MI.H i n v't jjui gmm. jiMiuii -ai . JMo-'-in '-I'LL.1 " - : , r.,Jff.iirn 'Jti-Ult-- i j-1 "LLi'I will nr ill tt s i . rr : c T " i lit"' --. 1 r:ii 1 1 uiuy vi . i - i ., , , . .. . . -- : " " i.v vv v . - l - 7at4TiDln are tight fur a dime iu Caviuftiou, O. , . - - Tie comet killed one mau in UMuois. He eot op to look at it and fill down Malre. It took the array worm just tiro Any to rat every green Made iu a twenty acre fild iu Akhton, 1!!., recently. Switzr-rland esports Si 000.000 worth . . , . i i . .i ' of elieeec. year, mar u-.nB a.rm.a, ...e. ; ,n!y article of exu-.rt from that couutry. f A fh in Catco, -Mich., thought it fine .port to frigWi, her o,h,r with a gun. a ud now she h.-.s no mother to fiigh'.en -w - i There re ..v.i a hundred gi.1 in St. -.rea stoa. or Louie normal school, and they are a.I re- ftnJ ebMna. quired to difjienee with liuke hair and ! Am. wouk wabbastrii. wear calico dresses j G ire me a call, for I feel confident that 1 . 0. r r , i can furnish you with any kind of work you A St. Lotus iiti.10. seven fect livu . ' J r i may desire, inches high, and deerib.-d as having a t Repairing done neatly and at reason icouln like n cinal lock, Las received a "", J. L. .NUIU U. The higheft (i.t:l r.t.d Wilson flag in j Mari-achtir.r'tti! fontg from a ftlT faftened I to a t ill pine tn-e on U'achusett Mona- j Jin. It cjn be fccn for many miles. , The coicpkto census returns of the I 1 i Uliltsd Mutes tho ? the tolnl jx.pui.itmn ; to be 3$.&.r,(t. S71. of hich I9.4'J3,355 , me male?, aiid 19.CC5 00G femal. s, Ut.U wears away in handling. ov" ! ri u.ent cfuciuls ftale that in the simple j eoutiliiiS and in.nftr of cue million d'd- J 1 ir iir.iii o;.c vnt.lt to ai:otli r the loss by iibr.iion .-iiuMtnts to i'j. A vcPttl of the National liue of stctirn ers latt !y lock 1SS O'JO bushel of wheat from New York to Liverpool the largest eargo nf heit that ever left that Jjnit in u t'.cum vtfSt.1. A man ns:d hi-" four sons recently turn- 1I..I i ... vt-t. . iT t .Men I'll n .t it h. . , lmt In-m in-, ceil In hnlil the LnVB un un til thev cnnU ha rehcoed. when he fell I . , " , , , I iu the borouzh of l'attoron. where he is pre- hack and was drowned. ; MemnunUle the m09l fastidious in The gr i at tidal wave, siys the Boston I XL,..lIli:!S WEAlt, Tiaveller, which was to carry Horace!,, , yi. t n T) 4 .Jieeley to the White Hottse. bears a j GCillS I1 H1C illlU t'Oai'SC 1)00 iS, i rlriking reseinMnnce to Platitam mr I BrOttllS, ....et It i!oes not come as advertised vull4DREtfSYEARt &a 'l1!. .".lt..t i.l'ljDfli i amit .linnjt lj ! ' , ii teitibie as the prophet's valley of dry boiiec, lies iu-t north of the old Mormon i nad to California, a region thirty mile lonrr ly thirty broad, aud surrounded, ex-1 J J . . I eept at two poiuts, by inaccessible uiouu- tains. j Mr. Adam Spangl.r. of New York, vtho has been sufleriug from lkcu natism for some time past, was so seriously ehocked by lightning striking a houd. ulii'O.-iie to where be lives, the other dav. to l,o rntlrolv rnivd. and ia t . J ' lively as a cricket. ( . , . . i BotatilalS are cildcavoitng to n.tro- j (luce and aucllinale a Jdatit ol iew 1 Grenada, w Lich will be a valuable ac . r . . i n: qtUMtion to mi..ufactur(.r ot it.k. 1 tie , juice or s;tp is at first of a raldijli lint, but in a few hours becomes intensely black. It m iy be used without pieparu ! tion. Ani . - i . i 1 'y n,an "wrt" ,l!at not 0nR rm j rifar-ienic bis bJCtl WcA ill tb5 minufuc- ! tJ.C.fi.ap.-rco!birssi..ce tbe hm ;lrl,-: ' 1 . crj was rairieil ai".it itj50iri5 years a-i . ; IIh snvs tint tln plo.' on coll lis is pro ! i i. .. , ,. ,, , ;,t.. . i duced iu the laundries, of tb.it city by tin- use of statcli, white wax, guru arabie, I Lluuiiip, and sometimes spermaceti. There is a man iu Po.tbiud, Maine, who supports bis family iu handsome style by simply tying an able-bodied eat by the tail to a clothed line every night, and then goieg out in the morning to collect tbe soap, shaving cups, biuhes, etc., tbiowii into th jard by angry boafders in arlj lining houses. It has been the custom for unprincipled men to purchase chilJreu of iheir uireuts in northern Italy, and take the young ters to England aud elsewhere as hurdy gurdy players, exhibitors of trained mice cc. The nefariotia buciness has had a check, the authorities ot Genoa Laving put a stop to the traffic through that city. Aaron W. Mumford, -Stuveyor aud i Civil Encineer, recently found a tur- .i w . .i i i ri tie in Mercer cutnty, on the back of I which was in.