Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, March 05, 1873, Image 2

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Wednesday Morninj, March. 5, 1873
G EO. P. ROW ELL & CO, 40 Park Row, New York
S. M. FETTE.N'GILL 4 CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y,
Are our fir agents ia lhal city, and nre nu
Ihoriied l contract fur advcriising nt our
lowest rates. Adveriisers in Ihnt city are p
queited l leave their favors Kith either of
I he above houses.
Th? Credit Mabllier Trouble in Congress
Kndeil -Oakes Ames and James Brooks
To m :ke a long story short the cl uing
r solutions in Congress Oil the .Credit
J.Ii.biKer farce are here presented to
the reader, without comment. Tiny
w-re piesented on the 27ih ult. 'and iui
mediately acted on. The first is relative
to Oakes Ames dud was adopted yeas
131. nays IJ6
l'tt')!te-i. That the Hou--e absolutely
condemns the conduct, of Oakes Ames, a
member f this ilon.-e from the State of
Massachusetts, in seeking to procure
OongreKriinnal attention to the affair? of a
cipiialion in which he was interested,
and whose in!e:esl directly depended on
tho legii-Utiou .f ('oi gr ss, by inducing
members of Congress to i.ivest in the
floe's of siiJ corporation.
'I he frond
Jam0 I5-o-'k
r. solution is relative to
aud was adopted yeas
174. nnvs
'i-t.lic.l. 1 h.it the ILmse absolutely
condemns the c induct of Jmnes Brooks,
a iin tnlji r of ihis House from New York,
tor the us-? of his position of Govern
im nt tlin tt r iT the Union Pacilic lia;l
road ar;-l f member of this House to
jirocife t.iie iisigument to hiniself or
t.i'niiv of stork in the fredit Mobilier of
America, a corporation Living a contract
w ith the L'liion l'.scific Railroad, and
wline interests defended directly
the I 'Hslatlo-i of Congress.
"P0" i
At this stage of the proceedings a pre
H'.r:ldj and resolution for the discharge of
1 lie comraitte from the further considera
tion of this suhj-ct was offered and rejec
ted. The question then recurred on the
preamble of the resolution to discharge
the committee. The preamble read as
follows : It was rij-cied yeas 9S nays
Wherca, I5y the report of the special
committee herein it appears that the acts
Oiurgcd as-oHences against members of
this llouse in connection with the Credit
Mobilier of A m-rica occurred more than
five years ago, a:i I long br-fore the dec
tfbn of such persons to tLis Congress.
two elections liv the peoole Laving mfT-1
vetted ; and whereas" -rare donbt. exist
- o '
as to trie riglitiul exercise tiy u-ii ilonse
tif its power to expel a member for offen
ces committed by such meinLer long be
fore his election thrrt-to, anl not conuec
ted with such election ; therefore, Sea.
The following sweeping resolution;-,
was offered, but rejected by the Speak
er on a point of order t.ken, that a reso-
luuon oi centre mu,i ce conaneu to an don o( j,.ffOTOn connty. and Col. Fran
indtvidual. .. cis Jordan, late Secretary of the Com-
li'tohrd. That the House absolutely ! monwceltu. .
condemns the conduct of Samuel Hooper I r, . , ... . ,,
and Henry L Ha wen of Massachusetts, ( General "arnson Allen, Auditor Gen
1). W. Kelley and (. W. Scofield of i tr'i wno ,ias 0fen confined to bis home
l'eiintiylvania. and John A: Garri'dd aud on account of sickness, I am glad to in
John A. Bingham of Ohio, members of; form you, has fully recovered, and is now
the House of Representatives, inasmuch j attenjiug tl) the dut;es of office. The
as tliey became interested iu the Credit I r, ,, , . , ,
Mobilier of Ameiica. a contracting com General has mM7 waim f"fcnJa' as
pany for the constmeiicn of the Union bcen taU7 Pvcu by the cumerous in
l'acifie Railroad, and continued to be So i quiries that, were daily made concerning
interested at a time when said corporation I his health, during his absence, and the
j i '.t, -i. - i
was oi penuei,i on tue ieg;swurc in .on-
gress for its uiaiuteuaticc and suppoit.
Mr. Soecr, of Huntingdon, offered the
following resolirtion relative to . D.
Kelly, of Philadelphia :
Tl7i';w., It is shown by the report of
the select committee of the House to in
vestigate charges of alleged bribery of
members by Oakes Ames aud others,
that William I). Kelly, a member of
Congress from the Slate of Pennsylva
nia, did receive, while a member of the
llouae, from Oakes Ames, the snra of
$329, on June 23, 1S6S, aud the further
oum of $7.r0. in September, 1SGS. as
- 1 1 e . , 1- . 1 . i. i . 1
the Government : therefore.
JirtofrcJ, That for the receipt and use i
-is aforesaid of the said Credit Mob l.er j
dividends, William 1) Kelley hereby
, ' , . . , J I
deserves ana receives
bill; uuiiudiiiiuu
censure of this House
Objection being made to the iedu
tiou its entertainment was made the sub
ject of a vote. The House entertained
it yeas 113 nays S2. This gave rise
to quite a debate, which finally resulted
iu tabling it yeas 115 nays 1!.
