Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, July 10, 1872, Image 1

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    Zt iiaiata catiarl.
Bridge Street, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall.
Tn Jcmata Ssstiii. is published every
Wednesday morning at SI, 60 a year, in ad
vance ; or $2,0!) ia all cases if not paid
prompt' in advance. Xo subscriptions dia
continued until all arrearages are pail, unless
at (be option of the publisher.
gusiiuss Cnrbs.
Attorney sit Xstav,
"" "ttfFFLINTOWV Vxj?"
j.)-CuHtct'n and Cotiveyancinj promptly
alteaJed -'" ' '
Office, eewnd story of Ceurt House, above
pre'honotary'e office.
Office on I'.ridge street, ia the room formerly
occupied by Eiti 0. Pai ler, Lsq. ' -
Offers liis services to (be citizens vt Juni
ata eaumj as Auotieaeer and Vendue Crier.
Charges, from two t ta. dullart. Satisfac
tion warranted. T. . nov.'i. '09
II. H. SZiYDER, Perryevills, Ta-,
Tend era tiix serviee In lite citizens .luni
at aud adjoining counties, as Auctioneer. !
Charges moderate. For satisfaction Rive the I
Dutchman a "chance I. O. address. Port
Uoyal, Juaiuta Co., Pa.
Feb ;. 'Ti-ly
Ml. v. c. iTuio,
August IS, loo3-if.
'TiioSfAS-A. fiLOKK, M. D,
Office hours S A M. to 3 P. M. Ollice in
;,,lia' building- two dooro above ilieVn
! oliii e, Bridge sire. t.
.mis IS tf
-J B. GAKYEil,
Hosoiiaiiiic Plipra aai Snrison.
linvini located in the borniiih of Toi mpi n
inrni, ofiers his prafessio rai sei viti'S to t!i.'
Citizens o: that place ai,d vicinity.
firm E In the room recently occupied hy
l'r. Sori. f Jaue 12. "i'l :t
3. 0213x1, 23. 3.,
Iluvinc re.Tniaiieiitly loented in the h rti'i
o! M itilintown. utlers his professional services j
to ihc citizens of ihis place and surrounding
e"o"aTon Main street, over Feidler's Drug j
f:.,re. ang IK lr.9-rf
Er. E. A. Simpson
Tr.-ats all forms of iiieas, tiiid may he con
wite-i a -st liis oil's in 1,'veipo .!
Pa., every S M I' ll! A Y and M'lMlAV ;ip
piininieii can be t; n'le for otter 'j."ys.
ti-i"'ail on or 'l iress
lit. it. A. SIM?OX.
i!ee? I.iverpof1.. Perry Co.. l'a
D... . .i-lt '
Il U ATTft most respectfully u-.no ,n- ;
res to the public that he is prepared to :
nTTTnni TnnTTrl
kt i educed 1 rices. H reader glv him a call
at ;.is o:.i.- st.vxi, main st.
I ct L'"-t f
iLuo:.i;ii;i:i; mate mkimai.
Literary and Commercial Institute.
The Faculty of '.his lustituiiin aim to be
very thorough in their instruction, sud t:
luok carefully after the sianaers, health and
roorals of the students.
I if Apply for catalogues to
Sej,t 2R. 1871-flie Principal. j
- I
Vt: rkP ?Sn y T flf fa I
9j - - I
ix rEiuiY.s villi:.
DP,. J. J. APPLEBAUUII bus estiblislie 1 j
a Drug an I Prescription toro in tLe i
uljo.e-Kained place, aud keeps a gefcrrnl as-
eoilment of !
.11 other articles i.M.a'.ly kepi it. b-
lhmenls of this kind.
Pur Wine? ant I.i-'iors for medicinal pur
p ises. Cigars. Tooacco, Stationery, Conlec
tions (Srst-class), Notions, etc., eic.
SyThe Doctor gives advice free
Main Stint, Mijhi.t;rii, J'.i.
m; i.i:;;s is
We stair,
Oils, Taints,
Varr.i;hcj, Glass,
Putty, Coal Oil,
i.naifs. l'.arners,
Chir.iTieys. lirushes.
Infant. lirnshp". t'oups.
Hair Brul:r, Toolh l!ru-hes.
