FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. Graps Tines from Single Eyes. .. Moore't Rural. New Torhtr ys : Grape vines are propagated from what are termed "single eye cuttings" in the open ground, but seldom with as good results as when plutited in a propagating house, where artificial Leat can bo ap plied. Tue usual jractic is to make the cuttinge in Fall or Winter, sever ing the caue abut a half inch above the bud and two ii.clus below, with long jointed torts. li' ihe internode aie short, thin the of t!;e cuttings need not be .-o grvr.t After the cutli.ijM are made, slme ii:im in tliupji saw duel or sand, arid plice in -1 roe! C liar, being j careful not to kt th m Licomc too dry. In Spring, as soon as the earth warm and dry enough to work rtd.!y, plant the cuttings in light. fimly pulveiized soil, setting them p -rpcndiculw, li-av.t,p the bud just even with, or .1 little btluw the surface of the eoil Wan th'.' esitii firmly about the cuttings ; a:id lhi:ucv-.r the entire surface of the bed with saw dust, tan Laifc, or spent hops, to llir eDth of one or two inches. Cut str..w r chaff wi.I mis wit, but in r.itve likely X Irt t.lnw nwnv fliAll th; iltlirT m ji- ' No fmther attention re.d 1 3 "'n tiie cuttinge exept ta pull n; str-.y wctde that may possstily purh through ihe mulch In soil this system of prop agating the grspc is said t produce most excellent viuus. But it must be ri-uiL-m-berd that some varieties (;ro much more readily from cuttii gs than others; and your new seedlings may be easily propagated from cutting or quite the reverse. This, flf co- will rv'v ' e learned by txpetitneut; villi tlx: . -t-tit'S-'- Ftunpluna for Cor.'j. A correspondent of i .'.-vntn Uviwin truly stales the vaiue of pump kins for feeding cows. The difficulty in Western comlielJs ia, that it n.:riou-!y intt rferea with the cultivation of I lie corn, t-ince it is si hiom that the Lai. I l;ot; ii" ii!t (i in tiie crops. Bit tv.-iv many places, r-veith. less, !. .- they ik. y I:. I l.nitt 1 it ad;t!-' .- for instance. lit n i nilv r : :s : j-L"t: liildYr f-.r iin:. v .- July and Ati- f;iist, M;e put:i;.!.;.ii ; - -tceed the crops. Our own practice wi:b srjua-ihes, whieh ve prefer to pumpkins, i.-, in m aking ihe bind, to letive one row for thii crop, and j;ive this ihe necessary cultivation, allow ing the in.:s eubscqti -i:tiy to raxbleJ huioog -In; corn. In relation to this crop the correspondent above noticed, says : "From a peck of seed dropped and covered ii the gaps of a cornfield, a ilr.iry of ;:uj cows hive been kepi up to 11 i!L:ng, a:ul t!ic quality of lh" otiller is t'tiper-escellesif, sutl six heifer c-.h'es raVed l:uta the ttbjve are fat r.s laoVs. Thj cevs are fn.'tcr loo than a majority of the c.itttu slaughtered. These co a? have been making about six pounds .f butter per week, besides supplying new milk and cream for a ganlleman's bouse with sixteen innn.itea. The pump kins are chopped up in the manger with a snail'', morning, noon and night, about hall' a 1 tthe! each time, when cut into pieces. They eat while being milked morning and night, and they come to the j ard and go into the stnhlo for half an boor at noonr Beets, carrots and some other roots and small ears of corn will follow, so as to keep u; the luUk during the winter." Ache: as a Cattle Fsei One of our substantial subscribers, in a ricent conversation, gave his experi ence in training neat Ftock affected with the habit of eating wood, chewing bones, etc. His catile were ona spring affected this way ; they became thin in flesh, re fused to eat bay, and presented a sickly nppearance. He had no impression that their food lacked the constituents for making bone, but Lis r.t ighbor used Lore meal without noticing any gr-d rcsuH whatever. At la.t I,o put uliotit, four bushels of leached nsl..i in Lis;i-yard, and tLiew out to thcui a ihovellal each day. They nil ate as if with evident relish. After turning them out to pas ture, he put mie peck of dry ashes per week on the gioin.d in the pasture. They ate it ail up, and gnawed off the grass where it had been lyinr. The cattle be gan to improve, gaioi'i . u and look ing better than tL-. . 1 uone for several years. He says tuic uiorbid appearance waa unnoticed yearg ago from the fact that that the ground w;, . w and ashy from the burning of woods and land clearings: Latterly i.e gives one quart of ashes, mixed with the same quantity of suit, to twelve head of cattle about once a week. Lice S'i'or& Journal. Kentucky Las an old women living near Ketitontown, Bourbon county, w'uo w as Lorn in Fredeiicktown, JJarvIau-1, June 5t!i, 1767, and i, co:isequeatiy, i'i : the 106tb year of Ler age." He.- oHeat child, S7 years of ag reeiJea ia J'cun ejlvauirf, f.tnl Lor youagcBt, CO years old in Kentucky. fhe Las Lad eight chil dren, is totally blind, but Ler mental fac ulties are very little impaired. Instead of tnquiiing how eiu came into the world, we should ask Low c;:u we get it out of t'te world ; and Instead of worrying o tninds about bow this providence is consistent with jntice, aud how that event can tally with divine be nevolence, we Ehould see how both could be turned to practical account.