. : : : : 14 : . - limtata Sentinel. MIFFLINTOWS- Wednesday Morniag, Sept. 11, 1372 ""-" F. SCHWEIER, 13. EDITOR t PROPRIETOR. EEPUBLICAW NOMIirATIOirS. FOR PBEfclliEXT. GENERAL U. S. GRANT. 01 IM.ISOIS. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, HON. HENRY WILSON, OF MASSACHUSETTS. FOR GOVERNOR. GEN. JOHN F.HARTRANFT, of iiohtuumekt coist. I FOR fl'PllKWE JUDGE, j HON. ULYSSES M E RCU R, OF MIA IIFOKII COIXTT. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, GEN. HARRISON ALLEN, OF XVAI1BKX COCXTY. FOR COIVGRKSS.MF.N ATl.AE'iR, TEN. LEMUEL TODD, of Cumberland. tir.N. IIAU1.ES ALBRIGHT, of Carbon. GLLNN1 W. SC0F1KLD, of Warren. Df LEGATES AT I.AUIVK TO THE CONSTI TUTION Al. CONVENTION. TVM. M. MEREDITH, Philadelphia. J. GILLINGIIAM ! ELL. Philadelphia Gen. HARRY WHITE. Indiana. On. WILLIAM LILLY. Carbon. LINN PARTIK ILOM ES', Schuylkill. H. N. M'ALISTKR. Centre. WM. II. ARMSTRONG, Lycoming. WILLI A VI DAVIS, Monroe. JAMES L. REYNOLDS. Lancaster. SAMUEL E. UIMM1C.K. Wayne. GK'IKGk V. LAWRENCE. Washington. DAVID N. WHITE. Alle6heny. W. H. A 1VEY, Lehigh. JOHN H. WALKER. Erie. FOR CONGRESS, Hon. JOHN B. PACKER, OF NOKTIIl MBKI1LANI) COCXTT. FOR ASSEMBLY, JOIIX W. M I'TUERSBAUGH, of jixiataVoixtt. i'klfgate to coxstitt tioxai. convention-, Dr. JOHN P STKRRETP, OF Jl'XIATA COL'.VTV. FOR I'ROTIIONOTARY. Lieut. ROBERT A. LAIRD, OF BEAI.K TOWNSHIP. FOR COMMISSIONER, DAVID CUNNINGHAM, Esq., OF M1LFORII TOWNSHIP. FOR AUDITOR, GEORGE W. WiLSOX, Esq. OP PATTERSON. G EO. P. ROWELL i CO, 40 Park Row, New York S. M. PETTENGILL & CO, 37 Park Row, N. Y, , , i Are our tale ngents in lhat city, and are au - thoriied to contract for advertising t our lowest rates. Advertiser? in that city are re quested to leave their favors with either of the above houses. The Issue in the Mate. 1 he Jorti American writes ot tlie issue in the State as follows : The October election is to decide whether ihe State government, as an en tirety, is to remain in the hands of Re publicans or be surrendered into the keeping of the Democratic party. It is to indicate something more than a pre ference for one set of candidates befoie a;.y other set, because iu such a contest nv re personal considerations sink into C' in; iratfve insignificance. The candi I'ai.-s fairly represent the principles of the parties whose standards they bear. The Democratic candidate for Governor exactly typifies the spirit of the Democ racy, which sympathized with rebellion, aud omitted nothing during the war that could embarrass the Federal and Slate governments. Publicly and privately, Mr. Buckalew went through that pei iod in our history protesting against every important war measure. His Democracy was the De- fnnrvi,v t( .T'jmoa TO iwli ,n,n otirl .Turn l a ti 1 ,-i 1 i mwh h. lilack, and it has not changed. lie still believes that the subjection of the south by force was uuconstitutionol He holds to the ultra State rights doc trines which made rebellion possible. His highest idea of patriotism is strict subservience to party behest. His devo tion to party is so profound that lie can not be better than his party. He has oc casionally shown symptoms of impulses flhnva tllA H.-mncr itii. ..-.. .1 .1 lit,, f ),..-r. - " -.... .....v. 1 11.11 , w u it lucre 1 0 symptoms have been promptly repressed. Under most favorable circumstances he cannot be expected to fawir an improve ment of the policy which had become chroidc with his party prior to its nation al downfall, and continues chronic with Lis party where it has jocal sway. The creation of the debt of this Com mon wealth was mainly toe work of tbe Democratic parly. 'Ihe reduction of that debt has been the work of the Re publican party. When the Republicans took the h-lm the debt was about forty millions. Had the war for national life not been forced upon the country by the Democratic parly, the debt would have been reduced very nearly one half, so that not more than twenty millions would remain to be paid to day. The policy of paying debts is. in a public sense, pe culiarly Republican. 