W tf.- clr. Llnil-i,, iJ i-J-i. Flu.-htti of Ilt. H.:rim.r : tt;- Vnh. A fW -.mi ..f RAOWAVS TH wn? fn flip sr--tftit fn.iuiui t!.i! iil-'ivt -lift! ri r:-..rii. i. IV.cc, cvuta .tMt. SM Tty li:n.i;.viTtf. REAP -'r.Si: A.VIi I Ki F. Ppn-I r V tit ttainpto KAI'WAV VO . X". S; Mii Mt n I. tne. ew Vorli. ltif jni,;i'it:i worth tiiocaaim.i wil! Lv SvLt yco. Oil, Paint & Variiish, WHITE LL1), RED LEAD, COLORED PAINTS IN OH BUilNT UlinER, RAW U.MUER, CHROME GREEN, PARIS GREEN, CHEOMS YSLL0, D20? ELACZ, Prussian Bine, Lamp Black, Pain! JimVj, VarnisJt Enisle, WHITEWASH BRUSHES, SASH BRUSHES Whiting and IJosiu hy tile Uarrcl, Soaps, Japan Dryer, While Varnish . Concentrated 17a, Eabbitt's Pctash, Puttv ttiid G1:ik. Tbe ahove goods, with a largo variety of DRUGS anJ PATENT MEDICINES, always on hand at t he ; PATTESS03T ESUG ST0EE. Beg"" Glass cut to any siie desired. Dr P. C. HUSD.O. July 12, 187!-if New -Lumber Yard. Patterson, Pa. BEYEIl, GUYEll & COv Have opened a Lumber Yard ia the bor ough of Patterson, and are prepared to fur nish all kinds of Lumber, such as Siding, Flooring, Studding, . Paling, Shinglss, Lath, Sash, &o.; in large or small tjuautitiea, to suit cus tomers. 3PTJ Tersons wanting Lumber by the car load can bo supplied at reduced rates. BEYEPv, GOYER 4 CO. George Goshen, Agent. Paltarson, May 15, '72 tf k"SPRIJJO FLOWEnS." "ftW"?. FLUWEBS,' aWith tli.Fri.KrTtr wfvkit wrnft.T cuius- i IUI At 1VwJ.K (Cteloudaxod), for $ri.0tl. iTwo of tt-nftChrcTnni th fe of "WIw: Awalia Mut last Aucepv iLooihos Kxu.c smaller. Sebacribm frr.!h-d AT ONCE AGENTS. caa nafc bttr Inmm . with ottasD with any j VUI UliUWHWII. . Street, t . A.I. COAL, Lumber, Fish, Salt, and all kinds of Merchandise for sale. Chestnut Oai Bark, Railroad Ties, all kinds of Grain and Seeds bought at the highest market prices in cash- or exchanged for merchandise, coal, lumber, &c, to suit customers. I am pre pared to furnish to builders bills nf l,.mh just as wanted and on short notice, of either oaa or yeuow pine lumber. NOAH HERTZLES Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa. CURES DISEASI8 OF TUT THHSALUUQ,UYER & BLQQD In tlie won-l"rllil itK-iticinn to wliirli the afBiotrd nrj aliovu p i:lle t for rr'ior, the dicroTcrer he liar It j hu c:)nihiiiccl t . harmony iwre of l ire im't i ivereia rtintlive prnpiTl ips. wlilrh lir a iu'tillol into the VfrrtaHe kinv'il'im r luairi' t:ia izk, tlm wcrcmtT letire cnmhinCil in 010 mjatci i'-'. 1 ; eviiK'iice ti iitm i:iri is f.i:i:i:t In t'i zniat variety r.F most oterinaTe dit ciejw!ii'i it li-' tteo t f ntn I t crnqi7cr. In t!ic c:tro of IroneUiii, N-vcrc :nglm, a:i l the early sti,'t-- of Cn :i uitiii, il mtoniihcl t!io in "licit bruliy. autt cmin'-iit j)hr. Hi-i.i t - pru.Tjun-e it t!is .'.caii't nK'dicnl riicove. ry of til.; a "i. W'liile it c ires tlie Hcven-lCoui.'hs, it atre'i"t!i:!:i! tin aviite.n a:ifl piirilim liio bloo i. B it sroit a:nl th irou :li IiUmkI pnrify-in- prierttl!, it'ettrei a'.l IIiinior fmm tlie w.