Juniata $cntinel MIFFLIN T O W I- Wednesday Homing, Jan. 29, 1873. B. F. SCIIWEIER, EDITOR k rROPRHTOR. G EO. P. ROWELL & CO, 40 Park Row, New York S. M. PETTENGILL & CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y, Are our sole agents in that city, and an au thorized to contract for advertising at onr lowest rate. Advertiser in that city are te- miMtrd to leav their favors with either of the above houses. Th b Franking privloge id to be abol- ighed. United Stntes troops are being sent to the scene of the Modnc war. England and Russia are in the eve of a war about their Indian possession. i - . By order of Emperor William, the German Courtill go iuto mourning one week for Napoleon A White Man's Mass Meeting was called at Dover, Delaware, recently. One man atteuded. Throijou the collusion of a prisoner acting as doorkeeper, seven prisoners es caped from the j Ail at Patterson, N. J., om the 22nd in&t. Tub purchase of Samana Bay off the Island of Santo Domingo by a pri vate corporation has been ratified by the Santo Domingo government. Tins Bonapartists of France have de cided that the ex-Empress Engene and Prince Jerome Napoleon shall be the guardians of the Prince Imperial. Masses for the repose of the soul of the late Louis Napoleon were celebrated in a number of churches in Paris, on the 22nd iust , and large crowds attended the services. Tiik spring election for Bradford coun ty was held ou the 17 th of Jauuary. The vote was taken for and against li ceuse, and cairied againslbj a majority of about 2,250. The following United States Senators were elected on the 22nd : Simon Came ron, of Pennsylvania ; Roscoe Cbnkling, of New York ; Eichard J. Ogleeby, of Illinois, and Gordon, of Georgia- GovENoa Harthakft has appointed Col. Ma'.bew S. Quay Secretary of the Commonwealth. Samuel E. Dimmick. of Wayne county. Attorney General, and Col. A. Wilson Norris, of Philadelphia, Private Secretary. The Cred.t Mobuier manaeement, as it reveals itself through Congressional invert'gaiion, involves prominent Con gressmen in a manner that seems to threaten their fair reputations with utter annihilation. Hon. Samuel J. Bayard, a venerable leader cf the Democracy in New Jersey, has written a letter iu which he declares ' himself a Republican. lie says ho voted for General Grant, and he is satisfied that he will make an excellent President. The town of Exeter N. II., wis thrown into a high state of excitement on the 25 th inst , by the annonncement that the cashier of the National Granfte State baok and treasure of the Exeter Savings Bank of exeter had disappear ed. The banks suffer jhrough the runa way to the amount of $200,000. Tbb State Editorial Association met at Harrisburg on the 22nd inst. Among the resolutions of general interest passed by the Association was one that the edi tors of Pennsylvania advocate through their journals the patriotic purposes em bodied in the call issued by the Centen nial Commission, and pledging them selves to a hearty support of the same. A slrbpino car and the rear coach of a passenger train, going east on the Tol edo, Wabash and Western railroad, were precipitated over an embankment ten feet high, and shattered to pieces, when near Wabash, Iod , on the night of the 21st The conductor, James Vail, and Mrs. Samncls, of Decatur, 111 , were seriously injured, and a number of other pereous were bruised. The Hon. William Cassidy, of the Albany Argut, died at half-past four o'clock on the morning of the 23rd. He was one of the ablest and most influen tial of Democratic journalists of New York State, and had been connected for many years with the Argus, the leading Democratic organ of the State outside of New Yoik city. The disease of which Mr. Cassidy died was inflammation and partial paralyses of the bowels. He was confined to his bed only since Saturday. At Pittsburg, on the evening of the 22nd inst., while workmen at Bateman & Garrison's foundry were moving a ladle filled with several tons of molten metal the crane hooks broke, letting the iron fall into a hole which contained some two feet of water, and a terrific explosion f Mowed. The roof of the building was carried away and the walls cracked Houses in the vicinity had the windows badly shattered. Several of the work men were slightly injured, though none seriously. The damage to