1 he policy of con necting debts is as peculiarly Democrtic. Thus, iu an era of profound neace. th national debt rose from about thirty mil-1 a K lions in 1S27 to about sixty-five millions 1 in 18G0 That is to say, under the fi-J uancial policy of the administration of James Buchanan the debt of the nation rather more than doubled. In the eye of Mr. Buckalew Mr Buchanan was the embodiment of Democratic statesman ship. If jiermitted to . control State fi nances, he would probably take up Dem ocratic policy where Mr. Buchanan loft it. lie is au imitator, not an originator. He can only work after Democratic mod els. The people know wether they have ! had enough of that sort of financial man agementornot If they have not had enough of it they should vote for Mr. Buckalew. But if they have had enough fr to0 macx 0f it, they will vote for Hart Iranrt And it the people uvor tue employ ment of leg slative appropriations to fur j ther the political ambition of any man, , they should by all means vote for Mr ! i ii i iti. ai. : r. 1. j riucKalew. ir lie uiu urn. uarjraiii mi mc I support of a faction of the Republican party in hi management of the Mc 'lure- Gray Senatorial contest, then facta and : ami obvious indications no longer speak ! truth Kvery sane man knows that if the testimony in that case proved any thing, it proved that neither party was entitled to the seat, or that it belonged to Mr. Gray. Had Mr. Buckalew's com mi,tee remande1 the lLole eul'JVct ,0 the people ot tue airirici u wouiu nave ! escaped the suspicion, siuco rendered a f certainty, or a bargain one of the pros pective ends of which was the support of a Republican faction for the present can didacy of its chairman. Agin, if the people of this State re- I gard a man who used his position in the ! Seuate of of the United States to hinder I the prosecution of the war for the sup ! pression o( the rebellion, a safe man f r j Governor, they will tiud sueh a man in j Mr Buckalew. If the colored voters iu j the Slate prefer a man who voted to pre vent their becoming citizens, they will find such a man in Mr. Buckalew. If anybody wants a man whose record dur ing the darkest hour in the history of the Republic was so utterly bad as to re quire hourly defence at this time if any body is in search uf such a man, Mr. Buckalew is the very man Sought. But if the people prefer a man who has been steadily reducing the bu'den of State indebtedness, aud all but abolished taxation of productive industry for State purposes during the last six years, they will find such a man in General llart raiifc If the people prefer a mau whose rec rd du i:ig the w.tr is it- owu invul nerable defence, they will find such a man in Ge ier.il Ilart'rat-ft. He had no accidental interviews with rebel emissa ries ; and when he met such persons he sent them his compliment j iu the shape of t-hot and shell. There is no question about General Hai tranft's position from 1 Sf5 1 to 1SG5 nor since. If the people want a man who, while accepting place and pay under the Federal government, nut only cid not meanly teek to stab that government, but did openly assault its foes ; if the people want to honor : j euch a 1n,a" Ap ca" do l voti,u" or General Haitiauft, Aud we take no i ! particular risk when we predict tliat the people of Pniiisylvania will show that they prefer General Hartranft to Mr. Buckalew in Oc'ober. Uepulilicau Legislative Conference. The Republican Conferees of the Leg islative District composed of the counties of Juniata and Mifflin, met at Lewis town, Pa., on Thursday, Sept. 5th, at the office of Chas. A." .Marks Noah Ilerlzler, of Juniata county, was elected President, and R. M. Kinsloe, of Mifflin county. Secretary. The Conferees representing Juniata county were Noah Ilertzler, Cornelius McClellan and Solomon Books ; those representing MitUiu county were li. M Kinsloe and John A Campbell. On motion the conferees from Mifflin county were allowed to cast three votes. John W. Mutheisbaugh, of Juniata, Mid Alexander ltci-d, uf Miflliu, were nominated as candidates. On motion a ballot was taken which reeulted as follows : Muihersbaugh 3 llecd 3 There being no choice, the Conference proceeded to second ballot, with the fol- lowing result : ... Muthersbau!rh C Ou motiou these proceedings were or- deredo be published in the Republican papere of the District. Conference then ou motion adjourned sine d e NOAH IIKRTZLKR, Pres't. I. M Ki.L(ik, .'