Juniata Jlwtmel. MIFFLINTOWN- Wednesday Morning, Jaa. 22fl373. B. F. SCIIWEIER, LPITOa PROPRIETOK. GEO. P. HOWELL & CO, 40 Park Row, New York S. M. PETTENGILL & CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y, Are our tale agents in that city, hnd are au thorixed to contract, for advertising at oar lowest rates. Advertiser in Hint city are te- quested to leave their favors with eitlicr of lh above bouses. Th Turkish Government, ha brought nit against iiti London Tmt for libel on publication. Fdwarii Ucmvrr Lyto.v, the well, knr.wn author, died in England on the afternoon of the ISth inst , aged C7 years. Tnnr.E is a judicial cmteateii election cafe in the Seventh Judicial I'istiict, composed of the counties of Bucks and Montgomery. Accoiujig to a recent act passed by Conpre?s it is not lawful for a mm to hold a United States office and a State office at cne and the same time. GuNKitAi. IIartranft was inangnra ted Govrrnc r yeFterday. The military and civic processions were large and im-pm-iiiij. The city was full of people that had come to witness the ceremonies. Tiir Credit Mobiler is (somewhat be vond comprehension to the uninitiated just now. The conntry awaits with in tense interest the report of the investiga ting committee. Congressional investigating committees ' are Ilepuldican rtfirm rorasnrcs. When the I'emocraey were in power they scout- e.l u,e idea ot investigation. lib tl.em the -King could dojio wrong." A Catholic Priest, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, has received a present from the late Kmpercr Napoleon of a magnificent gold aud silver chalice for the cathedral of that city. An autograph letter ac companied the gift. Nfar Muscatine. Iowa, on Monday a week, a ele:gh filled with ladies and gen tlemen ran off a side bridge and were precipitated fifteen feet to the ice below. Miss Binfe was instantly killed; M. Thompson and B. Katz were seriously injured, and several others of the party wore seven ly brnisnd. TllFREare six Legislative contested election c ises in the Lower House of the j Legislature at Harrisburg. They will cost the State at least $60,000 This is paying quite too much for . fraudulent work at elections. The election laws need to be amended, so as to prevent the ballot box frauds that are yearly prac ticcd. Louis Napii.eon was buried Lst Wednesday. On returning from the fu neral the son of the dead man was !. cored. "Long live the Emperor," was the cry. The sou made a noble reply. He said in response, "The Emperor is dead. Long live France." If the an swer, was not put into his mouth if it was original with him it indicates a ready and discriminating mind. If France cauuot piescrvo a Republican form of government, she most likely will find power, wisdom aud sagacity sufficiently concentrated in the Prince, who said The Emperor ia dead. Long live France," to make her an able and pow erful ruler. A Speci at. despatch from St. Paul, Minn., on the 14th iust , says tLe reports of yesterday increase the number of deaths by the late storm In the vicin ity of Lake Ilinshy, thirteen dead bodies were found near Beaver Falls ; six chit dren were frozen to death while on their way to school. Seven more bodies have been found at Fergus Falls. It is esti mated that fifty people have perished withiu a radius of twenty-five miles. Among the most terrible incideuts is that of a man who went for a doctor to attend liis wife, and was frozen to death on his way home. Next day when the doctor reached the house he found the woman had given birth to a child, and both were frozen to death. O.N the 1 1th inst, Hooper, Iteese, & Co. Baltimore bankers, were swindled out of S45 00, by the payment of a bogus draft for that amount, purporting to be drawn by Gibson, Casanova & Co., bank era of New York, payable to the order of K. S. Knox. J lie Baltimore turn had .received a telegram the same day, bearing the name of the New York firm, advising, of the draft and stating the amount, and the drift was paid on presentation. The fraud was successful owing to the fact that the same parly Lad, a short lime previous, presented two genuine drafts front the same firm in New York, each of which they advised the Balti more firm by telegraph. Kuox is described as of gentlemanly appearance, 3d to 40 years old, English