117 I l" Ctu - Juniata Stnthul. 1 WEDNESDAY MORSINO. DEC. 18. 1872. .- ............. - . PENNSVLVASIA RAILROAD. ON AND ftfiv Snna t - iqt r.. Train, will leave MiflliVsIalion 'aa follow. : A8TWABD. Philadelphia Eipress 1:10 A. M. Fat Line 8:34 A. M. Pacific Express 10:07 A. M. Harrishurg Accommodation 11:'J8 A. M. Mull Train 5:iS P. M. Cincinnati Express H-A-i P. M .. VTLSI WABU. l'jttsbtirg Express. l:(,g A. M. Cincinnati Kxpress 1:.5 A. M. Soul In ru Express 4:08 A. M 1 hrotiph l'a-f eiiger 6:02 A. M. Pacific Express A. M. Way Passenger : 44 A. M. Mail Train 3 SH I'. M. fast Line f..33 P. M Mixed Train 8:00 I'. M. Slops when signaled. JAMES KOPiTII. Alt'! TOWN AMI COI'.VIKY. Tun fourth enow of the season fell on ! - Monday. j - - - j V . . nd.n, ...It . . ....... . I . . 4 ' jf.- mil ul ircuru iiiiiu IMID Ul fice next week. Tim lirt Ci.vn Slu-llnrc It. tl.n wurld for sale at Franciscus'. I'aviu Waits is miking ments in his store roo u improve- ; ! Skates. A large lot of Skafs just received at Paisle's Hardware Store. " Mill, Cross-cut and Hand Saws for sale at Franciscus'. Daviu Pa ttk..so. of Acidemia lost a uore ot l'.j.uontic last week Cons Shlli Kits and Fodder Cutters for sale at Paiste Hardware Store. T&x- Franciscus' are closing j out their stock of Stoves at cost. - the appearance of llieir stoic room. r i Joi L ?11II!K of Favette, townhij) kill- ed two bogs that Wi-iglieit 1072 pounds, , last wet k. " ork Club Skates ior saie very cneai) at rrancis- cus . WAN'TEH 100 Bushels Walnuts at beneath the roof h -for.; it was disc iver Fhellev A- Stambaiii'h's. in exchange for --d : the dami'' was slight a rafter or j - o ' - o , nds. Thk gleltet meilicino to abate pain aud ihi umatistu is "Kunkel's Paiu Sl.iy er " For sa'e at Banks !c Hamlin's . Drag Stire, V ifllintown. j !; PrXBL'ItV his a daily pap.T. lCichho!:i. who spent portion of htj boyhood da in this town, is '.h tciitor and proprietor, fiiiccres We u ioL the cuterpiisc- , Heal Cutters and .-'uu-.ii;c StrfTers for calp at. rai'i' Wliol. ::!. mill !f,.nil : Hardware Store. Crysial Palace liuiMing XV- If vou want a beautiful ii:.i t .. i e . "" oi""'."n. ivi -" call at t iMilfi I'kaI) tie a.ivet tiseini nt 'f Cornelius' lianley in to day'o h;mt. Hr now oc cupies the iitlfoid s;. ue room, nhereiie; is prupated to eupply all who need any- ; thing in his lind of Iride, at the lowest prices. . . . j Ja.M:s M .".OKL l'tit fell l'roia ilia b:iy loft of bis father's (-table, i:i Walker t.iwnsliii, on last We lufsd iy, knd broke ; his left arm j lit above the wiist. 1'r j Srtnith renJred the alteutiou tho cae rrjniied. TlIE callthumpians held a liihly inde cent carnival in Water street, on Satur day night. Tiie c imomnit- is tin d aad disgusted wiih such eoudtirl. i) t tin: : nixt piuu-rmg cl sucu a cniuacer ; the otucers ol tlie law utsctairge their -u,J j HoiTcrs' genuine .Silver iatetr o,., , "i l.v.,.. c I '.'-.'- i " i low iL i laitcist us. N. E. Ll rn.lJFlEl.li sold tin Huff-nan secured by fiiends ni;d appreciative ac lot on the coiner of liride and Water : quaiutances. This interesting volume afreets on Saturday toTilteu and Kspoti-j can be had by addressing Natheu Z.m echade, a:id on Monday the finsi f.!d it cnuan, Oakland Mills, this county. toMr. John lloffin.ni, the gentleman from j " who-a Mr Litth li.ld had pu.cha-ed the 3?V"iit fail to read the aJ- property. A. L fJt former Editor of this paper, but for th five or fx rears past ! Principal of the Cass;ille -oldiers Or-i phant School has bought the II noting- uon 67'e of Mr Lewis. Hoth tbe in-1 coming