75 gun stt raUru't. lMEUS'IED Vt 1843. j?1..;ta:'j IviKT 5Tt.tICAT McR.11.10, Fnl'-"-8'' orP'1l!''e tBe Fellows' Hall. AIIFFIIXTOtt X. PA lire Jrai.tTA Ssstixil is published every WeJneJaJ morning at $1,60 a year, in ad. tr.oe: of 5--w la if not paid prmp!l7 ia 1 " So subscriptions dig tuniinutJ unlit .1:1 arret rngcs r.re paid, unless the option of tllB rtjh:is'!r- VJiisiacss (Tares. T QL'Jd K. ATKINSON, j li i A.itoiiioy at 3UaAv, MIFFLINTO'YN. PA. j r.-,-','frring and Conveyancing promptly ! tirciii?' e. I 06r on B rid -re street, opposite the Court j lijuse Sq-iare. 3 or.i:ar McMf.en. ATTOIiXEV AT LAW, j MIFFI.INTOWN. r.V. ! (iilc:"n bridge street, in the room .irmcrlj I occupifi t.y I'rra i. Pat! er. F.q. i s J.OCPF.N. MUTLINTOWN. PA.. oiiVi? li is srvv.r'S !o il. oit-xns of Jnni t' ! J'l-'i' v '- Ain ' u.iia'ffr :ml Vonrtup Crier. Cii!"2C, ' '-j I4.-. l'-l:rs. S-'.i-ifa-c 0 Yf.S! o vi: J I H. H. SNYDER. Ferrysyille, Pa , T. n.itrs his. service to the cii if pus "f .luri i nil 1 a ii.iiiiiiir onirics, as Auctioneer. .' :r::- -v v;.: I 1'. U. inld.--s, I'oi I Jur.nrs Co , TJvh 7. "2-1 j Tu dTo7 1 J, i Uit. 1'. 5W : l-r r.vi rr.i',-.''N. ri'.NN .v. Mir Fi.lN i;8 N, V A. '' "r- S A M tr. S 1'. M. tl!i;.c in PeJl-'i' l'i:iMiii. two iloors iiii(e iliVj ..'.'.:! :., Ilr. lpe ll .-ot. i.itjt lS-(f 3.1, 1! i A !i KK. lti.v.t.i irt'ni?.! :n ti.e l:nriti:h tf Tln'ip'jii-: ti, T! - itj p .tt.s!ori-ii M'rvii.'.! to tit-; c:t:2' ul 'iiat place vio'l.itr. ', ti;:ci !ii tLf tvuiu rivti'ly occupied j , It. utj;. J iittc I:.'. "72-tf H-itt.-K'srvliii li t U: J 1 -CI" .Ji t'. .I M. i.. t iitC .-i! .7'-:. . t.ii.i : v. i"ti''f uii r'i...... in'.SlflAN Js SriuiK'.N v ii;. in -tli hi rr.ui! j.j i'. ..:i.,i.;i' v,. vict II s 1.1 t I'M 't' it. ii. emir-son Tn-i- !; f-.... nC 'li-.--.T--. ii ;i l IT-'Iij .llf 1:1 autied s foHo: l t.tiiee in l.tvcrp.wi l-ii.. etcrT S m'itim MONDAY f.p- .-ituiin. nt.i cn:i ic L.sdc lor otiit.- tiays. i'C.:!; .... t a.1 dress Ml. i!. A. .SIMiVON". jec 7 l.iv.-rj ool. l'l'iiy ".. I'a. ' attention! I ..V'li ATTS imisi r..occt annmtn- lie is pi epared t !nr.,i:i 7? ii nr. wATinTirD .1'. i i,u t-L..- ,st;m;. ;ais St., M:rn.iN. iioi -.'.-it ! iLijfi:,j!:i i:r. m'atk normal; 1 SCHMOI. A.M. pLijfi:.!'!:! isr. m'atk nok.mal; l) S;I!i)OL a.m. ; Literary a.i Coaaiereial Institute. Tlss Fa!ty of '.his Instimti a aim to he ; tery liiurouu in llieir iostruciion, snd ic l ". earefuiW af:er the manners, health and ; m irils of ttte studeuis. JfiiT" Apjdv for c.-ital'igne to " 11 KN ii Y CAKVIId. A. M.. Sell ,-fi. T -u T I Pi incipal. 5 ST W JJ eB J 1 i ! IX rKKRYSVILLK. ! ,. ! ' ! 1A.R. J. J. APPl.F.U AUOIl lias -stadl-cdc i : A.J Drug and Prescription Stove in the j a'jove-a.imed plsce. nod keeps a eiicrsl s j rurun.'M -if ' I A'lSn til other articles usually kepi in cstah li'liurnls of this kind. Pure Wine? ana Liquors for medicinal pur pnAes, l.':i:rirs. Tobacco, Stationery, 4oulec iUb', , hrsi-cla'S). Notions, etc.. eic. tf"1 lie Dooior ives advice free VYALL PAPER. Haliy to the Place riiere yon can tuy j yjur vvau i-aper caeap. rrHr. undersigned tnkce ihis method of in A formiiij; the public that he has just re f'iveil m bis residence on Third Street, Mif li.aiown, a lirpe aBMi-tmetit of AV.VI.I PAPER, "! raiidus styles which he offers for sale 4'HEAPKi: than enn l,e p-atclmsci elsewhere ia the c, unity. All persons in need of the at-ovc urtiole. and wishing .o save money, are otiiej to call and eximine his stooit and fcrar bi prices betore g'dng elsewhere. l.Largc supply conslam'y on band. SIMON Ii.VSOM. . Miffiir-town. April 5, 1872-tf ' "UKST tliJAKS IN TOWN J AT Koliohangh's Saloon. Twofi,r 5 cents. Also, the Fre-hesl Lager, the Larc?9i. Oysters, tb0 Sweetest Cider, ihe Finest Domestic Wines, and, in snort, any thing yoa may wiah in Ibe EATING OR. DRINKING LINE, at tie mns; reasonable prices. He has also eStted his BILLIARD HALL. M tint it w,i now compare rT..rably with n.T Ifsil in t!,4 interior cf Ibe State. Junel. 