...i t, ' : '; ' '' FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. Household Eecipes. IJksskrt. The following "n a nice dirTi for defert and very easily prepared : Boil two quarts of rich milk. Beat eight rgffn and a teaecpful of enar togetner. and after tlie mi'k has boiled, pat it over the egg and n?ir, stirring all the whil I'our the whole mixture into yonr kettle, and let it come to a bnil..tirrintr it eor sfantly. Then take it off the fire and let it become cdd. Flavor it with what ever cpsi-iicc yon jirrfi-r. Then freeze it. 'BolLED Cnf-KEN. Plain, artless boil ing U apt to nrol.ice ayellitwirth, limv lenkiiig chiikin. Before cooking the bird it fhonld always lie well washed in tepid wafer and lemon jtitrfi. and to inpnre wliileuesp, dt-licacy and sticrnlenc clinn'd be boiled in a pai-te m ide of flonr and water, and, after bring put in the boili g water, should be allowed to simmer slowly. Thin method i very ff'rtual in pieserving all the juices of the fowl a-il the result is far more toothsome and nourishing morsel than the luckless hi-d which has been ' pi'Ioped to death" in jilain boiling "water. Mutton is ln nuirh hrltcr for bei"ghoil.-d in pat. 1 erect Takfd Hkan. T!-e mall whirc In an?, pat to soak at 6 P m . in a di-n vp?s(1 ; lii'.e the i'er :'t 5a t'l" venii"-p. as'd rg:in next morning, mirl l-r'nil fr t ivn hours, cl.!':! the ?i'nr at th' end of t!: eevi.I hour Tli!"i r tir I7 neatly nil the w.itoi f.-iko r"v -o;k scores on ihe top; p'i the heave in a d.e.. dUt. the pxk in the middle, .ink- 11 1 t:ig fn as to have it yit V-vr with the ! -.re .M a vwv litl m.da: an ' . 1 l;e :it l-t.-t nix hour.", r-iisi;! the pik i iw -.r - ls. to that it miy c:i-p 0:1 top. jr; '.Vic. 1. T)i n Take the rrn- v.t f a cold hailed 2 of mutton, or tf a roust if beef; ehsve it itito thin t-lire? ; F.Hsin and add, if yon 'ike if, an ni m chnnped fv.to, or a j.itn h of mvoj t 'r' . 1'iit . ;h"j on a baking dirh, and t.our over the g-ravr. if yr.n buve any; if net. a liM'o wntrr, 1 utter nnd floii'. 'lien t'ikc hot bnih'd potatoes'; maah fine ; a hl a litile tni!k end salt or butter, 1 " fien tbrra iisfo a dnooth paste, wh'di 1 iy over the ta. at. Then pnt the di.-h i!i!o the. oven, and bake a nice brown. I'tt iti.ivn Bkkf. The following reei e i riven by a coireppondent of the Vcs! rn Rural: I etid one which baa ber-n used twenty-five yearo. for ham niid be-f: Take six gallons of water, throe poitnds f enjar, one ounce alerntu, nine pounds salt, three ounces saltpeter. Put the whole in a kettle. Bring t a boil and ekim. Some pnt it on milk warm This will answer for 100 pound, or what it n il! cover. To Pft tiik Color of Cotton Purs fs T-ike a b'rge double handful f I ri-i, p-it "t i:i a'teepanjtnd ff tit over t 'i v fi.e, allo-.vi:i it"t hail thoroughly in a ry.viri of '. r. When thortiegl.ly boil 1 strain the bran, and throw the water i1 1 that in which yon are about washing vo'vr ! :n or c'linlz dress. Let the dr ? ccak fur hi ho:vr or so in it b: foro wa-:li-i-T Tn.-teaJ of elarch use a weak trnlu ii n f pine water and Iran on the wrong sid" C ' ris'icm 3im'far. C;m as FtsL The cost of mxrketitig the produce of the western cornfiehis enabl.'f the Conn -c 1 Ultiff-i (Iowa) 2onpareil to maZe the folhiwifg Ft:;teinent : We are glad to ece that ni-.ny of our citizms. are taking ad vantnge of the low p-.ice of corn to Jay hi heavy supplies of it fr fuel. AVe have xpeiimented with it the last weei, and I'nd that it is au admirable substitute for both wood and co;tl, and that at present prices there is both economy and com fort in its n?e. A ton of corn 33 bush els at 17 centt per bushel, is 5 CO. M'e considert'iis equal'to a cord of hard voad. ns supplied and measured in our nuket. at $7 ; the cutting of ih, S3 .00 total, S3 50. Thus making a saving cf j early S3 a cord. For Lilcheu'fucIJit is snporins. to woods, except hickery, and cheaper than that. It makes a very hot fire with a great d-al of blaze:. We judge that three tons ef corn are equal to the l.;-.it of one ton of hard coel, while in t conomy of ils it?e il is equal to one aud a half tens of coal. Tn small families and (mall houses there is always great waste rf hard coal, while there id none in the use of corn. L:sc cf a Continent. Plato sent down to posterity a tradi tion of his day that a great continent M hicli occupiod the place now covered by the Atlantis Ocean suddenly t-unk down out of sight, lie further says it was an island called Atlantis On it were king doms.aud organized governments, wealth, hits and civilization, instantly lost to iiutu:t:i sight. It is now the opinion of the leading geologists those most advanced in science that the American continent appeared when the Atlantic waters rushed into the cr.vity or depression on the earth's snr face now filled by salt water. The rocky mountains, were then the rough bottom of an ocean which rose with marine plants, shells and other products of an aquatic origin, that are found abundantly strewn there, and, ia fact, all over North and 8011th America. Remnants of Atlantis, the tnbmerged continent, are believed by some ecteutista to be recognized in the Adirundacks, the Vi'hite Mountains of Maine, aud a few oilier outcroppings belonging to the outer boundaries of that deluged and forever lost country. There is no knowing what astounding discoveries may yet be made in coming ages corroborative or Plato's nan mi u. 1 $lw Jtantttee, &c. SPECIE PRICES! eiteaokdinahyTeduction in the trice of goods. AT Hi) I BELL'S IV 13 VV HTOHE, Iftfrn, Juniata Co.. I'a. T:ie undcriMpi.ed bi'g lave to tte, I bat lUey have purchased Irooi J. H. .M. 