the foundry will amount to about SI 0,000. ' GOTERSOB HABTBASFT'S I5ACGCBAL ADDRESS. Governor Hartranft's inaugural address is in the keeping of the people. Thou sands read it in the daily journals ; thou sands more will read it in the weekly journals. - Such a volume of abnso had been poured npon him by Democrats, Liberals, doubting Thomases and false reformers generally, that all but' his most ardent fripnita hA come to believe that what ever he might say in his first address to his people, he' would go no further than an avowal to adhere to old customs and usages. lie certainly would not advo cate such refofalVaS we're In' accord with the views of the people, they saia. Iu the eyes of the Democracy he was a Nazarene. What good could come out of Nazareth I "' They had worked them selves iuto this belief without any founda tion for so believing, further than that they wished to believe so. In this they were a good deal like the old gentleman of story. This old gentleman was rich, and he kept open house most of the lime for his friends. He had numerous friends, as one might expect such a man to have. and they often assembled at his house to enjoy his hospitality, lie war very en tertainin? himself : he could talk "like a book." He was full of wit and story. He had a number of stereotyped ctories that he used to tell on almost every oc casion when he had company. Among these stories was one that his house con tained a haunted chamber. It was the abode of a ghost nearly all the time. It was a good story, of course, and the old gentleman dwelt largely on the startling manifestations of the supernatural visitor He told that story so often that by and by he came to believe it himself, and one day he took a company to the so called hauuted chamber to see and hear the ghostly manifestations. Instead of low, mysterious, unearthly sounds, all was quiet. Instead of the furniture and con tents being in a disordered state, every thing in the room evidenced that its man agement was most complete. The com pany looked at each other in amazement. They could not think that their old friend and host had wilfully and maliciously deceived them. They were dispoeed to be charitable, and they called it an halu cination on the part of their friend. He was crazy on that subject, they said. So precisely with the Democrats and Lib erals. They had led their friends and followers by degrees into the harshest of declarations against Governor Uartratift. That h.6 was pledged against all reform measures, and is the slave of a clique that scouts at the idea of reform, was their constant cry But when he appeared in his first great act, ou the 21st, at llarrisbnrg, before many thousands of people, in whose presence he took the oath ofoffice, the illusion vanished. The defamed General stood tefore the critical audience of his people in his proper character. Ilia ad dress indicates him as the very champion of State reform, and hia defamers have slunk away in confusion and shame. They were under the influence of an hallucination, if nothing worse. 4 Read the address on first page careful ly, particularly the clauses that relate to "Special Legislation," "The Pardoning Power," the "Sinking Fund," and "Mi litia." It is said that the whisky ring has raised a fund to buy the Legislature over to a repeal of the Local Option law. The people have not with the exception of Clearfield and Bradford counties had an opportunity to vote on this question The law should not be repealed. It can not be possible that the Legislature has reached the; degree of debauchery that some people would have us believe. It cannot be possible that it has reached such a miserable state of existence that it can be bought by the money of the liquor men. r A Philadelphia paper speaks of the situation of this question at Har risburg as follows : " T'here is a lobby now forming to de feat the local option law passed last ses sion. It is very evident that tnc enect of local option will be at once to depreci ate the value of an immense amount of real estate, and that large sums of money now invested in stock and fixtures in breweries, distilleries, &c , will be lost, because there is no longer any doubt that local option will be adopted in nearly, if not all the counties of the State, if the law is not repealed before the 12th