- Is r. r : -, i ' ! i -. , ! 'i i i . i . t 'i t tent FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. Savs Your Manure. A correspondent of the Ciucinuat Times and Chronicle write : "I rnn n old man. Was born in a laud wbere schools were few and far between, bo 1 was not brought up at the feet of Gama liel, neither have I read Greeley's books J on Agriculture. bat I Lave learned 1 have studied from the field of Nature. Voimw men. T write to vou. 1 ake it for what it id worth. "First, all lands produce ilteirown ma nnres if farmed right The best of land can be made bad by bad firming, and any land cau be improved every year. The soil is made of decayed matter, and this it is necessary to renew. Some men object to. stable manure because it brings weed.. I don't care if they are np to your horse's back ; tarn them under with a heavy plow, and a good Crop of grain may be looked for, as the laud will be improved, l'ou may turn under some decayed matter. Turn it deep the deeper the better. The drouth will not hurt your crops, for the ground will hold moisture. My father made us wait a mouth for dry weather in the spring to burn off the ground for the plow, but the fact was the. ground itself was burned Never burn, anything you cau plow un der. Rad use is made of a fire vm a farm. Don't burn a grub, fodder, straw, weeds, nor any vegetable matter. Haul it all to some place on your farm Let it rot there, and in a few years it will be as good land as you have got. My farm has been fiirmed for forty or fifty years, and it is as good to-day as when first set I tied. If I was to live a thousand years my farm would improve, and I never need to buy one pound of manure." m Excellent Whitewash. Tbe following is eaid to be the very best of the numerous rec:pe8 for white washing : White clialk is tbe best sub stitute tor lime as a"wasti. A very Hue and brilliant whitewash preparation of chalk is called the "Paris white." This we buy at the paint store for three cents a pound, retail. For each sixteen pounds of Paris White we procure half a pound of the white transparent glue, costing twenty-five cents (fifty cents a pound ) The eixtecn pounds of Paris White is about as much as a person will use iu a day. It is prepared as follows. The glue is covered with cold water at night, and in the rooming is carefully heated, without scorching, until dissolved. The Paris White is stirred in with hot water to give it the proper milky consistency fur applying to walls, and the dissolved glue is then added and thoroughly mixed. It is then applied with a brush like the common lime whitewash. Fxcept on very dark and emoky walls, a single coat is eutficieut. It is nearly equal iu bril liaucy to ''zinc white" a far moie expen give article. Care of Lambs. Sheep are the only farm stock that Lave retained or advanced their actual value iu the market daring the past year , tt 13 therefore for the farmer e interest that he carefully watch his ewes and lambs at this season. Ewes need better care than wethers, and should be remov ed to pens where they can bu looked af tcr daily. As they near the time of lambing they should be again removed to a warm, dry pen and watched closely, If the lamb becmes weakly, it should have a mouthful or so of warm milk un til it is active enough to suck. If it should become chilled, let it be removed at once, and warmed and fed until restor ed. But there will be few weik lambs if the ewes are fed previously with good clover hay, a few roots, and a handful of oata daily. No hogs should be permit ted near a pen of Jambs ; and tbe tamer and more gentle the ehecp have been made, the leas danger there will be of the ewes resenting any interference either with herself or her lamb, and disowning it iu consequeuse. American Agricul tural. To Fasten a Eorso. When there is no hitching post handy, a horse may be safely tied in the follow ing' manner, namely : Take tbe reins and pass them round underneath tbe hub ouieiae oi me wueci, ana erivo them a hitch on to one of the spokes. If the horse etarU the reins are drawn up, in stantly checking him, and as soon as he commences to back they are instantly loosened. If addition to this when a pair of horses, one of the traces are loosened and the team will seldom move far enough forward to start the wagon without being cheched by tbe bits. No team, however, should bo left without tying, if it can possibly be avoided. Wester Rural. VH 1KEAKINQ JtlftVlDg OCCaBSlOD T recently to move a colt one hundred miles, I found he would not follow or lead. Said a boy, "Turn him out with his hal ter on, dragging, and he will break him self to lead." Stopping on the Sabbath, I left liia halter on with