juniata iitiwcl. V 'H.-vs'riEia;,v " .,- -v-r'-r-i CSW IIlfliiIS V ---- - - M I F F L I N T O W N Wednesday Morning, May 28, 1873. JJ. R SCIIWEIER, H'lTOIt I-UOPKIETOR. GEO. P. POWELL 4 CO, 40 Park Row, New York AXI) S. M. PETTENGILL 4 CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y, Arc our ageuU in that city, and nra au l'ior'7ril to contract for advertising at our law! rates. Advertisers in thnt city nre je q;ic ted to leave their favors ith either of the a'lovo houses. Tub able au'l good M. Thiers lias re itinl the. l'i&iileucy of tie French Ke- p illic, mitl is s ucctede-J by the quiet, r-:r ng ami ambitious Marshal Mc.Mahon. It t!i French nre evtr given to praying, thry desire llie perpetuity of a Re public tliey should now pray, that I'res idtut ?IcMalin'8 head and heart bo kept pure and undtfikd He is strong enough if he go defires to place the French peo ple under the government of a monarchy. Ui.Laj'py France ! Unittd Status trooj-s marched into Mexico and kill, d and enptured a num ber of Indians who had m.irdered people in Texas a-id driven away tlieir hones aud entile. Tut he are cirtuia circles iu New Voik still iu a state of excitement of tha ami: y or insanity of Gtorge Fnincis Train. Tiain himself says that he is of fane wind and the owner of property, worth two millijns five hundred and five ihouaat.d doliors Prkshie.mt Gkant issued a proclam ation commanding the riotnessaud disor derly persons in the State of Louisiana, to disperse and retire peaceably to their rrftiective a'mdos within twenty days from the date of Proclamation which was on the 22nd inst A despatch from Prairie City Illinois und:-r dale of the 2.1 says : A fearful tornado parsed a m'le and a-half north of here yestenl.-.y afternoon. '1 he storm traveled ea-tw ird sweeping nearly every thing before it tor hitlf a inde in width, bloving dowa houses, bains, out houses, 'lire-?, telegraph Jcdes, and killing and itijmir.g several persons. A number of hordes p cattlu were killed and injured. On the 2"2id Lieutenant General Sher idan sent a despatch from Chicago to iLe Secretary ot War as follows : "General Atigiir telegraphs that Colo nel Mackenzie, with six companies of tlio rourlh Cavalry and tweuty five J Seminole sepals, struck a camp of Kick-1 npoo a::d Ltjjin Indians, about eighty uiiles fioai Fort Cl.-.ik, Texas, early ou the I Sib inst., having marched all the night previous. They killed nineteen Iiidians, wouuded two, aud captured one . . back, a former chief of the Lining, and 1 . loi ty oue women aud children, besides destroying two villages with their accum ulated property. He had three of his men wounded, one mortally, lie had already over fifty captured ponies.'' A proiiibitokv li(ii-r law is favored by the committee iu the Canadian Parli ament, which has been stu lying the connection between intemperance and ciim". They assert upon official infor mation that four-fifths of tha ciimes com mitted in that cauntry result from this vice; for instance, 2 1,230 commitments of 2S.2S9 made in Quebec and Outario were to be traced directly to intoxication. The committee forlify their statements by the opinions of 153 doctors, who agree that disease and premature death arc the. results of indulgence in ardent spirits. The fiscal objection to prohibit ing the liquor traffic, that to do so would deprive the State of an annual revenue, which last year was f 5.034 543 48, they meet by the argument that an equal sum would be saved, under prohibition, in the cost of hospitals, jails, conrts, and the other appliances with which society now strnggles against intemperance. A despatch from Jlariisburg to the Philadelphia Inquire under date of May 21th says : A case of great importance to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company was argued in the Supreme Court to day. It involved the right of the plaintiff to recover damages for the killing of a man on a crossing at a public highway, where the plaintiff proved affirmatitely that the person killed did not stop, look nor listen before he drove on the crossing. Coun sel for the company contended ' that this was negligence in law, and this was de nied ou the other side. Tlje question was fairly raised by counsel, and the court seemed dnly im pressed with his argument. Great inter est is felt in the case here, as it is thought to involve the safety of passengers and travelers, and is an entirely new point The rase is of great importance to the railroad company, as it would hold them responsible iu every case of injury at a public crossing if decided against them. It is thought the decision of tGe court below will be