. v. ' - ESTABLISHED 1846. rILII EvtBT WbBXBIOAT Uoaaiso, Bridge Street, opposite tht Odd Fellows' Hall, IFFUNTOWN. PA. - Jm Jiiiata Sibtibbl 1 published every Wadaetdey aeoraing at $1,60 a year, la ad vaaew 5 r $2,00 ia all eases if aot paid prompt) ia advaaee. . No aabacriptioai di- aeaUaftod antil all arrearage arc paid, nalctt at the efjoa-oth pablisher. Qshttss Carbs. JJVIS K. ATKINSON, Attorney at law. allFTLISTOWN, PA. BjaCelleetiag aad Conveyancing promptly Biveaaee ia. - OKee ob Bridfa (tract, apeit the Court at Bqaar. JOBEBT MeMEEN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, JIIFFMNTOWN, PA. OSee oa Bridge street, la tha room formerly eecapied by Eira D. Parker. Eiq. AUCTI05EER. T F. 0. LOSQ, residing in Spruce Hill . a towaskip, offer hi services tu Ike cm tea of Juniata county at Aaeiiooeer and Vendue Crier. Charge mederste. Satis faction warranted. ju2W-3m g B. L0CDE3, MIFFLINTOWN, PA., Offer hi aereiee to the cititebs of Junl ia county aa Auetioaeer aad Vendue Crier. Char gee, from two ta tea dollars. Satisfac tiaa warranted. bot3, t Q YES ! O TES ! H. H. SNYDER, Perxysville, Pa-, Tenderi hi services to ilia eitiien of Juoi a la aad adjoining counties, a Auctioneer. Charge moderate. For satisfaction give the JhUcAmmn a ebaaee. P. O. addree, Port Royal, Joaiata Co., Fa. Feb 7, '72-ly DR. P. C. RUXD10, PATTERSON, PENN'A, Aagat 18, 1869-if. THOMAS A. ELDER, M. 1)., Physician and Surgeon, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Balfard'a baildiag, two door above theSra- rra amoe, linage itreet. Laug la-ii jyj B. GARVER, EoieopatMc Physician and Snrgccn, Haviag loeated ia the borough of Thompson- tawa, offera hi professional aemcea to the cititea af that place aad vicinity. Orric Ia tha room recently occupied by Br. Berg. JJnne 12, '72-tf Da Ca GO ITU, m. Da, HOMjEOPATIHC PHYSICIAxN ft SURGEON Itaeiag permanently located in the borough af MiSintewa, offera hi professional services (a tha eitiieaa af tbi plaoa and eurrouading aeaatry. Ofioa ob Main atreet, over Beidler' Drag 8Ur. aug 18 lEB9-tf Dr. B. A. Simpson Trmmim &11 farms af disease, and mar be can anltad a follows: At his office in Liverpool Pa., every 8ATURDA1 aad ukii-ap aiatment can be made for other day. BM4r-Call aa or address DR. R. A. BIMrSON. daa7 Liverpool. Perry Co.. Pa. ATTENTION ! D win w itts mmi resDoctfullv annoan aea te tha public that no ia prepared u fnraish SCHOOL BOOKS AID STATIONERY at reduced price, nereaftar give him a call tbi OLD 8TAND. MAIN St.. MIFFLIN. OatlS-tf Ugu Drag Stoif e IN PERRYSVILLE. DR. J. J. APPLEBAUOn ha established a Drag aad Prescription Store in the aVave-aamed plaoa, aad keep a general ee eertmeat af ox uos aad mbdicises. Alee all ether article uaually kept in estab lUhaseat af this kind. Para Wines and Liquors for medicinal pur pea, Cigars, Tobacco, Stationery, Confoc tia (trt-elau). Notions, etc., ate. aaBrTha Daetor give advice free JJEST CIGARS IN TOWN nllobaus;h's Saloon. Tare for 6 eaata. . Alaa, tha Freehcet Lager, tha Largaat Oyster, the Sweetest Cider, the Fiaaat Domestic Wine, aad, ia short, any thing yoa may wih ia tha EATING OR DRINKING LINE, t tha meat reaaoaable price. Ha ha alto ref Ued hia BILLIARD HALL, . a that it will bow compare favorably with aay Ball ia the interior of the State. Jane 1, 1870-ly WALL PAPERa lallj to the Place where tou can buy -year Wall Paper Cheap. THE eedereigned take this method of in forming tha public that he ha just re eaived at hia residence oa Third Street, Mif liatowa, a large assortment of WALL PAPER, f various style, whioh ha offer for sale CHEAPER thaa eaa t purohased elsewhere la tha eoaaty. All persons ia need of the above article, and wishing to save money, are iavitad to call aad examine hi stock aad hear hi price before going elsewhere. BaaLarjre aupply constantly on hand. 8IMON BASOM. COAL, Lumber, Fish, Salt, and all kinds of Merchandise for sale. Chestnut Oak Bark, Railroad Tie, all kind of Grain and Seed bought at the highest market price ia aaah or exchanged for merchandise, coal, lamber, Ac, to auit aastomer. I am pre pared to furnish to builder bill of lumber jual ai wanted and oa short notice, of either aak or yallow pin lumber. NOAH HERTZLER, Jant Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa. A Large assortment of Queenware, China ware, Glasiware, Crockeryware, Cedar ware, Ac, for sale cheap by xtijiGrn at i,3i-iMaw"w w. LAIN aad Fancy Job Printing ueatly axa- B. F. SCHWEIER, VOLUME XIVII, NO. 13 ItSf'IlanfiJB.s. Crystal Palace. , - Crystal Palace The First, The Best, The Cheapest, The Largest Stock of Goods IN THE COUNTY, To Offer to the Public AT THE VERY LOWEST PIKICES. Just Received from Eastern Markets. Seeing Tbcm will Guarantee You Satisfaction. SHELLEY & STAMBAUGfl. NEW CRYSTAL PALACE BUILDING, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Oci. 8. 