Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, March 19, 1873, Image 1

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Published Evirv Wedkiudat Moaaixo,
Bridge Street, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall,
Ta Joxiata Sbhtissi. is published very
Wedneada7 arcrninj at 1,50 a year, in sd.
tun ; er $2,00 ia all oases If not paid
promptly ia advance. No subscriptions dis
eatiaued natil all arrearages are paid, unless
at the option of the publisher.
business Carbs.
Attorney at Xav,
glgyCuiUeling and Conveyancing promptly
attended to.
Office on Bridge street, opposite tbe Court
IToase Square.
Ofiice on Bridge street, in the room .'rmerl
eeupied by Exra I). Parrer, Esq. .
auctioneer!" ;
JF. G. LO.NO, residing in Ppruce Hill !
lownabip. offers his services to tbe cui j
tens of Juniata count; as Auctioneer and i
Vendue Crier. (.'barges moderate. Satis- j
faction warranted. jnu29-3m
Offers his serTiecs to the citiiens of Juni
ata count as Anotioaeer and Vendue Crier.
Charges, from two to tea dollars. Satisfae
tioa warranted. nov3, '69
H. H. SNYDER, Perrytville, Pa ,
Tenders his services to the citiians of Juni
ata and a (joining counties, as Auctioneer.
Charges moderate. For satisfaction give the
Dutchman a chance. I. U. address. Port
Koyal, Juniata Co., Ia.
4 Feb 7. 72-ly
mi. p. oTruxdio,
August 18, 1819-lf.
Physician and Saryeon,
s mif'flixtows, pa. i
O&ioe hours & .A M. to 3 P. M. Office in
Belferd's building, two doors above the Stn-
l.nfZ ofiice, Bridjjo stroet. aug!8-tf ;
Hoinsopatlilc Faysiaannnl Surgeon.
Having located in the borough of TUompson
town, offers his professional rcrvii.es to the
citizens of that place aid vicinity.
Ovrirt In the room recently occuf icd Ky
Mr. Sor-. fj une 12. 72-1 f
Having permaaen'lv leeatod in the brrongk
f Mittiatown, offers bis professional services
le tbe citiiens of this place and surrounding
OSce on Main street, over Beidler's Drug
glare, aug 13 l69-tf
Dr. B. A. Simpson
Treats all forms of disease, and may be con
sulted as follows: At bis office i Liverpool
Pa., every SATURDAY and MONDAY ap
pniatments can be nade for other days.
naVCall ea or addrr
dee Liverpool. Terry Co.. Pa.
.VM WATTS most respectfully announ
ce Is the public that he is prepare.! to
at rsdured prices. Uereafter give him a call
at his OLb STAND, MAIN 6:.. MIFFLIN.
Oct 35-tf
BEoif Dxum Store
DR. J.J. APPLEBAl'GH baa established
a Drag aad Prescription Store ia tb
abeve-aamed place, and keeps a general as
sortment of
Also all ether articles usually kept in estab
lisbmeats ef this kind.
Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal par
sees. Cigars, Tobacco, Stationery, Confec
tions (first-class). Notions, ate., ete.
fvyTha Doctor givss advioe free
Ilollob.n n git's Saloon.
Two for 6 cents. Also, the Freshest Lagsr,
tb Largest Oysters, the Sweetest Cider, the
Finest Domestic Wines, and, in short, any
thing you may wish ia the
at tbe most reasonable prices. He has alto
refitted his
ao that it will now compare favorably with
any Hall in the interior of the State.
June I, lS70-ly
Sally to the Place where yon can buy
your Wall Paper Caeap.
'pilK undersigned takct this method of iu
X forming the public that be has just re
ceived at his residence on Third Street, Mif
linlown, a large assortment of
f various styles, which lie offers for sale
CHEATKR than can be purchased elsewhere
in the eouaty. All persons in need of the
above artiole, and wishing to save money, are
invited to oall and examine his stock and
hear his prices be.'ore gfting elsewhere.
Mrl.Lare supply constantly on hand.
COAL, Lumber. Fish, Salt, and all kinds
of Merchandise for sale. Chestnut Oak
Bark, Railroad Ties, all kinds of Grain and
Seeds bought at the highest market prices in
eash or exchanged for merchandise, coal,
lumber, &c, to euit eustomers. I am pre
pared to furnish to builders bills of lumber
just as wanted and on short nctico, of either
oak er yellow pine lumber.
