Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, October 30, 1872, Image 2

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    Juniata JlwtiiuL
M I V f L I N T O W N-
Wednesday Iforning, Oct 30, 1872
Ado1;h E. Borie. John M. Thompson.
William 1. Fori en.
.lonph A. Ponham.
Mi.rcus A Davis.
Geogre M. Coaies.
Henry Btmim.
Theodore M. Wilson.
John M Rioomall.
Krsncis Sliroder.
Murk II. Kicrards.
Fdwsrd II. Green.
David K. Sbocmikcr.
ltnniel K. Miller.
I,eaiider M. Morion.
Theodore Strong
John Passmore.
Win. J. Colcgrove.
Jesse Merrill.
H enry U lady.
I Robert Bell.
Janper M. Thompson
1I-aac Frszer.
George W. Andrews
I Henry Lloyd.
John J. Gillespie.
I Jump Patterson.
I John W. Wallaee.
Charles C. Boyd.
GEO. P. ROWELL 4 CO, 40 Park Row, New York
S. M, PETTENGILL 4 CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y, I
Are our sole agents in (hat city, and are au
thorised to contract for advertising at our
lowest rates. Advertisers in that city are le
quedted to leave their favors Kith either of
the above houses.
Tbe San Juan Boundary Line.
The J uan boundary question lias
been a matter of dispute between Great
liiiuin and tlte United State?, since the
treaty of the Huchanan international,
boundary lire of 184(3.
'J'bere are a tmniber of inlands off the
main land of Washington. Territory.
Among them is the island of San Juan
whiih "is about fifteen miles iu length,
and its widest part about seven ; it is
taelve wiles from the cullonial capital of
Victoria, and contains upwards of forty
thousand acre. It is very fertile, has
valuable lit-hetics, quarries and a capa j
cious harbor. In a military poiut nf
vt' W the possession of the inland is quite
iinpiii laiit, as it commands to a certain
extent, the main cli.ttiiiel between British
teiiitmy and American, and in a strate
pic view, neutralizes the importance of
Vancouver's isHnd to the Englieb."
The treaty above referred to, stipulated
that the line of separation between the
countries when it reached the ielauds on
the Pacific coast should be through the
inaiu channel lotheocean. The whole
itieetinn turned on which is the main
channel. The Enplieb claimed such a
channel that the island in question fell
to their side of the line. The Ameri
cans decl'ired a different channel to be
the n ain channel and the one through
which the boundary line should rnu.
Hy the adoption of the American view
of the location of the line, the island
would become the property of the Uni
ted States, and this was what our En
gltsli cousins most devoutly prayed
Against. The occupancy of tbe island,
in 1859, very nearly culminated in a war.
Since then it has been jointly occupied
by both Nations. Through the Wash
inton treaty the question become a sub
ject for arbitration. The Emperor of
Germany was chosen to decide which of
the channels should become tbe bounda
ry line. Within the past week Mr. Ban
croft, the American Minister at the Ger
man Court, at Berlin, has despatched
that the Emperor has decided the que.s
tion in favor of the United States.
Thus has another dark internation.il spot
that was a constant menace of war been
removed by the (Jrant Administration.
About one year ago York county be-
came agitated over the enormous taxes
that, the County Commissioners allowed
to be entailed on the citizens of the coun
ty, and a murmur of condt mnation swell
ed up from all sides. Parties were in
vested with the proper authority to look
up the accounts in the Commissioner 8
office. When lo ! they found the ac
counts like the accounts of the New
York Tammany thieves gone and no
where to be found. The Legislature
coming into session soon after, it was pe
titioned for thn passage of an act author
izing the reaudit of certain accounts of
said county. The law as asked was
passed. A few days ago the authority,
authorized to reaudit the accounts, visi
ted the Commissioner's office to begin
their work, but no accounts conld be
found ; they had all been stolen away,
and doubtless destroyed. The discov
ery of this new outrage has created iu
teuse excitement through the whole
county Yotk county, like Juniata, it a
Democratic connty.
Gov Geary has issued a proclama
tion "declaring the names of the persons
who have been chosen members of tbe
Constitutional Convention that is to as
eemble in the hall of the House of Rep
resentatives at Harrtebnrg en the second
Tuesday of November, being tbe 12th
day of tbe month, at 12 o'clock M.
John McCullongb. Audrew Reed and
Johu M. Bailey will represent the 22nd
Senatorial district, of which Jnoiata ia a
Election Day Tuesday, Novem
be 5th.
