Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, April 16, 1873, Image 1

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    i -1a.i:a ifaharl.
tfTir.vs-.itn i iMi
rin!icB rum inti i
. tn4jc-$;ri,n..i-tk,Kl F.U.w.' Hail, ;
MirruxTy s. r
Tub Jtxt.T4 Sitimi-ii Dul!iteJ i
inri rj i?vFkTi-i.i.
.1'! sfru.a( ! i&aa ir avMiB'
I t i-.r il H' ! am iM, tl B
ebtrrr l arl. a. I ' e.ala. ikr $1 Ad.
aaJ &o ri lor aa atiitrat irtla
AdiBiBXraior . lirrulor a a Aa iilor a
Notice. Ji.'. l"ro.nal an J bu;ara
OatJa. n it etewedinc a irt, aa t !)
i ilia copy of paper, i,Oe peryear. Nctieae
: in rtaltnc cnlaxins. In tents per Una. Mr
; chants advertising by tht yar at special rates.
I 3 -ontht- C xoaM. 1 year.
1 O-ieindi J .1.50 $5.00 $ 8.00
i Two in'-fres o.OO 8.00 11.00
, Three inches-... rt,(K) 1H,IK- 15,00
, One-fourth col'n. 10.00 17.00 25,00
; Half column 13.00 25,00 45,00
One column 30,00 ' 45,00 80,00
----- ;y rmp?'-
Wednesday moiling at i 1.50 a year, in ad- . ,
mc; or $2.00 in all eases if noj r' F. H tlElf,
- rrompuy in tmiict. . ; subscriptions Uil- ; r
. cot.jjBUed until all arrearages arc paiJ. unless
At tke option of the publirr.
Susinrss tarbs.
-cVt tornoy at Jf-v,
8."0lltc1ir.g and Conveyancing promptly
attended to.
Office on Bridge street, opposite the Court
House Sijiiiiro.
"Hice on P.rUgc srreef. in the room .'oi merU
occupied by Ezra l. I'arHr, F.st.
JF. 0. I.OM'., residing in fpruce ilill
town1iii. oilers lits survives to the c::i
Trtis ill' .luni:it.i ei :'.i:y na Auctiinir and
Vn'ltie Trior. t'i1:irgvs inoi'ratp. S;itii
f ictiivn wairan'c ! - j it.'JI. .3m
O IJ. 7JLTl)i:.N,
Offers li is services to tie citizens of Juni
ata county as Auctioneer and Vendue Crier.
Cb.irges, from 1 wo to tea dollars. Satisfac
tion W;irrante'l. novo. ''j'J
YKS! () YKS!
II. H. SSYDSS, Pcrrysville, Pa-,
Tcntlers bis services lu t lie citizens nf Jui'i
ata n.i a'tjoiniuc; counties, as Aueti'.iip.cr.
Chnrns inutcrnte. For satisfaction give the
J'Htrkm 'n a chnnce. J'. O. address, I'oli
loyal, Juniata Co., Pa.
Feb 7, -72-1y
rATTKiisox, rnxx'A.
AuituRt ix. I3;;fl-tf.
Physician and Surfcon,
Office hours 5 A M to 3 1. M. Oflice in j
Itaitoi d's biiilJing, two doors above the S'n- !
ollice. liriiige street. augl8-lf j
bToaiivek. J
Eoiasapatliic Plysiaan ni Surpcn. j
Having located in tli horouiih of Thoinpson- .
itivu. aaors uia proi;iioii:ii ctmici i uir
itizeni ot that place and vicinity.
(ihkk lu the room recently occupied 'jy
l)r. 5trg. fjiine -. '7"J-tf
H aving permancn'.ly locale 1 in tU bcroitgli
of Miltlintown. offers liis profc-stonal -.-rrvices
1,1 the cituetis of this pi ice and ui -rviiuding
cuii! ry.
(,1i-:e on Mam street, ovrr lei.i:er s urug ,
3r. E. A. Simpson
Treats i.U forms of disease, and mar be con-
ul:cd as follow: At his olliec in Liver
Pa.. verv S ATL'KUAV and MOM)A ap
piitits can bn.ada for other days.
Etir-t'all 011 or address
Ull. it. A. SiMPSOS.
J.o 7 Liverpool. Terry Co., i'a.
m&w Bxum Store
D It. J.J. ArTLEBAl'GII hsa tablished
a Drug and Prescription Store in th
ahose-aamed place, and keeps a general as
eorlBicnt of
Also ail other articles usua'.ly kept iu estab
lishments of this kind.