Jan4 Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa.
A Large assortment of Queeasware, Chiaa
ware, Glasswara, Crockery waia. Cedar
ware, Ac, for sale cheap by
PLAIN and fancy Job Printing neatly exs
aataJ at this OSce.
B. F. SCHWEIEB, ai oostiotioi tun oaioa aan tmu aaioaoaaaaT or ran laws. EDITOR ASD PROPRIETOR.
Crystal Palace.
Crystal Palace.
The First,
The Best,
The Cheapest,
The Largest
Stock of Goods
To Offer to the Public
Just Received from Eastern
Seeing Tliew will Gnarantcc Yon
: new Crystal palace BiEDnro,
Oct. 8, 1872.
The Place for Good Grape-vines
T' HE undersigned would respectfully in
form the publis trat he has Urtd a
Grape-vine Nursere about one mile northea'i
of Mifflintown, wuere he his been testing a
large numler of the different varietR't of
Grar.es; and having been in the business for
seven years, he is now prepared to furnish
by tbe single vine, doten, bundrei or thou
sand. Ali persons wishing good and thrifty
vines will do well to eall and see for them
selves. Stsjr Goad and responsible Agents wanted.
Mifflintown, Juniata Co., Pa.
Boot and Shoe Shop.
THE undersigned, fa-Lionabla P.oot
and Shoemakar, hereby respeetful
Iv informs tbe public that he has located
ia the borough of Patterson, where he is pre
pared te accommodate the most fastidious iu
Ijcnts1 Fine and Ooarsc Boots,
Also, mending done in the neatest manner
and npon the shortest notice. A liberal
share of public patronage is respectfully
solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.
ajggr Shop located on the east side of Tus
carora street, one door south of Main street,
nearly opposite Laird & Bell's store.
March 8. 1872
la Kevin's New Building on
THE undersigned, late of the firm of Fa
sick & North, would respectfully an
nounce to the public that be has. opened a
Boot and Shoe Shop in Major Nevin's New
Building, on Bri.lgc street, Mifflibtown, and
is prepared to manufacture, of tho best ma
terial, all kind: of
He alio keeps on hand a large and well
selected stock of
lleady-tuadri Work,
of all kinds, for men, women and children.
Give me a call. Tor I feel confident that I
can furnish you with any kind of work you
may desire.
Uepairing done neatly and at reason
able rates. J. L. NORTH.
Way 81, 1872.
Haw Shop in SEffliatown.
THE subscriber begs leave to inform the
eitizeus of Miffiintown, Patterson and
vicinity that ho has opened a Coot asd Shoe
Shop, for the present, in the room ocenpied
by N. E. Littlefield'a Tin Shop, on Bridge
street, Mifflintown, where he is prepared to
manufacture a'.l kinds of
is tbe most substantial manner, and at the
lowest prices. tf. Repairing promptly at
tended to.
A liberal share of public patronage is soli
cited, aad satisfaction guaranteed.
May 29. 1872-tf
ajyjejtiATA Baafistl $1,89 osr year.
"Lean to Labor and Wait"
Tell me. Toilers, who have amrmnred
As ye labored (Jay by day,
Wishing oft the hours were shorter,
Less of work, and more of. play ;
Have ye, when the day was ended,
Waited on tbe lonely shore
Waited for tbe tardy boatman,
Who must come to lake you o'er f
Tell me, did (he time fly faster,
As you idled there alone ?
"Ah ! 'twas harder work, good master,
Than hewing wood or beaking stone."
Pity me, then, faithful Toiler !
Here I sit beside the river.
Waiting for the boat to come ;
And I find it tries my patience
More than all the toil and strife,
Or the many cares and trials
pf a long and busy life.
So. good Toilers, take ray lesson
Never murmur at your fate ;
Though it may be hard to labor,
It is harder far to wait.
Sitting by tbe lonely river,
In the days when work is done.
You will cry "Oh, hasten, boatman I
Hasten ! Bear me to my home !"
Tobacco-Its Effects "on the Human
Constitution, Physical, Intellectual
and Moral
Tbe effects of tobacco on the personal
appearance are often great and striking.
