t Jmtiati Stntinel. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JAN. 22, 1873. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ON AND after Sunday, Dec. 22, 1872, Passenger Trains will leave Mifflin Station aa follow! : AST W A BO. Philadelphia Express 1:10 A. M. Fast Line 4:0 A. M. . Harrmhurg Accommodation 11:28 A. M. Mail Train- 6:18 P. M. Cincinnati Express 0:03 P. M. WL8TWA.IID. Pittsburg Express l:f 8 A. M. Cincinnati Express 1:55 A. M. Southern Express.. 4:08 A. M Pacific Express- 5:4:1 A. M. War Passenger 0:W A. M. Mail Train - 3:38 P. M. Fast Line fi.33 P. M JAMES NORTH, Ag't TOWN A.I COUSTRV. Local Option is not a political ques tion. . Th muddy- rushing water of the river contrasted oddly on Saturday with ita enow-covered bunks. TlIK name of tlie town of Bloody Run, in Bedford county. Las Leeu changed to that of Everett Cily. Tell us, Elliott what is there in a name T The Local of the Skntixel believes hat he has unearthed "Iiiviriblt','' of the Blair county Radi . His name is well it shan't be tuld just now. Dr. Gkke.m.eaf, of Thutupsnntown, Las leen appointed by the proper Maso nic autiiority District Deputy Grand Master of the counties of Juui tta, 1'eriy cud Mifflin. This ice on the river broke and com menced to run about 10 oVIock ou Fri day night The ice breaker of the mid dle pier of the liver bridge waa consider ably damaged. TnE tLaw of last week cleared tbe streams in Pennsylvania of ice. Tbe "break-up" came too soon to be perma nent Weather-wise people sny it can! i last ; that we will have another freeze up Last Notice. All persons knowing themselves indebted on tLe Hooks of D. K. t-'uloiiff Sl Co. are requested to make immediate pa incut as the Books will pass into the hands of a collector. D K. Slloltf & Co. jan22 St O.m Monday la? t a horse belonging to a mau named Snyder, of Fayette town ahip. Lad the rkin of his right hind leg Tipped open from the foot almost up to the kuee, by breaking through a bridge while Mr. Snyder was driving down the !ank to Goshen's coal wharf, a fliort dis tanee above this place, for a slod load ul coal. StlKRIFr's SaI.K, at the Court Ilotic, at 1 o'clock P M., on Fiiday, Jan 31st, 1S73, a IIoui-c and Lot situate in the borough of Miiiliiitown, bou.-ided aud de scribed as follows : Ou Lhe eaet by an alley, on the South by lot of arah Stronp. ou the west by Lemon street, and on the north by lot of George lleiub mgli ; said lot having a front of 30 feet by 110 feet deep, havii g thereon evicted a Frame House. Seized, taken in execution aud to be sold as the prop, rty of John Mon dial!. Drowned A j oung man named Jacob Bear, a resident of uscarnra tnwnshiri, was in Mifflin on last Friday with a slid and two horses. In the evening when on Lis way home be attempted to cross Tus carora Creek, about a mile below Mc Coysville. 1 be ice broke, and he was drowned, as were also the horses. Noth ing, however, was known of the distres sing circumstance until Saturday morn ing, when the body of the unfortunate man aud the dead horses were discovered among the broken ice. House Burked The house of Jos. Tousey, in Spruce Hill township, took fire in the loft from some unknown cause, about 9 o'clock ou last Thursday even ing, ao4 was bnrncd to the ground. Scarcely .any of the household effects were taken from the house Neither Mr. or Mrs. Tousey were at Lome. Tousey was at tho railroad, where Le is em ployed as watchman ; Mrs. Tousey was away visiting a neighbor. A number of children were at home, but they can give no account of the origin of the fire. Fatal Accident. Yesterday after noon, about 4 o'clock, while men were engaged undermining the bank at the new siding which is being made at Patter- i i i i j ' eon, a large mass of earth broke loose and . fell on a man named William Parfwell, who, with two. others, were digging at at its base. Parfwell had one of his legs broken at three places, and was so badly injured internally that Le died in about half an Lour after tLe accident. The other two mtn narrowly escaped being caught by the falling mass. Parftwell was a stranger here, and had only been employed a few days. Total number of freight cars passing MifHin Station. P. R R., during the years 1S67, 1SCS, 1SCD, 1870, 1S71 and 1872 : 1867. 