Pure Wines ami Liquors for medicinal pur
poses. Cigars, Tobacco, Stationery. Confec
tions (first-class). Notions, etc., etc.
jyTho Doctor gives ad ice free
EIcUGbnugh' Saloon.
Two for 5 cents. Also, the Freshest Lager,
the Largest Oysters, the Sweetest Cider, the
Finest Domestic Wines, and, in snort, any
thing you may wis'u in the
at the most reasonable prices, lie has also
refitted his
bo that it will now compare favorably with
any Hall in the interior of the State.
June 1, ISTO-ly
Eally to the Place where you can buy
your Wall Paper Cheap.
fpIIE undersigned takes ibia method of in
JL forming the public that be bas just re
ceived at bis residence en Third Street, Mif
flintown, large assortment of
of various styles, which he offers for sale
CHEAPER than can be purchased elsewhere
in the county. All persons in need of the
nbove article, and wishing to save money, are
invited to call and examine his stock and
hear his prices before going elsewhere.
MVLarec supply constantly on band.
COAL, Lumber, Fish, Salt, and all kinds
of Merchandise for sale. Chestnut Oai
Dark, Railroad Ties,, all kinds of Grain and
Seeds bought at the highest market prices in
cash or exchanged for merchandise, .coal,
lumber, &.C., to suit customers. I am pre
pared to furnish to- builders bill3 of lumber
just as wanted and on short notice, of ei'her
oak or yellow pine lumber.
Jan 4 Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa.
Guaranteed by usinp my
Instant llelicf for the Asthma.
It acta instantly, relieving the paroxysm
immediately, and enabling the patient to lie
down and sleep. ' liffered from this dis
ease twelve years, but suffer no more, and
work and sleep as well as any one. Warran
ted to relieve in the worst case. Sent tiy
mail on receipt of price, one dollar per box ;
sk your Drugrist for i'.
Rochester, Be vvbR Co., Ta.
Feb 19-ly
tB,Grooerice at Tilten &EspcEscbadc's.
Wal Palace. Crystal Palace.
The First,
The Best,
The Cheapest,
The Largest
Slock of fioods
To Oner to the Public
Just ltectivci.1 from Eastern
M arkcts.
Sei'iii' Tliein will Guarantee You
April 10, 1 S7:J.
Mailt Xtrret, Mijjhutmcv, I'a.
cais, I've ainn,
Oils, Paints,
Varnishes, Glass,
putty. Coal Oil,
Lamps, Uurncrs,
Chimneys, Brushes,
Infants Uru.-hes, Soaps,
Hair finishes. Tooth Brushes,
Perfumery, Combs,
Tl - ;.. Tnhno.-A
Ciz.ll.,) ' ' Notions,
aud Stikiionary.
selected with great cire, and warranted from
"iwstWNES AND LIQUORS forMedi-
, 1 cal Purposes.
V,!IKSCRIPTH.NS compounded wilh
Hi"' 1 i ,
Soots and Uorsi.
Boot and Shoe Shop.
THE undersigned, fashionable Root R
X and Shoemaker, hreby respectful-
!v informs the public that he baslocafedS
in the borough of Patterson, where be is pre
pared to accommodate the most fastidious ii:
Gents1 Fine ami Coarse Boots,
Also, mending done in the neatest manner
and upon the shortest notice. A liberal
share of public patronage is respectfully
solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.
fsjy- Shop located on the east side of Tus
carora street, one door soath of Main street,
nearly opposite Laird & Bell's store.
March 8, 1872
In Nevin's New Building on
'PHE undersigned, la'c of the firm nf F.i
l sick & North, would respectfully an
nounce to the public that ho has opened a
Boot and Shoe Shop in Majop- Ncvin's- New
Building, on Bridge street, M illliUown, and
is prepared to manufacture, of the best ma
terial, all kinds of
He alo keeps on hand a large and well
selected slock of
IJostl--nmlo AVoi-lt.
of all kinds, for men, women and children.
Give me a call, for I feel confident that I
can furnish you with any kind of work you
may desire.
jjf" liepairmg done neatly auu at reason
able rates.
May 81, 1S72.
I'ew Shop in ilimintoxn.
'IM1E subscriber begs leave to inform the
JL citizens of - MilBintown, Patterson and
viciuity that he bas opened a Boot and Shoe
Shop, for the present, in the room occupied
by X. E. Litt efield's Tin Shop, on Bridge
street. Mifllintowa. where be is prepared to
manufacture all kinds of
in the most substantial manner, and nt the
lowest prices. Repairing promptly at-
tended to.
