Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, January 22, 1873, Image 1

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All advertising for less than three months'
for on square of nine line or le. will be
charged one insertion, 75 cents, three $1.50,
and 50 cents for each subsequent insertion.
Administrator's. Executor's and Ao4iror'
Notices, $2,00. Professional and Business"
Cards, not exceeding one square, and inclu
dis copy of paper. $S,00 per jear. Notices
i in-sadiog eoluxins. ten eentsperline. MoT
chants advertising by the year at special rate.
! 3 ontkf 6 monthi. 1 year.
Oae square $ 3.50 $5.00 $8.00
The Joxiata Skstixil is ul.liihed every
Wednesday morning at $1,60 a year, in ad
vance ; or $2,00 in mil cases if not paid
promptly ia advance. No subscriptions dis
aontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless
at Ike option of the publisher.
rat coasTiTDTioa thi vaioa asb tm saroacaasiT or the laws.
I Two squires 5,C0 8.C0
Three squares.... 6,00 10,00
One-fourth coi n. l'l.OO 17.00
! Half column 1S.PO 25.00
; One column 30.00 45.00
Site gasUta jtatiid.
PonLismD Etiht ftinminiT lioaaiao.
Bridge Straat, opposite Ibe Odd Fellow' Hall,
i )
justness Carbs.
-Attoinoy at . Lav,
"CulUeting and Conveyancing promptly
attended to. ,
Office oa Bridge street, opposite the Court
tlouse Square.
JoUrlttT MtMEEX,
Office Bridge etreet. in the room 'urmerlt
ccupied by Kzra I). I'mrl rr. sq.
g B. LOC l)U5,
Offers his eervices to the citizens of Juni
ata couuty as Auctioneer and Ven-lue Crier.
Charge, from two to Ira dollars. Satiftfac
tiea warranted. ov3, ''i'J
H. H. SNYDER, PerrysTille, Pa,
Tenders his services to the cilizeus of Juii
ata end adjoining couniies. as Auctioneer.
Vbargrs moderate. For satisfaction give the
JJutrhma a chance. P. O. addreea, Port
Ksyal, Juniata Co., Pa.
Feb 7. '72-ly
1)11. V. C. KUNDIO,
August 18, lH-;9-tf. "
J'hyaician and Surgeon,
Office hours A M. to 3 P. M. Office in
Hcll'ord's building, two doors above t lie Sen
taut office. Bridge street. aug!8-tf
jyj-lfU A ft VEH.
HnaMc Physician aai Ssreeoa,
riaving located in the borough of Tliontsun
town, offers his professional services to the
citiieas of that lce and vicinity.
OiricE In the room recently occupied by
Ir. Sorg. f June 12, '72-tf
iirBpt?vicP .wmfrj noin one nine nuriucnsi
Kaviug .erauen'ly locate! m the bcr..u?. I f MilBlr.,tfni WUcre he has l..-en teMing a
of Ui.nto.ftri.l.i.rurcoi.alrvicei, ......jr of the different varieties of
Office on Main street, over Be'dler Drug
Store. firl l6'.-:r
Dr. S. A. Simpson
Treats all forms of diseaae. and may he con
aulted aa follows: t his office in Liverpool
Pa., every 8ATCRDAV and M0NIAT ap
puiniments can tie cade for other days.
48drrll ea or address;
io7 Liverpool. Perry Co., Pa.
jE tVaiTTi .A 1 M AGKSCr,
EX. Ronuties, Pensions, Back Pay, Horse
CJaims, State Claims, ie., promptly collected.
Ho ciarge for information, nor when money
is not collected. oei 27-11
DW1D WATTS most respectfully announ
ces to the publio that he is prepared to
at reduced prices. Hereafter give him a call ,
at his OLD STAND. MAIN St.
Oct 2o-f
Mtmw, Btmet
o n
DR. J. J. APPLEBAUOII has established
a Drug and Prescription Store ia the
aSove-aamed place, and keep a general as
sortment of
Also all other articles usually kept in estab
lishments of thi kind.
Pure Wines and Liquor for medicinal par
pose, Cigars, Tobacco, Stationery, Confec
tion (first-class). Notions, etc., eio.
jQrThe Doctor gives advice free
" Uollobangh's Saloon.
