Site jfuaiats .Sentinel. , E3IA3LISHEO 15 1848. Pcausatft Evskt Wcdkiiiit Moehiso, BnJz Strott, opjuaite tbs OJd Ftllowa' Hall, MIFFtlXTOWS. PA. Taa Jcsiat Saati.f ri. is pullbLeJ tvery . Wadaasday morning at l,50 a year, in ad. vane ; or $2,00 in all cases if not paid promptly ia advance. No subscription; dis continued until all arrearages are paid, unless at tli option of the publisher. usinrss JOUIS E. ATKINSON, At torney t Law, MIFFLIXTOWN, PA. BpCotUclin tad Court yanciiig promptly attended to. Office on Bridge street, opposite the Court House Square. JOBElir .McMEEN. ATTOKXEY AT LAW, MIFFLIXTOWS, PA. Ofltee on Bridge street, iu the room furmcrl occupied by Ezra I). Pai I'er, Esj. s. B. LOCI) F.N, MIFFLINTOWN, PA., Offer bis services to the citizens of Juni ata eouaty as Auctioneer and Vendue Crier. Charges, front two to ten dollars. Satisfac tion warranted. uovSi, '69 Q YES ! O YES ! H. H. SXYDER, Ferrysville, Pa, Tenders bis services to the citizens of Juni ata and adjoining counties, as Auctioneer. Charges moderate. For satisfaction eire the Dutchman a chance P. O. address, Port Boyal, Juaiaia Co , TV. Feb 7. '72-ly 1)11. 1'. C. RUXDIO, PATTERSON, I'KNN'A, 18, 18'.!t-ir. " TiioAj iEXEiDini.T.r M1FFLIXTOWX, PA. OCce k-nir S A M. to 8 T. M. Office in !i:oi J' buiMitig. two doors above the.SVi t rtnl btlioe, Dridge street. augl8-tf TJ B GAliYEU, Hoasopafia PI;y.cl3!i and Snrgeon, !ti.T':nf located iu the borough of TLumpson ton, offers his professional eoi-viiei to the ciiueua of that place and viduity. t'rrirx In the room recently occupied by It. Soig. f J:iiie 12, ''72-lf 1I0MJ.0PAT1HC PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON II xr rii permanently located in the borough nf MitHmtown, otfets hi professional services the citizens of this place and surrounding niitiry. Olhce on Main street, orer BeHler's Drug Sure. t(f 1 I9-if " Dr. It. A. Simpson j Trtat" all forms of disease, and may be con-1 ntltedaa follows: it his office in Liverpool I t I'a., every SATURDAY and MONH1T ap-j p.iintaitu's can be ii mle for other doys. goy-il on or n.l.lrcHS Hit. R. A. SIMPSON, iee 7 Liverpool, Perry Co., I'a. ATTENTION! ! ) AVID WATTS inort respectfully annovn- era to the public that he is prepared to ' furnish I SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY j at reduced prices. Hereafter give him a call at his OLL- STAXP. 11 A IN St.. MIFFLIN, i Oct 2a-tf I3LOOMSBUKG STATE .NORMAL Ji SCHOOL AND Literary aai Commercial Institute. 1 be Paculty of this Institution aim to be very thorough ia their instrnction, and to looic carefully after the manners, health and morals of the students. tajST Apply for Catalogues to HEXKV CARVER. A. M., Sept 28. 1871-6ir Principal. Mew Bebu gtose IX PERRYSVILLE. "lAR. 3. J. APPLEBACGII has established Is m Drag and Prescription Store in the aboe-aarccd place, and keeps a general as sortment of DKCGS AXD MED1CISES, Also all other articles usually kept in estab lishments of this kind. Purs Viae"! and Liquors for medicinal pur poses, Cigars, Tohacoo, Stationary, Confec tions (nr9t-ot4B), Notions, etc., e o. Jfeg-The Uicior gives advice free NEW DRUG STORE. ' BANKS SllAMLIS, Mailt Street. J'lintou'n, u-. DEALERS IX BCS A5 HEDIf IXES, Chemicals, 1'ye Stuff, Oil, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Coal Oil, Lamps, Burners, Chimneys. Brushes, Infants Brushes. Soaps, Hair Brashes, Tooth Brushes. Perfumery, Combs, llair Oil, Tobaeco, Cigars, Notions, and Stationary. LARGE yAKIETVOF PATENT MED I C I N E S, selected with great oare, and warranted from high authority. '-4fVV Purest of WrXffS A SO fJlQWORS forMedi eal Purposes. PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with great eare. mal6'72- ly WALL PAPER Sally to the Place where yon can buy , yonr Wall Paper Cheap. THE undersigned takes this method of in forming the public that he has just re reived at his reeidenoe on Third Street, Uif nlatown, a large assortment of WALL PAPER, tf various styles, which he offers for sale CHEAPER than can be purchased elsewhere ia the eonnty. All persons in need of the above article, and wishing io save money, are inviteo to call and examine