Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, August 21, 1872, Image 1

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    jir Juniata r?rntiurl.
tsr.inU'SiiKi) in IS4C.
,.. Eikht (VsiixrsnAV Mossiso.
W ' " . I i. 1.1 r-.ii,,.,..- If. II
ThiJcxiataSktini;!. is ptiSlULea every
lnMjy mwnins l 5 1,oU a year, in ad
' S2.0U in eases if not paiti
. 0r in
, in advance.
No subscriptions (lis
litaeJ no''1 ,n arrearages are paid, unless
ft, .ptioa of the r"1''"1'"-
Viushuss Cnrbs.
;ifilintowx, pa.
jf;!(ctiti an J Conveyancing prcmplly
Ofjcton I!ril?c sireet, opposite the Court
Hon Spiire.
y overt Xiuzus.
UlrTLISTnwS, p..
0S;e Hri-lie street, in the rootn .'uriijcr!;
i4 y Kir U. Pari er. Ks. j
E r.'U'i-KN.
Oaf "'' sen ices 1 'he cit lens of Jtini- j
i;,e3u3iy r.s A:ic'in:iiMT and Veti hie Crier, j
iVrf-'S II ' A ' 'J t''" I s. Sl;slnc-i
;,r, ir,ii.!. i ".!.
YKS! () Yi;
E. H. SIiTLZIi, rerrjjviiie, ?a,
Tes-lers his services tn the citizuu. of Jt:ri
I 111 3'V 1,11 .ijtt..iit ii',. j3 .1 :it:.i 1111.-1-1 .
jlM Hi
l.-I:t 'I 1' S It I -I
t'H I 'e ti.
id: ess, i'o
ml, J.liiiat l Co , Pa.
J'it. 1. C. KU.ND10,
) a. i) 1 i; x
v.rn;i:os. i knx a.
Aiifimt is. I.::'-if.
l-t Uv.r, A
r hniMniJ
V to 3 P. M. ((Sice in
. two !oo;,.. Niiove it'C.Vu
stfft. milS-tf
Ylniu an! Sufpca,
t";i j .: ! in i!ie ! )rMii;lj of TbfiiHj sti
.,. oi r ;i . '1 vicuity.
r. Stfjr. .! :i:.o i li, '72-i f
;$.fA7lHC Vi'VilClAN" SIT.'.; EON
lied in the lu roui:li j
('V'ltfSStillWll Stfl VIC, j
ice an l ?-.iri uuiitiiu ;
l: .3 i:iun, i.ITn v iii-
iU Cll.i-.'I: Hi tL
: 1
iin.-e on Main -tree, over IIvM'!
I ann i s 1
.o-i r
Di. 22. A. eiiii'-'sua
fit? !. firir.8 ii:
li";is. and r.iav con i
ilf i s foliuas: at his olit;e 111 Liverpool j
i. every SAII UDAV and MONL'A V np-
in'mnt cju lie L a le l'c,r other -iaj s.
tyrCill on or a-Lircss j
I'll. ii. A. SI M i'SOS.
iec 7 I.ivt'i-j.iiol. Perry 'o.. Pa.
Y!I WATTS most resrei-ifullv announ-!
'cstitlis ; :!' lie thf.t he is prepared to ;
' rt-.i.i.J prices.
: Li ilLi STAN
Hereafter j
, MAIS .St.,
've bii a call
Oct 2V-tf
;i.oom7i; !7i: .r ta Ty k n o u m a .
literary and Commercial Institute.
The Faculty of Miia lii-titnli'n aim lobe
y tniirooph in their instruction, and lc
;s jretnily after the manners, health ami
r' f ttie si ud.-nts.
Or Aj'i'Iy for catalopius to i
-t2. 1K7 1 -;.. Priii.-ipal. j
j. J .!. A I I'l.l.lt ALU ii lias esi.iijiisiie i
t t lin.ff and Prescription iStore in tlie!
'ii'-naiiied place, and keeps a general as j
Inn'tit ul
HKCC.S A Sl MLhiasrs,
'ii U itiir articles itsuaWy kept in cstab-
RK-iii'; uf this kind.
i are nir an l t.iquors lor meuicinai j ur
9 e. I :.',r. l'ultae..i t at loner V
2? ,S:st-e!ap). Si'tioU!!, etc.. e!c
Etf"TLe Doctor ives advice free
K-eniicals, I've Stuff.
