ESTABLISHED IS 1M. Vfvtiv AchicTiniT Mnrixixo. I'rBi-i in ---- - . Ur Jxc iree'' opposite the Odd Fellow' Hail, Mitt UJiu vt i a- TRl " r . r.i.JiT morning at 51,50 Tear, in ad-i .aet- or in all cases if not paid romp'' in advance.- No subscriptions dis cSniinuej until all arrearages are paid, tinleis tt tat option of the publisher. Vinsiiitss Carbs. OL'18 K. ATKINSON. t Attorney til; Law, MIFFHSTOWX, TA. ! jwC-I'.iCtnj and Conveyancing promptly (ifioe on Ilrilge street, opposite t'nc Court House Square. J V f AT roller. Y AT LA IV, j !if i-'UNTOV.'N. pa. ,-r,e?oM T'-ride "r-pt, in (lie room .''l'lnerU i (.-ni:ied ""' I'nrlcr, Hi'). S I.. i.'.'i.l-KS, MIFFLINTOWN, PA.. rtiets ilia servij;- 1" the citizen of .Jtiui- eo ii V Ami i.iicer i.nd Veti'iae l.'riirr. I'hsre". ir 'in t ."' le 'ej d"li:trs. Sitisfie- in irivr:i:u C 1 H,-V-, ''j'J i 0 ES ! ) YES ! K. K. SNTDEE, Perry-iviHe, Pa-, Ten t kiv'v,", to I lie cftizt'ii' of Jiiti it and s-ij iiuin j: entities, as A'tftiom -r. 4&rr"-s iiii.Vrni! t.,f atflntio give tin-JJ-tttlin-i "Ji:.t! 1'. O. lr-!,. Pin I P'lVat. Jtini-ita i'o , V. ' "" !'.!, 7. 'TMy i. l-ATTKUSUN. PCNX'A. Angtit i IHll'J-if. "thujas X eldk!:7m.1l M1KFUNTOWS, TA. OEcr 5 A M t 3 I'. 1. OHie in l.cilMr'i'! l:ir.'linjr, two doors above ihe.fn lii-.'oli tF. i'.i i'ljip fr"pt- airlS-tf 1jB33jaili!s Piiysisiaa ani Sirpn, Hnviti; imtiK'J in the Imrvuuli "! Ti" ttip-i.u-tow:i, o::"or 1 1 nf..-.s ou.n ffifi ei to tiit citizrLf ! il --it pi";.' a.'d vi-;urv. (i,F; v !u t' c luoui rcc ntly oectipttd lir. ."':;:. f J:me 12, 7'2-tf fs -7v '.'l:!T'ait1 T Si s BOM'FATHiC Pi'YSIClAS & SL'UGEON iltvin j.ernmncti'ly i-I' M .liiiutiiwu. i-JI' i - iii i.i i he'tia i Li j j vited in I lie hf ronrd t.o :iirl b'.irroundin ci'iniry. ( Ijce on Main pir.-t, orpr !eiiler I'ruj: tr. I a" 2 IK li?f,i-lf Trrsl; n'A form!" "T itisrs"". find mav Ve con a fnltow: At bin oflice in Livjro"! Yt.. evtiT S ITUKUAV and MONDAY np p.i:nmrat3 c::n be n.sde for oiber days. r-"Ciiil on or address Ml. i:. A. SIMl'SON. .-r7 Liverpool. Perry Co.. P iiTTENTioyf! DVU! WATTS tuoKt respectfully unnoun trs ti tlie public that be is prepared to f..n.i-ii SCHGDL BOOKS AND STATIONERY at r il iei i price;". Hereafter give him s c:il! Hi... Ul, is TANK, MAIN St., M1KELIX. Oct r ' jll.OOM-ni'KiT" TA1 K NOllMAL H tC'ilOOL AND Literary aai Comnisrcial Institute. Th Kaeaity of 'bin Iiistitutirn aim lobe Tcrj tborouj,ii in t'm'ir iiiFtruction, and Ic loc carefully after the m itinvi i. health auJ ttiorl of ttie ti u in: s. Apply for c u-.l v'e to lir.NltV CAUVtn. A. M., Sept 2S. 1 ST 1 -'.! l'ri.fipl. IX rEURYSVII.LE. DU. J. J. AVlM.F.U.WGtl Iihi establixbel a Drug and I'icsci iptinn Store in the STOve-iaincd j-lare. ftti.l keeps a preiurnl as ssrioiint of 'zees A.f .-iPiayus. Aii) ail other article usually kept in estab-i.-bnieiils of t! is kitii. Pure Vi'ins an 1 I.i.'j.i irs for medicinal ptsr piie?, r.T.(rs, Toliace , Stat tunttry. Confec ti'itis i fii-s-t -class i, .oii'jn, etc., eic. ferTi. K.cior giv.i advice free V ALL PAPER. EdUy to ths ?lr.c3 vhere you can boy yo-r Wall Paper Cfieap. rPHE in. l-r-iju-d takes this inctlio l of iu A turning i-e public be has jutt re ctivei at residence on Third Street, Mif- ntoirn, 5 l irc .-t.irt incut of WALL 1APEH, of var:o:t t'v-i. xrhich be offers for sale lil AI'lll! thsn enn l,p p it chased elsewhere in the e'u::'y. All persons in need of the unirl.,. nnl wishing .o fare money, are inviici to call Hnl examine his stork and lrirhi prices belorc poing elsewhere. ISI.arje supply constantly on band. SIMON BASO.M. Miairtuwa. April !8T2-tf Tj EST 1 1 1 1 A RsTx 'lOVN ... i , AT Twofor 5 cents. Also, the Fre'hest Lager, the Largest Oysters, the Sweetest Cider, tbe Finest Domestic Wines, and, in snort, any lnn;yoa may wish in the EATING OR WUSKING LINE. ' the mm reasonable prices. He has aho reCttsd his BILLIARD HALL, o that it w,il now compare fiivorably with ". "all in the interior of the State. June 1. lSTrt-ly THE next tc,ioa f this Institution will fimnience SEPTEMBER 4tb, 1872. j"103 unsurpassed, buildings spaoious H convenient, thorough teachers, and mod ule terms. Send for a Circular. P- SHERMAN. A. M. Principal. ' J"lj 17. 