Two for a cents. Also, the Freshest Lager,
the Largest Oystera, th Sweetcet Cider, the
Fiaest Domestic Wines, and, ia short, aay
thing you may wish in l'ie
at the most reasonable price, il Las also
refitted hi
a that it will now compare favorably with
aay Ilall ia th interior of ib State.
junel, 1870-ly -
"WALL paper.
Bally U the PUee where yon can buy
your Wall Paper Cheap.
rpiTC andersigaed take thi method of ia
X. farming the pablic that h baa just re
eived at his residence oa Third Street, Mif
fliatewa, a large assortment of
ef various itylev which ke offers for sale
CHEAPER than eaa be purchased elsewhere
ia the eorSaty. All persons ia Deed of the
above article, and wishing to save money, are
invited to call and examine hi stock and
hear hi price before going elsewhere.
cavLaree supply constantly pa hand.
COAL, Lumber, Fish, Salt, and all kinds
of Merchandise for sale. Chestnut Oak
Bark, Railroad Ties, all kind of Grain and
Seeds bought at th highest market prices in
cash or exchanged for merchandise, coal,
lumber, ke., to suit customers. I am pre
pared to furnish to builder bill of lumber
just a wsnted and oa short notice, of ei'her
oak or yellow pine lumber.
Jaa4 Port Royal, Juniata C., Pa.
A Large assortment af Queeasware, China
ware. Glassware, Croekeryware, Cedar
ware, ic, for sale cheap hv
ailFPLIiTOWN. r.f
Invites attention to his Large Stockof
Which are now ready for inspection, consisting of the most de
sirable Goods ever brought to Juniata county.
to. make room for other goods.
'WU'g&L 3Petj3:r gl Cost. '
Agent for Fouse's IXL Horse and Cattle Powders.
A Splendid Assortment of GOODS from wM to Select tetias Presents.
Dee. 11, lf72-tt -) PAISTE.
The Piece fur (icod Grape-vines i
Juniata Ihllni Uiptnarbs,!
'pHE undersigned would respectf-tlly in
1 lorm the nuiilic t!at lie has started a
tlrapes; and having lirra in the business for
seeen years, he i" now prepared to furnish
most ri:o.MisiN(i
I, O W IS A T IS .
by the single viue, dozen, hundred or thou
sand. AM persons .wishing good anil thrifty
vines will do well to call and sec for tbein
9a Good and responsible Ageutv wanted.
MiSlintown. Juniata Co.. Pa.
TjFnTata "valley "bank"
T. VAN IUVIN, L'ashici.
Joseph Pomeroy, John J. Patterson,
Jerouie N. Thompson, itjeorge Jacobs,
John CalsbKch.
Loan money, receive Juposite. pay interest
on time deposits, buy and sell coin and Uni
ted States Uonds, cash coupons aud checks.
Remit money to ary part of the Vnited States
and also to Enc:lind, Scotland, Ireland and
Germany. Sell Revenue Stamps.
In sums of $"00 at 2 per cent, discount.
In sum of $500 at 1! per cent, discount.
Ia sums of $l(XiO at 3 per cent, discount.
Full Upper or Lower Sets as Low as $5.00.
No teeth allowed to leave the office unless
the patient is satisfied.
Teeth remodeled and repaired.
Teeth'filled to last for life.
Toothache stopped in fire minute without
extracting the tooth.
Dental work done for persons without them
leaving their homes, if desired.
Electricity used in ile extraction of leeth,
rendeiing it almost a painless operation, (no
extra charge) at the DcntaJ Office of G. L.
Derr, established in Mifi!inlown in 18H0.
Jen 24, 1872-ly Practical Dentist.
3XA.l Inter villo. Penult.,
OFFERS his profeessoaal (ervice to the
public ia general, ia both branches of
his profession operative and mechanical.
First week of every month at Richfield, Fre
mont and Turkey Valley.
Second week Liverpool and Wild Cat Valley-Third
week Millerstown and Raaaoon
Fourth week at his office ia V'Alisterville.
Will visit Mifflin when called oa.
Teeth put up oa aay of the bases, and as
liberal a anywhere else. .
Address by letter or otherwise
3Ieat! Meat !
