Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, October 30, 1872, Image 1

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r .uiKsn EvEiiir ffiiT Mohmnq.
. :..!.. n.U Follows' Hull
BndMStreei, ope..-" .-v
Thi Ju't tT Ssxtisil ii published every
r.soVy morning at $1,50 a year, in ad
or $2.00 in !1 eases if not paid
ep'tly in advance. No subscriptions uis
'larnued until all arrearages are pi!. unless
.iiK r'ion 01 P"u"su'r-
V.ncinrss tf arbs.
U i
Attorney at J.-aw,
l-C.Hit'inS nJ Conveyancing promptly
.Headed to.
Ofiee on BriJj-a street, opposite the Coart
U.uie So,nare.
J)013KUT JJlIIEEN. j ;
"UlFFLiMons, ra. j
ySceoa 1'ridge street, in tbe room .'urtuorlj
M,upieJ by Era D. Parrer, F.sq.
fliers kit services lo the citizens of Juui
tlt eouaty ss Auctioneer and Vendue Crier.
Cssrges, from two : too dollar. Satisfac
,i warranted. ot. 'tS9
q'tES! OTES!
H. H. SNYDER, Perry-vUle, Pa ,
ItnJer. his serTicm to the citizens of Juri
sts soil aJjoimog counties, as Auctioneer.
tiliirg'S nio'lerate For satisfaction giro the
Dttckmm a chance 1. O. addrvss. Port
Ky1. Juaiata Co., Pa.
Feb 7. 72-ly
August IS, 18U9-tf.
DC. kaars A U to S P. M. Office in
Belford's building, two doors above the Sen
tmel office. Bridge street. ang 18-tf
HomBopatliic Physician anil SnrEeon,
Bi'ibk located in the borough of Thompson
tw, elers his profensionai setviios lo the
citiieas of that place and vicinity.
Orries In the room recently occupied by
r. s,rg. f June 12, '72-tf
D. Z. SS-TH, 52o Do,
HtTiag permanently located io the bi rough
f MitSiulowD. offors hi" profaisioual services
ts the oitizeua of this place and surrounding
Ofbce sa JJiin street, ever BeMler's Drug
Sure. aug Id l?g9-tf
Dr. R. A. Simpsoii
Trosts all forms of diiease. and may be con
saltsd as fellows: At bU oflice in Liverpool
Yt.. every SATURDAY and MONDAY ap-
S.istmeuts csu be caue lor oturr uaji.
JrirCall on or address
Sec 7 Liverpool. Perry Co.. Pa.
DAY!!) WATTS most respectfully announ
ces t. the public that he is prepared to
at reduced prices. Hereafter give him a cali
aiais OIU STAND,
On 25-tf
iew Units, Etose
DK. I. J. A PPLKB AUG II has established
a Urug and Prescription Store in the
sbeve-aamed place, and keeps geterl as
strtaient of
list all ether articles usually kept in esUb
liiUBtnls of this kind.
Pure Wises ana Liquors for medicinal pur
Buss, Cigars. Tobacco, Stationary, Coufec
Mbs (Srst-class). Notions, etc.. eic.
taJ-Tlio Doctor gives advice free
Rally to the Place where you can buy
your Wall Paper Cheap.
fTHE andersigned tnke this method of iu
i. forming the public that he has just re
csived at his residence on Third Street, Mif
i.mown, a lirge assortment of
of various styles, which he offers for sale
tHEAI'Kil than can be p-jrehased elsewhere
ia the county. All persons in need of the
above article, and wishing io save money, are
invited to call and examine bis stock and
ktar his prices betore going elcewbere.
SQ,Large supply constantly on hand.
Miffliotown, April o, 1872-tf
Literary and Commercial Institute.
Tb Faculty of this Institution aim to be
vary thorough in their instruction, and to
leak carefully after the manners, health and
aj.nl. af the students.
ttjT Apply for catalogues to
8ept 58, lP7l-6m Principal.
Mollobaugli'ft Saloon.
Tw for 5 cents. Also, the Fre'hest Lager.
ks Largest Oysters, the Sweetest Cider, the
Fiont Domestic Wines, and, in scort, any
thing you may wish in the
at the most reasonable prices. He has also
rtfiiud his
M that it will now compare favorably with
any HtU j the interior of the State.
