Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, July 17, 1872, Image 2

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    Juniata Jseniinel.
Wei nesday Mornings, July 17, 1872-
GFS. HPRY WHITE, of Indian.
GEN. LEMUEL 1011), of Cumberland.
WM. M. MKltEI'ITII, Philadelphia
J. UlLLIMiHAM FELL, 1'l.ilauelphia
G.n. IIAKRY WHITE, Indiana.
;co. WILLIAM LILLY. Carbon.
1 IN N BAKTHoLOMKW, Schuj !kill.
II. X. M A LISTER, Centre.
8A.MUEL E. DIMMH'K. Wayni.
iK')I(Ur: V. LAWRENCE. Washington.
1AVIJJ X. WHITE. Allegheny.
II. A lvI Y, Lehigh.
GEO. P. ROWELL&C0.40 Park Row, New York
S. M. PETTENGILL 4 CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y,
Are oar tale agents in thai city, and are au
thorized to contract for advertising at our
lowest rates. Advertisers in that city are le
quested to leave their favors with cither of
Hie above houses.
Republican Primary Election.
At a nietting of the Republican County
Committee, held according to pievious notice,
at W iilg' Hotel, in MiSlintown, on Saturday,
July f 1?T2, the following resolutions were
adopted :
R'tolrrd, That the rrimnry Election be
heid at the usual. places on
SATURDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1872,
Br-lweeu the hours of 2 and 7 o'oleek P. M.,
and that the Return Judges meet at the Court
House, in Mitfliutown, on
MONDAY, AUGUST 2'ltb, 18T2,
at 1 o'clock P. M.
KcsoUeJ, That the manner of electing Re
turn J ud:es, r.ud the qualifications of voters
be the sime as prescribed and carried out
last j car,
Ketvlved, That John A. Gil'aher and John
Mctzer be and thry are hereby appointed
members of the County Committee, to rcpre
eent Walker township, and G. II. Henderson
to rprent Patterson borough, in place of
.1. W. Talker and L. W. Sieber. of Walker,
nnd Sniuuil 11. Lruwn, of Patterson, who are
no longer residents of these districts.
Alf.x. Woohwiru, Secy.
Greeley miy be comely aud good
l ut, like Eve, be is weak.
Horace Grki-.lev and Gralz Brown
are the Democratic candidates for I'resi
detit and Vice President.
David Pail Brtow.v, a brilliant Phil
adelphia lawyer, died at bis residence on
last Thursday morning, aged 78 Years.
TllR people en tl.e north shore of
Long It-l.turl, New York, were fiiglitened
at the ehock of an earthquake on last
Friday morning. .
. .
Greeley and reform say the Democ
racy, to prove the sincerity of the cry
William MeMulIen, of Philadelphia, was
made one of the Vice Presidents of the
Baltimore Convention.
Tammany rejoiced over the nomina
tion of Horace Greeley. The following
was inscribed on one of its banners, in
New York City, raised in honor of the
nomination : J ammany responds to
the nomination of the National Conven
tion at Baltimore."
I.N the great struggle to degrade! and
flit-honor labor on the part of the south
against the north that sought to lilt np
dignify and honor labor. Mr. B u kalt w
gave his sympathies to the former.
The great free labor Slate of Pennsylva
nia will not so forget herself as to put
Mr. Buckalew at the head of the State
The following proposed amendment
to tho Stale Constitution will be subject
to the adoption or rejection of the peo
ple?, at the October election :
Strike out the sixth section f the
sixth article of the Constitution, and in
sert in lieu thereof the following: "A
Slate Treasurer shall be chosen by the
qualified electors of the Sta tn, at puch
time and for such term of service as. shall
be prescribed by law."
The Democratic party, in its new
Greeley dress, held a meeting at Iiarris
burg on last Thursday evenitig, to ratify
the Baltimore) nomination. Tho assem
bly was small and the parties working
the play appeared and acted as if their
clothes did not fit them. The audience
seemed mors taken op with the Dolly
Varden appearance of the meeting than
anything else. Election time will teli
how the people accept this new collection
of diilerent colored political posies. Ex
Senator Cowan, Andy Johnson's dear
friend, was the big sunflower in the col
lection. ' "
The Fall -The People will net Snstaln It.
. Horace) Greeley has fallen. lie was
nominated at Baltimore last week, by
the Democratic National Convention.