of March. This makes the stake a tremen dous one, and it would be cheap if its defeat would cost one hundred thousand dollars. The liquor men of Pittsburg and Philadelphia are reported as being at work to defeat the law, and among them are many men of respectability and energy, who will, of course, do what they can to save their business from being ut terly wrecked. In the meantime there is a deep and determined feeling among the people to maintain the law. in force, so that when the test of repeal is made in the Legislature, legislators who vote for it must make up their minds to confront an angry constituency. The friends of local option must be wide awake, or they will be outwitted in their mission of mercy." Newspapbrs now are public institu tions ; their good names are not only a part of their capital, but, what is more important, a part of their means of use fulness. They would become powerless as correctors of abuses if it were gener ally supposed that they were merely mercenary, or the organs simply of traj dcrs ana speculators. They must Keep their escutcheons untarnished to fight effectively the battle against injustice, wrong, knavery, and selfishness, which has become their arduous but glorious task. New York Earning Pott, light with Indians. A fight 'took place between United States troops and Capt Jack's Modoc Indians, near the boundary line between California and Oregon, on the 17th inst. Washington despatches, regarding the fight, say : Official despatches have been received at army headquarters from General Cau by, dated Portland, Oregon, January 20, giving au account of the attack of Col. Wheaton upon the Modoc stronghold on the 17th inst. The fight lasted from 8 o'clock iu the morning uutil dark A fores of artillery and infantry has been ordered from the Department of Colum bia into the disti icta of the lakes, and a company of cavalry was ordered into the district for the protection of the Surprise Valley. Reports reaching General Can by from the interior posts as to the dis position of the Indiana are entirely satis factory, although they appear tojbe fully apprised of the difficulty with the Modocs. Later intelligence from the scene of the battle with the Modocs shows that four teen whites were killed and twenty -three wounded. Captain Jack is evidently contemplating a raid upon the white set tlement at Battle Creek, within 40 miles of Yreka Iu the recent fight the In dians captured several guns and a con siderable quantity of ammunition. Particulars about the battle do not change the results as first announced. An eye witness says the troops fought with determined bravery, but coull uot see their foe. Once only during the day did the Indians manifest a willingness to fieht in open field, and a company of soldiers charged upon them, w hen they fled back to their rocky coverts. The dense fog protected each party, and pre vented the Indians from picking off. the troops at long range with their rifle; .- The Oregon volunteers, acting as the rear guard, made a gallant fight, and prevent ed the wounded men, the howitzers and camp equipage from falling into the bands of the Modocs. Captain Jack preserves regular military discipline, and drills his men every day, with the assistance of persons well ac quainted with military tactics, and who are supposed to be renegade whites who have become their allies. General Wheaton has established his headquarters at Lone Tree, and will com mence active operations on the arrival of reinforcements. He has detachments stationed to prevent the savages from raiding on the settlements. Men from the scene of the fight with the Modocs say the squaws took part in the battle. One soldier was killed by squaw. Col. Terry was snot wuiic roll in? down hill, at the top of which he had been surrounded by ludians. A TKRSIBI.E marine disaster occurred on the night of the 22nd inst , in the En glish Channel. The emigrant ship North- fleet sailed from London a day or two before for Australia, with 412 p-issengers exclusive cf her crew. At midnight she came in collision, two miles off Congle ness with au unknown steamship and - was cut down to tho water's edge. Only eighty-five persons are known to be saved, and it is believed that every other passenger who were on board found a watery grave. No attention was paid by the