-ect'y. The Louisville straight-out Pemocrat ic National Convention met last week. 1 . . , 4nH linmlnaliJ I 1... J I . ' .. f York, for the Presidency, notwithstaud- ing he refused to be a candidate. John Quiucy Adams of Massachusetts agreed to accept the nomination for the Vice Presidency, provided MrO'Conner would stand for the Presidency. Thus the Couveution disposed of the. business and adjourned sine tlie. TnotrGH tbe straight outs of the Lonis- ville Convention have not imparted much enthusiasm into their rauks, the policy Democrats do not like the movement. and watch it closely . . . Judob Dknt of Washington, caned the editor of the Capitol, and was fined one hundred dollars and the cost of pros- j ecution, by the police court. Thb supposed murderer of Nathan was arrested at Washington, on the 8lh inst , aud taken to New York city. Da Schceppe, whose second trial came off ' kr,'e last week, was ac- 1ultted j Egypt and Abyssinia seem to be ou the eve of a war. - Republican Conference. Pursuant to appointment the Eepubli can Conference to nominate Delegates to the Constitutional Convention, met at Tyrone, on Fridav, Septem er 6. 1872 The Conference was organized by the election of Gen. T. F. McCoy, of Miffliu county. President, and S. 1) Gray, of Centre county, Secretary. The follow ing named gentlemen composed the Con ventiou : Centre John G. Johnson, William Shnrtlidge and S. D Gray. Huntingdon G. W Johnston, D. U Orladv and John W Mat tern. .Mifflin Gen. T. F. McCoy, J. R Gatver and (r J. CuJbertson Juniata .lames J. 1'atterson, Michael Ioffuian and John Bilsbach. Huntingdon county presented the name of Dr. John McCuIlough. Centre county preseuted the name of A O Turst. M fflin county presented the name of D. W. Woods, Esq. Juniata county preseuted the name of Dr John P. Sterrett. Five ballots were had without result, each candidate having 3 voles. On motion the Conference then pro ceeded to vote for both candidates at once, with the following result : McCuIlough 8 Sterrett 8 Woods 4 Turst 4 On motiou the nomination of Pr John McCuIlough, of Huntingdon, and Dr. John P. Sterrett, of Juniata, was made unanimous On motion the proceedings wer3 or- deted to be published iu the Republican papers of the District, after whi.h the Conference adjourned mVe die. T. F. McCOY, Pres't. S. D. Gray. Secfy m mm 4 Boy Convicted or Mnrdcr iu the First Degree A Heuiarkalile Criniiual. Poitsvillk, Si-pt. 7. This morning in the crimiual court of Schuylkill couuty in the trial of Joseph Brown, a boy eighteen years of age, for the murder, in February last, iu Washington township, this county, of Daniel S Kramer, a wealthy farmer, aud his aged wife, the jury brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree. The tr'al commenced on Tuesday of last week, aud has con tinued ten days, during which time vol uminous evidence of a circumstantial character has been adduced, aud was ot such a straight-forward aud connected nature that the jury required but little time iu making up their mind, having been out of the box but fifty minutes During the entire trial the prisouer ma utaiued the utmost indifference, and appeared to be totally oblivious to what was going on around him ; and after the verdict had been rendered he assumed an air of braggadocia that could hardly be inusined by env who did not witness bis stolid indifference, Mis counsel moved an arre.t of judgement aud for a new trial, and Jadge Green granted his counsel until Wednesday next iu which to show cause, and appointed Saturday next as the day for argument 'ihe case has elicited the attention of the en tire community from the day of the com mission of his most heinous crime, and the verdict is received with entire satis faction by all. Shonld l!rowu be hnng, it will be the second man hung in Schuyl kill county, the first being a negro, who was hung at Orwisbmg, iu 1S43. An Attempt to lynch a Murderer, and Then bet lire to tlie town CuiCAon, Sept. 7 On Thursday night 0. J. Dieff.-iibacher, shot and kill ed a m iu named Melsted, at Virginia, Cass county. Last night a mob attacked the jail iu Beardstown, where Dieffen bacher was confined, with the avowed purpose of banging him. The jail was well guarded, and the mob was repulsed. and for revenge the outlaws set fire to the town, and before the flames could be extinguished, an entire block of the best buildings iu the place was destroyed The excitement iu the village is intense and more trouble anticipated. Among the Icebergs. New Bkdfokd, Mass. S' pt. 3. A letter has been received here announcing the loss of the whaling bark Millwood, Captain Milness, of this port, which was forced on shore by the ice at Black Lead Island, Cumberland inlet, November 13 The oil was saved. The crew was taken on board another vessel. Whale fishing iu the inlet was reported as having been unprofitable during last feasor. - Brought to Book. WiLMAMSlHiKT, Sept 