tyt Juniata Sentinel. ITEDN'ESDAr MORNING, JUNE 11, 1873. " -.-.-...-.., PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ON AND f after Monday, May 20, 1873, Passenger Iraiu iU leave Mifflin Station as follow : IASTWA1D. Philadelphia Express 1:10 A. M. fast Line 4:0s A. M. Southern Express C:57 A. M. j-scific Express 10:07 A. M. Ilnrrishurg Accommodation 11:28 A. M. MU Train- - C:33 P. M. Cincinnati Express 8:50 P. M. WLSTWARI). Tiitsburg Express 1:08 A. M. Cincinnati Express 1:'.3 A. M. goutberu Express- 4-10 A. M Pacific Express 6:43 A. M. Usv Passenger - 10:07 A. M. yil Train 3:38 P. M. last Line 6.33 P. M. JAMES NORTH. Ait't KOTICEL The following scale of prices for announce tnts of candidate, in 1b Sextiml, for of-(j-t at the approaching election to be pub lished weekly until the Primary Election will h rig'1'1 adhered to: Senate. $15; legislature, $10 ; Sheriff, Register and Re corder, Commissioner and Treasurer, $3 etch. Cuntuiuiuc&tions recommending eia atUlcs for office, 23 cents per line. So announcement or communication will be published unless accompanied by the mon?y. TOWN AM) COl'STBl. One Ltindreil days of Lot weather coming. Mi!'ions of young shad Lave been put into the river at Newport. The coming corn crop has already tccn pronounced a failure. Who knows ? Favorable for wheat, but unfavorable for corn and gra?s The weather of the psst week. Charley True Las reached the vein of imn ore he dug for last week. It is 24 inches in thickness. Thpy are catching men all through the Vest, on the suspicion of being mem bers uf the Bender family. The most beautiful nights in all the yettr These moonlight nights in the " merry month of June." Joseph Martin is excavating for the foundation of a dwelling house on his lot on Kast Washington street. Scaled proposals will be received by the School Directors of Fermanagh tonnrhip for the building of a brick echool house near Cuba Mill. See ad vet tisemtnt iu another column Sixteen tous of weighing machiues pnr day were the produce of the Fair banks Scale Works, of world-wide fame, 1572. TliK Auuual Commencement of Tus carora Female Seminary, at Acaderoiw, will take place on Tbuieday, Juno 19th, 1S73, at 10 o'clock A -M. The Methodist Church is befog torn down. On the top f it, as bury as the busiest, miy be seen. llev. Mr. Pardoc, the palter of the Congregation at this place. Farmers are talking of making hay. The yield expected may be greater than last year, but it cannot be large. TLc drought last eummer killed the young grass. TtiR m st extensive scaffolding in the interior of this State is that on the front of the Masonic Temple at Uarrisburg. It is constructed of scantling and boards aud is a wonder of its kind. It makes country people open their eyes. Tub Democratic Representative con ferees of the counties of Mifflin and Ju niata met at Lcwistown on last Saturday, and elected Dr. Shaffer, of Mifflin couu ly. Representative Pelegate to the next Democratic State. Convention. The sheriffs along the Juuiata liver should see to it that the fiah law is not violated. If they fail in thi6 duty, in all probability the "Stato Fish Commieeion ers" will remiud them of it through a process of law. "A stitch in time savis nine." Tub business public will be glad to learn that Jacob Stambattgb has again embarked iu the dry goods business here at Mifflin. He and II A. Stambaugh are associated in the business at the old etaud, the firm of Shelley & Stambaugh having been dissolved. An Irishman was standing by the side of a Frenchman, who was lost in won der at the magnificent sight before bim the Falls of Niagara when he exclaim ed, "Sure, f hat's to hinder !'" There was nothing to hinder; mitheris there any thing to hinder you from bnyir.g your Chairs from Wm. F. Snyder, iu Mifilin town, Pa Remember, when you r.ant to buy Chairs, that Le is the only one that has all kinds of Chairs on hand, and he sells cheaper than the cheapest. All work warranted to give satisfaction. An exchauge writes as follows on the subject of postage on county papers, which is as applicable in our columns as in its own, with