338.713 1G8, S88,73(i Incnase 1869, 433,800 " 1870, 479.-260 1871, 579,222 1872, 656,085 50,023 45,0i4 45,460 99,962 .76,868 2.875,810 Inc. in 6 yrs, 817,372 During the year 1872 there were 18, .r0l freight traius, making an average of 35J cars to each train. The heaviest month's business of the year was Octo ber. During that monh there were 64, 025 cars, an average of 2,0651 cars per 24 hours, or almost 2 cars every minute. ed. List op Jurors for Feb. T 1873. gba.no jurors. Walker Sam'l Arntz. Charles Books, Samuel Cleck, Irwin Basboar. r Milford Lewis Burcb field. Spruce Hill JobnBaruard, Sr., Wm. Bennett, J. S. Patterson, Isaac Flick-inger. Fayette John Cramer. Jos. Kmtff- man, Tobias Page, Jacob Wbitmer, A bra ham Leister. " , Lack S. II. Crawford, John Leonard. Mifflintown J. Wirt Dran. Greenwood John Hibbs, Jr. Beale John A. Uoetetler. Delaware; John Leach. Monroe Joseph Niemond. Fermanagh 1'hilip Pannebaker. l'errysville Latimer Wilson. Susquehanna David S. Whitmer. petit jCRons. . Fayette Simon Amey, John Henry, Fphraim Myers, Washington Mellon, Allen Pierce, Wm. Thompson. Tuscarora Alex. Anderson, G. S. Cor.n, Thomas D .bbs, II. L. IcMeen, John G. Nobs. Walker S Beidler, Jolin Oberholter, Porter Thompson, Christian Tyson. Perrysville Samuel Buck, D. S. Cnyle. Delaware Win. Cross, C B. Shelley. Milford David Deen, Daniel Fisher, Wm. Partuer, It. A. ltobison, William Sterrett Patterson J. B. Fink. Su?qutth:inna Reuben Fry, Levi Light, David Strawser, Jcob Weiser. Tuibett Benjamin Grouinger, John Whetzler. Fermanagh William Given. Monroe Petei Uertzng, Michael Cum felt, Peter Long. Beale Wm. Iloesinger, Joseph R Leach, James Sherlock. Greenwood Thomas Rumberger Miffliufown Jacob Slanghterback, Howard W oodm.wcy, II S. Goshen. Thompsontown Emauael Smith. Lack Jeremiah Kenepp, Joseph U Lane? MichaeLD. Miller, Absalom Rice, D. 1$. Williamson. Pi blic Salis. Tobias P Page will sill at public sale, at his residence, one pnile north of Oakland Mills, Fayette town.-.bip, on the. IS u of rcbruary, at 10 o'clock, four horses, three cows, all coming firsh, eight head of young cattle, wagons, 1 reaper and mower combined, threshing machine, horse power an. I shaker, Lay pitcher, hay rake, and all other kindi of farming implements. See handbills. George I'arfet will oiFer for sale, on his premises in Delaware township, three miles eatt of Fast ?aleai, at 10 o'clock, Tuesday, February 4th, 1S73, one good family horse, 1 good colt, 1 span of good mules, 2 donkeys, 1 tow, lot of shoals, buggy, spring wagon, fletgh, fodder cut ter, new faiiiiii g mill, aud other farming utensil, also, oats, buckwheat and pota toes by the hushrl. See handbills Nath in Griffith, of Fayette township, will sell at public salo, at his residence, one half mile n'oiuh of 0 ik'and Mills, on 1'Lursday, February 20, 1S73, four head of horses, one colt, four cows, seven head of young cattle, one sow and three pigs, together with his cntise stock of farming imjdements, and also a lot of household furniture. Sale at 10 o'clock. Sie hand bills. 1T37T3 fr:m IJsiglibirin' Conntioi M1PKLIN C-.U.TY. The Lewietown D-.-nux-rut says : Mr. Andrew Swarlzell, of Milroy, shot a bear in Triester's valley, on Saturday, ihn 4th mst , wljicli weighed 3U0 lbs. tie saw four bears at the time, but did not get a shot at any save the one For a week past a grey wolf, has been coming down the knob to make a meal from a dead horse, lying within a quarter of a mile of George Swartzell's residence, near Locke's Mills. The wolf has been several times seen, but no one has as yet gone "on a hunt" for him Wo expect, however, before many days to be able to chronicle his last meal. Surely some of the hunters of thtt region will " go for him. The