Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, October 16, 1872, Image 3

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    fot ani3ta Sentinel.
"-tt:...,. Diiicnin nv vn
c y l A . j, - '
tK ft.r Sunday. . -'6w
IL ",. Mifflin Station as folio :
Hb'c AccouimouVn 11,23 A. M.
Train-- MJ P. M.
t;Beionti Lipress 8,31 r. M.
Southern Esprees 2.34 A. M.
Throng linger 4.51 A. M
pacific Express 5,5b A. M.
trv Passenger 9.44 A. M.
&.? Ep" 'j -5 J-
lf.il Tram a,o( 1 . Jl
p. Line 6.26 P.M.
SSd Train 8,00 P.M.
when signaled.
ru ani cot.vntv.
FaxxV Fern" is dead.
fgoST made it appearance during the
riiTSBi RQ had a $200,000 fire on
Patent Sad Irons fur Bale at Faiste's
Eardaare Store.
FlKRS firn many points are reported
tLi weet.
The public ecliools were opened iu
tfcis borough on Monday.
Waxti d. A hc.y to learn the print-
iagbaMues. Apply atthis office.
AT Altootia the ground was covered
with enow on Monday last.
ON Thursday there were about 4.000
people on th Fair ground at Perryeville
Stw lt of l.a.b-r. v.ry cheap, at U.
P. 1'aisie'e Hardware Stcr.
Jambs McCulv. Tayrtte towu
,'jip. had the finest head of Cattle at the
l'arsiDENT GUAM' ha rt commended
the observance of the 2S:b d..y of No
vember as a day for general thanksgiv
ing. Km AMI L Shaffni-.r was sentenced
bv the Danpliin county c mrt. on a pie
of murder in the second degree, to 3(J
year iu the penitentiary.
Thk firm Pan, a ueful article, for sah'
I t 1 'ai-le's llaniwaie inure. Call and
s-e 't
TtiR suhsciiptiona to the fund for the
ereai..u of a" new Methodist ih'ircb
tuiMh'e in this place has reached tin--nof
iw iLP&riIr.??-'"S,,t .was. Jid
IVlifle, since his acn'!tal now claim
h,r f.rttii.- -c S5'J 000 83 her luwful
Thh premium on g dd declined on the
announcement tint Pennsylvania and
"hio had f I'-ctrd the Republican titket
It will liecline still more on the re-election
of Grant in November.
New lot f Hardware, Limps & Chitn
neys, Stoves and Hollow Ware, Coal
Buckets. Cow Chains, 1 1 filler Chains, Sec,
at 1. i l'aiste's Hardware Jtore.
Thb Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will he administered iu the Lutheran
Church in this pl.tce on next Sabbath a
week 27;h iust., services commencing at
10$ o'clock A M. Preparatory services
ou Saturday afternoon previous
A Boy about 14 years of ago, to of
Juhu Uraudt, lock tender at Davis' Lock,
above Thompsoutown, fell into the lock
chamber on Sunday, 29;h ult . aud was
drowned, lie is supposed to have been
dead at least an hour before his sad fate
was discovered.
tLKCTIO. DAY was quiet, and lacked
the noisy whisky demonstrations that
used to be so common on election days.
It is a good law that requires whir-key
dealers to close their b.ns on election
days between the hours of the opening
aud cWing of the polls
0 Saturday morning John Hawk, of
Patterson while on a virit to his bear
trap on lih'.ck Log Mountain, was agree
ably surprised to find it occupied by a
large 6he bear. The bear was ehot in
tie trap, and brought to Patterson on a
Land car.
Thb friends of woman suffrage through
out the State are requested to send their
Barnes, with post office address, to the
Pennsylvania Woman Suffra6e Associa
tion, 700 Arch street, Philadelphia
Those wishing to have documents r
specimen copies of The Woman' Jour
Hal sent them, wiil be supplied.
As the hay crop this season was ex
ceedingly short, farmer will find it to
their advantage to buy a good Hay and
Fodder Cutter, as, one load of hay or
cornfodder when cut fine will be worth
as much as two loads when not cut up
The best Hay and Fodder Cutters in the
market are for sale at D. P. Paiste's
Hardware Store, Crystal Palace Build
ing. Mifflintown, Pa.
