Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, October 30, 1872, Image 3

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Y after Sunday, Oct. '17. 1872, Paepger
Irain will leave Mifflin Station as follow :
Philadelphia Express 1:10 A.M.
fust Line 8:84 A. M.
P.cifii Kxpress 10:07 A. M.
)lrri-hurg Accommodation 11.-8 A. M
Cincinnati Ex; rcss.
ittsbur Express
Cincinnati Express
gutlii-rn Express..
1 lirouph Pasi-enger
Pacific Express
Way 1'sssenger
Mi' Trin .....
East Lii
Jlixeil Tram
6:L'8 P. M.
i:V4 P. M.
1:1 8 A. M.
l: o A. M.
4:08 A. M
fi:C! A. M.
E:0i A. M.
M4 A. M.
3:88 P. M.
fi.83 P. M
f :00 P. M.
Stop" wbcn signaled.
Onk f Tyson's bears choked to death
on a emu take, that was thrown into tin
cage, on last Frirlav.
IIdkac-u Gkh-LkY is iu favor of con
tract ng tlie cunetiey Tlie great busi
ne.-s interests if the whole country arc
against further contraction
Country meiclants, we will sell you
Coal 0.1 at Pitttdiurgh prices
Fkaciscts Hakdware Co.
Noah Lmxrf iklu has purchased ol
the Oud Fellows, the lot" on the South
west corner of Bridge and Water Sts
known as the ILiffinan property. Trice,
$1 100
Cok lUrfcE.s fur sale at Paistc's
Hardware S.ote
A Fal'.M f ltii acre and S:iw Mill sit
uated iu L lawre township, are adver
tised at public mle. See advertisement
of Humphiey & Mi-Quit us, iu auutuei
Thf re-election of Grant will give sat
icfac'.ion to the country, and those who
invest iu Clothing at D W. II alley &
Co.'s, are also sure to Le satisfied with
their purchases.
A PRo.-PKrot.'s uierchaut has for hi
motto : "Keaily to bed, and early to rise,
never g"t tijjht, and advertise." Artrl
here is a St. Joseph new advertisement :
If Jim want a lioopskiit, go to the anti
thou slii:g;ird. and II. Wciz."
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
now ruu trains by Philadelphia time in
stead of Altoona time, as heretorore
The new schedule was put into operation
on the 27;b it.st See change of tiraeot
patsergcr tiaii'.s iu revised table, at the
Lead of this column
All kinds of Lamps and I.ampware
riitutieys, Burners, &c , we will sell lo
country merchants at city jobbers' prices
FiiAvcisns 1 1 a r tv a k & Co.
Ci.w KlLl.tt). A cow the property
of K S. I'aiker, was killed on the rail
road below Patterson, on last Saturday
This was tlie second cow that Mr. Par
ker lut-t within th past month The
former one walked into a bed of hot ciu
flVra thrown from locomotives, aud died
ftom the fleets of the burns.
"Fits." generally speaking, are things
that people abhor, but w hen one is
brought to a specification the feeling may
be changed. For example, if you go
and get the "fits" that Loudon puts on
the coats, vests, and pants, that he lankes
out of the fine goods that he constantly
keeps on hand, all unpleasant let-lings
are driven away, and the fits are admired
- -
Cons Shum.ers and Fodder Cutters
for sale at I'aiste's Hardware Store.
S1S.000 worth of Goods for sale at
the lowest prices, at Tilten & Kspen
cbade's two large store rjoms on bridge
street. Anything aud everything in the
Iry Goods and Grocery line, also Boots
and Shoes f every description. See
their large advertisement iu to day's
paper, and do not fail to call and see
their fall and winter stork of goods, ami
hear their pi ices
I'l til K- Sai.k Lueien V. Di.ty, Ad
luiiiMrator of John Robin.-on. deceased,
will offer at public sale, at the late resi
deuce of said decedent, i" Fayette town
ship, oil Tuesday, November 12 1S73
cue horse, one three-year old colt, om
cow. one heifer, three calves, one spring
wagon, one windmill, one patent hay
rake, wheat, coin and oats, together with
a lot of household furniture Sain at 10
o'clock A. M.