THE undersigned hereby respectfully io
fonn the eitiiens of Mifflintowa and
Patterson that his wagoa will visit each of
these town oa TUESDAY, THURSDAY and
SATURDAY aiornings of each week, when
they eaa be (applied with
Choice ISecf;
Veal, Mutton,
-.. Inrd, Sea.,
during the summer season, aad also PORK
and 8AC8AGE in seasaw. I purpose fur
nishing Beef every Tuesday and Saturday
morning, and Veal and Mutton every Thurs
day morning. Give me your patronage, and
will guarantee to sell as good meat as the
eountry can produce, and as cheap a aay
other butcher in th county.
Crystal Palace.
art &
The Fin
The Best,
The Cheapest,
The Largest
Stoek of Soods
To Offer to the Public
Just Received from Eastern
Seeing Them will (Juaranlec Yoa
Oct. 8, 187 i.
Main Street, UlJJItntmcn, Pa.
Chemicals, Dye Stuff,
Oils, Paints,
Varnishes, Glass,
rutty, Coal Oil,
Lamps, Burners,
Chimney, Brushes,
Infants Brushes. Soaps,
Hair Brushes, Tooth Crushes,
Perfumery, Combs,
Hair Oil, Tobacco,
Cigars, Notion,
and Stationary.
selected with great care, aad warranted from
high authority.
Purest of WINES AND LIQUORS forMedi
eal Purpose.
Je PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with
great care, mal 6'72- ly
New Lumber Yard.
Patterson, Pa.
Ilave opened a Lumber Yard in the bor
ough of Patterson, aad are prepared to fur
nish all kind of lumber, such as
Siding, Flooring, Studding,
Paling, Shingles, Lath, Sash, Sx.,
in large or small quantities, to suit cus
tomers. Persons wanting Lumber by th ear
load can be supplied at reduced rates.
George Goshen, Agent.
Pattarson, May 15. '72-tf
GO to the J est ata Sistikbl Job Printing
Office for all kinds of Plain and fancy
Printing. .
Crystal Palace.
: Labor Slakes the Mail.
Abundant wealth may bring
. . - A life of slothful ease,
Aad gold may sweetly ring. , .
And groveling passions please ;
Yet there is a truth,
Disprove it if you can ; .
Hard labor is the thing
To make a nappy man.
The rich with plenty blest.
On dainty meat may dine,
Yet never know the zest
That labor gives to mind ;
For surely its a truth, " '
In (iod and nature' plan, ,
That labor is the thing
To make a happy man.
An idle world may sneer,
And mock at toiling one
May idly live them here,
A set of useless drone ;
We'll envy not th fate
Of this superfluous clan,
For labor is th thing
That makes s worthy.man.
Sure toil it is that gives
The bread that all must eit
Each idle on that lives,
Must live by others' sweat ;
And thus you eee it takes.
And has since lime began,
Some honest toil to make
And independent matt,
Then let uf up aud do
Each leud to each a band.
Each honest toil pursue.
And form one brother band
Eaeh fill bis sphere belw,
And labor wiiilo we can,
For this it is required
To make a happy man.
Select Story.
An Uniookcd for Rival.
The fire glowed brightly on the polish
ed hearth, the light from a dozen gas-jets
flushed brilliantly, throwing through da
mask curlaiued wiudows a rich glow up
on the snow-covered pavement without,
speakiug to the weary hearted, toil worn
children of poverty passing by to their
cheerless and desolate homes of warmth, ;
comfort, and blessiugs which might nev
er be theirs.
A young girl was standing behind the
drapery within the curtained room, where
nothing sermcd wanting ef beauty or
Inxury ; she was gazing out into the
stormy uigbt? and impatiently tapping
her little foot upon the floor, while au ex
pression of angry disconteut shadowed a
face perfect in outline, marring sadly its
otherwise exquisite loveliness -
The snow full thick and fast, and but
few were abioad ; none, but those who
were by necessity compelled to brave the
chilling blasts and blinding storm.
' Suddenly, with a gesture of disap
pointment and vexation she dashed away
the folds of damask, and advanced to
ward the fireside, exclaiming :
"It is intolerably provoking. Here I
have been watching for that girl a whole
hour. What does she mean by this de
lay T I shall be angry if I am disappoin
ted of my dress this evening of all oth
ers. "Why, E.la, surely you are not going
out in this tempest V said a noble-looking,
silver haired mm, who entered the
room just in time to bear her words.