187n-ly ""rUSOARORA FEMALE SEMINARY. rPHE next session of this Institution will J- eommence SEPTEMBGH 4th, 1872 location unsurpassed, buildings epacious nd eoBTnient thorough teachers, and mod erate terms Send for a Circular. J- P. SHERMAN. A. M. Principal, Acidemia, Juniata Co.. Pa., July 17. l72it SCHELLY STAMB VUGH always keep up their htock of GROCERIES and wiil not "e excelled either in the quality or price of w geods in this line. Give them a call fore going eUewhere. S5.Ei)y y 5-jr Hardwire at GrayfciU's. 1 B. F. SCMVLTER, Miscellaneous. Ov5 "XI2W IKIC12S IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, QUEENSWARE, ! BOOTS & SHOES, HATS A XI) CAPS, WOOIkt WILLOW WARE jFLOOR oil cloths, pSjh. If you want to see an entire new stock cf Goods at Low Priccr, call at the I NEW CRYSTAL PALACE BUILDIB, EZFFLINTO .VN, PA. SHELLEY JcSTAMBAUCH. ' N..v. 1ST1. JILNIATA VALLEY BAiNK M I KFLI XTO VX, ' KX X'A . .lOSKI'il i0"d Hi SOY", lVeideut. T. VAN I1SV1N, (.'.ixl.ur. :b-CTI. Jopcj li I'ftTicror, : .T o li n .1. raMeron. .lprMin N. i'lioiiipsnii. I ijcorg-e Jacobs, J.itin lii'.Ubuch. Loan inoner, receive Jeposits, pfty ii-.terest j on liine dcroMii. buv nd sell eoin and L ui- te! n.-.Tps- i;nnft.- rrrn ronpnTi-- Tin it rTtnrRr. Iletiii: iii'incv to -my pari of the Toiled Stales a:id n'si. ! Kiininiid. r-eotlnnd. Ireland ami ; (li-i iu.iny- Sell Ueveitue Slumps. ! hi sum-! "f Ht 2 per cent, discount. j- lu sums of $VK lit 2J per cent, discount, hi un of sflonil ai S per cent dienni NEW DRUG STORE. DAXKS TllAMLIX. Maii tin t. J!-jii'ni',Kii, j'ti. ; HUI.B!IS 1 i nm ts ii ,TiEDirir.s, i Chemiculs, i've SluH. j j Oils. Paint , j Varnishes, Giuss, i ""y. i L'P"' Burners. ; CliiHiU'-y. l.iuLes, , Infants liruslies, Simps, j Hair Hrifhea, Tooth Bru'-lies. Perfumery, t'onids. Iluir Oil, Toliae.cn, Cigsrs. oi ions, r.nd StMionary. ! LAISdK VAl'IKTY OF ! PATENT MEDICINES, selected with ffrat care, and warranted from Ineli nutlii.ritv. l'urest of WISES AND i.inrOUSforMcdi. eal Purposes. -sj-PllESCRIPTIONd compounded with 1 Ut-J,w' Hr..,.,c. T- 1v "T mair."72 ly 31?sil ! 3Xosi; rpHE undersigned hereby re-peclfully in X forms ihe citizens of Miftiintown and Patterson that bis wai;..n will visit each ot irese towns on TCEsUAY, THURSDAY and S VTl'RDAY mornings of eacU week, when they cm lie supplied with j Olioifo Hcef, I.S1K1, &?., during the summer season, and also PORK and SXUSAOE in season. I purpose lur uishing Reef every Tuesday aim Saiurdsy morning, and Veil and Mutton every Thurs day morning. Give m-j vour pairouago. and will guarantee to sell as good met as the country can produce, and as cheap as auy other butcher in thfc county. SOLOMON SIEBER. June 14, 1S72 POLITICAL CA1IPAIGN GRANT & WILSON, GREELEY & BROWN, ' cam pa iay c r , Capss & Torches, TRANSPARENCIES & BANNERS, W ith Portraits or any device for all parties. SilK Bunting, and Muslin Flags of all sizes on hand or made to order. Chinese Lanterns of all sizes and stjlcs ; Papei Bal loons. Fire 'Votkst c , &e. C.inpaign Ciubs fined out at the Lowest Rates at WM. F. SCHEIBLE'S CAMPAIGN DEI'or. 49 South Third Street. FMadflphia SEND FOR CIRCXLA. July lft. lS72-3ni ' Caps, Capss & Torches. Send forIti.rsTB.ATED Cir cular and Price List. CUNNINGHAM & HILL, w,ltFrCTrFs, Ko. 20t Caurch Street, Phjjupslfhia. May 81 . '72-4in THI COBTIT.OTIO MlFFLlNTOWiN. LIST OF PREMIUMS To be awarded by the several Committees at the Juniata County Agricultural Fair, to be held at Pen ysvil'e, in said County, cn Vfeinssday, Th-orsday aid Friday, October 9, 10, and 11, 1871 BCr.5K. COLTS AS.D ML'LES. -For hest Stallion over 3 years old-... " f connd do da.. ' Fleavy dratl ho.se or mure.. ' Second do. do Panics horse, or marc " Srnopd do. do.- $8 00 , 5 00 . 6 00 . 300 . 4 iiO 8 00 " Pair harness !icies or mares 4 Q t ' Sec n l do. do 8 00 S.idu! linri-e r mure 3 03 ' Scor.nil do. do 2 0'' " Eroo 1 mare an I cult 5 0") " ?rc"iid do do...". 