Greeley' Termer Yiews.
We give IVow a lew of the writings
and sayings of Mr. Greeley. They are
submitted without a word of comment,
faitber than to ask bow has Mr. Greeley
fouud it in Lis heart to become tbe Pres
idential candidate of the men that be thus
reviled, and bow can those reviled sup
port him :
-Gen. Grant will be far better quali
fied for that momentous true! in 1 872
than be was in 1868 'Horace Guek
LKV, January 5. 1871.
"Let the soldier understand that he is
enrolled to fight a parcel of knaves, all
liable to indictment, trial, sentence and
executiou ma who have wickedly dis
turbed tbe peace of tbe world without
provocation men with whom no terms
are to be made Lick Turpi ns. who call
themselves generals, and Captain Kvds.
mho call themselves commanders A
thief is a thief a liar is a liar a peiju
ror'is a peijuroi : and every Southern
traitor, w h is morally responsible, is all
three together!" lloRACB Gkekley,
August 16, 1S72.
1 he brain, the heart, the snul of the
present 1'emocratic party ia the rebel el
emcut at the Sontb, with its Northern
allies and sympathizers It is rebel at
the core to-day.' LIokack Greeley,
February, 1871.
"Every one who chooses to live by
pugilism, or gambling or harlotry, with
nearly every keeper of a tippling house,
is politically a Democrat '" HORACE
Grkilky, January 7, 1SG8.
"Point wherever yon please to an
election district which you will pronounce
morally roSten given up in great part to
debauchery and vice, whose voters sub
sist mainly by keeping policy offices,
gambling bouses, grog shops and datker
dens of infamy, and that district will be
found at nearly or quite feVcry election
gii.. a :r.::j'rity (or that which styles
itself the 'Democratic' party. Take all
the haunts of debauchery in the land,
and you will find nine tenths of their
master spirits active partisans of that
same Democracy." Horace Ghkilky.
"May it be written on my grave that 1
was never its follower the Democratic
party. aud lived and died in nothing its
debtor." Horace GatELtY.
"I have no doubt that the policy you
suggest is that which your party the
Democrats ought to adopt You only
err as to the proper candidate. 1 am
not the man you need Your party is
mostly Free Trade aud I am a ferocious
Protectionist I have no doubt, that 1
might be nominated and elected by your
help, but it would pi ice us all iu a false
position" Horace Greeley, in Trib
une, De ember 30, 1S71.
"President Grant has expressed pre
cisely the opinion we should have ex
pected from him concerning the Gratz
Brown movement in Missouri. He con
siders it an effort to disorganize the lie
publican party without cause, which no
good Republican who has the interests of
the country and of the party at heart
can fail zealously to combat. How any
man professing republicanism can fail to
take the same view is one of the myste-rr-s
which only Revenue Reformers,
Tammany Republicans and other politi
cal nondescripts can be expected to un
derstand "Tribune, Stpt. il, 1870.
"Tbe baffled survivors of slavery still
cling to the wreck of iheir fal'cn dragon,
and hope to set it again on its pedestal
If they can no longer buy and sell men.
women and children they can still de
grade and oppress the image of God
They can pretend to fear that four mil
lions of bumble, despised, moneyless,
landless blacks, just freed from the
shackles they bad worn for ages, will
rule aud domineer over twenty-eight
millions of comparatively educated, in
tellijent, wealthy whites if the laws
shall treat them exactly alike. Yet the
hypocrites or cowards who at up this
preteuse boast of their superiority to ne
groes. Why, then, do they act as if
consciously inferior to them ?" New
York Tribune.
Republicans ! God's finger has wril
teu plainly on tbe eventful history of our
last ten years His approval of your cause
and His resolve that it shall triumph
It must be that the preat work of ren
dering this a land of equal rights and
equal laws shall go on to its perfect con
summation. Blessed are they ho shall
have proved faithful to it alike in dark
and in brighter hours. On, then, to the
struggle of to-morrow !" 7W4uie, AV
eembrr 4. 1S67
The wealthy and fashionable people,
as well as other people of the country,
had their attention keenly drawu to Chi
cago within the past few days to divorce
proceedings, instituted by a father to re
cover his daughter, a girl of seventeen
from the marital relationship with bis
coachman, who, by false representations,
impressed the girl favorably and induced
her to marry him secretly Tbe coach
man says she is his lawful wife and be
will defend his claim in the courts. The
othir case of attention was st Washing
ton, D. C , and also within the past few
days It was the death of Auuie Dean,
in a house of a colored woman with
whom she has lived five years. She too,
was the wife of her father's coachman,
who beguiled her iuto a marriage, but
when be found that be could not obtain
money irom ner parents, leu ner. Her
e 1 . ij. a
parents cast her off and she became de
I r a
pravea auu teu a me oi sname. liow
sad the fate of such women.