1872. The Place for Good Grape-vines IS AT THE Jjiintata Win? Uintprbs, AND GRAPE-VLE JiURSERT. THE undersigned would respectfully in form the public that be has started a Grape-vine Nursery about one mile northeast of Hifflintown, where be has been testing a large number of the different varietiee of Grapes; and having been in the business for seven year, be is uow prepared to luiniah VINES OF ALL THE LEADING VARIETIES, AND OF THE MOST PROMISING KINDS, AT LOW HATES. by tha single vine, dozen, bundrei or thou sand. All persons wishing good and thrifty vine will do well to oall and ee for them- selvee. taT- Good and responsible Agent wanted Addreae, JONAS OBERHOLTZER. Mifflintown, Juniata Co., Pa. goots aad uof. Boot and Shoe Shop. TnE undersigned, fashionable Boot n and Shoemaker, hereby respectful- If ly informs the public that he ha located in the borough of Patterson, where be is pre pared te accommodate the most fastidious in LADIES' WEAR, Gents1 Fine and Coarse Boots, CHILDREN'S WEAR, &CAC. Also, mending done in the neatest manner and upon the ehortest notice. A liberal share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. fF Shop located on the east side of Tue carora street, one door south of Main street, nearly opposite Laird t Bell' store. j. w. VCAX. March 8, 1872 NEW BOOT & SHOE SHOP In Nerin's New Building on BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLINTOWN. THE undersigned, late of the firm of Fa ick & North, would respectfully an nounce to the public that he ha opened a Boat and Shoe Shop in Major Nevin's New Building, oa Bridge street, Miffliulown, and is prepared to manufacture, of the beat ma terial, all kinds of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, FOR GENTS', LADIES AND CHILDREN. He alio keeps on hand a large and well- selected stock of Readymndo Work, of all kinds, for men, women and children. ALL WOII WAXBAHTtD. Give me a call, for I feel confident that I eaa furnish you with any kind of work you may desire. a Repairing done neatly and at reason able rates. J. L. NORTH. May 31, 1872. BOOTS AND SHOES. - XTsw Shop in Mifflintown. THE subscriber bogs leave to inform the citizens of Mifflintown, Patterson and vicinity that he ha opened a Boot and Shoe Shop, for the present, in the room occupied by N. E. Littlefield's Tin Shop, on Bridge street, Mifflintown, where he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of LATHS', GENTLEMEN'S and CZILDEEN'S WEAE, in the most substantial manner, and at the lowest prices. B9 Repairing promptly at tended to. TERMS CASH. A liberal share of public patronage is soli cited, ani satisfaction guaranteed. A. B. t ASlLk. May 29. 1872-tf -Jbhiata Sextixil $1,60 oar year. f 7 MIFFLINTOWN, Pisrllaacus. BOOK .AGENTS EOK iSg " GREAT INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES; 1300 PAGES AND 500 ENGRAVINGS. Written by 20 Eminent Authors, including JOHN B. GOCGII and nORACE GREKLEV. This work is a complete historyj of all branches of industry, processess of manu facture, etc., in all aca. It ia a complete encyclopedia of arts and manufactures, and is the most entertaining and valuable work of information on subjects of general intei est ever offered to the public. Wo want Agenie in every town of the United States, and no .Agent can fail to do well with this book. One agent sold 133 copies in eight days, another sold 3U8 in two weeks. Our aeent in Hartford sold 3'J7 in one week. Specimens sent free on receipt of stamp. AGENTS WANTED roR tub FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC. 800 Pages, 250 Engravings. An interesting and amusing treatise on tba Medical Humbugs of the past and present. It exposes Quacks, Impostors, Travelling Doctors. Patent Medicine Venders, Noted Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers and Mediums, and gives intcresling accounts of Noted Physicians and Narratives of their lives. It reveal startling secrets and instructs all how te avoid the ills which flesh is heir to. . We give exclusive territory and liberal commis sions. For circulars and terms address the publishers. J. B. BURR. & HYDE, HARTFORD, CONN., or CHICAGO, ILL. janl-ly 3Xiscellany. Governor Hartranft'saObjections to the Somerset Belief Bill, Etc. IIarrisbubo, March 19. The follow ing is a veto message Bent to the Senate yesterday : Kxecutive Chamber, Harrtsburu, March 12. 