8 The trial of the July rioters, which has occupied the Court of Quarter Sessions for a full week ended yesterday, and a verdict of cou- viction was returned against twenty one of the defendants, including Bermiug ham, Greevy, W hi I ton and Blake, who were charged with being the leaders. Judge Gamble will pass sentence on the 13th inst. A Uhastiy Relic of the'.Houutaiu Meadow" Massacre. Salt Lake City. Sept 7. It is as serted positively by persons who claim to have seen it, that a certain person in this territory has in his possession a "lariat," or rope, used for tethering horses, made from the hair of woman slaughtered at "Mountain Meadow."An effort will be made by the citizens to get possession of it. Painful Death. San Francisco. Sept. 6. B Drew, a native of New Hampshire, and an old resident of this State, died to-day from the effects of a cancer produced by a friend pinching his arm eighteen months ago. lie had submitted to three ampu talious without avail. A SADSTOET JJt - ?:rriT,J N.r.TL.tty. orge W. How j .rd.ofBome..I,.u.o- """"J husband died suddenly, showing symp as the gentleman who was married at poii(,ned. Last Sharon Sprtng. on Wednesday last and rr A was ,aken gick was on his way to ytsit a brother ,ike mam,er to uu father, and in an Pawtucket. R I when he lost h.s bnde , a of a day by the late Met.s d.saster. The , A next morning what was suppled to be J- Lin). weIlt to Mr9. Jane his wife s body was found and ,t was takig Mre repoiUd in these columns that her Inner- j a pow. al would take place at Sharon Springs. , complHined The initials "N. A" were the same as .n. .tomach. and died nn Lis wife's rmiE'thourh it was of a' different pattern, yet he did not feel posi tive that it was his wife. Being nearly exhausted himself, and not iu a con ditiou to think much about it, be con cluded it must be' her. AccorJinely a coffin was procured at Stotiington, aud he started Saturday morning for the home of his loved oue. He arrived there Saturday evening with what he suppos ed was the remains of his wife, but, on opening the coffin at the residence of his wife's parents, they discovered at once that it was not their daughter. The cene that followed can be butter imag ined than described. The afflicted hus band at oncn returned to Stonington, and forwarded the corpse by express When he arrived he found another man search ing for the body he had supposed was his wife. In the meantime, his friends in Pawtucket had heard of the lady who was picked up by the Fchooner A. B. Belden aud brought to Newport, and had telegraphed to the undertaker for a des cription. which he gave, and at the sacie , time had a photograph taken and sent also. This convinced them lhat the body which has been in Newport since Friday night was no other than the wife of Mr. Howard. He, in company with his brother, arrived there Monday m irn- ing, and at once indeutified her The scene that followed beggars description As the husband gazed upon the remains of his beloved he was deeply affected, as were all present. The body was takeu away on the boat, via Wiekford, and -will be taken at ouce to K ui--, N. Y. Sho was twenty-eight years of age, and bears a striking resemblance to the wo man the husband had supposed was his wife. Mr. llo varj states that the coat found upon her was placed there by him self to keep her warm, and that a mo ment after they were washed from the Metis, and all his exeitions to save her were fruitless. It is a sad story, proo ably the most heart-rending one that can be told df the terrible disaster " Shocking Tragedy. CoLI'mucs, O., August o0 - A shock- ing tragedy occurred this morning near i ooj a Grove City, a village in this county. J o J About nine years ago, a Kar,o, a,u.d , m:..i I -- :,! ....!.. t'i iciiaei .iou uiaiiitM a woi:ih:i iieanj forty years of age who owned a firm, stock and implements, liming the last three years Mouis was dissipated, and on j account of the extreme cruelty and the squandering of her property Mrs M mix j near Independence, Ohio, on the Lake recently petitioned for a divorce, and her; Krie division of the Baltimore and Ohio husband promised to leave her iu quiet ; railroad, between an excursion train re possession of her property. Subsequent ; turning from the Sate fair at Mansfield, ly Monix went to. his wife's hote arid j aud the regular north bound express threatened to shoot her if she would not train, resulting in the death of four per live with