Cjje Janhti Sentinel. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAR. 13, 1873 DESNSi'LVANIA R.ULROAD.- ON AND J" .'n?T.f,u,ndy,Vi0 "' l?'2 Trams will leave Mifflin Station as follow : EASTWARD. Philadelphia Express 1:10 A. M. Fast Line 4:01 A. M. Harrisburg Accommodation 1 1:23 A. M. Mail Train- C:18 P. M. Cincinnati Express 9:03 P. M. WI.STWAED. Pittsburg Express l:f 8 A. M. Cincinnati Express 1:53 A. M. Southern Express- 4:08 A. M. Pacific Express ' 6:13 A. M. Way Passenger J 0:03 A. M. Wail Train ........ 3:38 P. M. Fast Line C.33 P. M JAMES NORTH, Ag't TOWN AMI COUM'RY. George Wish is putting a gL.s front in bis store room. Local Option has been declared Constitutional by tLe Supreme Court. IIOH. JOHN 1J. 1 ACKER ttni not vo'e ' for the increase of Congressional pay Om Friday last Messrs McMeen and Kurtz unloaded a car load of western horses at this place. Tits ice that hiy in the rivor on this eide of the -Island all winter left sudden 1 n Thursday night. i Tug common schools of this borongh uare a vacation ot three weeks, me cation commenced on Monday. The wife of John Lutz, senior editor of the Bedford Jnqw'er, died of, pulmon ary consumption ou the 2nd inst. Exhibition. A common school ex hibition will be givn in the Oakland achool house on the evening of the 2lst inst. . TiiRRE is a bill before the Legislature of this State to increase the pay of mem bers from $10,00 dollars to S15 00. The bill is Unpopular. Col. E. 13. JUcChum, of the Altoona Tribune, was married on the 2nd inst. to Miss. Mollis A. McOahan. Permit us, Colonel to present our congratulations aud best withes for happiness A number of Tyrone people are 'try ing to talk np a new county, to be com posed of a piece from each of the fallow ing counties, Huntingdon, lSlair, Clear field, Cambria and Center, with Tyrone for the county seat. Our paper is to small by far this wee k to admit all the communications scut us. Gentlemen who have favored us with communications will therefore make due allowance for the non-appearance of the favors. So.MB gentlemen is kind enough to end us the proceedings of the Constitu tional Convention Will the said gen tleman except our thanks for the f;ivor. We admire the documents, but we ad mire the modesty of the donor more. John Hoffman is clearing from the foundation of his former dwelling house and store, the fire dkbris, as the first prrparitory step to the erection of a large building on the site of the former ones destroyed on the last night of the year 1S70. Thr Demorrat and Remitter last week would not publish the account of the Temperance meeting held in this place, but instead, it published a weak defence of the liquor traffic That journal last week, was all "Good Devil." Public Sale. Mrs. Sarah Shields will sell at public sale, at the Union Hotel, in McAlisterville, on Monday, March 31st, one horc, two two-year old colts, one trotting buggy, and large lot of household goods. Sale at 10 o'clock. See handbills. Wreck. On last Saturday evening a freight train going west was run off the track, this eide of Perrysville, by the carelessness of a green brakeman, who turned the switch too far. The engine tender and two box cars were thrown off the track. Twenty nine hundred and fifteen, almost 3,000 weighing-machines of the largest patterns, for grain, coal live-stock pork, hog, cane, hide, ore, furnace stock charging, depot, aud similar use, were turned out by the Fairbanks Scale Com pany, in 1872 smaller scales by the tens ot thousands. The M. E. Ceutral Conference of Pennsylvania held at Chambersburg some days ago, designated the following rever ent gentlemen to minister to the spiritual wants of the members of that church in this county.. Mifllintown, II. C I'ardoe; Thompsontown, Wm. Schriber ; Port Royal, W. R. Whitney and M. Johnson. A ncmb'er of people from the country tell nfl that our published home market quotations sometimes do not correspond with the prices offered by the stores aud produce dealers. If the gentlemen who control these boards and markets will leave their quotations at this office