i i St r ; U ' ; I - HELMBOLD'S FAILURE. It ii evident that Helmbold'a failure a doe to great vanity. It is about four yin since be was making bis greatest dub, and tbeo Lis career cer . tainly was a remarkable one. lie bad only been three years in trade in New To:k, and during tbat time bad made Lis remedies famous and bad become ricli. His income was $50,000 a year, j iuilJil)g- on Bridge street, Miffliuovn. and and all tbat was required was a continu-1 is prepared to manufacture, of the best ma rt! attention to tl.e Wimm wbicb'he Lad I ,c"r;"1- 4" kinda of . eab!i.bed I ost,ad of thi,. however. MOTS. SHOES ASD GAITERS. l:e became an-bifioun of t olitidl rlistinc- r"R tton. When Grant wa n,u,iU:J f,rj GKXTS', LADIES AND CIlIUMiEX. Presidency. -A. T. fi.ewar. udrattceJ ... 0'foa LunJ Urge "J wc" C30.000 toward an .-Vrtioii f.u.d Helm j Uetidy-mado Work, bold, bo Lad the fully to IkiVvu in ; of a.I kinds, lor men, women and children. Seymour's cbaiice, dcteraru' ii ; out o ! ail won wabbasti-.c. . Stewart and consequently advaaccd SI).-j f'i,v "! c'i,, .' 1 fed confident " ' ' J i can furnish you Willi an kind of work you CCO to his parly. Jrorty thousand iI-1 ,ur.v do-i. larsisalaree mm of money. It has generally been cuieiflrred a capital suffi- cient for many kinds ! I it'ioess. 1 bat i any man tbould diliber.itrly tbrow such h emn away can only h explained by j the proud uVire to outrival Stcwait. j He!-aoold it is true, expected to make iMi'. y rapidly, but pride wis continually ,i r ... : ...-. TI . i , ti e way of enduru.g succew. Hav- inr outbid Stewart in tlie political fund, l.c determined to djuwee tbe Belmonts b,.d commodore rferb.lt. ... e, I - 1 I X I O - i Lung Branch was th? grandest ever seen i tiwre, with tbe itingle exception of tbat j r.ipiayeu uy .mo ri Autre wae , 1 I 1 1 .': I I'l incefpent nvalrv fcetween tuis brace ot , . .1,. i,... : "i... t. .. v:..v w out al ead, in oic iiirs luu i c.iuit: wliich 111 ir lit have beeu ex-: tx.'Cted from bis unbridled ambition and 1 v.in rest urcfsi. lirlmbdJ cbaii'ed bi. am every dny in tbe week. Lift etiil ( Kink excelUd bitu. Tbry have both leaped tb. reward of tbiir folly, tbe one j Iving in a difhor.oied grave, while the, " . i : e : f j. t ier ik a wnnuerer in f.ireirii Untls. j " I I VMIM AND HOUSEHOLD, j OVr.IH.B0WX HOtiS. j There i not oi.e ringle advantage to i I e rhiimed in favor of big bogs. There ! was never a nvinter hog which did not ' itinkv the man who raided bim pay for every pound lie weighed T hey do not furnirh an ounce of moat pitU, but cliatg"! full piice for every : tom of tbt ir carcass. Wb, n tliugbte? . ..... . (I, it takes a l ing lime to get one ciol to . the niirrow in tbe bone, and then when t Vi I.flm. mra ntit 1 1 cult it i l.nnt.L.ninii to linish them to the centre Four bun 1 dred pounds, live weight is as large at i hog should be, in order to make good j bTyond this Size there is a loss some lure. Either the feeder, butcher or ennumer is cheated, and a a cener&l i ; Ihing every one who has anything to do f with tbe big hg will find, if be observes . , . ' j rlusely. that they are not so prontabic as die einoolb. nice bocs of only 330 pounds : . . . it i i - . , i weight. A sma I head, with Jritle, up-; .ight.andleg.a, delicate to j , , ..... , periectuin, are mirk-' :.:.-ii ntlif.tfe the j tlic.tfe the ny given ; ';'! !' 'K-t.ri;ii: ( .' greatedt amount ! fitiiount of food c '. way draw more vi.. the bntther. Fruit an. I rorr.es. Fruits and biriis at this rcaeon of the year ure cot only precious luxuries, but the great promoters of health. Tbey act upon tbe liver, promoting tbat se crelion natnrally wbicb many are in tbe habit of obtaining only by tbe means of ...in :t -.j:.;., . ti .1 . .'' JHE uncUrsigned begs leave to inform tbe arttfidal medtcmes. They thu avert; j pU(,lie that he bas purchased Ihe GRIST n:i:iy a d.sfase resulting from a torpid ; VILL, in Milford township, recently owned condition of tbe liver. Another way in h J,,fob V""0"1 h',iuS ".raoa'-led "d J j oilierwise imprcTed tbe same, is now pre- wblch they act beneficially is in the in.v pared to accommo Jle all who may favor him cbanical effect their lit lis seeds pi oducfl wi!h tIleir F,tr0!"l?e- in passing through the bowels, very much I "'heat Flour aud Sifted Corn M?al al- J ! ways cn hawa mid for iile whole- the same as the watering of an irritated sale and Itctaii. eye ball when any hard substance : touches tbat delicate organ, aud this wa j Ipr. riv tfUflBnlL-liKF t liA tiafrt.inoft inntAld ' t ii .i f Constipated bowels, keepf ihem in a healthier state than any pill or purga- i . . .' A i....n, -l i 1 .nnl 1....... ... iic u 1 1 1 it: j liiv au'iimai r. llllji; J . , can be no doubt tbat in the summer and ! fall seasons people who live mainly ou , , ., it i i , fruits and berries and coarse bread can j almost ensure exemption from sick nee?, j w hile those who eat heartily of solid j meats and vegetables two or three times j a day are liable to all tbe diseaes that flesh is heir to i There When your strawberry beds are done bearing, mow tbe vines off with a scythe, not tnn rlnan. and llnw