':. Paints,
1 Varaishet, Glass,
i l''y. Coal Oil,
Litis;., BurUL-i'S,
Chimneys, Brushes,
Infants Brushes. Soaps,
Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes,
l'trfunnrv, Combs,
"ir Oil, " ToUn'o,
llr. Notions,
and Stationary.
"ted with great care, and warranted from
;(1 uttioritv.
;''ret nf ITIXE5 ASD LIQUORS forMedi-
I'KE.SCRIPTIONS eompoundel with
if to the Place where you can buy
J r.. TTT 1 , ftr
i juui nau raper uncap.
I HE ntjilersiiriieil ti.ltes ltii method of in-
r forming the public that he has just re
IM at his residence on Third Street, Jlif--
on, a krpe assortment of
IiieTi" "!le"' wllich li offers for sale
V it eau purchased elsewhere
tlt county. All persons in need cf the
. . . "vm, auu wisning io save money, are
. ana wisning ;o save money, are
' r' toeall and examine hi. slock f and I
" its rrie. K.i,.. .i..i..
2.Large supply eoustautly on hand.
!. April S. 1872-tf
nr.. .
. STAMRttlfiJT V..,. nr.
lnirnock f r.knrrpir ,
celled eiil,.r ; ,k. " .
v," . ime. uiyc mem a cau
goin; elsewhere.
To all Xen Whoia It may Concern.
If you have anything to sell,
If you have lost .anythiiiir,
If you have found anything,
If you have a house to rent,
If you want to rent a house.
If you want boarding,
If you want employment,
If you want hircl help,
If you want anything,
Uiuiii llLJUoiijil C5-J73
j 11
i Full Upper or Lower Se's as Low a
No if-th 11.it.1 1. 1 l,.1Vo the office unless
Tceih i rrh'nl.-!n; :i:hl r.j;a!red.
Tcttii tiiied tu l't t.ir Inc.
Toutinciic fiop in iiva minutes nitliant
i cxrrscting l:e tooth.
, U -nta! oi k d..n forpprmn wi.Uoct them
j leaving l l,oins, if j-9:rcl
! 1 lecniciij used in l'e exttacticn of teeth,
j retidi'i in it almost a painless .er.itiou. (nj
i cxir chnrel at the U-nUl Ottice of C. t.
berr, eslablidhvil in Miluintown in li .
j ;. f.. iK!;it,
!Jn2l. 187My Practical Pentist.-
It ES Ti S T,
3I(.VliMtoivillc I'oiiim.,
j I FKKKS hi. profrsyoii il ervices to t!i
IV pi:M;e in gi npial, in both branchps of
! hi prolssiin nperntivc aud tnecliaiiic.-il.
; !":rst erk f tvoiy monih at I'.iclifield, !,-
!innt ami Turkey Vr:ey.
.ecuud wi-ft Liverpool and Wild Cil Val
: lev.
! Tiiirl week M .llerstowu and Raccoon
I I "our.-h rl: at Lis rff.oe in M;Alisierville.
Will visit Mitlliii w in n ciilud on.
Teeth pnt nn n any ul lite liauu, and as
lib-r.il as iinulK're e!s....
Aihires l.v 1-iter i-r otLerrisc.
I May 1. J7J-:y
mjl'IKI :nii?i'iif. i
T. VAN IKY IN, Oisl.ici.
HIS l.CTnl: S.
Joseph roim ioy, John J. Patterson,
.!.-rome N. Thw";iis.in. Ornrce Jacobs,
Jua I'.als lach.
I.o-in wincy. receive deposits, pay interest
o:i lime deposits, buy aii'i sell .iin and L'ni
led States Hrn ls. cash couimmis and checks.
I'emi: niooev toanv part of i he I tiited State!-
.lnJ a!Sl, t, Knc'ind. Scotland, Itciatid and
(lerinanv. Si il revenue Manips.
In suras of S- l at 2 r"r cent, discount.
In -unis of SH'O at 2J per cent, discount.
In films of .1IHI at :l pnr cent, discount.
List of Jurais September Term, 1372.
Ot .tMl Jt R iRS.
SiiS'jUrhanna I II App
Pa ii'i'son J V Hratton, J ihn Ilackcnber
rrT Lucian Kninfley
l ack O I' liirtot.. T M Ncily.
her:ii.ina!i It l'-ar.ley. Mir.jjle.
Tu-cariir 1 ii i . s Uerrymia, J M MilUfcen
Le;le Isaac linoaker.
(iifi-tiffjjl Louis . ai 51 II.
Delaware D li i'uiiii
Sprui-e II II 'Vm 1' 0r:ivr, Th s Tilt m.