The Philadelphia Democracy are ex
ercised to such a degree over the October
election that they have read a number of
their prominent men out of the party.
Among those read out stands William
The Congressional vote in this dis
tnct is
John B. Parker 17,o45
Abner Rutherford 13 486
Packer's majority....
Gi'BTiN's majority in 1860 was 32.
164 ; Hartranft's majority in 1872 was
The Republican majority in Pennsyl
vania on the Congressional vote is 50,
The Hone Epidemic
a letter from gen. bobebts, b s. a.,
liB.MIC. Springhh.d, Mass, Oct. 23.
Mb. Bonner Dear Sir: In the
Spring of 1868 a disease broke out
among my' cavalry horses at Fort Sum
ner, New Mexico, that appears to me
identical with that now rag ng among
horses in our cities, and iu a very few
days became aji epidemic
At first it defied all treatment, aud the
great majority of horses attacked by it
died. On examining the throats of tbe
dead horses, I found tbe lining mem
brane of the larynx highly inflamed and
thickened, nd a thick mucus pus filling
it, causing suffocation. I ordered all
horses, ou the first appearance of the
disease, to be thoroughly tubbed between
the lower jaws aud along the larynx down
tbe neck with spirits of lurpeutine, caus
ing a very severe external irritation and
I saved every horse thus treated, and
in a very few days entirely broke the
distemper and checked tbe epidemic
I do not doubt that thousands of hor
ses, where this epidemic prevails, cau be
saved by adopting tbh treatment. It
acts more quickly as a counter-irntaut
than any other remedy ' I know, and re
lieves the fever of the membrane of the
larynx in a very few houis Besides,
spirits of turpentine is always at hand,
and can be more readily applied than
any other counter iiritant. It should be
thoroughly rubbed in through the hair
to the skin, fur a distance of some twelve
or fifteen inches, Under the jaws aud
j dowu the neck of the horse immediately
v ttio larynx The remedy is severe
aud makes the skiu sore for several
weeks, and for an hour causes great suf
fering to the horse.
But it acts promptly aud effectively,
and in my judgment it will be fouud the
best and perhaps the only cure for this
fatal malady, causing such suffering and
loss among horses throughout the coun
try. My love of horses induces me to
address you. and to ask you to give to
this communication such place in your
paper as to reach the public in tbe most
prompt aud genera way, aud stay one
of the greatest misfortunes now threat
euing all communities, and destroying
by thousands tbe noblest animal created
for the service of man.
Very truly yours,
B. S. Roberts,
Brevet Brig. Geu., U. S A.
Anecdote of Grant.
A correspondent of the Louisville Com
mcrcial has the following :
A volunteer soldier of the late war,
with whom I am acquainted, a man of
truth and honor, who was with General
Grant at Yicksburg and other important
places, tells the following : A fop of a
lieutenant, with a 2300 suit ou bis back,
kicked a soldier who among others was
unloading a boat. but. as tbe lieutenant
thought, was rather slow. A common
lookiug man, without shoulder straps,
walked up to him aud inquired nf him
the company aud regiment to which he
belonged- He named them Said the
man without shoulder strap's : "Go aud
report yourself to your superior officer,
dismissed by order of General Grant.''
Tbe lieutenant departed, crest fallen, and
the General rolled up his sleeves and as
sisted the boys to uuload the boat
Wonder if that lieutenant will vote for
Greeley T That same soldier assures us
that it would require a thousand such
speeches as Sumner's to convince him
that President Grant is either a tyrant or
a thief, or anything of that sort.
Nearly every branch of trade is be
ing impeded by the horse disease in New
York. Late despatches state that there
is no abatement, but that, on the con
trary, it is spreading, faster and faster.
Thousands of men are thrown out of
employment through the sickness of tbe
horses, while along tbe piers great mass
es of freight are piled up and cannot be
removed. Strange as it may seem, few
deaths have occurred so far as reported.
