Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, May 28, 1873, Image 1

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All advertising for less than three moot hi
for one square of nine lines or less, will be
eharged one insertion, 75 cents, three $1.60,
and 50 cents for each subsequent insertion.
Administrator's, Kxecntor's and Auditor's
Notices, $2,00. Professional and Business
Cards, not exceeding one square, and inclu
ding copy of paper, $3,00 peryesr. Notice
in reading columns, ten cents per line. Mer
chants advertising by thoyearatspecislrates.
3 "ontSt- 6 mnntitl 1 year.
One inch.... $ S.50 $ 5.00 $ 8.W
Two inches 5,00 8.C0 11.00
En Jge Streit, oppoiits the Odd Fellows1 Hall,
Tut" J cm ata Sixnsit U published everv
ffedneads; morning at $1,60 year, in ad.
vanee; or $2,00 in all cases if not paid
promptly is advance.. ?o subscriptions dia
eontinoed until all arrearages srs paid, unless
( Three inches 6.00 10,00 15,00
One-fourth earn. 10.00 17. (H 25.00
lUlf column 18,00 25.ro 45.00
One column 30.00 '45.00 80,00
at ts option or the pablisuer.
. . Zht Cantata fatutrt. -
pfiLisiiKD Ktirt iriommd Mob-cixo,
& 4? -zi
asiiuss Carbs.
r .-'. " . MlfTUNTOWJ?; PA. ,
j-CuIltcting and Gonvtvancing promptly
atteadeu 10.
OSee on Bridge street, opposite the CourU
House equnre.
OiSce on RriJge street, in the room formerly
occupied by Exra I). Pari r, Esq.
JF. 0. LONG, resi.ling in Spruce Hill
town-hip, offers his services to the citi
itti! of Junita county as Auclinncer and
Vendue Crier. Charges moderate. Satis
faction warranled. jn20-3m
B. LOUbK, v ...
OfTers his services lo the citixens of Juui
ta count j as Auctioneer and Vendue Crier.
Charges, from tiro to tea dollar. Satisfac
tion warranted. nov3, '09
H. tf. StftDES, Perrymlle, Pa
Tenders iiis services to the citixens of Juni
ata and adjoining counties, as Auctioneer.
Charges moderate. For satisfaction give the
Dutchman a chance. I. O. address, Port
Koal, Juaiata Co , Pa.
Feb 7. '72-1
August 18, 18fi9-tf.
Physician and Surgeon,
OScc hours 0 A. M. to S P. M. Office in
Belford's building, two doors above the Stu
rm?; office. Bridge street. angl8-tf
HomeaCalc Physician ana Snrpn,
Having located in the borough of Thompson
town, offers his professional services to the
citixens of that place and vicinity.
Orncs In the room recently occupied by
Dr. Srg. fjnne 12, 72-tf
HuJli&urAliut tuioiuitii ouuiij
Having permanently located in the borough
ef Mitbintewn, offers his professional services
te the citixens ef this place and surrounding
OfEee on Main street, over Beidler's Dreg
Store. (ang 18 l?6'.-tf
Dr. R. A. Simpson
fl -11 - - .IT-..-- ..,1 naaW tA PAH
ireais an turui wi mBcaBu, u " -suited
as follows: At bis oflice in Liverpool
. ...rtr STI;r.I)AV and MONDAY' ap
pointments can be mads for other days.
tbsT'Call on or addreos
. Ull. B. A. SIMPSON,
des 7 Liverpool, Perry Co., Pa.
Mew JXtum Etose
DR. J. J. APPLEBAUGfl has established
a Drug and Prescription Store in the
aiove-naraed place, and keeps a general as
sortment 01
Also all other articles usually kept in estab
lishments or this Kind.
Pnr W inas and Liuuors for medicinal pur
poses, Cigars, Tobacco, Stationery, Confec
tions (I rst-elass), Motions, etc., ec.
The loctor gives advice free
Hollobaugh's Saloon.
T. rr A rents. Also, the Freohest Laeer.
the Lareest Oysters, the Sweetest Cider, the
Finest IJomestic ines, ana, in saon, auj
thing you may wish in the .
at the most reasonable prices. He has also
refitted his
so that it will now compare favorably with
any Hall in the interior of the Sta'.e.