1S73 To the Senate and IIou?e of Representatives Gentlemen : I Lercby return, without my approval, Senate bill. No. 312, eutitled, "An act for the relief af certain citizens of Som erset, Somerset county," and which act is as follows : " JJAcrfas, By a conflagration of un equaled magnitude the town of Somerset, Somerset county, has been almost entire ly destroyed, and hundreds of her citi zens made bomelee and left in a desti tute condition ; and " IPj&Tfo, Charity and benevolence are as much the duties of States as of individuals ; therefore, "Section 1. Be it cnac'-al That the sum of $75,000 is hereby ap propriated for the benefit of the suffer ers from the destructive fire of the 9th of May, 1872, in Somerset, Somerset county, the said sum to bs received and distributed among the said sufferers by the authority and under the direction of the following named individuals as a committee hereby appointed for that pur pose: Win. II. Sanner, A. N. Coffioth, Wm. II. Ticking, Wm II. Koonta and VV. J. Baer. Section 2. That the Stato Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the aforemen tioned committee, or 'to one of its num ber designated by the same for the pur pose aforesaid, the sum of $75,000 out of any money in the Treasury ; provid ed, that the commissioners named in this act shall file in the office of the Auditor- General, and in the office of the Regis ter and Recorder of Somerset county, an itemized statement containing the names and the amount paid to each person within thirty days after such payment." A s the precedent established by this bill is of the highest importance to the people of this Commonwealth, and one, if it becomes a law, that might thereby affect the public Treasury to an extent that would soon, if followed, deplete the same, X nave tnougnt it proper to set forth the bill in connection with my rea sons for not approving the same : The borough of Somerset, contaiuing a population of about three thousand in habitants, suffered from a very disastrous fire in the month of May last, and many of its citizens "were made homeless and left in a destitute condition." The amount of their insurance or the extent of their loss I have no personal knowledge of. Doubtless the loss was very great, and has commended them to the sympathy, and justly so, of the citi zens of this Commonwealth, and, I need hardly add, I participate in that sympa thy, and would rejoice to exercise, so far aa 1 properly eaa, any power committed to my keeping for their relief. The power invoked in behalf of this bill it is my duty to exercise, not in ac cordance with my personal feelings or sympathy, but in subordination to the rights of the people, whose property it is, and fur whose common welfare alone it shoold be exercised. This bill appropriates the sum of 875- 000 from the Treasury of the Common wealth to the "sufferers" from the fire referred to. The distribution is not con fined to the destitute and needy, but it is authorised to be paid to any who have suffered the rich as well as the poor. There are to be found upon the statute books, so far as I am able to discover, bnt two precedents, and to which I am referred in support and justification of i hia bill, one approved April 14, 1845, "for the relief of the citizen of Pitts V. .11 S3 TBI OOB0TITOTIOB TBB CHOI AID TBB aroBOBBBBT OF JUNIATA COUNTY, PENN'A., burgh," and the other! approved Febru ary 8, 1871, appropriating $20,000 to the "destitute and needy" sufferers by the fire in Mifflin town, Juniata county. For the relief of l'i.tsburg the sum of $50,000 was appropfc... "bo be distrib uted among the destitute by the authori ty and under the direction of the mayor and the Select and Common Councils of the said city." It was the most exten sive conflagration that ever occurred within this Commonwealth.