fyt 'Janiata jStntintl. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JAN. 1, 1S73. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ON AND nfleT Sunday, Dec. 22, 1872, f assengcr Jnii will leave Mifflin Station aa follows SARTWABD. Philadelphia Express.- 1:10 A.M. Fast Line 4:0 A. M. Ilamnhiirg Accommodation 11:28 A. M. Mail Train. 6:18 P. M. Cincinnati Express 9:03 P. M. WlSTWARl). Tittaburg Express l:f. A. M. 1!ininnaii Express 1:"5 A. M. Southern Express- 4:08 A. M "Pacific Express C-.t'i A. M. Vit raswger 10:03 A. M. Wail Train 3:S8 P. M. " fact Line .33 P. M JAMES NORTH, Ag't TOWN AND COUSTRV. A happy new year to all. Thr love f driuk is as incurable as consiynptiou. This day ends the lawful seasou for hunting rabbit?. A Freeburz uiau killed a hog tliat weighed 1001 pounds. A burning fla flurried the inmates Will's Hotel last week. of Col. John J. Patterson, Senator cleci from South Carolina is in town. Corn Shf.LI.kus and Fodder Cutters for sale at Palate's Hardware Store. Grnfr.w. Beaykr bought the Uellc- fonte Republican at Sheriff s Sale. 1'iic- $2,000. Cheap ClllHNOXrt are going out of fiudiiou.' The hair is gathered at lite top of the back of the head. Em. Mr. l'ardoe, gvc a Magic Lan tern enterUiunii-iit iu his church ou Christmas evening. Attention is a--ked to the advertise ment of II. V. Adams, in another col umn, headed "C CLromos." A MEKTiNu of tiiue weeks duration, at Freedom, Aiifilin county, resulted in the conversion of eihty-eii souls. Milleretown Perry Co., is to have a l ank William Rickeuback; of the Juni ata Valley Bank, is to be its Cashier. A stock in the Odd Fellows' Hall, Lewistowu, was robbed of about 5300 some nights ago. A Fur Low was caught iu the hen coop of the Davis House at Lewistown a few nights ago. lie was lodged where fowls are not kept. TtlB EoiT'iR of the llollidayt-burg. Register was the recipient of twenty Huud gobbler to grace Lis ('luistmas table, messing!" on the douor. Skatfs. A large lot of Skates just received at Paiste's Hardware Store. Aoenis should not fail to read the advertisement of J. B. Hurr & Hyde, L. to-day's issue. Two rapidly selling looks are aJveiU.-t-d - LU-rai commissions of fered. A well known stuck raiser umnrd Rob ert L tffcrty was kilie.1 on the Railroad near Greensburgh, west of the mouu'aius last week The dJ stoiy, walking ou the track. Mr. Win. J. Campbell, once connected with this paper, and latterly local editor tit the Tarxwi.ll Republican, Pt-kin, Illi nois, died at Pekin on the 24tb ult. Mr. Sellers, the editor of the paper, for merly of Pennsylvania also died recently. Lost A roll of Dental extracting in struments, last Saturday, betweeu Mif fliu and Mc.Vlieterville. A liberal re ward will be pnid to the finder I y h av ing it at this I'flice, or sending it the Ber, . Da. 1). C. Roihric.k. fcAlisterville, Pa. About S o'clock iu the eveuiug, sum days ago, a child was stolen from a' house in Huntingdon and carried to a vacant lot and then left. A fcisser by LearJ it cry and searched for it in the ditch, found it under a parcle of straw, whre it would have frozen as the night was cold. The party who took the child from its Lome baa not been discovered. Notice. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Odd Fellows Hall Association of the Borough of Mifttin town. and county of Juniuta, wiHLe IwU at the .office of Louis E. Atkinson, Esq.; in Alifflintow u, on Friday evening, Jan. .3rd, 1S72, at 7 o'clock P. M. A full attendance of Stockholders is respect fully requested. jT. Van Irwin. PntLLtU, A Warkino to Railroad Mrs. At aa early hour on Thursday morhing last, three men named Wm. Uodgers, of Nine veh. Andrew Il.irtzell, of Newport, and Jamea dark, of East Whitefi. Id, Indiana county, a short d'stance this side of the former f lace weie ushered into eternity without a moment's warning They were employed as repair Lauds on the Pittsburgh Division, and at the time they met their aad fat w?re at work on a carve on the track at the point mention ed, when the second section of the Pitts burgh express train, West, came along. The engineer "of the train sounde J the whistle, and the uifjrtunate men evident ly becoming coufused by the whistling of the engiue of the first section, which had j.st passed, atepped upon the track direct ly in front of the locomotive hauling - the second section, and were . instantly run over and killed. Allmsa Tribune, nf the 2C!h till. Lanterns and J .amps for sale at Piistc's Wholesale and Retail Hardware Store, Crystal Palace Building. 1 Stoves will be sold at greatly reduced prices at Paiste's Wholesale and Retail Hardware Store, in order to nlake room for other goods. If you want a cheap ftove, now is your time. Tiiosr afflicted with Pains and Aches should try KUNKEL'S PAIN SLAY ER, a valuable remedy. For sale at Banks & Hamliu's Prcg Store, Miffliu- town. The annual spring session of the Grand Chapter of the Phi Kappa Sig' ma Fraternity will be held in the city of Philadelphia commencing on -Thursday, Jan. 9, at 10, A. M, at the Contmental Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. The address before Grand Chapter will be delivered by Luci'.u W.'. 1'oty, Esq , of Gamma Chapter. Save voir owvClovkr Seed We have just beon informed, says the Frank lin Patriot, that or.e of the largest and most euterpriaing farmers of this county, last year, saved enough clover seed for his own sowing. Bold enough to pay for all the dry goods need ia the family, and received 82o in cash in addition. This is the way in which he did it. He put a wire bottom In a trough in which he fed his rtock the wire bring two or three inches above the close bottom of the trough. The stock in pulling the clover hay from the racks would sca'tter the seeds almost pure through the wire into the receptacle below. How easy and simple a way to save hundreds of dollars now annually sent out of the country. I'Lis can be done also by making close fluors iu your barn lofts. This will be somewhat more expeu.-ive, but it will pay for itself in ono season. Tun f Shot At Early on Sunday night the report of fire arms was heard in the direction of Wm. Lupfer's farm. just outside of the borough limit?. It was soou ascertained that the shots were fired at a person who was disc overed in the attempt to force the lock on the corn crib door. Since the theiving of cortt, butter, &c of a week or two ago at the same place, the premises have been night ly watched. On Sunday night the fam ily went to church, leaving two young men on the watch, and on th.ir discov eriug the person at t tie corncnu tuey shot at hiia with a euu loaded with shot. The thief immediately ran out the lane toward Swart.'s and jumped into the field, and .was then shot at hy one of the young men with a revolver. He was afterwards discovered in tho field, aud was again fired at with a shot gun, when io ran fur the Ma!i.t!ny ridge fallowed iy some neighbors who had arrived from town, lie hhiu vmirii pursuit. It is to be hoped tlfat tLe thief or thieves will bedettcted, am-elcd and speedily-brought in trial, and the people no longer com pelled to i.ightly watch their property. Mr. Lnpfer and his wile have been on- a visit to Ohio for the iuft three weeks, aud has bee n detained there by eiekniiss. During this lime the premises