Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, March 26, 1873, Image 2

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    Itmiata jSwtwel.
N T O W N-
The Result In Juniata County The Adre
cacy or the Repeal or the Local Optloa
The people of Juniata county have
oVrlarerl airaiuft license by nearly eight
l..,,lJ .Vnar that thn nurg-
j 1IUIIUK.U 1 1 J ' . . I J . . -. -J
! tinn Iwa tioen artpd nn. and decided iu
I favor of no liceuse, it becomes the duty
! of tl.e coroniuuity to stand by its humane
j and righteous decision. Juniata has do
I clared in favor of sobriety and order.
I Now let us see to it that the decision is
" - j faithfully regarded for three years . at
' tl.n tinid r.f ilia lnrotinii nf nrn-
We.me.day Morning, Karch 26, 1873- j LibJUoa jLc ,ftW fc ligidly enforced.
o r tt iir r nin' I We do not know that our landlords and
O j 11 VV Hi i. IU IV ,
GEO. P. HOWELL L CO, 40 Park Row, New York
S. M. PETTENG1LL & CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y,
Are our sole agents in lli.it city, and are au
thorixed lo contract for advertising at our
lowest rates. Advertisers in that city are te
o.iosted to leave their favors villi either of
liie a'jove bouse.
.Smallpox is mgirtg at Sa't Lake
Gkok-.k Fxaxcijs Tbai.n has been de
clared n lunatic
Tut: Grand Duke Alexis is Ftill on his
travels. He is making the tour of the
wmlil. He has been doing China lately.
Till-: Government of Japan has issued
an edict opening the whole of that coun
try to fort igners, and the toleration of
C.LDWKLL hit reeisrned his
place in
the United Slates Senate. He was
afraid of being nt out. There are oth
trs there who should resign.
l'CKSiDiiivT White, of Cornell Uni
versity, has written a letter to Governor
lJix. congratulating him on the wisdom
iti.d firmness of hie decision in the Fos
ter ca?e. flight.
A waterspout burt-t near HakersSeld,
Ca! , on Sunday a week and formed a
chasm six iy feet aero: g, and fifteen feet
rfcep. A parly of men narrowly escap
ed death, the falliug column completely
j'n-iicLing t!:ern.
DURIxti the march of the St Patrick's
procession in Cambridge, Mass., on the
17th ins!., four horses attached to a
barouche became unmanageable, and j honor and bring itself into contempt by
! saloon keepers contemplate a violation I
the law j we beiieve a number of them
Lave too much manhood to allow l hero to
do so. : However, should any so far sink
their manhood as to violate the law. then
it becomes the duty of their fellow-citizens
to visit the penalties of a violated law
upon them.
Returns from different parts of the
Commonwealth indicate that the major
ity vote of the State is in favor of license ;
therefore, certain liquor men have elready
become earnest advocates of the repeal
of the Local Option law by the Legisla
ture. Such advocates never .kuew, or
have forgotten, that the Local Option
law was made to meet the probability of
the State as a whole, or majority, going
in favor of license. If the State as a
whole, or a majority, regardless of the
opinions in different parts of the State,
for or against license, had voted on last
Friday, it would not have been local op
tion : that would have been a vote by
the Stale. The very letter and spirit of
the law under which we voted last Fri
day, was that the respective counties
of this State should choose, each
for itself, for or against license. The
question was not, if the majority of the
people of the State declare in favor of
license, local'option shall be repealed.
The question was, if Lancaster or any
other couuly declare by a majority of
its voters at the polls in favor of license
said county t-hall have, license for the
period of three years. If Juniata coun
ty, or any other county, declare by a
majority of its voters at the polls
against license, said county shall have no
license for the period of three years.
The Legislature will not violate its
dashed through and over the crowd at a
fearful pace,
her adoz'-u persons were
Geokge Ca.mpiikll, Lrakeman on the
Northern Central railroad, was found on
the morning of the 19th, near Heed's
Station, Pa., lying on the railroad track,
v. ilh bis head and one leg severed from
his body. It is supposed he fell from a
coal train.
To us Tt RXKU Adrift. The largest
number of dismissals ever made by any
President at one time will be on the 20th
f Mar, when sixteen hundred Assessors
nd Assistant Assessors of Internal j
1'eveiiuc will be discharged. There will i
repealing a law which i gave to the peo
ple of the State, before they have had an
opportunity to test its merits or demerits
within the time allowed them by the
Legislature. Such legislation would be
characterized by the civilized world as
the legislation of tricksters and time-servers.
Vkky unexpectedly the Caldwell in
vest igat ion case yesterday came to an
abrupt conclusion by the resignation of
the honorable gentlem.au from Kansas.