- It brought thousands of men', women and children to absolute want ; they bad neither bread, raiment nor shelter ; their neces sities required immediate relief I might truly say, in the case of the sufferers of Pittsburg, the appeal came from starving shivering mcu, women and children. Active as is human sympathy, it was felt it might fail to respond as promptly and fully as the immediate necessities of this people required, and the Common wealth, mindful of their suffering, recng- mzea tne uivme commendation : ' was hungered and ye gave me meat baked, and ye clothed me." To have done less would, perhaps, have been to permit her own children iO perish. The relief to Pittsburg was not compensation for loss, it was relief immediate relief from actual want to thousands of home less, starving men, women and children. and when the immediate necessity ceased the relief ceased. By an act approved April 22, 1S46, tue onerinal act was re pealed, and but $30,000 of the $50,000 was paid to the "destitute ot rittsburg I do-not recognize--JJie appropriation to the "needy of 'l ilt burgh and the subsequent action cf the Legislature, in repealing the same and witbholding the moneys not drawn lof their immediate relief, as any precedent for the power attempted to be exercised in the bill herewith returned, ten months after a fire, to douate a people $75,000, and shall dismiss it as such in the further consideration of this bill. The danger of precedents, and the care that should be observed to avoid estab lishing bad ones, is illustrated by the one cited of Miflliutown: A like number of citizens are described in each act as hav ing been made homeless and destitute. Two years ago $20,000 was taken from the Treasury of the Commonwealth and given to the "desti'-te and needy" of Miflliutown, and now $75,000 is proposed to be taken and given not to tue "poor and needy, but to the "Bufferers gen erally. 1 have had occasion before to observe it is a maxim that bad precedents make bad laws, and that, when good, they are only to be considered in construing, not in the enactment of laws. - 1 hat no other appropriation, except tbe one cited, is to be round upon the Statute books ot this . .. ... . . Commnnweaun antrTne one to ritts burg not recognized, tor tue reasons given, as a precedent for this bill), is very conclusive evidence of the will of her people in relation thereto, and that the one cited is not in accordance with their judgment. There is. thongb, a higher test to wliieh this bill must be submitted, and by which my action is determined. Can this bill be supported upon principles, and is it in conformity with public policy 1 If so, it should receive my approval ; if not, my duty is clear, however much its per formance may conflict with my personal feelings or desires. x The money in the Treasury of this Commonwealth belongs to its whole peo ple, and for their common benefit only is there authority to nse it. If the appropriation provided for by this bill is a proper exercise of that au thority what rule or limitation is left for the protection of the public lrcasury in the fuluro I I submit there would be none, and if the rule established by this bill is impartially administered, as it should be, if a proper one, there soon would be no Treasury requiring protec tion. Upon what principle can the Com monwealth pay olrt of its Treasury moneys to one portion of her citizens for losses they may have suffered by fire and refuse it to others who have suffered from like cause ? If the principle of the bill is sound its operation should not be confined to any one locality or people, but be extended, by a general law, to embrace the citizens of the entire Commonwealth : those who live out of cities or boroughs, as well as those who reside within them ; to small fires, as well as large ones ; to the house or barn of the farmer or laborer, as well as to the property of those who re.