Gazelle, says : Gabriel Yoder, of Union town-bip, who, (as well as some members of his family) is a cripple, has a small tract of land at the foot of the mountains worth little for agricultural purposes, which he couverled into a vine yard some y'-ars ago, and last fall made eight barrels of good wine. The most considerable grape grower in Central Pennsylvania is probably Simeon Stoltz fus of Buffalo valley, Uuion countv. who J ' k " v we learn made 60 barrels of wine last year, nud has some 40 or 00 barrels of previous years on hand Mr. James S. Sweringcn, said to have been a native of Mifflin county, but long a resident aud highly esteemed citizen of St. Louis died a few weeks ago at the age of sixty-five years. lie left au estate valued at $500, 000. HUNTINGDON COUNTY. The Huntingdon Journal saya: A frightful accideut occurred, on the 8th iust., one hatf mile north of Saxton, on the II. & B. T. M. R. R , whice resul ted in the death of an old railroad man, mimed James Long of Coalmost, Pa, and the slight injury of quite a number of others. Through some unaccountable blunder, engines Nos. 7 and 19 collided, wrecking each other. No. 7 was pulling the gravel train loaded with railroad iron There were about thirty employees on the train' the greater number of whom were slightly injured. The engines were on a short curve and were not visible to each other nntil only a few rods Interven- It is presumed that Mr. Long was j the first to see the danger and leaped off against the rocks without making any outcry, and rolled down tinder the cars and was crashed to death. He leaves wjfe and one child to mourn Lis loss.- This was the third accident which had befallen him. When quite small a car passed over him breaking both of his lees and an arm in two places. About a month ago he had his hand smashed by the cars and now he has met his end by the same agency. Wbo is to blame I. . . . A Patent Wright man, named T. G. Thompson, from Mecca, Ohio, was found dead in a water closet, attached to the Franklin House on Friday last, Thomp son had been stopping at the house for several days and had been complainin of neuralgia. Some time during Thurs day night he visited the closet and must have fallen ovar dead from the effects of an attack of the disease upon the heart. He was not discovered until Friday af ternoon. A Coroner's jury was summon ed and a verdict rendered in accordance with the above facts. His friends were telegraphed and written to but no re' sponse having been received he was bur ied in the cemetry on Saturday after noon. Siuce then we learn that a broth er-in-law Las arrived who" will raise the body and remove it to Ohio. Tbe Huntingdon Monitor says : On Wednesday last two men appeared at Mr. Jno. Read's and solicited something to eat While Mrs. R. was preparing something for them, they disappeared with an overcoat belonging to one of tbe members of the family. The same day one of the same gang noticing the sack coats in front of B. F. Douglas' Clothing store, took au idea into his head that he was entitled to one of them. lifted it from the Looks, fled down Hill Street, up Third, and he disappeared. Mr. Smith made pursuit Lut gave up tLe chase cn the disappearance of the thief. PERSY COUNTY. The Bluomfield Adcoeate says : Reu ben Stahl, of Tuscirora township, was ai rested on Monday last week, and lodg ed in jail, charged with having forged the name of L'lrich aud David Rum bangli. ol urrcnwooil township, to a negotiable note, paj'able at the Newport Deposit Bank, for S200. Staid did not deny bis gui't. SI 15 were found in Lis possesion when arrested, and which were recovered by the bank, lie was bronglit before the court on Thursday morning, plead guilty, and was senten ced to the Eastern Penitentiiry for 14 months On last Wednesday morn ing MirS Rebecca Bender, of Carroll township, fell on the icy pavement in Oiliclc street, in this borough, disloca ting tbe thumb of her right baud and forcing the bone through the flesh. She was taken