the end trailing. TT' '1 1 a . . lie was terrible ppunky aud 1 eaid to mm: - ioa may get maa ai mat rope, and ecolJ and shake your head at it as long aa yon can-" He found that it was so, aud on Monday walked close to the leader. To Remove Warts. Make a strong sterp from red oak bark in hot water; when cold, apply as convenient the oftener the bettef . In a few days the wart will disappear. . ooi m Spotted fever is prevailing to some ex- in uiimon county, i wo persons have died from the disease at Sugar Val ley, and a cumber of others are afflicted. SPECIE PRICES! EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION IN PRICE OF GOODS, AT THE r LAIRD X BELL'S NEW. STORE, - i'allerson, Juniala Co.. Pa. The undersigned beg leave to state, tliat they have purchased from J. B. M. Todd, his entire stock of goods, nnd will in the future conduct the merchantile business at the Old 8tand. in the borough of Patterson, Juniata county, Pa., where they shall endeavor keep constantly on nana a tun anu compivic assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, CONSIST ING OF ALPACAS, POPLINS, PLAIDS, LUSTERS. . De LAINS, .MERINOS. MOHAIRS GINGHAMS. CAMBRICS. LAWNS, &C. FANCY GOODS, MOTIONS, JEWELRY, HATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEKNSW.ritE, CEDAR WARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, FISH, SALT, COFFEE, TEAS, SIRUPS, SUGAR, liming just returned from tbe city with tbe above enumerated stock of goods, nil of which have been purchased since the (treat decline in Gold, we feel warranted iu snying that we can offer Goods af greatlv reduced fig ures for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. mir23-tf LAIRD & BELL. THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS IS AT PENxN ELL'S CHEAP STOKE IN PATTERSON, PA rplIE lirgest an L found in Put t and best assortment to be ersou. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received from the public, I would respectfully announce that I have just opened a very large stock of Goods well suited to the trade. My stock consists of a full assortment of Sue and staple DRY GOODS, Embracing all the maferials for men, women and children's waie, including Hatsaud Cap3. Roots and elioes, together with a large stock of Muslins, Sheetings Drillings, Tickings, Oil Cloths, Minings., ic. LADIES' DRESS GOODS,- Such as French and English Merinces, Top. lins. Alpacas, De Laines, plain and figured Shawls, &c..and also a large stock of Notions, such as Gloves. Mitts, Hosiery, Embroidered Collars and Cuffs, nnd a general assortment of Dress Trimmings. GROCERIES, Such as Sugars, Syrups, Coffees, Teas and Spices. Also, a large lot of Quecnsware. Hardware, Wood and Willow Ware. Fish Salt and Nails. Together with a full assort ment of Uoous usually kept in a country store P5 Highest price paid for country pro duce in exchange for goods. Prices to suit the times May I, 1872 Soots antl t$uof$. Boot and Shoe Shop. THE undersigned, faehioiiablo Boot Efi on. I .t-o. I.-..)- ....... C.1 !? ..... ...v. ., ivijni.ur 13 ly informs tbe public that he has located W. in the borough of Patterson, where he is pre pared to accommodate the most fastidious in LADIES' WEAR, Gents' Fine and Coarse Boots, Ui'og-jniss, CHILDRLWS WEAR, d C, AC. Also, mending done in tbe neatest manner and upon the shortest notice. A liberal share of public patronage is respectfully soiiciiea. satisiaction guaranteed. JEy Shop located on the east side of Tus carora street, one door south of Main street, nearly opposite Laird & Bell's store. J. W. DEAN. March 8. 1872 NEW BOOT & SHOE SHOE In Kevin's New Building on BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLINTOWN. THE undersigned, late of the firm of Fa sick & North, would respectfully an nounce to the public that he has opened a Boot and Shoe Shop in Major Kevin's New Building, on Bridge street. Miffliulown. and is prepared to manufacture, of tho best ma terial, all kinds of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, FOB I GENTS', LADIES AND CHILDREN lie alio keens on hand a larire and welt selected stock of Rcndymado Work, of all kinds, for men, women and children. AH WORK WABEANTCI). Give me a call, for I feel confident that I can furnish you with any kind of work vou may uesire. Repairing done neatly and at reason able rates. J. L. NORTH. May 31, 1872. BOOTS AND SHOES. New Shop in Mifflintown. I ' " subscriber begs leave to inform the X citizens of MitBintown, Patterson and vicinity that he has opened a Boot and Shoe Buop, for the present, in the room ocennied by N. E. Littie&eld's Tin Shop, on Bridge street, Mifflintown, where he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of LADIES', G21TTLEMEN'S and CmiJJBEFS WEAE, in the most substantial manner, and at the lowest prices. J Repairing promptly at tended to. TKRMS CASH. A liberal share of public Datrnnaira is soli cited, ani satisfaction guaranteed. A. B. FASinir. May 29. 