Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, January 08, 1873, Image 2

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Juniata Sentinel.
. m i r r l i v t t w s-WH-'netd7
Morning, Jan. 8 1873
editor rnoraiRToR.
G EO. P. ROWELL & CO, 40 Park Row, New York
S. M. PETTENGILL & CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y,
Are our ioU agents ia ihul eity. aai r au
thor'ied to contract for ailTenising at our
Iowei ra'ei. Adrerti'em in that city are te
ueiel to leave ibeir favors with either of
th" at'ove house.
CitGR'83 is airain in ession-
Thr Constitutional 'onventiou has re
acts nbled at Piiiladelphia.
E - -
At Columbus, Ohio, late on St irday
light, the shock of an earthquake was
Uou. John A. Ii was iiiannratcl
Governor of New York at Albany on the
, . '
Thk Johnstown. Catnhria eontitr, I'ot I
Uttice ta i,ot.ia on t. ifursaa y i
night ol eome fifteenliundred letttM. j
Surveyor General Beat h has our thank j
tor a copy of th Annual Report of the '
Purveyor General of the Oommonwealih
for the year ending Nov SO, 1872. j
core,,, ... rrcr.pv o, u And wliyi .i. dw , civiliz.ng
copy of the message of bw excellency J j Biiw onW)ird
John W Geary to the jn-ral Assemb- . . c . , . , . -
7 mental refining an-1 moral iiivigoiatmg
ly of this T, mtnonweaUh. for which we h mmiat 0w
,,.,ndu.biscxcrlleicy our thanks. 8wt.blt the IIlnb,.r f tho ,
Thk IygisUtnre convened at Harris-' m tnkind I SUI fiom a want of prov-
hur on Tu"sdar G. K Anderson was : itlence in the individuals themselves.
.lecteil Fpe iker of the Senate, and Iini- J This old uiaik of their primitive condi-
' H Eirctt chief cleik. Ir. Uliott was ' tin teaches them to avail themselves ol
'ickid Speaker of the Lower House. j the j roiiience of others, and to piofit
- 'andrelv (or support upon the labor o!
I I CKXTLV at a trial of conetderablw : . , .
siieli a eudetv ir to tecure tlieniee ves
itilert-si. in K iinc. where the couit neiui . ..
, . , . , 'itnst einerg-iictes. I hey neln-ve that
r.iis iro di-d, the tiickp ciets let looe a . .
1 these very emergencies make great m 11,
trained lira, which saied around the ... . ,
, , .. . . . as if the reverse was not the ease, and
heads of the audience, attracting their; , , - .
.... . . . , thst gieat n e i for great emergencies are
. . . .
pockets tu irl.ive the pockets o! the
aadi ' c.
A diiatch fnm Chillicothe. Ohio, of
the 4'h inst. says : A very strange and :
fatal disease is prevailing among thetat
tle in Franklin township, this connty,
the symptoms of wbich are spasms and
general weakness. No cattle thus attjttk-1
ed have yet recovered, generally dying
in a very few hours from the first attack
A Mrs. Lampley, a resident of Bilii
more, was murdered in her own house on
the cvenios of ilie 3rd. iust , while her
hiisbiind and daughter whereat the thea
ter. Tbe boue was rubbed of thirteen
hundred ddla:s in greenhaeks, gold and
nlvtr. causes great excitem int. o ao-:
, . , . . , , ,
soinie m.irks of injury were found on the
, , , . , . . . . , i
toly of t!ie deceased. I t ti is believed i
, -.ill, .11 I
tliat she was either clinked, smothered or
. i .... . . . .,
Ji-MF't;i,-. i ui-ie IS o,, ciuts y V.t, lJ HOT
murderer Trunks and cupboards were
broken open by the ro bers.
Wb have been assured that Senator
("riwtord will place himself in accord
with ihe will of the people in this coun
ty, irrespective of paity, and pass a re-pt-ul
of the printing Uws that afflict this
county, through the Senate. Mr Hates.
our representative, can as readily pass it
through the House. No member outside
of his district will iuterfere wiib bis local'
affairs, and it is not believed that he ill j
place himself under the influence of men
from this county who may appear at
Harrisburg to move him against the re
peal. Mr Bates is master of the sitna
lion, nod. knowing hie Fights, will doubt
led mait tain them.
