"JSESUAT MORNING, NOV. 6, 1872. . SVSVLVASIA R.ULUOAD.-ON AND P fier Sundiy, Oct. 27, lf72, Passenpcr jrtini ul leTe Mi:flin Sts,ion 8 Wows : EASTWABB. . 1:10 A.M. .. .. iin : a. M. iii.eE!" 10:07 A. M. u mhare 4ccuiamoJliin 118 A. M. Jl.il Tram - - ' - CiciMi Excess 8:15 P. M. wlshvi.iu. Ptf.brg Epre 1:M A. M. LiLnu hsprew 1: j A. 51. Southern txi'rt-t!- 1hrX ranger ruitt Express ,r FsMcnjer Mil Trn Lin Twin 4:0H A. 5t S:02 A. M. C:5H A. 51. '.t il A. .M. 3:SH I'. M. I..S3 P. 51 S:00 P. 51. JAMES NORTH, Ag't TOWS AXO COl'MKY. The Aw 0" lue caKV bridge was re ..:A lst week. ; pan Fiitto Panxkbakkii eliot a wild tur fcrj on SliaJe Mountain Ust Thursday. Jus Juniata County Teachers' Insti tute wi'l 1 8t lVrrys ville, ou the 25tli IDJt Onk of tl' mod profitable and plea lint place to buy goods at in Patterson U it I'ennell's store. Jitw Good-, late fashions, and low prices are what most purchasers look for. Such ihiugs are all met with at renutH'e, in Patterson. Johs Tvsox caught two more bears in bis traj'S, ou Friday last, one of them being a siaIl ue weighing only about thirty pounds. Si'i'DtN lltviii. Miles Maitin, a punper, of Ik-ale township, fell from his cbair d.-ad, on the Ul inst, aged up wsrds of !0 years, aud believed to be the oldest man in the county. Stoves aod linJnw are for sale at Plate's Wholesale an I Ketail Hardware Siore, Crystal I'lilace. Atti.vi'ion is akej to the advertise ment of George Uiooks, in another coi tion, beaded Ageuts wanted for "Iusects t II i 'Die " 'l ine book advertised eon tiiii? 700 'xgs, aud upwards- of 700 cut. I two ! P.M. Mu Ki vis (uttiiig np ft. rj dv.'.lling house cud bakes y between the Kevstime hotel and l'enntlls store, en Kilrad Avenue, in the borough of l'atter.o:. A huge bake oven has been reeled iu the h:ieme:it. Sim'lAl. Htiertion of the Trade is in itrd to li'.lui ay Goods, comprising iu jurt, Jiotto Cops asid Sauetrs, ilotto Mags, Toy S-tts, &c , &c. adver'iscd in 3 this issue by A. J. Weidcuei, liS South 1 ivroiid street. l'hi!ai'a. m i 11 l he young man wi,o w as so suock- ugly injured iu h s fathers tannery, in ; hiberty I alley, i eny county, about two j weeks since an am-tint of w uicu we I gave U-t week was heaid fioin a few J iys Hen, and is rejio: te J to b'j iu a fair v t'' lec.iver. The l.nchiel Rolling .Vills, l-cated at ll.irii.-hur, were deetioved hv fi e about j i'r o'llotk on the inoruiug of the 4'b. It is leiieved to have been the work of ai inceiitiiary, as no w o:k ha 1 been done since i-atnrday, and the fire on that day lud all been drawn. Loss, 580,000 to 3100,000 ; iusurance. 570 000. BLAfKRMri us, you can buy your Horse Sboes fur $7.40 per keg at Fiau cifcjs'. They will sell you Bar Iron at jc per pound. They offer you Lett X-ruaj Xail Ho ' at Oje per pound. IiieI'. 11 K Company offer a reward of 10.000 and a 1 ife-tiiue pass over all their Jiucs, lor inf.n lualiou leading to the a:rest of the viliai: s who removed a rail of the tratk, uear Garret Siding, Ches ter county, rattling the death of an en gineer and fireman, several weeks ago. Tiik horse di-ease is rejiorted from all poiuts, east, w e, nor: h, and from the "u;h as f.r as Charleston, S .0 One dis pute!) c,-.l!s it the F.pizooty, another calls tie Epizootic, number calls it the Hip P porhinorrhea, but the latest iii:me given is by a Frenchman, who styles it L hjiilarypgo: rhipjx)deinie. J"H. Hawk, of Patterson, r.n visiting