Favert-' losO iytnin S iimiel Kinzer.
Turbett Clirisiiaa ii iriinin. m Su-wart
Mii'.lin' iwn 11 il irning. l.in cl Pauue
baker, (jvoieje Reynolds.
alk -r John Moii .'r, Thomas Porter.
rr.TtT jfRois.
i;eale Divid A 1 its Isaac Parton. .las
FrmiMimi-e. IV m H"Ot s. An ly Willmtghby.
lnlia.iii' 'ire iiitli "rnicr, John Fiey,
John K 'i-er. A., ,iie!!ey.
Snsquc h;ii;n.-i '1 It i.'e.in, Henry Tr"y
uiuyer, Oeoie Zi'l'er.
Fei in in i(rh S ii.iu.'f P.i ubakir, I-aac Soi
ber. U S Waroer
MiUortI L"; h Canaittgliata, J T MelKn.
A it Mi :I)..tml I.
Titscarora John E IbiLbs, Geo Koujh,
Frank Miiliken. J ihn Heed.
Monroe iotm Frayicy, Sol Lauvcr, David
Maikic, Mct'oniivii.
Lack Jonathan (Jiffurd, Samuel Kline, M
Sluiiip. Andrew Vea'cr.
fayette lessc fjrtibh. J H McAlister. J.
V Mufer'baiigh, Peter Shelley, Adain Spou
hoiir. Levi Vun n nicr.
Miffiintow u Jo!m H'lJiard, T U Talker,
Israel Veakley.
Thiinipsoiitoivn 5 Hostler.
Va!kor Sol Kaufftiian, L C P.npp. Sam'l
Sieber. Hubert S ii'tuin.
Turbett S li McCIure.
1'Kitersou Saiinio Stiayer. Harrj- Stuhl.
Greenwood Andrew Zeidcrs.
Trial List for September Term, 1872.
1. Jacob Spade v. Jcreuiiah Bruur and
Williaru (.'art.
2. Lotiis A Landis vs Jeremiah I.yous and
Henry Cross. Assignees. &e.
3. John Kinier vs. Abraham Sicbcr.
4. John Sheuelof vs. James Coulter, Ex
ecutor, Ac.
5. W. W. Wilson vs. A. H. Martin, l'xec
utnr, 6. t.'hritian Benner vs. Jacob Tl'mes.
7. Elizabeth lieale et al ts. Pennsylvania
Railroad Company.
V. L. E. Atkinson ts. Amos Miller.
9. Henry W. Overman vs V'm. Given.
10. William Edmiston, fjr use. ts. Daniel
!1. Win L. Notestine vs. Edmund S. Doty.
12. Josiah Foster ts. Solomon Books
13. Henry Zook vs. Michal Spigeluioyer
and Peter Dalbert.
R. E. McMEES, ProlKy
Prothonotnry's Office, Mifflin-1
town. July 20, 187
Elollobaush's Saloon.
Two for 5 cente. Also, the Fre-beM Lager.
r;He tSu
'he Largest Oysters. ' ' , ' n
Finest Domestic Wines, and, in snort, any
thing you may wish in the
at the most reasonable prices. lie has also
refitted bis
so that it will now compare faTorably with
any Hail in the interior of the State.
June 1, 1870-ly
Tanners' Girls.
Up in (h early morning;
Just at the peep of day.
Sirsining the milk in the dairy,
Turning the cows y
Sweeping the floor in the kitchen.
Making the beds up stairs.
Washing the breakfast dishes,
Dusting the parlor chairs.
Proshing thj crumbs from the pantry,
Hunting for eggs at the barn,
Roastin" the meat for dinner.
Spinning the stocking yarn.
Spreading the snow-white linen
Down on the bu lies beljw,
Ransacking every met low
Where the red stracberrips grow.
Star'-hintr (n-ir cottons for Sabbath,
Chnrt'ing the snowy cream,
P.in-ing tl.c pails and strainer
Down in the running stream.
Feeding the geese, and poultry,
Maying the puddings and pies,
Jotrtfiliv the little one's cra 'lc,
Driving aitay the flies.
Grnce in every motion.
Music in every 'on?,
P.enut. of form and foatvre
Thousands might covet to own
Clii'-ks that rival the rose.
Teeth the whitest of pearls:
One of those country r. aldetis is worth
A score o your if id ly girls
A Csntrast.
Justice in M ttifClinselN Tirciity-two Vetirs
Asu, tuj in .Vtnr fork Tad.ir-TJic
rarfc-tniu Tragedy Hocalled.