John Tyson visited his bear trap on
Shade Mountain, on last Wednesday
morning, and found a bear securely quar
tered in the trap, and one lying on top of
the trap, evidently keeping the entrap
ped one company. The outside bear, as
a matter of safety, scampered off at the
first sight of Tyson. The bear was
caged aud brought to Mr Tyson's resi
dence, at the first lock above town.
Thk Johnstown, Cambria couuty.
Pa , rolling tuills were destroyed by fire
on Saturday night. Loss $400,000 ; in
surance $100,000
Ose man knocked another man down
with a "hilly," at Perrysville, on last
Friday. The wound was on the back
part of the head, and was of such a se
rious character that lr. JJauk was called
to dress it.
Joseph Rothrock, Administrator of
the estate of Mary Meseimer, deceased,
will sell at public sale, at the late resi
dence of said deceased, in this borough,
on Satnrday, October 26th, one sofa, one
bureau, sis cane seat chairs, cne morn
ing glory stove, one cook stove, two
room stoves, bedsteads, stands, chairs,
looking plussrs, 50 yards of carpet, and
a lot of other household goods. Sale at
1 o'clock P. M.
Accident. On last Friday morning
Mr George lleikes, of Milford town
ship, drove his carriage on to the upper
crossing of the railroad at Patterson,
without noticing that a train of freight
cars was backing from the direction of
Perryeville. 1 ho rear car of the train
struck the Iiiu l end of the carriage aud
smat-Led it to pieces, without, however,
in any way injuring Mr. or Mrs Heikes,
who were both in the carriage at th:
time of the accident. The horse escaped
without injury.
A distressing accident occurred at
Lewistown ou Satnrday evening last, on
the bridge between Lewistown and the
depot. An engine of the Sunbnry and
Lewistown railroad ran into the omnibus
returning with passengers from the Cin
cinnati express, instantly killing Williaci
liiden the driver, and one of the horses.
John Vanlear, Due of the passengers, had
one of Lis shoulders broken and was
otherwise injured. The other passeu
gers, six or seven in number, escaped
injurv. sume of them leaping from the
omnibus before the collision took place.
On Monday evening of last week
Chailes Cahiu Kinslow, aged about 7
years, met with an accident that resulted
in almost instant death The cliild was
riding in a cart in which lay a barrel of
cider which Mr. Ah xau ler Mcl ahan. of
Milford township, with whom the boy
lived, was hauling to his residence, which
he had about reached, when the " dump
stick'' jolted out of it? place, causing the
boy to fall out behind and the barrel of
cider to roll on him. The boy was so
btd'.y hurt that he 1 ve 1 bit a few min
utes. Considerable excitement was caused
on Cherry street, on Monday evening, by
the burning of a foul chimney. We do
not understand how it is that nearly
everbody denounces the negligence of
cVean.alid ?& 4'grefff 'brlnf VdhnWJi?
low their flues and chimneys to remain
untouched for ten or twelve years As
the cold and stormy season is approach
ing, every person should see to it that
their chimneys are clean, for it is well
known to all that the danger arising from
foul chimneys in stormy weather is of a
two fold charac ter; not only is the dan
ger from sparks greater in windy wea
ther, but chimneys take fire much more
Mr. McCli'KE, wbo resides two miles
noitb of East Wateiford, some time since
discovered a bee tree in the woods Last
Thursday evening he and some friends
went to the woods to cut the tree and get
the honey While busily engpged in
storing their vessels with honey their
atteution was attracted by a succession
of queer growls, proceeding from a point
higher in the trunk of the tree than
where they were working. An investi
gation revealed the fact that a family of
coons had a lodging place there. Th-ir
hol of escape having beeu closed by the
fall of the tree, they were quarreling
dreadfully over their mishap. A hole
was quickly cut, so as to let the animals
out. As a coon appeared at the hole to
escape a blow on the head from an axe
secuied the game. Four, all full grown,
was the number taken from the tree.