bis stocr ana I. ear bis prices before going elsewhere. XSi Lerce supply constantly on hand. b PIMOS BASOM. Mifflintown. April 5, IS72-tf OHELLY & STAMBAUGH always keep ap O their stock of GROCERIES and will not be excelled either ia tba quality or pries of 'heir goeis iB this line. Give, them call bfcre gang elsewhere. ISIIS B. F. SCHWEltE, VOLUME IXVI, M. 29 ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE! To all Ken Whom it may Concern. If you have anything to sell, If you have lost anything, If you have found anything, If you have a house to rent, If you want to rent a house, If you want boarding, If you want employment, If you want hired help, If you want anything, TELL THE PEOPLE OF IT BT ADVERTISING IX THE JUNIATA SENTINEL. GREAT REDUCTION is rni PKiciw or teeth : Full Upper or Lower Sets as Low as $5.00. No teeth l!orrl to K ave tLe office unless the ptticut is paMj-fie-l. Teeth remnjilru a:i! repaired. Teeth filled to last for lire. Toothache Mopped in Cve m'nutcs without extracting the tooth. lntal w ork done for persons without them leaving their homes, if desired. Electricity used in ile extraction of teeth, rendeiing it almost a painless operation, (no extra charge) at the Dental Office nf O. L. ' Dcrr, established in Mifflintown in IStiO, I C. L. DERR, j Jan 21, 1872-ly Practical Dentist. O. KOTIIHOCK DEXTIST, 3IcA.listerville, Penna.. OFFERS his professional serTices to the public in general, in hoth branches of his profession operative and mechanical. First week -f every month at Richfield, Fre mont and Turkey Valley. Second week Liverpool and Wild Cat Val ley. Third wcet Millcrstowa and Raccoon Vall.y. Fourth we.'k at his office in M'Alistcrville. will visit Mitliin when culled on. Teeth put up on any of the Imees, and as liberal as anywhere else. Address by letter or otherwise. May 1, mi-ly Xcw Store and New Goods. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &C. Hain Street, JliSintcTm. j "PKOVISIOX STOKE in the 'old stand ; 1 nvn 1 . nnnrpnr 1VT1 on Main otreet, MirHiutown, 1 would reaped- 1 fully ask the attention of the public to the! fulinwing articles, which I will kcip on hand at. ail tiuea SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, RICE, FISH, SALT, I'llICLI RiSlI XjAAAliV ritUlli i.nirh ivn nuivi'ti T?iIT!'n HAM, SHOULDER, DRIED BEEF, Confectioneries, Nuts, &c, Tobacco, Cigars, GLASSWARE, Xloni', Feed, Scc. All of which will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. Give me a call and hear my prices. J. TV. KIRK. Mifflintown, May 2, 1872. JUNIATA VALLEY BASK OF MIFFLINTOWJi", PEXN'A. JOSEPH POMEUOY, President. T. VAX IRVIN, Cashiei. HIBECTOKS. Joserb Pouicroy, :Jnhn J. Patterson, Jerome X. Thompson, 'George Jacobs, John lialsbach. Loan money, receive deposits, pay interest on time deposits, buy and sell coin and Uni ted States Bond?, cash coupons and checks. Remit money to any part of the United States and also to England, Scotland, Ireland and Germany. Sell Revenue Stamps. In snms of $200 at 2 per cent, discount. In snms of $500 at 2i per cent, discount. In sums of SI 000 at 3 per cent, discount. 3 1 out ! Meat ! rpHE undersigned hereby respectfully in JL forms the eitisens of Mifflintown and Patterson that his wagon will visit each of these towns on TL'ESUAV, THURSDAY and SATURDAY mornings of each week, when they can be supplied with Choice Beef; Venl, 31 tit ton, Lard, &c, during the summer season, and also PORK and SAUSAliK in season. I purpose fur nishing Beef every Tuesday and Saturday morning, and Veal and Mutton every Thurs day morning. Give mt your patronage, and will guarantee to sell as good meat as the country can produce, and as cheap as any other butcher in the eonnty. SOLOMON SIEBER. June 14, 1872. BEST" CIGARS IX TOWN AT Ilollobaugh's Saloon. ' Two for 6 cents. Also, the Fre'best Lager, the Largest Oysters, the Sweetest Cider, the Finest Domestic Wines, and, in short, any thing you may wish in the EATING OR BRISKING LINE. at the most reasonable prices. He has also refitted bis BILLIARD HALL, so that it will now compare favorably with any Hall in the interior of the State. June I. 1870-ly FORCE PUMP. TUE