. - Ill V i i , ,' ' ' i r 1 1 L ; it' - 1 -, i' FAKM AND HOUSEHOLD. Ralph Waldo Euwrson, In one of liis e?aaye. thus portr.i- the gbrjr cf thr j fainier: "TLe gl'ry "f (he f.ruicr is that ia division of labor, it h'. (u.'t It dil ate. All the trades re. I l lt-l n lw primitive authority, lit; nUtuIs cIofo U j nature; he obtains frm the earth the i bread mid tlie ini-at The first f arnser j vat tbe fim nutu, auJ all hir'oric ubil j ilj rests o'l pongvni'.i: cud nsr? of land. Ken do not hke hard work, but every man has n cxceptiimal tesp'Ct for till age and the .'cling th.it llii is the orig ual caUius of hi ri-e, that he li!i-lf is j only exeuvd from it by fouie circtim etance which made bi:n d. l-gate it lor - ... ..l J- tf Lo had not tome kill TtLi.-h rec mine tided b.im to the farmer, some product fur which the farmer will give- him oru. he must him self return in! hid due iiface among the jilanttT . ni il.e pi i1i-?sion has in all fjca tliij ancifiit cl-ann, as standing, nearest tu Go J, the I'irsl Cause. Then the- beauty of nature, tli'i tranquility and luiiocerre I tiift ouirryman, uis iuae-j nidi nit mid hit; t;Va.-i;ig arts the caret t ol bet, of poultry, of shrrp, of cow, .1 tliete on m workman, in giving linn a etn-ngih and phiin d'guily, Iikejhe face I. ti and iiiauiit-rs ut ti.luiv, ull men ncknowi- j edge. A!i tutu ki-p the firm iu reserve; as au Mh:in, whrn-, in face of mis-' ch.mci', to hide I he pre Ji"r'y, or a eoli- tude, if tin y dj not succeed in t icitty t Aud who kiiov. i tnaiiV glances of j j rcmorfc r.r-.-'iirni d, this way, from the ' b.ii:krii.t of trade, from mortified plead- j ert in cuuils and enate, or from the j victim of iJii-:i! f and tdoaaure ? 1'oi-: oned by town lift- aud town view, the j tufiiKr ;tfdvei : "Will, 1117 children' w horn I have ii jured, ehall go back to j the land, tr he ricruiied and cured by ih-it which c-iiould have been my muse- ry, and now shall be their hiisjiilsl '' ' How Ait'oii WikrPA lioRSK. i A lmrj'o writhing fioai tiu 10 twelve humlreti j.oun.li will tat about fix tous of Lav, .or its equivaliuit, in a jear. And I we eupjiose tne real point to get nt iu, ; wlietlu-r out' cm keep Lii horses clieaper j on eonn; oiLt r product tlmn hay. Thia i i an e-fcodiiijrly difficult question to au-' ewer jt dtpi tuls r?o mucli on circuinMan- j cc g. We chiill not attempt to answer it j lull- at t!:is time, but will merely say j that, in our opinion, tbree and a half tone j of coru-btalks and two and a half tons; of corn would keep a liorso a year in j fully cs good condition ns tix tons of ' good hay. ', AYe. may ciMiiunte, also, that it will take three and a-b.tlf t"n of oats straw, ' mid tv- and a half tons of oal to keep a hoii? a ye.ir. A buciul of oats wt ih ; thirty two pounds, eo tbat it will tkr ; over l.W bushel and three and a Lslf j tons of straw to ke. p a We a yrr -1 It wculd take about two acres of good land to produce this aironut. Amcri'ar. Stock Jjurr.ah ww ! Preservinu Timiieh. A writer in the Wntnn Rai says : Take boiled j linseed ril, and stir in pulverized char- j coal to tho consistency ot pamt. 1 ut ajanj Sandals, Wheat and .buckwheat riour, and Lorn JUeal, coat ot this over the timber and mere i i iioi a man who win live ions euouga 10 ., . . , 6 ,, , ' , ... , . , . , n UFA lliiit n-ra nil .tmiiH Im trt -ima frk luar I r.n . I per thau iron ia the ground, but thought j the process so pimple and inexpensive that it was not worth while making any ! stir about it. I have taken ont bass wood j poete that had been set seven years, that ere aa Bound when taken out as wben ! first put into the ground Time and the i weather -e.;m.;d to have no effect on J them. The posts can be prepared fcrj teen ian trro cents a lece. They fhould lie well seasoned before the oil and char-; coal are applied. . i Charcoal should be fed to hoes and ! & I poultry Esperimeiit has tlemonstrated ; that the same amount of feed will pro-1 duce a far greater amount of flesh and fat when fed on plenty of charcoal. Distrust yonrself, jour plans, your effort?, your success ; habitually think lr..t- r tet r n s J t ' nine ot youreuu ueiore uou ; auu auove all things avoid listening to the meed of j praise which even your fellow-ChrietiaDS j will pour into you ears ; and if you fail j in this, better, far better relinquish the ' service which is accompanied with appa-; rent ezterual success, thau carry about a I eoul dwarfed ia its affections aud com- j munings, and which has exchanged, to its immense logs iu time, a low place be-, fore God for a biirh ono before men. ' I r is uo secret that Professor Agassiz , is a strong opponent of tho Darwiuian j theory ol iiatuial selection. iNot Iongj i.