JLU1 i! 1 i in 1 " 1 1 11 J'J " r" -- lj FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. FOIL FOOT AM.OTJR .TEW BOOT & SHOE SHOP Foul in the JW.-Cows flnd other; la Kevin'. ' lie w Building on stock, when fed hi low, wet pasture, will ujiirtcjjj STREI'T, M IFFLINTOWN. often snffi-r from ulcers or soree, pener- j ally first between tbe claws. This id : ry he undersigned, late of Hie firm of Fa- 1.. ...tl,1 f..l ; .!. fnnt ,! is vwu.v '- --- -"-.! analogous to foot-rot in sheep. It ' r. ,...,..' t...- ! UlU'U icry ihiuiui, " ......... nee and low of flesh, and discharges a putrid nutter, or pits. Sometime it first appears in tlie firm of a stv(-!Iing near the top of to Iio.if, which breaks and -discharges liul matter The n.tjli and common practice amouz fiiu.eu is to fasten the foot l.i the same maimer as the fntt of an ox is fastened in eliciting, and draw a rough rope hick nd firth over the ulcerated parts, so as to produce a wound, and then die.-s it i-lt-an, fiesb with tar or other similar Bubstanc.'. - This is often an unncciv-arily cruel operation. The loose matter may easily be removed by a knife, and then care fully wiped off with a moiet spouse. The animal thould then be removed at once to n warm, dry pasture or kept in a bin d. If the cafe has been neglected till the riafcterns become swoll.-n and ti nder, the sore may be thorong'ily cleansed out, and dressed with " ointment of sulphate of iron one ounce, nWasees- four ontices, simmered over a flow fire till well mixed. Apply on a piece f cotton batting, and retire upon the patts If auy morbid growth of fungus appears, we equal parts of j owdtred Moo-l-rout and alum ppriiikh-d on the sore, and this will usu n!lv ff'-ct a cure. Some also give) a dose of fl.iircf' sulphur half an ounce, IMiwdered ?.isafias bark r.n! ounce, and lnu"ik two ounces, the whole troper in a qiis:t "f hniling water and str.i'ned nlim cool; and, it' the matter s;iil continues to How from Jhe sore, wnfh it morning and bight whbx - chloride 1 f toda one ounce, or a table-spoonful of common salt dissolved in a pint 0! v .iter. foul in the f ot caues very se.iious trouble, if not taken in season. The l.f a!;h of cows is ii jured to a great ex lout. I have seen, during the present se.ison. many instances of foul in the foot in dairy sti ck aiising from the wetness of the pastures. So lameness in cattle should be neglected." Red V.'a'rr is tsa called from the high color of the urine. It is rather syra torn of some derangement of the diges tive organs thau a disease of itself, and the cause is most frequently to be found in the quality of ihe food. It is pecu liar to certain localities, and is of very ire occurrence in New England. Iu the early stage of the .difficulty the C.. .. r, linio lint anon constipation ensues, and the appetite is affected, the the milk decreases, and the urine be comes either very red or soinctitnes black Tbe case demands treatment, for it is apt to prey upon the healih of the cow. Purgatives are usually employe.! with I ir.opt success. j ane a pound 01 r.psnm rails, half an ounce of ginger, ml halt 1 1 outlet; ol c.trLnuate of aiumouia Pour I - , .,. . , , ftt.i.-t of boiling waler ou tue salts and t!ii(r"r, tt:r timrtitiglily, !'', 'lii-n cwM, atlil the aiiiiii'ihiii.- It' lliis fails to act nn the bowels, n-peat a qinrti-r pait of it i every six or tigbt hours till it succeeds. Then a nntriciotH dirt ehoul i be rtsed till tlie appetite is fully restore d. . If a cow is once ffcfed in this way, the difficulty will be liable to rtturu, aud elie had better be disposed of. lloote is a cold or cough to which ftock aie subject when exposed to wet weather and damp pastures. The cold may be bdd at first, or may lo (o light as not to attract attention ; but it often leads to worse cnnipl.u'uts. and ought, when observed, to heatteuded to at ouce, by keeping the animal in a dry and warm barn a few days, and feeding with matslics, at:d, if it continues, take an ounce of sweet spirits of nitre in a pint of ginger tea, mix, and give in ft quart of thick gruel. The cheapest way to keep animals liealthy is to treat them properly in time, and before disease is e1i-d npon them. I loose ofleu ends in consump tion and death. Inflmnalion of the Glamh often oc curs in boose, catarrh, etc., but they re (time their natural state when these com plaints are removed. The atliml cannot j ...oll :,t,.., .