"Indeed but I am, Guardy, Dr. Holmes
is coming for me to go to Mrs. Evert 's
ball, and I would not miss it for the
world. I am determined to crown my
reign as belle of the season," she contin
ued, laughingly, "by bringing him to my
feet, if possible, before another day's sun
shall rise. He is the best match in the
city, and I mean to secure him at once.
The girls are all after him, and I long to
win him from them.
"You speak confidently," said Mr.
Ross, "so I shall expect to wake np in
the email hours of the morning with tid
ings of your success."
We will now turn to another home,
where poverty abideth, and where Mabel
Groom, the young seamstress, is bending
over her work, a dress richly embroider
ed, whose lillies, with richly tinted fus
chias, are artistically wrought in graceful
patterns ou a groundwork of white silk.
This is the dresa for which the beautiful
heiress is wailing the dress in which
she expects to captivate the best match
in the city.
Very lovely is Mabel Groom, though
on the pure white of her complexion there
blooms no tint of the rosebud very love
ly eyes, shaded by long, silken lashes,
are dimmed with watching and tears.
tier fingers fly nimbly over her task,
nearly completed, the payment for which
is to bring needed supplies to those who
for two days have scarcely tasted food,
her invalid mother and her little sister
Lulu, who is now nestling at her feet.
crying with hunger. The work is com
pleted at last, and Mabel drawing the
child fondly to her side, says, soothing-ly-
"Hush, darling, hush ! Sister is going
to take home the dress and bring yon a
nice little feast. Twenty-five dollars
we'll have for this ; won't we be rich,
my pet V '
Tears filled her eyes, but she hastily
brushed them away as she heard a well-
known rap, iollowed by the entrance ot
-" j an elegant looking gentleman, who hold
ing out his hand tc Alabel, said pleasant-
'I am earlier than usual tliis evening,
but I am obliged to escort a fair lady to
a bl at ten o'clock, and I thought be
fore making my toilet I would look in ou
my patient." . .
O 'h , doctor, how can I thank yoa for
your kiuduess !' said Mabel, raising her
sparkling eyes to his face, but dropping
them again instantly as she met the warm
gaze cf admiration in his, while crimson
bluslies heightened her face into new
beauty. "Mother is worse, I fear, doc
toi, ihe continued. 'She seems quiie ex
hausted this evening."
"ll.is she had proper nourishment to
day ?"
"Mamma has had nothing to eat to
day, doctor," broke in Lul it, and sister
and I havnu't had anything either but
dry bread, and we are very hungry ; but
eibter is going to get some money to
night." "Lulu, lash' said Mabel while a pain
ful look of embarrassment fell upon her
before bright countenance. "Doctor, ex
cuse fc.-.r ; she forgets and talks too fast.'
An anxious, inquiring gaze rested on
her, end in a voice trembling with emo
tion, the doctor exclaimed :
i.'aLol, ia it indeed so T"
She bent her head in assent ; but after
a moment of awkward silence, lonud
voice to say
"I shall have money to n:ght."
Giving but a glance at his patient at
whose pale face spoke of suffering and
want, even iu sleep, he left hasti'y. And
Mabel, folding her work, and carefully
placing at her mother's bedside the med
icine she might need on waking, and
charging little Lulu to stay by her in her
absence ehe started ourfn the fierce storm
to carry the dress to the heiress, who sat
chafing at her delay.
Mabel' father had once been rich ;
but. crushed by adversity, ho died, and
left his family poor aud his wife an inval
Vr. Holmes had known them in their
days of prosperity and on his return from
the continent, a month previous to our
story, had sought them out and offered
his service gratuitously an offer grate
fully accepted. He krew they were
poor, but never until Lulu's revelation
had he dreamed of the extent of their
poverty. " Mabel's loveliness had made a
deep impression on his heart, and when
he left them that evening, it was with the
resolve to shield her iu the future, under
hia protecting love, from all life's cares.
It was indeed a fierce storm that Ma
bel was to encounter on her way to Mr.