All the farm utensils, horse-1 cattle and
hom-hold goods belonging lo the Greeley zlig from and mutilating letters iu the
family, at Chabbaijua, were sold at auc- j Sharou post office. It is alleged that
tion on the 14t:i. The cattle sold at or- j numerous money letters have heeu miss
dinary lates, the oxen going at from S62 e, f,m the office, and lhat others were
to SS9 per yoke ; the cows from 810 to found' to have heeu opened just enough
$50. and a fine Alderny bull, valued at to allow a person to see whether or not
8600, for S30. The famous old row, 24 ibey contained money. Young Williams
years old. which had fin uished milk for ja nephew jf the postmaster, and is
Mi. Greeley s children and was quite a charged wtih being tbe guilty paity.
historic old creature sold for S7 50. The He had a preliminary bearing before
grain went off at low rates also It is Commissi uer M'Caudless, aud was com
rated that the farm will be cultivated j ruitted to jail for a bearing on Tuesday
next year by tbe young ladies, probably 1 next.
on shares with soon- mauager. Tbe to
tal amount realized for cattle grtn. pro
render, farm utensils house and kitchen
f t niture. dtc . was less tbau $1 000, pro
bahly a filth the original valuatton
Xkws from California under date of
the 3rd iust , relates tbe following Indi
an twmbW : Thf trnrps ih u h .va b-eu t
operating agaiuft the & paches near Camp 1
Verde, in Arizona, returned to their camp
on Decembor 17 Lieutenant Bice com- sam coudiioin, attacked bis wife, kick
maud ing a detachment of the Fifth cav-1 ing her severely. Mis. Kaue coming to
airy and thn Hailapa acohfa fought the
Apactes twice in the Bed lx.-k country
in which they killed thirteen warriors, '
captured several women with their cbil-;
dren, and destroyed large quantities of
Indian supplies.
A detachment under Captain Price
captured eleven prisoners, mostly women, j
Another expedition destroyed several
camps, ueuerat uroon nas n s enure i
mounted force in the field, and they are
now moving in every direction against
the Iudians Captain Randall's force
had several engagement in tbe Tonto
basin, and killed twenty five warriors
eud captured t!-tr wtnnra tod children.
If to civilise means to refiue and to
educate, and if this American people are
making progress in tbe scale and grade
of civilii it ion Low happens it tliat tbe
number of "persons growing op and over
to barbaric tendency seems like
wise to increase I In treating of bnman
life and cliaracter, i it not jrnu roost
rational view tu decide tiiat tbe beneficial
lives at tbe expense rf tbe profitless, and
that a tbe good iiicreaees, tbe vicious
and uninteresting will correspondingly
diminish T ' But we arc told, and wiib
mnrb truili too, Jhat man does Hem or
dained to carry some ol tbe defects (
bin original savagery whli hiui to the end
He may enter uu new lite, may adopt
honest, heavenly resolutions, may ob
serve strictly these better and purer
guides of action, and vet ibwngh bis
whole career and every experience, signs
of hi? old and former I unity condition
may he traced. We open Finland's
book of history, with her boasted civili
cation, only to see her most prominent in
pauperism, so far as we are informed, as
superficial appearances ixrend We go
on to tbe continent, to the homes of hero e
and miters in civil zation only to re
cognize iraj)rovii!ence that charavteiiKtic
of ti e ru le and nut in;;hi a the feature
of b"th time and j.lace. And here in
tliia vwrr jvniiftrv t.wi1iiv ill tliia mnil. 1
, , , . , , ,
world of our own, wliep; eclucat:oti, like
a peretitiial vitality, seems to pervade the
ration, there is more helplessness, more
woltlli(WnMll morc aimless and oljcl
le(g m,. allJ wometf than ia consUtei.t
' abound and healthfol Mate of tin
lional civ lisition. And why is this I
J't because civiliiition is imperfect iu
lf. more especially brcauss il is
imperfect from a want of its universality
i fou:id, ly Go l, iu his leading them
ifou:id. ly Gol, in hi;
tlirooh a cnuie of discipline, and thui
era io iitlv littit'.g and preparing t em for
fuir w nk. Ami says a modern thinker.
mean it in no irrev rent seuse when 1
say that there has been a series of Chrixls,
whose appearance' has denoted tho de
parture of old dispensations and be in
auj - uratiou of new. Some men have
. aiisen who have torn down temples, ami
'demolished idols, and swept away sjs
terns and knocked off fetters, mid intro-
duced their age into a freer belter aud
larger lift aud it will always be so
while time ehall last " Teach them the
other and interior element in huuiau na
ture, the story of undeveloped resources
r.... i.A .......... .... a.
iieculiar food that it is not sale, or gpn-
erous, or manly to eit quietly down, fold
' ?, . .
the arms and cotiiposeuly say " W hat is
thr-re ltft lor me to do t" U heu all once
learu ibat wherever true civilizatioLi exists
men will aiise rufEcietit for the demands
of their age, and that the region of
thought is boundless and cxhaustlees.
and that same is true of the world of
matter and of men Then will there be
less waiting for more favorable periods
aud fewer companion!- to sit with tbe
fool on his j mrney to wait on the bank
till ike river flows by Then will the
great impediment to the entire scheme of
civilization be removed, and theu w ill all
tribes and races move on to a perfection
in national culture and refinement.