steamship to the emigrant vessel after the collision and Bhe proceeded on her course, leav ing the sufferers to their fate When the collision happened a panic occurred on the NorlhSeet. The pa-'sen gera who were asleep ruthed from their berths to every portion of the ship where they thought they might be safe, and ut terly refused to obey the orders of the captain. That 0 Dicer, as a las t resort to enforce obedienco to his command, was. compelled to fire upon the terror stricken people, and one of thorn was wounded. It is believed that if the passengers had obeyed the orders of the captain, more of them would have been saved. The Northfleat was lying at anchor at tha time the collision occurred. Her car go consisted of railway iron. Three bun dred and twenty -one persons were drown ed, including the captain of the ill fated vessel. The name of the steamer which ran iuto the ship has not yet been ascertain ed, but she is believed to have been a Spanish vessel. It is believed that the Spanish steam ship Murilfo was the vessel which coll ided with the English ship Korthjt et, and that she has been lost with all on board. 0, Sunday, the 19th inst., a fire broke out at Parker's landing, Pa. It was one of the most destructive that ever visited tuat section ot toe country. Uver one hundred families are rendered houseless by the conflagration, and, as business has been almost stagnant throughout the oil region during the past year, and money exceedingly scarce, it is feared that great suffering may result from the destruction of their houses. ' The fire originated in the uppervpart of Dolan's saloon, and as the day was bitterly cold and high winds prevailed, the fire spread rapidly in a northerly and southerly direction, con suming every house in the upper part of the town. The buildings were all of wood, and the flames spread with such rapidity that it was impossible to check tbem. There was one band-engine at Parker's, but it was rendered altogether useless by the hose collapsing and freez ing. - Josie Mansfield is creating a sensation in Paris, and it is said a duel has alrea dy been fought as the result of a dispute about her, neither of the parties being however, seriously hurt. Perhaps !t is safe to remark that the fools are not all dead yet. A Buffalo N. Y., despatch of the 24th says : The police have been watch ing two suspicious characters, who arriv ed laBt Saturday from the West, and finally to-day arrested them one giving his name as John H. Burdell and the other as Robert P. Stark. On examination this afternoon a large amount of the jewelry was found on their persous, and several fine gol 1 watches much of the jewelry bearing private marks. The police seized their (ranks at their hotel, and an examination dis closed a complete set of burglars' tools. The detectives state that it is the most complete set tbeyjfever saw. Among the stock are two jimmies, four pair of nippers, arad one key adjust able to fifteen different changes, so that it would unlock almost any lock, and also two revolvers. ' In the trunks more jewelry was found The movements of the two men, since their arrival, have been so suspicious that they attracted the attcntioa of the detec tives. Both meu were locked up. ,. , What has been developed in the Cald well Causas Senatorial investigation at Washington ought not to fade out of the public mind as a "nine days' wonder." That Senatorship was up for purchase aud sale as entirely as if it had been at auction. The price paid per head for members of the Kansas Legis'ature has been established. It varied, from the cancelling of a member's note for $800, to $1,000 and $2,000, and the price for getting ex Governor Carney out of the way was 815,000 Carney tells this him self, and complains that the last . instal ment of $5,000 was not paid, because, as he says, Caldwell failed iu. his expecta tion of gqtting it from the Kansas Pacific Railroad, that company having "gone back" ou Caldwell Pullie Ledger. A Fr nch daily gives a detailed ac count of the manufacturing of false eyes in Paris, from which the CJrious fact ap pears that the average s e per week of eyes for the human head amounts to' four hundred. One of the leading dealers in this article carries on business in a saloon of great magnificence ; his servant has but one eye, and tho