-iJwrg. To tho?e who live and pass away life as they ought, all parts of it are equally pleasant Over tlree hundred lives were lost in Minnesota during the recent great etorm. SPECIE PRIQES! extkaokdixaryTedcction in the price of goods. LAIRD I BELL'S NEW STOKE, I'aUerson, Jiiniala Co., Pa. The undersigned beg leave to tate, that lUey Lave purchased lrom J. D. Jr. Todd, his entire siock of goods, aud will iu ibe future conduct the merchant ile business at the Old Stand, in Ihe borough of Patterson, Juniata couuty. Fa., where "Jey suau fiiuro, iOIietantly ou baud a full aud complete assortment of IXG OF ALPACAS, POPLINS. PLAIDS, MISTERS Pe LAINS. MEKlNOf, 1U Oil A Hi GINGHAMS. CAMiHUCS. LAWNS, &C. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS JWELKV, hats and caps, boots and shoes, qi;eensvake, cedakwakk. glassware, crockerv, fish, salt, coffee, teas, SIRUPS. SUGAli. (living just returned rom the citv with the above, enumerated stock of goods, all of which have been purchased since the great decline in Gold, we feel warranted in Buying that we can otfer Goods at greatlv reduced fig ures for CASH Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. mr23-tf LAIRD & HELL. TI1K lf.A(lK FOR BARGAINS IS AT PENiN ELL'S CHEAP SWl'L TX PATTERSON, PA. rjHK lvv ' best assortment to h JL in l't;trs a. Thankful for the i'i;era! patrouaga heretofore received from :'j.' nii'iiic, I would respect fully announce I hi.Te juitt opened a very large stock of jnous well suited to the trade. My stock consists of a full assortment of fine and staple DRY GOODS, Embracing nil Ihe materials for men, women and children's wate. including Ilatsnnd Cap. Knots and Shoes, together with a large stock of Muslins, Sheetings Drillings, Tickingi.Uil C.oihs, Maiimga, cc. I.M'ine' DUI2F-8 GOODS. Such as French nil l.nglish .Mcrinoes Pop lins, Alpacas, le Laines, plain aud figured dhairls, As. and also a lurite stock of Notions, such as Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, Kii.broidered Coil trs and CuTs. and a general assortrneni of Uress Trimmings. GROCERIES, ?iicli as Sugars, Syrups, CoiTees, Teas and Spices. .Alsn, a large lot of Cjueensware, Hardware, Wood and Willow Ware. Fish Suit and Nails. Together with a full assort ment of Goods usually kept in a country store- (.Highest price paid for country pro ducc in exchange for goods. Prices to suii the times May I. 1872. goofs and .Shots. Boot and Shoe Shop. ri'MlK undersigned, fashionable Boot JL and Shoemaker, hereby respectful ly informs the public that lie has located ia the borough of Patterson, where he is pre pared to accommodate the most fastidious iu LADIES' WEAR, Gents1 Fine and Coarse Boots, I3rogfaus, CHILDREN'S WEAR, 1C..C. Also, mending done in the neatest manner and upon ibe shortest notice. A liberal share of public patronage is respectfully solicited, b.itislaction guaranteed. JBf3? Shop located on the east aide of Tus carora street, 010 door south of Main street, nearly oppos.le bairii In i. s rtore. J. W. DEAN. Mar.,h P. 1ST2 M iiOOTtt SHOE SHOP In Ueviu's Hew Building; on BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLIXTOWX. rP HE undersigned, late of tha firm of Fa 1 sick & North, would respectfully an nounce to the public that lie Las opened a Itool and Shoe Shop in Major Kevin's New Ituilding. on Uridge street, MiffliiJown. and is prepared to manufacture, of Ihe best ma terial, all kinds of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, For CENTS', LADIES AND CHILD REX. Ho alfo keeps on hand a largo and well f elected stock of Ileatl.v-iiJil5 Work, of all kinds, for men, women aud children. ALL WOBK WABKAXTKD. Give me a call, for I feci confident that I can furnish you with any kind of work yuu may desire. JiSy- Repairing done neatly tm! at reason able rat. . J. I,. KOllTil. May 3i, 1S72. BOOTS AHD SHOES. 2?ew Shop in Hifflintown. rTHE subscriber begs leave lo inform the X citizens of MitSiutown, Patterson and vicinity ihat he has opened a Boot and Shoe Shop, for Ihe present, in Ibe room occupied by N. . Littlefield's Tin Shop, on Bridge street, Mitilintown, where he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of LASIES', GEHTLEIIEIT'S and CHILLUEIT'S WEAE, in the most substantial manner, and at the lowest prices. S3a Repairing promptly at tended to. TERMS CASH. A liberal share of public patronage is soli cited, sni eatisfaction guaranteed. A. B. FASICK. May 29. 1872-tf IOR 8ALE Three set of Cook Stove Pat terns. No. 7, 8, and 9, Flasks and Follow Boards, all complete, by SILAS 8 HA MP, Oct i-Sm Uifflintown. Groceries at Ti'.ten & Espenscbade's. CLOTHING! ' Choicest Styles of tlie Season. SAMUEL STKAYEB, Patterson, Juniata Co., Pa. CLOTHING of all kinds FOR MEN AND BOYS. CARPETS, Stair and floor Oil Cloth, I will sell my entire slock ai Greatly Reduced Piicts, Cntil AriUL, 1ST2. OVEBCOATS, FURS, HEAVY HOOTS, L?ii35 Shoes & Gaiters, Uudir-Clo:l:iig, AT COST. nrrnvrFrrr.n I WATCHES JEWELEY. Eats and Caps, FURS, Suits and Parts cf Suits. JIATS AA V CAI'S, And FurnisMn-r Goods 20 or 25 ner cent, cheaper MEN'S J Having a god stork, wtll FURNISHING .selected, 1 hope to please all. rGOO)S, j Cull ancl se to lo con JiOTIOXS M.?'"1- jfjVJ- Measures taken and Suits and parts of Suits made to order, reasonable. SAMUEL STRAYEH, Jan. 2t, 18721 rallerson,' l'a. ' S. B. LOUDON, 3IKIlCIIAISTrL' TAILOK, KEVIN'S UVU.lilS! OS Bridge Street, Miflintown, Pa., Desiics lo inform hi-: friends aud the public thai he has jirt rrerived n fine and fithion able stock of SI'RIXG GOODS, roasting o' CLOTHS VWin !' k. l in" and Urown CUF" l)i ! i t, Utov.n M.i itluc. Ti. .''