- , . ewallow without pain sometimes, and; I eoft food should be given. Remove the cause, and the inflammation ceases. Some make a relaxing poultice of marsh-! ,, . ., , , , I mallows, or similar substances ; and rub j. the throat with a mixture of olive or -i i . . .. . , goose oil one gi 1, spirit of camphor oue ' , , 1 i ounce, and a halt a gill of vinegar. I Inflammntvm of ihe Lungs Commou catarrh or hoose sometimes leads to in flammation of the lungs, which is indi cated by dullness and sore cougli. The ears, tbe roots of the horns, and legs, are sometimes cold. The breath is Lot, as well as the mouth ; and the animal rarely lies down, and is reluctant to move, or change iu position. Warm water and mashes or gruel, may be giv en, and the animal kept in a dry place. The cause of the complaint should be re moved, aud the trouble will generally soon cease. A few iron nails placed in a vase of flowers, will keep the water sweet and the flowers fresh. This arises from the sulphur eliminated from the plauts com bining with the iron. it) m . The storm-signal man on top of Mount Washington holds the " highest office in the gift of the nation.' n . SJccts 233 i'u::3. t'd t -North, noun peciiui y - noiince to the r"''c '!"" e lia3 0P'"',1 r-,ol and Shoe Shop in Major Nevins New riiiilii;n nti ItriJire street. Miitln town, end - o- - is prepare! 10 manufacture, of the best ma terial, all kiuds of - HOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS. FOB UKNTS', LAMES AND CIIILOUEN He al 0 keep on band a large anJ well t elected stock of IioMlj--mn.ls Work, uf oil kinds, lor men, women and children. ALL WORK WABttASTKir. Give me a call, for I feel confident that I can furnish yuu with any kind of work you may ilesire. impairing d .lie neatly and at reason able rates. J. L. NOKTil. May 31. 1871. .-. Boot and Shoe Shop. rp ME' undersigned, fashionahle Boot ?S 1 K.il Shoemaker, hereby resjieciiul- M ly informs the jjub'.ie lhat he 1ms locaied in the borough of Patterson, where he is pre pared to accommodate the most fastidious in Gents" Fine and Coarse Boots, CU1LDRES-S WEAR, d-C, d t Also, mendine done in the neatest minn'-r" and upon tbe shortest notice. A liberal share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction euaranteed rShop Incited on the east side of Tas caroia street, one door south of Maiu street, nearly opposite Laird & Uell's s-ore. J. W. DEAX. ,11 arch 8. lb"2 . ""bootsIlndshoes. II E subscriber bogs leave 10 inform the jL citizen 3 of MiH minim, latieiiin ami Ticinitr th:t he- Iris oinnf.l l limit aii4 Shoe . .m y.,r "f bj N. E. I-itt efieM s Tin Shop, oq liride street. Mifflintown. where he is prepared to manufacture ail kimif of r LADIES', GSITTLSSSSirS OlLSliSlT WEAE, in the raci-t Eubttntinl tuaiiner. Slid at the lowest prices. Repairing promptly at tended to. TKHMS CASH. A liberal share i t pn'ilic patromge is soli cited, snl sutisfaciio-i guariiiieed. A. . FAS1CK. Mty 2. 172-tf The Piacc Tor Uood Urape-vines 13. AT THE - 4 , ro- -' .- Huniah Uallcn Uintprbs, AM) GKAPE-Y1XE M'KSF.liT. 'TllE undersigned Tfould respoaifu'ly in i. form (ho public that he hits started a O I it j ir- llIC HuIctj .b.t nun n, tin ,rl lipiiut of Mifiiintown, where he has been testing a large number of the different virietie? of Drupes; and having been in Ihe business for seven years, he is now prepared to furnish VINES OF ALL THE LEADING VARIETIES, AND OT THE MOST PROMISING KINDS, AT L, O V.' R A T!!S, hv the sir.V-e vine, dozen, hundred or thou- sand. All persons wishing good and thriftv Vlll'3 Hill UU H GL1 IV VIIII IIU BCD IUI liii:iU- ,or)9 fv" Good and responsible Agent! wauled. .Address, JONAS OUKHIIOLTZER. MiOlintown, Juniata Co., Pa. Flour! Flour! TIlfe undersigrned b"gs leave to inform the Jl public i.ha he has purchased the G 11 1ST MILL, in Miiford township, recently owned by Jacob Lemon, and. having remodeled and otherwise improved ihe same. U now pre pared to accommodate all who winy favor him with their patronage. Wheat rionr and SiOed Corn .Heal nl- ways on liana and lor s;ilo, uhole Srtle and Retail. Aho, SAorlt, Bfitn. Sh 'p stuff and Cnjy : ... Ft Hule. " ' ' Flour aad Feed will be delivered to fami lies if desired II i 9 wagon will vialt MitUin, Patterson and Pcrrysville three tinieg a week. Fersona needing flour or feed, can Lave tl.eir orders al the Store of John Elka ill MifHin, or at Pennell's Store in Patterson, or nddresing a note to Dux 3", Patterson Post OfEce. GR.ILV OF Af.l. KfS'DS BO V GUT AT MARKET rillCKS. -P. II. UAWN. Apr. .1, lST2-3m WAGON MNUFACTORY IN .PATTERSON. SAMUEL II. ROLLMAX respectfully an nounccs lathe tiuhtic tliat he has recent- '7 opened a Wagon-maker's Shop in the bor- otipn or lMiterson, at a is prepared to mau- , , . , .' ufacture, in & neat and durable manner, YYAGOfiS OF ALL KiTJBS, ' ' - ' ' ' From a Four-liprse Fa'-m Wajron to a One- uorse Spring. wagon. All Kinds of Repairing will Receive E, Strict Attention, Grain and Lumber Taken in Exchange for Work. tf By careful attention to busines, and by turning out superior work, he hopes to mtrij and receive a "large ah are of public patronage. t&- Good Oak Plank Wanted, -a ' Not I, 1871-ly A PEOFITASIE BUSINESS ! LIGHT F.QUAL to GAS. at ONE-RIGHT! TUB COS!! Cinnot be exploded. .A'o cum net or wiri tuitd. :. MEN desiring a PROFITABLF. IlL'SIXIiSS, can secure the EXCLUSIVE RIGHT for the sale of DYOTTS I'ATEST Clltl':X GAS LIGHT BURN KKS asd OIL. for COUNTIES or STATLS. Write for information er call on M. It. DYOTT, No. IU South Second St., I'hila , I'a. N- B. CHURCHES furnished with CHAN DELIERS and LAMTS of tilery description. 