'i'odd. his erffire irU of good, and will in ibe future ccnd.ict the nierebnntile business at the Old Staud, ia ilic borough of Patterson, Juniata county, I . where liiey shall endeavor to keep constantly on band a full and complete assert i:i:nt of LAD IKS' I) it CSS 'JOO.V, CONSIST INU OK AM'ACAS. rOI'MXS. . . .'LAN'S. I.USTKUS Del.AINS: MERINOS. MOHAHl GINGHAMS. C'AMI'RICS. LAWNS, JcC. FANCY GOODS, NO HONS. II TS AND CATS. BOOTS AND SHOES, gUKKXSWAKK, OKDAiaVAKK. G L ASS W A UK. CROCK Ell V, IMS II, SALT, COFFKK, TEAS, sirups, sucva. Hiving just returned from tlic city villi the ' a"ioe eiumerated st.-.ck of goods, all of -Jr nVTl "I! ' 'ii'ciine in ti.ild. ire feel warranlcd in pnvjnt; that e can offer GooiU at greatly reduced fig- "r(;3 tor 0 iSI1 OlwCOUNTRY PROOUCK.' " n LAIRD A: BELL. Till: I'LACE l-'OIi BARGAINS . IS AT PENNELIS CHEAP STORE IN PATTERSON, PA. rJ!IE hrgest and best asuortment to be A t ii.ud in T-tterson. Thankful for the libera! palronago heretofore receired from the public, 1 would respectfully announce that I Iihtp just opened a very large stock o( lino. Is nell suiud to the trade. .My stock cobi-ijts of a lull assortment of fine and etaple DRY GOODS, Embmeing all the materials for men, women and children's wate, including Hatsand Caps, Soots and hoes, together with a large stock of Muslins, Sheetings Drillings, Tickings, Oil HI. llis. Mattings, lo. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such as French in.: English Merinofs, Pop lins, Alpacas, De Lames, plain and figured Sliiwls, .to. and also a larjc stock of Notions, such as Glove?. Mitts, Hosiery, Embroidered Oo'.i irs and Cuffs, an l a general assorttnent of Kress Trimmings. a 120CERIES, -inch as Sugars, Syrups, Coffees. Teas and apices. Also, a large lot of Queensware, !lardw.ir. Wood and Willow Ware. Fish Sail and Nails. Together with a full assort ment of Goods usually kept in a country store- Erautligne3t price paid for country pro luce in exchange lor cools. Prices to sut the times. May 1, 1872 goots ana Choi's. Boot and Shoe Shop. THE undersigned, fashionable Boot aud Shoemaker, hereby respectful ly informs the public that be has located iu the borough of Patterson, where he is pre pare'! to accommodate the most fastidious 111 WEAR, Gents1 Fine and Coarse Boots, CHILDREN'S WEAR, fC., 1C. Also, mending done in the neatest manner at.d upon the shortest notice. A liberal share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop located on the east side of Tus carora street, one door south of Main street, nearly opposite La:rl & bell s store. J. W. DEAN. March 8. 1R72 NEW BOOT & SHOE SIIOI In Kevin's Hew Building' ca BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLTNTOWN. 'THE undersigued, late of the firm of Fa I sick A North, would respectfully au nounce to the public that he has opened a Uoot ana Slioe Miop in Major Nerin s Jte Building, on Bridge street, Miffliutown, and is prepared to manufacture, of the best ma- ten .1, ell kinds of BOOTS, SHOES AND WAITERS, FOB GENTS', LADIES AND CHILDREN He also keeps on hand a large and well- selected stock of 1J out! v-mntlo AVork, of all kinds, for men, women and children. ALL WORK WARBASTRO. Give me a call, for I feci confident that I can furnish you with any kind of work you may desire. fjrg"- Repairing done neatly and at reason able rates. J. L. NORTIJ. May 81, 1872. BOOTS AND SHOES. ITew Sbop in ICflintown. HjnE subscriber begs leave to inform the -L citizens of MitBintown, Patterson and vicinity that he has opened a Boot and Fhoe Shop, for the present, in the room occupied by N. E. Littlefield's Tin Shop, on Bridge street. MitBintown, where he is prepared to manuiaciure an ainas or LADES', GEITTLEIIEN'S and CZILESEN'S WEAB, in the most substantial manner, and at the lowest prices. S. Repairing promptly at tended to. TERMS CASiT. A liberal share of public patronage is soli cited, anl satisfaction guaranteed. A. B. FASICK. May 29. 1872-tf IOR SALE Three set of Cook Stove Pat terns. No. 7, 8, and 9, Flasks and Follow Boards, aU complete, by SILAS SHAMP, MitBintown. Oet 6-3 m IJTX. Groceries at Tilt?n & Espenschade'i. CLOTHING! Choicest Styles of the Season. samuel' strayes, Patterson, Juniata Cc, Pa. GLOTBNS of all kinds I will sell m ei t;re a'ojk at I Greatly Reduced P.i:c:, I FOR MEN ASI'luuiii Arr.iL.1? mis. OVERCOATS, PUES, HEAVY KfKJT. Ladies' Shoes & Saitcrs, Utider-Chithitig. !cc, AT COST. Snits M Parts of Suits. HATS AXD CArS, And Famishing Coeds 20 or 25 per cent, clienfier Stair and FIuji Oil Clotli, niBllTDBB, '.VATCIIES -AKI JEWELBV. Hats ami Cans, FURS, nnnTS i snnp ,u.uu r" -" ww puui, nacre. MEN'S J Having a gioJ etock, Will FURNISHING jselected, 1 hope to .leakc all. GOODS, I cMi aj ,ee lo L ccn XOT10KS, 4r. 