The streets of Rochester are said to be
deserted, and wagon and carts are being
drawn by men. Boston apt ears to be
suffering as badly as New Yoik and
Rochester ; all departments of business
are at a stand still Other cities have
been attacked. Detroit and tbe lumber
ing distiict of Michigan are compelled to
stop the running of the cars, etc. Oue
case is reported (from Boston) where a
driver had caught the disease.
The Phrknolooical Journal This
Magazine has beeu before the public so
long ana become so well established, that
the publisher hardly feels called upon to
more than announce a new volume Its
name has become a household word in all
parts of the country. It will, as hereto
fore, be devoted to all that will improve
men Phiicnllu, Menially and Morally
Containing all that is new on Phrenol
ogy, or the Brain and its Functions :
Kthnolouy or the Natural History of
Man ; Phymoo.n-imy, or the Signs of
Character ex In luted in the Human Face
and Form ; Psychology, or the Science
of the Soul ; Sociology, or Man in his
Private and Public Relations ; History
anii Biography, or Man in the Past and
in the Present. Terms. $3.00 a year.
Sine'e numbers, 30 cents ; Ten copies.
$20 00, and an extra copy to agent Be
sides these club rates, the most liberal
Premiums are offered, a list of which will
be sent on application Local agents
wanted everywhere, and cash commis
sions given Address S R Wells.
Publisher, 389 Broadway. New York.
The Pennsylvania Congressional del
egation numbers 25 Republicans and 5
The horse disease is reported to be in
f.,. .
Four hundred artificial eyes are sold
every week in Paris.
It is estimated that there are 80,000
Jews in New York eity.
'A progressive Chinaman has outraged
the traditions of hU country by marry
ing a St. Louis woman. .
The water wheels of a paper mill in
Bradford county were recently filled
whh eels and stopped
Jack Hays, the leader of tne Texas
Rangers during the Mexican war, is now
living V,n the interest of $?00,000, at
Almada, California.
Miss Ellen M Wellington, of Athol,
Mass, picked $150 worth of berries the
season just passed Her illustrious
uamcsake. the Iron Duke, would have
gloried in that girl.
A father living in Titusville, who has
two or three very courtable girls, placed
a notice on his front door the other
night, which read : "Shut down for thir
ty days. No stove in the parlor, and
but one lamp "
A Fort Worth despatch says a band
of Kiowas have murdered a family of
white persons, and driven off a large
quantity of stock from the vicinity. The
murder was committed between Palo
Pinto and Weatherford. in tbe nsual bar
barous style.
Governor Brown, of Tennessee, says,
that, by the census, that State is tbe
ninth in population, the twelfth in wealth
and the second in ignorance, t here are,
he states, 140,000 persons, between tbe
ages of ten and twenty-one, who cannot
read or write.
A Miss Sophia Smith, of Massachu
setts, has lately bequeathed $350,000 for
tbe endowment of a new college for wo
men at Northampton. The object of the
foundation is stated in the deed of gift to
be to furnish young women with means
aud modes of instruction equal to those
now enjoyed by yonng men.
We hear to-day ef a terrible accident
at Hokeudauqua. A lady, whose name
we could not learn, was carrying a child
up stairs and had a lamp iu her hand.
As she ascended the stairs, she tripped,
tbe lamp fell and exploded, setting fire
to her clothing and burning her so terri
bly that she died this morning Allen-
town Xetrs, nth.
On election day a woman appeared at
the Sixth ward polls in Cleveland, Ohio,
leading her husbind by the arm. Tick
et distributors crowded around him, but
she waved them, saying, "Never mind, I
vote this man." She marched him up
to the ballot box, saw that he voted, and
afterwards led up two other men whom
she served iu the same manner. Who
says a woman has no political influence ?
A shipment of choice California fruit
was recently made from San Francisco
to Dublin, Ireland, to 11 a special order.
The consignment consisted of three
boxes pears and three boxes grapes, all
fine varieties, carefully selected aud well
packed. The freight paid the express
company on the same amounted to over
$70. It is a long distance to send per
ishable goods, but it is expected tbey
will reach their destination in not more
than twenty days, iu good order.
A Hollidaysburg German lately com
plained to Chief Burgess Lemon (State
Senator elect.) that if the boys didn't
stop going in swimming in tbe viaduct
where bis daughters could see them, he
would make trouble. "Ah, Conrad," re
plied tbe Senator with that dignity for
which he is proverbial, 'if I remember
rightly your house is half a mile or more
from the viaduct.'' '-Yaw, dat ish so,"
replied the German, "but den you see
my gals day got spy glass."