-cril.ed. "A Wright, 1790." I From the fact that Mr. Mutnf.irdV grand j father, Mr. Wiiht, settled iu thutpiutl vt M-rcer county ab.itit. that time, tbe iucideut is eur'gestivc of tbe age utta'iied j l y those animals. j The bond system of lab .r slill remains j throughout Mesico and uoou the Lio I Graudc border of Texas. A poor man un accouut of his own or the necessities of his family, once obliged to become the debtor of one of the wealthier clat-ses, becomes a bondman, and bis servitude is enforced until, by his labor, he dis charges tbe debt. Advices from Switzerland state that the beat has been almost unbearable. The cattle retire even at daybreak to their stalls. Tbe glaciers have not melt ed SO much for many years. Lirgc masses as big as churches roll over the precipices into the valley below with a noise like thunder. Wild animals of all kinds are visible. Numerous herds of chamois are pasturing whh the cattle. An amusing and suggestive contriv ance has ben arranged in tbe show win dow of a 15ost-n druggist, which the Transcpript thus describes : "Two Gree ley fans are j ioed together so as to make a bead, which is placed on a pivot, and by some concealed mechanism ia made to revolve, showing each face alternate ly. The iusctipti-.n on one face reads . Gre ley the Republican; ou the other, 'Gret ley the Democrat ' The head revolt-, s tiuite rapidly, so that the observ cr ha j ot.ly just time to read Oiie inscrip tion -.ben the e ther appears. NEW BOOT SHOE SHOP In Serin's Hew SnUainj m BRIDGE STREET, MIPFLINTOWN. 'P II E undersigned, late of the firm of Fa i sick A North. would respectful! y - i nouncc to the public that he has opened Boot ami suoe simp in Major 1.. .... a Building, on llridge street. Mifflii town, and is prepared to mar.ttfiictnre, of the beat ma- lt;M;M kinJa of ,J00Tg Si0ES SD GAITERS F0R -' KjjTJs', LAWK AND CIIILDilLiN. Ho al-o keeps oa hand a large anu wen- I BOOTS AND SHOES. Nstc S3iot5 h Llifilintoira. E sn?),8ri,,fr eaTe to inform the 1 citizens of MiiH.ntown, l'at.crn and ricmity that he hai. opened 1 Boo, and Mio Sil00 fi,r ,he .,reKflnti in u,e room occupied by N. E I.itt efieM s Tin Shop, on Bridge street. Mitllintown. nrhsre he is prepaved to ! manufacture a 1 kincU of T,A3DIS3', GSNTLEJISN'3 .j 03ILLSBN'3 ia the mast Ens!anti-il manner, and at the lowest prices. E& Bepairing prompt'y at tended to. TLUM.S C.VSil. A liberal almre ef puMic pa'ronage is soli cited, anl sati'fac'.io i gurnteed. A. 15. FASICK. Miy '."J, l72-tf Boot and Shoe Shop. ; TUIE nndrsijrned, fashionable Boot i A and Shoemaker, hereby respectful- lv informs the public thnt he has locaed Al?o. niendintr done in the neatest munner j n,i upna the shortest notice. A liberal) share of. public patronapc is rcspccttuiiy solicited. Satisfaction jriniranteed Its? Shop locted on t he east side of Tus carom street, one door south or Main street, j nnnn.;t. I.air.1 H..H' store. I - ,r j LEAN, March P. 172 i Usrcllan cus. Flour! Flour! T"E -3ersined bcR leave lo inform .he 1 nH! mihliir ih a- i:e has 11 111c base 1 the G K 1--5 1 .lil.L. i:i Miifirl icwnsliip. recesitlv oned j bv Ja-ob Lemon, and. havi.it? remodeled and ! 0I - lltrwIfie iu,,.roTej ,le same, is now pre- j pared to accommodate all who may lavorhiui I j with their patronage. . wheat rionr nun Mnrtt v.oru -netii ni- f , fco alc and Itetuil. Mao, liliurts, Biiin, Sli'jisluif and Clt 'pi F r S'lr. " j Flour and Feed will be delivored to fami- i i - i i 1 1 : ' 1 1 : : t I : .11 ? i 11 iltMreu. Ji'n whpihi win .ibu .miiiiiii, Pa.ier.on and Per.y.vUle three times a week, j Persons ncodiiip C .ur or feed, can Lave; cir o, lers at .no Store cf Jal.n ftkn In j M iaip, or at I ckiu lis More in l anors in, , ad.lressiug a note to IloX o5, Patterson j I'est tlflice. j GRA1X OF ALT, KISDS r,OCCIIT AT mi'T'Er rriC'-'S i P. II. IIAWN. Apr. ;l, lt72-3i I llC PlaCC for UOOU UrapC-VineS 1 IS AT T II E , Juniata alien UimprbsJ AXU RAIE-VIXK MRSEUY. THE undersigned would respectfully in. ! 1 formihe public that he has etartel j Grape-vine Nursery about one mile northeast j of .Miffliutown. where he has been testinc . . large number of the different virieties of Grapes; and having been in the business for eeven years, he is now prepared to furnish VINES OF ALL TIIE LEADING VAlllETIES, AND OF THE MOST PROMISING KINDS, AT Is O V It A T I! . by tbe single vine, dozen, hundrei or Hi on - T'ine' wiU do weU t0 caU aIlJ see fur ,uem. selves. Good and responsible Ageuti wanied. JjrCM ' JOVAS OBERI10LTZKR. Miffliutown. Juniata Co.. Pa- NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY IN PATIEUSUN. QAMl'EL 11. ROLI.M AN respectfully an nouuees to the public that he has reeent- oujli of Pttterson, and i- prepared to man ufacture, in a neat and durable manner, WAGONS OF ALL HINDS, From a Four-horse Farm Wagon to a One horse Spring wagon. All Kinds of Repairing will Receive Strict Attention. Grain and Lumber