The di'Hth in IJ ist in, oti (Iie 30t'i ah ,
of K Jiraitn Littii fi. I.i, reviwg llie mem
ury of tint f ltnuus trial in wliich be was
the tlitt f w itne.-:! ; a:nl tliat trii.1 fur
nishes etioh a m.itked contrast tu the
Slukcs Ji i'-o tliat a brif tutnai-iry of
the (acts may not only bo intcicsting but
Dr. John XV. Vi'ebstcr wta prof.-s.or
of cliemistty in Harvard' College. He
In lunged to a liijrMy icsi,1(-tal,le family ;
he moved in t!ic tu ist aristocta'ic circles
ol U st iu an 1 O.-iin'jri.lt! ; his wifew i.
tlir; siarer of Wiilivra H lVasc tt, the
greatest of American hi.-t ni ins, nd bif
character for trn:It, honor ami honesty
hid never been i:nj.erfc;,cd.
ttn; l;ult, or iiiL-firtniie. lie had a
veij ciraiBju mi'! ih:-u a.s imw lie lived
beyond hh menu, (.'onseejnonlly he
, ..t t- j . . i .
,is uuiigeii v) inii.,w iniinev, ntfl n:'
,11'aii.u Slli.nl io,i Willi Of. Ucliipl'
I'atkmr!!!, a vrill known capitalist and
j real eft a'.e ow tn r of IJo?;!1;!. giving as hc
! ciuily a tuoiljtago on a c tliini-t of initicr
i a!i. lie could not tin et llut obligation
at ui. limit v, and thoit-'h n'Tteatrdly call
cd uj) :i protlitci d iinthiog lint irr.jnisc
nhieh were ntver fttuillcd. I'arktuau.
being a eitiitt and lAllr-r s-ven busiiuvs
man, was annoyed at I lie delay, and this
annoyance dn-jicned into rr.gnr v. lien he
accidetitly ascertained that the cabinet
of minerals bad been hyuotliceatcd to
att'ither j arty. lie (oil wed YVokster
up more tharj.'y thau ever, and finally
went one day to his rooms iu tho Massa
chusetts Hospital, and was never sien to
come out again. The disappearance of
of such a wealthy and p oininent citizen
created profound excitement, and a vtg
orous search, backed by the officers of
heavy rewards, v.n m tie in every direc
lion, but all to no purpose-
I'phtain Liltli field was the janitor of
the hnspitnl and resided in the bndiling
What excited his suspicions has new
hern ea'isfactotily explained, but he be
gan a careful surveillance of Webster's
movement, and at last come to the con
clusion that he was the murderer of
Patkman. The hospital had been thor
oughly searched by the officers, and
Webster's apartment?, as it wa thought,
clogely scrutinized, but without finding
any traces of the crime. Lit lit fi. Id be
ing pa'i.-tit il in his own mind that the
deed of death was done there- and no
where else, resolved to push the search
at a point hicli the officers had over
looked. Procuring the nncfssary implements,
and putting bis wife on watch to guard
atiaittst interruption, he went to woikone
night and broke a hole through the wall
of the vault which communicated with
the water closet iu llr. Webster's. labora
tory. He discovered there, mutilated
portions of a human body, and giving the
information to the authorities, Tebster
was immediately arrested. The apart
ments of the latter were now examined
by keener eyes, and with most astonish
ing results. Concealed in a tea box
were found other remains evidently be
longing to the same body and in the
furnace among the ashes were a number
of small fragments of bone, and a parti
ally melted gold plate which had once be
longed to a set of false teeth.
On the trial it was proved that Web
eter bad owed Packman money ; that
the statements be bad made in regard to
paying it were false, and that Parkman
had never been seen alive after going
into the hospital. This chain of circum
stantial evidence was riveted by the tes
timony, of Dr Keep, a dentist of Boston,
who swore positively that the gold plate
found in the furnace was made by him
for Dr. Parkman. Everything that
money and family influence could do to
save Webster was done, but notwith
standing all this, together with a strong
public sympathy in hie behalf, he was
convicted of murder iu jhtji jat JftgreeJ
sentenced to be hung, and bung.
Previous to bis execution he confessed
his guilt. lie said that Parkman had
callud on him, demanded his money,
and when be could not get it used some
insulting epithet which roused Webster,
and that in a moment of wild passion he
struck him on the Lead with a piece of
grape vine, causing iustant death. Not
daring to acknowledge the terrible act
and take the consequences, he Ladsonght
to dispose of the body in the manner al
ready described.