."y ni .ck, Uluc and iirown. r t.itlOSA I.S ISlne aud lilr t ."': 170ir.S All Shades. SCOTCH flOOI'S- All Ptvl MACK WO.'A'AT.VS ASuoc. islilv PA r.T A M VKST PA T7ERS S Fine. Si'MMLit GOOlX Geneml Aatortnienl. I will sell any of the above goods e jnrd or pattern. I also keep on hand a full line of Bi'T TElllCK S PA TTEBKS, consisting of!en, liors, and Children's Shirts. Coals, I'anls and Vests. t? I will manufacture to order all kinds of crsTOM wobk. l'KICEo Rcatouable, to suit the times. Miffiintown, Ari! 10, 1S72. Oil, Paint & Varnish, WHITE LEAD, RED LEAD, COLORED PAINTS IN" OIL BURNT UM15KR, RAW UMBER, CHROME GREEN, PA?"? fS2IM, C22t: w, EL ACS, Prussian Blue, Lamp Black, Paint Brushes, Varnish Enisles, WHITEWASH BRUSHES, SASH BRUSHES 'Whiting and Rosin by t!io Barn-!, Soaps, Japan Dryer, While Varnish Concentrated Lye, Eabbiit's Potash, i'tttt.v iiikI Glttsts. The above goods, with a large variety of DRUGS and PATKXT MEDICINES, ulwajs on hand at the PATTZRSOIf DETJG STOJtE. tij Glass cut lo any fi.c desiied. Dr T. C. I'.U.ND.O. July 12, 1871-tf A. II. FRANCISCUS & CO., i 51.'t Mnrlict Streot, riiiLAwxrifiA. We hav.? , pened for the FALL TRADE, 2 largest anj best a.sorted block of PHILAD3LPHIA CAEPSK, Tablet Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Win dow Miaucs and t'aper, Carpet Chain. Cotton, Vmn, flatting, Wadding, Twines, Wicks, Clocks, Looking (Classes, Fancy Baskrts, Brooms Baskets, Buckets, Brashes, Clothes Wringers, Wooden and Willow Ware, IN TUB CJtlTEO STATES. Our larpe increase in busineso enables us to sell at low prices and furnish the best quality of Goods. SwLC AGENTS TOR TUE CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER, Price tSsS.iSO. TIIE MOST FKKFKC'T AM SUITRSSFBL WASHER KV EIi MADE. AGENTS WASTED FOR TUE A M ERI CAS WASIIER in all parts of the Sate. sep'i-Ilniog TdVERTSE ! AL VERiSEr To all Hen Whom it l. . bucerc. If you have anj tliin . ..oil, If you have lost anything, If you have found anything, If you have a house to rent, If you want to rent a house, If you want boarding, If you want employment, If you want hired help, If you want anything, TELL THE PEOPLE OF IT BY ADVERTISING IN THE .JUNIATA SENTINEL. FORCE PUMP. THE undersigned is agent for one of tlie best Force Pumps, for ny dep!!i o:" cis tern or well, in tbe worl !. Hj attaching hose to tbe ppout, wi.'.er eau be thrown 30 to SO feet.. V. tiling of Iter could be asked in case of . 0. It is a non-freoziag pump. SAMUEL LEONARD, Oakland Mills, Juniata Co., Pa. A FINE assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestincs, tie.. iuatreceiTed and for sale by S. B. LOUDON. R. R. R. RADVAY'S READY RELIEF CTMS H WOK8T PAISiS , from O,. to Tw.nM.nute It the Snt and I i-he Only IalTl Kemedy ??t.iiS5S. iS S ConrwUoo whether of tt. W-r3& ON TO TWXNTT MINUTES, tm niartac how lolt or JZTt " I T C ain th J enou. . Seurallic or iiroMotwl wta disease my suutr. RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF TTIIX AFFORO INSTANT EASK. BFlJIAIWTHfpiA,,,; irscg 60HE THr.OATf;UKFH rLT BR-ATHW. rrrsTERics, CBour. w? nEADACUE.TOOTHA(r.il1tJtA RHEUM ATI ii. ' jartTwL re li Pia uJicuIty txiAs wtU aflurU sass r -;Tur.BAMPa SPASMS, .S..LU hl"JA b. ind all" INTERS AL PAISS. . . . . TiTreleia should always carnr a bottle ef Rn3way IteAdv Kellef wtfh them. A fewdrojaiii water dy Kellel "I'D mem. a rw . tlrxeUl SlcKliesS or pains in.n wmitr. . --.... - , e:ter thau French Brandy or Bitters as a stioiiuaut. FEVER AND AGIE. FEVER ANl AGUE cured for fllty ceuls. There H otaremedkd aipnt ia this world that wld cur- t'er a .d Ariie. sod ill olher Malarious., liilioiis, Scariet, i . -.b..hlfVclltr. ard other Fejl KAI A f 8 i' so qlica as KAKWAT'S KEAI KUOxf. fittj ctnu per Lotlla. bold by Urusguis. DR. RAID WAY'S SARSAPARI LLI AN RESOLVENT THE Bony t'MF.liOFS. I'M. Kit ThE IV rUlENrE 1K THIS TUCLV ViO-NDiBFlL ilEllK ISE, TttaT Every Day on Ircreaao In riesh and Weight is Seen and FeU. THE GREAT DLOOD PUCi'rlEv?. r.yrrr drop of Ilia S.tKSAPA RILLIA N IiESVt-V-ENT comniunicates throntli the llbsnd. Srat. rrii-s. and other Bolts and mcs ofllie srslem tl.s rujor of l:f. for it repaiia the astrs . fllic body "I'h new a: d s..u.:il ntateriaf. Scrofula, Sri-Mlts, fonsuimtlU.ii. (iicn.liilr diasc, Ulceisla tlie Th-. at. Mouth. s H t e Olanils and otlr arts i.f the system, Ire.. Strnmous llbjchws fioin the Fjra. and the w.s forms of Sk;lt dlacaes, K1111 lions, Kcver, S;-Jl.l ll;d,Itln( Worm, Suit Ithfun. I 1 .-'.reins, Acne,bi.iK (.nuta. Worms in tl.11 Hesli. Inwis, Ou.c-r- n t.- Won.b.and all weaket.iiic ami i rv.i t ! dt-.- a'a . tcM Snci:s, l,o of Sprrm. - : : lue lite Kmc -r' 1. -ew-itl thJCunive i-.., r i-t wnl'-of M mi' I,:; : aenilii '. and a fw etarV bat trill to tar p-,.. .n ulnj! 'it for either T thtst forms ef (.iteiso its i,..ti-iit imwrrlo curt thflil. ..... if tlv nalirnt. dailv lcom!n rl'icril bT IV t -i.'-s and decomposition Hint is o.:linnrJiy suc ercrts In ar-.-im tli.'se watte, and r.Tir;- fan .'a e tnslrriM fmm uealll. kl'"d il tills l SAnSAPAittl-LIAN ri!t and ii.s-iiiT". ol onli d.s 1I10 naiarEij.i.ii I!i.i.ttt el rl '-nawn rni.'tiial ."itr'.l? I'l l''e co-e of -tr.jn:c. Sct-fr-... c ..vslittinoi.1, ai.dilt.a ticasvsi Luli; L;; t!.." . eicure f..r .a.:r.oy & BJatsder CoKp"a;af, ' ..itir. nd W"inli diisrs, tinier!., Itror-., I i pp:tFeof Watrr, Inrontinence of tri..e. Itril.t's lls i. All.nminiiri.1. mid 11. all crfS wln-r, tiit-n- are hrlt k d.!.: deMMils, or Ibe water Is tnk-k. t-nxnlv, mixed K'itll substx --alike the white of an cgc, or llm-ails silt .