Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, December 11, 1872, Image 3

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    fat Snim stntmtl.
aftor Sunday, Oct, '21, 1872, Passenger
Trin will leave Mifflin Station as folloi :
Philadelphia Express
1:10 A. M.
Fast Line 8:84 A. M.V "J,
Pacifio Kxprese 10:07 A. f.A
Harrinhurg Accommodation 11:28 A. M. J" 1
Wail Train P. M. ' ,
Cincinnati Express.....
8:1 J P. M.
1:8 A M.
1: 6 A. M.
4:08 A. M
6:02 A. M.
6:9 A. M.
9:4 A. M.
8 88 P. M.
i.83 P. M
6:00 P. M.
Pittsburg Express v
Cincinnati Kxpresa ..
8outkrrn Express-
Through I'as.-engcr
Paci6e Express
Ha; Paseeuger
Mail Train
asl Line
Mixed Train
Stops when signaled.
In tbe iaaue nf the Scn'inel of tlie Sf7tb
ult, an accouut of a railroad accidenl that
took place lie.. i' Willmingtou Delaware,
bj which two pereona were killed and
seventeen others injured, was pulIith-(!.
Two passenger trams with the eamc ties
tination in view w. re running nearly
on one ana tue time lime. 1 lie eupiie
of the first tiain did not steam properly
and the train came to a "halt the
second train ran into it while thus slan
cine, telescoping two ears with the end
result's as above stated. Tr.iius thus
closely run to eicb o'Jit should be con
ducted by men whoever faithfully din
charge their duty to theii employers and
to the public, and who are not only men
of integrity but who are turn of sufficient
discernuient and capacity to lealize th
danger of a ituaiiuu like the one refi reii
to, au l the energy to promptly employ
all means at hand to avert a calamity
which most assuredly under Mich cirf
OtnaUuces f.illii'Ag the least abatement of
duty and a!t-n:ion.
It was not Lelieved that such an acci
deut could happen on the line of the
j-eiiuyivma ventral railroad, tor no
manaeiiieiit in the United Stuti-8 ir
more rig'd in i s dieeipliiymd rrtjuire
inents of f-m( 1 ees than 'the Peiinyl-
vanif railroad Company, and yet will.
all the precaution, diacipliuand require
inents for which this company is juxtly
noted an aceiJ...it of a character eyuiil&i
to the one jut I fluted, took place here al
our doors, at .MifHiiiilown, on one of ihi
bestauiged JivUi.ms of the roal. Nu
rrtli clii.n however, can Le cai-t on the
la ins geineut of the divi.-iou for litis acci
dent, that remind in the fti ucliuu oi
Company property, nd iLe deutij of five
peoouf, and the iijiry of time others.
The actideiit took, place about ont-,
mile noith if this place, on Friday veil
ing, the iu-t, between the hour of )
aud 10 o'clock. The train to which it
liap.ieiied was an eastward bound one,
and is nin. d by railroad authority 'The
Cincinnati! Kxpress' Its time here is 8
, clock and 43 minutes in the evening -see
t i in j table This train was run in
two sections each section hating a loco
motive to draw it, Th distance usualh
kept between the reclions in about two
miles. On the eveni.ig of the 5lh, tli
trains as the reader has already learned,
was considerably behind time.
Someahere between MeVevtown and
Lewietown the eDgiue. of the 1st section
of the train ceie j to w rk priperly, if
did not g nerate suiBcieut steam
run the train at the schedule rate ot
speed. The section however, was kepi
on its course to "riixler's station'' tw.
miles cast of Lewirtow'n, where watei
was taken, aud jurc'igeir,n signal caj
placed on the railt) to cuctiou the 2uu
section of the train.
If such caps are deemed sufficient pre
cautionary notice under such critical cir
........:.. ,t...f.
trains, they in this in-Unce proved ex
ceptions, for they entirely failed to pre
vent what the placing of them on tin
rails indicated appreheusiou of niav h
an accidtlit.