il to Uv . , ' Iv opened a Wagon-maker's Shop in lhe bor as a mulch or protection againct the fierce 0'ugn f Paitersou, and is prepared to man suns of July and August. Of course the , ufacture, in a neat and durable manner, vines should be spread evenly. We have 1 - ft , It pi ft r found it in our own practice to be very , VjfflljVnO Vi M-l ViliH)i)t successful iu protecting tbe stools and in fiom a Tour-horse Farm Wagon to a One giving them a chance to stare vigorous hvne Spring wagon. new vines to meet the winter trials. Al Kid, of R,pairiBB wiJ Receive v . c T W .u . fStrict Attention, x or A SPRAIN. et the injured pail with a .flannel dipped in hot water, or, if the sprain be very painful, wet the flan. ' net with laudanum and cover tbe whole ' with a dry cloth. Then, with tbe arm : i- -r : . , . . in a sling if it be the wnst tbat iseprain-. ' j ed, or tbe leg in a Lorirootal position : if it be the ankle, wait and see if it will J be necessary to send for the doctor. A balky horse, it is said, can be per-! fectly managed by placing your baud; Over tbe horse's nose and shut off his : . . , . . . , , i wind nntil be wants to go, anl then let; bim tro. So says one who states tbat ' i . i mi , . . , I has long tned iL Ihe remedy is simple ; always at hand, and a mtrcifjl one to ! tbe beast and can be easily tested. The resfli of tbe vote in Massachusetts upon the beer question, shows about five sixths of tbe town? left u&der prohibition. Only about sixty tone?, of fibent 340 in tbe State, have voud fox the free sale of beer. gocts and Shots. NEW BOOT & SHOE SHOP In Kevin's Sew Building on BHIDiiE STUEET, MIKFLINTOWX rr HE undersigned, late of the firm of Fa a sick A North, would respectful. t an nounce lo the oublio that be has opened I II . .1 CLa. UkAn in 1 amp Mttin I NW trv" Repairing done neatly and at reason " ."'si"," 1872. J. L. NORTIi. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ne7 tSliop in lEfflintoTn. r,MIE 6lll,.eriw b,?s ,Te lo MoTm ihe 1 citizens of Miifjintown, Patterson and vicinity tbat he has opened 4 Boot and Shoe s; o. Jbs vrtH.nJin lhe I00m occap-iea ! hy X. E Liu eCeld'a Tin Shop, oa Bridge ! ""lt- Mifflioiowa. where he i. prepared to I manufacture al kinds of and CHILIISSIT'S WSAS, iu iLe moHt fubstantnl manner, auj at the pri(.t9 i;epairi,,g pronip,,y at. ten. led to. TERMS CASII. . ,-, . . r ..i.- .1 nuclei fllllC v' 1 i'iiiii.v 'U I .fii.iv 12 auu cited, ant satisfactioj guaranteed. , A- B.- f-511- Miy 2", 182-tf Boot and Shoe Shop. .y IfE unacr.iened.' fii.hionnble Coot A. and Shoemaker, hereby respectful- fij ly informs the public that he baa locaied" . ' .. . , , . i. in t!ie borough of Patterson, wlicpe he is pre- usred lo accommodate the moat fastidious in L V1)II,S, WKi, Gents" Fine and Coarse Boots, CHILD I! EX'S WEAR, dC.dC. Also, men. line done in the neatest manner .iii.l upon the shortest notice. A liberal i ,"L:re of public patronage is respectfully ' solicited. Satisfaction gaaranteed. lV.? Shoo located on the east side of Tus earora street, one door south of Main street, no"1Jr orPu'il Uird & lr. store J. W. DEAN. March 8. lf72 IHisreUanrous. Tlie Tlace for Good Grape-vines IS AT THE Hfn UifttprbS, AXD GR.IPE-VIXE SUBSERT. , . T" iT , . j HE undersigned would reoec'.fuIly m- 1 form th public that be has started a Gr?pe-ine Sursery about one mile northeast of Miffliutown, where be has been testing a ).irce number of the different varieties of Grape - ; and having been in the business for , JfVeii rears, be is now prepared to furau.ii ' 11 - . t, j j ( .VT v ! 1 1 vAi.lhllLS, AND Ur liiL MOST I FO'IISIVG KINDS, AT i, o w e: a t s: s . Sy the pir.ki'i? vine, Jotc-i, hunrlrt-1 rr tf.eu sriitl. All persons if!iiu g?ud thrifty I ; tines will do well to call and see for them j si.-lres. fSig- Good and responsible Agent! wanled. Address, JONAS OBERHOLTZER, i Mifflintown, Juniata Co., Pa. Flour! Flour! Alio, Shorts, Emit, Shp s!vff and. Chop FjT Sale. Floor and Feed will be delivered to fami- "i ii uesireu. n is wairn whitish .Minim, Pilleoa and r errvsvilf, three .imos. week. Persons needing flour or feed, can leave t'-eir orders at the Store of John Ftka in , a, - . n ,,, ., . . .difniB, or at PenneH s Store in Patterson, or addressing a note to Box 35, Patterson ,,0!,t 0iBce- :RAIS OF ALL KISDS BOUGHT AT MARKET PRICES P II II VWN Apr. 3, 18T2-8m NEW j i r AT W t VTTI7 I DTADV W All Ux JU Ai U T AV 1 Ull 1 IN PATTERSON. O AMCEL II . ROLI.MAN respectfully an nounces lo the public taat be has reoent Grain and Lumber Taken in Exchange for "Work. ? "f' attention to busines. and by turning out superior work, he hopes to . ... . . . , ... merit and receive a large share of public patronage. jgy Good Oak Plank Wanted. -I ' x0T 1871-ty A PROFITABLE BUSINESS ! LIGHT EQUAL to GAS. at ONE-EIGHTH THE LOST! Cannot be exploded. A"o cAtia- nnf or Kick tisrd. MEN desiring a PROFIT RLE BUSINESS, Clin secure the EXCLUSI VE RIGHT for tb? tale of DYOTTS PATENT C'AXrt N GAS LIGHT BURNERS aud OIL. f .r COUNTIES "r STATES. Wnu for inf .rmaiioii orea't on zt. n. uiurr, No. 114 South 0e:ouii t-l., 1 ti.i.i , Pa. N. B. CHCRCiiES fumis-hed with CHAN DELIERS and LAMPS of every dncripimn. 