3 u iiia I a Henttmt political management lie mi therefore encouraged wad made mneb of by tbe gentlemen who now boatt of their instru mentality in patting Lim down.. They desired to create a party strength in New DEATH OF EX-UOYEK50R GEARY t RB DIES AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE. Our entire community was chocked this morninp by the intelligence that Ex- York city sufficient to control the politics : Governor John W. Geary had died end of the State. As to the means tLey were j denly f heart disease at the breakfast not particular. Tbe object was control, ' table, at his residence. No. 202 Waluut to be obtained somehow. The best men street. He relumed from New York in the Democratic party regarded Tweed's t yesterday afternoon at four o'clock in his political management with favor, throng b 1 nsnnl health, except that he felt fatigued MIFFLINTOWN Wednesday Horning, Feb. 12,'l873 B. F. SCIIWEIKU, rpjroa A PROPRIETOR. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO, 40 Park Row, New York AND S. M. PETTENGILL 4 CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y, Are our lolt agents in that city, unci arc au thorized to contract Tor advertising at our lowest rate. Advertiser in that city are le queited to leave their furors with either of be abore houses. The Credit Mohilicr and UieTcnusj Iranla Legislature. A wtnbcr of the CanbtitulinHitl Con vpii l ion some days ago stated in a speach that the Credit Mobilirr bad sntiglit to procure a charter iu the Legislntures of New York and New Jorecy, but the price demanded there by the members for snch legislation was too high for that organization. It then came to the Penn sylvania Legislature, wl.;eli gave it a charter fir 59,000. Tliis charge made by nun named Boyd Las been denied. Jacob Zifgler, editor of Ziejhrt Drm orrnt, who aeeisted in gMittg the credit mobilier throngh the Legislature makes the following explanatory remarks : The sllrgation made by Mr. Boyd, tlmt $50,000 were expeuded in proenring the charter from the Legislature is an en tire miMnke. Wo do not bblieve there was one do'lar expanded for any ench purpnfe. One thing i certain, beyond even tite Pf-mbKnce of doubt, and, that is, neither Gen. Puff Green, Hon. Pavid II. Tortir, nor curf elf ever gave a dollar to either Sct;at0!8 or lleprc?eutativc3 for thi-ir vote on the passage of tie bill. We were the three persons who shaped he bill and Lad it presented to the Leg islature ; we advocated it on the broad merit of being the most feasible means o( uniting the Atlantic and Pacific sea hoards by rail ; developing the rich min eral resonrces of the people, and advanc ing the interests of the country gener ally. After we had passed the bill, we went to Philadelphia and organized the com pany. - The war broke out and the whole matter was lost right of. Duff Green was in the South attending to a sick wife and shut out from all communication with theXorsh. Hon David IL Porter was in Ilairiobnrg and in feeble health. We his rkillful manipulation any majority, from twenty thousands npward was pro curable for any set ot Democratic candi dates. Yet Mr. Tweed's pawer in poli tics was founded in reckless corruption and glaring frauds. The best of his partisan friends knew that .from the first. They did not scruple to employ him and his agents freely, nor did they close the doors of their aristocratic organizations against him. On the contrary they gave him therght hand of fellowship, fir the sole reason that he was politically indis pensable The counUnaucc given him by Democratic leaders made him a pow er with the people, who willingly follow ed his lead And it was only when po litical opponents published. the crimes cf this powerful Democratic leader and pre sented the proofs that hia employes found courage to joiu in the pursuit which was to end iu his conviction and overthrow. And it is well to remember that tbe lead ing organs of Mr. Tweed's party were first to deny the astounding facts expos ed, and tbe last to wheel into liue and take np the pursuit. ftow the responsibility for the domin a; ion of Tweed belongs to