Of the 733 votes in the convention he
received 6S6
It is probably the most remarkable
combination of political antagonistic ele
ments ever combined. The worlds
stands iu wonderment at the spectacle of
a political organization,, numbering mil
lions, placing a man at its Lead whose
life has been chiefly spent in seeking its
overthrow. lie was a champion against
Democracy when it sought to overthrow
American free industry, and when it
sought to acquire territory in Mexico and
Spain, out of which to create new States
whose corner stones should be that
"Capital shall own its labor "
In former years ho regarded that party
with the keenest distrust, aud declared
his iuteuticn of never having aught to
do with it, as may be learned from the
following one of the many paragraphs
of a similar character from his pen :
"Of that Democracy which robs the
effeminate Mexican of half his broad
domain, and regards with a covetous eye
the last of declining Spaiu's valuable
posses -inns which plants its heels on
the neck of the abject and powerless
negro, and hurls its axe after the flying
form of the plundered, homeless, and
desolate Indian may it be wr Hen on
every grave that I never was a follower,
and lived and died in nothing its debtor."
What a fall from a high aud lofty pur
pose. Since the fall of Eve who was
wooed and beguiled into the eating of
the fruit of death, not because she wu-h
ed to disobey and forsake the path of
virtue and enter the way of corruption,
but because she wished to please her se
ducer, who impressed hei with the belief
that there was no death but pleasure in
what he proposed th'ere has been no
fall like it. The consequences, however,
will not be so direfull as those that fol
lowed the fall of the mother of our race.
The Democratic i nomination for the
Presidency, formerly despised aud for
bidden fruit to Horace, after being
extended to him by the Democ
racy his satan and assured by the
chiefs of the party that there is no death
in it, he takes it, impressed with ihe
belief that there is no wrong or death to
his former position aud views. He will
find his defeat, and in that defeat he will
be spared the humiliating sight of seeing
his country and party humbled and dis
graced. Through his liberal and mngnauimons
nature, the Democracy expect to place
themselves again in power, and to re
trieve for themselves what they lost in
their eff.irts to destroy free Government.
They see in the man who believes that
there is no bell for the punishment of the
wicked, who believes in the abolition of
all capital punishment laws, and who in
the kindness of his heart declared that
the confinement of more than a few days
of the Chief of the llebel Government
in prison, was wronj, aud willingly went
his secuiity for his release, is the char
acter out of whom they can mould a
chief to pave the way for future man
agetneut in the Government. Iu these
lenient qualities, so seldom met with,
and so utterly unfitted for practical
operation in the present state of society,
the Democracy see just the character to
secure for themselves the most advanta
geous position, if they can but get Lim
placed at the head of the Government
With the aid of Republican votes they
expect to do it.
Place Horace Greeley at the head of
the nation, with the Democratic party as
his counsel and patron which they
would be and bis magnanimity will in
duce him to submit to auy and all Gov
ernmental proposals that are made that
do not actually savor of oppression. He
will agree to a Democratic management
of the money affairs of the nation, to the
payment of the rebel war debt, to dam
ages done by the passage of the national
armies through the south, and he will
agree to the payment for the slaves set free,
aud it would not be beyond the magna
nimity of his nature to agree to the pay
ment of bounty to rebel Eoldiers. This
may seem like an impossibility, but cer
tainly not more impossible than seemed
the nomination of Horace Greeley by
the Democracy fur the Presidency, five
years ago. The safest and surest way is
to elect Grant and keep Greeley "and his
millenial notions out of the White House.
The people will not sustain the fall.
The Baltimore American says that
Col. McClure, in a speech made in that
city, declared that Le will support Buck
alew for Governor. In that declaration
read the trade between the leaders of the
Liberal Republicans and Democrats :
says tbe Liberal to the Democrats, you
vote for Greely and I will vote for Buck
alew. Chorus, a bargain, a barcain.
Tub steam tannery and stable of
Kurtz & Co., at Mount Joy, were en
tirely destroyed by fire, on the morning
of the 13lh. The loss is estimated at
$30. COO ; no insurance. The cause is
suppofed to have been accidental.
Bi'OD Dobble Las issued a challenge,
offering to trot Goldsmith Maid against
auy or all of Bonner's horses foi five to
fifty thousand dollars a side before the
20th of Angust.
