MISCELLANEOUS. Gcoeky and the Mcney Market In an article on the new loan a French louron), L' Opinio National lately made! au earnest appeal to all political parties ! BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLINTOWN. ia favor of tbe suppression of petty pas-1 , .11 .1 - IT HE undersigned, late of tbe firm f F- Bi-as and ramui.1 denunciations in the in-j eick & woulJ re.,pee,fui!, ... e-P?t of the fiuaticul situation. As an nounce to tie public that be bas opeued a wilt in W.a!f of the patriotic for-' sh "-P i" "Hj"rfflNi!fflnwBn eBT ' l'.uil Img. on Bridge street, MiraiLtown. and L ..r-i:e asked for, the writer reinuik.! j j3 prepared 10 manufacture, of the best rua ifi t ' if in coniienco of the good order j terial, all kinua of r f rV. r-"nirv f hf Fri-nnli Trf.-mnrv rnnl.l I-.- ;ruif from capitalists the mm needed only one half per cent. Ie, the ad Tn.ripe Uf France might be reckoned in Uipupy at from mo to three hundred mil lion. On the other hand, one sees how cotllj- to the country night at this mo nent be a blundering economical law, :,. sjvvch of an ambitious lool, or the pTTi-l.h-(; of an agitator." Though ad (h (-c.) to Frenchmen the appeal is not worthy of the attention of Araeri cnD, ne it is founded upon that extreme gi'iiilir net's which is the most obvious nrjd milting characteristic of the inouey market everywhere, and in which the jf-ojile f the United States are almost .id deeply interested as the people of France. Never before in the history of iLe country wt re we so dependent as at firepent upon the confidence of Europe In the credit which we have established ifieie, it ii no exaggeration to say that oi:r fiiiiinei.il prosperity consists ; as a panic wliicli should shake the trust tin re placid in our willingness to redeem our pecuniary obligations, would inevitably insult in general disaster. Of course any, even the Ie;ut. lessening of our credit wnnlil be iuMantaueonsIy felt in financial j tarlurbotioii more or less injurious to j American business relations. Where; Fnm so immense are involved, as the Frenchman cited above shows, even the Miil!!t and most iusignificant percent age at once i tins up to amounts which staiile the imagination by tilth' mere name" Ann-iicaus, it would seem, arc apt to forget or overlook a truth which they hou!dkep steadfastly in mind. The truth is tbat American credit, abroad is a plant .f recent growth. Under Demo cratic rule it was a sickly tlirub, and so incessantly kicked and trampled npou by those whose duty it was to care for its heallhy growth, that there was no pros pect or likelihood of its ever becoming a 'e able to resist tiic storms which frou time to time assail its kind. Royal re t.iiners nud ssristocrals of every c'ass 1'outnl exiiuisite pleasure in its feebleness and in helping to cVtrny the plant which j they said and believed could not zrnw on I 11 .:. ... H-, i ,, . i apnily, utnler lientib-! r... .ii.iv, utKier .,m.u- lii-an ausjiici clicrislifd ly Reublioan nre it L.T nrun"- tin and st.read alnid ! rare, it na? . prune up and f-j.ieao auoart i until it is alrradjr a tree of renown, l'.ut ; it ia still U'lidi-r and easily hurt. Like l!.e marvelous tr e deeciibed in oi.e'of lU ollirt of Uok,, "with i. tiriR. I'ljiiilcd in tiiits of merchants an iis j s--d til.inte'l in a enod anil tiv rreat i wakiM," it is still liable "to wither in all the leaven of it ppring, even without t;reat power or many people to pluck it up hy tin; rMts. ; ttdther great power nor many people are needed to accomplish the work f destruction. let the insignificant ' minority of repndiators gain control f . the government hy the aid, or indiffcr-' tuce i f nijfaithful Krj ublici.np, and our j promieiiig tree of na ioiul credit, as ifj touched hy an east wind, ' ehall," like! tne rree reierrca 10, "wuiicr 111 ilc lur-1 o rows where it grew." Tiie mere f .ct j AXD (.nAPE-TlSE MTtSERT. that a majuriiv of the people of the!rpHE ZI'Tm-M, iu I nited States had agreed to place iu i J. form the public that he has started a their highert office a man of Mr. Grce-' IV??' """y about one mile northeast p iti0' Mimiutown, where be has been testing a reputation and chaa-t-r would sink j Urge number of the different Ttrietief of the nation in the estimation of all tntelli-! opt aud bavins; brcn in the business for , , , , ,i eevea rears, be is now prepared to furnish trout foreigner, and would prepaie tliem , f t . . 