- .. ;t...tr,r.li 1(l a lady whom be . was jui!e sure of having met before. he told him that he was mistaken. He 1 I t T.. ..ir ..1 t",1l i ""6-"'fe'J n-i'iicu. nett, e uave ; known each other, but I presume it was i when wc were both toads !" ! Mark Twai., iu speakiug of canni-i lulitm, srowa eerious for once and sol- i rmtily declares that, for his own part, he i would rather go hungry for two tli an eat aft old personal friend." Oli Texans declare that they uever I 1 . l : .. 1.1 ! westber was before this winter. j Death will certainly come some time, and it is better to be prepared to die thau to with to bs young r..tiu. A frcr ia Blair county, Penns.., is ; raI lo have successfully raiaed winter i . pars on a maple tree A regular upstail The balloonist. D. P. PAISTE, CRYSTAL P-A1ACE BUILDHTCf, 3IIFFlIKTOWNf rV.y Invitca attention to his Large Stock of HUE, IROI AID MILS, M'hidi are now ready for inspection, consisting of the most de sirable Goods ever brought to J uniata county. XKATLS. KXIVES, FORKS. POCKET CUTLER', PLATED WARE. ! OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, STOVES AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES, to make room for other goods. 7VtlX Faper &l Cost. Agent for Fouse's IXL Horse and Cattle Powders." A Splendid Issortat of GOODS from wbicH to Select Coristias Presents. icc. 11, ifl72-tf D. P. PAISTE. TO THE The umleiiuned would respectfully inform the citizens of M I Fl'LIXTOAVX and vicinity BELFORD STORE-ROOM, on MAli SIREKT, JUIFFLIIi TO'X, with an entire Xew Stock of Goods, consisting of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, CEDAKWARE. TINWARE, A. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HATS AND CAPS, FUL.1- XIlVli- OF GU0CES1IES, GOIFEGTIOI Stationery, School Books, &c., ( ,) - - , ,1.1. bouts ana Niocs, lor Men cC dojs, Ladies, Misses a uiilarcu. FLOOR AXD STMU CARPETS AXD OIL CLOTHS, TARLE CUTLERY. LOOKING-GLASSES. Eight-Day aJId Tv.enty-four-Hour Clocks, SALT by the SACK, Cheese, Dried Fruits bought and sold, Gum 3kots, Over Shoes, Quilts, bedspreads, Counterpanes, . ., a , , -tt i All kinds of Produce taken in payers 30 davs credit. Goods I J . wnen uesirea. Mifflintown, Pa., Iec. 18, 1572-tf JUNIATA VALLEY BANK or MI ITLINTOWN, PJ-NJf'A. JOSEPH POMEROY, Pretieieot. T. VAN IllVIN, Cashiei. naaoToas. . , . . , . - t tn,-n- ,TAI.N f P.I I ..... jer,e r. Thompson, iGeorre Jaoobt, John Balsbacb. Loan money, reeeire deposits, pay interest on time deposits, buy aud ee!l c&ia and Uni ted States Bonds, cash coupons and checks. Remit money to any part of the United States and also to England, Scotland, Ireland and Germany. Sell Revenue Stamps. In sums of $200 at 2 per cent, discount. In sums of $500 at 2 per cent, discount. In sums of $1000 at 8 per cent, discount. , New Lumber Yard. Patterson, Pa. BEYER, Gtf YER & CO. Uare opened a Lumber Tard in tbe bor- ough of Patterson, and are prepared to fur nish all kinds of Lumber, such aa Siding, Flooring, Studding, Paling, Sdgl3S, Lath, SS, &C, n large or small quantities, to suit cus- . tomeis. t 3e rersous wanting Lumber hy the car- ! load can be supplied at reduced rates. ' CEYER, GCYER i CO. George Goshen, Agent, Ptrsoo, May 15. '72tf 3Icat ! 3Ieat! , , . . pilb undersigned hereby respectfully in- - L forms the citizens of Mifflintown and , SATURDAY mornings of each week, when - ' - - they caa be supplied with lioicc TJeei, Veal, 3Iutton, Lard, eSec, during the summer seasou, and also PORK and SAUSAGE iu season. I purpose fur nishing Beef every Tuesday and Saturday morning, and Veal and Mutton every Thurs day morning. Give me your patronage, and will guarantee to sell as good meat as the country ean produce, and as cheap aa any otner outcner in tne county w eAr ni SOLOMON SIEBER. LA BO EST STOCK of Press Goods ia the eouaty at Tilten & Espeatoaade'i. IRON, STEEL, NAILS, AC. PUBLIC ! that he has opened out in the Jilankets, etc., etc., etc. i? i i i exchange for Goods. Prompt delivered at any place in town CORNELIUS BARTLEY New Store and New Goods, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &C. ilain Street, lilintc. LTAVING opened out GROCERY AND il PROV ISIO.N STOKE in the old stand on Main Street, Mifflintown, I would respect fully ask the attention of the public to the following articles, which I will keep on hand at all tltaes : SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, RICE, F I m H Sst V. X-i TC DRIED AiND CA1N1NED FRUIT. HAM, SHOULDER, DRIED BEEF, Confectioneries. Nuts, &c, Tobactto, Ciafitrs, GLASSWARE, Flour, Feed, Ace Aii of which will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce Give me a call and hear J. W. KIRK. my prices. Mifflintown, May 2, 18 ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE V To all Ken Whom it may Concern. V If you have anything to sell, If you have lost anything, If you have found anything, If you have a house to rent, If you want to rent a house, If you want boarding, If you want employment, If you want hired help, If you .want anything, TELL THE PEOPLE OF IT BY ADVERTISING IN THE JUNIATA SENTINEL. FORCE PUMP. TflK undersigned is agent for one of the best Force Pumps, for any depth of cis tern, or well, in the world. By attaching Lose to the spout, water can be thrown 30 to 80 feet. Nothing better could be asked in case of fire. It is a non-freeiiar pump. SAMUEL LEONARD, Oakland Mills, Juniata Co., Pa. LARGE stock of Ready-made Clothing for sale by HARLET t CO. 111. 