iumata'Snrtmel. M I F F L I N T O W N .Wednesday Horning, Dec 4, 1872. B. F. SCU WEI EH, :.i EDITOR A PROPRIETOR. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO, 40 Park Row, New York . . . ' . AI ' . - S. M. PETTENGILL & CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y, Are our nit agents in thai city, and are au thorised io contract for advertising; at our Uit rates. Advertiser in that city are te quesied to leave their favora with either of lb above houses. HORACE UEEELEY. " Mr. Greeley was burn in Amherst, near Manchester, New Hampshire, in the :aprifg-of 1811.' His father was an un successful farmer, The son 'became a printer in bis fifteeuth year ; worked iu Erie iu this Stale a short time, an.! in ' 1S33 was a paHiu-r in iinblishiuz he 6m "penny paper in New York ci'v. fie n AAA Dt Lilt J yapi iu t'c" avir. ii, 4ip was ucri uri with several political a:id literary paper, of no penuaneiit import aoce before he founded the I tonne lu . 1S1. liis time, his labor, his ability were expanded iu the pvfr and t' cir ' worth is seen in its position, and in the victory of so many of tile principles it - has been m.tde at one tim" or auoth -r tu champion.'' : ?- Horace Grctlcy died on the evening of Mh 29th day of November, at ten "Irflnutea before seven o'clock. About ibis vime time on the evening of the 221 of ' last September, the people of I'atti-rwi. ' Alilflmand vicinity listened to a speech from liis lips lie was then just er.ter Inr nnon his Western campaign tour. The opening sentence of his fpwli i yet as fresh in our memory a if it had tieen delive cd to day. It was, " My friends yon see before you an oM man wearied with a day's travel " A co;q 1 pany of gentlemen from this place went ' with him to Lcwistown. one of whom re- latel to us that immediately after K-av ing I'attersftn, lie again expressed feel ings of weariness and withdrew fr:tn those about him to a seat alone, ULd cioseu ins eyes as tr to seen sleep and repose. Thus h remained till Lewis - town was rcacLtd, where" he e.gain tnat?e a speech to the assembled people. This fatigue thus continuously kept up was , but the first harbinger of the painful nd of the life of Mr Greeley. That day's proceedings was daplicated day after day, and day after day was the mental excitement and physical faiiue sapping his nervous system and inid j of orphans and minors, and who hnd the iously preparing for the dethronement ol 1 iItt. to direct whether mnch of the ad bis reason, that followed after three vertising neresssrj- to be done ' tUo weeks of almost unceasing vigils at the jib ment of the estates of decedents bed-iii ir bis dvin wife, on his return J should be doite iu r.ne or more than one from the campaign tour, and thus, through newspaper. Frequently one answered the- ngeucies 'of mental excitement of j the purpose as well as two, aud thus an weeks duration without abatement j item of expense was saed to the estate. and weeks of physical unrest, death ushered his sxil into the unseen and Unknown spiritual world. The announcement of his death pain fully thrilled the nation.. He was not orthodox in his religious views. He be lieved io Christ, but believed little in creeds. Peace, peace ! Let no man judge him, let be be judged. He was an honest, forgiving, kind and good man. and had an undying faith iu the integrity and humanity of his fellow man, hence his coalition and fellowship, for political purposes, with men ho had sought the life of the Nation, lie took them at their word, being without guile, and pure himself, he saw no danger. Unfortunate step ! lie mistake of his life. With charity let ns withdraw from the closing scenes of tbisl'fe, thus ended so sadly on the 29;h day of Novein ber, and behold. Horace Greeley as the champion of all tha great liberal auJ humane measures that have so distin guiehed this country, and placed its peo ple in the scale of civilization far above all Other people. He was tba powerful alrocita of a diversified industry. The farmer and manufacturer alike found in him an bon-1 rs friend, at,.' be pave much of his l.m- , and snbatane for the vancement of , men iniereats, wi.vnig iiiai oy eo ooinp the iirtemus of tbe whole ;mple would ) be advanced. He was tbe friend of rommerce, idc cially beu so adjxsUfd by laws that tbe beuefits derived from it should inanely accrue to the benefit of his own country, which be loved with more than love of