Boys, ou Saturday, when there is no
school. amue themselves on the com
mons by driving a stake into the ground,
then going a hundred feet, more or les
from the stake, and there blindfold one
of their number, after which he is turn
ed around several times and placed be
tween the handles of a whe.clbanow and
told to "wheel" for the stake. In nine
cases out of ten the stake is not reached,
the wheeler generally going in a different
On the morning of the 23rd inst., a
stranger of medium size, fair complexion
aud sandy hair, aged about 38 J ears,
dressed in a suit of light clothes, got off
one of the fast freights at Black Log
Station. He told some of the men at
station that he had a boat, but bad miss
ed it below, and hail taken the traiu to
overtake it and would walk ap the river
to the lock and tljere be ferried over.
Be bad gone about a quarter of a mile
from the station when he was run over
by engine 27 of second 1'acific. An in
quest was held over the body. Esquire
Sliddah summoning the jury. They
returned a verdict of accidental dectb.
Tm Fka.ciscus Uardwark Com
paxt mean Bisinkss. They have jnst
completed the vast extensions to their
mammoth Store. The increasing d
mands of the trade compelled tb6 com
pany to these necessary . enlargements.
They are now occupying TOUR difler
ent apartments, in which can be found
every article in the different branches of
Hardware, from a keg of Horse. Shoe to
a lady's finest Pocket Knife They in
vite yon all to call and see their immense
stock of Hardware. Saddlery ware. Coach
ware. Taints, Oils, &c. To the ladies
is the invitation extended to come and
examine their varied assortment of Stoves
and Huustkeening Hardware Their
patterns of Oil Carpets are beautiful,
from 45c to $ I 25 per yard. Store on
Main street, opposite Court House.
The Journ'il oj Commerce, for the in
formation of Everybody sending a pack
age by express, repeats that limitations
of liability which form the chief part of
the printed matter iu bills of lading do
not necessarily govern the responsibility
of common carriers. An express com
may cover its receipt with notices that
where the value cf the package is not
named the company ill not be liable for
more than $50, but if it accepts the car
riage of a package of ordinary merchan
dise with jio stipulated value named in
the contract, it will be liable for its full
value in case of miscarriage. A carrier
is not liable for delay unless neglect can
be shown, aud the owner cannot recover
damages for detention antes she can show
that the carrier did not show ordinary
Lamps and Lampware for sale at
I'aiste's Hardware Store.
The Lewistown Gazette, of last week,
contained the following bear item :
Some boys were out on Shade Moun
tain one day last week for chestnuts, hen
they saw a bear lying under a tree, but
not liking Lis looks, they lift, aud re
turning some time after found bruin up,
when they put out. l'robably the same
animal was seen a day or two after by
another boy, who also made tracks for
home. Two bears were recently caught
on the Juniata side, making four seen on
that mountain within a month, so that it
affords a fine hunting ground for those
who have the nerve to shoot such game
Cedar Tins and Buckets for sale at
I'aiste's Hardware Store.
The Huntingdon Monitor, of the 24:h
says :
On the 1 1th inst.. Argot Williams,
aged about ten years, took his father's
dinner into the Slop coal mine at Johns
town. It is supposed that he lost bis
way, aud groping through the passage
entered an buiirit ued room filled wall
the. poionous gas so fatal to so many
miners, and immediately upon bis en
trance the gas look fire from the lamp in
he boy's cap. He was found the in xt
evening burned to a crisp, totally beyond
n cognition.
Lieut. VVestbrook was the victim of a
sneak-thief last ween. The rascal pur
loiued a pair of boots, put them on aud
was sauntering around town w hen the
Lieutenant t abbed him, took the boots
aud lodged the the f in j til.
Blacksmiths, you can buy your
Horse Shoes for $7.40 per keg at Frau
eiscus'. Theywill sell you Bar Iron at
oc per pound. They offi r you Litt
Suruai Sail Ho! at 9c per pound.