Taken in Exchange for Work. BrSw 7 eareful attention to busines, and hy turning out superior work, he hopes to merit and receive a large share of public patronage. t Good Oak Plank Wanted, -a Nov 1, lS71-ly A PROFITABLE BUSINESS ! LIGHT EQUAL to GAS. atONE-KIGHTH THE COST! Ctuuot be eulodei. Xo chim ney or itick used. MEN desiring a PROFIT M.E RCSIN ESS. can secure the EXCLUSIVE RIGHT for the sale f WOTT'S PATENT C.VKKtlX GAS LIGHT BUKNKKS asd OIL. for COUNTIES or STATES. Write for information or call on M. U. DYOTT, No. 114 South Secoud St., Pbila , Pa. N. B. CHURCHES furnished with CHAN DELIERS and LAMPS of every description, la per eent. cheaper than at any other estab lishment in the country. March 2. lK72-3ra . M to the Jcsiata Sestinkl Job Printing V J Office for a!! kinds of Plain and fancy l"riD;inp. SPECIE P1UGES! EXTRACSDIXITIT EEDUCTIOS IN THE PBlCKE C? GOODS. AT f 111)11 f- Nr;V NT OK 13, Patterson, Juniata Co.. fa. The undersigned beg leave to state, that M" L-.Tj tiu'in " eondup,the mcrchsntiln business atti.e.iiu Siuud, ia the borough of rattercon. Juniaia county. Pa . where "they ehali endeavor to keep constantly on Laud a full aud complete assortment ol LADIKS' iniESS GOOD--, CONSIST ING Ol-' -ALPACAS. I'Ol'LINS. 1'LAIDS. LUSTERS. De LA INS. 31 Kit IN OS. 31011 A lit. GINGHAMS. CAM UK ICS. LAWNS, &C. FA NCI GOODS, NOTIONS. JEWELRY. HATS AND CATS. 1JOOTS AND SHOES, gCEEN'SWARE, CEDAR WAKE. GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, FISH. "SALT, ('OFF RE, TEAS, SIRUPS. SUGAR. Having just returned from the city with the above enumerated st.-.ck of goods, all of which hnve been pnvchased fcii:ce the great decline in Gold, we feel warranted in saying that we can offer Goods at gretlv reduced fig ures for CASH OR COl'M KY PRODUCE. mar23-tf LAIRD & PELL. "xewgoods fmv goods i 13. PARKER, (Succes-or to MARTIN & W ALTliitS.) HAYING purchased the Store of Martin & Walters, on Main t , in J. M. ISelfotd'? store room, the undersiirns?d would respect i ti I ly inform the public that he has a new nnu jcarelully selected stock of OUOUS ot the very best quality, comprising in part, ot DRY GOODS, GUOCKIilES, NOTIONS. IIOSIERIKS. FANi'Y GOODS. QI'EliNSWAIlE, BOOTS & SHOES, H ATS AND CAPS, CAKPET HAGS, OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS, BLANKETS, Fl'RS. WOOD AND WILLOW-W A 1!K. and in I short evoiv arlit'e usually kept in :t well ,-eiected store. lie inteiiiis sellins exclusively for CASH or in ech '.it;,. fr)r t'OUNTHV rUODl'CK. I!y t-o ioiii! he will bo able to sell ooda as cheap as the cheapest. CaK and examine l.is stock. ggt. tlltillKST PI'.ICES PAID IN TUADK rOi-ALL KINDS OF ('tiliNTUV PltflDUCE E. S. P AUK KR, (Belford'S'tfiore-rootn) lain lrl'et. ' Mifilintown, P, Jan SI, 1872. THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS IS AT PLNNELIVS CHEAP BTOHii IN PATTERSON, PA. rpiil'i largest and best assortment to be X tuund in Patterson. TinniUul for the libera! palronnire herviufore received frotu ' ! the nublic, 1 wouid rcspecii'uliv announce atl have jus. opened a very li..setck of OuoiU well (juitnito tbe tr.-nle. My Mock coiisicits of a full asaoitiutnt of fine and staple DRY GOODS, Embracing all the materials for men, women and children s waie. including llatsand Caps. Boots and Shoes, together with a large slock of Muslins. Sheetings Drillings, Tickings, Oil ClotUb, Mattings, o.c. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such as French and English Merinoes Pop lins, Alpacas, De La lues, plain and figured Shawls, ic. and also a large slock of Notions, such as Gloves. Mitts, Hosiery, Embroidrred Co'.lars and Cuffs, and a general assortment of Dress Trimmings. GROCERIES, Such as Sugars, Syrups, Coffees. Tons and Spices, .also, a large lot of Qneensware, Hardware, Wood and Willow Ware. Fish Salt and Nails. Together with a full assort ment of Goods usually kept in a country store tS.l!ighest price paid for country pro diice in exchange for goods. Prices to suit the times May t, 1872 New Store and New Goods. GROCERIES, F0 VISIONS, &C. Main Strset, liifflktoTrn. TTAVIXG opened out a GROCP.TtY 1VH ! tl PROVISION STOKE in the' old stand on Main Street, Miffliutown, I would respect fully ask the attention of the public to the following articles, which I will keep on hand ai an .lues : SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, RICE, nsii, salt, DRIED AND CANNED FHUIT. HAM, SHOULDER, DRIED BEEF, Confectioneries, Nuts, &c, Tobacco, Cisfars, G I. A S S W a 11 E , Tloin-, leed, Sec. All of which will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. Give me a call and hear my prices. J. W. KIRK. Mifflintown, May 2, 1872. FORCE PUMP. "TMIE undersigned ia ugvut lor one of the A. nest force Pumps, tor any dep.h of cis tern or well, in the world. By attaching hose lo iLe spout, water can he thrown 3" to Hi feet. Nothing better could be asked in case of fire. It is a non-freezing pump. SAMUEL LEONARD. Oakland Mills, Juniata Co., Pa. A Large assortment of Queeusware, China ware. Glassware. Crockery waie, Cedar ware, &o.t for s! obsap by Ilt?K 4 SFKSOHArE'S. DC I I V CLOTHIM! Choicest Styles of the Season. SAMUEL STUAYER, Patterson, Juniata Co., Pa. CLOTHING of al! kinds FORM FN AXD BOYS. CAEPETS, Stair and Flocr Oil Cloth, I will sell my entire filoei ai Greatly Reduced Prices, Cntil AmiL, 18TJ. OVERCOATS, rUH5, HEAVY BOOTS, Ladies' Shoes & Goiters, Under.