3Ufrrltaart5sf, &c. SPECIE PRICES! EXTRAORDINARYREDUCTION in the PRICE OF GOODS, LAIIll) i BELL'S NEW STORE, I'aUerson, Juniala Co.. Pa. The undersigned beg leave In cU'e. that they have purchased from J. B. St. Todd, bis entire atock of goods, anil will in ihe future conduct the, merchantile business at the Old Stand, in the borough of Patterson, Juniata eountr, Pa., where they ahall endeavor to keep eonstantly oa hand a full and coniplote assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, CONSIST INO OF ALPACAS, POPLINS, PLAIDS. LUSTERS. De LAINS, MERINOS. MOHAIRS GINGHAMS. CAMBRICS; LAWNS, &C. FANCY" GOODS, NOTIONS, JEWELRY, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE, CEDAKWARE. GLASSWARE, CROCKERY", FISn, SALT, COFFEE, TEAS, SIRUPS. SUGAR. Having just returned from the city with Ihe above enumerated stock of goods, all of j wnicb nave been purchased since tbe great deoline in Gold, we feel warranted in snying that we can offer Goods at greatlv reduced fig ures for CASU OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. mar23-tf LAIRD BELL. THE PLACE FOIt BARGAINS 18 AT PENiN ELL'S CHEAP STORE IN PATTEKSON, PA. TUG Krgesl aod beat aaiurtment to br found ia Patterson. Thunliful tor the liberal patronage heretofore received from the public, I would respectfully anuounce that I have just opeue l a very Urge stock ol Goods well suited to the trade. My slock comists of a full assortment of Cue ami ?lnple DRY GOODS, Embracing all lb mntcrinls for men, women and children's ware, including Hutu and Caps, Boots and Shoes, together wiiit a laree slock of Muslins, Sheetings Drillings, Ticking?, Oil i Cloths, Malting, &o. I LADIES' IRESS GOODS, j Such as French and English Meriuoes, Vu- ' Una, Alpncas, De Lnines, pl:'D and figured ! Shawls, Sc.. aud also a large stock of Notions, ! such as Gloves. Mitts, Hosiery, Embroidered j Collars and Cuffs, and a general assort uienl : of Lircss Trimmings. GltOCXRIES, j Such as Si'gnrs, ?yrup, CotTees, Teas and j Spices. Al-frt. a large lut of Queenswnre, ! Hardware, Wool and Vi iliovr Ware. Fish i Salt and Nails. Together with a full assort, i mont of Gijotis usually kept iu a country store- j IUrlighedt price paid for country pro ! duce ia exchange for goods. Prices to suit ' the times. May,,!. tfviot-jiug. CLOTmNa! Choicest Styles of the Season. . s. samuel strayer, . . Patterson, Juniata CO., fa, PTnTHIWfiil "HI entire sloe- at j of all kinds FOR MEN AXD BOYS. CAEPETS, Stair and Floor Greatly Reduced Prices, Until APIUL, 1872. OVERCOATS, PURS, HEAVY BOOTS, . Oil Cloth, FURNITURE, WATCHES -A'D- JEWELRY, Ladies' Shses & Gaiters, Under-Clothing, ice, AT COST. Suits and Farts of Suits, HATS AND CAPS, And Furnishing Goods 20 or 25 per eent. cheaper than can be purchased else where. Eats and Caps, FURS, BOOTS k SHOES, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Havine a rood stock, well selected, I hope to please all. Call and see te be con NOTIONS, otC. vinced. 1ST Measures taken and Suits and parts of Suits made to order, reasonable. SAMUEL STRAYER, Jan. 24, 18721 Patterson, Pa. S. B. LOUDON, MERCHANT TAILOU, A'ErilTS BVILDISQ OS Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Pa., Desires to inform his friends and the public that he has just received a ne and fathion- ablt stock of SPRING GOODS, consisting of CLOTHS Plain Black, Blue and Brown. CREP Dahlia, Brown and Blue. TRICOT Biack, Blue and Brawn. DTAGOXAL8 Blue and Black. CIIEVIOTS Shades. SCOTCH HOODS All Styles. BLACK DOESEIXSA Superior quality PA VTS AND VEST PA TTERNS Pine. SUMMER GOODS General Assortment. I will sell any of the above goods by the yard or pattern. I also keep on hand a full line at BUT TERICK?S PATTERNS, consisting of Men, Boys, and Children's Shirts. . Coats, Pants and Vests. JSaf I will maaufacture to order all kinds of custom wobk. PRICES Reasonable, to suit the times. Mifflintown, April 10, 1872. . SMELLY & STAMBACGH always keep up their stock of GROCERIES and will not be excelled either in the quality or pries of their goods in this line. Give them a call befoi'a going elsewhere. $tct!ira R R Ra RADVAY'S READY RELIEF CCBES TDK WORST PAINS, In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reaoni tht. advertisement need unr one SUFFER WITH PAIN. BADWATB BEaOTBELlEF la A GEgE FOB EVKBV PAIN. It ra the Ant and la The Only Pain Remedy thai Ineuntlr atop, toe aw exerndatlnir pataa, aTlmvi inSamiiMtloba, and curt CongvMlona. wbdiwr of t&a ,uuf, stomach, Bowala, or outer (lauds or stfaaa, br 000 application. IN FUOM ON- TO TW-KTT DfTJTKS, no matter how violent or eieradatlfit: the twin tho KHEL'MATIO. Bed-ridden, Inirm, Crippled, SexToua, jiouralxlc, or praotrated with diaeaae may suffer, . RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIbNETS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWEL. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. fiOBE THROAT, DIFFICULT BRKATHINn. PALPITATION OF TUE HKART. HYSTERICS, CROUP. DIPHTHERIA. CATAKIUi, 1NFLUKNXA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. NEURAI.OIA, RHXTMATIBM. COLD CHILLS, AOUK CHIU.S. The application of Oje Ready Belief to tht part or porta where tho pain or deolty exist will altord oaao aod eorafort. Twenty drops In half a tnmbler of water win In a tew Vtnmente cure CRAMPa, SPASMS. SOUR STOMACH, HRARTUURN, 811'K HEADACHE, DIARRHEA, DYSENTEnr. COLIC. WUiD IN THE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL PAINS. Traveler should always carry a bottle of Rsdwava ltady IkVolief wiUt them. A few drops in water will Kiveot slckite or pHitts from change of water. It a tor than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AND AtiCK. FEVER AND AOtE cure for fifty cento. There la aot a remedial arait in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, shd all other Malarious. Wllous. Srarlet, T"- fhoid. V-Uow, and uthfr Fevers (aided by RAHWAT'S ILLS) so Hulok as UA I) WAY'S HEADY UEUEF. Fifty cents pwr bottle. Uoid by Druggists. HEALTH flEAUTY ! ! STRONO AND PITJ! nil1!! IlLOonINCKEJ.SE t'.F KLESK AND W EiHIIT-CI.EAR CKIN A.M JUUriflL C'JMI'L-IIO.N 6ECIKKD TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE HOST ASTONISH I NO CURES : SO QUICK. S' LIPID AKK TKT. CIIANCla THE BODY" fNIKIt(JOES. UNDER Till IN FLUENCE OF TUli TRULY TVONDERFl'I. MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase In Tiosh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. V.TPrw rtrrtn trt ihm PA MS A I A RI I.T.I k M TI.M.1 V. EJiT cotrtmuntcntea thmuli tlt l.loo, SwfV, t'rh.. nd ocner nxiun ar.a HVC of trt m Mem Tit rigor of Itiet. gor la rrKur law w: (,1 me urn;y rim i-w a:;n pui.fi Di-lriaf. icMfu)a, S-phili, runraairtUn. ;Und i;r dUcasft, Ftetrs in t Thmt, Mo'ith, 1 tin or. N' i la iiiitw at. a uner pan tr ine lyitcm, . r M.rtx, frmmou Ibclirtf tVot th l-jir, aiid Uie wont ft -rum f Skin diWwf. Etut.iion, rtr Srl.i J!r., Kii-tf Wontt. SiIl I.ticum, Krvi-lpeiitt. Acii, ii'wck. T.n- Worr".. in l!ie hiekh, TuiTion, Caiiccrs l;i tiio Vonib, mj all wakM:i ati.i pAlnfti. di4 tt-j-e". N'f Bweata, Lmof hjusnn, ami a!I waTor Ihe j'rin-l-pl, re wl'hin the cumtiv ranfc of ti'n wnmlcr of Mtxi trn ('hemi-trr, ami a (yoj ug.-t will prvre 1m ar Prrn unft it tor rlrher of htt foriLS mt disease Ui otent ptiwrr 1 fnri tlicm. If tlis nsti: nt, W.f bfcomlnip rw!ri?fi1 hj tit! wait-i and itfcointofi:,in that 1 ct'iillmnll irt-f:reui'.f. ic Cftdi in axrotit'ff flieie wuttx n.l ri.rfr the i-e w'.ta ntw mati-riil made from ti-aiTbr blofHU-anu tt KlSCtUllMI I I IV -.arf .!,. ,... Nt oiily A the ?FAB.fl.Li KipoLT-Bjr- J ell kixitru rnotiil z',m be wits rj ('Tronic, rf - i lam, f'atiMiltitloui I, Aiiti tk'n Clee, b'.ilUi iLez' J pttitirecurtf'jr j Kidney & I5!adc!cr Covtplninlz, T"rtorr, ant! Wmb diwvce. (irmvcl. liUirttrs. Irr;.?sv, Spr.Jt.f ater, I:tcii.tii.rire I ria- l:rt-f.f i:- : Mr, AlN'unfmirtx, and in all e wlnre lh.-;r bri! I (Vint fJ-ioi'i, nr tlit watr t Inick, rloutiv, inSlfd w;t:i ' jbsitnccf lii the whiff of mi ur t!.rrr H w'.-to i Ink. er thf-r- ls murM.!, dark, bllii; ,.; tr.'ja:..-c. .:t white boe-tliMi ttcpmi.u, and ivhra t; trt f. m j.-irL';r, b :r:!!is -':n'.:'.n vfiti r-j":ie irar. ?nd i-.v.n : ta-j S.tir.!! i.f tSe l'.-z uinx aluii lit. Lc,(f. 1 r;.r, ii.ra. VOK1S. The f!r Itnoirn r.ij- I'.-ad- Tiitnor oT 12 Yep in fro.lTs P-r.rr.v. SIak-.. J.i!t li. T. F-AWWaT- -IlwR Yl "rrin ,ti-..r in lUr'r-.rti -J lwf!. ll i-.oj itocttm t4 " iiw wm irli f" t;." I u-wJ stfsr thinw tht U r'trHint.!cl ; L;i. n. flii'Nl I four iiu-lfiv, svri t'n.'i'i I wunii irr It ; b u hzd fiiii in It, bew-ra I bil lT(-il l ir It-It ,; i. I Uif'l ail Wttict at ihn Ri-lTfct, m.I arj b ft PuJ-.v' I'ii;t. t; J txo Ipt-i.Mr-"-r h.-!v !iri;-f; :har. la i it -f .n.t..r u-.m ftf sr fVit, J frai li?r. Atnprlrr. a! kr,irt !; -.n I lwi l"-r liff yrt-t. Tia '.rat lu -.rr in : !(; il.to .if f.m woti, eiT-f ii frr-ii'. I ri. (M ta to ir Cisj ttuani c( -a30r X J5 rA3 I i. tf C1 I Ubt. DR. RADWAY'S FSBFtST F358ATiE PilLS, ftrfe:ilf tsrtew, t?