1 VINES OF ALL TIIE LEADING for almost any nattonal eccct.tnct.y or , VARIETIES, AND OF THE aberration that might follow I mm MOST I'HOMISIVG placed ou the lookout for alarming prog-j KINDS, AT indications, the rulers of the money 'p O W R A X K S utiaCL siiuiu nui ii. c 11111: in nmi iui lliem. The mere suggestion of "a blun dering economical law" in a President's message, "the ppeech of an ambitious fowl," the pamphlet of an agitator of re pudiation in ouc of its severe! dirgniries, would, in connection with the return of the Democratic party to power, suffice to produce the moat injurious effects upon our financial condition. That such fears arc not utterly groilSl less ia sufficiently attepted by the fact that they are almost universally enter tained by the moneyed men of the coun try. a class as liitle subject to illusions as any people in the world If, however, ; ihere were none of the class free from ! these apprehensions, suck unanimity would be miraculous ; there were baukers iu Paris who wished to see the Commune j established, and there are said to be A. j T. Stewarts who are content to see dee- j ley President. An explanation may be j easily found iu those corripenf ations ! which reconcile individuals to cbaiijiee ! .1 . ., , j alarming to the mass. Aoith Amencm. ' m m m Tiie story is told of Ben Butler's cailier daje that a Yankee obtained his Icg.il opinion how to recover the value of a ham which a neighbor's do; came along and ate. . Ue was advised to prosecute and recover for damages "But the dog was yourn," said the sharp Yankee. But ler opened his eyes a little, asked him j wiial Lis bam waa worth, was told 85, paid the money, aud then demanded aor8TATE8. Write for infuruation or call on S10 f-.e of the astonished Dative for legal I. Advice A kor glorious victory cannot bej B J - : (jaiui-fi over auotLtr man tbaa tuii : tbat ' Len tie injury bfgau on bis part, the kiriuues should bgiu ou ours. li t lr punieb ment Kye-lasbe. gaols aad boos. NEW BOOT SHOE SHOP In NeTio'i Kew BiuMing on HOOTS. SHOES AJU UAll.fctta Foa GENTS', LADIES AND CHILDKO He al'O keeps on hanj a Urge aud well selected stock of lteuIj--njicl Work, of all kinds, lor men, women and children. ALL WOBK WABAJTril. Give me a call, for I feel continent tbat 1 can furnish you with any kiud of work you DiaT desire. jejf Repairing done neatly and at reason able tales. J. L. NORTH. May 31. 1872. BOOTS AND SHOES. Hsw Shop in llifiintown. 'I HE subscriber begs leave lo inform tbe 1- citizens of Midliiilowu, Patterson and vicinity that he bas opened a Hoot and Shoe suop, tor i be pruut, in me room ociriptcu by N. E. Lilt elie! 18 Tin Shop, no Bridge street. Milllintown. where be is prepared to I manufacture ail kinds of LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S and CHILBESIT'S WSA2, in tbe most substantial manner, and at the lowest prices. C3a Repairing promptly at tended to. TERMS CAS1T. A liberal share of puMic patronage is soli cited, anl eaiisfactioi guirattteei. A. li. FASICK. May 29. 1872-tf Boot and Shoe Shop. THE undersigned, fnshionuble Boot ft and Shoemaker, hereby respectful- E9 ly informs tbe public tbat he bas located W in the borough of TattersoD, where he is pre pared to accommodate tbe most fastidioUM in LA-UIIi:!' WKAll, Gents1 Fine and Coarse Boots, CtTTLDREFS WEAR, d C.,d C. Also, mendinir done in the neatest manner and upon the shortest notice. A liberal share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. tea Shop located on the east side of Tus carora street, one door south of Main street, j nearly opposite Laird & Bell's store. March 8. 1872 -MttsrcUairous. Flour! Flour! rPHE undersigned begs leave to inform the , I , , ., i . t i I .L - .i, i t ! m. iiudiic ii'i dc fins purcnasieu ine uiui i .I,, V : .... ,. ; .,, Milflir(i 10nsi.!D. recei.il.- owned by Jacuh Lemon, and, havkig remod'-lcd and oll"!r"1,!e "nproTea me same, is now pre- p,ir(,(1 o accommo,Ute all whu mav favor him j with their patronsge. Wheat Flour and Sifted Torn Meal al- j wttys on rZu """"" j Aho ShorU tBran t Ship-Muff und VU-T Fur Sale. ) ri..... i. .).,';,-.-,., i tn r.m i Flour and Feed will lie delivered to ffimi. lies if desired. His wniron wilt visit Mittiin, ' Paiteraon and l'errv'ville three limes a week. IVrsooa needing flour or feed, can Uave I tKeir 01 terg at the Store of John Kika in MitHin, or at Pennell's Siore in Patterson, or addressing a note to J)ox Jj, I'tlerson Post Office. Git A IS OF ALL AW. VPS HOVGHT AT UAKKET r VICES. r. II. II AWN. I Apr. 1872-3m j The Pir.ce for Good Grape-vines j IS AT THE Sfunhta UaKen Uinejiarbs. t,.,. s lij UJ I ue smsrie viue, uucen, uuiiurej or loou- sand. All persons wishing eood and thrift v vines will do well to call and see for them selves. gfcy Good and responsible Agcuta wanted. Address, JOVAS OBERHOLTZER. Mifflintown. Juniata Co., Pa. IN 1ZW - WAGON MANUFACTORY IN PATTERSON. SAM I' EL II. ROLLMAN respectfully an nounces to tbe public that be has recent ly opened a Wagon-maker's Shop in tbe bor ough of Patterson, and is prepared to man ufacture, in a neat and durable manner, YYAGOriS OF ALL KINDS 1 From a Four-horse Farm Wagon to a One- horse Spring-wagon. A" liina f Repairiaa; will Receive Strict Atteation. Grain and LuiuW Taken in Exchange for Work, - Ejr careful ,tentio ousines, and by turning out superior work, he hones to ... . , . . merit and receive a large share of public patronage. SS Good Oak Flank Wanted, -a Nov 1, 1871-ly A PROFITABLE BUSINESS ! LIGHT EQUAL to GAS. at ONE-EIGHTH i TH e COST ! Cannot be erplodti. A'o ehm ; aev or trick tued. i MEN" desiring aPBOFlTAtLE BCSIXESS. can secure the EXCLUSIVE RIGHT for tb sale of DYOTT S FAIEXT CAKCMN OAS LIGHT BURNERS asd OIL. fr COUNTIES .11. B. DVOTT. Xo. 114 South Second St., 1'liiia , Pa. N. B. CHURCH e.S furnished with CU AN-' "J "M of 2o per cent, cheaper than at any other estab- lishment in tbe country . March i, i.2-4ini GO to tha JririATA 8exti!el Job Printiu Office for all kinde af Tlaia and fancy Printing. SPECIE PRICES! extraordinaryTeduction in the PRlCEE OF GOODS. LAIilO AIJLILW Nu:W STOIiE, i'aUerson, Juniata Co.. Pa. The undersigned beg leave to ftate, that tbev have purchased from J. li M. Todd, his entire stock of goods, and will in ibe tumrr conduct the u.erchi.ntile business at tbe (lid Stand, in the borough of Patterson. Junia'a county. Pa . where i hey shall endewvor lo keep constantly on band a full and complete assortment of LADIES' HtKSS GOOD-, CONSIST IXJ OK ALPACAS, 1'01'LINS. PLAIDS. LUSTKRS. De LAINS. .MKUIXOS. ?1 Oil AIRS, GIXUIIAMS. CAM 15 U I (IS. LAWN'S, kQ. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS. JKWKLUV. 11 ATS AND CATS. . J50OTS AND S II Ol-IS, QUKKNSWARK, CKPARWARK. GLASSWARE, CROCKERI", FISH, SALT, COFFEE, TEAS, SIKUI'S. SUGAR. Having just returned from the city wiili tbe above enumerated st.-.ck of goods, all of which have been purchased since the great deciiue in Gold. w feel warranted in saying tharire can oner (ioods at greatlv reduceit fig ures for CASH Oil COUM KV PUOltCCE. mar2.1-tf LAIRDS BELL. " "EniOOI)S! MW goodsT 11. JS. PARKEIt, (Successor to MARTIN & WALTEllS.) HAVING puref ised the Srore of Martin Walters, on Main St , in J. M. ISelfoid's store room, the undersigned would respect full; inform the public that he has anew and carefully selected stock of GOODS of the very best qua!hy, comprising in part, of DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS. HOSIERIES. FANCY GOODS. yt'EENSWARE. HOOTS & SHOES, II ATS AND CAPS,. CARl'ET HAGS, OIL ( LOTUS, C A It I'ETS, "iRLANKJirS, I FURS. WOOD AND WILLOW-W A HE, an 1 in .short every article usually kept in a "well selected store. It inf nn U nl:f,i atkIiic!.!. ".. PICII ... ....... . ...... . t.j .... v . . in ench mi?e for OH'MTltv ii!i)iil'rr itr 80 doing be will be ahlc to sell gnoda as cheap tQk. HIUIIEST i'Rll PAID IN TRADE FOti ALLTINDS OFCOUNTKV PISODUCE E. S. PARKER, (Retford' a Store-room) Main hiri-et. HuHintown, Fa. THE PLACE FOIl IJAitGAIS It' AT PENNELL'S CIlEAi' ST011E IN PATTElISOy, l'A. ston & Sons, formerly of tlie '-Leonard llo:ise" rp!lK I irpest and best assortmeul lo be j in CiearfieM - Persons visi.inj Btllefoutr! oi JL foi.ud in Paliuraon. T'lanktul for tbe j business or pleasure will find this n conve liberal patronage heretofore received from nient and pleasant place lo stop. Free J!ti.i tlie public, I would respectfully annouuee lo and from the Drpot. tiiat I Lave just opeued a very laie stock ol J Nov I. 1 71 . Goods well suittuto I lie trade. My stock cou.msIs of a full atsortmeiil of fine aud -itaple 1) It Y GOO b S, Embracing all tlie nmferiaU for uit-n. women and ohililrcu'a wate, including MatarttiJ Caps. ISO old ana cape, together wiitt n lnrt? stock of Muslins. Sheetings Urillings, TickinS8, Oil I Cloths, Matting, ic. , Such as French and English Merinoes, Top tins. Alpacas, Ve Lames, plain and- figured Shawls, ic. and alsoa large stock of Notions, such as Gloves. Mitts, Hosiery, Embroidered Collars and Cuffs, and a general assortment of Dress Trimmings. .4 " G ROCE R IES,' ?cch as Sugars, Syrups, Coffees. Teas and Spices. Alio, a large lot of (jueensware. Hardware. Wood and Willow Ware. Fish Salt and Nails. Together with a full assort ment of Goods usually kept in a country store f)U Highest price paid for country pro rluce in exchange for goods. Prices to suit the times May 1, 1872. New Store and New Goods. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &C. llain Strset, Mifflintown. HAVING opened out a GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE in the old eland on Main Street, .Mifflintoarn, I would respect fully ask the attention of the public to the following articles, which I will keep on band at all tiues : SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, RICE, I X m II & J. Ti 1 DRIED AiD CANNED FRUIT. HAM, SHOULDER, DRIED BEEF, Confectioneries, Nuts, &c., Tobucpo, Ciijiif, GLASSWARE, IIotii', loed, alec. AU of which will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. Give me a call and hear my prices. J. W. KIRK. Mifflintown, May 2, 1872. FORCE PUMP. THE undersigned is agent for one of tbe best Force Pumps, for any dep.h of cis tern or well, in the world. By attaching hose to tl.e spout, water can be thrown 30 to hO feet. Nothing better could be asked in case of fire. It is a non-freezing pump. SAMUEL LEOXARD. Oakland Mills, Juniata Co., Pa. A Large aasortmsnt of Queensware, China ware. Glassware. Crockery ware. Cedar wate, 4c, for sale cheap by TILTEX 4 ESPEXSCHADE'S. & othiug. clot: Choicest Styles of the Season. SAMUEL STRAYER, Patterson, Juniata Co., Pa. CLOTHING of all kinds I will sell my entire stock a; Greatly Reduced Prices, FOiniEN ANDiUatil APRIL. 1872. OVERCOATS, I V&S, CAEPZT3, HEAVT BOOTS, Stair and Floor Oil Cloth, Ladies' Shoes & G-tsrs, FLTRNITLTRE. '.VATCIIPS -A5D- JEWELRY. Undw-Clotliing, &c, AT COST. Suits and Parts cf Suits, HATS ASJ airs. And Fnniisljinj Goods FURS, 20 or 2o per cent, rher'per ' 1 1 . n Mow, Itn . -1 1 u .. . 