Tub Pitl-bnrg Mail of last Saturday
says : Yesterday morning Thomas Pen
der. United Stales officer, arrived in the
city from Sharon Mercer comity, hav ng
in charge a young man named Samuel
Williams, who is charged with emb z
A M61 horrible uiuner was perpetra
ted ou last Thursday night at Newark,
N J. Iti discovery caused most intense
excitement Joliu .Wuiphy, saloou keep
er. murdered his mother iu law, M.ny
Auu Kaue. It seems Mis Kaue and
her daughter Mrs. Murphy, had been.
di inking quite baid ou Thursday, aud
.Murphy coming nume drunk iu tbe
evening, ami finding die women iu the
'her daughters assistance ao eu raged
Murphy that he took an iron instrument
for titling stove lids, striking her ou the
bead and face with it until she fell to the
fl air aud died. Tbe muideier made bis
escape m
A CaLUouman Ins made tbe disco v
tTj l(jat p.trol,.uin can be used as a fuel.
at , greM, jj Ma C0Bt ,i,au euer w
or coal
In New England the leceut cold term
is proujunced ihe lougest and severest
that hat been experienced for forty ) ears
New York bad fitiy fires last week
and lost property valued at 12,567,760.
mvY' it-a vmuicT op mukubk
. I.N TUB flKKT DhOHfcB.
Nbw Yoke. Jan. 4 After an ex
bauslive excoriation of the witnesses
against Stokes, Mr. Tremaine closed bis
.mi foment for the defence. lie was
- n r
followed by Mr. Beach for tbe prosecu
When Beacb bad concluded tbe Judge
at once proceeded to deliver hi charge.
After complimenting the jnry and the
counsel, aud also the press for abstaining
from criticisms on ihe case, he charged
that all questions weie to be discar-ied
wbich here upon the character and habits
or social surrouudii.gs of either the de-eea-cd
or ihe prisoner The killing be
ii.g practically conceded, the que-tiou
was wli. tlier that killing was crime It
was agreed ou both sides that the killing
was either murder in the fiist degree,
manslaughter iu the third degree, or jus
tifiable homicide. To determine the
point al irsue it was important to con
sider whether there were two pistoh-
found, and whether the prisoner was
acting in self defence He lb-n explain
ed ihe theory of tbe prosecution, lhat
there were two. lie intimited that the
jury might consider another theory, viz
that the pi tol found by a lady was drop
ped by tbe prisnuer, although this theory
was it reconcilable with the testimony
No one testified to seeing a pistol iu
risk s hands except the prisoner i lie
silence of the prisoner whtu arrested did
ot i-ecessarily involve guilt. If the
jnry hi lieved that the prisoner fired fiom
premeditated design to kill, without being
in danger, or reasonably hi li-ving him
self iu danger, they should find a verdict
of murder ill the first degree, unlrss ihey
loiind a verdict of manslaughter in the
third degree On ihe latter point they
ere lo c nsider if there was conflict,
aud whether the cliaracter of Fisk as to
lead to ail apprehension of danger On
lhat point only, namely : Whether ihe
deceased was personally a violent or dan
gerous mau or not, were they In consider
bis character. It was the duty of the
pri.-otnr to satisfy them that the
killing was not murder His Honor then
explained the kind of doubt to which the
prisoner w .? entitled, aud. in conclusion,
said il would be a great niisfurtuue if tbe
jurv now disagreed.
At ten minutes past eight o'clock the
jury retired, bi ii g allowed two hours for
such deliberations as would enable them
to form an opinion as to their respective
opinions and the probability of agree
inetit. and to repoit the sa i e to the court,
and either it lie lacked up for the nighi
or giveu a longer time to come to a ver
dict, the couit to await their fiat.