June 1, 1870-ly
Sally to the Place where you canbny
your Wall Paper Cheap.
rTlHK undersigned takes this method of in
J. forming the public that he has just re-
eeived at his rosidence en tinra oireet, n-
dintown, a large assortment of
f various styles, which he offers for sale
CHEAPER than can be purchased elsewhere
in the county. All persons in need of the
above article, and wishing to save money, are
invited to eall and examine bia stock ana
bear his prices before going elsewhere.
Laree supply constantly on band. .
COAL, Lumber, Fish, Salt, and all kinds
of Merchandise for sale. Chestnut Oak
Bark, Railroad Ties, all kinds of drain and
Seeds bought at the highest market prices in
cash or exchanged for merchandise, coal,
lumber, &c, to suit customers. I sm pre
pared to furnish te builders bills of lumber
just as wanted and on short notice, of either
oak or yellow pine lumber. ' -
Jan! ' " Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa.
Guaranteed by nsing my
Instant Jtdief for the Asthma.
It acts instantly, relieving the paroxysm
Immediately, and enabling the patient to lie
down and sleep. : 1 suffered from this dis
ease twelve years, but suffer no more, and
work and sleep as well as any one. 'Warran
ted to relieve in the worst case. Sent by
mail on receipt ef price, one dollar per box ;
ask your Druggist for it.
Rochester, BkavcrCo., Pa.
Febl9-ly - . . .
All kinds of Job Work neatly executed.
Crystal Palacs.
Crystal Palace.
The First,
. The Best,
The Cheapest,
The Largest
Stock of Goods
To Offer to the Public
Just Received from Eastern
Sceins Them will Guarantee You
April 1G, 1873.
Main Strtri, Mijjiiutoicn, 1'a.
Chemicals, Dye Strff.
Oils, Paints.
Varnishes, Glass,
Putty, Coal Oil,
Lamps, ' Burners,
Chimneys, Brushes,
Infants Urushes, Sonps,
Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes,
Perfumery, Combs,
Hair Oil, Tobaeco,
Cigars, Notions,
and StNtionary.
selected with great care, and warranted from
hih authority.
Purest of VTINE3 ASD LIQUORS for Medi
cal Purposes.
J- PRESCRIPTIONS compoundedwilh
great care. malG""2- Jy
goots anil ttor$.
In 2TeYin' .Jfevr Buildicgon .
rpHE underaigucd, late of the firm of Fa
i. sick & North, would respectfully an
nounce to the public that he has opened a
Boot and Shoe Shop in Major Nevin's New
Building, on Bridge street, MiffliMown, and
is prepared to manufacture, of the best ma
terial, all kinds of
He also keeps on hand a large and well
eeleoted stock of . . . ,
XSetMlyiixmlo Work, .
of all kinds, for men, women and children.
Give me a call, for I feci con&dent that 1
can furnish you with any kind of work yon
may desire.
Jjs- Repairing done neatly and at reason
able rates. J. L. NORTH.
May 81, 1872.
New Shop in liiSintown.
THE subscriber begs leave to inform the
citizens of Midliutown, Patterson and
vicinity that he has opened a Boot and Shoe
Shop, for the present, in the room occupied
by N. E. Litt cBeld's Tin Shop, on Bridge
street, MiBlintown, where he is prepared to
manufacture all kinds of
i . . and
in the most substantial manner, and at the
lowest prices, t&m Repairing promptly at
tended to.
. A liberal share of public patronage is soli
cited, anl satisfaction guaranteed. -
. . .. , . . - a. b-fasick;
May 29. 1872-tf
Boot and Shoe Shop.
rrHE undcrsiened, fashionable Boot
X and Shoemaker, hereby respectful
ly informs the public that be has located
in the borough of Patterson, where he is pre
pared to accommodate the most fastidious in
Geiits1 Fine and Coarse Boots,
Bro-ans, ,
Also, mending done in the neatest manner
and upon the shortest notice. A liberal
share of public patronage is respectfully
solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.
si Shop located on the east side of Tus-
earora street, one door south of Main street,
nearly opposite Laird & Bell's store.
March 8, 1872 , . .
LARGE stock of Ready-made Clothing for
sale bj , IIARLET & CO.
Our Forefathers' Dajs.
BT B. C. SOULE. " "'
Let us write of the days when our townships
Lay exposed to the wolf and the bear ;
When our roads were made upon the hillsides,
And dwellings, not many, were there.
As rivers our brooks were then flowing,
Forest shades where the broad sunlight
O, let us remember our fathers,
And sing of our forefather's days.