The common feme view of the eitua
tion is that under the ciicumstauces tin
signals were far from i-uiEcieut, and thai
the management of a M-ction that wouln
attempt to run a disabled engine, undei
such slight signald of danger, a dirtance
of ten miles, with a section following ai
a speed past the usual rate of 25 to 3U
miles per hour, to make up lost time, ir
A management that is too uig'cctlul oi
too deficient iu ability to properly dis
charge the duties uad.-r all circumstance
that attend the management of the first
eectiou of a passenger train; property is
too valuable, and life too precious to be
destroyed by neglect or incapacity. At
tn glit be expected under such manage
meut the 2nd section rtiuning at a rapid
Tate of speed overlook the 1st section
ruuing at 12 tol5 miles per hour, a short
distance on this side of Lauver's curve
The brakes were pat on by the engineei
but the section was not entirely flowed
such was the velocity at which the en
giue struck the rear car of the first sec
tion, Silver palace car, No 15, that its
front end was sprung outo the rear end
of the I'ulman palace car I'lymouth, and
shoved into or telescoped the I'lymouth
to the distance of 15 to 20 feet, thereby
instantly killing', . W. W. Pfntz. wife
and child of Princeton v Wis., and Mat
thew Knowles aud
both of Chicago "
J "Willard Bacon,
W bo Mr D;H J wa may- be learned
from tjrt-.iollo-.ving Congressional resolu
tion Mr. Dawes yeilded the floor to Mr.
Sawyer, Wis., who offered a resolution
reciting the telegraphic account of the!
accident on the Pennsylvania railroad,
among ie victim of which were W. W
JJutz, an employee et the bouj, nil i
wife aud child, aud directing that ar
rangements be made to transfer their
bodies back to their late home at Prince
ton Wis., and have them interred at the
expense cf the (louse Adopted.
Three persona were injured ; C. II.
Remy, of Indianapolis, Indiana, in
right foot. Mr. T. M Sayre of N. J.,
about the head and band, and. Mrs.
Sayro about the aukles where she was
caught by a huge pile of millions of spl.n
ters of wood, broken pieces of lookiu g
glass, bolts of iron, and car debri gen
erahy, broken, bent and shoved together
by the telescoping of the cars.
Her body wars entirely free and lay in
the aile of the Plymouth. She did not
8pj ear in the least disconcerted, and dnr
ing the hour and more that was required
.release bi-r, the did not once lose her
self possesion, but ralndy directed those
who were eagerly engaged at wwk for
her release, where their labor could be
expended with the most effect, liers is
the spirit of the heroine aud martyr
She wag able to walk when released
The train was not long delayed by
this accideut, that was so deetruclive of
life, for the road wae not obstructed.
Only the front trucks of the eilver pal
-tee car were knocked from their place
and shoved toward the hind trucks, not,
however, interfering in the least wiih the
emoval of the broken cars to a a siding
down at the station, where huudiedsot
persons visited them the next morning.
The wounded pursued their journey, aud
the bodies of the unfortunate dead
-trangers were taken to the Patterson
House, where an inquest was held, of
which the following is a correct copy, as
on file iu the Prothonotary a Office ;
The CommoQwc-iltb of Pennsylvania,
Jumttia Cutiuijt, 3.
An Inquisition, indented aud taken at
Patter, on. in Juniata county aforesaid,
the 6ih day of December, A D., 1872,
before tu-, J Middagh, Inquire, of the
comity aforesaid, upon the view of the
bodies of Georgn l' Bacon and .Mathew
Knowles. of the city of Chicago, isute
of Illinois and W VV. D intz, wifo and
child, of the city of MiiwaJjtee: State of
W isconsin, then and there lyiug dead. I
Upon the oaths of 11. 11. Wilson, John
i". Moser. S. 11. Notestine. l. A Dough
inan. Robert Nixon and W. It. Kgolf,
good and lawful in n nf the county afore
said, who being sworn to inquire on the
partirf'the Coinumuwealtli when, where,
bow. and afier what manner the said
(ieorge F. Hacon Mathew KiinwlesfW
W. Dontz, wife aud child, came to their
death, do say upon their oaili- that p- n
the evening ol th5:hdayof December,
A. I). 1S72, about, one mile north of .Mif
flin Station, at about, ten o'clock of said
evening an accident happened, caused by
the engine of I be first section of Cinciu
naii Kxpress east pelting out of order
between McVevtown and Lewigfnwu,
nd therehv causing said first Section of
Cincinnati Kxpress tiain to lose time, and
the enginn nf iwoiid section of 'JlUn-
ntti Kxiires train, with one exprrs caaVt
lir.ike loose fro:n the train, and it hecamn
impossible for the engineer to stop his
neine in so short a distance without the
assistance of ar brake, and the n iginan
on the first section of 'ineinnaii east
failed Jo use bis proper signals which are
provided for him to use in such cases.