self. Free and Common School Educa tion Le espoused with a seal character istic of tbe belief that he eheiirhed, iliai the e( ability of American Institutions lies in the education of tbe whole people, then by giving them the mental capacity aud comprehension to overthrow the amniiigly-devised plans of unscrupulous and wicked men, who, from time to time will doubtless arise to aggrandize them selves at the public expense, and at the expense of tbe liberties of the people; and so on through ail of tbe great re form measures and industrial interests for tbe benefit of the people he was always in the fore front of Hie battle. The peo ple of the world are tbe better off for his having lived in it. ' Ot last Mouday rooming General John F. Uartrauft retired from the duties of Auditor General, and General Harri son Alb n, recently elected by tbe popu- lr Yule for that office, assumed tbe place. TUE COCSTI PKISTISO. . On the first Tuesday in Jauuary next,) the Legislature will again meet to ro-' 6 ' . . ... 1 1 sume ita duties, when no doubt tue usual j number of local and private bills will be presented to that, body, and theit-enact?;, tnenf trrtows be urged "ly the partis? interested in their pissage. I ne people of Juniata county should an J will claim . fii . a email share of its attention. The re peal of the laws til relation to the public printing and lc2al advertising will be prayed f .r They have done this twice f-bA.c but their petitions wv wot bur ied. Twice have they afkeil for the re peal of the act of oili of April, 1867, believing it to be enjust and burthen some. That act required the County Coir.mi.Viouera to publish matter as legal advertisements, to be ptid for out of ihe County Treasury, that never had been by law required to he j-ublit-bed before its nassaee. ' Thlslbey'were required to I : do in three newspapers having the largett circulation, and all oilier piintirg, such blanks. See., was to be divided equally between these three papers. Its object evidently was to innease the patronage of the Omtity Commissioners and to control them in the bestowal of it. - It inti wiiueei-neral disfavor. - The people i did uot wirh to b taxed a thousand and i ... - . more dollars a rur merely tor we pur- m pose of keening up somebody 8 "organ." Tbey sent hi petitions numerously signed by our taxpayers without regard 1o par ty, and as-ked their Senator and Repre sentatives ti bare the law repealed in I871 "I'b HonorableSenator had the law 'promf tly repealed in ihe Senate, but onr very honest, faithful and ; energetic Ih-preseutative permitted it to die in the Mouse.'! Again at the s'essionrof 1S72 its repeal was asked for. Soon tlie people were informed that the law bad been re pealed, and they were content, ontil they found out that they bad been grossly im posed upon and betrayed by their repre eetitHtives. The repealing act. as it was called, was approved March 7. 1872, but it does not repeal the act of 1871 except only in so far as it requires the printing to be done in two newspapers instead of three, as required by the act of 1S71. The papers are to be " one of each rep resenting the leading political parties," ! aud the Cvntity Commissioners are crea- ted into a kind of Court to sit in judg ment upon and determine what are the leading political parties and which of 'the county papers shall do the printing j and 1-g d advertising. -; The judges of the courts and all the county officers are expected to abide by and be governed by th ir decision. The law is most unwise, niijij.-t and oppressive It attempts to take away the discretion and judgment of the JaHges of our Orphan's Court, in whose custody the law has long confided tlie rare and management of the estatfs Kut this act requires everything to be published in two psp.ns, whether in the judgment of the Court it i necessary or not. - It requires Executors, Adminis trators. Guardians, and Trustees to ad- vei :ise everything in these two papers which the t'ounty Commissioners have named, and- thus the estates of widows and orphans are made to pay tribute to the chosen "organ's ' Their estates are taxed for political purposes. Tbey are robbed of their patrimony by law. They are required to do that from which they derive no benefit No one can tell how much money is thus extort ed from the people aunually. Repeal this law, and hundreds of dollars miy be annually saved to the taxpayers on ac- count of the public printing alone. One tenth of every dollar of county taxes paid goes to keep up these organs. It is to the interest 'of every votiT and every taxpayer in the ctinnty to t;;n and cir culate petitions a-king for its repeal. Let the people organize for this purpose without regard to party. Let the peti tions be all collected and forwarded at once. They shonld be circulated in every borough and township Let there be a clrati sweep, and see if onr Sena- tor aud Represent at ive will aytln defy ; me win oi iu ir cousiuueu.s, or impose .1.