-!:"" cor..1 wli!i rrctr rrn, f :!rr.. r;'a:u. pilllf". fsnr. ?it tr. r7:i:-n. lvl wivi r'-''. ft tbo '-urs ft fU (lij-'iilrntt rtf-e Kir urh, Mv", TV'r. K-'!., V--mt. ?:-rvo It-Pisp He?i3.c;:'. .'Htl-.'t, ( .t I '.n-! rrr. lia, r.:?-U-r:- r:i; F. v-r, r',.,,,;r.i;..- if tho Li r':ic.a: d nil T. r.'';?nif ft? ' TL: !'..r ri V: tvr. Vari-.r.tf4 lo J":t .. - -v . :. t..r-:r rta lt.jTit,i:uttii n nu7 .:;fv m!:.rrl.fTileteterii uin;t. f('3re f.!:.)wi?ii' fiTii.j-la,s:3 rr'ji'.i: ft A firfis? of t'-i. I'ir'iive O vm-.s; ' Cs i.Mr-ari. n, I- srsri W-x. !'.;!- io'iV' rV- -A-Idtv f !tt ".-aif. .. i(,r:lir!. r'ttfia' ot n-d, f .Hi mo t.r '.r-iLt ;n t:i Mnr-ncK. f"mrtt.o-rt. r.i r M.itti:x l t: ' i1' i - S:iiut. twMtifiai"- ef th- ll4, i 1 r' 1 ais) ,ttrri jit fr-a'.'iinj. Fi-tlrti'Zit the f 'Mr. "ck.n ;tV-l;'n; S.;:! w! fn - - i-f J'rrattir. !? f Vn;-n. !iU Writ fcrrfo.-sr . ij., f rri P :l! Kmi in . 19 flmd. I'fi'.:tV rf ra -:r r r( I'ooj S'it n.l ";-.. P-... In U. t !:, Li--.-.V, t-M-n H-thwtf A f-. .i:-. F AUVAVP ril T.c w V m t. r-j. tf "i f:'tr. ? ' tLo t ! Hist ricr. Vrr, is iivrlor. M It 11' I'h' i.'.ITA. KKA! -r.VT.SIC ." TIlL't." Rirtri m Utt-r-ramp t. T Air.TAT CO.. X. 8; M . ..; ji-.e. Ncw- -- (1 tin tt 111165 YaTDlSfl, ; WHITE LE VI', RED LEAD. i . i COLORED PAINTS IN OIL ! ! BURNT UMP.ER, RAW UMBER, i CHROME GRSEN, PARIS GREEN, cheoke yellow, deop blacs, ' 'p. . j p i I !sslai1 Whc, Lamp Wack, I -n-.nl , t, t Puiai Brushes, larvuA Brushes, f i rrr-Tm-trr . nrr Trx-TT-r. . -rr ------- ! WlilThWAon MU.nJjlS. An iin.L ! Whiting and Rosin br the Barrel, ' Soaps. Japan liner, White Varnish i 11 7 i CancentrateaLye.Eafcbiif.Pctosh, ! Z'uttv Oiitl CilnwK. The above goods, with a large variety of DRUGS and PATENT MEDICISE3, always on hand at the PATTERSON DRUG STORE. CtsT Glass cut lo any size desired. Dr. P. C. P.UNDIO. July 12, 1871 -tf AoIIoFPiAXCISCUS&CO., CilZl Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. e have opened for the FALL TRADE, the largest and best assorted Stock of PHILADELPHIA CABPZTS, Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Win tlow Shades and Paper, Carpet Chnin. Cotton, Yarn, Batting, Wadding, Twines, Wicks, Clocks, Looking tilasses, Fancy Baskets, It rooms Baskets, Backets, Brashes, Clothes Wringers, Woodcu aud Willow Ware, IS IBB CSITED STATES. Our large increase in business enables us to sell at low prices and furnish the best quality of Goods. SOLE ACEkTS rOR THK CELEBRATES AMERICAN WASHER, I'ricc 65.50. THE MOST PERFKCT AND 'SUCCESSFUL WASI1ER EVER MADE. AGENTS WANTED FOR TUB AMERI CAN WASHER in all parts of the Stale. sepl-Smos HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN PATTERSON. THE undersigned offers at private sale a Lot of Ground Bituated in the borough of Patterson, Juniata county, having there on erected a New Frame Dwelling House, and a good Hog Pen. There are Peaoh, Tear, and other Fruit Trees on the Lot. Possession given at once. For terms, &c, call on or address H. C. AR BOG AST, Dec 4, '72-2m Port Royal, Pa. A FINE assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting, ftc, just received and for sale by S. B. LOUDOS. PflllQl. Tills Cut !lUitra t'i r.mr.t of Mr.g f" j, P: on QOUOHE This Instrument Is especSaDw designed for tho per fect application of t DR. SAOZ'S CATARRH REMCOV. It is the only form of instrument yet inrented with which fluid medicine can be carried high up and perfectly applied to all parts of the affected naval pas sages, and the chambers or eavuies eomninnieatlng taerewith, in which sores and n leers freqiienilT exist, and from wbieh the catarrhal discharge irenerally pm ceeds. Thewantofsacce'sin treating Catarrh here tofore has arisen larsel from the impopihility f applrin; remedies to thee rflTiiies and ehairners by anv of the ordinary methods. Tbiol)5tarle In the way of effecting cures ie eiHirely OTercome bribe inrention of the Dotiche. Iu nsimr this intrrtin?nt. Hit Fluid is carried by its own Height) ao inuff nrj. fcrc Ing or piirspina being required.) np one mwtril in a iu l keuiiy flowing stream lo tho liijjhe.t portion of Hie ka?al pasairc!.. passes into and thoroughly clrsiirro itiitlitjilMianrleliainbers couuecteil tlierewith. niid Dowsoutoltheopposilsaottrll. itsnscis ptesi.aaier.il so simple mat a cnua can unuemmnn it. s-nn Sand ezplirlt ellreetlona accominy raili Instniraeuu When ucd with lhi instriimii:t. i)r. Sasn'e I'atarrh Kemedy cnre rccer.t attaoJ.s of ejolol IU trio reran " vv a jew nitpiicaurri. Symptom, off Ctdiarrli. frequent head ache, discharire fallin; into thrortt, somettmei pro fuse, watery, thick mucin, pnruktit, vtnmsivo. Ac. la others a dryness, dry. watery, weak or inflamed yes. stonpin np or obstruction of' rasal