hi hear trap, en Dl.uk Log Mountain, on last Saturday found within it a bear ol linjje dimensions, being about four feet nd a half in length and many three 't high. Mr U. had bis bearship I 'ought to his residence in Patterson, 'here he has him securely cage d. CortRrr-rioN. The words "Four dif ferent apartments," in the notice of Pranciscus' Hardware Store, at the bead "f the second local column, iu Inst -L's Sh.T!Mi, should have read fourteen different apaUmeuts." The trror was not observed until a cou 'derah!e portion of the edition bad been Pruted. Coxscience Mu.nev. Last week turee of Johnstown's popular merchants each received a sum of mouey, am iunt lDg m the aggregate to one hundred aud elx dollars aud fifty cents, from gome un uown party, ccoinpp.ued by a note purporting to be from a man who states that his wife stole the money from the erchauts in the year 1868. Neither of 'lie merchants can recall any loss daring at year, and as a consequence Johns "n is once more excited from the cen- to the circumference. Attoona Tribune ATTIiVTHilU t.. C . ..-...., cu'iurs ! ion are hereby ordered to meet in Johustown on Saturday, Nov. 16. 1872, at 10 o'clock, sharp. Uy order of J K. ROBISON. Capt. Commanding. Mattiilw Rogkrs. O. S. Lamps and Lampware for sale at I aiste's Ilurd ware Store. Duowned Frank Ileffner, abntcher from Northumberland, was drowned las,! Saturday evening, while attempting to cross Cliiliisquaque creek, at Cliillisqtia que. The heavy rain had swollen the strernn. aud npon driving in, be fonnd the current irreiatiMe. His horse was also iliowned LirV vr Cno-ticle. . Lkatiikk of all kiuds constantly kept on hu J at I'aiste's Hardware. Store. A RICH vein of iron ore has within the past week been uncovered on the west end of .Mover's ridge, on the property of Jacob Etka. Mr. Elka bought the land recently at the sale of the real estate of R. C. (Jallahi r, deceased. Iron ore i:i considerable quantities has also been discovered on the farm of Geo. Heikes, in Milford township. Country merchants, we will sell you Coa! Oil at Pittsburgh prices Fbanciscts Hardware Co. 0. Monday night about It o'clock, Thomas Collins, while on his way to Licking Creek, missed the road beyond the Patterson School House, and fell down an embankment, a distance of about ten feet. He icceived such in juries from the f-tll ou the rij.Lt si ie and leg that medical aid was required. r. Banks was called and ui;oistercd to the patient. The IIons( ke pt'i's Favorite for sale at Paistc's Wholesale aud Petail Hardware .-'t'ire, Crystal Palace Tim Williamsp ut Gazette of the 2nd inst , says : A boy about two years of age, sou of Ed was d Kglie, met with a sudden death yesterday A chestnut shell lodged in the throat of the little fellow's ; a hysieiati was summoned at the earliest moment, hut the child was beyond recovery before the doctor's ar rival at the residence. LriiRAt.M Mc 'a It an. a native of Lick ing Creek Valley, this county, but bit tt-rly a cit zeu of Huntingdon, met with a soddeu deaih while in the discharge of his duty as conductor of a Hroad Toji r .i!)oad freight tiaio. His train collided with another freight traiu o:i last '1 hurs dav, killing hims If aud three other men. whose names and places of residence we have not learned. Cor Paske:S for sale at Paistc's Hardware Store A MAX earned Llaekweil, residing: at Petersburg) as iostanily killed ou the railroad at Spiuee Creek, Huntingdon county, on Fi !! y last, iu the following maniiir : He had Leen caiting ground aerofs the railroad track, and when tuak iiig the la-t trip across lije track he was cannot bv ttie ra-t. bine, a-.)d lie ami n:s horse hot!) killed ntni his eai t demolished He had no! been a! home for four weeks. and ha I intended to leave v.