- -II .1 . i ,, U.rm by pretending to repeal these Uwf aDll ,t tbe tums titne a,8 . sub-1 8tjtute more iniquitous in ils character 1 t)M fa one tbey ask to be repealed I.et them understand that I be pcopla re quire of them honesty and fair dealing, and that they will be held to a strict ac count. . ChiNUB?!'? convened on Monday Res olution" of respect to tbe memory of Horace ft.-eeley were passed in both Houses. Mr. .Banks, of Massachusetts, having been an at dent Liberal deemed it proper to resign the idiairmanship of the Committee of Foreign i flairs, but the House ia its magnanimity reused to ac cept the resignation. Speaker K.'ain asked for a Committee to examine the charges circulated against him in. connec tion with the Credit Mobiler. A Br port of the death of Mr. Greeley reached President Grant in the evening when with his family he was about to attend a reception of the Diplomatic Corps given by the Secretary of State As a token of respect he did not attend, but sent a note explaining tbe cause of their absence. '. Wk have not space or lime this week for the publication of even a synopsis of t Presideut Gr uC fourth annual message j delivered to Congress on Monday. ' TEBBIBLE MTRO-JJLTCEEIXE EXPLO- - MtMt; ; .- Tw Men BUwit to Atom-The Shock Beard Tweaity Biles -Harrow icapc or Passenger iraiu. yf From ,fc, iiti.big C&etis-JIov. 27th. hiitrn-fjiiie txpl.ieion at Scrub g, 'briefly urentiomd in our telegraph- i jc cu,8 yesterday rooming. .was one , L tenible affairs ""of that has ken , e in th(. oi, ,.,.;, TLere . Ljll mexur4Uy Iwr.ille In the j faa liat n.Ur ghc.uld be. seen by ; it,; t:Ml,ta t,n'K alld healthful due (TourV and ' the mfxi found with" their bodies torti into a thousand pieces by tha' mysterious, almist diabilicil agent. nitro glycerine.-' To yesterday's.' Oil City D'rri li we are 'iudubted for .particulars 'of this drcidfu'. affair ':' " !' .'" ' The uvro glycerine magazine of the. Koncrts '1 drpiido Co , ' is situated 'some ten' yards frou! the (rack of the Alleghe- iy Valley I'ailroad, about one Iialf mile above Scrubgrass. Ou Friday morning, the victims of this terrible calamity, Mr II. A. Wright, familiarly known as- Doe Wright the''Torj:edo CompanyV'agfMit for the ScruV.gra-s district, and Hairy J. Wolf, the Western Union telegraph op erator at Scruhgrass, left that place ear ly In a sh igh tu visit thewgaziue. "Tlie purpose of" their visit was to procure.' some of tlie nitio glycerine itb which" to fill V(iiiie cases that Mr WiTgfit iuteuued ex ploding iu wills that day.-i , The facts concerning ih$ terrible; ex plosion will probably ever rf--:naiu a tnys tery, , 1 he oaly theory uggegtud is -Uiat as the me.tr took a hatchet with them the explosion msy luve b'-vu caused : by an attempt to opon one of the cans, with the hatchet. The inijrazuie, as has liteniioimmg u irregular-concave surtaco staled above,, ws.iiuatda.t)out outi-hai' milj. up tlie river from Scrubgras, and tan ytrde fro tlie railroad track. -.The piace 'was . uufn qiw ntCil,' and Inc ited with a view to the safety t the neigh borhood sho uld au explosion occur. At the time of the accident it contained eight thirty-five pouud cans of the ex plosive agent, .an amount sufficient to sweep Oil Cily out of existence Fhould it explode in one of the business streets. The shock was like that of an earth quake, accompanied by a sharp peal of thunder, 'i he Oil City accommodation, due at Scrabgrass at 9:i0illed out at 9:30 aud had advanced about One bun died yards on 4ts way when the terrific explosion centred, shaking the solid rrnniMl . on all sides. The concussion seemod M strike the wheels of the locom otive and cars, aud for a moment to check its headway. The glass in the windows was shattered to fragments, and the frigh tened passengers were impressed with the belief that the boiler of the locomo tive had blown up. Tbo