Pertumerv, Combs,
llilr Oil, ' Tobacco,
tian, Xoiioas,
and Stationary.
elected with great care, and warranted from
high authnvitv.
Purest of MINKS ASD LlyCORS forMedi
al Purposes.
tS"I'RESCRIPTIONS compounded with
great care, malO'72-ly
Bally to ths Place where you can bny
your Wall Paper Cfieap.
rPIIE undersigned tnkes this method of in
A forming the public that he has just re
ceived at his residence on Third Street, Mif
flintown, a large assortment of
f various styles, which he offers for sale
CHEAPER than can be purchased elsewhere
iu the county. All persons in need of the
above article, and wishing ;o save money, are
invited to call and examine his stock and
tear his prices betare going elsewhere.
BJjU Large supply constantly on hand.
Mifflintown. April . 1871 tf
SHELLY A STAMRAUGII always keep op
their Hock of GIIOCER1F.3 and will not
be excelled either in the quality or price of
their goods in this line. Give them a call
Vafor goinj elsewhere.
VULUilE mi, AO, 23
rj ' - To all Hc3 Whom it may Concern.
If you liave anythinpr to sell,
If yoa hare lost anythiny;,
r'-'If run lia-r f,mn,l nnvtln'niy
- - . . ii' itin, ,111 i i ii 1 1 1 p
If you. have a house to rent.
If you want to rent a house,
If vou want boanUnsr,
If yOu want employment,
If you want hire I help, '
If you want anything,
, IS 1111.
imjioi :-s or ticistii r
Full Upper or Lower SelS a$ Low as $5.C0.
. '
.u ieem niiowea m leave tue otuce unless
the patient is sttisuel.
Teeth loisindclcd and repaired.
Teeth filled to lam for life.
Toothache sionp-d in live minutes without
extracting the tooth.
Denial wort done for persons without them
iettvintr their homes, if desired.
nn.v.iiiciiy used in :he emactien of teeth,
rendeiing it almost a p. miles operation, (no
extra char;) at the Dental Otlinc of G. L.
Oerr, establifhed in Mifttimnwit m
Jen 24, lS72-ly Practical Dentist.
3fAIi.st oirv ill t, I'enna.,
OFKFRS hi professson il se'vices to the
pr.biic'in general, in I.ot'i branches of
his prcfessioa operative antl mechanical.
j First week fee' V month at liiehtiell, Frc-
muni ami Turkry Vuliey.
1 Secuui set's Liverpool and '.Vild Cat Val
j lev.
I Thirl week M.llerslown and Ricco.n
i V..!:ey.
! Fourth week at l is olliee in I Alisterville.
j ill visi; Miiiiiu wheu called on.
' i th put up ou liny of the bases, and as
Milw.ril mirKlmrfl f!im
Ad lre-s bv 1 -tier nr oioerwise.
May 1, l7-ly
JOSEPH i'OMEKOY, President,
T. VAN IilVIN, Oalitt.
Joseph I'omeroy, Johu J. Patterson,
.Jerome X. Thouipf n. Oeorge Jacobs,
'Job!, lialsbuch.
'' ' - . '
L CaA anr.BT. receive deposits, pty interest ,
.!.. der.o-dts, buy uod. ell coin aad Ini- j
C ' " ' v i'u"ws, , - T
- , , llie vn Sla,
ft,f) j. , j 1 Seo,ir.i. Ireland and ;
Germany'.' fell I'evenue Sl.ini(is.
In sum of t-i'O lit ' per cent, discount.
In sums of $"'t'0 at 'J.I per emit, discount.
Ia sums of jfliK'U at A per cent, di.-couut.
I 3Io.it!
: rf ;iE unteis;gn-'d hereby respo'-'ttoily in
1 A for
ins i lie citizens "t Mi..:in;own ani
Patterson i'.iat his wagon will visit each ot
tl e,, towns on TUESDAY. TIU'K.SDAY and
S ITl'KDAY raoriiinga of each week, when
they can be supplied with
Vcsil, 3Ilion,
during the summer season
and also IV) ri K
I purpose fur-
snd S U'SAGE in season
nisliinj Heef every Tuesilay aim nainruny
tnorninpr. and eal and .Mutton every lhurs
I d.it moruing. Give m1! your patro.iago. and
ww-mil guarantee to sell as good mot as the
cl.Hnry can pro l-se. an 1 as cheap as any
oiher butcher in tht county.