-oik and go home the d iv on which he was killed. All ki.ids of Lamps end I.ampware. Chimneys, Lumers, &C , we will sell to country merchants a.t city Jobbers' prices FitA.xciscrs Hardware Co. Ox Saturday evening two young men entered a store in this place, and behaved in such a manner that the proprietor ileeined it necessary to inform a' Justice of the Peace of iheir conduct, so that the dignity of his place might be main taiued. The: ii. formation was made be fore Justice Huzzird. who issued a war rant for ihe airest of the parlies. Ou Suudav evening officer Robinson sue , i . i . i ceedea in arresting one oi me young men, whom he lodged iu jail. The other left for parts unknown. CfRN StlKLl.Ei'.s and Fodder Cutters for sale at Paiste's Hardware Store. Hfmedy rott tub Horse Pisf.ase The following remedy is now used in this city on several hoises affected wiib the prevailing disease, and from appearances has the desired effect, viz : K. Lotion for horses 4 oz. spirits of hartshorn, 2 oz. tincture of arnica, 1J jiints of oil of hemlock, pints of alco hol. I5athe neck and under jaw. Also 10 drops of aconite on tongue three times a day. In New Yoik and Philadelphia tbe ollowing remedy has been applied with success to Vf.luabic trotting stock : Bandage the limbs a. id soak with spirits. Kub the throat with turpentine. Mix a small portion of ipecac and tartar emetic with molasses ; put a few drops on the tongueevery half hour. 31. W. Birch, veterinary surgeon for several of the street railway lines, ex presses the opinion, based upon the ex jerience in railway and private stables aud ol.tei vatiouo iu the street, that near ly evr ry horse iu Philadelphia is, to some extent, afflicted with the disease He says that nearly all the horses have dis charges of mucus or watery matter from the uostrils. He thinks that a sudden change to rainy weather would cause a general prostration among the horses, and bring about the same state of things here which has existed in other cities visited by the disease. Ho controverted the statements of one of tho surgeons who had asserted that there was nothing more than a few cases of colds and " ordinary iuflucnza, as nsual at this time of the jeM."Harrisburj TelejrajJt. 1't Bl.lC Salic. Lucieu W. Doty, Ad ministrator of John Robinson, deceased,' will offer at public sale, at the late resi dence of said decedent, in Fayette town ship, on Tuesday, November 12 1873, one horse, one three-year old colt, one cow, one heifer, three calves, one spring wagon, one windmill, one patent hay rake, wheat, corn and oats, together with a lot of household furniture. Sale at 10 o'clock A. M. Mica fjr stoves for sale at Paiste's Hardware Store. News from NsigMsoring Counties. HJ.T!NIK.N COUNTY. .The Globe says : It is suggested that the gas be extin guished in the tow n clock after 10 o'clock at uight, in order to help meet the ex pense of the new fire engiue. Couldn't the automaton be so arranged ? This county has 8 Lodges of Odd Fellows, all represented to be in a flour ishing condition. It is estimated that