the change of name : The new postage law which goes into effect on the first day of July next, re quires the prepayment of postage on all regularly issued publications sent thnmgh the mail. Each subscriber of the Senti nel, by going to the Postmaster at the office where he receives his paper on or before the first of July, can with fi.ee cent prepay the postage on it for the next three months, or for ten cents six months. We would advise this payment for not longer than six months by all residents in the county, as doubtless the law will be modified early in the next session of Congress, so far as regards the circulation of papers in the county where published. A Man passing- Dr. Rnndio'a T)n Store, in Patterson, was heard to remark to a fellow, "They can get anything they want in there," The remark JmoKes consideiable, but is true with a very few exceptions. Wa do not sell sharp knives to children, toby cigars to Lalf-errown Doyg, or spirits to minors or persons of intempiirate habits, but any sensible adult, with the cash and a prescription, will receive ready attention and any ar ticle usually kept in a first-class Drag Store. it Thk Largest and Finest opening of Fine Press Goods ever offered to the people of the county for the season. 5,000 yards of the newest and most desirable styles of Silks, Mohairs, Pop lins, Grenadeens, Sec, all of which are much admired. Black Thibet Shawls, silk and wool fringe. A beautiful line of fine Brussels aud Ingrain Carpets, of the most ap pioved patterns. All very cheap for cash. Tilt km Ac ExrsxscnADB. June 11, 1873 MiFtLiN county has no giants to kill ; if it had, it is probable that some one would come to the surface as a second "Jack, the Giant Killer." They have, however, an active, '-Simon pure' snake killer, who don't look at little creepers, but snatches up the big snakes witli an astounding destruction. Here the Ga zette on the snaky feats of Puffy that's his name "Duffy killed a black snake last week at Bixler's Gap, thirteen feet and nine inches long, and measuring six teen inches in circumference. On the same day he despatched four rattle snakes. He is our champion snake killer. Db. Cb a wford aad W. Cramer, Esq , put four black bass in the Juninta river on last Friday evening. As to sex, the fih were equally divided, two-beiug malts and two females. They were placed in the water on the Patterson side of the river. The first fish went up stream, the second down stream, and the third and fourth headed for the Mifflin side. They had been obtained at New port, and were all of a lot of tweuty-nine that were intended for this place, that had been placed in a fish-box the even ing before. During he night a fi-h thief, or thieves came along, bioke open the box, and stole all away except the unm ler above stated. The fellow that stole them firh ought to be ridden by a night mare stuffing black bass fish-bones down his dishonest throat every night for at least a mouth. Johnstown, May 31, 1873. The Juniata Scouts met according to previous notice. An hour was spent iu the forenoon in sabre ejercise, and about an hour and a half on horseback in the afternoon. Forty one men mounted. After drill the company was marched through the village aud drawn up in line in front of the rcridence of Judge Oles. 1 he venerable gentleman made a short speech aud received three hearty cheers from the company. After returning to town, three cheers were proposed and given for Johnstown, the ladies aud the good dinuer. A vote of thanks was also given to the gentleman who kindly al lowed us the use of his field for drilling The men were then paid for the past six months service. Messrs Wm lleid, II C. Slrayer, llenry Crimmel and Jas Poyle joined the company. Adjourned to meet in McAlistcrville on the !a?t Saturday in September. J. K. KOBINSON, Captain. Matthew Rodgers, O. S. To Teachers. At the commence ment of a new school year, I would re spectfully call the attention of teachers to the following resolutions, adopted at the Conference of County Superinten dents, held at Uarrisburg, Pa , June 3d aud 4:h, 1S73 : Resolved, That