The honey-gathering wa then resumed,
aud leeulted in a yield of 51 pounds.
Quite a profitable night's sport
IIotts neighboring Counties.
The Gazelle says : Ou Tuesday of
last week William Thomas aud Joseph
Hoot t-tarlcd out for the purpose of
hunting squirrels, pheasants, &c , ou the
Narrows side of shades .Mountain, and
w hen about two miles from town Thomas
heard an animal approaching through
the brush, aud presently a cub bear came
up in close proximity to hnn. Having
only fine shot iu his gun, aud not know
ing how near the old one might be, be
was iu doubt whether to shoot or cut
stick ; bnt ns the cub seem d anxious to
find out to what tribe lie' belonged and
was still making for him, he fired at it
and called ou Hoot, who was a short dis
tance away, to shoot also, which he did
The bear was hit, reared up and then
ran. After consulting as to the propri
ety of follow ing the animal, they finally
did so, and found it about thirty yards
from the spot dead, several shot having
penetrated the heart. It weighed 47
pounds dressed.
Hardy, a colored wo-km in on the
brick row building by John Davis, Esq ,
ou Porcas stre. t. fell from the top rung
of a ladder, which broke, down to the
first story, dislocating his arm.
The Huntingdon ira says: A few
days ago a little giil dropped eighty
cents ou the street. An individual, fol
lowing a few yards behind her was seen
to stoop down and pick up what, resem
bled tnouev, and after looking about to
see whether any person observed him he
tbrnst itn his pocket, but when called
upou to fork over he acknowledged he
had picked np a piece of green paper, but
denied that he had the money. Under
the law this is larceny.
The M ni'or is responsible for the
following: I hey were at the Fair last
week ; they came to town iu an open
hujtgy; he had bis arm around her
waist aud a cigar in one corner of his
mouth and she leaned lovingly on him
iike a sick kitten against a door-jam.
They had a cord of gingerbread under
the buggy seat, aud were prepared for a
high old time.
It also relates the following accidents :
Mr. W. K Burchinell was engaged, as
many others, in driving around the
course, aud his team becoming unman
ageable, ran over a boy named Rupp, of
Sinking Valley, cutting his leg, but not
seriously injuring him. The second : A
jinmber of parties were rapidly coursing
around the ring when one of the horses
becoming frightened, dashed into a crowd
congregated at the opening of the ring,
and knocked down several persons, step
ping on the neck of Mr Keith, of Wa'er
street, and cutting it badly. Two other
persons were hurt that day, but whether
from this cause or another we have been
unable to ascertain. Mr Jacob Miller,
of Oneida, township, was cut in the
thigh and a boy was hurt, whether badly
or otherwise nobody seemed to know.
On Tuesday night, 8th inst., at about
12 o'clock, oue of those shocking rail
road accidents so common occurred at
this point. The Mixed train had been
in the station a moment or two. and the
engineer, named Isaac Bell, had gotten
off bis engine for the purpose of oiling it,
but was heard to say to a party he was
talking with to "look out, there comes
Philadelphia,' and stepped off the track,
but started for his engine agaiu. when he
was struck by the locomotive of Phila
delphia Express train and thrown under
the wheels, which passed over his right
arm, mangling it from below the elbow
to near the shoulder He had a gash
cut in his head, above his right eye, but
which is not serious. The limb will
probably be amputated this (Wednesday)
morning. Hell resides in Altnona, and
has no family. It is not thought that he
will recover.
Also the following: On Sunday even
ing last, while Mr. i'avid Bell, of Mud
town, was walking through one of his
fields K ing ailj icent to the Catholic Cem
etery, his attention was attracted to some
earth which had been turned up in the
vicinity of the old ttcne quarry, aud at
once proceeded to examine the surround
ings ami ascertain the cause, if possible
Imagine the surprise of the gentleman,
after removing some of the clay, upon
discovering the dead body of a malo in
fant concealed in a soap box, which, from
all appearances, had been placed theie
some lime during the previous night. On
the exteiior of the box the address of
one of our busiuess men is plainly writ
ten. injustice to whom requires the state
ment that he is no way identified with
the mystery which enshrouds this latest
sensation. Coroner Humes was notified
of the finding of the dead body of the in
fant, and ou Monday he summoned a
jury and proceeded to hold an inquest.