into tbe residence of Wm. Willis, Esq., aud Dr. Strickler sent for to replace the dislocated thumb. Miss Bender suffered iutensc pain until it was placed in proper position Oa last Wednesday morning Mrs. J. 15. Leiby had both bones of the left fore-arm brok en bv biinjr thrown out of a sleLrh. The urcidwit was caused by the sleigh upsett ing in a snow bank near the residence of Henry L. t'nji th. in Oliver township. Tho TELEGRAPH FOD DER CUTTERS, the best in the market, are selling rapidly at PAISTE'S HARDWARE STORE. Every farmer should have one. The money paid for them is well invested. Buy one and be convinced. KUXKEL'S IJITTKR WINE OF I RON has reached an enviable position among medicines as a cure for Liver Com plaint, Dyspepsia and all diseases arising from a disordered liver or stomach. It costs Lut littl!, purifies the blood end gives tone to the stomach, renovates the system and prolongs life. Try this val uable Tonic. For sale at Banks & Ham lin's Drug Store, MifHiutown, Pa. Attention, Juniata Scouts ! Yon ore hereby ordered to parade in Mifflin town, on Saturday, January 25, 1S73. Full uniform for inspection. Muster end pay 10 o'clock A. M. By order of J K. ROBISON, Capt. Commanding, Mattulw Rooers, O..S. WANTED 10,000 Railroad Ties, 8 feet 6 inches long, square at the ends, 8 inches thick, 8 inches' of a face, in ex change for Goods or Greenbacks. Laibu & Bell, Patterson, Pa. There are but few systems that do not at some time or other require a tonic. KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE of IRON is noted for its rcinvigorating powers. A full-blooded Indian doctor lectured in the Methodist church at Uollidaya burg, some days ago. TllK greatest medicine to abate pain and rheumatism is "Kunkel's Pain Slay er." For sale at Banks & Hamlin's Drag Store, Mifflintown. - ATETNTION ! DAVID WATTS most respectfully announ ces to the public that he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY at reduced prices. Hereafter give him a call at hit OLD STAND, MAIN St., MIFFLIN. Oct 25-tf A Large assortment of Queensware, China ware, Glassware, Creckery ware, Cedar ware, &c, for sale ch6ap by TILTEN t ESPENSCHADE'S. , GO to the Juniata Sixtikel Job Printing Office for all kinds of Plain and Fancy Printing. NEJVAER TO THE The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of MIFFLINTOWN and vicinity that he has opened out in the BELFORD STORE-ROOM,, on MAIN STREET, MIFFLIN TOW JN, with an entire JNew Stock of Goods, consisting- of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, CEDARWARE, TINWARE, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HATS AND CAPS, FULL LIIVE OF GROCERIES, CfllFECTIfllERY, Stationery, School Books, &c., Boots and Shoes, for Men & Boys, Ladies, Misses & Children, FLOOR AND ST AI R CARFETS AND OIL CLOTHS, TABLE CUTLERY, LOOKING-GLASSES, Eight-Day and Twenty-four-Hour Clocks, SALT by the SACK. Cheese, Dried Fruits bought and sold, Gum. Roots, Over Shoes, and Sandals, Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, and Corn. Meal, Quilts, Bedspreads, Counterpanes, Blankets, etc., etc., etc. All kinds of Produce taken payers 30 days credit Goods when desired. Miffl!ntnirn. Pa.. Doe. 1. 1872-tf Married s FITZGERALD HART At tho residence of the briJe'a father, on tbe 10th inst., by Rev. F. MoBurncj, assisted by Rot. S. 0. Fitigerald, Mr. W. II. Fitzgerald, of Tufca- rora Valley, Juni ita county, and Miss Mar tha Hart, of Perry county. lMetl : ISENDEKU la llarrisburg. Pa., on Mon day morning, Jan. G, 1873, Philip lieuberg, ate of Perrysville, this county, aged 0 years, 1 month and S days. Tmbute of Respect. At a special meeting of Perrysville Lodge, No. 556, I. O. O F, lielj Tucs- Hav fvpniiir. .Tamiarv 7. 1S73. i fnm. o -j - - miltoe was appointed to aratt resolutions expressive of the sense of the Lodge relative to the death of Hro. P G. Philip Isenberg, which committee respectfully i i r ti J submit tbe following : Whereas, It has pleased Almighty (jod, tbe searcher of all hearts, by a wise dispensation of his providence, to call from our midst our well beloved iiro. P. G. Philip Isenberg. thus sadlv and impressively admonishing ns that in the midst of life we are in death, aud as a tribute of respect to the deceased, there - fore, be it l!