Jlassarhusetta. by litis etern vindica
tion of violated law twenty two years
asro. won a reputation at home and
abroad which has done her infinite ser
vice. Human life is. regarded there as a
eacred thing. The murderer, no mitter
who or what be may be. is tried, con
victed and executed, and Dostonians
would as soon think of blowin up ISun
kei Hill Monument as of allowiug a
criminal of the Stokes stamp to miss
wearing a hemp cravat.
A Father's Advica to a Brida.
Said a young husband whose business
speettlatiwws' ' sere - BirstiiNpW, Mt 4 T
wife's silver leaset, the bridal gift of a
. , ,,,t - n . I
rich uncle, doomed me to financial ruin
It involved a hundred unexpected ex
penses, which, in trying to meet, have
made the haiikiupt I am." His experi
ence is the experience of many others,
who less wise, do not know what is the
goblin of the house, working ils destruc
A sagacious bitlier ot great wealth
exceedingly mortified bis daughter by
ordering it to he priuted ot. her wedding
cards, "No presents, except those ad
apted to an income of $1,000." Slid
he, "You must not expect th begin life
in the style I am able, by many years of j
labor, to indu'ge ; and I know of nothing
which will tempt you to try it more than
the well intentioned but pernicious gifts f
of rich friends " Such advice to a j
daughter was timely. If other pireuts
would follow the tame plan, many young j
m n would b" spared years of incessant j
toil aud anilely ; they would not find
themselves on the downward road, be-j
cause their wives had worn
....... jt j....... V.A
a,! of their!
raents of the house.
Hie fate of the '
poor man who found a liuch pin. and felt ,
himself obliged to make a carriage to fit j
it, is the f'.e of the husband who finds :
his bride in possession of gold and silver j
valuable., and na large income t; sup j
p ut tho owner's gold and silver in style.
lliylng For S"i377.
To the question often asked young
men as to why th-y do not marry, we
sometimes hear the reply, "I am not
able to support a wife." In one case
in three perhaps this may be so ; but. as
a general thing, the true reply would be,
"I am not able to support the style iu
which I think my wife ought to live."
In this again we see a false view of
marriage a looking to an appearance in
the world, instead of a union with a lov
ivz woman for her own sake. There are
very few men of industrious habits, who
cannot maintain a wife, if they are will
ing to live economically, and without
reference to the opinion of the world.
The gn at evil is, they are not content
to begin life humbly, to retire together
Lito an obscure position, and together
work their way in the world he by in
dtistry iu bis calling, and she by dis
peusing with prudence the money that
he earns. But. they muH stand out and
attract the attention of others by line
houses and fine clothes.
TI13 Newark Jourml tells a short but
very romantic story from Long Branch.
It states that at a grand hop given :it
the Mansion House, Long Branch, on
Saturday evening, John D. Banghart, a
Jersev City lawyer, was introduced to
-Mrs. Caroline Marsh, of New York, said
to be possessed of 8200,000. The writer
says she is thirty-five and radiant in her
widow's weeds, "and looks really well
for one who has grieved at the grave of
two husbands." They spent Sunday in
promenading and carriage riding, on
Monday weut bathing together, and on
Monday evening were married by Rev.
Dr. James B. Wilson.
Princeton, III . has a sensation in thu
elopement of a rich farmer's daughter,
named Coddington, with a poor Swede
carpenter, named Peter Ostrom. Peter
had been engaged to put up a building
for Mr. Coddington, when he became ac
quainted with Belle. The acquaintance
soon ripened into a spell of "killing
love," and Peter asked the parental
blessing upon their proposed marriage.
The old gentlernau declined, and forbade
any further demonstrations. Peter there
upon armod himself with the necessary
papers, and in the quiet hours of the
night he stole his charmer away and
married her.
Shoddy invited Olb Bull to diue with
him. and meet a few friends. At. the
dinner. Shoddy hoped Mr. Bull bad
brought his violin. Ole Bull quietly re
plied, "My violin never dines out."
