lit. miscellaneous: ; . gnj 0tods, 6rowit (Jne'm'siraw, &(r V ft TUE 3I0D0C WAR., ASOTHR SKVaMlSH WITH THE SAVAGES. GOOD JEf 1 I T-.V - R R R BABWAY'S READY RELIEF $18,000 WORTH OF, KV litMIKS I ' In from On to Twenty Mmutes. NOT ONE HOUR : j n A tin. m ?! Oiiptuin Jack TTepuliaetl. A Ijirjrc Amount of AmiutinlUon Captured. Gcnrtul Davit Pressing the Indians. New Voek, May 13 A special from Fnn Francisco, dated May 12lL, fays : I?i j'or; A-ly a nrirr, jut received from the lava trl'V'titr that tbe ecouting party under Cwptaiu Ilnsbioock has been beard from. CapU'mIIjrtbroutk teports that bit co reman i was attacked by a party of j'odoea, and four soldit-rs and one Warm Spring Indian were killed, and six sol diers fttid one Warm Spring Indian wound d The attack, waa BB'lderv and the troops n re taken completely by ur- j juifo, Aft'vr the? fi et fire of the Modocs, I Captaiu Ilaebrouck rnl'.ied hie men and charged upon flu-m in a body. The Modocs rrtrentrd under the charge, and ti-f-re diivcii into the "roods, scattering in s i! directions. Several volleys were fired opt n there, Lnt it ia not kuown whether any were killed. The troops sncci dud i in capturing twenty Gve liorfra belonging to the Mo docs. Whrn Captain Jack with his band of Mud'K-s attacked the comrcaiid j Captain liasbiotuk'e soiilicrs recegnized j the uniform of Ge.neral Canby on Cap-", tain Jack- Thirty-three .Modocs T were i eiigneerl 1:1 the f;ht. There la a strong ! aufp'cion l?re that the Modocs are rc ceivipg aid from outside parties. Captain liacbrouck captured fix boxes cf c.irliue catiiJgt-s from the Modocs, tihich lal been captnrcd by the Indians a short time npo while being sent to the front. Vi'hea the last courier left Gen-i-ral P-ivi." enmp troops were between the lava beJs and the Modocs, and the Modocs were entirely out of their lava btda stronghold.' V V ' ' f Lata Bkus, May 11-9 A. M . via San FMisco, May 12 Despatches from Lieut. Day lies' cainp state that at sunrise yesterday the Modoca came into camp niul (iied on the picket gnard. The command of Captain Hasbroutk, after tciuiing all day, had returned to a like for water, and wire making efforts to secure some by digging, but ooue could be found. Donald McKay was petit back to Lieutenant Iiayliss' camp as an ecort of Battery B, of the Fourth Art:ltery. G and Jt trnnp of the First Cavalry, left for the scetie- of tbe fight, the distance being seventeen miles, nnd which occupied x'l night nntil the dawn f the next day. Captain Jack's baud pjiie v. ;;hia one h:iu!red yards u( the I camp, when all diftn niptcd and charged ! into the camp, filing into the herd and the gusr Is. The first vniiey tampedi.-d the herd, which left for rump, and while the men were getting under arms the Modocs gave vvlley after volley, killing four soldiers and nut Warm Spring Indian. -A rally was made and the charge was sounded. This lime Dontld JlcKay and eotno rren tinited, and diove the Motlocs into the timber, capturing twciity-one poclee a:.d three pack mules. Oue Modoc was hft on the field, and nineteen mules, tucked ; also, six dead bodies. Before the retreat the trail was cover d with gore. The Indians beat a baity retreat toward tho MiLeod range of mountains. CapUin liasbroflck handled h:f men desirously.- lie is nowr fmn-" ished with five days' supplies, but wa ter is very scarce, which deters a long etay in the fold. Captain Jack had seven animals shot, under dim. He took his position on the( field iu as lordly a manner as if he had been a brigadier-general. No srjtiaws were eeen dining the fight, nor by ;Le Hconts on the following night. It ap pears strange howr Captain Jack got six t.oxi-a of central piimcd caliidges. ' lie elid not capture them from our forces, itnd it is certaiu that he could not have picked up that amount after the battle of January 7. When the courier left the troops were between the lava beds and Indians, the laiter being entirely out of the liva beds stronghold. A despatch from Yrvka says the Mod ocs are twenty f ur miles from the place of the last fight, hotly pursued by the troops and Warm Spring Indiuus. It was a grand mistake of the Modocs who undoubtedly thought they could stampede this force s they had stam peded others, but they met the Warm Spring Indians. These warriors started at the first fire ns fist as they could get their guns, trotting in on the fLuk cf the Modocs, which surprised them. Tbe cry, "Warm Springs," went through the Modor ranks, and they were stampeded in place of the Soldiers. The Warm Springs drove them steadily all day, laid on their last night, and will renew the fight to eluy. v ; A jury iu Chicago imposed afine' of $500 upon a landlord who rented a house which be knew at the time to be infected with the smallpox. '' Knoxville, Teen , has been selected as the rite for the Methodist1 University, which recently received the half million endowment. A short time ago an Indian woman gave birth to a child at the age of sixty, and a woman iu Tennessee has doue the fame thing at the age of seventy.'