TjCSrDon't fail to read the ad
vertisement of The Franciscus'
Hardware Company for prices,
which will be found lower than
city prices. : - - .
Ri'BilKR.Y A citizen of Tbompson-
rown w i lies us aa fo.lows In regard to
the robbery of the Post Office in that
place last 'a'ur:ay night: 'The Post
' hlice iu this town was burglariously c ti
ered on Saturday uight 7th iust., and
lobbed of postage stamps, ranging from
I cent op to 15 cents, amounting to S16.
85. and a la ge U S. envelope or pouch.
marked 'Post .Master at Tholnplilllown,,
ont.iiniiig the stamps. The" burglars
also took from Mis K. James, post mis
tress, six boxes of cigars, marked 'J. B.
A'olf,' and other goods, amounting to
tbout 35 00 in value The burglars.
'ading to force the door open, gained an
-ntiance through the transom above the
loor. The implements u.sed to force
tiieir way in, were left iu the post office
ud have since been identified by Mr. T.
1 hnmpsnn as Lis pinchuars, taken lrom
i lis saw mill."
Stoves will be sold at greatly reduced
,-. ill 1 1
prices at I aisle 6 uoiesaie ana reiau
lard ware Store, in order to make room
for other goods. If you want a cheap
r'tove, now is your time.
Real Estate for Salb. Lncien W.
i 'oty, Administrator of the estate of John
Robiuson, dee'd, will offer at public sale
on the premises, at I o'cloca P. M., ou
Wednesday, January 15, lb73, a valua
ble tract -of land, situate in Fayette twp.,
Juniata couuty, containing Eighty acres.
more or less, bounded by lands of John
Musser, Win. Thompson, aud others,
having thereon erected a Frame House,
Bank Barn and ether necessary nut
buildings 'there is a good Oichaid on
the premises. For terms, ice, see hand
bills. -;- - '
JJC2If Jou wish to buy hard
ware of every description cheap,
call at Frauciscus', Main street,
opposite the Court-house, where
you can buy hardware much
lower than elsewhere.-
A cow belonging to Hutchison Mc
Alister, of McAlisterville, was shot in
the side by some unknown person, one
day last week. About two days after
wards she died from the effects" of the
ball, whifch, on opening her after she was
dead, was Yound to have lodged iu her
liver. , -
WANTED 1.000 pounds of Dried
Apples, for which ti e highest price' will
be allowed in exch nge for goods by
Court pKoctMil.Mos. Court con
vened on Monday mnrn'ng, Dec. 2nd,
about 10 o clock. Judge Juuktn and bis
Associates on the bench. Much of the
miscellaneous business which usually
takes np the time of the court was dis
posed of ou Monday ; and had the par
ties and their attorneys been ready
promptly, the entire list could easily have
been disposed of. The list was a long
one, aud much credit is due to Judge
J uukin for the promptness and despatch
with which business was conducted, thus
saving expense to the county.
No doubt on account of the prevalence
of the " Epizootic " the attendance was
not as large as would otherwise have
been expected, as the trial and argument
lists were unusually long. Below will
be found a brief syuopsU of the business
of the week.
Samuel Murphy vs. I'aniel Coffman
Continued on account of illneBS of plain
tiff and inability to attend court, and
the plaintiff ordered to pay the coats of
the term.
tulouff & Ptambangh vs. Jonathan &
Elizabeth McCoy. Plaintiff took a on
James F Kiik, Adm'r See , vs. Isaac
Kirk, owuer aud terre tenant Ac. Ver
diet for deft.