A resolution was then offered discharg
ing the select committee on the CreditJ
Mobilier matter from the further consid-
f il, a,,l,;..et A cr ocA ttl And
.i.v.uenusoi sioc-a ot uc yrea.t owner etl tjie foll0wing term3 the lndian8,
of America, wr.Iiotit liavinj ;imd hup- I
thing therefor; and whereas, the said j V,iS : '- tey. the Jlouocs, surrender to
dividends arose from a dishonest contract I tIie mnstary as prisoners of war, and be
and arrangement, between e.iid Credit j removed to the reservation either in Cali
Mobilier and the Union Pacific ilailroad foruia or Aiizona.' Capt. Jack was sick.
Company, which company was and is Lut received the party at his cave and
largely indebted lo the Lulled States, , , , ., ,
resulting iu a m fraud and wron- An I Uni a ll1nS councl1 oa irli V nnd anoth-
i r- i-. i i ! j- i r i a loud report, and at the same time a
thus Credit Mobilier was disposed of in ' ... ,
the LIruse i s'HlS " bunsttjJ- It "was thought the
..... j ceiling gave way or a column was bioken,
Tub Senate Committee have reported iud despite the assurance that there was
on the Pomeroy and l'ork bribery case, nothing wrong, there was a general etam
York's eiatement was not sustained. pede, several ladies fainted, and it was
I'omeroy'e statement of the $7000 trans-
action is that Le did gave York tbe mon
ey at ll.-c time, and tho amounts stated, I
not as a bribe, but to carry to Mr. I'age j
as a loan from Pomeroy t aid Page in j
tLe purchase of thirty bonds of the'
United States, of the denomiuation of!
810C0, I'age having Si'J.COO in curiency. i
Tlio Local Option Question -The Law Re
filiating Interest on Money The Appro
priation and Cvne-ressloual Apportion
meut Bills not Iteaehed The Senate
Members Steadier thau the House Mem
bers -The Insurance Department The
Mate Mechanical scnooi xoiary runucs
ROtarj 1 UnllCS
The State Treasurer The Supremo
Judgxnip uenerai Alien again in uoon
Health and in his Place.
IlAaRismrtn, March. 1. IS73
- . .. . ... . ...
frlitvr Sentinel: On Monday the
friend? of temperance, after a hard light,
succeeded in getting the supplement to
the Local Option bill I cforo the llouse
and passed it to a third reading. The
liquor men from I'hil.idelphi had their
friend. to oppose it. Ail kinds of dilh
tory motions were made to prevent it
reaching even its present position It
lies over in that slmpn till nett week.
when it will pass finally. 'I requires all
election districts to vote npon the ques
tion on the third Friday of March, except
those counties and cities or towns which
have already voted upon it. It was not
made a party vote. Liquor La aud is
now killing its thousands. This bill will
be the death of quite a number of legis
lators, poliiically.
Thursday was spent in repealing the
usury laws, or the laws relative to the
rate of interest on money loaned or bor
rowed. No conclusion was reached be
fore adjournment.
The appropriation and Congressional
apportionment bills have not been re
ported by the respective committees.
A bill providing for the election of
State Treasurer by the people was repor-
f-ted with a negative.recomtiiendalion
The House adjourned from Thursday
noon until Monday evening The Sen
ate adjourned from Friday noon to Tues
day morning. The latter body is much
the more inductions of the two. The
country members are by far the more
steady in deportment and business A
number of the Philadelphia and Tilts
burg delegation are wild and a liltle loose
in business.
The bill which passed the Senate pro
vidirg for nu insnrance' department whti
a commissioner at a salary of :i 000 per
year, and as mmy clerks as may be ne
cesscry, has been referred to a special
committee in the House, aud has not been
heard of since. There is talk of Lie
snakes about, but more of there reptiles
by and by.
The bill providing for the establish
ment of n State Mechanical School has
been reported from committee, but there
appears to be a disposition connect it
with the State Agricultural College,
which, if done, will effectually kill the
bill. Such an act would be a good deal
like tying a live man to a dead corpse.
A bill has become a law authorizing
the Governor to appoint as many notary
publics as be may think proper, provi
ding the appointees pay $25.00 into the
State Treasury.
. , . - . . .. - r
"le e at ,Le UeXt S"1 lhctwn ls
receiving gome auenuou. laciiey, tne
present incumbent, is talked of ; Russell
j Krrett is looming up, and Sturgeon, eash-
ier of the State Bauk of this city, .has
numerous fiieuds, for the place.
The Supreme Judgeship, is also awak
ei.ing some attention. The prominent
figures iu the foreground are Judge Cor
m.y ca3 he Lag ,fCeived since his
It is said the Constitutional Conven
tion is heartily tired of Philadelphia, and
will return to Harrisburg as soon as the
Legislature adjourns
A si'tciAL from FaircLild's Ranch via
Yreka, Cal.," under date of March 3d,
says : F.ljjaU Steele, John Fairchild,
1 Frank It, Diddle and squaw arrived on
Saturday from Capt. Jack's camp accom
uauied bv several Indians. Thev offer-
" "
j er ou Saturday.
They expressed themselves pleased
with the proposition. Captain Jack said
,1 , . . .
they were willing to go anywhere . bv
. . .....
themselves. Ihcy seem to think favora
bly of going eouth. Steele's delegation
are empowered to arrange the details of
the treaty. It is now safe to say there
will be no more trouble with the
A despatch from Brooklyn nndcrdate
of the 3rd, says: There was quite a pan
ic at the Brooklyn Academy last night.