. ' Another Illinoitan baa paid successful court to Lis wife, from whom he was di vorced a year ago, and was formally re married t her last week. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, r ; f'i ' JUST NOW OPENED s i , "I V .', i . AT ' : - . . . TILTEN & ESPENSCHADE'S, ; , - Urilj;e Hi reel, MiiUinto wn, THE LARGEST, ; . i-: .-'1sTHE NEWEST, " THE CHEAPEST, And the Most Attractive Stock of Goods ever Brought - to Milllintown. ,. DP DRESS GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY OF FRICES AND STYLES, j ' Ulack' Silks, Prop De'Jma, Inipcrial Reps, Jamise, Caeliinori Ravt', 'Australian- Crape - Empress, : JJatest Canton Cloths, &c.', &c, - ' IN GOOD VARIETY. Vfp respectfully solicit an exnmiiiation before purchasing elsewhere. Any and ectrylliing, ui:7i as Shairl, C'otAs. Cansimeret, Flannfh' ' JUunktU, , I'ndertcear, Hosiery, Gore, If., WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT, , Of any and everything at prices which defy competition. , . Qui? " Eli e H oiatmenf 9 : :" . - ' . . . -. . . - - r- One .of the Lest in the county, embracing. all the New and Beet Stvles for the Fall aud Winter Trade, for same exclusively for enr trade at r. Jpair warranted Grocery and Queens ware Department. For our Grocer- and Qucensware Department we have secured one of the finest rooms iu the county iu the Odd Fellows' Hall. ' Just opened one of the largest and best stocks of Goods ever brought to the county, all of which are kindly submitted to tbe inspection of all onr numerous friends aud customers. For EVERYBODY CORDpXLY-IXVITED " LOW PRICES FOR CASH" OUR MOTTO. - TILTEX & ESPEXSCIIADE. D. W.HAELEY& CO. Is the place where you can huj u 'X'lic lof5t and t lie Clictiie!4t . t ! ? iMENS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, E00TS, SJIOSS, V'fi are prepnrtJ to exhibit one or tti most market, oua at ASTU.MSJiiAU L,un I'taiLS : Also, measures taker for Suits and parts at short notice, very reasonable. Kemember tbe place, in the Nevin Building, two doors west of the Keystone Store, BRIDGE KTllKET, MIFr LINTOWN, DR. P. C. DEALER IN EVERYTHING THAT The public attention is also invited to his large assortment of Perfected -my All persons who arc in need of Spectacles will find it to their advantage to call, as they will find the largest stock iu the select from. COME AND HAVE YOUR EYE-SIGHT RESTORED. Also, a splendid assortment of TOILET ARTICLES FOR THE LADIES, ; With an mmensc stock of" NOTIONS. faT" Something for everybody, young and old. at the PATTERSOX DRUG ' STORE. New Store and New Goods GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &C. ' - llain Ctreet, Kifflintorm. - HAVING opened out a GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE in the old stand on Main Street, MifHintown, I would respect fully ask tbe attention of tbe Klbllo to the following articles, which I will kep on hand at all tii.ies : , SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, RICE, IT IS II, .S-A-LT, DRIED AND CANNED FRUIT. HAM, SHOULDER, DRIED BEEF, Confectioneries, Nuts, &c, Tobacco, Oifjai-s, GLASSWARE, lloni', Feed, &c. All of which will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. Give me a eall and hear my prices. J. W. KIRK. Mifflinfown, May 2, 1872. AGENTS WANTED FOR McCLELLAN'S The first and only complete history cf the Pacific Slope ; lcscriptituis of gy fcl the Seasons ProdiictsfM-3unt-iin,&ceneTy,V"al ieyi.Riwr Lakes, Forests, WatertalrB, bay, & Harbors. 700 Pages, 00 lliustrsitiotis and Maps. Illustrated Circulars Free. WM. FLINT fc CO Philadelphia, Pa?; Feb 5-3m i (.Groceries at Tilten & Espenscbade's. AT fw-t- -H-- Ladies, Misses and Children the prices to suit all purchasers. Every quality and prices we defy competition. I I - i 1 A1TD FUEKSm'S GOODS.-- ' chciico anil sMeet Stocks ever offered in tbi of Suits, which will be made to order PA. may 8, l72-tf RUrJOSO, CONSTITUTES A FIRST-CLASS Spectacles. JUNIATA VALLEY BANK OF ')' ' ' M I FFLIXTO WN, PEXN' A. :' !' i-h-: - i .r ;:: JOSKPII I'OMEROY, President. T. VAN IRVIN, Cashier. PIBKCTOKS. ' Joseph Pom eroy, j John J. Patterson, Jerome N. Thompson, 'George Jacobs, John Balsbach. Loan money, receive deposits, pay interest on time deposits, buy and sell coin and Uni ted States Bonds, cash coupons and checks. Remit money to any part of the United States and also to England, Scotland, Ireland and Germany. Sell Revenue Stamps. In sums of $200 at 2 per cent, discount. In sums of $500 at 'Z per cent, discount. In sum's of $1000 at 3 per cent, discount. 