3 OJ Colt, 8 yrsold, lioixcormHi :! 0:) ' Second do do 2 n 2 yer old colt 3 00 ' Second do. do 2 O't Ycariinpr co!t ; 3 0) " .Second do do 2 00 " fucking cot 1(0 ' J.sck i () " Second da i (:0 ' Pair of tnn'.r 3 M - Second do. do.... 2 Ot) " Mul.! c ll 2 OH " Second 1 01 " Fmtr hor-c teira 4 00 " Four mule tem 3 00 sPF.ro. For best trot i in i liorse or tnnr rai.md '' in i he comity $ oO ' Pcc.-nd do. do 15 (It - Third do. ao 10 00 Troiiiiij! dorse i.ruinre raised cut or li e county 1 " 00 ' Second do. do 1J 00 CATTIS. For hest P.nl! nrvr 2 years $5 00 ' 8con.id do. rio 3 till ' Hull c .if under 2 jmi j. 2 CO " Second do do. I 0' " (u ovtr 2 jen 4 0t " Second do. do 3 00 ' HeitVr calf under 2 years-.. . 2 O'l Se-otid do do " 1 00 " Yoke of oxen 3 00 s:::x;-. For l est Fine woo'.ed duck or ewe over 1 yenr 5" 00 ' second do do 1 00 Long woolod buck or ewe over 1 y.sr 2 00 sfcotid do. do ! !0 " I', n of lumhs (0 or mrc)... 2 00 ' IV n of twfs (0 or more) over 1 year 3 00 ions. For de-it I'.oir over C month' ?2 Of) pcrn-nd do. do 1 (;0 Brcedinif sow and pigs 2 I'O . secunil do. do 1 00 Pitir pigs for Hg'i 1 50 rori.TnT. For dest Puir chickens (mile feinnl')S 7 Sccou i do do , SO " rullcction (0 or moil 1 O'l " Second do. do f0 " pnir turkeys (mads i fotnuie) 2 00 Second. 1 )') ' Pair n"?se, " Pair g iincas. " " P.ii.- pea fowls. " AO tt I C l' l.r ' B A i t M I' I. r. M L.VT Forliest fannin; mill 75 ... n .. 50 7-5 oo . l oo , l to . 1 t'O . 3(0 . 2 oo .101 . 2 ) . C 00 . 1 0 ) . 2 00 . 1 (0 . 2 00 .. ('oiiivator " 41 rain seeder and cultivator. " llav elev itor .( lioud W'lon, new . One and tro liorna waon. n -w, esc'a fii-iii cradle, new " ctiawnnd fodder culler " 1! caper and rejwtr HnrroTT " riow on trial ' Sudsoil plow " 4'orn plow 11. rse power and ihreshir.jr machine ' 4'ovcr holler, new . " llo.se vil e new 3 on ... 2 on ... 1 00 .. 1 0 " 4"nrn shcller.. " Churn, new..... - I 10 " Vn-hing mach ne 1 00 " Wood saw. circular or other e.w 1 50 " Corn grinder 1 00 MANrrACTrneu articles. For best display of cabinet ware $8 00 " disi lay of bents and shoes... 2 f0 ; Suit of clothing. I 00 " Lot of castings 2 00 " Lot of horse shoes and nails, 1 HO Lot of corn brooms fiO Tanned and finished lia ncss. 2 01 " Variety of upper calf skins 2 00 Side of sole leather 2 00 Buggy, new - 3 t'O Fannlr carriage 4 00 Spring wacon Sulky 2 CO 1 00 " Display of buggy and wagon ba.nese - 2 00 " Display of saddlery 2 00. " Cook ing stove I SO Pii-plnj- of tinware w 1 00 ' Ilee hives 1 00 FLOm, GltAIS AXU SEED For best Barrel of Flour .' $2 00 " Second do. do 1 10 " Bushel buckwheat Hour 1 00 Corn meal ftO White wheat 1 50 Second do 1 t'O . " J.'ed wheat 1 50 ' " Eecond do 1 1 0 i Rye I 00 " " Second do fio Corn in ears 1 50 " ' Second d.i 1 I 0 " " Oats 60 ' ' Second do 25 " " Barley - 50 " Second - 25 rioverseed 2 00 " j: " 'Second do 1 '0 ' Timothy 1 Oo Secnd'do 00 VKdKTAIJ1.ES. For best bushel Irish potatoo $1 00 " Second dn , do. TiO ,: Sweet potatoes. 1 0 . Se'oi.d d. . el...... 60 ' Bushel of turnips 50 " Pumi.kins. cow or sweet, each - .CO " Lot of swee or common. kinds 50 " Lot of ruta bt;a. sugar be L. cabbage, rauliflow- er or etrir plant, each 50 Display of vegetable - 2 00 FHCIT. For best Half bus. pples. fall or win ter .$1 00 Pecond id... do -.. 50 Lot of dried chorus tO Iot of pears 1 OO Display of d.-ied fruit 1 00 ' Display of irreen fruit ...... 2 00 Lot of quinces I 00 ' Display of grapes I 00 Display of neache 1 00 PRODUCTS OF FARM. BOUSE AND DAIRY, For bet Fruit cuke, rusk, pound cake. light cake or loa( of" bread, each $ 50 ' C irrant. blackberry or el' derb-rry wine. each,.,.. 60 ' Half gallon p-are jutrs of THE 0 I0 ATH I.1FORCBX E ST Ot JUNIATA COKfTf, PENS' A., prape, quince, pmicli, to mato, apido or crab pre serve, each 50 Displar, presi-rv uud j,iiife,r......:..rr:.-.'.T.-.