-";le in incorporated boroughs or paved cities. In each the owner may have lost nis ail Why not receive like compensation there for I ' Again, if the principle is correct, should it be restricted to loss by fire 1 Should it not embrace, equally, loss by floods, tornadoes, etc. Indeed, if the principle is sound, it is difficulty to fix its limitation. Losses bv fire can often be guarded agaiust by proper insurance ; losses from other causes often cannot. There is no year but what the high waters or floods in some of our rivera canse great and un avoidable destruction of property. Why should not the Commonwealth compen sate the losers thereby equally with those from fire ? And they have never applied therefor. On the 6th of Sep tember, 1869, one hundred and eight men were suffocated and destroyed by fire at the Avondale mine, in this Com monwealth poor laboring men, upon whose daily toil hundreds ot women and children were depending for their daily bread. In the language of my lamented pre decessor, "never before was a scene more heart-rending witnessed within the limits of this Commonwealth." If occasion was ever presented in which it would have been proper to appropriate pnblic moneys to relieve private individual loss or snfferiug, the widows and orphans of Avondale presented it, and yet no ap propriation was made to them, only tne enactment of a law " To incorporate the Avondale Relief Association." We are not the custodians of the sympathies of the people, only of their political power. It is for them, not us, to exercise the TBB LAWS. J MARCH 26, IS73. former, and they have ever proved them selves prompt therein on every proper occasion. It is rrihch safer in tie heart of the people than in the halLof legislation. 4 will npw brtt-Hy consider the propo sition. Is this bill in conformity with dqdiic policy i 1 might dismisa mis question with the answer, If it is unsup ported by principle it must be unsound in policy, for no policy is sound not based upon principle. But I will now briefly consider the question of policy, of the probable or even possible effect of this bill if permitted to become a precedent ppon the statute book. First. That if the Commonwealth pays from her Treasury to the losers by oue fire, she is bound so to do the losers by every fire. Second It is not the magnitude of the fire, but the individual loss and suffering that is proper to consider ; that may be as great from a small fire as a large fire ,; shall the moneys belonging in common to those who live in rural sections be appro priated to the denizens of towns and cities without a corresponding right in the former to like appropriation for sim ilar cause ? Tbe charity of the Com monwealth, to be just, should be as broad as her borders, embracing alike all her people. If policy forbids its exten sion to all, it should be withheld from all. Just laws are impartial equality is equity. Third. It would iudirectly make the Commonwealth an insurance company, with this disadvantage, that while pay ing from her treasnry losses, she would be receiving no corresponding premiums therefor. Fourth. It would invite and justify similar applications ; and I am told there are some now awaiting final action on this bill. Every additional precedent in their favor would multiply these applications, and perhaps only end with the last dol lar in the State Treasury. Fifth. The Commonwealth, by "law, has proveded for the organization of in surance companies to protect her citizens from losses by fire ; for a small premium they .can secure themselves agaiust such losses. Would it not he better they should do so than that the Common wealth from the Treasury should do it ? Sixth. It never has been tho policy of the Commonwealth to compensate her citiqens for their individual losses or mis fortunes from her trreaeury. A fiiui ad hesion to this rule is indispensable ? any department therefrom would soon result in its destructon, and leave the Treasury of the Commonwealth open to every in cursion and unprotected from any. I have given this bill most careful con sideration commensurate with its impor tance, for it involves a principle and pre cedent of incalculable importance to the people of this Commonwealth, and while as before remarked, t e sufferers of Som erset command my deepest sympathy, and any proper legislation for their ben efit I would gladly approve, my .duty to tbe people of this Commonwealth, whose rights in part I respect, and whose inter est it is my duty to protect, demand tbe withholding of my approval of tbe bill herewith returned. Joh.v F. Hartranft, Governor. A