J u vt nt et at vs Jacob r.elly. 1 ins
was an action of assumpsit brought by
p!ff against deft, growing out of an agi ce
ment between-p!ff and deft by which
(ilfTs wtre to peel bark for deft at a slip
ulated price The dispute was as to the
quantity of bark neelej. Thfl ! ft suc
ceeded in satisfying the jury that he had
paid the pit?' more than was actually
due. and hence a verdict for deft for $13
Lewis Burchfield vs. Milford Town
ship This was nn appeal by the plff
from the sett'ement of the township au
ditors nf his account as overseer of the
poor of said township, who refused to
allow plff moneys expended in the pur
chase of real ei-tate for the use of the
poor of the township, and also moneys
expended by plff for the support of pau
pers paid by him without au order of
relief The amount thus expended was
89(5 Verdict for plff for that amouut.
John Mipiifhiff vs Jiinies Coulter, ex
eciitnr of Robl Silverihorn. This was
au appeal by deft from judgment of Sam
uel Woodsides. Emj. Verdict for plff
for Si 4 55
James P. Smith vs. Stewart Mcful
loth. Dispute about grain sold by plff
to deft. Verdict for plff fr 8153.99.
W. W. Wilson vs. Amos H. Martin,
Executor of J. M. Belford. deo-'H. Ac
lion on proniisory note. Tried a.. d opin
ion of Court reserved .
C Beuner vs. Jacob limes. This
ms an action founded on a warranty of
note givt u by di ft to plff in exchange
for a buey. I 'iff alleged that dell
agreed to reui-em the nete if be could no
use ii iu payment of land bought from
the drawer of the note. F. Castle. Lef
denied the warranty, aud hence the suit
Th evidence was very contradictory.
Verdict for deft.
James Alexauder vs Alexander. Con
tinued. '' , '
Nathaniel Rhine, agent for Rebecca
Rhine, vs. James A. Clark. Settled by
the parties. .- .
A S Bos wick vs Jacob Cupp aud Ben
jamin Cupp. '1 his wa& an action of ties
pass brought by plff'- against deft for
driving away and selling the property of
:!ff The delt was a constable,' and as
such levied ou" a number of hogs, shoals
aud young cattle claimed by plff as bis
own. The property wis levied ou as the
property of Jacob Uiinm, aud as such
sold by defr, who succeeded in satisfying
the jury that the plff bad no honest claim
to the property, aud hence a verdict iu
hi' favor.
Wni. L. Notestine vs. E. S. Doty.
This was au action iu which plff sought
to recover for 26 days' work at S2.50
r day doue at deft s house. The deft
denied promise to pay. alleging that tin
work was done lor Gautt, contractor.
1 he jury believed otherwise, aud found
for plff -835
Emanuel Bortle vs. Joseph S Sartain
aud Catharine Sartain. The Court or
dered a uon suit
W. H Mc'lellan vs. Odd Fellows
Hall Association. Scire Facias on me
chanic's lien. Judgment by cousent for
plfl for S159 13.
N. A. Elder vs. Jacob S. Thomas
Action on proniisory note. The deft in
this case filed au affidavit of defence, but
when the case was called permitted judg
ment to be entered for S2 11.77.
Josiah Foster vs. Solomon Books.
Judgment for plff for S3S7.82.
Henry Zook vs. M" Spigelmoyer and
Peter Dalbert. Action on promisor
note. Verdict for plff for $77.
T. V. Irwin vs. Abraham Sicber. Con
Samuel Ard vs. John Adams. Settled
by deH paying amouut of pltTs claim.
For want of space the Argument List
and the (jn rter Sessions List lies over
for next tti i issue.
I?5rFranciseus' have just re
ceived a large assortment of
SKates, which they are selling
very low.
SlNGtXQ Class Prof Knrzenknahe.
of Harrisburg, requests us to give notice
that be will commence his second term of
Singing Class, iu this borough, on Tburs
day evening, December 12, 1S72. .
Col. J J. Patterson was elected
to the United State Senate by the
Legislature of South Carolina on the
10th, aud on the 1 lib he was jailed for
bribery.' So despatches report.