1872-tf FOR SALE Three set of Cook Stove Pat terns, No. 7, 8. and 9. Flasks and Follow Boards, all complete, by SILAS S II AMP, Oct 6-3m Mifflintown. .Groceries at Tilten & Espenscbade's. CLOTHING ! Choicest Styles of the Season, j SAMUEL STRAYER, Patterson, Juniata Co., Pa. CLOTHING of all kinds I will cell my entire stock at Greatly Reduced Prices, Until APRIL, 1872. OVERCOATS, ruas, HEAVY BOOTS, Ladies' Shoes & Gaiters, Under-Clothing, &c, AT COST. Snlts ani Parts of Suits, jiats ax liars, And Furnishing Goods '20 or 25 per cent, cheaper than can be purchased else FOR MEN AND LOl'S. CARPETS, , stair and Floor Oil Cloth, FORNITOEE, WATCH E3 Sewelry. Hats anil Cass, FURS, BOOTS & SHOES, where. Having a good stock, well seleotod, I hope to please all. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, XOTIOMS, &C. Call and vinced. see to be con- Jcy Measures taken and Suits and parts of Suits made to order, reasonable. SAMUEL STRAYER, Jan. 24, 1S72 ' I'ntterson, Pa. S. B. LOUDON, 3IERCII.A.ISTT TAILOK, " XEVLVS BCILD1XG OX Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Pa., Desires to inform bis friends and tbe public that he has just received a fine and fashion able stock of SPRING GOODS, consisting or CLOTHS riain Black, Blue and Brown. -CltF.r Dahlia, Brown and Blue. Tit WOT Biaek, Blue and Brown. DIAGOXALSVhie and Black. CHEVIOTS Ml Shades. SCOTCH r.'OO US-AM Stvles. HI. A CK DOF.SKIXS.k Snoerirr quality '.I ITS AX It VEST 1'A TTZRXS Fine. SUMMER GOODS General Assortment. I will sell any of the above goods by the yard or pattern. I also keep on hind a full line of BVT-TEltlCK-S PATTERS S, consisting of Men, Boys, and Children"; Shirts. Coats, Pants and Vests. JS5 I will manufacture to order all kinds of rrsToM wobk. FRICES Reasonable, to suit the times. Milnintowu, An.i! 10, 1872. Oil, Paint & Varnish, WHITE LEAD, RED LEAD, COLORED FAINTS IN OIL BURNT UMBER, RAW UMBER, CHROME GREEN, PARIS GREEN, CH203IS YELLOW, ISO? BLACE, Prussian Blue, Lamp Black, Paint Brushes, Varnish Brushes, WHITEWASH BRUSHES, SASH BRUSHES Whiting and Rosin by the Barrel, Soaps, Japan Dryer, White Varnish Concentrated Lye, Babbitt's Potash, The ahove goods, with large variety of DRUGS nnd PATENT MEDICINES, always on hand at the PATTERSON DRUG STORE. tSf Glass cut to any iize desired. Dr T. C. RUNDiO. July 12, 1871-tf A. II. FRAXCISCUS & CO., Gin Market Hti-oet, PHILADELrillA. We hTe opned for the FALL TRADE, the largest and best assorted Stock of PHILADELPHIA CA2PETS, Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Win dow Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain. Cotton, Yarn, Hatting, Wadding, Twine, Wicks, Clocks, Looking tJInssen, r ancy Baskets, It rooms Uaskets, Buckets, lirnshes. Clothes W ringers, Wooden and Willow Ware, IS TBS UNITED STATES. Our large increase in business enables us to sell at low prices and furnish tbe best quality of Goods. SOLE AfiEXTS FOB TUE CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER, THE MOST PERFECT AND SUCCESSFUL WASHER EVER MADE. AGEXTS WAXTED FOR THE A ME III- CAX WASHER in all parti of the State. sepl-3mot ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE! To all Men Whom it may Concern. If you have anything to sell, If you have lost anything, If you have found anything, If you have a house to rent, If you want to rent a house, If you want boarding, If you want employment, If you want hired help, If you want anything, TELL THE PEOPLE OF IT BT ADVERTISING IN THE JUNIATA SENTINEL. FORCE PUMP. TIIE undersigned is agent for one of the best Force rumps, for any depth of cis tern or well, in the world. By attaching bose to tbe spout, water can be thrown 30 to 80 feet. Nothing better could be asked in case of fire. It is a non-freezing pump. SAMUEL LEONARD, Oakland Mills, Juniata Co., Pa. LL KINDS OF BLANK WORK, Ac, done at this Office ia tbe neatest manner and at low prices. R R R RADVAY'S READY RELIEF L'tBES THE WOUST PAIS: In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading tW i;v riirnci.t need any one tTFFER WITH PAIN. BADWAT8 KfiADY RELIEF IU A CCKE FOB It was thR first and is Tlie Only ialn Remedy tKit luaiantlv stops tbe tuotH excruciatirtf fain, aTlars Jndiunmattons, and cure ConceatHWut, whether of tho Lunjr, Stomach, Bowela, or ether glands or organs, by one applicatWn, lx KKOM OTHC TO TWENTY MTXTTES, tin natter how Ttolent or excruciating the puin tlie JtHEl'ilATIO, Bel r'uldeD. Iitflroi, Crippled, Kervoiu, Kt-unilic