Melancholy Trag-sdy. SUICIDE OF THOMAS F. ANDERSON, OF FRANKLIN. Our community was thrown into a state of feverish excitement yesterday by telegraphic intelligence that Thomas F. Anderson, cashier of Lamberton'B Bank of Franklin, had committed suicide at his house in that city, after committing to the flames moneys, special deposits, books and papers of the bank. The in telligence Fpread like wildfire through the city, and was tho theme of excited discussiou in all business and ccsial cir cles. Mr. George K Anderson, of this city, oldest brother of the deceased was in Philadelphia, and he was immediately iuformed of this shocking event by tele graph, which was also communicated to his family, who reside in this city. The noon train conveyed a number of our cit izens to Franklin, including representa tives of the press, who never had a more painful experience in the discharge of their duty to the public. On arriving at Franklin we found that usually quiet town excited in the highest degree by the startling tragedy. The whole city seemed to be overspread with loom. The two chief points connected with this mysterious affair were Lamber ton's Bank and the residence of deceas ed. The Bank is attached to and forms a part of the residence of Mr. Lamber- ton. It was closed, and few were privi leged to visit the interiotv. The scene within was one of great disorder and confusion. On the floor and in the grate were the ashes and remnants of half con sumed bank notes and papers, and the bank counter was covered with partially consumed packages of currency, United States bonds and commercial paper. These had been saved on the extinction of the flames and carefully preserved and guarded for legal and official inspection. The residence of the deceased is on Buffalo street, in a handsome, well furn ished house. The crape upon the door bell and the closed blinds bespoke the solemnity of death within. The mourn ing family receiving tbe offices of consol ation in their private apartments, while the subdued moan and muffled cry of anguish alone disturbed the stillness of the house cf death. In the parlor, upon lounge, lay the lifeless form of Thomas Anderson, covered with a sheet. His face was pale as marble, and his right temple perforated with the fatal bullet, which bad penetrated his brain and pro EDITOR AXD FKOPRIETOK. WIIOLKNUMBER-im duced his death. Ilia little daughter Maggie, and bin son, Georgie, wjere in the room, happily too young to realize the awful sorrow and affliction. Friends were moving aroasd, the minister, pkyei cian, the servants, full af sympathy and anxious to alleviate, bnt nnable to save. The facts connected with this most distressing calamity, as we gleaned them from credible sources, may be briefly stated. Yesterday morning Mr. Thomas Anderson had visited the bank, as had been his wont of late, spending an hour or two in the bank and then going home to his breakfast. Mr. Robert G. Lam berton, who sleeps in the apartment over the bank had heard him below at nine o'clock in the morning. J ad go Lamber ton the proprietor, was in the bank at 9 o'clock in the morning, and Mr. Thomas Anderson, his cashier, appeared in his usual spirits, and busied as usual with his duties. Mr. Thomas Anderson sug gested to Mr. Lamberton that he shoulJ go to the postoffice and get the mail Mr. Lamberton left the office for that purpose. Mr. Anderson followed him out and hailed htm, and gave him a piece of commercial paper, asking him to call on Mr. Miller and make a collection. Mr. Lanibefton thought the request a singular one, and It first -hesitated to do it, but finally assented. and .proceeded on his way. The next fact in connection with A.'s conduct is the statement of Miss Maggie Lamberton, who was up stairs over the bafjk, whose attention was at tracted to the roaring of flames up the chimney. The noise was so nnnsual that she surmised the bank was on fire, and she hasteued below. On entering the banking office Mr. Thomas Anderson hastily emerged from the front door, and the young lady perceived a conflagration of papers in the grate and on the floor The danger of fire was imminent, but the efforts of the family and friends suc ceeded in extinguishing the flames, and the arrival of Mr. Bobert Lamberton at the bank, with the intelligence of a still more