with side whiskers. The St. Paul Pioneer says that the dim.ige to crops and finit trees and loss f stock by reason of the late cold snap will amount to millions in the State. THE LOCAL 0PTI05 LAW. An act to permit the voters of the com monwealth to vote every three years on the question of granting license to sell intoxicating liquors Section 1. " Be it enacted, de , That on the third Friday in March, 1S73, in every city and county in this common wealth, nud at the annual municipal elec tions every third year thereafter, in eve ry eucb city and county, it shall be the duty of iho inspectors and judges o( elections iu the cities and counties to re ceive tickets, either written or printed, fiom tLe legal voters of said cities and ccomiea, labelled on the outside 'license' and ju the inside 'for license' or 'against license,' and to deposit said tickets in a box provided for that purpose by said inspector aud judges as it is required by law in the case of other ' tickets received at such election ; and the tickets so re ceived chall be counted, and a return of the same made to the clerk of the court of quarter sessions of the peace of the proper county, duly certified as it is re quired by law which certificate shall be laid before the judges of the said court at the first meeting of said court after said election shall be held, and shall be filed with the other records of said court; and it elmll be the duty of mayors of cities, and the eherills of counties, or any other officer, whose duty it may be to perform such service, to give due pub lic notice of such special election above provided for, three weeks previous to the time of the samo, and also three weeks before such election every third year thereafter, Provided, That the act j shall not be construed to repeal or effect any special law prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors, or prohibiting the granting of licenses, Provided, That when the municipal and township elee tions in any county or city do not occur on the third Friday in March, the elec tion provided for in this seeii.m al.ail fco held on the day fixed for the municipal elections in said county; And provided further, That nil licenses granted after the first day of January, ono thousand eight hundred and seventy three, shall c a3e, determine and become voidon the first day of April, ono thousand eight kulljred aml evenly three, if the dis trict for vhirh they eW1 be granted de. u,rfn;Qe ngaingt te grantins of liceng) and the treasurer of the proper county hhall then refund to the holder of such license the moneys so paid therefor, for which the said treasurers shall be enti tled to credit in their accounts with the commonwealth. Src. 2. That in receivinga'vd counting and in making returns of the votes cast, the inspectors and judges cud clerks of said election eh all be governed by the laws of this commonwealth regulating general elections ; and all the penalties of said election laws are hereby extcn- , ded to, and shall apply to the voters, in jspectors, judges and clerks, voting at and in attendance upon the elections held under the provisions of this act. Sec. 3. Whenever, by tho returns of elections in any city or county aforesaid, it shall appear that there is a majority against license, it shall not be lawful for any couit or board of license commis- eioners to issue any license for the sale of spirituous, vinous, nialt or any other intoxicatiug liquors, or any admixture ! thereof in said ciiy or county, at any time thereafter, until an election as above provided a majority ehall vote in favor of liceusc ; Provided, That nothing con tained iu the provisions to this act shall prevent the issuing of license to drug gists for the sale of liquor for medical and manufacturing purposes; Provided, The citizens, of the borough of Lebanon ehall vote upon the question on the third Friday of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, on the same day and time when the townships of the county of Lebanon hold their spring elections. Af proved The twenty-seventh day of March, Anno Domino, one thousand tight hundred and seventy-two. The Western express train, which left Fast Penn Junction at half past seven on Friday inorging the 17th, narrowly escaped what might have been a terrible accident. When the