concussion seemed to go diagonally across the river, aud evidently followed the course of' the snmo for some distmce. The inmates of a bouse neaily opposite were badly shak en up. The hone rocked as though iu the grasp ol a fearful bunieane the clock was mrown ..om tne sian.., u.e crocKery from the shelves, and the inmates. ushed out in greai terror to una out tue c.mse of the unwonted , .benoinenon. It was diatmcily felt at Inker s Landing and by n pei.tlc n au on horse back at the Mailin (aim six miles from lhat point. An Oil City gentleman, who was at the Sauds wells al the time, heard the cxplo sion distinctly. - He states that it was so loud that the workmen thought a boiler had exploded uear at hand. The ground where the magazine had stood was torn up as by some convulsion of nature. The trees and biisiies around were shat tered and diverted of their limbs,' and the tops of large old trees weretwii-tcd off as if they had been mere twigs. The site looked as if a whirlwind bad euveloped it and exhausted its power for barm. As soon as the explosion occured, men from Scrubgrass and the neighborhood rushed for the . magazine. A terrible scene met their view, but without wa tiug to examine the site,' they proceed! to search, for tha bodies, of Wii'hi and No ble. , They were literally bl .wa to fragments, aud only a:cii mally could a bit of flash, b u- or cl rUiiii be found ISits of clothing were found on the trees and bnshes surrouuding the cave on the river bauk ased for the inigaziuc. ."-o complete wa-i tha work of tbo destroyer it ia supjioeod tin b-idics were blown into atoms which fill in the river. ' . . 'l'l, 1 1 I i 1 ..: . w , Ullir-a bie4lllu of LeiB, , dmroveJ lo ou, uloln,lltluore u W0(1,j Davu Lw, A,r, rwtiy opposite tbe magazine, aud with ils freight of human beings been torn into pieces. Those on board . the train have reason to rejoice in escaping- from the terrible fate that would have met them bad ihe train started a moment ear lier. Happily this great destruction of life and property was averted . Mr Wright was a man about forty years of age, and leaves a young wife who he married last winter, and who was at the Gregory House, Scuhgrass, at the time of the accident. She needed no human messenger to bring her the sad tidings. The same crdel shock that hurl ed her husband into eternity, liore to her ears the dread story of his death. ' She heard the exploriou, and exclaiming that her b:isbfiud was lost,' fell to the floor in sensible. The same messenger swooped on across the cotintry and gvo it to her family. They i;ve several miles in - the country, and hearing the explosion came to Scrobgrass with all : possible speed, having a strong presentiment ' that ' Mr. Wright had been killed Mr. Noble was a young man, only nineteen years of age was bigidy esteemed by al! who knew al,(' Da( tQe entire confidence of his wP'"7e - . . The advance gnard A betrothal ring A TOUNGJJ ALLOOS IST CXPEBIEXCE. Well-MsliLFroKSi to Dwtk-1 Ktrnw Rusell JFidler. a yonngba.Uo.nJt wb tn&dV an aecensMn- rroin llome. New Tork, Saturday week, describea the trip "I steppeffTnto "ilenr t 4 r M. The ords 'let go!' were given, and the beau tiful lit lie balloon Cheuango mounted i mlically into the upper regions. 1 looked aroiuid me; , the scene bad chan ged: 'Westward,' I could see" Oneida f f'e. looking like an lrregnlar mrface - silver. 1 loautddl below ; the earth had bi coine one vast pi lin the predominant cidor of "wlrfch7 was ' green: laid out iu squares, interspersed with glittering, crooked streams and tlie tints of forest, .which, at this season of .lbeyearj.are.of a reddish brown... la circle of . about a hundred miles t could eee 'tities aud vil lages fairy places they seemed to .me, however, some of I hem looking uo lar ger.than my hand. Io a few .minutes uo living object was distinguishable. - 1 passed through a great while cloud. On coming from it 1 "saw ' 'earth again It stemgd4perfeQUy .Jt-yeJ ;,.yery oJijijcJl had faded. I heard fikit whistle .lfliu a locomotive in tue groat gnlf-below. 'The balloou turned ; roond." "' I Tilid changed currents of ilr Hud was 1 Vfrfl rising. I loiUie.d tji.x. watcl( (it Wi.WH wiuutes past 4.).uuLaiticed that it was suowing. Iu five seconds I I was above 'thdsnnw agaia.' ' TTie balldori turned and T'had mounted llirough another thick range of clouds, .i r. hiui couipltlely- Ioot sight and hearing of tli earth. tA1 was filence. 