undersigned is agent for one of the best Force Pumps, for any depth of cis tern or well, in the world. By attaching hose to the epont, water can be thrown 30 to 0 feet Nothing better could be asked in case of tr It is a non-freezing pump. SAMUEL LEONARD, 0Ha4 Mills, Janiata Co., Pa. MIFFLINTOWN, JPoeti'y. WAJLTYSG. i have one little angel waiting for me On the beautiful basks of the crystal sea ; Not impatiently waits my darling 'here, For smiles light up hia brow so fair ; An: his little harp rings out so clear. So soothingly sweet to faith's listening ear; And he lives in the Rniile of the Savior's love, Who so early called my darling nbore. I have one little anpel wait'ng for me On the beautiful banks of the sea ; Forever free from sorrow and pain. Spotless and pure from all earthly stain ; Never in erring paths to rove Safe iu the bosom of infinite lnvo. Evermore, evermore walking in light. That beautiful angel robed in white. I have one littlo mid waiting for me On the beautiful banks of the crystal sea ; When my weary heart is throbbing with pain And I fain .would clap my darling aain, I'll look away from this earthly strand To the beautiful fields of the -'Setter Land," I will think of the angel waiting there, And offer to God a thankful prayer. I have one little angel to welcome me When I too aball stand by the crystal sea ; When the Great Refiner His image may trace In the heart He has won by His saving grace, And in robes of Christ's own righteousness drest. My soul shall seek the home of the blest On !he beautiful banks of the crystal sea My darling, still waiting, shall welcome me. Sele?t &tovy. TIMS' STRATEGY. a stobt or CALiroaxia Lira. Mapes was a chivalrous by nature; he believed in "seeking the bubble repu tation, even in the cauuon's mouth " His enthusiasm was aroused by the recital of stories of deeds of desperate daring ; while he had nothing but contempt for even success won by crooked and indi rect means. Tirams, on the contrary, believed that there was policy in war, and that the 4-nd justified the means, particularly if the end was attained. Companions from infancy, thnir lives had been spent iu competition for scho lastic and such other honors as the lo cality aff.mled, without even a momen tary break in their friendship. But now, !iacara:ltf;,t,,ey18,n,?t1 f,r"! prize of liicalcula'le value, w;tu an ar-1 dor that threatened a complete rupture ' of friendly rel itions. The heart and j hand of Eliza Iteed, the t:eighborhood j belle, were to bo won ; and those none (1f'li Sht aP're. t0 .in tne f'ceof such fm ruidalile competition as that of Mapes!,. , . T) . it " . 1 A m t1 , t ' : hu hand. But Mapes, intent on buM- an 4 .mms. t ucy a one eacu j neB( atrnJe yaUa)c;y up to Titcms and jvtrtueo. ntsown per,onallty ana r" :tion-hadarigl.t to lay Beige .to the heart of that variable, irritable, itnperi- Otis- ueaiity, aim ior inoiuns tue eirue J . ... t. . . 13 r -i -l. - r.. between them had gone on. hach one had called into play all his personal an 1 social resources ; tor the local society bad tiken sucu au interest that it was divided iuto two factious, known as the Mapti-ites and the Timmsitvs. And yet Mies Eliza could not be brought to ex press a preference. If she rode with one to day, she was careful to walk abroad with the rival to morrow. Coquetry is delicious to a woman ; and Eliza would not have been feminine bad the been in haste to Lave m ide an elec tion Nevertheless, she did not intend to miss her opportunity. She knew well the war could not always last, and fear ed that when one of the aspirants for ber favor withdrew from the contest, the love of the other, wantin g the stimulus of competition, would grow cold'; hence, she bad made up her mind, that, upon the first favorable opportunity, she would signify to Mapes that his suit' so often pressed, was at last accepted. Tbe op portunity, it seemed, was cot to be long wanting ; for invitations were given out for an apple bee in the neighborhood, and Eliza found means to convey an ta rnation to Mapes that she expected to meet him there, and connted on his es cort home at the conclusion of the frolic. The