IL r.Kint.E Accident. In Liberty
Valh y, Terry county, there is a steam
tannery, owned by Thomas Cook. On
last Wednesday a young man, aged about
1G years, a son of Mr. Cook, the propri
rtor of the stablishmcut, in passing
through the building, noticed the end of
a stiap or baud that had been cast from
a certain wheel that was not in motiou
lying over or acioss a shaft that was then
revolving at the rate of 120 times a min
ute. The young man knowing that to
be an improper place for the strap reach
ed with his left hand to throw it off. At
short intervals a jerking motion was im
parted to the strap. When the hand was
extended a jerk was given, and the hand
was caught, and iu an iustaut fastened
by the strap to the shaft, and the arm
wound around it up to the shoulder.
The muscles and ligaments at ibe shoul
der joiut were strong enou.h to carry the
weight of the body, and he was whirled
at the rate above indicated, forty to sixty
limes, and at each revolution was drawn
through a space of about 15 inches be
tween the shaft and a brace shove it.
His thighs were both broken, also his
right knee, and his head and body
bruised. The accident was witnessed by
an employee in the taunery. The alarm
was given and the machinery stopped as
soon as possible. The unfortunate young
man was taken from the shaft in an al
most lifeless condition, in which he re
mained for a considerable length of time.
After waiting 72 hours for the reaction of
his system, amputation of bis left arm
was performed at the shoulder, and re
covery, though doubtful, is possible
Later acconuts report him in an improv
ed condition. The physicians in the
case were Dr. Morrison, of Waterloo,
Dr. Samuel Crawford, of McCoysville,
and lr. D. M. Crawford and Dr. Banks,
of Mifflintown.
The cheaprtt place to buy Hardware
all its branches is at Franciscus'.
They guarantee to sell ell goods in their
line for less money than they can be
bought elsewhere. To satisfy your
selves of this fact, call and get their
prices aud compare them with others,
and you will be convinced. Store on
Main street, opposite the Court House.
Twins by Express. How a Young
Couple Saw Daylight on tie Cart. The
Pittsburg DUpalrh says: The Uniou
Hotel Ilepnt of this city has been the
reting place of many weary travelers
whose Listory would furnish a thrilling
chapter for romance. Only a few days
ago a lady put up there whose reason
for doing so is well stated by the Ohio
Statesman, published in Columbus. It
is as follows : The Pacific Express train
on the Panhandle railroad left the Co
lumbus depot on Eriday evening last,
uuder the charge of couductor Di itry.
Nothing transpired to disturb the
monotony of the conductor's call on
drowsy passengers fur "tickets, gentle-'
men," until the train was between Den
liiaon and Steubenville. Then he was
notified that a lady paesenger desired
his presence. He fouud the lady evi
dently in some trouble and embarrassment-
To his affirmative response to
the query to whether he was married, the
lady staled that she was on her way
from Cincinnati to meet her husband in
New York, and that a crisis was impend
ing, involving the appearauce of au ad
ditional passenger.
Ibis staitied the conductor, of course,
but wilh a heart as big as an elephant,
he set to woik to make the lady com
fortable. All tbe passengers were has
tily shuffled into another car, and such
female assistance as could be procured
on the traiu was brought into requisi
tion Iu a brief time the little stranger
a fine, bouncing girl is the phrase
put in an appearauce, and the couductor
congratulated himself on his happy es
cape from a dilemma. With a heart
overwhelming with sympathy, he arran
ged an impromptu wardrobe for the very
young lady from his own underclothing.
It was not exactly iu style of those "in
fa ut outfits'' advertised iu the papers, yet
it served a good purpose.
But tLis is not all. The train left
Steubenville on time, and was soon
ihuinii rii.g through aud around the
hills of West Virginia, when the couduc
tor received another shock , This time
it was a "fine, bouncing boy.'' Twins,
by jove ! One a Buckeye and the other
a Pan-Handler. Tbe remainder of I'ru-
ry's liueu went to start tbe little Allow
n his jouruey through the world. Then
for fear of what might happen, the train
was hurried up. Iu due time it reached
Pittsburg and tbe lady and tbe two un
ticketed passengers were teuderly con
veyed to comfortable quarters at the
ITuioti Depot hotel, when a telegram was
forwarded to like husband in New Yoik,
which probably lifted Lim out or his
boots. At last advices the mother and
children were doing well.