-it Srrnfiila tii a cotunion ISIoleti iini pjo, or J".ariltill. Minrial iliwasc. Minc r.l PjIim. a i I tln'ir clfoct", are eradicated, and vi -or inj luaiili an I a wimd mnMitntion estali lijhrl Erysipelas. Salt Ktirnui, Fever Saro. Sc:ily or Cousii Mcin, in Fhort, all t'.n n:r!i 'rt)Ui dicscs caned by hwl blood, ara eua.iusreil by tiii pawci-rnl jiuriryinjaiid in viira'.in : nrrJicins. If yon fjcl dull, dniwy,. tloliilitateil, have sailow col jt of y!tin, fir yeitowisli brown Bjiots on face or bo.ly, frcq'ie:it Un la-:lifj or dizzinet. had tas-tc in mmtn. i'ltcrnal Imt or cliill alternated Willi hot 11 i.ill3, ltr vpiriM. and sloomy forcliodinp". ir re 'ulira'iiirit J. an t toivrue c:aied, vnn arpr.tTer in' froii Tor;U 1.1 vor or "liilin n)iO In miiT ca of I.lver Com plaint" oal pirt of tiiee pvmptomp are expe-rieui2-l. Ai a rwildv f'ir ail sin-li cases tr. Pierce's O jldcn Maiicat Discovery has no eqnal, ut it eifect perfect enrcs. leaving' tlie llwr xf 'eiiL'tli cned a'ld heiltliv. Fur tha cure of Habitual CoiiHtipation of the bowele it if a never mil in re:n:'ly. '"' t!to- who have used it fur this P'irpose are lond in its prai?e. The proprietor oft'ers l.l k) reward for a mc.li cina that will equal it f ir the euro of all the dis ease? for which it is recommended. Sold hy drurri-te at ft i;r bottle. Prepared by It. V. Pierce. M. 1) . Sole Proprietor, at his Chcnu cal Laboratory, tti Seneca Mreet. BuCalo, X. Y. Send your adilrese for a panipulct. Manhood: HowLosf, I low Restored : Just puMisJietl. a Rcnr edition of j Dr. Culvervcii's Celebrated ; Essay on the raihctl cure (wuh ! out medicine) of rii'Kn M atob H hik a. or mi- j ti.il Wenkne;". lnvoluninry eniimil Lo'ses. In potency. Menial and riiysicnl Incapacity, I Impediments to Marriage, etc.; Tonsi'mp j this EriLKrsY, and Kits, induced hy self indu'pence or sexual extrivapnuce . j JOi-I'ricc, in a senli d envelope, only G cts The cele1)raicd author, iu this Admirable , essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty I years' succeMful practice, that the alarming j consequences of self-abue may lie radically ! cured without the dangerous use of tbe knife ; ; pciniing out a mode of cure at once rimple. i certain, nnd effectual, hy means of which i every sufferer, no matter what bis condition j may be. may cure bitnsclf cbesply, privately ; and rzitcally. . I 4jThi3 Lecture sbould he ia the banda of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, unlet seil. ia a plain envelop, to I j ay address, pcMpait, on receipt of six cents. i or two post stamps. j j Also. Dr Culvcrnell's " Marriage Guide,' i price 25 cents. " Aduress the pulilishers, CIIAK. J. C. KMXE He CO., Po!(t Office liox -1,'iS'i. 1; tlowery, N. Y jan-J2 '7: NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. WINTER TIME TABLE. 