Chief of Police Mc Williams, of Jersey
City, and Detective Dojle, were placed
on trial on the 24 th inst , for complicity
iu the Jersey City Bank robbery. Der
nan, one of tbe robbers, testified that
McWilliams met him in New York aud
told him there was $2,000 000 iu the
bank, and that for twenty per cent, of
the plunder he agreed to have the hand
cuffs so fixed on the bauds of robbera as
to permit them to slip them off aud es
cape Great excitement prevails as the
trial progresses.
Tbe .Memphis appeal says : Tbe he
roic exertioua of a bold adventurer, who
jumped off a steamboat coining np the
river and thereby saved the life of a
pretty and favorite poodle dog, is likely
to gain him a fortune and a wife. "An
aged maid of money aud sourness, who
was a passenger on the City of Helena,
from Vicksburg to St. Louis, dropped
her dog into tbe water as the steamer
was coming up
The bold and impecu-
niou. youth sympathized with the lady
, ... I
and eared the lite nf her pup while riek- ,
ing his own. tie became a fast friend of!
.l i j l i , - - .
tne lady, bad his qnarters transferred ,
trim l tie deck to the cabin and has every i
. eL. i .-'!
pniepeci oi uecoimu? a nnsoaud and a
millionaire iu St Louis within a month
The boat reached here last night.
A enrioas invention has just been in
vented for cutting wood without a saw.
A galvanic current in sufficient quantity,
when passed over white platiunm wire,
raises its temperature to a white beat.
Tbe inventor discovered that wood, a
comparatively dry substance, even when
green could be cut in the Bame way
By arrangiug the wire with bandies, or
rather means, so as to guide it readily,
trees, logs or planks may be cut as desi
red. There ia here, therefore, a simple
and easily applied force, which may be
employed to fell trees, divide them into
logs, and perform all the operations of
the saw and the axe. The surface of the
The surface of the !
wood ia slightly charred, but ihe layer
ia verw ibi Thn batter -m..l; i
very thin 1 be battery employed I
need onlv ho nf the simnlest character I
J - J f - , 14
-aaaatiafcia ,.
TV vn w,t nnv kind of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES,
GRATES, &C, or any Stove Castings, call at the
Stove Warehouse of Frauciscus' Hardware Co.,
Best and Superb Cooking Stoves, Light House, Empire, Morning
Eric ilvcrttsfttimts.
Public Sale of. Real Estate
Dklawakb Towwship,
On Tuesday, November 26th, 1872.
WILL be sold at puMic tals. on the above
named day, -on iba premises, in Irl-
ware township. Juniata Co . P-. a Farm and
Saw Mi"., containing lOS 11 3 1 O f
bounded hj linds of Jacob Shelley. J erne
Sprakman, Mahlon C. Ferra and others, con
venient lo churches, mills, school, etc.
There are about 40 acres of first -elas
farm land, well fenced and watered. The
balance is woodland, the most part boing
well set wilb large timber. There is a Urge
Apple Orchard, also a fine young Peach Or
chard, of about 10O0 tree, just coming into
hearing, of the most select truil. The im
provements are a
BANK ISA UN 40x50 feet, wiih Wagon Shed
and Corn Crib attached, and oiher ouibiiil.l
ings required on a farm. There is w ell of
water at the bouse wiih pump iu it, also a
nell and pump at the birn
The SAW MILL contains one up and dowu
saw, driven by a Rose wheel, four circular
saws, worked ny undersnot wheel. Iu
mill is considered to bare tbe best wati
power in mis oeigbhorhoo I.
Persons wishing to view this properly will
be "bowu the Batne by calling ou K. W Hum
phrey, residing tbereon Letters of inquiry
addressed lo Mr. Humphrey at Kat Salem
P. O., Juniata Co.. Pa., will be promptly an
swered. The same information can be bud
by calling on or addressing Alex. McQuirns,
Do ningtnwn, Chester Co.. Pa.
Sale will commence at 2 o'clock P. M., on
aid dar, when terms will be ma le known by
Oct. 30-tg
The immense demand for HOLLOW AY'S
PILLS and UlM.vtfc.M. baa tempted tin-
r. . r .. y
able medicines.