STOVKS of ail descriptions at the low
est prices at I'aiste's Hardwa.ro Store,
Crystal Palace Building.
The Allooua T.ihdrie, of the 24th,
publishes the following :
On Monday last, Michael Moore, the
wife murderer, who has been Feutenced
to be huug ou the 27. h of November,
made a desperate effort to escape from
the Kbeiishurg jail While the Sheriff
was conve iug him from ouo cell to an
other Moore seized a piece of lead pipe
and was about to make a deadly assault
ou the former, w In n be drew his revol
vei and filed twice at the convict, both
shots taking fleet. Had the Sheriff
been unarmed he woull doubtless have
been killed by Moore aud the hardened
ciiiniii.il succeeded in making his escape.
Moore's wounds are not of a nature suf
ficiently serious to rob the gallows of its
About six o'clock, on Tuesday even
ing the 22nd inst., a stranger entered the
jewelry establishment of Mr. C. C. Shan-
nou, during his absence, and requested
the clerk iu attendance to show him some
f the best gold watches he bad in tbe
store with a view to making a purchase.
The clerk took from the show case the
two uiott valuable watches in the cstab
lishmetil and placed them on top -of tbe
castt for the inspection of ibe would-be
purchaser, aud then turned his back for
the purpose of getting a piece of cha
mois skin to polish them. Ashe turned
around the stranger gobbled up both
watches aud beat a rapid retreat out of
the main entrance and up Fourteenth
street, and under tbe cover of darkness
aud there being no one preseut to give
chase, he soon succeeded in making good
his escape. The watches etoleu are of
.-wins manufacture, heavy gold hunting
cases, and are valued at five hundred
dollars. Persons in the vicinity who
saw the thief running aver that he had
an accomplice who was standing on the
sidewalk waiting the result of the under
taking, and that both men ran up Four
teenth street together. Jt was certainly
a bold piece of villainy, and executed by
scoundrels who had been lying in wait
for just such an opportunity that they
took advantage of. At preseut writing
there is no clue to the robbers.
Leathbr of all kinds constantly kept
on hand at Paiste's Hardware Store.
The Hollidaysburg Rayittcr, of the
23rd, says :
The body of a white infant girl sup
posed to have been a seven mouth's child
was found by D. H. Sellers, yesterday
afternoon, in the corner of Maj. Wil
Hams' field, opposite the German Catho
lic Church. The coroner was summon
ed. No clue to the heartless mother.
John Tyson trapped two more bears
during the past week. Mr. Tyson is the
greatest bear trapper in Central Penusyl-
Wheat Band Knives on hand and for
sale at the Crystal Palace Hardware
Nbw Cou.vrKRi'KfT. A new and ve
very well executed of the S50 bill of tbe
new issue of greetfbaeka has b-cu discov
ered lately by the Government officials,
and it is supposed- preconcerted move
ment has been made to scatter them
broadcast all over the country. The
counterfeit, though quite good, still has
a few defects that are fatal to it even in
the bands of even a tolerable judge of
money. In tbe first place the specimens
shown are not printed on fibre paper,
though this may be done in other issues,
as the counterfeiters have succeeded in
some instances in making a tolerable im
itation of the Government fibre paper.
The scroll work around the fignres "50''
in the tipper left hand corner of the gen
uine are surrouwded by a scroll work of
fine lines, crossing and repressing each
other, but all made of one line that is
continuous throughout, and its course
can be plainly traced by the naked eye.
In the counterfeit this effect is produced
by a series of short scratches, not con
nected together at all. Between the
words "new" and ''series" in the genu
ine a small ornamental dash it inserted,
but it is omitted in tbe counterfeit In
the vignette of Henry Clay in the genu
inn the hair on the right side of the head
is light near the head and grows darker
toward the outer end ; tb's is reversed in
the counterfeit. The most striking dif
ference, however, is in tbe coloring of
tbe seal, which is of a brick red tint, in
stead of the bright crimson of the genu
ine bills Ex.