were left iu the charge of his young f irmly, which fact has tin doubt known to the person or persons who have hern m iking the fre quent raids nn Mr. Lupfer's property. i)lvmfild, December IS'h, 1S72 Kngwlkice is Power, is Wealth, is Happiness The truth of which can be tested by calling at the Deilal Office of G L. 1'krh, established in Mifilin- town iu ISG0, and ha' been in success ful operation ever since, (as the public can attest) If you have toothache, it is the place to go, and have it stopped in five miuutts, without pain, and without extracting, and at the same time can have said organ pieserved for usefulness for iife It is also the place to go if you hare scurvied gums, and $50 00 will be paid in every caee of failure to cure. It is the place to go if you want the most beautiful sets of Porcelain Teeth and Gums, mounted upon Rubber or any of the various bases now iu general use, and at prices to suit all. Teeth filled and built tip with fine Gold, warranted to last for life. Teeth repaired. Old sets arti ficial teeth exchanged for new, or re uioddled warranted to give perfect sat isfaction. I purpose giving my partic ular attention to the preservation of the Natural Teeth. It is to be lamented that on the part of the people the disposition is to submit to the loss of the natural teeth (which, if attended to, might be saved) for artificial teeth, which at beet are only substitutes ; thus causing as a direct result, what nrany are not aware of, A shortening of the lives of the indi vidual themselves, and also entailing on tho coining generation an imperfect or ganism. "If persons would have their teeth examined once a yeitr, and then have them attended to in time by a com petent Dentist, they would never know. what toothache or neuralgia was, and would preserve their teeth aud also their health. G. L. DERR. Practical Dentist. Real Estate for Sale Lucien VF. Doty, Administrator of the estate of John Robinson, dee'd, will offer at public sale on the premises, at -1 o'clock P. M., on Wednesday, January 15, 1873, a valua ble tract of land, situate in Fayette twp., Juniata county, containing Eighty acres, more or less, bounded by lands of John Musser, Wm. Thompson, aud others, having thereon erected a Frame House, Bank Barn aud other necessary out building There is a good Orchard on the premises. For terms, &e., see hand bills. s This is the season of the year for all kinds of Aches and Pains. There is nothing better kuown to remove such auctions than KUNKEL'S PAIN SLAYER. For sale by Bunks & Ham Jin, Druggist, Mifflintown. The Wbee of Prayer. The officers of the different branches of the Evangeli cal Alliance have issued their annual pro gramme of topics for the week of Prayer, extending from January 5th, '73 to the 12th. The following are selected : the subjects Suuday, January 5th. Subject. The foundation, security aud universal exten sion of the Christian Church. Monday January 6th. Devont Ac knowledgement, Rememberanco of God's mercies to the nation, to families and to the churches ; providential and spiritual blessings to ourselves ; confession of sin. Tuesday, January 7th. Prayer for Christian churches ; their increase in love, activity, fidelity to truth, and the clearer manifestation of the unity in the faith ; for ministers, ' missionaries and evangelists. Wednesday, Jen. " 8th Prayer for f am. lies; for eons and daughters of Chris tian parent ; for a blessing on home in fluence, and on the services and ordinan ces of "the Church of God ;" for schools colleges and universities ; for children at sea or in foreign lands ; for young men iu business and professions ; for servants