'i,:ce '- ti Measures taken and Suits and parts of Suits made to trdcr, rnsonable. SAMUEL STRAY ER, Jau. 24, 1S72 l'attcrson, Ta. S. B. LOUDON, MEItCHAJST' TAILOll. . xEnrs nuiLDisa ox Eridge Street, iliSintown, Fa., Desire" lo iiifoim Lis friends and the public that he has just received a lint and f ibhion altt stock of SPRING GOODS, consisting of CLOTHS Plain Black. Blue and Brnwn CREI' Dahlia, Brown and Blue. TRICOT lliack. Blue and Brown. IHAGOXAr.SMM and Black. CHKVIOTS Shades. SCOTCH HOODS- All Styles. HI. A CK DOSKIXS Suneric r qnality l'A XTS AXD VKSr I'A TTER XS Fine. SUMMER GOOnn Genert.1 Assortment. I will sell any of the above goods by the yard or patleru. T also keep on hand a full line of BUT TERICKS J'ATTEEXS. consisting of Men. Boys, and Children's Shirts, feats, I'anta and Vests. I will manufacture to order all kinds of custom wo.iK. PUK ES Reasonable, to suit the times. Miffliutown, April 10, 1872. Oil, Paint & Varnish, WHITE LEAD, RED LEAD, COLORED PAINTS IN OIL BURNT U1IBER, RAW UMBER, CHROMS GREEN, PARIS GREEN, CnSClIS YELLW, BEOP BLACK, Prussian Blue, Lamp Black, Paint finishes. Varnish Brushes, WHITEWASH BRUSHES, SASH BRUSHES Whiting and Rosin by the Barrel, Soaps, Japan Dryer, White Varnish Concentrated Lye, Babbitt's Potssh, lutty nnil Glntssi. The above goods, with Jarge Tariety of DRCGSand PATENT MEDICINES, always on hand at the PATTERS01T DRUG STORE. tOT Glass cut 10 any sizo desiied. - Dr P. C. KU.ND.O July 12, lS71-tf A. II. FRANCISCUS & CO., ClU 3Xnrlot Street, PHILADELPHIA. We have opened for the FALL TRADE, tlie largest aud best assorted Stock of PHILADELPHIA CARPETS, Tnble, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Win- cow shades and Paper, Carpet Chain. Cotton, Yarn, Hutting, Wadding, Twines, Hicks, Clocks, Looking (.lasses, I'nncy Baskets, lirooms Baskets, Huckcts, Urnshes, Clothes Wiinpers, Wooden and Willow Ware, IS THE rXITEO STATES. Our large increase in business enables us to sell at low prices and furnish the best quality of Goods. .SOLE AGENTS rOB Till , CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER, I'rico 5,uO. TFIE MOST PERFECT ASD SUCCESSFUL WASHER EVER MADE. AGEXTS WAXTED FOR THE A3IERI- CAX WASHER in ell parts of the Salt. sepl-3mog ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE ! To all Men 7hom it may Concern. If you have anj-thinpr to sell If you have lost anythins, If you have found anything, If you have a house to rent, If you want to rent a house, If you want boarding, If you want employment, If you want hired help, If you want anything, TELL THE PEOPLE OF IT BT ADVERTISING IN THE . JUNIATA SENTINEL. FORCE PUMP. TI1E undersigned is agent for one of the best Force Pumps, for any depth of cis tern or well, in the world. By attaching hose to the spout, water can be thrown 30 to 60 feet. Nothing better could be asked in case of fire. It is a non-freezing pump. SAMUEll LEONARD, Oakland Mills, Juniata Co., Pa. A FINE assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings; &c, just received and for sale by S. B. LOUDON. Irfl;i. BADWAY'S READY REUS? CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR KADWAY-S READY RELIEFIS A CURE FOB EVERY PAIN. T . th. Sn and Lt Tlio Only Palm nemedy armlleation. IS FISOM ONE TO TWENTY UCnTTES. no mattw how violent or excruciating; the pain the l'.HEl MAT1C. Bcd-ridJrn. liitrm. Crippled, Kcnruua, Ikcunticic, or prostrated wita ducuae Day suffer. RACWAY'S READY RELIEF M-Il.l AFFORn INST.fT fcASai. nrrLAJUIATIOS OF THE KIONEYS. I.VELASIMATION OF THE liLADDEO. lXFLAMMATlOii OF TIIK BOWELS. - CONr.ESTtON OF THE LtTXC.3. SORE THROAT, UierltTtT BREA1 HINtl. PALPITATION OF TUE HEART. HYSTERICS. CROUP. DIPHTHKRfA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. NEL'RALGIA. EHEUMATISil. COI.D C1TTLLS, AGUE CHILLS. Tlie application or the Ready Relief to the part or pnrti where the paia or dilUculty caiaUi wUI alfoni caaa and comfort. Twenty drops In half a tumbler of water will In a few ronieiiMcure CRAMPS, SPASMS. 8UB STOMACH. HKARTHI'RN, KICK HEADACHE, DIARKUKA, DYSENTERY. COLIC, WIND IN THE DOWELS, and all INTERNAL PAINS. Travelera ahonlil always carry a hottle of Ra4wayva Ri-ady Relief with them. .A few dro-s in water ill prevent aickncas or pains from chanfte of water. It la Le.ter tbau Frcncii Brandy w Bitters as a stimuli.. FEVER AND AGI'E. FEVER AND AUCE cured for fty ccuta. Thfrt la if a rerucdt.'U nsent in this world that will cure Fertr a-id Ague, and all other Ualarioua, liiliouii, ekarlcl, Tv rholil, Ytllow. and other Fevers lahieil by RAIiTV AY'3 J'll.li.) an quick sa BADWAY'S READY RELXbF. 'iUy ctats ptf buUie. Sold by Druggists. HEALTH llEWTY I i BTTtONO AND Pt"nE Rlcn ItLOOn INCRC.t S3 or FLESH AM WEHillT-CI.KAR PK1 A Nl ' liEALTiFLL COAii'LEXION bEL'IRED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS 1IADT3 Tl!t5 OST ASTONISHING TI RKS ; fcO Ql I:'K, SO IIAPIO AUK TI'E rllANt.KS THE IU)t)V I'XDKKiWKS. t'M.EI, THE IV M.ITKM'K OF THIS Ti.l'IA WoM'titfU UZiJIClNE, Til AT Ev3r. S? V Fiesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE C!!ar ulOOD PUaiFiEH. ffrr iroj of t!i SAUSAI'AnTUJAN KKSi'.l.V L.. i eoiumuTi.cat tlirotiS tlie IUuini, S-"eal, Cii'., Nnd oilier fluiUni!tl.!uk.j ut'tlie aveWnt Ut vut of L.'u. fur Itm-alrst'ie B-asttsit-f ilie lniy witij tip v..ti ..-.t! J ciatcriaf. Scrofula, Svi-hiKa, f ontunipticit, .r.rni-ilar cttjeasc, Cicc.sm t!tTi'tmt, Motiih, ln.i.cr. hotif In t..j Clr.ae mttl otter f arts f tlie tTsUui, -ia E?s, ht'timoua itUcliJtrrf. fauiii ti Kara, J lite wrtC f rms of ilianps. Kiuptit ; , tfvrr &rcn. BciJ J'catl, Pine Wonii, Suit Kfie.-m. Eryjtirelma, Acne, lJ.a. it Ktt'.tn, Worms li tlie tinh, TimifS, La tc! in tl: Vmtih. !id nil wcukei.im; aud faliif-il t.!rlarrrs, Ni-tit p-rtrat. IsOMof Sprnn, ami all wfilcof tlie life prii.ct ple, hre witiiin Hi a enrative rait of litis nutult.- i.f litl rn . Uerul-trr, aitl a few f!va uh will pi-ive to nr fHiin u-in? it fr eiflur cf tlicae forma ci disc&M it itent j.owrrto CMre tliu. Jf the pr.Ucr.t. dally i-.