Prices of Board of Commerce.
Reported weekly for the Juniata Skrtihil
by Ibe Board of Commerce of Mittlin and Pat
terson. Butter lb
Ejrgs. dot
Lard, lb
Country Soap
Wool, washed
Dried Apples
Peaches, pared
" Peaches, unpared ,
" Cherries, pitted
" Blackberries
" Kaspherriea :
Country Hams
Sides and Shoulders
Potatoes, "f bus
Onions "
Ground Alera Salt, p sack
Railroad Ties
Locus! Posts, mortising
" for board fence.. .,
... 25
.. 20
,.. 8
... 8
... 25
... 8
... 3
... 60
... 10
... 20
... 15
... 20
.. 10
... 16
. 12
... 7
2 25
Shelley & Stambangh's Prices Current.
Corrected Weekly.
Cbtstal Palace, Miffliotown, 1
Oct. 30, 1872. I
Prime RoM Butter, per B) 20
Eggs, per dozen 25
Lard, per lb 08
Tallow, per lb 08
Beeswax 30
Dried Apples, pur lb 01
" Cherries, seedles". per lb 17
" ' unseeded 04
' . Blackberries .... - 08
Rispberrics 20
Walnuts, per bus - 2S
Shellbarks 1..- 7;
Pot noes 50
Chickens, live, per tb- 08
Liverpool Ground Alum Sal', pe' suck 2 oil
D. K. SuloufT & Co.'s Prices Cm rent.
Reported Weekly.
White Wheat, V bus... - $' C5
Red " " 1 CO
'Corn 65
Cloverseed 4 50
Timothy seed 3 50
Prepared Ccal, V ton $5 25
Sul " " - 4 25
Pea 3 10
Bituminous" " - 6 00
Run of Log, 4 4, -jp 1000 ft $35 00
5-8, " 25 00
" 8-4, ' ....25 00io40 00
" 6-4, " 2500to4000
Hemlock Frame, ' 20 00
Boards. ' 20 00
Wbitcpine worked Flooring 35 00
" fJermau Siding -.. 35 00
Panel Doors 2 00 to 3 00
Window Sash, 8x10, window- 65
" " 9x12, 75
1012, " 80
" " 10x14, ' 90
PHILADELPblA, Oct. 29. 1872.
flora Tbe market continues dull, tbe in
quiry being confinad to tbe immediate wants
o. the home consumers, whose purchases
foot up 80'J bbla, including
Superfine '. $t505 25
Extras Si 62(B 25
N. W. Extra Family.. . $7 5u(S)8 25
Ohio 4 Ind. do. do $8 '0(a,9 00
Penna. do. do. $8 0T,fii.9 00
Fancy Brand?...- $9 2510 2-5
Grain Wheat continues dull, and prices
favor buyers ; sales of western red at $1 65
al G8 ; amber at $1 7oal 80,' and while at
$1 90a2 05. Rye may be quoted at 75c for
Penn and 80c for western. Corn is in limit
ed request ; sales of 65e0 bushelh yellow et
G"ic and western mixed at 62a64c. Oats are
in good demand ; sales of new white at 47a
18c and mixed at 44a4tie.
Monday, Oct. 284 P. M.
The market for Beef Cattle was excessive
ly dull this week, and prices were weak and
unsettled. Sales of choice at 7a7Jc ; fair to
good at 5aG'c, and common at 3j.t5e per lb,
Cows and Calves were in little request.
Sites of springers at 35a45, and fresh cows
at $40a45. Receipts 200 head.
Hogs were dull and lower, with sales at
$6 2oal 75 for corn fed. Receipts 6097 head.
Administrator's Notice.
Ettatr, of Mary Mts timer, dtctaui.
jHE undersigned, to whom Letters of Ad
1 ministration on the estate of Mary
itiefit'mcr, late of Mifflintown, dee'd., have
been dui." granted according io law, hereby
gives notice 'o all persons indebted to said
estate to eomt; forward and make payment,
and those having c'aims against it. to pre
sent them properlv authenticate for settle
ment. JOSEPH KOf-'IKOCK, Admr.