or prostrated with duease may suttr, RAOWAY'S READY RELIEF & WILL AFFORD INSTANT EAtB. 1XFLAMJ1ATIO.N OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION- OF THE BLADDER. ISFLAJIitATlON OF THB BOWKLS. roNT.F.STION' OF THE T.rXGS. 60RE THROAT, WKFH I LT BRBATHINO. rAMMTATloX OF THE BGART. HYSTERICS, CKUU DIPHTHERIA. CATARRH, 1XFLCEXZA. HEADACnE, TOOTHACHE. KF.rRAI.OIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CniLLS. AOCB CHILLS. The amiiic-ttion of the Ready Belief to the part or finrta where Uto pala or difficulty eiu will afford cam .ml comfort. Twenty drop In hatf a tnmMer of waW will In a ffew r.orocm mre CRAMPS, M'ASMS. SOUR STOMACH, HEARTIiCRX, SICK HEADACHE. DtARKHJSA, IJYSE.VI'EUY, COLIC. WIND LX TUB ROWELS, Mill all INTERNAL PAINS. Travel,- Kliouid always carry a bottle of Radrtrav4 Rrady Kellrf with them. A f,-w drvps in water wiil ireveut sicknea or pains from change of water. It U e'.tur Uiau French linuuly or Bitten aaa fttlmuiaLt. FKVER AND ACIE. FEVER AND AUUE cured for rlfty cn,ii. There h Bot a rcmcilml awit in this world that will cure Fever a-id A'ie. aud all othor Malarious, Unions, Scarlet, Tv. l.hMiil, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by RAI'WAI'3 1'tLLSt so quick as ItADU'AY'S HEADY RLUtf. fifty cv&ts ivr botlld. Scki by Druggista. HEALTH HBEAUTY ! ! BTTtOXc, AND PCnE KICII HI.OOD INCREASE Of FLESH AND WKIOHT-CI EAR SKIN ANI) LEACTlrTL cuMiLtXlON bi.1 L liELl TO ALL. DRa RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MA!E THB 1IST ASToXlsfX rrRES : b (ilU K. JO l:.PII AKK THE CI!AN(;f.:i THE ltJ)lTf 1'MiKKiiuFS. fM'KI! THE IX JLUENt'E OY TUIS TUL'LY WOMJEKflL MEDIt IXE, THAT Every Day tin Incrceso In tlcth nnd Weight .3 Seen and Fcl:. THE GREAT BLOOD FUR$FS:R. Ercry drop of the ftAKSAIAKI.LIAX KKSor.V EXT tTomnmnlcatt' tltn.iia.lt ln) I'-lfitnJ, Swpst. Crins, en J rjth?r (1nit) hii1 juices of t lie evvOtit the Tior m 1 fi-r tt rppjfcirs liie vrulm r the body with new a. -1 u..J t ftciiI. Wr-'fuia, SrpSiiite, 'ti'nii.nrti"?i. diantlnhr diiea?", Ulcem in tiw Ti.roat, Mnntli, 1 mnArs, X-hV u t-e iilsiids mul ether i :trt t.f the nyslrni, IS -re fr Ftttintuus Ilc!iari;i 9 fnun tl.e Kar. nnd ti:e wt-rrt fonns of Skin (iiseasr-i, Kiuptionn, Kvr S-rr Jy-attl Iletil, s V..nt., Silt ni'um, rrvfircla, Ac(,c, If.act fr;tin. Worms in the ricJi. Tunior, i'Anrers in tl.e V,'o:uti, and all wpalifT.in.i au.I (..-.infill tiiscl ai'-s, X'jdi F'al, of Stifrnt. and nil watffHof the life princi ple, 1. re within the rtirative nuft of thli wour!tr or Mtnl era 'heiu:Mrr, atiti a f.-w itav nnm will prove to nnr per.n iisintt It for either -f ihe fu:cs uf disease iti pfwrut pwrrt'i cure tht-m. If the patL'tit. daily U-comlnjr rei!:scil bT the wittra ac'l dceonipo.iion that is vominuaUy j.rf';ref:iir, s;:r feili in arrest it.; Hum wanki, ami rvi-Air. tl.e cn e wuli Utw yi.iterHI mai!p fiom hraltiiy blootl atiil tLI ta hA RSA PAKILLI AX will ami tU n wtir-. X':t onlr 1oe tlie iARAAAtLi.ia! H nor.nwT etrrl n!l known renit-dial arntft In Hit cure of rbrnnic. IVrof ( oti:titt!o uil, aj;dSiia Uiaft, but It Is tothI p--a..lTe i.urc fur T'riDirT, ai.l Wonib ,lio--s, OniTI. IitKt-, Ini'iv, Ptor.paif Wl.-r. Iitcotttiitrm-e of I'riiiv. Uriyi fa j.tij ta. Alli;ri:tt'.iria, and in ail t:vn-vn v- .n-re tntre me ti n . (int lrtK-!:ti, or tlif wi.icr in tnkk, ch-ndr. n.'xmi with nlHtarir0 like wlitt- uf an cj;r, or tlTi'a ls whi; 1 ilk. r therj in murhiJ, .l.irk. tuliotia a;ipcaninc, aud fhite troite-.I'iit ltp.it, nnd whfn thsrp w a pn-ki'ie, lmrni:i 8t-n:itjoti wltrn waTt-r, and ain Iu Uie Bm!l of :h !l l 't ami ilu:;; tlia Lu::is. I'ricc, C1.00. VVORMS,-The c:W tnor-n a::d sure Ilemed fir It- v-i;. .ji, tie. Turner of 12 Years' GrcTvlti Cured hy Ka;lay?s KrclTC MS. T. Rittwir : -TliaYtia Ovarian Tumor hi ovarie r4 Vfwli. All tbe D n laid "tlirrt rrxs no h-l;i l-r iu" I tmd mrtry lhlu tii. it wai i-MnriHimrl : Lt-I Kth:R7 b-lfrd ir.. Mw -oar UjTnt, a4 t'imtjit I waM irr It ; bnt had an faiti ta it, ltcaiu I Uni mnrTVr! f-r twtlv yran. I to -k 11 U.ltlcl ef lb Knolvut, nnt br-f of Rjilay' Ii!k.anl two ly t of r-!tr Kaa-ly i:.!..-f : anil llicrc it th-t it of Minor to L Mr?n or frit. I I rr I ti:t innrtrr. l ir lrn I h frr twrl- vwr. 1 H w .c-t ti;nfT ras in 1h kit M tif thm Iv-ii, o-t (' f .it, t wri: lf-i t j.a far tL U-cckl ol clkcrt. 1 oj cj i It if ?u cLuf. KaNXAI! P. KNAP?. BP. SAD WAY'S ftT.!"r-r."f" nnr!r prrf-ctly tatlr, e'f r.ntlr en&tetl with svroft rnn. I"irr. rfTulit, i-iirirv, :.-aue. an' atrcr.;ilnn. Itil wsv'i for ti i nrc f all dii.rilr-n i-f the M- int ii, I.lvf r. I '(-, K it v, 1'.' n'.ir, Nrvoii J;;sfi Mmi1arlK. irriti.. . "l; rf .-a. Irnliet:oii, cii. It tin.i!'