The Homestead bill was passed while
James Buchanen was President, but he
vetoed it. Mr. Buckalew belonged to the
Buchanen school of politician or states
men. A maniac at Rochester, N. Y.. shot
and fatally wounded Lis step-mother, and
also wounded his keeper on the 12th
Communication. ,
Tort R,Val, July 13. 1S72,
Mr. Editor : There seems to be some
doubt as to who the doctorstwere who
hatched, or rather nursed a'fter it had
Leen batched br others, the printing bill
for Juniata county, passed at the last sea
sion of the Legislature. One was D. M
Crawford, our Senator, who always looks
wise but says little, except on occasions
when appropriation bil's are to bepasf-ed
when he is said to grow eloquent,
especially if there has been a little fire
to kindle nn bis imagination. Whether
the passage of the printing bill required
the aid of eloquent speeches is not known
to me. There were none reported in the
record that I know of. The other is Dr
Jacob V. Mitchell, who bails from the
neighboring county of Mifflin, whpm the
peoplo of Miffiin and Juniata court
ties were unfortunate enough to Lave to
misrepresent them in the Legislature.
He is a genial fellow, aud can tell some
stale yams when around electioneering
very well, and hknself smile largely
when done, if nobody else sees the joke.
He is a smart fellow and an able legis
lator. He doses it on the Allopathic
plan. He did not succeed, however, as
well as his professional brother and co-
laborer, in the work of rcfoi'mia the
laws to govern his constituents. An ob
noxious some call it a worse name
"Bridge Bill" had been passed for Mif.
flit) county, which this distinguished rep
resentative ha'l, as rumor has it, proniis
ed the good people of bis county to have
repealed. But they were doomed to
disappointment. Like Rorher with the
printing bill somebody went to see bit
aud the bill old ut pass that is it was
not repealed, and I see by the papers
that the Commissioners have been fined
S5 00 a Lead for not building the bridge
another allopathic dose. Homeopathy
is not popular now-a days, it seems. This
much for the parlies who pissed the bill
Now cannot some man be selected to
represent us who will repeal this bill, and
either let the law be as it was in former
times, or have the county printing let by
contract aud other legal advertisements
to bo published where the parties may
desire them to be published. Juniata
couuty Las been doubly taxed. Enough
money Las been squandered in the last
ten years together with what the citi
zens of Mifflin promised to raise to
build a new Court House, and I have uo
doubt that if the law' was so changed as
to have all the county priming done by
contract by lowest bidder that iu the
coutse of teu years more Juniata County
could boast of a new and comfortable
Conrt House, and the Treasury bo not
one cent poorer, provided voir citizens
would raise the sum promised when the
question was before the peoplu Let
the people act in this matter. Let our
County Conventions take action iu regard
to it. It should be. discussed there. It
will not do to say, as no doubt some will
say, that it will en Jaugi-r the success of
Candidates, and that they should not be
trammelled by any such questions
Such arguments are too thin. The is
sue should be fairly brought before the
people, and if the majority are willing to
be thus taxed, then of course the minor
ity must stand it.
Scraps From t!ie Pen of Horace Urceley.
"Every ono who chooses to live by
pugilism or gambling or harlotry, with
nearly every keeper of a tippling-house,
is politically a" Democrat." Ilirace
"If there were not a newspaper nor a
common school in the country, the Dem
ocratic party would be far stronger than
it is " Ilornce Greeley.
' The essential articles of the Demo
cratic creed are 'love rum and hate
niggers.' The less one learns and knows
the more certain he is to vote, the regu
lar ticket from A to Izzard " H.race
"We therefore asked our contempo
rary to state frankly whether tbe pugil
ists, blacklegs, thieves, burglars, keepers
of dens of prostitutions, etc. etc., were
not almost unanimously Democrats."
II rare Greeley
', A purely selfish interest attaches the
lewd, ruffianly, criminal and dangsrous
classes to the Democratic party." Har
are Greeley.
Ballou's Magazine for August.
The warm weather will remind the peo
ple that light entertaining readiug is just
what is wanted ; and we know of noth
ing more acceptable to the community
than Ballou's Magazine, a serial that
contains 100 pages of stories, engravings
and poetry of the highest order. Such a
magazine can be read in the cars, the
library, at the seashore and at home. It
is the cheapest and best of periodicals,
and should be in the banns of every one.