A liberal share of public patronage is soli
cited, anl 'satisfaction guaranteed.
May 1672-tf
PLAIN and Fancy Job Printing neatly exe
cuted at this Office.
"When We liest Again.
Will you know mc, will yon loto 014,
In the Ciir immortal land
Will you kiss my lips in welcome
I' And extend your little hand ?
Will you know when I am coining.
And know me when I come ?
I Will you always be "my durling,"
In our 4 blest eternal home !"
j Will your Spirit arms enfold mc,
i WLjn I l8y rr.e dottn to die !
i When the shadows gather o'er me,
j And the anct'l draweth nigh ?
j WiM you be (he first to greet n:e,
j When I reach the other shore?
j Will you fing a song of gladness,
i When my journeying U o'er?
Will your e;c gow soft and brighter
Y.iur voice take a sweeter tone.
When you sec mc kneeling by you,
'Hound the Tatlicr'n ''great hite throne?''
Yi:l you know how I have loved you,
As we at the portals unit,
If I linger to caress you,
Ere wc enter in the gate ?
Will this love not purify me.
In its sacredness so sweet?
Can I take you up an I bless you
When I find you at my feet ?
Then that blessed meeting will assuage
Xiuny days of griof and pain
l"p in hc.iven, face to face.
llcuuited once egsin.
!Sol;ot ?(ory.
A Ziss in t'n2 Eark.
BV W. W. T.
'Will yon, bj it hotna to niht Annie
The i.eisnn who asked this Question a
tall, muscular, good looking young farm-
ier, was leaning upon quiro .noore (
front gate talking to the Squire's pretty
daughter, who stood inside of it. As the
simple words passed his lips he reddened
i . .i CI;
suuuctiiy 10 i:ie very roots oi uis iair
hair, as if he h id just been
jilty of1
some great impropriety.
lie was bai-hful extremely bashful
j was David Winthrop at least in the
j presence of young ladies, most of all in
1 l,n 1.ifi.1 'n
I UV; i-t-UVVi VI1V 11 uv 1'Jil.u. 'W
rniiPL' man iu nil Wi!ke conntv owned
. a better farm, or talked wiih more coufi-
, ilt'iice anion;; his cronies, of stock
j croj'8 a'ld such like. But the sight of a
j pretty foot or face coming V.3 way afftc-
! ted him queer'y. Oa such occasions he
; eVer knew what to do with bis hands
! and eyes and seemed always to fee! like
j screwing hitnstlf into the nearest mouse
dgvr-tl.at is to say the
young laity was past.
ti.:. ... ( ,1.:.... t,. . M.,-.. .1
no one cvci understood how he contrived
S to muster np courage enough to enlighten
j Annie Moore on the subject of his pre
j feience for himself. The mattter pro
j bally remains to this day as much a
' mystery to mm n iu oi...
JIiss Annie, however, Lad a lair share
of tact aud womanly cleverness stowed
safely away somewhere in the recesses
of her pretty little head, although it was
carried jauntily upon the inexperienced
and rounded shoulders of fresh eighteen
She did not need to le reminded that
David was worth, iu a worldly way,
much more than any of her other suitors
and that he was good Dking, good-hearted
and intelligent enough to satisfy any
but an over fastidious person of her chug.
He was unexceptionable, in short, barr
ing Lis unconquerable and excessive
bashfiiiuess, which indeed was a never
failing source of merriment to the young
people of their little circle.
And so, when David in his awkward,
blundering, half frightened manner be
gan shyly to exhibit his preference for
her in various little ways, such as wait
ing on her to and from singing school,
constituting himc!f her escort when she
went Sundays 011 horseback to the lone
ly little church iu the woods, and sing
ing her out as the recepieut of whatever
attentions lie cobM find the nerve to pay
at the frequent quilting parties in the
neighborhood, Annie did not frighten
him out of his budding passion by any
show, tithcr by surprise or marked . pre
ference, but took it all in the easiest,
plcasantest, unconscious manner possible
The girls tittered and nudged each, other
elbows, and the young men cracked fur
tive jokes at the expeuce cf her timid
suitor, but she stood np for him like a
reol kiud hearted, independent Western
lass, as she was, and tried to encourage
him out of his shyness as far aa she con
sisteutly could.
She never seemed to notice any of his
unfortunate blunders, and very likely
helped him along considerably when his
feelings reached the culmiuating poiut,
one moon lighted August evening, as
they were walking home together from a
coru-huskiag party.
