! RATE? OP ADVERTISING. All advertising for lees than t&ree months for one square of nine lines er less, still be charged one insertion. 75 cents, three $1.50, and 5') cents tor each subsequent insertion. Administrator's, Executor's and Auditor's Sot ices, $2,00. Professional and Bonisest Cards, not exceeding one etptare, and inclu ding eopy of paper, $8,00 ptf year. Koticsa ESTABLISHED 15 l8i6. fCJLlsatD EVERT WtDHttDAT Moatiao, finds Street, opposite the Odd Fellows' IUll, mifflintoiyx. pa. , in reading columns, ten tenia per line. Mer j chants advertising by tbeyear at special rates ' lu JcsutA Skktixxi. is published every 3 -otht- 6 monMs. 1 ytar. One square $ 3.50 $ 6.00 $ 8.00 Two squares 5.00 8.00 U.OO Three squares.... .0l ln.00 15.P0 OaWourth col'n. lO.DO 17.00 25.00 Half column 18.00 2V0 - 45.00 One column 30.00 45.00 80.011 Wednesday morning nt $1,50 a year, in ad vaaee; or $2,00 in till eases if not paid B. Ft SCHWE1ER, rat coa.TiTntioa-w. es.o.-a.o r. ..ro.c.a.r o x.a ..a... , EDITOR tyO PltOPBIETOB. promptly ia advance. No subscriptions dis aaniinaed until all arrearages arc paid, unless XXVII, AO. 1 MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTY, Pm'A, JAN PAR IT 1. 1873. WHOLE NUMBER 1347. at the option of tlie publisher. justness Carbs. JOUIS E. ATKINSON, Attorney at Law. HIFFL1ST0WX, PA. tCalUeting and Conveyancing promptly atteaJeii to. OSes on I'.rMjs street, opposite the Court Moose Square. JJOBERT McMEEX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SIlFFLlNTOVjf, PA. Office on Rridge street, in the ruoin formerU ceupied by Kira I). Parrer, Esq. Q bL0UDES, ' MUTLIXTOWX, PA.. Offers his services to the citizens of Juni aim county as Auc'ioneer and Vendue Crier Charges, from two to tea dollars. Satisfac tion warranted. nov3, '9 6 YES! O YES! II. H. SHTDEE, Perrysville, Pa , Tenders his services to the cilixens of Juni ata and a Ijoiuing coun'ies. as Auctioneer. Uhargos niotera'e For smisfaction give the Vuictymnn a chance P. O. address. Port Horal, Juniata Co , Pa. Feb 7. 72-ly DR. 1 C. ltUXDIO, 3D BITS S3 8 E. PATTERSON, I'EXN'A, August 18. 18ii9-tf. " TllUMAS A. ELDER, M. DM 'Physician and Surgeon, VIIFFLIXTOWX, PA. See hours A M to S P.M. Office in Beiford'a building, two door above the Sem tmel ottee. Bridge street. aug 18-tf M B. GAKVER. -4 - HoinsopaDiic Physician ani Snneoii, Having located io the borough of Tbompson tewn, offers his professional services to the itisens of that place and vicinity. Orriri In tlie room recently occupied by lr. Sorg. June 12, '72-tf b7,T iB'STS'rOl'w" 17 HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN I SURGEON Having permanently located in the b rough of MiiSintewn, offers his professional services te the eitixeus of this place and surrounding country. Omce on Main street, over Beidler's Drug aJure. ng 18 l9-tf Dr. E. A. Simpson Treats all forms of disease, and may be eon ulled jis follows: At his office in Liverpool l a., every SATURDAY and MOXDAT ap painimente ean be cade for other days. fiECa!l en or address UK. K. A. SIMPSOH. dee 7 I.iverposl. Perry Ck. Ia. QEiNTKAI. CLAIM AUESt'V, JAMES M. SELLERS, 144 .OUT II SIXTH STKEET, rilll.AUKI.PHla. xjsx. Bounties, Pensions, Back Pay, Horse Claims, State Claims, .te., promptly Collected. No charge for information, nor when money is not collected. oeii.-n ATTENTION ! T TII WATTS "most respectfully anooun J ees te the public that he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY at reduced prices. Hereafter give him a call at his OLt STAND, VAIN St., MIFFLIN. Oct 25-1 f Mew Brug gtaire IX PERRYSVILLE. DR. J. J. APPI.EBAL'GII has established a Drug and Prescription Store in the ajove-aanied place, and keeps a general as esriment of UllL'GS ASV HF.DICISF.S, Also all other articles usually kept in estab lishments of this kind. Pure Wines ana Liquors far medicinal pur poses. Cigars. Tobacco, Stationery. Confec tions (Srst -class). Notions, etc.. ne. (fcy-The Doctor gives advice free 1JKST CIGAllIN TOWN - AT nolobaug;h' Kaloon- Twe for oetawm. Alee, the