The jury came into court at 11:12
o'clock, having been absent about three
hours, and, in reply to the usual inter
rogatories, answered :
Fori in m of the Jury. "Guilty of mnr
der in the first degree "
At ihe moment that these woids pars
ed the lips of the foreman there arose in
the court such a terrible, piercing wail
from one of the young ladies dresred in
deep mourning, lhat il seemed to curdle
the blood of every tr-.n aud woman in
court None who heard il will ever for
get it 1 he young la iy who uttered ibis
cry fell foiwaid with her tace proim on
the ehoulder of ihe p'isnner. Horace
Stokes, the brother, burst into tears, and
all bis friends and lelations, by one im
pulse, as they clustered around him seem
ed lenibly affected.
The District Attorney moved ihnt the
heuteiice of the law hi: pronounced, but
at the suggestion of Mr. Tremaine, the
Judge deferred passing sentence uutil
As Stokes stood up to leave the court
he spoke bitterly to Mr. Beach. He
said, as he rose :
'Mr. Beech, you shou'd he well satis
fied with your work, and I hoje you are
satisfied for you did il well '
Mr. Beech (exciredly) No. Mr. Stokes
I am not satisfied with my work.
Then Slokes' liieuds gathered around
him and got between him and Vr. Beach
as it was feared that a collision ni'ght
take place. Mr Tremaine got tip to
leave the court with Stokes, and as he
did one of the j irors, a small d ok fealur
ed man, with a high h it, loaned forward
over I he jury box aud said to Mr. Tre
maine :
"VVell, Mr Treradne, I bops that yon
do lint feel any way bad against .us, as
we tried to do nnr duty. I am sure you
did yours, aud worked as bard tor Stokes
as if he was your own sou."
Mr. Tremaine. 1 have nothing to say
But how did you etand on tbe jury
Jury mau. Well, I do not thiuk I have
any right to state that, sir.
District Attorney Fellews. Oh ! there
is no harm ; now it is all over yon may
speak your mind
Juryman. Well, wstotd, going our.
ten for conviction and two for acquittal.
Mr. Bos Passnus (one of Stokes couu
sel) Yes and those two gave in like era
vens and cowards. . Sensaliou
Slokes (to the jurymen) Why, you
don t mean to lell me, as honest men.
that any of you believed in the testimony
of that scoundrel llait 1 Wby, I am
sure there is not one man of the twelve
believed ill bis heart what he said or did
1 know how it is. Every one has been
buinhnggd by false aud peijured testi
mony. nought aud paid for. . lhat is the
truth, so help me God, at this solemn
moment "
Stokes walked out of court arm in arm
with Mr. Tremaine, and followed by the
sobbing ladies, who clustered around him
and held his hands as if they never would
... . i .
let go of bim And thus ends tbe sc '
rmd act of this, the most exciting of mod-'
ern criminal trials. Stoke was taken
down to the cell in the Tombs, accom.
pauied by Deputy Sheriff Shields
Stokes ha been sentenced to be exe
cuted ou the 28 h f February.
From ibs OmiLa (Neb). Iles'ld. Dee. 28.
8ome time ago the Uniou Pacific rail
road aud the Omaha Bridge Transfer
company determined to make an earnest
and practical effort to p". event gambliug
.... i . ,,
in the cars 1 hey issneii orders to all
conductors lo put gamblers off from all
their trains, and if they had any qnes
tion as to the legal aspects of the matter
ihey det- rtnined to fake their chances
Last evening when the lime came foi
the 5 o'clock transfer train to leave the
Uniou I'acilic depot the cond ictor, Mr
lohu w'tley, discovered two well known
gambh-rs sealed in a car. They are
known here by the name of Big Matt
and Johu Snllivan. Tbe conductor told
them they must quit the train, aud they
assured him that they were pasrengeie,
and that they must cress tbe rivtr iu
that train
They woulJ not leave, aud they did
not believe they could be put out. The
conductor called ou Captain Paine, the
depot policeman, lor assistance, and ihey
accompanied by other railroad employees
entered the car again Capt. Paine ad
vanced lo Big Malt, to arrest or remove
him ; and took bold of bis shoulder Ai
ibis Matt ell nek a blow with a revolver
wbich he held in his hand, atti cut n
de-p and uglj ga-h over Capt. Paiae's
right eye.
The gamblers cocked their pistols and
backed into a corner, from wbich they
could not be removed without bloodshed
The railroad men went to tbe depot for
weapons, aud to await arders tu suit the
emergency, wbich, as Will be seen had
now come to be serious It looked as if
blood must be shed, or the Company back
down from its oider
A telegram was sent to Superintend
ent Shelby asking instructions. He or
dered the conductor to take a sufficient
force of mployet-s, arm them, aud eject
the gamblers from the car. The clerks
at toe depot office were, then provided
with loaded pistols, aud accompanied toe
conductor aud Captain 1'aiue back to the
caa. Meantime tbe gamblers In.d left
and the traiu, well guarded with tbe
irmed clvrks, crossed the river without
U e have since learned that Big Matt
and his companion cio.Med the river ou
hrt icu. Marrhal Kimball repaired to
he bridge on the first intimation which
he received of the trouble there. It is
scarcely necessary to say, that he will
preserve the peace, and ibat be always
has a competent force under his command
to do so. It Ktg Matt or Sullivan return
to Nebraska ihey will be arrested.