187"" JUni" C'' P4" QHELLY STAMBAUGH always keep up yttzZTK GR0CEK1ES and will not jnir narawir9",'Graybm's. B. F. SCHWEIER, VULUME XXVI. M.3G ADVERTISE ! 4 ADVERTISE ! To all 3Ien Whom it may Concern. If you have an3'thin to sell, If you have lost anything. If you have found anything, If you have, a house to rent, If you want to rent a house, If you want boarding, , If you want employment, If you want hired help, If you want anything, TELL THE PEOPLE OF, IT nv ADVERTlSl'sti IS THE JUNIATA SENTINEL. 4 7s i:-vv iitroi:s DRY&OODS; QUEENSWARE, BOOTS & SPIOES, IIAT3 AND CAPS, W00I)iv'WIIX0WVrARE FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TABL2 OIL CLOTHS, &0., 0. r. If you trant to see an entire new stock of Goods at Low Trices, call at the m mm palace builbii.:i, KIFFLINT0V7N, PA. SHELLEY &STAMBAIT.H. ' Nov. 2'1, lhTl. NEV DRUG STORE. BANKS k HAMLIN, .Vain .Street. M.'jhi.toicn, l'a. DKU.HHS I J DUtCS lltn HEDUISES, Chemicals, Dye Stuff, Oils, 1'iiinis, Varnishes, Glass, Futty, Coal Oil, Lamps, Burners, Chimneys, Brushes, Infants Brushes. Soaps, Hair Itrushes, Tooth Brushes, Perfumery, Combs, Hair Oil, " Toba'.o, Cigars, Notions, and Stationary. LARGE VARIRTT OF PATENT MEDMUNES, selected with great care, and warrauted from high authority. l'urest of WINF.3 ASD LIQUORS for Medi cal Purposes. r-PllESCRlPTIONd compounded with irreai care. mal6 72 ly New Lumber Yard. r.itterson, Fa. IlEYKK, GUYEIt&CO. Have opened a L-miber Y ird in the bor ouch of Patterson, and are prepared to fur- j n;h all kinds of Lumber, such as Siding, Flosrins, Studding, Taiin', SMaf Lata, Sash, in large or small quantities, to suit ens loaiers. t Tersons wanting Lumber by the car load can be supplied at reduced rates. EF.YHK, GUVEIt & CO. Genrf eGoshen, Agent Pattarsnn, May 15 "72-tt 3 lest t ! 3Ieat ! HE undersigned hereby respectfully in X forms the citizens of MiUlintown and Patterson that his wagon will Tisil each ot these towns on TUESDAY. THUBSDAV and S ATUKDAV mornings of each week, when tbey cu be supplied with Clioifo Beef, ' Vcil, Mutton, Lnrtl, &c, durinc the summer season, and also POUK and SAUSAGE in season. I purpose tur liishing Beef very Tuesday and Saturday morning, and Veal and Mutton every Thurs day morning. Give m your patronage, and will guarantee to sell as good meat as the country can produce, and as oheap as any other butcher in the conn.ioNsiEijER Jane 14, 1972 . ' Assignee's Notice. ATOTICJ is hereby pWen that Christopher i G. Engler, of Walker township. Juniata county. P... and Catharine, his wife, have assigned .11 the eatate, real and personal, of said Christopher G. Engler. to S.mue Leo nard, of Tayette township said coun-y. in "..1 for the benefit. oX the oredttcs ef said fThristopher G. Engler. All Pn9;!ue; for.. indebted to the said Christopher G. En ele will wake payment lo lb. -aid Assignee fnd Those having claims or demand. w.H Bak. knowu the ItoKV. Assignee of Chxistopbsr G. ogler. . June 12, 1872 -St TBI COTITUTIO MlFFLlflTOWiN. Poetry. - Thank Gsl Per Sunday. --: Now God Le thanked I that he has given litest boon to stint and sinner A day of rest one day in seven Where toil is not the winner Rest for the tired an 1 jaded brain, The wearied hand on Sunday. That tbey "nighi gather strength again . For toil renewed on Monday. The merchant in his counting-room,' The cleik oer desk and ledger. The artisan a forge and loom. The ditcher and she he Iger The liborer who must toil and slave , Friim early dawn on Monday Um il the week sinks in its prave, 'All cry : "Thank God for Sunday !" The