every Tuesday morning it would be pleasanter for all parties. . High Wind The wind on Saturday night and Sunday was unusually high. It blew the high bulletin board that faced on Main and Bridge streets down, aud tore off the spouting on the west side of the Odd Fellows Hall, and the spouting off the Keystone hotel in Patterson, be sides sundry other little doings, iu differ ent places about town. It was the most violent wind ever kuown here, excepting the fitful gusts that in the summer some-! times accompany hail storms. The Juniata Scouts met a Will's hotel, on last Saturday, according to pre vious announcement, i orty-seven men mounted. Score exercises- for half an Lour in the Court House Yard ; then mounted aud dulled one Hour sud a half ; in the streets. Messrs J. II. Laadis aud John Kiser joined the company. ' . :f, , -, The company will meet again May 24, 1873, at Johnstown. All the members are ex pected lo he present. J. K. ROBINSON. Captain. Matthew Rodgbrs, O. S. The llrp-iblkrn of last week publish ed mattet both favorable and unfavorable to Local Option, and then excused itself by declaring inself neutral on the sub ject. That journal looks at local option and cays "Good Lord' and then looks at the liquor traffic and guys ''Good Devil." Wc Lave not published anything in favor of the liquor traffic. Nothing could in duce na to do eo. Before the Senfinal should be so prostituted we would have it hauled out into a field and there burn ed. Ralhrr than become an advocate of the liquor traffic, wc would Leg for our bread during the day aud sleep ia the county jiil at night. RtpuitT of Ekxo School for the Month enoinu Makcu 12, 1S73 No of male scholars in attendance during month, 24 ; No. of female scholars, 10 Per cent, of male attendance during month, 8.i ; per cent, of female atten dance, 93. Of the 23 male pupils in at tendance during month but 3 were pres ent every day, viz : T. It. Stoner, J. L Rothrock and Joseph Stoner ; eleven others were present 20 or 21 days each Of the females five of the ten wrre pres ent every .day Emma Moye.r, Annie Stoner, l'Lebe Oberholtzer, Jennie to ner and Mary Oberholtzar ; two others were present 21 days each. f Holmes Dysingkb, Teacher. Large Sale of Household aud Kitch eu Furniture at the residence of Tims. U. Parker, on Bridge street, .Mifllintown, on Saturday, March 22nd, 1873, at 10 o'clock, A. M., consisting in part of the following property : Three walnut bureaus, 2 wardrobes, 4 wash stands, 1 marble-top stand, three pair bedsteads, 1 sofa rocking chair, sofa chairs, cane-seat chairs, 3 tables, 2 stoves, one cook stove and fixtures, four looking glasses, 1 sink, 1 doughtray, lot of car pet, queens ware and glassware, 3 barrels of cider vinegar, nails by the keg, mo lasses by the barrel, 1 copper kettle, 1 iron kettle, 4 pair counter scales, two child's carriages, lot of tuba, lot of oats by the bushel, together with other arti clcs too numerous to mention. Gooii Tbmplar Meeting. The Ea3t Juniata Division of Good Templars, met in the Good Templars Hall, at Milroy, March C'b and was called to order by Uro. D. S. -Graham W. C. T. The ses sion was a very harmonious one, and was enjoyed by all present. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Hi solved. That fhould Local Option triumph at our coming election iu this district, that we will not consider our work done, aud fold our arms ; but that we will individually stand to our posts, aud see to it, that the laws iu force to prohibit the sale and use of intoxicating drinks, iu our good old commonwealth, are faithfully aud impartially executed whenever, aud wherever, the tame may be violated, within our Inotcl.tfye. Jit sol red. That while we hail with de light, the approaching 21st of March, when we shall have the privelegc of cast n our ballot for Local Option iu our dis irict, and also that we use oar utmost diligence, in distributing Local Option tickets and see that every friend of the measure gets to the polls. Resolved, That our County Committee on Temperance be requested to open at once, a vigorous