A HUM EH in toe vicinity of Branting
ham Luke, N. Y., recently shot al a
irge buck, when the animal dropped as
if dead. After cuif'ig a pole to hang
(he deer on. and m king other jr part
lions for dressing the caicas. be ap
prnached the deer, and with his b-fi hand
took hold of the antleis. The buck
jumped to his feet and charged upon the
buutef who clung to the horns and struck
at his antagonist with a small hatchet
The hatchet struck one of the antlers,
and glancing feil from his hand ; where
upon '.he buck stat te.t off on a rnn with
tbe huntei clinging to his antlers. After
tramping about for some time he was
tossed upon a log, the duer standing close
by and watching, but not offering to to- ke
another attack. After eyeing each other
for a short lime, the hunter again grasped
the dier's antlers and shook his head,
but could not provoke him to attack. He
then went iu search of his rifle, and
found ii so broken as to be unserviceable
Having no arms to fight with, he aban
doned the contest and reached bis shanty
somewhat brutsrd arid tired out
At Cleveland, Ohio, de-patch, under
date of Jan., 3rd, says : This afternoon
a train bound north on the Beaver Val
ley branch ol th Pittsburgh, Foil Wayn
aud Chicago railroad stun k a broken rad
il -ar Moral ia b -ut five miles south of
New Castle, and the train, consisting of
baggage car "lid three coaches was thrown
down mi eiubaukment
Two of tbe coaches were burned, bat
none of the passengers were burned or
killed. One old lady had a leg b okeu,
and a man was badly hurt about the
head. Twenty others were slightly in
jured. J, ......
Medical scieuce has lately made a
frightful discovery. One of the most
eminent professors of Paii has submit
ted to the academy an invention of his
own to kill animals by blowing air into
their eyes. A few seconds only are re
quired for tbe operation, which, besides,
causes little suffering. Expeiiments, it
is affiimed, have been made at -A 1 tort
which have succeeded , perfectly. One
remaikable feature in. this new method
of killing is that it leaves no traces be
hind it, Suit il is as applicable to humau
beings as to animals
. Recollection of tbe assassination of
President Lincoln is brought afresh into
the public mind by the application of the
owner of the barn wherein Booth look
refuge, aud which was burned, for indent
lily. - His petition is before tbe Senate
Committee, he being admouiehed that
the establishing of his loyalty is a prime
Seventeen hundred emigrants have
arrived iu Now York since New Year's
A large number of tbem des-
titnte Italian.
California has tbe epix -otic
Four narrow guage railroads are pro
jected in Utah.
An American belle abroad is betrothed
to Bismark's son.
' In Eastern Maine tbe snow is nearly
three feet deep on a level.
Governor lVrham. of Maine, was inau
gurated ou the 2nd iust-
There was a very general observance
of New Year's Hiy at Paris.
An Iowa man cannot remember where
he hid a coffee pot full of silver, during
the war. '
The number of men who want to be
Senator from Missouri has bceu reduced
io tbiueen.
The Democrats of Sew Hampshire
held a State. Convention ou the 2od u.t.,
aud nominated a State ticket.
A women in Le Sueur county, Minne
sota, has applied for a divorce from her
sixth husband
A club of fitWn familii-s in Pittsburg
pay a doctor $2,5 each per year to doc
tor them at wholesale.
Robert Grant, a son of thn President,
now in the senior class at Harvard, has
just been elected class poet.
Font warmers are now supplied in the
railroad carriages in three of the rcat
Hues iu England.
A Yankee Las invented a patent bird's
est to keep the feathered songsters from
spending their winters south
Tueie is a great demand for wood
choppers in the iiorthrrn counties of t'jj
iloruia, .nt from SCO to S75 a month.
Lliribeth Mink, and elderly lady fell
from tin- third story window of her resi
dence, in Baltimore, ou tbe 1-t and was
instantly killed.
The Mormons are petitioning Heaven
to prevent the spread of tbe sni illpox in
their iovily valley, unless it can be coo
fined to tbe Gentiles.