-M. r.l!l"i: Fttrr, uf ctii.ist;"" nf tli- iUiW-i.-. I'i,ii;'l:'.!t I t:ti kiI! ttiln flii- ii.tr: v. Vis fri. Wir.TrtTl to fif-vt a "Mti rn". I""r,i'r pji-ii-Wf ,'''":tniiti m mirmrr, n-iii!,T uck'er -'i; i't iri. I" r-frve f ll'jvtitijt (tvittj t'jjas rcaii.tit.j froia lly T'r:of IN liiHvo Ot.tri: r..-itt:fit.a; Ft-llcwf f TW-i r tV? TTf, ,r " I IT "f -hi- -tna-h, Na.ue. I . -Til irr:. I.;i-t of KwJ, Falitrrs. or Tt'.A In tS f-lttKi!i. Pjnr t'nict;.ni. 'inicr r I loiter irr at '' tt' t'Ht.tfh. Sin-.rt ii-c -l th Hw irJ. II irr'- i s id -i I: fV-atKiitr. M-iiurinx' t'. f 'r-rt. ii i r S (!"": in" Srtail'oyi In I ifij I'oc'ur. I v.ii-.a. Hob rb i, tor, s -i,t, r . v- Ui 4 v.t i ,n m li- H-d. ri;t.r- f Pr. .trrt nn, V-l!o y i f -Vi t :A ri-. n tl ? , Ut-t, Ua.Ll. .iti i..t- I U-.Uc lis r.jr-:i:. '-J Vivh. A IV-. f? t.-..f RAV'VAV, m.I.S w fr.-f r-a-j ttn frwuT'l lh- -l r.' ri -' rr. p4 ;t c, r ct.iti c.v : r.v i!;; ;t;TSTs. i:-;.m f-AV: m i uryr Sc- i rr- Mr- ftaaij to , .i tVA T 4 n).. .J:Ma't!-i lanf. l or. 'tf n-.i' r; WL.it-1 tit.jUiJU.is w" i ki i-i.t wiai. New Store and New Goods. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &C. Hah Zirszt, Iifflintown. HAVIXCJ opened out a GROCERY AND PROVISION' STOKE in tbe old stand on Mam street, Mitntntown, 1 would respect fully ask the nttention of the public to tue following articles, which I will ksep on hand at all tiLies : SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, RICE, FISH, HA. 11, l", DRIED AND CANNED FRUIT. HAM, SHOULDER, DRItO BEEF, Confectioneries, Nuts, &c, Tobaeeo, Oiyiii-, GLASSWARE, Iloni, IT'oecl, Sec All of which will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. Git me a call and hear my prices. J. W. KIRK. Mifflintown. May 2, 1872. J O It W ORK THE READERS OF THIS PAPER SHOULD NOT FAIL TO CALL AT THE SENTINEL OFFICE WHEN THEY HAVE JOB WORK TO DO. WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS FOR SALE BILLS, BLANKS, &c , &c, AT SHORT SOTICE, AND AT J1UCII LOWER TERMS THAN EVER HERETOFORE OFFERED TO THB CITIZENS OF JUNIATA C O UiVT Y. rPIIE undersigned hereby respectfully in JL forms the citizens of Mifflintown and Patterson that his wncon will visiC each of these towns on TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY mornings of each week, when they can be supplied with Clioice I-Joefi Veal, Mutton, during the summer season, and also PORK, and SAUSAGE in season. I purpose fur nishing Beef every Tuesday and Saturday morning, and Yenl and Mutton every Thurs day morning. Give ma your patronage, and will guarantee to sell at good meat as the country can produce, tnd as cheap as any other butcher in tht c. ..ntv: SOLOMON SIEBER.- LARGE stock of Ready-made Clothing for eIe by JIARLEY & CO. size J OF PELLETS, ! OOO : OOO , Or Sugar-coated, Concent rat cl Uoet I and Herbal JTalcc, Aiitl-ni!!on j Grannies. THE "LITTLE GIAXT" I CATHARTIC- or TXnltom In Par to ! Physic. J The novelty of modern Meuiral, Chrnnical and Phsr I maeoiUical Science. No t!teof ftDjr longer tukinr- liir Jarir?, ri'pul?ive and naueoiT pill., cin;ioct of j c heap, crude, ard hnlky ingredient?, when w e can by I a careful application ofcliemical evieiicc, ei.ract all i thecattiartic and other medicinal proer(iet from tUo not valuable no;e and herbs, and coiict ntnM them ! Into a niimiio Gmnule, ncarrely larger Itinn a j innntard ocd, tluit cau be readily twallowrd by j Hiitnn of ttu niot f-nsitive Momnch and laitioiou t.n Lei. Earh little Purffatiiro Frlltr- prr-t-nt-, ; iu a most cHiri:itnUKl fona,as much cathartic powr i as Uembodied tnaorof the lare pills found for rale i iu the dm f-hoo. From their wonderful cathartic power, in proportion to their eize, people who have KJt tried tiiem re apt to wippoc that they a:e harh or drastic 111 eucci, iuu tucti is imi at an n:e cae, nc clilTereut active medicinal principles of which they are i conioefl bein eo harmonized and miK!;ljd. one by the others & to priHlnre a most Kcareliiiiz and 1 thoronsli. yet gcutljr aud kludly opera 1 ling caiUiirtic. j $oOO Reward is hereby oflVrrd by t!ie proprie- I tor of th-ic Pellet, to any chrmit nho. iitm an alysis, will find in them any I'aluuirl or utlier f:nn I if mercury or any other mineral poison. i Oelnff entirely veffetable, no parti sLr ! care i reqnired while ninf thein. They oierita 1 without iliiurbflnre to the constitution, diet, or oc cupation. For J a ti 11 Jie. Ileadaclie. Con Mtipation, Imimro ttIoI rui'i in the ' Shoulder, l itfbtiirsoJ 1sCIbc8T. j zliiriv, Sour Eruetatiotts of lb.'