25 per cent, chenptr than at any other estab lishment in tbe country . . . , March 2, 1872-3m GO to the Jchiata Sentinel Job I'riuting Office for all kinds of l'lain and fancy lVintirg. , -1 cilnftoiiisf, Ar. li?E(piyKTcES! EXTRAOEDIN'ARy-REDUCTION IN THE . ritlCEE OF GOODS. AT LAIRD :X BELL'S - rallcrson. Juniata Co.. Pa. - The underpinned beg leave to state, that thev hl Jim chased Irom J. i. I. Todd, his entire stock r roJs. and will in ike future conduct lbs inercbantiie business at Ihe Old Stand, in'the borough of Paiterfon, Juniata county, P . where they shall endeavor 10 keep constantly on band a full and complete assortment of LaDIKS' dress goods, consist- INvi Ol' v AM'ACAS. - roi'UNS. -lEAins. - LUSTERS. le LA INS. JEi!INOS, . : t. . . WOMAIItS, GINGHAMS. CAM nines. LAWNS, &C. FANC1' GOODS, NOTIONS. JEWEL11Y, HATS AND CAPS. HOOTS AND SHOES, . QWKENSU'AKE, CEDAK WARE. GLASSWARE, CROCKERY', i . . FtSU. ' - SALT, Ol" FEE, TEAS, I . . SIRUI'S. SUGAIl. I Having just returned from tl.e city wi'h tlie 1 aUova etituner;itttl srr.c k of cooiIh, hH nt which hnvc hen purclinsed Kinnn the greal lc.ini in OtiM, we feel wurrnntcJ in pnyinjr that w can otfpr G'inl3 at prputlv roducrii fig urcs r.tr CASH OR COCM IIY PUOMTE. mtr23-tf LATUD A BELL. mv goods ! m goods j (Suc'cestor to MaRTIX WALTERS.) HAYING purchased the tfiore-of Walters, on Alain St , in J. M. of Martin 4 Belford-f store room, the undersigned would respect fully inform the public that he has anew and carefully selected itock of GOODS of the Tery best quality, comprising in part, of PHY COOPS, J HOC EK IE NOTIONS. HOSIERIES. FANCY GOODS. Ql-EENsSWAKE, LOOTS & SHOES, II VJS AND CAl'S, CA51PET HAGS, OIL : LOT IIS, C A 11 !' E T S, BLANKETS, FURS, WOOD AND WILLOW. W A UK, an 1 in short every article UBUaily kept in a weli selected store. He intends seVins exclusively for CASH ni in ejeuinge for COL' XT IS Y 1'UOl'CCE. 11 y so doins he will bo able to sell good as cheap as Ihe cheapest. Call and examine his Block. BPfAHl(iliEST "t'lllOKS PAID IX TP.ADE FOl. ALL KINDS OF CDLXTl'.Y PltODUCE Yj. . TAllKEll, (Ce'ford's lore-room) Mam Sin:et. HifFiintown, Pa. Jan isTJ. THE PLACE FOIl IJAilG AINS 18 AT PEiWNELL'S CliKAP STOKE IN PATTEUSON, PA. T 1!E 1 irgest and best nsortnient to be libera! patronage heretufore received from the public, 1 would respectfully announce that I havo just opened a very large stock o! Goods wi-ii Miiud to the trade. My stock coiiMsta of a full assortment of fine an J staple J) 11 Y GOOD S, Euibrncing: a'u ihe materials for men, women and children's wuie, including Slats and Caps. Hoots and Mioe, together villi a large stock of Muslins, .Sheetings Drillings, Tickings, Oil Cloths, Matiinirs, ic. LADIES' LU5ESS GOOHS, Such as French ami English Mcrinors Top lins. Alpacas, De Lames, plain and figured Shawls, ic. and also a larpe stock of Notions, such as Gloves. Mitts, Hosiery, Emhroideced Collars and Cuffs, and a general assortment of Dress Trimmings. ' G li OCE It I ES, Such as Snjrars, Syrups, CofTees. Teas and ! slices. . .AIo. a large lot of Qucensware, Hardware. Wool and Wiliow Ware. Fish Salt and Xai'.s. Together wiib a full assort ment of finnda usually kept in a country siore (9ullighrst price paid for country pro dnce id exchange for goods. Prices to suit the times Mny . 1870 J O It W O It K TIIEHEAUKKS OF TUIS PAPER SHOULD NOT FAIL TO CALL AT THE SENTINEL OFFICE WHEN , THEY HAVE JOB WOKK TO DO WB AttE Pit EPA It ED TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS FOR SALE RILLS, BLANKS, &c , &o., AT SHORT .NOTICE, AND AT MUCH LOWER TERMS THAN EVER HERETOFORE OFFERED TO TriE CITIZENS OF JUNIATA COUNTY. ' CATJTIOII. LL persobs are hereby cau'ioncd against 1 removing or in any way interfering witL the following property, the same having been purchased by us and left in the care of Nich olas Sheriff, of Spruce Hill town-hip. until snch time as we may see proper to remove il, vii : 1 bay mare, 1 black ma-e, 2 cows, 1 red bull 2 two-year old heifers, 7 head of sheep, 1 two-horse wagon, 1 spring wagon, 1 eled, 1 plow, 1 harrow. JAMES BEALE. April 24-6t W. P. GRCVER. -Jchuta STisli $1,50 ter year. otautrj. j ,3 ' : - - CLOTHING! Choicest Stales of the Season. SAMUEL STRAYER, Patterson, Juniata Co., Pa. CLOTEINS of all kinds FOR MEN AND BOYS. T will sell my entire stock at - Greatly ReJuccd Prices, Until APRIS. 1S72. 07ERC0ATS, ITJE?, CASPSTS..L HEAVY BOOTS, Stair and Floor Oil Cloth, FDMITOPiE. WATCHES -ASO- jeweLry. UnTo nun fort Lail-a' S3m & Gaitsrs, Undor-Clntbiit, See., AT COST. Suits anl Parts cf Sals, II A TS ASV CAl'S, '. Lai Furnisting Goods FURS, L or 05 rcr cent, 'cheaper BOOTS iMi3E. 'rrrn be MEN'S j Having a giod slack, wtll FURNISHING .'elecled, 1 hope to please all. GOODS, J a!1j nee to be con NOTIONS, AC.''