campaign in favor of Local Option, and against one common enemy King Alcohol, the foe of God and man. Kesoleed, That these resolutions be published in the County papers of this district. - Convention then adjourned to meet at Marysville on the 22nd day of May 1873. C. S. Wise, bee jr. Foixd Dead in an Ice Gorgk George F. Weaver, jr , secretary of Dau phin Lodge, No. 160, I. O. O. F-, has re ceived the following letter from Volney Rogers, secretary of Hebron Lodge, No. 55, 1. O. O. F., of Toungstown, Ohio, dated March 13 : "Dear Sir : Brother Lewis Evans, who has been mysteriously absent for a month or so, Was on Monday last found in a floating gorge of ice about two miles below this city, in the Mahoning river. On his clothes was found a visiting card bearing your name ns secretary and George W. Rhoads as N. G., under the seal of Dauphin Lodge, No. 160, I. O. 0. F., Harrisburg. " The card is dated No vember 21st, and good for one year. Our Lodge has taken his funeral in baud and he is to be hurried to day at 1:30 P. M., with the honors of the Order, Youngs town Lodge, No. 403, assisting. There is no doubt of Lis identity. His brother lives here, aud says he recognized him when be got-within twenty feet of him. The body Las been frozen and well preserved, except that it is purple. There is a bruise on the forehead, and it seems to be the impression that foul play has been used, but no evidence, save that a man who was his enemy, from the fact of Evans having him ar rested foa, robbery, followed him from Pittsburg to Sharon, Pa , a few miles from here, previous to his disappear ance. This is wLat I Lave been told. Brother Evans was also a member of the Knights of Pythias iu Harrisburg. He leaves a little girl eight years old at Wheatfield, a few milas north of here." The deceased was an iron woiker by profession and was employed 'for some time at the Lochiel iron works in this city. Hirrhburg Telegraph of the 15 Local Option. To ihe Public: I have in store and for sale, for medical use, an original package of Otard, Du- puy & Co.'a Cognac Brandy, as pure and fine an article as there is in the State, imported iu 1865. Also pore native Grape Wines. Physicians and other iu need of the above Samed articles, will find it to their advantage to call and get their camphor bottle filled at the Patter son Diug Store. marl2-3w P. C. RcNDro. "Honest John J. Patterson," Sena tor from South Carolina, has been ap pointed on two Committees on those of Education and Territories. Not having been present at the Colonel's reception at Will's hotel, on his return from the Palsnetto State, with John C. Calhoun's shoes on his feet and his mantle over his shoulders, it is not for us to expect that the Senator will give us Lis car for even a whisper Indeed Brother Allison, who for mouths magnanimously prosecuted the Colonel for thiugs with which Mr. Allison should be acquainted prominent among which was the "storming of Fort Patterson" has announced something to that effect iu his paper. Brother Alli son's magnanimity doubtless will pardon us for presuming to ask to be allowed to whisper just a few words in the Senator's car in regard to the promises of appoint ments to office that were made at the re ception It is certainly within the bounds to suppose that now since the Colonel has beeu appointed to the Committee on Ter ritories, that at least quite a number if not all of the cocvival guests will be served with a territorial office. A num ber doubtless are ready for the places, as "a bird i:i Land is worth two iu the bush." It is better to take an office now than wait till the Colonel shall have been elected Picsideut of the United States. What we wish to whisper is this,- give Brother Allison an office. His.magna ninity is of the most ehtkic kind and ex pands to ponderous dimensions at the possibility of obtaining an office. Yes, give hitn an office, but for mercy sake don't send hira among the Modocs. His magnanimity would not bo appreciated. They'd raise his hair. Send him South beyond the lines of the snow, oh ! the beautilul sliow. News from Neighboring Counties PERRY COUNTY. The Adcoca'c s tys : We have to re cord the sudden death of Mrs. Catharine Burtnett, wife of John Burtnctt, Esq , of the borough of Lntidisburg, and daugh ter of the late Conrad Hel-uan, of Spring township. Mrs. liurlnett retired to Led in her uriial hcaMi, hut soon after com plained of being sick, and iu less than half hour she was a corpse. She was Aged 05 year The dreaded disease smallpox is prevailing iu the vicinity of Perry Furnace, eoinc four or five miles south of Bioomfield. The Ji.