They handled the sword and the musket
; 'Gainst Briton or Indian, in fight.
And Liberty gave them her blessing.
For they trusted in God and "the right."
Though a handful, the colonies boasted,
Vet the 'liou" 'by eagles" was lorn.
Till, howling, it fled from our wild-woods,
The morning that Freedom was born.'
Thry felled down the trees in tho forest,
Till a garden the wilderness grew ;
They turned np the soil with the plowshare.
And cottages sprang up anew.
Womnsf-Jiands were at work in the farm-
There was humming of wheels and of looms
Their music the songs of the daughters.
Busy working in unfinished rooms.
Oh 1 there was not time to be idle.
For life's busy work must be done ;
No time for display and for fashion.
No time to sit dewn in the sun.
Oh ! it was by mod earnest endeavor.
They trim mitted our freedom unstained ;
Oh, then, let us always remember
Aud bless them by whom it was gained.
We're the children of children of labor,
They were sovereign!, toe, of the soil ;
Though we msy ield tho pen for the plow
share, ,
And in broad Soldi of science may toil.
Then, for aye, we'll remember cur mothers,
And write in our grandmothers' praise ;
The while we remember our fathers.
And sing of our forcfathcis" days.
Select JStory.
. The Wonderful Dream.
"Yes, yes, eartin ! Yes, yes I be
lieve in dreams,' mm! old Silas Tafton
lie took another whiff at his pijja, and
thru added : "One of the greatest epec
illations I ever went in lo came of a won
derful dream. I'll tell you about it."-
You remember, some of you, about tbe
great land' speculations litre in Maine
thirty years ago. Poor men a. very few
of thf.tn were made suddenly rich ; and
rich men .were made suddenly poor. I
was living then in Grew. One day old
Fam Whitney, of Oxford, slopped at our
place, and showed us a map of a new
town which had been laid Tut in Saga
dn hoc. On the map it looked beautiful
There were brooks aud lakes, aud broad
plains of pine and oak, and streets all
laid out, and spots for churches and
schoolhouses marked out in proper array.
I had a cousin living dwu that way, and
I concluded lo go down and take a look.
I found the town of Ellenville, which
old Whitney had shown me on his map,
to be a wild, worthless tract, all rocks
and swamp ; but on the edge of this
tract, in another township, my cousin
owned a piece of good land, and I bought
a hundred and fifty acres of it, and made
me an cxcelleut farm ; and for that pur
chase I was never sorry.
Meanliine Kllfuvilli! was nearly all
sold in hundred acre lots Tho excite
ment was at fever beat, and people
bought without once coming to look at
the laud they were purchasing. But by
and by the new owners began to look up
their property, and yon can rest assured
that they were a blue set, when they
were reassembled on that territory.;
Within all the limits of the mapped-out
township there was not an acre that
could be cultivated. On the side that
bordered my farm it was a craggy ledge
of rocks ; and beyond that to the east
ward the land settled under the mud and
the water of a sunken slough. Some of
these lots bad been so!d as high' as one
pound an acre, aud a few of them even
higher than that Ouo poor fellow,
named John Twist, from Vermont, had
paid one pou nd au acre for a lot that bor
dered on my farm. On the map it bad
been set down as a magnificent pine for
est, with a river upon its border, upon
which was a superb water-power. John
Twist bought it and paid for it, and when'
be eame to look for it, he found it to be a
mass. .of barren rocks, with here and
there a clamp of shrub oak and a few
Norway pines, and for a river he found a
water course which tumbled melted snow
over the crags in the spring, and which
was dry most of the year. I did not see
the poor fellow when he came to survey
bis property, but I can imagine huw he
felt. '- :
After a while, however, the excitement
passed on, and the sufferers of Ellenville
turned their backs upon the graves of
their speculative hopes. On my farm 1
prospered. My land was of the very
best quality ; my wife was a true help
mate ; nay crops were abundant ; my
stock thrived, and I found myself with a
goodly pile of money tied np in my
,One evening, after our crops had been
garnered, a man, riding a sorry-looking
ng, polled np before our door. He was j
a well -looking man, with a sedate and
solemn face, and dressed in black. It
was safe enough to conclude that the
man was minister, and so he announced
himself, lie said he was the Eev. Paul
Meek more ; he was lin-sionary, on a
home circuit, and asked Slieltor for him
self and beast for the night. .Of course
we welcomed them cheerfully, aud were
pleased with him. He had traveled ex
tensively, and hia conversation was en
tertaining and instructive. Before he
went to bed he read a chapter in the
Bible and made a prayer ; and Betsey
said to me after he had retired that she
never heard such a bcantiful prayer in
her life. .