-2W) Jnr ot anpla butter SO LIoPCTiti coiobatid box. 0 lb 2 00 do., do 1 00 h iv pound, of oviitcr tn roil 2 01 '(.conditio., do. 1 00 Hume made checso EOMKSTIC JJ.VNCr AOTRUK, For best Flannel, 10 yards ' Second d j., do., Por best Quilt v Sccoi.d do Coverlet ' Second do I.ineu sheets UJ 00 .. 2 00 .. 4 0J .. 3 00 .. 3 00 .. 2 Ml 3 00 .. 2f0 .. 2 0 ) .. 1 0) .. 51) .. 2-i .. 3 00 .. 2 OO .. 3 lO .. 2 Ul) Second do. ' Pair linen tadie clotii- " Second do . do " Fair woolen aVose Siecund do , d 44 Pair woolen b auki-U " Second do., d" Woolen carput, U yards. ... - . Second do., do ' Mitten;, bvpororiiainen ti.i iiut-ule work, imitru, iliiiil -v-jtU, vt-si flower.-, cu-hi'.ns and tabl.i cover, cm-li 50 HEtULIC WOZ1C. ".'or iet Shirt, Second lo., ' Display of embroider, 31 50 I 0i) .. 4 0 ) .. 3 4li) ... 2 CO "second d ' Displer ol flowers. Child's S3. chair inly, ott unun cover, sampler, pair sli.po-s. sLaudcover, lamp riiir, each 6) iittA-wrsnsncOT'AfSiTStU". I'.ir batl Disidav drawiii! and paint. i.i ssw " Second do., do 2 5) " Diawitiijs in arolui'X'iura,- 2 0J NCsif. Fui best Band, subject to order c.i executive committee, for la-t two day of Fair, .. $20 00 " Second do., do., 10 00 BULKS AND REGULATIONS 1. Premiums will da awarded on !l meritorious articles omitted in tho sbovo etiiinier.'.tioti. . No iirticlrf or animal can bo a itnitted on the fair groui.ds until properly entered on the b..oi.s of tl.e seere'arv 3 -(, nrli-ilo or animal mti!t us ro- moved until its el-ie ex-vpi by tint per. iiii.-siot. of ill . nianas-ir. " 4. ilay end sirw for animals fr-JO of charge. 5 Tho rins shall not be ei.U-red either ,v.re tie feil!fu cri,ne had been perpe ridinir or driving a imraa by any person , , - . ."T . i trated 1 he crroutiil was covered wiln IIIO'AO a..:u. C. Tin; sevtral r..imitt.rs will make their rciiort to lee soero'jii v t j utwi ,-i " on 1 rid.;y. th.i 1 nil 7. Pi.iw'ti' inateti will occur at 0 o-cloel. A. H . on x'ri by the l U'.. 8. Owners of ni.iiin.ls inleiioitig to coti.."io f.-r tho pria.? o'.l'ered ii.id.-r the head of stand will h expected to pay $i for ent -riii their horse. u iii :. i....i.,7 rrUhUitM ... .-ui if ; ucan iiiiciiiiw. uxt It: entered L-i -dck THti--suuy. . ., . LjtLLli noaiuveir l!i.--.-M..-ial ad mission into t-.e grounus for a rinele horse one, doll ir : for a liore 1 voodoo:., ,I.,!lar ar.d a I..-.I:. And for two h..r.-ei and a vehicle two d.illnrs, but will not be allowed to bo on the ring uur . ing me trial l-r spe-j. 1 1 No h -tide or animal can compete foi more than one premium. Thi families of prnuns t.Uing two shares of sUn-k enter f.-ve, and havo a lo tho ri:;iit ot cxliibilin. T!iu fnii!i of thos taking ono sharo of st"ck enter tree, lilt will be charged fil'iv tents lor the rieht of exhibiting. Family tickets v.-iili tho ri-htof exliibit iu ot:e ilollnr. Singh' tio!;.U twuiily-fivo ten is JOHN KOONS, I'rcst. Sept II. 72 3t. The Missouri Horror. Lynching of an tnparalleled Villain, We have already given some paiticu- lars in relation to a matt being arrested near Clearuiont. Mo , who was driving a wagon containing the bodies of five mur dered persons, of whom he w is believed to have been the mnrdeier The follow ing account Irom the St. Louis Ueubli can gives the history of the ase iu de tail, with tho tragic finale to the awful affair : On looking into the wagon a fearful sight met the gaze-.of those w hose sus picions of the man had led them to iu vestigate the matter- Within that wagon lay five- bumau beings covered wilh blankets. They were piled promidcmisly together, aud were partly decomposed, presenting one the most feaiful sights that ever the eye of mortal beheld. Tho victims were two men. one woman and two small children, all with lln ir tbroats cut from ear to ear. They wrre sleeping in the wagon at the time of tho murder, for they were found in their night clothes. The body of one of the men was nearly cut in two, and l ore evidence of having made a hard struggle for lifi Under fear of