appointed evening looked for with sach nervons anticipation by Mapes came at last. He felt that it was the most important of his life, and arrayed himself as only a rustic dandy can. His way lay across a meadow, through which ran or rather loitered a deep, but nar row stream, epanned by a single log. It was so darkswhen he reached the primi tive bridge that he was compelled to feel Lis way slowly across. As he progress ed it commenced to swing lightly something very unusual until he reach ed the centre, when, to his utter confu sion, it gave way, and Le was launched into the water, He scrambled out, then suddenly tbe night became lumiuous with that lurid light to which people refer when they say, in speaking of somo profane wretch, "lie swore until all was blue." Whatever illuminating qualities this lurid light possessed, it had no dry ing ones, and Mapes was forced to bid adieu for the night to all hopes of plight ing bis troth to the loved Eliza. In the rural districts Down East, in early times, the good people had such habits of .industry and rigid economy that tbey seldom gave, or attended par ties, trnless such as were cloaked tinder the names of raisings, qniltiugs, husk ings, or apple-bees ; thns. the apple-bee, fraught with momentous consequences to Mapes and Timms. was bat a social par' ty hi diFgnise a few apples being par ed, quartered, cored and strung , in the early evening for appearanee lake. tbi coasTitcTioa Taa ogioa ad tbs saroacaacaT or JUNIATA COUNTY, PENT A", As usual, Eliza Seed was the belle of the occasion. Gooi looks entire self possession, aud a keen, satirical wit al ways assured her :iat .position ; and this night she shone with unusual brill iancy, uutP, as the hours wote away, aud Stapes came not, she begun to lose herself in pondering-wby, and at length she asked Timing : "Is yoar friend Mapes ailing t" ''I gnees not," replied Titnnis ; saw him to day. Lie wasn't complaining.' "lie deuies himself much pleasure," said Eliza, "in not coming here to-night. for this is the place where we always have a good time. Aunt Judy knows how to give an apple-bee." "You let Mapes alone," answered Timms ; -he knows what he's about." "What do yau mean ? asked Eliza. "Oh, 1 mean," replied, "that Mapes is the prince of g.iod follows, and gets invitation where the rest of us don't." J "Where is Manes to nieht V asked .rj "I don't know for sure," answered Timms. "lie told me to drty there were special reasons for his coming here, but that 1 e Lad an iuvitatioa to the rich and aristocratic Squire Hnntoon's, who is celebrating bis daughter's birthday, and that he didn't know which way he would go ;" and Timms turned away to talk to the next prettiest girl in the room. Petted young women are seldom lg ical or patient. When the party broke np, Eliza accepted Timms' escort to ber home, and before they arrived there, she had consented to become, with the least possiblo delay, Mrs. Timms The next morning the engagement was announced, and preparations for the wedding com menced. Timms was exultant happy Timms ! For a few days Timms was not much seen iu public perhaps for want of courage to wear his blushing honors openly ; perhaps want of com age to meet other contingencies who knows ? Bat a man can not make arrangements for Lis own wedding from a fixed stmdpni:,t, and he was compelled to venture out. In a quiet aud secluded by-way he met Manes. The maeting to him was a enr m-140 hp RiniltTl t'!ilv. aii:l pxten lea ! pianted . rigoron. blow on one of hiS . . , , . ceutlem .n to ,. , .. . , , . rr.; , .. f , , , c sprang to his feef and showed bfjht : ! b(U Lw L,)w on the ot,i(.r pye Kit 1 him in t(j m.lwe Le cout? to j: "Get np," said Mapes. "You'il kuock tne down again," said Timms. "Yes," returned Mapes, "I will." "Then I won'i get up," said Timms. "You're au infernal scoundrel,'' said Mapes. "I can't help yoursayiug so," answer ed Timms. "You sawed the log," said Mapes. 