3Ieat! Meat! THE undersigned hereby respectfully in forms the citizens of Mitfiintown and Patterson that his wagon will visit, each of these towns on TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY mornings of each week, when they can be supplied with Clioico "BeclVk- " . ;-.'.'. .iicn y?1 -Mutton, "Tliarta, See, during the summer season, and also PORK and SAUSAGE in season. I purpose fur nishing Beef every Tuesday and Saturday morning, and Veal and Mutton every Thurs day morning. : Give me your patronage, aud will guarantee to sell as good meat as the eountry can produce, and as cheap as anv other butcher in th county. SOLOMON SIEBER. i Large Stock at Laird & Beii's, in 1 . . ratlcrjon ! 1 icrstjrned Iit now ot-imi ani JL renily f ly for inspection a-nd !e a lnrse anj WflJ selected stock f New Ojo'Is, cou sistoig of .v dry goods. ... ' : ; : ' ; GROCpniES, . . QUEEXSWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, WOOD & WiLLOW. AVARE, .... : .' ( - 1 All of wliich we will sell at prieen lliat defy compel it ion. All Goods warranted osrepre sented. or taken back and tlie money re funded. . .. Poii't fail to call an.l exumiue our stock before making y onr purchases. . PS Terms, Caeh or Produce 30 d ys time to responsible and prompt paying cus tomers. Monthly accounts not allowed to lap. Statement cf accounts furnished on the 15th of every month. LAIRD k Bi-LL, Corner of hiin an.l Juniata Streets, M iy 7, l"t. Patterson, Ta, TiiE'TLACirron Bargains IS AT PENNELL'S CHEAP STORE ' IX I'ATTKRSOX, I'A. rpiIE lvrgest and best assortment to be X found in Patterson. Thankful fur the liberal patronage heretofore received froii; the public, I wouid respectfully anuouuee tnat 1 have just opened a Tcry large stock of Goods well euited 10 the Irndc. ilj Mock consists of a full assorlnient of Cue and staple DRY GOODS, Embracing all the materials for men, women and children's ware, including ilntsand Caps. Boots and Shoes, together with a large stoci of Muslins, Sheetings Drillings, Tickings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, ic. ''; : LADIES DRESS GOODS, . Such as French and English Mori noes, Pop lins, Alpaca?, I'e Laines, plain and figured Shawls, ic, and also a lar stock of Notions, such as Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, Embroidered Collars and Cuffs, and a general assortment of Cress Trimmings.'-'. , G E O CE It I E S , Such as Sugars, Syrnps,' Coffees. Tens and JSplCeS. -Alno, n larfre tot of Qneenswaro, Hardware, nood and Willow Ware. FisL Salt and Nails. Together wiih a full assort, ment of Goods usually kept in a country store B5TIigli psf prico paid for country pro duce in exchange for goods. Prices to suit the times. f.May I. 1872. ; S. B. LOUDON, 3HEItCII-ViXX TAILOR, XEri.VS BCILDIX'7 OX Bridge Street, Hi3mtowii, Pa., Desiies to inform his friends anl the public that he fans just received a fine and fiishvm able stock of SPUING GOOlJS, consisting of CI. OTIIS Plain Black. Blue nnd Brown. CXEl Dahlia, Brown nnd Blue. 77? CWr Biack, Blue and Brawn. JiIAGOSALS Blue nnd Black. CHEVIOTS Shades. SCOTCH HOODS- All Styles. BLA CK I)OESAlXSA Suoerior quality J'.l Xrs ASJJ VEST l'A TTEiiXSrme. SOJlMtlC (JUOVSQcneval Assortment, I will sell any of the above goods by the yarj or pattern. ....... I also keep on hand a full line of BVT TERIC1CS l'A TTERXS, consisting of Men, Boys, and Children's Shirts. Coats, Punts and V csts. if I wiil manufacture to order all kinds of custom wobk. PiUCES Reasonable, to suit the times. Milfiinfoirn, April 10, 1872. ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE! To all Men Whom it may Concern. If you have anything to sell, If you have lost anything, If you have found anything, If you have a house to rent, If you want to rent a house, Jf you want boarding, ' If you want employment, If you want hired help, If you want anything, TELL THE PEOPLE OF IT . BT ADVERTISING IN TUE ' JIJITIATA SENTINEL. WANTED We will give men & women i Business that will Pay ; from $1 to $S per da;, can be pursued in your own neighborhood ; it ia a tare chance for those out of employment or having lei sure time ; girls and boys' frequently' do as well as men. Particulars free. " . : Address - i. LATHAM 4 CO, : - 292 Washington St, Boston, Mass. March 26-6t The oldest and most reliable Institution for obtaining a Mercantile Education. Practical business men as instructors. For information, write for a circular to P. DUFF & SONS, Pittsburgh, Pa. lnoTb-om.eom SHELLY & STAMB.VTJGH always keep up their stock of GROCERIES and will not be excelled either in the quality or price of their goods in this line. Give them a call before going elsewhere. LARGEST STOCK of Dress Goods in the county at Tilten & Espenschade's. after readme thl iverttwm;ijt ti'.