aud for all in sickness and tribulations. ' Thursday, Jau. 9th. Prayer for ca tions ; for kings and all iu authority, for the maintenance of peace; for the spread of religious liberty ; for the growth of sound knowledge ; for contentment, con cord and good will among all classes ; for the discerumunt of God's hand in na tional judgments, and for the removal of iutemperauce, immorality and the sius which are a reproach to any JTeopIe, Friday, Jau. 10l!i. Prayer for man kind ; for the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, and the spread of pure litera ture ; for the overthrow of all forms of tyanny and oppression ; for the removal of every form of antichrist ; for all pris sioners and cptivi s, aud fur the increase of that kingdom which - is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Saturday, Jan. 1 1th. Prayer for Suu day schools ; for missionary, tract and other religious societies, for raising up ai.d sending forth of more laborers into his Harvest, and for the removal of hind rances to the spread of the gospel aud the conversion of the warld. Sunday, Jan. lmah. Sermons. ' Let the whole earth be filled with glory Amen and aineu." Tempehancb Co.WENno.N Accord ing to previous Agreement ltd East Ju niaU District Convention of the I. O. of G. T. met at Duncaunnn, Pi uy county, iu the hall of Perry Lodge, No. 2, Dec. 5, 1872. Convention called to order by D D. G. W. C. T. Lesh. Bio. S. S. King, of Perry Lodge. No. 2, was elected perma nent W. C. T , who made the following appointments : W. 0. Bo. J. M. Evans, of Lodge No 15G ; V. 51 , C 31. Dick insonrof 941; D. M., Sist F. M.Gra ham of 208; See, C. M. Graham, of 208 ; Sister S- W. McElwee, W. V. T., (elected at la't Convention) Tho W. C T. npjKiinted 'die following committi-es : Com. on Credentials, Bros. N II. icktrsham, C. M. Dickinson and J. Lftughlin, Sisters 1, M. Graham and Annie E Brauyan. Business Com., Bros. C Stratford, J. M. Evans, G. W. McElwee, Graybill and 0 A. Hood, Sisters Biiner, F. M. Graham aud Ella G.iult. Com. on Credentials reported the fol lowing delegates present : Milroy Lodga, No. 208, Bros. Jacob Wallers, C. M. Graham, Sist F. M. Graham ; No. 2, Bros. S. S Kin", C A. Hood, Sisters Amando I'assmore and Annie E. Bran yan ; No 21G, Bios. N II. Wickersham, G. V. McKlwee, Sist. S. W. McElwee; No 9147 Bm. C. M. Diekimca, Sisteis Mary E Lesh afid Ella Gault ; No. 330, Bro. C. Stratford, Sisters Sue E. Cxrliu, Rachel Mann : No. 15G, Bros. James Laughlin, J. M. Evans ; No. 510, Bro. Graybill ; Xo. 402, four delegates (names mislaid). On motion the re port was adopted and Com. continued. The following resolution was presented by the Business Com : Resolved, That in the opinion of this conventiou Local Option is not the proper method by which to obtain total prohibition ; which, after a spirited discussion, was negatived. The W. C. T. announced a public lec ture for the evening in the M. E. church, by Bro . Brosius, of Lancaster. Ad journed to meet at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. ( MORXING SESSION, DEC. 6." . Minutes of last session read and ap proved. The following members were elected officers of next Convention : W. C. T., D, S. Graham, of 208 ; W. V. T.t Sister Anna E. Wickersham, of 216; Sec'y. Bro. W. B. Wagner, of 208. ' Reports from the various Lodges rep resented shewed that nearly all of them are iu a flourishing condition. The fol lowing resolutions were read and adop ted, some of them eliciting considerable discussion : Reiolcctl, That it is a duty incatnbent upon all (Good Templars' especially) to petition the Constitutional Convention, now in session, to iusert a clause prohib iting the sale of alcoholie beverages in such Constitution as they-may prepare. Retoleetl, That we will use. our influ ence and spare no efforts to sustain the Lodges we severally represent, and .'