day that lifu.the weighty-chain Which all the weak has bound us: i That respite gives to heart and brain, From thousand cares around us. That in the ioile'im in irch of life 'So bids us t ike, for one da'y, , llest from the hstt'e and strife, '' ' ' " ' Oh ! God e thanked for Sirnday .'; If thus by all one day of rest '"' ' ' : ' He hail, d. as resp:tb solely .. . t . Ilow .o tbe Ciirtstian doubly blest, Must be the Sabbath holy ; As. in faith's l'glit, he lifts his eyes To the hrigbt w-uld where, one Usy .5 He lonps to spend boyond llie skies, A binsi eternal Sunday! - ISolecit Story A TBI E STCRY WITH A OOOH MORAL. "Come Oeorg.-, just a drop at partiug. j nejie( tie Governor. -Heaven only knows when tie may tneet j -He has had oue or two lucid spells; again. You are to settle among the hills j out delirium has about spent itself, of Berkshire in the West, and I amid the jjecan rav no more, vules of Middlesex iu the Uast. Juita j At this moment the sufferer started, glass to our success." . 0peut.d his eyes dark cavernous eyes, "No. Malcolm, if I would accept a true bleared a'nd ghastly, but with a gleam of pledge of success I must not seek it in the : wine cup 1 hold tlie cup as a signal oi failure.'' They were young men, both of them just admitted to the bar, and ready to n. linn,. lw. ..,., r.t t .f .ll.ilP ,r,f'a . , 1 1 1 1 1 1 he poor man "straggled to r&ise bim- And this blight, cri.-p autumnal after J self, and the attendants helped him ;aud noon George and Malcolm were to sept when he had been lifted lo a sitting pos rate They hid si lected their fields of , tuv with pillows at Lis back, he loekeJ labor, nd were rtt pnied to enter npon j up.- their work. 'i j " I know the voice,'' he said. Pool ! ' cried Malcolm iu response to ' "And don't you know the face J Look his fiiend's last retnatk, "iheie's promise : at me, Malcolm. ! -"- in bright wine of one knows Low to use ! A little lime, and something like'a it. Oomii and take a parting glass wilh i smile broke over the worn and haggard me." faaca. "No. Malcolm, you murl . not ai-k me. "George, is it yon' ? - -- '" Were I to. takt the cup to my lips I ..yL.8i .Malcm. I am your old school should fear it might prove a viper taken flit.n,f. You surely remember me now " to my bosom." j Catliti gra-pt d the hand of "So yon m-ati to say that yon are go- , r .,, 1 0i .... :. i.:, . tng to be a teetotaler "Upon that cwirse I am resolved, and I let the future decide between us '' And shortly after this they parted. j MalcoLn Cailiti removed to Middlesex j county, where he soon gained forhiajse'f , a host of f ie.nd and extensive practice. J His intellect was brilliant; hU wit was ready and caustic ; Lis humor was rich and exuberift, and his flow of language was from a fount of thought and imagery that never failed. His path seemed a pleasant one indeed. Only fllowers of fairest colors and exquisite fragrance hedged it, while sweet music kept time to the dropping of the glistering sands in the glass. It was the path he had chosen from the first. Its goal was the highest possible plane of the social life), and presiding geuius was the spirit of the wiue cup. He rcachad the goal ere he knew it All the joye of life he had chosen had k.n ti-tml r.i !m ro.iplmfl Iii nrimA A , . - , 1 l, brief snace. and the flowers ti whither, tlie liiorns proiruueu, uare anu sharp ; the sweet music grew fainter as discordant notes crept in to mar aud break the harmony; and the sands of the Ras3 dropping, dropping, dropping had lost their glitter, and now fell darkly and solemnly into the black flowing tide of time that was lost. - George Nixon Hriggs established him self in Berkshire, and pursued his way in the path be had chosi-u.' AH that he was he owed to his own endeavors; and all that ho could hope for in the future must come through the same cliantiel. At the age of thirteen he had