Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, May 28, 1873, Image 3

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    ffE'jVESI'AV MORNING, MAY 28, 1873.
3 Lift
t after Sunday. Veo. 22, 1872, Passenger
Xraiai laT Mitlliii Station as folio a :
Philadelphia Express 1:10 A. M.
Vast Line 4:0 A. M.
Pacific Kxpress ll:'7 A. M.
jjarriharg Accommodation ll:'-'8 A. M.
Mail Train- 6:18 P.M.
fbirago Express 8:31 P. M.
Cincinnati Express 0:03 P. M.
Viimbiirp Eiprcsa. l:f8 A. M.
Cincinnati Express 1:"5 A. M.
Southern Express- 4:08 A. M
Pacific Express 5:4.1 A. M.
Way Passenger 1 0:0:1 A. M.
Mail Train - 3:38 P. M.
l ast Line '.33 P. M.
Tlic fi'lowing scale of prices for announce
ments of candidates, in th Sknti.vf.i., for of
f,cc at lis approaching election to be pub
lished weekly utitil ilie Primary Election
w.ll he rigUly adhered to : Senate, $13;
J.epitluture, $10; Sheriff, Register and H;
corJer, Commissioner and Treasurer, S3
eiob. Coiuamnieations recommending can
JiJ.nes fr yllice, 25 cents per line.
X anuoHncenicnt or communication will
e published ua'.eis accompanied by I he
Common remarks, as fulloirs.
Needed a dog catcher. -Spotted,
tbe graus field.
I'o'ut forget decoration day.
No wed to complain of cold now.
Longer tLau last year, the gras.
Showing itselt above ground, tlie corn.
TLe Democrats have lots of candida
ea. The days arc uearly as long as they
can get.
Where will the new railroad terminate
Ltlnw, or above town ?
It ?8 not lawful for a man to appear
ilrunk on the street.
The boys have jut pat up their fish
ing poles for the eeason.
Will the invasion of Mexican soil by
United States troops lead to war?
What will the Democrats do since
Wallace has turned railroad man?
Newspaper publishers talk of sending
1 total Cards to delinquent subscribers.
The organization of farmers iuto eea
crt t societies is jTogresairg rapidly in
the; wrstern State?.
How much, per acre, will the new
lailnT.d increase the value of farms in
Loit Creek valley ?
The first clock ever brought to Cam
I lia county ir in the poFeseion of John
E. loiin. loes it "lick ' ?
Thk people of the ancifiit village at
the head of the Lot g Narrows are proud
jf their new school houe.
Tub sacrament of the Lord's Sapper
was observed at Goodville church, in
Fayette township, on Tuesday of last
Thk watch presentation made lively i
times about the Railroad House several
hours, with the beet of order, on Satur
day. Hutchixson McAuster, Esq, of
McAlisterville, bought a lot of ground in
tho suburbs of the town from Mr. John
S. Graybill, on Saturday.
No house iu Miillin has ever been stil
ted as is the house of post master Books.
Py and l y .it will be all right with a
h uidsonic store room in front.
For Salk. A good double stated
Carriage, suitable for one or two horses
Terms cssy Apply to
C. McCi.ella.n, M ftlintown Ta.
The Menuouites administered the j
Lord's Snpper at their church iu Fcr
managh township, on Sunday last. A
large concourse of people was iu atten
dance. The Pennsylvania State Sabbath
Fchool Association will hold its ninth
annual convention at Titusville, June 3d,
4th and 5th. Each Sunday School in
the Staio is requested to send delegates
Attention Graybill Zouavk's
You are ordered to meet at your armory
for parade and drill on May 30th at one
o'clock. By order of tie Captain.
A. II. Fasick, O. S.
Wm. Plrslky, a citizen of Hartley ,
township. Union county, while on a tree
that leaned over the side of a bluff, on
the edge of Penns creek, lost his hold
and fell in the water three hundred feet
below, w ithout sustaining any ii.jury
A boy iu the office of the Lewisburg
Clirov'clc, who used to steal apples out.
of the orchard of " J tkey Spitler' pro
poses to give one dollar to a fund to be
used in the erection of a monument over
the remains of the said Jakey Spitler,
As exchange says owners of cattle
should know that when they allow their
stock to run at large, they become re
sponsible to railroad companies for all
damages that may arise through acci
dents caused by their cattle being ou the
"Therefore, give full measure and
just wight," enjoins the Alcoran. An
interesting commentary on this is that
the Fairbanks scales are used considera
bly in the very land of the prophet and
his book. No country is too remote to
be penetrated by these Universal Stan
dard). Ex.