Dkow.kd. A correspondent writes
us from Millerstown as follows: Isaac
Mimes, formerly a resident of McAlister-.
ville, Juniata county, but for some time
past a resident of Milleretowh, Perry
county, left the house of bis mother-in
law, w here he had his borne, one night? served nothing else unusual in bis eon
about four weeks ago, taking with . hi ml. duct- Such iu brief i what we have
no clothing except what be had on at-thy been able to learn, after diliigent inquiry
timi .am..1, l i and l)llltl tl I J-it jl frilirt half a ft(,7ui fl I tT. . runt v.viiu biiiI nn.
parture in such a manner was considered
strange. Inquiry and search was madij
for bira, but bis whereabouts was nof
discovered until last Saturday morn in a
when to boys, looking for fish in thd
canal at Millerstown, discovered bis body
under the ice. The discovery was mad
known, the body removed, and au ii
quest held, and the mortal remains rf
Isaac Dimes were conveyed that even
ing to the graveyard on the hill. '
t!t5F Country merchants, you
can buy goods just as low, if
A. 1 T :... tkrvn
itoi tower, at j: lautiacuo man
from city jobbers. -
WANTED 100 Buhel Walnuts at
Shelley Si Stambaugh's, in exchange for
goods. ' 't
If you want a beautifuj
Parlor Lamp, complete for 75c;
call at Franciscus'. J
Skates. A large lot of Skates ju,t
received at Paiste' Hardware Store.
1$3 Franciscus' are closing.
out their stock of Stoves at cost,
Meat Cutter aud atieae Stuffers for
sale at Paiste's Wholesale and Retail
11 aid ware Store, Crystal Palace Building
1222 Xew York Club Skates
for sale very cheap at Francis
cus'. Corn Siikli bus and Fodder Cutters
for sale at Paiete's Hardware Store. .
ITstvs from Nsighboring Canutes.
The Huntingdon Journal of last'wiek
contains the following : The watch aud
pocket book of Jacob Bowser, one of. the
victims of the terrible disaster which
occurred on the Broad Top Railroad, ou
tht 1st of November, could not be found
immediately after the accident There
was no accounting for their disappear
ance. At last, however, the watch has
turned up Ou the 2Cult-. it was discov
ered in the hand of a oung man, at
Bloody Ruu. Hedford county, employed
at oue of the ore banks. He had traded
au overcoat for it ou the previous Satur
day, to a mau by the nauiu of Stuart
who alleges that he met an unknown
man ou the railroad, between the wreck
and Bloody Ruu, with whom he traded
wjtcSP-s. It is supposed that Stuart
took watch from the dead body of
Bowser, and, if he took the one, the pre
linption would bo that btTtoolr "the oili
er also. The watch had been carried
sometime withoui a chain. Stuart lives
at Carlisle but be was working on the
repairs at the time of the accident. The
watch has been handed to Mr. Bowser.
. . The Huntingdon Mimi'or of the
3rd iust.. says : This (Thursday) morn
ing. Miss Lizzie A berts, about Pi years
old, niece of widow Kohler, of Locust
street, undertook to start a fire in a stove
with the aid of carbon oil. The oil took
fire and exploded, covering the person of
the gill with flames. She ran out to the
street and threw herself iu the snow
thereby extinguishing the fire before slit
was fatally burned. Her arms and lower
exti entities were severely scorched.
Our neighboring community of Clear
Ridge was startled on Tuesday morning
by the intelligence of the suddeu death of
Jason McDaniel under very pecular cir
cumstance. Mr McDaniel had been way
from home with a team ou Monday about
5 o'clock in the afternoon be p issed by
Cherry Grove, on hi return. He stop
ped for a short time at the store, made
some purchases and seemed in hi usual
good health and spirit. At sunrise on
I'uesdry morning his team wa found
standing by the roadside within about
three-fourths of a mile of his home, the
wagon being caught fast to a tree, aud
the body of Mr. McDaniel lying in the
wagon, stiffened by the cold and uncon
scious, tie was conveyed to ins nome.
Life became extiuct at 11 o clock ou
Tuesday eveuiug. The cause of his
leath remaius a mystery. He was a
hale, and to all appearances, a hearty
man. lit wile was lying men at itie
ime, and though frightened at his unus
ual absence, she could not gut out to give
the alarm. Mr McDaniel was a young
man of not over 28 years. Btdfurd Co.
Mr. George N Colburn, who was to
have taken charge of the Ward House,
aud whom wo noticed last week as hav
ing mysteriously disappeared on Tuesday
evening, was found at V afer tstieet.