1 ue sun waa shining above; ' wlaw me. j --ic great peau colored cloii'is. tiiviug I the nppearasice of monhttins 'of rocks. loosely laid 'together." fTbc sccno was eucbantifigftnt I could not long enjoy it. h'o'on I felt a ringing rensatiou in my head. I seemed to be sufTocating I attempted-' 40 open one valve I noticed that that the -valve cord was stiff with ice. The' valve refused to work, and I knew that it was fiozen ; but something must be done, and quickly. I wound both the - valve-eordr around" my arms, aud sat down, bringing mf wfiole weight to bear upou them. I heard something snapr Little drops of tcw came through the balloou, striking . agaiust my face, aud I knew the valve was open. The gas escaped with a whizzing sound, and 1 knew 1 was descending. I came down very rapidly, breakji'g off oue side of a small apple tree (tearing the balloou badly j on the farm of M r. Keese Jones, near New " ilarlfurd. landing at 5:2-5. Plenty- of assistance was at hand. I could, hardly walk for a moment, my feet were so badly chilled. I cut from the valve a solid piece- of ice half au iuelr thick I carried no ballast, anchor or rope ou'this trip." : ' A drtmclful tatirdwr and robbery took place last month in ;a village tof Lower lluuiraiy. A irnuz t burtUti broke iu to tl,e l0Ulie of a keeper CzUl;u ahj ,Qok p;,8Ssiou aboul $100Q wort,, ,)f g00(,s Tl)pj wew paltiilg Leir b((0y wLen e I . a.,oe,red. Him the floored and stabbed to death, and his wife, who bur ried to his assistance, was foully slaugh r . tered Six children of the couple were tbeu tied and gagged, and the houre set on fire. When the firemen arrivud all bad beeu buried iu the ruins of the burn ing dwelling, but the fiends who wrought the deed bad escaped: A Greek woman lately outwitted a brigand who had captured one of her sons, and demanded a large ransom. 6 he disguised another son in girl dress, and with him met ihe brig-tnd at an appoin ted rendezvous. A present of cakes and fruit and ah adroit discussion of the ran som put the rascal off his gnard, when the disgu sed youth suddenly flung a grip of iron around his 'aims, binding him firmly. Ihe woman shot hi in dead with a pistol, and hi bead was afterward icnt off. fur which a reward of 0000 drachinns was received. . A fue on tbe gath inst., at Suudusky, Ohio destroyed the Suudusky, Wheel Company's works, with all their finished stock and machinery, and uiue dwulliug bouses. Tbe whole company's loss is $100,000 ; insurance, $40 000. Loss on dwellings burned, .315,000 ; insurauce. $5,000. Two hundred and il'ty tacu are thrown out of employment by this fire. Michael Meore, wlib killed his wife on the 8th of March list, near Mineral Point Cambria county, Pa., expiated his crime on tCe gallows on the 27 ib inst , at Chens burg His last wish was that' all might pray for him that God might forgive him his sins W hen tbe bolt was shot back and Moore fell, his neck snapped so dis tinctly as to be heard several feet away ; . . . . . A woman in Springfield had her face spoiled tbe olher day by an umbreila One of those old nnisances who peram bulate tbe streets with a vicious looking weapon of the kiud projecting backward from nnder the left arm, suddenly stnpp ed in front ef her, her face came in con tact with the ngly poiut, and was seri ously damaged. t . . The New Yoik Wirld desires the Democratic members of the Electoral College to cast their vote blank for Pres ident. ' . e ' ' , , - t -. Tiik NewYork Tribune desires, now that Mr Greeley is dead, that the Dem ocratic electors cast their votes for Grant for President.. : ..;..:' ' , . " "" ,, "fho' Vermont' Legislatnre has by'a large majority refused to pass a bill abol ishing Capital punishment " ' " ' " STOTOUSTOMS! ::ilF YOwjint:WndWSTOVAl"iJJlAXGES FIRE : PLACE HEATERS GRATES, &C, or any Stove Castings, call at the ' Stove Warehouse of Fraucisciis9 -Hardware Co., STREET, M?FFLINTOWN, JUNIATA OOXTTVTY, .Where theayejtUeJUUTOlVSOTEiUCB, ECLIPSE, otp - Best and Superb .Cooking' Stovea, light House, Empire, MornW a .Vv jjigni, naaiani, uomeu ljigui, epuyr, - SpMaR'S AWTIDUST AMD AWTI-CLIWSER BASE BUrWeRS AWIJ HEATEgS. ALIrfeSSfeor C?Xiiraiitl WOOD STO VES. FRANCISCUS' HAEDWARE CO., MIFFLIN PA. SHORT ITEMS. known than the that Lake r.ne will dry up in about IS, 5oo years. a liitic giri itt frWe7 H s. was bitten byaviCions cwt the th'i er day, and died iu a few hours. Better knock to some people-The Tun keeper's ; Lt persons are hereby cautioned agninst Up. mcmr -V"rr l?t Huwi-Brisbin or iu .l,.w irw- 1 il I "Ti : flH L lrlu.n ihe.Waaf lb m.lusiyite.. in AMiaJMl.aWJd W.nd--4re'lTW-W ,mvim iAtt aar-aWsW. Ending i' A Minnesota rcan.VTjo Ktn OlleyUpflfrjj offtri at private saTe a had to roll, iu the mud from one aide n. .1' -l '. i i'i ;""! t ic street to the' o:hcr. '.!'