the leaders of the Democratic party, who found him nseful and not afraid of d'rt, in the first place, and to the masses of that party, who blindly followed where their leaders indicated. By this we are, or ought to be, taught that vice never doaiitiates any where without the consent, and, as a rule not without the collusion of men who make some pretence of virtue and honor. Turn now, if yoa please, to the condi tion of affairs in Kansas. It begins to ! look as if the venal sconuurtlism set np there by tbe dominant party in 1S56-57 had bred an incurable distemper, effect ing men cf all parties alike. It begins to be questionable whether Kansas was ever honestly represented in tbe Senate of the Uuitcd States. The privilege, of the honor, or whatever men may name it of representing Kansas in the Senate would seem to be priceless. We are ask ed to believe that a man has paid as much as ninety thousand dollars for that privilege, not to name a higher figure. And we are publicly informed that anoth er man deemed it profitable to pay as much as eight thousand dollars for a sin gle vote in the Kansas Legislature. Does any roan for a moment suppose such wholesale bribery on tbe one hand, and by the trip. In the evening he received a nnml'er of his friends who called to See him and seemed in excellent spirits. This morning upon coming to tbe breakfast table he spoke of going to Lew istown for the purpose of attending the funeral of his friend Judge S S. Woods, this afternoon. Mrs. Geary remonstrated saying that as be was fatigued, it would be better for bim to remain at home. The Governor had just finished prepar ing some food for his little son, who was sitting by his side, aud raised his bead, which fell baek and he expired in a few moments. Physicians were called in but too late to be of any service. General Geary was a devoted husband and affectionate father, and Mrs Geary aud her family have the sincere sympathy of our citizens generally in this sudden and unlookcd for dispensation of Provi dence May the God of the widow and the Father of the fatherless take the afflicted ones under His sheltering arm, and may they be couso'.ed by the thought that their loved oue has passed to that realm of bliss whure daa'.h never c jtns, a:id" where suficriug and sorrow are unknown The deceased connected himself with the Frst Presbyterian church of this city soon after he entered npmi bis first term of office, and was a much loved and high ly respected member of that congrega tion. The Futieral will take place on Thurs day next. The services at the grave will be conducted by the Masonic Knights Templar. HarrUlttrg Tclcjrajift, Feb. Slt ,1 LETTER FSOa HAIUilSBlRU. were engaged in contributing all our fee-; venality on the other, are confined to the ble ability to put down the rebellion ; aud : parties immediately concerned I It is as j tLat jt be n!owcd to liy a ioMa track The Philadelphia Market Street Railway -The City Against a Corporation Legisla ticn for the Pennsylvania Central-The Centennial Appropriation Local Option The 0 renter's Apponitments His Reception The Constitutional Amend ments not to be Submitted to the People. IlAnRiSBiiui, Feb. 7, 1873 Editor Sentinel : I Lave not mucii to commuuicate to yon this week. Both Uonses have adjourned nntil Tuesday. There has been some huge log-rolling done within the last few days Philadel delphia of couise cotniug in for her full share. You may remember the "Union Passenger Railway Company" of Phila delphia that was here last winter for leg islation Not being satisfied with the result of the job, it again made its ap pearance here on Wednesday, and asked license system. The State is expected to go nearly solid for local prohibition. I have it from good authority that Phila delphia will vote against license. God speed the day. The court here created considerable excitement this week by re. fusing licence to about forty hotels and , . j - t. . .. .. , ! find unnauug saiuonf, mosuy me wpret dens in tbe city. This was done nnnn the recommendation of the grand jury. Right. The Governor has not completed his appointments