'MYbatlog?" asked Timms. , You-sawed the log,'' repeated Mapes, advancing a step. "Yes stop," said Timms ; "I sawed tbe log." "Well, you needn't tLitik," said Mapes "that after your marriage you're going to tell that story, and make me a laugh ingstock." "I'll never speak of it'"' wbined Timms "Perhaps you won't," said Mapes t "but I'm going to swear you before I get through. There's another thing; you won the woman by your trickery, and I know it is in you to abuse her ; so I'm going to swear you to treat her kindly." "I'll swear," said Timms. "Hold up your hand," said Mapes. Timms held np his baud. s"Now, repeat after me : 'I, Silas Timms, solemnly swear that I will never bring to the knowledge of any human being that I sawed the log whereby Daniel Mapes f. 11 into tbtfereek and lost a wife ; and, further, that I will, she con senting, marry Eliza Eeed, and always treat ber kindly ; so help me God." Timms repeated the oath, terlalim. "Now, get np and go home," said Mapes. "I don't thiuk you'll be married till yonr eyes get out of mourning, and by that time 1 11 be far ennngh away. But don't think IJ1I lose sight of you ; and if you don't keep your oath, you'll see me." Timms arose from the gronnd. shook off the dust, and walked away ; hat when he had secured a safe distance, be shouted buck exultingly : "Mapes, she's an ans;el." In twenty years Daniel Mapes Lad learned many things, and among them this : Life ia very much as we make it. In other words, the world is like a mir ror, and looks at us with the face we present. It returns scowl for scowl, and smile for smile. It echoes our sobs and and our laughter To the cold, it is as icy as the northern seas ; to the loving it is as balmy ar the isles of the tropics He had learned a still harder lesson ; which was to forget the griefs," the sor- j roB, the slights., tlje wrongs, and the tbb la. j JIM 17, 171. bates of the past. The effect of this Iff son was to make it appear that the lines, to Lim, had faUeo in pleasant pla ces. His rotund form and firm muscle bc.-'pik a gnotl dig-c'ti.n, wliiia a cheer ful countenance tM of mental peace. A j fair woman named Lim husband, and children culled Lim father A beautiful hume in the ShiiU Clara Valley was theirs ; besides which, Mapes had many broad acres of Itud, as well as many head of stock running nearly wild in the counties of Monterey and Sua Luis Opispo. Once in each year the cattle that graze on California's thousand Lills are gathered in bands at convenient places, to be claimed an I branded by their own ers such assemblages being called ndcos Mapes had been down across the Lalinas I l.iius, in attendance upon a redeo ; aud, being on Lis return, jog giug along on Lis mustang, Le saw, far iu the distance, but Hearing him, an equally lone traveler. Slowly the dis tance bttweeu them decreased; and as they approached, M.ipes with Califor nia prudence slipped his revolver upon the belt which sustained it, from his back, rouud to Lis left side, bringing the hilt under the shadow of Lis bridle arm, and within easy reach of bis right band. A near look assured Mapes that he had no occasion for weapons; the coming man was of middle-age, but his look was worn, weary, dejected, and hopeless in local phrase, his Manner was that of a person who Las "lost his grip ;" and those who have met that terrible misfor tuue arc never highway-robbers, "grip" being the very quality wanted in that haztrdous pursuit. The travelers met, .with a long, in quiiitig gaze, when from their lips simul taneously burst the words, 'Mapes'" "Tiaims.'' After a moment of mute surprise, Mapes, spurring his mustang, drew nearer Timms. "So we meet, at last I Lave been wautiug to see you, this many a year.'' The movement seemed omiuous to Timms, and he. ciicd out : "Don't, don't phoot ! 1 have no wenp'ins ! I'esidcB. 1 have kept my oath at least, as well as I could. I never tnl-.l the reason why you uiiiu't attend the apple-bee, nor ever breathed a syllable about the sawed h'g npou my snlemu oath 1" "I wasn't thinking of the ducking,' said Mapes. "Dou't come any nearer," returned Timms. "I have nhvtys tried to nse worn in well; but she wouldn't be B d well. ! liave dne my best to treat .r ki,.d!y : but she wouldn't be treated kindly.' "It is n n?e to go ot-er the grounds to lim. Timtns.'' 