-omIr: re'lnctt by tl-n wtca vA d('CiiiiHtltitn that is cinttnuaily i-rtj-rct9ii;f, d u-c-m! in an inline t'ie3 w:istc, and repairs t.e stt s wii:. ii mitrrU! tittle f:ot;i Itcalthy blood In: it SAKSAPAIULLIAN will and ds navure. Hut tmly t'hwi IllO tfltlUAr'AaiLI.IAX KaTSOLTlTrr fTcfl all known rpmdUI aeeun i lii" cure cf Chronic. rr:.f leu. (.''nntitti'iotiiL, aud biui create; but it is iLjec Pitive cure ict T"rilacT. end TTsib diwsw, (it are!. I'iaiftes. Prtipsv. fcloppotenf Water, IncunllneDto f Priiie. Itrigiit't IJ!' ene. Albuminuria, and in ail caws itvre there are brick dust dt-iMHtiis. or Ihe water Is tnitfc, r.luwiy. mixed wit i nl)iiteps like the white uf an tfX, r tlirVads like white !k. or there in a niorU I, dark, liiions acpeaiatire, an J white lj:ie-duHt defMi, aiul v.-hrn tt.er is a (.ri'k.i'f, hiiniine aeitKilion when (u.si:e v.aler, and -ain la Lo 2uia!l of the IVtclc ani alou- Lh Lo.ua, Trice, i.ocj. WORMS Tiia only knovra and aur Heaiedy fur Moniaa-J'tit, Tapt, etc. Tnmor of 12 Ycar' Oroui'i Cured y Had ny's KcHoIvt at. fiEVKKLY. Mat., Jti'y IS, 1S6. Tn. ftwT t I Tiare Md ivsrisa Tumur ! tnovsriea ! Vowwla. All th fWtors ttid thwr wm a drip fur it." I ttteai r thine that wtva rwcotnirmufd ; tut Ktrtfatsy helpetj b. I sir roar KMulvent, snrl thutisht I would try ii : but had so fa lsi Iu iU bsrsete 1 b4 mflVTU fjr twvlv years. I touk sis bottle f ihw fUwlvtrit, ami ue boa ef IU4 f.lh, sod two bat ) of your RrulT Rlff ; mni irtr is at a t'yn 0f tnmor to bs era er (clt, mud I ImI letter, saisrtrr, Iml fcii j-rer Uuib I have frtwv mrt. The wont tumor dm fn tee lei. siileef tlie sow I, oTr tlie froin. writ this to jm lot Ikt Lencst el Usen. Vwa caa t-UliUli U if joa chae. HANNAH P. KXATP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT POHGATIVE PILLS, perfrctly tastelen, elegantly coated with rwcet ptm, I'tirc", lrrulide, purify, ciwuw. an? atrencthvti. Kad way a Pilta, for Hip extra cf all disorder cf the Mnntach, Liver, R-wcis, Kfdiiey lilaildr, N'Tyohs Disews, Ilendache, 'onstlatiun, ,'otiTens. IiM.ictkn, LviTe sia, Tl'IiouDes, TJiMmis Fever, InRaKunatinn of tlie Bowebt, Ille9,Mid all Tieraiiffnientsofthe lutrmal Vis cera. Warranted to effect a it.veeure. lurely Veeetay ble. (v-iifa.i.l-teuo merctirr, minerals or deietentiidit.ir9. W O&serra Ihe ftillowi-te symptoms nauUkig ftoa Disorders of the l)lgfstivc Oiuius: Cntxtlpsthm, Inwmnt plln, Fnllaerc cf tNs Rlrvw! tn trie TTead, Acirlitv cf the StojMrh, Niunea, i leart hnrti, lgiU of Food, 'ulinm or Weijrlit in the Stomarh, Sour Eruvtatiens, Sinkitif or FIntierfriir at the Pit of the Stomsrh, Swfmaine ef the H-d, Hurried and Diltln.it Rreathins:. lettering at the Heart. Chokinc r Soffoet;ni Smntiona when In a Lvint Peatarr. ImnewJf Viitnn. 1K.U nr U'eba before ibe SirUKe.-er and Dull Iaia fa the xA, Drfidraer of Pertr-lraiM. Velio mre f the Skin and Pein ia ibe Side, Cheat, Laabkjuid suadea Fltuk. ilrat, hamlnj ia the Flrah. A few doses of RADTATS TILLS will frw Ihe ars, Iciti frn all the a)xive-invet f!i-"nlrs. I'tke, 2' ccuta l-rrhox. SfLD BY TKi;i..lST. READ F.ALSK AM Tai n.- Send out Mter tampto RAUWAT & CO., No. 87 Ma'tlm Itne, New Vork. Informal iou worth thottaauos witl t-e arr:t you. Nfpe1 AT! At 1?Q IXORr.DlE.VT3 THAT COMrosa ROPAnAI.IS aro Ii:.fd tn eve-yp.ikn, l::cie (iire it is n-'t a secret p cii .mum, toinKijuerilly raisia.tX: rr.ESCSisr. ir It is a cjrtain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis iu ai 1 its forms. Rheuma tism, Skin iJist-ase, l.iver (,'o:u ;iioii't &nd all (ideates of tlie liked. will do rmre rood t!:an ten bottlea ot ilio Syrups of Sampi.-iila. Z UNTEK3ICNEO PHV3iCIANS have ueil Rosadalistn tlieirpractics for '.ho pist three years and fi cely endorse it a a rctiaUu Altcrstiva and Blood I'urilicr. DR. T. C. rrr.H, of Ealtimcre. UR.T. J. BOYKi.V. " !tU. R. W. L'AHR. ' l)U. K. O. PANNKLI.Y. ' DR. J. S. SPARKS, NicholasvUle, Ky. Dtt. J. L. HcCARTHA, Coiembia, S. C. ' ' Da. A. U. XOELLS, F.Jjecoinb, N. C. TJ2ID AI7D IHD0ESID BI I. B. FRENCH EON'S, Fall River, Mass. F. W. SnTH,Jack5in, Mich. A. F. W HELLER, Lima, Ohio. R. HAI L, Lima.Ohio. ( RAVEN & t o., Unrdrinsville, Va. SAM'L. G. KcFADDEN, Aluifrres- OOTU, 1CLD. Our space will not allnw cf anv ex. tended -remarks ia relation to tlie virtuesof KosadaliA. Tothe llediral ProfciciTi we puarar.tee -x Fluid Ex troctsuperifir to anv thev have crer ued in the treatment f diseased lllocd; ami In thcaitlicteil we say try Roailalis. aud Tou wilt ha restored to Ueitk. Rosailali is sold bv all Dmr'iall price 9tO per buttle. Address 2. CL212UT3 A.C3. Manufacturing Chanutt, Baltimoik, Ud.' JOB WOR K TIIK READERS OF THIS PAPER SHOULD NOT FAIL TO CALL AT THE SENTINEL OFFICE - WHEN TIIEY DAVE JOB WORK TO DO. WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS FOR SALE BILLS, BLANKS, &c , &c, AT SHORT NOTICE, AND AT MUCH LOWER TERMS THAN EVER HERETOFORE OFFERED TO THE CITIZENS OF J UNIATA COUNTY. Caution. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against Hunting, Fishing, or in any way tres passing on the farm oeenpied by the under signed, in Milford township. All persons eo offending will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. C JOSEPH FINK. Bit Cut Wustratcs fce maimer of Using .BjS-;J FamtJiia SasaX Injector, This inslrumcnt is eppeciaily designed for the per xec- appiic-anuu ui DR. SACK'S CATARRH REMEDY. I It I tlic nnljr form of lntrnment yet tnvmitcd with ' wbich fluid metlicine can be carried AioA up and : perfectly applied to all part of tlie affected nasal pas I saea, and tbo chambera or cavities eommniiicattaft therewith, in which sores and ulcers freqnentlrexist, and from which the catarrhal dijehare cmcrally pro- ceerH The want of succe in treating Catarrh here tofore has arisen larel from the i nipt nihility of I ap!vi;u' remedies to these cavities and chambers by any of the ordinary methods. This obstacle ia the wity of effecting cures is cutirely overcome by the ; inrcTUton of the Doucita. Iu nsln this inp tninient, . tak n.sl.I m ftmricA hu Its 1M1 fxau'dklV tM nnfrn ?