-er.se only broke out a week or two e?o, and alrea dy five or six families arc afflicted. This disease, we ure informed by those who know the facts, was brought to that neighborhood by a Mrs Foulcc, who visited. an aunt in Carlisle or Cumber land, who was sick with that disease. Mrs. Foulcc's children took the disease, and they attended fho funeral of Mrs Duncan before they were entirely free from it. In this way this loathsome di sease was spread in that neighborhood Mrs. Duncan died from other causes, al though she visited the house of Mrs. Foulce before her death. The borough council, of this place, has passed an or dinance forbidding persons afflicted, or who come in contact with those who have the disease to come within the borough limits until the danger from the disease is over. The freeman says : A neighboring farmer stored away iu his barn floor Ia.'t fall, two hundred bushcld of choice and carefully pulled apples, but his faith iu their 'well doiug' without any further at tention to them wa3 too strong,' wnd a few days ago au examination was made and the entire heap found to be frozen in the latest style. Those thirty-four-degrees below zero days generally mean to do something iu this country. STEWART On the 8th inst., in Turbett township, after a lingering illness, Rev. E. C. Stewart, aged about 83 years. McNAIGHT In Patterson, on the ?th inst., Josaphine S. McNaight, wife of How ard McXaight, aged 23 years, C months and 5 days. Perry county papers please copy. GREAT REDUCTION IS THE PRICES OF TEETH Full Upper or Lower Sets as Low as $5.00. No teeth allowed to leave the office unless the patient is satisfied. Teeth remodeled and repainsd. Teeth filled to last for life. Toothache stopped in five minutes without extracting the tooth. Dental work done for persons without them leaving their homes, if desired. Electricity used in the extraction of teeth, rendeiing it almost a painless operation, (no extra charge) at the Dental Office of Q. L. Derr, established in Mitfiintown in I860. G. L. DERR, Jan 24, 1872-ly Practical Dentist. C. BOTIIUOCK, DEJfTIST, 3Ic-A.listervillo, l?eiiiia., OFFERS his professsonal services to the public in general, in both branches of his profession operative and mechanical. First week of every month at Richfield, Fre mont and Turkey Valley. Second week Liverpool and Wild Cat Val ley. - Third week Millerstown and Raccoon Valley. . Fourth week nt bis office in M'Alistertille. Will visit Mifflin when called on. Teeth put up on any of the bases, and as liberal as anywhere else. Address by letter or otherwise. Tlie 3iarket.s. Prices of Board of Ccmtoerce. Reported weekly for the Juniata Sentixil by the Board of Commerce of Mifflin and Pat terson. ' Butter "t? K. 23 Eggs, doi , 30 Lard, lb 8 Country Soap .- 8 Beeswax - 25 Tallow : . 8 Rags ..- ..... 3" Wool, washed 60 Dried Apples ... 10 " Peaches, pared 20 " Peaches, unpared 15 " Cherries, pitted 20 " Blackberries - . 10 " Raspberries 1G Country Hams : 12 Sides and Shoulders ... 7 Potatoes, bus 40 Onions " 00 Ground Alum Salt, "1 sack 2 25 Railroad Ties . -.. 50 Locust Posts, mortising 32 " " for board fenoe.. . 15 Shelley & Stambaugh's Prices Current Corrected Weekly. Crystal Pa lack, MilBintown, 1 March 19, 1873. Prime Roll Butter, ner lb 25 eggs, per aozen Lard, per lb ......... ... Tallow, per lb Beeswax Dried Apples, per lb " Cherries, seedless, per lb " " unseeded " Blackberries - " Raspberries Walnuts, per bus - !0 08 08 30 01 17 01 08 20 40 95 Potatoes CO Chickens, live, per lb 08 Hams ' 14 Shoulders " 07 Sides " 06 Liverpool Ground Alum Salt, per sack 2 00 D. P. Snlouff & Co.'s Prices Current. Reported Weekly. Gbais. White Wheat, bus $1 75 Red " " 1 70 Corn, old 45 Oats 35 Cloverseed 6 00 Timothy seed 3 50 Co.'