1 I'l boots tsnoEs. ;her;. J1EN S j II,Tin(T g-od stork, ireli FURNISHING jse101"1. !Pe 10 i'ie" GOOJS, j Call and see lo te con NOTIONS, &C.,TWCH- - t?jr MeaiMiH takaa ai Suit and parts of Sujla mi rder, reasonable. , Z ' STBATIK, JaB.lBni '. rarteraon, Pa. S. .L . LOTO CN, 3IE'CliANX rAILOlJ, A'BVUrS CCILDIQG OX Bridt Street, Mifflintown, Pa., Denies to inform bis friends and the pnhlii that be has just received a fine and Aia abU slock of I'KINQ GOODS, consisting o Vh ft TIIS Plain Mack. Blue and Drown CHE I' Dahlia. llro"0 and Blue. TMCOT ll.ack, lllne and Itrown. JIA UttX A f.S lilue aud Black. CHEVIOTS All Shades. SlltTC1 HOOPS- All Stvles. " Ul.A CK PitKSKlSS Suoerier quality 1'A TS ASt VEST PA TTERXS Fine SLWMER GOODS General Assortment. HIM! 1;ii B.n ,1, il.dM while hone-dtirt d'.lM.lti. n,l v.-lien ihtre is :i Jul, Mug, will Boll any of Ibe boTe-food ly Uia,,,, KllfM:.m l, w,n-r.n,i pain hi u. yarj or patlern. I also keep oa hand full lint 6 T" TERICK 8 PA TTSXA'S, oai.iif of llojg. and Children'! Bhirn. Costa, ' andYestt. - " -. " . ,- ...:..;. IS ' I WH manofaeinre to order all Ifhy of citbtom work. rniCES Reasonable, U suit the times. Mifflintown, Anri! 10, 1872. BEEDSVILLE, MIFFLIX CO., PA. DAVID I. IltcE Proprietor Tlie tindei-igned respect fully calls tlie nt tention of tlie jmblio to Iba fact tliat lie Im leaved tbeliote) properly r"i,Recdville, for. tncrly occupied by Aaron Shoop. and is pre pared to accommodate utrangera and travel -rs. lie will spare no means to laake the Hotel unexceptionable in every particular. He will exercise a personal supervision ovei bis Rar. Table aad Stable, .lie respect full solicits a share of thepalronare of tlie pulilic. DAVID I. UICE. Keedsville. April 10. 1871. JbELLEFONTE. I'EXN A. r. JOHjJSTOH & SOU'S, Prop-ietors. The "Brocierboff IloOfe" has reccntlv l.etn I refitted and otherwise greatly improverl. nut! : ii now under tbe proprietor hip of I. Jobn- JUNIATA HOTEL. M1KFLINT0WN. JVXIATA CO., PA. SIMON B. ALIiltltiHT, Proprietor. Rooms hirgo and comfoi table the Table supplied wilb the hei the market adorJ ,i'i;tl ,i . ,.ii,r, ,.k- ,..,ltlIi.,i :.h ,i. ,,i,.,i,.e!!, w;ne. .nd linnori. i no pains will be epareil topteast guesls. (lutrirps DiO'lcraft A liberal autre of nunlir mironae is solicited- may 17, '7. NATIONAL HOTEL LEWI3T0WH, PEUS'A. BEAR & HA.VAKER, Proprietors. STATE CAPITOL HOTEL, uear the Caj lol Buildings. UARISBURQ, PA. 8g.Terms as moderate as any Hotel in tin City. H'M. G.THOMP.SON. Pron-ietor Health! Strength H or!lU -o- FOR CoS'WV EN !?!$, BlI.LIOl'SXKSS and Liver t'ojipnisT uhc II El! RICK'S - Siioaf Coated Vegetable I'illh, (Ar lest in me. FOR Pain i tub Back or Siiib. ok Riieomaiism, use I) II. DERRICKS Kid Stuenutuexino Pustcks. FOR Catarrh, or Cor.D i.v thb Head, use DR. PERRIX S Fcmioatob. FOR all Live Stock use Uarvell's CONOITIU!! POWDEES. The above articles are among tbe best in the market. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money re funded. Sold by BASKS & HAMLIN and KKPSEU & SOX. Ajrents. Mifflintown. Pa., and Dr. P. C. RUN IHO, Patterson, Pa , aad the trade generally. L. W. WARNER & CO.. 67 Murray Street, New York. Feb 14 '72-3m A. G. POSTLETIIWAITE & CO , General Commission Merchants FOR TIIE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY - PRODUCE. So. 261 Swala Froat Street, marll-tf PHILADELPHIA. QENTRAL CLAIM AGESCT, JAMES M. SELLERS, 144 80UTH SIXTH STREET, PtllLADr LFH1A. B Bounties, Pensions, Back Pay, Horse Claims, State Claims, &., promptly collected. No charge for information, nor when money ia not collected. - ocfi7-tf 3Hcflif3. R R Ra BADVAY S READY RELIEF CCRE2S THB nvasr raina In from One to t wenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR mfter readme thin atlvtrlisi'menl i.f eU any ona SUFFER WITH PALN. RADWAT8 KE'lJEL,:t13 A CURB FOB tm It was thp oV4 auJ Is Trio Only Pain Remedy that umanttjr atopa the mo ucraclatMiK paiaf. Inaamnialiona, mnd cures Cona4iuiui, wfavlher of U"r Lungs, Siomscli, Uowels, or stlicr gUuls or orius, by ""5?fBoSl OVE TO TWEXTT MIMTTES. on mattw how Anient or rxrrucisainc llw fciu the UHErMATlU. Bd-rui'.'-n, Inflnn, CnppWtl, Aervoiu. lieiunltfic or irutKiu-U with 1mvimi suuy aulkr RAOWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD 1NSTA2TT EASE. IXFLAitMATION !' T1IK KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF T1IK BLADDER. EfFLASTMATlOS OF TUB UOWF.LS. rtlNOKSTION OF THE LCXG3. OBE THnOAT,AIumLT W.l hystCeics. cuocr. i;'" HEADACHE, WTnAfU TirirMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AOt'K CHILL;. Thespnlicilon ofthe Ready Relief to the part or puts wb.re Ute pain ur UUHcutty camIs wUl ak'ura case ami rt.mfurt. . ... Tc ntv droiw tn halt a tnmlie r of wntir w!!t In a tev Tml'ew CRAMPS, M'AtfM. SL'I HJMirll, lIEARTBt lLN. SICK IIF.AOAI'HE. DIAKRHKA, Iiy-SKXTF.KV. COLIC. WIND l.N THE BOWiiXS, KKlall IKTEKNAL l'AK. . . Travel, rs iiIm.mM alwav:. turry a battle of Rafwa 3 Rcsiy Relief with Ibf m. A Mew uiui t in v. ati 1 1 i.r. v.mt ..ickueirf or pains from cbaiiee of water. It is le.lcr tuuu Freucb Bntuiiy or R'.UenjasastiuiuUl:. FETKR AXO AGUE. , FEVER AXO AOI E eure.1 for lilly Km There la MUrrmnii il will hi this world th:it wl.l cure revet Bid Aijue. and all othr tvf:,latl(ius, tiilloils, StMrl..f. Tv i lK.id, Yrllow. and other Fevers (aided hy BAI'WAl 8 ill.LS) -o M'JcK m KAOWAVS HEADY KEL1KF. Firty cxts per L .ule. bold by llrui v. HEALTH I-BEAUTY ! ! sttmim; ad rrns nu n r.LiKiD-ixcKn.'