Rev. T. PeWilt Talmage preached. It
sccln9 cLair Wfl8 suddenly folded, mak-
some time betore the congregation could
be pursuaded to return.
Wasuixutox had Bixtv thousand vis-
itor3 to witne83 tbe ina,Iguration ctremo.
nie8 yegterday
.. . .
Thb trial of George O. Evans was
cooimenced at Harrisburg, on Monday.
It is finite generally known ibat men
who hangjibout legislative lobies sell the
votes of members sometimes, too often,
it is believed with the consent of those
WUOl,e votes are
enred There are
. . .,:l, ,omliers
Tes""u -" '
I. . , , . , it ...t.t.
; iave voted ana n.ia no cotmecuou . "
j tIje 11,bv.i m fr wi,oee votes ibe lobby
1 l,,ivi received laree sums of money. A
s ample case is here preseuted from the
Washington T). C , llejmbUc :
It m lint a few rears pines the vote of
a le.idinv Senator, of unniieBtioncd intee
rity, was sold for 510.000 cash, and the
money actually paid to the lobby and by
them divided or used for their own pur
poses, though the fact did not come to
the knowledge of the Senator until years
after; and this is the way it was done.
An important financial measure was
pending, and a knowledge in advance
of which way it would be decided would
enable operators iu the great cities to
make a large amount 'of money j aud,
after a cartful canvass of the 'views of
Senators, the lobby reached the conclu
sion that, as this particular Senator should
vole, so would the qu"stion be decided.
The position of, te Senator seemed to re
quire that be shoull not disclose' Lis
views until he was ready to do so on the
floor of the Senate, that the whole coun
try should be notified at the came time,
arid all parlies be placed upoji equal foot
ing. Through some leakage from the
committee room, the. lobby ascertained
that the Senator was privately preparing
a speech on the question, and it. therefore,
beCJins important to know the tenor of
the speech before it could ..be delivered
A pcrsia Laving access to the commit
tee room undertook this task, and by un
lawfully opening the desk or drawer iu
which the papers of the Senator were
kept, procured and read the notes of the
speech. Having thus surreptitiously ob
tained the required knowledge, tho lob
byist wa3 prepared to negotiate upon a
certainty, and at once applied to the pro
per party with the proposition to guarm
! tee ihe vote of the Senator for the cum
of 810,000, which was promptly put up
aud, upon the delivery of the speech and
passage of the bill, paid over to the con
trading prffiy ; and the agent of iLe par
ties who favored the passage of t:e bill,
and probably the parties themselves were
left to the conviction that this dihtinguish
cd Senator had actually bartered his vote
for the sum of $10,000, while, in fact,
the Senator krew nothing of the matter
until some two, years after, when it acci
dently came to his knowledge; till then
he supposed .that, the delivery of
speech in lhe Senate gave ihe first know 1
edge of Lis views outside of the commit
tee loom.
Cases not unlike this arc of common
occurrence, though generally involving
smaller amounts.
At a meeting of a number of promi
nent gcntloniau from different States, in
terested in the culture of salmon, tshad,
trout and other fish, held iu the city of
New York, last fall, ColonelJaraes YVor- i
rall, our active awl energetic Fish Com
missioner, fucceeded in secuiing the quota
of young California salmon, intended for j
Pennsylvania for the Susriuehnima, from !
the United States Commissioners at j
Washirgton. The ova, brought from the j
head-waters of the Sacramento, in Cali-
forni.i, and Latched at the establishment
of Dr. J. Hamilton. Slack, Pdoomsburg,
N. J , produced young salmon, now three
months old, and from one inch to one inch
and three-quarters ia length. Sixthons
aud nine hundred were started from l'r.
Slack's establishment, yesterday morn
ing, iu charge of Mr. J. P. Crevcling.
They were placed in three large tin can8t
and kept supplied with fresh water, en
route to Ilarrisburg, and arived here at
4pm, via iLe Alleutown route. About
five hundred perished iu the trmitdt.
The remainder, over six thousand were
placed iu a wagon belonging to Jacob R.
Eby, aud taken up town, aud put iu the
river at tbe south coruer of the warf, at
the water Louse, by Mr. Crcveling, in
presence of Colonel Worrall, D. W. Sel
ler, Esq , a number of ladies, and a
crowd of lookers on. The little stran
gers jumped and leaped and floundered
about, aud in a short time Lid themselves
every fish aa lively as a cricket un
der the limpid surface of (he Suspuehan
na, their new element. Tho enterprise
will, unquestionably, in a few years,
speak for itself, and must result iu per
fect success HarrLLurg Journal. -
Of all tLe extraordinary marriages tLe
one performed near Mercer, a few "Bays
siuce, heads the list. A younjr couple
who were out buggy riding were sudden- I
ly taken with a desire for matrimony, !
and having met the eccentric "Squire of
., . . .
1110 town, wno was accustomed to marry-1
ing people on the street corner in broad
daylight, aad under all sorts of other odd
circuintstauces, they started fur Lis office.