-Clnthing, ic, AT COST. Salts aM Farts cf Suits. HATS AXJJ CAPS, WATCHES Eats anil Gars. Aud Fnrnishing Goods FURS, :0 or 23 per cent, cheaper !..... Hnn K .. ntir -l-.;,:-d t'luC B30TstsnoEs.iwl;e,.;; MENS FURNISHING GOODS. Having a giod olock. wtli selected, 1 hope to please all. Call and see to be coa NOTIONS, if.ince.1. SIS' Measures taken and 5n:t3 and pas ts of Suits made to order, r?as onabie. SA-ML'EL ST K AYE", Jan. 24, 1F72 rattciEon, Pa. S. B. LOUDON, XErJX'S BVILT)IS7 OX Bridge Street, KiSintoTra, Fa., Di-siics to inform his friends and the public that he has.jii't received a fine and f. shir.n able stock of SPUING GOODS, cnnsiMing o' CL nrfS Plain Muck. Mil" and I'.iowu rfr?" Dahlia. Brown and Blue. TlllC'tT Riack. lilne and Crown. VIAOOSAt.S Muo and Black. CUKVIOTSM Sh.lo. SCOTCH HOODS- All St1..s. BLACK ror:sfCXS SnoerWi'inHty PA V7V. AM ITST PATrFRXS-Vine SUMMER GOODS General Assortment. I will sell any of the above gcols ly the yard or pattern. I r.lso keep on hand a full line of lil'T TKRICK S PATTERSS, consoling of Men. lioys. ant Children's Shirts. Coais, Pant and Vests. gg I will liiauiir.iciiire to order nil kinds of custom wouk. PRICES Keatouable, 10 suit, the times. MilRiutown, April ID, 1!?72. HEEDSV1LLE, MIFFLIN" CO., PA. The u:..leiined respectfullv calls llie at- tcnliou of the public lo the fuel iln-l he ha. ! leased the hotel pri pcriy m Ueedsville. f.-r-j merlv occupied hy Aaron M.oop, anil is pre- pared to aeci.niruod.ite strangers and ir.i.-cl rs. lie will spore no means to uiae it.ej Hotel unexceptionable in every particular. j lie will exercise a personal supervision over j his P.ar. Table and Stable. He respectfully ; solicits a share of the patronage of the pnhlio. ! DAVID I. I'.ICE. P.cedsville, April 10. IS71. BllOCKERIUTFF ! BELLKFOXTE. PEXX'A. D. J0H17STOX & SOHS. Proprietors. ; The "firookerhtiff Ihiti-e h:isr?oimT Im'ch ; rfiiitl ami oili;rwie prcaily imprtiveil. iiim! j is tn.Tt under the propru'idrslii) of l. Jnlin m;wun.leriheprorri,..rs,ipoi ' . Cieavfield Persons visi.inpr P., lief, . ,1-.... jton i business or pleasure will find this a conve- easnnt place .0 stop Y .- mer.1 and pleasant pi top i to ami J'ru.n lite Dr-wt. Nr.v 1. 1-71 JUNIATA HOTEL. MIFFLI.NTOWN, JUNIATA CO., PA. SIMON' H. AI.IIKKaiT, Proprietor. Rooms large and cnmfoi tabic the Table s'ijplied with the best the market atf.irds Stabling large and excellent Bar constantly supplied with the choicrst wines and li.inors no pains will be spared lopleast guesis. Charges moderate liberal share of public, palroeage 18 solicited may 17, '71 naiTonaT-iToTel" LEWI5T0WN, FEIVN'A. BEAIt & IIVMAKKK, Proprietors. STATE CAPITOL HOTEL, uear the 'Jaj lol Buildings, UARlSliUUG, PA. lXTeruis as moderate as any Hotel in th. City. "VM. CTlttiliPSON'. Prot.'i-lnr New Lumber Yard. 1'attrrson. Pa. BEYER, OUTER & CO. Have opened Lumber Y ir l in tbe bor ough of Patterson, and are prfpareel to fur nish all kinds of Lumber, such as Siding, Plsaring, Siuidii, Paling, Shingbs, Lath, Sash, fo., in large or small quantities, to suit rus ! tomers. SO- Persons wanting Lumber bv the car load can be supplied at reduced rates. SEVER. GUY Ell & CO. Georpe Goshen, Agent. Patlarson, May 15 '72-tt A. G. POsTLETM W AITK & CO , (iencral Commission Merchants FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. No. 2154 Seuth Front Street, marll-tf PHILADELPHIA. QESTRAL CLAIM AGENCY, JAMES M. SELLERS, 144 SOUTH SIXTH S T It E E T , PIIILADI-LPIIIA. Bounties. Pensions, Hack Pav. Horse Claims, State Claims, Ike., prumi.ilv collect ed o charge for information, nor when money ia nA ..ll-..l r .- . .a u.. vuiiecieu. IOCIl-tl A FINE assortment of Cloths. Cassimeres. Vestiajs, io., just received and for sale V 8. B. LONDON, R. R, R. RASWAY S BEADY BEL8E? CBUR THE WOKST fAlS in from One to .i won ty Minutes. KOT OKE HOUR after reaJin(Ctbt iwrtHeent .. anr ra " SUFFER WITH rMX. EADWAT9 Vj.RfjS'.'i A Cr"E TC& It wu Hie ar miJ t . rrnio Only l'uin Hemedy t-aiiiSlT op "" eicrnelatlnit allaja V",mnMom wires e..rp-Uni.N wl il,er S tio ""'Tr'nlSi 01! TO TWEXTT MITTKS. KH6 "MATIit.lV.l-rM.k-n, li.Srm. erippt.