Tcn IRESENTATiON.-On last Sat- J success of this great corporation was not
urday the employes under the manage-1 that of its chief officers alone. The fo
ment of Jamei McKnight, Supervisor of jdubtry and integrity of the subordinate
Division No. 6, P. 11 11 , presented their "Seers, and the patient labor aud vigil-
uujr iuiu a magniucent cold watch 1
and chain, which together cost five hun- J to those who occupy the least conspicu- j sight to see a young man, with a purpose
dred dollars. The following resolutions j ua positions, have all contributed to j of sotil tccupy a position which circum
inform the reader of the inception of this these grand results, and have made this j stances seem to deny, battling with her-
uiuci luieieoiiiig occasion :
Thoximontowx Statios, P. R. It. )
March 3, 1873.
At an informal meeting, this evening,
of the foremen, trackmen, and other em
ployees of the P. K. It at this point
Foreman M. L. Heller presiding. Agent
W. W. Fuller, acting secretary, aud T.
T. Reynolds treasurer a committee, con
sifting of Foreman M L Heller, George
K. lleiubach, trackman, W. II. Web
sier, James Vines and Agent W. V.
Fuller, offered the following resolutions,
which were unanimously adopted :
lies' lved. That we, foremen, trackmen
and other employees of the P. It. It. Co.
at this point, under the control and direc
tion of James McKnight, Supervisor
Division No. G, P. It. It , cheerfully con
tribute to a cumm in fiud to be expended
in purchasing a gold watch, chain and
seal, to be presented to our highly es
teemed S ii pei visor.
Resulted, That we also earnesily soli
cit our fellow foremen and employees of
I'ivisioa No. G, P. It. It , to aid and as
sist us with contributions to make dt a
worthy offering to our respected chief.
Rrsnhcd, That these resolutions form
a suitable heading for a subscription list
to be sent to all the foremen ou Division
No. 6, P. H. It.
On motion adjourred
m. l. iitLt.Kit, rictt.
W. W Fuller, Sec'y.
Here follows the names of contiibu
tors, which we omit for waut of space
Patterson-. April 2'j, 1873.
15y previous notice a portion of the
employees of Div. No G, P. It. R , met
at this point and elected A. Snyder,
president, F. Ross, vice president, and
W. W. Fuller, secret-try.
On motion A Snyder, J. A. 17cGw
and David Fink were appointed a com
mittee to purchase the watch, chain and,
seal to be presented to Mr. McKnight.
Ou motion the president was empow
ered to appoint a sufficient number of
employes to act as a committee on pre
sentntion. Tho president immediately
appointed George E. Heinbach, W. D.
Oyler, Thomas Collin?, J R. M. Fink,
M L. Heller, D. Stevens and F. Ross to
perfect the arrangements for the preaen j
tation ceremony
vu motion aij'iuiuru.
A . Snyder, I 'rest.
W. W. Filler, &r
At 4 o'clock P. M, on last Saturday
the 21th inst all the arrangements being
perfected L. E. Atkinson, in the presence
of a large audience that had assembled
in the Parlors, and Hall and ou the
South porch of the Patterson House,
presents the watch and chain to Mr. Mc
Kuight and addressed him, in behalf of
the employes, as fallows :
Mr. Mt:K.iiiii r : At the iustance of
the employes of your division I address
you for the purposn of tendering to you
a tettimouial of their esteem aud kindly
consideration for you. The duty is to
me an agreeable one. Modest merit de
serves recognition everywhere, aud as it
has been your habit, iu the responsible
position which you occupy to value your
subordinates according to their respective
merits, so they iu turn, acknowledging
the rule as a just one, d-jsire through me
to present you with a token of their es
teem, and to say to you that it is given
because of your merit alone.