poraztw, ri'nein in ears deatneM, bawkinz nd cenchina to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs from ulcers, voice altered, nastl twan?, offensive breath, impaired 01 total depri ration of sense of smell and taste. (Hazi ness, mental drpreion. loss of appetite, iuuigree tiou, enlarged tonsils, tieklin; couch, Ac. On.y a lew or these symptoma aieii-eiy to do present in any ease at one time. Or. Mate's) Catarrh Rmedy, when nsed with Dr. Pierce'si "aal IMnesae,and aec.nn panied with the eoostitntional treatment which ia recommended in tbe pamphlet that wraps each bot tle of the Remedy, is a perfect specific for this loath some disease, and the proprietor olTers, in good faith, SOO rwwaral (or a case he can not cure. The Itemedy is mild and pleasant to nse, containing Tin stronsr or caustic drnrrs or poisons. The Catarrh Kemedy ia sold at SO cents, Doncbe at f cents, by all Ttrucalata. or either will bo mailed by pro prietor on receipt of 60 cents. fit. V. PIERCE, n. D-. Bole Proprietor. - BTTFALO. Tf. T. ! XI AAt TTa .tr T A.'f (fntl- DAftf ..ansl .flUlulUiJUi HUsY IjUMj 11UV nt'I.il'U Just published, a tew edition of Dr. Calverwell's Celebrated Essay on the rmliral cure (wiih- .. j out medicine) of Spkcmatobhuoja, or Senii- nil V,"er,kness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, i IvroTriNcr, Menttil and Physical Incapacity, I Impediments to Marriage, ttc. ; Cussi jip jTtcN, i;i'iL;:r;:y, and Fits, induced by self I ir.tlu!e;cno3 or sexual extrii7ayaiico j fra 'l'rice, in a scaled envelop", only 6 cts. liie celebrated author, in this admirable ! ess y. clearly deton?tr:'.tef, from a thinv ; yetirs' succei"rul pr.totice, tiiat the aisrming ' . coa-cquences of ."-eU'-abu'e may be raJiraHy cuveJ witiiou, the dangerous ue r.f the knife ; i j reinting out a mode of cure at once sin;; !,-, ' j certain, and eifecttinl. by menus rif winch. ! every sufferer, no matter what his condition I ! may be, may cure himself eheaply, private!,) i i and rzdrrnlhi. 1 j JraThis Lecture should be in the hands of i trcry youth and every man :n tbe land. ! j h'ent, under senl, in a pUia envelope, to j ary address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, ! or (wo post stamps. j j Al.-o. Dr C'lilverwcli'e ' Marriage Gtiiiie." i ; price -5 cents. Address the pnbliRhera. CIIAS. J. C. Kf,l"R A CO., j Pot Office Bex 4,.jft. tL'7 liowerv, Y I NOilTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY, j ! WINTER TIME TABLE. I i i j 'I hrongh and Direct Ilonte to Washinr; j ' ton, trtltmiore. Rlmira, l.itr, . ItutTalo, Hochcsler and ' Niagara Fails. j OS AND A FTfR. MONDAY, OCT. 2f?tb, i ?T2, the trains on the Norther- Centra! ! ilway will run as follows : j NOUTLIWAKIV j Mail Traik leaves Baltimore . H:30 a ni ! m;;;: z c- E. Z I arrives at Ilarvi.burg p m ! j 5 arrives at W illiamsport 8:85 p m ' Nort bs Ex leaves Baltimore 10:50 p m i arrives at Harrisburg... :.'J a m j Niaoaa Ex leaves Baltimore 7:10 am leaves Harris-burg.. Mh'yl a m t leaves Willlamspoit....- 2:20 p m I leavpa Elmir ft:''ll n in i w :naadaSua- 8:tK P m j Esia MaiL leaves llama b g 4:'2j m ; " wralSr 2 ! ' leaves Elmira 12:-V) p m I arrives at Canandaigua 3:50 p m I SOUTJIWARD. Mail TRAiNleares Elmira S:?) a m leaves Williams port 0:15 ft m .cares Harrirjburg 2:05 p m airi-ei at Baltimore..... C:) p m Harnsburg 5:'J ft m j arriTes t Baltimore"... 8:4o ami Fast Li: Ebii Expr s leaves Sunburr 9:40 am" ariivrs at Harrisbure...ll:30 a m 1 ris iail leaves . ananaaigua :? p ni ; leaves Elmira 6.30 p m I leaves Williamsport 11:05 p ra leaves Minhury 12:50 a m arrives at Harrisburir... 2: ! a m PACiric Ex. south leaves Harrisb'g 10:4' a la arrives al lSaltimore-... i:00 p m Cimcin'i Ex. leaves llarrisburg 10:40 p m arrives at UnUirmire..... 2:15 a m Vl.ai.t Ex leaves f!annndaiirii'k 1 1:30 a m leaves Elmira 2:20 p m ! leaves Williamsport....- 6:10 p m arrives at lUrrisbur...10:l& p m 1 Bal. Ace. leaves Harrisl.ure 8:00 a m 1 arrives at Baltimore 12:15 a m ' Mail Train north and sith. Fast Line ! north, Pacific Express south, Erie Express J south, and Baltimore Accommodation south, I Niagara Express north and south. Northern Express north and Cincinnati Express south : daily except Sunday. j trie Mail north to i W ill.am.port, Uneinna- ti Express north and Fast Line south leave , Erie Mail south, daily except Monday ; , ; ' i trie Mail south connects at Harnsburg wi rasi L,ine soum lor iauinioie. . Niagara Express south connects at Harris- , ... r.