It is remarked that thnee who are em
ployed in tobacco factories and in tobac
co stores have a jellow, dried up look ;
a look wl.'.ch it not symptomatic of any
known diarapo, but v.-Ltcu is peculiar,
characteristic, and indescribable. They
carry with thorn the appetiracce if pre
mature old ago. Its rfiocts on tbe ners
of tho weed are, to a greater or less' ex
tent, the same. We enn clniost always
detect-iu (he withered, Lleai-fyed c.M
eron, the derolte of the pijio. Thos.i
who wish, therefore, to preserve a fretb,
,-o-y complexion, a youthful appearance,
and their good, looks gener.dly. Lad bet
ter avoid tho aeJuctions of the Indian
j its rrrfcTR ox T!in mtnd asd itrt
I It is an acknowledged principle in
j physiology that whatever enfeebles the
body must, in tbe eod, iu some degree
enfeeble the mind. This is pre-erainetit-1y
true of tobacco. That it causes loss
of memory, ia a fact long known to phy
sicians. Such was the opinion of Dr.
CulI"U, the celebrated physician and
j tredical author of Edinburgh. Such was
j the opinion 'f Dr. Hush, the father of
American Medicine. Oilier men of note
too, besides phyicians have testified to
the same fact. The Able Migne, in a
It ttor of late date to the director of one
of the great seminaries iu I 'aria, con
demning the use of tobacco, makes men
tion of it In this connection, M. Moigi
uo, author of various mathematical trea
tises, gives his own experience, lie was
an inveterate annffer and smoker, from
which he says he experienced a diminish
ed sensibility of the nervous system and
a rapid loss of memory, not otily of
things which occurred some time previ
ously, bat of passing events. Ho had
learned several languages by their roots,
but was often at a loss .for a word.
Alarmed at this condition of things, he
resolved to renounce the use of snuff
and cigars forever.' lie soon after re
covered his memory completely, and
also his nervous sensibility. M. Derillon
found that of the ' pupils attending the
Polytechnic, at Paris, 102 smoked, while
58 did not. Arranging the two categor
ies in the order of merit, according to the
result of the examinations, he found that
tbe non smokers held in every grade the
higher rank, and that smokers deteriora
ted from their entering to their leaving
the school. Facts like these induced
the Minister of Public Instruction, in
1661, to issue to the directors of colleges
and schools throughout tho French Em
pire, a circular, forbidding tobacco to the
No close abserver can have failed to
notice the effects of tobacco in producing
irritability of temper. A religions jour
nal of late date says : "One whom we
bad long known, esteemed, and admired
for his former piety and his bright and
ready conversational powers, is now so
engrossed with his pipe that a simple
question has to be put to him the second
time befpre his attention can be gained ;
and he is no irritable, so short, and so in
different iu hid replies, and eo intent on
his smoking, as to put an end to social
Every one has observed the morose
cess of the habitual smoker, when de
prived for a length of time of his accus
tomed indulgence. How quick to take
offense, hjw short and crabbed, perhaps
sarcastic in his replies- Bat let him for
few minutes get a pipe or a cigar be
tween his teeth, as the smoke earls in
graceful wreaths about bis head, bis face
relaxes into a bread smile, - and he be
if -si "S
comes at qpee as bland and courteous as
a Chesterfield.
Tbe irritability of temper and general
peevishness above noticed may be said
to be one, of tbe earlier stages oC the
tobacco disease. Wit"-some persons it
never goes any farther than this, but
with others it progresses into . moodiness
and melancholy, sometimes into hypo
chondria ; while with not a few it never
stops short of insanity. That tobacco
is one efficient cause of insanity, we have
the testimony of physicians in charge
of lunatic asylums. Dr. Woodward, of
the Massachusetts Insane Hospital, and
others.have testified to this. That such
is the case is perhaps more strikingly
demonstrated in France than in any oth
er country. From 1812 to lS32'the
tobacco tax in France amounted to 28,
000.000 of francs, and the lunatic asy
lums contained 8,000 patients. Twenty,
five years later the revenue from tobacco
had reached 180,000,000 of francs, while
there were 44,000 paralytic and lunatic
patients in the hospitals ; showing thai
the increase of insanity bad kept paco
with the increase of tbe revenue from
tobacco. These statistics were presen
ted to the Academy of Science by M.