That had been just oue week ago.
Annie had said "yes," and had agreed
to take the responsibility of bringing
father and mother ''around' on the eub-
jject. David had not been to the house
I since. Probably he ftlt very much like
j a dog who fears to venture upon tLa
premises of a person whose shecofold he
i has just plundered. Thu3 itrhappeued
1 that aa yet the powera that were, knew
I nothing of the momentons secret, which
they kept between themselves, fearing to
divulge. AbJ now, Annie, who- wished
to pnt off the ordeal of n bybI as long
aa po?8ih!e at any rate to gain time for
otic more confidential talk wi)h David on
thesubjoct, saiJ hagtHr in reply to that
ftammereJ query of hia with which we
have prefaced tins narration :
"Mother is going over to Aunt Ruth's
with father to ppend the evening and ehe
wants me to go, but I guess I wont. I've
been working on lather's near thina all
day, besMes doing the dairy work yes
Icrday, and I'm about tired out."
Thru tLe added before he could re
ply :
Don't come until 8 o'clock. I shall
be about through putting things to rights
by that time "
Of course David v. as not too c-utase
to understand that ha was specially fa
vored by this arrangement, and he so f.tr
forgot Ms fcaphfulness as to petition awk
wardly for a parting kiss, which was at
once re fused in the most inexorable man
ner possible.
"Xo, you shan't ! There, now ! Do
take yourself off, will you ? D'ye think
I didn't eco you fidgeting around Km.
Smith at Deacon Anderson's sociable last '
night ! I've not forgotten that sir !"
'Oh, now, Annie ! jast one ! '
But further appeal was broken tff by
a tantalizing little laugh, and when, ren
dered desperate by, this, ho tried to
revenge hiir.s. If, and at the very moment
when Le thought he was secure of the
coveted blies and stooped his head tritim
phantly over his struggling prisoner, the
rosv. lauhit.r face vanished sudd
Mroin umJcr his arm and was off and
j away up the garden pat a teaumg to me
.iiii i
, -"'"'- "
i lau" happened.
I I'or one moment David, who stood gaz -
ln2 rueiuny atf r ner, ttiougnt ot ptiistiit
! nnil n roo" i 1 1- n Ht-f tiaf. .. 1... . u.l 1 1 trio
. - ..v ..".v.
'a Pu' his plan in execution, his tonnen-
j tress, after stooping to give one mocking
farewell wave ot her Lain! tiom tue porcn
vanished inside of the door. So there
was nothing to be done but to turn re-
liictantly licm the irate and taking the
j j o x.3
i road homeward.
If you could have looked into the
family sitting roo: at Squire Moore's j
shortly before eight o'clock on that same j
evening, you would have had a cheery j
picture before you. The after-supper i
cieaiiog away 101a ioit, lur uiu Billing
, , .li-i 1
ivufl loii tiir roi,m where Hie iLulv meats
of the family were eaten. The leaves
of the old fashioned dinner tabic had
been let down, and the table itself cov
ered wilh bright oilcloth, set against the
wall. The crumbs had been carefully
brushed with a turkey wing from the
neat home made carpet, and Annie's
'workstand was drawn up in front of the
ample and blazing firo of hickory logs
which crackled cheerily iu the old-ft.-h-ioned
A beautifully piled tray of red-checked
apples aud a plate full of cracked
walnuts were on it, in close proximity to
Annie's coquettish work-backet, made of
pine cones by her own deft lilt'o hands,
aud daintily lined wilh blue silk.
On one side of tbc fire place sat Mrs.
Moore, fat, fair, more than forty, aud at
peace with all the world. She sat sway
ing backwards and forwards at intervals
iu her low rocking chair, knitting as ehe
rocked, and refreshing herself now and
theu with a mouthful from a half eaten
apple which lay within easy reach, just
npou the corner of the table ; or touch
ing in a caressing manner with ths tip of
her foot a sleek, lazy-looking gray cat
that lay purring and bliuking on the
hearth rug before her.
Annie sat on the other side of the U
ble dtftly drawing her needle ia aud out,
of a long piece of white cambric, and
with her head as busy as her han3l with
trying to conceive seme clever way of
incidentally mentioning the visit, which
she was now momentarily expecting, to
her mother, without exciting the suspi
cion of its being a prearranged affair.