train came near a place called Dubbs' Mill, near Allentown Pa., it was stopped by the trackmen, aud it was discovered that the track for twenty five feet was sunken by the rain which fell during the night. The train passed safely over, and had scarcely got out out of sight when the ground sud denly sunk to the depth of fifteen feet, carrying with it the track and "men Two of them had their legs broken and were otherwise badly injured. Travel is not del ayed, as the passenger trains run to each side of the wash and change j cars. The break will be repaired At i once A Norwich gentle man of broad social views wrote a notice to the'handmaid who wrestles with his crockery, inviting her to take a sleigh ride with him. Unfortunately, the clave was unable to read, and brought the note to the wife of his bosom to decipher. Wretched aud heart sick, the miserable woman waited in agonizing suspense till her husband's return, and the family physician says he didn't consider it possible for a delicate female to do bo much damage. A despatch from St. Louis, under date of the 15th says : A few days ago John Farley, his wife and two children were approaching the bridge over the Maramec river, in Jefferson county, in a wagon, when the team became nnmanageable and dashed down the river bank and out upon the ice which gave way. Mr. Farley and the children were diowned, as were also iLe horses- Extensive Fire at Greenville. A despatch from Greenville, Fa , dated Jan. 16 th, 1 o'clock a.m. says : An ex tensive fire is now raging here. It com menced in the St. Charles Hotel, in the heart of the village, and several large buildings and mills are already destroyed. At midnight a general alarm was given, and Meadville sent one of her fire com panies by special train. The fire is in creasing. A later despatch from Greetr ville says : About thirty buildings have been burned down, and the fl.uncs are still raging, T.ATKR. The fire at Greenville, Pa , was et tinguished late ou Friday uight by tear ing down buildings in the course of the conflagration. The fallowing are the losses : St. Charles Hotel, S7000 ; S. C Dickey. $(5500 ; Brainard heirs, $5 000 ; John B. Hull, $4000 ; Tillotson Brothers $10,000 ; II. Keck, $7000 : T. J. Brun dage, SC000'; J. II. Decker, $G500. The other losses range in sums from one to four thousand dollars. About ten acres of ground were burnod 'over, and the buildings destroyed were chiefly wooden The origin of the fire is not known. The total loss amounts to $90,000 ; to insu rance companies $40 000, chiefly by the IVnn aud National, of Philadelphia ; Wyoming, of Wilksbarre ; German American, of New York ; ..Etna ; North American, of Franklin ; State Fire, of Missouri ; Brewers', of Milwaukee ; Wi!- liamsportFire ; Germauia, of New York; Andes ; Farmers', of New York ; Union Mutual, of Philadelphia. A DAHI.NG robbery was perpetrated ou the 15th, on the Mechanics Bank of Lan caster. Between, twelve aud one o'clock two men engaged the cachier's atteution who was alone iu the bank, by selling seventy five dollars in gold and silver, the latter being in small pieces. One of the men had on screeching boots, and walked continually whilo his confederate and the cashier were couut iug the money. Pending the negotiation a third party entered the bauk by a rear window and entered the vault which was open, and abstracted convertible bonds to the amount of over six thousand dol lars, and other registered and judgment bonds amounting to over forty thousand dollars. The thieves four in number, were seen about the bauk during the forenoon, and the men who entered from the rear were seen by women in the restaurant under the bank, but were, of course, not sus pected. The parties who sold the specie were well dressed, one being about five feet five inches high, florid complexion and dark mustache, and weighs probably about one hundred and forty pounds. The other was fix feet in height and sparsely built. No clue to their where abouts has been obtained. In the town of Wheatland, Mercer co., according to the Sharon Times, there is a child which strikingly resembles the sea lion, exhibited ia Barnum's shew last summer. The Times explains the matter by say mg that a young manied woman of Wheatland who, as Dickens would say, was in "an interesting con dition," visited