Jolly, who in presenting thorn took occa-'
sion to say that, "the immoderate use of
tobacco, and more especially of tho pipe,
produced a weakness in the brain and in
the spinal marrow, which canees mad
ness." Since wo commenced the writing of
this essay we read in the Rochester
(N. Y ) Democrat, copied from the Nash
ville (Tend.) Banner, an accouut of a
young man in Nashville, a tobacco chew
er, who being disappointed in an affair
of the heart, endeavored to find cousoy
tion for his wounded feelings in chewing
an increased amount of tobacco
result was, that in less than a fort-night
he was sent to the insano asylum a rav
ing maniac auolher victim of the tobac
co phign1?. lie cheirrrl "not wisely, hut
too well."
A Lightning Trip. -
From tho Kloiia C'uzcHe, v.-e Iiuia
that there were lively times at the M'
Iotyre mines on Thursday last. A train
of cars, loaded with eoal, were just start
ing for the down trip on the inclined
plane, when o.ie of them broke loose,
and all alone and unchecked commenced
the twenty five hundred feet run. The
velocity it attained was inconceivably
swift, and tho runaway ear must have
looked like a streak of greased lightning
as it flew along the down hill track.
As it reached the bottom of the plane
the safety -ear of the mines just reached
the mouth of the pit. A terrific collision
was the result. The safety car, weighed
?500 pounds, was struck by the coal car
and hurled np into tho air mauy feet and
cntfiuea tiowu tnrongn a iiouse over tne
There was not enough left of either
the coal or safety car to make a decent
sized toothpick. While the car was on
its destructive down trip one of the
wheels flew off, and crushed through a
bottee in its line of travel, going clean
through it like a canuon ball fresh from
a hundred pounder. In this house were
two men, who fortunately were not in
jured, but the scare they sustained wae
about as bad as death.
No one was hurt about tho mines,
which, under the circumstances, is re
markable. What IIobacr Geibley Said. He
said that 100,000 die annually by strong
drink, and that total abstainers are no
more fanatical than a man who put out a
fire that is consuming his own bouse.
He said that every glass of strong
drink taken shortens life that he has
been a total abstainer for forty years ;
and that if he had taken but one glass a
day dnring those forty years, his life
would have been shortened by several
years, and that he would now have been
in his grave. In his childhood he was
sickly ; but at sixty years of age he had
a better hold of life than he had at five.
Ue said that prohibition iu Maine is
not a failure. In passing through it he
did not see strong drinks from one end
to the other. They may doubtless be
found, but public temptation is removed.
. He said if the sale of liquors were
be dismissed, and there would ba les!wanted t0 tLe biS deaIe!r8
crime than now exists in spite of them
The man who returned his neighbor's
borrowed umbrella was seen a day or two
ago, walking in company with a young
lady who passed a looking-glass without
taking a peep. It is believed they are
Waking np in the middle of a cold
night and remembering that the front
door isn't locked, u one of the horrors of
keeping house.
Aotice, which like the snow, softly
falls, dwells the longer npon, and sinks
the deeper into the mind.
Fo what port is a nan bound duriug
eeortahrp 1 ' Bound to Havre.
Consterfsit&s Cage!
From the Philadelphia Tress, Mar. 10.
The following interesting facts con
cerning the arrest of the most notorious
counterfeiters on this continent were col
lected by a reporter for the Press last
eveniag. ' The arrest of tbe offenders
took place on. Friday night, as much to
the surprise of the counterfeiters as the
knowledge thereof will be to the com
mnnity :
In the early part of November last a
telegram was sent by the district attor
ney of Cincinnati to the Solicitor of the
Treasury, Mr. E. U. Banfield, requesting
that an officer be sent at once to that
city for the purpose of ferreting out the
actors in a great counterfeiting scheme.
The matter was referred to Mr. II. U.
Whitley, chief of the Secret Service,
who immediately detailed Mr. Charles E.