A .san Francisco Chinamen has speci
mens of such tea as the mandarins drink
worth in this couu try twenty dollars a
Tbe women of Colnmhns, Ua., have
discarded silks and satins and are wear
lug the plaids and checks manufactured
iu that ci'y.
By a collision on the Macon and Wes
tern Railroad, thirty seven miles from
Atlanta, ou the 2nd, eight colored persons
were killed ami thirteen injured
A black liear undertook to hng Mis.
Maon, ot Vicoiiiiii, io death, but she
j ibb-d the tip f an umbrella into hi ,
eye, and be sucended. I
i ne UHiawure uin;a i. in ew i uric, ;
i't t, i t i - i
live in frame hoti, wear cu'-away coat
ana i-i.tu-i up co.iar.. ran in otiine ana
comproinisH at tif;y c-nt on a dollar, and
are getting (juite civilized.
A San Francinco man laughed nntil he
had tbe cramp to see a lady 'a' I throngh
a trap door in his ri iewalk ; but be ner
ermded when the court informed Litn
he mut pay S"00 for hi xport.
Mr. tir.dtii9 i aaid to take as mn:!i '
inter't In iree culture as Horace (Jreilev
did When t bi miumr I f l..wA....
be tak-s up much time
ritb hi little
Central Sherman tf-U of tbe dioiay
of a frouiieri-mau ben lold there would
not be an Indian war that vear. "Wby
good iod,'' faid be, " in care of peace
what fh.ill we do wiib our bay J"'
After a lde of peculiar vicissitudes,
comineiiced a a circu rider and culmin
atinir a a priucers, tho I'rince Salm-'
, , , .. I
balm closes her romantic careei a a nun
tu a onveut at bleak Iuusbruck in the
Iti not ereirerallv known that the
' -
leaveB oi con e piaut are enmue io oe
ued like the berries, and in some coff. e
gniwing land, Java for instance, are pre
ferred by tbe natives to the choicest ber
ry for making the favorite decoct ion
The Minicy Luminary man has dis
covered a bullet mold over one hundred
years old. It-is ra ide of brass, and 2-i
bullets id d.ffeieut sile cau be cast at
It belong tu tl. i. eb.-ter of.
Vj A. Pollard, the Southern historian.
who died recently, wa v
wy PPyw
hi dninesiic relation ; bis first wife di-d
1 Mlrr IDe "owyw. ua oe was
J. t r .1 . . i.
arvorcea iroin lira oini-r i wo tnom ne
was divorced frin the other two whom
he rubsequeiitly married.
It is said thatl'boma Durfee, of Ports
month. U J., whose wife was burned to
death last week, told the neighbor at the
t me that he should live but a few days
and wanted his wites funer I to be de
. ,red. that he might be buried with her.
He died ou Weduesday.
Tbe family of A. Culp. residing at
Decatur, 111., were taken sick after break- j
last on Friday morning. A physician
f..tmd a paper of arsenic placed in the '
pump Ironi which the water was taken
and used at breakfast Seven perrons
re very ill, bill are not in danger
A San Francisco pa ier expressed the
unqualified belief that if Judas Iscaiiot
had lived in that city be would" never
have hanged himself, but would have
stood a couple ol trials, disbursed his
thirty pieces of silver iu a judicious man
ner, and beeu a free man to day.
The sharp t so far this month is the
Troy girl who makes her unsuspecting
father ihe daily bearer ol sweet tn ssives
to a cleik in his office, who has been for-'
laueii to visit ins employer snonse one
1 , .
pins the letter in the old man's cWk.
a., t.i,rji',. .
when he reaches the iiffi.n and throw by mice. Among the m .ney was a 820
off the garment the clerk geta U and res- bill on a State bank, issued before th
ponds by tb same earner.
The undersigned would respectfully inform the citi?
r i.i r-1 Tvpittirv a i. v.. . -i.ns or
iiiiiiiiiiiiwiiii auu vitiuiiy nun nt? uas openeu out in th
TOWN, with an entire New Stock of Goods, consisting of
Stationery, School Books, &c, .
Boots and Shoes, for Men & Boys, Ladies, Misses k Children,
Eight-Diiy and Twentv-four-IIour Clocks, SA LT by the SACK
Cheese, Dried FruiUs bought and sold. Cum Boots" Over Shoes,
and S.-indals, Wheat and Ruckwheat Flour, and Corn Meal
Quilts, Bedspreads, Counterpanes, Blankets, etc., etc., etc.
All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Prompt
payers 30 days credit. Goods delivered at any place in towa
when desired.
M;flinlown. P., IVc. 18, lSTl-t , '
Tbe Pope 1ms li 8200,000 bjr the
bunting" of a Brussels Lank.
