Cljt "jnniita jhdind. WEDNESDAY MORS4S0, JAX. 15, 167 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ON AND L" CASTWABO. Philadelphia Express 1:10 A. M. Fast Line 4:01 A. M. llarrinhurg Accommodation 11:28 A. M. Mail Train ... 0:18 1". M. Cincinnati Express WLSrWABI). Pittsburg Express f'incinnaii Express Southern Exprcve- Pacific Express- Way Passcnrer Mail Train - Fast Line 0:03 P. M. 1:'8 A.M. 1:5 A. .V. 4:08 A. M &:4:t A. M. 10:03 A. M. 3::;8 l. M. C.83 P. M JAMES NORTH, Ag'l IKrtS AN O COHNTItV. It is fiifbiotiable w fill this icy ther. Louis NapjLEox is to be buried to day. IIUNTIXUION llrts engine- a new eter.m fir The Sunday liquor law has been eu forced in California. Snow meltel and water ficely yesterday iu the gutters Mr Mickey is putting up a building for & store in Patterson. The greatest medicine to nlmte paiu aud rheumatism is "KuukcPa Paiu Shy er ' For fa'e at UauLs Sc ilamliu's Drug Store, Notice to I'ay Up. All Person knowing tut uitclvrs indebted on the Books cf D. K. SulonfT & Co , are re quested to make immediate payment. A LOT of euro planters belonging to the Center Mali Manufacturing Company were eld by the elienO", at the stable of the Juniata IIoue, on Tu'-sday. They wtre sold at f 10 and f 12 a piece. A Nl'.vtiKu of Mifiliii ladies and gen tlemen formed a sleighing paity on Tues day evening, aud drove to Thonipsou town, where tbej' sojourned a few hours, and took flipper at Mr Snyder's hotel. On last XJoud;iy Samuel Btll, of Per rnanagh township, was hurt by a loch falling on bimfrom an embankment i:i the Narrows, uLciu he was at work for the railroad company. Thkkb are bat few systems that do not at some time or other require a tonic KUNKKL S Bi'lTEK Y INK of I HON is noted for its r invigorating powers. Oo.MML'Mii set vices wt!l be held in the Lutheran Church i;f ibis place on j;ext Sabbath moiti:;i, 10th inn. l'u paratory service on S.ituidny evening, ut 7 o'cloek. WANTKi- 10.000 Railroad Ties, S feet 6 inches b" g, square at llie ends, S inches thick, 8 iuchea of a face, iu ex change for G-.ods or (reenbacks. La l un Sc BtilX. J'ulti-recu, Pa ... . Hoi LtAV.MiiiKU had a firo ou Satur day night. The ;ln;e of the Drmorratir ttaviiurd was destroyed. Sir 'J rough Las our hearty sympathy in his misfor tunc We hope that ho is fo lircutu vtanctd that the loss caujot distreps bid financially. -o. - Miss Axmk Wish, of ibis place, de hirea to inform the citizens of i;!11iuand l'attersou that the is prepared to give instructions ou Instrumental Music. Scholars will receive lesson at her resi deuce -or at their own homes, as mav be .ieeirabl5. .Adjourned Teaeheis' Institutes will be "lidhl.ns follows : At McAlh-teivisIe, J.m lth-and lSth ; East Waleif'oid, Jan. 24th and 25th, 1S73. Teacln rs, direc .tors, and all interested iu the cause ot education are invited to be present and (take part in the exercises. !. E. HoBlfcON, Co Supt Attkxtion, Juniata Scouts ! You are hereby ordered to parade in Mifiliu town, on Saturday, January 25, 1S73 1'ull uniform for inspection. Muster aud jiay 19 o'clock A. M . Py order of J K. KOBISON. Capt. Commanding. Mattiimv Ro iKUs, O. S. Senator CaAWtoitD on Tuesday in Lis place iu the Seiuite- read an act to repeal certain acts relating to the public printing in Juniata county. The JSeua tor will pass it through the Senate. It is believed that. Itepresenalive Bates will immediately act on it iu the House and Lave it pass that body. By so doing he will win the golden opinions of all the people in this county whotc good will is worth having. Public Sale. Toiias P Page will pell at public eale, at hie residence, one rnile north of Oakland Mills, Fsyette