immediate death the following statement was cl cited from the man : lie said his name was Osburn ; that bis wifo aud w ife's mother lived near Mount Ayer, in liinggold county, Iowa. lie eaid his mot' er in law's name was D liah Ayers, and that bo had a boy 5 years old lie said the name of the murdered family is Ormes ; that they went to Kansas from Minnesota last spring ; that the name of the other mur dered man was Dauiel Dickerson ; that he bad accompanied the murdered family from Minnesota to Kansas, and was a cousin to Mrs. Ormes. lie eaid that Joseph Williams muadereij the party on last Thursday night near Uolton, Kansas and hired him. for a consideration of S700, to conceal the bodies ; that lie started to . do so, intending to secrete them in a brush patch; that there was a keg of whisky in the wagon from which he Lad freely imbibed, and has been drunk ever since -, that be dtsired THE lAWJ.j SEPT&MMR 11, 1S72. t put tlienj in tlio Missouri river, but that he got tn White Cloud in the Jay time and could not do so. He slates that lie cotilil not find any suitable place to hide the bodies ; that it appeared to him that Providence was against him, and smote his conscience so that lie was not conscious of what he was doing. He stated that Williams followed the Ormcs family from Minnesota for the purpose of murdcriot; them ; that the cause of his hate was an old h.ve nffiir betweeu Lira self and Mrs Oimc-s ; that Williams had ewotn tielay Ormes, his wife, and their poRUiify ; that when the partits were tuiirdcred they had ihe wagon in which their bodies were found, tws yoke of ox rn and soma loose CMtile- lie sui-1 he had traded the cattle j-tt before ho ar rived at GliMnno:vf, an 1 that lis had also hid the S700 in a sack. After having made t!:o abori; confes sion he was given over intu tho hands of some of the leading citiz-ns of the Nod j way valley to take charge of him. They ! then imtoedntely etartod a courier for Vary ville to report the matter to Sheriff Wray. They also scrrt back on the road he had just traversed and found that he had told th i tnuli regirdii.g the ealooftliecatlio, but the money could not be found sheriff Wray left f ir X. insat at once, do have SioUoti, Obiirn's professed ac complice, anesied. The bodies of the five victims have all been buried, and O.-t bum is heavily ironed au l strongly guarded so that escape is impossible. He will certainly stretch hefnp. The parties scut out on the back track to see if any clue could be fmud to the murder, after inquiry and thorough st arch learned that the deed had been commit i ted in Nodaway county, one and a half miles northeast ot Hurr Cak Grove, and j some sixteen miles west of Mary ville. j The finger of Providence seemed to! j have guided them to the exact spot ! ' ,J ; Ijl,,, :li0y found the false teeth of! . , , the murdered woman, ' j St'.ilicieiit evidence ha 1 ticw b?en col j lected to prove the previous statem. i.t of t I the prisoner false, and leave little dottbt , )!l;lt j,e W.B tll8 murderer They then ' i hastened back to where the nrtsotier was ; confined, and confronted Lira with the . . tlaiutung lacts. When assured that lie U;1,j not lonn. to live he . S iiJ, wilh the ; --.- i elivct indifference- Proceed j gentlemen, you cannot hang a man but n, . . it' e was then asked to reveal the i . ! particulars ot Ins crime, when be made in substance, the following confession : IU gave his nimo as Tn. zev. and said it was not O-b ir... as etated in Lis first confession. That bis home was at Mount Ayer, Iowa, where he had a wife au l one child. The parties he hid mur dered xvoie live iu number. A man wilh his wife and two , children and another man who was unmarried. He said they were travelling iu a lmn er wagon, and that i hey were reluming from Kansas to their home in Minnesota. He met them first last Thurday, the lfnli. Having no money and traveling iu the same direc . t;n ,)ey kiuilly asked