.in endeavoring to resuscitate the fallen, and 1 in establishing new Lodges throughout the district Retolred, That, as public meetings are essentially necessary for" Uie promotion of the temperance interest everywhere, that we organize a system by wbicb every town, village and hamlet in the' district shall have weekly or monthly public meetings. aitebnoos session. .W. C. T. in the chair. Minutes' of last session read aud approved. The follow' iog resolutions were presented by the Business Committee and adopted without discussion - Retolceu, TbA. r&ogn'uW the dutv of thoroughly organiong the district for the coming eontefft af the polls onjbe subject of license or no license, . we re commend that (he counties of Perry, Juniata and slifffin proceed af once in the matter by holding county meetings at their respective county seats at as early a day as possible. . Resolved, That a vote of thanks be tendered to the friends of Duucannon for their kind hospitality in making our stay among them so pleasant and cheerful. The Secretary was instructed to notify the various Lodges of the district that when they elect delegates to the next convention they designate of their num ber as a business committee to prepare business for said, convention. . Bro S. S. King was instructed to draft a resolution on the, death of the Hon, Horace Greeley? The different sessions of the Conven tion were made more interesting by the excellent singing of the well-drilled cboir belonging to Perry Lodge No. 2, accom panied by the rich music of their new organ ' ! '- - ! ' ' - Adjourned to meet at Milroy on the first Thursday in March, 1S73. -C M. Graham, Sect'y. Babnum Menagerie and Circus was destroyed by fire on the night of the 23id ult, iu New York.' All of the animals were burned except two elephants" and and one Camel. Loss $309,000. ,. - n aRRIsbubg is to have office building. post Married : WARNER PRY On tLe 19th u!t., b Rev. D. M. Btaoka-clder, Mr. Isaiah Warner, of Fermanagh township, and Miss Ella S. Prj, of Bcale lownsbip. 7IMMER1IAS SIEBEIt Ou the 24ib ult by the same, Mr; J. P.7.itnmcnnan, of Mil- forJ 'ownsbip, and Jlisi Kate Siebcr, of Walker township. - BEAR N03& In the Lutheran Cbnrch, Perrysville, on the 24ih nit., bjr Rev. II. C. Shindle, Mr. William A. Bear, of Beale twp.. and Miss Rachel B. Noss, of Tuscarora twp FEGAS CAMPBELL Near Copcard, on the 24ih ult, by Rot. S. A. Crerling. Mr. W S. Fegan, of Oseeola, Pa., and Miss Julia F. Campbell, of Franklin Co., Pa. S HUM AN ZIMMERMAN. On the 25th of December, by II. C, Pardoe, Mr Jaeob S. Shuman and Miss Margaret A. Zimmerman. Tlie 31irlfet-. Prices of Board of Commerce. Reported weekly for the Jcsiata Skstisel by the Board of Commerce of MiQin and Pat terson. r.uttcr '$ Ih 25 Efss. doi SO Lard, li lb 8 Country Soap. .' 8 Beeswax 2o Tallow 8 Rags 3 Wool, washed ...... 0 Dried Apple's ... 10 " l'eachea, parej , 20 " Peaches, unpnred ... 16 ' Cherries, pitted - 20 " Blackberries 10 " Raspberries . 16 Onions " PO Ground Alum Salt, "ft saok 2 25 Kai.road 1 tes 60 Locust Posts, mortising -..J... 32 " for board fence.. 7f5 Shelley & Stambaugh's Prices Current. Corrected Weekly.' Cbtstal Palack, Mifflintown, 1 Jan. 1, 1873. f Prime Roll Butter, per lb 25 Eggs, per doien 30 Lard, per lb 08 Tallow, per lb . 08. Beeswax . ... 80 Dried Apples, per lb ... 