yet. In addition to those already mentioned, ho has appointed Maj Hart, of Montgomery county, and Mr. Porter, of Cumberland couuty, clerks in the Secretary's office, and A (J. Kein ehl, Deputy SefcreUry nf the Common wealth. The Deputy Attorney General and Adjutant General are uot yet ap pointed. The Governor and lady gave their first public reception last night It exceeded anything of the kind ever given iu liar risburg. Tbe attendance was largely composed from ' tbe circles of our best people in the State and city. But I shall not play the part of "Jenkins" on this occasion. ' ' There is a faint disposition here now showing itself in favor of adopting the new State Constitution as it comes from the Convention, without submitting it to a vote of the people This was done in 1790 What think the people of your county about -it I Those' who favor such a course, do so, they allege, on the ground that if it be submitted to tbe people di rect, the corrupt politicians aud corpora tions get a chance to defeat it, or at least the most vital sections of it. They are hearty iu their advocacy of tho Conven tion adopting it for the people. It may be of interest to your readers to know how many offices there are on the Hill here, and the salary each officer receives. The following list is correct : EXECaTlVK nEfABTXENT. (Term 3 years.) AjZiry Oovernor S10.IXK) Secretary of the Commonwealth 3,600 Deputy . 2.250 Private Secretary to Governor ......... 2,)00 Executive Clerk....- -.... 1,5(H Messenger to the Governor......... 900 SEWS DESPATCHES. - Chicago, Feb 6. The second trial of Christopher IlafF erty, of this city, for killing Policemen Omera while the latter was arresting him closed at Waukeegan yesterday, the jury ing a .verdict of c-uilty" and sen tence of hanging The only defence made by the accused was that he was drunk when he did the deed. Rafierty's bliud old mother fainted in the court roomjin hearing the verdict Chicago, Feb. C. 2Jur arfrtisraifnts. Administrator's ITotice. Est at t of Jerome ISryner, drceatrj. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Jerome Errner, deceased, all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against tje same, lo present thesi without delay, to ALFRED J. PATTERSON, JACOB BRTNEIi. Adminiitrators. Feb. 12, 1873 6w fiOTICZ. A LL persons are hereby cautions! not to A interfere or meddle wiib f gang of New York thieves have come C !.. 1 lie police authorities believe that a in the possession of D. S Smith. a. I have 1 I K i u (1 -. v ntiMk....! tl. - .1 1 1r. them on loan with the saiJ V. S. Smiih, and are subject to my order. O. M. GRAHAM. Perrysville, Feb. 1, 1 873-4 w here with the intention of operating against vaults, many of which, being yet iu temporary buildings are insecure. Several well known robbers have been seen on the streets, and the banks -have been notified to use extra vigilance. Ft. Wayne, Ind , Fed. 6. About th ree o'clock yesterday after noon a man named Christ Shnltz, living on the Lima road, about three miles from this city, made an attempt to cross Spy run on the ice, and breaking through AGENTS ! A RARE CHANCE who win ,,s. wiIh usrAT 0; thing furn:Iicd aal eiosnses paid UtV7' A. COULTER 4 Co . ; Charlotte. Mich. $3 TO S25 PER DAY AGINlFwANTit) to sell a 15.-iMitif.il fMrt.-air, in oil e..l . be D,r. ef 6,...r, ,'be late Geo. h. Jltii.K. o.-n.l $1 tor o.nSt. or5. for sample. CitOSSCUP 4 WEST, 7(r Cb., nut f t.. rhi!.Jrt( hi. Pa " QLITSLns iMFEaiAL KUSSIAS .-unyie cms stnl. postpaid W. trad.. KU:-.IAN T. HtUSAUFP. R.. J1" ' "g. raw J. AUCTIONEER. F. C. LONG, residing in Fprare mil township, ofi'ers bis services to the citi zens of Juniata county as Auctioneer and Vendue Crier. Charges moderate. Satis faction wariauted. jan21 m AGENTS WANTED FOR cCLELLAN'S The first and only complete history of the Pacific Slone ? Descriptions of f II the Season when about the middle of the stream was KtSSK?;;1: drowned before any assistance could " w" ' -,mLn $20,150 STATE DErAKTMEXT. (Term 3 years.) Chic' Clerk $1.S00 Seven other clerks, each $1,400 9,800 Messenger 900 J aendered. The body was recovered