WEDNESDAY MOUMSO, AUG. 14. 1K2. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. OX AXL' 1 . rierl onnamj, June 2,' 172. Passengtr I rias wm leave Aliffliu Silion as folloi ".-'-"" BAbTWARn. Philadelphia Express.. 12.5C A. M Fant Liue : 1 47 A. M Pacific Czpress S.03 A. M. Hamsb'g Accommoda'n 11,23 A. M. Mail Train. 5,30 P. M . Cincinnati Express 8,31 P. M. WESTWARD. Southern Express 2.34 A. M Through Passenger 4.51 A. .M. Pacific Express 5.56 A. M. "Way Paaseuijer 9.44 A. M. Cincinnati lxpre?s 12 26 P. M. Mail Train S,3u P. M Fast,e C.2G P. M. Mixed Traiu 8,00 P. M dttps when eigo&'cd. JAMS NORTH. Aa't TOWN AMD CUl'NTHV. ' are sellii li.iijj at fjrly cei;t ptr huehel. You ill give money hy buying yiur hardware at Giayhill's. MlPFl.IN and vicinity Lave a few cases of Typhoid fever. Alt, tindi of iinvitui Cluiia (r sate at Snyder's Ci a". Urifcs. Thus n droves of cattle have pieacd through .Mifiliii this Fiiiumer. TltR rain i-hnwers ,,f the dyf, are i. -velnping th; torn p :st few rapidly. II vM,i(! J'.askim.s and niunCAOK Air vale at Oinyh:!'.'s. OltK milling will soon commence on tin foith fide of Mnyir'a lidgr, in iYimau ah t'.R'iitIj'p T.icoh Sl.mjjiti iS iick has put down new pavetui-iil in front of his j r !ic .u M tin sirei t. Cam. an. I ice the Dully V.iideu Chair? a! Snyder's Chair Vnr'j. .T!! VcNt'it., f,rmr-riy of Spruce 1!:!1 tnwn.-hip. his county, a- killed in an ;i!; rcatiux. in St Louis, ipeeutly J.I.VstiM) Oil., Wlial,: Oil, a'ld Lii' li ciitirg Oil fcr sale at Gravbil! Hard van- Stoic. KV S A. 'IIkiii; . I.iiili.rai ad..:,, tor at I '.'ii.i 1.1 has ncci-pted a rail : the York Springs cha-t!, in d.iui coui.fy. ' . . TE Mount Pleasant Sunday Sihoi.l held their celehrali n on Satur day last, in a grove half a u.ile west d Mount rhar-ant. Al.L kind of Mire or lUir room Cliai;, can he had at W F Snyh ij. A I.I, the year round, S'r r'dttrt'n Car vhy Con 'itii.n Purit' r should In; given to horses that are "kept up ' To horses and otllt" that prizi! in eumm-r lhr f hould only hr given in winter and rpriitg. TliK Presbyterian Sabbath Schoid C1 ebraiioii. hel l in Schwc-iei-'s woods, on Thursday hist, was well attended, and everything passed off pleasantly. LariIE lot of Grindstones just receiv ed and for chfxp at Gray bill' Pi:i;E NATIVE CAIJFOIIXIA POUT AND SHERRY ttlXE, for Medical Use and Bil lable for Comniuiiimi purposes, for sale at the PATTEUSOX DUUG STORE. Last Friday afteiuoon, as Jacob Lem ou was leading bis horse nut of the stalde of the Central llolil in Patter.'oti. the borse toi k a vicious sp 11, iri'fd on hi lu isti r, struck him to tbe floor, burtinc him severely in his face and ou his body Picrniii Franks Mouldings foi Sale at Gray bill's Ilmdware Store. The following teachers have been fin ployed by the School I irectors of thir borough to lake charge of the wiutei schools : Fiit School Amos Shelley. Second School l'eny Brandt. Third School Annie ( uderwood Fouith School Sue Scholl S. S Cm l- nitA'l to. The In'bei.-in Sunday Sihool of this place w ill hold their annual celebiation in Sebwejer's yvoods. qii Thiiisd iy, tbe 22 I inst. The school will meet at the church at S o'clock in the morning and thence proceed to the giove. All ti i nds of the Sabbath School wmk ar.; cordially invited to par ticipale. BlSMAKOK ClIAllts for sale at W. F Sr.vder's Chair Works. Mifilintowii. TliK common talk on Monday was the expected collisiou of the earth with comet, that should have taken place on said day. between the hours of 4 and fi o'clock. It was expected by some that the earth would be knocked out of its course into the euu, where it would be burned up. The Tuscarora Valley Railroad Com ndssioncra met at Johnstown. 