Fre-heal Lager, the Largest Oysters, the Sweetest Cider, the Finest Domestic Winee, and, in snort, any thing you may wish in the BATl.NU OR DPaSKIXQ LINE at the most reasonable prices, lie has also refitieal his, BILLIARD HALL. ae that il will now compare favorably with any Hall in she interior of the State, June 1, 1870-1 WALL PAPER, Bally to the Place where yon can buy your Wall Paper Cheap. rpilS nndersigned tnkehis method ef in X fertning the publte that he has just re ceived at hia residence on Third Street, Jlif fl. ntown, a lirge assortment of WALL PAPElt, f various styles, which he offers for tale CHEAPEK than flan be purchased elsewhere in the county. AH persons in need of the above article, and wishing .o save money, are invited to call and examine hie stock and hear his prices before going elsewhere. sALarge supply constantly on hand. . SIMON BASOM. COAL, Lumber. Fish. fall, and all kinde of Merchandise for sale. Chestnut Oak Bark, Railroad Ties, all kinds of Grain and Seeds bought at the highest market prices in cash or exchanged for merchandise, eoal. lumber. Sc., to suit customers. I am pre pared to furnish to builders hills of lumber just as wanted and on short notice, of ei'.her oak or yellow pine lumber. NOAH HERTZLER. Janl Tort Royal, Juniata Co., Ta. A Large aasortmenl of Queensware, China ware. Glassware, Crockery ware, Cedar ware. &., for sale cheap by TILTEK S ESPEKSCH ADC'S. OWS WHOLESALE AyD . HMLB WAIiE GT ORE, d, p.paiste; CRYSTAL PALACE BTJILDHTG, 3IIFFLI1NTOWN, Invites attention to hia Large Stoclkof II.WM IROA A.!) AAILS, Which are now ready for inspection, consisting of the most de sirable Goods ever brought to Juniata county. SKATLS. FORK. POCKET CUTLERY. PLATED WARE: OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, STOVES AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES to make room for other goods. Wall Paper at Cost. Agent -for Fouse's IXL Horse and Cattle Powders. 1 Splendid i ssortment of GOODS from fflicn to Select Cbmtmas Presents. Dee 11. 17 2-t f JUNIATA VALLEY BANK r MIFFLlXTOWaV; PEX'A. JOPKPH i'OMKKOV, I'reiiJMt. T. VAN IKVIN, Cashi.t. taacToaa. J Aaepb Pemeroy, ijnha J. Patterson, Jerome N. Thompson. iOecrge Jaeuba, Jotin Ualsbach. ' . Loan money, Vecieive Jeposfla, pay interest on time deposits, buy and sell coin and Uni ted States Bonds, cash coupons and checks. Remit money to any part of be Cnited States and also to England, Scotland, Ireland and Rerhiany. Sell Itevenue Stamps. In sums of $1'KI at 2 per cent, discount. In sums of $'i0 at 21 per cent, discount. In sums of f 1000 at X per cent, discount. GREAT REDUCTION 1'HICKS OF" TEETH Full Upper or Lower Sets as Low as $5.00. No teeth allowed to leave the office unless the patient is satisfied. Teeth remodeled and repaired. Teeth filled to last for life. Toothache stopped in five minutes without extracting 'he tooth. Dental work done for persons without them leaving their homes, if desired. Electricity used in he etti action of teeth, rendeiing it almost a painless operation, (no extra charge) at the Dental Office of O. L. Derr, established in Mitflintown in 18ti0. G. L. DKRR, Je.n 24. 1872-ly Practical Dentist. c. ltoxitliocic. DENTIST. ' . 3f Allut -i-vill", lVnna., OFFERS hi professsonal services to the public in general, in both branches of his profession operative and mechanical. First week -f every month at Richfield, Fre mont and Turkey Valley. Second week Liverpool and Wild Cat Tal ler. Third week Millerstowa and Raccoon Valley. Fourth week at bis omce in M'Alisterville. Will visit Mifflin when called on Teeth put up on any of the bases, and as liberal as anywhere else. Address by letter or otherwise. The Vkct for Good Grape-riues IS AT Till Janiata tfalltn Uincnarbs, A5D GBAPE-T15E NURSERY. 