Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, March 05, 1873, Image 3

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    Cbe Juniata entind.
after Sunday, Ieo. 22, 1872, rasserjrer
Trains will leato Mifflin Station as follows :
Philadelphia Express 1:10 A. M.
Fast Line ... 4:0h A. M.
llarriphurg Accommodation 11:28 A. M.
Wail Train 0:18 P. M.
Cincinnati Express.- 9:03 P. M.
Pittsburg Express 1:(8.A. M.
Minciimnti Express I:"i5 A. M.
Southern Express- 4:08 A. M
Pacific Express- ,r:t:! A. M.
Way Passenger liMK A. M.
Mail Train 3:S8 P. M.
Fast Line fi.83 P. M
- "
ALTOOSA Lag a big scandal ?
Houses are scarce and rents are high.
NoitTiiiMBHtLAND La Lad a masquer
ade ball.
At a beavy discount in Mifflin Tbe
Credit Mubilier transaction.
. Tiierb is a considerable quantity of
corn nnhuskcd in the fields in this coun-tj-
The Wilsons, Bergya and Thompson
are dealing quite extensively in horses
this spring.
Thb new railroad platform at Patter
son is quite a big structure. To realize
it walk around and over it.
SituiRB IIuzzard is preparing to
tuild a Louse at the corner of North
tret-t and Patterson Avenue.
Thb P. a R. K. Co. expect to work
.-quite extensively during the coming au ra
ttier at the laying of their third track.
The public sale' of Messrs. Cleck and
Beidler, at Van Wert will be on the 10th
last, iustcad of the Sth, as stated last
' A prominent citizen of Tuscarora
township informs us. that tbe people of
that iownsLip will vote ten to one against
Tub Lutheran congregation of this
place are about adopting the envelope
p.yctom and abandoning the system of
Tenlii'g the p rr.
Till! first day of Mnn-.h was a bright
fold winter day. There was iiothirg
about it to indicate it as the firt day nf
epring. excepting ihe entifhiiie.
CoNiiRPSs was in eci-aion all List Sun
day transacting bitfiue!). Corrupt iuttl
ligence is more dangeroiiij to the welfare
of the nation than bom-flt ignorance.
So many marriageable peeid" in Miffl:ti
have been married during the pist winti r,
tliat the few remaining eingle ones, when
they waken io the morning a?k th?m
Filves.s it possible that I have escaped
the epedrmic f
NoTirs AH persons indebted to the
Undersigned for professional service are
requested to mxke inituerliMe pnymnt.
Uissetlled accounts will, in a very oh.iit
time, be placed in the bauds of a legal
-ffirrr for collection.
J. L. Mi-Kbkhas, M. D.
Juniata ct'l'NTY has never been thor
ougbly examiii'd by a Geologist. I'racti-
........ .... d.i.al.nc. it in tc.in rrt In li
l limn id ucuni iii, iia in.i, , m
, , . . , .
i.tia f tlio i-ii'lictit ifimitia in flip r"i!aff I
aud if their developrmeuts continues, it !
will not require many years to demon
strate the truth of their declaration.
Thk railroad tie business is driven ex
ter.sively in Juniata and adjoining coiiu
tie touching the railroad. Ten years at !
this business at its present magnitude,
u ill cut out all the timlier of a suitable
ize for ties. What then 1 What shall
become the- substitute 1
Ir seems almost unaccountable what
becomes of nil the balances and scales
annually made. The Fairbanks Scale
Company last year used up 13,000 tons j
of raw material in the manufacture of
the famous weighing machines. This
. house, however, literally has the world
for n mat ket.