Barnum's show while it was in Sharon, iu June. She was at tracted to tho cage in which the sea lions were kept, and for some reason become fasciuated with those monsters, which kept her chained to the spot. She made several attempts to withdraw, but for a long time could not succeed, some irre sistible influence having retained her to the place. At the time this was not thought rematkablc, as the rarity of the animals, their peculiar shape, habits aud everything contributed to make the thing natural. The trouble and loss of time watering cattle en route to market besides prob ably, much suffering to the animals is said to be saved by an ingenious device recently patented iu England, whereby they can drink while in the cars prob ably the best "watering of stock" yet devised. This apparatus is located at stations, so that cattle and horses may drink while the tender is taking water. A large galvanized iron trough is slung on a pivoted frame, arranged close to the track opposite where each cattle-car is stopped. When the device is not in use the frame is turned vertically, to bring the trough np and away- from the car ; but when needed, the trough, filled with water from a pipe or pump, is let down close to an opening made longitudinally in the side of the car, and through which the cattle thrust their heads to drink. Mrs. Lydia Sherman familiarly known to the horror-loving public as the "Con necticut Borgia," is said" to have made a fall confession of her crimes, which is soon to be published. It is reported that she "confesses to having poisoned six per sons, but denies that she caused the death of Ler jecond husband, Mr. Hurl- burt. The New Haven Journal and Cornier says, Mrs SLerman expresses great relief at having "rolled a buaden from her soul,'' feels deep contrition for bcr past misdeeds, admits she ought to be punished, and hopes she will be able to do good for the rest of her life. The accommodation train on the Little Miami railroad on Friday morning the 17th, jumped the track when about two miles from Columbus, Ohio. Two cars containing passengers rolled over twice, throwing the passengers about promiscu ously and compelling them to make their exist through the windows. No one was very seriously hurt. . Among those who were bruised are Secretary of Slate Wickoff, State Representatives Haider man, Shank and Oven, and Senator J. B. Smith and lady. A defective rail was the cause of the accident. SHORT ITEMS. War is believed to be imminent be tween Japan and Core a. -'So dark and yet so light,' as the man ! said when he looked at his ton of coal. There are 3009 whites in the Sand wich Islands, the majority of them Amer icans. A child in Muscatine, Iowa, was poi soned by chewing a piece of green paste board. Somers, a little Connecticut town, has eleven couples ready tor their golden weddings. . A strip of land in Boston, six inches wide and ono hundred-and thirty feet long, was sold for $845 lately. The Queen; of Denmark wins the hearts of her people by driving about in a haronche and wearing a thirteen-cent calico. Sophie Barney took a premium at a Montgomery (Ala.) fair as "the young woman who would make tho best wife for a poor man." Mrs. Mary Snyder resides in Leesbnrg Pa- There is mothing very remarkable about this lady beyond the fact that she is 103 years old. , San Francisco issued 1996 marriage licenses last year. In the cases of 742, the parties changed their miuds instead of their conditions, and remained single Samuel II. Richards, of Columbia Pa. on the 14th inst., was ran over by the cars at Rohrerstown, and had both legs cut off. l:e died shortly after the acci dent. Fuel continues very scarce in Nevada and wood is selling at twenty dollars per cord. Mining companies are only mak ing steam enough to keep the pumps moving and the mines dry. The planing mill of Trimble. Mr.Tn tyre Sc Co , iu Allegheny county. Pa., together with five dwelling houses, were entirely destroyed by fire on the 14th inst. Loss 16,000, with but small in surance. Gsrge W. Williams, whose trial was pending on the 14 in the United States District Court at Boston, for robbing the mails, escaped from the ante-room of the court house, and his whereabouts is un known. The Memphis Appeal tells of an Irish man who got laughed at for making faces