'Tu:,'' repl'id TiiutiH, 'you Lave no idea what that woman is; you wouldn't blame me if you only knew. Slit's browbeat m; tili I ain't half a m.iu.'' "So I see," said Mapes. "No, you dou't see," replied Timms. "You dou't see half. Look at this scar" taking off his bat, and showing a long sea-Ji on Lis sca!p ; "that was done with the skillei." "You Lave sufTered," said Mapes "Suffered !" relumed Timms. ,'You ought to Lave sworn her, too. If you only knew how I have thought of you, aud my oath to you ; and Low I Lave borne blows, aud been quiet how I have been called a brnte and a fool, and kept silent how I have endured taunts and sneers, hunger and discomfort, with out a word of reproach you would for give me ; you wouldn't harbor thoughts of revenge." "TBonghts of revenge !" answered Mapes. "Let us dismount, aud have a settlement ; for I see my chance has come at last." "Mapes, wonld you take the life of an unarmed man 1" "ritntus. you're crazy ! Let me ex plain. I have no wrongs to avenge. It isn't for vengance that I have wanted to see you. I have beard about you of ten know all your life and experiences ; and I have only wanted t meet you, to offer you a home and friendship employ ment and opportunities for prosperity, Lere in California. I owe you no debt but one of gratitude, for the inestimable service you did me by that little job of carpet, te work ; and that I mean to pay. Come with me " He took Timms' horse by tbe bridle, turned him about wi:h re monstrance, and they traveled on in si lence. After awhile, Timms raised his eyes Timidly from tbe grouud, aud said : "Maps, she's not an angel 1" Over land Monthly. I A couple were sitting together in a romantic spot with birds and flow ers about them, when the following dia logue ensued : Aiy dear, if the sacrifice of my life would please ihee. most gladly would I lay it at thy feet." ""Oh sir. yon are to kind ! But it just reminds me that I wish you'd stop using tobacco." "Can't think nf it. It's a habit to which I ain wedded." "Very well,' sir. since this is the way you lay down your lifo for me., and aa , ou are already wedded to tobacco, I'll KiJU care juu uctci ncuuit w , me, bp it wonld be bigamy." EDITOR AXD PBOPBIETOB. WUOLE NUMBER 1323. ABODEBX WIFE. "Yon're a pretty girl to be married !'' said an aged aunt to her niece. "Wby, wht do you loiv about honss keeping, just from a boarding fchoo? I am sure your husband has need of a miut of mon ey." La ! aunt, expect to board ; yon need not think I sba'l bother my head with domestic concerns. Everybody boards now that gets manied generally tLe first year. Mr. Hyde says he can get fi ft class board and accommodations for Gf ten dollars; two rooms beautifully sit uated ! and I am 8'iie that is cheap enough. What is Hyde's salary T Why six hundred dollars now, and the prom ise of promotion perhaps eight hundred before the next year is out." ?o you are poing to live on the per haps, are you t Now let me tell you Sti sie, yiu talk foolishly If yoar barb: nl is at preeent receiving six hundred, do you lay up one of them ? It's all non Sense to go beyond your means "Why, aunt! nobody would respect us if we did not live as stylish as other people; there is a great dtal in begiu ning." "True, child, that is what I am trying j to impress upon yon." The year passed away. Susie lived io style, paid fifteen dollars fur board, re, ceived ber genteel acquaintances, worked some fancy netting drew a few sketch ings from oil paintings, grew tired of boarding, and was just entering upon fashionable housekeeping, when, Io I a defalcation came out. Hyde bad taken money unlawfully, was arrested held to bail, and a ptisou stared bim iu the face. Susie did not bel ieve him guilty ; they had al ways lived so economically, and it could not be. But the trial proved otherwise, and Le was convicted and sentenced to impris onment for years. "How did you come to do so, IlydeT" a-ked the good old annt. "To please my wife's fancy,'' was the reply. ,-?he wanted to live like olhtr people, and I wished to gratify Lor, and in this way I committed my first breach of trust. The broken hearted w ife lamented the beginninj which she had made, hen ulas I it was to late to rectify