The gentlemen who procured this ele
gant gift are all employes of that Great
Railroad Corporation, which from a small
and almost insignificant beginning in
1847, has increased aud grown in strength
and wealth, until now it stretches its
mighty aims from one end of the old
Keystone State to the ether, spanning
great rivers and crossing mighty moun
tains in its course, affording us who dwell
along its line unparalleled facilities for
transportation and for travel, briuging
the luxuries and tho culture of the cities
to our very doors, aud carrying safely
upon its tried tracks not only a contin
uous stream of human freight, but the
products of every clime, as well tLe
productions of our fertile fields, our
workshops and our mines, the golden
fruits of the tropics, the silks and teas of
far Cathay, and the manufactures of dis
tant Europe. This corporation . has
long tsiuce outgiown the narrow limits
of State lines, and now controls, directly
or indirectly, not less than 16,000
miles of railroad, and capital amounting
to 700,000,000, and bids fair at no
distant day to ruu its own cars over
its own liues fr.un tho Goldeti Gate
of the Pacific to our own uoble Quaker
City ; aud, not content with this, will
fiend out its rich treiguts iu its own mag
uificent steamships across the broad At
lantic to the Old World. Surely we all
have a right to be proud of these great
industrial achievements ; and all must
acknowledge, not only that Peace has
her victories as well as war, but that the
victories of Peace surpass in magnitude
and grandeur, as well as in permanence
aud usefulness, the greatest achieve
ments of the mot illustrious military
And what is the secret of the pros
perity of this Pennsylvania Railroad ?
r u mr.rp accident T Anv one will
tell you that this company has struggled
through many difficulties; that it has
encountered and successfully resisted
powerful opposition and competition,
backed by euonnous capital, both upon
the north and upon the south, aud its
prosperity cannot be the result of acci
dent. But, sir, as there is no excellence with
out labor, so there is no success without
persevering, patient and well directed
effort, and to this our favorite corpora
tion owes its prosperity.
And this effort which has led to the
aace of its emdovees. even down to
railroad a model of excellence in its man
I JKrprrtffnt nnrl fanilitioa
Aud, sir, while to your ability, integ
rity and vigilance, is mainly due the
good condition of the division of the
railroad of which yoa have charge, and
while these qualities commend you to
your superiors aud win the admiration of
your subordinates, and of the communi
ty, yet this gift is tendered you by the
giver?, more because of your uniform
conrtesy and kindness to them in your
eflicial character than for any other rea
sons. Each one of them has been made
to feel that in you ha hag a true and re
liable friend ; that he may counsel with
you as one who will sympathize with
him in his perplexities and assist him in
his difficulties.
The contributors to this testimonial
embiace persons occupying almost every
position under your supervision the
watchmen, who buru the midnight oil,
not as the student in his search through
musty tomes for hidden lore, but in the
more directly responsible act of affording
safe transit to the many heavily laden
i trains passing over this magnificent iron
highway, the track hand, who by his
labors makes safe the course over which
speeds at lightning gait the iron horse,
and many others whose positions, though
familiar to you as household words, are
yet almost unknown to me.
And, sir, it should be doubly gratify
ing to you to remember that the move
ment for the purchase of this costly gift
wasfir.t inaugurated at your old home,
where, from a comparatively obscure po
silion you were raised by your merits
alone to the responsible place which you
now hold, and where you were if possi
ble more intimately known than else
where. Receive then this watch, and carry it
as a memento of the respect and confi
dence of the donors. May it serve you
as timekeeper as faithfully as you
h gfrved thi3 cornpany, aud when at
! last you are called off from your earthy
labors, by the fiat of tho Grand Master
above, may it descend as a prized heir
loom to your children, and be to them a
sacred talisman, inducing them to emu
late the example which, iu your honora
ble and successful career, you hvc set
before them.
L. W. Doty received the watch and
chain and addressed the employes in
bihalf of Mr. McKnight as follows.
Ukntlkmkx : The mi les ty of the
man, whom you honor to-day, is ex
ceed only by that merit which oalls forth
at your hands this beautiful and touching
testimotral of your respect and esteem.