..: f It is estimated that OOJOOof Hvill I epacru mis year in mo uuuca;,n(1 , good pen. Xhere , P,Mhf l-L'". " ) ''.':'' 17m ''" ;i3 ) .'tPear. anJ ether fruit Treek'en tue Lot. ' 141CB V. . - 1 nno nnn aaa '1 . Tl .. . d ii la&es uuy vyy iitos imuaiij' w r shoe the horses oi Greatj Bnuin and Ire land. , By a recent law'tn Xew Hampshire a woman divorced from her husband can again a-snme her maiden name It is ail that iron is a good tonic for debilitated young ladies, lhat may be' so, but hauing is a. better one.. . . JLacka wanna Valley Hotel in Scrantnn was burned on the 27tli." Los. 573.000 A fellow in Lock Haven has been jug- , , . t- r ged for not supporting hn family. Nearly all the Kiowa, -Apauhe, and Comanche Indians are returning to' "their reservations appirently satisfied that peace with the whites is the best policy r J for then, to pursue. It will require, according' to estimate just made, ten million six hnndred and fifty thousand dollars to run the govern ment of New York city daring the next year. A fire at Centralis, IV, on the 36th inst., destroyed five building, including three stores, the Western Union Tele- graph office, and Piper's Hot-,-1 w " ' vv,uuv. . ... I...; ucuicu A v i!.,.ir... .1 r.-;,I I.,;.!- cm (inn I.. . m .. ..i - v .u . ...i.mu gePreii oy bond anl tuormug jii ihe prein- ou th err wedding tout; were n from isee. the station to tbe hotel in Toston" To a At- Fif,T hrM of ' ,h TSIO: , , , . . . , . ... NATIONAL .BAM Of MIIUAUELP111 A. hack drawn by oxen with white ribbons Term. c.h.- ' .!..! on their horns.' Also. Sixteen shares of PERKYSVILLE .ri T, , . , BRIUUE STOCK. Terms ea.b. ihe Italian zovernment is determined j . Al. Two shwes of MIFFLISTOWS to suppress dm-lmg. Mul has sentenced BRIDGE STOrK. Terms, cash. two noblemen to imprisonment, one for a Also. One GOLIl WATCH. Fifteea Hun year the other for three months, for in- I5iisV.cN of LIMB. ore or lee, i . slacks, ami light cords of HIE wtKD. dulging in the passtime. " 'S. 1 ? more or less Terror, a credit of th ree months A little girl on ber way to school ,t . . Bomoey Hook. Del., was recently chas- ed by a bear, which bad escaped from his keeper, but threw him her dinner and r managed to escape while he was eating Mrs Bergin at Newark, O . hid S4o0 in'thea,hpanin the stove on leaving! borne so that it would escape burglars.! Her husband came home, started a fire, and the greenbacks were converted to' asue' ! ttrirHf. Ahw. VASE and FASCV TOILET Mrs. Moore, an industrious woman of 8ETTS- ef kanJiomnt dttjnt Topeka, Kan . earned money enough to P l' ' , 1 h,'e P""1 r " Europe, an t my prices are as low as any lm- support a good for-nothing hnsband and porter m sell tha same gootK in eilher ibis bring a niece to live with them. The '''' Vork. '1v.' , , . j A.J. WMDNr.K, hu.-Laild eloped w:th tbo UK ce aud she IS Stos. 38 Sutk 2nd and J'J StrawSerry ata., now nicely rid of both. j .ijjh 5 ...rhiUdeipIiia, Pa. 6..e hundred and three thouVand dol- " "-T 'lV' "-VSL1ER?- -r . paemliy adaptel to hurches. is very-large lars have already been raised in 1'hili- Books of Driwinzs. showing the dew in of rL l.d.ie l..n f.ir iIm fu,..;U it. 1 . j i- i ' Ueneral Mead, and this large sum is made up by tbe (fycoutributioijs of Kepnblicans and Democrats. Henrietta Frickle, after assisting to make the wedding cake for ber approach ing marriage, at St Lonis, a few days ago. went out.and-drowned herself in a ' ' - - 1 pond, where her body was found floating j last Thuradav mor'iiine-"a" w'lt ' " l' I last l uurauay morning a wetk. A Japanese gentleman of great enter pris antl iJaunensi- fortaii,i m '- looking about io-fVeslern iMisaouri for the right spot to establish an industrial town of bis country men He calculates to bring over at first about five hundred men. - - - . Tbe culttvatiou of tbe white poppy for the production of opium is said to be meeting with marked success in Tenness ee 'ihe plants are larger and more vig orous, aud tbe capsules from.tw to ten times as large as those from