Ou tLe way they were overtaken by n
heavy shower, and took refuge under a
canal bridge. The rain continued, with
no iudicatiou of a very speedy termina
tion, and the 'Squire, who favors the
principal of improving spare moments,
suggested that the ceremony be perform
ed then and there. Tho anxious couple
Ldiifliingly consented and the knot was
made as fast as it could Lave been done
in a drawing-room or a church. Pitt
burgh Gazette.
Thousands of acres of land in Michi
gan are covered with a growth of sweat
fern, which Las hitherto been supposed
to be worthless, but it has been found
that for tanning purposes it is uuequall
ed, and that it yields forty per cent, ex
tract, whilo hemlock yields but fourteen.
It promises to be very valuable.
A Mao Bull. The lower end of
j Chester comity was visited some weeks
j ago by a mad dog that traversed several
. townships befoie be could be killed. The
f tesults of bis -trip are now being devel-
oped. Tho Oxford i'rttt of last week
HSVS a VJlllllll.lo Durham hull r.lnnn.;..cr
' - t"t
1 ... S.imrw.l I I-.. F l.-l. . I.
i jimcarj, wwusuif.
j showed mptoms of some ailment while
' in tho yard among the other cattle ; he
' got cross and would rush furiously at
them, and for fear of harm Mr. Mackey
I bad Lira driven into a stable, where he
- .soon showed signs of hydrophobia. His
bellowing now became feaiful, aud the
poor brute would rave and strike Lis
head against the sides of bis stall so
fiercely, that the blood flowed from Lis
nostrils and wounds iu stceams, and when
death ceded his agpuies, 4S huis after
being penned up, the stable resembled a
daughter pen. The dog which is sup
posed to have bitten this animal was kill
ed at Hickory Hill about five weeks ago.
lie had bitten some tea or twelve dogs
iu the neighborhood, all of which, to the
credit of -their owners bs it said, were
promptly killed aa soon as the fact was
known, except two. These two owners
refuse to dispatch tbeir's, nuder the Lope
they may not go mad. If we have bcen
correctly informed, these two gentleman
nre certainly violating the rules of good
citizenship, aud if it is positively known
that their dogs were bitten, or even came
in contact with a rabid dog, their simple
duty is to dispatch tiiem at once. No
matter how valuable a dog may be, Le
should not be kept one day if there is a
pou llily of bis going mad, for bow can
a dog's value be compared with even the
jeopardizing of a human life by that most
dreadful uf -all diseases, hydrophobia.
To conclude thaf if a dog does not gj
mad within a number of days after be
ing bi-.ten that Le will not go mad at all,
will not do, for jLe virus may not effect
the auimal for three cr six months, and
then he may do immense mischief to man
and beast. l!e Cfafir HepuH'c
Our foreigii exchanges say that an
American adventures, giving her name
as Maria Gr.uudorge, h u been arrested-
in Paris on the foil.) . ving cliuge of im
pudent and iugeuious swindling : She
appeared well dressed, Hud wiiu a very
handsome baby in her arm-J, at the houbo.
of wealthy Parisians, .asking to see the
proprietor. As soon as bhe was admit
ted to Lis presence, sbe would rush at
Lim, exclaiming, '-Traitor l wretch L,vil
Iuiu ! Lave I fouu.l you at last V At
the same time the handsome baby, Lav
ing beeu trained for that purpose, would
cstend its little arms toward the
as ton
isLud gentleman, and cry, ''Papa, dear
papa 1" It may be imagined that 'papa'
preferred to give the swindler some mon
ey in order to make her leave the bouse.
When she was arrested at her residence
in the Rue Duvivcr, no fewer than seven
trained babies were found in toe bouse ;
also, nine thousand or ten thousand francs
ia money. Mile. Graindorge, npon be
ing closely pressed by the examining
magistrate, confessed that her real narno
was Oaks ; that she was a native of N.
Y. and that she had beeu before at the
St- Laaaro prison. Tho Paris assizes
fo,,nd lier B11'1' 5 ke was sent for
seven eRr3 to New Caledonia.
Cnic7W &tLBo!ThT Lan
ctcr Jfe,irr - : On the. ni..l,t
of the 26th ult., a negro named John
Durrel visited the Leu roost of Jesse
Peuncbackev, Front street, Columbia, for
the purpose of stealing chickens. As
Mr. Peuiitbacker has frequently before
suffered from the depredations of chicken
thieves, he Lad recently placed iu Lis
Lenncry a gun, heavily charged with
buckshot, and so arranged that it would
go off, if any one not iu the secret open
ed the door of the coop. Burrel happen
ed to be the unfortunate thief that first
attempted to enter. The gun was dis
charged, and its coutents entered his
abdomen and groin, inflicting Jfearful
wounds which reeulted in his almost in
stant death.
Deputy Coronor M fj in ties summoned
a jury and held an inquest on the body,
and the jury after a short consultation
returned a verdict of "death by Lis own
Tbe ladies of tLe Moquis tribe of
Indians, in Arizona, Lave a very conven
ient way of distinguishing maids and
matrons, so as to prevent any possible
mistake on the partof bachelors in search
of wives. As soon as the girls arrive at
a marriageable age, they do their hair up
on each side of their head, somethiug in
the shape of two great wings, or as it
most reminds one, of the wUcels of a
steamer. As soon as they enter tbe-holy
bonds of matrimony they drop their
wings and then their hair hangs in large
roila bv tue gi(e 0f tue Lead
The money value of a drunken hus
band to a wife has Keen determined in
Murcer county at $150. Under a special
law in that county liquor dealers are lia
ble for the consequences resulting to their
customers from its sale. Jane Van Du
sen claimed to Lave been deprived of Ler
Lusband by the use of liquor pnrcliased
from certain parlies, and sued them for
damages. The suit was referred to arbi
trators, and tbey awarded ber tho sum
Alexander. II. Stephens, Vice Pres
ident of the Southern ConfeAacy lias
been elected a member of Congress. He
is disqualified by the general amnesty
act from holding the place. .