and outgoing adiuinistraliou have our best wii-hes for thu success of thtii ! respective enterprises. Thkrb are but few system' that do not nt some time or other reijnire a tonic KUNKEL'S HIT I'Eii WINE of IRON is noted for its reinvigorating powers. Fraiieisciw' arc closing i c out their large stock of Meat Cutters and SStuflers at cost. U last i noay i vming Airs, ueisuey. ; gccrot. It may be well euougli ouce in wife of James L. Eeiehey. residing attuileto let these busy-budica know short distance al oxc Patleison, while de j ,ial ,uu ,ul.Iio piess has nothing to do cei:ditig a ladder in the Mal ic missed B.j,u ,,e p, "vat e life of cither man or wo her hold and fell backward wluti about : man A , coteti.poiary says: 'It is five feet from the ground. i-'he was so-. nuy wj(.n tue j,ul,ilc ac,s f mon, w10 rerely injured bout the hwid and "'?ilt ! 4re j,, j;UUlic life, are not in accordance shoulder, which in the f dl struck .Le end i wiu j,,,-,;;,. -ll,jf x,Ht the journalist has of a trough a ri-;It to call the acts or principles iu Verv short wedding tr:ps are in fash- qnif tion, articl- s of news and that which ion just now. at:d very rUtt engage- I takes pi ace in courts and before justices. nrnls. and brides in g-HJ s,M-iety avoid ' are lair ml jecU for reporting and com most stiietly the trsdi .-n .1 gray aud men!. Any other stj Ie ol journalism is brown tiareliogsu ts form, tly ia vo;oe. out of the pal of legitim icy. and to it a and dies, as u.ir..ii'j.irH..uvlr as possible l'J attaches, which, sooner, or later, so th .f ail eie.vi.iu needn't ktio-tr we're (fIUup.iu those whl pursue it." Et just b-en mir: led "AT'-' "(.'. ragf. . I ar it I I Wg have been iufortned that a corjia of railroad engineers are surveying a i rout from Port Trever,on, on the Susque- banna, to the J un'uta They hiive reach ed a point two miles west of Richfield, and will come as near to Mifflin as Mc : i Alisterville by Christmas. From the ; the later place to Mifflin they will find . no trouble to locate a route susceptible ; of easy grade, with few obstacles to over come. Welcome engineers and the com ! pany who employ them. j I W A XT K D 1 ,000 pounds of Dried Apples, fur which the highest price will j be allowed in exchange f.r goods by i SllKI-I.t Y & SfAMB ' LGH. j A fine assortment of Silver Plated Ware fjr Holiday Prcs- lents, at Franciscus'. i j It appears that the dispatch rtatiiig I that Col J. J. Patterson was imprisoned J for bribery was not true. A later de- pPatc1' "p!' y saying that the report lua' . Patterson, Senator elect, was imprisoned, was a mist.:ke. lie was ar- 'i rested by Ju-tice Kirk, on an affijiivitof ; Assemblyman Miller, and immediately Released on bail, since which Jnsiice Kirk ' has been removed, by a unanimous vote 'of the l.egisla lire, and A.-enihl man Miller has disappeared, in consequence of a warrant being out against him for per jury. Stoves will be sold at greatly reduced prices at Paisle's Wholesale and Retail Hardware Store, iu order to nnk room , fur other tro'ida. If vou want a ti.eaD ft,,ve- n"w ' J"""" '"' Country merchants, vou call buy goods just as low, if Hot lower, at Franciscus' tluill from city jobbers. Thk Ueavir Radical of the I3ih iust . says : The court II tuse was discovered to -tie on tire V cdue.-oay about 1 o clock , . ... , 1 he alarm was given, t ie bell run;-, ami soon the citizens caiB riiiiuing from all j directions, som! with ladders, others with j buckets of wat r, mid ropes, by the use s F ta.