25 per cent, theap. f tbaa et aay other ettab llahment ia ibe coumry. March 2, l72-3m GO 10 tbe Jcxiata Sintixsl J.'b Printing Office for all kmdi of Plain and Fancy )r!nng. Hfrrhandisf, Si:. SPECIE PRICES!: EXTRAoblXARrToUCTION IN THE PR1CEE OF GOODS.. AT L III! II A BELL'S NEW STORE, v Patlerson, J uniala Co.. I'a. Tli" unilcrsigrred beg leave to ttate, that tUiy have purchased from J. It. M. 'i'odd. his entire stock of gunds. aud will in be future conduct the merchnntile business at the Did Sinn I, in the borough of l'mterson, Juniata county. Pa . where they fhati endeavor to keep constantly on band a full and complete UdSorimeut of LADIES' DUESS GOOUo, CONSIST- ING OF ALl'ACAS. I'OI'LINS. PLAIDS. LUSTERS. De LA INS, ME1UNOS, si on a i it. GINGHAMS. CAM B 11 ICS. LAWNS, !cC. FANCY GOODS, . NOTIONS, JEWELRY. HATS AND CAI'S. HOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENS WARE, CEDAR WAR K. GLASS W A RE, CROCKERY, FISH, SALT, t'OFFEE, TEAS, SIRUPS. SUGAR. Having just returned from lhe city wi'h the above enumerated stock of goods, all of which have been purchased eince the great decline in Gold, w feel warranted in saying tbat we can offer Goods at greatlv reduced fig ures for CASH Oil COl'MUr PKOUUCE. mr23-tf LAIRD & CELL. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! JE. lVlSIvIClw, (Successor to MARTIN & WALTE113.) HAVING purchased the ?tore of Martin i Walters, on Main St , in J. M. Belford's store room, the undersigned would respect fully inform the public that he has a new and carefully selected stock of GOODS of Ihe very beat quality, comprUiug in part, of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, NOTIONS. HOSIERIES, FANCY GOODS. QUEKNSWAUE, LOOTS & SHOES, H ATS AND CAI'S, CARPET DAGS, OIL CLOTHS, C A K 1' E T S, BLANKETS, FURS, WOOD AND WILLOW. WAKE, aud in short every article usually kept in a well selected store. He intends selling exclusively for CASH or in exchange for COUNTRY 1'llODl'CE. By so doin;; he will be able to sell goods a cheap as ihe cheapest. Call and examine hi slock. BS. HIGHEST PRICES PAID IN TRADE FOR ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY IMiODUCE E. S. PARK Ell, (Bedford's Store-ronm) Main Strecl Midintown. Pa. J.m JI, ibi 2. THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS 16 AT riiNN ELL'S 1'iiEAP STOKE IN PATTERSON, PA. tpilE largest and best assortment to be X loi.ui in Patterson. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received from the public, I would respectfully announce that I have just opened a very large stock ol Goods well suittdto tbe trade. My stock consists of a full assortment of fine and staple DRY GOODS, Embracing all lhe materials for men, women and children's ware, inciuding Hatsand Caps. Boots and Shoes, together with a large stock of Mus'. ins. Sheotinge Drillings, Tickings, Oil Cloihs, Mattings ic. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such as French and English Merinoes. Pop lins, Alpacas, De Lames, pla'n and figured Shawls, sc. and alsoa large stock of Notions, such as Cloves. Mills, Hosiery, Embroidered Collars and Cuffs, and a general assortment of Dress Trimmings. GROCERIES, Such as Sugars, Syrups, Coflees. Teas and Spices. Alio, a large lot of Queensware, Hardware. Wood and Willow Ware. Fish Salt and Nails. Together wiih a full assort ment of Goods usually kept in a country store S?uHighest price paid for country pro duce in excirango for goods. P-ices lo suit Ihe times May t. 1872 J O It W O R K THE REALlEKS OF THIS PAPER SHOULD NOT FAIL TO CALL AT THE SENTINEL OFFICE WHE.V THEY DAVE J03 WORK TO DO W2 ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS FOR SALE BILLS, BLANKS, &c, &c, AT SHORT NOTICE, AND AT MUCH LOWER TERMS THAN EVER HERETOFORE OFFERED TO THE CITIZE.N8 OF JUNIATA COUNT r. CAtmoN. LL prsohs are hereby cautioner) against ""a rrmoTing or in any way interfering witb Le foilowicg property, the same baring been purchased by as and lett in the care of Nich olas Sheiitf, of Spruce II iU townihip. nntil iich time aa we may see proper to remove it, vii : bay mare, 1 black mare, 2 cows, 1 red bu.l 2 two-year old heifers, 7 bead of sheep, 1 two-horse wagon, 1 spring wagon, 1 Died, 1 plow, 1 harrow. JAMES BEALE. April 2i-6t W. V. GRUVER. ' Jwuta SlSTlKXI $1,50 cer year. CLOTHING! Choicest Styles of the Season. SAMUEL STRAYER, Patterson, Juniata Co., Pa. CLOTHING of all kinds will sell my entire stock at Greatly RaJuced Prices, FOR MEN AND Until avril, 1872. JJOXS. - OVEBCOATS, tuns, CAEPETS, HEAVY BOOTS, Stair and Floor Oil Clolh, Ladies' &035 & Gaiters, FQENITDHE, WATCHES j -AKIJ- JEWELRY. Hats and Caps, FURS, Under-Clothing, &c, AT COST. Suits anil Parts of Suits, If ATS AND CAPS, And Furnishing' Goods 20 or 25 per cent, cheaper boots unoEJ.1;" be pu-h"edelse- MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, JiOTIOXS, 4C. Having a good slock, well selected, I hope to please all. Call and vinced. see to be con- JCT Measures taken and Suits and parts of Suits made te order, reasonable. SAMUEL STRAYER, Jan. 21, 18721 Tatierson, Pa. S. B. LOUDON, JIEUCIIANT TAILOlt, SE VIS'S HVILDISG OS Bridge Street, HifEintowrvPa., Desires to inform bis friends and Ihe public that he lias just received a fine and futhion aUe stock of SPRING GOODS, consisting of CI. OTIIS Plain Mack, Blue and Brown CRKl' Uuhlia. Brown and Blue. TKICOTW.nck, Blue and Brown. 