-cti any one -t . Mrrti. wan rAw. RADW'ArS P.EADY RELIEF Ui A CCEE FOS EVERY PAW. It was Ihe 9r:& and t 'r ' - ' Tlie Only Iin Itemedy that Instantly slot Die tnofft excrnctatlntt paint, altars Inriuiiimtinn. aiiri mrta Con? esttoi:. whether of tlie LuoA, Stomach, iioweis, or tLta- glands or urana, ho matter ho Tiolent or excruciating tlie tun tho KHEPMATU:, Bfit -riiWni. lnrm, e'riiM, Kemrnv lSura!i:ic, ur prosuttit wuh diae-at may suO-r. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF . Wil l AFFORD INSTANT EASE. ' INFLAMMATION of THE KlIiXKYS INFLAMMATIOX OK THE ELAJpER. ISFLAJDIAUOX OF THE DOWELS. .. eo.NiiKsTioy of the t.rxca. SORE TnROATpIFlrr'rBKKATHIN HTSTERIC3. CBOfr. iYsnXEKZX. IIEADACIIE. TOOTIIACIIE. com rnnxs, aoi k e'litLLs. 'riu,ajiiUc!iiiKnortlie Realty Relief to the part or porta u-fiere tlio paia or tlirllculty will allurd aaa whI ctiotfort. Twnitjr dronn In lintf a tuml.W of watw will In a few wionwitt mi C KAMI'S, SPASMS. SoUIS SlnMAl'II, IIEARTr.l i:. HH K llEADArHE, 1UAKRIIF.A, UY.sENTEItT. eOLtC. WIXJ UI inE fcOWELS, aiulaU INTERNAL PAI7?. Travelers tOiotiM always carry aHttle of Railway Roaiiy icciior with them. A few dropfl in water will trrit-rvt ucknew or pain from change if water. It U CUcr Uiali Freneii Brandy or Klttcraaatiaiuhil:r. -FEVER An A (.''. FEVER AAl Aot'E eured fir SAycriita. Tlierc Is not a reuieiitil a:ei.t la tl.ta world Hint wid cure Fever ria litw wiu cure r ever ill.-. l:in..)ils S.-a'?t-t, Tv- a-id Ane. aud all otn-r AIa:ail oiioi.1. Yeiluw. andotlier l-evt-m CiWeil ty KAKH AY'S I'lI.LS) .- iiuleit ra it A 1) WAY'S KKAL'Y KLLJJlF. 1'ifty cents per buttle. feo!d ly ilrcggbta. HEALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! STRoNfj and rT i:r; r.n ii j;Loor F FI.ESII ANU WEIOIIT-e'l.EAR SKIN AND t IIEAI'TIFI'L COMPLEXION SEe X'JiED TOAL1-. DR. -RADWAY'S SARSAPARiLLIAN RESOLVENT HAS M.ME TIIE MfrT ASTOM.slMNCr (TRB: H Ql irK, P'J UAVIU AKK THK l'H.ANGK:i frirBfHY rMKK(iOTS. I" NO Kit TMK IN- ru'ENCE ok raw 'iuilv vuMjr4;rt'L e MEMCJVE, THAT Every Day on Increase in Fte&U and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT DLOCD PURIFIER. Vvrr Amp of ttio HA l V All II.M A N l:fcMI.V ENT dn:mMn!cat.ii tlir.uli thu llMoa. S-t. l-iit:, ft: ill OtlliT fiUW.S 4Ultt ittiClS ttf ttlC SVotft.l til- TIf .r r-t I. ft.'. 6ir itrt-piiis the w at' "f liio inwly itJi ww im! !.!'.Tial. Smful-i, ."vpliiiM. reniMuiij't''.'!, (l amitii ir dvuj2, i;i.x:!i 'i.yro-t, Muiiiii, '1' N(h!i' i:t t ift Chn.;-, Rti'l i-tli-r Y-r.r-.j tf He nyairio, S-rv Hv- kimuimn l-t!mrs i-' i:t t!iu t..n ainl tiit Wur-I firms tf Ski-i HMii-w. I'rijrtiorr-. F-fv-r tfr.r-J, UrsM JIc:ul, Iiir. Worm, S-tft iU i-tir.i. I. rvei i-ela. A'-i?, I!avk i W'.nr ia ll.j, Tuinfrs, t:.ce in tio V -in', f!.'I u vvi-;:k.r,itU i'l I-aiht'iit (i; JH't.t irtatd, Li-. A rer-it, ;.utl w!l nnt. iif ih lile l-rtitcl-ar -.itliii tiiv L-ir:tlivf "f iUU won!f .- i-f ! J- ern fLc: iitrr, a-iJ u fv : ' iiewiil prtive t uny frnn nvux it f.r rlth'-r ct those fi:ii:s of t!Ija:j us jn.r -'it iv.i r t- cura tL !i, If til? I'mtieit, it.ti'v Li-s r-inliife: rptlncnl by thf vr. o:fl .'"cnrrii)i;ti"ti t'l.-.t H c-:i! iininlly, mic cectls tn arrest ik; themt, icu rr.rA the idii t wii:i tt w nialfrli' mnV tY'itn lif::Il!i)r l-Nn-.l sud lULS ti.ti frA I.S A l'A HI LL! A N u ;I1 n. wr;i:n. only it'jt-.i tl:ie S pa kill? ax nEniLrrvr rT"! f W r'.;.!; ".Ii 1 a-ti:s in ut: f 'iir'!iic, Scrof' 1. -i4."oi-.f::m,vjiis!, zi itkiu CuwUi-s, tutitu tie (.:.'" T'r.narv, s:.i TV-:i'Ti-nisr, ;nirrl. )iijltt?t. Jn'pf', St.J!.i:rc ,t V:iKr, w.A iiii.rv ..f I'liri?. IJrkM'i. J).'.-c.i-e, AiK'mliiuna, iti nil t:uH where l.K-rt- brU !: ilntit IfMW-.i;s. of the wntcp it tni-k. cl.-mly, u.isril w!tU f'il-tai; l;i tiui w.ViEt: if .f.i t (;r, or t:iri'!ii ii-c wuito li'tfeftr th"'" tin iii'-hii, tlaric. l.iiitni n i:ir;nn"r. at l lli.t. b"iiir--ili:it dri ni's, aii'l "'lf n tl-wre ! a pii '.i:z, l- irnlii-5 mti5-iiin wh'.-n a.?l-te water, 'ut j-shi 'm Uia . j3-::.tll - if tit 3 Ji-U:K A!.il aliU t!it I.u:iia. i'rinV, ff IXi. VORLVsS, Tl" r.-,w Lnor.u and sura Kcmeuj f.T - .. i';ir, etc. Turner of 1J Vcnr. 7ro.vt!a Cured by Htac2iays ncMSvci5t. PevsRLv. M ., J'lly It. I".. Ttt. RjiTaTTtv : L-.l H-iirn TtiunT i l' fi-stUi ami twt. All the id ihi-r wit bo hr'- ! t tt." Ui-. I vtrv tlii-ij t!nl tm i-i..ji4icn.!-4; I tit tv tt. : Lrt- n. f t nar yoor Il-;vrmt.rl lliwt'tt I ul.l irv il ; tm Itaa mu fivtb In It. I aii I bavt vni-rc I t 'T tvi-l ran. !;,. ,.i Hilt flat H-io! v-nt, a.n.t nn i,z f R.Wwava I'ttvaHj I.. int. tl -f j.'ir R.-lv l!:.'f ; n t!ir- i a-1 '. -.; t ( t. t t.. t- tm r f. !t, ami i to- I imvi, ni.'l Iim j-tr lltti I h.i frt feht vfi. Th w.-nt Irtr-f .u in IS- Ml triv aY bt-ireii. nvrr tlx pr n. I iit ttlft to J" ivr tha tx&cu J Uurv ioj tut: i Uuh it if vuu clio . IiANXAII P. En Pfc C IF BK ri?.B JT A UKm fc' 4-4 vJf Wtf -1 U C ?mm FCSQATI'tfE PILLS, pprfr'rtlr tnrt-Iefw, eVij.intly coatwl "ft'lh tr-ct r-mi. piirif, rYui-.te. i-trifv, m-'anie, an! B'.i-iiiifiUi-n. Itad wnv'1 Ii!lr. for l!f mr t,f ail ri'.