The next morning, at A'ho breakfast
table, Mr. Meektnore was very sedate.
He asked a blessing, and then only an
swered such questions as we asked him.
Fiually my wife told him she was afraid
he had not slept well. . He emiled and
said he had slept 'very well, saving the
spell of a very curious dream which had
visited him three separate times during
the night. Betsey asked him if he would
tell what it was about.
"It was the old dream of hidden
wealth," he said, with a solemn look. "I
haven't dreamed such a dream before,
Bince by a wonderful dream in South
Africa I led to the discovery of a dia
mond miue worth millions of dollars, and
it never profited me a cent. But such
wealth is not for me. I need it not. My
calling hath higher and holier aims. And
yet this poor flesh is sometimes weak
enough to lust after the dross of gold
and silver "
By degrees we got from him that he
had dreamed of a silver mine among the
crnggs of our hills. This miue seemed i hadn't already got all tho sheep-pasture
to his vision to bo utterly exhaustless in j I needed ; but I told him he need not
tho precious metal ; but be could not trouble himself.
locate it. Betsey, whose curiosity was j During the next two weeks I kept
aroused, would have pushed the matter, qU;et and held my tongue, giving no op
but Mr. Meekmore finally shook his head j portuuity for ray secret to become known,
more solemnly than ever, and said that . On the appointed day I went over to- the
he would rather forget the dream if he ! settlement where the land wag to be sold.
When the missionary's horse was at
tho door, and the owner was prepared to
atnrt fPF 1ia i,fnrTT,fkl 11a flint liA vaa
, , . , , ,. , .
bound toward the Canada line, and that
, . , . , . ,
dc migui return mat way. ji course
we told him that our door would be al
ways open to hi ai ; and he promised that
he would nhido with us again if he had
the opportunity. .
In two weeks Mr. Meekaiorc came
back. He had received a summons, ho
said,. from the Home Board to return to
Bostou and make immediate preparation
for a winter campaign in tho West
The second evening in tho society of
the reverend gentleman we enjoyed more
than we enjoyed the first. His fund of
anecdote and adventure was literally ex
haustless, and yet an odor of esnctity
and delicacy pervaded all his speech.
We urged that he should spend a few
days with us, but he could not. He said
it would give him great pleasure to do so,
but his call to the. new field of labor in
the West was pressing and imperative.
On the next rooming, at the breakfast
table, our guest was even' more sedate
aud thoughtful thau on the previous oc
casion, and when questioned on the mat
ter he told us that he had been visited by
the same dream again.
"This time," he said, "the vision came
with wonderful distinctness. I not only
beheld the vast chambers of virgin silver,
but I saw an exact profile of tbe over
lying territory. It was a wild, desolate
spot, by a deep ravine, through which
the snows of winter seem to find release
in spring, rushing down a craggy hill
side to a dark, wide-Btretching swamp
below. This would not impress me so
seriously were it not that once before a
dream of the eame import proved a start
ling reality." .
We conversed further on the subject,
and after breakfast Mr. Meekmore took a
pencil, and upon the blank leaf of an old
atlas he drew a picture of the spot he
bad seen in his dream ; and he pointed
out where, beneath the roots of an old
stumpy pine tree, he had seen out-cropping
of the precious metal.
He had drawn the picture, he told ns,
to show us how vivid his dreanvhad been ;
but he advised ns to think no more of it
Even if it were possible that the dream
had substance, the body of the mine was
far below the surface ; aud, moreover,
the Lord only knew where the spot was
lecated, even allowing that such a spot
... b
For once in my life I allowed cupidity
to get the better of my outspoken hones
ty. - I allowed the reverend gentleman to
depart, and did not tell him that I knew
where there was a spot exactly tbe origi
nal of that which he had pictured, even
to every rock, shrub, tree and ravine.