- JtT Measures taken and Suits and parts of Suits made to order, reasonable SAMUEL STRAYER, Jan. 24, 18721 Taiierson, I'a. S. B. LOUDON, JIEI-CIIANT TA1LOII, SF.YIX-SIiVII.PiyO OX Bridge Street, Kiaintov7a, Pa., Desiies lo inform his friends and the public ihai he has jii"t received a fine nnd r.'imn ible fctock of SI'KIXO GOODS, consiMiiig ot CI. OTIIS Plain Flack. Bin? and Drown UltKI' Dahlia. Biowo and ltiiie. THIVHT ll.ack. Illue and Itn.wn. 1)1 A GOXAt.S Blue and Black. CHEVIOTS All Shades. SCOTCH JOOS- All SM.-S. III. A CK IXi:sA'IXf!. Siioeri. r qualit v I'A XTS A M VEST I'A TTEHXS Fine Sl'Jl.UEITGOOI Gener.il Assortment. I will sell any of the above goods by the yard or pattern. I also keep on Inn I a full line of Ul'T TEEICK S I'A TTEHXS, consMing of Men. Hoys, nnd Children's Shins. Coats, Pants :ind Vests. BSP" I will manufacture to order all kinds 1 of cistom wore. PRICES Rcisuaaulv, to suit tbe times. MifHiulown, April 10, 1S72. REEDSVILLE, MIFFLIN" CO., PA. V S C E. tlli r., I'roprielor- Tli-ts m"lA"!gTiet) respectfully cull tlie at leulino of the puMic to tlie l-ict thtxt lie lni leasf J tbe lioiel j-rupcriy i1 KoctI v i II, for nuriy occnpieJ hy Aaron aSliop. And in pre rareJ to acoinnuxl.-ttc t rangers ami irvtl rs. He will Pj-nre no ne:ins to tl.e Hotel unexocpiioimMe in every p-iri iculnr. tie will exprci?c a personal pupervi-ion nv r 18 ur, iuoie mi'i -uiir. uu rosfcituity solicits a sburc uf thep nlronnce cf the puhlio. DAVID 1. KICK. RteJsville, Apnl 10, 1871. brockekiioffIiouse; DELLEFOXTE. l'EXX'A. P. JOnilSTOIf & SOUS, Proprietors. The "Erockerhoff Hou!?eT hasreceuly been refitted and otherwise greatly improved, and in now under the proprietorship of I). John ston .t Son. formerly of the '-Leonard II unee' in Ciearfield Persons visiiing l-lIefonte nn business or plcasurft will find this a conve uient and pleasant place to stop Free Bus to and from tht L-yt. Xov 1. 1h;i. JUNIATA HOTEL. MIFFLISTO'iVX, JUMATA CO., PA. SIMON B. AMJKIUKT, Proprietor. Itooms large and conifoitnlilc the Table supplied wnh the l.rst the market atlonli Stabling largo and excellent Bar constantly supplied witti Ihe choicest wines and Honors no pains will be spared to please guests. marges moderate A l.bcral share of public patrofae is solicited . maylT, '71 NATIONAL HOTEL, LEWISTOWU, PEN5TA. BEAU & IIAHAKKR, Proprietors. STATE CAPITOL HOTEL, uear the Ca, tol Buildings, UAiusnvRG, r.i. e,Terms as moderate as any Hotel in iht- City. 'M. G.THOMPSON. Prni.Hetor Health ! Streimth! ! Vmor! ! -o- l OR Co.STIVKNKsS, BlI.LItll'SNESA ami Liver t'iiMi'LiNr use I) a. IIKRIUCK'S Sion Coated Veuetable Pills, the betl in utr. FOIt Pain in the' Back on Side, o I'iiehmahsm, use liR. ilEIlUICKS Kid STnKxoTHEXisa Plasters. EOR Catarrh, or Corn i tup. Head, use mi. PL lilt IN 3 Fcmigator. FOR all Live Stuck use IIauvkll's Co.nditiij.1 Powders. The aboVe articles are among the best in the market. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money re funded. Sold by BANKS ft HAMLIN' and KFPNE15 & SON. Agents. Mifflintown. Pa., and Dr. P. ('. ItliNUlO, Patterson, T , aud the trade generally. L. W. WARNER & CO. 67 Murray Street, New York. Feb 14 '72 -3m O YES. LOOK TO YOUa INTERESTS! rpHK uniler?ipne.l offers grep.t indncement" -- ihe coining ceaann, in ihe Woo) Trad-, as he i prepared to furnish home-made goi.di r all kinds lo persons who have wool lo exchanne or will pay full cash prices lo those who are desirous of selling. . He intfnds lo travel through Juninla and ' adjoining counties, with his Gooda Wagon. ' and will carry fho following assortment of j Goods ; All Si7los of Dos-Skin Cassbisrcs, Also Summer, Fall, and Winter Cassi meres, Tweeds, Jeans, Flannels, Cussinet. Illankets, Sbsn-ls, Carriaje Rnhtt, Woler-Froof Cloths, Coverlet; Counterpane: Tarm. $c. -Persons who have wool to dispose of, will do well to wait till 1 call on them, as 1 intend to make a thorough canvass. "y f. 1872-4t A. J. HEKTZLER, AH kinds f Job Work ntly tiecutcd. R. R, R- HADWAY S READY BELIE t'lHES THE ' In from One to ' wenty Minutes. NOT oaE HOUa KADWATS KfiM'RKl-IEFS A CCEE FOB It was thf flrl alid I The Only Hemedy ftiil mil mttv WOW Ihe "'" ei-rtcitiii l' J'J7 i.i,. Stomach, or .ller lauls ut ursaua, by ""iSITKoi ONE TO TWESTir MIXCTES. no m alter tior Tlolcut ot Mruuatln tl.e fcim Uie rurMATIi;,B-..rid,l.ii, 1.H,, iTiKpI"'. " Wlte. t iMtnavil with ouy wuixt, RADWAY'S READY RELZEF V II.L AFFORD INSTAXT EASK. 1J"-A INILAMMATION- OK THE BLADDEIS. 