it. She found respectability preferable to gentili ty. She now lives at her father's with a worse than widow's sorrow to harrow her feelings, and takes in sowing for a livelihood. The plain road to ruin is here plainly marked out. We see what nm-t be the reKuIt of such a course. liut are nut thousands of others sacrificing' their hus band's reputation by lees obvious bnt ftiil a certain course of extravagance ? Off w ith the nonsensical thought that gen tility demauds such a sacrifice beyond one's abil ty. If yon value the opinions! of the truly worthy anl tstimablo, you ! will find them always on the side of prtt j dent expenditure oud economical living, j "Cut your garment acording to your I cloth," is en old mixim and the senti ment ia as true now as in the olden time, A life of gaudy show may do for a butterfly, but not for a m in or woman who expects to survive one season Toe Mi:irr'g Jtmrn it ha th follow ing account of a cae of cle:ir giit : "Near Sbamokin, on Fiiday evening, a an en gine with twenty loaded coal crtrs was comiug down the grade from the junct ion on the Northern Central lUilrond, which ia a single track at that point, a cow was run over. The engine kept the track, but the cars were thrown r.ff, piled tip, and wrecked. The fireman, t!i. ik ing the risgine was .ff tu track, jumped from the engine, with, steam on, kept on down the gra le, aud parsed at a rate I will flutter and come to tLe grouud le of speed 30 or 35 miles an hour through fore goiug two rods. Shnmokin. Io a few minutes the pass enger traiu from Suahury would be due, and if the engine kept ou a collision would be inevitable, the results of which would unquestionably involve loss of life and property. As the coal engine with not a liviug soul upon it dashed to wards the scales, a youn mm employed I there named Miles Oray took in the , . , whole situation nt a glance. As the en- , ,. I erne was dashing past, a grap nt one of i " r , , the lion suppoiti anl a simultaneous , , . , . , , I snriiir, placed Inni on the engine, and he 1 , . . . , . 1 sticceedc I in stopping it three minutes! . . ( before the passenger tram cams in Ihe! 1 . , . , I act was one involving great personal i , , nk : it unquestionably prevented a; ' , , ,,! serious accident, and young Oray should j receive a substantial testimonial for his bravery aud the ri.k he ran." Narrow Souls. It is with narrow-j of marriage. A Landsome 'divorce cake" souled people as with narrow-necked I was one of the features of the occasion, bottles the less they hav in them, the J It was mounted by a handsome mono more noise they make in pouring it out. gram, the letter "D," for divorce, being 1 ..-.--- i o,, f ,;..a.l ,:k tl. o tadv'li t-.AITW. llf f .T( Nothing more unbecomcs a heavenly hope than an earthly heart. Honey bees are winged merchants tbey cell their boney. An oyster leads a placid life untU hi, gets into a stew. . i - - - - i io- qw - prcvy wiaow. RATES OP ADVERTISING- All advertising for loss than three aioaths for one square C nine lines or less, will be charjred une insertion, 75 cents, three SI. SO, and 5 1 cents tor each subsequent insertion. . Admin:traiors, Executor's and Auditor's Notices, $2,00. Professional and Busineaa Cards, not exceeding one square, and inclu ding copy of paper, $8,00 per year-. Notices in reading columns, ten cents per line, tier chants advertising by theyear at special rates. 3 -ortt.'.$- 6 month. I year, Cos square... $ 3.50 $ 5.00 S S.OO Two squares f,P3 8.00 11,00 Three squares. 6,00 10.00 15,00 One-fourth eol'a. 10.00 17.00 25. W Half column . 