Terms. $1.50 per year. Address Tiiomes
& Talbot. C3 Congress Street, Boston.
Father and Sod Smothered.
La Sai.lk, III, July 13. Augustus
Hoffman, aged about 13 years, son of
Charles Hoffman, in playing about bis
father's warehouse, in Peru, this after
noon, jumped into a corn bin while the
corn was running out through the spout
into a car and was drawn under the corn
into the spout and smothered. Mr. Hoff
man leaped in to rescue Lis son, and
shared the fate of Lis boy. Mr. Hoff
man was a prominent grain merchant of
Peru, and a much esteemed citizen.
It is mentioned as a remarkable coin
cidence that James Gordon Bennett, who
founded the N. Y. Hern Id, and Nathan
Randall, who was invited by Mr. Ben
nett to unite with him in lbs enterprise
as a business manager, were both carried
to the tomb on the same day. . 1
Frightful Occukbe.ncr A Stage
Couch full if PatitHgert Fall over a
Hiyh 'Embankment. Oa July 4th
miraculous escape occurred near Jeffer
son, Greene county. Pa. The circum
stances are as follows : On that day a
Urge number of the citizens of Waynes
burg bad been in Jefferson attending
the dedication of a new college. The
stage line of Mr. Edward Sexton, of this
place, which runs between Waynesburg
and Rice's Landing, was held over by a
number of Waynesbargers at Jefferson
to await a concert.
The concert over, they started for
home in high spirits. Between ten and
eleven o'clock, the night being quite
dark, in rounding a place called Stony
Point, about a mile and a half from
Jefferson, the coach' upset, precipitating
horses, passengers, and driver down
rugged embankment of one Lundred and
sixty feet. The coach turned over six
or eight times and then lodged against
a small tree.
Of tbe nine passengers in the inside of
tbe coach none were seriously injured.
A few cuts and bruises were the only
mishaps. A son of Mr Sexton, who
was riding with the driver, managed to
jump off before the coach was overturn
ed, aud running back to Jefferson, he
alarmed the town. Lights were procur
ed, and medical aid summoned The
driver was found at the foot of the em
bankment, having rolled the entire dis
tance. He was slightly injured. One
horse was killed octiight. and two others
slightly injured, while the fourth one es
caped uninjured.
Terrible Tragedy. A Man Shoot
His W ife and then Shoots Himself
The quiet village of Stouchsbnrg was
last week tbe scene of a terrible occur
rence which has cast a gloom of sadness
over tbe whole commuuity. Mr. George
Reed, a resideut of the place, Lad for
some time been deserted 'by Lis wile ou
account of his intemperate habits On
the 4th of July, having been to Read
ing, and having become intoxicated, he,
on his return home, abused his wife sit
tinr in the door of her brother's house.
with whom she had sought shelter and
protection. Ho immediately accosted
her, and asked her if she would not
again live with him. She replied in the
negative and rose to go into the Lon3e,
when ho drew a pistol and fired. See
ing his wife falling and supposing he bad
killed her he hastily retreated up the
street before he could bs arrestod. He
kept himself secreted in the neighborhood
until Saturday morning, when he was
found a corpse on the back poarch of his
sister s residence, a short distance from
town. It is supposod be came to her
house during the night and goaded by
conscience, well filled with remorse ou
account of his couduct. he placed tbe
pistol to his head aud thus put an end to
his own life. Fortunately the wife of
the stiicido was not seriously injured
The ball passed through Iter arm inflict
ing a painful, but not a fatal wound.
Harriihurg Tihsraph.
Dastardly Murder.
Memphis, July 13. Last evening
wbile a party of boys were bathing iu
the river, below the foot of Beale street,
private watchman named Sturgeon.
employed to take charge of some fl.it
boats near at hand, came out on the roof
of his dwelling, armed with a musket.
and followed by his wife, who was arm
ed with a revolver- After threatening
the boys for bathing there, Sturgeon took
deliberate aim at one of them, named
John Murphy, who was in the water,
and fired, three slugs striking him inbe
bead, killing him instantly.
Immediately after shooting. Sturgeon
jumped into a skiff and made his escape,
His wife was arrested and lodged in the
station house. They came here recently
from St. Louis and are represented as
bad characters. A coroner's jury ren
dered a verdict of wilful murder against
Disastrous Conflagration ani Loss of Life.