--- Ill or p raping being required,) m one nostril in a full f tttutly llj.viu strea.i. to tiio highest portion of the Vtt:i p i- jo-. aes into and thoroughly cW'aiises . p tiio t iie-aii j chambers connected therewith, and : flows out of the oanosits nostriL Jtsnfeic ilcrvant ard I so si.u;le that a child can nnderbtand it. lull ; arid' explicit d.irfetioii4 accompany each I ininiatJtit. WUn uped with tlii- instrument. Ur. j Ssre Catarrh Rcmetly enres recent attacks of j -Cf.tl iu (ho IIend"bya few a;ip!kat.cns. i , Si aip'i3:-i- c.m. C.iari i Frprrjcnt head- ariiti, discharge falling into throat, sometiir.es pro- iiipt5, watery, tnic jiiiirns, puruicnt, fuenrive?, nr. In others a dryness, dry. watery, weak or inflnmed evc-. Htopphi u; or o.iatructitHi of itnal pnaes, riit'-iiiLr in ears, il-afne, hawkin? an.i cuh.ng to aiiere I! u.UIl twu. offensive fcn ath, impaired or tk-'aldopriv-tiin i ot ronso of stn?!l and taste, dizzi- clar ttiroit, ulceration, scant iroct niters, voice rni. mental d.-prciioii. loss or appetite, ii:liRi.- ti.Ki, enbnsel t-mnil. licklinr couj-li. Ac. Only a fl'ir of theno y:n;tuiua are like! lo be prceeLl iu a:tv rtar: at iiie ttiiic. j Or. iar.-' tmtnrrh niTicty, when nel wi;:i Or. eierce'i.asnl I'oni h", anrtaccom- , p.n:.ii2.1 wit'i t'i3 CDUflitminiial treatuieitt which ia 1 r3'i:mi'n'l":l in t'tfl pa:nihlet that v rapj each bnt- ti5 oriH'.' It-'.aefTr, i. a p-rfort p-rifrific ftir thii luat::- fim- d:-"a. ani the pmprietnr offeni. in piwl la:t, ' riw-ircl fir a rae ho can not cure. Tfco ll-';a;il-i mild anj pleasant to n-e-. crinta:n;iir r j atrtw-r or oittst: d or poisons. The t'alarth ; It 'ini! i iiU at W) cent-., llnnrheat fiOeeMs, by ail lrliri''. ;r either will be ctaikd by pro- pr-etor .i r.'jciiit uf f) ernta. I it. V. f'lElirp, -f. p . K'lle r.-prielu-. FOUTZ'8 CELKBliAIKQ Horss aii Cat Fsife Tl.ia preparation, lone and favorably ttSs--jTL nt,wn wd thorotiRhty re-inT.a:oraie tttjy?;f f broken down and low-ip.rited horses, FaflaWil y strenjftttrniny and eJeaning tl-e stomach ami inu&tinetf. Ii a sure pr .-Tenure of all diseases incident to this animal, such as Ll.'NG fc.V r. it. CLAXUKKS. YKLLiW WATKR. HKAVKS, CiUGHS. Idri TKMPKR, FKVKIW. FOCX OKK, !"' ' t a i i ii 1 1 1 ii ir v ii Alt .V r v i-u r . . , . ehr!'" r r. . -v r.im , c. iu use improves ,mr. Ui wind, increa.es th apatite gives a smooth anu Rio.y skin and ' J .JPW transforms tlie miserable skeleton bitoafinc-lookinKand sjnritei horse. cqJjSr''" To kvepers of Cow Uiia Brera ra tion is invalnatde. It is a sure pre- Tenuve against Kmdcrpest, Hollow Hom, etc It has been proven br 1 actual experiment to increase tie quantity of milk and cream twenty Percent and make tha b;.tterfim and sweet. In fat'emntr rattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their tide, aad makes theni thrive much faster. . In all diseases of Serine, such as Coughs. I'Icers m ine laun. i-iver,eic.,uiis article acts ryrvS as a specific. Bv nuttinz from one- yVfyJi half a paper to a paper in a barrel of 1 swill theatre diseases will beeradi cated or entirely prerented. If given in time, a certain preventive aud cure for the Hog Cholera. WTID E. FOUTZ, P.-oprictor, BtLTIIIOKZ. Jfd. For aale by Prupriftts and Storekeeper! thmuvbout Iba tatted states, i.aaadas ana borui Auerica. ! Mifflin-1 It. F. KEPSUR i: SOX. ARents tewn, Ta. augl'3-1 j NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. WINTER TIME TABLE. Through and Direct Route to Vnshing ton, U iltimore, r.lmira, l-.iio, llutlalo, Kocliester and Niugara Fall. OS AXD AFTER MON'DAV, OCT. 28ih, 1?7-, the trains on the Northern Cmtral Railway will run as follows : NOliniWARD. Mail Tbaih leaves Baltimore S:30 a tn leaves Iiarrisburg l:2'i p m leaves Williamsport... 6:4-) p m arrives at Elmira 10:ISU p in CijTti Exp. leaves lialtimore 8:10 p n; arrives at Harrisburg 12:2t) p m Fast Line leaves Baltimore l:lo p m leaves llarrishurg 4:50 p m arrives at WiUiamsport 8:35 p m JTobt'bk Ex leaves Itultimore 10:30 p m arrivvw at Harrisburg... 2:20 a m Niagara Ex leaves Call i more. 7:40 a tn leaves Harrishurg 10:59 a m leaves Willlamspott.... 2:20 p m leaves Elmira 5:20 p m arrives at Canandagua. 8:00 p ni Ebie Mail leaves Harrisb'g 4:25 a m leaves Sunhury 6:30 a tn leaves AVilliamsport 8:40 a m leaves Elmira 12:50 p m arrives at CananJaigua 3:50 p m sofrriiwARD. Mail TsAixleaves Elmira 5:30 a m leaves Williamsport 9:15 a m leaves llarrishurg 2:0$ p m arrives at lialtimore 6:30 n in Fast Line leaves llarrishurg 5:30 a nt arrives nt Baltimore 8:45 a m Erie Expb's leaves Sunbury 9:40 a m a.ii7Csat Harriaburg...Jl:30 a m Erie Mail leaves Canandaigua 2:45 p in leaves Elmira 6:30 p-m leaves Williamsport 11:05 p in leaves .!unbury ... 12:50 am arrives at llarrishurg... 2:45 am TACiric Ex. south leaves Ilarrisb'g 10:4 ) a m arrives at Baltimore-... 3:00 p m Ciscis't Ex. leaves llarrishurg 10:40 p m arrives at Baltimore...- 2:15 a m Niagara Ex leaves Canandaigua-... 11:30 a m leaves Elmira: 2:20 p m leaves nilliamsport....- t:10 p m arrives at llarrishurg. ..10:15 p m dal. Arc. leaves Harrisbnrg 8:00 a m arrives at Baltimore . 