The Marshall House, at Alexandria
Va. where the first blood of tbe late war
was abed, was burned Monday night by
an incendiary. TLis was the building
where Col. EllswortL was killed-
The Michigan State Piison contains
sixty murderers uuder.life feut'euce.
It is said that a fow drons of mustard
oil will prevent ink from moulding and ! t0 lct Bnard of Manager for tlio I'crrjs-al-mi,
from .r.,,riw I ?'e Bridpo (Jomprnj tor ihe yeir commenc
A Lafayette (Ind.) conple were intro
duced on Sunday, aud married the fol
lowing Wednesday.
uniicao will TV an b 1,WU,UUUU rn.ilUilM
. . . . ,. , ,
ties this year, and is asking where the
timber is to come from.
1. ...II ....... ft f AAA AA AA II .
Tho difference between ceiling wax
and women, says Reubeu, is that one
, .
burus to keep a secret au.l other to tell
A skeleton was lately found hanging !
from a beam in an attic of.tbo Albany,
N. Y , post office. No one kucw Low
long it had been there.
West Liberty, Muscatine county, Iowa
with a population of about 2,000, Las
not a 8 ing to dram shop or liquor saloon,
aud has not had rince it was incorpora
ted. Joseph Durham, aged twenty two,
commitlc-d suicide, ou Monday evjning
a week by hanging, at Bel Air, Mary
land. A love affair is said to have been
the cause.
A Sheiiff in Fioiida, who was called
upon t; reeiga, wrote back : ' Your com
munication is received, stating that my
resignation will meet the approval of the
Goveruor. It does not meet miuc.''
An Iowa Falls woman put a couple of
dozen eggs into her bed so they elioa! lut
freeze while she was absent four or five
days, and on l.(r return Into at
bounced into bed .ind bounced cut again.
lieij iniiii Dovingd n, an o! 1 eitizjii of!
Towatid.1, committed suicide a few days!""'? 7iJ"lom" I-rvner, deceased, all per-
J sons iiuiebte'I to sai-i e-Jt-ir.' are r-eiie-te-1 to
niro by bani:iiir himself on a tree in make rannem. mi l ii.osB h:irie. riim
front of his bonce. It is snnnostd he
, 1 1 1
was lalioring niiJcr temporary aueriatioti
of mind
George B. Hey wood, a clerk in tlicj
i rea.-iiiy at i aslmigton, atte. opted to .
commit suicide, jloa 1 ty a week, by
pounding his head ou the floor and cut-
iug hi throat caused bv exoesiiva d.iuk
He wa.i seut to tue asylum.
A mare which Lad reached nearly ;hir
ty-eight years of nge died in Iudiaua '
county, Pennsylvania, a few d.iys since
The animal was held in high este- in be
cause of her service iu building the wes
tern end of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
The late Lord Lytton left a written in
junction that after death, or presumed
death, his body should be allowed for
three days to lie untouched upon his bed
and then should be examined by medical
pen, who should certify that lite was ex
tinct, i hi was obeyed.
A. farmer now in Illinois, who tl.irtrca
years ago soi-t a load ot potatoes in
Maine, and by Ehort measure made twen
ty-five ini 'litis out of twenty four, fins
juit ecr.t lis old customer $2 50, to re
turn the dichonest gaiu, with iute-iL-st at
ten per cent.
Ninety six of the doctors of Montreal
have signed a paper designed to ' undo
ceive the pu'olie mind uf the mischievous
error that alcoholic liquors are beneficial
They declare that abstinence from iu
t ixicathig liquors would greatly promote
t'.ic hrallh, morality, and happiness of
t'.ic people.
Chief Justice Clnise has bought nn
old historic homestead farm of some six
ty acres near Washington, from which
ho ofteu walks to the Capitol when the
morning is fair, a distance of a mile or ,
TI .
more. He is spending some care and ,
cost in embellishments, and means to end i
his days in this quiet retreat.
They are having a rat plaguo in sev
eral of the German provinces. The
fields of clovtr aud colza, are said to be
devastated by the vermin, aud when ar
senic and phosphorus pills Lave been
scattered to destroy them, hares and oth
er game have been poisoued, aud great
damage done.
A red squirrel made his habitation iu
tbe Reformed Church of Rhincbeck, N.
Y. It may be seen almost any time,
capering on the bell rope or running
abot the floor. List Sunday evening it
listened attentively to the minister's dis
course from an elevated position near the
o rgan.
A yonng man iu Detroit, Michigan,
had the misfortune to cut his foot badly
while splitting wood on the morning of
the day set for his marriage ; but the
bride, learniug that he could not leave
the house, came to him, and they were
married at his home, as he sat comfortab
ly ia a chair.