June 1, 1870-ly
COAL, Lumber, Fish, Salt, and all kinds
of Merchandise for sale. Chestnut Oak
Rrk, Railroad Ties, all kinds of Grain and
Seeds boucht at the highest market prices in
cash or exchanged for merchandise, coal,
lumber, &c, to suit customers. I aia pi j
Pred to furnish to builders tills of lumber
just as wanted and on short notice, of either
ak or yellow pine lumber.
Jan4 Port Royal, Juniata Co., l'a.
SHELLY & STAMBAUGII always keep up
their btock of GROCERIES and will not
u xc'"" either in the quality or price of
-vir goods in this line. Give them a call
bafore going elerwherw.
I V . AB K : i ' V ' - 11." i . . wp - - . J Bw VT rTI . V
a.SK rv v v 4 V. aw .JT ilJ . '.rrN1 . . ' l&'W as aw rJli. aw .L ' . '
.ULlIAlfc XXVI, JJO. 44.
P. P. P
, ; SUCCESSOR TO . ... v .... j .,
j Uaviiip purcliasfil tlie entire mammoth ft nek and fixtures of John S.
iGraylill & Co., I wtu'.J rocpecU'ull inform the public tbnt I Lave on
' baud at till liinea a
fuCl assortment of
Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Leather,
And all Kinds of Goods kept in a First-Class Hardware Store.
Hay Cutlers, Cider Mills, Meat Cutters and Stuff ers for Sale.
Havin" had a full expeiiuice iu the Wholesale and Manufacturing
Hardware Uusiiimg, I can" tiff rd to st-lj the .same quality of Goods as
cheap as any etore in city or country.
Merchants are eepeciitlly ittvited to buy, as they can save freight, and
at the earue time buy at I'hiUdi-liihia prices. All persons are iuvited to
inspect the stock throughout the house.
Sept. 18, ls72-'y
is vn
S OF ti:
FuH Upper or Lower Sets as Low as $5.00.
So teeth allowed lo leave the o3ice utiles
the patient is saiit-fied.
Teeth remodeled and repaired.
Teeth filled lo last for life.
Tantlmclie atomicd in five minutes without
r i .
extracting (he tooth. ,
Dental work d. ne fc r porons williotit thetn
lenvinu th'.ir home, if desired I
F.lectriciiy used in he extinction of teeth, j
rendeiiug it almost a pwinltft'S operatmn. (uo
extra charge) at the D-ut.il OHice of ti. L.
Derr, establisbed fu M.lilintown in ISM.
Jen 24. lS72-ly Triictical Dentist.
3IoVlis..le"vlII". lVnisn.,
OFFERS bis profession il services lo the
public in gener-il, in both branches of
bis profession operative and mechanical.
First week . f every month at hiuhiield, Fre
mont and Turkey Valley.
Second week Liverpool and Wild Cut Val
lev. Third week Mil!ersown nut INccoon
Fourth week at Lis oflice in M'AIistervi'le.
W ill visit Mifflin when cilled on.
Teeth put up mi nny of the bates, and as
lilier.il as anywhere else.
Address by letter or olherwiae.
T. VAN IKVIN, Cashiei.
Joseph Pomeroy, ;Jobn J. Tatterson,
Jerome N. Thompson. iGeorge Jacobs,
John Ualsbach.
Loan money, receive deposits, pay interest
on time deposits, buy and sell coin aud Uni
ted States Bonds, cash coupons and checks,
tlemi: money to any pari of ihe United States
and also to F.ueland, Scotland, Ireland and
Germany. Sell Revenue Stamps.
In sums of S'-'OO at 2 per cent, discount.
In sums of $ri(0 at "i per cent, discount.
In eunia of $1000 at 3 per cent, discount.
The Place, for Good Grape-vines
lunula IfiUlcn (linrprbs,
'pilE undersigned would respectfully in
i form the public that be has started a
Grape-vine Nursery about one mile northeast
of MilHinlown, where be has been testing a
larze number of the different varieties of
Grapes; and having been io the business for
eeven years, he is now prepared to furnish
bribe single vine, doien, hundred or thou
sand. All persons wishing good and thriftv
vines will do well to call and see for them
selves. gjf'Good and responsible Agents wanted.
MifHintown. Juniata Co., Pa.
New Lumber Yard.
Patterson, Pa.