township, on the lSth of Pebiuary, at 10 o'clock, four horses, three cows, all coming fresh, eight head of young cattle, wagons, 1 reaper aud mower combined, threshing machine, horse power and shaker, hay pitcher, hay rake, aud all other kinds of farming implements. Roiif.kt Mickey and'Seferius Dough man, Patterson youths, r.grd about 1C years, collided while skating on the ice on the river, between Bell's and Patterson, on Saturday evening In falling, Douhuinn's head slruek the ice with such force that it becara" necessary j to carry iiim Lome, here lie Las since lain in a mentally di-ri'ged state, and generally speaking iu a critical condi tion. ... . . . 'A BlJgIWBIBWM j Knowledge is Power, is Wealth, j is IIappinbss- The truth of which can ' j be tufted by calling at the Dental Office i of G. L. ;ehr, emblitbed in MilHin- town in 18G0, and has been iu success- ful operation ever t-Kice, (s .the public ! - - If ro have toothache, it fa ; ll-c place to go, and have it flopped in ! five minutes, without piiin, mid without ! extracting, and nt ih; fame time can have eaid organ preserved for usefulness for life It is also tho place to go if you have scurvied gums, and 250.00 will be j paid in every case of failure to cure. It : is the place to go if run want the most brautifui sets cf Porceldia Teeih and Gums, niotttitt d upon Rubber or any of the various bases now in general use, nnd at prices to fu:t all. Teeth .filled aud built v.p with line GidJ, w.irr.mtcd to last for life. Teeth repaired. Old acts arti ficial teeth n charged for nw, or re modeled warranted t give peifectsnt isfacliun. I purpfitfe giving my partic ular atteutiou to thl pretervatioii of the Natural Teeth 1 1 i to be lametitcd that on tho part of the people ths disposition is to to the lors of the natural teeth (which, if attended to, might be !(.ved) for teetli," which at best are only substitutes ; lima catit-mg as a direct result, wh it nmny are uot aware of, a shortening of the lives of the indi viduals themselves, and also entailing on tho coining generation an imperfect" or gainsm. If persons would have their teeth examined once a year, and theu have them attended to in time by a com pttent Dentist, liiey would never know what toothache or neuralgia was, and would preserve thur U-eth aiid alio their health. C. L. DEItR. Practical Dentist. Singular ami fatal accidknt. The O.ikvillo I'.iteijnUe sys : On Fri day afternoon list, about 2 o'clock, a young goa of Mr. YV. if. Watson, of this place, agtd belwieii three aud four years aecidectly bangfd bim-:e!f iu Lis father's hog pen, iu the fjTiwtng curious iaa:i uer : The boy Lad left the house whil-j the mother was attending to some work, and on being nii.-tc! the went iu search of him to the di!f jvut places. Not fmd- g him, she went iu'o the lot iu the re:r of the house aud to her honor discover ed the ehi!d hai!,;!.: with his head be tweeu livo boards i t a partition in the pen, and dead. Ihe buy Lad evidently climbed up iLe pnni:i.':i and inst-ited his head iu the crack, nhich was scarcely wide enough to a imit it, uheu his feet slipped, and beit.g unable to help him self, he was strangled The boy was a bright, iiiiejeslin child, and no doubi the parents ft el tin: siitSJeii loss deeply, io fthich thty have the sy irpathicS of l::e c:'inmu::i:y . Tiik Somerset ILratd alls the follow ing : Miss Lizzio f io-:ft.'elt, daughter ol Henry lluusifcll, wUj Wwia about a mi!. to the south of iho t"wii, owns a most beautiful pet theep Ou one taunting of list week eha iioln:-d tht the v.'ool, of v, l. her pel has a ciont laxuiiant coat, ou olio side, ju.-t he:c the neck joins tlic shoulders, was trt'isled aud kutittod and ii.