-'trdt-rH ..f tlte te.n-n-h. Liver. B-iArU, K'tl':-., BUiUIrr, Nrrvnts DfrseiiH-: Hemliioite. l'oiiJti.!Uioii. i 'oatir?n 9. Iiidie-rtirn, I'vtipe si.i, Tl li.-m-iH-s. Krver, jntTjinn.j: ion of th Lof;s. Ptl"Sri!iil nil l.Tunpfnienl'of itf JitiHrt'iU Vis era. Warrant to ct!'-rt 1 ( '"Mtivccure. I'urifly Vpct.v kio, (.ir.ihi:i no mfcury, Liitcral, r 'lrltcnnutliti;,. iir OtijWTv-a the ftilkt.viii nvnij'tvujs itsuiti;;g ftunt DiM nl'.-rs of tie I)ii'-Tive (f:inH: r-infrijitiaa, IrmM !il. Fnili" rf tV T'oM In tfce CTwirf, AMiy of iH Nt...n-!i, Nm-fai. Hr-arti.i.rrt, !itf-iit nf l-od, FjUn-' nr Wf;ht in lh !-Imfa, Sr ErtMfattna, Hina.'nc or F'i:-riRi L I'll -f itt It. hnimmrr: ft ll f tl-fcl, lKrrirf .-trl 1'i uJt ftrfanln-, rr'hi4lrt h (Wrt, CJoht r Knfl"ia'!.!n-Srittim wbrn in l.ving r--t. re, I ''i.i'ii, of it-n. or U cK before i:n S-irht, Fvrr kiirl Fhiii fii i th rlr-ad. Ivtiritfti.-T of 1'friirlrit.rii. YrlMfmci f iIm and l-. P'-in in ti i'l. l.enl, I.mtt, and a-iJta I U-iic ut Jl.i, biiriiir. in the HH. A f-w tl of F. AIHVAT"? T1J.1M t.W fe t'.P .ts- tvm fr(.:u:'.!l ti 1: ai'ev.--f.:f 1 t 'rf-u. i'riuC, ctaU T-rhor. PO.! l:V I'!;I( :t i 17. reai - I at si; A;r thtk." etvuBioRAHWAY & No. fi? Mrui-u L Ntw- etani) Oil, Paint & Varnish, WHITE LEA!), RED LEAD, colobeb mum m oil BURNT U.Min:U, RAW UMBER, CHROME GREEN, FARI3 GREEN, CSBOS YSLLOT, 220? BLACZ, Prussian Blue, Lamp Black, Paint Brushes, Vamisli Eruslie, WHITEWASH BRUSHES, SASH BRUSHES Whiting and Homh by tlio Barrel, Soaps, Japan Dryer, While Varnish Concentrated Lye, Babbitt's Potash, IiJttv suirt Gin;. Tlio aboTe goo.l., with a largo raricty of DRUGS and PATENT MEDICINE?, alwajs on Land at the PATTERSON I-HtlG STORE. : tSf Glass cut to any f-ize desired. lr P. C. RttSlU). July 12, 1871-tf New Lumber Yard.' . Patterson, Sa. BEYER, GUYER & CO, Have opened a Lumber Yard in the bor ough of Patterson, and are prepared to fur nish all kinds of Lumber, Buch as Siding, Flooring, Studding, ', Paling, Shingles, Lath, Sash, &c, in large or small quantities to suit cus tomers. . Persona wanting Lumber hy the car load can be supplied at reduced rat es. ; -.BEYER, GUYER 4 CO. , George Goshen, Agent. Pattarson, May 15'72-tf ' 3 CHROTCOS " sails i:t xisceist' " iraHiss," jj AWAivfc " and " A"4Ltit.r," g It tfwKiTCTTir WFFIIT d4 W FIIT f UIIS- 1hS kl WttiS (CvnaolaUtta).lor -X!. S kTwa of thM ChmtrM rf C tbo of VTlM Awake Mid aut AnfMp; ' UMOUni Jf SolMcriVri faratthed AT O-NCE witb tbctr IhNBMH. AGENTS. can milk batter teratt nth csuuui withtay i CATJTIOIf. ALL persons hereby cautioned against trespassing-by bunt in tr, 0r in any other way, ou the farm on which I reside in Fer managh township. All persons offending ill be dealt with to the full extent of the law. WILSON ROI5ISON. AFINE assortment of Cloths, Casaimeres, Vesting, &c, just received and for sale by 8. B. LOUDON. - i size OF --.'ireL: wia.a .1 -.- w y. PELLETS o o oo o Or Sugar-coated, Concentrated, Root -ana Herbal JoUe, Aiitl-Ktllom Granites. THE "I.ITTI.E GIANT" CATHARTIC, or Multara la Parro The noTTttr of modom iroclii al. Chemical and Phir- . t tT.: ....... X'.. ...... r.t nnv it. l"ir til-. Min iHutvuin..! .-eitii.c u ... -. - -'e? . lars.'. ivprdsiYO and nri'ictrt pills, comisml of i cheap, crude, and bulky lnirrf.licnis. when e c.:.n l r i acarefal n;.i!icatkn of cheni ical rH-icnce, exTnct a!l i tae caliiartic anu utliernieotciuai iriui nt mrvt valuable nt aiul llcrbJ, a d oncculnte lira i iutua minute timiniie, scorcoly larfr tliau a : j mustard seed, that can be rca!ily ewallfiwi-il by those OI the minl bvnallive pumr;H-i aim jaLiuK'na t.t. Fju-hlittle HarcatlTC t-PltotriDn-Jcatn. in a twaa concentrated form, aa much calharirc puwer as i embodied In aiiv tif the lare pill found l.nIo ' power, in proportion to their fiz', people who have EOl tnctl mem an- awt of rulI(n... .... . I ;flv.ftriv medicinal i.rir'ca of which th'y are t compord bcin bo hartuonizwl U BHuniitti. r hr , the others as to pnKluce n inl ncarrbliitx and 1 thoroiwh, yet gvutly aud klnliy opera j liuff rathartica SOO Ilewurd iv hm off-red hr the pmpric- : tor of these I'vllcl, to any chtiui-t who. i'ton an- j nivfifl, will find in thrru any ralonifl or other f;ny ,, of mercury or any other miutral phkn. Holiiff entirely veffrtablp, no parti-mi ir i care in rrqiiri while HMitff thm. liioy iw-ratc ' wirhntft disnirhaitco U the cimnatntion. dirt, r oc banco U the corvaimion. oin, r oc- .f;iHiiIi e, eatliM he.Coii- lrtiM.-e JSI04MI, IMin In mo 13 Ihrdu Kl, Diz- cn pat ion. ror . KtiDatloii, 1 SliuulU' rt., E iu MUUIU a I?" I"?"' "V""L'":," neh. Had taate i:i liioulh, Cition attYk, Pnlu in rsin of KiUuryit, - .. . . .. i a-.. w.. v. lalntitfil fr-cliuar aiont T Mo.ll'.K ll, 3IUKI1 ui jsiwou i nruo,niii Coluri'd I rinc, I usoeiability ami , Oloomjr ForrbodinKM, take Br. Plprcc's i IMi-Hailt 'nrualive) Ill.'l. In fip!:nin lion of Ihe rnawiliul ikiwit of my Fiirvalirc 1 rile-a over po pnrat a varit-fy of clirTacc. I wit-h tii fay that . my la lull vr..S, iol a plaild or tinc fl,,,,.. ItK-ir Balialive illipre-iw. Aw rliH.