01 " Cuerrica, seedless, per lb 17 " " unseeded 01 " Blackberries 08 " Raspberries 20 Walnut, per bus 40 Shellbarks 95 Potatoes - 60 Chickens, lire, per Ib 08 Liverpool Ground Alum Salt, per sack 2 00 D. P. Sulouff & Co.'s Prices Current Reported Weekly. Gbain. White Wheat, TO bus... $1 70 1 60tol G5 60 ..... 35io40 4 60lo5 25 3 50 Red " " k.. Corn, old Oats Cloverseed Timothy seed Coal. Prepared Coal, "jl ton. Nut . " . Pea " Bituminous" " ............ Ldxbkb. Ran of Log, 4 4, TO 1000 ft ... ' ' 5-8, " " 8-4, 6-4, " Hemlock Frame, " Boards, Whitepine worked Flooring.... " German Siding ... Panel Doors ... .. Window Sash, 8x10, windoi " ' 9x12, 10x12, ' " " 10x14, $5 25 4 25 3 10 6 00 $35 00 25 00 .25 00lo40 00 2500to4000 2000 .... : 20 00 85 00 35 00 ..2 00 to 3 00 r 65 75 80 90 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, PaiLADiLPhiA, Dec. 31, 1872. The market ia less actire, the demand be ing limited, both for shipment and home consumption ; s'.'.es of 10 X) bbls, including. Superfine ....... $4 505 50 Extras ... $5 75(5.6 50 N. W. Extra Family.. . . $7 50(0)8 75 Ohio & Ind. do. do $8 00,9 00 Tenna. do. do. $7 75(3)8 50 Fancy Brsndr .... $9 60(gll00 Gkaix There is not much Wheat offering and prioes are very firm r sales of 4000 bos. Perm , and western red at $1 85al 90, amber at $1 90al 92, and white at $1 95a2 05. No sales of Rye. Kr3 meets a steady inquiry, with sales of old yellow at 65at6c, new do at 60aC2c, and new mixed at 61a62c Oats are dull, with sales of 500 bushels with st50a51e and western mixed at 4 la 16c. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET. MosdaT, Dec. 304 P. M. The arrivals and sales of Bat Cattlb at the Avenue Drove-yard were light this week, only reaching about 900 bead. The demand was limited, but prices were rather firmer. extra Pennsylvania and western steers sell ing at 8a8c ; a few choice a j" fair. to good do at 6a7c, and common at 4J5Jo ; ID, gross. . . Cows and Calves were nominal at $2oa50. Receipts 100 head. Sheep. There were no new arrivals. We quote choice at 7c, and fair to" rood at 54a- 6Ji. - .. ... - Hods were in fair request at $ 75a6 25 100 lbs for-eorn-fed. Receipts 3000 head. . PLAIN and Fancy Job Printing aeatly exe cuted at this Office. TUfi FRAKC1SCVS HARDWARE COMPANY, Mai Street; Opposite Conrt Yard, Mifflintown, P.if.. Are offering Large Inducements to CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, SADDLERS, SHOEMAKERS, ECILDESS, PAINTERS, 4e. The j bare on haai the largest stock of HARDWARE, IRON. HORSE SHOES, Nails. Faints. Leather, AND BUILDING HATEEIAL, la (he stral part of tba State. They are selling Bar Iron at 6c lb. Horse SIiocs ct $7.25 teg. I5est Norway Nail Rods at 9 "tc f) lb. 11 inch Horse Rvps at 85o each. They are selling lj; nickory Felloes at $1 0 lb set. 1 i Hickory Spokes at $2 00 set. No. 1 Gum Hubs at 90c $ set. No. 1 Hemlock Solo Leather at 31c lb. No. 1 Best Oak Leather at 40c ib. Jflfc. In order to close eat their immerue stock of STOVES, they will sell them at COST. -J . . Give them a call before pur chasing elsewhere. Frane iscus Hardware Co. Main Street, Mifflintown. Dec. 11, 1872-tf YOUNG MEN ! YOUNG WOMEN !! Learn the art of Buok-Keepinr, as taueht by Prof Dott, Principal of Doty's Commer cial College. In eTery city of the United siates there is a constant demand fcr Book keepers, both male and female. By Prof, Dorr's method the whole art of Book-keeping is taught in one short easy lesson, to that any nemo a of ordinary intel ligence can learn it in leas than one week's study. This raluable instruction will be sent fblb to any address upon the receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Sc Agents wanted. Address . E. DOTY, Saratoga Spring," N. Y janl-3m