-t, vrYou. 2i, Jralsi'i r rtntd wall tlMrOK amy MuTvT, TADWAY'S READY RELISF W1!.L AFVOSD INSTAXT EASB. ISr-ASI; 'fvVATlis .K ThFbLADDEIS. ETSTEKICS. CHOLI-. YlA:E. headache, ioornAriiRoix riCErllATISM. rriTT CTtlJA Sk AOUK I'll 1 LI,. C?!;?,,S ii..ncnl.e Heady KrtlefWtterfrler "Trave'"m sh.'Al'l alwky ciinT ; rwtlleof Itn-'wa. J 11 -ailv tEl'lier with lhn. A few ilro; s iu ualu i. i I bifZl "iSS or vi.iii from cbBI.se "f water. It u titer Uiau Fre: ti B:aady liawr. s a jaiat. FEVER A" AGIB i'.iiy c.i lEilLTI!! BEAUTY!! uTaiMi ..vj i T Rw nt' ii vum-rcx:':r. OK KI.K-il AMI W Ki:lirr-Cl.r.AU f KiN .:.1 l.tAC riiXl. t;uUl'LLX:u.; bilCLKLU IDALL. DR. RADWAY7S SARSAPARILLIAM HESCLVENT niK'Ai fM.rjM.ors. I'Vi-FiriiiL v- i I.fEM K Or" "l UiZ 'iilUI.i WO..i'L:JlL Til AT Every Day ?n Ir.crcsn I:i F:oc!i and Woih: lo lco. ar.U i . f r l: ri-puiw Hit? vul ? vt U."- Ir-dx m'-U i.r .v i nii-tiTiiO. fcr..fl4. C..t.mu.-: !.:. . d: ::-. flct. ski l!t. 3 7 (:' . I r iiinnwi ftiu! oi .vr ) :r:.i f cvsi. fi, e ,i 8I-n-iiOU Ti-:i'ir s f.--M i'w l.-.-, li.t f. ft- if . -. Ktmtl'-i . frt-vr :--n? v.-r-i !(' :!, IVry-x Worut, S til Ki.-iu, V rr-'l At: - t i-' it .j. "..n:i' i:i M.e I-I'i. 'i 'ir-'T-T, t-ir' in ti 1 v.ni!., jt-l tfcei.l!i ! 1 :ti!'fi:: C-Qt n7-; : ..S .t-t. !,.--( "f S:-r ii, ri-! I n-'t r th 1-' ; : - live 1 jor-i-n i ir- l'-r vl"f ci' U..sr f;: :.d CI' Car J!jj -rt pn'.v.r to circ !:' t:i- it ii . .1 1 v : ?.;t .1! j; r.i';h:i.l 1 r t.i w-t a (i ti.-'iMWin': b t i,iini.i'i:." y4-t 'i'i f. c. 'tis in uri '-'i.s? ;!.' i'-' v r ! t.- a.j v 1 ti u,- mrvTi-iI;! iitu'.c IVatu I.o.1:1iv Ui -uJ ti.i t.- usa r.i: ill an M. i -. IV.. t "litv U"v- pAliiM'Alll.I.!A: rr-ftl.TEKT VT"'--! r.M kn 'vn"i"::i' ii!t :;-". :' i ' "I :. i t - i..M, t'..t:vtaiT!''.t;;I, fcili'A t-idu.ivi ( but it U Ihs -. jiu-iUi.'u Ci:rs for rr'.narr, W-n.j :?-.- , (; , X i.-X.:. --. J :", M.-uis-iKi'i.f W.ttt-r. I To.nti- ix:c-t,r' I liu.'. Kil' i.'"'' I'.- t.-i-t Al! -:iit'iiui-.. r.n.l In a I a- wi.it ;;..n . il m .Vim.m . ti:r- w :.:. r is lii-i U. ;.-n.;. it.; F 'n. or tft-r ia 1-1 ri-i 1, ii:.;);. i. ;:;"!! u ; ..u-unc -51 1 1 1 wriitr Irtis-r-ii'int m-piWis, ttii'l wi.-ti Ii r. k':1 . 1- ir-.ii f--t'--i-i:i v.m- i-;!-:tj v r-i. r, t i t tc ij .1 ;M - if?:' v;a:iil.v.. l-c !-..:.:. i'liC, tl.OX VOSKS.-T'' f Ln.v.vti r: I e-.ra r.m.cuy f'.r" 11 ci a .a -j-ijt, i'-j, t-t. 'i'arar.r of 12 Vcnri' C;r-w-r;:i PwLr. V.:u..J i!v !, J-'.. Tit. RTXaY tT.ive T- I O.n. i .;i Til.. . r l:i I - . v ,r;..- ? .1 fc-.writ. : til l .) .L-:r n; 1 ' liit-.-e ".- fc.i hi l i f.-r II." 1 trii ivsrv ti:.ir kl'-l r....fi-i...'-,l : I,. f. Il tie I n.. I r.i ".; ir d -it. f. i.t t'... i-- iiU ut.l try it; L-it liml n. la't't I:, it! f-n.' ( 1 v! tti.r-.vil t -r .-. I tit.Ji srt hr iti 1 f - il it. :- I -.1 1 a r t:r.:wa t ri'!. l"-! tw.t t- l!c .f . ir II. v'v r f : a -I i l. ; f :i -. f t n..r v L v n ,rr f.:. vit.I i T .1 : t r, .! r. ai (.!- i - r j h . ..V.f t . rt-'r i!t f .- iit. 1 V.u 4.V.3 1 jLiu.!t '.I Fr ""P 1'"ii p"J 3 i'l h'r,;l v :iv s I !. 1 T t: f t :,r ' Vv. r. H v.-. Il .I...-.- )Kw H. r 3":".i ' -. tMt-tU.-.-.v, . i r.-r iv.v.u.te-it in.i;, i IV.r.ic-isrf t!,.. I;---' r W;; -:i. T-iwa-I I '.U A of .1- -i-.-t . -. . I lutvitt::! tS- ( : -I! it.i..1 !. !. .h :.i-.: . I tli. I '.'(". I'- r- !.:.. ;.lc. c..." ..r KAiivr.W ii Af-v.'ils-. V- il t:. Ui : 1 : ' ' i.. . i K.n.t i V tn:fti.:i..-T.i. r.F.sn km..::: an: i u:t." flampi'i BAI.WAV A t.. N". : Vorii. Ii f" : .'- a v. .itli lK..vii..f. 0 j . :ll:E IXtiltLDlCXTJ THAT I fe Y OMVOSB. ROSAflMI: s j VA JJ '1 1!-""' cve-vp-.. .;;. ,i.;c-.- ; zJS :'a '"a 1 cos.so.r.C!.' l? ii f. e.-r!.-.'.i r:.- for frr..(!.!.i- Syph.iis in all its f..nris, IHienma lUm, bkin rii'-asc, 1-iver t'G!n nlaint and zil discu'.s cf t c bluOvl. u i!I .'o i:io-e r-ood tlian ten li-.trles ul :!io yr;;ps of ar.iuriila. "HZ UHDZZZIZHZD PHYSICIAN'S b.ave uel rtoQ.lalis i" tbeir pmrtire fur ".!.o i it tlirto ytnu and f e!y e. do so it nil a ri l.aL-io Al'.erati'.'0 ai.d L iuod Purifier. Dt. T. C. rro n. of Ealt-racro. Ult.T. J. BUVKtV, Dit. R. V.-.fAKIl. " :ni.,'.o.PAtiiv. DA. J. . SPASK.S, of Nichnlasvr.le, i:y. D.t. J. L. SrcCAHTIIA, Columbia, S. C. DU. A. D. NOOKS', r..!gc.CTah, Jf. C. J. E.I-REXC1I & tONS, Fill Hivcr, r. W. RiTTTTI, JacSsnn, aiirh. A. F. '!! i LKH.L;ina, lihia. II. II A! I., 1 Inn. Olno. ( RAV..:; & t 0..1 ...n'onsvl'..-.. Va. SAJ-.'I- ;. J'ii'.HI.L'i, Jiurrrecs Lt..o, i'ci..i. Our s-ic it'"1 ;:t -Unir of any ov. tnue t 1. ..v.rl. i ia If -ll.fii to tV ;-:Tirioi K.. '...