-liijli t K ii ftrii U'iu ri 1 1 1 L- I J ovlin'riitiilk eX Tt fi , fio dtff . elective !l:ie in the County Superintendent's room : and had got undt-r c nisi le;ubld headway two destroyed, ami a patch of the roof t' i ti and burnt oil. TXar! 'ranciscus' have just re ccived arire assortment of i Su-Mf,. xvl.Sfli tli-.v nvo dlino- l'cry iw- Willi is R: l i.s.:i.k ' A S;id ai'ei dent occiinede.nT:i.i:.kMiiviiig day Irotn ; the cu:se of the bee ssieiu. Stephen ! !:iig. r, who has b. ei. hauliug iron re until tlie tu:t.t r.-. l l mines to .uartins- bin sr. Llair cutintv eeaui ! very mueli I he t ii in holes in intoxic lied i.i o:n Martiiishuig. ' afterward iiji- lie nas found a few hours li the ro.td. drttii ' '1 h-tf vidi nt!v passed over his i 'f "orfy. bail i hody. He leaves a irijr. and nmr rh I ,, - ca in l.-tt:iite ctiC'l u lances. 111) is iespi:.-ible ? We answer, '." p irties. First The vretch nhosid.i bi:u w!.i-ky for gain. Sicoi.d. The .Tiristiaii people of Mar tiiiflm g who permit its sale to b- I rrnxcd .- 1 rr . I: . J. .- ! l) c "th i , . i I.aiii' rns and Lamps for sale at Piiste's Wholesale and Ii.-t.iil Hud ware Store I Crystal Palate ISaibiin.;. Wb r phi.s-it t iiKve rtc.ivid aj volume of "Songs r.!' 1 inly and Liiler j the residence tbe bii-J.'s mo'her, in Car Years.'' bv Mr.v M. J K. Cian ford. 's,' 1"-' V""!- J- V Mnor,- .. . ... i- i 1 l.,,-,M.li; t- KiioV jit Mli Iltiio a . ., .... ,. . , . resident of this c iii'ity. J lo; book 18 ' neat ia appearance, unusu .liy lwppy j in choKei.fsulj-c.s. and edifying as well j ss plea-Mug 111 -u ;l:ty ol selecttons 'lo ; .nj.- 0f j,,,. ,1R lVoik ia well worth j cmit lining maiiy riclj alld pl. cious thoughts, clothed in a garb alike P'"111-1 a"'i -!i,liI- TllB tWrfi the authoress has been previously and proiniuttilly recogtiiz.d. roiniuuitlv recosuiz.d. and no doubt! many copies of the present book will be j . - . i ; vertiseinent ol 1 lie f ranciscus Hardware Coiiiiany for prices, Wiiii'h will be fotiinl lover than .j - '" A cool) many people seem to think that it is a part of the dcy of uewspaper meu to veutilate through their columns all the trifling matters of scandal that are I afloat in private circles. We have found out by experience that those scandal mon gers w ho ate uioet reaily to furnish for publica'ioa matters aifeciiug the good uainc of their neighbors is always anxious j to escape responsibility for tlieir utterau - b7 writing atiouvmou.-ly. or if they do hapt eu to sign tlie.r names lo tnen communications they arc Bare to request the publisher lo keep them profoundly - .. Anothkr Victim vv an Old Swin dle. A gentleman from Allentown call ed at the Major's office soon after tbe arrival of the Pacific express east on the Pennsylvania railroad, yesterday, and stated that he had been swindled oat of 8350. lie raid that between Chicago j and Pittsburg he made the acquaintance I of "OT.ni-eU fln-n-rd" nun. who made i " J himself very agreeable and sociable ; that when within about seven mi'es of Pitts burg the acquaintance newly made was approached by a man who asked "if he could fix that matter now ?'' He replied to tiie interrogatory that htfcbad not the amount about him, and inquired of the Allentown gentleman if lis had any ready money about him. and upon being infonn ed that be had $350, the nice young man pulled a check from his pocket for $2 -70 ) on tho 'Fourth Na'ioual Bank of Xew York,'' and asked him to advance the amount required, and to hold the check as security until his arrival here where the sharper claimed to be in the grocery business on East State street. The check was made payable to the or der of G. B. Myer. After the transnc lion the Allentown party lost sight of his fiiend at I'itt.