1 hnrsday. the 8th inst , and organized by electing the Hon. Joseph Pomeroy. Chairman John Gilliford. Treasurer and J. P. Ster rett. Secretary It is gratifying to be able to report the fact that over twenty thousand dollars were subscribed to stock on that day. The Commissioners have determined to take the necessary steps to organize a Board of Directors as soon as possible. Jos. Pom F RO V, Chairman. J. P. Sterkktt, Secretary. All kinds of Cane Seat Chairs, the best in tb3 market, for sale at Snyder's Ch?ir Works, MifSintown. Ai'JoLBNtu Court. The special term of Court called for Angutt 12. 1S?2. convened on Mouday, at 10 o'clock a M. Judges Juukin and Koons were present. The attendance was email, as the trial list had all been continued and the parties notified not to attend. The argument list was difpntd nf. that being the only burintsa before the Court The follow- ing in a lint nf the cases disposed of : G. W. Jacoba, Executor of John A. Woods, vs. James P Smith. No. 1, April term. 1872 Bill in equity No answer filed. Judgment pro confesso Daniel lockeuhrought vs. Joseph Kain. No ICO. Dec. teim, 1871 Rule to show cause why the nfrpeal should not be rtriken from the record. Contiuucd. John S. Roth vs John II. Gilleland. Fi. Fa. April term, 1S72. Exceptions to Sheriffs inquisition. Argued and deci sion held over. Jeremiah Lyons et al vs. Jacob Will. Adm'r of W. V. Davis. Sci. Fa. No I, S. pt. term, 1S72. Bill in E.juity This was a Scire Facias to Jacob Will to show cause why he phould not le Mib stiiuted as defendant in an c-rjuity suit ocuding hetweeu plaintiff and VV. W. Davis, dec J. No enllk-ien: re.use being .-hotvn, the Court substituted Jacob' Will, Administrator. ' Adam Arnold, for nse, rs. FrederLit 'Jniigler ami wife. Fj. Fa. No. g2i Apr. rerm. 1S72. Excep ions to Sheriffs In- jui.-itioii. luijtusui'Ui set aside ' Michael Sieber vs. Samuel Rich 'iihach Fi. Fa . No. 9. Sept. term. 1S72. This w.-s an application to set aside an ap praisement made under tho f 300 exemp tion law, ihe defendant alleging that the ii ii.d. s set apart to him were over-valmd hy ihe appruLos l!ule to fdiow cau.'e d. Ou motion of !j. Ii Atkinson, E.-q . i he Court was re :Ueted to make au or- ler direcn'ng the ndicers of t!i court to jitihiish all legal notices and advertising n tiie two newpp-ipers designated by the 'onnly Commissioners as Lax ing the a gesl circulation, in accordance with the !a!e act if Assfnibly. I!ule to chow cause gianti d and directed to he pub lislad in :!ie f air newspapers f tht c unity, ai;d thecouety to pay the costs l etl.r from Thompsontovn. TnntirsoN-rows. '2. 1872. ; Y.ili! r Stnl.'n l : Thinking that a Few j :tingB f ours this t -k mitht be ae eptaUe to yon and your rradwwe will now try o'.j- pen. On TWaJiy la-t a boy r.a:n. d Willie ''eiii'.is, n siiliiti rear town, was kicked hy si colt. His niifle br.d sent him to the pasture, a short distance from the house, to caleh the ells and bring them up. On appro.nch'iig one of ihem with ihe halier, the colt- whiib-d Mid kicked hi ii above t -e nukle. breaking his leg ile cried for his uncle, who was nt the tious, but he did not hear him. A Mr Sh.iiJ'.T. being in an arj lining fiehl, heard the bo "s cries and c ree and carried him to the I ou-e. Al first it was not tup posed that, the l "g we broken, but only hurt ; hut the h y Fiiff'-red o much pain dining the ni;;ht that a physician was called in the i est moiiiMig, who pro noiince.l the 1 g broken, and rendered 'he neeessary attcntinri. 