June 14, 1ST1
Main Strsct, ISSiatwra.
HAVING opened out a OP.OCEP.Y AND
PROVISION STOilE in ilie old stand
ion Main Street, Mifflintown, I would respect
! fuliy ask the attention of tlie public to the
' following articles, which I will keep on hand
1 at all times :
Confectioneries, Nuts, Sc.,
ToDiicpo, Oisrni'H,
l 'lour, Food, Sec.
All of which will be sold cheap for Cash or
Country Produce. Give me a call and hear
my prices.
Mifflintown, May 2, 197
3. iV. KIRK.
!- AT
Elollobansh' Saloon.
Two for 5 cents. Also, the Freshest Lager,
the Lareesl Ovsters, the Sweetest Cider, the
I Finest Domestic Wines, and, in snort, any
thing you may wish in t lie
at the most reasonable prices. lie has also
refitted his
so that it will now compare favorably with
any Hall in the interior of the State.
June 1. 1870-ly
'PlIE undersianed is agent for one of the
A best Fore Pumps, for any dep.U of cis
l.rn nr we II. in the world. By attaching hose
to the spout, water can be thrown 3" to H)
feet.' otbi'ng belter could be asked in case
of fire. It is a non-rreeimg pump.
Oakland Mills, Juniata Co., Pa.
TLcre crmes a time when we grow clJ,
jmyi jn-f"t i
Ami like a sunset down the sea.
Slope gradual; and the night wind cold ,
Comes whi.-pe.iing sal and Chillingly
' ' AiVd To?ks are gray 1 " '
- ! As winter's day. t - !1;
And eyes of saddest blue behold
The leaves all weary drift away,
"And-lips of f illed coral 8 ly,
"There comes a time when we grbw old."
There comes a t ime wl en jnyofas lieaits.
Which leaped as leups the laughing Kiuin,
Are dead to all shtc memory
As prisoner in his dumreoa chain ; '
And dawn of day
Hub parsed awr. ,
The moon hath into darkness rolled.
And by the embers wan and gray,
I hear a voice in whi-iper s-Y.
"There comes a time when we grow old."
There comes a time when manhood's prime
is Biiruuufn in ine nuwsi or yc-irs ;
And beauty, fading like a dream,
Hath passed away in silent tears ;
And then, how dark !
I'nt. oh, the spark .
That kindled yonfb to hues of gold,
Siili bums with clear and steady ray
And fond affections, lingering say.
'There comes a time when we grow old."
J There cmes a time whrr. lauchine ?nrin!r
And gulden summer ceases to be,
And we put on the autu an rube.
To ticad the last declivity ;
lint now the Mope
W ith rosy Hope,
Derond thc,siit.w ,Kr'",'f.
Another dann with fairer ll jht ;
While watchers whisper through the eight,
'There is a lime when we grow old."
Taul Smith was a poor old mnn. lie
had a back room in the top of a noisy
lodgit'g house where he slept nights,
and munched his meals of bread and
cheese ior bologna sausage,; when he
could afford it), and from whence he
crept as harmless and unnoticed as a
fly, down the corner of the dingy street,
to the little music store cf Carl Hert
tnatiii, a German settler somew here in
There he tinkered all day on broken
violins and other musical instruments,
never absenting himself for a moment,
save on Saturday afternoons, when he
went. to the house of a small tradesman
to teach the piano to three or four very
i stupid gii's. Sundays he curled up in
i his den, and amused himself, nobody
! knew how, until Monday rmrniug.
i i lu re are few x-r-u never
j went to chmch ; hut he picked ragged
i children from the p tvetne it when they
j fell near him, and gave them half pea
nies w lien he had any; shan-d 1:1s diu-
tier often wnh t mangy, dirty cur, who
u. L''U l. mill J1 t.n'V a" aj a
temT of half the men aad women !u the
street ; iir.d he roused I'.tt Kyatt from
j his midiiiglit snooze iu the gutter many
j a cold nif-'ht, nud literally curried him
home to Norih and tin chihlien."
As lor his houe-ty, a neighbor re
: mitked. '-If he found five shillings iu
the street he'd wear out ten shillings
wo: lb of strength and shoe halher to
find the owner."