D. P. SULOUFF A CO., (Successors to D. K. Sulouff & Co.,) . DEALESS HT Grain,Iumter,Coal, . SSivlt, Plaster, CALCINED PUSTER, CEMENT, iC. The Highest Cash Trices Taid for all kinds of Grain. Lumber, Coal,- &c, Sold at the Lowest Prices. Harinir boats of onr own we can freight Grain, Lumber, Coal, Ac, oheaper than any other parties. W therefore defy competi tion. lay-Yon ean make money by calling on ns before selling or baying elsewhere. Gbaix will bi biciived is st6b to bi SOLD BT THE 1ST Or JcXI, 1873. P. S. Our grain is not elf rated on men's backs. Mifflintown, April 20, 1872. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN PATTERSON. THE undersigned offers at private sale a Lot of Ground situated in the borough of Paitenon, Juniata county, having there on erected a M Frame Dwelling House, and a good Hog Pen. There are Peach, Pear, and other Fruit Trees on the Lot. Possession given at once. For terms, 4c, call on or address , . ff. C. ARB0GA8T, Dec 4, 'Ti-1ta Port Royal, Pa. . Administrator's JTotice. Estate of Mary Hestjuwt deceased. "!"l HE. undersigned, to whom Letters of Ad JL ministration on the estate of Mary Messimer, late of Mifflintown, dee'd.,' have been duly granted according to law, hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and mate payment, and those having claims against it, to pre sent them properly authenticated for settle meat, JOSEPH ROT U ROCK, Adm'r. Oct 9, '72-St ICCHROI.IOSl I "CisiantinscBisT," "ooeaiBiansJ," 1 M SFBdO FLOWTRS. "STTHMER FLO W CBS, " AW AXK " id " ASLXEP," M wiii the mtmr wkkixt nl WirXlT CBU8- imii wihik (cniiiiifcO. t KQ- m Two of tlMMChraiM ntkiMtof " WUe Airaka alFX A.Wp;" tkactka M . SobKriten tarnHhM AT ON CI M '(A with Own Cknaaa. . . M Xagents with wtfcaa withmij W oUiwr wcblfehan. M X AUm. H .W.ADAMS M grg 6ad5 (Smttits, Qua nsvxte; &t. $18,000 GENERAL MERCHANDISE, JXTST NOW OPENED AT TUTEN & ESPENSCHADE S, THE LARGEST, THE NEWEST, THE CHEAPEST, And the Jlost Attractive Stock of Goods ever Brought to Miffliiifofrn. 0 Eh 9! DRESS GOODS IN ENDLESS YARIETT OF PRICES AND STYLES. Black Silks, Drap De Alnta, Imperial Reps, Jamise, Cachmeri Rave, Australian Crape Empress, Latest Canton Cloths, &c, &c; IN GOOD VARIETY. " We. respectfully" solicit an cx imination b-Tore purclising lsewliere. Any and ercrything, surli at Shairls, CJvths. Cii.isimens, Flannels , . Llanlets, L ndericeur, Hosiery, Glares, Sf., SfC. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT, Of any and everything at prices wliich defy competition. One of the bet in the county, embracing all the New and Rest Styles for the Full aud Winter Trade, for Lniliis, Misses and Children the ame exclusively for our trade at prices to suit all purchasers. Every , air warranted Orrocery and (Jueeiisware Department. For our Grocery and Quecnsware Department we have secured one of the finest rooms iu the county in the Oil Fellow;!' Hall. Just opened one of the largest and best stocks of Goods ever brought to the county, all of which are kindly submitted to the iuspectiou of all our numerous friends and customers. For quality ami prices we defy competition. EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED. "LOW PRICES FOR CASH" OUR MOTf 6. TILTEX & ESPEXSCIIADE. Oct. 30, 1 872-1 j . . -. . D. W. HARLEY & CO.'S Is tLe place wbeie you can bay nrirto bent nnl tlio C ls5f a j ?