TBI Ull. j
AUGUST 21, 1?72.
flrsf, flypaina fry Qljf England
As soon as the leaf is on the willow
and the sweet scented blossoms of the
May trees make their, appearance in the
hedge rows of England, then the gyp
sies bes.tir themselves to get out of their
crowded haunts in large cities. They
have inherited the passions of nature
from ancestors older than any stock in
htiglanu The gipsy is no Egyptian,
nor Bohemian, nor ancient Christian
driven out of the East by the Saracen,
as the French tale goes, lie is a Hin
doo of the aboriginal type ; his dialect is
full, in every land, nf broken words from
India roots; bis haired of houses, bis
airy attempt of dirt, bis scorn of books
and schools, his turn for pilfering, his
rooted timidity and cunning, and bis ad
dictedness to divination and black arts,
arc all antique legacies from Asiatic
source. The Danes cell the wanderers
"Tartars," the Germans "ilelden" or
heathen, the French ' Bohemians" and
their own word "Komany-' is corrupted
Sanskirt for a "husband." But all the
other mtuies, Zigani, Zingari. Tebiugenes,
G initios and Czigany, are inflections, of
the title Zinctli.''
meauiu"; "Men of
inlia.'' lie who has soon, the Briniari
aud Iilieel tribes of that peninsula has
seen the first cousins of the Kuropeau
gypsies; aud the likeness between them
i aud the roving people nf Beioochistian,
and al the mouth ol the Indus, is perfect
ly surprising
There exists, indeed, an old legend
j that the ancestors of this singalar race
were the inhabitants of a villaze
a village in
Egypt, to which Joseph and Mary came
in their fli 'lit with the child. The fu2i
lives were refused admission to ils hos
pitablc wall, and thereupon a voice was
beard from the sky, civing: "Those
who shut love out shall be shut out from
I,,ve." After this the doom of perpetual
wandering, with careless ill treatment
from all men, full upou the offenders and
their posterity
The stry is pretty, but
it is not true. In those dark skinned
Romanies wc undoubtedly sec veritable
Asiatics -, and that incarablu love of wild
life and free air, which they everywhere
display, iu deep-rooted relic of their an
tfite:al!Vl!lZivr,J2 'yMi. Iuo
lw caste Hindoo., ate equally fond m" j
bright colors, equally averse to fixed in-
habitations ; clever ut smiling wild crea !
tttres, chaste within c.'itiin wide limits,!
timid, patient, passiouate ; crafty at play
jng upon the credulity of the civilized
and scornful of all beliefs, except that it j"
is very good to be w here the sun aud
moon can be seen. They, too, are hap
py tu their way, though it is not ours.
Meantime, it is a pity to be too hard on
the poor Zingari of England. They
will die out soon enough when the heath
er and furze have nil yielded to wheat
and turnips, and when the hazelnuts are
to be had without paying They do
very little barm indeed, and contribute
to many a rural landscape in spring and
summer a feature of wild primeval charm.
A Sharp Lstsstiva.
AMadrassehad a monkey which he
was very fond of. The man had occi
sion to go on a journey, and took with,
him money and jewels, and his chum,
the monkey. So.ne roguos determined
to rob him of everything ho had ; ac
cordingly they lay iu wait for him' and
murdered him. Having secured the
money and jewels, they threw the mur
deied man into a dry well, aud haviug
covered it up with twigs and dry leaves,
they went home. The monkey who
was on the top of a tree, saw the whole
of the proceedings, and when the mur
derers departed, he came down and made
tracks for the Tahsildar's bouse, and by
his ct ics and moans attracted the atten
tion of that functionary. Inviting the
Tahsildar, by dumb signs, to follow him,
the monkey went to the well, and point
ed downwards. The Tahsildar thereup
on got men to go down, and of course
tho body was discovered. The monkey
then led the meu to the place where the
jewels and money were buried. He then
took them to the bazaars, and as soon as
he caught sight of one of the murderers
he ran after him, bit him in the leg, and
would not let him go tid he was secured.
In this way all the murderers were
caught. The men it is said, have con
fessed their crime, aud they now stand
committed (or trial before the Tellicherry
court at the ensuing eession. That mon
key, we tbiuk. ought to be made an in
spector of police. Ex.