-eu up iu a sort of lump. Upon ex iiniuatiou she fouud that a rnt had made a ueet iu thu wool of the shucp, aui when she pulled the place il stuck iU bead out and looked al her as complacently as you ; lease. Ti.e rat was so tame that it was easily caught and dir-paiched. In the evening when the sheep was put back iu the stable Lizzie noticed that it went all around looking iuto the corners aud noting about aj though it were in search of something, showing that u iricocly relation -had existed betwesn the rat and the sheep The TELEGRAPH FOD DER CUTTERS, the best in the market, arc selling rapidly at PAISTE'S HARDWARE STORE. Every farmer should have one. The money paid for them is well invested. ' Buy one and be convinced. A YOUNU man, George Miller, aged IS, of l'lfafwnt Gup, met with an acci dent ou "last Friday afternoon which proved fatal. lie was as?istipg Mr Cur tin Hill, on the Shugert farm, in thresh ing, and while attempting to jump over the tumble fliaft his coat was caught by due of the kunckW, and 't he unfurtuuato by wag wiiiiled around sereu times, Si B head striking the ground every time, be fore he could be rescued. He tiied on the following morning of the injuiics sus tained. Ccn'.cr Hall Reporter, of fast ircek. . Hl SH AN'GKL, IT WILL !?.JO BE OVKR. The reporter of the Klmira Gazrt'c, who was at Netvbt-ry after lire catastro phe of Christmas iiiht, writes to that paper the follow ing account of the death of Mrs Campbell, which we copy : "Mrs 1). Campbell was holding her young child, which was cninjured, when the accident occurred. She fell near the side of Mrs. Herman. The child was crying wheu the spoke iu under tones : 'Uuh angel, it will soon be over, and she passed away Public Preis. KUNKEL'S 11 ITT EH WINE OF IROX baa reached an enviable position among medicines as a cure for Liver Com plaint, Dyspepsia and all diseases arising from a disordered Irvcr or stomach. It costs but little, purifies the blood and gives tone to the stomach, renovates the system and prolongs life. Try this val uable Tonic. For sale at Banks & Ham- jlin's Drug Store, Mifflititown, l'a. Harried : McGILL RAM3ET On the 19th ult., t the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J. A. McGUI, Mr. W. J. McGill, of Hunting don county, and Miss Clara Ramsey, of Beale township, Juniata county. 1XNI3 JUNK Ob New Tears Eve, by the same, in the United Presbyterian Church at McCoysvillc. Mr. Robert Innis anl Miss Victoria A. Junk, bath of Tuscarora Valley. Juniata county. VAXFOSSEN STAVIBAUGH On the 7th inst., by Rev. H. C. P&rdoe, Rev. Abner Tsnfossen, of Drncannon, Pa., and Miss E. Carrie SlambaugU, of MiClin, Pa. MYERS KEELY On the 9 h inst., by Rct. II. C. Shind'.e, Mr. Orri A. Myers tnd Miss Iila M. Keely, both of Thompsonlown. Iiol s liRYXER On the 20th ult., in Perry-viHc. a! the residence 'of his sister, Mrs. Smith, Jerome Bryner, aged 31 years. HINELY On Ihe 8th inst., ia Miain eouniy. Pa'., of consumption, Sarah Hinely, wife of Henry Hinely, and daughter of Mi chael Beshour, of Juniata county, aged 30 years, 9 months and 8 days. The In.ili:ot. Prices of Board of Commerce. Reported weekly for the Jdkiata Sentinel by the Board of Commerce of Mitiiin and Pat terson. Batter 'tf lb 25 Eggs, dox .. 30 Lard, lb 8 Country Soap. 8 Beeiwax 25 Tallow 8 Rags 3 Wool, washed f!0 Dried Apples 10 " Peaches, pnictl 20 " Peaches, mipnred 15 ' Cherries, pitted 20 " Blackberries 10 " Raspberries i Country llnms 12 Sides and Shoulders 7 Potatoes, j) bus 40 Onions " .- 00 Ground Alum Salt, 'jp tack 2 25 Railroad Ties 60 LociiPt Posts, mortising 8'J " " for board fence.. 