1 brougb nutl Direct Konte to Wuvliing ton, it n Itimwre, Klmirit, Itir, liu.lalo, Kocliester and Niagara Falls. AND AFTHll MONDAY. OCT. I?72, the trains on I lie Noi-lber:; diiiral -Ua'lway will run as follows : NOKTIIWAKM. Mail TnAis leaves Taltimore .... le.iTca iiarrisburg... leaves Williamspur! arrives at Elmira Ciii'Ti E.tp. baves Da'.iimcie F a ni i I:r. pn,j j: l n n: ' 11 p a: ! :Id p tr. arrives at. llari i.sliurif ..ll'r'J.l n Fast Lixe leaves ISaliimore ........ I -1 - j p n) leaves Harrisburg p in arrives at. Williaiasport p in Kokt'bs Ex leaves Baltimore 10:30 p ni arrives at Ii;u:iiiiiurg... l':Jo a ni tAGAHA Ex leaves Raltimorc 7:-10 a m leares Harrisburg ;.10:oO a m leaves Wiillamspoit U:J0 p ni leaves E!i.iira p ni nrrives at Cananil icua. t:lK n ni EitiK Mail leaves Harrisb'g 4:2 a m leaves Sunbury t : t' a m leaves Villiam.port 8:10 a m IcaTes Elmira 1J:V) p m arrives at Canan laigua 3:00 p m SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Elmira ,":30 a m . , leaves Wiliinmsport !l:15am leaves Harrisbur'' p m arrives at Baltimore 6:30 p m Fa-t I.ixe leaves Harrisburg 5:30 a m arrives at Baltimore... ?:15 a ni Erie Expr's leaves Sunbury 0:40 a m a.nv.s at Harrisburg... 1:50 a m Ebik Mail leaves Cauandaigua 2:45 p m leaves Klinira 6:30 p m leaves Williamsport 11:05 p m leaves iuuibury 12:50 a m , arrives at Harrisburg... 2:15 a m Pacitic Ex. south leaves Harrisirg 10:40 a m ; arrivts at Baltimore-... 5:00 p m Cixcis'i Fx. leaves Ilarriiburg 10:10 p rr. arrives at Baltimore 2:15 a m Niagara Ex leaves Canandaigun 1 1:30 a m leaves Elmira. ...7. 2:20 p ni leaves Wiliamp.irt C.-10 p m arrives at Harrisburg. ..10:16 p m Bal. Acc. leaves Harrisburg 8:00 a m arrives at Baltimore 12:15 a m Mail Train north -and south. Fat Lice north, Pacific Express south, Erie Express 7"'"i 1 "aiumore Accommodation south, .Ningara Express north and smith. Northern Expres- north and Cincinnati Express south daily except Sund.-.y. Erie Mail north to lVilliamsport, Cincinna ti Express- north and Fast Line south leave uany. th Erie Mail south, daily except Monday Erie Mail south connects at Harrisburg with Fast Line south for Baltimote. Niagara Express south connecU.at Harris burg with Cincinnati Express south for Bal timore. Erie Express south connects at Harrisburg with Pacific Express south for Baltimore. Erie Mail north connects at Williamsport daily except Sundays, for Elmira, Canandai gua, Rochester, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. For further information apply at the Ticket Office in the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. ALFRED R. F1SKE. ' . General Superintendect. Harrisburg, Oct. 28, 1872. AGENTS WANTED EOS WcCLELUN'S "The first anrT only complete the Pacific Slope ; Descriptions of Products. Mountain. Sr.ivn V.I history of the Seasons leys.Rivers ooLluMrauons and Map. Vlustrated UrcnLr. i S Wit FLEST 4 CO., rniXADEu.jri. Pa. Feb -3ni ' All kinds of Jo Work neatly .xecuted. WLULtt- Vmt-irnr Kilters art not a vile Fane, Drfrl rnade u 1 uor R n, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Ref,,'. -' Liquors, doc:orc-l, sp:cl, and sn-tncj to ','ex- tlV Usie . ci.fcd Tjwc." ' A ppe !ircrs," Kelorers." Sc., that