in about an hour after. TlTUbVILLK, Feb. 6. Andrew Dalrymple, living near Tide oute, Pa., while secretly engaged in fill ing a torpedo with uitro-glycerine at his house this morning, it exploded, blowing Dalrymple to atoms, killing his wife and fatally injuring his child, both of whom were iu an adjoining apartment. The house was totally wrecked. A keg of powder aud a number of articles for fir ing torpedoes were found, on the premises. Topcka, K.s, Feb 5. The Senate yesterday passed a concur rent resolution memorializing the United States Senate to investigate the case of Senator Pomcroy, and the llouiie passed a resolution asking Senator Pomcroy to WM. FLINT A CO- Philadelphia, Pa. Feb 5-3m - $11,500 Al'OITOB CEXERAl's OFFICE. tTerm 8 years.) Auditor General '. $3,000 Chief Clerk 1,800 Corporation Clerk 1,800 Nine other clerks, eaoh $1,400 12,600 Mtfsen;er ftOO Night Watchman 900 street between Front and so ia the midt of the confusion, incident j certain 83 anything cati well be that such j on Jialtct to the then existing state of public affairs ( corruption exists there bec iue it is tol- Ximh. Tbe people of Market street ap- books. p-ipers, &c , were takeu to ' erated by the controlling men, ani that p(lr t0 ve ai.nost UIIai,imouslr noninst York, and there together with the j the people follow the lead of snch men j lt j t jcatroys ,)e mRgt important mer- If everything alleged be true, ; Mntne cnne ; ,b cjlv. end hands it - over to a corpmaiioa to make money out th charter mnde the basis of the wb-d , blindly. villainous proceedings which Congres is ! the concision is irresistible that tho peo r.ow eniged ia investi"atin. We wer? ph? are also corrupt if not positively theu induced t sell our stock for $275 nnder the representation that the project would never amount to anything in the then condition of the charter. Subsequent to the sale, we were informed that our thir ty paid up shares together with the stock subscribed, would have realized $1,100, 000. . We do not believe one dollar was even fflVred to r; ass the bill by the New York or New Ji-rsey Legislatures. The Leg islature of Peunsvluauia was the first importuned for its passage, and they did ! Se9 without protest. 1'eruaps it seem negatively. But the responsibility rests with the leaders first, and then with the followers. There must be men of prom inence in Kansas who abhor the corrnp tion of Legislatures, and who will de nounce the men who corrupt them in set terms. But we cannot close our eyes to the very probable fact that these men knew all about it years ago just as well as they know it now. Perhaps, like the Democratic leaders in New York, they found it convenient to permit such out- it without the paymcut of a dollar. Another matter. The idea of fleecing the Government of the United States, by the mobilization of its credit ia the construction of the Union Pacific rail road, was conceived by tho New Yoik parties, and by them carried to euc'u ex tent as has forced Congress to investigate the conduct of all concerned in the bu?i nrss. Putting the Kespnnsibilily Where it Be longs. What is written uudcrthe above head ing by the Xorlh American is worthy of the tnojt careful reading and reflection. We are not about to pronounce this the most corrupt era the world has ever known, because multitudes who never bestow a glance upon the paet will have done that already ; and because every period in the world's history has in its turn been decreed such bad eminence Human nature is pretty much the same in every ago, and deviations from the right line of honorable dealing will doubt less continue to shock and grieve right minded men while the world stands. But disreputable practices are just now hav ing a full consideration, and it seems the right time to difenss the queetiou, 'Who is responsible for this stale of affairs ?" We read that, upon more riged examina tion, the frauds practised upon the treas uries of New York city and county seem likely to reach forty millions instead of the eighteen millions heretofore set down as the sum. Men who knew Mr Tweed when he was compelled to purchase