Ross splendid mansion, aud her progress
was necessarily sluw.
As, chilled by the stinging blasts, and
blinded by the snow, she staggered up
the steps of the handsome mansion and
rang the bell, a sleigh dashed np to the
door, ami when it was opened to the girl
a gentleman alighted and rau lightly up,
passing in, ere it was closed, saying to
the servant :
"I will wait for Mies Kda in the draw
ing room." ,
Mabel started ; she knew the voice of
Dr. Holmes, and, not wishing to be rec
ognized, drew her hood closely around
her face.
''Poor girl !"' said the doctor, what a
night for a woman to be abroad."
He little dreamed who he was pitying
Directed by the servant, Mabel lightly
tapped at the door of the opposite room
It was opened by Eda Reynolds in a
towering rage, her face distorted by pas
sion. So you have come at last, she exclaim
ed angrily ; "two hours behind time
I did think,Mabel Groom, yon were
poor onough to have that one virtue of
I, am sorry I disappointed yon, Miss
Reynolds. I have sat np three nights
nntil day break to complete it in
time, but my mother has been very ill
and needed my care, which must be my
Dr. Holmes caught the silver accent
in the drawing-room, and forgive him
What is your mother's sickness to me 1
Yoa promised the dress at seven, and now
it is nine. Your excuse is a poor one."
"H.Iitve me, I regret it, but it was
impossible for use to be earlier. You
will oblige me, as 1 am ia .haste, ifyou
will now pay me for it and let me go."
"Pay you, indeed ! Not I, I'll punish
yoa for your tardiness. I'll teach you
to make promises and break them. Just
as many hours as yoa kept me waiting
for my dress, so many days will I keep
yoa out of your money."
"Ok,' Miss Reynolds ! yoa wrW tot,
you cannot be so cruel ! My mother is ill
and needs nourishment ; my little sister
is starving ; and I, depending on this
twenty-five dollars from yoa to supply
their want, must have the money."
'Not from me,' said Eda, with a taunt
ing laugh, as she shut the door in her
face, and turned into the room to admire
the exquisite garment.-
JTaint from want of food, and crushed
by her bitter disappointment, Mabel left
i the abode ot wealth, not knowing a here
to look for help, iu thi.;, Ler en at hour ;
of trouble. On th pavement, still bright i Many citizens of Topeka will rrhrcm
with the rich tiut from the crimson data- l a white-haired old manthit rfpresen
ask curtains, she slipped aud fell insensi-; Hutler county iu the Legislature tab
ble. She was raised by strong arms and ""titers go, and whose s.-at waa cot'ef
tenderly lifted into tha fur liaed sleigh at tJ l7 a Mr- Kuker- TLi9 old S
the door, and swiftly he sped home. Her D1n. s'!t l S. F riend, a Iaig dealer in
fit of insensibility,- jroduced by exhaus-1 T'la8 M'lle' na3 for llie las five years
tion and distress, waa a long one, and, ; hfln ntiremittingly engaged in an en
wken she awoke to consciousness, wa.mth . l''vor to recover his grandchild, who
and light were around tor, while at the j " during that lim leeu a eaptiv
table, on which was spread a comforta Amouo Comanche of Indian?. The
hie meal, sat half famished little Lulu, ' grandfather has, iu thi labor of love,
eatiug to her heart's content. Her head ; traveled over 15 000 miles, and expend
was pillowed on the breast of Ir. Holmes c nver S5000. The other day he pass
his arms enfolding her. Ulushingly she thrnngh Wellington with his grand
sought to withdraw from Lis embrace, j t,li,J his possession, his mission of
but bending over her, he whispered (years an accomplished fact, his toil re
No dearest, lie still, close ta tnr heart, : I'"' ' thousand-fold,
sheltered by my lovo. No more poverty j The circumstances of the capture and
no more sorrow, if yon will ouly give tae j release arc Eubsir.:.tialiy these ; Tho boy
tha right to shelter you from it, dear , Temple Friend, was living with his
one" father, John Friend, in Leano county,
Trembling with happiness uilCaka ! SGS. and was at .that time
hie, Mabel hid her face against his A nl 7M" oU- 'l'c predatory Conan-
derjbut gently turning it toward bun, ! ci"-'s ci:;Jc t,,Ht TWn tLelr ra,dmS
he looked down into the depths of those ground, aud Mr. Frieu 1 finally had A
wonderful eyes, aud reading there how ' vicit:tion from them, iu wbiuh the
fully his love was returned, pressed a f ho7 wa3 A tff- Afu'r mftny tria,
veut kiss upon her lips, aud, rising, h-d j ,u8 dvU'U of wou!J form a c,,aP
her to her mother for her consent to ar.d '' 'f almost as pathetic interest s Mr.
blessing ou the union. j IVgotty's search f-.r little Emily. Mr.