In order to protect the puM:c and ourselves
we have issued a new -'Trade Mark." con
sisting of an Egyptian circle of serpent,
with the leiter II in the center. Every box
of genuine IIOLLOWAY'S PILLS and OIST-
MKNT will have this trade-mirk on it. None
are genuine without it.
To naloe. and hhr In flriKr. and Modi.
cineS. We call your particular '"attention to;
the new Btyle of I!oli.owat"s Pills and Dint- ,
mkxt. None of the old style are manufac- 1
lured by us now. nor have Ibcy been for
months. We. therefore, caution all pur
chasers against receiving from any jobbers
or dealers i he old ftjle of goods. Infom.a-
lion concerning any such goods being offered
will be received wiih thanks.
7S Maiden Lane, S. Y.,
Sole Agents UoUoway't fills an. Ointment.
Real Estate at Public Sale,
nPIIK undcr-ignrd Executor of the ista'e'
A. 4f Catharine tutninjeham. deceased,
will offer at public sale, on the premises, at i
I o'clock p. ., on I
Saturday, November 2nd, 1372, j
A tract of land simile in Milt'ord township,'
Juniata connty. cont lining
Twenty-Eight At-ri-w, j
bounded by lands of ol John K. Kobisoa,
John Cunningham nod Orin Grnninger, hav-,
ing Ihtreon erected a
New Two-Story Frame Dwelling House, I
and other ontbuilding. There ia a Young
Orchard of choice fruit on tbe premises on
the premises. The land is clvared and in a
good Slate of cultivation, and is situated on
tbe main road leading from Mifflin to Johns- ' AK"e- headache, papitatin. gid ti
town, two miles from Ibe former and n,tM ness, drowsiness, no energy, dipepsia. c i
railes from the latter place. ! ,rrh. rheumaiim, neuralgia, pr iv.-l. weak
TERMS : Ten per cent, of the purchase b,,ck. constipation, piles, , c. We r.
mnncy to be paid when the sale is confirmed i ''g'ously commend our GOLDEN PACK
br the Court : one-half of the remainder on
ibe 1st day of 4pril. 1873, when deed and
possession will be giren ; and the balance on
the first day of August, 1873 the last pay
ment to be secured by judgment note.
Executor of Catbarii e Cunningham, dee d.
THE undersigned offers for sale the follow
ing property, situated in Milford iwp.,
Jnniata county, Pa., 2 miles west of Patter
son and mile from tbe P. K. R. hounded
by lands of James North on the north and
Tl ". b 'r"'1- f E- S- 1)0,1 00 'he aU,h
... 6 .
Eie-ht AcrM and SevTrHr.Svr P.b.
all in a good state of cultivation.
The im-
prnrements are as follows :
22x30. with basemeni and eiiflit rooms, three
clothes presses and two balls ; also a good
V - wel '. "ranged ; .1...
Pr,u8 Houee. Smoke House, and other ne
cessary outbuildings. There is slso an abun-
rfrluce ofJruit 00 'h? Premi-n Orchard
"r 50 ireet, 30 being in bearing eondi-
tion, also Cherries and Peaches. There is a
Snd Spring of never f:iilin water near tbe
TERMS: Price S2..r,00. One thousand
dollars lo be paid on tbe 1st or April, IM73,
when Deed will be made and possession given.
The balance in payments lo suit purchaser.
Call at the premises, or address
Patterson, Juniata Co., I a.
X. B. If desirable, ihe purchaser ean buy
thirty acres more, adjoining the above prop
irty, under cultivation, at $50 per acre.
July 31. li-72-lf
Cucumber Wood Pump.
Tasteless, Durable. Efficient.
and CL'ap. The best Pumn
for tbe least money Atten-, Purest of WINES AND LIQUORS for Medi
ation is especially invited to cal Purposes.
ilatchley 'e Patent Improred
Bracket am. New Drop Check I
ij Valve, which ean ba with-
dtawn without removing ihe
A pump or disturbing tbe joints.
Also. Ihe Copper Cham her
wl"h nerer creeks or scale, and will outlast
V,yther - For sa,e b' dIra erery where.
Dena IOr 'ge Knee-List.
Cuas. G. ' iatchlit. Manufact'r,
606 Commerce St., Pbilada., Pa.
i mi n wi i naitnfeaairisiriestiriif i i inn'
Kadiant, lioiaen Lignt,
Jlnr 3ldrfrtisfrafnt5.