And that spot was upon the wild lot
which had - been purchased by John
Twist, and which John Twist owned
That very afternoon, armed with an
old axe aud pick, I sallied forth to tbe
rough outside-of the Twist lot. I knew
exactly, where the pictured lot was to be
found, and when I had reached it I was
more than ever struck with the faithful
ness of Mr. Meckmore's draft. The ac-1
curacy in detail was wonderful. And j
when I reflected that this draft was
made by one who wa3 an utter and ab
solute stranger to the place made from
the simple impression of a dream is it a
marvel that I was strangely influenced T
I fonnd the old tree which the reverend
dreamer had particularly designated and
went to work at its roots. And ere long
my labors were rewarded. Beneath one
of the main roots I fonnd a lump of pure
white metal as large as a hen's egg ; and
upon further chopping and digging I
found several more smaller pieces. They
had evidently been taken from a molten
mass, and upon rubbing off the dirt I
found them all pure and bright.
That night I slept but little. I could
only lay awake and think of the vast
wealth that lay buried in that bleak hill
side. But what could I do ? The lot
was not mine, and I should run great
risk if I troubled another man's prop
erty. And, moreover, if I made further
explorations while the land was not mine,
the secret might be divulged and the
i vast wealth snatched from me. I must
purchase the Twist lot, and I had no
doubt That I could purchase it for a mere
On the next day I rode over to see
my cousin, and when I had spoken of
the Twist lot, he informed me that' not
only that lot, but a r.nmber of others
were for salo. They had been advertis
ed, and would be sold at auction in two
weeks. lie called me a fool when I told
him I should bid on the Twist lot ; but
I toIJ him I had looked it over and
made up my mind that my sheep could
find plenty of grazing there throughout
the summer months. He a iked me if I
It was to be put up iu hundred acre lots,
and sold by the original plans of the
Whitney purchase. Lot number one
was put up first, and sold for one-quarter
1 r 1
! of a cent an acre.
The next lot was the "Twist lot," so
called, and I heard it whispered that
iron aiid copper had been discovered
upon it. A stranger in jocky clothes
started it at fifty cents an acre. Another
stranger, who wore a blue frock and top
boots, bid seveuty five.
There was more talk about, iron and
ore. The man in the inekev suit said
hat Le La1 positive assurance that pure
iron ore uaa oeen touna iu some ot tuc
gulches, and ho bid one dollar an acre.
At this point I entered the contest and
bid one dollar and twenty-five. Up
up up twenty five cents at a time,
until at length 1 had hid ten dollars an
acre. People called me crazy. Ten
dollars an acre was more than the very
best land in the whole country waB
worth. But I held my bid, and kept my
own contest.
And the Twist lot was knocked down
to me for just one thousand dollars. The
terms were cash. I told them to make
out the deed while I went home after the
money. And away I rode. I' emptied
my old stocking of gold and silver, and
found nine hundred and fifty dollars. - I
borrowed the other fifty vfithout trouble
at the settlement, and straightway pro
ceeded to the oflice of Squire Simpkins,
where the deed had been mado. The
instrument was duly signed and sealed.
and when the Squire has assured me that
the payment of the money would make
all fast and safe, I banded over the gold
and silver.
I observed that the name of John
Twist had been recently signed, and I
asked Simpkins if Mr. Twist was pres
"He was present a few minutes ago,'
said Simpkiugj "and will be back again
for his money. He's feeling pretty good
I should judge, since he has got rid of
his hundred acre lot for twice as much
as it cost him, and for a thousand times
more than any sane man would think it
was worth.
Half an hour afterwards I called at
the Squire's agnn. Mr. Twist had just
gone out with his money.
"There he is now said Simpkins, 'just
bound off '
I looked out the window, and saw at
the door of the inn, on the opposite side
of the way, a tall man, in a bottle green
coat, with bright, glaring buttons, just
mounting a horse, I recognized the horse
and I recognized the man !
"Who is that man ?" I asked : 'he
with the green coat and brass buttons V
"That," said Simpkins "is Mr. John
Twist" ,
In a moment more the man in the
bottle-green coat had ridden away, with
his heavy saddle-bags behind him, and
buttoned up within that coat I beheld
my reverend guest 1 It rushed upon me
that the Rev. Paul Meekmore and John
Twist were one and the same person ! i
And tbis was not all that noshed upon
A few days afterward I took my.
lumps of white metal to a man who was
versed in such matters, and asked him
what they were. lie took tho largest
lump and tested if, and said :
"Pewter !"'
I asked him if pewter was ever dug
out of the earth in that shape.
"Well,'' said he, "seeing that pewter
is an alloy of lead and ' tin, it couldn't
be very well dug up, unless somebody
had gone and buried it before hand."