there are about 500 Odd Fellows in the county. iV illis m Stutzman, of this place, a no ted fisherman, caught a pike in Stone L-reek, the other day, which measured 26 inches from sunut to tail. The Monitor says : Shouldn t kiss bis girl on Hill street, even if it is after nightfall Some two months ago, a Mr. William Long, of Hill Valley, while visiting this towu was robbed of about 8165 00. Some three weeks ago Hardy made iu foruialion against McCouaghey for said robbery, aud the latter was committed for trial. Siuce that lime McC. gave testimony against Hardy, who was ar rested, brought to Uuutingdon and com milted as above stated. It seems each party received a share of tho theft and together sjiorted arouiid Harrisbtirg aud other places until the mouey was spent, when they returned to this county and left their secret be known. Arrests fol lowed aud both have a most excellent chance of a free ride to Pittsburg. Abram Lane, of Clay township, killed a very large buck on Jack's mountain a few days ::go Deer are very plenty on the in mutain this fall. HLAIR CoCXI Y Mr. A. J. Pierce, of Westmoreland county, has raised six pumpkins from one vine this year which weigh respect ively 55, 100, 110, 121. 130 and 143 pounds, making a total weight of 69 pounds. The same gentleman rejoices in the possession of potatoes weighing 2 pounds and 10 ounces. Mrs Llizibeih Jones and her mother, Mr. Shaffer, both w idows and formerly respectable resident of Johnstown, have been arrested at Oil City and sent to jail ou a charge of infanticide. Mrs. Jones is supposed to have been the mother of the murdered child. Daniel Sheernan, of Jackson town ship, Cimbiia county, gathered 2,218 grains of buckwheat from one seed. MIKKLIX CUT XI Y. The Lewistown Ca-ctte savs : j Mrs David Jiliue was seriously inju- . ed ou Saturdny last by her hand catch j ing on a meat hook, lacerating it so had j ly that lockjaw was at one lime appre hended. Docks are numerous on the liver and spoitrincu plenty Put many waste their ammunition on loons. They are useless as food aud should be left aloue. Calviu Dufur, the faithful river bridge collector for the past cluven years, has resigned. The Lewistown Democrat says : Our rule is to discontinue every sub scription promptly at the end of the term paid for, excepting those only so fespect to which we have orders, expressed or imjdied, to the contrary. Laud adjoining town sells at S314. $300 to $495 per acre D W. Woods purchased three fields at the figures' na med. Slurried s ltOKXING SNOUFFER On the 31st nit. by Her. D. 51. Blackwelier, 51r. Daniel 51. Horning and Miss Sarah Aun Snouffer, both of Mexico, this county. XHeU: VAN HORN Near East Salem, on tbe 4i b ult , Thomas Vauborn, Esq., in the 67lh year of bis age. SELL In McAlisterville. on the 7th ult., 51rs. Mary Sell, aged 70 years, 8 monihs and 2ti days. NEW DRUG STORE. BANKS- &1IAMLIN, Alain Street, JWiJJlinloun, Pa. UK ALE US IN OBCCS AJ BENCHES, Chemicals, Djt Stuff, Oils, l'aints. Varnishes, Glass, Tutty, Coal Oil, Lamps, Burners, Chimneys, Brushes, Infants Brushes. Soaps, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Perfumery, Combs, flair Oil, Tobacco, Cigars, Notions, and Stationary. LARGE VARIKTi OF PATENT MEDICINES, selected with great care, and warranted from b)gh authority. l'urest of WISES AND LIQUORS for5Iedi eal Purposes. IQrPKESCRIPTIONS compounded with great cars, mal6'72- ly