for cash, having no credit, are astounded at ed necessary to maintain the ascendency of a clique. No matter what induced such men to make no sign, lby cannot shirk the responsibility. Tbey may not have incurred any penaltyt but the peo pie of Kansas must now shake off their ;npioe dependence up6ii leaders and or ganize in the interest of fair dealing in politics a9 in all things else The crimination and recriminition, car ried on by men who seek to uncover the crimes of political opponents while they excuse or cover np the crimes of their own partisans, must go for nothing in this fight. The people, who, now that facts are becoming plentiful, are to be held responsible under our system, can not bo hoodwinked, nor can tbey afford to permit these betrayals of trnst to pass without meeting out condign punishment to the betrayers. A dispatch from Pioche, Nevada, says half the horses in that district are disa bled by the epizootic, and that 8000 bars of silver bullian have accumulated there since the stoppage of the Salt Lake Ftages. The disease is abating in local ities where it first appeared but is spread ing southward. A Washington correspondent of a city paper says : Arrangements, are being made to muster out the internal revenue assessors on May 1. There is a heavy pressure to allow them to remain till June 30, but May 1 is the latest date to which tbey will be continued. The science of alchemy, long since ' supposed to be absolete, has not yet quite the sway he finally gained in New York ; died out. There are said to be in New politics. They cannot omprebend it at j York amateurs of leisure who occupy el!. Upon full consideration it may ap- themselves with attempts to transmute pear mat mere was Doming aiuouit umg about it. At tbe outset, then, we may affirm that no rogue ever gets into tbe ruling posi tion in any community wiritout the con nivance and consent of tbe leaders of one party or the other. Ww. M. Tweed was :t bold operator, who developed an extra ordinary degree of executive ability in the baser metals into gold. Tbe Kansas Senate have passed a eon current .resolution memorializing tbe United States Senate to investigate the case of Senator Pomeroy, and the House a resolution asking him to resign. An insurance company glars is proposed. against bur- of. Many people outside of Market Street arc opposed to it, because they ! think it takes the management of the streets from the city authority and ve.Ms it in the authority of a corporation. There will be a meeting of those who are opposed to the bill at the Horticul tural Hall in Philadelphia to-morrow evening, to organize the large and power ful sentiment against it into an expres sion that will be carried to Governor liartratift, for the purpose of getting him to veto tbe bill. The company h;is had a strong lobby here It is corporation against the people. Both parties are ap plying to the Governor. The chief stockholders in the company are ex State Treasurer Kcmble, ex-State Trea surer McGrath, and ex-State Senator Ridge way.. The next big job was the passage' of a supplement to the Pennsylvania Kail road Company's charter, giving tLeni un limited privileges, allowing them to issue an unlimited number of bonds aud stock. I notice that the. Constitutional Conven tion is directing its attention to Just such legislation, and doubtless will propose a remedy against it. There seems to be a disposition on the part of a number here to array the public sentimnnt of the Stale against the Constitutional Convention The convention does seem to be tardy in its work. The bill that was reported by the Ways and Means Commute, giving the Ceutennial Committee one million dollars, was reported back to that committee, and again came forth with only five hun dred thousand dollars. It is alleged that the committee was packed ; only such as were known' to be favorable to tho bill were notified of the first meeting, con sequently the bill went back to commit tee. When brought np it was made tbe special order for next Thursday. There seems to be a good deal of feeling against it at present, and unless a change