The verdict of the jurymen was reserved
until Fridav evening of this week.
The Perry County F-nmnn of the 9th
Pattoii unfortunately tVll into tLe lock oi
the canal, at Knpe Ferry, ntar Millers
town, and before any assistance could be
rendered, w as drowned The night was
extremely daik and it is supposed that
hit accidentally stepped off the plank in
his uttempt to cioss. His ciies for help
were promptly responded to, hut the as
sistance was too late to be of a'iy ser
Also : Yesterday afternoon John, a
son of Mr William Sheaffer, of Carroll
township whilst out gunning, about two
miles from this place, accidentally slipped
off a log on hich he had been standing,
when his gun wag discharged, the entire
load enter tig the lower part of the abdo
men. As he fell, he cried out, " I am
shot," or ' 1 am dying,'' to a young man
iu company with him at the time, bur
when he arrived at the spot where Mr.
Sheaff.T was 'ying. his eyes were closed
as if dead, ami the young man, in com
pany with Mr. S , at once ran to the
in ares t neighbors for help. It being
election day every person seemed to be
alisent from home, ami as much neces
sary delay was occasioned in obtaining
assistance. Mr. S., as if possessing an
iron constitution, gathered up courage
and walked from the-place where he had
been shot to the nearest house, a dis:ance
of from one fourth to a half mile, unaided
lie is as yet alive, but no hopes whatever
are entertained of his recovery.
The Adw.cte says : Boys along the
railroad are becoming reckless, and fre
qtieiitly jomji on and off moving trains
A few days ago a twelve year old lad
named Ilonn, had his foot torn off and
his leg so dreadfully mangled at Marys
ville, by hanging on the platform! of one
of the moving trains, as to necessitate
amputation at the knee.
Also: On Sunday week, Maxwell
Cochran, son of 11. P Cochran of Mil
lerstown, aged-about 15 years, met with
a serious and singular accident. He was
eating chestnuts and whije. running he
f II and part of a nut hrdged in his wind
pipe. Drs. Grcenleaf and Linaweaver
were called in, and attempted to extract
it. but failing, they made an incision in
the windpipe," when the boy, io cough
ing, ejected the chestnut through the
opening of the windpipe. The obstruc
tion was in his throat for nearly seven
hours. The incision made by the doc
tors in the windpipe was dressed, and
the bov i fast recovering.
FOKD On the29ih ult , in Delaware twp.
near East Salem, George M.'Ford. eon of R.
M. and Harriet Ford, aged 27 years, 6 mos
and 17 days.
Dear as thou wert, and justly dear,
vYe will not weep for thee ;
One thought shall check the starting tear,
It is that thou art free.
And thus shall faith's consolin g power
The tears of love restrain ;
Oh, who ibat saw thv parting hour
Could wish thee back again
P. W. F.
FORD On the 16th ult., in M'Alisterville.
Maggie Ford, adopted daughter of Phineas
Wesley and Mary Frances Ford, aged 3
years, 6 months and 16 days.
Suffer litile children to come onto me, and
forbid them not, lor of such is the kingdom
of heaven.
at this Office in the neatest manner and
at low prioac.
Tlie 3Xarlfets.
Prices of Board of Commerce.
fleported weekly for tht JckIata Sestihki
by the Board of Commerce of Mifflin and Pat
terson Butter lb ' 20
Ertrs. V 22
Lard, V tb - 8
Countrj 8oap
Beeswax 26
Tallow . 8
Rugs 3
Wool, washed fi0
Dried Apples :. f
" Teaches, pared 20
" Peaches, unpared. 15
" Cherries, pitted -
" Blackberries
" Raspberries
Country Hams 12
Sides and Shoulders 7
Potatoes, bus 40
Onions " W
Ground Alum Salt, sack., 2 25
Railroad Ties 60
Locust Posts, mortising - 32
" " for board fence.. - 15
Shelley & Stambaugh's Trices Current.