-l. Prepared Coal, y tan Nut " .... Pea " ' Bituminous" " LcMnEn. Run of Log, 4 4, 1000 ft .... " " 5-8, " ..$5 25 ... 4 25 .. 3 10 . 5 00 .$35 00 .. 25 00 8-4, " ....25 00to40 00 " ""6-4, ' " 25 00to4000 Hemlock Frame, " 20 00 ' Eoarls. " 20 00 Whitepine worked Flooring...j... 35 00 " German Siding 35 00 Panel Doors 2 00 to 3 00 Window Sash, 8x10, 3) window- 05 " " 9x12, " 75 " 10x12, " 80 " " 10x14, " 90 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, PniLAPtxPhlA, March 18, 1873. Flour There is very little demand for shipment, and the home trade are not dis posed to anticipate future wants. About 2, 000 bbls sold, including Superfine $4 7o5 50 Extras SS W(ar, ,0 N. W. Extra Family $8 00(W)8 75 Ohio & Ind. do. do S8 5W,9 50 Penna. do. do f 8 2'fti.9 50 Fancy Brands $0 7o1175 Cpaix Prime wheat is in demand at full prices. Sales of 4-jCO bushels, at Si Ooal 98 for Peunn and western red, $2 fur amber, anr! ?:! 10.i2 25 fur whita. Corn is firm and in steady request. Sales of 10.000 bushels yellow at OOaiKUc and woatern miiM at 61c, and white at 05c. Oiits are in limited de mand : sales of 7500 bus western at 49a50c for white and 4'Ja-17c for mixed. Sekds Cloverseed is dull and lower ; 380 bushels sold at 8a9c per lb. Timothy sold at $:Ja3 50. HARDWARE COMPANY, Main Street, Opposite Court Yard, 'SifHintoirn, Fa., Are offering Large Inducements to CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, SADDLERS, SHOEMAKERS, BUILDERS, PAINTERS, &c. They haro on hand the largest stock of IRON. IIOIISE SHOKS, Nails, Paints, Leather, AND BUILDING MATERIAL, Iu the central part of the State. They are selling Bar Iron at 5c i lb. Horse Shoes at $7.25 keg. Best Norway Nail Rods at 9$e lb. 14 inch Horse Rasps at 85c each. They are selling 1J Hickory Feil ies at $1 50 lb set. l Hickory Spokes at $2 00 set. No. 1 Gum Hubs at 90c set. No. 1 Hemlock Sole Leather at 31c . tt. No. 1 Best Oak Leather at 40c lb. In order to close out their immente Hock of STOVES, they will sell them at C0ST.-S Give them a call before pur chasing elsewhere. Franeiscns Hardware Co. Main Street, Mifllintown. SHELLY 4 STAMBACGH always keep up their stock of GROCERIES and will not be excelled either in the quality or price of their goods in this line. Give them a call before going elsewhere. Sry cods, 6rowus, cjacjnstvavr, r. $18,000 ' WORTH GENERAL MERCHANDISE, i JUST NOW OPENED AT TLLTEN & ESPENSCHADE'S, Krirtsre Street, 3Iiflliiitovn, THE LARGEST, THE NEWEST, THE CHEAPEST, And the Most Attractive Stock of Goods ever Brought ' to Mifllintown. 1 0 9 -tH- DRESS GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY OF PRICES AND STYLES. Black Silks, Drap Do Alma, Imperial Reps, Jamise, Cachmeri Rayc, Australian Crape Empress, Batest Canton Cloths, &e., &c, IN GOOD VARIETY. We respectfully solicit an examination btfore purchasing elsewhere. Any and everything, such as Shawls, Cloths, Cassimcrrs, Flannels. Blankets, Underwear, Hosiery, Glores, 4"1'-. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT, Of any and everything at prices which defy competition. f& -aw Cf v n. 'ifS' One of the best in the county, embracing all the New and Pest f tvles for the Fall and Winter Trade, same exclusively for oar trade at pair warranted Grocery and Queensware Department. For our Grocery and Queensware Department wc have secured one of the finest rooms iu the county iu the Odd Fellows' Hall. Just opened one of the largest and host stocks of Goods ever brought io the county, all of which are kindly submitted to the inspection of all our numerous friends and customers. For quality and prices we defy competition EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED. "LOW PRICES FOR CASH" OUR MOTTO. . TILTEX & ESPEXSCIIADE. Oct. 30, 1872-ly D. W. HARLEY & CO.'S Is the place where you can buy Tlio best anil tlio ClioMiojst MENS' YOUTHS' AMD