1VITT I rM 4 TluN Or Tttil liOWKLS. IFLAXaA1 roSfsESMiiN OK THE LtTXGS. RnVF TnROAT. Ill I- FK'l'I.T PKEA'IHIM:. SOKE TU,'UA,A,'iTATIir ol- TUi HEART. TST2X. CUolf. '.;!,IKSAlxFLrEXZA. nEADACtiE.ToornAr-HRoiAi RnErUATftj COTD OFircXS, AUl'K C1ULI. Titefiralic tiiMinfllie Hrailv Retier tithe part ir !art wl, 're ihe jaia ur uiUicujtj- ia anura ut "Tw.niv'tm n.alf ? t-imVei "r ZKVlUVj'-lT nwalir CUA1IP3. t KAi-Ms. ,P.l K SIOMAl II. WTarya..,..leor.K-lw.,;? lt.a.lv ltt-litf null tin"'. A uw uru, ... in ,,i,.;ii,a or frmii clvjnire ' te la luu Krei cb B -Juiiy ur IS-.tUrauastliaulu.t. 1L u . - d -1 avn l til r " FEVETS J.ll Alil'E n.Kil for r.nv tv:a. TVth nil a reiueill:.! intent lu tninri.i I i m ...re r... a .d Afe. awl an yuirr waia-nw '"V'J'.'t ; Pll.li) M q'lii aa KAUWAV liRAlll tiUJil. Kilty c.ii.3 pir but.!. b"lii l' UrumjaOJ. HEALTH !"BEAUTYU Or" k"f,S t AMI WKl'lllT-CI KAIt SKIN AM l.AL"i'U I'L caill'Lt-XlO-ii Btt . UE1 lOALI.. r a rM ?-.f a v; I i ti. b- M 'J " 8 SARSAPAHILUAN RZSCLVENT k aCu K, i;.rii auk ntAM.i - KU'EM'E y 'liiiS H-l L V.O.MLl.K. Every Day nn Jncrrrfso in V'L'r. and WoaIic i3 tccn and Ft;!;. THE .CKEAT BL003 PUulFlEL-, T -c.y ilrop cf f A tiS. I'aKILLiAN R '!. ET it-.iii.i.atn tlm-ih th I'.U.Hi. S.v.-t. I , r ut ether fl:iils -unl l;ih:vH uf the -.st':i ti" vinr VU. fr It repairs tftn wruti'-s !.e lt"iy wx-U nv a it f- I lint r rial. Su-'-f'-I"!. ;- ', ('iiin :iniit: . di.a- rict'Si" tiia'i'b't'at, 5'outli. 'fun nrs Noi.V: 1.; t e i. y!tti3 ni!'' ntt.'T :irti i f tiir ftv'Mi n, S- rt rtt. f-'lainua Iis.-nr-r ft ! Il-O tarn, ami tt: f .in s if R-i'i .t-v,-;i-i. i"i'.i: li.ti b, r'vvr J ", K,-:iM l',v , VV'-.r- l, .i. K;tvi:i:i. rvt(thi--, Acn, I..IM. W.Tiirt ill !(. I u-.-l u iuii.'-i-, C.i: C-rs In V-i:ti,?i' J : II v. "tk.f !.. : -h i yuif.Uu divUu-'i, N";M L'-f S'wni.. p:: u'l uf Id liV "t ' . re w:t:ti i ih curui'V i.vEf ( lui- viih.uit tl J:wt ?rn 'l.?i:in:r. a-:i a f"flr in: tii-l in.vr In ;" ffrn u ii i fr e-!!f r -l mi-.w ir:.,s t (--m '. bti'-iit pijX'Tl'lCH'fl iiii Iti. If t!ie tviti-rtf. i..i:,- 1kv-hii!. s Tt J'i?" 1 v t'-t ! (Ifcotii-ji'iitit'-l tii ;t U '!.' ii:i;..t!y j-r; : ri':. si r cwils in arrvstliiR Ihi-tfr w uin. iiim! rei-Mrs ij.p put v. tr H-.V nti'criil i-t:"i- f-t'ii k'uKiiv- l.U U1.J ti.:i tt- . I . S A P A R 1 1 X I A N t:i n.t ili9r.ur. '.)t onlv (Ht--- t!io S.ircJi'A!!iLi!ji r-KLrST rr. fi !l Ln -wii rcmetiHl nw.'A ii H ecn-rt f t h-oi.c, Pf-r ft loti', v.-itir i'3...il u.ul L..n i;i3t;i? ; L .t it u tiiCfi::;; j..iiiUve c ir lur Iiii!nr?y cc niaucTor CosnpZnSctt, Vr.nzr-f, rt' 1 "iV-'m!, r:.M-at r.mvp', ... Ir; r, S t f V," tt(-r. I t-, i.f.u'iw i.;' I'l 1'nm t'i I"; - t Ait'iu':iiiirirt. iUtl In iJ c:sa wLirv llKn- if Lri t t t-Di r tin; w:iti r i- tuit-k, i- ,l! i"'! w fit fl iiK-.'S Eiie t"io whi'v i.f r.:i t.' r-.t's wi.'.te H'.:R. or tl.cr.' is iwtr' l 1, t; --k. :i. r-:it;n.- a: .1 v i.tTe Iwiit-tt-it d ".a, ami wltn I'u-n is a jh kit.ir, .'inii'tz (k'UMTinn !if i n lui vnU r. i n-i j -tri i:i L.e l:i:i!l nf ttl II W t iuC TllL-i., I.fJt. VORMSt"T' J r- ly known !il :re nnic!y fir ui-'us i t.i, 'J't . t.c. Tssnsor of U Ycrr;' CroT!7j C ured tey llmlwny E2ool--iu. I'miklv, J!-., J;;'y MSS. P. ItAt-WtY I tifttv Jl ti ('r.uiifl Tlii'.iir ta t'. rv..ri. ftrr! . . ,!. Ail tS U Hl..rt .i.l - I wm im !m ! . f t it." 1 ivrv t'iintr in-l wm tw.iiiiiriwi:-d ; i , rM- r.-n rr-: I l.i '.'. iV-.. f hs. T....rpr.J : r Ir..-!-. f .:i rf KtxilTJt. .-llirf mt L' f It wr a I'll!. P'" Iwi I t- tk ,t x -ur ll-r tv V, fVf 1 ..! ,:.-tm ia i- I it " Mwr 1 Im I ta-: 1 nr frit, anJ I'll tt-r, imf'ttT. t.u. i irr tf -a I K ;.r TU V rt'u.V;.' ii. it. U!'n lrflh. iiann.'.h r. EXAPr. DR. RAD WAV'S 1 tu.i,f r? 1 r IS ivith i'vr"t p;ri. nirj;-, r-tTUiair-. j. i.iii v :v P ''r t?!1 ' 'ic Liver. B.w.;t-. K:U:v .f ni) uwuict- f Ihv .-T' rii (li, , !;'.. I'it-r. N -rvru- I); iif'fta",:u, 1 mi-: livstif ! i n v.- ' "n 'i the I'oiVi K Pi!?,-ii:l -il T-ftani Irv. I' ! ;;:.-. -r. of fil..' I'.'tr; a! Vi. r.-. I'i :i --'y Vi-ki t-r.ii- il-r- :i'(!'.':. t-.4 rt.au. lin-j f.oia c. ra. ..rni:T il ! m;i i ) ' - it;' c tle.vnii!ii nwrtr.rv, r.ii r:il rr 0-.-t lh- f-l'-.v.t.jf t-vii. Disnciieraof the ivc Ot.-i::.H; Ari.tilv of th if i.n-i. li. "iiiir. l'.-wfi! m. I'-apust ci rood, Fiil'ttia ft, Wirht in th jitif tl. fnt Fm tMi .it. mt rtr r.r r:uttriiqrttt iV I'it f t1-'' St-S- in-rt-i - .-f l! 1'cfirl, H-tHpJ I!'fi"ilt HrMH-iir, Hmu-rii rt tht-Heart. ilifctn r Suff'atinjr Sfnin win n 'n n I ? J .t.r. I 'im:.! iVe ;.-., .VS- of Pr-:.riit Rtid p,in in Lie 'U, llirl, I , Vrll -wr, r.f the- Mrll. liurniri): hi l-lr--. A ft- d I'M of RAILWAY'S rTT.I.S T-e ti to tfin frinu al) tin1 a' "Vf-Tin- 1 .'; .i -!... I'm.-, 2", c-uta READ ' KAf.SK AM TI F." Poml ore l-?m. stamp nit- R ADWA Y 4 CO.. No. ft9M:-;i. n !- tt. l'ork. It-fonuutiuo wcrtk Uou3iiiJa v). Le sent ycu. I K-Si I 1 "i r 1 h M r I i-B .-.r.;:t;n;2.vTs that irovposr: iiopr.'in ur-.- ;i 'l.!:') ; f! i.n cvr' p :i ! f ' f-c ; i..ri i i i .1 y?'. a u.tri.'t i t a i-i'it :i. ui:?i ir.:: ly 5 Hrsifii!-: rr.E-rr.rrr. it !iis a rr'.u n c:re fjr P.-rf ila, j Vi!.iliiin klli'.st' nrs ti;. -.rna- ' liotn, Li i-i l-iyaifi, l.iver C'o:n- J ;!.:!:t tl:d 1.11 C.bCli. ot t. c -lucd. - r -. - - - I - -1 b.. t. .....i. 'o ir.o c r- ir -.l I .-i-i t'.n linitlea I ihi j rti of' Ixirs.iiunlli. UNnJiartzo Pr)Y;:c:.N3 1-tVb tif r? rT(r5:i'!...l:3i-' thcirp'ictiro i.r ti.j .