. stoir. aeh, Bad taie iu i;oiifli. Hilloua attaekw, Pain In region of Kidnejo, internal Fever, fS'o;seed feelin; about Sto.naeliy Ituvliof ISlowd to iauI.Aln C olored t rluc, 1'iiHoelabiUiy and bloomy Forebodfnicis take Ir. PlrrerVi Plennaiit Pnreativo Pellcf. In cxpbtia- , lion of the retnedi il power of my Funratlve i ellers ! over fo preit a variety of diea!c-, 1 w h to i-ay tliat i flieSr aeti'Mi upon tiio animal ecouo- i myh 11 nl veraui, not a f lnitd or iiHu cscjphi their nanatlo inaprefiH. A ;e does not itn'uir t!ie:n; tlieir mar-rt-atu: a;.d beiii enclosed melius iKitrles preserve tl e:ratue5 cniia- I paired for any lenlh tif time. i'i aiiy cliniiite. bo tl.ut taeyare nlwavi fresh arid rc"3lc.w!iich ir not tlie cad with the pilla f. Mint I tm tlie i?ruir Ptire. put np in cnenp wihh! or pasw-noani r.-zzc. uoiiet t i.tat :ir iliM-afeM where a Ln xaii 9 A Itorall vo or Purgative Is intii.-.ted. these Ititle PetKts wiii five the iutt perfect satiftacti'm toail who ue them. They arc r.o?d by sIl eiitcrpri.ii 115 Irttfzig;litr at 5 coin a botllr 3r cot a'tow any drnirit to induce ou to take n:ivthi!tr eloc that 1 e n:ay sy in j:it aj mh ni ir.y I tile r decaur-e lie n:2ti" a iaivr pr.mt on t:at wnu n lie recomineiid1. If yo::r drutrit ca::i:;t mppiy thrm. encloee 5 cents and reive lUcui by ruttan xuail fruui jt. r. riEitci:, sr. i., jvopv,- BUFFALO. N. Y Manhood: How Lost. How Restored jrf'zrjlf Just pnh!isliel. s apw cilitinn of' Dr f nlrfrwtlPs frlcbrated ! LihJiSr Ta'-sij on the radial cart (wiili- j out meiiicine) of 8'f.!imatobbiiea, or tiemi- i nul Wenkueh, Involuntary tcmiDal Losses, j iMi'orrser, Mental ml Physical Incapacity, : Impeilimenls to Mu riage, etc. ; Co.nsl'jip Tins. Ki'Ilepst, !!! Kns, indui:cl by self- ' imiulpence or scxnal extraTujrance , ti;y"Pricc, in a sralcl envelope, onlv 6ctn. ; The celebraiud author, in this admirable essny, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, tliat the alarming consequences of eif-ubn.-e may be radically ctiied without the dangerous use of tbe knife ; pointing 0111 a mode of cure at once pimple, I certain, and cilectnal. by means nf w'licb ' every suiTVrer, no nittrr what his condition j may be. miy cure liiuiself cheaply, privately ! and raitirallii. j Ussy-Thi' Lecture should be in ihn hands of j every y nth nnd every man in the bind. ' Seul, under senl, in a plain envelope, to ! a-y nddici-.". oj'. (, on receipt of six cents, I ir two pfst stamps. i Also, br ('ulverwe'.'.'s " MarriaJJ Guide," ! price cent 1. Address te p!ib!ibprs. C il.VS. J. C. liLI.XK & CO., Post Office llox 4,.3K';. 1-7 Jtowery, '. T IJOOJC A 12 ITT 3 a j va t r t ' 5 n r'i OF THE UNITED STATE?.; 1300 PASES AND 500 MAM. Written by 20 Eminent Authors, including JOHN B. GOL'GII. am. i'.OUACE GKEL'LKY. ' This work is a complete h:s!.ry of f.l! blanches of industry, procesr-e-s of i!i:mu f.tclure, cic. . in nil ae?. il is a can. !''.(:. encyclopedia of arts and mnnufiictiirrs. and is the mr.st enterlninin and valuable work of information on subjects of grnenl intti est ever ol'ercd 10 ihe jiublic. We want Agn'S in every lown of t'ie I'cite.l kiltie, and no Aent c:in !::il to do well wilii this book. One agent sol. I 1".:J copies in eight days, another sold o8 in Iu wetks. Our aeent in Hartford soid :!!7 in one week. Specimens sent free on receipt of stamp. AGEXTS WAXTED roR TIIK FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC. 800 Pajes, 250 Eagraviags. An interesting and amusing treatise on tbe Medical Humbug of the past anil present. It exposes tjuacks. Impostors, Travelling Doctors. I'atent Medicine Venders, Noted Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers and Mediums. and gives loteresiin accounts of Noted 'IiTsioinns and Niirrntivps nf (lipir Iivas It reveal startling secrets and instructs ail how I to avoid the ills which tlesli is heir to. We j give exclusive territory and liberal coramis- i sions. tor circulars and terms address the' publishers. ; J. B. isUKU & HYDE, j HARTFORD, CONN., on CHICAGO, ILL. j janl-ly I i'he Place furtJood Grape-vines IS AT TIIE Juniata Ualltn Dimnarbs, ASD tiRAPE-YlSE SURSERT. THE undersigned would respectfully in form the public that he has started a Grape-vine Nursery about one mile northeast of Mifflintown, where he has been testing a I v - r . 1 . .fee . . large uumuer ui we uicerem varieties ot j Grapes , and having been in the business for j seven years, he is now prepared to furnish I VINES OF ALL THE LEADING I VARIETIES, AND OF TIIE i MOST PROMISING KINDS, AT Ij O W It A T E S , by the single vine, dozen, hundred or thou sand. All persons wishing good and thrifty vines will do well to call and see for them selves. Kay Good and responsible Agenti wanied. Address, JONAS OBERnOLTZER. Mifflintown, Juniata Co., Pa. BR0CKERH0FF HOUSE, BELLEFONTE. PEXX'A. D. JOHffSTON '& SOUS, Proprietors. The "Brockerhoff Honse" has recently been refitted and otherwise greatly improved, and is now under the proprietorship of D. John ston & Sons, formerlv of the "I. in Clearfield Persons visiting Bellefonte on ! business or pleasure will find tl.i .n,,k ! nient and pleasant place to stop. Free Huts to and from the Depot. Not I, 1871 SHELLY 4 STAMBAUGII always keep up their stock of GROCERIES and will not be excelled either in the quality or prie of their goods jn this line. Give them a call before going elsewhere. Si.