- imt iiupiir tlii-m: ll" ir mi r-omtliiL' ai.U b"-iu cnclost-d inirli boiilr irprc- tl:t-;r virtues nnna 'pairtnl fcirany lenili of time in ai:r ciiniate, so liint tin.-)-are alivavj f.vsti a:irt relialilu, which in not iho cae with thu'pilla fnnml in tiie ilrair stor-n. put up in cnenp w:xnl ur pate-b"snl b-'T'it. K'-rollr-rt tint for all li!ra-i-a wlu-ie a l.axallsr, AKcrativo or t'ni-ffatlvo in inilimtiil, thtxi liitte Pelli-H will irive tlio most perfect taiihiaclion to all who use thcia. They rre notd fcy alt enterprising Iriissi'.!at 25 cent a biXlie. Do rot Ho-.v any (lrmrfst to induce yoa to take nnvthii-ir ele llmt tie may pay is juta ir-wi.-! . niy I'elta bei ausc he niaki'S a larger pr.Ul on tliat wUit h ho rccimiineiulii. IT your ilru:i;Ut rannot supply tU.-uu enclose '5 ceuta aud receive tiiciu Ly rcturti inaii from . V. riERCE, Jf. I)., Frpr, BCFFALO. Y' Manhood : IIowLosi, llowlicorrd ..'?!, Just p!i!i!ihcil. a netr edition rf ! JLl-ifi f Dr. rnlirr-jrll'x Celrhratcd '' Ensay ou the raJ-ral cure (wilh j out medicine) of iSrr.KMATontsiKEA. or femi- j j nal VYeakneP. Involuntary .-cniinal Lo-ises, Impotknct, Mental and Pliyio:il Incapacity, I j Impediments to Marriage, etc.; CossiJir 'this, EriLKrsT. anl Fits, induced ly self-i intiiilpence or sexual extravagance JeA'-Priee, iu a sealed envelope, ouly Gets. The celebrated author, in this aJmirable fSFiy, clearly demon.'tratcs, from a thirty years' successful practice, tLat the alarming consequences of fe!f-.ibu-e may be radically cured without the dangerous use of the ku'ife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once fimrle, certain, and effectual, by niean3 of which every sufferer, no nutter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately aud radically. rx"TUi Lecture should he in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. eiil, under setl. iu a pliin envelope, to ! a:y address, poi'paid, on receipt of tix cents, J or two post stamps. ; Also. Dr Ctilverwcll s " Marriage Guide, price --" cents. Adtireas the publishers. CII VS. J. C. KLIK A C O., Post Office box4,-"Sti. 127 Bowery, N. Y jan.'2 '--i NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. j WINTER TIME TABLE. I bronh aud Direct Home to tVuliiug ton. ItsiKimore, KIniiiu. -t:ii(, Ituit'itlo, Hut-hpstPT anil NiHgnra I'all. ON AND AFTF.R MONDAY, OCT. 2?th, 1872, the train on Ihe Northern Central Railway will run as follows: , SOUTHWARD. 31ailTeain Iftvrs n.i.iimor a m loitTes Harr:bnrjf 1:2) p iu lc.iTes Williamsj:ort... fi:45 p in arrives st r.tinirn ' p ni Cis'ti Exr. leaves ISaH :riore p m arrive3 at llarrisburg p m Fast Line letiTea Ualiimore ;1 p m lraros ilflrri.sbnrg - 4:5f p rn arrives nt Willinmsport 8:i" p m Nobt'b Ex leaves ISaliimnre p m arrives at !!arrisburg. l2:'Z0 a m , Viaqaba Ex leaves lnItimoro 7:40 a rn j leaves !!arrisburr 10:50 a m I leaves Willlamspoi t.... 2:20 p m leaven Ehnira 5:21 p m arrives at CunanJagua- 8:00 p ni Ebis Mail leaves Ilarrisb'g 4:25 m leaves Snnburj.". i:0 a m .leaves Williamsport 8:40 a m leaves Eliuira ....12:50 p di arrives at Cimnntlaigua 3:50 p ni SOUTHWARD. Mail Tbaix leaves T.lmira 5:30 a m leaves VTilliamsport :15 a m leaves Harrisbnrg 2:05 p m arrives at. Ualiiniore...- fi:30 p m Fast Line leaves Harrisburg 5:0 a m arrives at Ualtiuiore... 8:15 am Ebik Exrr.'s leaves Suuhurj.- 9:40 a m fi-.iiYCs at IIarrisburg...l 1:80 a m Erik Mail leaves Canandaigua 2:45 p m leaves bliuira .. 6:30 p m leaves Williamsport 11:05 p m ' leaves ijv.nburj 12:50 am arrives at Uarrisburg... 2:45am rACii ic Ex. fjouth leaves Ilarrisb'g 1C:1) a m arrivts ai Baltimore-... S:00 p m Cixciy'i Ex. leaves Ilarrisburg 10:40 p m i arrives at IIaltinorc... 2:15 a m XiaqabaEx leaves CanauUaigua...ll:30 a m leaves Ehnira 2:20 pm leaves Wil!iamsport.. 6:10 p m arrive-J at HarrisburirlO-li, n m Bal. Acc. leaves narrisburg 9:00 a ni ; , arrives at D.iltimore ...-12:15 a iu Mail Train north and south. Fast Line north, Pacific Express south, Erie Express south, anil Baltimore Acc?rnmclf ion south, Niagara Express north ani south. Northern Erpres- north and Cincinnati Express south daily except Sunday. Erie Mail north to WilHumsport, Cincinna ti Express north and Fast Line south leave daily. Erie Mail eoutb, daily except Monday Erie Mail south connects at Karrisburg wiih Fast Line south for Baltimoie. Niagara Express south connects at Harris burg with Cincinnati Express south for Cal timore. Erie Express south connccUat Harrisbnrg with Pacific Express south tor llalttmore. Erie Mail north connects at Williamsport daily exeept Sundavs. for Elmira. Cananiai gua, Rochester, Uuffalo and Suspension Bridge. For further information apply at the Ticket Office in the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. . ALFRED U. FISKE. " General Superintendent. HarriBbura;. Oct. 28, 1872. ' FORCE PUMP. TBE undersigned is agent for one of the best Force Pumps, for any depth of cis tern or well, in the world. By attaching hose to the spout, water eaa be throwa 30 to 80 feet. Nothing better could be asked in case of fire.. It is a non-freezing pump. SAMUEL LEONARD ; , ..... Oakland Mills, Juniata Co., Pa. NATIONAL HOTEL, , lEWISTOWV, PEM'aJ- -BEAR 4c HAMAKER. Proprietors. 