An Athol (Mass.) boy, who has long
been sojourning in California, has, after
a courtship.of twenty-five years, return
ed to his native heath to be married Ten
years ago Le started Lomeward for the
same laudable purpose, but wis waylaid
and robbed of bis all lie went back to
the Golden State, gained another fortune
and this time has reached home safely.
An ingenious machine has been inven
ted for spreading mortar on walls
consists of two trowels, one above the
other, and the mortar is spread by the
moving of the trough up the wall be
tween two nrjrigbts scantling, by means
of pulleys worked by a crank. The iu
ventor claims that tbe machine effects
great saving of labor, time and expense.
Immense qnantities of grain Lave ac
cumulated at all points in the wost.. In
Chicago the elevators and warehouses are
literally running over, and further con-
signments are refused except on pledges ! ? 'I, 10 DreR.V no cu .""S ,r 8r?h ' chtP'
. ... , , j durable, very easily applied ; holds sash at
of immediate shipment. It is .the same any place desired, and a self-fastner when
at St. Louis and other points. WLen ! lh.e IMyu is down- Send st8IDP for circular.
. .. , , . j Circular and six copper-bronie locks sent
navigation opens these stocks will move j to any address in the V. S., postpaid, on re
forward in immense qnantities, and the i ceiPl of 50 c,s- Liberal inducements to the
, ,. . . ... i trade. Agents wanted. Address REISIXG-
ebipments at the commencement of thei ER SASH LOCK CO., No. 418 Market s-reet,
season are likely to be very heavy. I Ilarrisburg. Pa.
Erid?e Election.
THERE will be an election hM at the
Via. r CAn...l t'....l- ;n il.A -1
' perrvMviit. rn via'u v j:rff :tl isTt
ing April 1, 173. l!ror.ler if I lie Uoard.
Mir 5-fw
Administrator's IJotics.
i' ... . . - T .1 n . 7 - j ... ;
1 J
! 'JIIE undcrsirued, to w!io;n LeltorsofAd-
1 ministration on t lie cstnlc of Lemuel It.
Ceile, lale of liealo township dee'd., hare
beca uulv granted according 10 law, hereby
give nonce lo ail persons lailet.tI to sani
' c.omo lorw:r,l au.l mike rijinent
aaa loose JiaTiii7 eiaims a'Illnt u. to rre-
j seut tbcm properly aa! lain irate f for scttlo-
mem. LOUIS S. ATK1X50.N, Alm'r.
Mar 5 '73 -Ct
Executor's Notice.
r.ilult. of William O.'.aon, JfrttitJ.
NOTICE is iieroby given lUtit Letters Tes
taaientnry on llie esltite. uf U iili mi ()kc
ton, laic of lite t'.rouglt of I'crrysville, bavc
been granted in iua form uf law to ihe ua
lersigneJ. All petrous imKl-ieil lo said es
tate are rciueetcl lo make payment, and
tliotc having cliiins w 11 please present tUeiu
properly, authenlienleil for si.leinrnt.
Feb. 24. lSZS-lir
Auditor's Notice.
'PIIE unJersigiie.?. npp intel ly the Court
A. of Common l'le-is of Juuiaia coiuiiy an
Auditor to make and report oi-or. billion of
Ihe money ia tue liamti ot nili;na unci,
f y' I ((,J"nb8ri,T flg I Witt r any ca,e of Blind. BlesJ
the creilito.-s rf the said l.tieyney J. Cliam A I Illlin(:. liohing or ClcerateJ
berlin, will attend to llie duties of said ap- j V jUUW pitc3 lunt f,c B;G.
poiutmejit i.t his otlice, in Slifilintown. on i Remkoy fail. t euro ti
Tn,l,,v I, ISrii HT:: m III nVIr,,!: A
SI., when au.l where all person liavine my
.11IW l.nvini. .no
legal cliiini ag?inrit
the saiil Ciievnev J.
C'liaiiibeilin will ple.ie present it.
J. A Cli:.:STV, Att.fcor.
Fh 2.'.. 1ST;?.
Administrator's Jfctice.
Estate c,f Jerome !ry:er, deceased.
T ETTE11S of A'leiiiii.slralion h.avicor Iieen
-Li gi-.uiti d 10 ihe nn lersined upon the
-'"" ' ' -nis, 10 p.ur.t
them without
i -', 'o
1 AI.rifi! J. TATTEU'SON
Feb. 12, l7:t Ct 'Kifrc.for.
Mnuufaciurers of Saws,
fil'PF.IUillt TO AM, OTHERS.
r) JSjf'I'rice Li-ts and Circulars free.
Bofton. Mm"., & Detroit. Mich.
Latest Grsan EslaalLsliiiiLUt ia U fori!
7 Extensive Factories.
Braiileboro. Yt , C. S. A.
iai i-L
i y ICY 0 0 1 10 "0 ( ) 1" ,r 0 H S
The latert and -best improvement?.
thine that is new and novel. T'.ie lea !
improvement in Orgai;a irere intio.l JO d first
in thij es ItiMishmeni.