1)1 A nnA LS Blue and Black. CriFA'IOTS Shades. SCOTCH 'JOODS- All Stvleg. B LA CKDO ESCfSS A S u neri r,r o,uali y I'A TS ASD VFST PA TTEISS Vine. SUMMER JOOD-GentTt Assortment. I will sell any of tbe above goods by the yard or pattern. I also keep on bind a full line of BT'T TEIIICK S PA TTERSS. consisting of Men, Burs, and Children's Shirts. Coals, Pautx and Vests. t& I will ninnuf:clt:r to order all kinds of cusTosi wokk. PKK'ES Reasonable, to Miit the times. Miaiutoitn, Anri! 10, 1872. PAKK IIOLXi:. REEDSVILLE, MIFFLIN CO., PA. Z iY!2 S. ISICE, Proprietor. The undersigned respeclfullv calls the at tention of Ihe public lo lhe fact that he has j leased Ihe hotel properly ii Ueedsville, for- j merly occupied by Aaron Stoop, and is pre- I pared to accommodate strangers and trarel- rs. He will spare- no means to make the j Hotel unexceptionable in every particular. 1 He will exercise a personal supervision over his Bur, Table and ratable. He respeclfullv solicits a share of the patronage of the pnhli. j DAVID I. RICE. ! Ueedsville. April 10. 1871. I BROCKERIIOFF HOUSE, DELLEFONTE. PENN'A. D. JOHKSTON & SOUS, Proprietors. The 'Broclerboff House" hssrcccntly been refitted and otherwise Jvatly improved, and is now under the proprietorship of I). John ston & Son", formerly of the "Leonard llo-.ise" in Clearfield Persons visiiing Bcllefonte on business or pleasure will find this a conve nient and pleasant place 10 stop. Free Bunt to and from the Depot. Nov 1. 1K7I. afxmiATAnaoyELT- MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA CO., PA. SIMON D. ALURIGHT,' Proprietor. Booms large and comfortable the Table supplied with the hest the market afford Stabling large and excellent Bar constantly supplied with the choicest wines and liquors no pains will he spared toptense guests. Charges moderate A liberal share of public patroi age is solicited. " may 17, '71 NATIONAL HOTEL, LEWISTOWN, PENS'A. 11 n A It A IIAlHKF.lt, Proprietors. CTATE CAPITOL HOTEL, near the Cj O tol Duildines. UA RISBURG, PA . .Terms as moderate as any Hotel iu t'n Uliy. WST. O. THOMPSON. Pronrieior Health! Strength!! Vigor!! FOtt Costivenkss, 13 1 I.LI OVS NESS and Liver I.'omplmnt use-Da. HERRICK'S Siuab '.'oATto Vegetable 1'ills, the test in use. FOR Pain ix tfib Back' or (side, or Rhkitmai ism, use DK. . HERRICK'S Kid Stbedgtoenino Plasters. FOR Catarkh, or Cot.D is tiik Head, use DR. rERRI.VS FumoAToa. FOR all Live Stock, use IIarvell's Coxditios Powders. Tbe above articles are among the bet in the m irkt. Saiifaction guaranteed or the money re funded. Sold bj BANKS & HAMLIN and KFPNEll Si SON. Airenls, Mifflintown. Pa., and Dr. P. C.JIL'NDIO, Patterson, Pa , and fhe trade generally. " ' L. W. WARNER & CO.. C" Murray Street, New York. Feb 11 '72-om O YES. LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS ! THE undersigned offers grer.t inducements the coining season, in tbe Wool Trade, as be is prepared to furnish home-made goods of all kinds to persons who have wool to exchange, or will pay full cash prices to those who are desirous of selling. He intends to travel through Juniata and adjoining counties, with his Goods Wagon, and will carry the following assortment of Goods : All Styles of Doe-Skin Casdmeres, Also Summer, Fall, arid Winter Cassi . uteres, Tweeds, Jeaas, Flannels, CttssineU, Ulaakels, Shawls, . Carriage Robes, Water-Proof Cloths, Coverlet; vounttrpanes, I arm, .Persons who have wool to dispose of, will do well to wait till 1 call on them, as I intend to make a thorough canvass. May 8, 1872-4t A. J. HERTZLER. All kinds, of Job Work neatly executed. R. R. R HADVAY S READY RELit? CIBES TDK WOKST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE NOUN after reading thl4 aiiv.rtim-ut nmdaayona SUFFER WITH PAIS. BADWATS KEADT BELIEF lb A CUBE FOB F.VEKY PAIS. It wan liie ftryt anil 1 Tha Only Pain Itemedy this uuitiuittr stop, the mint .icraciaun pr. n. allars JnfliunniMlnnaj and cure. C'iiiratlniis wl.nir of ttie Lull, Stomach, How els, or lLcr (labda or oxaoj, by AIM API ilnitil. lS FROrf OE TO TWENTY M1TUTE3, no Toaltw how Tlolei.t or rxrtueiat!ti tbe h JiHBUMATlO. Bvt-ridiin, Infirm, l'ri put, ISvxvou Ivcuruiic, ur iroeirtol with diseaM: tuny aulTcr. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. IXFLAJIMATION" OF THE KIUN'EVS. 1XFLAMMATID.V OK THE BLADDER. ISFLAMSLATION OF THK BOWELS. t'ONRESTIOX OF THE LUSGS. SORE THROAT. klKKUTLT BHEA IHINH. rALPITATloX OF THE HEART. nrsTERics. CBoL'r. diphtheria. nEADACUE. TOOTJTAfllE. , keuraLGIA. EnETMATISJI. COLD CHILLS, AC IE CHILLS. Tiifftrplicutionof the Ready Keller to the pirt or porta u liere the jnai or tiilcultr cuu wul auuril caii3 ana ruiu.wn. HF.ABTBt'l DYSEXTKl. H vll lTFK'AT. PAINS. TraveVn nhi.util always carrr a bottle of Railway Iteatly Relief with tiu-m. A few drot.a iu aur uiil lireveat wckuuM or paina frnni chanice at watvr. ll ii teller Uua Freoch P.iiuidy ot llittvn aa a BlioAiUi.t. FEVER AXD ACt'E. FEVER AMI Alil E cured for gnycruu. Timta not remedial azent in this world that will cure Fever a id Ague, and ull other lu!riou. Itiliou. Scniti. Tv. I imid, Ytlluw. i.nd other Fevers (aided tv R AI'WAY S PILLS) so q'lick ai liAIlW AV.i READY i.LULF. i'uty ceuu per Lottie, lild by Urugglsta. HEALTH !BEAUTY ! ! STTtONO AND rfRE r.K'll PLOon-INftlEAST: OF FLESH AMi WE MIIT CLEAH SU1N' AND liEAUTlFUL CoMi'LEXlO.N oECt KE1 TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING f.TRE? ; St QUICK, JiO KArin AUK TliK 'II..iLS THE IHHY VMiKIMiOFS. lMKK THK IS ri.UEN' E 'K TU1J TRULY AVUMjLIJFLL MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increaso In Flcs.i and Weight is Soen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. r.rery drop ct tlie PA USA PART LL I A KEHiI.V ENT comnmnicati'sj throuph liie LIimhI. tfiv-f.it, Liiti. other il'ii'is winl in-s f the si-sttru tlie Yir.rof I - fx.', for It rt'Ulii tiie vv:iAt i di tiMy-u nli ne and s.-us l ntittriaj. rVTofula. i"p!tilwt onuintjfi(.ti, 4it:iiitlnbr diseia, I'lcersin tlieTiint, .Mouth, 'lnn oi. Nuiiiit i.i t e GumkIs mttt clUer j url of the eyst.ni, !S Eye, iStTUiwiiS I'iMjharjj- fruiii tho Jir-", li'.il ILe w.utt f inn SUn tl'uuw&4t Kii'i'ti'Hi, rVvt-r S.ra, bv':U Jlt-H'i, Ilhig Worm. ?jit litRiiiy. Kryii;!:is, Acn, ht:u it t",i..m, Wnmij in the r U.-ii. I'm mora,, Ciuxi-rs in tii Voinh, atut nil wertkr-ttins mn I pninfitl itiwha. jfa. N;aht SwaTi, LoMitf Sikthj. mk! all wntt s ct t lit liiep-i'.rl-fl, rc witiiiti UiJ curii ve rai-;p of thi- wtnnVr of It it em l'henit!try. o'h! a few ufr v iil r.v tn attv Ipnvm M'-ng It f-r titlirr c ikxc 1j:ius irf ii.at.-; us jK"iit power to cure tiirm. If the paMi-nt. t!tl'y L. i-omIrs rrflnceil Ir te wa-tts ad decoiiiporti.tun tii.nt is cuiitit tially yn rvaf 'u p, nc ceetls in am-sltUR thve waatt . ;titd r-.-cairs t'.y (tir. P v.'.i 't Pfw niV?ri tl rt ii'e f;tno li:iltitv LIimk! ai.it tliis li.e BARS A I'AliILL! AN i!l n-M iNm Ff.ur-.'. t vivI.K' ttiO hjHWAPAaiLLIA Kr'ilvi wr known r?mi'ilUl sk''i-a in Clin cu:i ff t'hnn. c, ri.fi: fouv.itu! -.,;.:, i..iiic-L.u tiicav; Lutiti tii-i.iy positive cure ff T'riiinry. n-l V'-mb (If-'aa'"", ir:ivf). IU:tUtfi. Jro: , Stipp.iif f V:itt-r, l.tcciiLt'.LieCf t.f I'rziif. LriLt's Aioum'ttur :, :iml in u'l as u lu iv iht ro are Lric!. .'tt dpo-i'.s. tr the water i tnlck, vhniilv. i:,i..(I vltli -v-staiic?9 like the wlilre of an or tnn win llr.e wl-.Un fiik. or tticrr 1h morM.I, d:irk. t i:itm ai ifaruic-f.fli;.! Thitt) boae-li;rt dtcit. urul when I here ii a p; T'iriti::p tJt.i:t:.i!i n-hvt -w-'vg atir,ni t..iin !:i tLi p.nti'l nftlm lti-?aiia!y:i luc Lc.i.a. Putf, fl.tj. VORMS.-Tis c-1r lno,xn c:.J e irc r.vaicJr for H urn J , 2:;..'. ..(.-. Tumor f 12 Tcnr Grout" Caret! hy K;ii!v.ays fScsolvcist. T- "lt. Mam.. Jniy H. tt9. T. RTr.r !-,rf t-il li artui Tuuiur at tp'n;:tir k.in 1. Al! ti. 1 1 t( ,r a .ill ll.. n- ru tie-l. fr it.' I Iritil vtrv t:,-eT trut km reiwmiirii'.il; ii;t thti ff ! r-ljwvl me, h Voir tUi ti .t I wi-tiM trv i: ; r-r hnrl af tn i i i it. tw- 1 hut mSr--' i-r Iw-lve -!. I I.. k :.x h it'. fftbm Retve-T.t. stil 'i? L-t t h.t.Sji'f riN-.rtt'l tv.'t. L. I t'r uf y-'-ir Kef ly K"l-f : uJ ilir n n-1 n :cn . i ftcrir t la un or iclt, D1 1 f--l U It.-r. a. iiai 'CT, i l irr I Y m f.T tBlve rrtrs. T i n..rt tw.i-f r-u it. tl. iHcrf i: t ovtr iha r-in. i ritet liiti la j,u ltr ILe Locm 4 ura. V.a caa j jUioj it if ijOi -f, DR. & AD WAY'S PFEST PH3AT!VE PILLS, prrft-ctiy tn"t.t?s !t-i;;-i!t'y rnr.tfd v'ih wrt rir!. ji'irp-, rf-MlU', ttirif., c tari. an! em -nptiii-n. lia '. wiy's P )tfi, ftr V-? ur? of (IifMriltrn .f the .tlti ich. Liver. lwi:'i, K.'hif-'s, l!;uitl?r. Nrn-Oii Dinki, TIuiM 'ir. 'nnii;i: i j.,. t '...-tivpiit-Ni. IniJi-tifn. lrt ttiii, T lioii-iii'i, rt,!i"U.4 Ft-vcr, frfninnia; t,t tin Uivt.'U l'ih-,vii! ii: I)iT-i:i'rn.ttt.fti.c Iu'ert :il Vi. cf,ra. Wjtmintfd to effVct a cure. Pun Iv Wct-fa- Lic.r.iti'iitii:, tio tiii.'ri:iry, litieral.tir iUit!cr:'i'ii ut Oworve tiiv f.i.n:i:u Myii.iln. tLiU-litg fit-m Disorilf ra of the l'iei"tive Otaim: Ctrttimtioa, Ifin-mrrt I'ilt-s i-'alln-a of t B' wl Ir :hr f'rt, i-lity at t!-tf Stotime ?-au-i. HmnU ni, Iii-stil of Km, FitHm-trior W.-iSi in th Pt.itrh. Sour Frni-tntiona, kl or ViWArivz t- Pit of iht ttr.h. Sin.a ine of th Hiiuf. It irritit Ititn -iH Kr-niMr?, Ktniterinr; t the Hemrt. 'hoir.j er S'lffumtrn Sftn-Uior. when in I.ttt's Cti;r. Iiintuaa i.f Viikn. IV.t. or Wei fc-rfo-. ib Sijrr, f-r n.( Ttuli fNin fa the IIfsH, De-flcieffv rf p (irai'm. Viltowruesa ol l be Skin anii P.tin iu the Sir, tucit, LjiuLr, aL.J uiilocti r Iiubca vi Jiiat. U-irrinpin the H... AWii.rjwof KAIWAT"R rn.W wTT' III inr. teni fnm fl- Ii.- tt,.,vi -i -t- .-.t .?t-..r P.icv, vruts piTt . l?OLI HY I'rlt (;(ilTS. READ r.M.SF, Ar Tril'F." Pnd r.ne VttrT ttainpio RADWAY A CO.. No. 87 Mnidm Lane. New. Vo-ei. ltilonakaliuu worth thouaaiiiia wi.l U: 8ci.t ywu. illiE I.GitEDIE.T3 THAT COSirosn KOSADAI.IS are t'iMisJ:cd on every put Itao, t'lere tire i t is not a 6ccri.