-burg, and will probably never set his eyes on him again. He had about enough money left to take him home, and will no doubt, when he trav els again, be careful how ho makes the acquaintance of strangers and advance money 'on cheek offered by parties with whom he has recently met. Harrishu g Heal Estate foii Salk Lucien W. Poty, Ailmiiii.-trator of the ( state of John Robinson, dee'd, will offer at public sale on the premises, at I o'cloct P. M., on Wednesday, January 15, 1S73, a valua ble tract of laud, rituale in Fayette twp., Juniata county, containing Eighty acres, more or less, bmmd-'d by lands of John Musser, Win. Thompson, and others. having l In reiui rrecte'l a Prune House, ISank liaiu and ttVr irerarr out- Ln.ldn.ps 1 hrre i a t? "d "n baiJ on the ire:i- ... t- A ' . - baud- bills. ()m lat .Vula J p. ' . V. Elecuto: ff l;.,Un C i'k.UUi. i-'J , Sulil at public Ie, ihr lallH Ita4 iu Beale tnwn-I.ip. to i-rgi' Jarobo. E-q , of this I oroiigh, fir $15 o0 t acie. TiCSlf you wish to buy hard ware of every description cheap, call at Franciscus', Main street, Plwsitu t,ic Court-house, where you can Ijuv Hardware much i lower than elsewhere. Tltjs is the seai-ou ot the year for all k5l",B ",' A:l"-? ,'"i"s Tl"',c nothing h' Iter known to n move such fcmictitns) than KUNKKL'S PAIN JLAYKIt. For sale bv I3.uk & Ham bn. lirusiri-it, Mifil ntown. 3X;ii-ii"l : .MA GILL C MM INS On Nv. 4, 172. by l'.ev. J. A. .M.Giil, Mr. William Mngill and Miss M.igjie Cui-mius, bjih of Tusci rurn lo nsihip KI'LI.Y Mi DON A L!) On Sov. II, 1872, by tiie tume, .Mr . Kdward M. Kelly and .Miss ' 'enuic'.V. McDou.ld, both of l'.calc town-1 . CIIL HALIX On the 12th inst ., at (lie rrideiice of the bride's p iretits, by 1'ev. T. J. Sl't-raid Mr. George I'M. r M miicello. -Vu"e ' lml ,iml M;s4 En,nJr lUmV'a' daughter or Dr. rhilo Ilaailin, of Walker ' lo.tiialiip. this county. SPEDDY Mo'lRS Cn the 12ih init., at l,r Itev. W. I. rrvi"inr-r. J TV. Spe-iily. Esi- - - . ft f J Editor of the MilHiritown Independent, and ,, ,. ,, , . . . .. Miss M iry l nlton Moore, daughter of the jttle Robert Moore, ol Ce.rlislc. A.tt-ILER,M)UGMlS on the 12h c ,,:irJi) M An. wilcr. of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Miss Martha E. Donphmnn. daughter of George Doiiffhinan. of Miftlin. Pi. MINGLE Yesterday m'rn;nit. I'cc 17ih. in Fermanagh towiir'uip, Peter Mingle, aged about fi7 years. IHtsrrtlanrous. IN PATTERSON. rI1RE undersigned offers at private sale a X Lot of (irouud sii iiaTci in I lie borough r Piiittr:-on, Jnuita county, having thero on erected a Nsif Frame Dwallins House, and a god llofr I't-n. There are Peach, Pear, and other Fruit Trees on the Lot. Possession given at ouce. Fur terms, ic , call on or address II. C. ART.OG AST, Dec 4, 72-2ia Poi t Itoy il. Pa EHILSIOK FUI EMPOUIUAl. J. ISAACS, Successor to JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Arc'a Street, Middle of the ltloo-k. between 7iU and 8tb eirecis. South side, PHILUiKLPHIA, IlIPOrjEU AND MANUFACTURER OF FOr. LADIES' AND CIIILDUEN'S WEAR, Wholesale and EotaiL Having imeoried h very large and splen did assortment of all the dilfereut kinds cl KL' l!S from first hands in Kurope. would re spectfuily inviie the readers of this paper lo call ana examine tbe a sortment. of Fancy Furs 1 am dmerinined i sell nt the lowet Cttth prices. A' I Furs WtirrinlrJ. So mis rrpresrnttitwns to effect sales. FCKS ALTERED ASD REPAIRED. BKemember the store, 713 ARC II St., Philadelphia. Oct 2-10t Caution. LL perrons are hereby cautioned against jl Himtin)-. Fishing, or in any way tres passing on the farm occupied by the under. signe t, in MilforJ lownsbip. All persons so offendiog will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. JOSEPH FCKK. Tlie Clarice ts. Prices of Board of Commerce. Reported weekly for the Jitkiata Semtitiil by the Board of Commerce of Mifflin and Pat terson. Butler f ft.