An Irishman named Paddy Doolan, a
ready-wilted wag, who always had a
word for everybody, let it hit whichever
way it might. Paddy went into a gro
eery store one day to bny egg3. "How
are eggs to-day I ' he asked of the clerk,
who was one of those over smart fellows,
by the way. "Eggs are eggs to-day,
Paddy," replied the clerk, looking quite
triumphaut upon two or three young lady
customers who happened to be in the
store. "Faith. I'm glad to hear yeez say
so," replied Paddy, "for the last ones I
got here were chickens." Good for
Probably all of our little boys and
girls have read about the great herds of
wild horses that are to found in the
south-westeru parts cf the United States,
in Mexico, and South, .America ; aud we
presume most of them think that the
horse is a native of our continent; like
the grizzly bear and the bufT.tlo. J5ul
iu this they are mistaken. The first
horse ever seen on the Ameiican conti
nent were those brought by the Spanish
general Hernando Cortez, when he Lad
come t.i conquer Mexico for the .wp.in;ali
As soon as you arc eld envagu to
read those delightful books of Mr. Pre
cott, Mho Contiucpt of Mexico" and very nice young woraatv Laughter.J
"The Conquest of Peru," you will see They can both g.-t married and live hap
that though the Az'eea as the a icieiit ! py 0n this farm. If tby go on with
iuhabitauts of Mexico were c died were! Uw proceeding it will be all flittered
in many respects very intelligent people, aw.ty. betweeu the lawyers, wb.. I am
who knew how to build fine aqueduct, sure, are not ungallant enaug'i to wish
magnificent temples, ntid great cities, and the marriage may not come off."
cotiiU write m Lirrottly nines (about)
which wo talked to you lately), they had
never seen or beard of a horse, and
thought that the mounted soldiers of
Cortez were a sort of fighting demons,
against whom it was useless for mere
mortals to contend. This terror made
them an easy prey to the cruel Spauiards,
who soon reduced them to slavery ; and
by and by when it was too late the
poor Aztecs discovered that the Span-
iards wcro human as well as they ; aud
great was their astonishment when they
found, as they soon iiid, that they them
selves could mount and control these
fleet and wonderful animals.
But although horses wero not native
to our soil and climate, they seemed to
find the rich grasses of our Southern
plains quite to their liking, and it was
not long before they had multiplied
faster than men could find use for them,
aud so liitle colts were left to grow wild
aud shift for themselves, wdiicb it was
i n(,t difficult for them to do iu a warm
climate, with plenty of good pasture all
about them. Now there are great herds,
of fiery wjld hotscs roaming i.boul at
their own free will, over miles aud miles
of the unoccupied territory of our conti
! EE.' J!"',.? ?"i many of the colts are
, bat the numbers of "wild horses are di-
miuishing, and in time there may be
none left save those tint are trained for
the use of mankind IL-arth and llomr.
From Fa&3r ts C33.
One day a young mm entered a mer
chant's office iu Boston, and with a pale
aud care-worn face said :
"Sir, I am in need of help. I have
been unable to meet certain payments,
because certain parties have not done
as they agreed to by me, and I would
like to have SI, 000. I came to you be
cause you were a friend to my father,
und might be a friend to me."
Come in." said the old mercbaut,
"come in and have a glass of wine,"
"No," said the young man, "I don't
"Have a cigar then V
"No, I never smoke."
"Well," said the old gentleman, ' I
would like to accommodate you, but I
don't think I can."
"Very well," said the young man as
he was about to leave the room, "I
thought perhaps you might. Good day
"Hold on," said the merchant, "you
don't drink V
"Nor smoke
"Nor gamble, nor anything of that
kind V
"No, sir, I am superintendent of the
Suuday school."
"Well," said the merchant, "yon shall
have it, and three times the amount if
you wish. Your father let me have
five thousand once and asked me the
same questions. He trusted me, and I
will trust you. No thauks I owe it to
you for yoar father's trust.
During distress God comes ; and when
becomes it is no more distress. Gallic
Pi occrb .
What wo act has its consequences on
earth ; what we think has its consequen
ces in heaven.
It is one of the beautiful compensations
of this life that no one cau sincerely try
to help another without helping himself
If men would but hate themselves as
they do their neighbors, it would be a
good step toward loving their neighbors
as they do themselves.
It happens often enough when I turn a
thought over suddenly, as you did that
five cent piece the other day, that it reads
differently on its two sides O. TV.
A gkntlema.n named Dunlop remark
ed that he had never heard his name
punned upon, and did not believe it could
be done. "There is nothing in the world
more' easy, sir," remarked a punster.
"Just lop off half tho name and it is
All advertising fop less thin three morths
j fur one square of nine lines or less, will be
eunii-cu iruciuociuuil, Id CCUIS, inrCO 1. OV,
and 50 cents for each subsequent insertion.
Administrator's, Executor's and Auditor's
Notices, $2,00. Professional and Business
Cards, not exceeding one square, and inclu
ding copy of paper, $8,00 per year. Kotictt
in reading columns, ten cents per line. 3Ier
chants advertising by the year at special rates.
3 "cnthf 6 monthi. 1 yrar.