One cold night Taul was returning
from his work, with a loaf of bread
under one arm and a violiu tinder tiie
other, when at the street door he stum
bled over a small ubj'-ct crouched ou the
"Llesa us! What's this ? cried Paul,
striving to regain his equilibrium.
"Only me, sir!" and tL small nhji'ct
stood np, and became a very pale, thiu
and ragged child.
Are you hurt, little girl ?"
"Xo, sir "
What are you doing out here in the
cold t '
Why don't you go ho;as V
T ain't got any.'1
The winter of 1S5 came in like a
lion, as m my a poor wretch well remem
bers, and with a great blast came Paul's
enemy, lie turned oue night a sad face
from his warm coiner in Bertmann's
shop among the violins, and bubbled up
the cold street, feeling the approach of
the old rheumatic pains, and wandering
what would become of his poor little
His excitement carried him np to the
last flight of stairs, and hearing Camil
la's voice he paused to rest and listen.
She was singing in that sweet and ex
nressive manner which made her voice.
seem to him the sweetest and punst he
had ever heard. At the end of the
stanza she took breath, and another
vnicR said "Child, vou astonish me.
Either I am a poor judge of music or
else your voice is the fiuest I ever heard.
You are right in preferring its cultiva
tion to anything else.'
An electric thrill shot through old
Paul's frame, and quickened his blood
to a rapidity thai quite carried away
his rheumatic pains, and in a twinkling
he was np the stairs and in his little
He was terrified at the sound of a
man's voice, but the sight f a handsome
and polished gentleman, with diamond
studs in his snowy linen,: a heavy ring
upon his dainty white baud unquestion-
able broadcloth upon bis back, iu close
: :.t. i.t. , n.;n..
CDUvcreSMiui wuu um . vsf"""i mucb
wonderous beauty had of lata startled'
eveirhia.dullrVptioawas more tbujom llieW alio to remain'at. home and
Paul coald beizrfe' t J:
ia his j-nttlli-rMmd now tlint Titne's
i:lieiin fiugarp Lad touched him. he
was shriveh-d and dried like withered
fruit, bnt in hia virtuous itidigtiatinn he
puffed nut to hid fullest extent, and in
bis falsetto voice replied, "Camilla, how
dare you invite anyone here." '
"Ah Uncle Van i this ia .Mr. Clavtr
itig. a iretitlem.tn-whose whose' i
, ''Whose mother she eaved from death.
Your niece, sir, few. days since was ;
passing through oar crowded thorough
fare, when my mother's' carriage drew
up to the .pavement. The horses were
restive, nttd bidding the driver attend to
them, she began 3 lo ascend unassisted,
Uer foot was on the step, when the ani !
uials sprang forward and flung her vio- '
leut.'y from Ler foothold. Bat for the voices and rustling silks arose iu a sub
sudden act of your niece, who recieved dued sound ; and then the broad cur
my mother in her strong young arms, tain rolled up and disclosed the tlcgant
the fail might have proved a fatal one. ly fitted stage.
My mother at once entered a shop and Saldenly there was a crash in the
keepiur yur niece near her, seut for me. j vast buil.liag, and eyh grew bright
I came to (lay, nt my mother's earnest re : with eager anticipation, as from the
quest, to ex pi ess our heartfelt gratitude, ' wing came the debutante,
and to offer " , A tall, graceful giil, with gleaming
"You needn't tCer - Camilla di. j ""Lt-ra. amA , .!.:. p.-.Tort 1 r -,-l, p..t
sir. She will nevs? eufiVr while I've a arms; with a crown of purple black hair
pair of hands to work for her,' said upon the regal head; with great, dark
J eyes scanning the crowd, and then with
"You mistake mo, I do not wish to almost childish shyness veiling them
insultyou, but would raise the child selves bt neath the long lashes ; a mouth
from her poverty and educate her that ' goft, tender and beautiful, and a cheek as
she might be of use to you and to her- j fajr aa tue )Ure wllte Mfiu of 1(.r ,.,.Pp
self, and become a refined woman jg rohe ; and they had seen all the
Don't let your selli-h love stand in the 1 talked of and highly praised beauty,
light and shut it out from her. She j A roar like the ra-hing of distant
sings like a pri.i.a donna, and wishes waters sounded in her ears, and then
to study music " j swelled into a thunder of applause ; and
The great lu-irous eyes of the child coming slowly down in the spl- ndor of
turned imploringly to her new guar- j the foo'lightt . her beautiful bead erect,
'"n" her eyes glowing witn excitement, her
"Lor," Camilla, I can't stand in your Leauty ,.I1lI.-tIll.ed by the elegance of