reversed. Tho case referred to by despatch is the one commonly known in this county as the-BealeCase." E. D. Parker is I he 'counsel' who carried the case up to the Supreme Court. Mississippi hire out her convicts at SIS a month and doesn't find them. I THE MODOC WAR. Hair of Captain Jack's Band Surrendered. Caj tain Ilasbrouck li ft Boyle's Camp May 7, and has been ecoutingever aiuce. Ilia command consists of Battery B. Fourth Artillery, troops B and G. First Artillery, and Warm Spring Iudians numbering in all 210 mm. Captain Jack had change of troops B and G, wiih which he harassed the In dians. XI is men fought well in every instance, and paid little heed to hunger so that they vanquished the Iudiaus Captain Ilasbronck especially praises the gallantry of B troop and a portion of G i'i the charge at Dry lake. The men scaled a ridge tweuty-five feet high iti the face of the Modocs, and drove them away. Captain Jackson. led the right, and Lieutenant. Mo?s the It ft, and Lieutenants Botitelle and Kyle held the other bold positions. Captain Has brouck has not lost a man since the Dry Lake engagement. Artena, Chokus, Longlegs, One.eyed Dixie, and two Mod oc resident of this ranch, last evening interviewed the five women captured by Captaiu Ilasbrotick's command, and from them gleaned interesting accounts of the Modoc operations during the few months. The captives are Mrs Wachmetel, Bos ton Bbarley's two sisters, the mother of Black Jim, aud one maiden w hose rela tives have attained no notable distinc tion. They report that Shacknasty Frank Shacknasty Jake, Shacknasty Bill, Steamboat Frank, Klleu's Man, Hooker Jim's father, Boston Nick and several other Modocs have been killed, and many wounded, duly headed Jack carried a piece of lead in his body several days, and when last seen was apparently 'booked' for the happy hunting grounds The inability of Little John to travel at a rapid pace delayed the band. Uaa brouck ei. countered and got the Modocs into this last difficulty. The account of the cause of disaffection among the Mod ocs after the battle is interesting. Cap tain Jack consulted a stolen chronometer aud, after sundry gestures aud exclama tions, info, mod his followers that they would shed rifle bullets as a duck does water, and escape unharmed. Ti e confidence this statement iuspired was rapidly dispelled by Captain Has brouck's encounter, w hen several Modocs were killed and others wonuded. Indig nation reigned supreme in Jack's house hold. The Cottonwood branch of the tribe from Fairchild's decided that they would fight no more. This resolution led to Jack's clandestine departure. The Col ton woods, numbering twenty warriors and fifty women and children, hurried to the Snow Mountains, at the southern end of the lava deposit, prepar atory to traveling to the Yainoi reserva tion, and imploring pardon from thcGreat Father at Washington. The sudden ad veut of Hasbronek's cavalry and Warm Spring Indians disturbed their peaceful meditations and caused them to run or fight. During the stampedo Mrs. Hen dricks, alias "Limpey," threw her six months' old infant to tha ground in the i lionn nf wifmin. but was soon after , , .., , , . ward killed by a V arm Spnng warrior ,, , i . i I he babe was brought hither aud turned ug!it miner aud turned over to a squaw. Artena also learned from Modoc wo men that tho Cottonwood Indians earn estly desired any action looking to the restoration of peace, aud would yield to the soldiers if an opportunity were offer ed to them About this time the Warm Spring Indians, who were outside the in terviewing apartment, commenced sing ing one of their national melodies, aud drawing their knives across their mocca sins, which raused uneasiness among the squaws, and terminated the consnltatiou. Capt Hasbrouck said he was willing to Iiave4.hu Modocs surrender, and would afford them every facility for so doing. Artena, Cbokus and Dixie, who bave hitherto been of great service to the government, ca ight the idea immediately and wanted to be employed as emissar ies. They were provided with horses and provender for two days, and sent af tcr the Modocs. The women were taken into General Davis' tent into the presence of General Uardie, Colonel Gillem and Captain Has brouck, Fairchild interpreting. True to their nature they talked a long while, but said little. Finally Artena said the Indians were fifteen miles from here, and they numbered 15 warriors and 50 squaws and children. The Great Spirit had caused their hearts to bleed for the white people, and they all wan ted to return to the fold and live in peace among the whites , bat, iu the present