him. He was arrested on a sons aud wnundh.g twenty-eight others. peace warrant, but gave bail, and was liberated Yesterday he proceeded to the house of F. M Story, where his wife had taken refuge, and shot her three times with a revolver, and then placing the muzzle of the weapon in his mouth, shot himself and died immediately. Mrs. Monix is so terribly wounded that she cannot recover. Death From a Spider's Bite. Ou last Thursday night a death oc curred at Braddock's Field, the result of h remarkably trifling affair the bite of a spider. The circumstances of this pe culiar case re as follows : On the 2 id of August, Robert Buhner, a boy twelve years of age, whose parents reside at Hraddoek's Fields, was bitten by a large black spider The injury at first seem ed but slight, and no fear was entertain ed that it would prove fatal But on last Weduesday morning young Bnlmer commenced to suffer terribly, and at the same time to sweat profusely. lie con tinued to suffer until about nine o'clock ou Thursday night, when he was reliev ed by death. I'iltshurg Gazette Well Merited Pnulshnieut of Desperadoes. M ONTO OA! K R V. Sent .1 A iwi:.l dispatch to the Alcet,s,r, from Florence I says three men were taken from the jail thereto-day and hanged by an armed mob Tom Clarke, the chief victim, had ! been loader of a gang of outlaws since j tlie war. and lias murdered twenty differ ! ent men in a cruel manner, but always avoided arrest. Till now the other two victims were professional traveling bur glars, and had been robbing in Athens. Ala., I ulaski, Tenn ,' and other cities. There is no information as to who did the hanging. Outrage Upon Senator Weakley. Carlisle. Sept 5 J. M. Weakley, Esq., State Senator, was assaulted on the street, at Carlisle, last evening, by Brady t'harpe, a prominent lawyer of the place, who knocked him down and ju mped on him Cause an article re lating to SharrieT appearing in the piper that Mr. Weakh-y is interested in. Mr. Weakly is in a critical condition. itf Execution at Buffalo. Buffalo, N. y., Sept. 6 Patrick Morrisey was hong at noon to-day for j murdering hij mother on the 19th of June. Jlorrissey died penitent. I Five Persons Poisoned by a Woman. St Paul, Angust 31 Mrs- Charles! U. been aarested at Trimble. - :r.,w,,. J 11 . ' - T - ,-. , in a tew minutes j-ai wrc Garland, ulso a neighbor, dii-d un !er tbe same circumstances as the above named Mrs Lamb was cooking for him during harvest, and after driuking a cup of tea prepared by her he waa taken with se vere pains aud ''died soon after. The stomach of Mr Garlaud has been sent to Dr Hay, at Hudson, to b3 analyzed and it is said poison was found. The bodies of the other victims have been disinterred and the stomichs are in tbe hands of the doctor for analysis. Mrs Lamb's house was searched, and gtrych nine a'id arsenic were found- Her ex amination, take place on September 5lh . . m Spirtualinisin is cheap iu springfii-ld, Mass. Last Suuday a person could ob tain there for the small sum of ten cents a discussion of one hour on the theolog ical aspects of the subject and communi cations I'd I n't um from the spiiit world. Not only that but the discussion coutain ed a deal of curious information. For instance the audience was iuformed that the Druids believed in immortality 5,000 years before the time of Moses, and that spirits have been known to eat applea with au apparent relish. After the dis enssion there was much moral and hy gienic instruction obtained through a medium in a trane Fatal Duel Between Females. Criv op Mtxico, Sept. 1. Two wo men at the Capital iu love with a ser geant iu the army, and who"7 were jealous with each other, fought a duel One was armed with an ordit.ary dagger and the other with a dagger made from a horn. The duel was fought according to the rules of the code, wi.h ot'ier women fir seconds. The wumin armed witli the horn dagger killed her antago nist, and was, v,i:h the second', arrested. Schooner Wrecked Siue Lives Lost. New York, Sept. 6 Information has been received in this city of the loss of the schooner Emily Gorham, wiih all hinds. Cattetnwu, 1'rince Edward's Is ' land, August 31. There were nine lives i in ail lost. There was a tprrihlt pmIp , , r ., . ., . , . blowing from the northwest on the night , ., . , ,. nt too nmi'tr ft lull tu. wi.ru ruf.ft-r- , .,. v,.Me, WM 0ncd ,Ior J i d:mnt. .Sr t'lOi-tiMni. nf 1I114 rilv Terrible Accident to au Excursion train, M.wsi ielu, September 5. A