him to join them, which he did. The wugon being large, they all, six iu number, slep: iu it. The inn tied man. his wile and two children slept on a platl'oim raised ou the front of the wagon, while the remaining two slept iu the boitoiu of the Led below. Last Sunday night they camped within ball's mile of a house near Ba-r Oik Grove. At this place tho wretch con ceived tho plan of murdering them and making way with their horses and wag on, their catile (three; or fonrin nu nbe.), and whatever money they' ui'ght have in their possession. After having mnrdeied them he inteiified to secrete tht m in the brush or Clear creek, near by. That Sunday night, little dreaming of the black hearted wretch they had taken under their shelter, and the awlul fate that awaited them, they liy down in tlie wagou for the night, and all save the murderer were sound asleep Satisfying himself that all were asleep he took a loaled pistol which lay iu the wagon, and placing it at the hed of the man who was sleeping by his side, fired, lie instantly killed him. The mauied man being aroused by the report ot the pislol rose np, and thinking Tanzey had fiied at a str.inue dog uhich had been annoying them dur ing ihe flight by balking, said "(md ! Good !" The assays n 1 immediately turned and shot him, and then jumpod from the wagon to the ground. The wounded man attempted to follow him. when Tanzey seized au axe and despatched him at once. The agonized wife of the murdered man wis now run ning amund the wagon u'tering fearful criesrfand, fea ing that she would alarm the people at the firm house near by, he also killed her with an axe or club just which he does not remember The two in'ant babes, aged three and and fifteen months, now alone remained : living, and it seem be did not dispose of tbem nntil some time after the rest had bean killed. When asked how he could have the heart to kill the. two helpless 1 children, he replied that he did so with EDITOR ASD rUOPKILTOU. WHOLE NUMBER 133!. reluctance,- but when he had murdered their mother thry annoyed him wilh their piteous eric, and being alarmed lest the rjoiso chouhl lead to his detection he cut their throats from ear to ear, and thus completed his work of destruction. Two hundred stalwart qui soon as sembled and determined to mete out to the villain stein and speedy justice. The prisoner having finished bis confession was bnaud hand and font and taken to a black walnut tree, tho place selected for his execution. Airrived at ihe fatal spot " Tanzey waj cool and collected, erfoctly unmoved, proving himself to be a man of iron ur-rve and onerfiha most hardened villhus the woild Lad ever kuo.vn. A rope was then placed around hhj, neck, one end thrown over a limb rf the tree, when Tanzey was tol l Lis tiine h id come, and that ten minting wonld bi given hiu to make any last request, lie replied that he would like to live uttiil ho could see bis wfte, and when luld that his request could not be granted, he said he had uo further remarks to make. Many stalwart hands then took hold of the rope, drawing iim clear from the ground, and, just as dark was coining on last Thursday evening, tho soul of Tan zy the murderer was launched into eternity, there to appear before his God wilh his Lauds red with the blood of his tio victims. He died almost without a struggle, and. was buried beneath tho very tree on which he as hung. Oids aniEnds. A lay delegate The hen. Indian reservations Scalps. A 'put up job An auction. The best 'help' Help yourself. The world in a'laj-Tho babies. Fpell bound Children at school. A uotoiiu8 eavesdropper Rain. N wonder time ij often murdered, when it is struck every hour. , , , , e ,- Oobbs thinks that, of giving credit to whum crcit ij duo, the ca?i had better b';en pai 1. In the tropics suminrr is perennial, but at Ni gr.ra ibey l.r.ve a perpetual fall. It may be set down as an established uwiatlint-ii-'giwil tbui, ell advertis ed. Will' sell.' Out west, live bogs are known to the tiade by the expressive name of "rqueal meat." lt :t. ..!... ,.l 1... .