-ilvtK That in the death of Bro. fsi-nberg our Lodge has lost oue of its best members, the community a citizen whose philauthrupy and integrity won r him the respect and esteem of all who knew htm. Rfiolved. That we tender to the rela- tives and friends of our deceased Brother our earnest sympathy in this bereave ment, know ing that the strength to bear up uuder this dispensation cometh from mm who sends them, aud who 13 too wi.-e to err and too good to be unkind. titsrHicd, That we bow to the irrevo cable mandates of an all-wise Providence and in view of the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death, we should be aroused to a sense of our condition and be ready at all times, for iu such an hoar. as we tuiiiK not tlie son ot ;'tan cometh. Uctolced, That the Lodge room be draped in m.inrniiig for the space of three months, and that each member wear the usual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days Itesmlveti, I hat tho thanks of this Lodge be tendered to Lamberton Lodge, No. 708, for the courtesy and atteution paid to Bro. Isenberg while sick in their jurisdiction Resolved, That this Lodge attend the funeral as a Lodge, and that we give a cordial invitation to our sister Lodges and members of other Lodges who are iu tbe vicinity to attend the, funeral with ns. Resolved, That in testimony of the re spect we owe to his mempry, this pream ble and resolutions be published in one or more of tbe county papers, and be placed upon the journal of the Lodge, and a copy be sent to the relatives of the de ceased. D. P. MlMtCilAX, W. J. Smeigh, V Com. David Fowls. ) THE GREAT DISCOVERY. KunkeFs Bitter Wine of Iron. For the cure of weak stomach, general de bility, indigestion, disease -of tne nervous system, constipation, acidity of the stomach, aud all cases requiring a tonic. The wine includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess ; Citrate of Magnetic Oxiue, combined with the most en ergetic of vegetable tonics Yellow Teruvian Dark. The effect in many eases of debility, loss of appetite, and general prostration, of an efficient salt of Iron, combined with our val uable Nerve, is most happy. It augments the appetite, raises the pulse, takes off mus cular flabbiness, removes the pallor of de bility, and gives a florid vigor to the counte nance. Do you want something to strengthen you?' l)o you want a good appetite ? lo you want to build up your constitution ? Do you want to feel well ? Do you want to get rid of nervousness ? Do you want energy T Do you want to sleep well? Do you want brisk and viperous feelings ? If yon do, try Kunkel's Wine of Iron. This truly valuable Tonic has been so thor oughly tested by all classes of tbe community that it is now deemed indispensable as a Tonio medicine. It costs but little, purines the blood and gives tone to the stomach, reno vates the system and prolongs life. I now only ask a trial of this valuable Tonic. . Trice $1 per bottle. E. F. Kunkel, Sole proprietor, 259 North Ninth street, below Vine, Philadelphia. Ask for Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron and take no other, If your Druggist has it not, send $1 to my address, and the medicine, with advice free, will come by next express train. Feb2S, 72-6ai T I S E M E ST T S , PUBLIC ! in exchange for Goods. -Prompt delivered at any place in town CORNELIUS BARTLEY. 'JTJie MnrkctH. Prices of Board of Commerce, Reported weekly for the Jitkiata Skjtinil by the Board of Commerce of Mifflin and Pat terson. Butter lb 25 Eggs, doi 30 Lard, lb 8 Country Soap 8 Beeswax 25 Tallow 8 Rags 3 Wool, washed 60 Dried Apples 10 " Peaches, pared 20 " Peaches, unpared 15 " Cherries, pitted 20 " Blackberries 10 " Raspherries 16 Country Hams .'. 