coudition of affairs, a doe regard for their lives prevented them from appear-, iug within reach of the army. They wanted a peace talk,and said : Let the White Father (meaning Gener al Davis) come out and see them alone, and talk over nutters. Through that medium the parties might come to au amicable understanding, but no Modoc would ruriender without a peace talk." Dixie corroborated the statements of Artena. The interview lasted an hour and three quarters. At the close General Davis told Artena and Dixie to go back to the Modoc camp to-morrow morning and tell the Indians he should not come out for a peace talk ; that he did not believe in peace talks away from his men, and that the Indiana must come to him if they wanted to talk. He would aiiow them to surrender, and they had until Friday morning to make their appearance at bis headquarters. After that time b.4 should shoot every Modoc found with a gun. Tha women told Farchild they would not return to the Modoc camp. That question will be settled in the morning. Yresa, May 23. From J. II Mc Coy, who has jiut como in from Fair child's, in eight hours and fifty m inutes, we learn that the Hot Creek band were brought in by Fairchild's party. Their surrender was apparently unconditional They gave up their arms and were put under guard. The band numbered fifty five men, women and children, including fifteen warriors. Among the latter are Bogus Charley. Shacknasty Jim, Curly - Head Doctor, Frauk aud others the best fighting men Captain Jack had. Boston is believed to have been killed Tho troops are hunting for Hooker Jim It is supposed that there are twenty war riors with Captain Jack, whose wherea bouts is unknown, though it- is surmised that he is iu the Pitt River Mountains. - F.ukchild's Ranch k. May 22 3 P. M. At one o'clock ;this afternoon Oue eyed Dixie returned to General Pavis headquarters at a slashing pace, his horse being completely blown. He made obeisance, and at once let his tongue loose, reporting that the Indians were close at hand and ready to enter camp nnder escort. All they asked was Fairchild to coaie out and meet thru No soldiers need come. The presence of Fairchild would be considered a guaran tee of good faith. "Where is Artena !'' asked General Davis. "Tied up," said Dixie : "long ride and no water." The absence of Artena gave rise to suspicions of foul play, which were only dispelled by her suaueu advene, cue, too, reined ner foaming horse before General Davis, and said the Indians were hovering about the hills, ueir here, waiting to surrender to the troops. Fairchild, Blair and two or three em ployes of the former, with whom the Indians were acquainted mounted swift steeds, at the request of General Davis, aud started with Dixie at five o'clock P. M. The news of the intended surrender of the Indians spread through the camp like wildfire. The soldiers, Warm Spring Indians and scouts were alike elated at the prospect of a peaceful victory. The squaw Dixie told General Davis that he fore she started, tho Modocs feared the soldiers would kill them the instant they entered the camp. First came Blair, manager of Fair child's Raucbe, mounted ; fifty yards behind him wag Fairchild, and, further still, twelve Modoc bucks with their squaws aud papooses. Among the bucks were Bogus Charley, Steamboat Frauk, Curly Headed Doctor and others of ltser uote. They were dressed iu motley garb nearly all of them wearing a portion of the regular uniform of the United States army, and every buck carried a Spring field rifle. The women were dressed iu clothes that had evidently been used by the fair sex within the confines of civili zati in. The Modocs said nothing, and no one approached them until General Davis came forward, lie met the pro cession fifty paces from the house and was formally introduced to Bogus Char ley. He smiled sweetly on the general and shook his hand, and then all the leading warriors came forward and greeted him cordially. Then every buck laid his gun beside him aud waited orders Gen eral Davis said : ' Give up your pistols and all your other arms." Each buck said he had not any arms. 