For thissurprising though not inappro
priate step Mr. Alexander Caldwell as
signed no reason, simply notifying his
colleagues of his voluntary withdrawal
I i-.ib.it. Ir I r. l.l: ! .,.. ,!..., !""" O""" I-" -"-. r.w"6
J do , Dej))re them a copy of his resignation.
'" . . . i the original being forwarded to the Gov-
A GANG of drunken men invaded .- ernor of his State by mail, "postage pre
German ball room in S.'IIalstead street, i paid." The ax-Senator of a momeut re
Chicago, early on the nioruiug of the fusing in his capacity of citizen to avail
ISth, and hectmc involved in a fight-
Albert Gulz was held by three persons,
said to be Irishmen, wliile Luke II ally
drew a knife and cut his throat from ear .' futherance of bis Senatorial ambition he
to ear. Hal !y and his comrades were i has atoned for it by bis resignation. And
himself of the rapidly-dying franking
privilege ! Whatever evil Alexander
Caldwell, Esq., may have worked in the
Fccured. It appears fhat Ilally was first
Tiiev have Local Option down in
Tennessee as may be learned from a des
patch from Nashville March 19th as fol
lows : A bill has passed tho Legislature
amending tlie tippling laws, leaving the
question to a vote of the people of the
different distiicts, wards, etc , on the 1st
of June, whether they will allow tipp
ling houses in their respective localities.
The bill will be signed by tho Governor.
News from the Modoc war is unim
portant. About six huudred troops are
iu the field at the present time. General
Canby'e plan seems to be to surrouud
the lava bedl and starve the Modocs.
For that purpose four posts will be es
tablished on the outskirts of the lava
sections and on the ehorc of Lake Tule.
Company A. Fourth Artillery, baa been
ordered from this city to the seat of war
and will march on Friday.
his example ought to be followed by
every member of the Seuate whose elec
lion is as proper a subject for investiga
tion as was that of the gentleman who
resigned so suddeuly yesterday to escape
no doubt, the more disagreeable altcrna
live of expulsion. Phila. Inquirer.
The Axiiekson Verdict. The clouds
surrounding the causes leading to the
suiciJe of Mr. Thomas F. Anderson, at
Franklin, have been effectually dispelled
by the investigation and verdict of the
Coroner's jury. The jury called to eit
.upou the case was composed of some of
the best citizens of that town men who
had known the unfortunate gentleman
intimately and well ; and who, after
weighing all the facts and evidence
brought before them, wcie unanimously
of opinion that the act was committed
while laboring under a fit of iusanily,
and that he had been in that condition
for some time previous to the tragedy.
This fact was strengthened by an inves
tigation of the affairs of the bank, which
showed that bis accounts were strictly
correct, and that there was no defalca
The trouble in the English govern
ment is about religious matters. Mr.
Gladstone desired to merge a certain
Protestant College in a university which ; tion, and no outside accommodations to
should not be under the auspices of any friends, and hence that the expressions
particular Church or creed. The Chaics ! indicating such a state of facts in his
or Proff-asors in the Universary might ' conversations and letters written previ
le Protestants, Catholics, Infidels, Athe- j ous to bis death, out of which so many
wis and Deists, their religious views not i painful rumors were manufactured, were
Mng a qualifying or disqualifying qual- j but the fancies of a disordered brain.
ity to their occupancy of a Professor- i We have but to add that the verdict
e!"P- : give universal satisfaction at Franklin,
A UESPATcn fronTLondon, under date " tLe J"" devel"PeJ
of March 19, says: A serious riot to ;-..
j t - , I '- Courier, March 22nd.
tween h,!igl;suaieu and irishmen occurr-j
d at Wolverhamptou, a town of Staff- At Franklin on Wednesday the 19
ordshire, twelve miles from Birmingham, after five days' deliberation the coroner's
yesterday. At least three thousaud per- jury iu the Anderson suicide case has
sons were engaged in the conflict. Fire-' rendered the following verdict :
armes and knives were freely used, and j "That Thomas F. Anderson, from a
there was much bloodshed, though no j t!,ort lime before, and at the time of his
cases of fatal injury have yet been re- deatI 0'.1 t!,B "7 of March, 1S73,
, . , , , , i was of insane mind, ana being so, in the
ported. At the latest accounts from the ; yarf ncar hia resiJence betwectl tLe
town order had been restored, and it was : i10rg 0f jue an( ten iu the forenoon of
believed there would be no repetition of that day, having a pistol in his hand, of
the rioting. The despatch does n it give owu will, did discharge the contents
the cause of the riot. j thee?f i-Ut f Li" Ltad ''
, rr t j and the jurors say, from the causes man
Advices from Arizona state that a j ner and from aforesaid. Thomas F. An
company of the Second Infantry, nnder ' defs came to hi death- nd D0 otLer
the command of Lieutenant Rice, had a W1S
six and
A despatch from New York, under
date of the 21st says : This morniug wit
nessed the finale of the dark drama which
began nearly two years ago with the
killing of Avery D Putnam", in a Broad
way car, by Wm. Foster Everything
possible had been doneUo avert this dis
grace from failing ou bis innocent wife
and faitiily ; but the Executive saw fit
to withhold his clemency, aad the offi
cers of the law were compelled to exe
cute, their sad duty. ..The circumstances
of the crime for which Foster suffered
the extreme penalty of the law ere brief
ly as follows :
the story of tiik crime.