3aNii:iili.-:2ia !. tJ.
v J j W 1
The Gi'iob is puhii.ihcT Qi akte-ii.t. 25
cents pay3 for the year, which ii ml ha'f the :
Co t. Those who nfierwards send tatinoy to '
the amount nf One Ballar or more for Seeds
m.-iy also or.ler 'i't ceins worth extra the
puce paid for the Of
TI. Jt- .... A' J..- K.A..,:r..l ..- ..t
for makinc Uoral !Im". Birt!r;r TaH
Prorations, Window fcarUens, .v.. .,nd a
m:is nf iiitnrtnaiion invaluable t j the lover of
flower, no paFc, on fine tinted Tapei.
anm" 500 Kneravinir.. an I a suprh r3!ori
riaic an.i tnrsmo twver. ine rirM tril
lion of 200,000 just printed iu Eo.i-h aud
Rocuk9t.r, New York.
Or, PAINTS-How to Select and Use Them.
A plain tre.ilife, containing sample card
with i'i dirTerer.1 actually painted shade and
tints, wiih instructions for exterior and in
terior House decoration.
25 copies, bound in cloth, for $5. Sample
copies, paper cover, m-iiled. post paid, to any
address, oa receipt of 10 rents, by the Tub
. Itox 1G21, I'ost-Office, Philadelphia.
See the following taluilte extract from pre
notice :
"A very valuable book, am no one intend -ing
lo paint should fail to read it. X. Y.
"We did not know so much could be said
on the "abject, of painting a house nntil we
read this excellent book of Mr. Baird's."
AT. Y. Herald.
"A want long felt at last supplied." S?.:
entilic American.
"Not only a necessity to the painter, but
valuable to every occupant of a dwelling
A Y. World.
"liny 25 copies of this book and distribute
them amonpr, your friends. If thev will heed
j the advice therein, yon could make no more !
TaiiiRtile present' trhicrja Tiibunn.
'In publishing th:s book Mr. Pnird lias
done a real service to the community. Tot'
do lit tie
''e hope the publisher will sell JOO.Ofid
copies of this book during '70." IloiWin .!
teriieer. We have just painted our house m 1.
vised by the aulhor. and congratulate our
selves that no dwelling in our neighborhood
excels ours in appearance." Harper' Weekly-
"In selling a sample copy for tOcents. JIr.
liairu must icel certain an order for 25boun i
I in ciom win louow. rranle Leslie.
'We know Ihe towu and couutry paints
therein recommended, and can vouch for
their value and the excellence of the "Har
rison" brand of white lead." I'hila. LiljerA
BY SESDI1C only 25 f EJTS to JAS.
RE.M150T0.V. at Moundsviile, Marsl
Co., AV. Va., you will receive by return mail
500 nsefutt-eceipts.
Use the Reisinger Sash Lock an l Support to
M.-.Nrr.irrrKEHs o '
r.irrrREBs o
II . Cr. ..I.;.. .
Specialities i-Wociworil, I'lai.irnr, lna
iri?anil Amoving Sim-Maes, Kicimr.J.-ij.
r iiietil Improved lenm SUcliines, c?
Central, cor. Utiion St. WORCESTER, MASS
l. B. WITUKRRT. O. J. aiOO. S. 3. aicm. ..1'
ry, Portable and Blast
Saw Mill, r!u.i.-ii:jr Mill M,f Blast Furaie.
K. i F. BLAXUV, N,rk, Ohio.
teeJ. r.pect:i!).o emp'oyianit at home, 4T
or eveniag ; no Capital requir. ; fl
struetior.s anl valuable pvkajfe 0f yu
sent free hj mail. A 1 ires., with six cen,
return stamp, M. YOL'.NJ &l't). 1.; (,,
lau.lt St.. Vrk.
S5 13 $20 p; r 11 ' Sn!' wsn'"1 : ah
v clas.-e of vurking people of
either .; x. young er old. make more muin
at work f..r ,13 iu ibt;ir spire monrni or aft
the lima tiu.i ai nnyihing else. Particuiarj
fre. Adorcss G. STLNSON & U, Port
land, Slaine.
I suT. re t wi:h Catarrh thirty yers. an 1
was cured .y a siinplo remedy. Will TOn.l
receipt, postage free, to all attlitted. T.ev
T.jJ.MEAl). Drawer 17, Syracuse. X. V.
jk gdg IS I' IV 1 II II
i . ' . . r ' r"-
, j .- " ... m-.i .una riBC.
l f. . . ... . . a
I br all DrntrfUt. Vrlnr. t 011
' '
$500,000 :
$100,000 for Only $10.
Under authority of special icjiinUiive act
of Mirch lt. IfTI. ihe tresfeen nw announce
ihe Third Grand Gift fence t Tor the ben
efit oi ti-e Futile Lib a j of KcBtuckv, td
ccmo off in Lil.ir.ry 4iail, at Lo ve-Till,.. Ky.,
Tuesday. .IjM'il st!i. IS73.
At this Concert Ihe best Dimkal talent that
cm ho procure-. fioui all pnns of ihe coun
try will at.i plen.-iire t. the entertainment,
nn-! Tea Tfco:i?30-J Ca-t: ifts, !nregating
n ta;i tout t t Half a Billion DMarii cur"
renfy will be tiisn-ibuie-i oy lot li i!,e ticket
holuVri, as fellsrs :
One Cra:!-! "i'h fi-t .ll.0oil
itne CiraeJ I'nsh tint - oti.iNio-
One t. inn I I''i5h (Jilt, V..j.iM
One G.ai. l C:sI (lift. 2i,tn
One linn 1 C.fii (lifi lo.lKh.