Tiikrk will be a Temperance Meeting
iu the Court House on Friday e eniug
next. Rev. O. O. McLean, of Lewis
town, General Geo. F. McFarland, of
Harrisburg, Kev. 1). M. Black welder and
Bev. T. J. Sherrard, of this phice, are
expected to be present to address the ;
S- , j
As exchange sr.ys : 1 he man lives in j
Columbia Co , who has discovered that,
to make a balky b::se travel tie a suing j
tightly around his ear, uear the end, let
Liin etaud until he begius to thake Lis
head when he will forget about balking
and CO without fuilher trouble. It never
fails. The 'animile'' walks riht off on j
hie ear.
Almost a Fire. Mr. James Xortli,
of Patterson, on' Monday Inst placed a
r-tove iu one of thu back rooms of his
new house in Patterson for the purpose
of hastening the drying of that part of
the house. A fire was kindled in the
stove. Betwetn 8 and 9 o'clock iu the
evening one of the carpeuters engaged
at the house concluded to go to the build
ing to see if the stove was iu a proper
condition to be left for tbe night. On
reaching the etove room, ho found the
floor about the stove ou fire He siezed
the coal bucket, rau for water and gave
the alarm. His bucket of water extin
guished the fire, and thus the presence of
mind of one man saved a handsome
dwellhiff house, an ornament to the town
and a eredit to thecuterptiseof its owner, j
b have been told, and
Believe it, that a day
Or two ago, Brother Allison
Was struck with a Western fever.
He was struck harder, and
Beeper, than by John of
The South, for whom it
Is said he became a receiver.
His dear ones he called
And tenderly embraced, and enjoined
Them to peace, that he
Was only going to Alliance.
To the cars he went,
And got on, where it
Was warm, then duced the
Snow, oh ! the Beautiful snow,
And added, to the snow,
Cold, Sentinel, Schweier and all,
I now bid defiance.
They pulled him up from the
Sea, the Barometer says, a
Half mile bigb. For his
Future state it is hoped, his
Spirit may go higher, wht-u
lie is called to die.
Through the tunnel, onto the other
Side they rushed, Of the snow
The ea: th was hare, uncovered
As it was it pleased his
Eje, to see, the grass in
Green from the ground stare.
And Allison looked and laughed
Till his jolly round belly shook,
And threw off his coat that
Made him warm, and said
Tbe best of clothes can
Be bought of Samuel Strnyer.
Tlw smoky city in time was
Xleacbed, of its mud, nf
Its smoke, and how the
Sua did try to shine, but
Could not. for the du.-ky industrial
Haze, He now proceeds to tell.
: Business mida him stay too long
For to suit -biinself, yet he
Got through, then took the
Train, aiid remarked goods can be
Bought as cheap, at the
Store of Laird & Bell.
He sped over a plain.
Where gravj lly knolls speak of
The bottom of a sea.
He cared not for the
Past, he tho-ight of to day,
Of the mammoth store at
The canal, kept by Harry
And Sam, both good men.
A reverie possessed him, the
Cold was pone, Schweier and the
Snow, oh 1 the beautiful snow.
Were far behind and no
Trouble gave, and he confessed
To liimsdt the chnp clothing
Store is below Tilfen's door.
Kept by Harh y, Horning & Hoffman.
The ground ling had not seen
His shadow ihe-.a. so lia
Thought, but. alas ! he was a Jonah
With a fishy smell, and
Of the sterrn that came and
Shut him wil!:::i friendly doors,
lie dolorously does tell.
For the town lie cmltl
Not sen, for tin sifxc.
Oh ! the beautiful snow, to my
Home I'll go, he sai.l.
It is no worse there
Than hrre. and I'll tell
That the finest go-uis can
Be bought at Joe Pounell's
So home he came .
Through snow and rain.
And into Court he rushed
His claim to maintain.
For the Judge had given
Hi audit a pain.
In the sura of dollars,
Tnt seventy five.
For wh'ch the Notary had
Too deeply dived.
That is all that's to
Bn sail this dy.
Ou!y buy your proeeiies at
T;;e" store of Ne.il Bartlay,
But don't forjr-t w!:en
You are hard at work.
That in your leisure you should
Fa'ronize .ToLa Kiik.