On the morning of Friday, April 29,
1S71, New York learned tha one of her
! citizens, Avery 1). 1 utnam by name,
had been cruelly murdered the previous
evening while attempting to protect two
ladies from the insults of a drunken ruf
fian. Mr. Putnam, before he died, made
an ante-mortem statement, in which he
narrated the circumstances of the aasult
and recognized William Foster as the
person who committed the cowardly at
tack upon him. The facts of the case,
as published at the time, where as fol
lows : At eleven o'clock on Wednesday
night, Mr. Putnam, a merchant doing
business at No. G8 Pearl street, and re
siding at No. 3 College Place, accompan
ied by Mme. Duval, a modiste of No.
7C2 Broadway, and her daughter, enter
ed car No. 49 of the Broadway and
Seventh-avenue line, to ride up town.
Mr. Putnam and the ladies took seats in
the forward part of the car, and at Six
teenth street Foster, an cx conductor of
the road, got on the front platform lie
then stared persistently at Miss Duval,
and, as sne paid no attention to bis
grimaces, he pushed open the front door
and looked directly rt her. Mr. Putnam
on seeiug Foster thus insult the young
lady, rose from his seat and closed the
door. This incensed Foster aud he open
ed the door again, which was immediate
ly closed by Mr. Putnam.
When the car reached Thirtieth street
Foster came iuside and remarking that
he had paid his fare and was entitled to
a seat, sat down close beside Miss Duval,
He then behaved in a brutish manner,
and made a noise with hia lips which in
duced the young lady to change her
seat. Mr. Putnam then interfered, and
said although Foster was entitled to a
seat in the car,yet he would not suffer
the ladies iu his charge to be insulted.
At Forty-sixth street tho car was stopp
ed aud Mr. Putnam alighted, leaving the
car hjr the front platform. As he was
assisting the ladies to alight Fester went
out aud stood upon the front platform.
He had previously said that he would
give Mr. Putnam "hell," aud seizing the"
car-hook proceeded to execute his threat.
Striking Mr Putnam on the head with it
be fractursd his skull, and inflicted
wounds from the effects of which. Mr.
Putnam died the next day at St. Luke's
Hospital. Foster was arrested, tried,
convicted, aud sentenced. Subsequently
the Court of Appeals affirmed the seu
tence and Foster . was accordingly exe
cuted to-day.
Haw Rot U Het Year Honey.
An exchange says : Going to law to
recover a debt, or a character, or any
thing else, for that matter, is not a very
paying occupation except for the law
yers. To illustrate: In Yew Nork late
ly a share in the Glenbam Hotel was
sold to a Mr. Peters for 93,415 04. A
judgment creditor of the seller,- whose
judgment amounted to $2,954, attached
the proceeds. Did he make the debt ?
Not much. Why ? Thus it was :
A receiver was appointed, who held
the fund about three months, and out of
it, 'by order of the court," he made sun
dry disbursements. To himself, as "re
ceiver and manager," he paid SI, 900 ; to
his "counsel," $1,900 ; and to his ' at
torney SI. 46a; to the "counsel for
Peters, who 1i ogbt the share, $950;
and to Peters' attorney, t2C5 ; to another
individual, who figures as an "attorney,"
225 more; and yet to another, who
figures as "superintendent," SoOO ; and
finally he paid the Collector of Internal
Revenue. $S16. All these sums uieburs
ed aggregated $7,984, so that when the
disbursing process was done, there re
mained S431 04 for the creditor, who had
originally attached a fund nearly twenty
times this Rmount, provided he could
overthrow a claim that another party put
in for "wages" somewhat in excess of
this sum.