effect of an eye wanted .for a customer is conveniently tried in the valet's head The charge is about ten dollars per eye. For the poor there are second hand eyes, which have been worn and then exchanged for new ones. A Niwcastle Delawere despatch un der date of the 24th iust. says : Wm. Dennis (colored), convicted for committ ing an outrage on the person of Mary Thompson in March last, expiated his crime on the gallows this morning The prisoner was brought from his cell by the sheriff, and sang a hymn on the way. He said 'something to the sheriff in an undertone. The drop fell at 11.50 After hanging about twenty five minutes life was prouounced extinct, and the bo dy was cut down. - . . . Reports from nine packing points out side of Cincinnati Chicago St. Louis and Louisville show 1,523,354 hogs packed to the 22ud instant. Estimated Lumber yet to be packed, 433.S00. Places un heard from packed last year 421.5S3. The four cities packed to the same date 2,310,421, as compared with 2,60,7ll the whole of last season. The total crop will probably reach five millions Partial returns of weight indicate an increase of 10 pounds pork and 115 pounds lard per head. -' A Hartford subscriber writes that he is just recovering from smallpox, and will be on in a few days to renew his subscription., We hope he won't mind a little thing like that. We will send the paper and wait for the money. We will wail cheerfully.' Wo ain't of that avar icious kind of people who will grab for money as if for very life. We despise such things. There's no earthly reason for his coming 011 ; we will wait. Dan. bury Neat. The Atlanta Herald's report of the disaster on the Macon and Western Rail road, January 2, says : "A sad incident was the father and husband sitting on the same seat for four long hours with his dead wife and children, unable to move any part of himself (being so com pletely fenced in) except one band : and with this he could reach over and touch her, knowing that she wasdead." The latest news from the Modoc war says that Captain Jack contemplates a raid on the white settlement at Battle Creek, within forty miles of Yreka. The Indians captured seven guns and a quan tity of ammunition in the recent fight. An eye-witness describes the troops as fighting with determined bravery, but iu consequence of the fog were unable to see their foes. - That was not a bad reply given recent- ly at a barn raking in Pennsylvania, to a young man who had been relating his more thau wonderful exploits in various quarters of the globe. At the close of ono of these narratives, he was not a lit tle set back by the remark of an jld rod: "Young man, ain't you ashamed to talk so when there are older tiers on the ground." A Kansas man dropped a little note to a neighbor's wife, inviting her to meet him under the pale silver moon. The husband got the note first, and kept the appointment. Two doctors have been at work on the Kansas man. The clerk of a New York banking house embezzled $5000, on the 22nd, enticed the young daughter of a wealthy merchant to marry him, and in the even ing fled to Montreal. SHO&T ITEMS. The rinderpest has broken out at Shanghai, China. " Sealskin parlor mats are the latest fashionable affectation. A PittsDurg magistrate kicked a law. yer out of the court-room Short skirts for street wear are agahi becoming fashionable. Connecticut farmers are disgusted with tobacco, aud will rais beets hereafter. South Carolina may be "oppressed, but she pays taxes at the rate of only fifteen mills. In Indianapolis, last year, there was one divorce grauted for every ix mar riage licenses issued. " Salt Lukjgis said to be seven feet high er than when the Mormon settlements were made, and is rising annually. It is now fashionable for ladies and gentlemen, when walking in the street. to lock arms, whether they are engaged or not. ' It is said that the Mormons are deter miued to resist any interference on, the part of the United State authorities with their epizootic. The English houses of parliament cov er eight acres, and have 1.100 apartment and two miles of corridors. The cost of the building was 2,000,000. A Bridgeport, Cmn , man lately ate three and a half pounds of eels at a sit ting and his friends have to watch him to prevent his slipping iuto the sound A man iu Indiana county. Pa., won