over some persimmons, and who retorted thus : "Ye may grin, ye mutton-headed idiots ; but I can lather the sowl out of the man that spilt vinegar on thim plums." Tho boot and shoe store in East Manch C'liuuk, Ta , owned by Mr Henry Tuck er, was totally destroyed by fire "on the night of the 14th iust. supposed incen diary. The amount of loss is not known. There was an insurance of $1400, which does not cover it. The Newtou'(Md ) Record says a lit tle negro boy, about 7 years old, living near Newton, was sent by his kind (?) father for a switch with which to whip the child. Its prolonged absence was so long unnoticed that when found he was silting beside a barn, frozen to death. The typhoid fever is so 'bad among the prisoners in the county jail at San Fran cisco that the sheriff asks authority to take away one hundred of the inmates convicted of minor offenses, for the pnr pose of relieving the overcrowded condi tion of the prison, and thus check the ravages of the disease. On tho 16th inst near Wells village Me., a construction train, in backing down, ran against a stick of timber, and the first car, containing, a gang of labor crs, was thrown off the track against the rocks and broken in two. Twenty or thirty men are reported more or less in jured. Another of the astonis hing yrong fe male farmers is a curly-haired blonde, in Pittsfield, Mass. She manages a farm, plants and digs potatoes, hoes corn, can 8 wing a scythe, and is great at driving horses ; she feeds the 6tock, does the dairy work, and draws the wood in the winter. A German resident of Davenport, after several years' experiment, has succeeded in manufacturing sugar from cern, which is said to grade with the "coffee A," and can be made at a cost of four cents a pound. A company, with $20,000 capi tal, is being formed at Davenport to es tablish a factory at that place. George Wilcox, a young man of Yan kcibusb. Warren county, while hewing timber, about a month ago, was etrnck in the forehead by an axe glancing from the hands of scorer, the edge cutting through the skull. He was confined to his room a few days, when he commenced work again, but on going into the cold air, he took cold in the wound, and lingered a short time and died. . Dr. Hepburn, a well-known American Japanese scholar, recently obtained per mission to present the Mikado with a Bible. Dr. Hepburn took the volume to Japan thirteen years age, since which time ho has been waiting for an opportu nity to give it to the Mikado but only suc ceeded in doing so lately, The presen tation took place through the interven tion of Minister De Long. A newspaper of Iowa City give3 rath er a discouraging .account of what the farmers in those "diggings" are doing, or rather not doing, Here are the prices current : A pair of winter boots costs two leads of potatoes ; a night's lodging, a load of oats ; the wife wears five acres of wheat ; the children each ten acres of com ; the price of an overcoat is a good four-year old steer : of a Sunday suit, twenty fat hogs. SHORT ITEMS. Newfoundland's best codfish customer is Brazil. Portugal ranks next best. Cows are bringing about $20 at auc tions in various parts of Bradford county. Maine has nineteen large Tanneries which annually turn out about 20,000 tons of leather. Mr. Harvey was the first man to dis cover that the blood circulated, and it occurred 250 years ago. A man in Rome, N. Y., recently sued his wife for $S0 he had entrusted to her care before marriage. ' ' A marriage took place recently at Win sted, Conn., betweeu a happy couple who had been courting for sixty years. It is said that some of tho proprietors of the large New York hotels are about te dress all the servants,' porters &c., in a regular uniform. The hide of the deceased elephant Romeo has been tanned. ' It contains 212 square feet of leather, about three quarters of an inch thick Some Yankee blacksmith has introdu ced setting hcul corks lengthwise in the front shoe3 of horses as a simple preven tive of their slipping sidewiso. Albert T. Piper, aged 16, was sen tenced on the 14th inst , at Manchester, N. Y , to ten years imprisonment for burning a woolen mill at Peteiboro. Mies Upton was consumed in the flames. At Pekin, China, a barber will cut your liair, shampoon you, cut your nails, wash your feet and