we recommend the policy of raising the grade of provisional certificates, as fast us the circumstances of the several counties will permit. Resulted, That Theory of Teaching should be made a specialty in examina lions. The time has come when it is ncces sary to raise the grade of provisional certificates all over the State, and Jnni ata county must not lag behitid, but must keep iu liue with other counties. Ou Theory of Teaching I would re commend teachers to study such works as "School Economy," by James Pyle Wicktrsham, A.M., L. h. D. ; "Methods of Instruction," by the same author; "TLeory and Piactice of Teaching," by I). P. Page, A. M., and "Ogden's Science of Education aud Art of Teaching." These are good works. I would espe cially recommend those parts of said works that treat immediately of the teacher and his work in the school room ; aud I hope no lady or gentleman will come to the examinations without care fully studying at least one work ou Theory of Teaching. My experience in visiting schools is that many teachers who are very good scholars fail in meth ods of teaching, and particularly in teaching primary classes. There is a scier.ee of teaching, and he who would teach well and make himself worthy of the name of teacher, must study that science. The examinations will begin about the middle of September. The County In stitute will, be held at Mifflintown in November or December- D. E. ROBISON, County Superintendent. Tiiosk afflicted with Pains and Aches should try KUNKEL'S PAIN SLAT ER, a valuable remedy. For sale at Banks & Hamlin's Prog Store, Mifflin-town. Si'PBBIKTKpbEKTS' CoNVRNTION. A convention of the Connty Snperinten dents of the counties of Clearfield, Bed ford, Blair; Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata, Perry, Dauphin, Cumberland, York, Adams, Franklin and Fulton was held at the rooms of the School Department, Uarrisburg, Pa., Jane 3rd and 4th, 1S73. The convention was organised by choos ing the followiug officers : President, Dr. J. P. Wickersham Secretary, R. M. Me Niel, of Huntingdon ; Committee on Res olutions, 8. D. Ingram, of Dauphin, D. F. Kast, of Cumberland aad J. A. Greg ory, of Cleai field. The sessions were private. The following were the princi pal subjects considered : " The educa tional wants of the people," "The work of the Superintendency ; the difficulties encountered in that work, and the modes of overcoming these difficulties." It was deemed proper to publish the following resolutions m the county papers, and cull the attention of teachers, directors and citizens to the subjects contained therein Resolved, That we deem the holding of local, district and county institutes of great advantage to teachers, directors, patrons aud pupils, and recommend that greater efforts be put forth to make them a success. Resolved, That in conducting institutes, citizens and directors should he invited to take an active part in the exercises. T' Resulted, That we consider only two regular professional instructors necessary at a county institute, and that teachers should be afforded a full opportunity of participating iu the exercises. Resolved, That the Committee on Per manent Certificates after their organiza tion at the county institute, appoint a regular time of meeting for the examina tion of teachers, and give due notice thereof. Resolved, That we regard the practice of granting the use of school rooms dur ing the summer season to persons not holding legal certificates as injurious to the cause of education, and recommend that it be discontinued. Remlvcd, That we recommend the policy of miring the grade of provisional certigcatcs, as fast as the circumstances of the several couulies will permit. Resulted, That theory of teaching should be made a specialty iu examina tions Risolord, That where schoo!s are gradtd, they should all be subject to the supervision of the principal of the higher department. Rnolccil, That the subject of proper outbuildings for schools is too much ne glected, and in view of the evils result ing from this cause we recommend radi cal reform in this direction. Resolved, That