COAL, Lumber, Fish. Salt, and all kinds of Merchandise for sale. Chestnut Oai Bark, Railroad Ties, all kinds of Grain and Seeds bought at the highest market prices in cash or exchanged lor merchandise, coal, lumber, &c, to suit customers. I am pre pared to furnish to builders bills of lumber just as wanted and on short notice, of either oak or yellow pine lumber. NOAH HERTZLER. Jan4 Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa. Josiata Smtisi l $1,60 osr year. Prices of Board of Commerce. Reported weekly for tbe Jcriata Sextircl by tbe Board of Commerce of Mifflin and Pat terson. Butter V lb 4 23' Eggs. V loi 20 Lard, l lb 8 Country Soap 8 Beeswax 25 Tallow 8 Rags 3 Wool, washed B0 Dried Apples ..'. 10 " Peaches, pared 20 " Peaches, u n pared 15 " Cherries, pitted - 20 " Blackberries 10 " Raspberries 16 Country (lams 12 Sides and Shoulders 7 Potatoes, H bug - 40 Onions " 00 Ground Alum Salt, sack... 2 25 Railroad Ties : 50 Lecnst Posts, mortising 82 " " for board fence.. 115 Shelley & Stambangh's Prices Current. Corrected Weekty. Crystal Palack, Mifflintown, Nov. 6, 1872. ( Prime Roll Butter, per tt 25 Eggs, per dozen 25 Lard, per lb 08 08 30 01 17 0 08 20 Tallow, per lb Beeswax Dried Apples, per lb 44 Cherries, seedless, per lb. 44 44 unseeded , 44 Blackberries 44 Raspberries , Walnuts, per bus 40 Shellbarks 95 Pottoes 50 Chickens, live, per lb- 08 Liverpool Ground Alum Salt, pe- sack 2 00 D. K. Sulouff & Co.'s Prices Cut rent. Reported Weekly. Ga.i!t. White Wheal,' ft bus - $ 65 Red " " 1 60 Corn.... 65 Oats 35 Cloverseed 4 50 Timothy seed ..'.............. 3 50 Coal. Prepared Ccal, j ton Nut 44 44 ..$5 25 ... 4 25 ..- 3 10 . 5 00 Pea Bituminous" LnaBEk. Run of Log, 4 4, y 1000 ft $35 00 ' ' 5-8. 44 25 00 44 4- 8-4. 44 ....25 00to40 00 44 4 4 6- 4 , 44 25 00t o40 00 Hemlock Frame, 44 20 00 44 Boards. 44 20 00 Whitepine worked Flooring 35 00 (lermnr. Siding 35 00 Panel Doors 2 00 to 3 00 Window Sash, 8x10, y window-...,.. 65 41 44 9x12. 44 75 4- 44 10x12, 80 4 44 1 0x14, ' 90 tMUI.ADELPIMA MARKETS, PuiLAPSLPhiA. Not. 5, 1872. Floi'b The market is dull. There is no inquiry for shipment, and the operations of home trade are confined to their immedi ate wants, loi 0 bbls sold, including Superfine $ 505 25 Extras $ 7.'(ni6 25 N. W. Extra Family $7 50fS;8 50 Ohio&lnd. do. do $8 I (), 00 Penna. do. do $8 00(S,n 00 Fancy Brands...- fU0010 25 Grain. Tbe moTemrnts in wheat are of a limited character, but pricess unchanged. Sale of western red at SI 6-)al 08; amber at SI 75 and white at Si 90. Rye ranges from 7oc to 80c Corn is in limiie.t request at the recent decline. Sales of yeliow at H-tc and western at ClaliSc. Oats more slowly. Sales of white at 44a4tc, and mixed at 40c. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE 51 ARRET. 51 os oat. Not. 44 P. M. The receipts of lieef Cattle were large this week, reaching about 3100 fcead. The mar ket in consequence was T?ry doll and prices were lower. Sales of choice at TnTic ; fair to pood at 5ai. and common at 3ac $ tt gross Cows and Calves are dull and nominal at $3555. Uecetpts 375 head. Sheep wore wanted. Salles at 5aCc 7$t Hi Receipts 110-0 head. Hogs continue dull ; 4200 head arrived and sold at $ 2aC 75 100 lbs net GROCER, PROVISION, AND SHOE gEOBM LIST OF LEADING ARTICLES X PRICES reported weekly by C. BAR! LEY, o posite the Past Office, MilBintown, Pa: HhoUialt. Retail. Butter 2o Eggs, 25 Lard 10 12 Cheese, Ohio 22 New York 25 Molisses, Porto Rico. B gal... 60 44 New Orleans 1 00 Srup, Honey Bee- 65 Amoer ou 14 Melted Sugar 1 00 Sugar, Granulated - 15 A 14 B 13 14 Extra C 12J Yellow C 11 Brown 10 Coffee, Rio, Choice.. j. 2S 14 44 Fair .7..;...... 