She would have given a, good deal to
have been able to say iu an off-hand
manner that she wouldut wouder if Mr
Winthrop were to drop in, as he was in
the habit of calling occasionally on Sat
urday evening at about thia time. But
she xecollected, with a twinge of con
science, how hard she bad tried the old
lady to accompany her husband on the
promised visit to Aunt Ruth's in spite of
her forewarnings rf a coming spell of
neuralgia, which hat ' intimidated her
from venturing out into the damp night
air ; and also how she pleaded headache
as an excuse for not going herself. She
knew that her mother was quL'e sharp
enough to draw her own inference from
these two facta, and the additional one of
her being dressed with more than usual
care to spend an evening at home.
"I shall not dare to tell her now," she
said to herself "She'd bo sure to think
that I wanted to get her out of the way,
so that I might have David all to my
self." So like a wise little puss she was
I'll venture my word on it," you would
not have wondered at our bashful young
; farmer's desperate enthralment if ycu
could have seen Annie Moore as she sat
sewing by the fire that frosty night in
jNovember. she bad, just befor; supper,
indulged in what a Western girl would
call a "filing up." A neat fitting dark
chintzdress, looking aa fresh as when it
had first came 'out of the village store, a
dainty white linen collar and cuffs, and a
coquettish frilled apron of white muslin, I who calmly continued : . land dtvoted to its production, which, m
T.d a blue neck ribbon tied iu a cunuiug "Pears so to me; cause them big j we already remarked, is greater bVyond
bow, were the chief items of Antiie's whiskere put me iu miud of his'n and j comparison than that resulting from any
toil. ttc. But she looked as sweet and then the awkward way he gripped me j other crop. Any one who Bokes
pretty as if hours had been spent in with his big paws !" j cigar will notice the large amount of
dounirg satin, lace and jewels, llt-rj Xo answer. But Annie was wonder- j ashes which is left. More ashes are left
lich, wavy, gold brown hair was carried j fully busy. She bent over her work and I from the combustion of tobacco tiwtn
in shining folds away from her warm red urew her nc3dlt through so quickly that : from that of any other vegetable Sub
check, and caught tr in the meshes of a ! the thread snapped, and then she didn't stances, 1,000 pounds of tobacco leave
silken net at the back. j have time to talk, the was so taken up j ou an average iiOO pounds of ashes. The
Light o'clock and past ! YiT orthy Mrs. i with trying to coax the thread through j oil.--", resins, and acids which tobacco con
Moor was dozing ovir her knitting, j the eye again ! J tains are derived from the aim.itfphei'c,
Her shadow oa the opposite wall Inflexible Mrs. Moore went o:i : . and In nee cost nothing ; but the ash is
bobbed about in grotcqe miieary as she (-l dou't believo that kia was intended : composed of mineral matters, and is
nodded to and fro now crushing the forme after all. I'o you, Annie ? Well . hence made up from tha available plant
voluminous white satin bows on her of course, we know it wasn't. But then j food of the soil. A crop of tbacco
spruce cap against the back o f Ik r chair, ! I do wonder who it was intended f -it ''. 2,000 pounds to the acre withdraws
now almost fulling forward, while her And I wondeff ym don't know more i from evtry acre of liui ou which it
fat hnni's at length dropped listlessly in ; about it than you seem lit to tell V J gruws 400 pounds of this constituent. '
down upon the health. Fu-s espying!
it. was soon lu?y iu unwinding auu
converting it into all sorts of Gordian
knots. Ail at once ie double rap at t he
door an audacious double rap which
' Let me in !'" eo loudly and impatiently
and in such a self assured manner, that
Annie, rendered nervous by suspense,
started up w ith a little sce.nn, aud set
her foot on Madam Buss' tail, who in
turn gave vent still more loudly to her
amazement and displeasure
A II iln.s.-. fnml.lf-ul r.r i -me.T
fiiiuwivc itiftfi:&t urn
successive noises, aroused Mrs.
. , . .,,,:.,) ,.r r, r.n,.i..,.
!:ing her ryes, set'.iii
and exclaiming; Bless my soul Atmii !
; u :l)lt:lt ,ii,j Simubodv ai
j ()
tlift ilnort Whsf tin,., is it n.,vlr.ir. n.l
it bil
e as t!
IS, too'
" It is not very la!e, m-tlitr.
On' v
a littla after eight. I'll go and tee who
it is," sai l Annie, demuiely, at the eaino
time taking the o:.e caulle from t!:
" Xo ! Here. Annie, vou wind
tny ball, atid brush up the health, w hile
I go to the door. Drat that cal!" j
For the eld lady's feet Wire all this
while (trtij.'glit.g in the perplexing
of the ravelled yarn.