The judgment creditor is rapidly be
coming a candidate for' admission to a
lunatic asylum, in his frantic mental en
deavor to ascertain why this should be
thus. We imagine a man had better iu
dulge in a row up Niagara Falls, or at
tempt to find them ten thousand dollars
than go to law, at least in New York
Throughout the interior of Africa, and
indeed in some parts of Asia, a woman
is prized for fatness. Beauty is associa
ted with excessive obesity ; and such be
ing the public sentiment, mothers season
ably commence 8 system of die tic treat
ment that makes'thetrtTa ighters irresist
ible. Colonel Keating's travels give an
account of the process of fattening a
young woman for a Inuis market. As
soon as betrothed, she is cojped up in a
small room, with shackles on her ankles.
If her proprietor has lost a wife by death
or divorced one, their anklets are set for
ward for the new matrimonial candidate.
When she has attained a desireablc size.
indicated by filling the pattern rings, she
is carried in triumph to her new home.
The preparation of food that actually
produces that coveted dimension a
mountain of fatness is call drongh,
made of seeds of vegetable peculiar to
the country. Some positively die from
excessive fatness iu an effort to surpass
in that bewitching accomplishment rival
canumates lor matrimonial positions.
These famous mortals are not the poor
girls. They are the higher orders in so
ciety, and therefore are ambitious, like
fashionables in some civilized States of
One Charles Clarkson, of Hays City,
killed 3,000 buffaloes' in the last fonr
The people of a Kansas town have giv
en a ball to raise money to pay their
A lad in Dunvers, Massachusetts,
while "making believe'' to hang himself,
accomplished the feat in reality.
A new horse disease has appeared iu
Portland, 31ainc. It affects the legs,
making them so weak that it is with dif
ficulty the animal can stand
An elegant white jicarse, suitable
mourning for children under fifteen
yenrs of acre, u advertised iu Omaha
I -at
So a trip. .
I'eath comes sometimes in curious
shape. A 3'outu m iMitoru, Mass., was
killee by a barrel of ehoo heels which
fj'l npou him.
Vermont papers are boasting of eight
old farmers iu Franklin county, who live
within two miles of each other, and who
have had twenty-five wives among them.
"Bi'.J," said Bob, "Why is that tree
called a weeping willow T "Cause oue
one of the sneaky, plaguy things grew
near our school house, and supplied our
master with switches."
Amos Halleck and two children, living
on the prairie, near Pomeroy Station,
Iowa, were burned to death on Friday
night, by the hay roof of their house
taking fire and falling on them while
Tha aged but astute ll'iuoise far
mer keeps no barometer, nor does h put
hia trust in the groundhog, but he knows
when spring approaches,' by seeing his
sous who have arrived at manhood, pro
pare to leave home, nfter a winter of
"sponging"' on the old man.
A Sacramento lawyer remarked to the
court : "It is my candid opinion Judge,
you are an old fuol." The Judge al
lowed his mildly beaming eye to fall upon
the lawyor a brief moment, then iu a
voice husky said, "It is my candid opin
ion that yon are fined S100."
Sir Henry Holland speaks of a noble
man who, when remonstrated with by his
family for employing an illiterate physi
cian, replied that "he thought a man who
was so profoundly ignorant of every
thing else must certainly know a great
deal about medicine "
On Wednesday n hired m m at the
Alms Home, Bucks county, named John
Carr, was killed by falling off a horse
and roiling between the horse and wagon,
lie became eiiLmglcd in the harness in
some way and was dragged a considera
ble distance.
gciir adrmismrttts.
WASTED W will give men & women
Business that will Pay
from $4 to $8 per day, can be pursued ia
5w artttijfjsfBtj.
n-tiii,iiKi,.(l iTTT"
.Manufacturers f s.
jour own neighborhood ; it is a rare chance , FILCS BLTtK" m '
for those out of emplojuiont or having lei- J zLICliALlls. nr"55
, . - I?
- I ; t : . . .... .
03 w uu circulars frte.
sure time ; girls and loy frequently do as
well as men. Particulars free.
Address J. LATHAM 4 CO,
2!2 Washington St., Boston, Mass.
March 2(3-Gt
Airy View Academy,
Will be opened on TUESDAY, APRIL 1st,
1873. Ibis institution, for lh benefit of
Teachers of ibU and neighboring counties,
to continue pixtekn weeks, (intermitting two
weeks in harvest). Special iuKtrnctioa wi!l
be given iu reference to teaching in Orthog
raphy, Reading. Geography. Arithmetic,
(mental and written), English Grommtir. and
the Theory and Arl'of Teaching. Daily
Class Drill will be given in Practical Teach
ing in all the above branchei ; and the
County Superintendent will from lime to
time visit the JIus and lecture oa various
topics pertaining to the advancement of tLe
school interests in Juniata ounty.