I noruugb iiistrucii'Hi. Ilealthlul and
Beautiful loc-tticn. tin? of tbe most careful
ly conducted and best sustained institutions
in Ihe Slate. For terms, etc., address Her.
Agents Wanted lor Cobbin's
Child's Commentator
l.'Mt page", 2o0 Engravings. The best en
terprise of the jeir fr agents. Every fam
ily will have it. Solhig Id e il new puthnhnl.
For circulars address U.S. (iooiprr.B & Co.,
37 Park Row, Sew York.
GENTS WASTED Kr II titular Heech
II Srowa's campaign book, with lives of
the candidates and le idmir in of nil purlin.
20 Stcrl portrait!. 'i io $20 Joy rapidly
and easily miidc. Wile mid see. Psriicu
Nrs free. WOliTHlSOTON, I'J jTIN & CO.
Hartford, Ct.
Payable in New York City, for silo at prices
that will piy orw 12 per cent, on ti e invest
ment. MUNICIPAL IIOSliS of the bighest
! grade always on hand. TIKIS P. ELLIS &
: fl) , Bankers, 14 Pine St , New Yotk.
Over Twenty Four Thousand flross Sold in
Lens Than Nine .Months.
it Makes a Stove Shine Like Burnished Silver.
If lie dint have it, go lo I he next store
but dont be l.uml.u.ticd into buying or using
any ot me ol I pol.s.ics wln-r, you ctn get
r , ' r
, AIXAIO W WUlllXvi!
j At Same Price.
Every Johber and Retail I?nler in the
United Slates has or w.ll hive it for sale.
" '
: juantl.iinurers.
ril I L A UKI.I'll 1 I, PA.
Til itiafri rira r Munuf lOtiniup'n lieanla I
forR. W. R a". ce!,b.a.ei AS TUMAKS -
LIKE, Ibo best remedy tor Albm yet dis-
Covered. Instant reWef guar .t.te-d or pur
ciase money rrfunled The medicine is rut
up in three size, wliicb retail for .jc. o'lc .
and $1 Person ri-niitiing price wit! have
the medicine sent free by iuail or express.
Also s-imples sent fi-e.- to any who desire.
E I'll it I UG E, I t LI. hi'. & CO , Ko ne. N Y.
i ars you colno to paint ?
has 1 roved itself to be the
Sample card ot beautiful colors a:id re
commendations from owners of the finest
residences in the Country furnished free by
all dealers and by
32 Burling Slip, New York,
Or, Cl veland.
Death! Hail Hre sth !
Miltiom of young mid o!d peop c (hoth
sexes) are trturid dily .wiih disordered
Stom ich, ISlood, lleirt. Liver. Ki li:eys. rix :
i AUbS. Neer fail. Mailed free for St.
describe your caie. Circular free. A Idress
CITY INFIRMARY. Young-down, O.
Is the e-i-m.-.i and h-si article iu ihemtr
ket for Blueing Clothes. The genuine his
both Biriow a and wuiberger'a name on the
label, ami is put np at Wiliberger's Drug
Store, No. J3$ North Swn l St.. Philadel
phia. D. S. W ILTBERG E. Proprietor.
For sale by Druggists and Grocers.
AGENTS WANTED. Agents jnake more
nmniy at work Tor us than at anything
else. Business light and permanent. Par
ticulars free. G. Stissos t Co.. Fine An
' Aer,, Portland! M
i HflfJ AGENTS WANTED. Samples sent
wvwv f ee bjf nia w (i ieriis to clearfrorn
So to MO per day. Two entirely new arti
cles, saleable -s Sour. Address
N. H. WHITE. Newark. X. J.
Main Street. Mijlnitoicn, Pa.
oarcs aj bedicijes,
Chemicals, Dye Stuff.
Oils, Paints.
Varnishes, Glass,
Putty, Coal Oil,
Lamps, Burners,
Chimneys, Brushes,
Infants Brushes, Soaps,
Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes,
Perfumery, Combs.
Hair Oil, Tobacco,
Cignrs, Notions,
and Stationary.
elected with great care, and warranted from
high authority-
t& PRESCRIPTI0X3 compounded
great care.
Piles instantly reliered and soon en red by
odng Dr. Brigg'a Pile Remedies. They re
duce inflamation, soothe the irritated parts,
and hare proven a blessing to Ihe afflicted,
whether internal, external, bleeding or itch
ing piles. All kinds in all stages must yield
lo the wonderful influence of these never
failing remedies. SoM r Druggists.