12 i oiiies anu stiouluers i Sides and Shoulders Potatoes "8 bus 40 . Onions ' CO Ground Alum Salt, sack 2 25 ? a,,ro.a Tes . (0 Locust Posts, mortising 32. fujf. v i Shelley & Stambaush's Prices Current. Corrected Weekly. Cbtstai Palack, Mifflintown, 1 Jan. TZ, 1873. f - ; Prime Roll Butter, per lb., 23 30 08 t?Ks Pcr Joien - ; riT.'1' Pcr m. Tallow, per lb 08 If . m Dried Apples' "per it)... ...... ' ......" !." .. 01 j " Cherries, seedless, pcr lb 17 l " " unseeded Ot iui. - wln.its, per bus 40 SheUbarks 515 Potatoes ."- CO Chickens, lire, pcr lb-.. 08 Liverpool Ground Alum Sail, per sack 2 00 D. P. Sulouff & Co. 's Prices Current. Reported Weekly. GitAtN. While TVheat, 1 bus $ 1 75 Red " " - 1 70 Corn, old .. 50 a,s lverSecd 5 00 Pr j Ccal v too Coal. $5 25 4 25 1 -i . 1 Pea " " . 3 10 - 5 00 Limber. ' Bituminous Run of Log, 4 4, 1 1000 ft $35 00 5-8, " 25 00 " 8-4, ....25 00to40 00 " ' 6-4, ' 2j00io40 0O nemlock Frame, 2000 " Boards, " 20 00 Whitepine worked Flooring............ 35 00 " German Siding 3500 Panel Doors 2 00 to 3 00 Window Sash, 8x10, window- 65 " " 9x12, 75 " 10x12, " 80 " " 10x14, " SO PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. rniLAPZLPhtA, Jan. 21, 1872. Flour The market is dull. There is no inquiry for shipment, and tbe operations of tbe home trade are confined to their immedi ate wants. 10CO bbls sold, including Superfine $5 0O(5j5 60 Extras $ 25(7 25 N. W. Extra Family $7 75(&'i8 75 Ohio & Ind. do. do $8 C09 00 Penna. do. do. - $8 h0(n)9 25 Fancy Brands $9 50(10 50 Grain Wheat is in fair demond at full prices. Sales of 7500 bus western red at $190a2, ambar at $2a2 03, and white at $2 05a2 23. In rye no sales are reported. Corn moves slowly at former rates ; sales of 7000 bus yellow at C0a61c. Oats are un changed ; sales of white at 50a52c. and mix ed at 4Galc. Seeds Clovcrseed is in fair demand ; 2.10 bus sold at !)! Jo lb. Tiaotby sold at $3 60 per bus. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET. SIosdat, Jan. 204 Y. AL Beef Cattle were in fair demand this week and prices were well maintained. About 2300 head arrived at the Avenue Drove-yard, including choice at 8ja81o ; extra at 7Ja8c ; fair to good at CaTo, and common at 4Ja0c per pound. Cows and Calves were nominal at $25a50. Receipts 2X) head. Sheep were dull. Sales of choice at fi)a 7c, and fair to good at oJaOlc. Receipts 12,000. Hogs were higher, and sold at $ 5 50 per 100 lbs foe cornfed. Receipts 6000 head. Mew MtuM Staire IX PERRYSVILLE.-' DR. J. J. APPLEBACGH has established a Drug and Prescription Store in th above-aamed place, and keeps a general as sortment of - DRUGS AXD MED1CIXES, Also all other articles usually kept in estab lishments of this kind. Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal pur poses, Cigars, Tobacco, Stationery, Confec tions (first-class). Notions, etc., etc. l"The Doctor gives advice free. $18,000 WORTH OF- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, AT M JUST NOW OPENED AT - TILTEN & ESPENSCHADE S, ISritljjo Street, Iiillinto-vu, THE LARGEST, THE NEWEST, THE CHEAPEST, And tho Most Attractive Stock of Goods ever Brought to Mifftintown. o id M -;--: DRESS GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY OF PRICES AND STYLES. Black Silks, Drop Dc Alma, Imperial Reps, Jamise, Cachmcri liaye, Australian Crape Empress, Datest Canton Cloths, &c, IN GOOD VARIETY. We respectfully solicit an elimination hi fore purchasing elsewhere. Any and ercrytliing, sveh at Shatrh, Clutis. Caxsimerrt, Flannels. Blankets, Underwear, Iloxirry, Glare, !(., ,r. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT, Of any and everything at prices which defy eornpe;;ion. r& si-i ft One of the best in tho county, embracing all tlia New and Pest ftjles for the Fall and Winter Trade, for Ladies, Misses and Children the same exclusively for our trade at pnecs to suit all purchasers. Krcry pair warranted Grocery and Queensware Department. For our Grocery and Queensware Department wc have secured one of the finest rooms in the county in the OJd Fellows Hall.