BOYS' CLOTHING, EATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND FUE2TISIIIN3 GOODS. WE arc prepared to exhibit one of the mont choice and select Stocks erer offered in this market, and at ASTOX1SHIXG LOW rSWES : Also, measures taken for Suits and parts of Suits, which will be made to order, at short notice, very reasonable. llemember the place, in the Nevin Building, two doors west of the Ke3'stne Store, BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLIXTOWN, PA. may 8, 1872-tf DR. P. C. RltflDiO, i .vrrrr j : i . xorv, x.v., DEALER IX EVERYTHING THAT CONSTITUTES A FIRST-CLASS NIT" - The public attention is also invited to his large assortment of Perfected All persons who are in need of Spectacles will find it to their advantage to call, as they will find the largest stock in the comity to select from. COME AND HAVE YOUR EYE-SIGUT RESTORED. ' Also, a splendid aaeortmcntof TOILET ARTICLES FOR THE LADIES, With an mmense stock of and old. at the I). P. SULOUFF & CO, (Successors to D. K. Snlouff & Co.,) SEALERS n: Grain, Lumber.Coal, CALCINED PLASTER, CEMENT, &C. The Highest Cash Trices Paid for all kinds of Grain. Lnmber, Coal, &c, Sold at the Lowest Prices. Having boals of our own we can freight Grain, Lumber, Coal, 4c, cheaper than any other parties. We therefore defy competi tion. ttVon can make money by calling on ns before selling or buying elsewhere. GRAIS WILL BE tICtlVIl) IX STOBK TO BI sold by Tn 1st or Jcxk, 1873. P. S. Our grain is not elevated on men's backs. MiEintown, April 20, 1872. H0TICE. A LL persons are hereby cautioned not to A interfere or meddle with four Mules now in the possession of D. S. Smith, as I have this day purchased the same, and have left them on loan with the said D. S. Sraiib, and are subject to my cder. 6. M. GRAHAM. Perrvsvillft. Feb. 1-lft73-4w , , OF AT BO leg aliment 9 r r m f "r -i for Ladies, Hisses and Children the prices to suit all purchasers. Every ; s H 11 Spectacles. NOTIONS. Something for everybody, young PATTERSOX DRUG STORE. NEW DRUG STORE. BANKS & HAMLIN, Main Street, Jlijjluttoicn, Pa. DEALERS IN DRlfiS AID KEftirUES, Chemicals, Dye Stuff, Oils, l'aints. Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Coal Oil, Lamps, Burners, Chimneys, Brushes, Infants Bru;hes, Soaps, IIir Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Perfumery, Combs. IlairOil, Toliawo, Cigars, - Notions, and Stationary. LARGE VARIETY OF d i t u w m it r si t it i v i' c I ll 1 Ij 11 1 ill li 1 l t I il fj I selected with great care, and warranted from hij;h authority. Purest of WINES AND LIQUORS for Medi cal Purposes. Jg?-PRESCRIPTION'S compounded with great care, matt'72- ly U.1 U 11111 11111 JJUUM ILUUllii. UilU UUUI'Ui ; REFRESHING SLEEP Guaranteed by using bit i Instant Relief for the Asthma. J It sets instantly, reliering the paroxysm ' immediately, and enabling the patient to lie down and sleen. 1 suffered from this dis 'ease twelve years, but suffer no more, and : lwork nJ lc0P we!1 ' y one. n arrnn- ! ,0 relieTe in the worst case. Sent by ; oa receipt of price, one dollar per box ; ; ."k Jour Druggist for if. j ' - CHAS. B.WURST, 1 Eochesteb, Beavbr Co., Pa. , jJb2?-lr : 1 wc s Wt-i i THf.-.i V'.sr,r.nsli!t.i'ri ' c3f .eries at Tiltou & Espcnscbadc's. 2ttur SUm'tiscmrni'si.' HOOK AGENTS rot tux -OF THE r.NITL'D STATES; 1 1303 FA5ES AND 533 MAYINGS. i Wfitlsn by 20 Eminent Authors,- iiitluding I Jons B. uoi'Gii axi Horace creeley. I This work is a complete his'ory of nil branches of in'lutry. processors of c:.inu faclure, etc., in all It is a complete cucjcljpctlii of arts aud CMnufictures, an is the m;St i-ntcrtaining and valuable work cf inf-rmrit:on on .