'Then,' said the goueral, "I shall give you camp where you can remain to night, aud if you try to run or escape yon will be shot dead '' The order was explained and all obedience promised. The procession then moved across Cot ton wood creek to a clump of trees. At this point the tail end of the crowd came in. These were half-naked children , geda squaws, who could hardly hobble, blind, lame, halt, bony and the scum of the tribe. There were sixty three per sons, men, women and children twelve bucks, twenty squaws and their children. Fairchild says there are twenty bucks missing from the Cottonwood branch - of the tribe. Bogus Charley said Boston Charley had been killed. The disaffec tion heretofore reported is corroborated by the captain of the Modocs, who par ted company with Captain Jack eight days ago. Captain Ives is now rawing rations and arranging for a feast. Captain E. M. Camp arrived from Van Bremer's this afternoon. Companies E and G. of the Twelfth Infantry, will remain here on guard. Captain Kingsbury com mands Company E. General Wheaton and Captain Winters reached here this morning. The artillery has been divided into squadrons, and the Warm Spring Indi ans into small parties, for purpose of fol lowing Captain Jack's faction of the Modoc tribe, and the re spective com mands will start ont in a day or two. 2 O'clock JP. M. Another Modoc has jnst entered camp and rurreudered. It is Hooker Jim, the Lost River mur derer. WASHiNaTO, May 23. The follow ing was received here to-night : "Sas Francisco, May 23. To Gen eral Sherman, Washington : General Davis reports that about half of the Modocs, being whipped and hard press ed by Captain Hasbrouck, have surren dered unconditionally.' Davis says he will push the pursuit of Jack and his party, and hopes to end the war soon. J. M. Schofield, Major-General. A Williamsporter, on Saturday a week caught a Siamese twin eel. It had two heads, four eyes and two bodies. A despatch hpm Washington Iowa under date of the23d ears : A terrific tornado or whiilrind, accompanied by hail and rain, passed .ever this section, about six miles north of Washington, yesterday afternoon. Houses, barns, fences, trees, cattle and human beings were caught up and whirled through the air like mere toys, and then dashed to the ground with such violence as to pro duce iustaut destruction. One can scarcely conceive the devas tation or realize the foice of the tornado. School was in session at a school house six miIi-9 north of here, and the tornado tore the building to pieces aud carried a 14 year old daughter of Henry Rothmel about a quarter, of, a mile from school. When found she was mashed to jelly. Miss Smith, the teacher, and six or eight othei scholars were injured, some of them severely. The wife of Henry Walters was killed A Miss Gardner and a son of Abo G bson lie at the .point of death. Jacob Seek was seriously hurt. A Mr. Baker was hurt in the back. The family of J Camp bell near Keota were injured. Mrs. Mc Coy was seriously hurt. The lives of many persons were saved by their hastily getting into the cellars of their houses. Sad havoc was made with all kiuds of stock. Hail stones fell that measured nine inches in diameter. The roaring of the tornado was fearful, and could have been easily heard ten miles. At this place, six miles away, it was perfectly appall ing, surpassing in terror anything ever heard. A telegram from Keota last evening says five persons were killed about three miles from that place. One child was torn to pieces. The loss of life and property by the ' tornado was much greater than at first renorteil. Six morn nersons have died since morning, and the destruction of property is enormous. In the town of Lancaster but one house was left stand ing. No one is reported killed, but a large nnmbe r were seiiously injured. Keota, May, 23 The most terrific storm ever known in this part of the State passed over here yesterday about 3 P. M. It started, as far as heard from, ten miles southwest of here, on Skunk Bottom, and traveled to within two miles and a half of this city sweeping every thing before it. Up to tbe present time four persons are reported killed and eight slightly hurt. Eight houses, three barns, one saw mill and several grancries were destroyed. ' Between two hundred and three hun dred cattle were killed. The storm did not exceed in width from one hundred to four hundred yards. It is reported that the town of Lancaster, fifteen miles south-west of here, in this county, is in ruins. -8II0KT ITEMS. Sandusky, O., pull S-350,000 worth of fish out of Lake Eric yearly. Tbe old Libby prison is now used as a S unity school room for colored children M'Ewensville, Lycoming county, has a blacksmith who has ptacticed on the anvil chorus for forty nine years. Parasols with long heavy silk ftinge, and having knobs and handles of pure gold, are all the rage among New. York fashionables just now. James Trainor, of Phil a., aged twenty two, accidentally killed himrelf while gunning, on Sunday a week, near Black river, ld. The Japnese hare decided to call the six days of their uew week. Light, Moon. Fire, Water, Metal and