-irn in ill, Vntear Iiitter, re n"t a vi r. r , made of tW Rm, Wicker. Proof Spirit, S L.qaorj, d.orct, p,ccd, and Jweeientd to Dl.!?? toae, called -Toiiicj," " Appeliwrs" "R-L! ftc, that lead thi tippler ou to drunkennesi aia" but are a true Meditme, made from the .jr.-. 1.' ndherbsof (-a!iforM. free fromal! Alchoiic Si? . " They are the Great Hood Puntie, j t L' Pnnc.ple,a Perfect Renotor and InviRor,, ,2 the blood lo a health, co::d.tion. e,;cln- it ,er2i and inviRoralm- boil, mind and bndv. TL. I of arhmmstration, p,mi in ,hdr ,c ' lesnlls. afe and r,',, ,,-, .it r. . j' 10 'ar JS Person can la u tJVellif.. Itinera an-nr. " 'i riwxr ul rcma.n Irnnr tnr!L an-iai mSnrT -sw5"eJ poison er. h m the Shou:,, , , ttf t; ; Heart. IntUmn.au,., nf the !..m-v f ,R the re-,0... .f - aml-ft,M: !T!t:e wiU rrore a better' For Frmri c Cmplaill., In ftf Tf mmerl or ;ii;le. tilK! a.,w of rW)nhoolli w lh; turn of lire t!.e 1 ,c li.uer .li.nbv o dcci.ied a influeiic ikit a nurUtd intprovemcnt U suou pcrccp- or liiflninma.oi mul f lironlc Khetw mrlmn snJ ;.,iit. Drs;.jnr Ind vMion. Uiitotiw. Kemuleitt ami Inicimutci t Fevers, liv3sM ,f tn IS.ood, Liver. Ki-In,- an! lll.ifl.Kr, ihe lt :t h.ive lee mmt smce-Ui!. Sttcli niicwci arc caused b Viliatetl nfrdi Kener.iUy j rxluccd hy tUranzJr loent of thi I'etiire )-?.in They are (-i n tic Pnrs.ilre n wn a a Tonic. nmniti; a "m ih-pt!i ir mentof .win as a powerful aenl m rv-'ieTir-TmiceMi.m i rl..mC motion ot ths L .cr ai.J V.:cr.i: Orjim, and in Ih:;0ia For Skin IiJ-ai", Kitr:nn. Tetter, S,t. Rheum, IJIoiLhcs S;t. 1'iti.n'-, I'mi.tlc!!, lion's, (Jar huncles, Uin -wonm. SciUl S-ne Kye, tr- sipe'i. lich, St-nrf-;. 1 -clorationw -f the Skin, Humors and liseasea ot th SUrn, of whatever mmj or n.ititr, are literally du-j u; and rariied int of the system in a !i'rt lime bv the of these I! it t era. One Iwrftit :m such cises will couvince iLc mutt incredulous ol their cuntive effect. ( leanse ihe Villateil Blood whenever yom find ir impurirre- lur;in ihrutili the iltin in PimjlsT trupjioni, or S res; c.'t.iuse it when yol find it ob stntcted and !t-is!i in tlie vein : cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will le'l you wlien. Keep tha Uloed pure, and the health of the system wtll follow. Orate fill thonnr! procbim Vinfgr Bit Titus the most wonderful Invijorant that ever su.Uiucd the Mtikin? system. Pin, Tape, au l oilier Wornn, lurking in the system of so minjr tlKras-ind-, are etf.-cfti.i'ly de Btroyed and reiuored. Stys a !:4tinuithed phyioU ogit : There ir.irce!y an imlividtt.il njton the Eire of tha earth wti'isc b-wly isexcm;t from the rence of worm. It is not ttpnn tlie heifihy elements rf the body that worm exist, but u;x:. tii d ic.ised Ii'imr.ra and slimy deposits lhat bred these livint; monsteis ot disease. N') S7ste:n of M-dicin ttn rernifue no anthelmia itic wtli free the sysiem fiom wur:ii hLe t!iese Uit tcr. Merfmntrnl Dicairs. Prion eTi--a-l in Pa-nw and Minera!. stictl as PNnuhsr, Type-setter. Gold-beateri, and Miners n th?v advinc- Mil: tip, wiit be subject t p.ira'yi of the ImiwcI. To ;n.ird .i.iinst thi take a de ot War krr' Vinba Litters ouce or twice a week as a Prevent ife. Uilions. ICeinitleut. ami Ii.tcrmltf mt Fevers, which are o prevalent in the valley's of our preat rivers throchont the United Snie ejcciAiif t!iose cf the Mississippi. (hi'jt Mivwri. i;.inot Ten nessee, Cnniticrland, Arkansas. Kcd, Colorado, Iii?o. Kit Crande, Pearl, Atabatna, M"hiie. S ivannah, Kosn o'e, Jiines, jwfi many others, with tl-.oir vrut trihtita rie, throughout nr entire country inrin'; the Snmiucr and A'ltitmti, and rem.iikal!jr si during se.uotis rf unusutl heat ami di yiu. are in.iri.i!!y accompanied bvestensive derangements of the sionnch and liver, and Oher abdominal viscera. There are a'wiys more or c rliSt met ions of the liver, a weakuci and irrit.iliic stit of the stomach, and great torjor rf the ItnweU, beii.j c!oct;ed up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, ev-rnin a pnwerf.il itirlnenc njn t!iese various rtrpins, is essenti-itly necessary. There r cathartic for the puritoe erjusl to Da. J Wslkkk' Vinegar ritTTCRs, as t!iey will speidt! remove the rl irk colored viscid natter wiih wh th tho bowels are l'-adcd, at tin same time stinWaitn? the sr-cretions ( the liver, and per.era'Iy restoring Ctc lic:i!:Uy fi inc. ions oi tlie digestive r.