For terms of Board, Tuition, &e.. address
mar 2U Port Royal. Ta.
Bridge Election.
mtrpnp . .. . ..
'wir.iici win or an election neiu at the
4. Store of Samuel lUick. in the borough of
I'erryaville. en .MO.A. MAKCII 31. 1H73.
to elect a Hoard of Managers for the Perrys
ville Bridge Company for the year commenc
ing April t, IciS. Br order of the Roard.
Mar &-i w
U UJ.CSJ & GUI' Plrr...
Boston, .Mass., 4 Detroit, Mich.
Aytnit ncaHtttl. Send for circiular Ah7
"DOMESTIC" SEV. INCi mac;;is'e CO
Use the Re:in?tr S ish toci an J 8tr'inr
Xo spring to break. nocii:!inrof $i3.
(ItiraMrt vpr fAiiiltt a..nKni -P
12,000,000 ACRES!
Olionji i":ti-niM I
The cheapest Land in market for sale by tho
In the Great Tlatte Valley
3,000,O0OAeres in Central America,
Now for sale in tracts of forty acres and up
wards on nvK and Trx tka' rnr.niT at H n:a
Mti.n asd tiKALTaruL c-imat. iebtili
aoir an AnrxDANCK or rood water.
The great mining regions of Wvomine. Col
orado, Utah and Nevada being supplied bv
the farmers ie the I'lattb Tallit.
Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead of 160 Acres.
FREE IIOME3 FOR ALL ! Millions of
acres of ehoic Government Land open for
entry under the Homestead Law, near this
Great Railroad, with good maixrt and all
the conveniences of an old settled country.
Free passes to purchasers of Railroad Land.
Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also
new edition of Descriptive Pamphlet with
new M:ips mailed free everywhere.
Address 0. F. DAVItl,
Land Commisiiontr U. . R. S.
Omaha. Neb.
10,000 FARMERS,
T improve l,700r0 acres K. P.. Lan(K free
j -m-4 n m-ii-i.i.Oi.ttifr j-l
the snxh is down. Send stamp for e'rerK
Circular and ?ix copper-brgnze 1 lcit I:
to any ad Ires, ia the P. S., p-mM,
ce.pt of oO cts. Lil.rrril inducement, to til
trade. Agents wanted. Address KELs;v
R SASH LOCK CO., Xo. m Mt ..
Il.irrishnrg. P. Mt
MAxcrArTffBEBs or
& btosh;
ie as or
Wood- WoitiiiE Mneir Generally..
.-pecmiir.es oo.iworth Planing. Wee
ing and Groov.ng Machines, Richardson's
Patent Improved Tenon M-iehines, 4e.
Central, cor. Union St. WORCESTER, MASS
F A I M jnSe7T
1 ilHJlljIU.1, for our Catalogue of New
. . v , v, , Fruit Tree,,
Ac. A aluable Treatise. All sent free
Extra offers. L. D. SCOTT k CO., Huroi
Ohio. '
No fees unless ducce-sfuL No fees in 'ad
vance. No charge for preliminary search.
Send for circulars. CONNOLLY BROTH
ER3, 109 S. Fourth St.. Philadelphia, T.
and 608 Ninth St., Washington, D. C. '
TgenkTTrIre chakceTT
We will nay all Agents $ tl) per week in c.vitt
who will engage with us at onck. Every,
thing furnished and expenses paid Address
A. COULTER & CO., Chsrlotte Mieh.
IN the country will receive a splendid pieee
of RAND MUSIC free, by sending a two.
ccn' sttmp lo EDWARD A. SAMUELS, Pub-
nsuer, iiosicn, .M i3.
fight with the Apaches, killed
cijfarcil four fj'iaw.
Nobody who uses tobacco can belong
i to tLc coliny at SkiJJy, Kantaa.
Tlleurai'hi.vu or Farming 1 I am
twenty one years old, and am learning
teli-grapliiiig. Sly father offers to give
rue a hundred acres of good land, sixty
acres improved, aud a team, if I will go
to farming. Whit would you advice me
to do 7
Ant. lou have heen brought up to
farming, and undcritaiid it, and will L
"at home'- in. it. If you have a good
bod", and strength to work, take the
land and the horses and wagon, and re
solve to he one of the be3t farmers in
your county.