way. I know you're every hit a born L,.r cnMnme, camuU the poor little
lady, if your poor forsaken mother did waif t)ie c!lij f poor i,, p.,,,, Smitb
die in a hovel among wretches who tlie profoge f yrMld jil.liar,j Clavering
turned her child into the cold at soon as j rPC(.jvej t!je i,mng8 0f the assembled
the breath had left the body ; but deary ' crowd
me, I can't part with you " a when the acclamations had ccaseil
"And yna shall not. Let me serve ! the orchestra began a soft symphony:
little Camilla, and shu shall never leave j and then through the building echoed
you. hut shall prove a hL-ssing to you the e'eur. pure notes of a voice that
in your old age." . sounded far aay, a dreamy mystic
Paul could sny nothing, and the strange ; voice, full of hope, of doubt, of pain,
viselor OTTMin-a. ar;.ti"ni "Further injury j Nearer, still i earer it sounded, and
to his darling than an eloquent glance j hope half drowned the doubts but yet
from an expressive pair of eyes. a plaintive sorrow seemed to remain It
Then from the gloomy lodging house j came nearer, mid the error was a half
to the snug set of chambers a few streets expectant, trembling glimpse of some
off went Paul and Camilla, find the , ihirg better, and then suddenly the
wretch began to look like another being, j car:,-! voice broke fonh in a triumphal
in his cleaner work clothe and Sunday J strain, h:h! listeners held their breath a
suit, earned from the increased number j the womh rous notes rang out upou the
of pupils provided through the wilitng
assistance of their philanthropic friend I
Pay after day C imilla went w ith her
books to the t-acher so strangely pro-
vided : and after a Iitt'e time there .
came days w hen pasf era paused to listen !
to the warbling of tho rich young
When she had been there six months
she entered one morning to find Sirs.
Clavering in the mnstc master's room.
'What do yoa propose to do with
your famous pupil V Said her soft
Madam, Camilla is quite capable of j
doing anything in a musical way. She
w ill he a songstress ot whom tue conn-
try w ill be proud. Ah. here she is."
"You have improved wonderfully, my
child1," said the lady, holding out her
gloved hand ' I came to bring you
Richard's farewell, lie h aves for Loa
don to tii'ht, and will remain abroad
many years, lien: is a llttlo gttt, as a
token of remembrauee."
She did not understand that Mrs
Cl.-.verirg had placed a pretty necklace
of coral in her hand, and then gathered
up her shawl an I departed ; but when
her teacher spoke, she cried out in mortal
pain, and, without a word, flew down the
street toward home. As Ehe turned
the comer he rushed pell mell into
the arms of a gentleman, , who, on see
ing her pale and teatful. said, "Why,
little Camilla, what is the matter?"
Oh, Mr. Clavering. are you going
away !''
Richard Clavering's fine face grew
sad ad expressivs as the tearful eyes
looked into his own, and for the first
time he comprehend d that he was a
young man, and that his protege was
stealing from childhood into beautiful
girlhood, and was undeniably a beauty
"CnmilU, I am going away, but will
you wait for tny return J''
, ; "Wait for you 7 I am not going to
run away."
"You do not comprehend me. well, it
i betier so. Perhaps two years latter
you may understand me. Good-bye,
Camilla."1 fcss me good-bye."
It was a very quiet street, and so
Camilla lifted her head and kissed him.
In all probability the child would have
kissed him in the maiu thoroughfare as
readily as there, and 1 only mention the
fact of the street being a qutet one to si-
. . . - .
lence the startled propriety of those wiio
J M afcl, . nnblieitw of it. ' .
a.-uwvu r j 1
Well, there they parted, lie to go
JULY 10, Ml
improve tlie opportuuitiee L Lad placed
- ' '
Tlie'greni heart of 'the music lovi
public was nwayed wi:h , mingled joy.
pride, a3ti.iii.4imct;t and awe. A new
eongstress hail been criticised, pi ted
over piece-meul. ground tiowii to' the
finest point, dissected, exel limed through
the noet perfect musical microscope, and
pronouncd perfect ! And now the
! in.niitcr of a first clas9 fashion patron
ized tluatre had en-rajied her for a sinMe
night at nn almost fabulous sum, and the
world was to hear her voice
The night came. The theatre was
crowded from pit to roof. 1 he orches-
tra pealed forth a grand overture, l he
expectant crowd filled the air with uer
funin, and soft mnrmers of whispeiin"
air, and then died away.