Have opened a Lumber Yard iu tbe bor
ough of Patterson, and are prepared to fur
nish all kinds of Lumber, such as
Siding, Flooring, Studding,
Paling, Shingles, Lath, Sash, &c,
in large or small quantities, to suit eus
tomers. :1
jes, Tersons wanting Lumber by the car
load can be supplied at reduced rates.
George Goshen, Agent.
Tattarson, May 15. '72-tf
Large assortment of Queensware, China
ware. Glassware, Crockery ware. Cedar
ware. &c, for sale cheap by
A I S T E ,
cojiemay: gomeall: ,
I). P. l'AISTE.
Crystal Palace. Crystal Palace.
The First,
The Best,
The Cheapest,
The Largest
Stock of Soods
To OiTer to ths Public
Just Receivcil from Eastern
Them will Guarantee Yoa
8, 1872.
New Store and New Goods.
Main Street, Jlifflintown.
-J AVISO opened out a GROCERY AND
-"1 rttOVISlON STORE in the old stand
nn Main Street. Mifflintown, I would respect
fully ask the attention of the pnhiic to tue
following articles, which I will keep on hand
at all tibies : .
Confectioneries, Nuts, &c,
Tobacco, Oitf jivm.
Flour, Feed, Ace.
All of which will be sold cheap for Lash or
Country Produce, Give me a call and bear
my prices.
Mifflintown, May 2, 1872
3Ieat !
3Ieat I
rmiE nndcrsicned hereby respectfully in
X forms tbe citizens ot niiminiown anu
Patterson that his waeon will visit each of
thp.se towns on TUESDAY. THURSDAY and
SATURDAY mornings of each week, when
they can be supplied with
Clioieo TZceC,
Veal, Mutton,
during- the summer season, and also POKK
and SAUSAGE in season. I purpose fur
nishing Beef every Tuesday and Saturday
moraine, and Veal and Mutton every Thurs
day morning. Give nn your patronage, and
will guarantee to sell as good meat as the
country can produce, anu as caeap as any
other butcher in mo coiiniy.
June 14, 1872
A LL persons are hereby cautioned against
A Hunting. Fishing, or in any way tres-
naasini on the farm occupied by the under-
e -m si iti.it enutr
f the law.
Though tangled bard life's knot may be, .,
And wearily we rue it. .
The silent touch of Father time
Some aay will sure uudo it.
Then darling, wait ; '"' '
Nothing is late ;. .' . ' .!
In the light that shinei forever. ,
We faint at heart, a friend m gone ; - .
We weep, for a grave is filling ;
We tremble at soriows on every side, "'' '
At the myriad ways of killing ; i ' ;
. Yet, alter all,
If a sparrow full.
Our Lord kcepeth count forever. ' '
He keepeth count. We come, we go, '
We speculate. toiL and falter;
But the measure to each, of weal or woe,
God only can give or alter;
Then why not aay, ' 1 ;
From day to uay, ., .
"Thy will be done forever !"
Why not take life with cheerful trust, , A.
With faith iu the strength of weakness,
Doing the best we can to walk ' '
With courage, with meekness, .
Liftinz the face
To catch God's eraee, :
That lights the soul forever ! .
For ever and ever, my darling, yes, ' '
Uoodness and love are undviu ;
Only the troubles and cares of earth
Are sure iu the end to go flying,'
I teetiiig as Dunoics ,
Are cures and troubles.
And "now'' is a speck that tricks us ever.
Till it floats and is lot In me vast 'Forever.'.'
Gaabling Scenes.
How the Men and Women. Mothers and
Daughter, Husbands and Wives Play
at Uadeu-Uadeu.
C. C. Fulton's letter in Baltimore American
I spent several Lours yesterday in the
vicinity . of the gambling tables and
watched the game aud the players very
closely. My conclusions were thnl the
profits of each of these four tables were
not less than Sti.OOO a day, or 40,000
for the wholo. Tbe constant change
that is going on among tbe players indi
cates that the losses of each are compar
lively light, aud that the uumbor of
players of each table during the day id
probably seven hundred Ev?ry mo
ment some one draws clT and leaves,
w ith his money u!l gone, endeavoring to
conceal the chagrin which is too appa
rent to one who closely watches then
conutennnues. His place is immediately
takeii by unol'der, wh , iu his turn, is
cleaued aud depatts. Some of the play
ers bring large amounts of gold witli
them, aud play heavy, betting' some fifty
to a hundred dollars oil each deal of the
cards or turn of the wheel These I
closely watched, and saw tLe last gold
coin depait S'ltne, as their ttuck grew
low, would send for more, but moat of
them withdrew, assuming a careless and
nr.clia:aut air as i .parsed around
among the tables it frequently happened
that scarcely ono who was playing a
half hour previous remained, but their
places were filled by new aspirants lor
toittllie'f favors.