-.t t .r. n yrns ami f t cly i' ;( r i: ci a r' . uLIu Akjiaiivo a:.d Li.-oI i'un;;t.'r. T3R. T. C. rUn, of Ealt:TTlcre. ;It.T. J. n.Vkl.v, j.h h. v:.l'aiu. , ; t. f. o. r,NM.LV. D.t. J. S. SPAEiS, ot :.-iche'.vi:, Da. J?"L. MrCARTKA, Co.unibU. S. C. IDH. A. B. XO-:.!;", Fibecomb, N. C. J. B. I Rt.NlIi SONS, Fill River. ?. A.'. S-ViTTT, T-risnn. jri.h. A. F. "U"ii.-.Lr.it, Lima. t hia. B. Ii a: I.. !.:,! i flj n. I1.V..-.J & ..( . -!-.-5vr, Va. Sa l.. ;. .VrFAiriN, Aliirfrccs. lor..,;c:.:i. 0::r ix-o v ".: :v t alV.-r c f ary l-c-t:i . ! j.i t.-al .n to tho :nu: soi .-. ' :. Tv.::-" Mf...ic.ll lr..: sn v. I-1 ;i;....rv? a Miud I s-tra.-tsi:; c: '. rt'i r.. y l :ry 1 ?-,-e ovtr v-J in 1. tr- .: :.i. i.t iT ,--ar.'l i.:o...l: an.l to i:;,.:r.i r.o..yt;y sud jou vill l-e restorel ia Leull.l. P.o".a.:;i!i ia s!-.t fv all Drnroits pries f.-i- L.,i:ie. Aaureis i. ci-Lri::3 & ci ildniifacttiring ChemUfs, CALT:)iOa, II d Terror! Knrder!! 'Deat"i!It m.3 Jlice, Rnnehes. Ants, !" lirUuiigs, &c. RATS Far'"crz- 'e"r' !fr Grain. EATS A Rema.I.ble Preparation, RATS i wuiou uraws lists, (as by ina'cl noui their ho'.es and biding plaees. Tliey eal ravenously and nil die to a d end errt sinty iu the open air. Safe lo use. Called IJU1JT-!- New Improved Vermin Ex'ermina!or. Used wiili Wunderul Mince"- ai me Continental and other large lintels and PuMic lnsii-u lions in l'liila.le'rhia and New York city : llolton House. II irrishurg ; Union D'-pot lloiel, Pitielmrt;; llenlict Mouse. Wil I liiim-port. I'a : is. in 'net. the onlv ar.icle that will ml you of the-e pests. Cut this adveriisemiit out and tnke lo jour Oriie eist or Merchnnl. If lie is not supplied he can get.it for you of sny wl.nlesal. Druggist, lie sure and get onlv that sign, ed K. BL'RT, Jr., I'liiU'delphfa. Pa, on each jar. Take no oilier. '! cents ajar . five j.ir for SI. 1 iroi tA trill umully ,io a tii'iri.u- h irnrk. . . T 9ercbaDts.T-l'iirt's New Improved will never Imi Hen r change by age Al ways in nice condition. Lots on hand n; former make will J.e exchanged, ifderircd. I'rineipal Uepofs. rti6 Arch st., N E. cor. ner Tenth and Chestnut st . and S. TV. cor. Eight and Race sts.. Philadelphia. Sold by all Wholesale. Druggists. - Direct all letters to E. BURT. Manufacturer of Rat Exterminator. West Philadelphia. Pa. T ARGE stock jf Ready-made Clothing fori rue ry HflKLtY 4 CO Th!i Cut fK-jstratsj fie manrsref j v - - ! 45 2 Fonntaia Xas&l I:jcctar, r v This lnrtramcnt i esptciany dcsijnca ror xae per fect npnlicatiun of - OR. SASJ'S CATARRrl REWiOV. Itisiticou'y fum of iii-tnimcitt jrrt inri titl with wliicli fluid mn.iicme can Ii-j carried Aiyi ; and ptnecUij applied to all part of the ailcclr.i intra I M'e-i, aud the chamber or cavitiea coii.niiiiiivatinir tUereiTilll, in which sorei.iil ulcers freqiu titiy i iirr, and frun wuicli the catarr.nl il. whaive m'lallv i ru-cee.l-i. Tae waotof succe-' i tn atiiu-1 aianl. hrre tof ire Irw ariaeo larjel frj.ii ti:n iiiii- ii.ii.iy of ap-il.-i-u re-nedii tt tit-a caviniM a. .1 rhan.lu rs b a.iy of the ordinar iii -fwl'. Tl.iaultkle in tlie v.iof effecting cir"i cilirely overn'irr hytl e ini-i-inonof the Duurie. Ia nulntr tin ii.Mntn.f nt, is FluiJ is carried by its o vt nclgl.t) no sn ng. forc Innrpmiiiabeina req lirji.) 11 one ui niiil in a lull ke il!llii:iitieail lo l:w tv--lirt vortli n ol ll.o pi- il iii'sa'e.va-'sea Into and ilmroti-l.l clruiae kill t ilie-.aiidc'iST'je" rnuiiTlnl ll-rrilh. m.4 Sj30utoltiopaosi!iostril. Iimi'e ii-1 l.ataiii ami ni unle tint a child can tin.li-n-t.ii'il it. toll an I cxplir-lt Ulrei lo:i- a. i rom i any e h initKin.-ut. Whet u-ed w .M tui instruiniit. Er Ha-e-i Catarrh Jtpnu-dy tnrw rii-,-iit attack!i or ucnlil in ttic Ho.nl " I"-a lew it.p.!uin. Sy:nltoiUH V iiar- h. Irrm.iu-iit l.i-ad-ach" dii.iar-'e f ilim lutu tlir- nt. Mir.ei:nw pro fuot. watery, thick liiacti, ltirt:Sc!i, -liiw. Sr In othm a dn-ne-.". tr. water. or mftimrd cre.itonpinTU; or oh-trml .i -l i f la-nl W-fasr, rin "1;i in car, d-af-ie-"". i:i kini rd r.mntns to cl-ar thniat, ulrei-atiou-'. wabu tni:n ik-iw. oice klte-e-1. til t.vanr. onr.-n-ive hn-ath. iniia:ml or total d.-oriv iti vi ol w;i-a i.f aim-il and lane, ilirzi-n- mental t ww ion. l' ot :,l-,'i"". Intits" tin otorl l-KiniK lckl'.n? cr.m. . Vtuy a few of theie rr-npmuis aie likely to be i.rewut iu anv r i-.e at 0113 li ne. sa r -'- Mtnrrli R' tttorty, wbr-n nued wit 1 nr. icrre'i Naaal lloin-lnnilacr,.m-rinie 1 with tie C'iuit:tiltiiinal treatment wldrli i r-c i-nTT-n l-i in the pvn-ililet Unit rrane -acl" t-"t-tl.s or t in Ke.nedv. ii a perfect apiTific r. r tl.ii-N at.:-a-ra dii -a-e.ar.d the pntvirrnr olfera. in pl lati h. rwt-A fir a ra-e he c.-m not cure. ILe ltem-lvii rn;l l and plea-a:it In n-r. ci ntainii"-' l .mnf'n, r-i.f'' lrv-'J or noioi. Tl.e Calana l.'eii" ly 1-1.41 ;it 51) e.-nt. Ii..h.