'pHE undersigned would respectfully in 1 form the public lsat be has started a Grape-vine Nursery about one mile northeast of MifBiutown, where he has been testing a large number of the different v metier of Grapes ; and having been in the bsasiness for seven years, be is now prepared to furnish VISITS OF ALL TIIK LKADINti VA1UKTIES, ANH OK TUB MOST PROMISING KINDS, AT I, O W It A T E , by the single vine, doxen, hundred or thon sand. 411 persons wishing goed and thrift vines will do well to call and see for them selves. (ajr Good and responsible Ageuts wanted. Address, JON'AS OBERnOLTZER, Mitflintown. Juniata Co.. Pa. 3Icat ! Meat ! rpnE undersigned hereby repeclfully in M. forms tne Cltliens oi iMiminiowa ana Patterson that bis wacon will visit each of trese towns on TUESDAY, THURSDAY and S VTURDAY mornings of each week, when they ean be supplied with Choice llecf, Veal, 3Iutton, Lard, Arc., during the summer season, and also POKK and8AU8AGE in season. I purpose fur nishing Beef every Tuesday and 8aturdaj morning, and Veal end Mutton every Thurs day morning. Giro ml yoor patronage, and will guarantee to sell as good meat aa the country ean produce, and as cheap aa any other butoher in to county. SOLOUOS 8IEBEB 4t- IRON, STEEL, NAILS, fcC. D. P. PAISTE. Crystal Palace. . Crystal Palace. The First, The Best, The Cheapest, The Largest L Stock of Goods IX THE COUNTY, Tc Offer to the Public AT THE VERY Ml WE ST PRICES. Just Received from Eastern Markets. Seeing Them will Guarantee Yoa Satisfaction. SHELLEY it STAMBAUGH. NEW CRYSTAL PALACE BUILDING, MIFFLINTOrVJT, PA. Oct. 8, 1872. EXCELSIOR FUR EMPORIUM. T. ISAACS, JOHN FAREIRA, . 718 Arch Street, Middle ef the block, between 7th and 8th streets. South side, PIULUIKLPHIA. IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF FOR LADIKJS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR, WholAal and ReUiL Having imported a very large and splen did assortment of all the different kinek ef FUBS from first Lands in Europe. weeM tsj rpectfullr invite the readers of this paper te call anu examine the a tort men t ef Paney furs 1 am determined to sell at the lowul Cath price: All Pri Warranted. A'o sut rrpretenlationt lo effect tale: FURS ALTERED AND REPAIRED. J& Remember the store, 718 ARCH St., Philadelphia. Oct 2-10t New Lumber Yard. Patterson. Pa. BEYER, GUYER & CO. Have opened s Lumber Yard in the bor ough of Patterson, and are prepared te fur nish all kinds of Lumber, such at Siding, Floariag, Studding, Paling, Shingles, Lata, Sash, &&, in large or small quantities, to tail cus tomers. sjo Persons wanting Lumber by the car load can be supplied at reduced rates. BETER, GUYER & CO. George Gosben, Agent. Pattarson, May 15. 72-t DLAltTend Fane v Job Priming neatly exe- ( X cnted at tbit OSoe. Poetry Floating Down tha Siver. We're floating down the river The woiselrsa atrvari a ints Its voyagers of all ages, ..-' - They bail frees every clime ; . . U has iu lights and shadows, 'Tie fraught with hope and fears. Some ere it in a moment. Some only cross in years. ,. We're floating deem the river ; At first it seems so wide That our frail barks can never Land on the other tide ; ' The trip seems one of pleasure, - We've nothing now to fear. No tempest ean beset at While skies are fair and clear. We're floating dawn the river ; , As further on we go The stream appears more narrow. The waters faster flow ; We're looking out for dangers That he on every tide. Our watchword it it "Onward," As down the stream we glide. We're floating down the river ; 1 hen we've been on it for years And cast our glances backward. It but a ttep appears ; The watert now are deeper, The bottom loat to view. Where once the boats were many. They are scattered bow, and few. We're floating down the river As others have before. Oft timet a boat will leave na And strike out fot the shore. And then our journey onward More lone and sad is found. One comrade less to cheer us. At we are homeward bound. We're floating down the river ; Some time our turn will come ' To launch out from the others, And set our sails for borne. And when shall coins that summons From shores beyond our view, O may our boats be ready T dah the breakers through ! Select Story. Joe Bunker's Courtship. A TAI.E OF A BAG OF CEAX3. There was a body met a