startling occurrence, induced pre cautionary measures to preserve what the flames had spared, and to closo and guard the room from all intrusion. Mr. Thomas Anderson, after leaving the hank was observed by outsiders to pass hurriu ly up in the street in the direction of his residence. His manner was excited, his step rapid, running or walking Very fast. His unusual behavior attracted general attention, and many people followed him. On reaching the house it is said that Mr Anderson exclaiming to his wife that he was about to do an awful deed, produced a pistol and started for his back yard His wife pleadiug with him and scream ing with fright attempted to wrest the weapon from his hand, bnt she was nn able to arrest hi purpose. He applied the pistol to him temple, discharged it and fell weltering in his gore. The pis tol was scarcely discharged before the family and neighbors were on the spot, conveying the frantic wife and the bleed ing form of the husband withiu the house. Medical aid was summoned, but it was of no avail. Mr. Anderson recov ered consciousness and spoke to his child physician and others, and is reported to have uttered the word "premeditated." He lived several hours, but died pievi ous to the arrival of the noon train, bearing other members of his family to his side. -r The amount and value of moneys and ' securities destroyed cannot at present be determined. Probably the loss of enr rency is only a few thousand dollars. The loss of bonds proven can be made good by tho Government. No depositor will suffer. Mr. Lamberton is a man of very large wealth, independent of any possible liability from Buch a sacrifice He has a large amouut of funds on de posit with correspondents in Philadelphia and New York, and was supplied with a large amount of currency yesterday from other resources. Yesterday checks on his bank were being paid at other banks in Franklin. There is as yet no tangi ble clue to this mystery. A letter was left for his wife, and also one for Judge Lamberton, whose contents are not di vulged, which my give a solution of the mysterious affair. A change was con: templated in tbe bank within a very few days. Judge Lamberton's business af fairs were to be wound up and he was to retire from the banking business. Mr. Gilfillan, his son-in-law, and Mr. Coch rane, late cashier of the First National Bank of Franklin, had made arrange ments to take the business and carry it on for themselves. It was undecided whether Mr. Anderson was, to remain, but Judge Lamberton had expressed his willingness to aid him with any pecunia- ary assistance to engage in any business he might adopt. Mr. Anderson enjoyed the unbounded confidence of hia em ployer, he had been cashier of the institution for eleven ytars exercising the sole management and cus tody of affairs. II is habits were irre proachable ; he was in easy circumstan ces, and had his wife's and mother-in-law 'a money in the bank to invest for their advantage. His wife was a sister of Judge Conolley ; they had two very interesting children, and no family stood RATES OP ADVERTISDfSi All advertising for leas than three aroalhs for one square of nine lines oV leas, will be charged one insertion, 75 cents, three $1.50, and 60 cents for each subsequent insertion. Adminfstrstor', Executor's and Auditor' Notices, $2,00- Professional and Business Cards, not exceeding one square, and inclu ding copy of paper, $8,00 per year. Koticea in reading columns, tea centaperline. VtT chant advertising by they ear at special rate One square $ S.SO $ i.00 $ S.t O Two square...... 5.00 1 - - 8,00 11,00 Thre.e squares. 6.00 ltj,00 15,00 One-fourth eol'n. 10,00 17,00 25,00. Half column 18,00 25.00 .00 One column . 