Corrected Weekly.
Cktstal Palace, MirBintown, 1
Oct. 10, 1872. f
Prime Roll Butter, per lb- 20
Eggs, per dozen 20
Lard, per lb 08
Tallow, per lb 08
LVe-wax 30
Dried Apples, per tb 04
' Cherries, seedless, per lb 17
" " unseeded Of
" Blackberries - 08
Raspberries 20
Walnuts, per bus - 25
Shellbarks - 75
PoUloes SO
Chickens, live, per lb OS
Liverpool Ground Mum Sal', p- st'V ' "
D. K. Sulotiff & Co.'s Prices Cut rent.
Reported Weekly.
While Wheat, "jf bus V 65
Red " ' 1 60
Corn 65
Oats 32
Cloversced 4 50
Timothy seed r. 8 50
Prepared Ccal, U ton $5 25
Nut " 4 25
Pea " " " 3 10
Bituminous" " - 6 00
Run of Log, 4 4, V 1000 a $35 00
5-8, " 25 00
8-4, " ....26 00to40 00
6-4, " 2500lo40 00
Hemlock Frame, " 2"0
Boards. " 20 00
Whitepine worked Flooring 35 00
" German Siding 35 00
Panel Doors ;..2 00 to 3 00
Wiudow Sash, 8x10, j window- 05
" 0x12, ...... 75
" 10x12, " SO
" 10x14, " 90
P II 1 1. A 1) E I. P II I A JI AKKKTS,
pHILAKCLPhlA, Oct. 15, 1872.
Flovb The market is etear'y. but there is
not much doing. The demand is mostly
from the home trade, whose purchases foot
up 700 bbls, including
Superfine $1 6o(S 5 25
Extras $ 75(i6 25
N. W. Extra Family $7 Sofn'jO 25
Ohio & Ind. do. do. $8 "0(a ,9 00
lenna. do. do. $8 oor.a no
Fancy Brands...- .... $9 'JogUO 50
Grain. The tone ef the wheat market is
sieadv. hut the volume of business is light
Salea'of 3.0OI) lushi-ls, at 1 r,8il 70 for west
ern red. 1 77 for amber, and 1 9Ha2 00 for
while, live sells at 78a8 c for western. Corn
is in limited request and prices favor buyers
Sales of 350-I bus. at 65-jt'.5J! for yellow, and
i5c fT western high mixed. Oats are quiet
at fermer rates. Sales of t'0 bus at 4 Ia45e
Monday, Oct. 144 P. M.
The arrival and'sales of ueef cattle at the
Avenue drove yurd were large this week,
reaching about 3SO0 head. The market in
consequence was very dull and prices Weak;
,-xtra Penna. and western steers selling at 7
h""c. fair to good at 6a7s, and common at 4a
5Jc flb gros-t The market etoed very dull.
Cows were unchanged. 200 head sold at
330a60 jl head
Sheep were in fair demind 11 0)9 heal
sold at iW,Je"jP!b, gross, as to quality.
Hogs were firmer. 6,7cl he-id sold at 7 50
a7 75VliHHbs net.
(Successors to D. P. Sulouff,)
Grain, Lumber, Coal,
Ssilt, Plaster,
The Highest Cash Trices Taid
for all kinds of Grain.
Lumber. Coal, &c, Sold at the
Lowest Trices.
Having boats of our own we can freight
Grain, Lumber, Coal, &c.. cheaper than any
other parties. We therefore defy eompeti
Stay You can make money by calling on us
before selling or buying elsewhere.
Grain will be rkcfiveo in storb to bi
sold Br the 1st or June, 1672.
P. S. Our grain is not elevated on men's
Mifflintown, April 20. 1872.
KunkeFs Bitter Wine of Iron.
For the cure of wek stomach, general de
bility, indigestiojLlisease of tne nervous
system, constipation, acidiiy of the stomach,
aud all cases requiring a tonic.