-t p.i ii.iratiuti, consequently j PIIYSrC! .1X5 rHESCKIBE IT ! It is a crrtain cure for Pcrofuli, j Synli.U.. in all its fi rms, Ulicunii- jtisiii, fckin lis"asc, Liver Com- ! :lauit ard all diseases ot t.'.o 1 i!!UCd. I C"2 Z? j will .!o nto-e p,KJ tlian ten Iniltlcs ! ol :lw thtuus of Sjrapxri!:a. ! TH: UNOwRSIGSEO PHV3ICIAN3 ! havotieJ ncffadalisintheirpractico ! for the pist l!irce yeara and fieelr I i.i uu'fo il us a reliable Allerativo and Lbod 1'uriier. PR. T. C. PUn IT, cf Bait i mere. Ull. T.J. BOYKl.V. tlK. R. M'.CARH. " '.i'l. V. O. PANN1--.LI.V, DIt. -J. S. SPAKiiS, oi Nicholarvir.c, ky. DH. J. L. JIcCARTHA, Columbia. S. C. rn. a. b. xonr.r.s, Kdjecomb, n. c. ZZD 173 IID0S3ED Bl J. B. FUHNClI it EONS, Fall Hirer, p. w. f-rrTTT, j.-ciiwn, aii'-h. A. V. tv::K:.Ll..Lima, vhio. II. H A! t..l.:na.Oh:o. C T.AV'i-..V & I (., t i.r,!r.T,STi;ie, V.O. SA.ti'I.. r. JIci-'ALiLEN, Murfrecv lon, Tcnu. Our space vrlll aot allnw of anv ex- tndol remarks in n !a:irn to the virtuesol Ktsu.Ulit. Tutiie Me.!ical Prolcss.nn e ccaiur.T" a t'liiiU K.x- tnwtsit'ierirT to aiiythcy have ever lled ia ti.e trra mcnt cf diseased !:(mhi: ami lo iucan:;rieil we say try Uusa.:a:ii. and voa will be re;lorc-l to health. Bosa llis is sold by all DnitrristJ price 9 IJiO per bottle. Addresa D3. CLzz::rs & ci Manufacturing Chemists, Daltimokc, JTd- Terror! Mnrder!! Death!!! 1113 Mice. Ronclies, Ants. Til ma lledbugs, &c. lUlIO 0 Farmers, secure uour Grain. D R fllCt ;.,,. lUilO RATS A Remarkble "Preparation, RATS wnich draws Rats, (as by magic) Ir'oni their boles and biding place. They eat ravenously and all die to n-dead certainty in the open air. Safe to use. Called BURT'S ' New Improved Vermin Exterminator. l'd wiih Huiiderfal ucces!i at tbe Continental and other large Hotels and Public Institu tions iu Philadelphia and New York city ; Kolton House, U.-irrisburg ; Union Depot Hotel, Pittsburg: llcrdicl House. TVil- liam-port, Pa ; is, in tact, iho only article hat will rid you of the?e pests. Cut this advertisement out and take to your Drug gist or Merchant. If he is not supplied, he can get it for you of any wholesale Druggist, fie cure and get only that si rn- ed E. BURT, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa , on each jar. Take no-other, 'ih cents ajar ; five jars for $1. $1 irorM trill usually ,io a thornwth tenrk. Ta Merchants. Burt's New Improved will never harden or change by age Al ways in nice condition. Lots on band of former make will be exchanged, if desired. Principal Depots. G02 Arch et., N E. cor ner Tenth and Cbertnnt st , and S. TV. cor. Eight and Race sis.. Philadelaphia. Sold by all Wholesale Druggists. Direct all letters to E. UCRT, Manufacturer of Rat Exterminator, Wert Philadeldhia. Pa. Jan l'J-6m LARGE stock or Rsady-mada Clothing for sale by HARLEY & 00 ALT. ZXT.oti as' vy' St??' COPES DSEASES Of the THRQAllUNGS,UYER& BLOOD In the won lorfltl mMirin tn wtilrh the iTIictcl ro ai3 pinttr:l fir rriicf. t!io discoTerer he luivc.i ho his co-nbin-.'l i.i fiarmo$ty more of Na titit? mrt ttiverc.ro enrative properties, which OuJ ha i:ttille:l into the vomeral tie kinnlom for hialmt.n ni?!c, th.n were ever before combiued in o ie in2-lict:ie. T!ie evidence of thi fact is f rani in t'to irreat Tariutv of mih-t obstinate dhv ci-os wliK-d it hi hf'i fun 1 1 confiucr. In the cars of BronliIU x vrro Coasli an 1 thaearUnUre of Coh-ii i:itioii, It has atoni-hci tho mrlieil ficitlly. mA emiiicut phy icii 1 pranuune it the z-itt mtnlical lir-cov ryoftia;j. Wnile It c ire t!ie lTcnt Couirhv, It ntr3inira tao ovatc-n ftrul p!irifia Iho bl3 1. B ltreit a i'I thfmu :h Mom, pnnfy in; p-.i-wrtib--, it cire o'.I Iltinior fnni Ihe w. Srrtlnln ta co:nm i Htolfli, Plitt pl9 or K Ju;ti'-il. M icnrial uiwase. Mit-c-ra! PjUi.i. ail tiir rfT.ct. if rrad'cattd, and Ti'irri' "ilt'i ft'rt a tt'iini rormtitntion etal lih?r C ri! I S i niK-iim. Fctcr Hyrjn, S:iU o ISouli Mi in. In ftmrt, ail tJ3 inav-KH di-ca -atic:l bv ba: blmd, ara c tit tore l br tUia powerful iiariryhiaud iu- Ify n f d t'l. dr tw, t! .blTitattMl. have willow eil'ir f or yi'A iwUii brovn rMt on face or b iv. fr ?q t:'it h u I iciu or dizzititi. bal tiirc Iu m :u:i, i ifj.-j ii h it or ciiill- aiitTiiartd with hot (l:ih'i, I v r'irit. auj l'Iuoiiiv InrclxMliii. ir- ul tra 'it i. I to'i no roarcil, vntt rrv niifer ln fnii Tj:;ii Liver rr liilioiiF 11x4.0 It in 1:1 rac- of thI.lvrr t'ona plai lit " o iiy pi'ft of thti pvnnjm arv exne-ri?i.-2l. A- a rja-iv-f-ir all n:.h fa-e JJr. Pij-cs'i Gl In M 'lied JJinrovery lian eqnal, aiit eX;-cU mrtcztcn Kaiiit!uHvt'rt''eiiyt)i et?l ail hj!t'iv. F r th ctin? of IIititua Constipation of tho bowel it a never fail ing iv.n : ly. 'i I t'i -e w!i have usU it lor tiii p ir--ie arti 1 1:1 1 in it pr:ii"" T!3 prj-iror o'frr Jl.MO reward Tor a m('I cine t tat wiil erjinl it ftr the rtirc of all the di-ca-e fr w'licli it i reco:ivii-nitVL S il l hr dru-"i-t- at 1 rn-r bottle. TreTiared R. V. Pierce. M. D . S-.le PmnrieUtr. at hie Chi-mi-cj, L-ibiratinr. 