-1'm at wm-iiiw, by ail llru' m-wr-'etiher will l,a mailvd by pro- i' prietor on r-ciinit or r , 1 j mi inllkl 1 11. v. wta'-r. S ilo Pniprietiir. rr7ALO. N. Y Uil, rami 65 varDisii m 1 ,1 "WHITE I. FAD. !;E!Li: ii. C0L02ED PAIIIT3 HI OIL bui "NT UM;;i:;t, raw ljibku. CHROIO GHEEN, PARIS SEEEN, I.. -,.,., !!,,, T . D !.,,!. i 1 ruini n,..s, r.hh Br.,,'.,, ivxvmm TMmx nwvimm; I j V.'liiiitig ami V.ifl.i hy iIil- !',::n 1, i Scaps, Ja;nn Drver, While Yarmsis C;i:::tr-t:a I7:, ltIV illlll CaI:i.oi. Tlie aS.-Tfi g!,T.fi, wiili a l.irpe varietj of l'i:r-;S an TATKM .M LIVKIN ES. aiws FATTZ lita.-s cut lo itiv -izu ilt-rtitc-l. Vr V. C. Kt !).(. Jaij 12. 1571-tf A.II.F?iANCISGUSitCO., ii: Iai-Iit .Sii-oet, i ;!ij.Ai i:i.n:n". We linre rprne l for flic SraW TRADE. J he liirpost umi best -orte.l M..cl: of PUILADKLPIJIA CAUPLTS, Tnble. Siair n;..l Floor Oi! f l.iths, in. ttuw Sliiu'i .s au;l I'a pt-r, a :t't t'liain d.nor, Yum, Ua!!iu-r, t million, TuiMs t.cl., t lucks, r.i.i.Uiiie i;i;js(.s, Fnncv IhnKi is. ISnouis liaskem, Uuikct", Ij t ii . lu-s, Clotlit's "iViinscr, Wooden ami iVillow Ware in the t'isited Slllll's. Our 'nrcrc incrcastf in h:iinr rniiMes us lo sell at rw prices anJ furui-ii the lest qualify of OihhN. SOLE AGENTS FOit THK CELEEPiTED AMEEI3AN WASHER, Over 13,!)t Sold m Six jluntJ'S. Titimh : Carpets. CO .1 ij r, Al! nthr roo li", 3 ) -Xnyi. Net. febl Jftsppt ?dik et NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. SPRING TIME TABLE. I hrouVn nnd Hired Ki.ntc tr tVnhin; lun, I! Itimtiri-, l.lniirn, Tiie, lJiitt.it,., It.icli.'Mi r aud JViauru J alls. p.N AND AFTF. !t MtlNDAV. JUVC 10. ' IP72. the irams mi ibe Nonhtra fintrul Railway will run as foi'.ms: N01M IIWAUD. Mail Tb.un lnves Baliitnore .... levei lint lisl.uri;.... Uvivea iI'.i:im-.ort . arrirei. at I'l;i.n:i Nl(lAR Ex leaves ll.il:ii;n.re... . F:H' a rn - pn i;. p Ui ..1 : !' p in r.-n m leaves !larrilur.r ui-i i . .. leaves Wiillamspoi t '-'.'i t j. in leaves Elmira oi'V p in nrrivts at Cinan j igrni- 7: 10 p in ! t AST Line ionves I!nliinore Il'. l'i p m leaves llarrislmrg 4: 1'; p m i arrives at Wiilianispoit hlj pui iifc us t.x leaves liaiiimor- !0;:i'i V " arrives a' llarrif bur-'... 1 I a rr. I j Ebib JIail north leaTes HnrrUh'3 -1:!5 a m I air. at unbury t :')d a ui SOUTIIU'AI'D. Mail Thais leaves Elmira : 10 m leaves Willinns.w.ii l:l'am leaves llarrishurg 2:'ipm arrives at liallimore ir.Z p ni Niacara Ex !eves ( 'aiiaud.iigua 1 !;::') a ni leaves KImira p m leaves Wiiiianisp.irt C;iio p 11. leaves Ilnrrislirrg f ;4 p m arrives at i.Uiniore II:-. I p m i riNCt.N'i Ex. leaves llarriahnrg 11:1 p n. j Virrive- at Haltiinorc...- ,.':I a m I Ebik Exrn's leaves Suntury 7:41 a m I ti .-sat Ilarrishurg... 9:.T a m . r.niK .'I ail .'Olid leaves tnhurv...lJ:l5 a m P,r.r,e p, " . , ''". '- m il.. , .li ,. . . ..' . I '"- rau ram tiarrisnurg c; . a m I arrives hi r.a!timore...!lO:l.i a m ,'mm Jlail Train rorih nnd south. East Line north. Pacific Exprefs soutli. Erie Express j south, and llarri burg Acc-muiodatitn suutb daily except Sunday. Erie Mail nonh. Cincinnati Exnr north .11.., BOllin W..u,.n . . . l . . . . south lea e daily. ..... , "-"'-'" w'tna iiuna, r asi L-ine Kr'e Mail souih.'daily exsept Monday j For further inrormalion apply al the Ticket i Office in the Pennsylvania Railroad lcpot. OP. r DBOCKE I . Jm es v if A Lr K ED 11. riSKE. ' 3eT!eri jf r:nte-5dr- So Person tnntskttbfM Bltfernji ID lo d:reC:ion. ai'rt remain lee;; inme j., their bme a-- not d-rstrnred W minril rfirn atean. and the vital organs a:ed bewind 1! ol" repair. DvineMla or Indlfireatiou ilc.abc ? in the Siimildrr Ci.ti"iis t :l.t;i.'-of ire Cie... ' f zinesa. S"tir Krrcl.ilii.iis ot liie f1-n.irh. Kid J . in me M'Hith, l.iii: Ait.icla, fipuanon ,; l Heart. lull.oiim.i:i..ii of llii I.i.n-s f-n" n '' re; , t : of tiie K ilr.ev. an:!.! humlral ottier p.iit.t'tit syn.p- I are ihe o'nrirqs rl Ily-pewia. in tuese c . I it lias no eqiLi!. .mni one U:tic wi'.l pr.ive .1 Letier jj antee of it merns 111 in a Irett.v a.ivrrli-emenl. t For FriiBMle CoiunlwlnlH, in w..i'- I j married r sii.'i! at site liiwn of w.mh.iii1i.hI. nr ' - ium of lite, these TTiic lt:t:?rs do!iy ct-i: .i-; : influence llut a naiked iinpmTcncn is, pcu-. ; j libe. . (4 For lullnjintikntorv and C-liroiale Raf;: n.aUu in.! l..,i i I.t .ii.ii;. Kt-n.i;!' tit .i:! i i:t. timttMit K-.-ver. b.-ci t'.of llitt lii'X!, l.iver. K -.- ard ItiaiMcr. llitf- li ners linve cvi-tl. t; i I ease are ciu--ei .l,.iteil h nm, h'i li t- rc Drtx'iKVtl 1'V li'-nntmert rf f 'et?tnx UnjiRt a a rwsrri:. .icsnt i 1 rf "-v:r "'-iTt.in nr IV, : mAtioiiot'tlie Lner and V.sc.tti. Orrw-.,a:-i :n b i Dienscs. ' i 4 Fr Skin IJ.eai.e, E.-ir-L!" . T.-.er. z.. j KUeiim, Mic.ie-, S. t- Pi rr- Tii - . c- ; bimc!c-s Rnw-win. c!i-!-Heu Sive V -. t- si I;. Ii, .scurfs I :scn "-.it:".'4 ! ' ,T'. H :- - ( and Iie.Ts of tle Sii.i. w'-''VtT v.v mt: -. .f are iitrralSjrdu'; up aaJ c.riil.nt tlw .- ,;tiH H suort time tv f.e nf iiitf-r? il.uers 4 Urntrfitl TIioaaufS- ync .i:m iNFr.