For a moment a deathly silence reign-
ed. but it was fur a ni mi-nt only ; and
then the building vibrated w ith a crash
of enthusiasm that c une from the music- j
crazed audience, -sen nre.se in their j
seats, and hundreds flung their floral
tributes at her feet.
I.i one of tho boxes, above ihe one
where the mu-ic. master aud manager
sat, an old, odd looking man waved his
handkeichief aud cheered, with great
tears fal iug down Lis wiiukled cheeks ;
and Camilla looked up to that oue box.
and gave him the only smilu that ciossed
n,.r j,)3 during the night
H..t ,t lnKth the curtin fell, and
Camilla , wcaiy and worn, went on to
the dies;ing room. Some one stood in
the shadow of a side scene, and when
she asked permission to pass, caught
her by ihe. hands and drew her out iuto
the light.
"Caa.illa, little Camilla, is it you?
Have I been li.-tening to my litlle. girl
all this glorious evening ? Speak to mc !
I am bewildered and blind."
" Mr. Clavering ! W eu did you come.
Oh, I am so glad, e t happy !' she ex
claimed. 'Are you glad ? Are you happy ?
Oh. is this my welcome ? Have you
waited for me, my love, my darling "
Sue put her bauds over her eyes
'You do not mean your words ! I am
dreaming? I I am mad ?'
"You are here, wide awake, Camilla,
and I am asking you to love me, aud lo
bo my wile '
E-he drew him away for a brief bid:
nient aud laid her weary head within
his arms. Then she passed on to her
dressing room, and wheu she put out her
baud e.i) ing, Oh, Richard, take me
away ! I am soul sick of all this.
"And you will only sing "
"In yonr nest. Come, we must not
forget Uncle Paul. He is waitiug in
the box for me."
The box was m-nr at hand, and in a
moment they stood at the door. It was
ajar, and Richard pushed it open lo allow
Camilla to enter, and saw the old man
sitting on one of the luxurious chairs,
t . .. i?
' hi bead lying i actt npmi me cusnious,
j and his Lands peacefully folded.
j "Lncle 1 aul t cried Camilla. ny
you nauguty ooy. you are not asitap .
Come it is lime lo go noma, au:
! . I 1 1 L f l-
... sue siarten oacs wuu try, ior n.c ,
' hand she touched was icy cold aud ftll
- - 1
back, etiff and beipksa.
I "Camilla, 'dm ling. come away I will
'atlftid to liiin."
Oh. Kichad !2
Hush, love ! lie
e ts uPVOEd U3 a.: iv.
Those strains of music Lave carried barn
to Leaven, from whence they c.ime."
The poor old man was de;:d. Wi.h
the consummation of his heart's wish his
quiet, unpretending unoffending lil'e Lud
passed out into a new existf.nce.
There were hind growls iu the music
loving world, but nothing ever came of
them; for Kit-hard Clavering removed
their singing bird so defly that few
knew the caue of Ler flight J and now
she sings only t Lira, and lo Ler brood
.f young C'laverings.
As already stated, among the victims
of the recent railroad smash . up at Me
tticlien, X. J.. was a Danh-b couple
named Potasjen, but two mouths mar
ried, Mr. Potassen being tae son of a
I'aiii-h nobleman. They were on their
bridal tour, and were on the way to Siti
Francisco, where Potasseu's brother is
Punish Consul. When the terrible crash
came all was darkness and confusion for
o fowr moments r but the Gentleman soon
recovered consciousness, and his first
thought was of Lis bride An inimedi
ate eearch was made for the lady, who j
was at fast fonud beneath a heap of de
bris, senseless, and covered with blood
Upon raising Ler up her husband was
horrified to find that one of her arras had
beeu comph tely torn off.