Huntingdon county, in a deplorable con
dition ou Friday of last week, by Mr.
Roller, a "contractor on the Lewisburg
and Spruce Creek Railroad, and taken to
Williamsburg It seems that be ban'
wandered about through the woods, for
bis clothing was nearly all torn off him
and his face and head scratched and
bleeding Our informant state that bis
feet are so badly frozeu that they burs
ted open and hi hand are frozen nearly
off. He bad kbout 4,000 with hitn
when be left, whidh he still retained when
taken to William-iorg by Mr. Roller.
His friends were notified and he is now
receiving tartfui medical treatment at
Williamsburg. Mr. Colburn was not
sulj ct to these sp. lis aud his faraJy and
friends are milch depressed iu consequence
of this affliction Mrs. Colburn says that
she noticed he was unusually quiet 'the
day he disappeared, but, not suspecting
anything to be wrong with him, she ob-
eatislactory stories. Tyrone H ruld
The Bloomtield Adcoca'e of tbe 4ih
"l say : al" l-ntlcmrn nave
organized a Lite'rarrv Society for th
purpose of debate Ou Monday a
child of Mr John Toland, of DuUcauiinii
fell into a pan of hot water and was bad
ly scalded on tbe hands, arm and legs.
Mr. Toland was butchering aud the child
was not noticed uu'il its cries brought
the family to the rescue. ....... A young
mau nameddward Donahue, wxs found
dead in his bed at the boarding house of
Mrs; Boycr, iu .Newport," ou Sunday
morning, the 1st iust Mr Donahue ap
peared to be iu good health before retir
ing for the night. He was unmarried
aud about 30 year of age.
JJS3, Franciscus' are closing
out tueir.tfafge. stock of Meat
Cutters and atuliers at cost.
A"' line assortment of Silver
Plated Ware ftr Holiday Pres
ents, at Franciscus'.
Rogers' genuine Silver plated
Spoons and Forks fur sale very
low at Franciscus'.
EFMill, Cross-cut and Hand
Saws lor sale at Franciscus'.
The best Corn Shelters in the
world for sale at Franciscus'r
3rrrietl:' " --
LIllDIOK 'iRIr'HTH At tUe Liithfr.Ti
Parsonage, in McAlistrrville. on ihe 13th u't
by Ker. A Copmlmier. tt illiatn LMilick a-id
Martha' J. Griffith, both of Millerstown.
Terry county, l'a.
TREGO lON'ES On the-8r4fnn7"Fiy'the
same, I. Davis Trego, of Oakland Milla. nnd
Annie M. Jonen, of Millerstown. Perrr Co.
Perry county papers ple ise copy.
TRY YOCUM At the Lutheran Parson
age in Peiryaville, on ihe 19rh ult., by the
Ker. II. 0. Shin lle, Mr. John D. Fry and
Miss Annie Yocum. hoih of Milford twp.
BOVYEKa PUYOn tbe iTth ult., by the
same, Mr. Samuel A. Bowers, of Turbetl
township, and Miss Susan Pry, of Millord
ult., by ihe same, Mr. Juhn Kemweil, of
Walker township, and Miss Elizabeth Isen'.
berg, of Perrysrille. . -
HO'.VEK-BOWER On the 5th int, by
Rev. D. M. Blackwelder, Mr. Ctiarles E.
llower and Miss Carrie Bowers, both of Fer
managh township
Pieai '
McALISTER On tbe 1st inst.. in r avstte
township, James Sharon McAlister. in the
G4ih year of his age.
FRANK HOUSE On the 3rd inst , in Beala
township. Mary 3., daugh tr of Mr. J. and
Elizabeth Fnlnkhouse, aged 2 years, 9 mos.
and l'i ilajs.
"A lamb of the upper f"ld."
Tlio 31nikctH.
Prices of Board of Commerce.