- nrj ' i 1 liis aiin 1 1 i "T r'i' i "'' y rtfl t i
Hair Vigor
For restoring Cray Kair to
its natural Vitality and Color.
A dre?mg which
is at oore n;recal)k,
lieallhy, nud effectual
lor iirtsen iii"
Imir. Fatlnl or
kair is soon i-rVrJ
to t?J original ro'i
Vitfi the g oss ani
freshness of tjoulli,
Thin hair i.s il.i.V
enerl, falling hair checked, ;iwl al
ness ofieti, llioiiHi not alirar, turn)
by it j me. Xolliiug cau re.-tore tl.,
hair where the follicle are !es!rmul,
or tlie jrlmiils atrophied itnd ilimvct!
But siiili as remain run Le r:ied ft
ttst-fuliii'ss bv this t'pplical icn. luMtM
"f fotilini the hair with a iisir ;eiii
inmL it will tot-pit cleau aud vijjoroii:
Its H't-u-io:i.il il?! will prevent the lin
iom lurtiiU!! prav or tailing utt, aai
onscqiti'iitly prevent Lnldiiescj. I'm
rum those th-lelerion.t tuliMances vlii U
make :n prrparatiotw ihiiifrvroii ami
':ijiiriii" to t!iu hair, the i.or cm
ti'v lr ii I: hut uut harm it. It' vvau:c4
ui-rely tor a
rn!i be found so dfsirai.V
oii.'aia iir m-irK-.-r oil uor dye, it does
tit Miil u'hi.e mi l.ric, uliI yet la-tj
ou tt.e l.u'r. p viu it a rich gi"-7
. ire a r.tti - ii.iuc
fVepired by Dr. J. C. .Ayer & Co.,
AtTlt.-AI. ASI AS W.TTICAI. Ctll.ilJH,
loyyi:ll, mas,
-P'r:d wceUy hy C. Ii A RILEY, up-
P'""e la 1,031 v- l"a'iit.j.i, I :
' nholnale. littzu.
i Butter
' E;rgs
Cheese, llhio
New Yo-k
Molisses, Porto Rico, "pi gal-...
New Orleans
S.-rup, Honey Bee-
" Melted Sugar
Sugir, Granulated
" Extra C
" Yellow C
" llrusii
Coffee, Kio, Choice
' Fair
" Koislel (Ar.mckles)
Tea, Imperial, Finest
KiiiMLS, Valentia..
Prucns. French
Soap, Rosin.
" Olive
I O'
1 M
1 tU
1 I"
. 1J
Salt, Ground Alum
' Il.tirr
Mackrrsl, No. 2 (new) J bid
Brooms, No. I
" No. 3
Tubs. Cedur
Bucke's, Painted, 2 hoops. ..
Slaw Cutters
Tin Cups
Tin Dish Pans
Tin Cullendei s
Tin Wash Pans ...
Tin Buckets
Boots, Men's Calf
Gaiters, Ladies' Lasting
Potatoes, Irish....
Sweet. V peck
Cual Oil, V gallon
PzC Cash paid for egg.
1 5u: '
4 .".il
Successor lo
71S Arch Street,
Middle of the Ulock, between 7th and &
streets. South side,
Wholesale and Eetail
Having imported a very Urge and spl
did assortment of all the different kinds
FCBS from first bands in Europe, would re
spectfully invite the readers of this piper'4
call anu eiamine tbe a sortinent of r'n'.'
Furs 1 am determined to sell at the fr"1
Cash prices. All Furs Warranted. S
reprtsentattons to tjtct sales.
Remeinber the store, 713 ARCH St
Philadelphia. Ocl 2-l'
COAL, Lnmber. Fisb. Salt, and all ki"
of Merchandise for sale. Chesmitt ('
Bark, Railroad Ties, all kinds of Grata
Seeds bnurht at th hiht market vrices ta
or exchanged for merchandise,
v I lnmhee Ae In .nit ....Un..., .1 anl P1"
pared to furnish lo builders hills of '""
just as wanted and on short notice, of t1'"
oak or yellow pine lumber.
Janl Port Roral. Juniata Co.. "-
I LAIN and FancvJob Printing neatly tx
ented at this Ofice.
' i lfcsaaw at ei ai af fct ii i f i 11 " ' 1 ' ' 1 aae