- r.- is a morl.1.1, dnrk. bilious aiJj.eara.icr. and wV ..... dost depostta, and when Ibere is a prii-klne. I.ur : - uwilioii when tfc.lnj! water. ::"d pnitt la tic S.n.. . it Bvk aud aloti tlie I'rice, Sio. WORMS.-Tlit kuown aud stirs Remcdr for M'rna i'ta, 2u, etc. Tumor of It! Years' Growth Cared by Had way's Resolvent. . Bcrat-V, SI am., JnI 18. IMS. THl RwT:-T narwVtrl Ovarian Tttnurr Ui rri- ! tVAWtla. All th iKsCtura sai4 ibrr wa hrl- fi tt." 1 UwJ very thintj was ret mititr0tl ; hit m.lhirtr krljatrl aie. I aw tnnr ReAnUent, rtl tti.ttqcM I w.mltl iry il ; but I ftd it fttilk In it' Unw ! hwl uflWt-1 f-r twel jrun, I tool, alx Iwttlet flrM Kwlrent. Slid on U-X "f Hmwv"b Fills, und two hct t)a if rmir Raly Kiltcf ; tuil tbm U not i-n of tnnv.r M be era or' bit, a-id I .rt.1 bttr. msrtrr, i.d ltm..rr thnn I bar fvrtwrtre ytxri. lh woft tut hot mm iit the lei: ef the Lowr.i, orer the pTv.irr. I write tM In row. tut the teuoist t r HANNAH T. CXATP. DR. RAD WAY'S PERFECT P&B8ATIVE 91112, rrWtrSly tasteless, tiraM - pure, rejfltite. p'lriry, e x-vtVrtJr t-iMrke, tveanttr coatwl with twptn r'm pnrre, rfpii;iif. 'iniy, rnii?;t, an rrt'iicriis-n. 1UI wst a PI(S, for tlie cure ,t all ti.50it.Vr ,.r lie .tf nt.nt b, Jjiv'.r. ItuwcK Ktiiier., lUsiIifer, jrervoiii )MHtr'sa Hertftaciie, rotist!patkn, i 'itWen ;s. ! vtl iet i-ji. Iitsim; F.:i..-.' r nkM:.r I v r. Inf. ..n-tinii ot ttic Bufffi. Yitvs, . - - .v fc.' ' r iMt Vis cera. Warniti: ? c: ". . i'twlj V-eta- blo.cnliil.iii'S ". '-' inl. .-i-.-, ii i.?lftori,'Uc.n;p. S J "trc tins iirfkiwirjc svintums rtsul'iiix frum Ptsortlersof tlie DietSvc V.ryn:li Cnnttipftttoii, rvbH Pllei. FnllnMi "f the Elrwf in the 1Tt, AcMitv ff (ti StnmiM-li, Nnu.. l'irt(".'Ti, Irirntt f VnoAt FiUincMor H'rirht ia tm Stouiscb, Svur t-t-ti"o, (i'k 'ic or Flmirian th Pit oC tilt Stnstfc, fiwiwwlrr th HfMt, Hrnrin) n4 D-rHvult Brostl: inn, Fltittrr:r at the IWt. 'hkinK or 8affjfU:nj SeiiisUnnu IrJi la Iaipj Ptnt. I.tniiica'f Vhion, U)U Wet btf'n lh Sht, 1'f mr.d ThM Pm ia th He4, ltHciurjr of Fr(lrt..' V-UuvtiM el iiiti mai Evs, Pnin ia t'.e '. Tit, ; "-., ui kudikn !r. u-t Ht, .Hurttlnit in ti.r rib. A few do of R ADW.r PTT.T.S wHt free the ft. teni from .tli Ibu al.ive-n:iii ed iViwu-w, Price, 23 iviiU per box. SOLH BY lRriilSTS. READ -FAT.E AM' Tl.TK." &n one !tpr rtantpto RAIlWAT A CO., N. 87 Maiden lane, New York. ZuTonuutiuQ wurtb Uiouduuiis will L svut ytu. OSADALIS JThe ingredients that COMPOSE HOSADALIS are published on every pacKage, tliero Sire it is not a secret preparation. consequently FHTSICIAX3 FBESCKIBR ?? It is a certain cure for fVrol'uIa, Sypl.ilij in all its ibrn-s, i'.l.?u:na tiam, fckin Disrases, Liver Com plaint and all diesi3 oi the Sluou. ill do more pood tlian ten Imltlcs of the Syrup of Sir.-jpjnili. THE UNDERSIGNED FHVSICIANS liave used Rosaduiia in thcirpractico for tlio p ist tliree years and freely ondorso it as a reiiablo Aiterativo and Blood l'urifccr. DU. T. C. PUOn, of Balticicro. DR. T.J. BOVKIX, " H.R. W.CAKR. I)K. F. O. TlANNF.LXY, UH. J. S. SPARKS, ( NicholMTllle, DSL. S. L. McCARTHA. Columbia. S. C. DX. A. a NOBLES, Ed;ecomb, JT. C. USED A5D EHD0E3ED BY J. B. TRENCH t CNS, Fall River, Mass. ' F. W. SOTTII, J.ickson, Mich. A. F. WHKELKR, Lima, uhio. B. HAI.L.Lioia.Ohio. CRAVEN & CO.. Oordonsvil'.c, Va. SAM'L. C. McFADDKN, Murfrecs- sitiro, a cnn. Our space will not allow cf ana- at tended remarks in relatin to the virtuesof HosUaL. Tothe Kediral Prorcsaion we guarantee a Fluid F.x tractanp?rinrto any they have ever used in tlie treatment or diseased Blmid: sntl to thealHirted we uv frv Rasa.'alis, and you will be ret tore J la hci!l!i. R.-'.-..!alis is ..M by all r-r i-isU price fjl-3 Jr botile. Adurej I. CZ'JTS t C3. Manufacturing Chemists, DALTiaoas, Ha) JOl) WORK TUE KEADEBS OP IHI8 PArEft SHOULlI NOT FAIL TO CALL AT TOE SENTINEL OFFICE WHEN THEY HAVE JOB WORK TO DO. XV 8 ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS tor SALE BILLS, BLANKS, &c , &c AT SHORT NOTICE, AND AT MUCn LOWER TERMS TITAN EVER HERETOFORE OFFERED to tiie citizbn8 or JUNIATA COUNTY. A Large assortment of Queensware, China ware. Glassware, Crockeryware. Cedar ware, &e., for s-.le ehti-p by TILTEN ESPENSCHADE'S. LARGE stock of Ready-made Clothing for by BARLEY & CO. HFai TH! BFfiUTY - rrrtoNO avi Pt m? mrn y.ooD-iNrrKisK JliVatiOII. impure Blood, E'ain iii ;J3 o WW size at PELLETS. Or SagaivCoted, oe8nVf and Heroai jui, . . THE "LITME "----- ,ei., n pirre CATHABIIC, or Fursic. : aceutical bcience. No ue of a.iv li.iif.-er ttUiny' tho . X nuWMI IU 14. TIHll INnTU M LV. . r- . ctiZii. crude, and bulk lnj;rellenn, when we can oy . . - i:V.rl .".1,1, rh.niirr.l s ence. extract all i lrr, r.'Hl.llYe OIH1 n.i.-" "- , . ... Ihe cat liar 1 ic aud other nieuieiiuu (nisii .ct ; , ana concentrate them in:naniiin:ioUrftmiie,irciy laryer i ni 1 w i ,qaarl -, tlwt can be ";' . different nrtiye medicinal prineiplw of which they are j the others, to produce at mot er-iiiti!l ana .karnjb, ret ircutil and kindly opera- I tin ft cathartic. SOO Keaia i hereby offered by the proprie ' tor of theae Pelleta, to any cheinwt who, niK.ii an- alvsii', will nua in tneui any i.;uimiioi v. of mercury or any other mineral poison. i i aissirxiv vrarctable. no p:irt;il-r vsa iuiK. oi . - .- ' tastes, licilldlle rorsao " ""' ". They openill "7 UR-tr inmt 0 nre a irue .