At some of tLe tables mothers and
their daughters were playing sido by
ide. at other husbands and wires, and
lover and betrothed. It was curious to
watch their rising and failing fortunes.
Iu numerous instances I witnessed wives
endeavoring to draw their husbands away
from the tables, but the etiquette of the
gambling saloon required that it should
be done by signs rather than by words
In oue case the wife stood by with
trembling lips and saw her infatuated
husband lose a handful of gold coin, un
til the last one had slipped through his
fiugers. He then roso aud they quietly
walked a Aay arm in arm. In about ten
minutes they returned, and the husband
took his seat at the table with about
thirty gold coin in his hand. He played
wildly, laying down from three to five
eoiu at each bet. and when he would win
he would leave the whole amount on the
numl er. Finally they were all gone but
three, and both now seemed in distress.
The wife leaned over his shoulder, whis
pered something in her husband's ear,
when he handed her the three coin and
left, she takiug his seat. She played
cautiously and gradually won, having,
when I saw her, about forty Napoleons
in her hand. The sigu of sorrow on her
countenance bad departed, and she was
looking around for tbe return of her hus
band. Whether she withdrew before ber
luck changed I know not but an hour
alter wheu I returned to the table neith
er husband nor wife were there
Tbe young man whom I left at tbe ta
ble on the previous night with bis pock
ets full of g'dd that be had won, was not
to be seen about the saloons to day.
Whether he coulinued to play and lost.
or whether he retired with his winnings
I do not know, but as it was near tbe
closing hour the latter was most likely
The woman who retrieved her fortune
by following aud imitating his bets was
however, early on hand yesterday morn
ing, and was very flush. I passed the
table several times during the afternoon
and she was still playing, but on return
ins after tea she was sitting on one of
the sofas, her countenance too plainly in
dicating the result of her day's venture.
Several times she he'd up her hand be
fore her face to conceal the act of wi
P-g away her tears, and this was but of
several similar instances that passed an
Tfliiilil li in
OllVBEK -30, 171. i
der fair' observation. Several old men,
their seats nearly all day.' They never
bet more than one dollar and their losses
were consequently' light, but 1 frequent
ly saw' them 'hand in' notes to be chan
ged.' Independent of those who would
eit down regulaily to play.'fVere was a
constant throng" of "men and women
standing two and three deep, who would
occasionally venture a dollar, and losing.
two or three would depa:t, wiser if not
wealthier. '' ,r '" ' '; ' " ' ' :"' ''
Iu all games of chance those who are
looking on can generally see more of the
game than the players. Those who were
playing and losing doubtless thought
that others around them were winning,
but I feel confident there was not a man
or woman of the thousand venturing on
thefe tables yesterday who did not leave
with less ni'-ney than they brought with
them. Men who win money at gain
bling never stop playing; those who
lose all must stop. Scvn! times I pick
ed out a player who had a laige sum of
money piled up bi-fore him', aud watch
ed bis varying fortunes and his pile.
Invariably the pile decreased, aud inva
riably the player retired '
The women seemed to be the most
perxibteut, and several times I observed
them return with more money to endeav
or to recover their losses. Still all was
quiet as death in the hall and around
the tables, no: a word being tittered, ez
cept tbe announcement of the games.
Zzoiting Eace.
A Mother-in-law's Fast Ride.