- Just opened one of the largest and best stocks of Goods ever brought to the county, all of which are kiudly submitted to the infection of all our numerous friends and customers., For quality and prices we defy competition. EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED. "LOW PRICES FOR CASH" OUR MOTTO. TILTEX & ESPEXSCIIADE. Oct. 80, 1872-1 D. W. HARLEY & CO.'S Is tbe place where you can bay Tlio lo.t iml tlio Ghonpcst MENS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, ECOTS, SHCZS, AND FU22TISEni& G3CS3. WE are prepared to exbibit one of the most choice an:I solect Stocks eer offoroJ in this market, and at ASTOXISHIXU LOW I'RICES .' Also, measures taken for Suits and parts cf Suits, which will be made to order, at short notice, very reasonable. Remember the pl.ice, in the Nevin Building, t'xo doors west of the Keystone Store, BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLINTOWN, DR. P. C. DEALER IS EVERYTHING THAT The public attention is also invited to Lis large assortment of Perfected All persons who are in need of Spectacles will find it In tln ir ailvant.ie f. call, as they will find the largest stock in the enmity to sebet from. (,'O.MK AND HAVE YOUR EYE-SIGHT RESTORER Al?o, a splendid assortment of TOILET ARTICLES FOR THE LADIES, With an mmenae stock of and old, at the D. P. SULOUFF &, CO., (Successors to D. K. Sulouff & Co.,) EZALESS IN Grain, Luml3er,Coal, CALCINED PLASTER, CEMENT, &CV The Highest Cash Prices Paid for all kinds of Grain. Lumber. Coal, &c, Sold at the Lowest Prices. Having boats of onr own we can freight Grain, Lumber, Coal. 4c, cheaper than any other parties. We therefore defy competi tion. t&Yoa ean make money by calling on ns before selling or buying elsewhere. OkAIll WILl BB -BtciIVIO I STOBB IO BI SOLO BT THB 1ST Of JlISE, 1873. P. 8. Our grain is not elevated on men's backs. Mifflintown, April 20, 1872. FORCE PUMP. TTIE undersigned is agent for one of the best Force Pumps, for any depth of cis tern ot well, in the world, t-y attaching hose to the spont, water can be thrown 30 to 80 feet. Nothing better could be asked in case of fire. It is a non-freeiing pump. SAMUEL LEONARD, Oakland Mills, Juniata Co., Pa. fln n.v T:rn n f; VA. may 8, lSTJ-tf RUED.O. CONSTITUTES A FIRST-CLASS ctacles. RE NOTIONS t&" Somi'liiing for everybody, younp; , PATTERSON" DRUG STORK. Manhood : How fwi, How Restored jn'MfTn Jst utili-l:e4. n new tuition f jTritey Dr. (ultrrueU'9 Celebrated aEulv E4ay in the rj.e'ii' rr (with out nie'licioc) ot smfr.vatkiiiif. , r Snoi nal Weakness. invo!uni.iry Seminnl JJ .. Impotencv, Menial and Physical Incapacity. Impediments to Ma rinjre. etc. ; "smp tion, EriLtesv, n;ii t'ns, induced ly self indulgence ot sexual extr ivajrmce tcif Price, in a sealed envelope, only fiet. Tbe celebrated author, in 'bis admirable essay, clearly'dewionyirate. from a ihirty years' successful practice, t'titt tbe alarming consequences of nelf-'abur-e may bo radically cured without tbe ilangi-rous of the knife ; pointing out a mode of euro at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what bis condiiinn may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and rent: call;,. j-J-Thi Lecture should be in the hands of every yr.uth and every man :n tbe land. 8ent, nnler el, in a plain envelope, to a;y address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also. Dr Culvcrwell's Marriaje Guide," price 25 cents. Address the publishers. t M AS. J. C. KMSE A CO., Post Office Box 4,-"3. 17 ttowety, N. T. jan22 '75 rniolEKiioWnbusE; BELLEFONTE. l'ENN'A. D. JOHNSTON & SONS, Proprietors. Tbe "ISrookerhbff Hou.-e" has recently been refitted and otherwise greatly improved, ami is now nn3er the proprietorship of D. John ston t Sons, formerly of the '-Leonard lle-jse" in Clearfield Persons visi.ing BrliefuDte on business or pleasure will find this a conve nient and pleasant place to stop. Frti bus to and from the Drpat. Nov t, l7t 3.