12:1-5 a m Mail Train north and sontb. Fast Line north, Fneific Express south, Erie Express south, and Baltimore Accommodation south, Niagara Express north and south. Northern Exprea- north and Cincinnati Express south daily except Sunday. i.rie Mail north to Williamsport, Cincinna ti Express north and Fast Line south leave daily. trie Mail south, daily except Monday Erie Mail south connects at llarrishurg with Fast Line south for Baltimoie. Niagara Express south connects at Harris- burg with Cincinnati Express south for Sal timore. Erie Express south connects at Harrieburg with Pacific Express south tor Baltimore. Erie Mail north connects at Williamsport daily except Sundays, for Elmira, Canandai gua, Rochester, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. For further information apply at the Ticket Office ia the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. ALFKED K. F1SKE. General Superintendent. Ilarrisburg, Oct. 28, 1872. NATI0.NAL, HOTEL, IEWIST0WU, PENN'A. - BEAR A HA.HAKER. Proprietor. LARGEST STOCK ef Dress Goods in the couaty at Tilten i Espenschade's. KjT-Jcsiaia bSTiti $1,60 ccr year. !ft!fdir?t- Ayer's Sarsapariila, ; Tl'crejmtatlon this ex- I rpllent intilicinc enjo;-? ! it tlcriTCtt from its t-itrt s. mffny of whk h ar truly marvcllcue.. l-ivctrnMa ease, where the fyiiri ! peemed et unite J w:la , corruption, have Ixt-ti puritkti and cureil br ir. Scrofulous affections nnd 1 disorders, wliirh were air- Kniruf 11 uy tuc M:niti Tott a rontJrninRtion nni.i ! they WTre painfully aftlR-tinfr, have been radirnlty cured in such great n umbers in ahrost every ro- j tioo of the country, that the public scarcely need to ! be in form ei I of its virtues or uses. Herofuloua poison is one of t!:e most t!ctnif;lrc ' 'enemies of our race. Often, Our unseen nml itnfVlt 1 I tenant or tne organism undermines the roni tituliot. and invites the attack of enfoeldingor fatal diseases, ( without exciting a suspicion of it-presence. Airain, j it seems to breed infertmn Ihrouthout the Itodrrrnd i tlen. on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop j into one or other of iu hideous forms, either on the j surface or among the vitals. In the I:. tier, tuber- ' i clea may "be suddenly deposited in the lunr or i nearx, or tumors lormea in tne liver, or it phows ations on some part of the body. Hence tiie occa- j IU) f I Catrwr uv vi iihihiis mi me es.ni, ur liil.i u,Lr- Minn, mi .unit' ii.tri in in. nnnv. 1 1 1 1 1 m ihw nppi. aional use of a bottle of this Sartnnnrilla is ad- visable. even when no active svr.intoins of di?eae appear. Persons afllictcd with the following com- : plaints generally find immediate refU f, ni:d, at ' length, cure, by the use of this SA US A tA HSL- , LA: St. Anthony lir. Rote or ICryfnijtrlns, f Trtter, Salt Hheum, Scald firntt, ttiitfrtrannf ; JSore ffe9. Sore JFTaii, and other eruptions or . visible forms of Srrofutnus dise:io. Aro in the . niore concealed forms, as Dtf.iprpsin, Jtrcf ;, Henrt J)irt3r, hit; X7irjiiy y,rurittjin, ' and the various Vlrrrous aiTjcUoiia of iha uiul-u- 1 lar and nervous systems. I Syphilis or VrnemtiamX HfrrrurM Dtsrae ' are cured by it, though a lonirtiineU riuired tor ; subduing tliette obstinate mal:n!ie. ly any nuilicine. But long continued uce of this mrdrt-itie will rnte i the complaint. Zrttrorrhtra or M hitrs, t trHuB i IfirrratioH, and J-'mtnr I; twain, are coin- j monhr soon relieved and iiltiut.-iiely rtirod by ir j purifying and invigorating ellect. 3Ti';uIe Li:tv J tions for each case are found in our Aiinannr, plied gratis. Jihrumatistn aid Uouf, nhen caused by accumulations of extraneous nrfi:c.a in tlie blooil, yield qtticklv to it, as alo i.irer j Complaints, torpidity, i'ongrxUnn or Ittflttnt- mation or tne if rrr, ant I Matnire, witen un.-inp, as tney ouemlo, from the mr.ki-.ng poisons in l.. Diooti. xnts ! storer for the Those who are dent 9 Sleepless, Jwai. or or any of tlie sflVrtions , symptomatic of Mrmkmen. will flii.l liunurtdate ; "i8 " ; power upon trial. I PREPARED R T Or. S. C. 1TZR & CO., Xwell, 3Ia Practical ajiti Analytical ChrmUtt. SOLD iiY ALT. DRUGGISTS EVERTTrilErtK USE THE BEST. 1 n-arSLJ-JL r ! ii mu Nine yeara before the pnLlic, and no preparation for tlie hair has ever been produced equal to Hall's u Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewer," an 1 every honest dealer will say it gives the bast satisfaction. It re etores GRAY ILIIi to its original color, eradicating and preventing dandruff; curing BALDNESS and promoting the growth of tlie hair. Tite gray and brashy haiir by a few application is changed to Mack and eilky locks, and vaj-ward Lair ivill nssmns anv shape the nearer desires. It is the cheapest HAIR DRESS IXG in tha world, and ils effects last longer, as it excites the glands to furnish tho nutritive principle so necessary to the life of the hair. It gives the hair that splendid appear ance so much admired by all. By its tonio and stimulating properUcs'it prevents the hair from falling out, aud none need be without Nature's ornament, a good head of hair. It is the first real perfected remedy ever discovered for curing diseases of the hair, and it has never been equalled, and we assure the thousands who have used it, it is kept up to its original high standard. Our Treatise oa the Hair mailed free; send for it. Sold by all Dmgff.st and Dealers in Medicines. Price Ono Dollar Per Bottlo. R. P. HALL 6l CO., Proprietors. LABORATOKT, S.H. - 3 TTTT? CP VAT PATTCT? OF IOOX TV 11 K lit A." . Just Published in n Seated Envelope. Price Six Crn'r. A Lectnre on the lVature. Treatment and Kailical Cur of Spermatorrhea;;., or ieji- j inal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions. Se ual Iehilitv, ani ImpeJimQt9 tt Marriage I general! v ; er.ousne?. Consumption, Lpi lepsj and Fits ; Mental and iMivsical Inna p-icity. resiiltine from Self Ab is?. 4c Ky KOliEIlT J. rULVERWELL, M. D.. Author of the "Grepn Rook," ic. j The worid-rcnowned anthnr, in tL:s adin.r- I able Lecture, clearly proves from bis own : experience that the awful con5e'ii.nces of j Self-Abuse m.iv be effectually ronmreil with out meilicinesi, and without flangero'in ?ir. g;ical operatiocR, bougies, instruments, ring, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain aJ. effectual bv which trerr sufferer, no matter what his condition mnv I radicnllv. THIS LKCTL'Kk'u I I.I. l'l!t)VE A IIOUX TO T1IOUSANU3 AND THOU SAXD3. Sent under eI, to any ad-Iren, in a pl.iin se.Ied envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Also l)r. Culrerwell's "Marriage Guide1,." price 00 cents. Address the publishers, C1IAS. J. C. KLI' & CO., rost Office liox 4,58. . 