Wb are pleased to losrn that J. Frank
j Beale, a former resident of Juniata cotm-
, . 1 i"
ty, has been admitted to an interest in
the firm of J. F. Z iellin & Co., Whole
sale Druggists, Xo 2G1 Xorlh Third St.,
Philadelphia. Mr. Beale is a son of
Joshua Beale, Sr., one of the oldest and
moat favorably known citizens of Beale
town, Juniat county. Wheu we sdate
that Mr. Besle has had charge of the
financial department of the above mcn-
tinned house for a period of about six
years, n' numerous readers will at once
comprehend that Lis prnrai.tion is a well
meriied recognition of Lis service, and a
just tribute to his talents. We would
conmiend his persevere!. ce to all our
i-..mtt ra.-'ti wbt mi-p mAt'i.hinrr nn the
i i i 4
r,ntr!i mid rmrrroil rn.-iii to "nr.cpss. ana
e" rr - v
fortune Fiiklity and energy-.jcharacter-iz;
this firm, and our mrrvlwits and
other business men would do vrell to
remember Mr. Beale and the substantial
house with wl.ieh he is now connected.
TF.uiKRArB Mektixu is Pebkts
ViLLS. Bursuant to notice the people of
l'errysville and vicinity met in the school
house on Monday cvenin". at 7 o'clock.
Tt)), nwsli..g w. org!llliz.;j bv cal!ing ,0
:he chair Dr. G. M. Graham, and elect
'"g B. U. P. Bealor, secretary.
The meeting was addressed by Prof,
Havid Wilson, Kev. II. C. Shiudle, Rev.
J - H.. Stewart aui Dr. G. M. Graham
On motion of A. J. Patteraou a com-
j mittee of five persons, consisting of Al
fred J. Patterson, Peter Brcuuuholtz,
lter Difleudarfer aud David C. Coyle,
j were appointed to canvass the town of
! Perrysville aud secure the names of all
I the vot.-rs, if possible, to a pledge that
they will iu the coming election in March
cant their votes against the granting of
Ou motion the committee was directed
to report ou Monday evening, March 3rd,
at 7 o'clock, iu the school house in Per
rysville. Meeting adjourned.
G. M. GRAHAM, Prest.
D. II P. Bkalor, Sec'y.
Til ere has been more snow, more cold
weather, and consequently more fuel
used this winter than during any single
winter within thirty years. So the Fath
ers say.
Corn SllELLEBS -and Fodder Cutters
for sale at Puiste'a Hardware Store.
Chapter of Accidents.
On Friday, February 2st, at about 5
a. m., after having lit a l&mp, Mrs. Gid
eon D. Calderwood was seized with a
fainting fit to which she is subjected, and
falling upon the lamp displaced the top
of the same, whereupon the fluid explo
ded, the flames communicated with Mrs.
C.'s clothing just below tbe hips, and ex
tended to her feet. Mr. C, then in bed,
hearing her screams rushed forth, and
with blankets subdued the flames, but
not until tbe unfortunate woman hud
been very severely burned.
On Monday morning, Mr. Timothy
Barnacle, conductor of third Tyrone Coal
train, was reriously injured on the South
siding at Tyrone depot while making up
his train. He was caught between the
dead block of first car and draft iron of
tank, crushing his hip bone considerably,
and otherwise injuring him.
George Parks, brakeman on freight
train, had his left hand caught between
dead block of first car and draft iron of
tank, crushing it severely,' hut he will
likely recover without any rerious results
to the injured, member. This also hap
pened on Monday morning, at the Ware-
j house siding, this place.
Oa Tuesday morning of this week
while ging up the mountain ia the
neighborhood cf Mount Pleasant, Mr. J.
Weaver, fireman on coal traiu No. 2 I.