1 lie boy is now -lowly recoveiiug. Messrs. Smith & T?.r,ner lire doing a livelj trade iu the grain and coal busi ness are shipping gr.,iii quite xtmsivi lv evefj- week, mid in the honorable man ner in which they conduct their business, it is steadily inrreuMiig The 1 hotnpsenti.wn Cemetery is being nicely arranged by -nine of our worthy itiz -ns ; more p -i minent among them we notice Inquire Lukens and Mr. Dough erty, who are at woik clearii g up and on aiie-nting the grounds. May they re ceive the thanks or ail our citizens. On Fri hiy evening la-t we visited the Delaware Literary Society, which holds its meetings regular on that evening. V were tiu'y eurpiised to find the amount of literary tab nt it contained ; although we think that pome of its more youthful members should be more careful in em phut-is and punctuation ; but. taking all 1n all. they did very well. The Dela- ware Literary Society was formed in I SCO, atid has sent forth some very tal ented young men. One nf the more (Momineut. members of the bar, in your town, nude his first public speech in this Society room. The Society on last Fri day evening was presided over by Dr. linibb, in a very parliamentary manner, much to the credit of himsdf and the Society. Yours, IIoRAi'R. Farm f r Sale -Mr. S J. Kurtz offers at private sale the farm on which .he re sides, located in Delaware township, on the Miflln and Liverpool road, three miles northeast of Thompsontown, con taining CI acres, 4-3 of which an clean d and in a good state of cultivation. In natural quality the soil ranks among the best, beii g limestone and flint. The buildings are a three story Log IIousp, new Bauk Barn, a Stone Spring House near a never-failing spring of limestone water Chuiches, Schools, Mi'ls and Railroad Depot near. Fruit of all kinds in abundance. Price $70 per acre. Address S. J. Kurtz, Thompsontown, Juniata Co., Pa. Thr camp meeting in the vicinity of the Seven Stars was largely attended on Sunday last. MifSin, Mexico, Perrys ville, Richfield, Snyder county, and Perry ' county, were all represented. There were borses and buggies enough on the ground on that day to have bought if they had been converted into csh the half of Greenwood township. So it has been said- The Rrpuhlicm of to day in a four teen line article, clothed in language characteristic of bir-room associations, ''replies to our strictures of last week, and repeats the assertion it made somi' weeks ago, that we were instructed to hand to that paper the card of announcement of Judge Pomeroy for Congress, and de clares that Col. Robinson instructed ns to. do so. Col. Robinson did not band ca the card for publication, neither was he present when we received it, nor did we see him for days after we received it just how many we do not recollect, but we believe not for some two or three days after the card had appeared in the Skntinel. There wa not a word on this card or in the envelove that contain ed it concerning the Rrpubttcan, and the gentleman from whom we received it did not mention the name of that paper, or the name of any one connected with it They are a captious and unprincipled set of fellows that conduct that paper. They have no right, whatever, to assume an