1J7 Bowery, N. Y aprl7-ly JUNIATA HOTEL. JilFFUXTOWN, JCXIATA CO., PA. SI.MOX B. ALBRIGHT, Proprietor. Rooms large and comfortable the Tabfc supplied with the best the market affords Stabling large and excellent Bar constantly supplied with the choicest wines and liquors no pains will be spared to please guests. Charges moderate. A liberal share of public patronage is solicited. maylT, '71 IJA1M HOUSE. REEDSVILLE, MIFFLIX CO., PA. DAVID I. RICE, Proprietor. The undersigned respectfully calls the at tention of the public to the fact that he has leasrd the hotel property in Reedsrille, for merly occupied by Aaron Stoop, and is pre pared to accommodate strangers and travel. srs. He will spare no means to make the Hotel unexceptionable in every particular. He will exercise a personal supervision over his Bar, Table and Stable. He respectfully solicits a share or thepatronage of the public. DAVID I. RICE. . Reedsrille, April 10, 1871. Piles instantly relieved and soon cured by U3ing Dr. Brigg's Pile Remedies. They re duce inflamatisn, soothe the irritated parts, and bave proven a blessing to the afflicted, whether interns!, external, bleeding or itch ing piles. All kinds in all stages must yield to the wonderful influence of these never failing remedies. Sold by Druggists. tAteSArAJiiMMA l.i a great to- j Uioo.1, Liver, kiuwrft ar:.I U!' 1 r, ihee K tttrs haVe strcntfth and viiror of the Fvstein. 1. nn.it sncceful. S-uli . . Lananid nnd iifs. 7Vy&f.- Vitiate! If no-? .!, "cl t5 -c::er.i:r nr...!. i,-,i. . and troiihleil with S rrmm Ao- ctem U ih !.-? Y-vs ( -1:.. IHcflifal.' yinrsar i::itcn are roc a ,:e r . , Ideof Poor Rum. VVhi.L,. P.tr cl: mcf Thnl Liquors, rloclort, apinrL and tweetcrUi m'i? " c . thai l.mt IT., it ..J.. ... ,' KcMnrtn." and ' i . i r . . .. Prii.imi. p.... c' ?nd Lift They rare the Great IVood PumW "V ?uli,,!- ovator and l.i..on.,w f fu 'ki' 7r" ?'F 311 Prisonous matter a the blond to a lieiT;hv condition, cii ' "id wiwrnj and mviioratii,- !,,;(, anj K,, 1. .i8 of administration, rirmipt in ills' eai re.l. mfe and relhl.-; . LI ... L i:"iaiu. ' .11 rnrnint di.ense Person c. tk. Ih,,e BittS, accoH n- lo directious. ami i . accont- ... ... ana remain h.,,- no.t; their bones ar.- ,,, ,le,,rv,J bv nr,l JL!l T't1 S"p,,r "' U""J VaS tlia tCi.h.-f a.,.t , i..... t. i ?i ere-.onsar it h n,, eq',.. a,i .UTwlil St" turn of life. Lew I ,.,,,c r...,e.a di,r,la, deeded a JJ"'1'" a '-"il-:J iiimcmtal U joon aencp. Tor mrtnm'iinfoi-v and Cl,ron!c then niritl(ta an.l .;ir, Ijv. icm.anr l,id."-sui.i r, Tii-y arc a (.cut.; iirrratlr m. a Ionic, pme.in-: an tl.e P- nr rie,tt f Wium as a jwrjfc-r.il .-.ettt 11 rr'ev.i.x f ' .-,;; r j,, maiion .u!w L .cr zu.l V.ccroi Urjut, inU ltl Hlmit For Ss!i Dtt.iri, r.-tuhM-n, Tttvr. S,'t Riietnn, Illtkch--:, S.tots, I'lttip:-:, i'ns;..v l;u.s, t'p. hnnclrs, Kin-r n-fiu. Sci u-Hf-i-l. Sore Hv. Fr ineTi;. licit, Scurfr, Ii3c!nr-ti.:i'. t.f tlic S!;in. H jmors attj Discnes ut the Siiiii. v( w!i.ttv:r n.inw i Dttit are iiterallv tl; up a tut Ljriicd'Mit of tie svstcm in a h'-rt time br ihe -c of t'tese li itrrs. One b!i!em such cu.enill courince lUa ruot iuciculoos oi ilitw turs'i'v tf:i.ii. ' lea ie tfie Vilfafeit Ctoo: tli?n?rer vtn PnJ its impuriii-;. l;tr.iin ilnii;i tJi; jjL.inti I'rmij'es, Eruption or S'Tct; c'tr.ie it when tou tim) n stnictcd and vu4ji-.l1 i: 1; rein ; c.ea.ne it when is (itul ; your fee'ins wii! te'l you hen. Keep U; biotd pure, an-1 t!u nfilic .ysteni n i; tr. .... rate fill tliottsmt'l procU.Ti Yin-:.! B:t TCRS t!ie most woimeifu iav.otat tlut ever aMaiJCtl tlie sinkirt? system. Pin Tape, aul other TVan, lurVing ia the system of so miny tliotisnntU, aie cfcctu-nlv Ac stroyed ami removed. S-ys a ditir.t;uistieil pliysioU Dist: Tlieroi- scarce van individual uj-oii the fiKSoftb arth wliose 1kIv iie-nipt Irom tlie presence ot 'worms, lt is not up"i tlis heaitliy eieruents ot the body ilktt worms exist, but ;xm the diseased humors and shrav deposits lli.it breed lliese living monsters ot di-eaix. No system of Medicine, no reriuitiiges, no antlieimm ilics, will tree the system from wornu Ul;e Uiese Uit ter. Meehnnlral Diseases. Person- engaged ia Paints and Mmera such as P!nn.lLr l'vpe-st:tter Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance 1:1 lite, will be subiect to paralytic of the Cowclv To iiuard against this take a dose of Walker's Vinbcab UiTrku ooce or r.Ttee a week, as a Preventive. Billon, Remittent and Interinltlent FevcrSf which are so prevalent in the vaiieys of otir preat rivers throughout the United State. eseci.i!jr' those pf the Missi.