-:i - '.I- oo iftt o nu i-C uj bun inn auu n , . wotu'.n by the tongue, is sure to come on ..f.. I.. .,)...; ' j 'e new leap year stylo of popping t,lfc qw urlion t you- want me to i wa-h 'Uslle for ou'" O. W 11. , lines says that crying wid ows m airy fi et. Tliero is nothing like wet weather lor transplanting. Why is a man who is knocking stead ily at a door like a - Lutcher 1 Br cause he knocks aud knocks (knocks an ox ) People are positive just iu proportion to their ignnrance. Ths First Forged Bank Note. . Sixty-four years aflcr the establish ment of the bank of England, ihe first forged note was presented for payment, and toKichard William Vaughn, a Staf ford linen draper, belongs the melancholy celelnity, of having led the. vau in thin new phase of crime, in the year 1758. The records of his life do not show want, beggery or starvation urging him, but a simple desire to seem greater than he wa-i liy one of the artists employed (and there were several engaged on dif ferent parts of the notes) the discovery was made. The criminal had filled up to the number ni twenty and deposited them in the hand of a young lady to wh"iu he was attached, as a prooOjf his weal'h. There is uo calculating how much longer bank notes ght have been free from imitation Lad this man not shown wilh what ease they coul.l be couterfeited. Prom ihis period forged notes became common. His execution diil not deter others from the offense, and many a neck was forfeited to the halter betore the Lite abolition of capital puu ishment lor that crime Mrs. GARUiNtR, wife of a farmer liv ing near Kaetuianville, Ottawa county, died recently under circinmstauces the most extraordinary Two of her sisters were dead, one but recently, only a few weeks ago. Tim cause of Mrs. Ganii tier's death was a congestive chill, and afler she had been considered dead for eix hours and was being prepared for the grave, she returned to consciousness and talked freely with her attendants. She stated to those around her that fcbe had been to the better land and had seen both of her departed sisters with other friends ; that it was a beautilul land beyond all description ! She said that she bad permission to retnrn to tell living friends of what she had seen, but that she was anxioos to again return. She passed away soon after making her statement, and leemingly overflowing with joy and happiness. There can be uo question as to the circumstances above related. Detroit Tribw. ... RATES OF ADTERTISIKO. ' All advertising for less than tbree months for one square of nine lines or less, will be charged ae insertion, 75 cents, three Si. 60, and 50 cents for eaah subsequent insertion. Administrator's, Executor's and Auditor's Notice.. $2.00. Professional and Basinets Cards, not exceeding one square, and inola ding copy of paper, SS.OOperyeer. Notiees ia reading columns, ten centsperline. Her chants advertising by the year at speoial rates .- '' S'eonMj- S aionMj. $ 6.00 8,00 io.cn 17.00 25.r0 45.00 1 year. $ 8.C0 1 1.00 15,0( 25.00 45.00 8O.0H One square...". $ 3.50 Two squares. 5.C0- Three squares..-. One-fourth col'n, Half column...... One column - .01 10.00 18.00 80.00 , A Kid-Air Comprordso. Not macy years ago, aud not far from the cily of Elmira, at a locality Inor-i as the "Jttule College," the cSrcnrr.' stances we are about to relate took ;.L:cc. It seems that the principal of the coilege overheard a plan aciung a number of few young ldy students for drawing a young gentleman up tn one of the third-story rsoms " in a basket at night," as no gen t'emeu suitors were permitted to visit their college lady oti, and tee them alone, tinder strict rules of the institrf-ii-n. The principal acted accordingly, and at tho appointed time was on tho debigcateJ spot, aid when the bajket was let down took tho lover's p!:;cc, gave the s!i:i:il