1S.C0 25.CO 4S.0O One column 30.00 45.00 80.0" Hott II Feels to be Blorra I'p. Captain "W. II. Tierce, one of the sur vivors of the explosion of the UI -fated McDonald, near McGregor, Iowa, gives the followning account of his serial trip : "I was awakened by a Lci7y concussion, followed immediately afterward by a sec ond and heavier one. Everything seemed : to give way. There was a rash of bet air, and I found . rayself ciug through the air. Something struck me in tha side and broke my ribs. I knew in a moment what was the matter, and I had all my senses about ac. It seems to m-j that I went up a frightful distance. How far, of course, I cannot tell. I left th hot air that started with me, aud struck a cooler current. I went np head first, and as I stopped, I turned over and came down head first The thought passed through my miud that this was unfortu nate ; for I might strike a piece of the wreck and injure rsyself. Just then a stick struck me aud whirled ma over so that I struck tha water feet first. The blow left a mack on my right leg about eight inches long, and crippled it 89 that I could uot nse it. I took a full breath of air as I toncbed the water and soon began to rise. The thought strcck me, what if I come np just in time to b hit by a filling tiiuWt I As I came op I thrust np my baud over 3y head to protect it, and caught it on a piece of tho roof, cutting it somewhat. My theory is that it was a part of the roof over me, I had followed it np and beat it coming down I looked around aud saw tba wreck had already sunk '1 Le deck seemed to be attached in some way to tho wreck, for I floated away from it, and began to look around for something to cling to. 1 found a mass of timber, and I was trying to get together enough to support my weight, when Vol Bigelow cried out : 'Come here, Cap , I've got e raft ;' so I left my pile aud swam over to bim. The c xt person I saw was Bob Solomon. He was close to the stern bulkhead, and was climbing on it. I a."ked him and Bigelow if they were hurt. Both said uot much, and we drifted away from Solomon, aud I stw no morn of him. The appearance of the river was . frightful, I saw five or six men come np to the surface with blood streaming from their wounds. Some oi them would struggle for a few moments, shriek out, and then go donSl. Others would givo a groan and drop back. One mm, Tr!ib a terrible cut, cried out : "Oh, my God !'' and sank. Others cried, "I am killed." , Oue poor fil'ow they called Little Dan, catne up and threw his arms over a tim- ber. lie was cut nearly in two from his navel to his backbone." A Nevada paper, speaking of the rsrity of the atmosphere at Virginia City, savs tbf.t ballet dancers are frcauently j unable to go through their parts, aud encores are impossible. Persons arriving from places near the level of the sea. who are home rapid walkers, soon find themselves brought up with a round turn, and either spit blood or bleed at the nose. Little brhk walking is ever seen in the city. I'enpls do not seem so active as they really are, for the reason that they have been compelled to' adopt a gait which if uot Lizy :3 at least rather lei surely. Hot weatL.'r ia fe't much more severely and is much more debilitating than a: tlis sea level. When tbe ther mometer marks 0 degrees in this eleva ted region, the air is of much less value than it is at the sea Kill under the 8 una heat. Pigeons that fly very strongly in California are almost like unfledged birds when brought here. LotJ of pigeons brought fiorn California for pigron-shoot-ing matches are often almost worthless, as upon being sprung from the trap they A Sew Chicago Specialty. A Chicago paper says : Divorce par parties are comiug into fashion iu Chi cago. Social philosophers say that all great questions pa-1 a tlirongh three sta ges, viz ; Ridicule, argument, adoption. r'liif.ntyftiia b at a ln, ,nininnasNiil . , ' . . , and. as tne worm Knows, now revei in . T undisputed luxury of full possession. Id , ' , ", , .. ,. fart, divorce hie become a faMitonabl j ,. . ,., ,. . , . . thing, and, like ail ki.idred events, such , " , , . , v as births and marriages, is celebrated . , - m . i- with TeBtive proceeding. I he estdi- .. , n--rt.-t.-ii. vision witnessed an ana.r of this kind let , , , other evening. 1 here was a large ci'-n- . . , . , , ., ering, and the the newly-made widow rc- . ,, ,. , . . - relatives with as much pleasure as would ! a tiawl V-jv Aildf.,1 m-if. a f t oi- ,tA rprPinur V J uer marriM". iu""- " marring?. some highly suggestive presents. The meanest liquor dealer yet discov orpd flnuriehes in Wiona. Minn. He hired a womM ta mafce Km0 hirtt for him. and then effset her bill ly her ' hatband's wLidtv account 4.. r