Earth. There is a venerable old lady in De trott, who was once too betrothed of Jtffiraon Davis. They still correspond John Peterson who is to be hanged in Georgia next month, has, since Lie sentence, fallen heir to a fortune of $30,000. Samuel Cram, an old and respected citizen of Windham, Me, cat his throat recently, being tbe last of four brothers, all of whom committed suicide. The keeper of an Ohio poor bouae thrashed an old man almost to death for saying that poor houae tea was half hay, and that poor hoaje sngar was half sand. Opinions differ everywhere. The Egypt recently landed in New York the largest number of passengers ever brought by one vessel. A Pig was killed a few days ago near Leyburn, Eugland, weighing 210 pounds which had, when opened, two perfect hearts, one a little less thau the other, but both perfett and healthy. , An industrious hotuo wife in Milwau kee, has completed forty two dosen straw hats since February in addition to performing all her ordinary platitudes. A juror in Lycoming county recently took his place in the box clad in a blue cloth coat which had served him as a wedding garment forty years before. An elderly woman was robbed of some $260 in greenbacks while entering! a car at Phenixville the other day. Boston is making addition to tho num ber of public baths. A atrange bird was shot in Backs county recently. It was three feet long, measured seven feet two and a half in ches across the wings, and weighed eight pounds. A young Hindoo has'just entered the Methodist Theological School at Bos tou' with the purpose of qualifying him self for missionary work among his na tive people. The emigrant travel on the Pemtyl vania railroad ia annually increasing, and this spring has been unusually i heavy. Important Notice. NOTICE is hereby given lo Retail Dealers, Kerpers bf Ealing Houses, Restaurants, to., and nil persons liable ta pay a license, that there licences are now due, and if not paid on or before the 14ih day of June next, they will be collected as the law directs. W. C. LA I It 1), Treaturer. May 21, J873-lw Auditor's Hotice. rpiIE Auditor appointed by the Orphans' J- Court of Juniata county lo distribute tbe balance in tbe hands of William Van weringen. Executor of Alexander McClure, deceased, hereby gives notice to all whom it may concern, that be will be at bis office, in MitHintown, on FRIDAY, JUNE 0th, 1873, for the purpose aforesaid. LUCIEN W. DOTY, Auditor. May 21. 1873. Auditor's Votice. TIIE undersigned, appointed by the Or phans' Court of Juniata county. Audi tor to audit, settle, adjust and report distri bution of the fund declared by the decree of said court to be in the hands of Joaeph Roth rock, Executor of the last will of Robert C. Oallaher, deceased, hereby gives notice to all parties interested thtrein that he will, for that purpose, be at his office in Minlintown, on SATURDAY, the 7th day of JUNE, 1873. I.L'CIES W. DOTY, Auditor. May 21, 1873. 12,000,000 ACRES! 01i;ni Fnrnia J The cheapest Land in market for sale by the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY In the Great Flatte Valley 3,000,000 Acrea in Central America, Now for sale in tracts of forty acres and up wards on rtva and ts tkab' cbkdit At K ria CENT. No ADVAXCB IXTIKE3T EEViUIElD. Mild axd healthful c.ihate. iebtile SOIL, AX ADUKDASrE Or OOOD WATEBvA THE BEST MARKET IN THE SfTST ! The great mining regions of Wyoming, Col--orado, Clah and Nevada being supplied by the farmers ie tho Platte Vallet. Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead of 160 Acres. BKT LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. FREE HOMES FOR ALL! Millions of acres of choice GoTcrnment Land open fur entry under the Homestead Lav, near thi Great Railroad, wilh good maikrts and all the conveniences of an old settled country. Free faspe to purchasers of Railroad Land. Section! Maps, showing the Land, also new edition Of Descriptive Pamphlet w: () new Maps mailed free everywhere. Address (. F1AVI Land Commissioner V. .P It. R Omaha. NeJ WE WANT AN AGENT In this township to ranvass for tbe new, val uable and fast selling book by Dr. JOHN COWAX, THE SCIENCE OF A NEW LIFE. Recommended and endorsed by prominent ministers, physicians, religious and secular papers. No other book like it published. $10 per week guaranteed. A Idresa, COWAN A CO., 139 Eighth St.. N. Y. AfclENTS WASTED. Send fur Catalogue. Domestic Sewing Machine Co., New York. "Yoh Ask! rUTell!" (The New DEPARTURE In Books.) Igeats wanted. Exclusive territory girxn. l'ne book will sell itself. Father, Mother, Si.iter, Brother, Minitcr, Merchant. Manu facturer. Farmer, Miner, Mariner, and