If you engage in telegraphing, you
will have irregular hours, temptations to
fast living, and various excitement, a lia.
bility to be broken up in local, home ar
rangements, aud when you begin to want
ual.iry enough to support a family, a boy
eighteen years old or a young woman
who will work for email pay, will take
your place, and you will be left without
a business. Take the farm, and become
a settled, permanent, and influential citi
zen. . Take th e farm, and let tlioee learn
telegraphy who have no farm offered
them, and to whom such an opportunity
will be a blessing. We want a million
more farmers, good ones, more than we
want anything else in this couutry.
There is such ill-advised eagerness on
the part of multitudes to ruth to the
cities and railway lines lo become mer
chants, artisans, rail readers, operators,
peculators, etc , that the lands are left
uncultivated, or Surrendered to shiftless
Americans, or to foreigner?, many of
whom are ignorant of American ideas,
uncultured jnTuI things, and calculated
to make very indifferent farmers, and not
the best of citizens. But they are be
coming masters of the soil, and Ameri
cans are becoming the floating, landless
population iu their own country. Tuhe
the Jarm ! Phrenological Journal . '
Of all the eons of l'-riu that thrive
under the bright folds of the Star Span
gled Banner commend us to those of
Manchester, N. If. who refused to parade
or give dinners and balls last Monday,
hut proceeded with their usual daily la
bor, and devoted the proceeds of St.
Patrick s day's work to the establishment
of a Catholic Home and Hospital at
Manchester. This method of celebrat
ing the anniversary of Ireland's patron
saint is worthy not only of praise, but
of imitation Philadelphia Jnqvirer. '
News have been received at San Fran
cisco, to the effect that a band of Apaches
had captured George Taylor, near Wick- J
j from mortgage an 1 located in the middle re
hear Oakley, one mile north of th , pi,n o. Western Iowa the best corn, when
corporation line of Cincinnati, on Mori ' d cnltle pro lucing belt iu the West. 15
securing an elevated position with a rich William Drake, a farmer eisty f jnr.j soil uusarptsse-I,- Medovr and plow bad
husband. Brucrthe traveler, saw a 1 Jetin wrnt oa t0 burn brush. The ' ";;,b Pure ruaniag water evenly distributed.
. aves fences r.n.1 barn c.viylt fire, j pCr Rcrc. aT EMo. It C08V9 noth.
William Dmke was found lead it: t ie ! an'l gives descriptions, prices, terms,
c ii i li ii .i .it I niarj3 and how to reach I he lands. Address
field one hundred yards from the .uUe.J0IX B. CALHOL N. Land Con.miswoi.cr
lie had been suffocated, as his cldhoii Iowa Rail Road Land Co , Cedar Rapd,
j Chisago Office. Co S. Canal Ft.
great queen iu Africa, a gem of a wo:naa
the envy of her sex and wife hunters,
who weighed over four hundred.
A serious accident and destructive con
flagation occured about one o'clock yes
terday morning about three miles east of
Altoona An oil train consisting of some
sixteen cars was going east, when a coup
ling broke, causing two cars to come to-
were not burned.
The telerra:h informs ns that a 31 r !
Spicer, in a Western city, very nearly
Blair Presbyterian Academy,
lost the right of -a dower in her deceased j ULAIKSTOWX, SEW JEltSEY.
husband's estate amounting te $10,000 ' fr-l""' a'dvanlagei for males r.nd females.
, , , , . . , ! E.-irncst christian influence, thorough in-true-
for lack of a marnase cert ncate. It i ,i r.,i .,....,: . ,i .. .i
gether, au explosion being th result. . maJ be we ,0 ak ,i0W mauy maniuj habits of students, render thi one of the
The train and locomotive in an instant , , d- . tW COUIJt are bt., ff h ; T- Ppringses-
j a At 'l J sion commences March .oth. Miidems re-
were wrapped iu flames, the oil running . Mrs g .. Thfl mMner ia wLich tii; ; e(.ivM, at any ,.me TprmiJ s y w
along tiie track sc tting the ties on bre
The heat was most iuteuec, the rails for
over a mile being warped, and the ties
for the same dittuuee consumed An un
known man perished in the flames ; his
remains were recovered almost unrecogni
zable. A large force of men were put
to work as soon as the fire was extin
guished, and traffic was only delayed a
few hours. l'itlburj Gazette, AJarih 21.
A shark eleven fcH..in length, caught
off the Scotch coaaCwaa lately present
ed to the Dundee Museum. Upon be
ing opened for the purpose of staffing,
the following miscelleaneous contents
were found iu his capacious maw: 1. A
whole ling fish ; 2, a man's bonnet ! 3,
parts oi cod and dog fish ; 4, a soda
water bottle corked and sealed with red
wax. and containing a note in a lady's
hand, beginning "On board the Beautiful
Star, 1st September, 1872. We have
crossed the line, and all's well. Last
,r ; eicrence: t'mcers or l rmccton ana
- '" """o" - j furete Col!pg(.,. Spn,i for Catalogue.
ot tuis country is managcu, ougnt to
make ladies nervous.