-stppi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumber 1. oid, Arkansas Red, Colorado. Iaios, Rio (irande, Pearl, Alabama, Moln.e. Sarannali, ktvia el:e, Jamex k1 many others with their vnst tributa ries, throughout our entire country during die Summer and Auttimn, an 1 remarkably so during seas.fis of unusual he.it and dryness, are iavariab'y accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and lirer, and other abdominal v;bcsra. There are always more or leu obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state f tho stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, bemj dogged up with vitiated accumulation. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a pon-rtfu! intluettce upon, these vat ions orpins, is es.-eniiaJlj -cevurr. There 1 no cathartic finr the purpose equal 10 Dr. J. Wa lurk's Vinkcar IitxrERS as they will speetli'y remoT the dark-colored vised matter wi;h which the bowels at loaded, at the same time stimular-ng the secretion i-i the liver, and generally leatorius the healthy function of the digestive organs. Scrofula, or KhigM Erll, U'h te Swe?l;'igv Titers, Hrrsipela Swei.ed Neck, C.;ter. Scroiu.ou Itifl.iminat:rtti, lnd-cnt ldanimatiins Mercurial Ai fcC tions. OU1 Sores tnitittuits of ihe Skin, Sore Er. tc.,e;c lo ihee. in ail other constitutional Di ei;es, Wat. Knit's Vinhcar Hitters lve sliovn their great curative powcii in tus most obstinate aud mtrac aa1? case. Dr. VHlkersCa!iromIaTlnar Clffer act on ail these cases in a similar manner. Hv purity ng tlie lt!ool they remove the cause, ami bv resolving away the ejects of the inrf.tmnntion (the lubercular derMitl the niTected par Li receive heaidi, and a permaueut cure is effected. The pro;-rfe3 of Da. TVat.ki:N Vike.a PlTrFRS are A;eiie.ir. Diaphoretic and tTarminative, Nutritious I.ixativj, IXuretic. Sedative, Coutucr irr: tant. SJoritic, Alterative, a:.d Anti-Uiiious. Tlie Apc'-irnt sad lul'd I-ative"propenie of Da. VALK3ii's Vinkoas LtTTKR-i are the be.t sate j;anrd v.i ail cases cf eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic. h-alri, and soothing prt(erties (rrtitect the liumors of the tV.uces. Tlteir Sedative propeitiev a!7av pain in th nen-nns system, stomach, and bowe, either from inrtumrmtion, win i, colic, cramps, . llieir Couuter-lrritatit influ-rce extend throughout tlie system. Their I:uretic pntpertie on ihe Kui nevs, con-ectiiig and reru'a'.ing t'.e flow of tirme. 1 iicir Auti-Itiiiotis prtertie stimulate the liver, in the setie tion of bi!e, ami us d -tcliarges t!roui;h the biharv uuc:, aid are superior to all remedial agents, fur the cuic ( Ii.Ii:is Fever, Fev-r and Ague. etc. Fortify the boiiy a?:iiit d:eae b" pur -fvini; ah its fln.t's wiiii Vinwgsk lilTTKri No epi demic can take hold f a y:ein thus forearmed. I : liver, the stoinacli, ll-.s bowe's, the k dneys, and the nerves are reudered dseac proof by tuii great invij n:nf. Ui reef Ions. Take of ihe Bitters on going to bed at bight tfo u a hilf to o e and one ha. f Wtne-t;;aw.mli Eat goiKl notnishing food, inch as beef steals, mutton chop, venison, roast beeli and vegetables, and u'e ont-door etrrcise. Tliey are comptsed uf puiely veet able it gradients, and ciia:n no soirit. J WALKER, Prop. K H. McIf.AI.D& CO Xmr-gists nd 'ien. Agts San rramisca, 4 al.. and c?r. t Vahmsnm and Charlton Sts., New York. SOLD PY ALL DRUGCIS IS AXD DEALERS. Flour! Flour! TIIE umlersigned beg9 leave to inform ifaa -L public that Ueliaa pitrcb&aedbe GRIST MILL, in Miif ird lownship, rcccntlv owned by Jaob I.emon. and. having remodeled anl otLerwise iniiircreil the aame. is row rr- fared to Accommodate all who may furor hici with their patronage. Wheat I'lonr and Sifted Corn .Henl n! nnrs on linnrf anJ lor ale, whole sale and Ite.tail. A1o, Shvrts, lintn, Sh'p stuff ami L'h V F.r Sate. Flour and Feed will be delivered to fami lies if desired. His wagnn will visit Mifflin, I Patterson and PerrynTille three time s a week. Persons needing nnur or feed, can leave tl.eir ot lers nt the Store of John Etka in .Mi til VP, or at Pc&ntll's Store in Patterson, or addressing a note to Box 35, Patterson Post OHice. GRAIX OF Art. KfXnft I'.O U GUT AT MARKET PRICES. . P. II. IIAWN. Apr. 3, lS72-3. New Tin and Store EMabiishinenr, Ptrryrrilfr, Juniata Cii'g, I'a THE undersigned has opened out a new Tin and Stove Establishment in tie room on Railroad Street, next door to the Tusra rora Hotel, where he would be pleased to see all who are in want of Tinware. Stoves, ic. He will also give prompt attention to all or ders for Routing. Spouting and Jobbing, all of which he guarantees to put up with tha best of material and in a workman-like man ner. Having had over ten years experience in the business he Batters himself that he can give entire satisfaction to the public. He keeps on hand the celebrated Mmrod Cook Stove, which is the best baker, most economical nnd heaviest plated stove now, ia use. He will keep on hand the Orien.al Hsateis. and a general assortment ot the best Stoves manufacture 1. JOHN DUXBAK. J0HNST0WH F0UHDBY. THE undersigned, manufacturer of Jami son's Improved Plow, calculated for ail kinds of plowing, and in all kinds of ground, sold cheaper than any other Plow in the County. He manufactures all kinds of Cast ings, Bells, Stoves. Jte. He will also repair reapers and threshing machines.' Give me a call, or address. J. II. ROGERS. Walnut P. O. aug 18 18b9-tf . Juniata Co. Pa. ALL KINDS OF BLAXK WORK. done at this OHice ia the neatest manner and at low prices. . I7;epiilaf.rI:lf!!Cealin. H..,,!,,,,. . ??"r ttrt4ta of Hie Snaeh. Had la R .M;'.0'',' .': i ""A;t,cL,. P..:,,..a,i.,n f ?. lion, i.i.t.imMaii.intirt i n ... K '. ... . I"1 '"' rrrers, I'lse-isea of th I.. A. ' V ''