This occasion is eminently a flow of the
soul. The warm gushing of a grateful
heart fliw out iu healing tides of emo
tion and gratitude that furrow their way
down that cheek that blushes not that it,
too, has been scorched by the noon day
gun while engaged, like you, in manly
toil. His tongue grows silent; words
fail as his heart is full, and he calls on
one, who is happy to be counted in his
list of friends, to return to you his earn
eet and hcartful thanks for this handsome
and substantial token of your regard. It
is nothing to his discredit that he is un
able to express to you what he so sin
cerely feels When that greatest and
lPt. of men was in the legislative halls
of his native state presented with a sword
for his distinguished eervices, he sauk to
his chair overcame with emotion, unable
to utter a g-ateful word. Words are at
best but feeble instiuments to express
heartful emotions. Yet everything ex
presses something arouses some emo
tion. You bestow the symbol or token
of vour eratitude and esteem a costly
and ever-present womento of a friend
ship strong and cemented. Such occas
ions as these stand out as bright cheerful
spots, blooming oases iu the dreary des
ert march of life, embellishing and adorn
ing it, and making it a bright and happy
instead of a lonely and selfish thing
This is a personal tribute. It is evok
ed by therecollection of our friend's geni
al Dualities of head aud heart. By the
promptness with which he responded
to your every call, by the abiding
interest he manifested in your indi
vidual welfare. The memory of these
has quickened your hearts and now in
spires this moment on our part with a
warmth, which we vainly seek to express.
Sharper than a serpents tooth is an un
grateful child. So here your relations of
Supervisor and those subordinate to him
in this capacity, add still greater beauty
and value to this gift. Here labor aud
capital clasp hands, a mystic union that
no power can resist. It levels mountains,
spans rivers, and sends through the sea
winged words at lightning speed. For
ests fade before its onward march, vil
lages rise up, and cities with warehouses
and palaces spring iuto existence. Why
are you here to-day my friends ? It is
to express your admiration for those
qualities which have endeared this man
to your hearts, and your respect for those
virtues which have enabled him to rise
up from a place of comparative poverty
and obscurity, to a position where his
eervices are handsomely remunerated,
and a position too, of honor and influ
ence. Young men you may come here
to learn a lesson to carry with you into
the broad battle field of the world. Re
member this time, this occasion, and re
member, too, that he who exercises tem
perance, frugality, industry, and self re
liance, combined with aa' indomitable
will can laugh to scorri' the difficulties
aud dangers that beset his path-way, and
will succeed in the face of any opposition
that nviw rn.,rv,.,.t t.inr 1W orail tlu
culean heroism against the hydra head
ed oppositions that confront him. If j
steady nerves and dauntless heart are
powerless to prevent the dangers that
multiply against his struggles, a burning
zeal will secure the glorious results.
This, my young friends, is the example
I would eel before you the model I
would offer for your imitation. Yon
give a watch. We accept it. Our friend
shall bear it with him. And from it mar
we all learn the gre it virtus of punctu
ality. "The politenessof Kings " It is
the tulismmic word of success. The
fortunes of individuals, the safety of na
tions, honor, happiness, life itself often
hang upon a sing'e moment We ac
cept, in the spirt in which it is given,
this beautiful and costly token of your
friendship and esteem. Once again wo
thank you with all the fervency of a
grateful heart. This is all we can do.
As the watch may tick away the mo
ments, and the moments run into hours,
the hours lengthen into days, and the
days roll into years, still, in the miud of
our friend, will linger the sweet memory
of this occasion, and the words of my
young friend, through whom yon speak.
will rie up as sweet incense. to cheer and
encourage hiin until his dying day. And
my friends, as we remember tliia occas
ion, and hear, in imagination, this watch
ticking away the houri, may we be wise
in time and so direct our lives hatwo shall
hail with glad acclaim the time when
chronometers shall no longer be needed,
and the last trumpet shall sound mu
sically in our cars, and the clarion voice
of the archangel shall proclaim to the
world quick and dead "Time was, time
is, but time shall be no more.
After the presentation was ended the
company withdrew to the diuingroom of
the Patterson House aud partook of the
edibles of the sumptuously Iadeued tables
spread by Mr. Hays the popular keeper
of the Hotel.