been ap prenticed to a hatter at White Creek, New Yoik, where he remained two years. At the age of fifteen Lis brother Lad taken him from the hatter's shop and sent him to an academy.' ' In one year thereafter Lis brother had died, from which time he had been left to steer hi? own bark and study bis own chart True to the loftier ins:iucts of his na ture, be had eelcctcd the path of honor and moral duty, feeling assured that if he sought first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness all other things would be given to him. He was a social man preeminently so and a " more genial companion never blessed the social circle but he did not prostetute the higher na ture to the allurements of the festive board ; nor did he allow himself to be deceived by the falso glitter of the bac chana lian tinsel. He livfed' true to the pledge he had taken in his early manhood the pledge of total abstinence from Intoxicating liquorsand the longer he lived the more reason he had to blese God for the choice he had made. ' "ri '"' ... .1 .11 1 --i At the age of thirty he wbs elected to Congress from tbe Berkshire district, and TBI 0IO A0 TBI lIOIClt pr JUiNlATA COUNTY, m& in that capacity b was retained during biz consecutive terms, -docliuin further services ia that directft cjpon being nominated for Governor. At the age of furty-seven years be was elected Gov ornor MassaclitiaetU, to which office lie was annually re-elected from 1813 to 1851, , , , , It was a euld bleak day iu March, Governor Briggs bad just descended from his room iu tbe State House, and was leaning ; against tbe railing which guards tbe statue of Washington, in con versation with a friend, when a pnge ap pruache.d and handed him a note, u He broke the seal and read It. was from thotniyor of the city, informing him that a . man had been picked up iu the gutter during the night by the watah, and was pronounced to be dying oC. de lirium tremens. "He says," j wrote the mayor, that he knew you once that you were hi friend and sclioolnnte. t If you would like to see him come soon ',' Thej Governor Lastentd down to the city building, and with Dr. Smith, the ciiy phyeician, he went dovru into the police station, where the poor creature lay. . . ...... . Alas ! he would have never recognized ju th;it wasted, shattered wreck of hu- rmnhy 1e frieiTT'JtMtrTjF-yMrti ; htu'su it was ' Oh ! what a sad, sad night ! "lias he any consciousness left 7 ' inteli;gPnce ; their sunken depths Who spoke?' he demandeif. in a hollow, whispered tone. ".Valcailm, it was I. Don't you know i me Another faint smile crept in upon his scarred and tortured feature, but it quickly faded away, and something like a pearl glistened upon the drooping lashes. "Malcolm, what can I do for you ?'' "Nothing nothing, George. I am past help. I chose my owu paih' and I have traveled in it and here I am You chose the better part, George and there I you are- You Governor of Massachu setts ; una I I The voice choked, the features wpre convulsed ; a moment or so, and ihen the eyes were opened, the smile flitted back, and murmered as he said : .SVe Irani-it glunqrn'mdi !" He had reached the end of a Weary way, and another wreck lay upon the terrible reef which a pernicious appetite bad reared amid the waters of life. . - Governor Briggs told me the story of M.t'colm we sat together upon ! the platform of Boston Common, during ' the public reception of Father Mathew, VTTrjSoms ArsPoor. Cream is allowed to mould and spoil Silver spoons are used to scrape kettles. The scrubbing brushes is left in the water. Nice handled knives are thrown into hot water Brooms are never liurg np, and are soon spoiled. Dish cloths are thrown whore mice can destroy them. Tubs are left ont in ihe sun to dry and fall apart. Clothes are left on the line to whip to. pieces by the wiud 1 Tie crust is left to sour instead of making