- 25 Ejtfra. doi L 30 Lard, lb 8 Country Soap 8 Beeswax - 25 Tallow 8 Rags 3 Wool, washed fiO Dried Apples 10 " Peaches, pared 20 " Peaches, unpared 15 Cherries, pitted 20 " Blnckberries - . 10 " Raspberries 16 Country Hams 12 Rides and Shoulders 7 Potatoes, bus 40 Onions " P0 Ground Alnm Salt, sack 2 25 Kaiiroad Ties 50 Locust Posts, mortising 32 " " for board fence.. 15 Shelley & Stambaugh's Prices Current. Corrected Weekly. Cbtstal Palace, Mifflintown, 1 Dec 1, 1872. f Prime Roll Butter, pjr lb 25 Egps, per dozen 30 Lard, per lb C8 Tallow, per lb-. OS Beeswax 30 Dried Apples, per lb . Ot " Cherries, seedless, per lb 17 . " " nnsecded 01 " Blackberries OH Raspoerries 20 Walnuts, per bus 40 Shellbarks .'. .) Pnt-uocs ",() t'liickens, live, per lb 08 Liverpool Ground lum mI, pc-S'ink 2 no D. P. Sulouff & Co.'s Prices Current. Reported Weekly. Grain. While Wheat, fl bus $1 70 Red " " 1 HO Corn, old 50 Oats 37 Cloverseed 4 50 Timothy seed 3 50 Coal. Prepared Ccal, "s' ton . Nut " " I'ca " Bituminous" " Ll'MBKR. Ruu of Log, 4 4, t 10-K) ft 5-8, " " 8-4, ' $5 25 . 4 25 3 10 - 5 00 $:i5 00 25 00 ..25 OOiotO 00 .. 2G0()tol0 00 .......20 no j " C-l, " IIml,'ck Frame, Boards. " 20 00 Whitepine worked Flooring 35 00 Gcrmar. Siding 35 00 Panel Doors 2 00 to 3 00 j U in low Sash, 8x10, "j ninilow.. lo !x!2. " 10x12. " 10x1 , 90 rilll.AIELPIII. MA It lit IS, PuiLAnKLrktA, Dec. 17, 1872. The market is less active, the demmd be ing limned, boih for shipment and hunie eonsuiiipiiiin ; sales of 1200 bbls. iii.l'iding. Superfitie $150(5 51) Extras $" 'ifiifi 5) N. W. Kxtra Family $7 5i'(,,8 75 Ohio Ind. do. do $8 HI 1,0 i:0 Peima. do. do $7 "5(18 50 Fancy Rrands... .... J'J G01 1 no Grain. Tho tone of the wheat market is steady, but he volume of himiness is lip lit Sales or 3.700 bushels, at 1 78il SS T.r west ern red, 1 !; Tor amber, and 1 0"i:i2 H5 fir wLiic. llye sells at 78a8 e for western. Corn is du:. with sales of old yellow at Gc. ne do. nt lioc. and wesiern niix;d ni (i4ui"c OatS moved slowly. 450 ) bit-" sold at oOaolc ! for white and 45.i47c for mixed. Sfeos Cloverscd is dull and nominal at. OaOJe. Timoihv sold nt $3 50i3 75 per bus. rillLADKLPHIA CATTLE MtRKKT. MosniT. Dec. 104 V. M. The maiket fur Peef Cattle was rather dull this week. Sales of extra at 7a8c ; fair In good at oifii, and common at 4aoc. lleceipis 320(1 head. Cows and Calves are dull and nominal at $25a!S5 fo- springers and SiJOajO for fresh I cows. Iteccipts ooO head. Sheep were warned. Salles at 5a3c j3 lb Itecripis 8. (M0 head. Iloi;s sold to a moderate extent nt $(ia0 25 for corMed.. Iteccipts oO' Ohevl. I). P. SULOUFF & CO., (Successors to D. K. Sulouff & Co.,) BZALEHS III ' Grain, Lumber, Coal, CALCINED PLASTER, CEMENT, &C. The Hi-rhest Cash prices Paid for all kinds of Grain. Lumber, Coal, iVc. Sold at I he Lowpst I'rircs r Having boats of our own we can freight Grain. Lnmher, Coal, &e., cheaper than any oilier parties. We therefore defy competi lion. 8jyYou can make mnnev by calling on us betore selling or buying elsewhere. Grain will ne bkckivko in stoki to be solo by the 1st or June, 1873. P. S. Our grain is not elevated on men's backs. Mitilintown. April 20. 