Bell, conductor, Levi Kellits, engineer
was eeverely injured. Three engines
were attached to the train, two in front
and one in the rear. Mr. W, was stand
ing on the apron of the tank attached to
the second engine, when the diaft iron
broke, disconnecting the engines from
the traiu. Weaver losing his balance
fell, at the same time, grasping the chain
that holds the fire door open, which
broke. It is supposed he did not get
hold of anything else, but dropped down
on the snow upon which he was pushed
by the cross bar of tbe lank for about
one hundred and seventy' five yards,
breaking his ankle severing two fingers
from his right hand and otherwise so
verely injuring him.
A young man named Bowcn, brake
man on freight train, had his thumb cut
off while iu the act of coupling cars at.
Ph'illlpsburg, on Tuesday. Tyron". Ilcr
o.ll. K.
Sad Accident Boy Dmcwd On
Tuesday of last week Mr. ChrL'tiau Cra
mer, staited to go to Mann's Choice in a
tied, taking his little sou John, aged 5J
years, with bira. Whilst crossing the
Juniata at Multiu's fording the sled lan
upon a large rock aud titled over throw
ing them both out into the water and in
to the current of the stream. Mr. C. at
once tried to rescue Lis child, wading
after it, but could not keep up with the
floating holy. When it reached the
deep water, what is known as '"horse
hole," he not being able to swim, give
up the chare, and struck for the shore,
ran down along the strfam for a distance
of nearly a qnnrter of a mil;; ti another
fording, wheu he agei i went into the
stream and rescued the now lifeless corpse
of his by as it fl ated Ij him. Several
persons arrested by I lie lallier s ci tes
came to his assistance but too Lite to
save the life that had fled Thi-4 is
very sad aff iir for the deeply afflicted
father, and it is the second titnn he has
been obliged to mourn the death of a
child by drowning B-tlfttrd Gazette.
Tub Lwistown papers say Joseph
JJrannon, formerly watchman at Bixler's
Gap. and lately employed on the road as
a gang baud, fell down dead ou Monday
evcuiug while carrying a bucket of slop
down his gaiden. It is supposed he rnp
tured a blood vessels Mr. 15. was about
50 years of age, and had not been iu good
health for some years.
V. I. Shaw's meat shop, under Cob
Jobu Hamilton & Son's insurance office,
has -been two or three times burglariously
eutered at night during the present win
ter, and rubbed. As we remarked once
before, somebody in town is itching for a
room iu the penitentiary, aud he or they
will doubtless before long be accommodat
ed. The first reports of au accident on the
Allegheny Valley railroad, had it that a
boy named Scott was among the killed,
but it turns out to have been James Cor
dell, son cf the late Isaac T. Cordell, of
this place. lie was about 16 years of
Public Salss
O P. Katherman, residing at Thomp
snntowu, will offer at publie fala, at ten
o'clock A. M., on Saturday, March Sth,
four horaee, 4 cows, C sheep, 1 breeding
sow, threshing machine and power, clo
vcr huller, aud other farming implements.
See handbills.
David Adams will sell at public sale,
at his residence in Beale township, one
fouith mile west of Johnstown, r.t ten
o'clock A. M., on Saturday, March Sth,
two youDg mares, one with foal, 4 milch
cows, 2 head of young cattle, a lot of
sheep, S shoats, 1 two horse wagon, 2
spring wsgons, plows, harrows, aud other
farming ntensils ; also, a lot of house
hold furniture. See handbills.
James l'arfet, residing in Delaware
township, three miles east of East Salem,
will offer at public sale, at 10 o'clock, on
Wednesday, March 19th, one cwo-year
old colt, 3 cows, two being fresh, 1 three
year old bull, lot of young cattle, 10
bead of sheep, 2 shoats, 3 wagons, fod
der cutter, hand cider press, good fan
ning mill, and other farming utensils, lot
of poultry, hay, potatoes, 1 vo octave
melodeon, 1 Cremona violin, 1 clarionet,
1 flute, cupboard,. table, stoves and other
household furniture. See handbills.