The wine includes the moat agreeable and
efficient Salt of Iron we possess J Citrate of
Magnelic Oxide, combined with the most en
ergetic of vegetable tonicb Yellow Peruvian
The effect in many cases of debility, loss
of appetite, and general pro-" rati in, of an
efficient salt of Iron, combmel with our val
uable Nerve, is most happy. It augments
the appetite, raises the pulse, takes otf mus
cular ttabbineas, removes the pallor of de
bility, and gives a florid vigor to the counte
nance. Do you want something to strengthen you?
Do you want a good appetite t
Do you want to build up your constitution ?
Do you want to feel well ?
Do you want to get rid of nervousness ?
Do you want energy!
Do you want to sleep well?
Oo you want brisk and vieerous feelings?
If you do, try Kunkel's Wine of Iron.
This truly valuable Tonic has been so thor
oughly tested by all ela'ses ol the community
that it is now deemed indispensable as a
Tonic medicine. It cos's hut little, purifies
the blood and gives tone To the stomach, reno
vates the system and prolongs life.
l now only ask a trial oi in is valuable
Price $1 per bottle. E. F. Eunkel, Sole
proprietor, 5!o9 North Nintn street, below
Vine, Philadelphia.
Ask for Kunkel's Biiter Wine of Iron and
take no other. If your Druggist has it not,
send $1 to my address, and the medicine,
with advice free, will come by next express
train. Feb28, 72-6m
gcat (gstatr.
Orphans1 Court Sale.
PtRSTJANT to an order issued oat of the
Orphans' Court of Juniata county and to
me directed, will be exposed to public sale on
the premises, in Beale township, Juniata
county. Pa., at 2 o'clock P. M., on
the following described valuable real estate,
to wit :
A Tract ni 61 Acres,
and 96 Perches of land in said township,
bounded by lands of 3 A. Okeson, Andrew
fatterson and the tract hereinafter described
Also a tract of
Seventy Acres
and seven perches, adjoining the former
tract and lands of llertzler'a heirs and others
both these tracts constituting the farm of
Samuel II. Okeson, dec d, and having thereon
erected a largo two-story
35x45 feet, with basement, a Log Barn and
two good Tenant Houses. There are two
wells and a never-failing spring of water on
the premises, and two thrifty YOUNG OR
CHARDS, one on each tract. This land is
all cleared hut about twenty acres, which is
well timbered. The soil 19 a good quality of
limestone and limestone flint. . The cleared
land is well fenced and in a good stale of
cull ivat ion.
This property is in close proximity to
churches, stores, mills and schools, being
only a quarter of a mile frem the Tu-carori
Academy and Tuscarora Female Seminary,
two of the best educational institutions in
the inferior of Pennsylvania, ani is admira
bly adapted to the wants of a farmer, a re
tired business man or an one having a fam
ily to educate, end a disposition to engage
successfully in farming upon a good farm
The two tracts will be sold either sepa"alely
or together te suit convenience of buyers .
TERMS: Ten per cent, of the purchase
money to be paid when the sale is confirmed
by tbo Court; cne-third of the remainder on
the first day of April. 1873, when possession
will be given and the remainder in three
equal annual payments, with interest, to be
Iecured by bond and mortgage. A dower
of ahout J1.000 will remain in the property.
Persons wishing further information may
call on Joseph llrown, Esq.. residing neur
the property, or on the undersigned in Spruce
Hill township.
Adm'r of Samuel B. Okesoa, dee'd.
Oct 2, 1872-t.
Real Estate at Public Sale.
TMI.E undrrnigned Executor of the 1 state
-L of Catharine Cunningham, deceased,
will offer at public sale, on the premises, at
I o'clock p. u . on
Saturday, ITovsmter 2nd, 1372,
A tract of land situate in Milford township,
Juniata county, cont lining
hn a -.- z i. - t AMna
bounded by lauds of id John K. Robison,
John Cunningham und Oris Groninger, hav
ing lutrf'jii trrrc'B I a
New Two-Story Frame Dwelling House,
and other outbuilding. There is a Young
Orchard of choice fruit on lue premises on
the premises. The land cU-ared and in a
good stale of cultivation, ami is situated on
the main road leading from MifHin to Johns
town, two miles from the former and three
miles from the latter place.