111 Seneca -truer. Bulialo, N. Y. Scud your addre fcr a pamphlet. , Oil, Paint & Varnish, WHITE LEAD. HEN LEAD, GOLOEEB PAINTS ET OH I5UUNT UMIJEB, RAW UMUER. CHROME 6SSEN, PARIS GREEN, Cn?.C;i2 73LL0T, iLACH, j Prussian Piiic, Lswp Black, Puinl D. ushrs, Varnish Brus'ir, WHITEWASH BRUMS, SASH BRUSHES WLitit'g and Itntiii Lv tlie Barrel, Scyps. Ja-wii Drvf r, While Varnish Canocntratad L73, Babbitt's ?ot:.sh, l'uttv nnil Glass. The altOT;- goo.is, wiilj a l.trpt variejv oi DSrCS and 1'ATKXT JIEDICI.N E?. a!w.n on hanil at I lie PATTEH30 EHUa STOSS. rJ Glass cut to any mzc Jtpii 1 1. I)r r. C. I'.LWU.O. Jttiy 12, !?71-if i NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. SPRING TIME TA3LE. 1 liru:s!i nil it Tiri-ct R.nitc to Wa;-Illusion, ilKiiimore, l.iiimu, l iie, iZut.ili, KtM'liestt r and Xiasara I-"u!!.. ON AND AFT I". U MUJiUAY. JUNE 10. V 1,-T-, tlie traliM on the Northern (Antra! Railway will run as follow: 0!:llIVA!t:. Mail Tkin leaves r.altinioro .... l-we lia.-rialHirg... crx Wil!i,.m..trt 8:3a a m -1:2'. p tit - :4o ; tit ...I' p in 7. 35 p n. p ai hrnvi-s nt LI:nira Cin'ti E.r. lwiTes lialtimurf ,Li.s.it , trriibni- Fast Line leiivea U -ill imorc leave- l!at rishtir -..'top in arrives nt W lili-iciKport r':l p w West's s Kx leHYes H.iliininre 10:110 p d arrives Harri!diirg...!.':.V) a in Niagara Ex lraves lialriumre 7:-";0 a m leaves !Ir.rriLi;rr a.I:1) a ni leavta WiilI:iDipuit....M -:J'I p m leaver Eltnira o:' Opm arrives fct ranandagita 7:l p nt IIab. -Acc's leaves I;iUini re p id Cuic Mail north leaves !!;irri.-b'g 4:1a a m arr. at Suuburr. 1:0 a in SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Elmira r,:40 a tn leaves VYilliamspott 'J:l" a ij. leaves HarriMuirg.... arrives at Baltimore -:)') p m ri:3i i ni Fast Line leaves Harrisburg :: a ni 7:'M a m 7:40 a m :-'" a m aarrives at Itallttnere.. Ebie Expb's leaves Sunl ury &ii:v's at Harrisburg.. Ebie Mail south leaves .tnhury ." a m arrives at Harrisburg... '2:30 a m Pacific Ex. south leives llarrisb'g 10:15 a m arrives ai Baltimore-... 1:15 n m i Cimcis'i Ex. leaves II arrisbitrg ...... 1 1:10 p n. arrives at Daltimore... J:l- a m Niagara Ex leaves Canandaigua 1 1:"0 a m leaves F.lmira I:5llpm leaves Williamyport 5:115 p m leaves Harrishrrg u t:4t p m arrives at llaliimore 11:50 ii in ' Hab. Acc. south leaves Harrisburg :06 a m arrives at Baltimore...10:15 a m Mail Train north and south. Fast Line ' north, Pacific Express south, Erie Express : south, aud llarri burg Accommodation north : aud south, Niagara Express north and south j daily except Sunday. j Erie Mail north, Cincinnati Express north i and south, West rn Express north, Fast Line loitth leave daily. I Erie Mail south, daily exsept Monday. For further information apply at tbe Ticket Office in the Pennsylvania Railroad DeDot. j ALFRED U. F1SKE. General Superintendent. ! Harrisburg, June 1), 1S72. j BECKYS HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. THIS HOTEL 18 PLEASANTLY SITUATED O.N TFIE SOUTH SIDE Or RACE STREET, A FEW DOORS ABOVE THIRD. ITS CENTRAL LOCALITY Makes it particularly desirable to persons visiting tbe City ou business or pleasure. A. BECK, Proprietor, ' Formerly of the States JJnion Hotel. aug. 18, lS69-ly. 1 - frniou cut take t'.K'n, l'i:tn accord. nz to directions, s-H reTtivn 1 f:vt protide,! their botien- lid ri'trovetl !"rr.:n-r-; po;Mn or otbe, means, and tb; v'tal organs wr.:. Lcvri,4 fa rgm of r?r-air. UypepIa or Indlrr.rlon. Ilfxhelie, Pjt. in tie Shotiid'-m. Coughs, i';!i!,if, of ilie C hey. ),j. tines'. S'mr Kiurt.ittutis cf tlie Sun.n.ii, 1; Vive in the Monti. Ut.iwi Ait.itk.s P p::arton of til Heart. Jnflamtnation of tiii I.::n-;s pani in the rejoow f the Kitltievs, ami .1 rmiM.red oilier pi:ntti! "Tntptonj are the odiprini vi Dviersia. Li these ctuuinu it lia no equal, ana one tttie nl'.l n-e a Lefrer tuaj anteeof it mrrit t'vrn a l:;ct'ir advertisement. For Female Couiplaiatt, in y-tt:;) jnarried t 51117!?, at tlie t'.wn (t wiiitiiit.id, or ifo turn ot h;e, these Tome I!:tter dtp:iy s: ri-c rKt ta jri1uet.ee tliat a marked inipmvement is ucti peicep-tib'-. For Iiiflamnintory aud Chronic Rhe Uintiiit aud (out, Li ioits, Kcni-ttftu and Inter mittent teve.-s. Uisenae ot t!ie t !, Liver. K hev and lilatuler. thec H;::er4 hare no erju.i!. Di. ease arc c-uied by Vitiated H oo'!. whith i Renera-ly prrvtncrJ br ciennen-.-f t 1 f lhe riciive (h..:i;a. They tire a te title lnratlTe m well m Touic px5se-r: a the p-ci.!i.ir mertt ot acttn as a powerful reent i. r-v:n; t 'cticeCion ir It'am matiun of the Liver a ul Visceral tr.ini,and iu Dises. For ineaiM F.n v:c, Tettrr, PiIi Rheum, I! 'Hc.ies S;xtt H-THi-'f-s i'.i.in r, Wn', j. bunc-ea, K:iu-wttriM-. Sciia-Ht-.i''. fcve, Lrr- pe,a-s lti.li, Stiin-s, I hMCO!n;.moi.s . 1 ihe Skin, Humor and Disease ii llm Sum. ot wiuieer naiiie 'r natore, are literalir ihr up and carried ; t-;' iliC ysttia m a lort time hv tli ue of ihse L.t:ri CvrMlefal TliOtiMnr)- .tiic.a:n Vinpt;k Ttrr Teas the ni-it wo:tficr:ui I.tviura:.: ihat ever t: staged the sinkiu; svstetu. J U ALKfc-K.Pr.pV R.II.nrntLD A CO.. Irupist atirl Gen. At., Sin rraiicisco, Cak. andcur. ot Walnut: ton andtlhariu-u ts , New Yi-iiu SOLD BY ALL DKUCGIS t'6 AND DEALERi FOUTZ'S CELECKATtD ( Thii prt-pamtion. luttK and f;;vprally known, will thoronv'i.ly re-inv iorat brtrkt-n i"tn a'jtlelu A--).it iti il 1 t-r?, by Kt; 'ii:i.t-r.iTie' and cian c- it 9 9tin.;ih ii'iti itit-tiRrn. aTeVTri- it ts a Mifc j-r rrai o or ti: Bt irifiil nt to tli.s aitio al. --uch 15 i-' Nd FEVER. r,LMtj:-t. YKI.L.iV WATKR. HKAVK.