The undersigned will sell at public
sale, at Van Wert, Walker township, on
Monday, March, 10th, eight horses, two
good driving .liorses, 2 good draught
horses, 2 brood mares with foal, 2 milch
cows, 3 head young cattle, 1G head good
wool sh39p, 1 good breeding-sow, reaper
and mower combined. Columbia Lav
rake. Palmer hay fork, rope and pulleys,
plows, harrows, See., also, Lay by the tgn,
3 t K...U.1 ; ,Yl
A credit of nine months will be
Sale at 10 o'clock. See Laud
Wii.lt am Cleck.
Samlel Cleck.
William U. Beidler
Emanuel Spicher will offer at public
sale, at Lis residence, lj miles east of
Mexico, at ll o'clock A M , on Tuesday,
March llth, two mares, tine with foal, l
bay horse,' three years old, 3 cows, two
of which will be fresh soon, 5 bead of
young cattle, 2 wagons? ttwg, harrows,
corn planter, horse rake and other farm
ing utensils. See handbills.
John II. Cunningham will sell at pub
lie sale, at his residence in Mil ford town
ship, two miles west of Patterson, ou
Thursday, March I3th, three horses, 3
milch cows, 7 head young cattls, two
four-horse wagons, I spring wagon, one
Valley Chief reaper and mower com
bined, l clover bailer, I grain drill, corn
shtller and other farming implements.
Sale at 10 o'clock. Sec haudbills.
Joseph Brandhoffer, resiJing.,on Sam
uel O. Evans' farm, in Delaware town
ship, two miles southwest of Fast Salem,
will sell at public sale, at 10 o'clock A.
M., on Thursday, March I3th, four good
young draught horses, 7 young cows, all
coming in profit this spring, 10 head of
young cattle, 2 calves, 18 good Bheep,
G shoats, wagons, plows, and other farm
ing implements. See handbills.
Philip W. Miller will sell at public
sale, at his residence iu Spruce Hill twp.,
1J miles east of Pleasant View, at 10
o'clock, on Friday, Mdrcli 1 4th, one good
mare, 3 milch cows, 2 shoats, 2 wagons,
threshing machino, and other farming
implements. See handbills.
Dr. II. Harshbergcr will offer at public
sale, at his residence in Fayette town
ship, one mile south of McAlisterville, at
10 o'clock A. M , on Tuesday, March IS,
two mares with foal, 1 two-year old
horse colt, 2 cows, 1 large fat bull, 5 head
of young cattle, hay by the ton, 1 grain
drill, 2 wagons, threshing machine and
other farming implements. See hand
bills. John Diehl, Executor of Baniel Diehl,
deceased, will sell at public sale, at the
late residence of said deceased, in Lack
township, at 10 o'clock, on Tuesday,
March llth, one mare, 1 milch cow, 3
hogs, wagou, plows, harrow, wiudmi.l,
saddle, grindstone, cross-cut saw, ten
plate stove, large iron kettle, carpenter
tools, and a number of other articles.
See handbills.
riol :
JIuCRUM Febrnarj 7, 1873, in Milford
township, John William, son ef John E. and
Jane MeCrum, a;cd 8 months.
Iain S!reet, Oipsits Court Tarff,
3ili1in(oivn, Fa..
Are offering Large Inducements to
rAUiTERS, &c.
They have on hand the largest stock of
Nails, Paints, Leather,
la the central part of the State.
They are selling
liar Iron at 5c lb.
Ilorsc Suoe3 at S7.25 kc.?.
Best Norway Nail Rods at Ac lb.
14 inch Ilorso Ra?ps at S5c each.
They are selling
11 Hickory Felloes at SI ,10 lb set.
1J Hickory Spokes at ?2 00 $ set.
No. 1 Gum Hubs at 90c set.
No. 1 Hemlock Sole Leather at 31c 1 lb.
No. 1 Best Oak Leather at 40c g lb.