8JcstATA SEMTirut $1,50 uer year. W yrT. r- . C&kT Jt?&& . ; "Vmc-sar U:tlcrs are not a Tile "DrinJr made of t.xir Kiim, tViiiskev, Proof Spirin and Rein. Liquon, doctor-.., s:ice J, anj aneetnJ , p,cl taste, c.illed " l' mr," " Ap-e.rer," " Rest. .rem ' &c, tit ttii npiir an to rininitettnea. .t..: ' but are a tr.ic Me.. c ::e, maJc from tiie native root j " anflTietbsof'air.riiTA. fr-?r from aH A C1wIic SiimuiantZ , Princip.e, a Perfect R-nnyator and lni;ora:or of ti,J rw-iii, .( jiwa ; r-twaw mtirr ana restoring lh b!ol ta 3 h?.ihhvcnidition. mrichin; it, relrnliinc and inviRorntiim both minl xnHbMiy. TIiy are eartf of administration, proTtpt in iheir actum, certain iu Uwtr remits, Ck'ii .itr-l rcii.i'j'e in all fnrms of rfi,ie. So Person a tak kcs It.ttrra AccnrtJ ing to direction, and remain Ion 5 tin well, provided, heir bonr are not destroyed by mineral pton triher me.m. an the viul arjus waited beyond the point ofrp.-iir. lyaprpia or !! ion. Hra.Mch, Pal in Hie Sl.i.uUirr-i. C-'f;!: rhtiic1; of the Che-t, T:-tine-UL, ,Snr Kntrt jtns o ihe Stont.Tcb, 'I"fe in tlie Mouili, 11 ,'om Att.tckt, pAipitiion f th , j ?u '''"1m'n Jt I hf J ?T? l,ie &lz ricarr, on of t!- l.nii, I'.im 111 the re.ons! iitn'lre-1 other pat unit sirniptaniA. vsijr,ti4. In thei.e cntnptamts I H ha- and ,,e Ul. e will orr,t , hefter .,a- n( IT mr? ,!"n s ,"",th '-e'"nieia. - lmtTTtf or Ttie rtawn nf rwiinhoo.r, nr the turn ,t Itu. I!w-:n K.Litrt d,spiay so decided in' inrtti-nce that nm.keJ improvement is toon percep t.h?e. 1'or lnflnniniafnr and ('hronlo lchcn mat ism ami Omit, DyH;csnor Ind.eslion, Umnut, Kemment antl Inlcrmiitrnt r iers, IhSMes of the Blood, Liver, Kidney and i!.idil--rf these Bitters 5 n0', "ff"'-. S!lcl I'" f aud by Vinatct l..oml.lcl. frntrally produced by dtraiige- ment of th? I-si!ve 0'X"- TUry fe a(c:it le Purnlivo an well as ta Tonic. a'io tiie p.-cnu ir merit ff act in 3 as n (lowtrrtul zzent in r-!icii rkiruuii or Intam. maiion ot the Liver anj V lateral Organs, ami iu D;.iatts For Skin I)If r, Ertrtijmn, Tetter, Silt Rheum, IliiiEctitrs, Sjiots, I'lin-vcs I'lKiiilwit, Car buncles Uiit-i-wamw. Sc.iitl-t!eaI, S.Mt Ki, I-.ry-sipe!.i. I:cii, Scurf's Iicflonttifmsof ttie Skin, Humors Hid rJise.iw of the Skin, of tvd.itevcr name of nature, . are literally du up and carrte-I nut of t!ie sy-ucm in m ihort time bv lite use f these Bitters., One boft!e in r.-cti ca w II convince the most mCreJulou ut Uiir Ctintive cfTjc;r(. IK-ttiiste Iho Tlflftf! BIool wn"n-Ter'ron find t itnpurttiL-s LtirHtitt tiiroutli thehinin Pimptes. Itlrupiiuft-v er Src; cleanse il wUeu yon find tt b ttruciud antl sinisti in t?.e veint; cleanse it when it it fc.u! ; your fco'::t will tc-t roti wlien. Keep the blood pure, and the heilrh of thr system will fiiiiow. Urate fitl iHon4l prociatm Vinccar HrT TF.RS the most wonderful Inviguraut ttut ever ot.tlucd the inkini svicm. Pin, Tape, ami oOier Wttnti. Iinin ia the system of so many titousan-li, are eiTectuajh de ttroyed and removed. Says a distinguished phvsiol Dgi.t: Tlirci-tscarcelyau itulividual upon tlie face of the ' e. rth whw btxly i.-tcxempt from t!ie presence of wwm It is nut npn t!i- lte.i!:hy elettifmts ot tlte body that forms csiit, but wot tii dte.Te'l hnm'irs and siimy deposits bre-d these Urini; monsters of disease. -fio system of Mediein o rermifitset n aul!ierm:n itic Wiil fjee the syne in ftuta ms like the&e Uit ten. " ' . . 5lernn!ral nineates. P,-rsont en-c:d in Plir.ts and Miora( such as Pfuiubert, Tyy-e Iters, Go'd-beaters, and Miners, as ihcy advance in life, wiil -be tubtect to paralysts of the n.'areis. To (fiard aeinst this take a dose of VVai. Kia's Vinegar Uitteks oace . or twice a week, as a Preventive. Hiliou. Remitteutt and Jni rrmlt f ent Fevers, which are f prevaleut in the vatieysof wttr frcat riwrs throughout the United States, epeciti!y tliose ef tlie llii,'ipi,i. Ohio, Missouri, li.inots, Ten nessee, fuinl'crljnd, Arkatisa. Red, Colorado, Braio Rio (".rands, Pear', Alabama, Mohi'e. S-ianuali, o!;e, James, and many otlicr wiUl their Trist tributa 11 es tlirouIiout fnr eiitire country durui tlie Summer aud Autumn, and rem.Ti kaii'y so dtiriit seasons of unusual heat and dtr:ic53,are invaruhly