1872. New Store and New Goods. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &C. llain Street, lliSintoTm. HAVING opened out a GROCERY AND PROVISION STOKE in the old stand on Main Street, M itfiintown, 1 would respect I'ully ask tho attention of the public to the following articles, which I will keep on hand at all titles : SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, RICE, FIS II, SALT, DRIED AKD CANNED FRUIT. HAM, SHOULDER, DRIED BEFF, Confectioneries, Nuts, &c, Tohneco, Cignrti, GLASSWARE, Flour, Feed, &c. All or which will be Bold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. Give me a call and hear my prices. Mifflinlown, May 2, 1872, J. W. KIRK. CATJTI02T. rpiiE public are hereby notified that the X following articles of property have been purchased by me from Thomas Moore, viz: Two Cows, threo IIojs, one Breeding Sow, and eight Sboats All persons are therefore hereby cautioned ajiinsi meddling or inter fering Iu any way with, said property. DAVID WILSOy. Not. 4, J?72-3l giarrJinrf, &c. Til 13 Fit A CISC US HARDWARE COMPANY, Main Street, Opposite Court Yard, IVlitniiiloira, Pa.. Are offering Large Inducements lo CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, SADDLERS, SHOEMAKERS, BUILDERS, r AIMERS, ic. They have oa hand the largest stock of HARDWARE. IKON. HORSE SHOES, Kails, Paints, Leather, AND BUILDUP HATSZIAL, In the ceDtral part of the State. Thiy are selling liar Iron nt Sc lb. IIori Slios8 at $7.40 "? keg. He-Kt Norway Nuil Ruds at 9ic "f? Ib. 11 inch Iiorie R i-ps at Sac eucli. They ar selling 1J Hickory Felloca at SI iO lb set. 1 J Hickory Spokes at 52 00 "j set. No. 1 Gum Hubs at 90i "jS set. No. 1 Hemlock Sultt leather at 3 IcjjMb. No. I Best Oak Leather at 40c lb. C?i- I" order to close out their immense stock of W170V13!-, they will sell them at C0)T.-J Give them a call before pur chasing elsewhere. Franciscus Hardware Co. Main Street, Mifflintown. Dec. 11, 1872-tf VALUAKLIniOlERlY AT PRIVATE SALE THE undersigned offers for sale the rollow inp, properly, situared in Milford iwp.. Juniata ciiuiiiy, la., miles wet of rutter oii and j mile from the 1. K. R hounded hy lamia of .1 imes North on the north and ea.st. aud by land: of E. 8. Doty on the soutu and west, containing Ei-jht Acres and Seventy-Six Ferches, all in a gixid fiaie of ciiliivation. The im provements are aa follows : 2 x0. with baMCinenl and eight rooms, thrre clothes presses and two halls : al.o a good UANlv ItAKN, 2iix4(5, well arranged; als Spritg Hoiie. Sinoke House, and oilier tie crssary outbuildings. There 19 also an abun dance cr rruit on the premises an Orchard o( over 50 trees, 30 being in bearing condi tion, aso Cherries and Teaches. There is a good Spring or never failing water near the house. TfcltM? : Price S2,."00. One thonsand dollars lo be paid on the 1st oT April, l7;i. when Deed will he made an 1 possession given The hal.iiicc in payments to suit purchaser. Call at the premises, or address A. J. iiki:tzi.er, Patterson, Juniata Co., I'a. N. B. If desirable, the purchaser can buy thirty acres more, adjoining the above prop ?rty, under cultivation, at S"i0 per acre. HOLIDAY GOODS ! I have added lo my cxitnsi'e variety or LAM TS and TA liLK U LASSH A HE, MOTTO Cri'-! and S A ITERS. MOT To MCGS. and TOY TEA SETTS, ia 7r?i rariny. Als... VASE and FANCY TOILET SETTS, of the handsomest designs fsj These roods I hive imported directly fron Europe, and my prices are as low as any Im porter cm sell ilia same goods in either this city or New York. A. J. TVEiDNER. Nos. 33 South 2ui and 'I'.) Strawherry sts,. Philadelphia, Pa. n My stock or CHANDELIERS, es pecially adaptedto Churches, is very large Books or Dr i wings, ahowing the des:gn ol each chandelier and bracket, will be sect on request. nov'i-2 mus 3Icat ! 