we strongly recom mend the more frequeut visitation of schools by directors and patrons, and of patrons by teachers, believing that great good is accomplished by these agencies. Resolved, That we recommend that directors submit their plans to the county and State superintendents for approval before erecting school building. Rismlced, That the State Superinten dent be reijtu-sted to devise some plan by which greater uniformity in the grading of certificates throughout tho State may be fleeted. Rvtolved, That we heartily endorse the plan adopted by the State Superin tendent in calling hcal conferences of countv superintendents. S D. Ingram. J. A. Gregory, D. D. Cast. ) Committee. Panohamic lixHinmo.v. Drew's Beautiful Panorama of Egypt and tbe Holy Land ill be exhibited in the Luth eian Church, Miftliutown, on Wednesday evening, June IStli, for the benefit of the Lutheran Sabbath School. This Grand Exhibition has been executed on a scale of surpassing magnificence and splendor. Tbe various scenes are faith fully represented on a large scale from Photographs taken on the spot, by Rev. Dr. J T. Barclay, several years a Mis sionary in Palestine and Egypt. It is moral, chaste and beautiful, and its his toric interest, its rare and expensive de signs, its beauty of execution, and it9 high-toned character, render it one of the most attractive and instructive works ever presented to the public. It has re ceived the highest testimonials from the Press and Clergy, and has been pro nounced by competent jndges one of tbe handsomest works of modern times, illus trating, as it docs, the grandest localities in the world. An explanatory lecture will be given.; - Admission- 25 cts., chil dren 15 cts. The public are respectfully invited to attend. Nursery. Fifty different kinds of ap ple trees to select an orchard from at the Nursery of Michael Brubaker and To bias Page, one mile north of Oakland Mills this cotiuty. Trees vary iu size, 5 to 7 feet, and prices range from twenty cts. for a single tree down to fifteen cts. per tree, per hnudred Messrs Brubaker and Page deliver all trees ordered. They will also fill orders for any kind of fruit, shade or ornamental trcs desired, and deliver them when desired, by those who order. Persons who order trees from their nursery, receive them fresh from the ground, get them cheaper, and will have the satisfaction of knowing that they are patronizing a hjme entcrprize. Ad dress, Brubaker as r age. Oakland Mills, Juniata Co. Pa. May28-3t KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON has reached an enviable position among medicines as a cure for Liver Com plaint, Dyspepsia and all diseases arising from a disordered liver or stomach. It costs but littla, purifies the blood and gives tone to the stomach, renovates tbe system and prolongs life. Try this val uable Tonic. For sale at Banks & Ham lin's Drug Store, Mifflintown, Pa. Attention, Farmers 1 If you want to buy a good Reaper, examine the Hub bard before yon buying any other. Its gearing is all neatly inclosed, and it has changeable motion. For sale by the un dersigned residing iu Walker township: Also the Taylor nay Rake, the best rake ever introduced into this county. Daniel Amis. May 2l-4t Prices of Board of Comtferee4. Reported weekly for tbe Josiata 8itiwl by the Board of Commerce of Mifflin and Pat terson. ' Butter m - - Eggs, doa Lard, lb ....... Country Soap .;..;:. Beeswax ......... Tallow ,..... ., Rags . Wool, washed ................... Dried Apples ' Peaches, pared " Peaches, nnpared...... " Cherries, pitted - ... " Blackberries...!......... Raspberries Country Hams .. Sides and Shoulders..... Potatoes, 7$ bus ............... Onions " ............... Ground Alum Salt, sack ...16 ... 15 . 8 ... 8 ... 25 :.: 8 i ... 0 10 20 ... 16 ... 20 10 ... 16 . 12 7 . . 40 0 2 25 Kanroaa lies ..... ............ Locust Posts, mortising ......... " " for board fence fiO ...... 32 Ji & H. A. Stambaugu's Prices Current. Corrected Weekly. Cbtstal Pal.ack, Mifflintown, 1 Jane 11, 1878. ( Prime Roll Butter, per tb. ......... ..j..... 16 Epg'. per doien lo Lard, per lb ......... ................... OS Tallow, per lb . 