22 44 Knotted f Arhllc-'1 Sit Tei', Imperial, Finest .. 1 60 Oolong. 44 I 0" RaisiLS, Valentia.- ; - 20 44 Layers. .'.-,;.. 25 Currants 20 Pruens, French - i'O Rice 12 Soap, Rosin 5 6 OliTe - 10 44 Babbit 12 16 Salt, Grouud Alum 2 00 44 Dairy 10 15 5Iackeral, No. 2 (new) J bbl 8 60 Brooms, No. 1 40 44 No. -I - 86 44 No. 3 - 80 Tubs. Cedar 1 60aJ 75 Buckets, Painted, 2 hoops..... .. 26 Slaw Cutters 60 Tin Cups - 8 Tin Dish Pans 60 Tin Cullenders 40 Tin Wash Pans . 80 Tin Buckets 60 Boots, .Men's Calf 6 25 44 " Kin 4 50 Gaiters, Ladies' Lasting 2 00 Potatoes, Insh 60 44 Sweet, 1p peck 40 Coal Oil, V gallon 40 Cash paid for eggs. Spwial Uoticrs. THE GREAT DISCOVERY. KunkePs Bitter Wine of Iron. KUNKEL'S BITTER WISE OF IRON will effectually cure all diseases arising from a disordered liver and stomach, such as con stipation, flatulence, inward piles, fullness of blood to tbe bead, acidity of tbe stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust for food, fullness or weight in lb stomach, sinking or flutter ing at the pit of the stomach, swimming at tbe head, burried or difficult breatbing. flut tering at the heart, eboking or suiincating sensations when in a lying posture, dimnens of vision. &e. Price SI. per bottle. E. F. Kunkel, proprietoi, 269 North Ninth street, below Vine, Philade phia. Ask for Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron, and take no other. If your druggist has it not, send $1. to my ad dress, and Ihe medicine, with free advice, will be sent to you at one ; direct as above. Feb2S, '72-Om rg (SoorJj, GrorrrtfS, ejiifftistrarf, &t. $18,000 GENERAL MERCHANDISE, JUST NOW OPENED AT TILTEN & ESPENSCHADE'S, I Ji-Uljjo Street, 3Iililiiitowii, THE LARGEST, THE NEWEST, THE CHEAPEST, And the Most Attractive Stock of Goods ever Brought to Miffiintown. n 0 Hi DRESS GOODS Bf ENDLESS VARIETY OF PRICES AND STTt.E!. TilooL- ;il-o n,n iu ai... HCachmeri Kaye, Australian Crape Empress, liatest Canton Cloths, &c, &c, M IN GOOD VARIETY. fl We respectfully- solicit an extmiuatioa b. fore purchaiug tlsewltere. Any and ererything, such as Sliawh, Cloths. Cassimerei, Flannels Blankets, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Av JJc. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT," Of any aud everything at prices winch defy competition. Que Elide Separtmentj One of the best in tho county, embracing all tbe New and Best Ptyles for the Fall and Winter Trade, for Ladies, Mioses and Children the me exclusively for cur trade at prices to suit all purchasers. Kvery air warranted Grocery and Queensware Department. For our Grocery ami Oueensware Department we have secure! one of the finest rooms iu the county iu Just opened one of the largest and bes stocks of Goods ever brought to the county, all nf which are kindly submitted to the inspection of all our numerous friends and customers. For EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED. "LOW PRICES FOR CASH" OUR MOTTO. TILTEX & ESPEXSCIIADE. Oct. 31. 