Jour self all want Tiikke is Monkti it. Send for Circular. CHESTEUMAN WFBSTER, 50 North Slh street, Philadelphia, Pa. TELEGRAPHY. A,necessary part of evtry person's education in this advanced age is the art of Teh graph ing. Apply lo the undersigned for Smith's Manual of Telegraphy, the best work pub lished on this suhjert. Price 30 els. Alxo for every description of Tel-graph io Instru ments and Battery ; Nitro Chromic Battery for electroplating. L. G. TILLOTSON t CO , 8 Dey St., Now York. MflliTY Sll"le R"FiJ1-9 with Stencil k Key . jujgn Quints. Catalogues and full particulars Fit EC. M Sfexceb, 117 Hanover St , Boston. HOW 'TIS BOTE, r the Secret Ont. Mustache and Whiskers' in 42 days Thi GREAT SECRET and 100 others. Gam blers' Tricks, Cardiology. Ventriloquism, all in the ORIGINAL Beek ef Wanders." Mailed for 25 cents. Address 1. C. CUT LER: Carthage, liiinois. PATENTS OBTAINED. No fees unless jucce.-sfuL No fees in ad vance. No charge for preliminary search. Send for circulars. CONNOLLY BROTH ERS, 108 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Ta., aud 608 Ninth St., Washington, D. C. ttR tn COQ per day ! Agents wasted ! All IU 4av elates of working people, of either sex, young or old. make more money at work for us in their spa-e moaocnts or all the time than at anything else. Particular free. Address G. ST1NSON ft CO., Port land, Maine. GETTYSBUKG KATALYSINE WATER Is tbe nearest approach to a specific ever dis covered for Dyspepsia. Neuralgia, Rheuma tism, Gout. Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney and Urinary Disrases generally. It restores mus cular power to the Paralytic. It cures Liver Complaint, Chronic Diarrkn;, Piles, Consti pation. Asthma. Catarrh and Brnnshitis, Diseases of tbe Skin, General Debility and Nervous Prostration from Mental and Phvsi cl Excesses. It is the Greatest Antidote ever discovered for Excessive Eating or Drinking. It e rrecls the stomach, promotes Digestion, and Relieves the Head almost im mediately. No bhusehold should be without it. - For bale by all Druggists. JgfFor a history of the Springs, for med ical reports of the power of the water over disease, for m trvelou cures, and for testi monials from distinguished men, send for pamphlets. WHITNEY BROS., General Agents. 227 S. Front Street, Philad a, Pa. Gstttsbcbo Spbiho Co. C. ROTHROCK, DENTIST, IoA.llHterviIIe, Fenna OFFERS nil professsonel service to the public in general, in both branches ef hi profession operative and mechanical. First week of every month at Richfield, Fre mont and Turkey Valley. Seoond week Liverpool and Wild Cat Val ley. Third week Millerstown and Raccoon Valley. Fourth week at hi office iu M'Alisterville. Will visit Mifflin when called on. Teeth pot up on any ef the bases, and a liberal a anywhere else. - ' Address by letter or otherwise. Caution. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against Hunting, Fishing, or in any way tres paasiat on the lands of the undersigned, in ftlilfora township. All persons so offending will be dealt with to th full extent ef the law. P. H. HAWK. Dee. 4, 1872-tf $500,000 CASH GIFTS TO BE PAID IN FULL. THE THIRD GRAND GIFT CONCERT IN AID OF THE PullIo Ijfbrnry. of Ky., Will be given fn the great hall of Library BuiMing. at Louisville on Tuesday. Jult 8, 1873, at which time TEN THOUSAND GIFTS, amounting to a grand total of SoOO.COO, all cash, will be distributed by lot to ticket holders. No reduction in amount of gifts at this distribution, but each gift -v ill be paid IN FULL. Orrics or Farmesh' and Droved' Baxk, LonsviLLB. Kt., April 7, 1873. Thin is In certify that there is in the Far Mrs'. anal tr avert' Bank, to the credit of the Third Grand Gift Concert fr tbe benefit of the I'uhlin Library of Ky., Fit Han4re4 Tkaaa4 Dalian, which bis been set apart by tbe Managers to pay the gifs in full, and will be held by tbe Bank and paid out for this purpose, and this purpoae only. (Signed.) R. S. YEECH, Cashier. LIST OF fflFTS. One Grand Cash Gift $100,000 One Grand Cash Gift- 50,000 One Orand Cash Gift 25,000 One Grand Cash Gift . 