a few tarts for tea Dried fruit is not taken care of in season, and becomes wormy. Veg etablcs are thrown away that 1 would warm np for breakfast. The cork is left out of the sugar jar and flies take poses sion ' Bits of meat are thrown ont that would make hashed meat or hash. . Coffee, tea, pepper, and spices are left open and lose strength. Pork spoils for the want of salt, and beef because the brine wants scab ling . John Recthard, who claims to have made a trip on the first and fonrth steam boats that sailed from Pittsburg to Cin cinnati' when there was but one small house, a blacksmith shop and a grog shop there, is now, according to a coi respon dent, hale and heartp, dwelling upon a good farm near Des moines' ' Iowa, and reading the newspaper! without glasses. rr' - . . One of tbe features uf a London thea tre is a woman styling herself ts the Mexican athlete. She holds suspended by a cord fiom her teeth two 180 pound balls and at the same time a 100 pound ball in each hand. She also shoulders a 500-pound cannon and holds it while a j round is being fired. TH LAWS. J SPTr;MBE 4, 1S72. Taia your Homo PaPer. 'Wal Squire yon say you don't take yonr county paper. t . ' " 'No, Major. I. get city papers on better terms, and so I take a couple of them.' 'Bui Squire,, these county papers are a great convenience to us ; the more we encourage them the better the editor can ! t .1 ' 1 ".'it .H 1 1 .-. . I make them. 't ofon't know that they are any con venience to iro. ' ' "' "The ' farm you sold last Spring was advertised in one and you thereby ob tained a customer.' ' " Very truo Major,' but " I paid three dollars for it.' ' ' ' '-: ' 'Ndw if 'the neighbors' hid not main tained that press, you konld have been wiiho'nt tlie means ' of publishing your daughter's marriage, and your brother's death last summer.'. j , Yes, yes, but.' . . 'And when your, nephew was a candi date for the legislature yjtt were hiahly gratified at his newspaper defence, which elected him and cost nothing. 'Yes ; but these little things are news to the readers, and mike the people take the papers."- ' '' " " . '.' ' ,! ' ' ' - 'No 1.0, Squire, not if they are Tike ton. .now... I. tell ynti ' Sqnire,' the day wTTl fcnroe'whrWimrtianTy long eulogy on yonr lifr. character, etc., and the printer will put il m type with a heavy black rule under and over it, and with all your riches, this will be done for you as a grave for a pauper. Your wealth, and liberaj. aud all such will be spoken of ; but the printer, as he spells the words is arranging the type will remark : '1'oor, mean, man, he he never look the paper, and i now swindling the printer nut of of his funeral notice ' 'Good morning.' ' ' Ths Stray Halo. At a meeting iu a froutier Western settlement several present wire stoutly to the organization of a Sunday school Not being able to agree, the. meeting was breaking up, when tbe chairman said he had a very important notice to read to them. Quiet was soon restored to hear the rather novel . religious notice."' "Strayed A largo black mule. He had on a halter when he left, aad is branded on the left hip with the letter S Any ouo returning said mule will be lib erally rewarded." The keen Sunday-School Union mis siouary quickly announced that he had a very important notice to give out. "Strayed A number of boys from their home, near this place, this Sunday morning. They had guns aud fishing poles 011 their shoulders when they left. They 0n branded by a holy God, as Sabbath breakers. Any one returning said boys, and placing them in a Sutiday school, will be jibrraHy rewarded at the day of judgement.'' The tact of that missionary carried the vote in favor of a Sunday school, and those boys were duly 'returned" to it. " Quarreling. If anything iu tlie world will make a man feel badly, except pinching his fin gers iu the crack of a door, it is unques