TERMS : Ten per cent, of the purchase
money to be paid when the sale is confirmed
by the Court ; one-half of the remainder on
the 1st day of April. 1873, when deed and
possession will be given ; and the balance on
the firt day of August, 1873 the last pay
ment to be secured by judgment note.
Executor of Cath&rit.e Cunningham, dee'd.
Sert 25. 1872 " '
'FMIE undersigned offers for sale the follow-1-
ing property, situated in Milford twp..
Juniata county, Pa., miles west of Patter
son and j mile from the P. K. R. hounded
ny lands of James North on the mrlh and
east, and by lands of E. S. Doty on the south
and west, containing
Eight Acres and Seventy-Six Perches,
all iu a good state of cultivation. The im
provements are as follows:
22x30. with basement and eilit rooms, three
clothes presses and two hails ; also a goud
BANK BARN, 2'.x4iJ. well arranged; als
Spring House. Smoke House, and o'ber ne
cessary outbuildings. There is also an ahun
dance of fruit on the premises an Orchard
of over 50 trees, 30 being in bearing condi
tion, also Cherries and Peaches. There is a
good Spring of never failing water near the
TERMS: Price $2,500. One thousand
dollars to be paid on the 1st of April, 173.
when Deed will be made aud possession given.
The balance in payments to suit purchaser.
Call at the premises, or address
Patterson, Juniata Co., Pa.
N. B. If desirable, the purchaser can buy
thirty acres more, adjoining the above prop
srty, under cultivation, at $50 per acre.
July 81. 1-72-tf
reported weekly by C. II A R i LEY, op
posite the Post Olhce, .MirHiutown. Pa :
ftholaale. Retail.
Butter 20
Eggs 20
Lard 10 12
Cheese, Ohio 22
" New Yo-k 25
Molisses, Porto Rico, jl gal 60
" New Orleans 1 00
S.Tup, Honey liee- 65
" Amber....: 80
" Melted Sugar 1 00
Sugar, Granulated 15
A 14
" B - 13
" Extra C 12J
Yellow C 11
" Brown 10
Coffee, Rio, Choice 25
" " Fair 22
" " Roasted (Ar mckles) 30
Tea, Imperial, Finest . 1 liO
Oolong. " 1 oo
Raisins, Valentin.- 20
" Layers .. 25
Currants 20
Prueus, French 10
Rice .
Soap, Rosin
" Olive
" Babbit ,
Salt, Ground Alum
' Dairy.. .
Mackeral, No. 2 (new) J bbl
Brooms, No. I
" No. - ,
No. 3 ,
Tubs. Cedar...
Buckets, Painted, 2 hoops. - .
Slaw Cutters
Tin Cups -
5 25
4 50
2 00
Tm Disb Pans
Tin Cullenders
Tin Wash Pans ..
Tin Buckets
Boots, Men's Calf.
" Kip '.
Gaiters, Ladies' Lasting
Potatoes, Irish
Sweet, m peck
Coal Oil, If! gallon ........
Cash paid for egg's.
JgfJosiAT Sastiiti 1,60 ver year.
3(1 1
1 50a I 75
First in the Field with our New Goods for the
All the novelties of the season
in Woolen and Cotten Materials.
Alexis Cloths, Japanese Stripe,
The Popular Goods, in. New and Choice Styles.
Maripose Pekas, Figured and Stripes,
The Handsomest and Cheapest.
Yosemite Marseilles, Stripes,
In Beautiful Designs.
And a host of other things which must be seen to he appreciated.
Of any and everything at prices which defy competition.
One of the best in the county, embracing all the New and Best Ftvles
fur the Spring and Summer Trad' for Lalits, Misses and Children the
same exclusively for our trnde. at prices to suit all purchasers, livery
pair warranted
Grocery and Queensware Department.