Fatal Accidk.t A young married
woman named Osbourne, living with her
husband at Carpenter's station on the
Pennsylvania railroad, met with a sad
accident on Thursday, which caused her
death iu about au hour after the occur
rence. It appears that Mrs. Osbourne
was engaged in cleauing house on Thurs
day morning. Her husband had placed
a loaded riQo on the bed, and went to an
adjoining room for the purpose of takiug
a sleep. Mrs. O. had occasion to remove
the rifle from the bed, aud in doing so
the trigger caught in the bed clothing
and forced it back far enough cause an
explosion of the can. The contents of
the barrel entered htr left breast, and
she sank to the floor. The report aroused
her husband, who immediately entered
the room aud found his wife lyiug m a
pool of blood, in a dying condition. The
alarm was given in the neighborhood,
and a surgeon was promptly summoned,
but the victim lived ouly about an hour,
as stated. Great excitement was occa
sioned iu the neighborhood by the occur
rence, and much sympathy is expressed
for Mr. Osborne in his sad bereavement
in the loss of his young wife. The re
port that a woman had shot herself gave
rise to the rumor which was current in
the city this morning that a case of sui
cide had occurred at Carpenter's station.
The funeral took place yesterday morn
ing, and it is said the people iu the town
turned out en masse. Alloona Tribune,
May 2ith.
Nursery fifty different kinds of ap
ple trees to select an orchard from at the
Xursery of Michael Brubakerand To
bias Page, , one mile north of Oakland
Mills this county. Trees vary in size,
5 to 7 feet, and prices range from twenty
cts. for a single tree down to fifteen cts.
per tree, per hundred Messrs Brubaker
aud Page deliver all trees ordered. They
will also fill orders for any kind of fruit,
shade or ornamented tress desired, and
deliver them when desired, by those who
Persons who Order trees from their
uursary, receive then fresh from the
ground, get them cheaper, and will have
the satisfaction of knowing that tuey
are patronizing a hjme enterprize. Ad
dress. Brubaker & Page.
Oakland Mills, Juniata Co. Pa.
May 28-3t.
1 m
Thkrb ought to be a grand Centen
nial Fourth of July celebration io every
county in the year 137G. Thousands of
people cannot go to Philadelphia on that
occasion, but they can have a celebration
at home. The celebration at Philadel
phia will be the grandest National cele
bration ever held. The celebrations in
the lespective counties should be the
grandest ever held in their respective
districts. Thus the people in every
county throughout the United States
would simultaneously be engaged in cele
brating tho one hundredth anniversary of
onr National Independence. -
The Laest from thb itae West.
The Modocs have left their strong posi
tion and we have gamed a victory and
are now opening 3000 yards of the most
desirable Dress Goods of the season, for
styles and prices defy competition.
May 28th. 1873.
The Sunday School Convention orga
nized yesterday at 10, o'lock, yesterday.
and has been holding sessions regularly I
Facts Worth Ksowisu. That at
the old Dental Establishment of G. L.
Derr, Miffiititown, you can have tooth
ache cured in five minutes, no pain, aud
keep the tooth in your mouth. CP No
extracting on account of pain.
There is tho place to got the most
beautiful sets of porcelain teeth, and at
your own prices, ranging from $5 00 to
920. CO per single set, and I am deter
mined that hereafter no Dentist in Juni
ata county shall put np good work at
less prices than can be had at the old
There is the place to go if yoa want
to find the Dentist at home. Being no
traveling or moving Deutist, I am always
to he found at my office during business
hours, and my office is always in Mifflin
town not one year in Maine and the
next in Texas.
There is the place to have your work
done promptly and satisfaction given iu
all cases.
There is the place to go if yoa want
youi teeth filled to last for life, aud war
ranted as such.
May 21-3: Practical Dentist.
A man at the Lewistown end of the
river bridge manages a gate at the Sta
tion side of the bridge, to keep teams
from eutcring about car time. His ma
chine is a wire that traverses the entire
length of the bridge, from the gate, along
the roof, to the town side, where it is
brought down and fastened to a cylinder
with a crank, which the man winds and
unwinds just as it is needed to close or
open the gate.
PvblIC Sale. David Reuo will offer
at public sale, at his residence in Fer-
manngh township, on Monday, June 2,
1873, Two mares, (one being with foal).