-nljocts of feneril intci est ctit offered to tLe public. V want Ag'-ms in every town of t'ue I'nitcd Stales. i and no Agent enn fil to do well with tliN book.' One agent soi l 12:5 copies in eicfit d.iys, another soi l 3' 8 in two weeks. i,r ! s Hartford sold 307 iu cne wci-k. peCimen. . f (.tin.. AGENTS "WANTED 'FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC. 800 Pages, 259 En-ravings. . . I An interesting and amusing ireat'.se on tuO Me:lical Humbujrs of the past util present. It exposes tuacki. Imp-jstors, Travelling Doctors. Talent Medicine Venders, Noted ! Feiuale Clie&ls, Fortune Tellers and Mediums, and pives interesting accounts f t Noted I'hyshiuns nud Narrative of their lires. It reveal startling secrets nnl instructs all how ' lo iiToil the ilia which slosh ia heir to- We piffc exclusive territory ai;i lihcral comiuis- ; t ions, l ur circulars and teru.J e'fJrss (he i publishers. i . J. B. EUE.IL & HYDE, . . j HAUTKOKU, COXX-, ou CHICAGO, III.. ! jui-iy Boot aud Shoo Shop. FT BE undersigned, fcsMonir.le Boot X and ShoeniaU'-r, here! y respectful- jj ly informs the puMic that he has Io?:ite.l- in the borough of l'aiiersou, where he s pre pared to accommodate the most fattiaious iu Gents1 Fine and Coarse Boots, ClULDllE.YH WEAR, ,l C.,d C. Also, mendine done in the neatest manner and upon the shortest notice. A liberal share of public patr.Miaje is re-peel fully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. lyf? Shop located on I lie east side of Ts carora street, one door south of Maia street, nearly opposite l,aird & Bell's store. J. W. DEAN. March 8. 1S72 NEW BOOT & SHOE SHOP In Nevin's Kew Building oa BRIDGE STREET, M IFFL1NTOWN. ry II E undersigned, late of the firm of Fa ll nounce to the public that he has opened a Uoot and Shoe Shop in Major Nevin s Sen. Building, on Bridge street, .Miftliktown. and is prepared to manufacture, of the best ma terial, all kinds of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITEKS, FOR GENTS', LADIES AND CHILDREN. He al.-o keeps on hand a large auJ well selected stock of Kently-muiln "Vi"lc, of all kinds, tor men, women nud children. ALL WORE W.RaASTri. Give me a call, for 1 feel confident that I can furnish you with any kind of work you may desire. tjnrj?" Repairing done neatly and at reason able rates. J. L. NUUT1I. May 31, 1872. BOOTS AHD SHOES. New Shop in JCfSktsTO. rrMTE subscriber begs leave to inform the JL citizens of Mi;Rintown, Partcrnn and vicinity that he has opened a floo. and Shoe Shop, for the present, in Ihe room occupied by N. E. Litt efteld's Tin Shop, on Bridge street, Milllintown. where he is prepared lo manufacture all kind of LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S and CHILDREN'S "WEA2, in the most subsiantiil manner, aud at the lowest prices, ti, Repairing pro:npi!y a'-' tended to. TERMS CASH. A libo'ot t i . .-- .. f j ..v i: . r..ni p, i . i ; cited, anl saii-fctio i guaranteed. A. B. FASK K. May 29. 187 J t The PIscc fcr Goo:l drape-vines IS AT THE a.m (jR.vrE-vnn mrskkt. 'TMiE undersigned wotild rcpectfVy iii X. form the public that he has started a Grape-rine Nursery ubir.it one mile northeast of .Mifiiintown, where he has been" tc tin a large number cf the different virietie.- of Grapes; and havi:i been in the business fr seven years, he is. now prerr.red to furnish VINES OF ALL TEE LEArI.; VARIETIES, ANI OF THE MOST l')!OMISI.VG KINDS, A"? l o iv it i r r , by the single Tine, dozen, Lun'lrei or thou sand. All persons wishing gjwl and thrift Tines will do well to call aad see for them selves. JJSajT" Good and responsible Agenti wan'rd. Address, JON'AS OBKIUlor.TZKR. MiRIiutown, Juniata ('o., hi. AGENTS WAHTE0 FOR M.firkkAM Tti. fir, and tmW complete Ti history of ft Pacific Slope ; lfeseriiHioivcf CV. gj theSeasons P.'oducM,MoonninS-cncr-,Val T Icys.Rivn Lakes, Forests, Warrrfalls, hays,. "Harbors. 700 R-i(P, aoo Illustrations anl Maps. Illustrated Circulars tree. ' WM. i'LIST 4 CO, PuiLADELruLs, Pa. Feb 5-8m The oldest and most reliable Institution' or obtaining a Mircani!o Education. 15-l'raeiical business men as instructors. For infermation. write for a circular lo P. DUFF & SONS, Piit.burgh, Pa. noTt-"m,eom Caution. VI. I. persons are hereby cautioned asint Hunting. Fishing, 0- in any way tres passing on Ihe lands of the undersigned, in Milford township. Ail persons oif'-nding will be dealt with to the full extent of Ihe law. P. II. HAWS. Dec. I, lS72-f 1 All kinds of Job Work neatly taecu: e l.