the impor ted seed. : fJU"; . Nine bodies have been recovered, from tbe rains of the fire in boston, ! and" five of them were identified. Nineteen bodies supposed to be buried in tbe ruins, are still missing: The contributions to the Harvard College fund now amount to S103.000. In the Court ef Common Pleas it Har- risburg on the 20 lb inst.. the Evans case was again called np. A contiuuaiice was asked for on the ground of tbe serious illuess of Mr. Evans, and was resisted by ttorney General Brewster, who stated lhat the Commonwealth are entitled to a trial - The court ruled in favor of a con tinuance providing, however, that , the case should sever again be postponed for the same cause. -. .... ' , ilftr diTrtisfnitnts. ,.lw full extent of 111 I H. 11 AWN. Dec. 4, 1 872-1 f noUSE'AP LOT FOR SALE , . . . v, . . . . . r IN PATTERSONS of,. 'ot r Ground sinmiei in ihe , borough s'' ? Pai tenun, Juniata count, : aaviug there foi tTerti " . j f Jay.! BfoJJjjjJ Jfl '. v . 1'uasession eiven at oace. tor terms, a , 1 . . call on or atiuresa i II. C. AH BOG AST, ro ' l'ovl Koytl, Ta i . . i ; Dee 4, '2-?m EXEOUTOB'S SALE 0? ' Valuable Real Estate w-- AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. rpIE nBderiened. Executor ef Ibe estate I. A of Robert C. GalUher decense.J. will ! sell at public sale, at ihe Court llouae. in ; jiifflininwn. on j a 1 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1872. The following described piopertv. to wit : A Valuable Farm situate ia Beale township, , Mi1 eonn,T- ,hout fiTe mne9 wt of P,e son Statioa. P. K. R., and a'yout one aiile from Jobnl',own- en.ining 1 . One MM ani Forty-tlires Acrss 'nd ifJ-iTe Perches, net. The i.uprove- mrnta are a NEW.FItAME HOUSE, BANK BARN, and oiher outhe.ilding-t, well of good water at the d or. and running wa- j ter on the premises. 1 he zreaicr part of the farm is cleared ind the balance w.-U timber. THE BIBLE, far the B31Z ffBttC. ed The land it limeoone ard has gd . I.l'Oi. pne-, E.saravii.-. Tee bmi en quirries on it, and is convenient to store ' lerprise o! ihe ver for agrm. Kvrrv f- , and schools. ' TERMS OF S LR : Ten per cent, of Ihe purchase money to he pnid en iy of sale ; forty pr cent, on April I, when loed will be delivered and pcse;oii piven One nan 19 remain id i ne propenj auring ine lifetime of the widow, Jane Gllnher. Ihe . . ,, ; interest loerooi 10 e paw orr nnui:j. n,J ,h P'inc'Pnl '" " " de.uh ;. t,o be "-PP f-Salet eomneneeal 1 o eloekP. M. 0f siddy. whn aiienlnce will be given bJ r . JrKSKPH J'11,? L Executor of the estiie of Robert l 0!lahev, deceased. aI,LiL HOLIDAY GOODS! , ,djeJ , nj tM,ti ...ty .f LAMPS and TABLE ULA34WARE. MOTTO CCP3 and 9ACCERi. MOT- TO l LK1S. and TOT TE t SKTTM each chandelier and bracket, writ be sett on rt'"''-' - ' 1 vH-2moa blatculkt s inraovKD Cucnm'bcr Wood Pomp. S Tasteless, Ihirable. Efficient. and Chp. Tbe be Pump for the lost nmney Atten ,iion is esneetauy muled lo ilatcliley a Patewt Improved Bracket ami New Tru Check i. r t i,i,c, wun m t Wlu- ii) J 4- - diw.a .wiihent removing the P""Pr liMiirbingihejoiuts. 0SmJt& ir Al90,vthe Copper I'hamber. d' , Valve, which can teiwilh- which never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. . For sale by dealers everywhere Send for Catalogue and Price-List, Cuas. O. i'latchlxt. MaBufact'r, J ,1 . , &06 Commerce St., Thilada. Pa. The oldest and most reliable Institution for obtaining a Mercantile Education. JK? Practical bnsineea Uea as instructors. For information, wrile for a circalar lo P. DUFF A SONS, Pittsburgh, Pa. novo-3m,eom AGENTS WANTED - " roa "INSECTS AT HOME." 700 pages ; upwards of 70O cuts ; 21 full page engravings. " Just the Book for intel ligent rural homes." The drawing are faithful representations ol Insect and Plant." I o J r f - i tj n oenu tor viroaiar. miarees uvviyi oiwki, 124 North Severn h St., Philadelphia. novO-ly .CAUTIOH". T1 HE public are hereby notified that the following articles of property bava been purchased by ma from Thomas Moore, vii: Two Cows, three Hogs, one Breeding Sow, and eight Sboat All persons are therefore hereby eauiioned against meddling or inter fering ia any way with said property. 