Acchisi, one of the most expert detec
tives in the country, to investigate the
affair. This gentleman started for Cin
cinnati, and discovered that one Milos
Ogle, alias Charles Deeriug, alias Charles
Davis, counterfeiter and burglar, one of
the "Orino gang and partner of John
P. Jl'Cartcey, nlso a notorious counter
feiter, together with his brother, Johu
Ogles, aud Johu Morgan, were nt work
cutting a plato for the purpose of en
graving $5 greenbacks. The detective
was there about fifteen days, but iu con
sequence of his presence being required
at the conrts of Iudianapolis, he wa3
compelled to leave without affecting ai y-
Upon his return to Cincinnati it ap
peared that the party that had been there
bad taken flight, probably scenting dan
ger. Subsequently John Ogle was ar
rested at Kansas City, where he imme
diately after jumped his bail. The effi
ccis then lost the ti'ail of tho gang, but
Col. Whitley continued his exertions,
aud warned his deputies to keep a sharp
: lookout. At the same time complaints
: reached him from Indiana, OLio, Penn
sylvania and New iovk, of the passage
of counterfeit greenbacks, and the chief s
assistant, Mr. J. C. Nettleship, detailed
Mr. Auchisi to again investigate the mat
ter, directing him to make his head
quarters in this city and begin operations
His line of conduct while in Philadel
phia can be best understood by his own
explanation, which is here quoted : " I
enme to this city immediately after re
ceiving orders, and soon struck oil, aud
began to plan for the capture. I knew
these people were old offenders, and were
very smart, Some of them bad served
terms in the penitentiary. An entirely
new system, therefore had to be devised
in order to secure the evidence for their
conviction I selected un able assistant
and began. I first went to one of the
Prison Commissioners, on Walnut street,
and asked him for a pass to tho Peniten
tiary for the purpose of seeing a burglar
there. lie demurred at first, but finally
gave me one.
"The man whom I desired to see was
James Foster, who had been 1 sent up'
for four years for burglary. I said to
my assistant, 'You buy some cigars and
go there and tell him that a fellow by
the name of Texas, another burglar, sent
them to him, aud desires to kuow wheth
er he can do anything for him in his
trouble ' Tho point was to get a note
from him tc some one who frequeuted
Charlie Weisncr's place, No. 326 St.
John street, and I knew that Texas
would bo the best man, as he lived near
there. " .
"The prisoner was of course deceived,
and he gave a note' to a man by the
name of Price. My assistant reported to
me, and showed me the note. I then
sent bim to Charley Weisner'e, where he
asked for Price and was immediately in
troduced to him. lie in this way got a
certain footing, and by frequenting that
place and other localities where counter
feiters and thieves thronged, he soon
made their acquaintance, and iu a mea
sure secured their, confidence, because
they began to regard him as a thief.
" I went tar Ladomus and purchased
three finger rings, which I had marked,
and giving them to my assistant, I di
rected Lim to trade them with these peo
ple for counterfeit moner. In this he
was successful, securing a considerable
amount of the trash. My aim was high-
! er than the retail dealers, however ; I
order 10 eC"-'ci lhelr caPtnro 1 uatt to
I had
! mane mem imagine mat my assistant
was a burglar. Frequent visits were
made to Baltimore, during which my
assistant would write letters to the gang,
which were answered.
"I discovered in this way that Mark
Reinhart aliat 'The Milkman,' who runs
a milk route, and resides No. 833 Locust
street, was a heavy operator. He used
to meet tho gang at Tenth and Locust
streets, which was the rendezvous. See
ing that this man's intimate friend was
one Ranee Abrahams, alAt George Ra
lentham, ali James Cole, and that he
had served tight years in the Peniten
tiary, I was convinced that I was right.
I told ay man (o try fiance first. Ranee
jtold him that he hadn't any counterfeit
! money, but that be would introduce him
to a man that would sell him alt that he
"Tbe meeting that followed was watch
ed by me, and thereat the puichaso oi
8500 counterfeit money was effected.
This purchase was effected at the corner
of Tenth and Locust streets on a Thurs
day evening. During this time I dis
covered that John Ogle and John Mor
gan had been in Philadelphia, where
they had sold large amount of counter
feit five dollar notes. I started at once
for Baltimore, where it was suspected
they were. Information was subsequent
ly received, hawever, that they had gone
West. The telegraph was put into re
qnistion and officer Batts iucceeded iu
arresting them whilo iu the car; at Vin
cennes, Indiuua. John Morgan had 47,
000 bad money on bis person ; $1,700
were found in the possession cf Ogle,
likewise bogus.
"These arrests were unfortunately j
published all over the country, and his
brother, Miles Ogle, who was supposed
to be in Baltimore, 'jumped.' Operations
were next principally instituted against
Chaile Veisuer, Uanee, and 'The Milk
man,' wh ielr resulted in tbe decoying of
all iu such a way as to enable me to ar
rest tbeui, aad secure, besides plates of
55 greenbacks, 50 cent stamps, etc. num
erous correspondence, addresses of couu-
tprfitpra anv iilimli-r r.f u l?-pTr.Titpl f
, t i r . i t .i t purposes, the atintin! amount consumed
notes, and a new kind of motal for the i ; . .