a wager of $7 by walking two miles bare foot through the buow. lie will wear boots three sizes larger in future. Priuce Jerome Napoleon and the ex Empress Eugenie are to be the guaidians of the Prince imperial, and will direct the movements of tha Bonapartist party. A telegram from Rome says that the Pope lold smne L-itors yeiterd.iy lhat he believed the bodies of the Apostles Pliillip and James were disvovered in the Church of the Apostles. At a prayer meeting in Washington re cently it was prayed that Piovidcnce would improve the quality of editors and publishers. There is no blessing more devoutly to be wished. The proposition to tako a census of all tho Indian tribes and bands iu the United States during the present year meets wit!i much favor from Congress men, and is regarded as a long-needed measure " The horse Crown Prince ha been seiz ed by the Treasury officials at New York 011 a charge of having been entered at the Custom house at Eastport, Maine, at an undervaluation. He is said to. be worth about S5000. A gentleman iu Lancaster, Pa., has a horse that takes his children to school in the morning, returning home driverless, and at night returns for them in the same way, rubbing his nose against the win dow pane to indicate his presence. The Shah of Persia wishes to make his European trip without ostentation, so he will take with him only three princes of the blood, three Ministers of the first class, seven of the second, and thirty at tendants. A gentleman named Greenlecf G Wade has sued the Geneva Manufactur ing Company of Milwaukee for 20,000 because the hater owneJ a steam kettl small boiler, that exploded in 1SG-3 and scalded the aforesaid Wdc. A freight train on the Boston and AI I n, 1, a a a , a.. uany ilaiiroatt DroKe ttirongli tho bridge, near Middlefield, Mass., ou Tuesday night, and fell iuto Westfield river. Tl engineer and fireman were killed, and brakeman badly injured. Two other brakeman slightly. The American eagle is uot reverenced iu Huntingdon county. At Spruce Creek the other nay, the noble bird "went for'1 1 1 1 1.1 , . a. ana Kinea a wua tursey tor nis dinner, but a vandal saw him do it, drove him away, and made a feast on the represen tative fowl's legitimate game. Susan B. Anthony and the other fe males who exercised the right of suffrage at the late election iu Rochester, N. Y have been indicted by the Grand Jury of the United States District Court, and II l .-a.ajr -aa win oe ineu in May next, ine inspec tors who received the votes have also been indicted. A Williamstown, Vt., man wants wife. She must be short, thick set, with curly hair and keen, black eyes. Her age I am not so particular about, say any where from thirty-five to forty. He won't find his wife. There isn't a single woman in Vermont thirty five years old. In a San Francisco Court the other day, a little dialogue ran thus : Counsel to witness : "Yon say you were at his house every night ?'' "Yes, sir " "Were you his partner ?" "No Bir." "Any rel ative of bis V 4-No." "What were you doing at his house every night ?"' I was sparking his wife's sister." On the morning of the 23rd John Mar row, aged seventeen, while pushing a car in the mines, near Ashley, Pa., was as saulted and fatally stabbed in the left breast with a knife six inches long, by John Monaghan, aged nineteen No reason is assigned for the deed. Mona ghan has been arrested. Conscience-money amounting te $2342 50, the proceeds of the Bale of $2000 in coupon bonds, at 117 J was received at the Treasury, on the 22nd, from Massa chusetts, and placed to the credit of that fund, according to the request of the sen der. Yesterday a certificate of deposit for $500, due for unpaid taxes, was re ceived, and also put to the credit of con science. gtur aflmtisrnunts. AUCTIONEER. J P. G. LOSO, residing in Spruce Rill township, offers bis err ices to the citi lens of Juniata county as Auctioneer and Vendue Crjer. Charges moderate. Satis faction warranted. fjan29-3m AGENTS! A RARE CHANCE ! ! We will pay Agents $40 per week is cash wbo will engage with us at oxcb. Every thing furnished and expenses paid. Addrets A. COULTER A CO., Charlotte, Mich. $5 TO $25 PER DAY AGENTS WANTED to sell a Beautiful Portrait, in oil colors, of the Her mt Gettjtharg, the late M ij. Gen. Gro. G. Mbaob. .Send $1 for outfit, or 25 cts for sample. 