1AVU WILSON. , Nov. 4, l873-3t , .. - A, Large assortment of Queeniware, China ware. Glassware, Crockery ware, Cedar ware, Jkc, tr sale cheap by ' TILTES KSPESSCrTADE'S. ft' f l w ST017ES! Y1LLEY CHIEF. COTTAGE, KL, lieu? 3,drrrtiSfincnts. $5 to $20 T d' 1 'en,,s An either sx. jowng or old. roke mn m ' al work f..r ns ia iheir spare moment or ell Ihe lime than at anviliing el. Puriipn'... fre. , afdresrf ff STIXiUX A CO., Port land, Mtine. ' BwKKEErHC JTmfc Fa,,,. ETerj tM nfrfl-rranrVrtn- learn at onc Boo mailed--50c II. Gocldi.no Bst wr Buff' Sew York. G uiSOTTliraajAi aussiiir 7vXl(4t DltU-b boie. t to the tm.l,. Sinirie c sera, postpaid, oa leeeipt of W 11 F.R AN T. FKUfiiUFF. Kevling. He." AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE to sell ihe bst low pr;cs(t t'orn Shellcrever pmtptitsd. Lei farmers and everjbodv whe has corn to hei! semi Tor eire-il-ir Io "FtM. ILY CURnELLhR CO.," Ihtrrisbiirg. P.. fJBEAT aJRIOSlTYTsa JUg.ae of ih. u highest order for $1. Agent warned ia everx tdwv. en a vrrlual ineone Semi lru rfor Specimen Io ' Smiih't IMiar Mnjutim" Ol LllPfflJ M., I. .- 1823. JUBILEE ! I873L Y0BK 0BSEBVES, The Beat Kest Religious and SeeuUr Fiuii Newpiper. $3 a Year with the JUBILEE YEAR BOOK. SIDNEY E. XORSE A IU. 37 I'ark How, New York. SEND FOB'A SAMPLE COPY. A GENTS WASTED For INaRKrltaVcaT I ii it Stowe'j campaign bi k. with lives of j Ihe cat.dMaies and lei'l.rr un of aft purlin. i 20 Sleri portrait!. i to i a day rmpiJly 'and easily made. Hrite aud see. I'nicu lr. free WOUTH1.NGTOS. UU 5TIS & to. i lUnford. Ct. Agents Wanlctl for Cobbia Child's Conimcntator lly wilt bare it. Ao.'Aiiy iiA.iW. For circu'srs vldrvw H. S Gucai 1 1' , Psrk Row. Sew Tirrk.' G003 CODXTST TALLCW bTANTED. Illglleel )rle pxnl r prime qui; 1 1 r jr by U. M. EI.KtT'i. S..t.nt i..e Mnul'aelurer. , , ,; x, rell Sc n,,lMip, j ; ; Rose uf Cashmere Hair Tonic Is unsiirnHrd a Promn?,r rf ihe ftrowth of the lUii- nni U'bi-k.TS. It is neither licky n r g'ety. yet il etien ami inooiiv ibe Hir 'r hntrr a. nivre peimaneutli. than ny Oil o- P made. I'sed as a Hair lrc-t. i- pro lan.' tbe mM Ke.iuiifu! n l lu-troiis gl t. 'A .tnio.I perfect 1- hir- le Ii ev.iiiie perfnm-j is q liie lion. it!ed. h:nr nTilVi from ibe world-renowa-ed Rone of liLui-te 1,-rre btit)p. en'y .Vi eis. A ldre-. AS HKMIA I! A Mll.LLil, M)S.3dSi.. l'bi!-wie:(.hM. !V A CRf-AT EVENT! We have d-e-oel io rt:tpoae of onr imtnne slock or .niLL.ARU T:;:.KS price- eli i: nSnve eo-t. tii -rU utl I Nw Th . e- mp:ne. Seeontl hn 1 Taklee ! ever new. &MI. $i i, $iV. Aa. A gr- variety lo auit all hi-jet. fend fir l'U logoe. . . K VAN AG II IirrKER. Cor. T.nal Centre ?t , New link. ASTU5TA' upham s a mm Cut re lent perua- ism in t'rt min-jie. sa l enYcie a speedy cure. 75 els a box. hy mail Cirenlara fr. Ad-lrresS C. l'run..2i eath Eighth St., Philada.. Pa.. Sold by all Dmggiatk. I suffered with CATARRH ihir'y years, and waa enred kw a simple remedy. Will eead receipt, pclaz free. I all atk cled. Rev. T. X t E A 1. i ravrr l:, Syraens. S Y. EKELSIOK FUK EMP011RX J..IsiAA(M, -3 fn.i.i'- Successor lo JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Arch Strict, Middle of tbe Block, between Tib and 8th ttrreis, youth side, lMIIL,DKLP'U.i. -IMPORTER AXD JIANl'FlCTURER 0? P FOR LAMES' ASH CHILDREN'S WEAR. ..." Wholesale and HetaiL. having iniioried a very large an l splen did assortment of all the different kinds of FL'BS from first kaud-i in Europe, would re spectfuTTy invite tk reader of this paper to call ana extmine the a strident of Fancy Furs 1 am determined to sell at Ihe iwit Cik phtf. All flirt rr.uronlo'. , Jr'o sn rrprttentalxont to tfftet tale. " FCRS ALTERED AND REPAIRED. jOJU.Remeniber tha star, 718 ARCH Si., Philadelphia. . . (let J-l(lt 3 I out ! 3Iet! rr'HE undersigned hereby refctfully in -a. forms the citizens of Mifiimtown and Patterson thai his waron will visil each of these towns oa TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY morninirs of each week, waea they ca be supplied with Ohole ISoeC Veal, Glutton, Lard, Are., during tb snmmer seaaon, and also PiKK and SAUSAGE in aeaaon. I purpose fur nishing Beef every Tuesday and Saiurdsy morning, and Veal and Motion every Thurs day morning. Give wn your patronage, aad will guarantee t "ell as good meal as the eon n try ean prodnee. and as cheap as any other batcher in tht ennnty. SOLOMON SIEBER. June 14, 1872. Caution. Af.L persons are hereby eantioned against Hunting. Fishing, or in any way tres passing on the farm occupied by ibe under ligne I, in Milford township. All person so offending will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. JOSEPH FTSK.