- , i- .. r t. i 1 burg with Cincinnati Express south for Bal ; . nr ' nnore. j Erie Express south connects at IlarTisbiire b -r b .u i n i.. with Pacific Express south tor Baltimore. r. . , , l trie Mail north connects at Williamsoort . ., . c i -wy- t, i daily except Sundavs. for Elmira, Canandai-: !,., f", ar i . , ..... Bridge Suspension , Fof further information apply at the Ticket ; Office in Ihe Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. ALFRED R. F1SKE. I General Superintendent. ; Harrisburg, Oct, 28, 1872. ' 1! ! i PRnPIt:C,IIIrt, IiniTQr lUlUUllljllUUl X JlVUaJU, j BELLEFOXTE. fNN'A. D. J0HUST0IT & SONS. Proprietors. The "Brockerhoff House" has recently been 1 refitted aad otherwise greatly improved, and j is now under the proprietorship of D. John- j ston & Sons, formerly of th Leotard House' ; in Clearfield Persons v:oi.ing Bellefonte on j business or pleasure wili find Ibis a eonve-' nient and pleasant place te atr-p. i"r Il'itt ! te and from th' Pret. Nov 1. 1971- ! JUaI M Z." . Kr1iH n II 1 M m. ML l w 1 'tH V"f R"r BI,r ro not a rile ra p,W.l. Jiatle of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spiritalr Liquora, ,deei-e(i. spiced, and sweetened t r:T',! taau, caiied - Ionics." - Appeliaers" -Rljz' Ac, that lead tlie tipjiler on lo drnnkCToe7r boi,a," !"'e. M""'-ne, made from ,he Z! and iKTbsof Cahrorou, f,ce iTomtV Alcoholic Stli , They are the Great 1! ood Punier and Principle, a Perlect Penon.or and Invirorator rTSI the blood to a liealih, condition, rnriehiro; i refaII of admm,ra.i, ,,rompt in "heir aet,rm. certain iZ resnlts, fe and reiinble in ail fn of disease so Fersnn caa tak. ilim. m.. 1 -1 to directions, and remain kmi; rniwell vrrZZzl the- bone, are not des.royed b, nnrLwi means, and tlie r.ul onaos wa-ed h-.i?C: At niir " i b tlie Shoulder. Cwtjl.s, T.Sl.:u- rf tt,- tW E! Hrt. .Iu.Wiwi.cmni .h. I.unti. Pinill th. it has no equal, an-t one Uu;e p-OT. , lctttl Bu.. mamejl or tinC:e. at t,K daw,, of wrJnlKilT Thi turn of l,fe tl Tonic Hitl.r, d,.l,TJi dSeSl m For inflammMtorx mud Ch route Ichn. m-tUin and GounDjrnpepi.aBr nd.iotr. b.MMt K emit tent and Intermitlent Ferer DiMnses ef m Btcod, Livef, Kidnev and Bladder, those Rutera hZ been most mM. Snch Diseases am cand W Vitiated Blood, wh-ch n generally produced lw dcr--. ment of the D'Ee'tire Orears. They are Oentie Pnr?alv M w,n a, m To 111 C. (nwiwv; a!v tle pecnliw merit of xm. as a powerful acer.t in re'ievin- Congestion r Utlmi mation of tlie Lirer and Vuctral Org ana, and in Biumb Diseavs- For Skin DUennee, Erwpiioiw, Trfter sh. R lieum, Wot cites, Sp., Ptmnles, Pustaies. BrnlV Car hnncles, Kin- wonns. Skald Hed, &Jre Kir, Er-. tipe?av Itch, Scurfs niseolorations of the Skin, Humor aud Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dis up and carried ml of the srstem hi short time bv the use of these It liters. One bottle 1 such eases will convince the most iuaedou of tlir eun tire eiTfas. Clcnsas f!ie Tlllnte.l mml wlWtte-er von find i:s impuritic bursting throne ! tlteskinin Pinplc, Eruptions, or Sore;: cleanse it when yon find it ob structed and sluc&:sli in tlie veins : deane it when it . Cbul ; your feel n 1-5 will :el) ynn when. Keep the bioe pure, awl the health of the system will f-. low. Cirntefal thonsaml proclaim Vinbcaii Bit trs the most wonderful Javi-orant that ever susiaiaH the sinkinff system. Pin, Tp, aurl other Worm, lurking m the system of to many thousauds, are edeetually de stroyed and remoyeei. Says a disirat;tushcd physiel 051st: There s scarcely an individual upon tlie lace of the artb whose body is exempt trom the presence ef worrne. It is not upon the healthy elements ot the body thit worms exist, but npon the diseased humors and tinny deposits that bre-d these living monsters of dicease. Na system of Med:ci, no vrmtfiines, no snthetnt'e itics, wilt free the svstsm frcm worms hiie these Bit icrv 5Certaitni4I Dlrrtsiee. rersous er;;a-c! ii Punts an-i Mineral, such as Pinrubers, Tvpe v-iters, rioM-benier?. and Miitcrn, -s tliey ai anco iu i:tie. wi-1 be subiect to p iralvis of the D me!-.. To vard tuatirst this take a dose cf Valk;r's Vinkgah Bitteiu oace or twici a tree "f. .ts a Preventir Itilious, Kemlvtcnt, aud I.itcrmltlent Pcvrri, w!i:ch ars so prevalent in xh vai.ev r.f on treat rivers thrMrhoirt t!e United Suk. eseciaiiy those ef t!ie Mi-.sis .ipni, Oni Mio-.m, Illinois, Ter resse?, Cmnlrr!anil, Ail.ar.3a. TJei!, CoforaU., Bra.e, Rnj JramIe, IVaii, Alal.l-: MoT.:' Savannah. R-ae-oke, James, atd many rihcrs,vriih thir vast tnn( res, throMnhout otir en:iie OTtntry d'i:n: ths Sum tt ani A'tttmin, an.i rtnuiU.ibly to dunes seasow. tinuuil h?t and dryness, ar-s iavarUt. accnmr-aitied bv exiensive derann.enls of tlie stoinacli and livar, and eiher abdominai viscera. T here are always mere or lese cbstmctions cf t!ic i.vcr, a wo-Icnesr, and imtnbie st: ef the 5omcS, ?n 1 -c-.t tor,:nr of the bowels, being c!c;e:-J p i'h vitiated aecumu!:ior3. In their treat ment, a purgative, eacrtir. a pi-re rf il irfluenee upon these various r-mns i cssenttaiiy necessity. Titer a tin cnhartic fir t:ie pnrrie eral to De ). Walkr Vinegar riTTCR, as they mM yfeedily rem-.e t.'