.s'S OK Fl.Ks;l AMI F.I(iMT-Cl.KA SKIN AND kEAl'TlFCL COMVLKX IO. SLl I I1E1) IlALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT KS MADE THE MOST ASTuIMi;x I'ltT : h-i oricK. i;.rii auk thk n.(.fc.i THk IW1V lMKU(.lFS I'MTIt Til?; I - LlTSNcK OF THIS TUfLY WuXDOIFl L MEDIC INS, TdAT Every Day on Increase in Flesh end Weight is Seen and Fcir. THE GREAT CLOOD PUfUFiER. rvrrr droft Iho SABSAJ'ARILU.W KESi -i.V T.Sr con.mmilarfr hrwmh llie ItlotMt. Sv;it. I aiit ctrnr fluM anH Inicrt vt the Kutom the viji'-rof I'lV, (or it n-jaii3tli woati-suf the bily wit'i ii-:.v a.-l m ! mnterlal. Scrnfuln. P'-'-hillf, OntMUii.M . :.-ir'n!.;r dieae T".iii tU T:;t(rT llftxtK Tu-i t.r Nl.-s in t . Glands n.nt (W,T inrt at thv vpNi, ., StTimouj Jlc!nrx f ;ti lie Er. anil tin Wurst fifll.3 ft SUn disc:iP, fc.MtMi..i;, twt St:i!d ll-ii-l. IMhk Wwin, St!t i::.wui. KryliH-l.t, Acnf , liliictc rv-ils, Wurmn in J lrsb, J4i:it.r, Tiff n in t3 Vfmb,aitd tll H:iki-i,l!itt atttt l;ihtfi Iis-..a'iCiil, Hflit Swt-siM, Jjif ,ht'1i. : rtH '.. .f liil If. (trinti iitc, i re within thj curative ntitj.'.- f till- onU-r l Mwl. ern ChenLi.v, ani a !Vw-jto3 iisowill prove ! auv ferma u-'iij? it fr i-ittur vt tii nv funis uf tiVMi lU piiietit hjvi .-r t'i t:ire tin m. r' If the patient, iL.iiv btcmiilip rt!itci,it T,r tl.t? va!.'i a-l Wf('H;: l.:i fli:t ciittitni:.Hv yrTvu-, nu coeiiein arritiriK Ou-s's Wiriw w.tt n-T ttr-. ilit -.in r u"i rnnt.'rlil nml- fn.m iuMlfhv I1mmI mh! lL:4 t':e fcARSATAKlLLI AN w.!l rdd r M rvrt-. Not .) iw ths Sei-ABii-MA Hj-LTr;-fT rr-l :i kn i. ttiyi- 11 il ?;' In the cuit: iThnm e. rcr't-:-t wrjnp);iul, and Mtto iUukwc , lut it ia ihc uuly roaitivc c wir r Kidney & BJaddcr Coiiin!n:., rriuary, R'..t ,'.V..r.il) ,ti-:.,s Crarol. lii ilntrH, lli-.;i-.v, St'ippaireof V':iti r. Iiinnitiii-nce i f I'lii.,.. hriil.t's Ili e u. AMMiK.'.iinrli. nil ::i all ca-e whriv tli..-re rre bric. dast depo'H. or the wr.ter N tnU k. vl..nl . tlM it !t S'iLljiic-i li!; th- wiiile of no , r, or ti.rt-.ol like t.ile Silk, or ther.! is a lti.ii l.i.1, tl:.r!c. l.ili..n :ii.;M-:ir:utv, ui.d uiajj rtfie M wlL auJ uicu tLu Lu.us. Tricv, Zljaa. rORmSs'The or.ly knowa cad ?urc Ucinedy uftJ'tu, TiH etc- - amcr of 19 Team' C irowtli wriXiy Badwoy-! Rcaolvrnl. rFvsair. St.. July 11. lM4i. v v x&iisi.i?t tm mv. 1 ik dm Iwwln ' l -wttrtV1 ffl,n4 tv, l- ' b - - wtiwt:llrHMa.w1f4 torn rUhm ' m ' m il-sj J tii . Tt--.i .arter. aax! ksM , u-r l.iiati ttaw CaV ywsssaa. Tfhw m-r-t tnuMt In Im kit tl.la? f (a y.im i tM nin. I writ iLls to m fvr Lmi Wiudit t Diaafaa k n sjajaj hbvii(s 14 u tkU " DTK RADWAV'S P5BFEGT FOROATIVk FILLS, tijr ti-i'lrs. '!.!;.. itT y cn:t(t with mrt't-t trim, I'ur.;", rvc:it.ttv. inirify. r wtir, an uri'. ritii. ". lu-!-. w for f " iir f al ilisutrilt" !' ll.e Mi iiukii, I.ivw. Iattv.x Kul I'.U'ltl'T. -irou- Pist'-i-, s 1vtwc T t !:!. li'Ii-H'..- K v: T t intIit:tlHK l j Ih'e Ik.w.-l l iU-.,ii..t;il!l . :m r t rf: li ..-r..:ii Vt. rT. H'.trr i;.t l T vfTr t u. ; i-it ivt-ruri-. Jim-Iv Vfi-lv i LIr,f."-.ni-.i no merrnn-, n.-,"r i't 1 riti InuT'. t Zb Ol'- r'i t'i' r i'ntt llijf nvtl.j II .Llllll from j I'i-onl-Tsof th- I'i r -tui: O, i Titi.tiriMi.'-.. F-w37 1 l il--, T't:ilr. r it..- T'i- .! in iTi.- Hen.i, ' AHIltV '.4 l'. t -i:'-. N-J-rt. Hi-T" M'f rn. fi L..t f t -od, K:ltnja9r W-iit tn th? S;jitw.!i. S--r fru. t.iii,... Mnli t.rfor i tiif'tTfoff lit sif the St.ii.-it1-, Swittin g f lir,!, HurrW iit IKH :tH Pr;'tiir. Kltjl'.-Hti at t rf;.rT. L'.iif j t Suifnva'iti; Si'Ti.'it whtn in a l.itj l'n.;ur''. fttt ? f ! Vitioa. U-t-nr UVtM iK-firv Siwl.f, ' fVv.f .tw.1 Ihill I'mn ' i the Hifl, IVSrk. ov of P-rcira!nn. VriV. .-..( ihr Sktn i f. Kirt. I:; tl.r tr, C3:ir:l, ai-J ti.M.a I lulea.f Jirtt, Bur..iti- fti the Tlr-, A f.-wtJ m s of R.rWAVR ril.lsS v:!i c tlie f. v I trni fnmi.ii! tl.e ;ii r if." i f:l.-r. 1'riw, 25 c-ut I i.-r-xx. SU HV T.KI'i.JlHTS. HEAD -l-WI.M: AM' ' KI K." P,-! rut? l-?t.iw 1 rtapp t- R MUVA Y 4 CO.. N'.-. ; M .:!.- 1-n.-. w- 1 lurk. 11.. fiul im ivita ttiou.-U'i. w.il be mul you. i;.i;u:Di2tvTd that i"0:r0SB KOSADAf ! i'. 1:-I Til i li cvr v p i r.r,",!:r:.- In it n-f a secret p ep..rvi:i, 'oiis.