The clock struck ten. and the doctor
said, with a found Bl..i.co i Mbol
I n,n,l l,ra r ,w, Lon nm
j aai u vu on a s v j ejr a. i is
appointment with the heiress. She must ! P1""14 t0 hM wome" a,,(1 children cap
dis.day my darlings' work at tho ball 10 le Uded 03 hoS" ' 7 "-
to night or die o( vexation." otu emergency. Ftich was the relat.on
The expectant fair one waited h.ilf an fcf tLis liuI fllIjnr t0 the tribe- and hU
hour for tho tardy escort, but tliero was ' P-- skin might se il his doom in any
no look of anger on hnr beautiful face, no
discordant note marred the harmony of I
the soft, sweet tones wirh which
chided Dr. Holmes for his want of punt- j darling of their hearts subjected lo ty
tuality. : rauuy aud torture. All the agencies that
It rni just one month after tho night! could be employed to reach him were un
of Mrs. Even's bail. In that time Pr. I f'S1 used, aud toa:;y times they
Holmes bad bought and furnished an
elegant residence on 5th avenue. He
was weary of single life, he told his
fiicuds, and was preparing a cage for a
bird of bis choice
Invitations were out
- , . . , . i
for a grand house-warming, at which the
world would know the select bride of the
best catch in the city
Every one fixed iheireyeson the belle
of the season, and was confident that the
charming heiress, to whom of late he had
been paying marked attention, was the
envied one.
"Propose to night be certaiuly will,
Guardy," she said to Mr. Ross, as she
stood before the glass arrange her grace
ful ringlets. "You will not have me on
your hands much longer she said."
'Once disappointed Eda,' he answered,
"you may be Again. Still, you may
wake me if yoa come home engaged to
Dr. Holmes."
The rooms were crowded, aa Eda,
dressed superbly, sweet into the splen
did hall she expected to call her own.
Many curious eyes were turned npon her
as she passed with queeuly grace lo the
reception room, and reached the spot
where the host stood wiih a lady beside
him in bridal attire, "lovely as a poet's
She started and turned pale; buC re
covering her self-possession, advanced
while he holding out his hand, greeted
her as a friend then gently presented her
to his bride.
Stupefied she gazed ou the face of Ma
bel Groom, the despised seamstress, ut
tered an hysterical f-Lritk, and fainted
away.. She bad met an unlocked for ri
val, and the shock of seeing the child of
poverty elevated to the position her am
bitious hopes had led her to believe
would be her own was too much for pride
to conceal.
Mabel ever considerate, came to her
"It is the heat she said to the inquisi
tive crowd. Do take her to the conser
vatory, and leave her with me.
Need 1 describe the recovery, the
shame, the remoi se on one side, the char
ity which thiuketb no t vi! and forgives
all things on the other 1"
The heiress returned horse bumbled
and saddened ; having learned a! lesson
that might never be forgotten.
She did not, as may be imagined,
awake her guardian ; nor did he wonder
when he read in the morniug paper of the
surprise Dr Holmes bad prepared for Us
friends. , .
Comfort and happiness soon restored
the invalid mother to health, and rouud
ed the form of little Lulu, who never
complained of hunger?
To Mabel, life flows on like a happy
dream, brighter far by contrast with the
past, and we need hardly add that Dr.
Holmes has ne'er ceased to bless the
night of the storm in which he opened
bis arms and . heart to take into their
warm shelter the poor, rmpaid seamstress
Mabel Groom.
Hb cannot be an unhappy mart who
has the love and smile of woman to ae-1
comoanv him in everr denartment cf life.