A singular incident occurred in Bangor
school the other day. A little girl pur-
! chased a bottle of ether for her mother,
aud took it with her to the seminary.
During the session she passed it about to
her young companions, and, in conse
qucuse of frequent whiff, five pupils
succumbed to anaesthesia, and were car
ried home more or less insensible, while
the air was so full of the violate fluid
that an unau-il drowsiness was felt by
A Bangor bridegroom refused lo go np
to the alter because the bride had adopt
ed the new weakness of parting her hair
on one side. A sharp war of words fol
lowed, which resulted in a declaration on
to part of the angry youth that -he had
taken a firm stand, and that the hair
must be redressed or he would never look
night the captain's lady had a pretty lit-j npon it aga-n. lo this the girl replied
tie bov. Heaven bless the little stranc- tLat Lc might Icare 88 BOon M he PIea"
It is reported that a quarrel has brok
en out in the camp of the Modoc Indians,
enbnrg, burned at the stake, and then j between ' Captain Jack" and his subor-
! returned safely to the mounUius. ' diuatee.
cr !" The shark may have liked the
bottle, but our impression is that, upon
the whole, he would have prefered the
A Littlo Rock girl died a few days ago
of what was supposed to be cerebrospi
nal meningitis. Tho Gazette says : "Dr.
Quidor, doubting the cause of her death,
obtained permission to make a post mor
tem examination. The examination dis
closed the fact that the little girl's stem
ach was Joaded with boiled cabbage,
which had worked , itself into one hard
mass, distending the stomach, and caus
ing death, the victim dying in convul-
.... -. e . t
sions. 1 he doctor says tnat many ot tne
deaths credited to this cerebro-spinal dis
ease have nothing to do with it, and are
entirely distinct from it." '
Illinois has 102 counties and a rail
road in every couuty but seven ; which
fact is quoted as evidence of her pros
perity. But if, as the Illinois farmers
say, "tne railroads are skinning tnem
alive," then of course the more there
are of these corporate savages the worse
for Illinois. Heavy freight rates is the
trouble. Ex.
ed, and leave he did, much to the disgust
of the people who came to partake of the
wedding supper.
The moat extraordinary frog story that
we have seen for a long time comes from
Colorado. The Greeley Tribune tells it
thue : "Mr. Graham recently found a pet
rified frog in excavating his well. Its
features were wouderfully well preserved,
and the owner had intended to present it
to the Greeley Geological Cabinet, but
one day the boys shattered it with a hat
chet, and, to their utter surprise, an old
Aztec coin dropped out. The date can
not be deciphered, but the figure of a
head is plaiuly visible."
That was a singular accident which
happened to" a mail agent in one of the
Western States Standing in the open
door at the side of his car, as the train
rushed past a small station, a rope, dang
ling from a crane which stood by the
track, swung against him, whirled about
his nf ck, aud he was jerked out of the
train in a twinkling, and landed on a
neighboring coal heap. lie was iusured
for S5000 in the "Travellers," of Hart
f3fd. Yet he was not killed his injuries
were not even serious, and was all right
again in a few days. But it was the
most like being hanged, and having the
rope break, that that man ever experienc-1
S. S. STEVENS, A. M., Principal.
$50 O I N PRIZE S .
- D-iys Earlier than E irly Rose Enor
mously Productive and of Excellent
Flavor. $1 per lb. ; 4 pounds by
man, postpaid, for 5-i.jO.
. V lumvncrc n nuic micr uiu bnnj
fjM a Rose Equal in quality. $3 per lb,
pj by mail, postpaid.
d $500 will be awarded as PREMI-
UMS to those who produce the larg-
II -wi est quantity from one pound. I)e-
A scriptive Circulars of the above.
with list of 300 varieties of Potatoes,
free to all.
Illustrated Seed Catalogue, 200
pages, with Colored Cbromo, 25 els.
A New Tomato, the "Ablinoto!!."
Early, solid and productive. Price,
25c. per packet ; 5 packets, $1.
B. K. P.LI33 & SONS,
23 Park Plam, New Tork.
Or, PAINTS How to Select and Use Them.
A plain treatise, containing sample card
with i'Z different actually painted shades and
tints, with instructions for exterior and in
terior Ilouie Decoration.
li copies, bound in cloth, for $5. Sample
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Box 1124, Post-OtSce, Philadelphia.