-rit'iitly : 11YSHI '.53 I'RESr&IBE 17 !tis a cerium cure for Frrofulii, :"vrhiliin all its fi-rms, Khe'ima- !tiaint l-isasc, l.ivcr Com- inint anu all uueasctt oi 1: 9 will do more -hh! tlian ten twiillrs TK-UNDEF!SIGM-D PHYSICIANS Ijaveiw-dnowdaliaintheirrractire j t..r '.liop-ict three yeaw and f e!y ciidoiic it nsa n liable Alterative and L'luod Turiiier. PR. T. C. PCOn, of Eiltimoie. lilt. T. J. BOYK1X, lilt. R. tV.CAHH.' " I)K. F. O. 11ANNFXLY. VA. 1. S. SPARKS, of N'ichoIasviHe, Ky. !tt. J. L. McCAItTHA, Columbia, S. C. DR. A. B. X03LF.F, Edgecomb, N. C. TJZLD n;D023ED BY J. B. FRENCH & 0XS, Fall Biver, Mas. F. W. SMITIf, Jackson, Stich. A. F. W HKt.LLR. Lima. Ohio. B. HAI L, Lima. Ohio. I'RAVtN & t .. f;..r!AnsvUle, Va. Sa.'L. O. McKADDEX, Murfrees- boro, Tena. . . Our ppare viTl not allnw of any ex tended 'remarks in rciatinn to the virtuesot KasaUalis. Tothe Melicil V:0w,U.a V" iaJt ued iu ILe treamtnt cf diseased Blood; sndtothesfflirte.1 Iwcsaytry Rosaiialn. aud you will be restored i i. h. .lit. to health. Roudali is sld bv all Dniesists price S'-JU per bottle. Address S3. CLSVUTTS k CO. Mamt'acturing Chemitta, BaLTJMOfiE, Mo. Terror ! Harder ! ! Death ! ! ! rats tei,e;i.,", eats RATS urm"'s' C're yttr Grain, JJJJ RATS A Remarkble Preparation, RATS which draws Rats, (as by magic) Irom ihcir holes and biding places. They eat ravenously and all die ta a dead certainty in ine open air. bate to use. Called JJTTRT'W New Improved Vermin Exterminator. Ced Willi W'unileiful ueess at the L'uiti.vkxtal and other large Hotels and Public Institu tions in Philadelphia and New York city; llolton House, Harrishurg ; Union Depot Hotel, Pittsburg; llerdict House. Wit liamiport. Pa ; is. in tact, tbe only ar.icle that will rid you of there pests. Cut thin advertisement out and take to your Drug gist or Merchant. If he is not supplied, he can get it for you of any wl.nleaah Druggist. Ue sure and get only tbat sign ed E. BURT, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa,, on each jaj . Take no other. ii cents ajar; live jars for $1. $1 a-orfA Kill utually ,io a thnmH'th vortr. Ta Bercfcaits. Hurt's New Improved will never baroen or change by age Al ways In nice condition. Lots on hand o. former make will be exchanged, ifdeoired. Principal Depots. J02 Arch at., N E. cor ner Tenib and Chestnut st . and S. TV. cor. Eight and Race sta.. Philndelaphia. Sold by all Wholesale Druggists. Direct all letters to E. BURT. Manufacturer of Rat Exterminator, Went Philadeldhia. Pa. Jan 1'Mrm T ARGE stock of Ready-made nothing for -Ls sale by HARLEY & CO- bT PEILETS. o o o Or Sagai-Coated, Coiiceiitmtesl, Root , and Herbal JnJee, Anti-BIlIou. . Grannie.. THE "tITXtE CIA!fT" CATHARTIC, or 3Iulnm ! Farro , The novelty of modern M1i-al. Chemical nd Phar maceutical Science. No nse of any loufc-er taiiin" tin lanre. tvpaMve an4 iianseoii piile, oniHeJ of cheap, cnide. and bulky Inerrtlient. wheu e can ny acaretul application r ch-ioical vcieticf, extract ail the cathartic and tliernie.iie.tal upiperiie lrn the mcHt aliial.l niots auil lM-rhj, a d concentrate theai intnamiiiitie Granule. scare ly larger llsnii a mnat.ird d, tliatcau Lercaxlily awallnwcd hy tluwc of tne niKl wnsitive Mnniach aim latidiu tate. Ech little Fo reatl ve a cl Ic f pr.ent. in a morn co:icentrateil funn.a mnch cjtnai ic power a' i' enilKxlHil In auv of the lan;e ili- f"timl hr o in the dru ehoe. J'rom tlicir woutlerlt:! cathartic Hcer. in proportion lo thfir eize. ieoi'le who have nut trieil tinm are apt to mppoee il.at they tic harh or drastic In eSxt, but f ncti is not at ail the cae, tne ditfi'reut active medicinal principle of which they are compoert Iwiiissohanuoiiizi-d and mnilijed. one by the other, a to prodnco a ml ear-lilliai and thoron h, yet geiidy and tiHJly opi ra. Huff caliaisrUe. $5K Reirard l hereby oflt-red hy the proprie tor of tboe Pelltic, to a:iy cheiniet who. ni'.oti an alysK w ill find In them any Calomel or other fornj4 nl mercury or any other mineral poison. i Bel no; entirely Teffetablo, no partimkir care is required wlnla nsin thetn. They ,-.ierte without dismrbance to the com-iiintion. diet, or oc enoaiion. Kor JanilJiee, Hoad;u In', Con MMi .iinii. In re lilonH. I'aiu in tie Sholdcris,,a'i:litiiof tbeChcfit, D'.s zlaMs,ljar lirufliitioimif tite eoa. Hjh i, ld Ciate in mouth, Rllioiia mUsseka. Pai r pioii of Kldtit ts naernai ntornal Fever. Bioui'. a le, mis anoui ; Kirt ,a ar as. f -m Ol iiioiiu to iit-uo, oni; -i iCaleeM k.r. 1 lll:lll!'V nil'l -1 m v bVm raai I n itH. take Dr. Picrci 's "tMeaatiat varsrU vo Pcllet-s. In explaia lionof the ramadial power of my Pursalive 1 cik-s ovct o met a variety of diM-asc. I i.-h to ?ev tlmt their action non tbo unlmal econo my Is nnlvra .1, net n eiiidi or tiaaue cacaplnt Ibelr a. .native lniiri. Aire doc not hnpair tliem: tlic.r fin;; r-catin a: d beit: enclo-ed intrla bottles presene their viitnus itn'.ni )aired lorativ le-itrih of time, it any climate, so that X4heyaro atwiv fri-li and rcll.ih'.c which not Ihu tae with the pill fcinml in the drut; iti.re. ptit np in cneap wood or p-me-b-mrd boxes. Heeollect that for nil dineases where a f.nxatiTC, A Ite-:;'.lvc or : Pnreative is indicated, thceu lit:le PclUts will ; five the most perfect eatleiaction tool who use thciu. ' Thcf are aol'l b7 n!l enterprlalus ! Do rot allotv any drntrrist to Indnce yon to take j j am-ihiis t-Ne that I e may ay is jat a pood a tit j ' I'ellt ts because he make a Ur-.-cr profit on t::at hit U ; i he recommend". If your dnKvict cannot supply I them, enclwe 25 cents and receive them by return i uaUfxotu ! B. r. FIERCE, 31. ., 7pV, i BUFFALO. S. Y ! Oil,-Paint & Yarcish,' WHITE LKA!. BEIi HAD. I COLOEEB PAIKTS BT OIL j i BURNT UMBEK, IIAV UMBEK. : ! CHROME GREEI7, PARIS GREEN, ! Tcsaais tllo tt, esc? i:la:z, PriihirBlno, Lamp Ilhu'k,; " Pelf' tt. iislirs, Va '. ?' r..