. . e - j o . .. in intoxicating dnu.;s, as proved by au
manufacture of o aud 2 cent pieces. . r ,
, , i i .i tucntic returns, is oier Jive himdrtl mil-
An Th:hif"in -via LoM mtfti, ri Ilia '
detective of his v.iluible prizes, uni the
reporter departed.
The fafther hearing in the cnee will
take place to day before Commissioner
Crais; Biddle.
j LoilsviLLt:, Ky., March 10.
The clerks of the Falls City Tobacco
Bank found it impnibla to unlock the
i safe this morning, and supposing the
j lock was out cf order a man was sent
; for to open it.
) The doors were forced about fnr
o'clock this afternoon, when it wi dis
covered that burglars had eutuied the
vault from a room on the second story,
by. cutting a hole in the floor and passing
throngli the arch otef tbe vault, cutting
away the inch chilled iron castings, and
with drills and powder bursting open the
door of the safe.
Tbe safe was the cashier's, and only
special deposits and collaterals were in
it. The collaterals and deposits mainly
consisted of local bonds, which were left
behiud, but the following special depos
its were missing : One bag containing
$2,000 in gold ; ten 10-40 government
bonds of $1,000 each ; two 5:20 govern
ment bonds of $-300 each.
The teller's safn, which was beside the
cashier's and which contained the bank's
fund, was undisturbed. The bank loses
It is supposed the burglars accomplish
ed their work yesterday and last night,
as the room over the vault gives evidence
of quick and good work.
Wilkes Booth, when be saw hia vic
tim ia the box at the theatre, bis better
feelings overcame him, and trembling at
the thought of becoming an assassin, he
rushed into the nearest restaurant, cry
ing ont " Brandy ! brandy ! brandy !"
Then swallowing the hellish draught, it
instantly poisoned his blood, fired his
brain, transformed him into a raging
fiend, and in this .remorseless condition
he shot down our noble-hearted Presi
dent Lincoln. Then, what killed the
President of the United States 1 I an
swer, "Brandy ! brandy ! brandy !'
As Irishman being annoyed by a
howling dog in the night, jumped out of
bed to dislodge the offender. It was in
the month of January, and the snow was
three feet deep. He not returning, his
wife ran out to Bee what was the matter.
There she found her husband in Iim night
suit, his teeth chattering, and his whole
body almost paralyzed with cold, holding
the struggling dog by the tail.
"Houly mother, Pat," said she, "an'
what would ye be afther doing ?"
"llusn ! sua tie, "uon t ye see : i m
trying to freeze the bcai"t I
Nr.vp.lt do anything that can denote
an angry mind ; for although everybody
is oorn wiiu a certain degree or papsinn, j
1 " 1
and from ontward Circumstances will
sometimes feel its operation, and be what
they call "out of humor," yet a sensible
man will never allow it to be discovered.
Check and restrain'it ; never make any
determination until you find it has sub
sided, and always avoid saying anything
that you may wish unsaid.
It is well to ask God to give us a de
sire to bave our spiritual nature cultiva
ted that is, to have precinns plants of a
heavenly quality growing in our hearts.
Thb flower of Christian graces gsows
only under the shade of the cross, and
the root of them all is humility.
A criminal court Sparking another
man s wife.
All advertising tof leas thaa threw oajtksf'
for one square ef niaw' lines er leas, will be
charged one inserttoa, 78 Cents, tbsee 91.60, ,
and 60 cents for each esb'sTignent instrticti-
Admin!atrator's. Executor s and Auditor
Notices, $2,00. Professional atari Business
Cards, not exceeding one square, and indir
ding eopy of paper, $8,00peryear. Horieea'
ia reading columns, ten cents per line. Slav
otmats advertising by the year at special rate.
3 "-oi- 6 noarA. I jrsa.
One square $ 3.50 $ 5.00 9 8.CO
Two squares. 5,00 8.00 11.00
Three sqUre...i 6.00 r,00 15,00
One-fourth coi'n. 10.00 17,00 5,00
Half column 19.CO 2S.Q9 46.00
One column ...... 30.00 45.07 t0O
CrierZS of Juniata- County.; -
Next Friday. March 21st, i the day
on which you "will be called upon to rota
ou the question of Incnse, er flJ licease.