One 'iraa l C.sli Oifi o,ii
C-tsh Git" s of $l,i l ejeh ...... 2;.mt)
i.O Ca.Ii O.fu of oit-i 25 CMO
8 i Cash ii 't of Iih) " 32.IMI
l .,0 Cnh Gifis of S( -' 3(1,010
1-Vi Cisli Oii't4 f L'.tl 30.00
L:H) I'ash Oif . of ID) " .V'.iaitj
fi.O.Jij Cash C iris of l! i,(jUe
Tot il, M,o"J Gifl?, all C.-h. $".0 t,otK
To provide man for ibis n.acnitieeiit
Concert, One llutelrci! TjoU-ai:l Whole Tick
et on'v will oe isMie.l.
i'jTiirier t?-.j.'. lil.-ven wle-le Ti.-keia for
j r.''0. N' iIihcoiihi on !c4sth .n $hl orders
! The n?je.;t of i!:i.- T'rrl ' It I m.:er , lik
the two herctoloie civ. n w ir.'i .-i:e:i oriiver-ul
j riT.-H-ov-il. ij il.e cn":i'-.rtT..nt :m-l lelowmenv
of tho Vu'.il-c l.iVary of K -ii uc'cy. whieb hr
the 4-.er?::il Rft f.nth rizinirih- con'.rt for in
i S.eTMii. i. t, b fote.-ei fre.T to -ill ciiiins of
, ey ry .-'i.-.te. Tiie ilr iwing -tii! br tinder the
an j.H i vi4..n of :he Tuites of Ihe Library.
! atf:yr:.. ;y i:ioaf coiiaent ciiircni of Ibe
I. I'niie 1 S'.il.ei. ' The .i!c of tickets L w 1
j ri-n iy j r .gri-ppv-.l o fur th i! c on deie i.ueee.H
i! a.;itrel. an 1 bi yjM are therefore tomtit!
lhat th'y mu ir lr at oc if they de-ir
t. p.-ir ieipile in Ihe de-iy,'n
The mnnieiR.nt ft tlii undertalsln? ha
hen eo-nmi im1 bv' tho trii.stee lo BH
; Tho. E. Bramlrti late-finvernor of Ken
i tneky, I., w li.eH coaonNnieaion. pertaiuint
! to the Gift Concert m-.y he ad lre'.-ed.
K. T. Ill ill. h TT. I"ree I.
W. N. It.l.l l't'M N. Vice rWl.
t Jll.lA S. ( U. Ate c I'li'.i.e I.iStiirv of kr.
surer 1 uu:
Lih.-niy uf Ky., Louisville.
lirter for tickets or a-.plic;if iond for agen
clrs. circulars, iiiforonilioii, etc.. wilt nieel
wiih prompt attention when addressed to n..
TilOS. E. BRAMI.ETTE. Louisville. Ky ,
Agent I'uhlic Library Ky.
All orders for tickets may be addressed li
TIKIS II. HAYS A CO", General Depot or
Supply, UOii Broadway. New York. '
Sheriffs Sale.
TY virtue of a writ nf Vend. Ex.. issned
13 out of ih Orphans' Court of Juniata,
county. Ibe nn iersigned will sell at SberilT's.
Sa'e. at the Court llouse in MirHiniown, at
I o'clock P. M., on
The undivived half pari of the Mexico (Irist
Mill. Saw Mill. Miller's House, f'onper Sben,
and Ihe I'.lue House, ailnate in Walker town
ship. Juniata county. Pa.
Seized, laken in execution and to he sold
as Ihe property of James II. Thompson.
Sheriff's Offioe. Mifflintown, 1 .
Ftbruary 19, ltt.
Not it The interest of Charles A. Thomp
son (being the undivided rne-half) of the
above Mill Property will be offered for sale
at ihe fame lime and place, when terms will
be ni.-iue known.
(inaranlecii by itsing my
Instnni Tie1 iff for ih Astltmi.
It acis im'ttintly, relieving the paroxysm
immediately, and enabling tue patient to lie
down and nieep. I suffered fiom this dis
ease twelve years, but suffer no more, and
work aad sleep as well sis any one. Warran
ted to relieve in llie worst case. Seut ty
mail on receipt of price, one dollar per box ;
ask your Drugist for i'.
Fb ir,-i
I Cucumber "Wood Pnmp.
"i S Tasteless, Durable. Efficient.
and CBnp. The best Pump
' for the least money. Atten-
AAt.,n Id ..T.a.i.11. Inwiled IO
1 Jltlatchley's Patent Improved
ft "! P.racket and New Prop ChccK
":. a Valve, which can be wiih
t.Sr 5-" f5 dtawn without removing the
V'-y-J i pompor disturbing tbejoinn.
-MfiS - Aot Ihe Copper Chamber,
which neTer cracks r scales, and will otiila''
any other. For sale by dealers everywhere.
Send for Catalogue and Price-List.
Cha. O. PtATriir.T, Mannfact'r.
GOli Commerce St., Philada.. P.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against
Hunting, Fishing, or innnny way tres
passing on the lands of Ihe undersigned, in
Miltord township. AH persons so oUcnJing
; will be dealt wttb to the
I law.
' Dec. I, 172-tf
full extent of ihe