1872-ly D. W. HARLEY & CO.'S Is the place where you can buy . Tlie l9t and tlie Cheapest 01 MENS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SE02S, A!TD TUmSSBStd GOOIS. WE are prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and select Stocks erer offered in tbis market, and at ASTO.VJSIIXG LOW PRICES! Also, measures taken for Suits and parts of Suits, which will be made to order, at shore notice, rcry reasonable. ' Remember the place, in tbe Nevin Building, two doors west of the Ke-stnne Store, BRIDGE STREET, M IFF UNTO WN, DR. P. C. RUNDIO. PATTERSON, XV., DEALER IN EVERYTHING THAT CONSTITUTES A FIRST-CLASS The public attention is also invited to his largo assortment of Perfected All persons who are in need of Spectacles will find it to their advantage to call, as they will find thr largest stock in the connty to select from. COME AND II AyE YOUR EYE-SIGHT RESTORED. Also, a splendid assortment of TOILET ARTICLES FOR THE LADIES, With, an mmense stock of NOTIONS !& Something for everybody, young and old. at tbe PATTERSON DRUG STORE. D. K. SULOUFF & CO., (Successors to D. P.'Sutoftff,) DEALERS IN Grain, Lumber, Coal, Halt, Plaster, CALCINED PLASTER, CEMENT, &C. The Highest Cash Prices Paid for all kinds of Grain. Lumber, Coal, &c. Sold at the Lowest Prices. Having boats of onr own we can freight Grain, Lumber, Coal, Sc.. cheaper than any other parties. We therefore defy competi tion. gyYou ean make monev by calling on us before selling or buying elsewhere. Gem will bk bkckivid la stork to bx SOLD BT THE 1ST Of JUNE, 1872. P. S. Our grain is not elevated on men's backs. Mifflintown, April 20, 1872. CAUTION. ., ALL persons are hereby cautioned against trespassing by bunting, or in any other way, on tbe farm on which I reside in Fer managh township. All persons offending will be dealt with to the full extent of t be Uw. WILSON KOBISoN PLAIN and Fancy Job Printing neatly exe cuted at this Office. WORTH AT t.,...;.,i t? t...: . the Odd Fellows' Hall1. quality and prices we defy competition PA. ,mav 8, 1872-tf TF3 Spectacles. EXCELSIOR FUR EMPORIUM. T. ISAACS, Successor to JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Arrh Street, Middle of Ihe Block, between 7th' and 8lh streets. South side, PIIILXDELPIIIA. I3IF0RTER AND MANUFACTURER OF 5J FOR LADIES' ANI CHILDREN'S WEAR, Wholesale and Retail. Having inuiuried very large and splen did assortment of all the different kinds cf FUHS from first bands in Europe, would re spectfully invite tbe readers of this paper lo cull ana examine the a sort men t of Fanny Furs 1 am determined to sell at tbe lotcut Cath prices All Furs WarrnnteJ. A'o mi repretntaiions to effect sales. FUUS ALTERED AND REPAIRED. Era-Remember tbe store, 713 ARCH St., Philadelphia. Oct 2-10t WALL PAPER ; " Sally to the Place where yon can bay yonr Wall Paper Cheap. 'PHE nndersigned takes this method of in 1 forming the public that he has just re ceived at his residence on Third Street, Mif flintown, a large assortment of WALL PAPEIt, f various styles, which he offers for sale CHEAPER than ean be purchased elsewhere in tbe county.' All persons in need of the above article, and wishing .o save money, arc invited to call and examine his stock and hear his prices before going elsewhere. Large supply constantly on band. SIMON BASOM. CLOTHING! Choicest Styles of the Season.- SAJiUEL STRAYER, Patterson, Juniata Co., Pa. CLOTHINS of all kinds I will sell my entire stock at Greatly ReduCerf Prices, FOR MEN AND, until ai-ril, mi OVERCOATS, TTtRS, j CAP.PSTS, Stair ami Floor ' Oil Cloth, IIEAVV BOOTS, Ladies' Shoos & ffaitsrs, Under-Clothing, &c.. At cost. Suits and Parts of Suits, II ATS AND CAPS, And Furnishing Goodf -0 or So per cent, cheaper FURNITURE, ! WATCHES -AJtD- JEWELRY. Hats and Caps, ! FURS, tuoTmiioR,' Jthan enri ti pa Abased ehtf. nberr.