- t. S MENS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, EATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND FUSNISIIINS GOODS. WE are prepareJ to exhibit one of the most choice anil select Stocks eer offered in this market, and at ASTOXISI1ISG LOW l'MCES .' Also, measures taken for Suits and parts of Su'ts, watch will be made to order. at short notice, Tcry reasonable. Remember thoplace, in the Xevin Store, BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLINTOWN, DR. P. C. RUftDIO. rLrrrrjai2i!so, iv., DEALER IS EVERYTHING THAT CONSTITUTES A FIRST-CLASS OB ye STORE, The public attention is also invited to his large' assortment of Perfected lKw Spectacles. All persons who are in need of Spectacles will flii'd ft to tlieir advantage to call, as tliey will find the largest stock in the comity to sclt-et from. COMK AND HAVE YOUR EYE-SIGHT RESTORED. Aho, a splendid assottmentof TOILET ARTICLES FOR THE LADIES, With an mmense stock of NOTIONS 4-Something for everybody, young and old, at the , . . FATTERSOX DRUG STORE'. New Store and New Goo(s. OH0CEEIES,' PROVISIONS',' id. Main Sireil, ICfflintcwn. HAVING opened out a GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE in the old stand on Main Street, Mifflintown, I would respect fully ask the attention of the public to the following articles, which I will keep on hand at all Hues t SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, -RICE, DRIED AiND CANNED FRUIT. HAM, SHOULDER, DRIED BEEF, Confectioneries, Nuts, &c, x Tobacco, Oijurw, olasswXre, Iloiir. Feed, cc All of which will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. Give me a call and hear my prices. 1. W. KIRK. Mifflintown, May 2, 1872. CATTH05. THE public are hereby notified that the following' arifcVs of property have been purchased by me froct Thomas Moore, vii : Two Cows, three Hogs, ona Breeding Sow, and eight Shoats. All persons are therefore hereby cautioned against meddling or inter fering in any way with saVI property. - DAVIU WILSON. Nov. 4, 1872-3t LARGEST STOCK ef Dreea Goo.la in eomtv at Tilten & Enpentc&jde's. ' the WORTH! I or AT -- - N 0 B'lilding, two doors west oftbc Keystone l'A. may 8, 1872-tf mm jjrrbt iblrcrs. THE GREAT IjISCOVERY. Kunkefs Bitter Wine of Iruii. Kl'NKEL'3 BITTEn WiNE OF IRON will effectually cure Liver t'oinpl .iut, Dys pepsia, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous lle bility, Chroui Diarrb'e i. t'i-eaw of the Kid neys, and all diseases arising from a Disor dered Liver, Stomsirli e,r I ileiiine", such s Constipations, Flatulence. Inwird 1Mb, Full ness of Blood to the bead, Aeidity of the Stomach, Nausea, l)isu-'t fjr Fo'd, r'urne or Weight in the Stomach, Sinking or Flut tering at-th pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Head, Fluttering at the ll.-an. Cho king or sctliicating Scns.itio i. when in Ninj posture. Yellowne1 of the S'in and Eyes, constant imaginings of evils and r:it ie presinn of spirits. TilEY ARE EN TlltELV VEGETABLE and free from Alcoho'ic S i-rvi-lants and all injurions ipgre lients. and are pleasant in tatte and smell, mini in their operations, wi'.l remove impurities fro-n tb4 body, and give boahh and vigor to ilii ':;':m Kt'NKEL'S BITIEIt WINE OF IKON. This fruly valuable Tonic has been so thoroughly tested by a'.l clashes of tae com munity that it now dcetnei indispennihle as a Tonio medicine. It costs but little, purifies the bluod and gifej tone to the Ktoni ach,. renovates the system and prolongs lite. I now only ask a trial of this valuable Tonic. Price $lr.er botlle. E. F. Kl'XKEL. Srl Proprietor, NORTH Nl.NTU STKfcET. below Vine, Philadelphia ASK FOK KCNKEL'S niTTEH V!XE OK IRON AND TAKE NO OTHER, If yo.ir Druggist has it not, enclose $1.0 to my' Ad lress, and the medioine. wjtli ad vioe free, will follow by aezt esprexs train to you.- Feb. 2S, "i-dm. ALL KINDS OF BLANK WORK, ftc..drJt)0 at this Office in the nearest manner aud it Io prices.