-.icoiuiic, nwae irmn me iu a moft coiieeTtiraiea :.. .....i inteni il vi-;era to puniy iirc mow .... -- andneroson.aiiorn..cciinni3i ;conoiic embodied i:i aiiv of the lar;;e i i.N ' !.r rale J,, gjthy action removsUieobstractions ol tho lhe, ,re Blood ranter and ai ; in the dr.i' ahoi ii. Jru:n ineir wki u . stm,.h, boweM, liver, ana ower - principle, a reriect Kenorator ana i ...:V.. T.. ,n iheir t-z.: reoi to who hare f"l"a' "Vis ,-,,lir n,-iion to health, and c..... , a ;i rw..... ,. not tried t'leai are apt to Fnppore thai they ate har,h . iorrectins, wherever lliey exist, such deraugo- , th-blood to a healthy condiiion.enncliinit .. i 1...1 snrii i not ai nil i;e -n-v. i.n; i - . . k .i. . rt-. .... ..r .neaffe. kjk m.n.1 m. h.1. 'r " V, SoitreU Willie Usui- lhn. They operate ; Colic anil Bilious levers, tney snouuj oe ju withont diir'trhance lo the conntiintlon. diet, or tc- I dkiously taken roreaehtatse.tocotrertrte.lisentiecl wnnniii uisiiiM... m, . ..,-tutn. which caurf.? it. i arh. nHfl aii "-'.-"r : ' '' utiiark. Pal il In rrRion 01 niuncjs, i t tln-ir action upon Ihe nnlninl ernna my l iinivcrtjl, not lniii or Hskuo eacaiiiui; their t)naio iinprcsM. Ae not iintnir themj tlicir t.ngar-rntiUira tx-ii j enrl,.-1 in .'la-is botil preserve their Yirtnw uniin- ...i.m.,.1 in 1,1,41 hotllA nreservo llieir Vlrtllt-e untlll- I liaitvii fora'u lenenh of ti In any rliinfcte. to that tliey are aliray fre !r end rclltil.lo. which Is not me case with the jv".- found in Ihe dra? stores, nut nn in cheap w.d o ; i-i-fi-bosrd nor.ea. I.i'' ... .'at... all Uitcasrs wl; - a i.anllvea 1 1 ' ' -. r-nrBEiivtr isaiwu, r." ' ; .u ,ij.r V:k'v aro Bold by a!l eMtor?r5nj; Drsitisitat2 5 tcatsabetllo. n mi ntinvar.vlnTtIst to induce yon to ta'.ie ativtliin o!.-e that Ic may is J::-;t as f"" I ' niy I'el! ; Itcaiisc he makes a litnr'T profit on tuat tinttii -4 he rcouuiintuds. If onr dmtrirl camio: supply i r.i..!-.i, rmluM a c-iuts iid receive ti.u by 't mail IruiU I Jt. V. riZltCE, 31. .. Pro. Brv-"ATii I FOUTZ'S i CKLEIinATKD iu. ThU preparation, loug su. 'rM. know d, will thoroughly n-.::. iterate ( broken down nu lw ei'intto uoi, by RtrcnKtht-ninc and cl3ins th tomorh aiwl intestine. It i9 a ure prrcntirc of 11 diseas-a incident to tlii animal, much aa FEVER. fiLANlKR.-. YKLUr WATER, IIEAVKS. COF(;ilS. M-i- TESfl'KK, KRVr.KS, FO D X PKK, I.OS OV APFETITJlM VITAL ftSWT KN'KRUV, tc. lu w iin;irovc KvVeJ th wind, increases the ai'tK?iite Vr'iAi firi asmouth ami slu-tr tkin and iratHformi the tni.-wntMe fklettin ffit lntoallu-lfMkiiigani.jHritel horse. t-'&AzX' To k i-psTS of Cf w: this prepara tion is invaluitiile. It Is a .tiro pre- J1 vrn,ive asiii--t, Hollow ; ,fi Horn, etc. Jt las been prorcn by I f? I " I crnTiim'-nt t increase the J f p -1 crra twenty but'er fi:m -t '(: "!. it -' .. - -', tu.J iiiakcs (tires thin n tuem thnre cit In all dis-ares of Sn-in stch as . ttt. Vlctn lo t:ieLi:n!, Liver, ic, tin artirleacts cn-ks-cstk as a jwcific. By pitting from one- J'TIH'' li.ilf a pajwr to t. jmiier in a barrel of S will tliealiorcdi'Ki-.sej will l:c aradi enU-d nr eiuirvlv prevented. If .riven . ". V in time, a certun TTntt . e a.d z-ty cure lor tlie Hoj CLc!en. v-. i.i iu & I'd i'i 2 Proprirlar, BlLTIilOKE, 31 ti . For s i " v Irtirrit, and P lorrlte (-ipi-s tbrouhoat I tlia United States. l'an-ul.-s and Sot'tii America j It. F. KErNEl! t 0X. Apcii's. MiHlin- j NORTHERN CSHTBAL RAILWAY. W4TER TIME TABLE. i '1 hrouh nnd Direct Itnute t V, iisbiu;- J tun, llii I tinuirc, Ktuiirii. ijiic, , JjullnNi, Uuchester uud I Niagara !':it!. 0s AXD AFTHR MONDAT, OCT. 2-!ih, 1?72, tlie trains on li.u Northers Ctnlnl Hallway wiV. run : follows : I f.OniHWAKD. Mail Thais leaves Ialijmore rVIO a m leaves lir.rrisburg l:2-i p m leaves William-port. .. l!: l:", p m arrives nt Klniiru 1":"0 p m Cis'ti Exp. leaves Baltimore 8:10 p a. ' Dallimorr 8:10 p it 9 nt llurrisburg'il p 111 Unliimnre 1:1-3 p m arrives r AST 1.INE leaves Ixiuimnre p m leaTes llnrrislmrg 4:"i p m arrives at n ilhnuisporl h-iipm KoitT'its Ex leaves Baltimore 10::' p m arnira m n arrisourg... :::utm Macaba Li leaves liuliiuiore- 7:J0 a m leaves Harri-burg 10:"iO a 111 leaves Willtnmspoit ?:'0 p m leaves Elmira- 6:20 p m arrives at Cinundngun- 8:'MJ p m Ei Mail leaves Ilarriah'g 4:25 a m - leaves Sunbury 6:30 a m leaves Villi;uusport 8:40 a m leaves Elmira 12:50 p m arrives at Canandaigua 3:50 p m SOUTHWARD. Mail Tbai.n leaves Elmira 5:30 a m leaves Williamsport 9:15 a m leaves Ilarrisburg 2:05 p m arrives at Daltimore... 6:30 p ni Fast Link leaves Harr'reburg 5:so a m arrives nt Baltimore 8:45 a ni Erie Exrn's lraves fcuabury 9:40 a m a:i..ks at Harrisbnrg...ll:30 n m Eru Mail loiivea Canandaigns -j. J5 j.. :;1 leaves Elmira i'.-.::0 p m leaves Williamsport j L:05 p m leaves ."-.unbury 12:50 a m arrives at Ilarrisburg... 2:45 am TAciric Ex. south leives Harrisb'g 10:4') a m arrives at Baltimore-... 5:00 p m Cixcis'i Ex. leaves Ilarrisburg 10:l0p m arrives at Baltimore 2:15 a m Niagara Ex leaves Canandaigua m leaves Elmira leaves Williamsport. ... . rc arrives at ti n Bal. Acc. leaves Ilarrisburg...... 8:00 a ni arrives at Baltimore ...