- MEN'S FBSNlSHffiS GOODS, nTitjc a good stock, wall select el, 1 Lope to please all. C.-iU ahif see to be eon Tinccl. i N0T10AS C SfcST" Measures fV.Yen and' Suits' and parts of Suits Made to order, rensonnblo. SAMUEL STRATER, Jan. 24, 18721 Tattcrson, fa. S. B. LOUDON, MEKCirAM' TAILOR, sEYiys BiiLDisn G'y Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Pa., Deeites lo inform Lis friends and the publie that he has just received a jfne and fashion able stock of SPRING GOODS, consisting of CLOTHS Plain Clack, Bine and Brown-. CHEP Dahlia. Brown and Blue. THICOTKicV. Blue and Brown. VI Anns A tS Utile and Black. CHEVIOTS All Shades. SCOTCH HOOn.S- All Styles. Ill A CK )OA:.s-.VfA-Suneri('r quality PA vr.S ASI) VEST PA TTER.XS Fine.. SUMMER GOODS Gener: Assortment. I will sell sny of the above goods by the yard or pattern. I also keep oh hnd a full line of BUT-TERICK-S PATTERSS, consitng of Men, Hoys, and Children's Shins. Costs, I'sata and Vests. ttjf I will manufnetnre to order all kinds of crsTOM wobk. PRICES Reasonable, te suit the times. Miffl'ihtown, Anri! 10, 1872. Oil, Paint & Varnish, WHITE LEAD, RED LEAD, COLORED PAINTS IN OIL BURNT UMIJER, HAW UMBER. CHROME GREEN, PARIS GREEN, CHEQUE YSLLOTT, DP.OP BLACS, Prussian Blue, Lamp Black, Paint Brushes, VarnisH Brus'te, WHITEWASH BRUSHES. 8&SH BRUSHES AVbit'mg and Hosih by the Barrel, Soaps, Japan Dryer, While Varnish Concentrated Lys, Babbitt's Potash, I'nt t v and GIukm. The shove goods, with a large variety of DRCGS and PATENT MEDICINE,- l-ys en hand at the PATTERSON DRUG STORE. Glass cut te any site desiied'. Dr P. C. PT.ND.O. July 12, 1871-tf A. II. FRANCISCUS&CO., Cilii 3Iavlrot Street, PHILADELPHIA.' We have opened for the FALL TPMDE, the largest and best assorted Stock of PHILADELPHIA CARPETS, Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Win dow Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain Cotton, Yarn, Batting, Waddinc, Twine, . iCk, Clocks, Looking tJlasses, Fancy Baskets, RiWrhs JJoket, Ilurkels, Urnshr. t lo'tben Wiiaeren, Wooden and Willow Ware, 1.1 TUB I'M rEO STATU. Our large increase in business enables ns to sell at low prices and furnish the best quality of Goods. scle AoesTs roa tub CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER, Price !s3.i0. THE MOST PBKl'KCT AMI SL't'CRSSF CL WASH tit KVF.lt MADE. AGEXTS WASTED FOR THE AMERI CA X WASHER in all pai ls of the Stale: sepI-Smos ADVERTISE I ADVERTISE! To all Ken Whom it mi Concern. If you have anything to sell, If you have lost anything. If you have found anything, If you have a house to rent, If you want to rent a house, If you want boarding, If you want employment, If you want hired help. If you want anything, TELL THE PEOPLE OF IT BY ADVERTISING IN THE JUNIATA SENTINEI. FORCE PUfVlP. THE undersigned is agent for vtie of the best Force Pumps, for aay deplBfof eis--tern or well, in the world. By attaching hose to tte spout, water ean be thrown ft) to' fr) feet. Nothing Setter coiild be aiktd in caaw . of fire. It is a non-freeiiag pump. SAMUEL LEONARD. Oakland Mills, Juniata 0., Pa. O to tbe Jcxiata Soitixki J"b Printing' I Office for all kinds of Plain and Fancy. Printing.