collis- ion occurred at eleven o'clock to-nij lit ilfiu 3Mrcrtisfmn$ts. ORPHANS1 COURT SALE. PURSUANT to a pluries order issue! out of tbe Oi ili;ui-i' Uoun of Juniata conii'v, ihe undersigned, nppointed Trustee to sell th real estate of George .McConnell. bite of Lack town-hip. Juniata county, dee d, will si ll ai public outcry, on the premises, at one o'clock l M . on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th, 1872, A Tract of Land, situate in Lick township. Juniata county, l'a., bounded by In nils of G. W. Kiewart, Heirs of Elmheth Collins, Jos Robinson. John II. Groy, Henry Long, and others, containing THREE HUNDRED AND TEN ACRES'. more or less, nboui to-titrds of which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and ihe bil.inee well set with choice while oak and chestnut oak timber. The improve ments are a TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, Waion Shed aud Torn Crib, Wood House, Carriage Ifouse. Well of water, with pump, at the door ; also, a large Orchard of grafted Applet re. ,V c. TEK.MS OF SALE : So much of the pur chase money as will be necessary to pay ex peuses to be pid on confirm iien of xnle bv the Court ; $4.KX on the first of .April, 1873. when Deed will be delivered and posesion given ; the balance April 1st, 187d, with in terest from Apnl 1 t, 173, to be .nil annu ally. The purchaser to pay the taxes for ZttZJZV'" J- M. MORRISON, TruHee. . P'4:..2ri" 4 I VI) lYPTCpITC f. pft A JlOjV O 41 LU., . Jlnrkct Street, PHILADELPHIA. We have opened for the FALL TRADE, the largest and best assorted Stock of PHILADELPHIA CABP2T3, Table, Smir and Floor Oil Cloths, in. dnw Shades and Paper, Cat pet Chain Cotton, Yarn, Batting, Wailfline, Twines. Hicks, Clocks, Looking Glasses, Fancy Baskets. Uruoms Baskeio, Buckets, Brushes, Clothes Wiingers, Wooden and Willow Ware, IS THE UNITED STATES. Our large increase in business enables ns to sell at low prices and furnish tbe best quality of Goods. Sil.8 AORXTS FOR TUB CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER, Price $3.i50. THE MOST PEKfKCT AND SL't CRSSFCL WA8HKR KVCK MADE. AGENTS W A XT ED FOR THE ASIERl CAX WAtJIES in all part, of the State. sepl-Smog AU kinds of Job Work neatly executed. FBANCISCUS .--'hardware compam, lM StTCrt, OPPOSlte CODlt Yaifl, ITIiffliiilown, o Pa. From 15 to 20 percent, of yonr MONEY IS SAVED by buying your Hardware at FRATVCISCUS'. To our town and country friends CARRIAGE MAKERS. WAGON MAKERS. BLACKSMITHS, SHOEMAKERS, BUILDERS, i' i iu h i i i h r.iii. UNDERTAKERS, GUNSMITHS, MECHANICS, MERCHANTS, To you all we are offering tbe best selected nn.l most complete assortment of Hardware to ne lounu in au.y i-i.it3 , i ; 'I ... ll..rJ.rr Slur OwiTi" to the fact that we luy toct for Three Large llovtu direct from Ihe Mnufae - frr. we are thus enabled lo tell at Eastern prioes. Carriage Makers, Wagon Half h, and Blacksmiths, To you we offer, st Greatly Reiuted rrier, Spokes, Hubs, Felloes. Poles, Shafts, Sulky Felloes, Sulky Shafts, Sin"le and lioubie Trees, bearing, single ana double leach. " COP lies Wheels m Vie maritil na afegr 1 aienl tvicti uitray un numi. tsu Iron, Steel, lire, blis'er. toe and east ; Horse Shoes. Horse Ntiils, Nail Hods, Vices, Anvils. Bellows, Springs Ailes, Fifth Wheels &c , &o. SHOEMAKERS, ando ji I'.'it oiiality of RED NK.E LBA - T 1 1 if K at 31 to SSc per lb. first brands of t'Kfi.NCil CALF SKINS from $1 51 t $ p. r lb. LININGS from 85c to $U'U. Uur slock embraces lir.il nn I fak S"le Leather, j Fntic1' and ('i un'r Uilf Skins, j ller, Ki) s. Biwliiits, a-i'l j Lining of all Valors. La.it, Boot Trees, Jiarjo. "s Tireml. j and all Tools used by fnst-;l i:-s shot-linkers, j BUILDERS AND PAINTERS, f You will SAVE much .MONEY by buying from us your AMl.S. LOCKS, LATCHES, UUTTS. IIIXOKS, SCREWS, Paints, Oils. Turpentine, Taints all colors, dry and in oil ; Japan Varnishes, Glass and Putty, IjCSr3 Lewis S White IjCwI, the lest in Ihe market. Birn Door Ilanirers, Ridlersar.d Rails, Strap Hinges, heavy and lih', fro-n -I lo :0 inches in length. Our slock of jour hardware iiiiteri.il luis bi'Dii enlarged, nn I h:is reicUetl :i s"a e nf perfection. Ti-e prices h;iT.? been reJ;tcei to sucb low figures a lo proliibii nnjr all from tiiiying abron-1. solicited. GniLsinitlis, Hnntsrs, Sgortaa, Sc., V lae just reC'iive-l a. l-uge assrime:it of Kifle.ut Single :ntl Double Guns, I.PToWers. lsoU, ,Vc . Gui-nMkerH' M Verinl,, SLo Touches Powder F!ak, Cartridge. Cips, SLiot