15 Shellsy & Staaibar. ja's Price3 Currsnt. Corrected Weekly. Chystal l'Anrc, Miffiiiitowu, ) Jan 15, 187i. ( Prixe Roll Riiitcr, pjr i'o 25 Egfs, por doziu 8o Lird, per lb ('8 Tallow, per lb OS Bceitriix 30 Dried Apples, per !l 01 " C!icriic., seniles, per Hi 17 " " unseeded -I " r.laekberrics - OS " Hi.spberries .-. 20 Waliiats, per bus -10 Siicllljr.rka fl5 Potatoes (iO Chickens, live, per 1!) 08 Liverpool Ground Alum Salt, per sack 2 (10 D. P. Sulouff & Co.'s Prices Current. Reported Weekly. Chain. Vhi!e Wheat, "j? bus $1 75 Red " 1 70 Corn, old 50 Oats 40 l 6 00 Tiuioihy seed 3 50 Coal. Prepaid Coal, I1 ton ?5 25 Nui " ' 4 25 Pea ' 3 10 Bituminous ' 5 00 I.nmsRR. Run of Log; 4 4, "jl 1 000 ft $35 00 5-8, " 25 00 " 8-4. " ....25 OOlclO 00 " " 6-1, " 25 0:)to4000 tlemlock Frame, 20 f0 " Boards. " 20 00 Whitcpinc worked Fiocrir.g... 85 00 "' flermnr. hiding 3500 Pucrl Doors .: 2 00 to 3 00 Window Ss!i, 8x10, tl window- 15 " !'xl2. ' 75 " 10il2, " 80 " " 10x14, " 90 rilli.ADEL'tMlIA MARKETS. PutLAPEi.PhiA, Jan. II, 1S7.2. Skeoa. The dem-iti'I fjr Cloveoaced hag fallen off. ami iho offerings iiaTC increased : sales at ! n SI Jc per lb. rLorn TUe demand for fiour has improv ed, and (iriccs are well i-ustaine'l. Sulcs of 3, (WO bbls aol'i, iucludins Superfine f 1 5f(?,5 50 Extras $ O ipj 50 N. W. Estra i'r.mily $7 O'lS 00 Ouia & lad. do. do $8 Sog;) 00 renna. do. do t?8 5l'.( .0 25 Fancy Brsndc. $3 oOgfll 50 Gbain. Tiic Wheat niikt is firm, and the offerinfr-i smalt : sales of H'X) bush. Wostern redatiiti; 400 bu.h. do. amber at $2,05 and 1,200 bush. Western whito at $2.15. Rye comes in slowly, and ranged fooni 93 to 01c for Pcnn. and Western Corn is less ac tire ; the stock of old is nearly exhausted, and the recti pi j of new continue light ; sales of 3.2'IU bush, new Pen. and Del. yellow at 59aG2c. Oats are in better demand but with out improvements in prioes ; sales of 700 bush. Western white at olio ; 2,11X1 bushels Penn. do. at52c, and 700 bu!i. Western mix ed at 47o. D. P. SULOUFF fc CO., (Successors to D. K. Sulouff & Co.,j . . 23ALEES IN Grain, Lumber, Coal, fSnlt, lPln-stex, CALCINED PLASTER, CEMENT, ML The Highest Cash Prices Paid for all kinds of Grain. Lumber, Coal, &c, Sold at the Lowest Prices. Having; boats of our own we can freight Grain, Lumber, Coal, &c, cheaper than any other parties. We therefore defy competi tion. V JfiayYou can make money by calling on us before selling or buying elsewhere. Graix will ns brceivko is stobb to be SOLD BT TUB 1ST OP JDXK 1873. P. S. Our grain is not elevated on men's backs. Mifflintown, April 20,- !$72. " blatchlet's iMrnovin g Cucnmber Wood Pnmp. Tasteless, Durable, Efficient, and CLeup. Tbe best Pump tor tne least money. Atteu- Yion is especially invited to Jlilatchley's Patent Improved Uracket and rew Drop Check Valve, which can be with- " drawn without removing tbe si pnmp or disturbing the jomts. H Also, the Conner Chamber. which never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by dealers everywhere. Send for Catalogue and Price-List. - Cbas. G. It latch lit, Manufact'r, 50U Commerce St., Philada., Pa. f3 I ! m KEWADVR.T ISE1IENT8, TO THE The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of MIFFIjIXTONV iN and vicinity that hi has opened out m the BELFORD STORE-ROOM, on MAIN STREET, MIFFLIX TOWN, with an entire New Stock cf Goods, consisting of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GLASSWARE, QUEg!JSWAi?E, CBDAIIWARE, TINWARE, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HATS AND CAPS, FULL LIIVE OF GilO CERIES, COPECTIOIERY, Stationery, School Books, &c, Boots and Shoes, for Men k Boys, Ladies, Misses & Children, FLOOR AND STAIR CARPETS AXD OIL CLOTHS, TABLE