3Ieat ! 'PHE undersigned hereby respectrully in A forms tbe citizens of Mitilintown and Patterson that his wagon will visit each ot these towns on TUESDAY, THURSDAY and S tTUKDAY mornings or each week, when they can be supplied with CHoioo HcefJ Veal, Iiitton, I;iiI, Sec, during the summer season, and also POKK and SAUSAGE in season. I purpose fur uishing Deer every Tuesday and Sainrdaj morning, and Yeal and Mull. in every Thurs day morning. Give mi your patronage, and will guarantee to sell a good meat as the country can produce, and as cheap as any oiner butcher in tui conniy. v June 14, 1872 SOLOMON SIEDER. BROCKERIIOFF HOUSE, BELLEFOXTE. l'EXX'A. D. J0HKST0IT & SOUS, Proprietors. The Brockerboff House" has recently been refitted and otherwise greatly improved, and is now under the proprietorship of D. John ston Sons, formerly of the Leonard House" in Ciearfield Persons visr.ing Itrllefuute on business or pleasure will find this conve nient and pleasant place to stop. Free Buss to and from the Depot. Not 1, 1871. Administrator's llotice. Estate of ilary ilessimer, deceased. 'JIIE undersigned, to whom Letters of Ad L ministration on the estate of Mary Messimer, late of Mifflintown, dee d., have been duly granted according to law. hereby gives notice to ail persona indebted to said estate to come torward and make payment, and those having claims against it. to pre sent them properlv authenticated for settle ment. JOSEPH ROT 11 ROCK, Adm r. Oet 9. 72-6t ARU EST STOCK of Dress Goods ia the i eat?y at Tilten & EspBsehs,!c'e. ,$18,000 GENERAL MERCHANDISE, JUST NOW OPENED AT TILTEN & ESPENSCHATJE'S, THE LARGEST, THE NEWEST, THE CHEAPEST, And the Jlost Attractive i' mia DRESS GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY OF PRICES AND STYLES. Black Silks, Drap l)e Alma. Imperial Rep.;, Jamise, Caelimeri Kayo, Australian Crape Empress, latest Canton Cloths, tVcM e., IN GOOD VARIETY. We respcctful'y solicit an tx uni nation bvftiro purchasing rlacwuere. Any and. trrrylhing, surh as SJunrh, Ciutda. ('aisiincrrs. Flannel. Eitnketj, Lnderirciir, Ilo-rit-ry, Glorr, J,-., Sfr. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT, Of any and t verything Rt prices winch defy competition. One of the bet in the county, pmbr.-icitig' all this New ami Rest f tyles for the Fall and Winter Tratle, for Ladim. Mioses nnd Children the !ime exclusively far cur trade nt priors to suit ail, purchasers. Every .air warranted Grocery and Queonsware Department. For our Grocery ami Queensware Department we have secured one of the fiuest rjotrm iu '.he c.itinty in the O.l 1 Fellows' II. ill. Just opened one of the largest ami best stocks of Goods ever brought to the county, all of which are kindly sulimitti d to the inspection of all our numerous fri;uds and customer!-. For quality and prices we defy competition: EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED. "LOW PRICES FOR CASH" OUR MOTTO. TILT EX & ESPEXoCIIADE. Oct. 3' I87-.-ly Df, HAKLEY & CO.'S Is tlie place te:e y;u can buy Mlio l0!-it ami tlio Clicio?