lowdcr, &c. To COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Especially, do we offer lar meats We are i.repared to sell ou all kinds of Hardware at K'tra J'riees. Every class of g icds will be found ihe be't, an I our friers will only be a guarantee, of your future pa tronage. W'e make Lamps and Lamp ware a specialty Uefore pu chasing elsewhere obtain and compare our prices. Franrisrns Hard ware Co. Main Street, MiffiLtowri. Sept II, 1372-!y Public Examinations. rI HE Public Eliminations of Teachers for I - the present school year will be held as follows : j Delaware and Thompsontown. Wednesday. I Sept. 1 1 tli in the school houtc at Thon.psou town. Walkir. Thurs lay, Sept. lJih. in ihe school .house at Mexico. Fermanagh and Mifilintown, Frid iy, Sept. I3th. in the school house ai Mititintown. Milford, .Mouday, 3ept Kith, at . Locust Grove school bouse Lack, Wednesday Sept IStb, at Lick school house. Tusoarora, Thursday, Sopt. ltili at Mo Cuysville schsol house. Ueale. Frid iy, Sep;. 20ih, at Johnstown school house. Turbctt and Perrysville. Monday, Sept. 2."d at Port Royal school house Spruce Hill, Tuesday, Sept. 21th, at Spruce Hili school bouse. Patters.-n, Wednesday, S-pt. 2otb, at Pat terson SiJDOoi uouse. raye.Le. mnwiy, uet. 1st, at M Alistcr ! Is the co-.-! ao.l b-st article in themir villc scuool hou.e. k,.t for EInf ,n? Clothes. The genuine l, n .Monroe. Wednesday, Oct. 2d, at Richfield both Kariow a and VMlibcrer's nam- on t:. school bouse. Uha anJ is , , t W.liberger-s Dr-u husouehanna. Tiiursd.y. Oct. 3rd at Pros- Store xl. i . u.,.. fri ii j eciiooi uouse. OreenwooU, tnday, Oct. 1th, at Will's school house. The examinations will beirin at 0 oVtoek A. M. Annliennr f. it u t .1 ... . . t : .. L I --I'l i.i ., ,, i, mils, lie punctual, provided, when unknown to the Superintendent, with certificates of good . Y . ' Z '"J"""' w"" wr"ln? ninicnals. The branches nnnir..! K ,1.. . .. , ,. --I --- j law are orthoitraphv. readme, wntinir . , ,. - - ' . e- e pliy, t.nglish grammar, mental and written arithmetic, history of the United States, and the theory of teaching. The examinations will be partially oral and pirtinlly written. School Directors and friends of education are very respectfully invite, 1 to be present. 1AVID E. ROI5ISON. County Sup't. B GREAT" REDUCTION " 1.1 TBk PRICES OF TEETH! Full Upper or Lower Sets as Low as $5.00. No teeth allowed lo leave tbe office unless the patient is satisfied. Teeth remodeled and repaired Teeth filled to last for life. Toothache stopped in five minutes without extracting ihe tooth. lental work done for persons without them leaving their homes, if desired. Electricity used in be exttaction of teeth. rendeting it almost a painless operation, (no extra charge) at Ihe Dental Office of G. L.' Derr, established in Mifilintown in 18t0. ! G. L. DERR, Practical Dentist. Jen 24. 1872-ly CAUTIOJT trefn.r T CU,'0,"J T" trespssing by bunting, or in any other ; way, on tbe farm on which I reside iu Fer managh township. All persons offending will be dealt with o the full extent, of the l4w- WILSON ROBISOS. B!.ATCIILEY' IMI ROrEF, g : Cucumber "W:od e. 2 Tasteless. Durahle. Eifi 7, and L'Le.p. The ben fUB' for lilt lftt.st nn nai, ... ' 2tion U especially "in.uV" frj;..atehley"s Piem I.npro,i S Bracket nan New Dr,.p ,., . a Valve, which can h- di awn wiilmnt removing Diiinn or disl urban? 1 1,. VJZm.1 t V , i --JVUOJ. wbicli never crack or sca'c. an 1 w,l outhM' i any ot:n-r. tor sale oy ueii.rt everji,ere k?CnI IOr l. IMIIOgUB WU'l A iH.-r-l.13I. C'Ks- O. ' LAenur. ManufieiV, i.DO t'om:ne:ce St , I'ii.I.J sept ll-!y PsEioy!2!iia Military Acsiojy. At Clieslw, LVlawaro Coumy. V. (l orrtji. dent Cadets only.) The tk-emb anuu ,1 sts. sion commences Wo lnesd-iy. Sej,!. 1. xaor. oiizu litsrrnciioii iu .mi r.ni;in Tirt. it. Tin Classics an 1 Eeglih is imparted by Heit roint graonaics anu o ner enipe:eiit jt fessors. Circulars may be obtia?.l of Col 1 1I EO. HYATT, 1'rtsi. P. M. A. EATC5 IEMALE IKSUT.UTE, On I'bil iila & Bull. Cnirl U U., Krur.eu . . ..i f . r n ; ouare. uuc-ier tv., ., wci.- an me n. docemenls that constitute home in ei.iineC. 