Vf. In order to close cut their immemi stock
they will sell them at COST.-a
Give them a cill before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Franciscas Hardware Co.
Main Street, Mifflintown,
GO to the Jcsiata Skxtixel Job Printing
Office for all kiuda of Plaia and Fancy
PLAIN and Fancy Job Printing neatly exe
cuted at this Office.
Prices of Board cf Coaimcrce.
Reported weekly for the Jckiata Sektihii.
by the Coaril of Commerce cf Mifflin anil Pat
terson. Butter p lb ... 25
Eggs. "tJ doz 3i
Lard, "i It 8
Country Soap 8
' Ta"oV?....."!!!:....... 8
j Rg' 3
Wool. wiSBcJ fiO
Dr?rf Apples 10
" Peaohts, pared.... 20
FtfBhes, unpared 15
" Cherries, pitted 20
" Blackberries..... .10
' Raspberries ; ::j 16
Country Hams .-. 12
.Sides and Shoulders 7
Potatoes, f) bu J; 40
Oni?ns " CO
Ground Alum 51', f ck 2 25
Railroad Ties M
Locust Poets, mortising - 32
" . " for board fence... - J3
Shelley & Stambaugh's Prices CurrC-it-
r . .1 ii- 1. 1
vurreuieu "evilly.
Cetstal Palace, Mifflintown,
March S, 1873. (
Prime Roll Butter, per P 25
Eggs, per dozen HO
Lard, per lb 08
Tallow, per lb . 08
Beeswax 30
Dried Apples, per lb ... Ot
" Cberries, seedless, per lb.... 17
" " unseeded 04
" Elackberrie3 08
- ". Raspberries 20
Walnuts, per bus 40
Sbellbarks 95
Potatoes CO
Chickens, live, per lb OS
Liverpool Ground Alum Salt, per sack 2 00
D. P. Sulouff & Co.'s Prices -Current.
Reported Weekly.
Wliite Wlieat, bus .' ?1 75
Red " " 1 70
Corn, old , 45
Oats 35
Cloverseed 5 00
Timothy seed 3 50
Preparod Ccal, ton $5 25
Nut " " 4 25
I'ea " " 3 10
Bituminous" ' - 5 00
Run of Loe, 4 4, y 1000 ft $35 00
. 5-8, " 25 00
" " 8-4, " ....25 00to40 00
" 6-4, " 2500tol000
Hemlock Frame, " 20 00
" Boards. " 20 00
Whilepine worked Flooring...- 35 00
" German Siding 35 00
Panel Doors 2 00 to 3 00
Window Sash, 8x10, window- 65
" " 9xt2, ' 75
' " 10x12, " 80
" " 10x14, " t 90
PuiLAPZLrhiA, March 4, 1873
FLOra The market continues dull, and
there is no demand except to supply the im
mediate wants of the home trade, whose pur
chases foot up 12i 0 bids, iuciuding
Superfine So 0fl(o;5 uf)
Extras $fi 2o(.,7 1 0
N. W. Extra Family $S 0Xi, "io
Ohio & In l. do. do SS 2."W,0 53
Penna. do. do. .. $8 25fi;U 00
Fancy Brands...- $0 7501130
Grain There is not much demand for
wheat, nnd only a few email lots changed
hands at Si 9Unl 95 for red, $1 97al 08 for
amber. The last sale of rye was at 85c.
Corn is in limited request ; sales of 600 bus
yellow at 58c. Ort's are dull ; sales of 5000
bus white at 48aa0c., and mixed t 4Ga47c,
Seki8 Cloverseed is dull nnd lower; 2'JO
bushels sold at UaiiJc per lb, the latter rate
for rcclcaued. Timothy sold at $'i 75a 1.
Moxdat, March 34 1". 21.
Beef Cattle wore iu fair demand this week.
i30 head arrived and Bold at the Avenue
Drove lard at 7Ja8c for extra Penna and
western steers ; t;a7c for lair to good do. and
5a55c ? lb gro3S for common.