-i pr teks tie must wtiiHicr.ui lnviD.jiit HiM ever trU vtl.LlM'- HVVt !. UrtUTElI ann '-r ru-auw v 41. and cor. of W i-lim rtf and CbaribMi M . Nrr Vnrk. SOLD BY ALL DKU(jUIS1 AND IELERi FOU7 Z, Q ii.Lt.i;u.vii.u Ecu aii lialili Mm . T: is it-aiatt'ii. Wi i i f; kiuj.vu. tji o........ i'--i l,.i. -n d-crn ai.J ! ' ! .-t?-Ti,:t it.tp and i-i- a S- li is a tri.n- tsr i tin if. WATai. Tl-lMi'r'K, f,:V.:r- l.i.'J m.' a I ! "T I T ..' 1 "fa V tnr ."'n 1, in-.-c. tv a!!--t.- V, " . t. Mllt i. in I faLa ine !. To of On, - 1 ti'-n i- iavaiu . . It i lf7v.tfi vrtitive spitift Yi! n n.tc. It t a Kir.lt-ti-.sV -o. .. r--i ; acuiiii -Tpt:n- ni r irtcn -t t- ""it-r n-rtt :inl nv.V.- t: ii: f ' nr. swi-t. In fatten -j r..t;- tives tem nn nri'tit, liwacns tiitir l.iu:. ulA o,-j Uemthnve muc.i fjj.ur. In .ill di awi f Sini. i'.-'i L'it'2-. flit- L:;n?-. Livr-. k . rlii a-ti'1r t -peciilc. By p 11 f i lia'f ; TKtfvr tn a yni .'f in -i 'nr ' wi!l 'ieahorffiT-rn- wil tv cii: d.t.-" cit d r en'-i.-fl- pr.--rir -. ffgi-fi J 5 ' in tim-, :i c-'titi p '-trenti ; e ar.ii 'y'SiJZ cure lor tl.e Cl.ol. ra. - j DAI.TIM O I'. K . Sd, I Fo- hv Prn -it' an t S--k-- r- r i' .--hj.:! the L'n;A:d d:aej. CannJi a:.it ui'i;. Ar.H:i,-4 I - R. F. jhiih'jcd: IIov. Lcl-!. Ik i) ii-" :-ii;.t: 1 i w ,1 fif t't' - '"' t ( r f o'lf nii-'iie:;' "' " ri:r 71 moi m.n. -r - kn . I tlV.ihliil nl'Jf aS t 1 1 I (.'-.. Impiitkm T. M'lifiJ an 1 Fhyicil 1 .'.' I t!;;:t 'i iiif :i: ' Mn i'i jt-, " ; ' ( . I I n rri;.i::sY. mi: Fi.h, imii'i ij?... ii.ii ii "tr ncv t't" x 4 1 I xtr . i;'i:i v t ?l'r;'f. i' s'-rtlv't tTiv.-Sin". or.;v r.--. 1 iie cu'rral HiT'ior. in 'ins n V: i-iiwv, cl-rii!v tt 'ii-m.-t ra'". i':'.i"t n !': ' yurV tic jsf'ft! nw", tit.-i: tlii- :i'r:n:i:; coi;t'tiunces J fir-lnI- uiiv livrt. -n iM C-i wirLout t h I,ii-,roti- u-i ! tht f'oini iiiz otn a troili of ri.ra nt nn"" M ::i. irrjn, umi i tlVcni i!. hy lii- aii- (."!:. .'Vl'! V MitTiTrr. Ui 11- itl.T U:lt !iis C -I'ii'i1 tnny h?. m .T cure Linisi'i: c'i.- tj. "j. . jt!. :. m l n i c ; ' V. jyTl!;' LfffU" h- ul'i tM !i ' liT I-?7i-ry T- uf ! rvin m !i ?n t' r Stnt. lur sr.l, in a 1 1 i :t t iiv".-; . A'y a-M-es?", ym'HTJ Jt i n rcvii oX '" IT twn p:i-it S:!rn-. AlfO. Lr C.Jveiwcii's Tlan iuje j i price 2" com . Ad i flu Mili'i-lte. C H AS. J. r. liXITiE &. co. Post Ofi.-c M.x !1-S. 127 aJ.v-.-ry. N. T New Tin end Slove ! Perry: r..'.-. J.t:ti.tf ('... ';.'. Pi rJ'li!i u:i.!ir-ij:iieil ha ore utrj m.i '- ' X T.a anvi :oe K.-.tulili; liii.i i.i 1:1 'Ue r on Kaiiiun.t Slri't, ncxi il.ier t.) tie Tn--" rora lloiel. w Sere lie wu'ilj ire pltiistJ m all ali'i nr. ia w:vul ol' T'tnwnra. 't.vn, .V He will aluo Kive .rn:npt ,HK i.ti..ii to u'.i ' ders for llo.. ling, tjinui iii an.i Jul.liii -t. s nf vtiicli lie guar-ir.iee! lu rui up -rim " j best of material ami in a w irku... u-'ik' f '- tier. 11 :iv i i.r had urer len vi'.ir.n exprrn"-' j in the hninw he itiHrrn li:uisv:t ii.it 1 I can c;.e eiitire naficti.-n to the j.r:l.::.'- lie keep? on Lnn-i tlie ci'ie'.rtcJ N:r.r: j Coiik Store, a liieli i.- tlie t.p-t 1 --t V .r. i--' ! econ .niicnl anil beavii i.Inie'1 sf..v r;" ! ue. lie will keep r.n liand th- ,rier..- Ir:iteip. anil a pen'riil as-oi iniei t i'l 'r ' Stores m.iii'.tfuetiireil .JOHN M'NIlt" AGEATfS X'1,1) Litsratme, Ait and Son? i la 'he l f t t'iry h ..!: rver i. ; ; : e-.tol iu.; lite liiiinor of ne. d ie. liie wis'1--. ' 1 '' ''" "'"illation of hit i y m: : ' : ': J j ripl.y. t l e swie:nes i.d ;rni..Ktir ..I' ; ' ". ! I 'he exiiniaite eliarm ef niusie. and -1"" )-; : I "ilusTitiuiis. j ' I """'oiid rer'.diii.r for graver moment9 : r'fl f i 1 "ir" r"-'"'08 l'luniine quiet hour' : - v.u- .i s.-ii it.r me .iietit eirei... - : j An A;-"'it rrites, ''.! I 17 f. '.'S ti--. . week. Will sell ftim (Lis m-inih eai:y." 4 Our ricic JvVm or nmrminy d -i" with olijecti .ns to ihe IjUiiness. !'ar:i.-ii:'f .ree. A valii-.'r.le ?ires(i;t to everr np'.v.tfnt IM'i:i!N Ti!)N L, rCUI.I.iHt.NU '' L ' and '. ' LfCKRTT SrrttT. Xcw Vol k. 1 Mr 1. 187-.'-10 .v t . niAU i.an-.hrr, l i.-li. i-ait, snd a.'i ii:'' of Merc'.iamlisc for sale. Ch.-.-.n' w tlark. Railroad Ties, a l kin 1 of Graia Seeds bought at the highest market jiriW -cash or exchanged for n.-rcliandi.-i'. fot lumber, he. 10 suit customers I am pared to furnish to biiildi rs li!'. ui I.i-" jut as wnnted and on short notice, of '''" oak or yellow pine lumher. mia 11 iinnTZ'.r?. Jan4 Tort Rnval. Juniata Co.. !1- jnTTVlTftTrrn VTTVTiTV THE undersigned, ntanui'.eture. kin Is of iluwinir. and ii. all kinds uf . . 1 1 u , , ;., iS-i ! pM Che:,r han wUtr Vl"' County, lie manufac. urea ad kinds ef - i ? ":. Hells. Stoves, ic. lie will a:. rfi" f j rear ers and threshing machines. Civt'ji caJl, ot address. " ) J. II. ROGERS- I) v.'t l. 0. I I ng 18 lS'.9-.tf Juniata. Co. - J : - rl I 170R SALE Three set of Cork P ''.A 1 lerns. No. 7. 8, and 9, Flasks ati '"" i Boards, all complete, br f i