-n. Srrnfulfi, or Klmr'a TTvII Wf-.-e 5? re'!rt?rs, TT'eers, Krysij!a, Sweiidl Neck, Crntrr, Scrofulous I-i(i.;mmations, Iridu'nt I:.rJ.tnma:i'n, . I. -rcuri.tr Af fections, Old -Sores, KniptitTtn of the Skin. Sore Evfi, etc.. etc. In ihes?, as i:i ait oilier coiKtiuitioml Iis eites, Wai icp.r'a Vinrgmi liTTirKS have shown ihrr pret curative powers in ill most ubiirutc and uurac -al:e ci s. .Or. V'UrraCatlforil.t VIenr Dltf er act on al: tlis c-iet in a similar manner. I'.v purttynijc the I'ood thur retrove the cause, and hv restlvin jmy the e fects of the infl immation (the tubercular d;r4itf t'ie afTcrted parts receive health, anJ a permanent cure is r'T-cttd. Tlir rnprt!es of Pr. WAfKrr' Vinrcasj FliTTKR-i are A;c?rienr. Iji.iplioreiir and ' irinmtivr, JutrM;o;', I..:tive, liiretc. Sedative, Counter-Irri-t;:ir. Sudorific. Aaeralivo. and Anti-IMions. Tlie .erlrnt and nn'd l.ialn-e proneliet f Pn. Walk UK's Vikfgr I'-ittilR- sre the best s.--.fc-pmrd in all ca-es r f etnntions jnd m.iliqivinl fecrs, their b.i'samic. Iiain?, and sm-thin? proicrtie protert t!.3 humors cf the f'.ucrs. T!ic;r Sedjuve pro;.erties all iyjain in t!ie nervous system, stomach, and bowr, e.li'r frmn ir.:Ijmm n.o-i, w-n !, c:!ic. cramps, es. Tlirrir Counter-irritant influence etend ilinmijintit the system. Their l)siirr:ie pr';iertiest art on the Kid rteys, cr recti ig and rcju'atins Ihe tlovr ot nrine. 1 htT Artti-liilious prrpertiessti:nuUte the iiv-r, in the -cre-tion of biJ, and its d:-ciiarfs throw; h the b!Mi vdtic. and are ntpehor to a!l rem?di il 3ctit lV.r the cure r.f tiliiu Fever. Ftvr sud Aine. e'r. Fortify Hie body a.-; .it us t Iirnsi tr puri fying ail its fluid with YlXKGK :irih::S. So ry. rieraxcan take ho'J of a system thus fi-rrarmed. lirer, the atormch. tlie bonels, the k-d;M- and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great mvig orant. Uirertlons. Take of the Hitter: on poin t hed at n;iit from a half to on and one -half wme-ptuii-Eit good nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton, clion. vcnisn, ro.-t beet and vetretables, and tako o !it-d-or exercite. They are composed oi purely ve&et ah! ii -rfdiciits, and contain no spirit J WALKER, Proi.V. IC II. MclMHf.ll.Dc. CO Dru-iit aim tien. Ats S.tn rrsncisco, t al.. and cor. ol Wah:.i?;tiin .tkI Chariton S., Nw York. SOLD 1Y ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Flour! Flour! ; 'IMIE iinIrignr'i begs leave to inform the 1 JL puoiiti 'ht he has purchased the G IlIdT P MILL in MilfirJ township, rccentlr owne-l by Jnznb Lemon, and, liavi.i; remodeled nnd otherwise improTed Ihe fame, is now pre pared to accommodate all who may f-vor him with their patronage. When! Fioar and Siftrd C orn .Ileal nl. wilts on hand and lor mile, whole sale and Itclail. A ho. Shorts, Bran, Sh'p slvjf anil Ch l'ur hate. Flour and Feed will be delivered to fami lies if desired. His wngon will visit MitDin, Patterson and IVrrytville three times a week. Persons needing flour or feed, can leave t.eir oi ler at the Store of John Elk in Mitllin, or at Pennell's Store in Patterson, or addressing a note to Box 35, Patterson Post Office. QUA IX OF All. KIXPS ItOCGIlT AT MARKET PRICES. P. II. IIA1YN. Apr. 3, 1872-3m New Tin and "Store Establishment,. PcrryrtHle, Juniata Coun'y, I'a T HIE undersigned has opened out a new ; on Rtiilrond Street, next door to the Tusca- rora Hotel, where he would be pleased to see till who are in want -of Tinware. Stoves, ic. He wiH also give pr.i'jipt attention to all or ders fur Hoofing. Spouting and Jobbing, all of which he guarantees to put up vita the best of material and in a workman-like man ner. Having had over ten years experience in the business he flatters himself that he can give entire satisfaction to the public. He keeps on hand tbe celebrated Nimrod Cook Stove, which is tbe best baker, most economical and heaviest plated stove now in use. He will keep on hand the Oriental Heateis, and a general assortment of the best Stoves manufactured. JOHN DUNBAR. JOHNSTOWN FOUNDRY. TIIE undersigned, manufacturer of Jami son's Improved Plow, calculated for all kinds of plowing, and in all kinds of ground. 8olJ cneP" ,han D7 olner plow in ,he County. He manufactures ail kinds of Casi- ings, Hells, Stoves. &e. He will also repair reapers and threshing machines. Give me a call, or address. J. H. ROGERS. Walnut P. O. aug 13 1859- tf Juniata Co. Ta. GO to tbe Juniata Skstixel Job Printing Office for all kinds of Plain and fancy Printing i I It 4