body In a bag .if Iteans, Can a body tell a h.ly What a body means ? Old Sang. Everybody in the county of Kssex ha heard of Joe Bunker, and the qnips and cranks by liitu enacted. In truth, he was a famous fellow in bis day, so noted for hu bushwacking rusticity of breeding that hia name bat pushed into a proverb and made him immortal. Joe Bunker's character it now regarded by all the old crones and pogsips in the northeast cor ner of Massachusetts as the beau ideal of a genuine unsophisticated Yankee clod hopper His fame for ten miles round the country ran And all the old ladies called him a queer man. Tie was the first man in these parts that ever picked bis teeth with a wooden shoe. Various other fashions introduced by him are in the remembrance of many, but it is not onr purpose to specify them. Tbe story of bis conrubip and the bag nf beans is not so common. It runs thus : It was sometime in the month nf April or May, or at any rate, just at tbe time of planting beans of all the days in the year nf a Sunday, that Joe being at meeting, spied Colonel Shute's daughter Hannah It was in prayer time (they make terrible long prayers in that part of the country), and Joe wa hanging over the pew door in about the shapes of a fiz ure, tired to death and wriggling himself ahnnt in as awkward and slouching a fashion as could well be imagined. Joe linked at Hannah, and Hannah looked at Joe. It is pr- tty certain that tbe lit tle hedgehog Cupid shot off a pair of his quills at the same instant, for Hannah was struck with a very queer sensation and as for Joe, be felt something which be could not exactly describe except by saying that it was a kiud of an all-over nesa like. This is all we happen to know of the first item in tbia chapter of accidents The next morning Joe lay in bed so long that his father began to grumble, and presently bis mother carao tip stairs. "Come, Joe." sad she, "get np and go to planting your beans." "I can't V said Joe ; ' I am sick " "Sick ? What's the matter with yoa 1 What ails you I ' , ' . "Why I don't know what ails me, nor I dou't want to tell." . m "Don't want to tell I a fiddleetick ; let na know w Lai it ia." ., .. Joe bid bis face under tbe blanket for some time, aud at last blubbered out, "I. want to go and see the Colonel's Han- uah. .. Down goes the old woman and reports procevdiug to ber husband. What ' said old Banker, "be to go tee tbe Colonel's Hannah ! tell him to come instantly and plant his beans." The old waman runs back and tells this to Joe. But Joe was hard to work upon. He was granite : be wss adamant ; there was no softening him, no moving him. Ton might as easily nave shouldered Oldtown HiU from its foundation as have made him start a peg. . "I wou't go to planting beans ; I will go aud see Colonel's Hannah ", This was all she could get out of him and so she paddled off again to her hna baal. . "Raallif. Mr. Bunkt-r, there's no get ting Joe to mind ; be says he won't go to planting beans nor touch Uiem ; and be will go to see tbe Colouel's Uanuah. Now do let the pqor boy have his way f ir once j remember jou was once a young mau yourself." J'hia was bringing matters home, alid old Bunker, though be was no logician. nor imagined how the thing' could be roved iu Baralijt'jn or Ferilo. Jet hu thought tbe reasoning so pat to the pur pose that be fairly yielded. Well, well, let biui take Djbbou aud go, but not stay long " "But," said Joe, on hearing tLid, 'I won't go without I can go graivl. aud I won't have old Dobbin." . So 1F goes the old U'ouiau once moie with this in telligence. "Well, then," says old Bunker. he may go grad , and let bim (ike old Bob " "But I won't ride upon old Bob." eaid Joe; "I II have I'ussett." Then take roseett," said bis father, ''and make baate back " Hereupon Joe began to bustle about with all speed, and bedizen himself out in bis Sunday's best, lie was a strapp ing, honey, Ioug sided fellow. It would do you good to see him dressed in the fashion of that day astride of bis nag Joe bad just bestowed a hearty