P.eported weekly for the Juniata Skstisi.
by the Board of Commerce of Mitflin and Pat
terson. Butter til lb 2i
Eggs. 1 doz 30
l.ard, (J lb 8
Country Soap 8
Beeswax 25
Tallow 8
Rsgs 3
Wool, washed AO
Dried Apples 10
" Peaches, pared 20
" Peache. unpared .5
Cherries, pitted 20
Blackberries 10
Raspberries i - 16
Country Hams 12
Sides and Shoulders 7
Potatoes, bus 40
Onions " ''0
fironnd Alum Salt, 1 sack 2 25
Railroad Ties 60
Locust Posts, mortising 82
' for board fence.. 15
Shelley & Stam jaujh's Prices Current.
Corrected Weekly.
Crystal I'alack, Mifflintown,
Dee 11, 172. f
Prime Roll Butter, per fl) 23
Egcs. per dozen 30
Lard, per lb - '8
Tallow, per lb - "8
B-e-wix 30
Dried Apples, per lb 01
Cherries, seedless, per lb IT
unheeded Ot
Blsckberrie' 08
Raspberries -0
Wa'nius. per bns -- 40
Shellbarks. "
Pi.t.toes ,;()
Chickens, live, p-r lb- OH
Liverpool Or'Mind tlirn al , r s 2 o
D. P. Sulouff & Co.'s Prioes Cm rent.
Reported Weekly.
White Wneat, j bus $ 1 70
Red " " 1 K0
Corn, old M)
Oals 35
Cloverseed 4 50
Timothy need 3 50
Prepared Ccal, jl ton $5 25
Nut " " 4 25
Pea ' " - 3 10
Bituminous" " - 6 00
Run of Log, 4 4, 1000 ft $35 00
' 5-8, . " 25 00
8-4, " ....25 OOioto DO
6-4, " 25 00to4ot)0
Hemlock Frame, " 20 0
Boards. 20 o0
Wbiiepine worked Flooring.... 35 00
" fiermat. Siding - .. 35 00
Panel Doors 2 00 to 3 00
Window Sash, 8x10. window 65
" 9x12. 75
10x12, " 80
ltlxtt, " l
Medical Use and sa table for Communion
purposes, for aale at ths
PLAIN and Fane v Job Printing neatly tzt
en tad attain Offiaa.
Dry Coods, &xottxit$, CJaffnswarf, &(;
IJritlspo !" t r-f t t , 3Xilllin t o-" ti,
And ther Most Attractive Stock of Goods ever Brought
J lUllUllll'J II II. VJt
I J lUllUUllU II II.
Blai-'k rtilks, Drap i)e Alm.i. Imperial Ileps, Jamise,
Cachineri liaye, .Australian t'rapti Kmpross,
Datest Canton Cloths, &c., &c,
We resprctfullj policit an ex imi:i;itio:i b. fore purch.ising elscwliere.
Any and treriitliiiig, turh at SAatri. Clvttis, Cassimem, Flannels
Bliinktts. I ndericear. Hosiery, Goves, !p., !).
Of any and everything at prices winch defy competition.
Our SJiQ BejiastiiieHty
On of the bent in the comity, r nibracin ail the NTew ainl Test Ftylea
fur the Fall ami Winter Trade, for Ladies, JIinit-a and Children the
s.-nn ext-ItiHivt:! for our trade at prices to suit all purchasers. Every
pair warranted
"Grocery and Queensware' Department-
For our Grocery anil Queensware Department we have secured
one of the lines t rooms iu the c uu.ty iu the Odd i'tllow.V ilall.
Just opened one of the largest and best stocks of Goods ever
brought to the county, all of wb cli are kindly submitted to the inspection of a!!
our numerous friends and customers. For quality and prices we defy competition.
Oct. S 1872-ly ..
Is the place where you can buy
Tlie let Jiinl tlie Clieiipcwt
HATS, CAPS, E33T3, S3033, A1TD m31I2J2HSrS GOOIS.
WE are prepared to exhibit one of lh m-s ehite ami ppteot Stofks ever offercl in Ibis
market, anj at ASTOXlSUlSG LOW PRICES !
Alro, mea.nreo takpn for Suits and parts of Sat!s, whi :h will be made to order,
at abort notice, very reasonable.
Remember the place, in the Xevin B'lildinj, two docts west of the Keyptnno
DR. P. C.