08 Beeswax 30 Dried Apples, per lb......... 04 " Cherries, seedless, per lb 17 " " unseeded 04: " Blackberries .. 08 " Raspberries 20 Walnuts, per bus 40 Shellbarke...! . 95 Potatoes - 60 Chickens, live, per lb-... 08 Ham 00 Shoulders ' . 07 Sides " ; 06 Liverpool Ground Alum Salt, per sack 2 00 D. P. Snlonff & Co.'s Prices Current Reported Weekly. Gbaik. White Wheal, $ bus. '.. $1 55 Red ' " 1 60 Corn- 50 Oats 87 Cloverseed 6 00 Timothy seed 3 50 Coal. Prepared Ccal, "fc ton ...... ..$5 26 Nut 4 25 Pea " " 3 10 Bituminous" ". '- ...Li 6 00 Lcmbib. J ' Run of Log, 4 4, 1000 ft .$35 00 6-8, " .- 25 00 8-4, " 25 00to40 00 C-4, " .... 2500to4000 Hemlock Frame, " 2000 Boards, " 20 00 Whitepine worked Flooring...- 35 00 " German Siding 35 00 Panel Doors ..... 2 00 to 3 00 Window Sash, 8x10, $ window....... 65" 9x12, " 75 10x12, 80 " 10x14, ...i.. 90 - PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. PuiLAPXLrbtA, June 10, 1873. Ftoca The market is dull. There is no inquiry for shipment, and the operations of tha home trade are confined to their Immedi ate wants. 12C0 bbls sold, including Superfine ....... $4 50(nj5 50 Extras $5 756 60 N. W. Extra Family $7 25f)8 60 Ohio & Ind. do. do $8 25S 25 Tenna. do. do. .. $8 25,9 25 Fancy Brands...- $'J50,1150 Gbaix The Wheat market is without im provement, and there is very little' demand, except from the local millers, fur prime lots. Sales of 1,500 bus. western red at $1 Clal 7ii ; In Rye nothing doing. Corn is in rood supply, but there is not much activity: Sales of yellow at 68atjOo ; 400 bush, of .white at 67e ; aud mixed at SSaCQc. Oats ja better demand, and 10.000 busb. western sold at 52a524o for white, and 47a50c for black and mixed. . ."t : Selus Cloverseed is dull and nominal at 8a8Je. Timothy sold at $3 75 per bus. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET. M os dat, June 9 4 P. M. There was a fair demand this week for the better erodes of Beef Cattle, but other kinds were neglected. Sales of choice and extra at asc ; fair to good at ba.c, and common at 4U5c. Receipts 2000 head. Cows and calroa are dull ani nominal at $50a73. Receipts 250 head. Sheep attract considerable attention at full prices ; sales of choice at CJe. fair to mid dling at 4aiJo per 11). ano common at $'2a3 per lead. Receipts 8000 head . ,r lings were lower. 4-300 head sold at $7 25 aS 100 lbs net. Married i BISHOP HUZZAED On the th inat., by Rev. T. J. Sherrard, Mr. Philip Bishop, of Mil ford township, and Miss Lizzie Huz xard, of Mifflintown. SIEBEK APP On tha 10th ins!., by Rev D. M. Blackwelder, Mr. Joseph -Sieber, of Fayette twp., and Miss Alice M. ll. App, of Susquehanna twp. -,-(-. DIcdt WILSOS On the 4th inst., at her resi dence at Oakland Mills, Mrs. Martha Wilson, in the 79tb year of her age. ; FOGLEMAN On the 7th inst., in Walker twp., Mrs. Mary C, wife of Simon Fogle Diin, aged 80 years and 12 days. ;. GRAY On the 27th ult., Miss Mary An geline. daughter of James W. and Catharine E. Gray, of Tuscarora township; Juniata county, formerly of Perry county,' aged 14 years, 3 montns and 5 days. The deceased was lovely in her life and died in the enjoyment of a good hope of eter nal life. Besides her bereaved family, she left many friends to mourn her death. UsrrUanfotfs. Orphans' Court Sale. BY virtue of an order 6t tH'e - Orphans' Court of Juniata county, tbe undersign ed, Administrator of the estate of Reuben Landis, deceased, will expose to public sale, on tbe premises, in Delaware township, in said county, at 1 o'clock P. M., on SATURDAY, JUNE 21st, 1873, The following real estate of said decedent, to wit : A Tract of Land in said toisashipf-eon-taining lJs Acres, bounded by lands of William N. Brook hart, Amos 8tahl, Uriah Shuman and others having thereon' erected a good two-tory ,.7. DWELLING HOUSE, BANK BARN, Shotmaker Shop, aad other outbuildings. There, if a good Well of water at the door, and a fine selection of choice Fruit on tbe premises. .-..-..- This property is located In Pfouti's Valley, in a good farming neighborhood, about three miles east of Thompsontown, and about one milt north of the Penna. Central Railroad:'. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of the it.K,n nnn to hm Tt&id when the- nron- sua vmkuv "wa J r XT erty is stricken down to the purchaser ;' for- - . i . . - ty per cent, of tbe same wnen me saie is con firmed by the Court, and the remainder in two equal instalments, payable on tha 1st of April, 1874, and the 1st or April, 1875, to be eeoured by judgment notes. will ba civen bv calling upon Wm. N. Brookhart, near the premises, or by tne unoersigneu- . - CO. WISEY Adm'r of Reubea Landis, dee'd. Crystal Palace. Crystal Palace. 4 The First, The Best, The Cheapest, The Largest Stock of Goods IN THE OUNTY, To Offer to the Public Af THE . VERY LOWEST PRICES, Just Received from Eastern Markets. Seeing Them will Guarantee You Satisfaction. J. k II. A. STAMBAUGH. NEW CRYSTAL PALACE BUILDING, MIFFIINTOWH, PA. June 9, 1873. GOOD NEWS! NEW GOODS! Large Stock at Laird & Bell's, in Patterson ! rpilE undersigned have now open and JL ready for inspection and sale a large and well aelected stock ef New Goods, con sisting of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. QUEENSWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, ITis-il, Halt, &e., AH of which we will sell at prices that defy competition. All Goods warranter! as repre sented, or taken back and the-moaey re funded. Don't fail to call an 1 examine our stock before making your purchases. frT Terms, Cash or Produce 30 days time to responsible and prompt paying cus tomers. Monthly accounts not allowed to lap. Statement cf accounts furnished on the 15th of every month. LAIRD & BELL, Corner of Main and Juniata Streets,, jay 7, 1873. Patterson, Pa, D. P. SULOUFF & CO., (Successors to D. K. Suloulf & Co.,) rSALERS IN Grain, Lumber, Coal, Halt, IPliister, CALCINED PLASTER, CEMENT, 4C. The Highest Cash Prices Paid for all kinds of Grain; Lumber, Coal, &e., Sold at the Lowest Prices. HaTing boats of our own we can freight Grain. Lumber, Coal, &o.. cheaper than any other parties. We therefore defy competi tion. IgyYou can make money by calling on us before selling or buying elsewhere. Grain will be received i store to be SOLD BT THE IsT OT Jc.1t, 1S73. P. S. Oar grain is not derated on men's backs. Mifflintown, April 20, 1872. S. B. LOUDON, MERCHANT TAILOR, xErirs svildIxo o-v Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Pa., Desires to inform his friends and the public that he on yust received a fine and fatkion able stock of SPRING GOODS, consisting of CLOTHS Pluin Black, Blue and Brown. CREP Dahlia, Brown and Blue. TRICOT Black, Blue and Brewn. VIAGOSALS Blue and Black. CHEVIOTS All Shades. SCOTCH HOODS All Styles. BLACK D 0 EStlXS A Superior quality PA VT3 ASP VEST PATTERHSTmt. SUM HER (J 00 V"S General Assortment. I will sell any of the abore gooas by the yard or pattern. I also keep on batrt a full line of BUT TE RICK'S PATTESXS, consisting of Men, Boys, and Children's Shirts. Coats, Pants and Vests. t&r I will manufacture to order all kinds of cutfroM work. PRICES Reasonable, to suit the times.' . . Mifflintown; Aptil 10', 1872. Caution. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against Hunting. Fiehinr. or ia anY way tres passing on the lands of the undersigned, in Milford township. All persons so offending will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. P. H. HAWN. Dec. 4. 1872-tf All kinds of Job Work neatly executed. 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. D. W. HARLEY & CO.'S Is the place where you can buy rJa?li tiest and. tlie Oliexipest MENS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, LOOTS, S20SS, AITS FU22nSEIN& O00ES. . 