acT'epanied ' bv extensive dcan-emml of tlie wmnJi and liver, am! other abdomma! v.rra. There a:e always mora m iess obstructions of t! Jirer, a weaklier and frrttable stats of tlie sMinac'i, a:i 1 frieE torpor of the bowels, beiiif; . doried up with ritiateH .icciimulaiiimt in their treat- tnev.t, a purgative, cxert-u a pow.' iu-luenre a; on -these variou orpins is es nliaily ticessary. There s tiitc.ii!iar: fr the iurose equal to Vtt. ) Waikes's VtKBCAR I ittk us as they will speedily remnve the dark co'ored vi-c;d tuafter with w!in.h the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimttla" 0e secretions of tiie liver, and pcietaiiy restutini; the Itsalihy luuciious of ihe di;'5iive rrans. Scrofnln, or Ivln's T!rll, White S-e!!inrs, T'.cers, Krystpelas, Swrjlietl Nck, Gmlec STOf'n:'it Ind.immatmns lud"!rnt Infl.iniuiaisons Msrctirial Af fections, Oid Sre Entptu--n af the Stm. Sore iives. etc., etc. In ihesc, as in all other constitutional It eiscs, Wai kpk's Vjwe.s Itrmiws hae ithown tlre-r preat curative iotveii iu ini most obstinate and mti.-' m'. : cav-i t - t l)r. AV.i!1ter"s Cnl'fftrtiln Tinrnr Rlttm act on ail tb?sc eats in a similar untuKi. By pun Arm the IIi"Oil tlfv reniove ihe cause, and UyresoIvinE awv t're cfec: of tlie iti.ltmnruioe (he ttibrrrcutar dep isitsr th? a-Tecred i arts receive health, a:iJ a permanent cwt is e(T-c:ed. The prop-rlIe of It?. WiiifFR' Vikrcar TiTTrUt are A'encnf. Diaphore'.ic and 'irmMTMMive. Nutritious, Laxative, I-Imeh'c. ScIafive, Cmmler-lin-tarjt. Sti'lTitic. Alterative, ad A:rti-!!tiious. Tho Aicrient arid m Id Ltiatire profrrties f Pa Walkik's ViN'f'Gri 1ittkr4 are tlie, bet safe mjrd in ail caes of ernntio-iS and m!fsnant fevers, their ba's-im-c, healing, aid so :hii; properties protect the humors if tbe f.nicss.' Tl.eir Sedtinve Properties a'lir r'in m t!i nervous system, s!o:nacb, aud bowels either from inf? imtn-it:on, w nd, c ic, errTmps, e;c. Tueir Counter Irrit.i' i:;f!uenci extends tlinxigliont the system. Their I.nretic profierties act on the K.: reys correcting and rezul.ttrnn the !i'w of urine. I li.'ir Aiiti-Uilioue preperties stimulati the liver, in the secre tion of bi!, ami its dicitares tlirruirh the biliary ducts, ai:d are nririor U m'i remedial aeuti, ur tlie cuie ni Iltlums Fever. FcT a't.l Aiif. ctr. Fortlfsr tlie Innly nint tllsiease b-nnn- f. -in ati us fluids wit'i Vinkgxk Bittkk. .No epi demic can uke lir!d of a svsteia thtv ajreirined. Ths 1'vcr, tbe stt.miach, the bo.c s, t!ie "k-dn-ys, and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by this ;reat invig orant. Iirertltni. Take of the Bitters on jtoip" to bed at mrht iiotn a Ivtif to on and onedi.if snne-clawfitll. KaI oo1 nourisbm food, such a- beefsteak, mutton cIk;. vriiison, roa-t beef, and TeseraWes,' asul tako cit-dor et-rcie. They are compocd ot purely veset ah tfqre.l tents, and cmt.iin no srunt. - " J WALK.LU, r.-opV. K. H. McIXiXAl-Dot CO Diuiit.i ard Gen. A'is,, San Francisco, CaJ., at:d cur. ot VVa-huit.n andCharros M . New Vork.. SOLD i-V ALL URL'Gtilsrs AMD HEALERS. BOOIf AGENTS zoa Till FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC. 800 Pajes, 250 EngraviBgs. An interesting and amusing treatise on (lie Mcilical Humbug of the pajt and present. It exposes Quack. Irrpostorf). Trn-relline loctors, 1'iitent .Medicine Verniers, Motet Female Cheat. Fortune Tellers and Mediurrs. and piTea iatcro.tinir accounts of Noted Physicians ami Narratives of tlieir liTes. It reve:l startling secrets and instructs all Low to avoid tbe ills which rlesh heir to. We give exclusive territory and liberal commis sions. For circulars and terms address the publisher. J. B. BTJER & HYDE, irAr.TFORP, COXX., or CHICAGO, ILL. AGENTS WANTED ' FOR TUB UNCIVILIZED RACES OF 3 O in ALL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. Be ng a Comprehensive Account of their i acners and Custom?, aud of their Physical,. Social. Mental. Moral, and Religious Characteristics. ' Cy REV. J. G. M OOD, SI. A . F L. S. 500 Eagravins,' 1500 Super Eoyal Octavo Parses, IS TWO VOLUMES, OB TWO V OLD MRS IM Oft. Agents are miking over $100 per week in selling this work. An early application will secure a choice of terriury. For terms ad dress the publishers, J. B." BURR & HYDE, nARTFORD, CONN., oa CHICAOO, ILL. ' V i-fjanl-iy J0H3ST0WN F0TJ3DRY. TIIE undersigned, manufacturer of Jami son's Improved Plow, calculated for all kinds of plowing, and in all kinds of ground, sold cheaper than any other Plow in the County. He manufactures ail kinds of Cast ing, Bells, Stoves, ic. He will also repair reapers and threshing machines. Give me call, or address. J. H. ROGERS. Walnut P. O. auff 18 18!i9lf Juniata Co. Pa. A Large assortment of Queeosware, China ware. Glassware, CrockeryWare, Cedar ware, 4c, for sale cheap by TILTEN A ESF&NSCHADE'S. tja wit .1 ' 11 M u i I I il it