J'he unfortunate lady wa removed to
shelter, and the husbatid begau the sick
euitig task of seeking Lis wife's missing
arm. He proclaimed that upon oue ot
the fingers was a diamond wedding
ring, a jewel worth many hundred dol
lais, and instantly a general search was
begun Among the prowlers about the
wreck was a train hand, wh was ob
served to secrete something unh-r Lis
coat and walk away. He was soon
oveihauled, and on precieving that h
had been detected he threw down his
burilcn, which proved to he the loet
aim. It was picked up by the noble
man, who remove ! the riug. and caused
' the arm to be taken care of. The lady
was brought to St. Barnabas Hospital
In Ttcwaik, wlicre s?je now lies Iu a TdI
way of lecovi-ry.
How a Pkixtkii Got nt Pat. A
circus company in Iowa owed an editor
a biil for advertising and refused t pay
it. Thereupon the editor called upon the
sheriff, who attached the Bengal threr
and brought him around to the news
paper office in his cagi He was placed
in the composing room, and during the
first two days he not only consumed fif
teen dollars' worth of Leef, but he
scratched six dollars' worth of trowsers
from the leg of a local reporter who rn-
doavored to stir him up with a broom
h mule to make him roar. On the third
day il.e tiger broke loose, and the entire
force of the compositors descended the
staircase with judicious suddenness The
editor was niarmed to unu Ins exit j
through the composing room cnt off, I
,. , . .....
and that the latch upon the sanctum door
was bronen. So he climbed nut of the
window and sought safety npo;i the
roof. The piper as n t issued for a
week, and -v-r nfror the ter was ehof,
tho editor hd to slide d.iwti toe water
spout because he was alraid to descend
by the route by which he came.
m .
A Gentleman in Massachusetts being
threatened wiih a contagious disease,
said to his little son, who, in a:i affec
tionate mood, wished to embrace him,
'You mnsn't hug me you'll catch the
scarlet fever.'' Willie, standing back,
looked ia amazement upou his papa
(who, by the way, is a pattern of pro
priety). and qtickly a-k':d, Why. papa,
who did you hug ?'
A MAN sold a farm a few days since as
"peifcctly level'' The buyer went to
look at it, and found a mountain on it
' But," sait! the man, " the laud will be
perfectly level afur you take the hid
away ; I sell you the level laud under
neath and throw in the mountain.'
"Fkku," said a father to his son, "I
hear that you and yottr wife quarrel and
wrangle every day. Let m? warn you
against such a fatal practice." Who
ever told you that, father, was total y
mistaken ; my wife and I h ivn't spoken
to oue another for a mouth."
"Why doesn't your father take a news
paper 1" asked a man of a li'tlo boy
whom he found pil ering onn from his
doorstep. " 'Cause he'd rather eend me
to take it." was the reply.
A party ot g psies were in uauoury i
. f T
recently. The N wt says : "Those peo- j
pie appear to think a great deal of iheirj
native land ; they carry it around with
tljelD - j
W(JY Ja jettpr q jike a g(.itlemin
, Rff an eveaing partjr ? Baaaie
fc on(J
. KailboaDs have three gauges ; A broad
gauge, a narrow gauge, and a mortage.
All advertising for less than three months
for one square of nine lines or less, will be
charged one insertion. 75 cents, three $2.l0,
and 6u cents tor each subsequent insertion.
Administrator's, Executor's and Auditor's
Notices. $2,00. Professional and Business
Cards, not exceeding on square, and inclu
ding copy of paper. $3.00 per year. Notices
in reading columns, ten cents per line. ' Mer
chants advertising by they ear at special rates
. '. ' 3onthi' 6 month. . 1 year,
Ouesqaare......$ 3.50 $ 6.00- 5 8.C0
Two squires o.CO S.00 1LC0
Threa aqnarei ,. fi.fcA.. . lK4 mm lo.CO
Oue-f. una col'u. .13.10 . 17,00 25.C0
Half column. 1S.C0 ' '25.f'0. 45.00
One column..;..,:; "30.00 4.Y0O 8lV0i
, '
"'Dr-n't fryTffcttsTScb yrrar sorrow in rum
or narcdie. If yoo begin- uis. you
must keep right on with it, til! it h a.Ts
you to rnln ; or if you try to pause, yoa
mut stM- physical pain and ;he coh
sciousue? cf Jegr.-.dation to the sorrow
you sVrk to escape. Of all wretched
men Lis condition is the most pitiful
who having sought to drown his grief iu
dtink. awakes from his de' auch with
shattered nerves, aching head "and de
presjed mind, to face the same trouble
again. That which was at first painful
to: contemplate will, after drink, seem
unbearable. Ten to one the fatal drink
will be again sought, till its victim sinks
& Uopeless, pitiful wreck.