Te sure to t
Vote against the etieery of your hoOTS
hoM. Vote to free cur beloved State from tbs
legalized rum traffic
Vote to save the thousands of our
fellow-citizens who annually sink into
Drunkards' graves.
Vote to free yourselves from tho mil
lions of dollars annually paid for th
pauperism alid crime caused by the Li
cence Traffic in Bum.
Vote to ave you wives, sons and
daughters from becoming victims to tb
terrible traffic in strong dunk.-
Vote to save yourselves.
What is Tour Duty-?
It is proved by tbe official st;tic,
published ly authority at the seat of na
tional governmeut, that over tix hundrtd
M'llicits of dullurt are expended every
year in the United States for distillei
alcoholic liquors.
Deducting the proportions- used for
mechanical, ecientitical and mediciual
Hunt of doll-trt. Add to this sum the
money spent for wines aud nia't liquors,
and add to this tbe sum employed in the
various purposes of the drink traffic, and
the gross amount is shown to be cm
thovfin I mHdo of do'lart a year.
The resr.lr of this traffic is proved to
be :
I. The annual sacrifice of over reven-
j ty thousand human l:ves ei'.iiens of tk
Unite States
t. A tjt of six'y million of dullars
every year to pay tho taxea caused by
the crime, aad pauperism ilireclly result
ing from tin- trmne.
Now, what is tie duty of the sober
people of America? Tin ia a question
worthy the attention of the ablest miuds
in our nation. That ra are fast drilling
to rum the future vitality of ta coun
try the young are sowing the seeds of
disease and death in their system by
the continual and increasing use of poi
sonous stimulants, is patent to all
Onr law makers are dnmb to the Cries,
groans, sighs tears, remonstrances anil
petitions that fiil the air and crowd our
legislative halls, la aome parte of this
State monster mass meetings are being
held and the beet men are openly and
publicly denouutitig tbe action of thosi
entrusted to faske law for the gnveru
tnent of a christian, moral aud virtue lov
pcop'e. A moderu reign of torror is
about to be iuangrrrsted by the all pow
erful "whisky ring.' The duty cf ths
people now is to demand the downfall of
the driuk, demon, the ntter annihilation
of tbe accursed traffic. Lit tuere be no
compromise. If our legislature wiM not
give us a good law, one that will permit
tbe people, (who are ouly too anxious)
to drive this accursed traffic from our
midet Thm we say, it w clearly tbe
duty o f the people to at ouce see that a
(aw is placed upon our statute books
that will piotect the bcit interest of our
State and nation.
Will a Toxperanca Hosse Fiji
We find some who, being at a losa for
some excuse to vote for the sale of rum.
make the weak excuse that we will have
no public bonnes, for the reasnu that it
wilt not pay to keep a temperance bouse.
Should sucb p-rsons go to Philadelphia,
and stop at the Uolton House or ilia
"White Swati.'' or go to .Media, in Dela
ware county, lu which no license baa
been granted to a public house for the
sale of rum, and they will fiud the ac
commodations of the best, and chargi
reasonable, and the keepers of anctf
bouses say it docs pty. tt to Vino
laud, New J.-rfer, a p!ace of IfT,00 in
habitants and you find no licensed bona
for the salo of any intoxicating drinks,
yet the plas of entertainment are eqnal
to any. They have no police, paupers,
or drunkards It prtyi the citizen by
having no tMes to py to support pau
pers or criminal prosccurfttai j and they
i aro free from the misery entailed upon
the community i-y the sale of rum.
Hon. J. S. Mann, of Potter county,
whero-thcy have had no license granted
I for twenty -one years, says i Decidedly
I. - .
the best liot-i evf r mi"tii4 in
the Lest iiot-H evf r mtiiea in to
were refused, and there are now iu Cou
dersport (the ouuty s!at) a.- good hotel
accommodations as aro to be found in
northern Pennsylvania. The experience
of the county i3 conclusive that there is
no shadow o! ground for fe bring auy lack
of good hotels should license to sell
liqnnrs be withheld "
Who can say that whitky Is needful
for entertainment for man or beast ; tho
beasts will not drink it, and we often e
the eustoiner of the Landlord entertained
in the fence corner, or in the stable, along
with the beasts. .
We believe rom- selling to bo wrong,
and claim it to be the duty of every
good citizen, ''in all suitable ways," to
strive to banish it from our midst, be
lieving we will in no wise suffer, but will
be rewarded by the blessings nf Heare-n
for thus acting.