In her hnri v, Mrs. Moore forgot to take j
; - v
i the c indie wiih her, and as the stepped
out into the Email uniighted front cutry,
she unwittingly closed behind her the
the door of the room she had just left.
Almost at the same moment she put her
hand on the latch of the outer door,
and onenin?' it' she. 'suddenly found
herself in the ardent embiaees of a pair
e , . , 1 1 .
of siout arms. A whickered face was
brought into close proximity with lien
own, and before she could fully realize
, ... . . . ,
- 1 . t. .;.l , :
a heaity smack, given wi.h a sig-
r , , 1 1 , i .1 . .1
mficant gusto which indicated that the
unknown was takinjr bis revenue
1 . , . r
Lint I114 rr-i-onirii l,r
some pa.-t slight paying off some old
score, for it said as plainly as words
could have done; "There-take that!"
And all this fell upon het unoffending,
vi: ttv'us, matronly lips !
"Oh, murder ! niuider ! 'Taint Josh
ua neither !"
by this time divested
For the had
herself cf the impression that it wa3 her
usually sober ppouse returned home in ?.
stiangcly exalted condition, thus to in-
dulge in such unwonted demonstrations
of cot'jagil affection. "Git out! git out,
I say! murder! fire! thieves! Annie!
Annie do com;; here! here's a man kisc-in
me like mad!''
But thti intruder had by this time
discovered his mistake, and it did not
need'the indignant pummelling and
potmdiug of t!ia old lady's respectable
fists to make him relinguii-h his hold
and race off as if pursued by some aven
ging fury.
.Annie, nearly choahed with smothcied
laughter, in spite of trepidation, now
came to the rescue.
"Oh, I never was' so took aback in all
my born day. The mean scamp! Who
could it have been? Annie, have you
any idea? '
But that dutiful daughter was to all
: . 1 : .
aiineniaiice iiiiiuueut ttil'a iiiuraiit
' 1
an iufautiie dovo. She Itried to soothe
She Jtried
the indignant matron by representing
that it might have been (?) one of the
neighbors who under the potent influence
of a wee drop too much, had mistaken
the house' and the housewife ! She
searched tho entry for the missing rpec
tacles, arranged tho rnmplcd cap rib
bons, woitud up the tangled yarn, stir
red the fire all iu tho most amiable
mnnnnv nnasll.la mill af l"af 111 1,a!
uianiii.1 i,ii.-i,(ii. it ui. .1-. . ii ,a i ii i.
, , .,
sntisfnetion lit fleeing her mother nntistrW
. . . . .'
into Iicr rocking chair ar.u her usual
tranquility of spirit.
But Mrs. Moor was fully awake now.
She had gotten a new idea into her
head; and instead of setting herself for
another nan. she nureued her train of
with lit tn:l knitting,
lapiJity. At l.-ngth
stopping and looking very keenly at
' Annie over her spectacles, she said.
"It may be a queer notion of mine
J Annie, but I've a fancy that niau was
j David inturop. 1
! "Oh ! but if Anuie's face didn't catch I
j fire then ! You might have lit a numler '
i of candles by it.
j These suspicious symptoms did not
; escape the eye of the skilful inquisitive,
Yce, me mother ynu was mighty :
; auxious to get me au
l'ap off to Aunt
' Ituth's to-night ; but I noticed you was
slicked extraordinary for all you weren't
j lino Annie lost her needle aud went
down on the floor to hunt it. '
j "Xow, Annie," Ik r mother went on.
"I'm gettiu' old, I know that, but I hav-,
j cn't quite lost my eyesight yet, nor my
: hcariu' neither. I've surmised a little j
j soinetliiu' about these goiu's ou between ;
! vou an I iv id afore no w. What are yon 1
: I'l.tytu possum lur : Out w ilIi it, I say. i
, Tilint f;lir ti) Le lTjW t coffit
! vour oiJ tnotiier.'
I T"t'' "'1j'.-i:eJ
, turf mall f. minine '
a clean breast of it, '
Machiaval mad
I KiltWii to t:nd tli.it mother 'liadii t
uoiiiiu i,ii miu. .iiiu n .tui,; laiiiei
....it t ! i it r...i. ...
i a taisiii to auotit il an tiring turn aroutia .
' "uut, Ann!:', saw -;rs. .u'-orc
j i:i C'inc!u-io:i, " want you to tell David
1 I'd rather hs'-d not m-'.ke such a mistake
: ngaitt. I dou't like the feel of iis bL'
-' ''.
! whiskers "alo'it my f.ico, an l, mop
1 . .