-, ! ;MTS?ASH BRUSHES. SASH LRUSHES j AVLitii'g atul Iloftn hy th B.trnl, So!!is; .I;ii;ii Dryer. While Yar.ukli j C:nc3atr:.tcd L70, Eilb'.tt's Fou:i, n liiiml t t 'to PATTErsSCIi" DRUG CI03E. -i Glass cut iv anr ixe .!-.. ! It V. V. i.l :.'.).U. July u, i;i-tr i NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. SPRING T 5 i E TABLE. 'I hrnush nud Din i l lt-u:c t. .tthiu; t;.ti, li iiii.oii.'. ::ti::ir::, jli, Jiuil.ilo. it Kiii'M" r au i Ni::snia i'uli.-. r.N AN'I AKTCK Mit.M'A'i JCXE Hi ii-ra t iutra! V t!i lie t s 'it 1 iie '.u. 1 lwiiy will run us fnll'-u-; : 2.011 i II WARP. M tn. I'll t IN !.--;tv Raltiuiore S:":) a m i K-avc1 linrrisl-urj!; l:!fi p ni leaves W 'iiliniii.puri... ti:4"i p in j crrives at Ll:nir.i 1 :-i' p m I i'in'tj Ext. lt-.avi j Kaiitmre 7 "" p n: arrive hi 'i irrisnuri l'i; p m r.vT Link le-ives liiliinmrc .. 12:1 p ui i lvavo4 ll.ii-i ishnrj 4: 4i i it arrive al H'iilniiuspori p n, WrCT'lfV l'V 1.1V'.4 It::lf III....... r. .. ariives at llnrrifburalie'vi a n, N,.0An, Es i,ilim..B. -,-l0 . . leaves ilai i i?hurjt KI-.4K a in j leaves Wnl',:inii.,)H p leave" Elinini ."i: 0 p m arrives at 'nn.uwla(.ui 7:40 p in ! Har Are's leaves Itnliiiiiniv 3:3.1 p hi Erik Mail nonb leaves llarril) jr 4:15 aln i arr. al cuiiuurt (j ' SOUTH : ' Mail Teaix leaves Elniira,.. j jsil'1 ni !,-! VViiiinmat,..i i i'-f; . ,r. 1 leave llnrrishurg. 2:'o p ni i " arrive, at JSaliimore'.!!! u ni Fast tnt leaves Ilarrisbarg 3:3". a m j aarrivesit I'altimcre... T: I" an. i Erie Espb's leaves Smiiiirv 7: Id a n .... al II irrii.ur)t... i:.'. a m i Kkie Mill tuuth leaves ;i..ury ;..!.': I" n. , arrives at Harrishurc... a m ; iPACIF.C Ex. ..o.ilh leaves llarrisb it D:l.j ami anivts a: Ual i inure. 1:1 p in Cix ini Ex. leaves llarrisbnrg 11:10 p li. I . , . fc ' . ' I nrrivew al Italltnuir m tr. ! Xiasaoa Ex leaves Canar.daigua ll:"(l a in i j leaves El.niia l:.".i) p u) ! leaves W illiampnrt.... "i:li.j p n. V3k leaTes HarrwU-ra; p m U tbe be.t ll,9 b .ok ever t-ffercl. H arnvea at lialiiaiore..lI:oH p in conibines the humor or .nerd .te. li e tivl.ti , IIab. Arc. Fouth leaves. llarrisbiirg ti:'!5 n, ut fs9!)J, ,h j,,,,,,.,,,.,, j.,,, , lliMrv ti-g arrives at Baltimore 10:1, a rr. raphy, tl.e sweetness and (trundeur ..r r utij, Mail Train north and south. Fnt Line i ,lie enniisite charm of music, au i hi-an-nortb, Pacific Express so'ith. Erie ' Expre? i ''lu' illusiratiiiii". south, and llarri burg Accnmmodatinn nonh ! "Solid rculiti; for prarcr niornenls : t lea and south. Xtsgani txp.es ninth and si uth ' nnt r":",rr to illumine .l iii t Imurs ; anl daily except Sunday. gems ot song lor the uncial cin-la." Erie Mail north. Cincinnati Express north j An Apenl write, '-Sold 17 copies this and south, Wsi rn Express nonh, Fast Line ! w,"ek- Will sell 5ifc this monib easily."' -wuio ieae aaiiy. trie Mail south, daily except Monday For further information apply at the Ticket Office in the Pennsylvania Railroad depot ALFRED R. F1SKK. General Siij.erinteQ Ject. ' llarrisburs;, June !, lt7i" BECK'S HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. 1 THIS HOTEL IS PLEASANTLY SITUATED j ON TnE 80LTU SIDE OF RACK 51EKET, I A FfcW DOORS ABOVE THIRD. ITS CENTRAL LOCALITY) Unties tt i , , . ,, I :!i.P?r,,r.1"ljr.,le,,rb,e t0 Pe"ft" visiting the City on business or pleasure A. ISKi'K, Proprietor, Formerly af the Slatei Union lintel. ang. 18. I8!i-ly. J A FIXE assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, ' Vetinz, c, just received and for sale S. B. LOCDOX. tj ftaron enn mike thcie Btlfprii irnrf. int lo d.rectior. n-d rem'n Uyj noeiL prrmrW their l'ie .t- tw. t.-'ritrnyetl by minimi poitm, or othtr mein-, and i!ie Tital organs wasted beyond the at riwir. DypepiT or luflitlon. Headache, fiir in the ijiMm d-.-r lnusr., i ;:hti es vf li t Che. Ihi. xine. Stir Eruci.i turns ct the Stontrtch, Ujci 11 in the Mil, UiHcjiw A iks Pritatiua qf Heart, Iiitlamirw'iim of ths l.un--, pain in hc re-mot of the K.idneys, anj .t hundred oilier painful symprM are the orT-iprinp rf fyrepRia. In these compUnJ it Im no equal, ami one bottle wi.l prove a Leuer ri antee of it meriM th.in a !esthy advertHement. For FetnMle Complnin.s, marrird or ftiti'!e, at tiie dawn ot wiimanhrMid, m- torn of life, tliee "i'onic Hitter Jis..iy so decided t fnrlnence tlut a nurkctl improvemait is soon perce?. liblc. Kor ludaniiiutorr and Chronic Rhea mallam and faotn, Cliffs. Keraittent acd iPtai. mitteut Kever Di-ea-.