Oct 9, '72-6t
KunkcFs Bitter Wine of Iron.
cure all diseases arising from a disordered
liver and stomach, such as constipation, flat
ulence, inward piles, fullness of blooi to the
head, acidity of the stomach, nausea, heart
burn, disgust of fond, fullness or weight in
the stomach, sinking or fluttering at ibe pit
of the stomacn, swimming at the head, hur
ried or difficult breathing, fluttering at the
heart, choking or suffocating sensations when
in a lying pos'ure, dimness of vision, io.
Price, Si per bottle. E- F. Kunkel, propri
etor, 259 North Ninth street, below Vine.
Philadelphia. - For sale by Druggists. If
yoor druggist has it not, enclose $1. to my
address as above, and it will come by next
express train, and advice Iree of charge.
Feb 28 '72-6n
glry otitis, romif5, Qi&ttnsmtt, &(.
lir-itle Street, Mifflintown,'
Tlie DLnrg-st,
Tlie Newest,
Tlie CJlieiewr."
And the Most Attractive Stock of Goods ever Brought
to Mifflintown.
Black Silks, Drap Do Alma, Imperial Reps, Jamise,
Cachmeri Ilaye, Australian Crape Empress,
liatest Canton Cloths, &c, &c,
We respectfully solicit an eximiuation before purchasing elsewhere.
Any and everything, such as Sfiatcls, Cloths. Cassimerri, Flannels
Blankets, t nderwear, Hosiery, Gloves, op:,
Of any and everything at prices which defy competition. j
One of the best in the county, embracing all the New and Best Ptyles j
for lhe Fall and Winter Trade, for Ladies, Misses and Children the
same exclusively for cur trade at prices to euit all purchasers. Kvery j
pair warranted 1
Grocery and Queensware Department.
For our Grocery and Queens ware Department we have secured
one of the finest rooms in 'he county iu the Odd Fellows' Hall.
Just opened one of the largest and best stocks of Goods ever
brought to the county, all f which are kindly sul'inittt-d to the inspection of all
our numerous friends and customers. For quality and prices we defy competition
Oct. 3 1872-ly
Is tlie plnce wLere you can buy
Tlie let mitl tlie Clieajet
' l
WE are prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and select Stocks ever offered iu this
market, and at ASrOXJSIJIAU LOW PRICES !
Also, measures taken for Suits and parts of Suits, which will be made to order,
at shore notice, very reasonable.
llemember the place, in the Xevin Building, two doors west of the Keystone
Store, BKIDGE STREET. MIFFLI.VTOVN. PA. may 8. 1872-lf
DR. P. C.
The public attention is also invited to his large assortment of
Perfected -IpKNl Spectacles.
All persons who are in need of Spectacles will find it to their advantage to
call, as they wjll find th largest stock in the connty to select from. COME
AND 11 AVE VOL'R EYE-SIGHT RESTORED. Also, a splendid assortment of
With an mtneuse stock of NOTIONS tgg" Something for everybody, young
and old, at tbe
(Successors to D. P. SuloufT,)
Grain, Lumber, Coal,
fStilt, Plaster,
The Highest Cash Prices Paid
for all kinds of Grain.
Lumber. Coal, &c. Sold at the
Lowest Prices.
Having boats of our own we can freight
Grain, Lumber, Coal, So., cheaper than any
other parties. We therefore defy competi
IYou can make monev by calling on us
belor? selling or buying elsewhere.
SOLD BV THh' 1ST OS Ju.XE, 1872.
P. 8. Our grain is not elevated oa men's
Mifflintown, April 20, 1872.
TI1E nndersigneil is agent for one of tbe
best Force Pumps, for any depth of cis
tern or well, in tbe world. By attaching hose
to (Le spout, water can he thrown 3l' to :0
feet. Nothing better could be aked in case
of fire. It is a non-freezing pump.
Oakland Mills, Jnaiata Co., Pa.
II U 31 A. :x M I E It Y .
Just Published in a St iled Envelope. Priet
Sit Centt.