altitude of oGcia! friendthip forjudge Pomeroy, for they are for Mr. Packer for Congress, and the twaddle and black guard ism in their paper is only intended to deceive and blind tbo people as to their real object. They did not want a card from the Skntinei., or one from Col. Robinson, cr one from Judge Pome roy, or any other .person for Congress. They were pledged months before to Jr. Packer, and Live been diligently at work to carry the county for him. Such an effort at deception is supremely ridicu lous and perfectly mean. '. It is like the Devil assuming the a:rs of a saint. This same party of Allison, Wilson & Liggett are not only eagerly woiking for Mr Packer and working against Judge IVmerny, but they are trying to arrange affairs in the different townshipe to elect returu judges on the 24:h inst. whom I they can manage like sheep in the sham Dies, wneu niey gel it-.em Here in xlniiu on the day of thj meeting nfShe return judges. It is hoped that the people of the different townships wijl send noue but fair and respectable men to represent them as return judges. The people, too shouiil keep a close I.mkcut that thtf lot-boxes are not atuffed and their' ii" prcssion al the polls defeated rv';.' The party can do no -?1tWtf time than ta.iielp t bo ? " ' ho helps out coilnty. It is well known, both within and wlthonttbo cofirifyhat tta yfy' of Judge I'oun roy i; eanrJy eulisfr'i in organizing a company for kgjnitriic lion of a railroad through Tuscarora thai will be of untold value t t!ie valley, and a lasting, a permanent benefit to ceudng generations. Once the road i construct ed through Tuscarora Valley it v. til be but a short time until it is extended through List Creek V.i ley. Vote for Jui'gi? Pot-i Toy, who is clos;;! identified r, till y?ur business i itcri;, r.tid the present and future welfirn of the county. Taints. Tu: p.-ntii:e, for sale at Grnvbili'i n:id Vurahcs Officers nud enhih-rs who seirjd iii the aripy, phvrieians and fuie-ins, nnd eminent men r.:id wom-i every win re join in recommending J-J.ur n's A"i.'inr Ij n imrnt to he the l.e.-t i:itrr;i :1 and external funilv iiieJieii.e eer invented. Latest improved Htj le of Chairs for ile at W. F Snvder's Choir Work. li: : ELI. IS On the fih, in the borough of Paitersin, Cloyd, son of Vi'illiuia and Annie Elli-, gd I year an 1 5 months. MUCKENKUSS (in the :h ia t., in Pat terson. Margaret, ife of Charles Mucken-fu-. in her 111 it yrar. riticias IX DRY GOODS, 1'0TI01S, - Gil OCERIKS, V QUEENS WARE, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, WOOD & WILLOW WARE iff 3 8 FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, iC, SC. t(S If you wont to see an entire new stock of Goods at Low Prices, call at the NEW CRYSTAL PALACE BUILDING, MIFFLIHT0WN, PA. SHELLEY & STAMBAUliill. Xov."29, 1871. CAUTION. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against trepsing by bunting, or in any other way, on the farm on wnich 1 reside in rer mauagh township. AU persons offending ill be dealt wita to tb rutl extent or tbe law. WILSON ROBISOX. Aug. 7, 1872-St OHELLV A STAMB ACG1I always keep up O their fctock of GROCERIES and will not be excelled either in the quality or erica of their goods in this line, (live them a call before going elsewhere. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, LOOK AT LAIRD LOW DOWN PRICES ! Everybody Great Reduction in the Price of Goods, FOR 20 DATS, COMMENCINa A (TO. 5tb. AND CLOjSISG ABO. 2Cih. Ilamilton, Pacific, Amuro and Challie Delaines reduced from 25to2Ic Mohair Plaids reduced from ' 40to33c Fancy Poplius reduced fioin 50to42s Fancy Poplins reduced from G0to50c All kiuds of Diesa Goods reduced from 10 to 20 per cent. Balmoral aud Gored Skirts reduced from 15 to 25 per cent. Cass i meres, SatiuettS, Kentucky Jeans, Cottonades, and our whole line of Dry Goods (Prints, Muslins aud Checks excepted) re duced from 5 to 25 per cent. Ladies' Lasting Gaiters reduced from $3 25io$2 75 . Ladies Lasting Gaiters reduced fr.nn 3 00to 2.60 Ladief Lasting Gaiters reduced from 2 75to 2.40 Ladies' Motrocca Gaiters reduced from - 3 50to 3.00 Ladies' Morocco Gaiters reduced from 3 25to 2.75 Ladies' Morocco Gaiters reduced from 3 00;o 2.G0 Misses' and Children's lasting and Morocco Shoes and Gaiters reduced in the same proportions. Men's Calf Boots reduced from 56 75!oS6 25 Men's Kip Boots reduced from.-w 5.50:o 5.00 Men's Kip Boots reduced from 5 OOto 4 50 Men's Lasting Gaiters reduced from 3 OOto 2.50 Men's Calf Shoes and Gaiters reduced from 3 25to 2 75 Boys Boots and Sboea reduced from 10 to 20 per cent. Men's' and Boys' Hats i- Caps from 10 to 20 per cent. OABPETfif AT CITY PRICES. UKS5" No Cfedlt 'pi'veii on reduced prices. Terms cash at the time of purchase. No goods NOW-IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY. Remember the tim'e-for 20 forget the place Tod JV Corner,' July SI, 187 ! CANDIDATES' CARDS. L'oX'J KL'MS. Mn. Ezitor : As h is of the utirost im portance that we should place before the people a man whose nme would ml both strength and vigor to the ticket, allow me lo jsJUreseDt as a candidate for Congress, the Hon. . ySepa Pomerov, of Asadeiuia, a man w hU-ly kMti for bis strict integrity, fine badness qualities, and knowledge of public affairs. ' ' ' - MILFORD. CONGRESS. r Mn. KntToR : rermit ns to suggest the i;ir,.e nf lion. Juhn Ii l'soker as a candidate f.o Confess t our ensuing primary eleciion. I Seeing his nama fur the last two months :il ' the mssthea l of the R'rubliean, it was the general opinion tunt no tormut niinouncc- inent wis necessary, but, lsarnin that fcr- oral persons, more fensitive srickern lor turns of law than consistency, assert that he J hus not been regularly presented for the suf- frnpe3 of Ihe Republicans of Juniattt, in ord,r to .a.I,ry their mo;t .fiidioU5 scru- , ... it i ci- i .i ii aa w A nnw nmaiii t . rm l a Ii.ia fi I ... I tha face for two terms Willi honesty, ami tare ib'liiy, and is ihe choice of nine tenths ofl . , ihe party in the disirict for re-e,cction Thiee out of the &v counties. Union. Sny- oVr and N'orthunihcrlan I, have alrea'Jy unan- : iia.,:.Oy declared for biin, and Dauphin, on Ihe-Jh of Au3.wr, will most certainly d, ; the MM", leaving only our little county re- ; inaitii.-i. l"r.i!.T such circumstances nny : . . a;.: i. hi. , ir.aiion is not only futila but weprehecslMe, and wo think that il is the July of every Rj- r':hii :a:i ia Juniata to aake his ooaiination unanimous. Ma!t REPtiBLieAXS. " 7 Ll.iilM.AI utir Ma. EniTott : No sh Ilcrizler, of Port Royal, has hel 1 our banner aloft in t"xo cam paiens in a manner ihat reflected credit on himself and his parly. He h& again con sented to enter the field. I. therefore, ask that he be aunouncad as a candidate for Leg islature, ia your iiipne of tho 21ili inst. He is a true man - FERMANAGH. . LEGISLATURE. Mr.'Emtor : As our Primary Election is drawing nigb, it is necessary that we tdiotild bring out our most available nnd strongest n.en for the different otlice.''