brush your clothes, all for a cent. But you must make your cent before you go to Pekin. An Iowa country squire concludes the .marital knot ceremony thusly : 'Them that tho court hath joined togeth er let no man bust asunder ; but sufft-r little children to come unto them ; so help you God. A Davenport man with three marri ageable daughters, has posted the f.dlow ing notice under his bell-pull ; "Wood, $6 a cord ; coal, 30 cents a bushel ; gas dear and bad. Parties staying after nine o'clock will please settle quarterly " A little colored boy was found wander ing about in New York lately who sta ted that he had been kidnapped from Br- badoes in the West Indies, and taken to St. John's X. B , from whence, a few days ago, ho was placed oa tho cars and sent on to New Y'ork Mr. ShtTmm's bill, providing for free banking, to take effect from Jnly next and the resumption of specie payment in January next, meets with considerable favor in both Houses of Congress. It is regarded as the only feasible modo of reaching specie payments. We live very f.i-t in these d iys, but are very apt to look only for tin; main chance. The wife" of a roofer being ask ed if she was not afraid to have her hm- hand exposed to such dang-r trustfully replied, Ob, he's insured !" We should always take matters, coolly, and never lose our equanimity. Measures are pending at Washington seeking to secure an international co n age of silver, for the immediate use of nations in America and Europe, now em Dracing a population u more than one hundred and sixty millions, and for the eventual nse of all the civilized coun tries of the. world. A New York lady opened a letter ad dressed to her husband the other day. and read, among other soft words, these "Darling John Come to me again soon I can t bear to think you are at home with that old rip of a wife of yours." When John came home that eveuing he found a domestic polar wave iu his man sion that chilled the very beef marrow on his hair. The Geness eo Republican of the 3d says ; "We have recently examined a sample of sugar by Mr. Giles Porter, made from corn, which promises to come into general nse. The sample shown ne was a lump of unrefined light colored su gar wijh a pleasant flavor differing some what from our ordinary kinds, possessing a larger per cent of alcohol, and on t,he whole a really excellent article of sweet ening." A reeent writer believes there are on ly three things needed to bring about the millenium. First, a motive power to do all the work of steam, but . require no fuel . second, serial navigation, by which geographical and political boundaries will be obliterated, and the whole world be come one nation ; and third, chemical food, to be made in the laboratory with out either animal or vegetable substances aud produced so cheaply that waut will be unheard of . " Trial List February Term, 1873. 1. Tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for ute of Levi Hecbt ts. John Dietrick et aL 2. Samuel Murphy ts. Daniel Coffiaan. 3. Jacob Drolesbauich ts. John Peck. 4. R. W. Jamison fa. John L. Rcers. 6. L. N. Holmes and wife . Henry Shel lenberger and wife. 6. George Diem ts. Abraham Kauffmin. 7. Laird & Bell ts. James Burns. 8. D. K. Sulouff ts. Frow & Parker. 9. T. Yan Irwin ts. Abraham Sieber. 10. Mary A. Tyson ts. Joseph Blanchard. 11. T. Van Irwin ts. John Sherlock. 12. John Patterson ts. J. P. Hefflefinger. 13. Win. P. Walters ts. Daniel K, Warner. 14. Cyrui Morrison ts. P. R. It. Co. 1-5. Jjeeph Rothrook, Ex'r of R. C. Calls her, dee'd, ts. John Wright et at. 1G. Jacob King ts. Stephen Winters. IRVIX D. WALLIS, WotVy. Protbonotary's OlGce, Mifflin- town, Jan. 10, 1873. Caution. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against Hunting, Fishing, or in any way tres passing on the lands of the undersigned, in Milford township. All persons so offending will be dealt with to tbe full extent of the law. p. H. HAWN. Deo. 4, 1872-r . THE FRAXCISCUS HARDWARE COMPANY, Main Street, Opposite Court Yard, lUiffliiitoirn, Pa.. Are offering Large Indnccracnts to CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS, , -.... BLACKSMITHS, m SADDLERS, SHOEMAKERS, BUILDERS, "tAINTERS, Ac. . Tliej bare oa hand the largest stock of HARDWARE, IRON. HORSE SIIOKS, Hails, Paints, Leather, AND BUILDING MATERIAL, In tlie central part of the Sialo. Thfjr sro aelling Bar Iron at 5c f) lb. Horse Shoes at S7.2J "3 keg. Hest Norway Naii Rods at 9c 'j) lb. 14 inch Ilore R ips at S5c each. They are soiling 1J Uickory Felloes at St .r0 lb ef. 1J Hickory Spokes at S2 00 set. No. 1 Gum Hubs at 00j p set. No. 1 Hemlock Solo Leather at 31c Ri. No. 1 Best Oak Leather at 40c p lb. In order to close out tbeir imr.wt itoek of STOVES, they wili sell them at COST. -Ja Give them a call before pur chasing elsewhere. " Franrisnis Hardware Co. Main Street, ftifflintowii.' Dec. 11, 1872-tf New Store and New Goods. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. &C. Han Stoat, MSist-awa. QAVIXfS opened .out a ttKlN'KKT AND PROVISION STOKE in l 1,1 Hnn-1 t,ii Miiln .Street, Mitttintnwn. I wutilJ respect fully ask ihe nitcntiuti of the pin lie lo the following articles, wliic'a I will kc, p on hind at all tii.ie : SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, 3IO LASS KS, RICE,! FISH, SS.VIT, IRIEl AND CANNED FRUIT. HAM, SHOULDER, DRIED BEEF, Confectioneries, Nuts, &c, Tolmwo, Cijji-, GLASS VI ARE. Iloin-, FocmI, Scc All of which will be sold chenp for Ca-h or Country Produce. Give ue a call and hear my prices. J. W. KIRK. Xlifflintown, May 2, 1872. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN PATTERSON. rP HE undersigned offers t prirate sale-a -L Lot of Ground situated in the borough of Patterun, Juniata county, having there on erected a Now Fms DKiliiiT Honse, and a good Hog Pen. There are Peach, Pear, and other Fruit Trees on the Lot. Possession given at once. ' For terms, ic, call on or address H. C. ARBOGAST, Dec 4, '72-2m Tort Roy il. Pa. - BLATrill.KT'S IMPROVED Cucumber Weed Pump. Tasteless, Durable, Efficient, and Cheap. The best Pump lor me least money. Atten- Mtyion is especially . iDtiteU to l"4 Juiatchley's Paicnt Improved Bracket and New Drop Check lve, which can be with drawn without removing the pump or disturbing the joints. jSJ H vijo toe CoDrer Chamber. which never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by dealeis everywhere. Send for Catalogue and Price-List. Chas. G. IIiatchlxt, Manufact'r, ' 506 Commerce St., Pbilada., Pa. 6 H sprimq nmrots -scmmer flowehv LWUfc Um RCI.ETTtf WFTKLT ami WrFET.T rHK-i TUS AT WOK ft (OoMoUdAtarifer fAAO. LTwo f thM Chromo. it tb tt f MWldti Aw&ka mad Fart Asleop;" Ui eoMvhjtt cmallar. rtlwjr forniahed AT ONCE with tLMr Chr AGENTS. can nuk btter tem . miih Hlln with uj J kR.WtUAM3i km . Sow, k B.I. . The oldest and most reliable Institution for obtaining a Mercantile Education. 3?" Practical business men as instructors. . . For information, write for a circular to P. DUFF & SUNS, Pittsburgh, Pa. mm . noT6-3m,eom CAUTIOH. ALL persons a hereby cautioned against trespaaaing by hunting, or in any other way, on the farm oa which I reside in Fer managh township. AH persons offending ill be dealt with to the full extent, of the law. . WILSON ROBISON. I il 'fill 4 -KJ a Sew flrmisr minis. AGENTS WANTED W guarant. ploTmcnt for all. eithr .... r C 0:wl V. U.'J. Siowe and othe.s. Surb lr ",lJ given ay. Money made Tap.aiy iBll " at work for ur Write and Me. lr,ie" for,V, Ct H,!,nTO:'' Dm'" Co- Agents Wanted for Bnnmn' PilgTinis -Progress. Tl . . .... u u.t, Dcaiiiiiui emtion fT,-r Jnhl:,hed paper, with z exjuitiie illustrations. Profit3 l.nrze .t rflt1 mm - IVl 1- Everybody wants thi, nob, circular and terms a.ldrrs johv E. rOTTKRAO.,rullisher,. ri.,j,lpB ciri-u.nr ami ermi 1323 jubileeT: Better than Pictures is the NEW YORK OBSERVES The GreU American Family Newspaper ' $3 a Wear wltk the JCBILEE TEH booi" SIDNEY E. MORSE A to., 37 Park Row, New York. Woml lor it !-;iiiiIo Oojv. TRICKS and TRAPS of AMERICA. ul.l yoa aroid being "bit by Rogue,. Swindler and-Humbugs? ReA,i ,lie ..Srill SFA!MMi Baxxei." A large, liberated 40 column 8 page paper, LtlgtT size. Snlendid Stories. Sketches, Tales. I'oems, Wit, ilumor luixles. Recipe,. c. jj.i, JMr j, with e!eitt,t 'r,ng Chromo. "Aiti'm Leaves." free to all. OSI.V $1. tt it ONI E. $-ltifrtioit at.!rnnlJ ed. Outfit FREE. fp-ei!nns, Ac., for G cents. Address ' BANNER," llinsd.'.e. S.II QLITSCH'S IMPEIIIAL RUSSIAN v 3IiimI iii-tl. M liolea!e to the trade. Single cns scut, postpaid, on receipt of il W. IIKI'.MAN T. KRUKALKF, Reading, Pa! BOORKEEPIXC Made Eay. Erery clerk and niercli in- e.