CUTLERY, LOOKING-GLASSES, Eight-Day and Twenty-four-IIour Clocks, SALT by the SACK, Cheese, Dried Fruits bought and sold, Gum Boots, Over Shoes, and Sandals, Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, and Corn Meal, Quilts, Bedspreads, Counterpanes, Blankets, etc., etc., etc. All kinds of Produce taken iu exchange for Goods. Prompt payers 30 days credit. Goods delivered at any place in town when desired. CORNELIUS BARTLEY. MifHintown, Pa., Dec. 181872-tf gpardtrarf, &f. TSII3 FISA.SSCUS HARDWARE COMPANY, Main Street, Opposite Court Yarfl, jTIiflliatown, Fa., Arc offering Larue Inducements to CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, SADDLERS, SHOEMAKERS, BC1LDERS, PAINTERS, &c. They have on hand the largest stock of IIAK I W ARE, IROX, HORSE SUOKS, Nails, Faints, Leather, AND - BuiLrnra hateeial, la the central part of the State. They are selling liar Iron at 5c lb. Horse Shoes at $7.25 keg. Best Norway Nail Rods at Die lb. 11 inch Horse Ilisps at S5c each. They are selling 1J Hickory Felloes at SI 50 lb set. l Hickory Spokes at S2 00 set. No. 1 Cum Hubs at 90 i P tel. No. 1 Hemlock Sole Leather at 31c "g lb. No. 1 Best OA Leather at 40c lb. In order In close out their unitunse iloek of tbey wili sell them at COST.-t Give them a call before pur chasing elsewhere. Franriscns Hardware Co. Main Street, Mifflintown, Dec. 11, 1872-tf -j?pcriiil gelicfs. THE GREAT DISCOVERY. KimkcFs Bitter Wine of Iron. KUNKEL'S BITTER WIXB OF IRON will effectually cure all diseases arising from a disordered liver and stomach, such as con stipation, flatulence, inward piles, fullness of blood to the head, acidity of tbe eloinach, nausea, heartburn, disgust for food, fullness or weigbt in the stomach, sinking or flutter ing at the pit of Ihe stomach, swimming at the head, hurried or difficult breathing, flut tering at ti e heart, choking or suffocating sensations Vhsn in a lying posture, dimness of vision, &c. Price $1. per bottle. . F. Kunkel, proprietor, 259 North Ninth street, below Vine, Philade pliia. Ask for Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron, and take no other. If your druggist has it not, send $1. to my ad dress, and the medicine, with free advice, will be sent to you at once ; direct as above. FebiS, 72-6in The oldest and most reliable Institution for obtaining a Mercantile Education. IgayPractical business men as instructors. For information, write for a circular to P. DOFF & SONS, Pittsburgh, Pa. novG-3m,eora CATJTI05. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against trespassing by bunting, or in any other way, on the farm on which I reside in Fer managh township. All persons offending will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. . WflSOX RODISUN. PUBLIC ! New Store and New Goods. GEOCEEIES, PE0VISI0NS, &C. Maia Strast, Miffiintcwn. HAVING opened -ont a GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE in the old stand on Main Street, MifHintown, I would respect fully ask the attention of tbe public to the following articles, which I will keep on band at all times : SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, RICE, FISH, SVLT, DRIED AND CANNED FRUIT. HAM, SHOULDER, DRIED BEEF, Confectioneries, Nuts, &c., rrol:i"o, CiJ Jii"!S, GLASSWARE, lyiojn, Feed, Nco. All of which will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. Give me a call and bear my prices. Mimintown, May 2, 18 J. W. EIRE. oaslo rs kiscsiit," "Omd KKaats,- k"sriui(a flowkrs." srvvrrt rLOWEas," wini n. rnrrnr wrm.Y wursi.T rntus-j TIAji AT nUHl (UMMOluutad), lor ITtro cf llcCirr cr tlo J f " WldJ Mtnewlutt K9llr. Sttccribcn fnlbI AT ON CI wltb Uilr turam AGENTS, tun tnbc butter tm-mi . otaa pcDi.kurh AdAms, W.ADAM? j . H.I. i NEW DRUG STORE. BANKS & HAMLIN, Alain Street, JlifflintoKn, Pa. DEALERS IN DttlCS AID 1IEDKI.1E8, Chemicals, Dye Stuff, Oils, Paints. Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Coal Oil, Lamps, Burners, Chimneys, Brushes, Infants Brushes. Soaps, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brashes, Perfumery, Combs, Hair Oil, Tobacco, Cigars, - Notions, an 4 Stationary. LARGE VARIETY OF PATENT MEDICINES, selected with great care, and warranted from high authority. Purest of WINES AND LIQUORS for Medi cal Purposes. tSgT PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with great care, mal6'72-ly New Lumber Yard, . Patterson, Pa. BEYER, GUYER & CO. Have opened a Lumber Yard in the bor ough of Patterson, and are prepared to fur nish all kinds of Lumber, sucb as Siding, Flooring, Studding, Paling, Shingles, ath, Sash, in large or small quantities, to suit cus tomers. S, Persons wanting Lumber by the ear load can be supplied at reduced rates. 4 BEYER, GUYER & CO. George Goshen, Agent. Pattarson, May 15, '72-tf HOLIDAY GOODS! I have added to my extensive variety o LAMPS and TABLE GLASS WAKE, 86g- MOTTO CUrS and SAUCERS. MOT TO MCGS, and TOY TEA SETTS, in grent variety. Also, VASES and FANCY TOILET SETTS, of the handtometl du-gm These goods I have imported directly from Europe, and my prices are as low as any Im porter can sell the same goods in either this eity or New York. ; A. J. WEIDNER, Nos. S3 South 2nd and 29 Strawberry sts,, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B My stock of CHANDELIERS, es pecially adapted to Churches, is very large. Books of Drawings, 'showing the des'gn of each chandelier and bracket, will be sect on request. novC-2 mos LARGE stock of Ready-made Clothing for sale by liARLEY & CO. 5rjj ttofiflj, 6rrrw5,.(3tti;jn$trarr, &r. $18,000 WORTH GEHEHAL MERCHANDISE, AT JUSS NOV OPENED AT TILTEN & ESPENSCHADE'S, Urilj Street, 3IUIIiutown, THE LARGEST, THE NEWEST, ' : . THE CHEAPEST, And the 3Iust Attractive Stock of Goods ever Brought to Milllintown. 0 w1! (Si DRESS GOODS IN LNDLESS VARIETY OF PRICES AND STYLES. Black Silks, Drap Do Alma. Imperial Reps, Jamiso, Caelnneri Rave, Australian Crape Empress, Tiatest Canton Clotlis, &e., &e.," IN GOOD VARIETY. We respectfully solicit an ex itxiination before purchasing vlcwherc. Any and teerything, tnch at Sliairh, Cloti. (iimcrrt. Flannels : Pdanhets, L'xdcrvcur, Hosiery, Clares, If-., WHll'E GOODS DEPARTMENT, Of any aud everything at prices which defy competition. Owl? Shoe Heartriieiitj One of the lest in the county, i-uibrarin all the Xcvr an:l IVst fules for the Fall sod Winter Trade, f-r I-idii. Jlissis and Children the same exclusively for our trade at prices to suit all purchasers. Every oair warranted Grocery and Queensware Department. For our Grocery ami Quccnswarc Department wc have sc'cuml one of the fiutst rooms in the county in the OJJ fellow" H-.iU. Just opened one of. the largest nnd best stocks of Goods ever brought io the county, all of which are kindly submitted to the inspection of all our numerous friends aud customers. For quality and prices we defy competition. EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED. " LOW PRICES FOR CASH " OUR MOTTO. TILTEX & ESPEXSCIIADE. Oct. Si), 1872-1 y D. W. BARLEY & CO.'S Is tbe place where you can buy TIio best and tlic ClietipoKt MENS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, EATS, CAPS, BOOTS, S20Z3, AND FTJBlTlSniNGr G00B3. WE arc prepared to exhibit one of the mont choice and sal.'ct Stocks ever offered in this market, aud at .'STOXISHIA'G LOW flUCES : Also, measures taken for Suits and parts of Suits, t. hich will be m.