-oi tlie B'id, l-iver, Knjoeti and Uladdcr. tliese l.icer havj no eual. Sxk bi;. ea-se are c.ute:l by Viti.ued B:-ifK,, wii.ch is Renerifj prorfuced bv iir;nn;emert rf P;ivc Organa. They lire n Cieiilio Iuratlv am well m A Tonic xses:tvr a'v. the ivmliar merit of actint as a now-n'i;! a'ctit 1:1 re'ievin- Cncettuo nr Inftm. mat; on of t!i: L;ver and Viactral Organs, and in Liiioj For Rki DlneaBes. Eruntiom, Tetter, Salt Rhetim, let. itches, i-oti. P innies Pigmies, Eioils.Car bimcle, Rins-romi-t. Scald-Sme Eves. trr. sipelas, licit, Scurt's lji:oioc.uio.:o tlieSkm, Homori and Ileac of the Skin, t wluicver rante or nature, are iiterallv dtiz up and carried on: cf the system to ft short time bv t'i-1 tise ot" thete Bitiers Oratefnl Thiwaiid jinttia m VtMPCMt Bit tek tlie most utimlcrtul luvi.3ut itiat ever au3Umei the inUinc svsrenu ) WALKKK. Prr.V n.H. nrlXlLDACO Druijci: ""d f-en. Apts San r rancisco, CaL. and cor. ot Va,iiint;ioii andCharitoii ts. New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGClSi'8 A NO 1-EAI.ERS. FOUTS'S m ei'lll FssSa . T!:i pi'eKtrqi;ii. V u j ai d rw. ftJ5Sl brtieit-ii d"M n r.tul hv firirv , i..iiv-,t r JrWBl str-iii:liifijin!; m.d .Ia.. v tl- , I s;ome.f and ir.trtiir. Vjpffi-IlL It li It "UXtf Jr 'I' llliv- :f 'M'-sav n.??ftsi sir:.!, f, tt:: siMiniil. url, a L' S' FRTER. liLM-KKS. V h.LLt S wat;-;k. ihwi-n. rori;if. iis- Xa TKM rr.lt. HA M;s. I 5, . Ir.K. lutua ttnc 1 Kjiiiniid "ji.'itr 1 ho;-, r y- v To k."pvr rf il.L rrji:i:a- UcU inv.tnl;.... . I' mi Itcu 1 inv.t'ni;.:.! . V j-- 4 furtve aiming I'.i' .U it -t. Ir-llow j ;ittil.tl -H'Hum nt lo inc-T-siMf LV v if, j2rv0?jt''t:iir:i't-v Bi'It iir r.nm twn'y Sflt-7aj - 1' r ' l,f linJ n:aa; U h,,ttt"-U.ia ami V7tvt. In up r;tU! . It irfvcff furn an np;.'tit-. lotr-tn tlu-ir Mc dJ umvi bcui tluivtr uiucii Cuter. In iill .lis 'iL-Jfr. of S-in . ncU a '';?. !'!rt't -a t!it.-I.-;ii,. l.ivtT.Aif A'.' i tit U-:iN rsnJ3X m a tt.-ifir. Hy pit;i:i f.-.m n i J1 liulf n M" t to .1 T'!'?r i'1 af:f ! f 'tC , " will tlie Hn.vrfii-ii'a-ps will H-r rj'l aT-i K v r:it il i.r t.'titi.-l - )-"Vrii-H. If yi T I r f j? jLfj in tint-, a ce-tiin itxrenti.c a:;I f-jrv'5 Cfcttr f-" tVe r:.nu-TL 1 - - WVI3 E. F3riZ, Pi-!??: i vtor, Baltic f. r: . ?i d . tlie I'ni'rd ritau,. ranni u Sori ALierlc II. F. An-, Mifflin tiirr-i-lj O.t C,:.'M. ; A Lecture on Ihi! Nitt:iip, Trratairnl aiii i:-.ti:i- il ''u"-r S;i:'rtinni rl-it-1. nr .Sv... ina! Wfrkii I i.v ti a:-y t.iiii.-iiu.i.-' Se-;-' ual t)eT':l:iy. aa4 1 :n;e l.ni 'im ro Marriij? generative Acr 'jiihiivs. C-ii-'i:r:ri'i. Kti: ' !t'p-y und Kirs; Aivntal anl I'tiyHica1 Inn ptr.rr, rt'siili iii- fro'n ! lt' AU ie, c tW j K'riSKKT I. ITI.I KKUELI., M. I" . Aar'i-V f l!t "Jre.'li lionli." vC. 'I'lr n.;.-l.t rvrowje-l auth'ir. i'l i ii:- .i im'r ! al.le I.'c:iire. cl.'iry provi? I'r.ipi hi va'i i rM'eiietie t!iat :'ie natul chum ijtr-i r ff ' ;et-l-Me miy l.e riFflua 1 rm.e'l wril': ' .mi mi-.liriii-. nri.l Cit!ioiu tlaiz:'t J 'ir- jical 'iper!t!:o li iu jie. iiib! rurae.ii riri ' -ir c it'll:.-. i".i:ii.i; ti it a rond" i fire si ; ihh riTliiMi un.I i-ll'ri'f ri il Iiy wSt?S irv.T '. ..ifTt'rr. n nviirer rvl;.-if Wn cjii'ltt'ti t i:i:iy ! fie. may cure himsell' cheaplv. pnt iirl". mil ! r.nlii -nlv. TUiS I.ECI'L'ltK ttll.I. I'iiOVB ; A IV:X TO THOL'-S tliDS AX! HI')l' ' -t.VN'WS. I Sent undiT el. to any aJ Ir3, in a plain ! e.K'-l envelope, on the receipt of .:x eent.. r two pistarre .taints. AIo Dr. t uiv.rwi.ri'i j -larrtn.'Te titi'ile." Tjiice -"i't cell's. A M.vs the puo!i!i"r". t H AS. J. r Po-t onice Uox I. KLI.K A ,.. 127 llo'.t ory. X. Y aprl7-ly New Tin sad Sieve K;Iab!i-?i:s!! !it, rrrryreille, Juniata Cunii'i;, ' rIIIR nndersigned ha opened ou: JL Tin and Stove Lriiabiirlimrtii in rie iv room on Railroad Street, next doer to the Tiic rora Hotel, where he would be pleased lo all who are in waul of Tinware. Stoves. Ac. j lie will also give prompt aitemion to all or- uer.i tor r.oonnp. pouitnj anil Johhine. ail of w,':eu he guaranleea 10 put up with the he,t r ''"""' inl and in a workman like man- ner- llilTlng uaJ OT" ' years experiema in ,b roi'inesa he flatters himsell thai lie cnn "'T' nuvt satisfuciinn t u. ,.t,iic. He keeps on hand tl.e ct-lel.rattd -Nimrod r""k 't"v. which is I he b?!t baler, in- "icl nd heaviest plated mh r. ia ' "e will keep u hnnd the ttriental l'.atois. and a general as(trtin-iit nt llie i.c-' S",T" mannfaetured JOHN DIM'.U! Literature, Ait and Song our new iiXfrm o rnnr'ixn'j huc? h- wiih objections to the business. Particulars ree. A valuable pre-i:i loeverv new agent. IXTERX VTIOX I. 1'i.l.I.HIlhr, CO , M and i Libkrtt Svpr.tr. New York. Mav I, IMTiMOw OOAL. Lumber. Fih. Fait, Mid all kinds of M. i rclian.iise for sale. Cbej-inut On- Bark, Railroad Ties, all kinds nf Grain ar.a Seeds bought at the bighei market prices cash or exchanged frr merchandise. co'. lumber, &c. lo suit customers. I am pre pared to furnish to builiWs bills of lurabvr just as wanted and on short notice, of ei'her oak or yellow pine lumber. XOAII HIBUIH'. i Jan I Port Royal, Juniata Co., JOHNSTOWN FOUNDRY. THE undersigned, manufjciurer of Ja"11" son's Improved Plow, calculated for all kinj9 cf Plowi"K- nd in a!1 kin'1" of sold cheaper than anv other Plow io ' iounry. lie manufactures all Ktnus oi ines. Bells. Stoves. He. He will al. j rearers and threshing machines. Give m a I call, or address. J. H. ROGERS. Walnut P. 0. aug 18 IP'.fl.-tf Juniata Co. fa. A LL KIND.SOF BLAXK WORK, 4c, d'"' i.trsscF .;-i;:TiT:; An vir 4 n&Sr KVKR(;V. Jtc. lt ue i.ap j,(&f&l Ihu wii.d. in-rruH th- h? y fivr iu-MttU and slM.r jtk'ii niil J? I at this Office ia tt t low p ricj. 3-'