Cow and Calves were dull at I?25a50. Re
ceipts 250 head.
Sheep moved slowly at IJaTJc for fair to
choice, and $2 50a3 50 per head for common.
Receipts 10,000 head
Ilngj have advanced. Sales of cornfed at
S3 25a 850.
The First,
The Cheapest,
The Largest
Stock of Goods
To Offer to the Public
Just Received from Eastern
Seeing litem will Guarantee Ycu
iihtlihtowit, pa.
Oct. 8, 1872.
The first and only complete
the Pacific Slope; iJcscriptionsof
Prrtdnrf Mmintaln Jicenerv.Val
Tlr Fnrrt Waterfalls, llav. KHaTDOrt. TOO Pae.
oo XiUutrations and Maps, illustrated Circulars Free.
WM. FLINT & CO Philadelphia, Pa.
Feb 5-3m
The oldest a:i'J most reliable Institution f"r
obtaining a Mercans Education.
J-I'ictical business men as instructors.
'or information, write for a circular lo P. ,
DCFF & SO!?3, Pittsbdrgh, Pa. j
noT5-3ui,eom i
bUtory of
the Seasons
Or lev Riven
$18,000 "
the! Largest, j
j H
And the. 3Iost-Altractivc Stock of Goods ever 1'rcugii!
lo Miiiiinknw!. !,,
Black Silks, Drap l)e Alma. Imperial Heps, Janii.e, !i
Cachmeri Have, Australian Crape Empress, j
Batest Canton Cloths, &e.f j
. i
We respeetful'y solicit an cxruiination bvfure iurc'i.;Iug tie'ehere. j I
Any a?ul ercryfhing, such at :au-7s, Vluths, Casshnercs, Uuunrls.
Elanhets, I ndericear.
TTTTTTI 3 1 til t
vv xii. x j urvs
Of any and everything at
One of the OTst in the county, embracing all the New ari'-l 'est Flvlea i
for the Fall aud VTinter Trade, for I.adie, Mioses nuu Children the !
same exclusively for cur trade at prices to suit ait purelMsers. Kvcry ,
j pair warranted
Grocery and Queensware Department.
For our Grocery and Queensware Department vc havi? ecureil
one of the finest rooms in tho county in the Odd Fellow. Hall. '
Jit?t opened one of the largest and best stocks of (roods ever
brought io the county, all of which are kindly submitted to tiie inspection of all
our numerous friends and customers. For tju.iliry and priies we defy competition.
Oct. 30, 1S7J-1
Is the pla.ee wlera jou can buy
'iiriio lost mill t Ji; Cioni?ost
V lS fl
TVE nro prepared to exhibit cn? of the nio-t clinic" am! -.-lot. tiicks c7er c!TereJ ia tills
market, and at ASTOXtSlIIXU LO V.' THICKS :
Also, measures taken for SniU and parts cf Suits, which will be made to order,
at short notice, very reasonable.
r t , - .
Remember tho pl.ice, in the Ncvin R'lilding, two unors weal of the Keystone
Store, milDGE .STREET, M1FFLIXTOWN, PA. m.-y 8, lT-'-tf
DR. P. C. RUffDIO.
The public attention is also invited to h'n large assortment of
All prfons wlio nrn in neeJ of Spf cticlcs will fiml it to tljt-ir a lvr.rit;: ti
crI!, m t'sry will find tin! l.irn?t Ptock in tlie enmity t'j yi i.-ct I'imiu. t'OMll
AND HAVE rOUll EYE-T5IGI1T IIESTOIM'D. Al.-n, a fI. ; a.vo.trm nt of
With an mmense stock
and cM, at the
(Successors to D. K. SuIouiT i Co.,)
Grain, Lxtm.'ber, Coal,
Tlie Highest
r'-isli Trif"fa T:l5il
. rt .
lor all KinUS Ot Urain.