30,00 45.00 80.00 higher in social circles. Mr. Anderson was a member of tbe Presbyterian Church, and was esteemed m devout Christian, without a single personal licb' or extravagant habit er expensive l.istn. A coroner's tnqneet was held, ' Mr. J. II. Osbgrne, foreman. The facta may jet be divulged in this inqniertton whfeli. will bring to light some reasjnab'e ex planation of this awful tragedy ; and the official examination at the bank will very likely expose to view any improper transactions which may have occurred. No evidence that we can learn, has yet involved any third parties. -The 'tom tnuity will anxiously await the result cf investigation. We cannot close without expressing the heartfelt sympathy and pity which wi'l be evoked in tbo entire community in behalf of this stricken, afflicted and dcsclatc family, both in Franklin and this city. Titnti iile Jl-r-ald, March 15. Tobacco Its Effects on the Ennian Constitution, Physical, Intellectual czi UaraL BY J-tMES COULTER LATJ.RO, M. . C0STtSCl:J its Errccrs on the moral Sense'.. The legitimate effect of every kind 3f sensual indulgence is to stimulate the passions and to blunt the moral sense. ; The nse of tobacco being a mere sensual gratification, has, then, this effect, as a matter of course, in coinmm with every' other method of sensual indulgence. We can treat this branch of the subject only thus generally, having no statistics to of fer other than to point to our prisons and penitentiaries, the inmates of which will be found, in nine cases out of tcu, to have been habitual users of tobacco pre vious to their incarceration. The same is the fact, too, with regard to swindlers", thieves and reprobates of every kind, whether in or out of jail. Tho habit of using tobacco is likely to lead to other habits of dissipation. It is very likely to lead to the driuking of alcoholic liquors. We know there are many temperance men among tbe vota ries of tbe weed, but such is cot the fact with regard to the majority. Althoagh it is not true that every man who chews tobacco or smokes cigars also drinks li quor, it is true that nearly every habitual drunkard uses the weed in some form The chewing of tobacco, and especially of smoking, awakens a thirst which plniu cold water will not always allay ; and this because it is not thirst simply which is thus aroused', a normal demand of the economy for fluids, but it is an abnormal condition of the nervous system, which demands something of stimulating na ture fur its relief. Ilance resort is had to spirituous liquors. The chaplain of the New York State' Prison at Auburn reports that out of 700 male prisoners at one time confined there, 600 were convicted of crimes com mitted while under the influence of in toxicating drink ; and that of thee f&O as many aa 500, or five out of six, bad. by their own confession, the desire for strong drink awakened in them by the depressing effects upon their nervous systems of tobacco. In places where epiritous liquors are sold, we almost invariably find tobacco and cigars on sale, too, and receptacles for the (iltLy juices expectorated iu every corner.. Rum and tobacco are congeners ; they go together as natural as roast bet f and plum pnduing. EFFKCTS OF TOBACCO uX POSTER IT V. We have seen the general effects of tobacco on the human constitution are to depress the vital energies, and thus ren der its votaries subject to various diseas es. We. have seen that it begets con sumption, dyppepia, neuralgia, and oth er maladies ; that it injures the sight, smell, and hearing ; that it erf.-clls tie intellect, causing loss of memory, etc. ; that it produces irritability of temper, melancholy, and even madness ; and that it blunts the moral sense. What then must be its effects on tho offspring uf those largely addicted to its use ? .No physiological law is now more generally recognized by men of science than that of the hereditary transmission of constitutional peculiarities and infirmi ties, physical, intellectual and moral, by parents to their children, '-visiting tho iniquities of tbe fathers upon tbe chil dren unto tbe third and fourth genera tion." Holy Writ affirms it, all intelli gent men assent to it, and all experience proves it, The man whose constitution al energies are in a depressed condition, who is suffering from any disease who is short of inemery, irritable in temper, hypochondriacal, or with a blunted mor al sense, will inevitably transmit to his posterity the same constitutional defects possessed by himself. What a fearful responsibility thus rests upon parents t If yon will not for your own sake desist from a practice whieh is liable to leave all these evils in its train, for tbe sake uf your children and your children's chil dren, be persuaded to reform your habit and thns refuse to entail upon your pos terity your own infirmities, whether of mind, body or soul. To aa coxtisced. rd at thi OSca.