Turr, Field and Farai
Joe S. is the fortunate possessor of a
mother in law, aud, what he probably
thought more of among Lis horses was
one known as Quaker Now Quaker
was a good roader, and could and would
jerk a wagon with two ia it in 2:51 on
the road, and the harder he was pulled
in aud tbe more he was yelled at the
faster he meant to go. In fact, when a
competing horse ranged alongside, and a
strong pull was taken, accompanied with
yells, he thought he must do his level
best on trotting, and you bet he did it
Not many years ::go, when the country
fair was hi Id w here Master Joe then
lived, he had old Quaker hitched up to a
liiO pounds three-quarter seated wagon,
and as he was getting in, mother in law
wished to go with him. He informed
her that be was going to the town clerk's
ifiiee, at the lower end of the village,
about a mile,) and it' the wos iu a l.u'r
y to return sbc would have to drive
back alone, and then cramped the wag
on fur her admittance : aud with head
drooping and sloiirhing gti't old Quaker
walked alotfg, taking the ill-assorted pair
to the town cleik's otfice. Now, be it
known, Joe dearly loves fun. aud will
avc it as often as possible, while moth
er in law is a rigid, old fashioned, sky
blue Baptist, undoubtedly very good, but
unfortunately possessed with the idea
that to laugh is to sin. It so happened
that every team at that Hints was going
to the fair grouuds, or else' w as walking;
so Quaker had no chauce to "score up,"
but just as they arrived at the office of
the town clerk, S. saw Jack liarnes
coming on uis way to . toe lair. iow.
Jack s mare has the reputation of being
four or five seconds faster than old Qua
ker. To turn Quaker around, jump out,
aud advise miatber-iu-law to urive slow
goiug home, was but a in mute s work ;
aud then holding up bis bund to attract
Jacks attention be told lam he would;
uav chicken fixings, etceteras, if he wo d
range alongside Quaker at speed, j ell
aud spirt the old horse up tiie street to
ruir urouuds entrance A nun, aud
Jack touches Lady Culler with his whip,
tings out git ! and lays for Quaker, who.
hearing the stepper coming, g.abs at Ins
bit. Mother-iu-law takes hold of reins
in front ot the bullous, puts fe.et against
brace iron in front, and as the tady ran
ges alongside, Jack yelling lively, mother-in-law
takes her strongest pull, scream
ing whoa ! to slop her "auimile LSui
he didn't stop not much he didu t
tbe pull was lust enough to steady utm
gold ; whoa he evidently considered to
be meant lor a feu to the oilier horse.
and squatted to go bis level best, ami
iust did it Now yon bit ! liarnes was
actually getting left lie lit tin, and warm
itig up to his work he commenced in
right good earnest to sing out, Hi Yarr !
Goer long! What are you about!
Git, wont yer? And they did git
uice ' Uolh on 'em " The people ihe
passed seeing their speed and the bid ia
dy'a bat on the back of her neck her
shawl streaming out behind, and the
conrage with which the hung on to tie
liues, clapped their bauds am: encnura
gingly sung out. "Good, old gal !" 'Ga
old bird !" "Bully for old Quaker !'
And as they passed the two hotels, tie
fast boys on the piazzas gate them three
cheers with a vim in fact, with severa!
extra vinn.
Joe's mother in law took the first eve
ning train for her Green Mountain home
Uis parting words were. he should not
allow her to drive Quaker again as h,
had cautioned hei to drive slow, and sb
bad. gone and beat one of the fastest
horses iu town.!. -
Joe said next day, with a quiet twin
kle in his eye, that bis wife did not give
bitn a "curtain leeturn"- that night, and
when parlies put up their little beta on
'it ho proved by Jack Barnes that they
went out to Pittsburg for their ch'c- en
filings and elceter". -nd lidn'lgei b-ck
- 1 until six o'clock next morning
Tna Horse Disease.
The cities along the Atlantic sea beard
from Philaoelnhi.-i In fh.' 'nrrlib nnsuna I
. o"'-" J""-""
- . , , A c . ;
sions, are in a high state of excitement
- ,.r - -i i
tu consequence of tne epidemic among!
horsee. . The
overuineut is nsinz oil
efforts to prevent tbe spread of the1 dis
disease. Secretary Buutwell has i-?ncd
the following instructions to the collec
tors at Rochester. Duilin;ton, Gape Vin
cent. and Port Huron : ''You are direct
ed, s long as the existing horse disease
prevails in Canada, to allow no horses to
be brought iuto your port or district from
that country, unless yon are perfectly
satisfied they are free from contagious
The symptoms appear to he a had
cough, with a running at the nostrils, aud
horses afflicted with the disease cat and
drink but little. . There is no question
among horsemen but this is a Canadian
disease, which has swept through Mon
treal, and still exists in the latter place.
Dr. Girdwood attributes the disease to
the unusual amount of rain that has fal
len of late, saturating the soil with mois
ture, and says the consequent continuous
dampnnttR in thp. air lina canaod au unu
sually large development of fungoid
growth, everything being mildewed that
can be. lie thinks that the mildew at
most of the stables is the cause of the
cold affecting the horses, and says he
would treat the horses the same as he
would himself if similarly placed, by
keeping the stables in as dry condition
as possible and using every possible
means to purify the air to prevent the
development and growth of mildew.