kick npon the ribs of his Roz nante at setting out for the Culnuel's when old Bunker bawled after him, "Halloo, Joe! stop there, come back again. You are gcing by Pearson's mill, and you sh:tll take a conple of bags of corn, to be ground while you go to the Colonel s, and bring it back with yon when you come away ; so yiu can kill two dogs with one stone " Joe was inclined to demur to this plan of mixing business, but haling to waist time arguing with his father, he assen ted, and shambling off to the barn brought out his two bags and bestowed them snugly en croupe. Tims fairly accourted be trotted off to the mill. "Pearson can ye grind my grist while I go to Colonel Shutes's." "Yes, Joe ; but what are you goiug a courting for so early 1" "Oh, who the dickens told you V "Never mind, Jce. pluck up courage ; faint heart never wou fair lady.'' " I hank ye for nothing.'' said Joe. 'I shall be back in an hour ' Don't let your horse eat out of the hopper." So off be started for tbe Colonel's Joe bolted in at the Colonel's door without knocking. Iudeed, it is affirmed be was never known to be guilty of mak ing such a superfluous noise in all his life. "Ah, Mrs. Sbute, the top of tbe morn ing to ye ; where's Hannah ?" "Ah. Joe Bunker, is that yon ? Wher's Hannah ? Why, she's up stairs a spinu- '"6 " At this Joe stamped off op stairs with out any further idle pahiver. Ilauuab's wheel was bumming right metrily lieu Joe entered, and she blush ed like a blue cat upon seeing him. "How d ye do, Hannah,' said Joe and shambling up toward the window, be slouched himself into a marvellously un comfortable skewing position ou the cor ner of a chair. Well ! now was Joe fairly seated alongside of bis Dulcinca ; but how to begin conversation ; ab, there was the difficulty. What was be to say 7 indeed he had never thought of that. However be looked out at the wiudow aud saw a large flock of sheep ; there is nothiug like taking a Lint from the first thing that offers. "Are these your father's sheep, Han nab V "Yes, Joe.'' . Joe gave a hem and tried to think of something else to say about tbe sheep ; such as bow much wool they gave, aud whether they Were of the By field breed, but be could not make it tade. Pres ently he espied some cows. 'Are these your cows I" "Yes." "How many cows have you got V 'Twenty !" "Tweuiy ! That s a tarnation lot of 'em !' - Here was another pause in tbe conver sation, and Joe fell more awkward than ever. As tor Uaunab, she uid uot teel altogether quite so sheepish. Joe look ed out of tbe window agaiu. but could see nothing to talk of. He looked round tbe room aud np to the ceiling, but there was nought save a seed cucumber, three red peppers aud a crook-necked squash He drummed with bis finger npon tbe table, and began nucousoioasly to whis tle a stave f The Tongs and tbe Bouea This quivered away into Yankee Doodle and finally he found himself humming a mixture of tbe Old Hundred and Little Marlborough. At last he was struck with an idea, and oat it came : "Did yon ever see a crow T" . "Yes." "How black they are, a'nt tbey V Y." Another pause- Joe began to wipe bis forehead with bis coat sleeve. 2'ies ently tbe appaiition of another idea dawned npon bim. "Did you ever see an owl t" "Yes." "What great eyes they're gof, hain't tbey V "Yes." "Do you love mapie sugarUannah V ' Yes." ' ''Next time I come 1'il bring you a great go'i." Joe fail ly made a bit in this remark, for he touched npon a sweet sulj-ct, and it completely broke the ice, Remember ing tbe advice of the miller, be plucked up courage, and stood bolt upright ; then making a fide long blundering sort of a hitch a little nearer, ' Hannah," says Le, 1 loves ye " Hannah let go her wheel frota pure awkwardness, and Joe growing sti 1 lol der, made a sudden grapple with both paws, and bestowed upon her a smack ing buss that made the very windows rattle How long it lasted never 'was known, but Hannah s mother not hear ing the wheel buzzing, bawled out below "Hannah, wh it are you doing up there with Joe Bunker '" This