. i
nf. .v j
Mahy receive thetr creed as they
their money, because they fiud it in cir-
a l'OHtier LoBiailC&
1 r,t "a l'ecame h:s Doy was alive
j nd adapted in'.o the tribe.
It has been
POllCV of tile Wild
Indian of the
savagj l.-eak ot his captiv es.
i ....
Iu tiiis tearful uncertainty the father
fiitil orr: mi. tilt lir livurl tilt iii-a vuftr.
'-' "- Q ........ ...VU .V. " ' J 1 . . . ,
! uicturiii!r to themselves, no doubt, tho
nave utxu upon lire very tio'.ni oi suc
cess, when the ludians would break ititj
small bands, Sep irate their captives, aad
. seed them off to the wilds of the wet.
'; and there elude capture.
! 111 l3e !al"r I,art 01 ll,e ,a"' However,
, it ci-uma unit luc uauj mai uuu luia uur
.. , , . J
! were attached by a party of troops tin-
; jur iMa:or iM Kinney, of the United
:. .1. .. .1. . i .1... l.l .1.:. i
States army, and badly cut to pieces. -Some
twenty five of their warriors were
; killed, and about oue hundred and fifty
i of their women and childnm captured.
Ibis lorced them to eomn into tort
Still and give np their captives among
others this boy. The boy is rather small
of his age, and seems to have forgotton
almost all the experience of his early
childhood, lie remembers his name and
when recovered could talk a few words
uf Engli&h. II :s grand-father says that
he picks up words of English very rap
idly. Notwithstanding his long ciptivity
he is a blight, intelligent looking boy iii
the face, his walk and actions being thoea
of an Indian, and he talks Comanche like
a native brave, lie being young, it will
require but a short titntt to bring back to
his memory the recollectio.is of the past,
and to divest hiia of the actions and hab
its he has acquired by his long residence
with the savages. The mother of the
boy died before his eaptaie. The j iy of
his father and fi tends will bo bounties
on recovering their long lost boy Trpe
ha Cummumrca'li.
Elcpemsnt Extraordinary.
Uuder this caption, the Pittsburg Ga
zette of the 14th itist. says :
Sonondi ami Son That signature ca i
he found upon the register of the Union
Depot Hotel. There is nothing strange
in the signature, but appearances created
a suspicion that all was not right. The
old linn was nervous. lie was rather
portly, and appeared very aniioiw t go
on the fast trait! east. W lint mide tU.ntM
look somewhat out of th regular nruVi"
was this: The jo'ilii aa-f handsome, his
appearance as to dress rjutme if nut, ho
hud hair of a beautiful auburn hue that
hung iu elegant wavy ringlets covering
his neck. Hid hose was regular, and a
most superb mouth whh dainty dimples
in hia chin, and a set of t"elti like pearls,
so pare and white.
Suspicion was neevinnsif from tho fact
that "Pere" showed extraordinary affec
tion for his ijttrtr,,., who undoubtedly
showed many nymptom of effeminacy.
The police around thi? depot were order
ed to watch the pair. The young man,
if we may call him S", carried in his
petite baud a bcauiifal litil'j red traveling
satchel. They ate their supper like other
folks and finally at S::i5 d' pai ted on their
way cast.
Now comes' dame rnrnnr. Some one
asks who. are they ? Well, to far a
known, they are from Chicago. The
father, Mr. Sitnonds, ho called, was a
well-to-do merchant in that little burg, a
bachelor, who f 11 in love with the daugh
ter of a dentist. It was love at first
sight. They mot iu a Wabah avenuo
stage. Their eyes proclaimed the gl.mca
of cupid's unmerciful stiog, cards were
exchanged, and the gnilemasi w.m invi
ted to the yoffng iy's houso. For
some time things went "merry as a mar
riage bell," and they "billed an 1 cooed,"
finally becoming engaged.
The news of the engagement was
broken to the parents, who, of course,
found objections sufficient, bringing in an
j arguments May and December, loo old.
etc. But the maiden loved, and marry
she would the object of Ucr affection
She told her atSanoed of the feeling of
her parents towards him, aud as a result
tne '""W WM KMfe 1 ana an elhP-
i ment was determined upon. Soon Fri-
day last all being in readines they left
whh t iDtentian of
ried when they reached New York, if
' not pursued.