A lot of farmer n t of work in Eng
land an- ab -ut to e nigral to Brazil
A Sew Jerirjr CtlioIic rieat has " in
Kiirrrl hi life fr $180,000, tbe bent-fit to
accrue to the chweh.
At Springfield, Ohi", on ibe last night
of tbe i!il year. Nancy Worthington araa
Murilered by her drunken bus bun 1.
Tbe pret of Miouri calls for a lav
awarding di-alb aa a iuiiii:binet)t for
placing obstruction on railroad tracks.
Th,nare two thing in thia wnrM
that aie not safe lo trifle wiib a woman
' opinmim and the buMiitfe end of a wsp. j
A Mi..-0liri lad climbed a tree after a
i i , f . !'
so iirrel. and a keen eved Dnrtin:in nick-
i ... , it
ca uiin 'in witn a Mime rin : at ey:i'y-
j five yard, mistaking hiui for a tnrkey.
A farmer in Sbeiby couuty. Iowa rain-
ed, this year, fp m SI acre, orer 1 300
. . , . , .. .,
btii'liels ot wheat. I be nrttt crop paid
for the ouirter action.
The pot office at Spenccrport, New
York. a- robbed on tbe nkht of the 2.d
and 5o00 worth of poelae Dtai.p were
I ,
t,,,eu- '
Tbe Main paper t-II of a maa named !
Gray, iu lhat Si ate, who ha a'ept on a
h.iv-m..w ever niu-ht for th Ut twe..f
v - J o J
two year.
Power the -culptor. say. that no,
. . . . , , , . ,
single bon.-e ha been burned in 1 lor
ence during his thiuy five years' iei-
deuce theie. lVrhap ome bint
fir. pmof building cau be gathered fiom
luai cny.
President Barnard, of Columbia Col-
, i r co,.,.
lege, receives a imlary of SS0OO a year,
.1. .
and the professor $5000 each tbe lar-
I . .i. ,. .
gest salaeies paid by any Amvrican col
j AH tbe chicken stealing done in Sac
ramento is carried on bv one Chiiiameu.
won i an nuepi ai ioe uusiness. I Dill
i cheap labor, indeed ! Imagine the res-
poneibilitjr of a ra in with the chick
stealing for a whole city on bis hands.
nnn.ihilitv .,fa m .n .i.l. tko. l.l. L
They have compulsory education of
Trias. Tbe law jequires that all per-
i i, i
sons under ihe age ol hfleen eball attend
scbnd A fnarried lady in Houston wbo
ha t y el reached the age that wonbl
entioe her to exemption, attends school
regularly and carries her baby with her.
People who el eo with a revolver u:i-
der lb. ir pillow, as well as a watch.
iiboulii be careful wh'n hrj attempt to;
,()i(k at ,be watrh tbal
t c -.a,:..
'' till n f v.
A lawyer in
Bridgeport, Coon., recently Jjschargid
! . revdver under his pillow-whiie getting
out his watch
. a couple married at East Lyne last
, x,iank. j, f)av hlM, bef.n rnfnA
l.inct, m7 At fhe concIui.ive of tLis
protMCej ,, ,s0.llling BHprne it WM
( ,(,U,H lle bri e
wh((,e (rf tHeth M)
groom been forced to conceal the ravages
ol time under a wedding wig,
A divorce was recently granted a eou
pe in Ktigluud ou very curious grounds.
The parties were attached to each other,
bnt the husband s unconscious mesmeric
power became so great that the wife
dropped insensible when be came into
her pretence Disguise himself as he
would, she was affected thus by his ap-1
proach, until living together became im
possible A merchant in Springfield, a few days
since, pulled out his money drawer furt i-
ih... nenal. and i.ntieed a H..1I K,ll
hanging over the back of the drawer.
This led him to investigate, and behind,
partition was found between sixty and
.... .
seventy dollars worth of bill and sein.
m-st of which had been badly mntilat. d
bank adopted the national syetea),'
flfir dvrrtisfmcnts.
Anditor' Notice.
In tit Cuurt of Common Fitat of Jmt
C oun'y.
'PnE tin Iersignrd. bating Wn appiBt4
I Auditor is iIim tbutr the blrtt i0 n,
hands of Jftoiea IT. Doly. As-igm-e of JusrpU
8 Sriin io nil among ibe creditors of tho
said Jnnorh 8. artitin. brreb giTe notiro
ibat be will m-Mst ibe pirtif-s mice-led fop
tbe rurpour of hi appninmeni. at hioffio
in MitHinian. mid enontj, on FKIDAT
ihelTibdar of A V VRV. 187a. betwrsa
Ihf hour of M o'clock A. f. and 4 o'clock
P. H. of iid iUj. when tit where all par
' interested any atlenJ if lb the; see
Dee IS. !!7i
! ...