interruption gave them a ritue like an electric shock. Joe clawed off in a terrible fright, think ing that it was time to cut and . run "Hannah, saul he "1 must el 'ar out but I 11 come again next Sunday night. ' revi vers one of them a seven shoot So saying he madethe best of bis wayjer witha ..akull crack-r ' forming the off, hardly looking behind him. j llarUe files, saw and other implements .all 11 I . l 1 I en i eaisoti nave you gronnu n.y corn !'' "Yes, Joe. and your beans. ." "Beans ! what d ye mean ?" " What do I mean ! Why, was not one bag of coru anJ .tother a Lag of beans I" "No it wau't " "Yes it was though." "Bugs and tarnation was it ? Then I'm ruined ! I've made a mistake and took the. wrong bag I snagg.-rs ! father the Yonkets police, having been inform will kill me ! 'twas all the beans we'd cd of the affair on Tlmrs Jay, lost no time got for seed ! What the dickens shall 1 , j proceeding to the uw abandoned haunt do T Oh. murder nd w hite oak clieese ! ' Iu a terrible peck of trouble, Joe got upon l'ossett with his bags, now think inr of Hannah and then nf bis unlortu- nate grist. Half way home be met his father upon old Bob He was belabor- ing his sides with might and mam, hoping to get t the mill iu time to save bis beans, for be bad discovered Joe's blun der on going out to plant. "Oh, Joe, Joe ! you chowderbead; yon blunder numbskull ! you've cariied the beans to mill ! aud I've come on a canter all the way to save them froui being ground " It s too late now, father, for tbey are all ground to smash 1 ' Haw tbe old man stormed and vowed Joe should pay for them, aud bow Joe attempted to clear himself by telling lies about finding the bags in the wrong place, we have not time to state The old man laid au embargo on Joe's court- the sheep, relates a curium bear adven ing expeditions, and spoke to the Colonel j tine which occurred to an Indian herd about keeping Hannah snug at home men in his employ. Ho sent the man to but Joe stole a match on the old ones. ! a distant portion of a large ratiche lo look aud etruck a bargain with a sexton lo j after a herd of sheep. The Indian at publish bim and Hannah in a sly fashion. ! nightfall got under a tiled with a roof nf ' The matter being conducted ilamhcenllj, I branches, but open on all sides, and lay as Deacon Sobersides remarked, it was a J down in his blankets. After a hvr hours match before anybody could interfere j sleep, be was awakened by feeling the So the Ion and short of it is, that the ' hot breath of some animal on his face agriculture of the Bunker farm was j He moved bis amis, and at once under knocked completely out of joint thatjSlojd the situation a huge hear was year by Joe's courtship and blunder of i snuffing bim. The tnm with great pre the bags for there were more turnips ence of mind, determined to keep perfect raised than pulse, a thing uot beard of j ly still, for he k ! if he moved or cried before among the Buukers since the Pil-jout, one blow of those I ugc paws woaM grims came over. Joe got a good wife j break his skull like a walnut. Bruin and saved bis bacon, but not bis beans, scratched off the blanket ami seiz d thn Is the Indian capable of civilization ? Tbe Patnunky tribe, numbering eighty five persons own aud inhabit a tract of land in King William comity, Va., of fourteen hundred and sixty acres, of which seven hundred are arable. They have a school, a Baptist church and three ministers. Every member of the family above the age of fifteen is a member of the church. Thkhb is a mau employ. d as porter on a railway who brags of having a watch that keeps correct time He was heard to remark, not many mornings siuce, upon pulling out his watch : "If the sun aiti't over that bill iu a minji e aud a balf be will be late." Am editor in tbe upper end of the State says : "We expend $500,000 000 yeaily for drinking " And his paper has only a circulation of 700 copies, too We don t see any use in a man exagger ating that w .y, even if he is an editor. A Boston weather iteiuiaer says ; Tbe