1 WE are prepared to exhibit one of the most ehojee anJ select Stocks erer offered ia this market, and at ASTOXISIIIA'G LOW PRICES! Also, measures taken for Suits and parts of Suits, which will le mndc to order, at short notice, tery reasonable. Renvmbr-r tlio place, in tbe Xevin tiuildiug. two tfoorS west of tfio Keyst'.'ifc Store, BRIDGE STREET, MIKFLIXTOWN, TA. may 8, lH7J-if WHAT TO WEAE, AND Just tep into SAMUEL STRAYER'S ranerson, ra,, ana no win ieu iou bii aooiu xi. H.tvtsa just returned from Philadelphia and Jfcw Tork, he ean supply you with the Latest and Choicest Styles of CJlo tiling' of i 1 1 Iviiicijs,- Coats. Pants, Vests, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Watches and Jewelry, Nctic'ns, Fur nishing Goods in endless variety, Carpels, Floor X)il Cloth, F-frr?t?e, cheaper tliaa the cheapest, for tbe same quality of goods. Call in and be convinced. ffS- Measures taken and suits made to older. SAMUEL STRAYEU. Patterson, May 14, 1873. THE GREAT DISCOVERY. KunkeFs Bitter Wine of Iron. For the cure of weak stomach, general de bility, indigestion, disease of Ine nervous system, constipation', a6idiiy of the stomach, and all cases requiring a tonic. The wine includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Irutf we possess ; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide, combined with the most en ergetic of ycgctablc tonics Yellow Peruvian Bark. The effect in many cases of debility, loss of appetite, and general proitratton, of an efficient salt of Iron, combined with our val uable Nerve, is most happy. It augments the appetite, raises the pulse, takes off mus cular flabbiness, removes the pallor of de bility, and gives a florid vigor to the counte nance. Do you want something to strengthen you? Do you want a good appetite? Do you want to build up your constitution ? Do you want to feel well ? Do you want to get rid of nervousness ? Do you want energy ? Do you want to sleep well? Do you want brisk and viperous feelings ? If yon do, try Kunkel's Wine of Iron. This truly valuable Tonic has been so thor oughly tested by all classes of the community that it is now deemed indispensable as a Tonic medicine. It cos's but little, purines the blood and gives tone to the stomach, reno vates the system and prolongs life. I now only ask a trial of this valuable Toni. Price f 1 per bottle. E. F. Cnnkel, Sole proprietor, 25'J North Ninth street, below Vine, Philadelphia. Ask for Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron, and take no other. If your Druggist has it not send $1 to my address, and the medicine, with advice free, will come by next express train. For sale by BANKS & HAMLIN, Drug gists, Mifflintown, Pa. STMIIH (I'eaKEKLT Woo & Mans.) ST1TI0N1RT & PORTABLE Steam Engines. Tae Best k Most Co!n;lr-lo ;soi-tinrt in the Market. Then Enrin-s him Mwny mnlnnmcl tV; nry hKrhest Ktiind.ini of -xvil"nce. imik-- th mirauf.vturv of Enriw BuiWn ami Saw Mill a Tcilty. We have thf Ian.rt nn-t mtmmpteta works of th kind in the cointry, with nudunary Mkffwily hiptft to orii. i We keep rotMtnntly in pro lunfo nutnbr. of Engines, which we f urnUli nt tho very lr.v,-st pries and on the shortest uotier. W fcaiM Jvnjnn-! nraollv adnptvd to Mine. Saw MilU Grit MjlU. TiuinerMa, Cotton (iuK, Thresh; and u.l of manufacturing. ..... . Veiniww Im.ldina; the orMrot-t T-we Ciirn for Baw Mill, the best and inuat complete haw mill tm invented. . ... We make the niaanfnctai of tw JIill ontflu a special feature of our hunos, and on furciuh complete on thetshortflstno-M. Our aim la all tau i to furnish the best ma chinery n tl" mrlt, and work absolutely un equalrd for b.-uty otilii-n. economy anl ittrength. bend for Circular and Prico Lwt. UTICA STEAM ENCINE CO. ITIC., W. Y. NEW DRUG 9TOR. BANKS OMJN, Main Street, Mifflintown, Pa. DEALERS IN DIC08 m VEIfCMEsV Chemicals, ivye' Stuff, Oils, i'aints. Varnishes, Class, Putty, Coal Oil, Lamps, Burners, Chimneys, Brushes, Infants Brushes. Soaps, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Perfumery, Combs. Hair Oil, Tobacco, 3igars, . , . Setions, and Stationary. LARGE VARIETY OF PATENT MEDICINES, selected with great care, and warranted from hich authority. Purest of WINES AS D LlUUKS forJieili ! Pnrnnaat 6rPRE3CKlFilO;,3 componnaea wun great care, maion-iy . blatchlet's improved g s Cucumber Wood Pump. Tasteless, Durable, Efficient, and CLeap. The bast Pump r .1.1 t .. . .. lOT IDE lea-b IUUUCJ. SVILCU- tion is especially invited to lilatchley s Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be with drawn witfiout removing tbe pump or dls'nrbing the joints. Also, the CiTper Chamber, whitfh nefer cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by dealers everywhere. Send for Catalogue and Price-List. Chas. U. l'LATCHLEY, Slanuract r. 506 Commerce St., Philada., Pa. j Itt1 jwwsi.