-;:. Toti e jfr ifn.;! -s..a i u:. n'ee a 1 I'l.J 1 x 'tr..t5i: ; e: '.t t.i a: y l:.ry lave evir liii.: ia l:.o trea i:ir..t t f ii . -easi d lilrv..!; ii;I to thei.ii.;-if I ive s iy try Ko?.i .it is ai. 1 ' cu v.iii be roCoicj to hi i-l.l. Rvadalli Is si.l i hy all CrcirT!st3 prlc Sl.iiiJ j..t b..t;ie. Ailmxs H. C-liimi'Tj CD. ZliLRutetcri-ng Chemists, UAiriMour;, 31a Terror! Morder!! Deatu ! ! ! PJIfpvt Jlice, ltonehes. Ants, Ullli) Bedbugs, Ac. RATS UR.IHJ Farmers xrrure unr f!r.ii., Tl . "If! UalkJ Wrr IL R AT5J . e. ... n luiiu ft nemarKDie rreparation, n winch draws Hat". (s hy magic) iioiu .heir holes and hiding places. They eai r..vunn-.u! 11 .1;.. ... .j i .... . . . .... jdij n... nn ...c ..i n C'I't Cet "Wilt a in the open air. Safe to use. Called I HUKT'S New Improved Vermin Exterminator, b'sed wiih Wonderful ucees ai i.ie o.t.xextal and other larie Hotels and Public 1 si i ti lions in I'liila.le'l Ilia and New York ci.y : Hnttnn House. Uirrishurg; Union D"pot llo.il. P't.sbiirsr; ll.r.lict II..use. Wil liiim-povt. pa ; is. in 'net. the only article I bat will rid you of ihe-e pesig. Cut lb... advertisement out and tekc lo your I'ru.j iiist or Merchant. If he is rot supplied he can get it for you of any wl.i.lesal. Druggist, lie sure and gel only that si 'n ed E. CURT. Jr.. Philadelphia. P , eichjar. Take no ol her. "'i cents ajar . five jars for SI. $1 irorfA Kill usually ,o u 'liorrin h trnrh. To Merchants. Burt's New Improved win never hm .ten or cliange hy- age AI ways in nice condition. Lots on hand ol former make will he exchanged, it de-ired. Principal Depots. fjO'2 Arch St., N E. eorl ner Tenth and Clie-.niit st . and S. XV. cor. Eight and It ice sts.. Philadelphia. Sold by all Wholesale Prnggists. Direct all letters lo E. BUHT. Manufacturer of P.a. i y " '' xterminator. West Philadelahia. Pa. Jan M-tini LARGE stock of Ready-made Clothing for srie by . HARLEY a CO. IXTXt A.: AO US inra fr trtv mu, T6c r.r.t irc;i.c'.i.a aaett in thk wyriil tl. .t nl run- Jen r a-d AiTi.i"i-l:.:i otl.r Ma' fc-iw.. Itlttcw. fj-,..r . 1 li.d.1. .llUve..r.d .11" -r J vir. ' ;M MI U- BA ..VAJ r. lMI.T-l-ll v ii1C.Uv.A ltTAIil lii-ta. ui L..rbii:ie. fc--:-l i.y lnuiii. A TKs Cat lilustratsj te cu.x-v.-rcf L'ibj j ;J fi-ivt i K . i ca i lv r : Tlil- lr.tmmenj Is Cfpocially designed for the per fect application of DR. SA22'3 CATARRH RE:.:Z3Y. Iti'ttieonlr form of lii.trimieiir yet invr. led with wincn uuid me.licine can tio earrii-l htrjh tip and perfectly applied to all part, of the affect.!,, im-rtl pas a.i!5,aiid the chambers or cavities cimiiiiiiiti.-iipn tlienswilii. in which pore a-.d ulcers freqiieinlv. xUi, and froua wLich the catarrlial aiseharse i-. ii.-iiiMv -ro-ceed. Tuewantof joecc-'i'i m ating I aiurrh l. re tofore his arisen lartje!.' fro.a Hie iuiMwiliilitv of ar'lvTi' remeiliea to the caTiiiei. and rhnniliira bv' a:i of the ordinary mifioiin. 1 luscWnirlp in th3 way of efifeetini cures i ' eaiirfly overrent by the i:ivivnion of the Douche. U n1ne thi irwimn-ei't. t'i FmiJ Is carried hvtti mi weight) no ng. !erc laior p iinna beina rej ilro J.) n,i o:.- r. rtiil in a lint fw illv 1 living olreJ I L t-- lili't j i tllrn 1. 1 the Ei-if pia-'e.na-'..e into end lonrcntl'ly rleanrr ith 1 let ilH'.a i.lcV-rbeni ri.miect.cl tiierrwil'i. ai d fbxsO'Jtof thso.)?itD nostril, t;- l:-o 1 .-'anl ri:.l so i-i ii'ile that a child can nrik-r.-iand it. S', ml explicit direel'io:. n-cmisny .a. i IntMAinit. Wnen asitt w:t: tai ln-lrum. i.t.Lr. Pi'eV Catarrh Kemedv rare. i.e.nt afari. f .'C lil in tho by a l-.v av..i; t:. us. Kynntomi it V an .. I icvi.i.t l.ia.l arhe di-.;liarL-e fiilmr i '! lhr.jt. soinenn.es pro fine, writer, t'liclc tniais, t':IrI .ah rw. Ac. In otil-jrs a drvii.i.", d r. w.i:crj-, .;. nr il fi.. n. .1 cve storpi'iju 1 "i" ol'-irit.i ... t i f i ;.-:l t iiii'-f.-, riii -iar In ears .l-afiess li-.rk:r.rt r:i.l ci a h:n- lo eY-ir t'lmat. uluoratiuns a--.iV ':";,i ;!". voice a'r.- I. irml t.va'ir, i.il'cnive t i-ath. inpa.n' rr tal 1jtiv iii' l ol wn of snr II a d ta-t.-. il;-.zi-nMi mental d "ire:on. l""- cf a:';ieii' -. in'I i:c:' tiii, enlarrel l. ii!. llcUJ.n'i e'.ivli. n ly a fi.v of thuo PT Tiptoias aielii::y to he in-sent i:i aav ap at n-ie ti ue. rr. S;i ;-' C.tlirr!. n'rtr.'y, wtin nwl with !.-. Iierec' M I I so in-lie, ami scr.m-pnr?- will tiio eo'-ltitutional tratii.eul which H r- iit -i-iL-i in the punnldet tliat nrap-. ca '.i kot-tleoft'i-! li.-.uody. Ii a pr-rf.-t tpi-rr f. rtlii.- !i ath , n -'ii-a-e, and tin pniO'ietor o!Ter-. in rood i;r.I0. 5; i r iwird f r a rn-e ho enn not cine. 1 ho Iirn-lvi-. mill and plca-ant tn nc. rerraln'rip rn ;-rr.i:i-r or can-'tie il.-ll or pr.i-or-. T!:e Catarrh ail OrurT'Tl . or either will l.e naikd by pro- ii'-ie'-or oil rucci!C 'f F" tWi Solu Pritri'Ir. . I Oil, Paint & Tarnish, ! 