Work is your true remedy. If mis
fortune hits yo!i hard, hit you something
else Lard : pitch into snmeth:nr with a
will. ,' There'j uothiug like good, (olid.
absorbing, exhausting work to cure
trouble. If yon have met with losses,
you dou't want to lie awaKo thiuking
uhont them. You want sweet, calm,
sound sleep, and to eat yonr dinner with
appetite. But you can't uuless you
work. If you say . you don't feel like
wrorX, anfl go a ' loafing ' an flay 10 tell
Dick and Harry the story of yoi'r woes,
you'll lie awake and' keep your wife
awake by your tossing, spoil her tem
per and your own Lreakfast the next
morning, and hegi;i to-morrow feeling"
ten times worse than you do to day.
There are some great troubles that
only time can heal, and perhaps some
that can never be healed at nil ; but all
can be helped by the. great panacea,
work. Try it, you w ho are afLactcd;
It has proved its tflicacy since first
Adam aud Eve left behind them with
weeping their beautif"? E Ten. It is an
official remedy. All good physicians
in regular standing prescribe it iu case
of mental and moral disease. It oper
ates kindly and well, leaving no disa
greeable nqu il'or. and we assure you
that we have taken a large quantity of
it with most beneficial effects. It wil
cure more complaints thin any nostrum
in the m-iteria me'li a. and comes nearer
to being a "care-all' than any drug or
compound of drugs in the maikt. And
it will not sicken rou if ym do not take
1 VT tww" ' f rVwr'fW ilflTrfcTW.
Bb thorough in you work for God.
Do it as thj Lord would have you. If
you are in the service of others be as
faithful to their interests as you would to
yonr own. Remember God sees you. If
jou are ihe head of a family r'u'e it for
(Jod. Have religion respected in your
honse. Keep the devil out. as far as it is
in your power to d i so. Keep no one in
j our employ- ubsse "evil communications
corrupt good tpantiers " Be sure that
your ru'ii of household gotiernmcnt is
scriptural, then p!?aili"'.st!y insist upon
obeaf uce tl.eretD.
As r.ften as we ask for daily bread pthI
for pardon of our trespasses, we are
taught to pr.iy. ' Lead us not into temp
tation." a petition which is equivalent (o
... . ri- l
au entreaty llial llie proviueiice ot uou
may so order events as to preserve n
from those sadden i1 stn prising onsets
of the evil e-oc, under whirli many strong
men have fallen in the day of trial.
Wllt:. we crllict our poor to work,
feed, or clothe thr-ci, we need not eift
them Among them will be found, no
doubt, rr.ar.y tare, few plants from tho
right seed, perhaps hut work for them,
however small their niimlters, is work for
God ; end' its woith, effect, and reward is
not measured by the amount done, bat
by the spiiit that do s the work.
Bki.igmn ought to eweeteu aud soften
the w hoh- m in A'Chri.-lian ought to be
a polite man; not necessarily with the
airs and grace, of mere fadhiorrMile socie
ty, but certainly with genuine heart
politeness. Down below ail the cinst of human
conceptions, of human ideas, Christ sank
an artesian wi ll inti a source of happi
ness so pure raid blessed tbt even jet
the world does not believe iu it.
Av Ai! tr.t.t mia war, the thief who
stole his well bucket and rope, to come
back and gjt tlie v7e!l, as it is of uo pie
sent ue lo liitu.
ALL r.f tts. who are worth anything,
spend oar manhood iu unlearning the
follies cr expiating the mistakes cf our
It is not until we Lave pa-sed through
the furnace that we are made to know5
how much dross wa iit our compositiou.
I think it easier to acquire a virtus
j than to get rid of a vice ; to a id to one's
habits rather than renounce any.
We know not h w much we lovo bs
world, till we find pain and difficulty iu
parting with its good things.
Mki knksS is a virtue by which a man
' may know a Christian better than by Lis
A mas is usually refused credit for ona
of two rtasous either because we don't
1 know hire, or because we do.