-12:15 a m Mail Train north and sor! it Line nortb, Pacific Express sout south, and Baltimore Aq'01. xpiess 1 soutn, Niagara Express north ayl J. :hern ! txpres-norm ana Cincinnati express south daily except Sunday. Eric Mail north to Williamsport, Cincinna ti Express north and Fast Line south leave daily. Erie Mail south, daily except Monday Erie Mail south connects at llarrisburo with Fast Line south for Baltimoie. Niagara Express south connects at Karris burg with Cincinnati Express south for Bal timore. Erie Express south connecU at Ilarrisburg with Pacific Express south tor Baltimore. Erie Mail north connects at Williamannrt daily except Sundavs. for Elmira. f!r. gua. Uochestor. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. Tori. .-,at :-.p. apply at the Ticket Offise iu. x . . ;viii Railroad Depot. a. : i:Ei K. r loKE. Get, dial Superintendent. Ilarrisburg, Oct. 28, 1872. NATIONAL HOTEL, LEWISTOTvN, PiisN'A. hiAi & HAMAKER, Proprietors, SHELLY & STAMBAUOII always keep on their stock of GROCERIES and will not be excelled either in the quality or price of their goods in this line. Give them a call before going elsewhere. itVir-riinl Fever. Kloisicel rc-Iliiir Enoni mken, as required, to cnanire mo aiseasea w-uon ot "to iiac,i,IltihoIMIoodtofad,His.Jj the system. With su:h chaoge those complaints ! i ol'orotl Urine, UiisoctahiJIt r disannear. i (;lttimf lorVDOainss, ibm s...-..... - ior irraipsy ami arnrpswui i-wriiiaa- wcj . ' I'lfiiaatit aVaritallve Pellet's. In cx!ana- atiould be tiiken iu large and frequent doses to pro ! ii.,ni.riim remi-dial uower of my Iurai:!vo 1 tile's ducc Hie clfei't of a drastic nttnrc. i , nf dlupste. 1 wlt-u to ray Unit 1 v..e fcnHnUa 1-.-,- ilnos. shotitd he taJtea. ' 34 . WsUstlBji I JUlv.U-lt. ; Oyer's Cathartic Fills, ! For an tho purposes of a Laxa-TO cine is no uuiverxaliy re- oaneJ l everybody aa a calhartx;, nor was ever ny be lor J so taiversal- ; lv adottel into use, in cVeryuouniryaaclainona; ; all classes, a this mild ; but eJieient pui-gativa fill. Tlie obvious rea- ; son u, uiai :i n a -liable and far more eu& tiral th-in anjr otlier. Tho. e who have fe ju ,,,ntl0!,iiion. ,,,ml l (-eilw We have tlio-J-iands upou thou- r T.l..-. . - , M lin. .Wn t;i .1 ...n. .! ... il 11111. 81 tCU CU. HI UVI:i tuiui I T , I -. 1. , i..'jorhood, and we neea not I'" '"-" ,. -n and condition in all t.luu ites, Z mniincaiol or" any dt-klortow d ?, ihey may b, taken with safay by yb.y. ..iirVtr coatins nre-crres Iheiii evor freh an-1 m.Lj j rnntiiiiuni; neitti WJPir coating rrecrres the'.u pk-asnot to take, while l'",'1'8 I , no harm can Bn iiw" : " -,h Mmate ,a,v.tioin are 'given in the wrnnner on tht OOX, lOr IHB lOllOWllli , " . . c i ...mnl-iiiii. nrhirli thestsr fills rapidly enre: a- .lo ,.e BtisriiertsiaaBB. auivsii ' saraai, K.iaais'stor and) Z,tt-.r Aptftif. they ! thouhl be taken moderately to stimulate tlie atom- ach anil restore its healthy tone and artion. j For Liver CamnUiat and ita rartona aymn- ' toms, I-.ilioiH llffciJucrie-. Hick t he., .Tusiairfirti or tBrrrsi MicksMMa. Billesaia I For nyarntery or ISinrrltora, but one mild i ! dose is jrenerully rwiui. e-l. I For ltkenmatist,tUotit.CiraTel. Palplr ! tatioat of l tie- ISrart, is the ttisle. unci, anil ausi, urey buouhi ue tunuuiuu... as it nrottuces the di-sired effeitt bv eymoathv. Aa UinnrrPM. taker moU! digestion and relieve t , oecjioniU dose stimti , k.v,, illto hcalthv aittion one or iwu rim iu p ; the attimanh. I stimulate the stnmarb anil : ; v,wia i.,tt. hi.,lthtf ..linn mlnna thn flSn.titR : , .,,,i inviortesi the avstens. Jlenee it i often ail- , Mlta!reH14 where no doranrement exists. ! one who feels tolerablvwrll, often finds that a dose ,,( thc , W makes hi'm fwl decideilly better, from i their eleansine and renovating effect on tnediges- i nve auparauia. DB. J. C. AT BR CO., Practical Chemif LOWELL. .V.1 V. 8. A. USE "TH." BEST." 1: y. - le-.-i ER t? Nine years before tlie public, anil no prepanticn for tbe L::ir lir.g ever been produce..1 r eprl to Hall's "Vegetable biiil:-n ll:c I!cncer," ri 1 erery Iionost dea!c-r vili sny it gives tis list Sttti&factlon. V, re stores GRAY KAIll to hi onc:;i!al color, eraiicatinr frtd .rrvrriiag dandruT, curing BALDNESS ur..l prosiotinjr tha tp-ovtb of ti; Lair, i'iie gray a:i I b-Mhy hulr L" few rpp!Kr.iti')iw is cbra-?;-.! to ':?': jui-1 silky locks, r. s I 'sriiyvr: -1 hsir will 5:v.rn: r.ny zx vrrr-r sli sirrs. It the eh2:tpe:-:t If A IK iHiES? I1TG !a tiu vrjz nr. I ti- 1 2V. U loagsr, a? it ex.iisj tuc gisn-ls to furnish tho nutriliyc i-.'wii'.o ne?css.jry to t!i3 li?4 of .'? h r.-. It gives th? li'tir tli it spi'-'j'ia ,'ppcnr aiiee so much cdiaired by s?f. iiv i'.s tonic an ! st!!iin!atinf properties it prevents tho hair from failing out, and none need be without Nature's ornament, a good head of hsir. It is the first real perfected remedy erer discovered for caring diseases of the hair, and it has never been equalled, and we assure tlie thousands who have used it, it is kept up to its original high standard. Our Treatise on the Hnir lait'-cd free; send for it. S !.' tg all Drujgitti and Denters ." i ..''icwc& Price One Dollar Per Bottle. R. P. HALL & CO., Propr LABOSATOKT, HASSUA, 9. BL -- - .- 11 1 1 r T rr 1, 1 Jlafiliccti : Haw Los , mv; ilrAmd 7 1 frgffjt Just n new nl ii n of j .iJf-7 Dr. ( nlrrr Brll't frltbratrd MilaiV Esay tlirr ri-t-r-il enrr (wnli- sm w r tfav tlir r.i-i r il rnrr I 1 out n-.i;Jic:nr) oi tfreaji atokkiiic a. i.r .Si-mi. ml e ittieis, Involuuinry 'iuiin ".uses. Imi-otknct, Mcntnl ami I'liysienl Jxripncity, iiapcuiincms ii .!.' riage, etc.; I ttuji tiii.n El'ii.KrsT, anil Kirs, induced by self indu'geiicc or sexual extr.iv.ii-nnse ff-ir I'r'.ce. in a seal-d envelope, only Gets. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarmine ft A AT ri,l it know that it enred Uiem: Uiose wno av i"t know St tcun their neighbors ami friends, 2nd ,Vl" know h;i what it doei oae it .loes always " ! .h,.-h nnr Kuilt or neilertof consequences oi seii-aonse may be radically ! 'rut unJtrsigneJ begs leave to inform i" cured without the dangerous u?of the knife;' A public that be has purchased the CKI--T pointing out a mode of cure at ance simple, MILL, in Mil'ird township, recently certain, and effecttial, by means of which y Jacob Lemon, aail, having remodeled ami every suffv-rer, no matter wliM his condii ion otherwise improved the same, is bow prt may be. may cure himself chsajly, prrrnrely j pared to accommodate all who may favor l: and railiciillrr. " with iheir putronxire. a-.-ffoT;.:- 1 ..t , 11. .., , rC suuiitu no iu ne nanus ol every yruth and every m m :n tue Intnl. Sent, unJor seal, in a plain envelope,- lo a-y address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also. Dr Culverwell's " Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Atiurss Ibe publishers. CIIAS. J. r KI.IXE CO., Post Office Box 4,ocvt. 127 Bowcrv. ' T ja'22'-J ' JUNIATA HOTEL. MIFFLINTOWN, JCNIATA CO., PA. SI.HO B. AI.I!RK;ht, Proprietor. Rooms large and comfoi table the Table sappnea wuu,tue est tlie niarkv. affords Stabling large and excellent Bar constantly supplied with the choicest wines and li,.,,,,.. o pains will be spared lo please guests uui-eu mojornie. A noeral share of public patrorage is solicited. mayl7, "71 REEDSVILLE, MIFFLIN CO., PA. DAVID I. RICE. I'roprielor. The undersigned respectfully calls the at tention of the public lo the fact that he has leasru me notei property it Keedsville, for marly occupied by Aaron Shoop, and is pre pared to accommodate strangers and travel, jra. He will spare no means lo malts, ik. Hotel unexceptionable in every particular. ' ne wm exercise a personal supervision over his Bar, Table and Stable. He respectfully solicits a share of Ihepalrnnage of the public DAVID I. RICE. Reedsville, April 10, 1871. Piles instantly relieved and soon enrs. bv using Dr. Brigg a Pile Remedies. They re- o - r-r - - -. nciucuiro. iuvj re- ; uuce inflamalian, soothe the irritated parts and have proven a blessing to tbe afflicted,' whether internal, external, bleeding or itchl ' "8 f". ah ainus in ail stages must yield to the wonderful influence of these never i iaitiug remeaies. Sold by Druggists. T ARGEST STOCK of Dress Goods in the J-rfcouaty at Tilten & Espenschades. AH kinds of Job Work neatly executed. 8 Vfaecaur Bltiera are not a i!e tmn D t made ol foot- Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits g, Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to plea,.? taste, called " Tonics," " Appenzen," RtKoi. a ,hst lAii ilia tiunler on i il,kt,.lf a n .V tie an, iinubc 'u rern, 'l. refrtsa2 "lie i.. ,. c 1 ,H .- : . eIII. .IT .nil ... .....-. ... -;T.rJW 31 1 Person cnu lake thrse Illtler m inj lo directions, and remain Jon nnwJ, prtLij tlieir bone are -t HeCroyed b miner! poiso orwn, means an- the wied beyond tbe por of Dyspepslt or IIIfetioi.. ?-atUrrie, Pi:, in tlie SliuuMera, OmivIis, Tightness of ile QieJ, ! line?, S"ttr in ot lite btmiudi, tad Tun to the Mnuih, Hilmiw AujcLs, TalpiUiion f Heart, InfLimmal'onof ilie l.tms. Pjin m tlie rn;.OBj,f tlte K:JnT. and a hundred miier pnlu! irm are the olfpriis of Dyspepsia. In Jiese cnpami M has un eqnal, ainl one bnli'e will prove a better jmr. anree f it mrtf s th-m a Ientliv adrerisemcr.t. For Femnle oplalul m yf.unj or it mtrrird r snle. al the rf-iwrrr M wrnianbrvHi, turn of life. T.wic Hitters diinlv w decidrd iriilnetice tliat a nurked iiopiuvenient n loan petct. lible. for lalljnunatorr r.nI Cltronfo tthrw. itiatUin an ! init. DysiM;(sijir tit.tption, l.inan, remitlent and iTttermiitTiit " -eri Iis.ies of ih V'oHxl, I-iver, Kidney and P. .tn.-K-r, -se n:tTsh.t been mnt tttccessful. Such Iiiea . are cancrj Vitiated liluod. wh cit ge-ieraliji irtauccii y deiacjr mrt ff ihe De'-tive r it Touic. pnsieuirs ai.. I'm; yerniur in;;.: . . in rr as a jtowerfifl acenl i!ieTinc -.o..n w h-$m matiun of the L-ver and Vtscuat Orsus. n.d m IDiseaes- For Skin Iic, Errnwion. Tecer, Sv- Rite j:n titxcties, SrHta. Pimples. I', b.- u uncles, K'ih;-whi, S lleatd, S K-es. t-- 'aipela-.. Iteli, bcurH, 1i . ...mtrions ut the Mem. li and I leases ot the Ski, of whatever ntine or iutM are literal V du; r. id carried out of the systeia !.;irt i' the"ti rf r'-rse ItititirsL it iMttit utich cuur.LCt -1 e v.ost tuciedulous m iW curat. . . . C'lcaift t'te Vlllrtia! BIcmmI whenever firxl its tmpoitlic bnrsi.i thrHt;h theskinm PiRrpict, Kntmions. or Sires : cleanse it when rati liitd it ok. slmctcd and sidi in tlie veins: cleanse it whin it 9 ftul ; your feelings will ted you when. Keep tlm bied pii-e. and the health of the system wilt tri.lW. Crrtful tnonsiindl prnclatm Vinkc.r Bit- tubs tiw most wonderful luvifciraDt that ever sustauud the sinkm svstem. Pin. Tmim. and other Worm, hitlitit the srstem of so Bian tlHisuaiMls, are effectual ; ik- stroyed aud removed. Sav a distinguished phmoi. sist : There is scarcely an individual uihxi tike free of it earth whose b'xly is exempt ttoru the presence mi . It is not vixm the hetlthy elements of the bodv m worms exist, Ixit u'Km the diseased humors and deposits that h-erd