1 V'!!!TE Ll'Al). HE!) LEAP. ; COLOEED PAIHI3 IIT GIL ! BURNT UMBER, RAW U.MUEIi. j ! CHROME GHEEN, FA3.I3 i C-T-r-i,i'.-r! r r?" r n7 T","T) T '.."V iPnisxian Bine. Lr.u.p I!:u'k, j Ph,t .'.!.'', Vt. .-', P.n:'-f, ! i TrrTTTrriTir-T i nrr Ti."nr-rrv pi i tr-f TJ-r-rTrr-pfi ' ! tVmiliVliiii! CiiJC-iLii, CilOil i5xiU':jit:i . Vi'biti;.", isti l Rosin by the P :!f. I, irOuji.-'i Jilj'tEl i'i'i t i'l ' II 1 i " A iii !1 i The a'.-.v.. - ' f. with I OKI" OS r.nd PATLN'r 5'. i-.li iCIM:-, always; ! on Lat.fl ::t t':.? j rATirr.?oirT2.rjG j r.jf tj'.ass cut to any mz,. ; i vi. - ;..M-1. i Ju'y 1. ur:-'f U JL I Slllilil Uh .1 A iith -JJ ;7 ii i . : SPRING TIME TA BLZ. ; I liroimh and Jiireet I" -me t;i to I!. 12 liiuioi., I !ii.: in. lit ll.il'i, ic-.re'.-st. t il i'initi:i l'ii:i-. wr'sli.i.i;. III.-. U 1 piX AND AKTilK J'JVE II. :! i: 1'in; r;li i V "rZ. il.e tr.ti.n! ,. the Railway v.i 1 run as L.t'ow : ! NOiMII WAKD. : M ail Tn.vtx l.-av -s P. iliimor. ; leaver .iMi'ri-.l.lirg.... j leaves H'iiliam - or; .. . 1. .. t.:l" n m rriv.' at Elu.ira 1 :':; i. m Cis'ti Exp. leaves r.ai.iuii.ive 7 ;!"i p n. arrive? al 'i .rils'.ui ' ..l":U p ni i : r iM line .eives i.-ni.t....ie I p to I leaves l!nm-i.ur? 1:1'' p m ; arrives at u i.li.tTii.-i orr f-:!.jp ' w est Itx I X leavei li ilritni.re i""; : rn i.iS a i i ;irr ! mju r . .. i ,-i . a m j Ni.vr.ARA Ex ltavi s Itultiiunre 7:"i0 k m l I Ittivis !!a -ri-hiir.' li':l. am: ! leaves Wi'.llitmspo.t L:-'i p ni p ni j: 11 i m l ii-i.vcH r.iiinril- !'f.r. 4.r.- . .. 8 '" 1 : itAtt. firv s Irav.-s Ila!:ui:..re : t tn ' i . . , . , I bum ilAiL north leaves Ilai ri . a 4:15 a in . , . air. at Su.iburv- t.:i) a in I j SOL'TII W'AlLD. ! Mail Train leaves Kfmira r.-4) a ni leaves W.lliamspo.t Wli a ! leaves llarrisloir- o p ,., .: n p in arrives ia l.nitiniore rxt.i n ni :;.ltin.ore... fi::H , n. t -v-si i.im. leaves ii.in is..ir .;:;i-i a m nil. lives ..t Haiti. i.c.i-... '.: iti a ni r.niE Lxru s !eav. s Sunriiry 7: I'l a to . n.i .-sat !! irrisl.ur,;... te.'iani j KniK Mail tontii leaves .nbnry I'i: 15 -tin . ariivesat !l;ii-i-ihur.r t : 1. 1 n. j pACinc Ex. south le-,vct. llarnslg H ill a m j ...ti.to ...il. . ill'. rv..... 1.1-1 Jl III ; Cixnx'i Ex. leaves llarrisliiii " 1 1:1.1 p n, ' arrive- at I'.altimoif; :l-") a in Niauaha Ex Ic .ves runaiidaigiia .1 l::;tl a m , leaves Elinira l:.lpnii j leaves W ,1: iamsp rt 5:t..' p m lenves llarrisni-i'K ): I p m j arrives at ISallimore 1 !;". p n. Hab. Acc. soulri leaves llarrisburg : if) a Ri i arrives at Baltimore 10:15 a m Mail Train north ar.u south. Fast Lin north, PaciEc Fxriess so'i.h. Erie Exrres south, and llarri hit. g .tCc-mmo lation nrb and south. Niagani tin e.-a J. ...,. daily except Sunday. Erie Mail north. Cincinnati Expr -sg north and south, West rn Express north, Fast Line 0111I1 lea.e daily. Erie Mail south, daily ex-ept Monday For further in format ion applv at the Ticket Office iu the Pennsylvania Railroad l.ebot ALKKKD U. FISKE. General Superintendent. Ilarrisbnrg. June I , lc7i." BECK'S HOTEL, PFIILADEUTIIA. riltS HOTEL IS PLEASANTLY SITUATED ON Til K StlUTH SII1B OF R A C K STREET, A FEW IiOOKS AT.OVE THIRD. ,110 bh.MKAI, LOCALITY! j Makes it particularly desirable to persons j visiting the City on business or pleasure ! . A.ErK,l'oPrET..R. i Formerly nf the Stales ITuietn ae.g i, IS.ia-ly. -Ifl. , l iu unc i rruiiior. pa sue dv am tuii"ii u 1 I iClWiFP ' 'i1'" !'" ' '55S 51a Person call Cn?te l?se3 Il'.tttr acuri inz f d.reciionv irrtd r'Ti l-T e-rn' !. p,. their brines a" rf! c??trrtve.l by m:pnl prri cr at-e means aud llw vil.ii cr;.mii was.td bc; M.Jtiiej of rej-air. Uy.liepsia or In.SUres-iou. Hei'clie, Pji, in the Slioui.-lrr. Ci.ic!is, Ti?li:ii'. of li'e Oir,t. , zine.5. S'.ur Er.iTt.ittous of llie Slcnuch. Tid I-.t in the M-hi.ii. Itiiw... A.ucl. P...itation n,' :i, Heart, lnn.imin.iti.nl ef tli-J L.in'-S l'-im i" 'he rcc-ia of the K .li.ei-s ami a hundred oilier pa-f"! are II1; oaspnr.ss cl I'.yr.c.:-. In then cotmii.ii it ha no eq'tal. and nn bneie v.-i'.l rrwe l Leller 5, antee nf it, merit, tMn a Imr-hv aHvernmeni. For Fen.al Com.il"1". i" y'i'a marritd nr smrrle. nt the r.wn ef wmianiK,Hi. n. lk. turn of life, the T'nic Pitfri drt-,y to dtnr.rj a ir.rlueuce lli-il a marked iinprovenier.t is socn pcrc lih'-. For Iaflitrnmatorr nl Chronic Rhe. luall.ni and tiont, Li.iou., Rciiiieent ar.:i l-. lllitir-.it Fevei-S PistTies cf lite IJnd, l.iver, Kurp, aid ItLnldcr. l!-o li lies hive no equal. Such b.3. eaie arecausct bv Vj:.n;d B oct. wli.tli 1. ..eiwi;, ni-rrlitc-d bv d. i-anreme- t cf iNe Diertle r--.n. They n're ntientle !ur5.ive vell ai Touli. rKwstv.nt a'w ibe "-f.i!iar mer.i .