T'IE underpinned off.-r.i pririf
i(e nli
- - ,-0, " Oround situated in tho burouia
n .. . . . ruus
of PmterMiti. Juuial cuuni r. Laeinir t,
on ereetea a
Hsf Frame JMsg Eihss,
and a F..od Ho Pen. There .re Teach
Pr ,r- aBj."l",!r Fr"'' Tre- "8 ilie Lor.
riBwniDii i: n Hu. r or leriaa. a e .
ca'.l ou or addrea
I . . H C A R BOO APT.
I Dee 4, 'i Vart HoT .1. Pa.
, .
re "A y T S.titndt i: vis ma Pos
iiiJTiit UiT i tutjD. A beautiful
Chrome of ihe
rillin.rniiPtiFT avi'r
""rib $o 1'0. is ;Ten witb the paper (ut-
;- "r, ...a ... .Hatta
(prices .OU!
L'o r.o: fa.l to exiioiue int
thi otfer. il is
! . RE T COWTIO!l ! I
Aodrew lor pan o-a'ar. aamplea. in. i-
eon .f P, ;r,f.a, E19 Wumt St., fkilaJtlf,,
dec 1 1-1 -n
a;e.t waxtfd for
j A full, Uclil d and rrMplun accnunt it
'"' P"grew.. suffering l..s-e and iaei.
d""8 of lh ,r',t conflagrui.on. A rare
eh.ace for an-e. a errrt person wn-e !
know the Iml pirtieu!ar of ibis great diaa-
, ler. Sent by mail fur 5( cen's
Philadelphia, P , or Cinciaaaii, Ohl.
TP IIP TTMT? Tffii 1 5 ooo
ava JtailaalJa. Vat Mai SOI n
auwu - ...... , -r l Y H'li
vi t r ,t .
Maeneiic Timf-KeeDer. I omoa and Iiidiea.
i perreci Hr,n lor tne notet or everr
traeeier. Ira ler. hoy. farmer, and for V-
EltYB )l)Y ileeirin a rtliah'.t lime-keeper
and alio a super or eomp INnai wa'ch-
v i 7 aiel wm-ka irl ertitl all i 1 a u.
OK'UDEew. W A H R N f ED t deaoio er.
t' an-i 'o eP order if fairly
for iwn ear. Sot king like it!' Thi per.
frct triumph of Mechanism will be sent ia a
neat ease, prepaid r a
Order from hmanji
any aiidress. for on!
ar sent free. Try ,
it.rlnr.r, rm litT
Tbe oldesi and most reliahio Institution to
olxa'minira Merran'ile Education.
trjJT Practical bus mn aa instmctees.
For inlormarion. wri:e for a circular to r
noTC ii
' bla chlet' ixeRoTsa
Cucumber "Wood Pump.
Tasteless. Durable. Kffirteui.
- and 1'i.rap. Too heel Pump
tor me least m -ney Aitan-
vion i erpeca'.y ineiied I
J laichhey's Patent Improeed
Bracket an. New Drop Check
i ValTe, ebich can be with-
3 diava wiihnnl renoTing the
-j pumpordisturbingthe joints.
Also, Ihe Copper I'hamhei.
wmcu ueTer crack er scales, and will outlast
tny other. For sale hy dealer everywhere.
Send for Catalogue and Price-List.
Ci.is. O. 1 latcblkt. Manufact'r,
50fi Commerce St., Philad., Pa.
I have addl in aty extensile variety t
TO ML'GS, and TOY TEA SETTS, in fnat
Mr.if. Also. YASE- and FANCY TOILET
SK.TTS of Ihu Anif.nm',f Jn,anM M
! Thee soo,, Be imp mtl direoily fro
Europe, and my prices are as low as any In-
Pr"-r c n ae.i me same gooas .u -
city or New York.
Kos. 38 South 2nd and '.'H Strawberry iU
Pbiladelpbia. Ta.
1 ! BI
3 B My stock of CHAXKELIER3.
neeialir adaMed 'burebe.a. i. Terr larie
B-k of Drawings, showing ibe dea gaef
eaco cnanweoer auu vrwvi, win un
request. no-2mo
r Aftl,KsT s r., at i.a. fioo.1 i.
l rsvi-hv at Tiltesi ft Ksatgsskxra'v