Touching further explorations on my
"Twist lot,'" I will not speak. I will
only add that I have an old stocking
with a half a dozen lumps of pewter in
it ; and I never look upon it, but I am
forced to acknowledge that dreams are
sometimes very strange and wonderful
TnVifuwi Tfs T?ffias em t.hn TTtttiti I
Constitution, Physical, Intollsctaal
and HoraL.
by James coulter layard, m. u.
' Some men there are who can quit the
use of tobacco at once, without the in
tervention of any such tapering off pro
cess as that described above. When
this can be done without suffering or
other inconvenience, we say, by all means
An ,f tn..ft linivai.A. i m nn( ika i-i .1 u
with thA mnl.rUv Ttnf mrxa n1.o'..iil f
- -
least 1 nose who nave not maae an nnmod-1
erate use of the weed, may give it up j
by following the plan we have recom-
, ., . , . , . , , .
whtle still following their ordinary bust-;
some persons, though, who have used to-!
baeco to excess, aftd for a long period at
that, who cannot by either of the meth
ods suggested above, or by any method
that we know of relinquish the habit
without exderiencing such a reaction of
the nervous system as to unfit them for
the time being for business pursuits.
Such should choose for the experiment a
tine when their presence can, with the
least inconvenience, be spared from their
business, and take a furlough for this
purpose. Had we hospitals for the re
ception aud treatment of patients of this
character, they wonld meet a great pub-
1 ' . TT' 1 I . . 1 - I
lie van.. .e nave ...eur..o a.u.a ,
for the cure of the intemperate, in which j
also opium eaters are sotnraes rece.ved j
for treatment . but we have noihmg of,
users cf tobacco. Such usually resort,
when it is a case demanding treatment,
to some water cure. And trpon the
whole we think they could not do much
better than this ; for the water treatment
is well calculated to' allay the nervous
irritation they will experience.
There is one symptom which is very
likely to appear early iu the process of
quitting the use of tobacco, that is in
somniu sleeplessness. For this the best
remedy is hydrate of chloral, from 15 to
30 grains, dissolved in'water; one drachm
by weight of the chloral tj 16 fluid
drachms of water, or to 12 drachms of
water with 4 drachms of syrup of orange
pee!, or lemon syrup, to flavor it.
1 P "!
again, and his old feelings and appetites
begirt to return, the appetite for tobacco
will doubtless, to some extent, return
with the rt;st. But we can not believe
that after having been" without the weed
for, say a month, the craving will come
back with anything like its former pow
er. In this length of .time the nervous
system must have undergone a complete
revolution with respect to the drug, but
any perturbation caused by i absence
has been lost sight of in the prevailing
malady, and in the effects of other drugs
administered for its cure. We would
say then to any user of tobacco to whom
such such an incident may occur, seize
the golden opportunity ; such may never
happen agaiu. And if"you do thus take
advantage of it .you will be richly repaid
for all yon may have suffered otherwise
by your illness, and may thank Heaven
for it. Do not, though, wait for a period
of illness to reform, for that may be a
long timtfln coming may never come in
season to do you any good. Be form
now. "Now is the accepted time, now
is the day of salvation."
In entering upon an undertaking of
this kind much assistance is sometimes
to ho derived from association This
was a power in the days of the temper
ance reformation. Many a poor sot was
enabled, by the moral support he obtain--ed
in this way, to resist and finally to
conquer his craving for strong Ilrink,
who conld never have done so otherwise.
We have no anti-tobacco societies in this
country, but if yon can associate your-
elf with a circle of acquaintances each
of whom is equally anxious with your
self to e freed from the tobacco plague,,
and each pledge the other to "touch not
taste not, handle not," the vile thing, or
if you cau find but a single friend will
ing to join you iu declaring yourself free '
AperioaM illness rrom acute u.srase ; (o am0,t frantJc tfrrt ;h. y. fr
affords a good opportunity to break offj make kown wU( ,ie wi,hed 13 say to
tlre habit of using tobacco. A man may Ug fami,y or flicn(la . for ,,;3- Conscious
be taken down and confined to bed with I nefg and men(a, flcu,ie9 wert ,jlft unim.
an attack of fever, or some other disease, j t5 witLill two Loura of tLe ,.l8t.
of three or four week duration, ahd will u a?gravate fo ucrmost , Wr
not use, nor1 wish to use, tobacco in any Lf Litf s;tua,;ona j;v;nff 90Ul ; a
formating the whole time he is ill It j bo(ly Tjie Mnge of Learin? was
is doubtless true that when convalescent, unimp;l;re,lt.go ,l;at hi) wa9 collScioUfl of
when the patient is becoming himself l Rroiltld iiin w)liIe a3 iM pf
from this unmanly bondage, yojt will
pt-rhap, be rstich more nierctcd in so do
ing. Another elcment'entera iuto the p!-iy
now, that of lovo of approbation. ' X.i
man likes to fail in an undertaking rlirru
another succeed?. Nor one of a parly
and neit'ier one of two likes ' to be the
first to give over the battle. The conse
quence then, rmy be that all, or both,
hold out tHl the victory is won.