1 good driving mare, 1 yearling colt, 2
milch cows, 5 head young cattle, three
four horse wagons, 1 Kirby reaper and
mower combined, horse rake, threshing
machine, fodder cutter, apple grinder,
corn plauter, hay pitcher, cook stove,
table, chairs, Sea. Sale at 10 o'clock.
Attention. Farmers ! If you want
to buy a good Reaper, examine the Hub
bard before you buying any other. Its
gearing is all neatly inclosed, and it has
changeable motion. For sale by the un
dersigned residing in Walker township
Also the Taylor Hay Rake, the beet
rake ever introduced iuto this county.
Damel Al'KES.
May 21-4t
Attention, Jusiata Scouts. You
are hereby ordered to parade in Johns
town, on Saturday, May 31, 1S73. Sa
bre exercise at 101 o'clock prompt.
By order of J. K Robinson,
Capt Commanding.
Math lav .Rogers, O S.
Notice. The stockholders of the
Tuscarora Valley Railroad Company will
meet in McCoy sville, on Saturday, June
7, 1S73, at 1 o'clock P. M , for the pur
pose of electing a Board of Directors.
George McCulloch,
Thomas Arbcckle,
John Patterson,
S. B Crawford, et al,
Sunday Schools will be supplied
with Libraries. large or small, at city
prices and express prepaid, at the Book
Store of G. R. Frybixger,
Lewistown, Pa.
May 21-3w
Tlie 3iailcets.
Prices of Board of Commerce.
Reported weekly for the Jomata Sssrisat
by the Board of Commerce of Mifflin and Pat
terson. Butter 1? lb ..- 25
Eggs, dox 15
Lard, lb 8
Country Soap 8
Beeswax 25
Tallow 8
Rags - 3
Wool, washed W
Dried Apples 10
" Peaches, pared 20
" Peaches, unpared IS
" Cherries, pitted 20
" Blackberries .... 10
" Raspberries IS
Country Hams 12
Sides and Shoulders 7
Potatoes, f bus 40
Onions " W
Ground Alum Salt, 4 sack 2 25
Railroad Ties 6
Locust Poets, mortising - 32
" " for board fence.. - 15
Shelley & Stambaugh's Prices Current.
Corrected Weekly.
Cetstal Palace, Mifflintown, 1
May 28, 1873. (
Prime Roll Butter, per lb- 25
Eggs, per doxen 15
Lard, per lb - f8
Tallow, oer lb - (,8
Beeswax 30
Dried Apples, per lb 04
" Cherries, seedless, per lb 17
unseeded 04
" Blackberries - 08
' Raspberries 20
Walnuts, per bus - 0
Shellbarks - 95
Potatoes 6
Chickens, lire, per lb- 08
Hams - 14
Shoulders " '
Sides " 5
Liverpool Ground Alum Salt, per sack 2 no
D. F. Sulooff ft Co.' Trices Current
Reported Weekly.
Whits Wheat, bus. ft "3
Red " - 1
Corn J
Oats - "
Cloverseed 6 00
Timothy seed oQ
Prepared Coal, y ton - $5 25
Nut " " '" J25,
p.. .... - o 10
5 00
Run of Log, 4 4, TO00 ft $35 00
5-8, 25 00
, 8-4, " .25 00to40 00
, 6-4, " 2500to4000
Hemlock frame, " 2000
Boards. " -...20 00
Whitepine worked Flooring............. 35 00
" German Siding .- 35 00
Panel Doors 2 00 to 3 00
Window Sash, 8x10. $ wiadow 65
9x12, . 75
10x12, " 80
" 10x14, W
Philadelphia cattle market.
Mom dat. May 20 4 V. M.
Graik The demand for Wheal is limited!
an l confined to prime lots, the offerings of
which are light Sales of red at M WVul Va ;
amber at '- 05 ; white at $2 O-VaJ J 13 ;
amber spring at $1 Ml, ana UO.UW bushels
No. 2 Milwaukee spring on prirato terms.
Rye sells at 90(91c for western and Penn.
Cojn is in active request, and prices are held
with confidence, -ales of tMHiO bins, yellow,
in tbs cars, at 64?,fi5c. Oats are firmer.
and 3fM0 bus. western white s.ild at
and 2500 bus. mixed at 4ti 17c.