-i ac:;t a a powr:'i-l arr-.t ia r-:i--in- (.Wi-clici F'.ej.a. nation of i!e Lr a.id Viscwal Or3am.ard m E. .ioa Iir:isei. I'jr Sit ill Dleatcs, Eruriinn. Tcrtr, Rheum, Iti-ncnei, .hks Pnn.ic P.itu es. !t-..,s. Cai buncle, Kmc wnmis. Scald-Head. Sure tv. Krt sie'a-. Iith, Scuri. ici-.aiiii'1ni i:ietin. tli:m, and lliieaii ca the Sum. of nalcer iai.w w n.i::, are hteraliy mi up and cirrico cue or nie ys:cia in 1 siior! ti'rie bv im.- i:e of ibee Hitter, Ci ill ; fnl THnusniicW imcvm Vin.c. . Tirr-TR-i the miKsc w.i.!i--iliii I.iviofaal thai evvr susa.uci t!ii? sir.lin r svstct-.i. J VVALK.1 K P.....Y R. II. nenOX 11.D CO. Druezits and Gen. Sin Fnnci-co, Cal. aiidcor.iM Va lnnt;loii and CharitiMi ..; , Ne Vcrlt. SOU FY M.t. DKCISOIS l-S AND DE LE8i FOU ieli:i.!;.ui.u r. T ' Ir.-ii.it...n.I' fS"j""V3 by t. t: ;t; cn:nr and cl-v? if i . '-s.-rr-J--' !ii. ii .it io V..15 an-i-. a!. -ur:. ni i. fkvkk. cr.v;;;).;;: . Yi:i.r..w WAi;K. il.lAV'i---;. C"! ..!!.. I.H- -j. Ti-:.ii:-::5, rv.;:: -t. tt'; : x: k . rip, f.oSSot Ai'i'i.Iifr: AXI it i. t"-r.f tie wi.-dl, tl'e ri.jti f : i fvc !ai-.jt!i i ii :-:.:n ;icd pi I 1:01" To -.'per; or" C .vr : ! p-.-r . ; , ..-.. t i- J. jaCii:U CSptrjiir.. lit to li:- ir r t g vs, V tol) ina:..ity uf nul' a:i,l ; -i:n tatrir E W"JJ'', aR, 5TTCt. Ill fritt.-f tl.' Ct'l." S KivM 1t'm .in annrtitr. lo-in lltci: l.!.. s-j:il rii- b n a ii-jci ci'i-;. ti;.' f om r i'- JtZfC" ""u J lialf a nap. c it 'l or cn'irs-1- n-Ti ent- d. If tti'. ei j 3d ia tim-, re t:-hi p.i rDtiru iti i ... i.i.";;i. i'i: . R A I.T I M . K K . Md. l-i-t-n-i'l St'i-'l.-i r- rj t ;l I .kit-.l.ki ..i.'! -S..1 ii Ai.:. i:i.-i Fa- rat-1-v T- t'.l.'AiU St.ll ' A-' A LEGTU: -'" - V.1- I. or tn nil I Ua-'.i. r. ii I .. . . n t :l r : ii'i 'iii. ; i r ' il. .1 V,-:, i;ri- i .: u:i:.t..-. : "ii-ri.'.' : ? ; I -p-iy r.:i ! ! i. v -I. ('; e.n l ;.! : : a'-'e e . I ' I ' t.. .r .1 ..;;- nil ; . .1 . r- .:i v--. ;v ,!t,.t .1 I . in! n i c i m i -. a; o ;r :;:.:-i. p..ni- o .t a r.M! I'lllul I'V M .f :: .. . l c. r..i:u r..t 1 s;iti-r.iT. r.. nfiii. r 1 1t. it. It. 'se, ::rir cii'e I. -n i ci. i ?',v. t.ii:it..i;. vr;;; iiriTiii: A TO 'lilt.'CS A MM 1 : AN I SANDS. Sent under c.:. to anr a Mr---s, i-i nf so i:-l envelope, on li.e r;e-i t of -is c-ii i.r two psrae .t;nnts. Al-0 I'r. CiilTrrni'; 'M iiriaire tiu'do," tnice eeu:s. AJ-lr t!ie pu'.lii!.. i '. ciias. j. c. klim: & to.. Po.t Office It.u 4,--.J. I J7 i:oerv, S. 1 ' nr.r!7-lr New Tin and Stove li-ialilishni?.' lrriivil'r. Jtiiit'.tit Cuiin'j. I'i r y v; urderigi.cd has opened .m: a t ; Tin anij jj,,,, Establishment iu 'I.e m ' riijV; ' "a Railroad Street, next d ,er o the T,w ' .. . . . ... , , r.M a ll i.el. where ,e w..ii!1 .e j; e.i. 'J i " . , . , 1 . . i ail who are in want ot Tinware. Stun-', i . .. i i . lie wi;I also (r.ve proaipt nlteiii.cn h.in ' j tin for Rooting. Spouting and J.-i.hinj. . I "f KU'eh be ''''' V "i- ,: I be!" ''"""1 w,,rk...n-::ke. "r- "-"f-R had .iter tea yean -ip-w. ""i """u:' "e ' " ' I can-give em ire taritaci inn to ; j-n'--e. i lie kee; s on li.niii the celebrnt.-d Ni-" (.ink .love, v. !i ir .i is tte haier. s. ee.ui mieal and heavies' pliite.i st'iT? r. - Hie. Me will keep on hand .!;' ir'-'' t-a.e.s. n...l a 'eneril as-orrm.-ni ot .h? s,''f n.annf..rmr.l jdilN M'Ni'.AK Literature, Art aai S02? Is ibe . t,U,-i h ...k rvcr t-fft-re.l- cunibines the humor of aneril.ne. the wis' ,s r essay, the information of hM.'rt nd : rapby. ibe siveerness and grandeur, f f.'1.'- j 'he cxiinisi.e cli-u ni of music, ani 4-." t!' l.lilul illusir itiorn. "So'id reading for graver raoments : F:?1' I '''',n, P:c'ur,-S ' liwmiiie q"tct hotir:- I "T '"r Xb" c""'1''" ,: . I A" write., - Sold I.'7 cop;e"- week. Will sell 5(.i this r.it.mli ea'i'T. Our new tfrm nf rmir,ttinj ib-es : with obiections to .be business. l'ar.'trt',r" tve. A valuable nresent loeverV ni.vr--; ISTEKNVTION I. I'L' P. I.I - " I x P Cl)' and 05 Libeiitt SrErrr. New Yoik. Mav I. 187.'-10w C'OAL. l.umher. Fih. l, and ;l l:r ' of Mercl.iin.lisc for sale. I'b""10' ." Hark. Hailroa 1 Ties, all k .; !-" tlr"" See l, bought al the biirriot nittrket p' s,! e.ih or exchanged tr tuerel . ' 'i'""- ei lumber. &c.. lo suil customers I . pared to furnish lo builders I ill? lf . ju-t as wanted and on shut notice, " oak or yellow ptne lumber. NOAi! HERTZ;.--; Jan 1 Port Royal. Juniata Ce- 1 JOHNSTOWN F0U5DSY- THE umtersignt-d. manuf icmrer f JL ,,n l.r.r...l ll... r.LleiiUied tV I kinds of plowing, and in .! kinds of trll l ...I I .1 ...I.-.. PloW " " i ! Coun!y. "e manufactures ail kind i mjt. Hells, Stoves. tr. He will ! re:,Iers "n'' threshing machines. ' i cal1' or "Jress. . ! J-U-$r I aurr 13 lK,?..r Junial t Co-r I j.-f j LL K'NWSOF BUNK W'.iitK. .r a. au hi nil!. uul2e in lae oei i- C EASILY. t Io frice3. f I PvwCTvr-iifim,inTKaiii