tionably a quarrel. No man fails to thiuk less of himself after it than before It de grades him iu the eyes of others, and what is worse, blunts his sensibilities on, the one hand, and increases the power of passionate irritability on the other. The truth is, the more quietly and peaceably we gel on, the better for our neighbors In nine cases nut often the better course is. if a man cheats yon quit dealing with hi in ; if he is abusive quit his company ; aud if he slanders you, take care to live so that nobody will believe. Whoever he is or how ho misuses you, the wisest way is U let him alone ; for there is notliing better than this cool, calm and dniet way of dealing with the wrongs we meet. A few weeks since an Italian captain of gendarmes stumbled npon a romantic cave, in a tocky defile, and,' and explor ing it, found all manner of robbers ap paratus and a few chests full of the most elegant and valuable jewelry the results evidently, of long years of industrious brigandage The'1 inhabitants of this abode had absented themselves on a pre datory tour, but soon - retnrned. and a sharp battle occurred between 'the hostile forces. The brhrwds had the worst of it, aud discreetly withdrew, but soon afterward were decoyed into a wealthy Neapolitan's villa, surrounded, captured and brought in triumph to justice. The Norwich Advertiser says: "A young lady, very pre It, walked roud the new road (seven miles) in one hour and fourty five minutes. We remember es corting one around -that road once by moonlight. Timefour hours and forty minutes. But then she said she wasn't in a hurry-, , The old folks had gone to camp meeting, nd she had a night key ' The experience of the present summer, gays the Salem Gazette, overthrows the theory of a few years ago that the iron rails laid across tbe country were to draw off the electricity. ia sileuce and put an end to tbnnder-stornw.' ' i ' A EDITOR AND PUOF1UET03. . WHOLE DUMBER 1330. myjk it?" , '- " .The boys worth anything are so bard to find now a days ?-,Aro parejnU of. the opinion that the boys; traiued. iu idleness will make useful men ?, Do they think it is really doing boys justice,, to htinior their laziness, and let then grot? up with a dependant selfishness with ,do thought beyond their own individuality T Yet such is the case with "four boys out, of five, as our own experience can testify. If a boy is hired or bound out,, Se mut not be allowed to do chorse,. cho'p' wood, bring a bucket of water, sweep out a room, or build a fire ; such work belong4 to menials But where are the menials to come' from ? ' If", a b iy is allowed to think .he is' "too cood" to dfo this, that attd ' the other, take , our word for it, he will do things much more disreputable, if he lives to man's . estate, In all con- ; , 1 .... I -e:u ., science learn the lads to rough it ; it de velops spirit, energy and self depeudance. enabling them to battle all opposing for ces in life's career, and gain victories as noble as e'r accorded to earth horn ha roes. It makes true, upright, self reliant , , ...... . , e, u men of them. Heading at tho Nose, S-v-rsgo. while goiB Broadway, R e wTrk."Do3a"cnifec?repir running from my Dose, quite freely. I stepped asid and applied my handker chief, intending to repair to the next ho tel, when a gentleman accostpd me say ing : "Just put a piece of paper iu your mouth and chew it rapidly, and it will stop your nose bleeding." Thanking him doubtfully. I did as be suggested, ane the flow of blood ceased almost im mediately. I have seen the remedy tried since quite frequently and always with success.. Doubtless almost any substance would answer as well as paper, the stoppage of the blood being caused, no doubt, by the rapid motion of thej iws and tbe counteraction of the muscles and arteries connecting the jaws and nose I'hysiciaus say that placing a etnaM roll of paper or