Detroit, July 13. A disastrous fire
occurred at Alpena, Mich., last night
About twenty-five buildings were des
troyed, including four hotels. TLe loss
es aggregate SI 50,000.
The fire was one of the 'most disas
trous. Being entirely a lumber manu
factnring place the buildings were nat
urally built all of frame, and, although
the town has a steam fire engine, all
efforts to stay the progress of the flames
were unavailing.
Mrs Westbrook perished in the street
in front of her store. George, her son,
while endeavoring to save his mother,
perished in the flames. The dead bod
ies of two men were found in the ruins
to-day. A sailor named Kelly and G.
R. Westly were badly injured. The
losses, as far as ascertained, foot up
Four men perished, in the fire and two
are fatally injured. TLe total amount of
insurance is $100,000.
The most popular man in Vienna just
now is a Turkish magnate called Kali-
pacha. Very few will attempt, we
imRgiue, to contest his supremacy over
the femiuine heart which he. asserts with
Montecriston wiles. Recently.- at a fete
which cost forty thousand dollars, num
bers of cold pheasants were served at
supper. Servants picked out the birds'
eyes and laid them on ladies' napkins
they were emeralds ! It was rumored
that this delightful Lost was en route for
Paris. Paris was enchanted. He says
now Le won't leave Fienna. Paris is in
The Lead waters of the western rivers
are to be stocked with young shad.'-'.
One seventh of Arkansas has been sold
for taxes.
Twelve per cent is now tbe legal in
terest in Virginia.
About the commonest social vice and
the oue which is most abhorred, is ad
vice. Anna Perkins, a beautiful blonde, Las
been appointed liquor ageut of Dalton
N. II.
Nine smelting furnaces, costing in the
aggregate $.300,000 are now in operation
near Salt Lake City.
Beer drinkers are in agony over tLe
failure of the Lop crop. The price of
lager is destined to go up.
Joseph wore the first Dolly Varden
coat of which mention is made in pro
fane or sacred history.
Miss Lewis, the colored American
sculptress in Rome, Las an order from an
English nobleman said to be worth
England has finally decided that tbe
Lours for closing up liquor saloons at
night must be uniform throughout the
Researches in Chinese archives show
that the architect who designed and the
engineer who bnilt the great wall were
The absence of many thousands of
Americans from tLe country the present
summer Las quite an effect upon tLe
fashionable watering places
When a couple of young people
strongly devoted to each other com
raence to eat onions, it is safe to pro
nounce them engaged.
Not less than eight hundred thousand
Lead of beef cattle were driven from tho
mesquit grass ranges of Western Texas
during the last twelve mouths.
Ocala, Fla., pays fifteen cents a pound
for ice. The local paper thinks this
rather steep, and asks if arrangements
cannot be made to get it at eight cents.
A live fish Ins been discovered in one
of the boiling springs of California
which died as soon as transferred to cold
water. Lndpr what conditions mijrht
that fish be cooked ?
A veteran was rela ing his exploits to
a crowd of boys, and mentioned having
been in five engagements. 'Thai's
nothing," broke in a little fellow : "my
sister Agues has been enratred eleven
A Berlin physician receutly tried to
dissever the bodies of two twin gith
grown together likw the Siamese twios
Utie ot tue girls survived the operation
one day, and the other lingered for three
A law has just gone into effect ij In
diana, by which any person who seeks
the position of juror is to be fined as
guilty of contempt of court. The law
will do away with the race of profession
al jurois.
It is saitl to b". a eurion fact tint while
foxes, cranes and squirrels are abund
ant on the Indiana ?id of the Ohio
river, they are never seen on the Ken
tucky side ; and strange enough, the
gray squirrel, to f.iund anywhere on the
Kentucky side, is rarely or never seen on
the Indiana shore.
Washington has a handsome hermit of
some forty years, named John Bnrch,
who has not It ft his own house and yard
for twenty years, so intently has he de
voted bis time to the attempt to invent
perpetual motion. The outer world is all
a blank to bim. He does not know any
thing about politics or current news, the
telegraph or the railroad.
The Indians have learned the "emo
tional insanity" dodge. Oue James
Lane, living near Trinity Centre, Cali
fornia, was shot recently by a treacher
nus savage who had gained his confidence
and, upon demanding of the Indian tbe
cause for his act, the latter b ounded off
with the riflo, crying out. "Me heap cra
zy I Me too much crazy !"