-.tic to order, at short notice, very reasonable. Remember tho place, in the Nevin B'lildinj Store, BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. DR. P. C. RUKDSO, PATTEItWOiV, Xy., DEALER IN EVERYTHING THAT CONSTITUTES A FIEST-CLA?. The public attention is also invited to Lis Tarj;? assortment of Perfected mVHmPh Snectacbs. All persons who are in need of Spectacles will find it to their aclv.itit;i to call, as they will find the largest stock in the conuty to seh-ct from.' CtlMK AND HAVE YOUR EYE-SIGHT RESTORED. Al-o. a spl. n.lul assottmei.tof TOILET ARTICLES FOR THE LADIES, With an mmenso stock of and old, at the VALStaRLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE THE undersigned offers for sale the follow ing property, situated in- Mil?ord twp.. Jnniata county, Pa., 2; miles west of Patter son and mile from tbe P. R. It. bounded by lands of James North on the north sod east, and by lands of E. S. Doty on the south and west, containing Eight Acres and Seventy-Six Perches, all in a good state of cultivation. The Im provements are as follows : 22 1 30, with basement and eight rooms, three clothes presses and two halls ; also a good BANK U.VUN, Z-ii-IG, well arranzud ; als.i Spring Honse, Smoke House, and other ne- !- cessary outbuilding?, Ihere is also an abun dance of fruit on Ice premises an Orchard of over 50 trees, 29 being in bearing condi tion, also Cherries and Peaches. There is a good Spring of never-failing water near the house. TERMS i Price $2,.r,00. One thon?and dollars to be paid on Ihe 1st of April, 187.1, when Deed will be made and possession given. Tbe balance in payments to suit purchaser. tall at tbe premises, or a t tress A. J. HERTZLER, Patterson, Juniata Co., Ta. N. B. If desirable, the purchaser can buy thirty acres more, adjoining the abeve prop erty, under cultivation, at $o0 per acre. Administrator's ffotice. Eitate of Mary MutmeY, deceased. MHE undersigned, to whom Letters of Ad- M. ministration on tbe estate of Marv Messimer, late of Mifflintown, dee'd., have beea duly granted according to law, hereby gives notioe to ail persons indebted to said estate to come forward and make payment, and those having claims against it. to pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. JOSEPH ROTUPvOCK, Adm'r. Oct 9, 72-6t 4 9! 0 two doors wc?t cf the Keystone may 3, lS-72-tf NOTIONS 4SSomethiiig for everybody, young PATTERSOX DRUG STORE. The Place for Hoc! Grape-vines IS AT TIIK Junhta i)al(fj iHucnnrbs, AXD GBAPE-VISE MF-SllKY. r",HE nndcraiguVl would repeclfut!y in X form the pu' !'i: Ont lie ha starred a Grape-vine Nursery about one mile nor: bi-att of Mifflintown, where be lias been testing a lare number cf l'.;o il'..;.-.-et:t virieii. cf Grapes; aud hating been in the business for seven years, he ij now prepare! to f'uni.h VINES OF ALL TJ1K LEADING VARIETIES, ANM..OLf THU iMOSV PROMISING KINDS, AT is O W 11 A T t : s . bythesinte vine, dozen, hundred or tuuii sani. All perti-iis wishing oad and ihrifi v vines will do well to call and see fr tiicm elves. toy Good and responsible Agcntv wan:cd. Address, JONAS OSEUHOLTZER. Mifflintown, Juniata Co.. l a. BROCKERIIOFF HOUSE, BELLEFONTE. PENN'A. D. J0HNST0JT & S02I3, Froprietorr. The "CrookerhoJ Honre" bas recently lern refitted and ctberwiie greatly improved, en I is now under the proprietorship of D. John ston ft Sons, foriOT?y of tho "Leonard House" in Clearfield, Persons visiting Rellefonte on business- cr pleasure vriil find this a eonve aiaut and pleasant placo to stop, frts Dots to and front the Zhfct. Not 1, 1871. 1)LAIN and Fancy Job Printing neatly exe cuted at this OBice.