takes place soon, I doubt whether even this amount will be appropriated. Tbe Local Option bill will be so amended that all counties and cities which have not voted before the third Friday in March shall vote on that ques tion that day. This will be done in or der to have the question disposed of throughout the State at about one and the same time, for you know some of the towns and cities hold their municipal or local elections in October on State elec tion day. That is the case with this city and county. License will be voted down here in Ilarrisburg. The impression prevails here that there are not ten coun lies in the State that will support the old $21,000 St'B vetob geiebal's orrici. (Term 3 years.) Surveyor Ceneral.:. $2,500 Chief Clerk 1,800 Thirteen other clerks, each $1,400 ...-18.200 Messenger ........j.. 900 $2:;,4w ATTOBNEY GENL'BAL S OFrtCE. (Term 3 years.) Attorney General Deputy Attorney General Messenger .. STATE TREASURY. (Term 1 year.) State Treasurer Chief Cterk Three other clerks, each $1,400 .... Messenger Night Watchman .$!t,50O .. 1,800 - 900 $0,200 ..S5.0O0 .. 1.800 .. 4,200 .. 900 ... 900 $12,800 ADJUTANT GEySXAL S OFFICE. (Term 3 years.) Adjutant General $2,500 Chief Clerk 1,800 Two other clcrk, each $1,400 2,800 Messenger 900 $8,000 SCnoOI, DEPARTMENT. (Term 3 years.) Superintendent of Common Scheols, $2,500, and vho is also Supt. of S. Orphan Schools, $1,250 - $3,750 Deputy Superintendent 1.S00 Additional Deputy - 1,800 Three Clerks, each $1,400 4,200 Messenger......... 900 $12,450 Soldiers' orniAX scuool. (Term 3 years.) Chief Clerk - $1,800 Assistant Clerk 1,400 Male Inspector - 2,000 lem&le Inspector $6,400 STATS LIBRARY. (Term 3 years.) Librarian - $1,2C0 Assictant Librarian 900 $2,100 MISCELLASEOrS. (Term 1 year.) Superintendent of Public Printing COO Superintendent of public trounds and builJing 1,400 Three Watchmen, each $900 - 2,700 (Term 2 years.) Commissioner of Labor Statistics of Agriouliure 2,000 Clerk - 1,400 (Term 3 years.) Keeper of the Arsenal 1,400 $10,500 Aggregate $134,450 More anon. STRANGER. Tub Cau&k of Governor Grasy's Death. A jiot mortem examination was made this morning on the body of Governor Geary, in the presence cf a number of physicians. No pathological leasion of any organ was discovered, and the conclusion ar rived at was that he died from syncope caused by nervous prostration, the re sult of over work and malarial cachexia. The brain weighed 56 J ounces, and is considered remarkably large, as the lar gest brain on record weighed sixty-three ounces. Harritburg Telegraph, Feb. 10 The people of Reading are very gen erally suffering from a disease closely re sembling that with which their horses were recently prostrated. i New York, Feb. 5. A few weeks ago Jacob Knopp, pro prietor of a liquor saloon in Brooklyn, gave up business and rented his saloon. The saloon was locked tip, and Knoop has not since been seen. This evening the new proprietor went to take posses sion, and inside was found the dead body of Knoop, and beside it his dog, feeding on one of his legs. The flesh had been eaten from the re.t of the body. A rather siugular event transpired a few days since iu our town, says the Sunbury Democrat, which, if not an ab duction, was very much like one. The facts are as fol!ows : Some time ago a woman entered the family of one of our citizens as a domestic, remaining in that capacity uutil a week or ten days ago, when she loft, with one of the children accompanying ter, n.r a two flays visit to her friend?. The parents of the child waited for more thnn a week for the re turn of the woman. She not returning at that time they became nneasy, and the mother of the child started after them, finding them in New York. The women stated that she was on her way home and desired to accompany tbe lady back again. The mother of the child, how ever, declined having anything further to do with her. and after securing her little girl returned home, a much happier, and it is hoped, a much wiser woman. The threat lee Gorge. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, who has been looking at the ice orge in the lower Susquehan na, in a letter dated Port Deposit, Feb ruary 4th, says : The gorge is first class in every essen tial. Two miles wide, nearly ten miles long, and fi'om twenty to sixty feet thick. There are seme twenty five hundred to twenty-sevea hundred people here, and it is a fair estimate, I think, that about half of them have been at least temporarily drowned out. The peop!e seem to have settled down to hoptless despair. They know full well when tbe thaw comes the water will come in on them with renewed vigor. The damage thus far amounts to about sixty thousand dollars. The Marieta Ilegutcr says that while Mr. Isaac Coulter, living near Cutler, was oiling his rifle it was discharged and the ball striking a hired girl in the head, killed her instantly. The name of the young lady was Deborah Fish, and her age nineteen. . Rodney Wright, of Vinton, Iowa, got epizootic virus on a flenh wound, and came near losing his life. lie howev er escaped with tbe loss of his sense of taste and the hearing of one ear. The latest whim of fashion is inflated rubber bustles. It takes a young hus band with weak lungs half an hour to blow his wife up to a fashionable- ro tundity. It is staled that Stanley received only $1,500 for his two years adventures in the interior of Africa in search of Dr. Livingstone. Rev. George Gilfillan, of Dundee, Scotland, recently married fifteen cou ples in ten hours. A good day's work in the "matter o' money." Wedding cards in Denver consist of the "jack of diamonds" and "queen of hearts," with the names of the contract ing parties on each. -fc Louis Bois, a Canadian farmer, has just baptiz'td his thirtieth child. Twen ty six are living. The penalty for using a postage straps a second time, if discovered, is fifty dol lars fine. THE FKASClSCl'ai HARDWARE COMPANY, Main Street, Opposite Court Yard, Sifllintoirn, Ta.. Arc offering; Large Induccnicnls lo CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, SADDLERS, SIIUEMAKERS, lit'ILDERS. PA1NTER3, &e. S510 20 Vr,i,iJ'- Ken' want eJ! . . , U U ' of working ppf, J either sex. young or old, make more moDe, at ork r..r us ia their spare movents or air us- nice mini ai njminf erse. jrt , , x, - and, .nam. Port- REW, . Cleed- ceratni T P.Evri,r UiiU toenre. It i, n-.n.,Ji ljr t cure ihe Pile, and nothing ,Ue. Sold hv all Dru-i-ls. Price, $1.00. i o n n Fr case f j?ci 1 .If Ifflf ,,c,,i r Ulcer, Tbej bare on band the largest stoek of IIARDAVARE. IRON. HORSE SIIOKS. Nails, Faints, Leather, AND BUILDHT5 MATERIAL, la the central part of the Slat. They are selling Bar Iron at 5c lb. Horse Shoes at S7.25 keg. Beet Norway Naii Rods at 9Jc lb. 14 inch Horse It up at &5c e.icli. TUej are selling 1 J Hickory Felloes at $1 .'JO lb set. 1 Hickory Spokes at S2 00 "j9 sot. No. 1 Gum Hubs at 90e "f set. No. 1 Hemlock Sole Leather at 31c lb. No. 1 Best Oak Leather at 40c g lb. ORGANIC LAW OF THE SEQjsT Comluinii which impair Terility- positire. and nefrnt.Te leeiriciljr proof that life i, e.i.rel wn!it union effect of tobacco in.ljrncc of fifh and phewpioric diet mod ern IrMlTTtnt of pelTie disease., stricture auu aric.cele. an l arrest or development t ITJ!... ,urM 10 i,U Tr.W turnical class, br EDWABW II. DIXON. M. D.. 45 piflk a nue. N. ; 64 pages. 25 cents. -Eterj lino . , , great Talue, to the whole human race." Horace Greeley. SE.U 25 CENTS FOR THE ADVERTISERS' GAZETTE, A book of 128 pages, showing how, when, and where to advertise, and containing a list of nearly 3,000 newspapers, with much other information of interest to advertisers. Ad dress CEO. r. ROWELL CO., rablbhcri, 41 Park Rev, Xev Terk. ,- BLATfH LET'S IN PROVES S Cwmmber Wood Pnaip. Tasteless, Durable, Efficient,. S and Cheap. The best Pump . for the least money. Atten- f'T-PV! Bracket and Sew Drop Check ftf'Sa M V",T' hich can be wiih M' k diawn without removing ibe pumpordisturbinglhejointa. r.:?yS H Ai.HO( lne Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. Kor sale by dealers everywhere. Sond for Catalogue and Price-List. Chas. O. I i.t hlet, Manufaet'r. uO Commerce St., Philada., P. The oldest and most reliable Institution for obtaining a Mercantile Education. tegr" Practical business men as instructors. For information, write for a circular t P. Dl FF SJ.Nd, Pittsburgh, Pa. noTiV3m,eotn TBUETEaEF0R$l. , In order to close out their immense ttock of they will sell (hem at COST.