A party of United States Cavalry in
Arizona, started from their post in pur
suit of four Indian horse thieves. They
rode 120 miles in two days, captured
and shot the thieves, and returned with
the trophies of their victory, reaching the
post on the fifth day after starting. Two
of tbe men were wonnded in the skir
mish, and all the horses were nearly
dead with fatigue.
An Indian in Detroit visited an ice
cream saloon. The Free Press says :
"The first taste set all bid teeth jumping,
and the next one satisfied him that some
one had'put up a job on him lie hand
ed it to the boy with instructions to
warm it up. The boy melted it on the
stove, and the Lndian siezsd the disb
and drank the the sweet milk at one gulp
and then licked the dish."
Thb Stokes trial was concluded on
the morning of the 14th and went to tLe
jury at 11 o'clock on that morning, under
the following points of the Jndge : That
if tLe jury believed that Stokes went to
that hotel with a premeditated design to
kill, then they should find him guilty of
murder in the first degree. If they be
lieved the meeting was accidental, and
that Stokes fired in the heat of passion,
then they should find Lim guilty of man
slaughter in the third degree. And,
lastly, if they believed he fired in self
defense, then they should acquit him of
the charge. All doubts belong to the
prisoner. Gentlemen, give Lim every
benefit of them
The jury failed to agree and were dis
charged on the 15th. Eight were for
murder in the first degree and"fourfor
manslaughter in the third degree. '
Pennsylvania Reserves to Receive Bounty.
Washington, July 12. In tLe mat
ter of tLe decision of the Second Aud
itor, Hon. E B French refused to al
low the claims of the members of the
regimeuts of the Pennsylvania lleserves
for the $100 bounty under tbe provis
ions of tbe act of Congress of April 22.
1872, stating that the act referred to ap
plied only to men who were enrolled in
the United States service prior to July
22, 1861-
An appeal was made from this deci
siou to tbe Second Controller, Hon. J.
M. Broadhead, who, on a careful ex
amination into the facts, reversed the de
cision of the Second Auditor, and has
decided that, as the regimeuts of the
Pennsylvania Reserves were enlisteued
in the State service prior to July '22,
1831, and were mustered into the United
States service prior to August 6, 1861,
bounty will be allowed and paid to men
enlisting in the Pennsylvania Reserve
Outrage In Onio-Three Hen Hang by a
Mob -tireat Excitement.
Cincinnati, July 13. Specials from
Wapakoneta, Ohio, state that the coun
try around Celina, Ohio, is in a terrible
state of excitement arising from the out
rage and murder of a girl named Mary
Bell Secor, for which two men were
hung by the mob
Two men who were supposed to have
been implicated in the outrage have
since committed suicide, and the mob
have taken and hung tho tbird man this
morning. It is uot yet known who he is,
hut it it probably young Kimball, who
was spared tbe other day through the
intercession of Miss Secor's brother
The lawyer who defended the Kiinbails
iu their examining trial has been forced
to leave the country, the mob threaten
ing to hang him if he did not. Reports
state that tho most intense excitement
and disorder prevails, and ihe Governor
has been appealed to take the necessary
steps to restore law anil order.
Bank Robbery.
Bostov, July 13 Four desperadoes
entered tbe dwelling of Mr. Haywood,
casLitr of the Blackstone Bank, Ux
bridge, last night, gagged the family,
compelled the eldest eon to utili ck the
bank vaults, stole fifteen thousand dol
lais, and escaped.
Tbe robbers then locked the safe of
the bank, took ihe teller back to his
room, urtg-igged the whole family, and
ave them water to drink, reg.igged them
and went away. The condition of tbe
family wa discovered about daylight.
but the robbers had left no clue to the
manner of their departure. A satchel
containing fuses, pow.ler, and burglar's
implements, wa found near tLe batik
this morning.
Mb. Editor : As our Primary Flection is
drawing iiigh, ii is necessary that w should
bring out our most available and strongest
men for the different offices. I would sug
gest the name of our friend John W.
Mutbersbaugb, of old Fayette, as tbe most
suitable candidate for the State Legislature
Mr. Muhershajigh is yopular in MifSin
county as well as in Juniata, and if nomina
ted his ejection would be sure.