musliu above the. front tteth under the npper liji, and pressing hard 011 the same, will arrest bleeding at the nose checking the passage of the blood through the artcrfes leading through the nose. Coun'ry Gent. Onkgptuu Canuiuatgs A gentle man traveling through- Indiana iu the early da e of that now powerful and vig erously growing State, stopped at a log cabiu and asked and obtained . entertain ment for a man nud horse. Dtrrihg the conversation after snpper the stranger said : 'I am traveling throrigh your -country to obtain information about its resources aud prodects.' - - 1 , Well stranger,' observed the host, "you have stopped at the r?ght place. I am a candidate for Legislators', a'rd I reckon I 4uow as much as the next man "' 'Ah. indeed ? Well, I am fortunate. What is the population of your county ? 'Corn, wheat, oats, such like truck ' You understand. I want to know the population of the county. ( 'Oh, to be sure, I did misunderstaud. Well, there's oak, dogwood and some elms mostly with vines running np." Caution ak v. Beware of sitting in a draught when warm. Bowate of sleeping too late in the mornings. Beware of marrying a wife you cannot support. Beware of drinking foo much ice-water in the summer. Beware of promising more than you are able to perform. Beware of sudden 'conversation, for disguises are easily put on. Beware of men who have no line prin ciple, but work from policy. Beware of men ami women who talk too much. Beware of the person who never fiuds anything good in his neighbors. Beware , of men who are idle and in different as to work and its results.,.. Beware of tbe girl who is ashamed ol the kitchen, or to help her mother. In a crowded tavern, a judge and an Irishman were once obliged to room to gether "Now,. Pat," said the judge, "you would have had to have staid a long time in Ireland before you would have slept with a judge " . "Ay ay, sir !' answered Pat. "an yer honor would have bad to have staid a long time in Ireland afore you'd a been a judge." Ad old gentleman remonstrated with his married son, who did not live on good terms with his wife, on the impropriety of their contentions since, in the eye of human and divine law, they were on. "I don't know how that may be, "replied the young man "bat I'm certain that if you passed our door when we were quar reling, you d thiuk we were at least twenty . . ' "They fired two shots at him," wrote an Irish reporter. "The first shot killed him, but the second was not fatal. I rTvkritin f,.r flit A 1 HAL . for one square of nine lines or Ivaa, will b charged one insertion, 75 cents, Ibree $1.60, and a t cents lor each subsequent insertion. Admia!trator's, Executor's and Auditor's Notices, $2,00. Professional and Business Cards, not exceeding on square, and inclu ding copy of paper, $8,p0 per rear. Koticea in reading column, ten cents per fine.; Mer chants advertising the year at ipseialrate. ... S "onMiv mentis. y 1 year. On square..'.. 3..W ... $ 6,00 8.00 Two squares 5,00 - .00 11.00 Three srtrares...; 6,0ft' " ln.flO 15,09 One-fourth c4'n. 10.09 T7.00 26.00 Half column..-...; 18.00' i i 25.d0 46.00 ,Oo.coluinn....,. 30.00 v .45.00 : -."SO.OO ... SHOUT ITEMS, ,j . . . , . . 1 1 ', . ' .t . I Cotton picking has begun ia Florida. "FoBTrNetrfive cent, lodging.. housrs ar-, a feature of Brookliu. A J" 1 " . -- A Georgia planter is using all his forco not for the purpose ot ptckjtTf ;tfc0 bat caterpillars. . , . . , , A Kentucky horse is in the habit of ealiug what few docks he.; fitdQ in his watering trough, A Memphis I0C4I editor who got druuk was fined five tines-the usual penalty, on the groucd that .if, was his place to set a' good example. ; ;i ! ' . ti'it -j jCkrap funera-tarfrvjriBediirTjqn-don where a , person ,ran ,,be shrouded, coffined and buried, with four experienced mourners, for abou' tu'aitj' rLjlUf-i A New Jersey judge ou a recent yacht ing excursion, lost his diamond pin over board, but made a dive for it and secured the treasure ,,,.