See the following taluablt extract from press
notices :
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ing to paint should fail to read it. .V. '.
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enlifie American.
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a: r. Woru. .
'Buy 25 copies of this book and distribute
them among your friends. If they will heed
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valuable present." Chicago Tribune.
'In publishing th:s book Mr. liaird has
done a real service to the community. Tole
do Blade.
'We hope the publisher will sell 100,000
copies of this book during '73." L'uslon Ad
'We have just painted our house as ad
vised by the author, and congratulate our
selves that no dwelling in our neighborhood
excels ours in appearance." Harper's Week-
"In selling a sample copy for 10 cents, Mr.
Baird must feel certain an order for 25 bound
in cloth will follow." Frank luslie.
t(l $90 Pr Jy ! Af ent ted All
J Id JMd c, cf wor)tin? pe01)1, cf
either Bex. young or old. make more money
ak work for us in their spare moments or ail
tlie time thin at anything else. J'&rticntars
free. Address G. STINdON 4 CO., Port
land, Maine.
?0Wp"7 Hap:d!y with flcncil ani
llr1Vl L-., rk,.v ii.,,.. c.,..i
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and full particulars FREK. S. M. Efkscib.
117 HucoTcr street, Boston.
"memC373TAL SOAP
For cleaning and polishing metals, for clean
ing r.nd pre.iirvin f ivnt, for removing s:ain
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ir'n so!! it. Mant.f mure.! i.Ic bv EAST
MAN i P..IOOKE, m N. Thin! St.. Vhilada.
la the ncire-u appro-va tt a specific ever di.
covered for rypejs-a NaKri.lgia. P.houia.l
1 iani. Uniit, ( ravel. Diabetes. Kiduey and
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pofi'in. Av'hmi. CatarTh and Bronchitis,
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I el E.'"pses. It is the Greitest Antidote
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mediately. No hi.i:-i hoid should be without
it For sae by ail Druireists.
ti-y i'tiT a history of the Springs, fir nod
ical rep-irts ff tha pwr nf tiio wafer over
diseases, for m irTelmts eiin-. atid for leti
mouin's frorn distinguish.-! men, send for
pamfhle's. WHITNEY BItfM.. General
Aimts. 2-7 S. Frnt Srreef, i'uilad'a. Pa.
tirrTTSBBBO tirR!!H ".
For any case of Blind, Blced
inj. Itching or Ulcerated
J ff j;es tht D Br's Pim
Remedy fails to cure. It is prepared express
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by all Druggists. Price, $1.00.
r Cucumber Wood Pump.
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ryation is especially invited, l
t kq J!atchley'f Patent Improved
sis' Bracket and New Drop Check
a Valve, which caa be with-
, - i . . .
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Send for Catalogue and Price-List.
Char. O. Hutch i.xv, Maenfact'r,
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The oldest and most reliable Institution for
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For information, write for a circular lo P.
DUFF & SONS, Pittsburgh, P..
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Jacob Thomas, deeearej.
rr'IIE undersigned, to whom l-etters1f Ad--i-
ministration on the estate of Jacob Thom
as, late of Fermanagh township, have been
duly granted according lo law, hereby give
notice t all persons indebted lo said estate
to eome forward and make payment, and
those having claims again! it, to present
I hem properW authenticated for settlement.
March 19, 1878-St
Administrator's Kotice.
Estate of Lemuel R. lieale, deceased.
r I'lIE undersigned, to whom Letters of Ad
JL ministration on the estate of Leuiutd R.
Beale, late of Beale township dee'd., have
beca duly granted according to law, hereby
gives notice to all persons indebted to said
estate to come forward and make payment,
and those having claims against it. to pre
sent them properlv authenticated for scttlo
ment. LOUIS E. ATKINSON', Aimr.
Mar 5 '73-Ct
Executor's Notice.
Estate cf WHliua Ofceson, d'Ceased.
"Vf OTICE is hereby given that Letters Tes
X lamentary on the estate of Wi'liam Oke
son, late of the borough of Perrysville. have
been granted in due form of law to the un
dersigned. All pernons indebted to said es-
.h., r," , COa,Ury 1a"j'S i loie having claims will please present them
JeT!,".,reCOn,m.e.nded' f?'1 CHU.T.ouctfuP! r,m.crly authenticated fJ-r settlement.
u.cir vaiue ana tne excellence or tne "Har
rison" brand of white lead." Phila. Ledger.
ft U ' lj I J UUlUCUIII.il.t l S6i.iliusu.i .
JO.ArilAA li. UR.r.SU.V,
Ezce-tlors. V
1, I875-t)r jp1 "