- Give them a call before pur chasing elsewhere. Francisttis Hardware Co. Main Street, Mifflintown. Crystal Palace. Crystal Palace. 50 OOO SOLD. j Magnetie Tira :-Keeper. Compass and Indica tor a prrlect ur.M Tor Ibe pocket or every tr.ive1i.-r. trader, boy. farmer, and for r:V ERYI5.LV desiring a reliuUe lime-kerper, and also a super or compass. Usual watch. size, steel works, glass crystal, all in s neat Oiiol I' E ease. W A it R A N T E D t. denot eor. rtcl tin.t and to keep iu order if fairly used far two years. Siothmy like it! This per fect triumph of Mec'ianism will be sent in a neat ease, prepa'd iP any address, for only 1 ; 3 for $ Circulars sent fiee. Try one. Order from the manufacturers, VERMONT NOVELTY WOUKS, Braitlebor, Vi. deel l-lin G2EAT 0FFZ23 T3 AGENTS are made by Tin STrtr Etkxmo Post aud The Lit's t kici. A beautiful Chromo of the IIILD-rntlPilKT "SAJSl'EL," worth 35 0O. is given with the paper (sub scription price $H Oil) or with tbe Magasina (price $-.60) Do not fnil lo examine into this oTrr, it is A GREAT C O.M BIX ATIOS tt Address for particulars, samples. An . -ron Jf I'eterton, ol'J Walnut St., rhiladelpht. decll-lm The First, The Best, The Cheapest, The Largest Stock of Goods IX THE COUNTY, To Offer to the Public AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES, Just Received from Eastern Markets. Seeing Them will Guarantee Yoa Satisfaction. SHELLEY &STAMMUGH. NEW CRYSTAL PALACE BUILDING, MIFFiniTOWli', PA. Oct. 8, 1872. CAUTION. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against trespassing by hunting, or in any other way, on tbe farm on which I reside in Fer managh township. All persons offending will be dealt with lo the full extent of the law. WILSON ROBUST) N. ALL KINDS OF BLANK WORK, c.,doDe at this Office id the neatest manner and at low prices. L6&.kre.p.?t AGEXTS WANTED FOR BOSTON t?sD DESTRUCTION. A full, detailed and graphie account of t he origin, progress, suffering, losses and inci dents of the great conflagration. A rare chance for agnnls. as every person wants te know the full particulars of this great disas ter. Sent by mail for 50 eents. WILLIAM FLINT. Toil xlelphia. Pa., or Cincinnati, Ohio, decll-im 1IOOIC ,AGE1TTS XB THE GBEAT INDUSTRIES OF TUE UNITED STATE3 ; 1300 PAGES AND 500 ENGRAVINGS. Written by 20 Eminent Authors, including JOHN B. GOCG1I asd HORACE GREELET. This work is a complete history of all branches of industry, proeessess of manu facture, etc., in all aes. It is a complete encyclopedia of arts and manufactures, and is the most entertaining and valuable work of information on subjects of general intei est ever offered 10 the public. We want Agents in every town of the I'nited States, and no Agent can fail to do well with this book. One agent sold 133 copies in eight days, another sold 88 in two weeks. (Inr agent in Hartford sold CUT in ens week. Specimens scut free on receipt of stamp. AGENTS WASTED ron the FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC. 8G0 Pcges, 250 Engravings. An interesting and amnsing treatise oa tbe Medical Humbugs of the past and present. It exposes Quacks. Impostors, Travelling Doctors. Talent Medicine Venders, Noted Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers and Mediums, and gives interesting accounts of Noted Physicians and Narratives of their lives. It reveal startling secrets and instructs ail bow to avoid the ills which flesh U heir to. We give exclusive territory and liberal commis sions. For oirculars and terms address tho publishers. J. B. BUEE & HYDE, HARTFORD, CONN., on CHICAGO, ILL, janUly Caution. TLL persons are hereby cautioned againat Ix. Hunting, Fishing, or iu any way tres passing on the lands of the undersigned, is Milford township. All persons so offending will be dealt with to the full exteut of the. law. P. II. HAWN. Dec. 1, 1872-tf