-ia learu at once. Book mailed, SOj. li. Gouldixo Bbia.xt, Buffalo New Vork. ' $5 to $20 p," 1 W,U,"J ! AU sv iu av clas.-es of working people, of either sex, young or old. mnke more money at work for us in their spare moments or ail the time than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. ST1NSON A CO., Port land, Maine. r e:va it i Tor any ease of Blind, Bleed ins, Itching or Ulcerated Piles that Da Bixu's Pil Remkut fails to cure. It is creuared express ly to cure the Piles, and nothing else. Sold by all Druggists. Price, $1.00. How, W&cn anil Where to Adrertas. See the ADVERTIZERS' GAZETTE. By mail 25 cents. GEO. P. ROWELLL 4 CO., 41 Park Row, N. V. HOOK AGENTS xok ma GREAT iHBUSTS.ES OF THE VMTED STATES; 1309 PAGES AND 533 ENGRAVINGS. Written by 20 Eminent Authors, including John b. golgii axi Horace greeley. This work is a complete h:story of all branch: of industry, pro?ris of msnu f.ujlure, etc.. in all a-e. It is a complete encyclopedia of arts and manufactures, and is I lie im-st enteilaininz aud Taluable work uf inf.niuttion on subjects of general in'ei ess ever offered to the public. Wo want .Vfns iu evervtown of the United plates. ami no Age.it can fail to do well with ibis b ok. One ai;rnt sold 133 copies in ei?ht lxv-, anorhor poid 3 S in Iw wtk. our ai-nt in Hartford sold 3'7 iu one week. pt-cinicus sent free on rece.pt of stump. AGENTVAXTED . FOR THI FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC 800 Tafes, 250 Engravings. An iutereMing and amusing treatise on th Mediral Humbugs of the past ami present. Il t-xpose Quacks. Impostors, Travelling Doctor. Patent Medicine Verniers, Noted Female ('beat. Fortune Tellers and Mediums, ami jrive iuiercsiing Seconals of Noted I'hy si-nuns and Narrative of their lives, lj reveal startling secrets and instructs all how t avoi 1 liie ill which tlesh is heir to. Wo give excluxive'ierrilory and liberal commis sions. For circulars and terms address iho publishers. J. 2. ETTCtE & HYDE. HARTFORD, CONN., on CHICAGO. ILL. j.nl-ly YOUNG MEN ! YOUNG WOMEN!! Le.trn the art of Rook-Keeping, as taught by Prof Dott, Principal of Doty 'a Commer cial College. In every city of tbe United States there is a eonsiant demand f r Book keepers, both male and female. By Prof. DoTT'ssBetbod he whole art of Book-keeping is taught in one short easy lesson, so that any person of ordinary intel ligence can learn it in less than one woek's study. This valuable instruction will be sent mi to any address upon the receipt of ONE DOLLAR. r Agents wanted. Address E. DOTY. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. janl-flm GSSAT CFFZ33 TO AGSUTS are made by Thk Saturday Evrninq Post aud Tils Laht's Keieno. A beautiful Chromo of the ClIILU-rilOPIIET "SAMUEL," worth $5.00. is given with the paper (sub scription price $3 00) or with the Magaiino (price $-.50). Do not fail to examine into this otfer, it is A GREAT COMBINATION tt Address for particulars, samples. &c , Ota con .J- Vtttrion, 31'J Walnut St., Philadelphia. decll-ltn AKE.VTS WASTED FOR BOSTON ?tn8d DESTRUCTION. A full, detailed and f rsphie account of the origin, progress. Hnffering, losses and inci dents of the great conflagration. A rare chance for agents, a every person wants la know tbe foil particular of ibis great disas ter. Sent by mail for 60 cents. WILLIAM FLINT. Philadelphia, Fa.or Cincinnati, Ohio, decll-lm- . f TRUE TIME FOR L$$S. Magnetic Time-Keeper, Compass an3indica tor. A perfect GEM for the pocket of every traveler, trader, boy, farmer, and for EV ERYBODY desiring a reliable time-keeper, and.also a superior compass. Usual watch size, steel works, glass crystal, all in a neat OROIDE case. WARRANTED to denote cor. reel lirt and to keep in order if fairly used for two years. Solhing likt it ! This per fect triumph of Meohanism will be sent in a neat ease, prepaid o any address, for only $1 ; 3 for $2, Circulars sent free. Try one. Order from the manufacturers, VERMONT NOVELTY WORKS. Brattleboro, Vt. decll-lm' Caution. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against Hunting, Fishing, or in any way tres passing on the farm occupied by the under signed, in Milford township. All persons so offending will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. JOSEPH FLSK. 000