Mb. Editor : Ii i of the highest impor
tance that tbe men who are chosen to repre
sent the different districts in this Common
wealth in the Slate Conveut'ton to reviss the
State Constitution should be men of charac
ter, industry and ability, so that they can
intelligently lay hold of the questions of re
form that will be brought up for the consid
eration of the Convention, and so that they
can assist in moulding a new fundamental
law that shall be in harmony witb the spir t
of reform that is abroad in the land. I know
of no one in our county who is better qn.il i
fied for theee requirements than our young
friend, Jeremiah Lyon3, of our ton, and I
ask that his name be annou-iced as a candi
date for Delegate to the Constitutional Con
We have been authorized to announce Dr.
'P. Sterrett, of Academia, as a candidate
f r Delegate to the Constitutional Convention.
itve 3.cU'crtisnucnts.
THE next session of this Institution wiil
commence SEPTEMBER 4th, 1872
Location unsurpassed, buildings spacious
and convenient, thorough teachers, aud mod
erate terms. Send for a Circular.
J. P. SHERMAN, A. M. Principal,
Academia, Juniata Co., Pa.,
July 17, 1872-4t
Election of Bank Officers.
Jcxiata Valley Bask or MirrLisTow 1
Mifflintown, Pa., July 8, 1872.
THE Stockholders Annual Meeting for the
election of five Directors of this 'tank
will he held at this office on MONDAY. AU
GUST 6th, 1872, at 1 o'clock P. M.
T. V. IRWIN, Cathier.
July 10,- 1872-4t
Capes & Torches,
With Portraits or any deviee for all parties.
Silk Bunting, and Muslin Flags ef all
sizes on band or made to order. Chinese
Lanterns of all sizes and styles ; Paper Bal
loons, Fire Woiks, Se , ke. Cstnpaigo Clubs
fitted out at the Lowest Rates at .
49 South Third Street. Philadelphia.
July 10. 1872-3m
tBuy yonr Hardware at Qraybtll's.
l1 it Vim
Well Taught, Weil Fed and Well Cared For
AmiU fcappy surround.cgj, ,S. h-m ta '
J. U. SnUMAKEE. I'h. D., T.-inc-pj '
t DMiIbernburg, I'a. '
Lebanon Valley College,
f'Cit BOTH SEXts.
Separate buihlings. ierui ucjaJ .
lSttn. e or Catali-Rue. address the f-resij..',
L II. llAMMOM), A. it. Annville, Vt. '
Pottttown, Montgomery County, pa
Tho twenty fi urtU ruuual arasion cf tll"
Institution opens SeitfraV:r Utb Fort' "
culars, address Eer. JUrlS MuOilE ttm"
At Pottstown, Montgomery Co.,'pt
on Phil. A Beading R. R. Twenty secon(i
annual session opens Sept. Hth. 8:tuati0,
bea. thy and beautil'uL Classical Lnjli,,
and Mathematical courses of smdjtho--ough
and practical. For Circulars, eomainl
ing full particulars, address GEO. 1 MEIG
A, M. Principal.
TBT, New llaien. Conn. Preparatory
to College, nusiuess, Seimitifiu Schools, C S
Military and NaY.il Aeiu'emies. Fall session'
thirty-sixth yoir, bgins Sept. II For cat-'
alogues. address Gen. VTM. II. HUSSBL
Agents Wanted for Life and Times of
AS, imt 3v
Contains biographies of Drew, Vanderbilt
Gould. Tweed, &c, with a financial history
of tbe country for tbe last three Tear", and
what Crant tnew about "BLACK FKIDil
Over DM page. Price $J. .Ad-l.e-s
14- Nassau St., New York.
Affents wanted f -r mir 'atnp lijjn eo-ls. 8f J
at Sight. Pay 100 per ceut. profit. Now
is tlm nine, t-eud ai once lor I'e.cnp'in
Circulars and Price Liis of our Fine Sie!
Engravings of all lbs CanduLit.-a. Cimpj-i
Biographies, Chans. Phorcgr;ipii, Bdilg..,
Pin-, Flags, ,nd everything suited to th
ttiEas. Ten DoiUra yr day easily m.d.
Full samples sent for Si. Aj Iresa Mojei &
UOGDSPIID, 37 Park Row, New York.
GEXT WANTED. Agents rauke mors
l. mnnry at work for us t!ian at anytLinj
else. Buiness lifiht and permanent. Par
ticulars fre G. Ftix-o.i A Co , Fine Art
PublUh'rg, PortKni. Mnine.