' L
ion t ppprovc ot prnmi ;ktis I;:siu !
David never In ard the hist f that kiss
1:1 tiie cam.
r;ivl." ( 11:1 StinM'o iTnri nf fn1irj
1 ir. 1.1. .1
ncara 01 11, a:ui zica to tare rrca: c,'-
1 1--Ii t in slvlv allii:li:i:r to the eiienmit
cc8 whet, all the parties concerned Jan-
pcne.1 to be present He would shake
hia burly tidca with laughter at David's
discomliture and his wife's tart replies,
while Annie would side ivith her fa,i.r
and poke sly fun at her sweet heart, aud
then loth of them would laugh again at
the other two until the tears ran down
j ''irheeks.
"Never mind, David, ' Mi a. Moors
' '
I 11 !:..! I
lover, "let them lattirli. lie d have been
He'd have be
:iui!y lull i;irll lu ll.ivt? ytcu ill 30111 illume 1
..!.. . ... 1 t :.. ..1
I winy y ears acu. 11c uau iriru n or 10
' - ......
,.1: .. tj. i .ji i 1. .
1 sret a Kiss irom me men. 1 nope uie oc
i cu reucu win uu a lessr.u in you ou in -
, J
nie airin the vit policy of undeih
. . -
i dolus of all sorts, aeeiu' as how they're
j liable to end, iu sich cases, in ktssin' the
wrong one in the dark.
The daughter of a doctor in Crart fords
ville, Itid., b id her fortune told by one
of her fathers patients, who predicted
that she would be m nried on a certain
j day. The young woman had her wetld-
ing garments all ready, but the bride -
j groom appeared not. TLe patient did
i not pay his bill, the doctor sued for Lis
j money, the patient entered a counier
j claim for s ervices in predicting the fu-
j tUI(., the doctor pleaded the great ex -
peuse that he had incurred 0:1 behalf of
his daughter, and they had a good time
in C'rav. fords ville, and the doctor p.I
j judgment for five dollars and costs.
A well known Methodist brother w ho
lives iu tho "ihttbaibs" t.f Northampton,
recently drove to tat Village, hitched his
J ,.. , .
horse, transacted Lis business, and for -
jretiin: all about the team, walked a mile
o o
i .. i. if t c r . t ..
illiu il liail, liuiiio. uuttii; ui iiic J uiii)L:i
' . Jo
members of the family were in the vil-
j .,,, ;u tIie evcuiDg, an,l recognized the
, Lor8Pi wili(.l wa3 ftin ..andinS there,
loceseine and disconsolate, and after a
vajH pe8rcli for the owner, drove home to
find him c mfortably abed aud asleep.
' t... l i.. i.i .rl
xju. u - iiiui'.iuiy mm t uuai iiiu .art I'l
, . i
I that misadventure righ; aay.
Captain Dummit, owner of the finest
orange grove in the United States, if not
in the world, lives with his daughter in'a was observed smoking in a room where
board shanty of one room, wilh two or' several cases of powder were stored,
three wooden chairs in thojine of ltixnr-1 A great confiagtation ou land, therein
ious furniture, and a well-uonnd copy of human life ia endangered, is sufficiently
Byron and numbers of the Gentlemen's ! appalling ; but how much tnore appall-Mag.-.z:ne,
ranging from 1790 to ISOl, ii g is a fire at eea, w itii the picflpect ou
by way of literature. There's energy i one hand of being burned to death and
. , , m . ,,
i for yon, "chunks oi it.
7; 77 i .
i A good deal is said, or rather use! It
be, about the "roast beef of old E:ig-
land." It appears now that the total
meat fupply cf Great Britain last year
j was feventy-eiht pounds for each per-
:. ..r a n-.und and a half eae'i week.
, Thia is a tolerable average, and one that
fccems to shuw that the traditional repu -
tatioc of the laui for good living is not
, .jTjlCCO It3 Effects Cn th9 Zsman
j Constitution, HlJ'sical, InteUscWaJ
and Moral.
Then there is the deterioration of tliO
croo of wheat 30 bnshefe to tl
aerc withdraws from the soil 30 pounds.
Thus wi see that cue crop of tobacco
does as much damage to the land 'on
which it grows as would II crops of
wheat ! One year's farming of your
land iu tobacco injures it as much as 11
ytari farming of it in wheat ! You ca:J
take but two or three crops of tobacco
from your land befoie it is well nigh
ruined for that purpose and for every
other, until ths soil has been reuovated.