We have now suggested all the exped
ients to aid yon iu overcoming the habit
of Ufing tobacco of which we have a
knowledge at . present. Ton ' can' try
some one or other of these method's, cr
each and all of them in turn ; and if yoit
are really in earnest, and are persevering
nougi. yon w.it .urely tud some way
Ut difficulty. What ia rejtiircr
is pluck and persistence , in other words
'courage and constancy. With theso
qualities' in moderate-development, ai?
that is now wanted is the will. And so
we will conclude this paper, and tbe se
ries, by repeating what we said not long
back ; "Where there's a will there's1
Just as we were about finishing the
I last paper in this series, we happened to
; . ' 1 1 1
I nnnn a IfltA tininw vliAti mi, ova toll
cron an item which . had we had' it' in"-"
time might have found a fitting place in'
the section which treats of the poisonous
I properties of tobacoo. Iut that was im-
.,, , . ., . , . , .
lvoriui J u. ill. HIV. l . ... ....
having occurred since that section was
publishetT. It, is, however, so-' striking
an illustration of what we have therein
attempted to teach that we cannot refrain
from introducing it here though some
what out of place. Verily the victims
of the tobacco plague seem to be increas
ing in number; notwithstanding our eff
orts. If, in addition to what has been
said already,' the perusal of tbi Hew
will nave no effect iu restraining young
men in the excessive nse of the weed,
then nothing will that we can say. But
here is tbe iUm. It is a case of
The New York correspondent of1 Tho
g. Comlnereial Advertiser writes
,A ca?e in my ow -mtimnia ae.ntance
Ui ycry appRjIeJ a yery Wg(?
d of Tb)j vic
; tim nrna pYAdltr nf mv nwn wat mmi m
companion from eaily boyhood. For
thirty years at least he has been a daily
smoker of the choisest cigars, but in all
his other habits temperate and regular",
and of excelieut constitution ;-one who,
of all mr;i, would have laughed at tue
suggestion that tobacco was killing hi:n.
A week ago la.t Sunday night ho wa
stricken with the progressive paralysis
characteristic of nicotine, and on Sunday
night he died. His death was most
pitiful. First, sight was lost, then speech
then motion of the ftecs, then motion of
the arms and ao on throughout the body ;:
and he lay for a fortnight unable to move
or make a sign, save a pitiful, tongneless,
inarticulate sound, which sunetimM rose
communication with them as if dead,
save by a' slight sign of assent or dissent
to a question. The doctor's were fully
agreed that tobacco was the sole cause of
the stroke." . .
A malicious 'lVrre llautentot substitu
ted a paper full of white beans for tho
package of gum drops which another
young man was going to carry to his
Angelina, and the poor fellow was kept
busy till three o'clock in the morning
trying to explain matters.
A Bnff!o girl, pretty and eighteen,
has sold over five hundred sewing ma
chines in the It two years. She travels
with a horse and wagon, smiling when
she leaves a machine and shedding tears
if anybody afterwards refuses t keep it.
This does the business.
A mono the women's rights women in
Greeley, Co!., is Mrs. Wilber, a slight
person, and formfrly a school teacher,
who, this season, has rigged up a gang
plow, and prepared add sowed eighteen
acres in wheat.
What a pity the Bender family, of
Kansas, had not located their hotel near
Captain Jack's lara beds. Tho Modoc
tribe would now have been buried.'
True greatness docs not consist iu do
ing extraordinary things, bnt in doing
common things, but in doing common
things from a right motive.
A wool grower in the United States
lost S15.0C0 last year becauso of h'a not
reading the papers ; ho dul not sell his
wool at the right time.
Two prisoners escaped from the Nor
ristown, Pa., jail, on Saturday a week.
A man in Ohio has spent $20,000 t
color hia nose 'pink.