-i. Ct'lUIIS. I LS- tkupkr. f;:v:-:i.h. fo r v i? . LfSoF Ai'i'Klil E A. VIIAL J'V V V KR(i V A-.' It; n- ,-a A I, I'.tC WiQil, 111C fivnn a?mj'ith transf irnn t'n iiicvi-- -a t.te ai pjttt-.' w t-.r tt!i a:i l ! y sk'n urn! ' p t'l? mi ah'e fkt-lf t'n JLvL? 9 Ultoa aue l.Kifi.nx a;ni -pi. ite 1 horse. 1 " tajjwj" To k.fpani of Cow t! tion U in'. ahi;il It-. It i- silJft- it Ueaaa;nu r.in.le. y:,t. li!,.t S?T 1 a-itual expyrinifnt tn irsr-v- t'.e ' etnt. ai Biak C lr ,tr r 6 pi Ifire th-.'m an antictite. lout-n t!;cir Liii:, u.d takn htm y.rie much ftster. tie0aiai r.in.let li F-e- In all di-aes of Swin f!:ci a.' t'ouir' . T"!eT :a the Luntrs. Liver, fcci'ii h tii leat-t ryTK aa a ficific By piiUin f om ont- J ha!f a ntpir to a paiitT in ''oiTei of &&''J&T will Jte a'KiTedi-ie.iJ will rv rni!i 3 il "r 7 cat-tl or trntirvlv p.vvetitl. Ifite'i v fJt f in tiio", a tfrtnin p;vTentii e iii:J Cure for tlie IIo; i'aulerei. D.1VID E. FOriZ, Propriftor, BALTIMORE, ?1 d . For .".-ilrt hv Pnir 'it-i and Ptor-.-kecntTS thmurbo'it Ibe t'Qittd dtauj, ( andiad and orth America 15. F. KC;SKit 1 SOX. Afen'H. Mifflin town. Pi. "e-'-' 'ibiihocd: KowLcl. IIowKes;n,;l Jii;t ptt'i'Jteii. a new eJitifin r.f rnlvf ry rrlebrtr4 mi tlirt ri'i.C'ii eur? Trilli on; Itit-flOHit) i MFIiM XTOtiHHfEA. or ie;in 'iVt'ikniK. nvtfitiniitry Seminal Lof, iMpoTrxrv. Men1:. I nirl Ti'Vaic'tl IutMpucitj, itiiinti:ititut.-4 tn Mi l;;ijr. etc.; roNHUP- rtoN K:mli:mt, nr i Ktis, iutiued by brlt-ii.dti!i;-iicrt or t X"i;il x;r i-'ttjun-Je gli'rie:?. in n s:ilt.i envelop, onlv fief. '1 lie celi'ra'ed auttmr, in tl.is a'.imimh'e ey. clearly urMin.-t rate, from a tbtrtjr years puccc-sf ul pr.icice, tliBt tin? airtrniir.j coc?'-jutmfe! rf ee!:'-:ih'i-r uiiy be rilic:il'y curei w.Iliout tii J writer oh tue of tlie kn ft-; pointing out a mode of cure at once pirniyi. certain, and i5Vcrti il. hy mHn3 of wliieii ettTT iiiitTt:rer. no n. itter wimt Ua con liii'i-i may te. miy curt liimself clitaply. privutt.! and riA-t cf ' y. JtT'li i Lecture ph-mld he iu tlie haniU t f every yiut't at. d 'very mm in t:ie lau-1. Setii, mi ler scil. in a pLitii envelope. ft-y fttldre?. pan'paid, on rtceipt of six cents, ?r two pot! !t:i:iipt. Alt-o, Dr Culverene Marriaee Guide," Ad rra ine p'itli-hcr, ( HAS. J. C. KLINE A CO.. ronOiTice K-jx 4,i3. 1,7 Uuwery, N. T. pr!7-ly NcvTiu and Stove Eiiabiishnu-at, Vrrrysr Ve'r, JimLitu C'onii'i, I'a rpilR uiidersijriied Las opened out a new X Tin and Siove Establishment in 'Le r.ioni on Railroad Strt'-I, nex: doer lo lhe Tu-ea- ' lt.,11 w!if-r I. -i.nlil ! r.t..siit to all win) are in want of Tinware. Stoves, Ac. lie will also give prompt attention to all or ders for Rooting. Spom ing and Jobbing, n:i of which he guarantees to put np vi a the best of material and in a workman-liVe man ner. Having had ovi r ten years experience in the- bu.'iuess he tin iters himself that he can give entire satisfaction to the public. He keeps on hand tbe celebrated Nimrod Cook Stove, which is tbe best baker, most economical and heaviest plated stove now iu tike. He will keep on hand the Oriental Heateis. and a general assortment nt the heft Stoves manufactured. JOHN DUNBAR. aK"TS I"I1 - Literature, Art and Song Is tbe lest selling book ever offered. It combine, the-hiinor of aneedole, the wisdom of essay, the int'orniation of history and biog raphy, the sweetness and grandeur of poetry, the exquisite charm of music, and 400 beau tiful illustrations. 'Solid reading for graver moments ; pea sant pictures to illumine quiet hours ; and gems ot song for the social circle." An Agent writes, Sold 127 copies this week. Will sell 500 this monib easily." Our new sistem of canvassing does away with objections to the business. Particulars ,'ree. A valuable present to every new agent. INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 93 and 05 Liberty Stbeet, New York. May 1, lb72-10w COAL. Lumber, Fish. Salt, and all kinds of Merchandise for sale. Chestnut Oai Bark, Railroad Ties, all kinds of Grain and Seeds bought at the highest market prices in cash or exchanged for merchandise, coal, lumber, &c, to suit customers. I am pre pared to furnish to builders bills of lumbvr just as wanted and on short notice, of either oak or yellow pine lumber. NOAH HERTZLER. Janl Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa. JOHNSTOWN FOTJNDBY. THE undersigned, manufacturer of Jami son's Improved Plow, calculated for ail kinds of plowing, and in all kinds of ground, sold cheaper than any other Plow in the Coun!y. He manufactures ail kinds of Cast ings, Bells, Stoves, ke. He will also repair readers and threshing machines. Give me a call, or address. J. H. ROGERS. Walnut P. 0. aug 13 18&9--tf Juniaia Co. Fa- 1 OR SALE Three set ot Cook Stove Pat terns, no. I, if, ana y, riasisaau run" Boards, all complete, by SILAS Sn AMP. i.iflintovn Oct 5-?m ' - -w. A rr