. I would sug gest tho name of our friend John W. Miithershaiigh, of old Fayette, as tho most suitable candidate for the PtJte Legislature. Mr. Muthersbaugh is popular in Mi HI in county as well as in Juniata, and if nomina ted his ejection would be sure. - MIFFLISTOWX. DELEGATE TO CONSTITUTIONAL CON VENTION. Mb. Editor : Il is of the highest impor tnnce that the men who are chosen to repre sent the different districts in this Common wealth in the Slate Convention lo revise Ihe Slate Constitution should be men of charac ter, industry and ability, so that they can intelligently lay hold of the questions of re form that will be brought up for the consid eration of Ihe CoLvenliun, aud r-0 lhat they can assist in moulding a new fundamental law that hall be ia harmony with the spir t of reform ihat is abroad in the land. I know of no one in our county ho is belter quali fied for these requirements than oar young friend, Jeremiah Lyons, of our ton, and I ask that his name be announced as a eandi date for Delegate lo tha Constitutional Con vention. J1IFFLI. DELEGATE TO CONSTITUTIONAL CON VENTION'. We haTe been authorized to announce Pr. J. P. Sterrett, of Academia, as a candidate f r Delegate to the Constitutional Convention. GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLKS At the Patterson Drug Store,- Come and have your eye-sight re stored. Caps, Capes & Torches. Send forliLusTBATEoCia cclak and Pbicc List. CUNNINGHAM & HILL, W !rrACTIIRItl8. No. 204 Church Street, PuiLtOKLPHIA. May 81. '72-4m 1 1 LAIN and Fancy Job Printing neatly exe- X cuted at this Office. 1' BELL'S -:o Interested -:o:- laid away to be called for. days only from Aur. 5th. IWt Patterson. LAIRD & BELL. SIFFLISTOffa & PATTERSON MARKETS PRICES OF BOARD OF COMMERCE. Reported weoiily for the J'iSMTA Skntiski. hy Ihe Doard of Commerce of Mifflin and Pat terson. Hotter 'ft Ih Ig Ejr. dnz - H l.arJ, ll 8 Country Soap H liresax 23 Tiillow 8 R(rs 3 Wool, washed HO Iried Apples 10 " Peaches, pared 2i) Peiche, unpared. 15 Cherries, pitted 20 lilackberries 10 ' Raspberries iit !".'nlry ."if." 13 TV Sides an J .shoulders.. 12 p,t . i .ph Onions "jfl bus -10 CO 2 5 50 13 Ground Alem Salt, rl sack i " : "'. Locust Posts, mortisini; j for board fence. ' i SUEMEY ST A M RAIGHS PRICES C'CR 1 11LNT. Corrected neekiy. i Crystal Palace. Mifllintown ., I I 1 WTO . ,, ,. ' Prime ito.t Ituiter. per lo V),f per dnzen J.-ird, per Ih , Tallow, per Ih - l,';MTle-. P" ' iCon! SideTsmoke PhmfMer, pmoked, ' Hnm, " " Washed -Void ! k. sULoUKi 'S PRICES CURRENT, j Reported Weekly. . Utvi.. ti'd Wheal, bus i New " " $' f.O 1 5 ) 50 t'orn ()ata.... o 4 oO 3 50 Clovorseed Timothy seed Coal. Preparud Coal, "j? ton $ 50 Nut " " 4 50 Tea " " 3 10 Bituminous" 5 ui) Lriim.u. Rini of Log. 4 4, b 10.10 ft $35 00 " - -5 S, 25 00 .. R-4. " ,...2o O0to40 00 fi-4, " 20 OOto 10 00 Hemlock Frame, ' CO 00 ' Hoards. " 20 00 Whitepine worked Flooring , .lo 00 Oermar. Siding .. 3o 00 Panel Doors 2 00 to 3 00 Window Sash, 8x10, "jp window, f5 " ' 9x12. "5 " 10x12, " M " " 10x14, " 00 Pill!. YDELPItl A ,M I5KI: rs. PHILAKKLrhlA. Aug. lo, 1372. Floub In the flour market there is a firmer feeling, owing to the upward move ment in wheat, and ti.e home trade are buy ing more freely. Sales of 12 JO bbls, includ ing Superfine Extras N. W.