20,000 One Grand Caab Gift 10.000 One Gtand Cash Gift 6,000 24.000 25,000 32.C00 80,000 20.000 6H.000 90,0 0 Total, 10,000 Gifts, all Cash, $500,000 Only a few tickets remain unsold, and they will be furnished to tbe firat applicants at the following prices: Whole tichets. $10; halves, $5 ; quarters. $'i.50 ; 1 1 wholes for $100; 5t for $500 ; 113 for $1,000. For tickets and full information apply to THUS. E. BRAM LETTS, Louisville, Ky. or, THOS. H. HAYS A CO., C09 Broadway, New York. Mar21-4w BLATCHLEY ( IMPBOTKD s Cucumber Wood Pomp. i Tasteless, Durable, Efficient, S and Cheap. Tbe best Pump for the least money. Atten '"yyVion is especially invite 1 to i P-"! yBIatcbley a Patent Improved ' Bracket and ew Drop Check M Valve, which can be with 2 drawn without removing the wmji 32 pumporuisiuroingmejointa. e3J H Al.o. the Conner Chamhi-r. - ..... ... which never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by dealers everywhere. I cend for Catalogue and r rice-List. tSAj. u. hutcbui, .iianniaci r, 06 Commerce St., Philada., Pa. flfur drmisrrafnts. Orphans' Court Sale. o T) Y virtue of an erder of the Orphans' lj Court of Juniata county, tbe undersign ed. Administrator of the estate of Reuben Landis, deceased, will expose to public sale, on the premises, in Delaware township, in said county, at 1 o'clock P. M., on SATURDAY. JUNE 21st. 1873. The following real estate of said decedent, to wit : A Tract of Land in said township, con taining 14 crps, bounded by lands nf William N. Brookhart, Amos Stahl, Uriah Shuman and others having thereon erected a good two-story DWELLING HOUSE, BANK BARN, Shoemaker Shop, and other outbuildings. There is a good Well of water at the door, and a fine selection of choice Fruit on the premises. This property is located in Pfouli's Valley, in a good farming neighborhood, about three miles east of Thompsonlown, snd abont one mill north of the Penna. Central Railroad. TERMS OF SALE Ten pr cent, of the purchase money to be paid when the prop erty is sincaen oown to me rnrcbner ; for ty per cent, of the same when the sale ii con firmed by tbe Court, and the remainder in two equal instalments, payable on the 1st of April, 1874, and the 1st of April, 1875, to be secured by judgment notes. Further particulars will be given by calling upon Win N. Brookbart, near the premises, or by the undersigned. C. 0. WINEY. Adm'r of Reuben Landis, dee'd. May 14, 1873-tf Farm at Public Sale -V WALKER TOWXSIUP. THE undersigned will offer at public sale, on the premises, in Walker township Juuiata county, about one mile Northeast of Vanwert, at 1 o'clock r. on SATURDAY, MAY 31st, 1873. The following real estate, to wit: A valua ble farm, located as above desorihed, being within 2J miles of tbe proposed railroad be tween Mittlintown and Port Treverton. and adjoining land of J. N. ft Vf II. Moore, Vim. Curren and others, containing One Hundred and Twelve Aeres, More or less, about Sereuty-five Acre of which are cleared and in a good state of cul tivation. The improvement are a DWELLING HOUSE, New Sank Bnrn, 62 by 45 feet, erected in 1870, and other ne cessary outbuildings, a Spring of ne'er fail ing water near tbe house, also a good thriv ing APPLE ORCHARD of choice fruit, and a Peach Orchaid. Persons wishing to invest in real estate, should examine this property. TERMS Five hundred dollars to be paid by the purchaser on the day of sale, or note given with approved secuiity; one-half of balance to be paid ou the first of April, 1874, and the remainder to be paid in four annual payments with interest.- Haf Any perspn desiring to view the prop erty can do so by calling on the under signed, residing in Fermanaeh township. DAVID BESUOAR, Sr. April 23. 1873. D..P.S0L00FF4C0., (Successors to D. K. Sulouff ft Co.,) ' LZALZESI1T Grain, Lumber, Coal, . Halt, Plaster, CALCINED PLASTER, CEMENT, JC. The Highest Cash Prices Paid for all kinds of Grain. Lumber, Coal, kt., Sold at the Lowest Prices. Having boats of our own we can freight Grain, Lumber, Coal, Ac. cheaper than say other parties. We therefore defy competi tion. fTYou can make money by calling on as before selling or buying elsewhere. Gbai will bb biciivbd is stobb to as soxn bt tbb 1st or Jobs, 1873. F. S. Our grain is not elevated oa men's backs. Miffliotowu, April 20, 1872. LAROS stock of Ready-made Clothing fer sal by UARLET ft CO. 21 Cash Gifts of $1,000 each, SO Cash Gifts of 600 80 Cash Gifts of 400 100 Cash Gifts of 30 150 Cash Gifts or 200 " 690 Cash Gifts of 104 9,000 Cash Gifts of 10 STBAM EKErlNH 63. i'7 . r- . (KcaiiiaLl TVcnoi & Mas.) STATIOnARY S F0RT1M.E Steam Engines. Th Best ft Most Ccm;Irf c Asortmmt in the Market. The KririntM Havr w ty. r.:n vnr-! y.;j liurhcat arttHwiani of xcr.n.-e. tY tujik n&nuftvrtun nf F-nifim-B, tUT n-l KrMtlb rvci.ity. V ha? Ok lftnc-t mi t mo cnmpltru works of th kind in tin country, vim vjduaery pecisUly Upttl to tlae work. We kp CHMlantljr in prwm Laiy numlm c f Engine, wfaii.h w fumiWi nf tiie rr lov-mf pric and oq th thartft notier. VT buiU i.3vm mctall adapt to Mine. Haw Mult. Oii.it Mill. Tanner!, Cotton Gins, Tlirnhen and U cjmm of mBnfartnrinr. We art) now bu.ldinff ti cri -1ntf M Tjtn Ctr-o Inr 8aw Mill, the teat and mo t-oKip'wLc iaw zaJl rrr invented. We make the manulWtur f Saw ViH mil ftH peeial feature of our bourne, and cau furnish complete on th hort'. rK ie. Our aim in all caw it to fitrr.iah IV Wt ma chinery in tht market, and work absolutely on qoalod for beauty oftWtrn. economy udUenfr.h Bead for Circular and 1'rice List. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. TTU A, II. Y. Administrator's Hotice. titalt of Anderson I'uits, detsassd. LETTERS of Administration having beea granted to tbe undersigned upon the estate of Anderson Pines, lata of Delaware township, deceased, all persons indebted lo aid estate are requested te make paymeot, and those having claim against th same, lo present them properly authenticated for settlement te ARNOLD VARNE3, JESSE PINES, Adminis tralors. Notk The Administrators will meet those who have unsettled accounts at tbe late resi dence of said deceased in Delaware tap., on May 2'Ird and 24th, 1873, for settlement. All-account not settled on or before those day will he brought te Mitflintowa for col lection. April 9, 1S73 Cw GREAT REDUCTION 1M THK PlMCx-X OF TEETH I Full Upper or Lower Sets as Low as $5.00. No teeth allowed lo leave the office unless the patient i satisfied. Teeth remodeled and repaired. Teeth filled lo last for life. Toothache stopped in five minute witheut extracting the tooth. Denial v. ork dme for persons without them leaving ibeir homes, if desired. Electricity used in rbe exti action of teeth, rendeiing it almost a painless operation, (nj extra charge) at tbe Dental Office of O. I,. Dcrr, established in MiClintown in 1800. G. L. PERU. Jan 24, 1872-ly Practical Dentist. TI1K GREAT DISCOVERY. Kmiktis Hitter Wine of Iron. For the cure of weik stmch. r-neral de bility, indigestion, disease of me nervous syrtem, consiipntion, acidity of the stomach, and all enses requiring a touic. Ibe wine includes lue moat agreeable en-1 efficient Silt of ln-n we potsess : Citrate of Magnetic Oxida, combined with the mot en ergetic of vegetable tonic Yellow Peruvian Bark. The effpet in many ease of debility, Una of appetite, and general proirati)n, of a efficient salt of Iron, combined with our val uable Nerve, is mo-- happy. It augment the appetite, raise the pu'se, take off mus cular flabbiness, removes the pallor of de bility, and gives a florid vigor to the cwnte nance. Do you want something to strengthen yoof Do you want a god appetite? Do you want to build up your constitution T Do you want to feel well ? Do you want to get rid of ncrvourn?s ? Do you want energy ? Do you want to sleep well? Do you want brisk and vigerous feelings ? If you do, try Knnkel's Wine of Iron. This truly valuable Tonic has teen Si thor oughly tested by all c!asesof the community that it is now deemed indispensablo as a Tonic medicine. It cos's but little, purifies the blood and gives lone to tbe stomach, reno vates the system aaJ prolongs life. I now only ask a trial of this valuable Tonic. Price $1 per bottle. E. F. KunVel, Sole proprietor, 269 North Ninth street, below Vine, Philadelphia. Ask for Kuukel's Bitter Wfhc of Iron, and take no other, IfyourDruggiitthaa.it not send $1 to my address, and the medicine, with advice free, will come by next express train. For sale by BANKS ft HAMLIN, Drug, gists, Mifilintawn, Pa. P AN AWAY from the auhscriber residing t in Spruce Hill township, on April 1st, 18T3, Samuel Carter, regularly indentured t tbe undersigned. Any information of hi whereabouts will be thankfully received. JOHN MIRTZ. April 23-3t Caution. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against Hunting, Fishing, or in any way tree passing on the farm occupied by tbe under signed, in Milford township.. All person so. offending will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. JOSEPH FUNK. New Store and New Goods. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, 4CL Main Street, Mifflintora. . HAVING opened cat OROCERY AND PROVISION STORE in the old stand on Main Street, Miffliatown, t would respeet fully ask the attention of the publie to the following srticlos, which I will keep oa band at all tlaie : SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, RICE, PIH S ALT DRIED AND CANNED FRUIT. HAM, SHOULDER, DStLD REEF, Confectioneries, Huts, &c., Tobacco, Clifjxrsa, GLASSWARE, Xloiir, Feed, Sec AU of which will be sold eheap for Cash er Country Ptedaee. Give me a can and hear my prices. J. W. KIRK. Mifflintowa, May 2, 1872. A FINE assortment of Cloths, Caasimeres Testings, 4 e., jnst received and for sal by 8. B. LOB DON. AROEST STOCK ef Dress Goods in the eeuaty at Tilt en ft Ejatehade.