A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment
and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Sem
inal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions. Sex
ual Debility, an-i Impediments to Marriage
generally; Ner-ousness, Consumption, Epi
lepsy and Fits ; Mental and Physical Inca.
pcity, resulting from Self-Abuie, &c. By
of tbe "Green Book." &e.
The world-renowned author, in this admir
able Lecture, clearly proves from his own
experience that the awful consequences of
Jelf-Abuse may be eflVetunily removed with
out medicines, and wit'iotit dangerous sur
gical operations, bougies, instruments, rings
or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure al
once certain and effectual by which every
sufferc. so matter what his condition may
be, may core himself cheaply, privately, and
SANDS. Sent under 'eal. to any address, in a plain
se.led envelope, on the receipt of six cents,
or two postage stamps. ATso Dr. Cnlverwell's
'Marriage Guide," price 50 Cunts. Xddrsss
tbe publisher.
Post Office Uox 4,680. HI bowery, X. Y
D AVID WATTS most respectfully announ
ces te the public that he is' prepared to
at reduced prices. Hereafter give him a call
RepublTcrn E!ccforiI"Ticlei
Adolph . Borie,
John M. Thompson,
William D. Forteny
Joseph A. Bnnham,
Marcus A. Davis,"
George Morrison Coares,
Henry Bumm,
Theodore M. Wilson,
John M. Brooiuall,
Franois Shroder,"
Mark II. Richards,
Edward II. Ureeu,
David K Shoemaker,
Daniel K. M filer,
Leand?rM. Morten,
Theodore Strong, -John
William J. Colegrove,'
Jense Merrill,
Fleory Orlady,
Hubert Kelt,
Jasper M. Thompson,
Isaac Frazer,
George W. Andrews,
Jlenfy Lloyd,
John J. Gillespie,
James Patterson,
John W . Wallace,
Charles C. Boyd.
Adolph K. Borie,
John M. Thompson;
William D. Fortcn,
Joseph A. Boiihatn,
Marcus A. Davis.
George Morrison Coatcs,
Henry Butuui,
Theodore M. Wilson,
John M Broomalf,
Francis Shroder,
Mark 11. Richards,
Edward H. Green,
David K. Shoemaker
Daniel K. Miller,
I.eandcr M. Morton,
The.iiore Strong,
John Fassmorey
William J. Culegrove,
Jesse Merrill,
Henry Orladyj
Robert Bell,
Jasper M. Thompson,
Isaac Frazer,
George V . Andrew
Henry Lloyd",
John J. Gillespie,
James Patterson,
John W. Wallace,
Charles C. BojoV
Adolph E Borie,
John M. Thompson,
William JJ. Forten,
Joseph A. Boiiharo,'
Marcus A Davis,
George Morrison Coates,
Henry Bumm,
Theodore M. Wilson
John M. liroomall,
Francis Shroder.
Maik II Richards,
Edward II Green,
David K. Shoemaker.
Daui.1 U Miller.
J.eantler M. J.irior,
Theodore Strong,
J"hn I'nssmorp,
William J. Coiegrove,
Jesse Merrill,
Henry Orludy,
Robert Bell.
Jasper M. ThonYpsoh.
Isaac Frazer,
George V. Andrews,
Henry Lloyd,
John J. Gillespie.
James I'atttrson,
John W Wallace,
Charles C. Boyd.
Adolph E. l'orie.
John M Thompson,
William D Forten,
Joseph A Bonham,
Marcus A. Davsf
George Morrison Coatcs,
Henry Btirom,
Theodore M. Wilson,
John M. Broomall,
Francis Shrotler,
Mark II. Richards,
Edward II. Green,
David K. Shoemaker,
Dani.l R. Miller,
Leander M. Morton,
Theodore Strong,
John Piissinorc,
Wilfiam J. Colegrove,
Jesse Merrill,
Henry Orlady,
Robert Bell.
Jasper M. Thompson,
Isaac Frazer,
George W. Andrews,
Henry Lloyd,
John J. Gillespie,
James Patterson,
John W. Wallace,
Charles C. Boyd;