The public attention is also invited to hi3 Isrge assortment of
All percons who ar id need of Spcct.iclpa will find it to their adrsntap to
call, as thev will find thp hirjeft atnek in the conntv to Ffh rt fpiin. t'OMK
AND HAVE YOUU EYE-SIGHT KESTORKD. . Al, a eplendid a.ortmentof
lYiih an mtnense stock of NOTIONS J Something f'r everybody, young
and old. at tbe
rilII.ADEI.rill A HAltKK. I K.
PHlLAPlLPblA, Dec. 1 , 172.
Flohb The market continues ilnll, an'l
ther- is no dVmtn! except to eopplv the im-m-di-ite
want4 of the home Ira le. whoe pnr
ch i."C3 foot up 13 0 bids, ioclu-lin
Superhue '.. $1 234? 5 23
Extras $W.i fivfi 5'
N. W. Extr Family $7 1'iOiX 73
Ohio & Inl. do. do i-H i lie, ) ui)
Tenna. do. do $7 H 30
Fancy Brand;, .. $'Jt0(lu75
Ghaix. The demand for V.'beat it limited.
Prices, howerer, are unchanged. Pales of
30X) bu ai $1 77m I HI f.r Wejiern re- ;
Si 8-"al 90 for amber, and $1 'J3a2 1') for
while. 4'"' hus Kye sold ai $1. I'nrn ai
Irada bui little attention; "ales of 7iXl0 hus
yellow at lilt'I-So, and Weiiern mixed at ;4i
tioe. Oats are in fair request, with a'e- nf
tiO'Kj bus at 60a31o fur new while, aud 47a4Bc
for mixed.
Moxdat, )e.3 i P. M.
Choice grides of beef cat-le are in good
request, but other descriptions are slow to
move. Sales of extra at 88Jc ; prime at 7
7c ; fiir to good at 5iGc, an 1 coiuuioa at
4oe per lb.
Cows mad caWos are dull anl nominal at
II bare declined, and will not bring
OTer SJeliJo per lb, for cornfed
DWID WATTS most respectfully announ
ers to the publio that he is prepared to
at reduced price. Hereafter gir him cat?
Oct 2o-tf
t9Lroori( ai Xilua & Epaci)ade't.
hi(v jflctitrs.
KunkeFs BittiT WinotTfron.
efF'-ciunlly cure ali d :;?,; Kri-ii-y fioma
disor'lerni liver an-1 S'oinnnh. Mit:h nn run
gtipafion. flrulen'!e, inw-inl p l-M. fnl.r of
blo'i'l to tbe tfi'l, aci lttjr of inn io ti'icii.
ntuea. be:irthum. drju-st f .r f n I. fiIinai
or weight in ihe a'mirti. in'iir j or flutter
in at the pit of the Momach, swirimi n at
the head, hurritid or diihfirt !.rej.'!tin !:
teriug ai tb heart, c'lokiii cir euft cut i 114
settHtions when in a lying p-pit. d:TUT,ea
of viiion. ke. I'ric Si. h :t 1 1. K K.
Kunk-I. proprit-f.'M, --V.f N-r Ii Ninth ' rctt
he!uw Vine. i'hiU-lc phi-i. Ak ftr K ink-!
liitLsx Wine of Iron, he! tikt? ni other. If
your driifrgiat ha it nor, send $1. to in r a i
dre, and the medicine, with ft-ee advice,
will h sent to yon at once ; direct aa above.
Feb2l, ,72"-m
Admiiii3irator's Notice.
EVUe of Mary Jfjttmrrt ti"-fif?l.
rJMIE underaiened, to who-n fett.r of Ad.
A, ministration on the csrate of Mary
Mesimer, late of MifBimown, dee'd., htve
bea dulv granted according to law, hereby
give notice to all pcrns indebted to i4
enttte to come forward and make pavtnrit,
ana tho.e havinu claims aeiinnt it. la pr--cnt
them pr'perlv ittithentirail for settle
ment. JodEi'H K0T11KUCK, Adm'r.
Oct 9. '72-lt
TflE underipned is agui for ons of ihi
bet Force Fnmp, fur any dep-h of cis
tern or well, in ihe world. Cy attaching hose
to the spout, waier can he thrown 3" to 0
feet. Not nine betfer eotiM be asked in case
of fire, it is a non-freezing pomp.
Oakland Mills, Juniata Co., Pa.