The disease is not considered fatal un
til it reaches the lungs.
The fo'lowing despatches sho w the ex
tent of the disease :
Toronto, October 22 The horss
disease epidemic which seemed to have
first started here, Las nearly disappeared
from the city, but is spretding through
out the Dominion. The few deaths
which occurred here were among horses
that were kept at work or in a poor con
dition. Horses that were properly cared
for escaped with but little injury.
Lcffalo, October 22 The horse
disease is still on the increase, and over
seven-eighths of all the horses iu the ci
ty are afllietctf. The disease appears
everywhere, breaking out as severely
among private coach horses as in car and
omnibus, stisbles. 1 he street car horses
have been withdrawn from all short tiips,
and the cars are making fewer trips and
slower time. Among 220 horses owned
by L'atberc. not a single animal is free
fioin disease
The Espr. ss this morning publishes a
tabltt showing the number of horses tick
in twelve livery stable; in this city,
which shows that oat of 415 horses only
13 are able to work, and out of twelve
all but one are closed Of one hundred
backmen iu the city only ten appeared
yesterday, and there are none at all visi
ble to day. Omnibus Companies' trips
are suspended for the past three days,
and truck horses all laid up Out of 2?
horses owued by the Express Company,
only one is being worked The disease
has appeared among th fire department
horses, but not to a general extent.
Hack in the Country the disease has not
yet appeared .
Nkw York, October 23 The horse
disease ia spreading' rapidly in this city
aud is becoming more virulent every
.... . . ,. , ,,,
l,ue lhe c,tr '" dofa not uffer m,,re
or less trom the disease, .no uorses
have yet died fiom the disease, and eve
ry effort is being made to coufina the ep
idemic to its present limits
A despatch from Toronto, Canada, un
der date of October 24th, says :
' An English gentleman in this city
states that the horse disease is now ra-
trit'.s in Knziaud, where the mode of
reatment is simple and effectual Sul
phur is used as a prophylactic, burned
on a pin of coals five or six times daily,
in stables, so that every part may be
come fumigated, the animal -at the same
t me well cared for and blanketed. This
mple remedy never fails . to cure in a
lew days.
The following description of the dis
ase and its tieatmert is taken from the
Buffalo Commrrtial, and is worth pre
serving :
"The early symptoms of this disease
ire said to be a light, hacking cough
and general dtiTne.-s, with an indisposi
t'on to move; co'd ears and legs, with
watery discharge from the nostrils
At first the nasal membrane is pale, but
is the disease advances it becomes high
ly colored, and the mucous discharge
changes to a green.su or yenow co.or
-tun me putse uecoines uiore rapiu. oo
oon as these symptoms appear the ani-
ml should be kept warm in the stable
bv blaiiketinz, and warm -bran mashes
-hould be eiven.
A letter from Dr. C. Elliott, veterina
ry surgeon, of St Catharines, contains ignorance in so treating a fractured hand
what have proved to be Valuable surges- 'as to caufe mortification and subsequent
ions for the neatment of horses suffer loss of the hand, and five thousand dol
ing from the epidemic - now to prevalent lart damages were awarded.
.ATI advertising fcr less than three moa'Uit
for one square of nine fine j cV less, will be
obsred one insertion, 75 cents', lhre $1.59,
and O'l cents tor each 8"ibsequeni insertion. .
Administrator's, Executor's and Auditor's
Notices, 32, U). Professional and Iiusines
Cards, not exceeding one square, and inclu
ding copy of paper, $8,00 per year. Notices
in reading colaaina. tea cents per lie. Mef
chants-advertising by they ear at special rates .
3 -ontht- 6 month. 1 fear.
One square -$3,50 $6.00 $8.00
Two squares 5,00 8,00 11.00
Three squares.... 6,09 1.0t 15,f)0
One-fourth col'n. 10.00 17.00 25,Cb
Half column 18.C0 2o.f0 48,00
One column 30,00 ' ' 45.00 80,00
among these animals.' Dr. Elliott advr-
sest bar till stable be well ventilated,
the horses blanketed and chloride of limn
i.-tv.f-,l . - .1- ..n..-
ruiiuai.-u iiiiuuu me; ptauies evi rr
r . .
morning. 1 he nostrils should be spoti-
, .