I T C! Pl0 CO., .1. f. PRICE
Iteasents C Ircnlars Free"""'
Is the cn;io and b-st. article in tne mar
ket for Blot Ing rietbes. The genuine his
bo-h Birlow sitnd W lit berzr's nulla on tJo
label, and is ut up at Wtltberger's Dm
S'ore, Jfi. North Scnn I St.. I'hilid 1
phia. D. S. Vi ILI BKRiEU. Proprietor.
For sale I y rrujgbts aud Grocer.
Eejett all Violent rurgatlve?. They ruin)
t e It-ue ot' the howe g au! weaken the diges.
t:on. Tasrast's l.rrEKvtsca st Seltzer
Apkrievt is o'tJ by ntiou.l people as a
means of relieving ali derangements of tl.e
stomach, livr and intestines, because ii re
moves obstructions witti-ut pain and imparls
vigor to the orgiu which it purifies.
ft j jinn nuv,tnD
VI C j I ii 1 Fer any ca-e uf likn.i. Bleed.
Hi 1 1 1 II I 1,1 Itching or Ulcerated
VWW Piles th.it Da BiMo'a Pil
RcntDT fails to cure. It is prepared express
ly to cure the Piles, and nothing else. Sold
by all Druzgit. Price. S1.(K.
Know all Men ty toese Presents,
That I, Simon P. Lng-iu, of Tucsror
township, farmer, for and in consideration of
tbe sum of uvelvv hundred and fiftyone dol
lars to me in hand paid by J. J. Hamilton,
at and befure the ensealing and delivery of
these present., the recent whrenf is hereby
a:kuowlelget, have biined, sold and de
livsred, and by thee presents do birgiin,
Bull and derver lino tue eai-1 J J. H-tmitlon.
four horses, one wagon, one grain drill, one
mower and roper, one eider press, one fan
ning mill, one set smitb tools, one corn plan
ter, one hcrse rake, carpenter tools, harrow,
hay fork, rope and pulley, two plows, double
trees, log chain, wheel barrow, shova! plaw,
cultivator, three sets harness, flails, rakes,
dung fork, corn fodder cutter, griudstone
and fixiops, one hcrse (llock), two farm
waona. one cart, one three horse bdJ one
two horse doubletree, one spring wagon, foar
head of cows, four head of young c.ittle, anil
two mules, to have and to holi the aforesaid
property unio the said J. J. Hamilton, his
Kxe--utors, Administrators or Assigns, to his
and their own proper use and bent fit and
behoof forever ; and I. the said Simon P.
Logan, my heirs. Executors and Administra.
tors, the bargained premises unto tbe said
J. J. Hamilton, his Executors. Administra
tors or Assigns, from and against all person
or persons whomsoever, s!nll and will war
rant and defend by these presents.
In witnass wberenf I have hereunto set my
band and seal tiis 3rd day of July, 1872.
NOW, KNOW ALL MEN, and take notice, .
that the said Simon P. Lozan is livini on.
and cultivating for me and for my benefit, my
farm in Tuscarora township, Juniata county,
and that I have left the above property (witb
the exception of one horse and two mules)
witti mm, tnl in bis possession and care.
and only during my pleasure and for my
benefit, in the cultivation of my farm ; and
all men are warned and forbidden to intererg
Kith laid pmperty in any way, or to be either
principal or accessary in diverting said prop
erty from the use for watch I have left it in
the care of said Simon P. Logan.
July 10, 1872-81
Ja-i. .
Caps, Capos & Torches.
Sjtld for 1 1 LrBTRATED ClR.
ctlar and Price List.
No. 201 Church Street,
May 31, ,72-4m
Assignee's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby gi--en that Christopher
G. EngleF, of Walker township, Juniata
county. Pa., and Catharine, his wife, have
assigned all the estate, real and personal, ef
said Christopher G. Eng'er, to Samuel Leo
nard, of Fayette township, said county, in
trust for the benefit of the ereditots ef said
Christopher G. Engler. All persona, there
fore, indebted to the said Christopher G. En
gler will isVice payment to tbe said Assignee,
and those having claims or demands will
make known the sure without de'ay.
Assignee of Christopher G. Eng'.er.
June 12, 1872-6t
gyJi7xurA Smtikit. S1.S9 eer -year..