1 tion with a thorough English Education. t ; $148 piT school year. No evnn ex-ept fr instruction in iax. .music, uiun, nencii Girman, IVinting and Drwinp. K;ett-Tn teachers, prail Mies of our be-t New Knglm l schools. baTe been employed f.r setral yeirs. Inquire of EVAN T. SW'WSE SALLIE W. S A" AVNE, Principals. ri ORDESTOtf J (H. J.! rcnUEfOLlicE ) Thorough instruction, iltrtlilifut and beautiful ioeiiif.n. t'u; of the most careful. ly conuucie oc '"iwi j in the Slate. For terms, etc., address Rtt. ! JOHN II- BRAKELEY. l'h.I. i . . . - ADVERTISING AT 10W RATES ! ! Far $70 per Inch per Tlnth, we wilt inert an adven isemeiit. in 129 First-flan Papers in IVnti'Tlrin'm. I ii en' nn n phuonon t . CEO F. ROWELL fc CO . Id. trrlklng l?ents, 41 Park Ro, S X. CAMPAIGN GOODS FOR 1372. ! Aents wanted r-r nr tipn evi. rii at Sight. Pay 100 per cent, praflt- N..r . is ihe nine. M'u.l al once tor l'e-cr:pt.w Ciicul .rs. and IVice LiMs of our Kmc fiol ! Engravings of all the Candidates. Cnipi?n Itu.graplnes. Chans. 1'botog rnphs. I.a.lts Pins, Flags ' evi r thing suited to the times. Ttn Ioll rs per dassily nnd Full sample sew for Si. Ad-fress AIooek S (ioooseKKi) -m Part Row, New York. AllENTS Waxtko for rhainbrrlin's reat Campaisn Boob, l iik STRUGGLE OF '72 ; A Aorefry in I'nlilieiil anil 1 oyular i.ittramre. j Graph if History of the Republican and Democratic Parties ; racy sketch of tbe so- called Libera! Kcpuldican Party ; an inrile viev ot ihe Cincinnati Convention. The mi nor tickeis or fJe .Vr ol Ihe campaign. The finest lilustrattd I'o-k Published. A lli.ok w anlid by every American citizen To se-'ure ierrit,,rv at ooee. send 1 fr mitfit. UNION Pl'BLlSHINt; CO.. Cnicago, Poi'a , Pa., ur Springfield. Mass POLITICAL Of nil Mud'. FIRKWORKS. FLAGS. I.ANTF.KNS, np.t Hts u vi::r, r.Mi iiKils e. V-.y Ace. J;jSE!iI 15. I'lIJllV, 3! anil 31 .Mniden .;ine. I"..t:blislicil IWIiJ. M 'V VOSIi. .! A SUtlKtCRK f.r ll is distreiiin co ; plaint is uow made known in a Treat l- f ! -li1 oetavo page-) on Foreign anil N;utve il'r- bal' Pi eparaiio.i. publihelby !r tl. Tim. I'iiovtn The prefcri prion was discovered liy ! h:ia in pitch a providert a) manner lhat lie j cannot coii'eietilioti-'ly refuse to rik il known, as ir has cured everybody wiio lia ' used it for Kits, never having f nle I in "in ! gle ca.-e The ingredient may be obiaiiie.1 from any uropgisi. A copy sent free lo .i : l'pHent by mail. Address Dr. I). p!in.r I ''""'" i'nd .t.. Jersey City, N .1. EICKLER'S RECIPES FOR LIQUORS Contain ihe latest improved instructions fir nixing l'liaiulies. Whiskeys. Kmis, ijins, Rnters, Vaney Cordials, Fruit Svrnps. Itay Rum, &c., ."fee. (io one in the liipior business cm afford lodo wiihuut liiem. A.-k lor ihe.a and examine them at ihe biM)k-?-tori.s. le livered by mail, on receipt of $2. by si nr BAt ti Jit .'Mii.l.h.H. N. W. cor. "land Callowniil S.s , Pliiladciphia, Pa. Index aud banip' sheets sent free. .lOtblng like it in medicine. A luxury t. the paiaie. a painless e acuant a gentle s'.iin ulant to the circulation, a perspiratory pre at ai ion, an anli- bilious medicine stomach ic, a diuretic and an admirable general alter ative. Such are the acknowledged and daily pi-oven properties of T.MiRvxr's Errtstis eE!tr Ski.tzkk Apekiext. SOLD BY ALL DRrOC.ISTj". BARLOW'S TNiiTRn PT.TTTJ. pbia D pin. I. S. W I LI" BE RUE IS, P.-onrictor. r or sale by Druggists and Grocers. case of IJlin 1. Ciee!- jhing or Ulcerated lhat Dr. Hisu's Pii 1 Kemeot fails toenre. It is prepared ctpreM- i-. .u r. . . . ' ij cure 1 ue rues, an-l noimng tlse. I.. .11 n r . .. ,J.- " f ai-;ie. I rice, l.ei. - - AGENTS W ANTE 1. Agents milce nior money at work for ns than at anything else. Business light and permantnt. Par ticulars free. G. Sti.xsos & Co., Fi -!' Fubluhtrs, Portland. Maine. Sprcial JJoticrs. TI1K GREAT IM-COVERY. KunkeFs Bitter Wine of Iron. KUNKEL'S BITTElt WIXE OF IKON will effectually cure all diseases arising fiom disordered liver and s'oinach. nucb as con stipation, flatulence, inward piles, fullness "f blood to Ihe bead, acidity of tbe sloroacli. nausea, heartburn, disgust for food, fullness or weight in the stomach, sinking or flutter ing al tbe pit of the stomach, swimming at the head, hurried or difficult breathing, tltit tering at the heart, choking or sutfcating sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of ision. &c. Prioe Si. per bottle. E. F, Kunk'i. proprietor 201) North Ninth street below Vine, Pbilade phia. Ask for Kunkel Bitter Wine of Iron, and take no other. If your druggist has it not. send $1. to my ad dress, and tbe medicine, with free advice. ! b. sent lo you at once ; direct ( Feb28 72-bin as above- ALL KIXDSOF BUNK WORK, &c .don at this Office in the neatest manner ts-l &t low prices. mm i i 8 y 1 1