-Extra Family.. Ohio A Ind. do. do. .. I'enna. do. do. .. Fancy Brands $ IToifl.o -V) $ otlfrl.t; 25 $7 2.f7 75 $S ($ 00 SS 0fft 8 75 $' 5"fel0 50 Grain' The Wheat market is firm, at an advance. -Sales of 1G00 bus. southern red at SI 7'jal 70; 50J bin. old Now York do al Si S5 : and new southern white at $1 00 Rye is held at 80e Corn is scarce and firt.i ty held ; sales of 61, SlMI hus. western mixed at I'.laiiJa; and 4"0 bus. white at 71c. Ons are steady ; 2) 10 new at 45a4 jC for while, and Italic for mixed. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET. Mosdat, Aug. 124 P. M. There was not much demand for Bief Cat tle to-d iy, and with liberal olferinTS prices We quote choice at 7-7e ; fair 10 g od at 5Ji'i;cc and common al 4aoc lh gross. (!ows and Calves are dull end nominal at $25a30 for springers, and S30ai5 for fresh cow. Siisep are lower and in good supply. Sales of fair to prime at Sjaljo 1 b. lloos are also lower, aud ell at $7 S7Jt 7 5'l for corn-fed New Lumber Yard. Patterson. Pa. BEYER, GUYER & CO. Have opened a Lumber Yard in th bor ough of Patterson, and are prepared to fur nish all kinds of Lumber, such as Siding, Flaaring, Studding, Paling, Shingles, Lath, Sash, Sco., in large or small quantities, to suit cus tomers. ff5t, Persons wanting Lumber by the ear load can be supplied at reduced rales. BEYER, GCYEff CO. George Goshen, Agent. Pattarson, May 15, 72-tf grji 5oods, 5roffrtf5, (!Jaasarar(, to. stmTathe15lwt First in the Field with our-New Goods' for the ALL TIIE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON -AT TILTESM & ESPEf.SCHADE'S. o i DOLLY VARDEX THE GREAT RAGE in Woolen and Gotten Materials. Alexis Cloths, Japanese Stripe, Tha Popular Goods, iir Xew and Choice Styles. , Maripose Pekas, Fiinred anl Stripes, . . The Handsomest and CIieajHjat. Yosemite Marseilles, Stripes, In Beautiful Hesins. BLACKVNI) COLORED SILKS, ALI'ACCAS, And a host of other things which must he Been to he appreciated. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT, Of any and everything at prices which defy competition. Our Shoe Dejmrtmct. 11 8 8 One of the best in the county, embraeinT all the New and Int Ftles! for the Spring and Summer Trade, same exclusively for our trade at pair warranted Grocery and Queensware Sopartmcnt. For our (Jr:)cery and Quopiiswaro Department we hav e se-. jireif one of the fiaest i..j.ns ia the county in the Old Fellows' HuM. Just pened one of the largest and best stocks of (ioods ever brought to the coui.ty, all of which are kindly suhniitt'-d to the inspection of alf our numerous friends and customers. For quality and prices we defy competition. WE SOLICIT A FULL SHARE OF PUBLIC PATRONAGE. TIITEX & ESPEXSCIIADII. May 1, ISTL'-ly D. W. HAELEY & CO.'S Is the plane wliSre you can b'i7 rriIi sintl JIm'iijm'-i MENS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, E03TS, SHOES, A.17D FUSITISnilTS G002S. WE are prcpred to exhibit one of ihe most choice and plet StocVs e?er otTored in tiii- market, and at ASTOXISIU.T. r.OTT f'ri V-.'.S ' Alio, i)iea3t:res lakeu for Sult.-i and parts of Suit?, which will he rriade lo ontet'. at short notice, very Rcmem'iier the pi ice, in the Xcvin B-iilding, tarn doors west of the Keynton -Store, I! RID l IE STREET, MIFF LIN TOWS, PA. u,y S, l72if DR. P. C. PF.AI.ER IN EVERYTHING THAT The puMie attention is also invited to liis large assortment i" Perfected Spoctacles. All persons who are in need of Spectacles vfiT find it to their advatiLu" ( call, as tliev will find the l.irgept stoek in the cuinty to grh ct from. C'OMK AND HAVE YOL'It EYE-SIGHT UESTORER NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED OF MUSICAL IUSTHUME1TTS. VIOLINS, ACCOIIDEONS ANI II.AK.MONKUN.S ; A Lit) A Sl'LENlMD ASSOiU'M E.NT OF TOILET ARTICLES FOR THE LADIES, iVith an mmensc stock of NOTIONS i'af Something for everybody, J'in and old. at the PATTEHSU.Y Dlil'G STORE. jipftial ilolicrs. v-4 THE GREAT DISCOVERY. KunkcFs Bitter W ine of Iron. For ihe cure of weak stomaeh, general de bility, indigestion, disease of me nrrvom syHtra, ciU9iip ition, acidity cf the stomach, aud all casen requiring a louic. Ihe wine iurludes the mst agrceahlo and efficient Sail nf Iron we possess ; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide, c irnbined with the most en orgetic of vg. liable ionics Yellow Peruvian Bark The effect in many cases of debility. lo'S of appetite, and general proirati n, of an efficient s ilt of Irou. eoia'nineJ with onr val uable Nerve, is most happy. It amnnents the appe'iie, raises the pulse, takes off mu cuiar tiabbincss, removes the pallor of de bility, and gives a florid vior to the Counte nance. Do you wmt something to strengthen you? I'o you want a pood appetite? Do you want to build up your constitution? Do you want to feel well ? i'o you want to jet rid of norvouneis ? Do you want energy; Do you want to sleep well? Do you want brisk r.nd vi.'erous feelings ? If you do, try Kunkel's Wine of Iron. This truly valuable Tonic has been s thor oughly tested by all cla-ses of the community that it is now deemed iadispr nabie as a Tonic medicine. It cos's but little, purifies the blood and gives tone to the stomach, reno vates the system and prolongs life. I now only ask a trial of this valuable Tonic. Price $1 per bottle. E. F. Eunkel, Pole proprietor, 259 North Ninth street, below Vine, Philadelphia. Ask for Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron an 1 take no other. If your Druggist has it aot, send $1 to my address, and the medicine with advice free, will come by next express train. Feb28, 72-0ia IF YOUVANT NElt SALEBILLS, POSTERS & BLANKS, CALL AT THE SENTINEL OFFICE 81 o i for Ladies. Minseit and ChilJ.'fn the prices to suit all pur-h isers. Cvcrv " to RUliiO, CONSTITUTES FIRST -CLASS POnnCAL CAMPAIGN CHANT & WILSON, GREELEY & BilOWN, CA.VrAIOX TRASSPAItEIJGIZS & EAIJNEES, Vii:h Porrrriit ur nay device fur all pari i. Silk Cunt in sr, miJ Mn!in Yin f n ifes on bJi'T or tu i .trJpr. ..'bmce Lin terns of aU nr. 1 M!rs ; rur Hi, loon, Fire c , 4'nijaiQ Club firieJ out nt the List K.ifpa r.t WM. F. SCHEIBLE'S CAMPAIGN DEI'OT, 49 &,it'h Tliinl S'l-ee'. I'.'i'aJruu. rt..-.,, ft,-K f il.Ct'l.AR. July 10, :S72-m - ' Assisacs's ITotice. "V'OTlC'v i. hereby irWen that Christopher l (1. Ee'.jf, f tVn!kr township, Juniala county. Pa., and Catharine, his w.ft. !...; ass'gtied all t'oe eirato. real ar.d p';rs,mal. of uaid Chrisioj.her O En'er, to Saunivl Leo nard, of Fayette township, p,r,d cotin'y. ia trust for the benefit of the ereliion ef salt Christopher G. Engler. All peTaoa, there fore, indebted to Ihe said thnsiophr O. K.n g'cr will cake payment to the said Assignee, and those having claims or demands wi't make known the sn.e without delay. SA.Ml'F.L LEONARD. Assignee of Cliristopher Q. Engler. June 12, 1872-bt Caation. VLL persons are hereby cautioned against Hitn'tn". Fishing, or in any way tres passing on the farm occupied by the nnder ignel. iu Milford township. All persons so offending will be dealt wiih to the full extent of tbe law. JOSEPH FINK. Mat 22, H7?