! ,
mucous aaceres thereto. A ne lood sliould
consist of branj with a fihle oats, and a
moderate quantity of hay. ff the bow
els are costive a half pint' of raw linseed
oil may be given, hut it is probable that
the mash will cause sufficient relaxation.
Prescription No. 2 (given below) sho'd
be administered every morning and eve-
ning. If the throat should be sore
which can be ascertained by pressure of
the hand upon the larynx about two
tablespoonfuls of prescription No I (aF
so given below)'' should be rubbed in
Sa b;tig as the disease is confined to the
larynx there is but very little danger, but
should it should descend to the lungs
which will be indicated by the continued
staudiug up of of the animal, cold ex
tremities aud labored breathing a Salt"
pound of mustard should be mixed with'
two ounces of turpentine and water to
the consistency of thick cream, and the
mixture rubbed in well behind the fore
legs or over the region of the lungs.
The legs should be baudaged'if cold.
If the pulse should be more than fifty
five per minute, fifteen drops of Flem
ming's tincture of aconite should be giv
en every two hours, and if the breathing'
still continues labored and the pulse
grows more rapid, apply the mustard
again, and give one and a half drachms
of calnmi-1 for two mornings. The fol
lowing are the prescriptions referred to :
Prescription No. 1. Linseed oil, 1J
ounces; turpentine, 1 Jounces;- liquor
ammonia fort, 1 ounce. Hit aH' togeth
er in a four ounce bottle and app!y to'
the throat, if you think it necessary to
do so.
Prescription No. 2 Nitrate potash,
l.J ounces ; tartarized antimony, 11 oun
ces; digitalis, J ounce. Palveriae alt
together and make 12 powders ; give one
morning and evening.
An Indian Bmance.'
Two Victims of Misplaced Confidence.
The Luckuow Timr tells us that a'
little while ago a gentleman, described as
of "rather prepossessing appearance,"
came to that place bringing with him
letters of introduction to several people
of modsrate circumstances. "With these
people Le lived, and having represented
himself as a gentleman of substance, be
ing Eole owner and possessor of one lakh
and fifty thousand rupees, was treated
with the utmost deference and courtesy,
and further, was permitted to gain the
affections of a young lady who onFy per
sonal attractions appeared to be a profu
fusion of valuable jewelry which she con
stantly sported. The young lady ex
plained that her father was an Ksrra A-"
eistant Commissioner, stationed at some
thing ' less than a thousand miles from
Oouao. and possessing, an estate of im
measurable extent and incalculable val
ue, to which she was the heiress. A
match was very soon anangedi, and the
young couple, as happy as wealth and?
affection combined could make them,
were irtarried, and left Lucknow on their
wedding tour a few days ago. And here
the tale, to be a happy one, should end,
but unfortunately, this is not the end of
the tale. The gentleman took Lis bride
to Buxar, where it turned out that he
was engaged in the remunerative profef
siou of fireman on the East India Hair
way, drawing the munificent salary of
forty rupees a month; and it was with
feelings of unutterable : aoguish that he
felt it his duty to inform' tbe lady that a
half of the rupees ware in tbe bands Ot
another party, who obstinately refused
to give up the money on the grounds of
his being the rightful owner of it. She
Uore the disappointment whh stoical
equanimity, and informed her' husband',
wilb unfeigned regret, that a similar dif
ficulty existed with regard to her father's
estate near Oonao. The estate was
there all right, of course, but but it was
encumbered to sutjh an extent that it was
impossible to get at it The nature of
the encumbrance, tdh, was extremely pe
culiar ; an oi l zemindar had another es
tate on top of it. and he obstinately re-
fused to take it off. And the whole of
the valuable jewelry, which bad proved
so excellent a bait, bad been returned to
the bride's sister and the other ladies
from whom it had been borrowed for the
occasion. It Ts said that tbe pair bear
their common disappointment with a ve
ry good grace, and are as happy as can
be expected under the circumstances
-.n. m --
. An anonymous burglar offers to come
to New Yoik city and produce the mur
derer of Nathans the banker, and pi ore
( nulAtnt, guilt, provided he is
given immunity from requisition from
other States aud paid five thousand
dollars for the conviction of the murderer.
Dr Will, of New York, was found
- ' guilty of malpractice, on the 22nd, by
: Inn