-i; MENS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, EATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SSOES, AID FUHITISIIIS C00S3. YE are prepareJ to exhibit one of tli m ist chuice ami fleot St.xrks ever offered in this market, and at ASlVXlSIJXU LOW J'EICKS .' AlfO, mPSHtires taken for Suits aud parts of Suits, which will be Made to order, at short notice, very reasonable. IJememlier the place, in the Nevin 15'iihling, two doors west of the Keystone Store. IIKIIXJE .STREET, MIFFLINTOWN, l'A. may 8, l72-tf DR. P. C. IjEAI.EH IN EVERVTIUNO THAT The public attention is also invited to his large assortment of Perfected -pKNp S All persons who are in need of Spectacles will find it to their adranta-rf to call, as they will find the largest stock in the comity to select from. L'OMK AND II AVE YOUR EYE-SIGHT KKSTOKKD. Also, a splendid assortment of TOILET ARTICLES FOR THE LADIES, With an rnmense stock of NOTIONS . Something f-.r everybody, young and old. at the PATTERSON I)RU(i STORK. Sptfial Jloticrs. THE GREAT DISCOVERY. KunkeFs Bitter Wmc of Iron. ' For the cure of weaW storaach, general ile bilitv. indieealion.- disease of me nervous ?yrtem. cunstipition, acidiiy of the stomach, and all eases reijiiirintr a tunic. The wine includes the must agreeable an-l efficient S ilt of Iron we poke's ; Curate of Magnetic O.ti'U. eotiihine'l with the mot en ergetic of vegetable tonics lellow Peruvian Uark. Tbe effect in many cae of ilehHiiy. los of appetite. anJ general protrli in, of an efficient salt of Iron, ouihine-1 w lb our val uable Nerve, ia most happy. It amrrnenta the appetite. ni" the p?i:e, tak oT miM- cular n.ihbinesi, r-n"ive the pallor of de bility, and gives a fl irid vi'r iu ibec mnie nance. Do you want omelhinx lo 4trengtuen you . Io you want a goo. appe'i'e ? Do you want to huibl up your contituiion ? Do you w .nt to feel -M I'o yon wnni to jet vi l of nerviju-neji Do you want energy l)o you waal ta sleep wj'IT "o jou nut brisk mn4 vierou fling .' If you do, try Kunkel W ine .f Iron This truly valuable T mia hbeon j t' ougluy tested by U ti-'jei -tl ihe eonimiiaiiy that it ia now deemed in lispeiibie at a Tonio mwlicine. U eoa'i hut little, purine- the blood and give tone to the stomach, reno vates the ytem and pro'oni-' tire. 1 dsw only v( a trial of tun valuable T nic. Vrice $! pr bottle. E. F. Kunkel. Sole proprietor, ..r. oria iinin aireei. uw;w Vine, Philadelplna. Asfe for Kanltel's Biler Wine of Iron and take no other. If your Druggist ba it not, send $1 lo my address, and lh medicine. with iJvioe free, will come by next expres tralc. treb.-s, i-rx WORTH OF AT 3 rH Stock of Goods ever Brouirlit own. 0 4 RU2VD20. CONSTITUTES A FIRST-CLASS 11 E a pectacles. The Placi; for Good (Irape-vincs IS AT T !? S Juniata Uallcn Uivcnarbs, AND tJK.Vl'E-TlXE M RSERT. i rpiIE undersigned w.mld re're'-'flly in- 1 form the public tliat he hai starred a ! Grape-vine Nursery about one mil-i eortbeast of Mitilintown. where he has beeit letinf- a .Urge number of the different virietit? of drapes; and having been in the brine for seven years, he is now prepared to famish ! VINES OF ALL THE LEAMNi; I VARIETIES, ANI OF THE I MOST rKOMISING KINDS, AT i. O V BATHS, ' br the in -!e vine, d ien. liundrel r ihoii ' Dand. All prs in9 witiiing g'od aud thrifty viutf will io p' !l .o c:.U an-l see fur tliem I ele. j Jrar-Ooo l and ,esf f nuib'.t Ajient' w in'ed. Aidress, i JONAS OitKlllIOLTZEi:. ' MiSiulown, Juniaia I'o , t". IKew Brug; Stoco ' IX PERRYSVILLE. D' R.J. J. APrLKBL'GII bar establiahai a lri:g aad Traseription S.ore in tho j above-aamed places and keeps a general a : sortmcut of ! QRUGS AXD MEDlCrXKS, Also all other article usually kept io estab ta of this kind. Pure Wines ana Liquors for medicinal pur poses. Cigars. Tobacco, Stationery. Confec tions ( first -olass). Notions, to.. e. r3-Tkc loetor giTOS advice fr