And tobacco ean be grown with profit on
none but the best soils. Says Brof.
brewer, man may get ricli rauvng
it over tobacco, bat a natiou cerer will. A writ
! er iu Blackwood 'it JJrgaiue yrars ago
called attention to tliii mutter, pointing
to the blasted tobacco lauds' of MaiymiiJ
and irglllta
3 examples. The Rev.
D. l.'awes, in his seiinon before alluded
to, predicted that the Connecticut Valley
would, ia time, become as bairen as
1 Lose.
As to the vr.lue of property destroyed
by fires resulling from lighted cigars and
i !: es, and from the "Vil lu: niti'T matches
: ' ...... 0
wuicu ha'! oeeu used to Iijrrit ctjrars and
i . ? .
pipes, wc can form no reliable estimate,
j because we cannot tell wi;h any degree
j of certainty to w hat extent conf! igrationa
i arc due to tl.M c ut-!e. We read nearly
j fcvl'T ect ( te origin of wh.th
' is c!,rouicItJ uuku'JWU- f
j ''' l'h' e n'"lt fr"M tLe c:ulee '"'e arB
C0"sideriuS k cf c"u"p' 'possible l
ttH ; jet the attempt has bwn made to
i Cs!!m:lUj t!i" m"usit I'y- "One-
thiid, or more, of ull the firea in my cir
cuit," says au insurance agent, "have or
iginated from matches and pipes ! Firea
in England and firea iu America are
J kindled with alarming frequency by
i smokers c&olinzuuout CrejT.iTrds '' Facta
111 ubunusnce substantiate this, from
1 IT . 11 I .1 . '
Li.irt)er s ocesiy id lenru mat in me
i f.reuoon of Ju!v 30. list vear. a work-
I man cn a canal boat Ivine at th- dock of
, -
' , .-.
. lliu N .ni -jr.l I In I ..,... n llm,rnp a
U ' ... -
1 1 ti l t.llU'.i v11 .u,"..i, (, . 111 11.1 a
! 1Vllt' Vyldvd '' Fi lhnw h
i Lur"'"S mrito1' 011 l,u 1!'"r l:vnT l'!ai,k
of the boat was saturated with oil, and
: the air was fail of iuflaiuable vapor.
; The boat was ir..-.tan!ly enveloped in
Haines, wL!i coir.uuiiiic iUd to the works
I ei11)re w!.t,.,. wer(J tUttv,i i , 000 ,ar.
' j8 , r y ,i c c.):.suuu(l to-
! A fire vi ry riiniLir to the above ia its
! origin, pn
jii.-s and result..
1S70 at
about the br
iiiinjr of the vnar
j Marseilles, France. A ma i stau ling on
the deck of a vessel u-ed to convey
' naphtha and huosene, having lighted
j h'S cigar, dropped this burning match at
i his feet ami t'n-rtby started a coniiagra-
tion that toc-uund pn.peity valued at
! not less than a :;:iti-it "f dollars.
confl.igrafiou iu San Fi'anci.-co some
vrr.i-s :l:'0. kin.lb ,1 liv Ki'bleil fi-.i- rli.
j . , ,. , . -,
i stroycu millions ot tiouars worth,
j . . i . .- c ,
! A most df st.uclivc fire occtincd not
, , , .
long since m i-.tixtuul, hjjoii o?kj of tho
I . . T ., , , ,, .
. ijukg 0f .iortlit.aioeiland a faro s, near
! ' tl .11 I
; Aluwick, ill wnich b.11113, stab'es ami
other builuiiigs, w i.Ii their contents, also
a large quantity of grain iu st leks, were
totally consumed. Thia was c iued by
some burning tobicco wLich fell from tho
pipe of a labortr upon tin: stnw.
The magazine in the li.rr.icks of
i r, . , i , , i e
' Buenos Ayres expl i.IeJ on the XOAt of
I . ,?n. i i- i.-- 1 1- i
ueceitiuer, r;-jj, itunii kj pimons nun
many women and children. Just bifore
the explosion occurred, one of the men
on the other of being drowned ; m lth-
fiiuiing a watery grave. Tho
steamer Glasgew was burned at sea on
the 30th of July, 1SC9. The fire ojijri-
nated from lighted fuse which one of
(fje steerage passengeis had used to light
his pipe, and afterward thrown into the
"on. wuere coitou was stores JU Fs0-
engers, 250 in number, were rescued by
ft, a llnsam ind. Cunt. V!!is. bound for
. v 'oik But the vcasel and careo
: proved a total loss. .
To IS COT5Ttn.