lead tli, iifplcron ici ,hu,.k?t,acM ai,t ,uj and herterftsmtonia. free- fror.. a': Akvhttic Stolann. lly are ,!, i Great PnS-r and , Pr.nc.ple, . Pcr.ect Reno.or and InrigMa Zt 2l the biood to a healthy cond.tioii. ennehin- it. refrcA.ni and :nvi50ralin? bolh mind and body. nlrr are easy of adinmisira!.on,pioi..;.t in llle.r aa.rm.certamia their rrj-lls -:aie and reliable in all form-: rf rliwase . o Pennu can take tlice Hitters aerord ltjS t directions, and remain lo,,. nnvre'l, trovidt-1' their bone are i,.,t deuroyed b mineral pvn orh. r meant, an' uai orjaus wasled beyond the com! of repair. . Dyspepsia nrluillzenllnn. Hejrt.icT-e Piia in the Shoulder., tJouJ.Ti-hine irf the Cl,e, liir amer':. Sour t-AiirMtins of tl;e Slotnach, K.nl Tasie m the Mouth, liilium Ait.ic', PalpiMii ef ,,, Hearr. 1 iitl.rmtnar.on of -.he l.n,,.. Puinin :here.onrf tli Kidney, aiul a l.,i.iltel (rtiicr painful symptom, are the otC-prin i.f Ln--.--mia. In these comuit it hai no eqna', a,,,-! one hortle will prove a beiltr jtiir an!ee of ll-i morii- ti, in .1 ien'hv .vivertiscmeM. Por I.'etti:il Ciinilajiif n, m yom,; or r,- marricH or s:n-!e. at tin diwn of worir.nli:-iJ. or I'i'e turn of li-'e. tll,-e 'runic n::ieru di.pi.rv so dctidcl ai intluence that a ni.:rUe:l iiii-rovenic:it i$ soon lc cea tibie. ' ' For Inflammatory and C'hroule Icben mat Ism aud (Jont, Dyspcmia or lndiesiiun, Iii.iu Remittent and1 tnternrttent Kever, liseases of the Biood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, theie Bitters liave beet most successful. Such De.i:-s are caused by Vitiated tJliiod, wh-ch is neraily produced by tleuti-e-ment f the Dipestive O'a.-.s. n TJiejr are n cit?!e Irirrative as vretf as Touic, poisesii.nr aiso the jxicuii ir merit , t p.: ;,. as a powerful .scent in T-'ievine; ionr;rsiir(n .r I. ri;n, mation of the L.ver and Visceral Organs, ar.d in iii.ToTt. Diseises. For Sbfn ntsenss, F.Mirit'o-it. T-t'sr, S.lt Rheum, lliotc.'ies. Spot ;. Pt.tip'es, Pustules, Uoi s, (iai buncies, K:tu;-worins. ica!d-1 lead, .S'ir; K;es, rv tipcias. Itch, Sours, lii.coiomtioiia ,11 the Skin, Hiit-.-ars and Diseases of l!,e bknt, of uli.il-.-ver name ir ii.itnre, are literally dt: up and c.irried out vf tiie svstetn in a short time hy th ; i e of these Hitters. One hott'a in such cases rrill convince the mu-t incredulous ol tti4ir curative etT.-cts. Cleanse fate Vliluretl Ttloofl sthrnever yo:i find its iuipuiiti-s Luiatiu thronrji tiie shin in Pimp!. Kruptioni, or Sores; cic.msc it urhen yon fid it "b str.tcted and slnqisli iu t!:e veins : ciea-ise it vrhei. it is fon! ; your feelings uiil t--:l yott rvhen. Keep the (aloodt pure, and the hetilth of the syilern wiii f(,ilow. Cirateful flioi Ittltls( priKl!a:rn V'lMKGAlt BlT TnRS the mo .1 wfniJciiul Iuvir.v.U lliat evr sustained tlje 'inlcin system. Tnviet au1 other Worm?, lrrlt-n in tlie system tt( so nnny chmtsaii'!-, ire e.l.-ctii..y .1 stroved and re:imrcJ. S iy a dUlnt -ui.-J?