-;-.T.;rK titJ s HOW TO WEAR IT. CLOTHINQ STORE, Bridge Street, goots anil Allocs. B00TSMD SHOES. Naw Shcf ifi infSiritawn. THE subscriber bejs leave to inform tha citiiens of MilUmtown, Patterson and vicinity that he has opened a Boot and Sbo" Shop, for the present, in the room ocrnpiod by N. E. Litt.efield's Tin Shop, on Bridge street, Mifflintown. where he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of LADIES', GEITTLEIIEN'S chil: SSEN'S 'tfEAS, in the most substantial manner, and at the lowest prices. tgU Repairing promptly at tended lo. TERMS CASIT. A liberal share of public patronage is soli cited, ani satisfactioa guaranteed. A. B. fJfSlCC. May 29. 1872-tf Boot and Shoe Shop, milE ,tnfliTi(rnil " rtiKliinnnlila Cant W L and Shoemaker, herebv respectful- 5 ly informs the public that be has located IU luq uuruugu Ul 1 aoci duu, at uri rr sic pared te accommodate the most fastidious ia j LADIES' WEAK, I Gents1 Fine and Coarse Boots, ! CUIL D REX'S WE A R, cf- C., C: O. Also, men. line; done in the neatest m.inner 'and upon the shortest notice. A libern share of public piitronace is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. . BS?" Shop located on the east sida of Tus carora street, one doer south of Main stree, nearly oppot-irs Lairi & Bell's store. J. TT. DEAN. March 8, 1S72 NEW BOOT it SHOE SHOP In llevin's New Building on RRIDUE STKSKT, MlFn.IXTOWN. THE undersigned, late of the firm of Fa sick & North, would respectfully an nounce to the public that he has of er.cd a Boot and Shoe Shop in Major Neviu's New Building, on Bridge street, Miif.ii.town. and is prepared to manufacture, of the best rfls terial, all kinds of BOOTS, SHOES ASD GAITERS, GENTS', LADIES AND CtlfLDUEN. IIo alo keeps cn aa Selected stock pf 1 1 a large and weii- Rcritly-'mmtc tVorli, cf nil hinds, for men, women and children. ALL WOKK TVARltANTF.P. Give nre a call, for I feel confident that f can furnish you with any kind of work yott may desire. Bty Kepairin done neatly and at reason able rates. J. L. NORTH. May 31. 187-'. rpHE undersTgVed hereby respectfully in JL forms the- citizens of MfflTtTown and1 Patterson that his wagon, v??)l visit each of these towns on Tl'ESDAV, THCRSDAY and SATURDAY mornings of each week; when they csa be supplied with Choice lJolT Vjil, Mutton, IjI!I-I, V.. during the summer season, and also PORK and SAUSAGE in season. I purpose fur nishing Beef every Tuesday and Saturday morning; and Veal and .Mutton every Thurs day ir-orrin. Give mi your patronage, and will guarantee fo sell as good meat as the country can proutfe'e, and as cheap as any other butcher in tht county. SOLOMON SIEBER. WASTER We will give men & women Business that will Tay from $4 to $8 per day, can be pursued in your own neighborhood ; it ia a rare chance for those out of employment or Laving lei sure, thue i (Jfrls and boys frequently do as well as men. Particulars free. Address J. LATHAM & CO. 202 Washington St., Boston, Mass. ' March 2C-6t Caution. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against fluming. Pishing, or in any way tres-' passing on the farm occupied by the under-' signed, in Milford township. Ail persons offending will be dealt witn to tbe In. I extent of the law. JOS El' II FUNK.- WALL PAPER. Sally to the Plaee There yoa can buy your Wall Paper- Pheap. THE undersigned takes this method of in forming the public that he has just re ceived at his residence on Third Street, Mif flintown, a large assortment of WALL, PAPKH, of various styles, which he offers for sale CHEAPER thiin oan be purchased elsewhere in the county. All persons in need of the bore article, and wishing to save money, are invited to call and examine his slo:k and hear his prices before going elsewhrTe. A.Larzs upFy constantly on band. SIMON BASOM.-