(. The saloon keeper of Worfester, Mass., have orgauized a corpse uf ragged urchins whose duty it is to give warning of tber approach of State constables. . I" v. .. ' In Potter couiity the arrest ' of a man for stealing a cross cui saw lead to the arrest of another who had stolen a rifle. L ana tni -w Ttore'rEic.'T'' smiiii'Iii usiou fSY The grave of the first Englishman who ever lived in Japan has been' discovered near Yokoh.'im i. His name was Adams; he married a Japanese lady and died about 1820. . A Chicago citizen has iuvented a method by which real thunder and light ning ctrn be produced by an electric bat tery, and the new inrentiia is soon t be used in a theatre. Seventy-four Presbyterian ministers died during tlie last year, according to the report of the General Assembly; the average age of sixty-three of tbem was nearly rfxty-Ive years. 0?e night recently a couple of sace liglous rascals entered tbe M'Connells- burg Presbyterian church, and stole the j Bible and cut up' the cushions of j pulpit and several pews. th Some ingenious observer has discover ed that theie is a r markable rcsemblane between a baby and wheat, since it is first cradled, then threshed and finally becomes the flower of the family. , A Mill Plain woman was prevented ! fron attending the funeral of her sister by the non-arrival on time ef a laea handkerchief from New York. The bru tality of the express company is severely commented on by the neighbors Tho Supreme Court of Iowa have de cided that where cattle enticed by the dripping of water from a railroad tank and are thereby .lirought npon a railroad track, and while tfiere injured, tl'e fail road company is liable. The doleful Plantamour, says a west ern paper, who 'predicted tho destruc tion of the earth in August by a comet, has come out for Greeley If tbe earth .does not come to an end' he wants thn next best calamify. A father iu Alletitown, happening lo see bis son in a restatnant about to drink a glass of wbi-ky, steppd in, took tho glass from the handa" of h's b'oys, dasWd it Tjehiud the bar-keeper of what would follow a repetition' of selling liquor to minors. llurd's grass is not a good article for human food. It is very slow of digestion. A Connecticut paper declares that a man at McnlTille has coughed op a head ef this plant which hd swallowed ?eventeerr years ago. It rf'js hard y'toue, and re tained its fort and fibre perfectly. The death warrents read to culpriw on the gallons in New Jersey covtr eleven pages, and the performance usu ally takes place in the hottest part of the day. As the sheriff-t have to "spell oul" all tho hard words, the operation is rather tedioub' to the gentlemen wailing to be hanged. . An Indiana wcrm'an who was some years ago disdVarged from the insane asylum after several years' treatment, as incurably insane, soon after Lt-ing taken home fell aud struck her head Kgainst a kettle, fracturing her skull. From that time on she possessed full control of hi r faculties until her death, which occurred recently. , . . A Texan tells this rtoTy of lost oppor tanities: "Now, you see, " said he, land was cheap enough at ouC time in Texas. I have seen the day when I could have bought a square league of land, covered with Sue grass and timber, for a pair of boots." "And why doa't you buy it?" asked hi companion. "Didn't have the boots" said the Texan'. The latest instance of mrnatural af fection is that which is said to have ex isted between a cow and a big black snake down in Slocum, Tenn. Accord ing to the story, the cow was wont to lie down at the foot of a tree while th) snake would milk her in the most nat- aral way in the world. This is tbe sama old serpent bamboozling the female sex to iu ruin. He bat been killed and the cow is saved. 5 ' r