these livim; monsters of dieiw. No system of M edict :n no vermifuges, no antheiims hies wJi itee the system from worms UWt tlicie Bit t-rs- 3Ielinlral TM . Tcrsons encaged Paints atid Minerals, suca as I'lumtjers, 1 vjk seitrs. Gold beaters, aud Miner, as they advance m life, J be subject to naralrsis of the Bo-rels. curd aji.Mt this take a of W a 1. Knit's Vim at-a a UirTuaouct or twtce a week as a Preventive. Union Remittent, anil Intermittent Fevers winch are so prevalent in the tai.evsoi o prcat rivers t'lrorhout the United States, ei-tcia: r those of tlie Mi5Stssipi, Oliii, Missouri, Iitinoi, Tts nesbee, CuintiertarKf. Arkansas. Red, Oiorad., Il atot, K.a (, Pearl, AlaMrna, Mohi.e. bavannali, Ko- olte,, and many others, with their vast tribuu-, tlironIioitt our entire country tmi:ii- tiie bumi and Auiuinu, and remain,iu!y so dirm se.uoss vnustid heat and drvness, are mvria!'y L-innrntcti hm extenve deraneement nt tle slom.ich and I rcr, mi therauucnninal viscera. There are obstructions of tbe liver, a weakues and im:ab e ium ef the stomach, and great torpor of the luxe, brrj elor7i;exI up null vitiated accumutatitms. In lltew m; i:?eriiv rtrrative, evertine; a poweiful influence kss these various orcans, is essentially nrcessar-. iiwrva ini catliartic f'r the rtinnise eqnal tu 1k. I W., kh i VtjttrGAS: liiTTKtts ' tliey will sfurc !i y rcttiort :t dark color.-! vtcid mailer with v.:i..U :nt: Uiwr m lo.ii-d, at the same time stimnlafitR the secreties ut the liver, and generally restMiuj; Ute ihuc. jus : 'hs digestive erms. Scrortila or Kind's Ks-ll. White Se'"-r. VVs-.-s, Krysiielas, Swe..eil Netk. C-lrr. SrrotaTit k ltammattrtn, mKJrnt IiiAamtnati'in, Mrrtuni'.sl-.-c-iois O'd Sores, KuiptiiMts of the Skm, Sure Et. tc.,etc. In thes, as in ail nther eonstitntmnai U jscs, WAi.Knir Vinkgr BiTTRirs have sltuw thtw jr- u enrative iowcrs m tha most obstiuate and uKac a j1? cases. Or. Wa,Ilter'eCsirrmlTlnearniitert act on all these cites 111 a simitar manner. Uy xir 1 the Blood thy remove the cause. sn bv renvin a the e fects of the inflammation (:!ie tubercular tleji tlie a:Tected parts receive heaah, aud a p.ruutrcni rare is ffected. The properties of Du. Wamcr's Viw: RtTms are Aierient. Diaphoretic and t .irmrn:ve. Nutritious, Lax it 1 re, Iinretic, ire, C.Hiulei-Ira tant. Sudorific. Alterative, ad Auti-Liiiioiis. The Aerient and nn.d Laxative pmpertiei ti Dr. Walker's ViNKu IJittkb- are tle ls;uit pttard in all cases of erupt it. and iii-t-tenant Uk their ha'samic. Iiealin, and soottiinc (trojiertte prMe. tha humors cf lite ftices- l'l.eir Sed.iave pri'rti! a-f.Tsriair in the nervuiis system, stomaciand Ikv, t;tler inf. u)imitio:i, w.n I, cu ic. erampv Tluir Counter-irritant iutluence extend t;nu;!-it tlie system. Their D:aret:c prt-fernes act wi t'e k--Byv C-KrediiiR au.l re-iratini" the Cow l urine. I' Anti-Bilious pr'erties stimulate the II ' bt lion of bile, and its discharges thronsh 1 -r and5 are superior to all remedial aenu, - :.' E.bous Fever, Fevr and Am". etc S'ortirv the borly a.ilnftt dleitM tw ?- fyttif all its ftu:Hs vnlh Vini-cR UiTrin. o demic can take ho:d of a srstem thus (Wearmed. l I r"cr- ",e '" ' ,!,t k iztz. I nerves are rendered disease- proot by this gf1 "r orant. IMrertlon. Take of the Putters en pfMnc m at iit"i.; tro.n a half to on and one haif wine-K."- Eat good iMMtrislHnf fonri. aiicll as beef slcJS. msi:. ctvn. venisito, roast becC and veset-h;es au( uw out-door eaercise. Tliey are compiled ol pumr "S sbie iij;retieiits, and cMita:n no spirit. J WALKER, Prop'r. U il MeIM5f AI.D A C, lriizists and i'ten. Agts Sasi rraocmo, I at.. and cor. ol Washington and Charlton ia . New Vols. SOLD BY ALL UKUGI.lilS ANI IltALtKi Flour! Flour! ; tVhn. -. --.I w.l .1. wuts oa hand and f-r sule, whole sale aid x.elnil. Atxo, Shorts, ' in. ShIp-stujT Ci-f Fur ue. Flour and Feed will be delivered to fi lies if drsired. His wagon will visit Mifiii. Patterson and Perrysville three limes t Persons needing flour or feed, ca : ' tl.cir 01 lers .' the Store of John Klx i Mifflin, or at I'em.ell's Store in Patterton. pr-i,i.. -g i, note-to Box 35, 1'aiterwn u. . oF ALL KfSDS ItOUGIlT A? itAKKET P KICKS. V. II. HAWN. Apr. 3, 1872-3m jiNewTiB aud Stove Ivtablisliinest, Perrytvilte, Jitm'afti Cotm'y, l'a THE undcrsigmd has opened oat a Tin and Stove Establishment iai to on Railroad Street, next door 1 ihe Tukb rora Hotel, where be would be pleased to" all who are in want 4 Tinware. 8loves, lf Ha will also give prompt attention la ill ders for Roobng. Spouting and Jobbing, all of whieh he guarantees to put ap vita tl best of material and in a workman-like vai ner. Having had over ten years experi' in the business he Sailers himself it" can give entire satisfacltaa to the public. He keeps on hand the celebrated SiB"' Cook Stove, which is tha best baker, mo economical and heaviest plated stove sow use. He will keep on hand Ihe Orie Heateis. and a general assortment ot tbi be1 Stoves manufactured. JOHN DCNBAR- J0HNST0W5 FOTJKBBY. TIIE undersigned, manufaelnrer of J"JJ son's Improved Plow, calculated for kinds of plowing, and in all kinds of gre"" fllll.l ha.nas .ks , . tA I S IS' j , , . fi- onB,y- He manufactures all kinds oi in?8' Be,,s' Stoves. Ac. He will a! "Put Trnf" threshing machines. Gi"e " " VI uuress. J. H. ROGERS Walnut P. 0. Juniata Co- aug 18 1869-tf ALL KINDS OF BLANK WORK, at this Office in the neatest man " at low prices.