011088001 A WEST, 702 Chest nut St., PhtladelpI.iii..Pa. GLITSCH'S IMPERIAL RUSSIAN 91utiu(l.-Wiiolefa!e 10 ,ne trade. Single cans sent, postpaid, on receipt of $1. W. HERMAN T. FRUSAUFF, Reading, I'm. tf R fn CO A per daj ! Agents wanted! All iu 4UU elates of working people, of either sex, young or old. make more money at work for us in their spare moncnls or all the time than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. 8TINSON A CO., Port land, Maine. $1, i: t:vtitD Forany caeeof lilind, Bleed ing, Itching or Ulcerated Piles that ! Bixu's 1'ilk RcjiKDY fails toeure. It is prepared express ly to core the Piles, and n nhing else. .Sold by all Druggists. Trice, f 1.00. ORGANIC LAW OF TEE SEXES. Conditions which impair verilily positive and negatire electricity proof that life is evolved without union effect of tobacco influence of fish and phosphoric diet mod ern treatment of pelvic di.-ensee, stricture and varicocele, and arrest of development : ten lecturer to hi-, private furii-al elas-. by EDWARD H. DIXON, M. D . 4i Fifth. .A ve nue, N. Y. ; 61 p igcs. 25 cents. Eviiline from the pen of Dr. Dixon is of great value ti) the whole human race." Uoncc Grec'.ey. SEND 25 CENTS FOR THE ADVERTISERS' GAZETTE,. A book of 128 pges, t-howing how, when and where to advertise, nuJ containing a l'st of nearly 3,000 newpppers, with much other information of inte-et tt a-lver'iser. Ad dress CEO. r. ROWELL A CO., rnbll: btrs, 41 Park Row, Sew York. TI32J FKAM tHVl S HARDWARE COMPANY, Main Street, Ospils Court Yard, Mifllisatofrn, 2":i., Are offering Large Iaduccoisnls to CARRIAGE A WAGON MAKERS. BLACKSMITHS, SADD1.BR.S, SHOEMAKERS, IXILDEKS. 1 AINTKRS Ac. They have on ha.id the largest slock of II ARDWAIIE. IRON. HORSE SMOIvS, Nails, Paints, Leather, AND EUILDINC- 2IATE3IAL, la the ctc:rl p:irt of the Srate. TI.ey are selling Uar Iron at 5c 3 lb. Horse; Shoes at $7.25 keg. Best Norway Nail .it 0c fl li. 14 inch Ilorso Ivixps at S5c each. They are selling l Hickory 'Felloes at Slf.O Hi set. Hickory Spokea at 52 00 , get. No. 1 Gum Hubs at 00c net. No. 1 Ilemloii S.ile leather at 31c No. 1 Best Oak Leather at 40c lb. lb t.. In order to close ox.1 tLeir immtntt ttock of STOVES, they will sell them at C03T.- Give them a call before nur chasing elsewhere. Franciscus Hardware Co. Main Street, Mifflintown. HOUSE MD LOT FOR SALE IN PATTERSON. 'I UlE undersigned offers at private sale a -I- Lot of Ground situated in the borough 01 1 allerton, Juniata county, having there on erected a New 'Fw' Dwelling Eonss, and a good Hog, Pen. There are Peach, Pear, and other Fruit Trees oh the Lot. Possession given at once. For terms, ic. call on or address H. C. ARBOGAST, Dec 4, 72-2m - Port Royal, Pa. Trial List February Terra, 1873. 1. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for use of Levi H-cbt vs. John Dietrick et aL 2. Samuel Murphy vs. Daniel Coffman. 3. Jacob lrolesbaugb vs. John Psck. 4. R. W. Jamison vs. John L. Brers. 6. L. N. Holmes and wife vs. Ilcnrv Shel. lenberger and wife. 6. George Diem vs. Abraham Kauffman. 7. Laird k Bell vs. James Burns. 8. D. K. Sulouff vs. Frow & Parker. 9. T. Van Irwin vs. Abraham Sieber. 10. Mary A. Tyson vs. Joseph Blanchard. 11. T. Van Irwin ts. John Sherlock. 12. John Patterson vs. J. p. HeffiVfinger. 13. Wm. P. Walters vs. Daniel K. Warner. 14. Cyras Morrison ts. P. R. R. Co. 15. Joseph Kothrock. Ex'r of R. C. Gall. her, deo'd, vs. John Wright et al. lb. Jacob King vs. Stephen Winters. IRVLN D. WALL1S. rtotk'u. Prothonotary's Office, MifHin- Dllll town, Jan. 10, 1873. - lUisrdUintous. BOOK AGENTS 0 TBI GHEAT INDUSTRIES OF TIIK UNITED STATES- 1300 PAGES AND 500 ENGRA7DT5S. Written by 20 Eminent Authors, includinj? JOHN B GOl'GU !id HORACE CREKLET This work is a complete history of ti branches or industry, processess of mutJ. facture, etc.. in all a,j;e. It i-, comnl-u encyclopedia of arts and manufv;mr9i is the most entertaining and valuable work of inform ttion on subjects of general im est ever offered ro- the public. We wI Agents in every town of tbe United Stat,, and no Agent can fail to do well with th;. book. One agent sold 133 eopies in ',tu days, another sold 368 in two weeks, ty agent in Hartford gold 397 in one week-. Specimens sent free on receipt of stamp. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC. 800 Pajes, 250 Engravings. ."A.n in,'"e!"I, nd amusing tfcatise oa the Medical Humbugs of the piwt and present It exposes Quacks. Impostors. Travelling Doctors Patent Medicine Vender.. Noted Female Cueats, Fortune Tellers and Mediums and gives interesting accounts of Noted Physiiians and Narratives of their lives H reveal startling secrets and instrncts all how to avoi I the ills which nsh Is heir o. W give exclusive territory and liberal commis sions. For circulars and trma address iLa publishers. J. B. BITER & HYDE, -HARTFORD, CONN., ok CHICAGO, ILL. jnl-ly YOUNG MEN! YOUNG W0I Learn the art of Book-Keeping, as tangbt hy Prof Dott. Principal of Dot v s Commer cial College. In every city of tbe United Siates there is a consiant demand fcr Book keeper, both male and female. By Prof. Dott's method tbe whole- art. of Book-keeping is taught in one short easy lesson, so that any person of ordinary intel ligence ean learn it in less than' one "week's study. This valuable instruction will be seat ritr.1 to any address upon tha receipt of ONE DOLLAR. rJgr Agents wanted. Address E. DOTY, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. janl-3m GREAT OFFEBS TO ASEHTS are made by Th Saturday Ete.mjq Post and Tin Ladv's Fkikkd. A beautiful Chromo of lb CIIILD-PROPIIET "SAMCEL," worih $o 00. is given with the paper (sub scription price $3 00) or with the Magazine (price $ '.()) Do no; full to examine into tlii.- offer, it is A GREAT COMBINATION 1 1 Address for particulars, samples, ie , Dta ron Peimon, 319 Walnut ft., J'&iladtlfhi. declI-lTi At.ENTS WASTED FOR BOSTON f?sD DESTRUCTION. A full, detailed and graphic account ot lb origin, progress, buffer win, lushes and inci dents of the greut conflagration. A rare chance fur Jfns. as every person wants ! know the fnd particnlRr of this ereat disas ter. Seat by mail for SO cents. WILLIAM FLIXr. Philadelphia, IV, or Cincinnati, Ohio, decll 'm TSUE TD33 FOR $1. 1 Magnetic Time-Keeper. Compass and Indica tor. A perfect (JEM for the pocket of every traveler, trader, boy, farmer, and for KT EltYIMUY desiring a rtltnUt time-keeper, an-1 also a super or compass. Usual watch fi?e. steel works. gUs crystal, all in a neat O It'HDSa caw. W.VKR VN TED to denote nr. rtrt tiri and to keep iu order if fairly nse l fur two years. Knthmg l-.ke it .' Thin per fect triumph of Mechanism will be sent in a neat case, prepii'd o any address, for onty $ I : 3 for Circulars sent free. Ty one. i)rd.-r from the manufacturers, VERMONT NOVELTY WOKXS, Brattleboro, Vl. dec 1 1-1 m blai cn lst's improved t Cucrcnibsr Wood Pcnp.' Tasteless, Durable. Efficient, j? and Cheap. The best Pump lor the least money. Atten tion is especially invited to Ulatchlcy's Patent Improve I Bracket and New Drop Check Vlve, which ean be with drawn withont rrnioving t!i pump or disturbing tbe joints. Also, the Copper Chamber. which never crscks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by dealers everywhere. Scud for Catalogue and Price-List. Cuas O. I La Ten lit, Manufaci'r, 5W Commerce St., Pbilada., Pa. The oldest and most reliable Institution for obtaining a Mercantile Education. S-I racttcal business men as instructors. Kor information, write for a circular lo P. DLFF & SONS, Pittsburgh, P. novo a,eom New Store and New Goods. GR0CESIES, PROVISIONS. &C. Hain Street, ICiSintown. HAVING opened out a QROCERY AND PROVISION STORE in the old stnnd on Main otrcet, MiBl.ntown, I would respect fully a;k the attention of the public to the following nrticles, which I will keep on hand at all tiuics : SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, RICE, F1S IX, SALT, DRIED AND CANNED FRUIT. HAM, SHOULDER, DRIED BEEF, Confectioneries, Nuts, &a, . Tobacco, Oifcnra, GLASSWARE, Flour, Feed, Ace. AU of which will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. Give me a call and hear my pnoes. J. W. KIRK. Mifflintowa, May 2, 1872. BROCKEKIIOFF HOUSE, BELLEFOXTE. PENN'A. D. JOHNSTON & SOUS, Proprietors. The "Brockerhoff House" has recently been refitted and otherwise greatly improved, and is now nsder the proprietorship of D. John ston & Sons, formerly of the "Leonard House" in Clearfield Persons visiting Bellefonte on . 9 . business or pleasure will find this a conve nient and pleasant placa to stop. Fret But to and from the Depot. Not 1, 1871.