son shone like a pair of clerieal pants, aud the ulr was as clear as tbe pockets therein. An exchange says there is one thing which can always be found, aud that is fault. General court Waiting on three or four girls at the same time A sealed proposal The engagement kiss. A Dsn of Eobbsrs. AS ABOIlS OF BTIUII.ARS IJf WnsTCIIKS TKR COL'N IV Tilt ATTIC OF A M CBKD EMFICE CoJSVERTF.O INTO) A Dt OF BOtfBKRa VHT TUBlU, STOCK IX TKADC CONSISTED OK. , While some weikmen were engaged making alterations iu a church situated near Brouxville, a little station on tba Harlem Railroad, in Westchester County aud about fifteen miles distant from New York, they accideutly discovered, a day or two ago, the bead quarters of a 'gang of burglars in the attic of the sacred edi fice. It may be mentioned that the mod est place of worihip' indicated (t inds n an isolated grove, about ball a mile from the railroad, and within the limits of the town of East Chester. The attic of the church hai never brtn used for any pur pose, and tbe ouly access to it from the body of the edifice was by means of a t p laddcr employed only by iLe seiton when he climbed to the interior of the sj.iie for the purpose of tiuging the bell. While tlLctin some alterations iu tba wall at the oppc.-ite end of the building to that iti which tit;; belt'ry was situated, the cat pi nter found that the attic had been used as a rendezvous for brnglarj, it being fitted up with a niile table chairs a keroseue stove for cooking and sundry other culinary utensils. In au elaborate sat'-Jjt 1 were discovered over two linn- ! dred skeletons keys, two formidable look- , (ormill!r a verlr c,tlli..e,e a(.t 0f burirW tools. Several dilapidated articles of wesling vfHtrlt evilielltiy in?Pllded as di,.,- for the trW: were also .fatter. ! . , . ,. -.. , . ing, brus'ies and oilier appliances of tho toilet. Unfortunately for the ends of i justice, the workman who made the dis covery at onca carried off the burgl ira effects, thus prevent rry- ay possibility of their capture Captain Mangin, of of burglars without being aware that any of the articles bad been disturbed. Long before reaching the spot the cxptain found, to bis mortification, that the im- ; pigments bad not only beeu removed, bet j that the affair bad aiued such widespread nolorkrly as to bftld all attempts looking to the capture of the robbers. As a largo number of keys for uulooking freight cars aud ra Iroad switches were found among the o'her articles, it is now believed that the attempts, to throw trains from the track were perpetrated by this nest of villina Burisi by a Boar. A ftE.MARK.ABLK KXPKRIt.NCE WITH A GRIZZLY. From iLe San Francisco Bulleton. Nov. 19. A gentleman who arrived a few -days ago from the lower country, where griz zly bear help the herders to take care of ! Indian by the leg Thouli suffering j terribly, the brave irllow did not allow a ' groan or cry to esc;yi htm. Tbo bear j dragged him from the hat fir Same dis tance and then crn:ne:ict'd lo dig a hoI to lay the Indian in and cover hkn np i frm the coyotes. After the gMve bI been dug deep euongh the bear (conf nt ing himself with aWtt a pound of (h-sh. frm the vielitn's t!ii:;b) moved lb:; body to tbe bole and covered it up Tho In- dtan managed to keep the earth o er hia ! face loose rnongh ? allow bim to hriith and when the bear retired hi crawled ont toward the tnuatang, which a pick eted some yard outside of the but. With great difficulty he mounted, and then rode toward the tanchn house A doc tor was sent for, and pronounced tho wound, though severe aud painful, not likely to prove fatal. The next day a bunt was organized, and tb grizz'y was killed in thn neighborhood of tbe spot where Le baJ stowed away bis iuten Jed meal. What proof have we that Ihere was sewing in tbe time of David ? Becsuso he was hemmed iu on every side. "What's the use." said an idle fellow, of a man's working himself to death to get a living J" Ea;lks fly alon;' sheep generally flock together. Tan metal moat meu have in them ia bras. 0