The market for Beef Cattle was rather
quiet this week, but with light receipts.
holders were firm in their views. Sales of
eeoice and extra at 7i(iSe, fair to good at
67c, and common at S5Jo " lb. P.e-I
ceipta 1800 bead. I
Cows and Caites were dull at $i0,75.
Receipt 830 hetd
PRKcr There was no wooled Shop in the
market. Clipped were steady at 5(S6Je.
Receipts 10,100 head.
IIoos were in fair demand at $S(rf.S 25 for
corn-fed. Receipts, 6003 bead.
'TMIE undersigned is agent for one of the
JL beat Force Fumps, for any depth of cis
tern or well, in the world. By attaching hose
to the spout, water can be thrown 30 to SU
feet. Nothing better could be asked in case
or fire. It is a non-freeung pump.
Oakland Mills, Juniata Co.. Pa.
BEAR & IIAMAKER. Proprietors.
All kinds of Job Work neatly executed.
Invites attention to his Large Stock of
Which are now ready for inspection, consisting of the most de
sirable Goods ever brought to Juniata county.
to make room for other goods.
"WXl Paper Ext Cost.
IjKSr -Agent fr Fouse's IXL Horse and Cattle Powders.
A SpMd Issartment of GOODS from w&idi to Select Clirista Presents.
Dec. 11, 1872-tf
raixerson, ra., ana ne
H.tvtsG just returned from Philadelphia
Latest and Choicest Styles of
Clotliing1 of
Coats, Pants. Vests, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Watches and Jewelry, Noinr. Fur
nishing Goods in endless Tsriety, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth; Furniture, ic, cheaper than
., , . r . i : . r ,i - n : I u : i
me cneapest, lor id bhujb hui i gw...
BT Measures taken ana suits made to oiuer.
Patterson, May 14, 157S.
rru nie.rrt.Asl n'Aul.1 rocnort full v inform the citizens of
J ill; U IlV-lsa 'i-, l VV. v i. v
MIFFLINTOWN' and vicinity
T?rr rm?n sTnili-Minmr. on
TOWN, with an entire New Stock of Good, consisting of
FULL Lirvi: OF
Stationery, School Books, &c.,
Boots and Shoes, for Men & Boys, Ladies, Misses & Children,
Ti.r on,! Twonfv-fmir-IInnr Clot-ks. SALT bv the SACK,
Cheese Dried Fruits bought and sold, Gum jxots, Over Shoes,
and Sandals, Wheat ana xucKvneai riur, nu vi.i
Quilts, Bedspreads, Counterpanes, Blankets, etc., etc., etc.
All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Prompt
payers 30 days credit. Goods delivered at any place m town
when desired. CORNKLIUS HARTLEY.
Mifflintown, Pa., Dee. 18, W--tf
T. VAN 1RVIN, CasLiei.
Joseph Puiaero;, Julia J. raiteTSoB.
Joreue N. Taonpsnn,. George Jacobs,
John Balsbach.
T.Aan moner. receive denosits. fa7 iniereat
on lime deposits, bur and sell eoin and Cel
led States Bonds, cash coupons and cheeks.
Remi: moner to any part of the United State
1 . . . . . I V 1 , I
and also to fcngiand, seoiiana, ireianu ui
Germany. Sell Kercnae stamps.
In sums or izw at 2 per eeni. uneonm.
In sums of $500 at 2 per cent, discunft.
In sums of $1000 at 8 per cent, dis-wnnl.
SHELLY a 8TAMBAUGH always keep np
iheirnoek of GROCERIES and will aot
be excelled either in the quality or prie of
(heir goods in this line. Give them a can
before going elsewhere.
ALL persons are hereby csniioned against
trespassing by hunting, or in any ether
way, on the farm on which I reside in Fer
managh township. AH persons offending
will be dealt with to the full extent of th
V Large assortment of Queensware, China
ware. Glassware. Crockerywaie. Cedar
ware, Ac., fr sale cheap by
jfe-Ji:mT Skxtish Sl.ftfl ter yar.
CLOTHING STORE, Bridge) Btreft.
wiu leu ion an aqoiu it.
and New Tork, he can supply yon with the
nil I in ds.
.u m . "uim,m.
that he has opened out in the