-d iiiyrol Kpt: 'nurci-iscarce'iran imKvi.I.' u;:.m the icefih eirtli wfioiij ()ttiy isex-rjipt frnn, i hi i..-estice of ornw. It is not nptin t!ie hcil liy eVments ot tlw iMX.y that irurms e.i, Imt ii'o:i t'ie ili-se.iK J humors and slimy d'poi:t ltl t) ed i!,e e living nmtuters of il; itf.ir. No system of Medicine, no rtrmtt'ncr vo ant!ihnn ttics Wii f:ee ti.e srsiem fiuiu wuit.tj 1;U tUce llii lerv Points an I MinernN, sik!i as Ptm.lrs, Ty;i;-ir;Ltcr, Gold-beater?, and Miner, a tli?y adnnce"in I:t. wiil be sibci to p iralrsU oS ih Bnn-els. To ciard as-vlmt this tnUe a doe of Wai.krh's Vi::b-jar LirriiKs oncd or tvrice a xree'e. as a Preventire. Itilioiirt. Kemittt-nt. nuil Tnterii!trtit Fevers, wltxlrf are so prcr.Veiit tu (he valleys w o ir f-reat rivers f hrochnut t!i- United Srates, epcci.i;;- ihnsa cf t!e Misiss:ppf, Oiti, Missouri. Illinois, Ten rewe CittiiUn-i.-ind, Ai'liansa. Red, Cu'or.ido, Bi-an, Kio tiratide, Pc1r!t Alahiini, JFttbi S-ivannali, Koai: ok-, J..mes, a:id in. my r-lh-r-;, their v.ist triu::ti- r;es, tIiruU;,uo:!t our entire cinntiy durin- tire Su:ititv:r and AiitniTin, a-id reniarlia'j! so diiT;ti; se.isons rf tir.istni he;it and dryii-;;s. are mv.iriab'y accnmpanie-l by extensive deramenii-nt ".f the s:,imc!i and liver, and oilier abdominal v.scei.i. 1 here are ai-.vjvsnwr ior Ies c'jstruc:io:i3 cf t!u !ii-er, a v-c.ikne sand irritaljle snrc of tlie stoniaf.'t, and prrr.it torj'r of i'.ii liowe!, beiiv c:oj!;ed u; vv:;!i viliaiec! accitrnui.ilions. In tlieir treit mci'.t, a piir.itivr, cxertii: a po-.vcif.i1 itttinenc- hj : these various orpnn, ii eii:ntiairyiierei.s.in. Ther- :s no cttlartic fur trie? purpose equal to I);?. J. Walks's VisstjArt ItiTratc;, (hey will speedily remove the d.irk-coior-d vised matter wiili wh.cli the bowels are loaded, at t!ie same time stinmlarmt; scre:iots of t!i I.vcr, and peneraily ruitorm Cm hea!.!.y fiuit'.ions of the tli-tive ir-.-is. SsMoflti, or It iu's Kvi!, VTi;te Swe'Tin-, U.cers, Krysi;e!as( S.v-i. r.I Nc;l;, Cn;t'.-r, Scrofn!nit I:,r1.immation.t, I:;d.)e:it Iti;J.u;riiaiio:i, Alrrctiri-rf Af fections Od Siirrs, Lrttfi::o:ts of lite Sk'ii, S're E"s?. etc., etc. In tlies, as i: all o:!ier ciHisiimtioii d D; eates, Wai kuk's V'i-r-,' n ttiTTrtfts have sh-w:i th-tr frat airative powcis iu l.iz mot ousiiuate and lnti.' al' cur. Dr. Wfklkrr'a California Vh.r5.1r ttiMrr act on alt th?sj c ises in a similar nnvner.' !y purifvin the IJNkkI t Wry remove the cause, a.i.i hvresiv:ii!; i,iv the eVects t f ihe ii-.fi.imm.nion (the tubercular deixs.t- tiie aTectcd parts receive heaaili, and a permanent cv is efTocted. TUc roxr.I4 of Dr. Wai.kfw's Vikki;as Hitter a-e A;e;icnt. l)i.v,iiorei:c and ruminative. Nutritions, Laxative, !ureiic. Sedati.e, C'.uu:cr-J.-.-tant. Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-IMious. The Aperient and m.id Laxative proyvnies cf Da. Walkss's Vi.ft r,.!t KiTTi-as are the best sal'. ptiard by a I cts-s cf ertintiuns and nta!inant fever, their ba's.ir:.:c, li;alin, and soothing properties prit-ct the humors of tlie f-trees. Their Sedative properties allay jin i:i t!ie nerrotis system, stomach, and boweis e-ibsir fr-ini ip.Ila.nm ;t:on, w::!.!, cu'ic, cramps, e:r. Tlieir t'ounter-Irritant it-.tluenre extend ilmm-hom the system. Their I):tire:ic prrverilv art on lh Ku'. Tirrys, correcting and revu!a:in the llow of uriit. 'I !.c:f Auci-Riiious pro;ert;s siimu!a:; tiie liver, in the secre tion of bile, and il5 discharges throti;!i the biliary titic:-, and are superior lo ail re n-diai acientJ, fur the cam 1 ( iJt'ins Fever, Fever av A -rue. ere. Kurtlfy t!e littrty nninnt dlsfme b- pi:r;-f.-im; all it flaids Tvi:'i Vini:ok ltiTTKSs. N n-.-demic caa take lioid ot a si-stem thin f:;rearMicL '.'! liver, tiie stiiia::!, t!i b--.eii, t!-.s kidney and th; nerve arc rendered disease-proof by this great iiivi- Iirer4ons. Take of the Tilttem on oin; tobe.l at niht trfttit a !i lit to ona and one-!ialt vme-K:a'u:U Kit xhI n.mrishin foctd, such as beef steak, muttrtt chop. veuis.m, roat beef, and vepetab'es, and taka 'it-.I.or eX'.rc:. They are composed ot purely veset tbie ii i;rr -Stents and contain no spirit. J WALKKK, PropV. R II NcDOXl.DACOn Dri!2jt?.is and Oen. A Sin t raiicisto, 4.aL. t cor. ot Va-.h!i;'r; a.:d Cii.ir:t';n S:s , New Vorfc. EOLD VY ALL DKUOCIa IS AND DEALERS. FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC. 800 Pajes, 250 Enravicgs. An initreftin.; aui nmu.ting treatise on i!io Meilical Humbugs of ihe fait anil pre.-ent. It exposci Qnaclis. Impostors. TrTfl)ini; Poctors. Tatent Medicine VcmK-rs. Note! Female Chenls, Fortune Tellers ami Me liHms, and gives ioteremin aecourtts of Xottl Physicians nn.l Narratiye? of their livos. It reveal startlinj; secrets ami instructs all how to avoi.l the ills which ri"sh ii heir to. Wo give exclusive teiritory anj liberal commis sions. For circulars and terms address iho publishers. J. B. BITES & HYDE, HARTFORD, CONN'., or. CHICAGO, ILL. AGENTS "WANTED rou tu e UNCIVILIZED RACES' .. OF IX ALL -C0U5TKIES OF THE WOULD. Be-ng a t'omprcbcBsiva Account of (heir anners and Custom?, and of t'ueir Physical. Social. Mental, Moral, and Religious Characteristics. By REV. J. G WOOD, M. A . F L. S. 500 Engravings, 1500 Super Xoyal Octavo Pages, IX TWO VOLCMK!, OR TWO VOL CUES IM ONE. - Agents are miking over $100 per week in selling this work. An early application will seenre a choice of territjry. For terms ad dress the publishers, J. B. BUR2 & HYDE, HAKTF0KD, COXX., on CHICAGO, ILL. j.ml-ly JOHNSTOWN F0TJNDBY. TIIE undersigned, manufacturer of Jami son's Improved Tlow, calculated for all kinds of plowing, and in all kinds of round, sold cheaper than any other plowg in tho county. He manufactures ail kinds cf cast ings, bells, stoves. Sc. ne will also repair reapers and threshing machines. Give me a call, or address. J. II. ROGERS, Walnnt P. O. aug 18 1S72 -tf Juniata Co. P. A Large assortment of Queensware, China ware. Glassware, Crockerywaie, Cedar ware, Ac, for sale cheap by ' StltUtr & STAMBAUGU 3.