.t it l o ll , .1
Lnraoer. teal, tvc, bold al Hie
LiOWCSt Pi'i,'0St
HaT'ng boats of oar own we can freipht
Grain, Lumber, Coal, io.. cheaper than any
tiuww ' . a. " k ..ava
other parties. We therefore defy competi-i
KJTou can maks moner by calling on os
before selling or buying elsewhere. j
Gbaix will bc kcce!Yi it .TORE to n'
solo by thk 1st of Juse, 1873. '
P. S. Our grain is not derated on wen ;
ba;,8- i
Mifflintown, April 20, 1372. !
A IX persons are hereby cautioned not to !
A interfere or meddle with four Mules now ;
in the possession of D. S. Smith, as I have
this day purchased the same, and h,e left '
them on loan with the said i. S. Smith, nnd
are subject to my order.
Perrjsriilc, Feb. I, 187-1-lir
Hosiery, uotes, cjr., c.
prices which defy competition.
. ,
jt!3-S..mrt!.::.g r.r cv
v t.u
HO 01 iP'!?.
Kt'NiiEvs i.irri'.a v;y.". a?
will effectual!; ivitv I.iv-.r 'on!i.!-iitil. liw
pppsia. Jauiiuic-. t'l.r'-uic cr II
i bilitr, Chronic Di irii'-a bit: i '?3 f t,:? Ki,
j neys, and all ili J? t.K ,s nr-Tr iir. .1 l.Hr
j dcreii Liver, tuiii.i'-'i or Jfiititif u.'Ji n
Couslijiati'jns. Flii;!"ic?. !:iirir'l r.lc"--, Ku!!
j ne of T.lood t the Aci'li' if tin-
j Stomach, Narifci. Di."ji:t f ir I' vi!, ful'iio? ?
or Weitfht il t'iO 'tOi.L.l..!i. ,T,l:',:,r r.r I'ltii-
i tcrin? at the nit ' f t'r.P .'I in-nfli i;.a uin-
I of the He.l. Hi'ltevtn at t: Jlnrt,
j king or suffo.-6t!n:: Si.ui.. -xh-.i i.s a
j posture. Ve!'.wiu-.w if the H!::n 11 1 Kye.
I contist imasiMinci f e" an t t:.'. !.-
i pr.-.ia hikv aue em-iuki-y
j V EGETAl-LK an ; free :'ru;,i A!oI.ui. S:itui;
i !.".': ait-1 nil in,'ivin irrcrt'.nt. r..id tn
plc-isp.nt in ii ! .ir. t soivil, mil l in their
: operatiutis. wi.) r-Move imfuriii-ij .'run i!
Ka;i, arii o;VP i.nihh i-. i i'ic f-n-
. - - --- - - j
tcv ft. I I'Tt r i . -
t Tli trulv t.l.i-i'i'.. T.-.:,;.- In- !'.
t thoronshlv tets'! !.v :iil tt.-i - of rt -n
mnnity that it iJ n'.t di -pme.l ind:f pni'.l-
Tonic ra?ifi..:ne. It cox's hut U,:W,
V" 'he ''Iok K'v"' 'one " ,"'i-
ach, rpobtalcs the "vslem and prlunj- life
I now only ask a trial of this vMinMe Twie.
Price ?1 pprhnttle. F, F. K C XK K1 Sr.V
Proprietor. -Jo'.t NORTH NINTH RKKT.
below Vine, VhiVidplphia.
ANI' T XKr' OT1!ER- ,
U -ro"r ,!lr,,-iSt - " " rwU'f V
'? n'J A,1',r";!-, n'1 u" "--l'c-n-. wth
J'ce fr,e- ,l,1""!tw hy et -rt Iva,..
'2Joa' lt'K --t".
FINK assortment of Cloth. Citsimprp,
Ve'tin;s, Sc., j'tst rceeired and for ale
B. Lol P"N,