One square -S 3,50 $ 6.00 5 8.C0
Two squares 5.00 8,00 11.10
Three squares.... 8.00 10.00 15.0J
One-fourth col'n. 10.00 17,00 25.00
Hair column 18.00 25.00 46,00
One column 30,00 45,00 80,00
Ssntdassl to Karrisgi
A case recently tried before tho Clom
mel (Irish) Assizes was brought to a sin
gular and novel termination by tl.o pru
siding judge. The parties in t5e case
were a young man and young woman,
both of whom claimed pusscssiou of a ru
ral property, one by virtue of an ancient
lease, and the other uudcr a will. They
were in court for the pUrpo?o cf giving
their testimony, when a bright idea oc
curred to the judge, who interrupted tho
case to say :
"It just strikes me that there is a
pleasant sind c.ny way to terminate thij
law suit. The plaintiff appears (o be a
r"snectab!i! vonn-r man, and this is a'
The vnnn 1-idi, h.;,, Int,.,,,.
ed, blusb'ed, and said she was quite wil,
ling to marry the plaintiff. The lat'er,
on being asked if hn would wed the
young woman, gallantly responded,
"Most undoubtedly.". The judge re
marked that the suggestion had occurred
to him by instinct on seeing the young
couple. A verdict was consequently
outered for plaintiff op. condition cf hi
promise to man v defendant within two
: months, a stay of execution being put
j on the verdict till the marriaze ceremonr
is completed. The counsel gave tho
young lady such an unmerciful "chaff
ing" on h ;r c msent, which many in
court thought shou'd have been first
obtained from plaiutiff, that she left ?b
court in tear s.
Toward the middle of Jie Uth century
a poor Arab was travelling in Ahyssin
nia, and finding himself weak and weary
from frttgue be stopped near a grove.
Being in want of fuel, he cut down a
tree which happened to be covered with
dried berries. His meal beiug cooked
and eaten, the traveler discovered that
these half burned beniej were fragrant.
He collected a number of these, and on
their aroma increased to a great extent"
While wondering at this, he accidently
let fall the substance into a can which
contained his scanty supply of water.
Lo, what a miracle ? The almost putrid
liquor was iustantly purified ; be brought
it to his lijis, it was fresh aud agreeable,
and in a moment after the traveler had
so far recvertd his strength and energy
as to be able to resume his journey. The
lu: ky Arab gathered as many berries as
he conM, and having arrived at Adeu,
in Arabia, h:i informed the Mufti of bis
discovery. That worthy dive was an
inveterate opium smoker, who ha-1 been
suffering for years from the influence of
that poisonous drug. Ho tried an infu
sion of roasted berries and was so de
lighted at the recovery of his former-vigor,
that in gratitude to the tree he called
it canuah, w hich in Arab signifies force.
A nd this is the manner in which coffca
was discovered.
The new license law of Connecticut
provides that the county commissioner
may grant licenses to bi 11 liquors to per
sons giving a bond of SI 000. Any
town may instruct the filectmen not to
grant licenses, and any license may be
revoked for re.uiii Penalties) are pro
vided for selling li juors without a li
cense, forsel ing to minors, or to known
drunkards, or any person whose hus
band or wife has prohibited such sale.
The proper prosecuting officers are re
quired to institute proceeding! ngiimt
any offender on the sworn complaint of
any person, and sellers are made respon
sible for damages c.used by intoxicated
persons to n iiom they have sold liquor.
An eccentric individual died in Massa
chusetts bitely, who believed his body
could be put to better use than slumber
ing in the ground He accordingly niada
a will bequeathing it to Professor Agas
siz and O. W. Holmes, of Harvard Uni
versity, on couditbu that it should bo
prepared in tho most scientific manner
and placed in the museum of anatomy.
Two drum heads are to be main of his
skin. On one is to be written Pope's)
Universal Prayer ; on the other the
Declaration of Independence The air
"Yankee Diodlc" is to be beat every
17th of June, at the foot of Bunker Hill
Sa.mukl IIakkho.m, of St. Croix, Wis.,
retired from military life with a brevet
brigadiersbip. " Good-bye, general,"
were the parting words of his old com
rades in the army. "How ate yon, coi
onel ?' was the salutation on reaching
Wisconsin. As he approached home this
began to come down to " How d'ye do,
captain 1" and, finally, when he came
among the boys at homo he was greeted
with "Hallo, Sam ; got back agaiu I' .
TriE worldling is like the hinder
wheels of a carriage, ever following after
the front wheel of happiness, but never
overtaking it.