For our Grocery and Qucensware Department we have secured
one of the fittest rooms in the county iu the OJil Fellows' Hall.
Just opened one of the largest and bost stocks of Goods ever
brought to the county, all of which are kindly submitted to the inspection of all
our uumerous friends aud customers. For quality aud prices we defy competition.
May 1, 1872-ly
Is the place where you can buy
Tlie let nutl tlie Olienpest
1VP ur nrenarpd tn exhibit one of the most choice and select Stocks ever offered in this
market, and at A-STO. JSJJJ. (J LOW I'HIVUS !
Also, measures taken for Suits and parts of Suits, which will be made to order,
at short notice, very reasonable.
Remember the place, in the Nevin Building, two doors west of the Keystone
Store. BRIDGE -STREET, MIFFLINTOW N, PA. may 8, 1872-tf
The public attention is also invited to his large assortment of
All persons who are in need of Spectacles will find it to their adfar.'fa? tn
call, as they will find the largest stock in the comity to select from t'OMK
AXD II AVE VOUR EYE-SIGHT RESTORED. Also, a splendid assortment of
With an mmense stock of
and old. at the
Main Street, Mijlmtown, Pa.
Chemicals, Dye Stuff,
Oils, Paints,
Varnishes, Glass,
Putty, Coal Oil,
Lamps, Burners,
Chimneys. Bruhes,
Infants Brushes, Soaps,
Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes,
Perfumery, Combs.
Hair Oil, Tobacco,
Cigars, Notions,
and Stationary.
selected with great care, and warranted from
high authoritv.
Purest of WISES A.VD LIQUORS for Medi
cal Purposes.
Jay-PKESCRIPTIOXS compounded with
ereat care. ma!6'72-ly
Cap:, Capas & Torches.
Send for 1 1 icstb itei) C ib
ci lar and Price List.
si NrrACTrnitBs,
So. S01 Church Street,
May 31, '72-4m
SIMON B. ALBRIGHT, Proprietor.
Rooms large and comfortable the Table
supplied with the best the market affords
Stabling large and excellent Bar constantly
supplied with the choicest wines and liquors
uo pains will be spared to please guests.
Charges moderate A liberal share of puhlio
patronage is solicited. may 17, '71
AU kiads ef Jeb Werk aeatly aitcated.
NOTIONS JST Something for everybody, young
HUMAN 3HH 12 1J Y.
Just Publithed in a ."' Ente'opt. rriet
Siz Centt.
A Lecture on the Mature, Treatment
and Radical Cur.! o! Spermatorrhea, orSeui.
inal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions. Sex
ual Debility, and Imped. inents to Marring.
generHlly ; Ner ousness. C m-iimptio-i. Epi
lepsy and Fits; .ixnlnl and Phyica' Inr-i.
picity. resultitic from Self-Abise, 4e Br
of the "Green l!mk." ke.
The world-renovrned author, in this admir
able Lecture, clearly proves from his own
experience that the awful con sequences of
Sell-Abuse may be effect unlly removed with
out meiiicins, and without dangerous sur
gical operations, bougies, instruments, ring,
or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at
once certain and effect ui,l by which, every
suffere-, no matter what Lis condition may
be, may cure himself cheaply, privatelv. and
SANDS. Sent under 'eal, to any address, in a plain
se.led envelope, on the receipt of six ent.
or two postaze stamps. Also Dr. Culverwell's
"Marriage Guide," price 60 cents. Address
the publishers,
Post Office Box 4,5i6. 17 Bowery, N. T.
Rally to the Place where you can buy
your wau Taper Cneap.
rHE undersigned takes ibis method of in
forming the publio thai he has iust re-
eeived at his residence on Third Street, Slit-
ainiown, a large assortment of
of various styles, which he offers for sal'.
CHEAPER than can be purchased elsewhere
in the eounly. All persons in need of th.
above article, and wishing :o save money, ar.
invited to call and examine his stock and
hear his prices before going elsewhere.
SVJi. Large supply constantly on hand.
MifflioLwa, April 5, 1872-tf