.e ihrk-colored viscid htai'er with which the l-ovreis are loaded, at the same time stimutaf-n the secretioas of t'ie liver, and pner;iy restoring ths IteaLhy tun:itM. of the dicestive ertpns. Scrofula, or Klnc'i Kril, X"ii;!e Swellinj,, t"'-:rs, ryipe,a.. Saci.el Nti, Coit-r. Scrofuio:: riftimmaiinns, Iidnt InilatDinati-ni-. Mercurial Af-tec:io-i O'd Sr.re I.ni.-:;.n of rhe Mtin, Swc K-e. etc .e"". In ih- , as ri aT. i,uv.c c.n'.iittrt-onal Dn eise, Wai.kss's Vi'-c.;-.e "ittc:: have slmsrt. the.r jrr.tt curative P'jv.sr: 1.1 th; cuuM uljitii;e and wtiac'. a'.j'r c.i- Or. Va!Uere California Tlnejar Bittern act pii ail thr.e cases in 1 simii.ir tiiatvier. Ilv puri:'ytr,g the IU ood tliy remove tl;e nuse, sn-.l v-resmving awav t'ie ejects of the inaTtimation i :he tuT:erc'.ar deposits) the aTecTd arts receive health, aud a iertnaiicut care is ftf-cted. The rrprt,ee of De. V7t.irrtt ViMtcse BlTTRRS are Arterie.it. liljpli'wetir and Cjrm.uaiit. Nutritious, laxative, Thureti'-, Sed'tiv C.mterIn. tart. Stidnri'lc. Aiieraiivt, and A..li-HiItO!:s. The Aperient artj m M LitMive ir-perties ef IR. WaLKKA'S VlNEUAR I'lTTERS a: e the bet sarc gnard in a ! case of eruptions -:id tnaiicnant leverr. t;;eir balsamic, lieatintr;. a .d soothinj pmi--rties protect t!is hmnois ot the t:tes. Th?.r Sedat.ve priertiea allav pain in nervr.ui t-stem, stomach, and bow, either from in .lamm w:ii-i, co'ic, t.tamps, ere. Their Counter-irrit.tnt i'lrtuence extend tiiruuf;heHt the system. Their Dmretn? properties acton tne r:d (iy rorreciin and ren!atin- tr:e fi'w ot" mine. "1 he;r Anti-P'tlious properties si.mulate the liver, in the erre tion of bile, ar.d its d:c;iar;-es throw-h the li!.axy Jnc:v and are superior to ati remedial atjenis, tor tae euro ef li.lioits Fever. Kev-r and Afe, tr. Fortify the 1m:It nalisat sllnenee bv jwtr fvintf all its fiirds wit: Vinuc;.!! 1;itte. No en demic can take hold t t a syMem thus fti-eafmed. Tue liver, the aiomarh. the bowels, the k dnevs, and the nerves are rendered disease-prod by ihn great nivig orarr. Direct lone. Take of the r.itters en pomg te be at itijht from a ha if t.t one and one-half -nne-giatwrWi. Kit good nourishing rood, such as beefsteak, mnttan chop, venison, rat beef, and vegetables, and take ut-door ercise. They are composed ot purely veget able ir.r-Ji-;iis, and cntta:n no spirit. J.WALKER, Prop'r. R.H. Mr DOS AXD Dr:ie:ts ard (sen. Agis., ?sm Francisco. Cal.. and cor. ot Wasninctrm and Charlton Nts, New Yarn. FOLD tY ALL DRL'CKUSiS AND DEALER. Flour! Flour! r"HE undorsigned begs leave to inform th, JL public that he has purchased the GRIST MILL, iu Mil ford township, recently owned by Jacob Lemon, and. baring remodeled and otherwise improved the same, is now pr,- pfired to ftCCOmm0(late all w with hcir patronftpk ho may favor him npa M'd l owm Heal il. w nV on "a tor ' aol- sale and Urtail Also, SAorts, Bran, Sfiip-siuff and Ch''p Fr Sale. Flour and Feed will be delivered to fami lies if desired. His wagon will visit Mifflin, Patterson and Perrysville three times a week. Persons needing flour or feed, can leave their oi lers at the Store of John Etka in Mifflin, or at Pennell's Store ia Patterson, or addressing a note to Box 35, Patterson Post Oflice. GRAIN Of ALT. KINDS BOUGHT AT MARKET PRICES. P. II. HAWS.. Apr. S, 1972-Sm Voir Tin nml Stoi'P Flta hlKhmPnf "K" r Prrrytrlllr, Juniata Coun'y, Pa IHE undersigned has opened out a I Tin and Stove Establishment ia (he ri andmifUfi hmn opened out a a.w Tin 1 Stove Establishment ia '.he room ! on Railroad Street, next door to th, Tusca- rora Hotel, w hr-rc he would be pleased te se a'.l who are in want of Tinware, Stoves, c ... , , ,,,:-'! nr , - i ,;. , ,.;-- .11 ders fir Roofing, -pouting and Jobbing, ail , ... , . ..,......, ;,l T ii,. of wh.oh ho guarantees to put up witn ia material and in a workman-like aa- ,, , . . .:. ner.- Having had over ten years experience . , . , . . v. in the bimuess he flatters himself toat Be . . , . . . can eive entire satisfaction to the public, s, , , , . He keeps on hand tbe celebrated Nimroa . b economical and heaviest plated s '" ? ' " P hd '"Z Heateis. and a general ''"r'"'" Stoves manufactured. JOHN DLMtAK- J0HSST0WN FOUNDRY. T"E undersigne,I. manufacturer, f Jwi- X son's Improved Tlow, calculate- or i r -tn-;n- .nl in .11 kind of areand. sold cheaper than any other Plow is i U I County. He manufactures all kinds of Cast in R.lla Stoves. Ac. He Will Bis rP' reapers and threshing machines. Gi c4j) or address. ' J. H. ROGERS, Walnut P. 0. t1- 13 1800--tf Jnniata Co. Pa- ' . ", "I O to the JrsiTA SKTixri Job J tJ Office for all kinds of Plain and Fsi Printing , w f - ft.