a witch. ' rntrmenred r-o- I - ci - o mg np toward heaven, drawn by a trinity of angels. When two-thirds up, tho angel expectant, on looking down from tho window, discovered to her terror and dismay that instead of her lover she had another man in the basket, and nearly frightened out of her wits, made the fact known to Ler fair helpers iti mischief, wi h the pertinent inquiry of " What shall we do ? what i-Lall we do ? Oh ! g-ils, girls, what shall we do X" Where upon one of their number, noted for her coolness and presence of mind in trying emergencies, said : "Here ! you hold on to this cord. Now do just as I tell you, and I'll take care of the man, no matter who Lc is er where he comes from." Then, taking out her pocket knife and opening it, she leaned out of the window and, in a low voice, faid : "Who are you, there, in that basket ?" No response. "I say, who are you, thero, in that basket ? Do you hear ? I have a knifa in my Land, and unless you answer this in less than ten seconds I will cut tbii rope. 'Why, it's your piir.cipal ; don't you know ma ? ' Don't, for mercy's sake, cut the rope. Keep your knife further away from it I" 'Well, you are in a pretty fix. Profes sor, a pretty fix, indeed, and hanging be tween Leaven and earth. L tweeu life aud death. What do you think ought to bo done wilh you ? A principal of a fe- male college, who thus endeavors, at night, t clandestinely reach the room of a lady student ought to be severely pan ished and also exposod.' 'Oh ! I beg of you not to harm me nor expose ms ; bat let me down again carefully, and don't let the rope clip !" "Professor," eaid t'-ie shrewd beauty, "on one condition ouly will we comply with j'ftir request." "Xair.e it ! nume it !" "You mui't a-'lemnly promise that none, of as who Lave been engaged in thij little romance shall be disciplined for ir, and that you will make uo mtntioa of it to a living soul while we are inmates of the college, w iih the understanding that we are to observe the solemn promise. What say you V'' T promise solemnly promise." ' Very well Hold up your right hand ! You do solemnly swear that -you wTl faithfully keep and observe that promise, so help you God !" "I do!" 'Enough,, gills ! ITe Las taken the oath ! Lower away." Tin " Professor" was (oou carefully and safely landed ou terra firtna, greatly to Lis relief and greaily to the joy, no doubt, of the other party to the compro mise, and be lived' rip to Lis oatlr. lu afier years, however, when time had ab solved him from it, and the lover, whoso basket he "monopolized ' on that event ful night, had, as the story goes, married the girl who on tiat occasion was e "far above Lim ' the Professor used to tell the adventure to Lis particular fn'end- and laugh over it till tlie tears ran down Lis cheeks, as the most ludicrous scraps he ever got into ia all his college life, and as the only oue he was let out of und-r an ;d!i administered. Hsctiuy'er County Dtmticrti', SlLBNT l.Fi I'tMCK We are touch ing our fellow beings on all sides. They are affected for good or for evil by what we are, by what w-e say and do. even by what we think and feel. May H era in the parlor breathe their fiagrance through the atmosphere. We are each of lis sat urating the atmosphere about us with the subtle aioma of our character Ir the family circle, besides and beyond all thi teaching, the daily life of each parent and child mysteriously modifies the life of every perton of the household. Tho same process, on a wider scale, is going on through the community. No mam lives to himself, and no man dieth to him self. 'Others are built up aud straight ened by our unconscious deeds ; aud others may be wrenched out of their plac s, and thrown aside by our uncon scious influence. Tilt Y are fools who persist in being quite miserable b. cause they are not quite happy. An Ohio boy has walked 13,000 miles already to see his girl, and isn't half thmngb yet. i i i 0 I I